vvardenfellash · 9 months
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vvardenfellash · 9 months
i play on master because legendary is dumb and stupid and hard (translation: skill issue)
edit: youre more than welcome to explain your answer!! im over here giggling and kicking my feet reading the tags
also this is for skyrim i forgor not everyone in the world plays it sorry for confusion lmao
im making a big discussion post after the poll is over/slows down! lmk if u specifically dont want yours posted
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vvardenfellash · 9 months
i know the common fan interpretation is that cicero has some oedipus-esque relationship with the night mother but tbh if u look at his dialogue and listen to the way he talks and read his journals it rlly just sounds like he hates her. like he deeply wants to be loyal to the brotherhood and do his duties as keeper but he despises it
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vvardenfellash · 9 months
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TES Summer Fest: Free Day
Meanwhile... (a continuation) Teldryn gets restless easily. He also likes the sound of his own voice.
shout out to @thetinyshilohart for discussions on King Edward
Full page in one image under cut
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
I wanted to make a more in-depth and lore-building set of questions for people's Skyrim-specific OCs! This can be used as an ask game, or if you just want to answer them all without waiting for people to ask, have at it!
(Thanks to my good fandom buddies for all the suggestions!)
Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
Which cities do they prefer to stay in and why? Which cities to they avoid at all costs?
What are their religious affiliations, and how does their worship (or lack thereof) affect their day-to-day life?
Do they believe the College of Winterhold caused the Great Collapse? If no, what is their theory?
Would they be able to live off the land if they were lost in the wilds of Skyrim? How skilled are they at foraging and hunting?
What is their opinion on Skyrim's "bandit problem"?
Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
What is their favorite kind of food that can only be found in Skyrim?
Do they believe in snow/sky whales?
Are they a part of any factions, guilds, or organizations?
If they are a magic user, what is their favorite school of magic? Do they have a natural talent for magic, or does it require diligence and study?
What are their prejudices? What groups have they come to think of as 'other'? Mages? Nords? Elves? Lollygaggers?
Do they believe the old nordic tales about the Dragonborn? If they are Dragonborn how has their experience differed?
Who is their mentor? Who do they go to most for lessons?
How do they feel about consorting with daedra? Do they collect their artifacts? Are there some they would never interact with vs. some they would consider calling upon?
What are their opinions on the civil war? Do they support a side or leave them to their own devices?
Do they have family? Who doe they consider to be family?
What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
How are they with money? Do they hoard, or do they spend until their pockets are empty and they have to find work again? Have they saved for any houses?
Can they read?
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
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Stupid fucking creepy ass eyeball institution fuck you
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
"As the Crow Flies"
Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: E Pairing(s): Enthir/Urag gro-Shub; Gallus Desidenius/Enthir; Enthir/Karliah (briefly) Warnings: Explicit sexual content, morally dubious individuals, depictions of smoking and other such bad habits Summary:
“Karliah?” It was like seeing a ghost. She looked thinner than he remembered, gaunt face in partial shadow beneath the dark cowl of her cloak. Her eyes, though, were unmistakable. “It’s been a while, Enthir,” she said softly. --- When asked to translate Gallus's journal, Enthir is forced to confront the echoes of his past, experience the grief he never allowed himself to feel, and acknowledge the relationship that's kept his head above water through it all. 
Read it on AO3
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
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TES Summer Fest: profane
UHHHHHHH I'll show myself out hahahaha (click to zoom in)
Visible book titles: “On Artaeum”, “Mudcrab Rearing 101”, “Chicken Soul for the Soup”
All credits go to my partner for the idea. :]
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
Go Ahead and Give Your Altmer Family Five Kids (or more)
If you've hung around TES for a while, you've probably heard that elvish women can only have four kids and usually even fewer. But do you know where that comes from?
A scandalous tell-all in the second game of the entire series: Daggerfall. The Real Barenziah says
Children are few among elves. No woman conceives more than four and that is very rare. Two is the allotted number. Some bear none, some only one.
After her first pregnancy, Barenziah has problems conceiving, and it takes centuries of marriage to produce her two children Helseth and Morgiah in pretty quick succession. (And possibly another child before or after them, the game/book details are a bit confusing.)
And on that one book, which wasn't even presented as gospel truth in Daggerfall, rests all the fandom's takes on elven fertility.
That's crazy, particularly since the next game Morrowind actually rebutted the story of overall terrible elf fertility! The scholars in Morrowind will tell you
Elven cultures and social institutions are stable and persistent; Elven nations are neither economically expansive nor militarily adventurous. Elves are conditionally fertile -- that is, they only conceive when population pressure is low -- so expanding populations do not force them to explore or war with neighbors.
How that is achieved is up for debate - perhaps their fertility is naturally low but can be magically supplemented? Or perhaps most of the time they use contraception to keep the birth rate low and this is a cultural trait interpreted as biological. Imagine if someone looked at the low birth rate of First World nations today and assumed that their citizens were infertile.
In the years since Morrowind, nothing has supported the Barenziah version as far as I know. ESO, for example, supports the idea of three children as a cultural ideal.
Three is the Number of the Prime Celestials, as embodied in the sun and the two moons. It is also the number of my perfect daughters, which is why we shall produce no other heirs.
and smashed the idea of a four-child limit for elves in general with Eveli Sharp-Arrow claiming her family of twelve was pretty normal in her corner of Valenwood.
So, if you write elves with more than four kids, you aren't crossing some hard canon line, you're well within the muddled possibilities of canon TES lore.
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
oh im really getting lysanthiir feelings tonight
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
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as promised, because everyone seems to want him to go FERAL, here's he
Version with blood under cut o.o
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
hey umm sorry about your boyfriend but he was caught trying to cross the border by that Imperial ambush. Yeah he's not on the list but he's going to the block anyways :(
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
the college of winterhold advertising its employability like '10% went into full-time employment, 10% went into further study, 10% did f*ck all, 69% became bandits and 1% decided to tame skeevers under a meadery for some reason'
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
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i feel like we as a fandom don’t appreciate this enough
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
who out there is still reading my old fennorian/vestige smut. you scoundrels.
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vvardenfellash · 10 months
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everyone's favorite ravenwatch boy!
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