#oc: theodore little
twstrhythm · 1 year
TWST OC Dream Worlds pt.2
Heartslabyul Kids + Yunru edition
Under the cut because spoilers
Due to the curse Malleus cast that has enveloped all of Sage's Island, everyone is sleeping.
Yunru Zhao - Yunru is surrounded by friends. He has a place where he belongs. When it was revealed that it was possible to return to his home world, he chose to stay in Twisted Wonderland. The friends he came to treasure were here after all. In the ideal dream world, the overblots had never happened.
Theodore Little - Theodore is back home, but he is a student of NRC still. Rather than living a lazy life, he is going about helping his parents with things. He gets along better with his parents in the ideal dream world, and they are not constantly nagging him to do things. He is happy and does stuff because he wants to, not because he is told to do it.
KūnMíng Ruǎn - KūnMíng has a happy family life. His mother is alive. He lives with just his father, sister and mother. The four of them are happy together and do activities together. After becoming a student of NRC, KūnMíng is able to make his family proud.
Matthew Topps - Matthew knows his parents in the ideal dream world, and they are happily living together. He has all of his family with him. With them all together, he has less hesitation to go to school far away. Every day, he sends messages back home to let them know what life at NRC is like.
Jiǎn-Yǔ Song - Jiǎn-Yǔ is happy surrounded by friends and family. He never got an injury in the past when he had met Xuě Lóng for the first time, and they had become quick friends. Jiǎn-Yǔ also makes quick friends with Ziwei Lin and Jiawen Zhang. In this dream world, nothing has gone wrong.
Ziwei Lin and Jiawen Zhang belong to @twstwhisper
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mattodore · 5 months
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can y’all watch mattodore for me while i go smoke
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king-magppi · 1 year
Part 2 of the Psychonauts campers' parents designs!!!
Here's Part 1 in case you missed them!
This time with some names! I went back and named the others in the last post when I had the chance, but I have yet to share them! Anyways, this was a fun batch to work on! I hope you all enjoy these ones as much as you did the last batch!
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(I promise Theo and El aren't mean at all they just both have THAT kind of face. Also Beau isn't supposed to be super old or anything he's just kinda scraggly looking.)
*P.S. Once again the pink swirly next to one/both of the characters mean they're a psychic! If there isn't one, then they're just plain ol' normal people.
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lixzey · 8 months
foolish ones
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two hearts, bound to fall in love.
theodore laurence x march sister!oc
coming soon!
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss
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uselessalexis165 · 4 days
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Y’know what? Fuck it! Puts these three in fun little outfits
S: Like I said: society is hanging by a fucking thread. Be lucky you two missed most of this shit.
T: I…I see your point.
@sodorsteam @gone-fishing-engines I thought it would be fun to put these three in some cute little outfits 🚂 💜🖤🤎
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simstoyourdismay · 3 months
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yay it’s the full theo pic 😋
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Had the pleasure to commission the lovely @redreart for one of my Dragon Age boys, a former Templar named Theodore Ashford who left the order to help mages. Thank you so much for your amazing work 💙
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sil3ntm0thart · 6 months
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vampiregeese · 8 months
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my (first... of a few drawings probably...) part of an art trade with @vrysorcha, who asked for more art of Theo
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A first concept frosty Theo design for your viewing pleasure (click for higher quality)
I have so many leftover layers of this guy’s different hairstyles it’s a blessing and curse that I managed to find ONE ONLY 😭😭😭
Anyhoo under all that festive fluff Theo is actually a mix between an inverted triangle and hourglass in terms of body type (With a lil belly he can’t get rid of, of course). He had to compensate somehow for that massive tender and sleek but bulky front. He owns so many diamond/pearl accessories that James could get jealous, and the fluffiest coat you’ve ever seen is casually on his shoulders. THIS IS STRICTLY A WINTER COUTURE, I’ll try to get his work outfit done soon.
The special belt sash thing that I totally didn’t make up is like a heritage piece for his class. Every Mikado has one, not all wear it.
Elf ears were inspired by @kingdicemrwheezyflowertor ‘s very adorable version of human Theo you can find here! And one of the sketches below features an unfinished @ghostbellies rook 💗
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And these were his first concept sketches. Still haven’t settled on a permanent one yet and my art is having a stroke rn 😎
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twstrhythm · 1 year
Jian-Yu Song Union Birthday
For the Birthday boy (3/12)
Happy Birthday! (Part 1) Jian-Yu: I wonder who is going to be my presenter today. The suspense is killing me…
???: I’m here now.
Sebastien: Sebastien Cadieux, here to be your presenter today. Happy Birthday, Jian-Yu Song.
Jian-Yu: Aw… I was hoping it would be Ziwei…
Sebastien: Please don’t sound so disappointed… But moving on. Here is my gift to you.
Jian-Yu: Thank you very much! Let’s see what it is. Oh! A new tea set! I was thinking about getting one! The pattern on this is beautiful. I love the little floral details! The colors are pretty and perfect too. There are enough cups to share with three other people too! This will go perfectly in my room. I’ll be sure to keep it clean.
Sebastien: Huh? You’re just putting it in your room?
Jian-Yu: Well… I won’t be using it for the unbirthday parties we have here in Heartslabyul. This tea set should be used for special occasions like when I meet with my friends. I want it to have a significance, so I will be making use of it when I meet with friends.
We sometimes meet up after classes if we aren’t busy. I think it would be a great idea to share thoughts over some cups of tea would be a relaxing activity. We could all use some time to relax and unwind after all.
Sebastien: Wow. Your friends must be really important to you if you see spending time with them as special occasions.
Jian-Yu: Why wouldn’t I? They are everything to me. After all, they are the ones who have stuck by my side the longest, so I appreciate them a lot. I could talk all day about them if I wanted to, but that is not what you came for, right?
Sebastien: That’s right. We are here for an interview, so we should continue on.
Jian-Yu: Haha! You have that right. I wonder what questions you have in store for me.
Happy Birthday! (Part 2) Sebastien: Alright, are you ready to begin now?
Jian-Yu: Of course! Shoot away, my friend!
Sebastien: Let’s see… the question I will be asking is this. “If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would it be?” Oh! It can’t be someone from your dorm, so think carefully!
Jian-Yu: Aw… that cuts away my options. This stinks. Let me think about this carefully.
Sebastien: …I literally just said that.
Jian-Yu: Oh! I know! Nergüi Enkhjargal!
Sebastien: Eh?
Jian-Yu: I said Nergüi Enkhjargal.
Sebastien: I heard you the first time. But why him?
Jian-Yu: Because Nergüi seems like a good person! I know he seems intimidating to some people, but he really means well! He is someone I am sure that I can trust to look after me if I get myself into trouble. Of course I would be sure to look out for him as well!
I can’t expect to get things without giving something in return! I will make sure to be a good sibling to him if it were to ever come down to it!
Sebastien: Oh. I… see. That was not what I expected to hear…
Jian-Yu: What? I see nothing wrong with my answer. Nergüi is a neat person. Though I don’t know what he thinks of me. I can tell you for sure that I think he is cool!
Sebastien: Um… that’s great to hear.
Jian-Yu: Plus I think his hawk, Temujin, is cool!
Sebastien: Okay, let’s move on…
Jian-Yu: But there is so much more I want to say!
Sebastien: WE ARE MOVING ON!
Happy Birthday! (Part 3) Jian-Yu: Gosh… You sure are mean.
Sebastien: I am just trying to make sure this interview runs smoothly…
Jian-Yu: Fine… I see how it is.
Sebastien: Moving on! Next question, “If you were to join any dorm other than Heartslabyul, which dorm would you choose?”
Jian-Yu: Huh? Now I have to pick a different dorm?
Sebastien: Yes… For the love of Twisted Wonderland, just answer the question.
Jian-Yu: Alright alright! Well… I wouldn’t join Diasomnia. It is too dark and dreary there. And I can’t join Ignihyde because I am not good with technology. So… I’ll join Pomefiore!
Sebastien: Huh?! My dorm?!
Jian-Yu: Yup! I think Vil is pretty cool. Sure he is a strict person, but that is what makes me respect him. He knows how to command respect from other people. His air of confidence shows that he is sure of himself as well!
Sebastien: …I would not interpret it that way.
Jian-Yu: Plus! He knows his fashion! I’d love to get fashion advice from him! It would really help me out a lot. I am sure there will be so much I could talk about with him as well. We could probably become really good-
Jian-Yu: Huh? Already?! I still have more to say!
Sebastien: Well we are wrapping things up! Are you ready for the “Gift of Good Fortune” now?
Jian-Yu: Oh, the “Gift of Good Fortune”. I almost forgot about that part.
Sebastien: Just answer if you are ready or not…
Jian-Yu: Of course. Do your worst!
Sebastien: I’ll be sure to deliver! Happy Birthday, Jian-Yu Song!
Nergüi Enkhjargal belongs to @twstwhisper
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mattodore · 5 months
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he literally pulls off every hairstyle i put on him
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ask-healthy-light · 1 year
Theodore: "Well, there's not all that much to tell about Mr. K. The Madam, his Grandmother, founded the store many years ago, which closed for a while after she passed, before Mr. K opened it again."
Theo: "Every day, so many Ponies pass through the doors, and not one leaves without a unique design created by Mr. K. I know not where or how he grew to have his unmatched skill in speed and detail."
T: "But beyond that, even though he is our employer, we know little about Mr. K, save for his name, which he often utters quickly and quietly to stop countless curious customers' constant questions."
T: "To this day, I can barely believe he gave me this opportunity, nor can I properly thank him for it, so I try to help him wherever I can, as often as I can. I hope I can do this position justice."
"You already do," Rausine said, interrupting the young Stallion, "or you would not be here. None of us would be if we did not live up to Mr. K's expectations. And I know not how high the bar is set."
"What I know," she continued, "is that Mr. K only wants the absolute best. The fact we are standing here," Rose said, as a small, yet proud smile grew on her face, "is a good sign we are doing well."
In a timid, shaky voice, only calmed by the presence of her supportive colleagues, Alanna added his great expectation extends to any students he teaches, as well, as few had ever received the honour.
After she took a deep breath, Aly continued, and said the last student he taught thusfar, a Unicorn with a snow-white coat, was likely the final one he would teach, as none but him were more skilled.
T: "It's really quite understandable, though. Velona is known all around the World for its outfits, and has a great reputation to uphold. So many famous beings visit Velona, it's hard to keep count."
"Not to mention the cost of all the fabric, tools, gems, and metals Mr. K has to order," Rose said, "as he only wants the best. The result of Mr. K's and our work is visible in every created outfit."
Then with a shudder, Aly added they had never seen Mr. K upset, but none of them ever wanted to…
(Thanks for reading this bonus! If you'd like a story of your own, feel free to send a request!)
Featuring: Mr. K, Theodore (Theo), Rausine (Rose), and Alanna (Aly) from @velona-pony-fashion
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apolloanddaphnis · 1 year
I have such an idea for a Little Women fanfic omgomfomfgggg
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uselessalexis165 · 9 months
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R: Oh, my word!
T: Oh, my stars!
S: Holy fucking shit! What? Too much of a reaction??
@sodorsteam @gone-fishing-engines Since Rook and Theodore both speak very politely, if a situation were to happen, I can see them both having much more tamed, or less vulgar reactions. And then you have Sparks who will react vulgarly to the situation for them 🚂🖤🤎💜
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camipecka · 1 year
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Theo is cool guy even behind a mask
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