#oc: helón
lucius-the-sinful · 2 days
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Helón almost exclusively covers his face (especially after he learns he is dragonborn) but in doing so covers all that beauty
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vvardenfellash · 11 months
dragonborn zafir gotta be the funniest version of him fr
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lucius-the-sinful · 2 days
Hows it going? Got anything goin on?
ty for the ask! <3 I am doing well. My partner and I have the week off to relax (and go to Renaissance Faire on Saturday) and I've been playing Skyrim (I gave up on getting SKSE to work despite me installing it properly, but most of the mods that use SKSE are more or less quality of life so... whatever), spending time with family and friends, and of course drawing and writing.
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I plan on finishing this today of Helon and posting the full later. Local man is very tired.
“You're having second thoughts?” The vampire asked.  Gale sat up slowly, his fingers feeling his neck. “Maybe… maybe not tonight.”  Astarion wiped the corner of his mouth. “What changed…?”  “I'm tired,” Gale hugged his knees, his tail curled around his ankles. “It's not you.”  Astarion’s face contorted. There was a moment of silence between them, then he sighed. “Do you… want to talk about it?” Gale never wanted to talk about it. He swallowed. “Maybe. You’ve told me a lot about Cazador. Maybe it's only fair.”  “Maybe.”
I have also been cooking the BG3 AU with my OC, Gale. Maybe when I'm done hyperfixating on TES I will cook more on this lol.
Gale sighed through his nose. “There is nothing for me to be sad about, Syl. I'm marrying the person I love, my brother and I are safe from our father, I have a business and reputation and money. I don't have Mitch, but I…”  She gently grabbed his wrists, lowering them and forcing him to look her in the eyes. “You still want him. And that's okay.”  Gale swallowed, his voice lowered to a shaky whisper. “But he doesn't want me. And that is somehow… I don't want to say worse, but it is. It feels worse.”
Some stuff I'm writing is for our campaign. Gale and Mitch are having Problems. Sylvanna thinks its all a little too dramatic.
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lucius-the-sinful · 5 days
Empty Streets (Chapter 1)
Series: Ashblind (Part 4)
Rating: Teen & Up
Major Warnings: Character Death
Word Count: 404
Characters: Helon Drevus, Synrik Drevus
Tags: Hurt, Windhelm, Implied Murder
Even the summer nights in Windhelm are cold and heartless.
Part 1: Up In Smoke | Part 2: Frozen Hours | Part 3: On the Other Side | Part 4: Empty Streets
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lucius-the-sinful · 25 days
WIP whenever
my schedule for work been kinda fucked + i've been in physical therapy so its been a little difficult to find time for all of my hobbies, but i will definitely be posting some writing over my next few days off. here are some wips :) (also, I have seen some interest in people wanting to be tagged when I do these, just drop an emoji in my ask box with anonymous off and I'll get a tag list going <3)
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mandalorian zafir and zafir of course. he is in my brain.
Mass Effect wip.... also Zafir lmao dkadsl;a
There was something tranquil about the stars and their tails as the Normandy cruised by. He had long forgotten his book, which lay open on his chest as he watched the stars. He found himself wondering about time. Two years of his time were taken from him, over seven hundred days it took to rebuild his broken body. Another six months he spent court-martialed for corroborating with a terrorist organization, and for what?  Earth, Palaven, Thessia. Three seats of power were under collapse. He shifted blame onto himself. He thought about Joker’s words; you are under more stress than the Skillian Blitz, more than Torfan--when you put your whole squad through a meat grinder. They left Zafir speechless. He simply told his pilot to get back to work and left. The commander shuffled off to his quarters and barricaded himself inside. He decided to read, to try and get his mind away from Thessia and his concerns about Liara’s focus and Joker’s fucking nagging, but then he looked through his windows--and couldn't help but think of time and how it slipped away from him like the stars that blurred overhead.
Ashblind wipppp
As the carriage rolled into Eastmarch, a chilly wind blew down from the Velothi Mountains. Helón was well prepared, wrapping fur around the boy’s head and shoulders.  “I don't like it on my head,” the boy complained.  “I'm sorry you don't, but if you don't cover your ear tips you will get frostbite,” Helón tilted his head to show his left ear. “That's what happened to me during my first winter in Windhelm.”
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lucius-the-sinful · 4 days
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finally. new reference for one of my oldest tes oc's.
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lucius-the-sinful · 29 days
On the Other Side (Chapter 1)
Series: Ashblind (Part 3)
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 473
Characters: Helon Drevus, Talyn Drevus, Synrik Drevus, Almythra Drevus
Tags: Riften, Windhelm, Gray Quarter, Orphans
Helón stays in Riften for the spring and meets a nameless child.
Part 1: Up In Smoke | Part 2: Frozen Hours | Part 3: On the Other Side
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lucius-the-sinful · 1 month
Frozen Hours
Series: Ashblind (Part 2)
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 394
Characters: Helón Drevus, Synrik Drevus, Almythra Drevus, Nervana Drevus
Tags: Windhelm, Gray Quarter
Helón reflects on his family's situation as they struggle through another Skyrim winter.
Part 1: Up In Smoke | Part 2: Frozen Hours
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lucius-the-sinful · 1 month
Up in Smoke
Series: Ashblind (Part 1)
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 398
Characters: Helón Drevus, Synrik Drevus, Almythra Drevus, Nervana Drevus
Tags: Vvardenfell, The Red Year
In the direct aftermath of the Red Year, Helón and Synrik try to find some comfort.
Part 1: Up in Smoke
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lucius-the-sinful · 4 months
1.Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
2. Which cities do they prefer to stay in and why? Which cities to they avoid at all costs?
4. Do they believe the College of Winterhold caused the Great Collapse? If no, what is their theory?
6. What is their opinion on Skyrim's "bandit problem"?
7. Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
13. Do they believe the old nordic tales about the Dragonborn? If they are Dragonborn how has their experience differed?
17. Do they have family? Who doe they consider to be family?
18. What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
sorry for so many. oc(s) of your choice!
ty for the ask <333
I already kinda started answering these for Helón so worry not.
1.Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
Helón loves the openness of Whiterun’s tundra, but doesn’t find tripping over a giant camp every time he wanders off the road appealing. The sabercats also seem more abundant.
2. Which cities do they prefer to stay in and why? Which cities to they avoid at all costs?
He mostly lives in Riften, and used to live in the Gray Quarter of Windhelm. He tends to avoid the latter. He generally has a strange relationship with that city, due to his position as dragonborn and his existence as a dunmer refugee from Vvardenfell. Overall, though, he never goes there unless absolutely necessary.
4. Do they believe the College of Winterhold caused the Great Collapse? If no, what is their theory?
Helón thinks they did but he doesn’t believe they would have if it wasn’t necessary.
6. What is their opinion on Skyrim's "bandit problem"?
Bandits have both been agreeable and an incredible pain in the ass. When he approaches them as a fellow criminal, they can be negotiated with. However, when he is trying to access a word wall in an ancient nordic ruin, they tend to not like that. He doesn’t really view them as a problem, moreso a nuisance.
7. Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
Yes and no. Helón is a very private individual, so he likes how the nords tend to just mind their own business and keep their noses out of his. But I think his bad experiences in Windhelm left him pretty bitter about the people in general. Then when he was exposed to be the dragonborn, he became even more bitter. Now everyone wanted his help or attention, and he just wanted to keep running his little side business… (the Thieves Guild).
13. Do they believe the old nordic tales about the Dragonborn? If they are Dragonborn how has their experience differed?
The old nordic tales don’t exactly favor a dunmer dragonborn. He believes Akatosh chose him for some reason, or maybe Akatosh intended for the dragonborn to be someone else and there was a mix up.
17. Do they have family? Who doe they consider to be family?
Helón grew up without parents, and was shuffled around quite a few families within House Redoran. He wouldnt find out who his birth parents were until way later in life, and will likely die without ever telling anyone else. He married fairly young for a dunmer, around thirty. They adopted their first daughter, Nervana, in Vivec City. They adopted their second only a few years later, an altmer girl they named Almythra. They didn't adopt again until after the Red Year and the girls were grown. They took in a dunmer boy named Alonsy. Sadly, Synrik was murdered when Alonsy was about ten years old. Helón loves each of his children and visits with them as much as he can. Almythra specifically followed in his steps and joined the Thieves Guild. In post main quest lore, Helón retires and Almythra steps up to be guild master.
18. What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
Helón will not go out of his way to kill people (killing is bad for business and all that) but he is not above it. If someone gets in his way or threatens him, he will put them down without a second thought.
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lucius-the-sinful · 3 months
writing patterns
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @omgkalyppso ! thank you!! <3
1- "Fragile Thing" (D&D, OC's, fingering, penetrative sex, rated E)
He had the soft pad of his thumb pressed up against the warmth of her clit, making small circles and observing her reaction. Sylvanna bit her lip, then peered at him down the length of her body.
2- "The Sinking of Teeth" (WIP) (BG3, Astarion, Astarion and Tiefling OC, biting, blood, Rated M)
Astarion’s gaze flicked between each of his traveling companions thus far, until they landed on the tent of their darling tiefling bard, Galethor. He mulled over his options. The wizard was swollen, yet veered on the side of caution. The assumed warlock was the most likely to not think twice about killing him, followed swiftly by the githyanki warrior. And the cleric… Well, best not to bite the hand that heals you.
3- "Call in the Wind" (WIP) (TES, Dunmer OC's, death, rated M)
A lone dunmer entered the Ancestral Tomb just as midnight passed, carrying in his arms a decorated urn and with a neatly folded banner draped over his shoulder.
4- "Feather Fall" (Part 2 of the Witcher, Poet, King series) (The Witcher, Witcher OC's, Winter at Kaer Morhen, Rated T)
The snow fell from the dark gray clouds, adding to the deep drifts. It also clung to the hood and cloak of a witcher, riding a white stallion along the winding path through the dense mountains.
5- "I Was Just a Kid" (Part 2 of the Bend & Break series) (D&D, OC's, child neglect & abuse, Rated M)
Gale folded his arms over his desk, resting his chin as he gazed out the window, watching the other middle schoolers play whilst he was stuck in detention. He wasn't alone; his best friend, Domiel, sat on the opposite end of the room. Their teacher, a human man with a permanent scowl and sagging skin, was practically half asleep while grading papers. Seconds felt like minutes, the lunch hour would feel like an entire day. 
6- "Ashblind" (WIP) (TES, Dunmer Dragonborn, Teldryn and the Dragonborn, Solestheim, Rated M)
Helón was never good at hiding his emotions, whether it was the smallest tilt in the corners of his mouth or how he crossed his thick arms over his broad chest. Or those damn longing eyes of his as he got onto that damn longboat that'd sail across the damn sea. Away from Solestheim, away from Teldryn, who was left utterly speechless on the docks.
7- "Cold Cold Man" (WIP) (D&D, OC's, oral sex, dubious consent, rated E)
“Is that what you want to do? Beg for me?” The words passed through Rarzal’s lips nonchalantly, the same lips Gale had been watching this entire conversation.
8- "Evervale" (WIP) (Original Work, OC's, rated M)
He held his hand against the disturbed soil, a furrow bringing his eyebrows together. The print was unusual for this area, and not the monster he believed he was hunting. His golden eyes, with thin vertical ovals for pupils, followed the tracks deeper off the trail. He looked up, and saw a branch snapped from at least ten feet above the ground.
9- "Fragments" (Mass Effect Trilogy, Kaidan Alenko and M!Shepard, first person pov, alternate ending, rated M)
One moment, there was darkness. The only sound was a high pitched ringing. It faded within moments, and then the pain started.
10- "A Worthy Distraction" (TES, ESO, Fennorian and Vestige OC, Altmer OC, trans masc character, penetrative sex, fluff and smut, rated E)
Fennorian's habit of wasting a large portion of his day in the laboratory was about as surprising as a pony guar dozing in the afternoon sun.
Lord I struggled to find enough writing for these because I am a slow writer, so there's a bunch of wips sprinkled in. I also can never keep it to one line.
tagging anyone who wishes to participate :)
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lucius-the-sinful · 4 months
OC/Works Masterpost
Some characters will have multiple links. The first link will always be a toyhouse page, the second a Get To Know [OC] I have previously posted on my blog. Featured artworks will always by linked to my blog, featured writing will always be an AO3 link. Due to recent events, here are my other social links in case you wish to find me there. I will still use tumblr as my main platform, but I am active these places as well: bluesky, instagram, toyhouse, ao3
featured links //
my main oc's and projects right now, any work will be tagged with either #my art or #my writing
Gale 1 | 2 | #oc: galethor | Galethor as a BG3 Companion
Zafir 1 | 2 | #oc: zafir
featured artwork -- Devil's Advocate
featured writing -- Ashblind
commissions -- open
ko-fi requests -- open
art portfolio -- 2021- present
newest oc's //
pages may be incomplete or only feature a few images/brief descriptions. these are oc's I have made within the last year.
Faewynn 1 | 2 | #oc: faewynn
Finnegan | #oc: finnegan
Kaleo | #oc: kaleo
Mitch | #oc: mitch
Rarzal | #oc: rarzal
Sylvanna | #oc: sylvanna
d&d oc's //
characters that I have played, currently playing, or made as npc's for my partner's campaigns. some of these characters are very old.
Draven (links tba) | #oc: draven
Dorxalim | oc: dorxalim
Seleth *first d&d character! | #oc: seleth servrho
Starling | #oc: starling
Thaarin | #oc: thaarin
Whitney | #oc: whitney archer
elder scrolls oc's //
this only gets its own section because i have so many!
Aerondyl | #oc: aerondyl mothwing
Balthazar | #oc: balthazar
Helón | #oc: helón
Lazarus (links tba) | #oc: lazarus
Lysanthiir | #oc: lysanthiir alkinan-ravenwatch
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lucius-the-sinful · 7 months
I was tagged by @omgkalyppso for a get to know you post! Thank you for the tag <3
Some Ships:
Zafir (witcher oc) x Dandelion x Yennefer x Geralt (sometimes)
Helón Drevus (dragonborn oc) x Teldryn Sero
Balthazar (tes oc) x Serana
Lysanthiir Alkinan (vestige oc) x Fennorian
Draven (durge oc) x Shadowheart x Halsin
Alabaster Shepard (mass effect oc) x Garrus Vakarian
Vernon Roche x Iorveth
Lambert x Eskel
Legolas x Gimli
Alucard x Trevor Belmont x Sypha
Last Film:
Barbie and I still have the Ken song in repeat in my brain. I really loved the whole movie.
Currently Watching:
I don't watch too many TV shows but I needed to see season 2 of Loki (feeling very meh compared to season 1 but could honestly be just because I really don't like Marvel that much anymore). Also just finished season 2 of Our Flag Means Death (really no notes, very camp, very gay, very pirates). My partner and I were watching Star Trek: Enterprise but my attention span just doesn't want to keep up with it.
Currently Reading:
I'm waiting to get an iPad but I started reading The Witcher. I am about halfway through and I am enjoying it a lot, although it really makes the Netflix series look pretty meh. There are so many details they missed in the first season that would have made it work better. I also tried to read Stephen King's Fairy Tale earlier this year and I couldn't even get halfway because the pacing is slug slow. When I get my iPad I want to read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klume.
Currently Playing:
I've paused my BG3 playthrough(s) to curve some burnout but will probably return to it soon. My friends and I have been playing Risk of Rain 2 and Lethal Company in the evenings, and I've been grinding the event in ESO. I've been getting the itch to play Red Dead Redemption 2 but I would have to uninstall Mass Effect, which I'm not fully ready to commit to yet as I still have 2 or 3 playthroughs of that I would like to finish. Plus, mods :(
Currently Consuming:
Coffee with pumpkin spice creamer and a chocolate breakfast protein shake with a little extra chocolate sauce and dairy free milk.
Currently Craving:
Attention from my partner (who is at work), the next D&D session, art of Galethor or Zafir, and more time before work to crochet.
Tagging anyone who wishes to participate.
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vvardenfellash · 2 years
TES OC Masterpost
Aerondyl Mothwing-Stormfaere | The Lover | Champion of Y’ffre
Balthazar | The Serpent | Listener
Helón Drevus-Sero | The Thief | Dragonborn
 Lysanthiir Alkinan-Ravenwatch | The Lord | Vestige
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lucius-the-sinful · 3 years
12 & 23 for Helon!
12. Dawn or dusk?
Helón is an early riser, getting up sometimes as early as 5 am. This is for a couple reasons: he went through House Redoran's rigorous training when he was very young, and it's been ingrained in him to wake up early since childhood. The second reason: children. Four of them throughout his life. His two daughters especially never let him sleep in.
23. If you could chose five words/phrases to describe your oc's aesthetic, what would they be?
"if you want it done right, you better do it yourself", good of heart dumb of ass, you can teach an old dog new tricks, eat the rich, aloof
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lucius-the-sinful · 3 years
Do you have a favorite Orsimer character? Do you have any oc's that get along with them?
Ty for the ask! ❤️
I may not have any orc OC's but I adore Urag Gro-shrub! I just love his matter of fact attitude and how knowledgeable he is.
I think Helón would definitely get along with him. He prefers when people are to the point. Helón spent most of his early life illiterate, so when Urag brought out decently thick books about the Elder Scrolls... Helón felt a little overwhelmed. I like to imagine he skimmed the first few pages of each book (which took him a few minutes) before coming to the Ruminations book and just... Confusion. I wouldn't say him and Urag ever became friends, but if given the chance they totally would get along. Their personalities are just that similar.
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