#oc: Hura
Arrival on Ancient Terra
Warnings: threats of bodily harm, injuries, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard Astartes, tell me if I need to add more.
Author’s note: Hura’s debut! An Explanation that spawned this AU. Prologue
Summary: Hura muses about what happened to him when he first arrived on Ancient Terra.
Another Author's Note: I Kept Reading it in case there is triggering content that I haven't tagged. Again. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @egrets-not-regrets, @barn-anon, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bleedingichorhearts, @kit-williams
Hura had been on Ancient Terra for several months, he’s done what he can to subtly spread the blessings of Grandfather, while still staying within the rules set by the Alliance between the greater Chapters of Loyalists, Renegade and Chaos Warbands. As an experienced Apothecary, he was allowed within the network of Astartes owned and run Apothecaries, he primarily dealt with his fellow Chaos Marines, especially the more belligerent-to-Loyalist Renegade and Chaos Marines. They won’t allow him near baseline humans that come with their bonded Astartes if possible, which he thinks is a terrible shame. Humans are such wonderful creatures, besides, he’s not the type to be actively cruel, not like the Slaneshi or Khornate type astartes.
He has a great love for his fellow marines and base line humans. He’s humming a song that he’d heard, it’s popular among the base line humans, they have such interesting forms of music. He’s been learning the main human language that is in the geographical area that he landed in when he first came to Ancient Terra. He’d wandered in the lovely swampy area, trying to figure out where he was, before he’d come across a wounded fellow Chaos Marine, under the thick muck he was under, Hura hadn’t been able to discern which legion he’d come from. But he’d softly asked if his younger cousin whished for his help in getting patched up.
The younger Chaos Marine had hissed, puffed, chuffed and growled and did many a snapping, jagged, sharp needle teeth to show just how scary he was. He had been mostly amused and soothed the hurt younger Astartes telling him that his display of Terror was quite impressive, but he can smell the blood, wounds, and rot starting to set in. The other space marine had deflated and allowed him close to patch him up. He didn’t care to remember the threats that the other had issued and spat at him. He had hummed and crooned at his fellow Chaos Marine after he’d snarl and hiss at him, explaining what he was doing before he did it as he patched up the feisty youngster.
He had been almost dragged by the other space marine to his warband. Apothecaries are rare among the Chaos Space Marines, and after an explanation of where and when he is, have become even rarer and more valuable, especially the ones who are not… exorbitant with their prices for their services. Learning of the truce between the greater warbands and the loyalist and renegades had been interesting to learn of, he’d abide by the terms, mostly at least. This whole bonding with a baseline human thing sounded utterly fascinating and he has seen at a distance what Bonded Astartes are like with their Human, the changes in behavior of his fellow Chaos aligned marines is very interesting to document.
Hura is open to bonding with a human, but he’s not actively seeking one out to bond with, he’s kept very busy with Apothecary duties, among other things. He’s on one of his rare days off as he explores the city when he senses something he turns his head slowly, carefully, when he spots them. And feels a pull, the pull, the draw, the lure, the song, the... well, his brothers and cousins all of many different names for the feeling of when they first sense their bonded. He follows the direction of the pull, seeing his human. They are a lovely human, who looks up at him, at first scent seems… worried, or concerned, but as he croons out sweetly, gurgling down at them.
“Hello my bonded,” He croons at them, the bond takes effect, and he sees as they relax and smile as bright as a thousand suns up at him.
They come over and he gently cradles them in his arms and listens to his precious human and walks in the direction that they request of him, learning of where they live, it’s a small apartment, and he eyes the human made and created for steps. He sends a message to his Warband Leader about his bonded nature, and the request for housing for himself and his human that would be suitable for both of them. His human has such a lovely voice that chirps up at him in one of the Ancient Terran languages, he understands more of what they say, when they speak slower, at least. He croons at them, nuzzling them with a deep, warbling purring.
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sleepyfan-blog · 18 days
Author’s Note: Darsas part three! I hope you enjoy :D. I borrowed @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan 's boy Hura for this fic. Thank you! first. Previous
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel
Warnings: exhaustion, bodily weakness, scolding, 
Summary: Hura scolds Darsas for being reckless. 
Darsas woke slowly, exhaustion and pain making waking up a misery. His entire body ached and throbbed, there was an unpleasant dryness in his throat and a nauseating dizziness that swept through him as he opened his eyes and attempted to sit up from where he’d been laying down. He froze at the sound of a low, threatening growl, painfully aware of the fact that he was barely capable of moving at the moment, much less trying to defend himself from whatever furious creature had it’s sights on him.
Hura’s voice snapped and hissed “Don’t you dare try and get up, Darsas. Not in the condition you are in currently. You will lay down on that bed and allow  me to take care of myself or so help me, I will restrain you.”
Oof. He hasn’t heard the ancient apothecary this furious in a very long time. He slowly lowered himself back onto the bed, murmuring a quiet “Yes sir. I’ll recover in time. Grandfather’s blessing allows us to survive things that others are incapable of.”
“Normally that would be true. But with us coming to Ancient Terra, a number of the most powerful blessings have gone dormant, likely due to whatever reasons behind the difficulties that the sorcerers have in manipulating and using the Warp, especially to a more powerful degree. What were you thinking, trying to create a Garden of Rot all by yourself? It’s heart was feeding on you because you couldn’t provide all the nutrients and sacrifices it needed without succumbing to it yourself, fool!” Hura scolded, lightly smacking him upside the head.
“The… The younglings all wandered off to go chase the humans who’d caught their interest. I had wanted to create a space where we could worship and grow that is not the Great Patch in the pacific… Who will tend to the garden while you keep me a prisoner here, Hura? Nurglings had begun to appear in the garden while I was there to tend to it. But the garden is small and I know there’s an Imperial Fist who regularly visits the area. He would see it destroyed if it’s not properly defended!” Darsas protests. He’d spent many months lovingly tending and creating that Garden of Rot for all of his brothers. He didn’t want that work to go to waste because of Corpse-Worshipper zealotry. 
“Do not worry about your garden. Worry about yourself first, Darsas. Once you are fully healed and I deem you ready to be on  your own again, then you may leave and not a moment before.” Hura growled, rapping his knuckles lightly against Darsas’ forehead.
The Plaguesinger sighed but nodded, knowing that when Hura got into a mood like this, trying to argue out of it was less effective than trying to talk a brick wall into moving position. “As you wish. And I planned on getting proper sacrifices for the Heart, I was simply having difficulties catching it all by myself.”
“Which is why you should have asked for help! A Garden is a major undertaking, even where we were before. You know this, Darsas!” Hura grumbled, glowering at him.
“... Sorry for worrying you, Hura. I’m not going anywhere.” Darsas mumbled, trying not to fidget under the unhappy gaze of the other. “... Where are we? Do you have a new nest?”
“Sort of. I found my bonded human recently, and she offered to help me keep an eye on you while you recovered. This is the guest room in her home.” Hura explained “She has an astartes sized bed as she has family who also have bonded Astartes.”
“You’ve got a bonded human? Congratulations, Hura! I’m so happy for you.” Darsas murmurs, smiling genuinely up at the Apothecary. “I promise to be very well behaved.”
“You better be, considering how much worry you put me through!” Hura huffed.
There was a light knock on the door, and you call out “I’ve got soup and some crackers for your patient.”
Darsas was about to say that he wasn’t hungry when his stomach rumbled loudly. The food smelled incredible and his mouths watered. He looked pleadingly at Hura “I… I can eat food, yes? I don’t need to be on IV nutrition only or something like that? Your human is a very good cook…”
“Of course you can eat. I was going to glare at you until you ate. It’s good you’ve got an appetite. Please come in. Darsas is a fool, but he’s gentle.” Hura called out. Some of his patients were less kind, especially when as close to death as Darsas is. Not that he brought potentially violent patient to your home. He wasn’t going to risk your life for some of the idiots he put back together.
You open the door, seeing the bleary-eyed brother of Hura’s sniffing hopefully at the large stock pot full of soup that you’d cooked. You’d also brought an entire box of saltine crackers and opened the container for him, unsure how well he’d be able to handle the packaging. You move carefully over to Darsas and set down the pot on the floor, offering him the large ladle that should be big enough for him to handle with relatively few issues. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, for the shelter and the food. You’re very kind.” Darsas murmured, shifting a little “I’d like to try your stew but… Erm, the way in which I feed tends to upset mortals due to the fact that I am fused into my armor.” He really didn’t want to frighten you away from his brother, nor be chased out of your home.
You nod, aware that Chaos Marines had some interesting quirks “I understand. Please tell me what you think of the stew, when you finish.” You go up on your tiptoes to kiss Hura on the cheek - he’d obligingly leaned down to help in your desire - before heading off again.
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usagii-bun · 1 year
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in which you find a child floating in the water and you save them only for your acts of kindness to get misinterpreted by the father who is also the king of an underwater civilization.
PLEASE READ THIS FIRST : this is a story i am writing on wattpad but my wattpad version is more in detail, slightly different and has an oc ( alora ). It has 6 chapters thus far and still work in progress if you want you can check it out with the link below or use the linktree link in my bio to access wattpad but if you feel more comfortable with x reader I'll try and get all the chapters I have currently published over here in a few days
hiraeth ( namor ) wattpad | oc version!
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4
@f1uveryys @xxmilli @ethereal-athalia @cyberficlya @complete-randomness-2 @bobateaae @lunamoonbby @kpopgirlbtssvt @lazyassfinals @ilovehobi101 @r3dc4ndy @puzzlemastersworld @namorlover @happycupcakeenthusiast @kakimakiloh @glaciuswduo @disaster-in-waiting @givemefiction2 @phoenixgurl030 @monbebefan247 @intense-sneezing
comment if you want to be apart of the tag list or set a notification to get updates when I post ! every like, share and reblog is highly appreciated, tysm 🤍
IT WAS NOW EVENING, the sun dipping below the horizon kissing the ocean goodbye, the sky a purplish-orange color adorn with a few grey clouds as Huracan and you were still outside enjoying the last bits of the day before it was time to go back in.
You had came to term with the fact that Huracan staying with you was only going to be momentarily. You grew attached to the child due to the loneliness that you felt from staying by herself for months in isolation, away from others due to your health issues.
You wondered if Huracan was also lonely and just wanted some company but your mind now questioning if Huracan has a family, what if they are waiting for him? Worried about him and in search of him, thinking of the worst things that could have happened to him. This left you to ruminate over
your thoughts as your gaze fall on the sky, that is becoming darker and darker.
There was thunder clouds looming above you due to the hot weather you experienced today, the clouds were forming and becoming aggravated with each second that passed by— this alarming you as you walk back to the tidal pool to retrieve Huracan and putting a stop to your fleeting thoughts.
"C'mon, Hura. We need to get back in." You say, watching as the boy breaks through the surface of the water— eyes sparkling with life as he listens to you instantly, emerging from the pool only to latch onto your arm, his skin turning back into a shade of blue as you both walk home.
The rain came down. It suddenly came down heavy causing you to gasp in shock when the harsh rain pelted down onto you, you turn towards Huracan to notice that he had his eyes closed— enjoying the rain water that got soaked into his skin while you on the other hand felt a shiver tingling down your spine even though the air was warm.
Knowing that if you had to stay in the rain for way too long— you would definitely get sick but watching the boy enjoy the fresh water that falls onto him , you decided to wait a few minutes because seeing his face brighten up from just the simple feeling of rain water against his skin made you realize that the simple things in life is what makes living much better, it made you feel at ease with yourself.
A bright flash of purple and then a loud crackling noise followed by a hiss came from above you and Huracan shocks you at the loud noise and the thunderstorm that has finally brewed up, the rain became even heavier causing your heart to beat faster.
"Let's get back inside, we don't want to become fried fish today." You say, laughing at your lame excuse of a joke which Huracan didn't understand fully but he did understand that you wanted to go back inside from the way your body had stiffened slightly.
He was about to agree but then the sight of a shiny, shell that was a bit closer to the ocean water grabs his attention— he wanted to get that shell so that he could give it to you, forgetting that you wanted to go back in as he leaves your side, alarming you as he runs down the bank to go and retrieve the shell.
"Huracan!" You shout out alarmed, the rain pelting down heavily, the sky above you becoming dark— the only source of light now coming from the lighting that viciously flashed from above and the few outside lights from your house.
You slide down the steep slope to get to the boy only for your flip-flop to get stuck into something and in turn crashing into the youngster causing him to also fall and let out a small yelp.
"oh gosh, Hura! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" You cried out, you moved to his side to see that you had slightly bruised his knee cap, crimson escaping from the bruise as guilt consumes you from being so unconscious and not watching where you walked.
Huracan didn't feel much pain from the small bruise, he was about to tell you it's okay but you tore a small part of your shirt to help stop the bleeding. A small amount of blood covered your finger tips when you wrapped the small piece of cloth around his tiny knee cap, tightening the cloth around it.
A throbbing feeling around your ankle became prominent as you gazes down at your leg, to find that you had slightly twisted your ankle due to your flip-flop getting stuck onto something— that being the whole reason you slipped.
A small cry leaves from your parted lips, the thunderstorm viciously going on above them as the rain fell down. Your body was drenched in rain water, making you shiver adding more to the pain you felt in your ankle.
"Y-Y/N!" the young child cried out grasping onto your shoulders, he gazed at you to find that tears were also trailing down your cheeks with the rain water, your hands covered in wet sea sand and dabs of blood.
This made tears to form in Huracan's eyes, he was now scared and worried about you, the person that took care of him like he was their own child— he didn't know what to do to help you, making him feel even more worried and scared as the thunder flashed and rumbled.
Your body that trembled suddenly went stiff, your blood running cold— you felt like you and Huracan were being watched.
You were right.
The sound of something fluttering, similar to the sound of a rattle snake mingled with the harsh noises of the rain, lightning and the waves that crashed close by.
The fluttering sound stops , it suddenly goes eeirely quite, Huracan's whimpers go silent and before you could comprehend whether you was just feeling paranoid —something grasped the collar of the shirt you wore and pulled you harshly away from Huracan, throwing you to the other side away from him.
You heard Huracan scream your name out, your body feeling extremly numb, the world around you spinning while terror sunk into every firbe of your being.
Your neck twists to the side to see what had thrown you so viciously away from Huracan, fear laminating in your eyes, your gaze being met with the tip of a sharp spear, your body flinching away from it in terror but it was now pressed against the side of your neck in a threatening manner to slice your head off clean.
The lightning struck again, giving you a better vision of what was being hostile towards you , your eyes widening when your gaze falls on a man— his entire being radiate regality from the way his body oozed confidence to the jewelry that was adorn upon him. His chest covered in some sort of metal that was beautiful crafted, the same type of metal also adorning his biceps and wrists.
She also noticed that he had pointed ears, adorn with jewels just like the rest of him.
You shakily raise your hands, to say you was no threat or harm but this act seemed to make the man even more infuriated when he spotted dabs of blood smeared on your finger tips and then seeing blood around the area where Huracan was.
"How dare you take my son away and harm him?"
Shit. Was the first thought that came to your mind, you was right, Huracan did have someone to go back to— your thoughts being cut short when the cold tip of the spear pressed even closer to your neck that you could feel the pressure tearing slightly into your skin.
Your words were stuck in your throat from fear, you couldn't formulate a response except for a shaky breath to escape past your lips, your body trembling from pain and fear.
Due to your lack of response that made the King even more agitated, his spear was about to press into the side of your neck but tiny hands wrapped around his arm, holding it in place before he could slash at you.
"Father, please don't!" the young child cried out in his own language, this alerting the king who turns towards his son— the furious look that had adorn his face moments ago was replaced by one that was filled with worry.
"Huracan, my child. Are you alright? Did it hurt you?" his voice venomous when he says the word it , you didn't understand what they were saying but from the side glare the man had passed to you, you knew he had said something about you.
"No! Do not bring harm to y/n, she had saved me! Please do not harm her, she didn't do anything wrong. If you want to punish someone, father— it should be me, I should have never left Talokan." The boy sobs out, hearing Huracan's broken voice made your chest hurt— your eyes squeezing shut to prevent any tears from escaping as everything around you started to spin, the world around you becoming blurry as all the pain you felt physically and emotionally became blunt.
Your vision being filled with black dots that became larger until your eyes closed completely, body slumping into the sand— the fear you felt along with the pain made you fall unconscious this grabbing Huracan's attention, the boy letting go of his father's arm to rush towards you.
A cry leaves past his parted lips, his hands reached out to hug your cold body against his.
"Look what you have done, father. You killed her!" The boy says inbetween sobs, you was far from dead but to Huracan seeing your still body, no warm smile on your face and your eyes that twinkled with care and affection was no longer there— you looked dead to him.
K'uk'ulkan looked down at you. His son held onto you so gently, the rain easing down — the thunderstorm slowly clearing up.
"Hura.. she's not dead." The king says while his inner voice says  'well not yet'. He didn't trust you, this human but the way his son held onto you like his own life depended on you— he could not just kill you after he found out you had saved his son.
"You have to help her then or else I'll hate you forever." Huracan suddenly spat out— eyes shining bright with anger and saddness, his words stung K'uk'ulkan , his heart aching at the words his son spewed at him. An expression of hurt forms on K'uk'ulkan's face, a soft sigh leaving past his lips.
He glances down at your unconscious form that laid on the sand, his son's words floating around in his mind. He bends down towards you, taking in your features— noticing your skin has gotten paler and your ankle was swelling.
He was not keen on helping you, a surface dweller, he had hate for these disparage creatures but seeing how his son has become attached to you, clinging. He couldn't just kill you.
With one last glance towards your unconscious body, he looks back towards the raging ocean as he signals for Namora to come to him. He turns away and looks down at his son, his heart softening when he sees the tears on his cheeks as he sighs lightly.
'I'm only doing this for you my child.'
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sunflowahdream · 1 year
Satu Jam Setelah Kepergianmu
Cast: Juri Tanaka, Hokuto Matsumura, Jesse, Shintaro Morimoto, Taiga Kyomoto, Yugo Kochi, Rin (oc)
Pairing: Juri Tanaka x Hokuto Matsumura
Fandom: SixTONES
Warning: angst, out of characters
© Johnny & Associates
© Sunflowahdream
Matanya menatap lurus, terpaku pada beberapa orang yang hura-hura merayakan pesta. Mereka terlihat sangat senang melakukan beberapa hal konyol disertai tawa yang keras. Rasa iri langsung memenuhi rongga dadanya, tapi begitu sesak. Kakinya segera diajak pergi meninggalkan tempat bising itu, sekalian mengatur napas dengan hati-hati.
Mengapa mereka bisa tertawa seperti itu?
Manusia-manusia yang dia temui di jalan sangat menjijikkan, menyebalkan, memuakkan dan dengan senangnya mereka tertawa tanpa beban. Pemuda ini kesal. Mengapa mereka tidak ikut bersedih? Pada dirinya, yang telah kehilangan.
Kembali pada beberapa jam titik terendah Hokuto. Semua orang telah memakai setelan hitam, pun karangan bunga belasungkawa telah berdatangan.
Pada pukul empat dini hari tadi, orang yang memiliki senyum indah telah berpulang. Segala sakitnya telah hilang, dia pergi dengan sebuah senyum tulus yang terakhir.
Yang ditinggalkan hanya bisa menangis, benar-benar tidak tahu harus bagaimana. Usapan punggung dari teman terdekatnya tidak membantu. Bisikan-bisikan menenangkan terus diucap, tapi tetap saja tidak akan pernah berguna untuknya sekarang.
"Kenapa? Kenapa?" racau Hokuto, kedua temannya terdiam, tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang akan melukainya.
"Kenapa ... Juri harus mati?"
Usapan punggung berhenti, mereka masih memilih diam. Rasanya tidak nyaman, mereka ingin pergi dan meninggalkan Hokuto sedirian. Mereka juga kebingungan, mereka tidak tahu, mereka hanya sebatas teman. Namun, mereka juga menginginkan Hokuto untuk tidak seperti ini, bagaimana pun mereka semua telah saling mengenal lebih dari 10 tahun, seharusnya mereka mengenal Hokuto lebih dalam, tapi untuk saat ini mereka pun bersedih san kebingungan. Laki-laki itu berdiri, dirinya berjalan menuju peti mati. Dielusnya sebuah bingkai foto Juri yang memakai sebuah setelan hitam dengan tersenyum.
"Sudah 12 tahun kita berteman, kita saling mendukung satu sama lain, kita bertukar tempat untuk berbagi, kita layaknya anak kembar yang tidak bisa dipisahkan, kan? Mengapa kau malah meninggalkanku sendirian? Kau pernah berbicara ingin melihatku bemain film sebagai pemeran utama lalu mengejekku sebagai aktor paling sibuk se-Jepang. Namun, kenapa meninggalkanku sebelum melihatnya? Kau berbohong! Kau pergi tanpa pernah melihatku menjadi seorang aktor terkenal!" Suaranya naik satu oktaf, sudah tidak peduli pada sekitarnya yang kini memperhatikan. Dengan napas tersengal-sengal, dia kembali melanjutkan ucapannya. "Sebaiknya kita tidak pernah bertemu, seandainya dulu aku tidak pernah tertarik padamu, aku yakin kau tidak akan mati seperti ini."
Dari jauh, keempat temannya hanya menatap kasihan. Salah satu dari mereka mendekat tanpa ragu, ditepuknya Hokuto sekali. "Tidak apa-apa untuk merasa kehilangan. Menangis saja, kau diperbolehkan menangis ataupun marah, Juri tidak akan marah dengan itu. Walaupun ia meminta kita pesta pemakaman, tetap saja kita akan bersedih atas kepergiannya," ucap Jesse dengan tangan yang belum terlepas di bahu Hokuto. Dia Jesse, orang yang akan membuatmu tertawa. Sayangnya, tawa itu juga sekarang hilang.
Shintaro berbisik lesu pada Yugo dan Taiga di sampingnya. "Dia bilang ... dia akan bertahan untuk beberapa waktu lagi, tapi ternyata Tuhan memanggilnya lebih cepat.”
“Kau benar. Juri orang baik, sangat baik. Kalau ... kalau saja saat itu aku cepat-cepat mencarinya.” Taiga langsung menangis, diusap punggungnya lembut oleh Yugo.
“Juri akan sedih kalau kita sedih, tapi untuk hari ini aku yakin Juri mengerti bila kita bersedih karena merasa kehilangannya.” Yugo terlihat yang paling ikhlas, walau pun sebenarnya dia juga sama terpukul dan sakit.
Tidak ada kacamata yang biasanya terpakai di wajah rupawannya, tidak ada stlye pakaian norak lagi, tidak ada masakan harum lagi, ah bahkan untuk makan saja dia tidak ingat. Diantara yang lain, Hokuto yang paling merasa terpukul dan kehilangan.
Pemakaman Juri dihadiri banyak orang. Seluruh temannya, rekan kerjanya, kenalannya, para mantannya, bahkan penggemar juga. Anak itu benar-benar terkenal di Jepang. Sebuah kebanggaan bukan?
Banyak hal yang membuat orang jatuh cinta padanya selain senyum menawan. Sifat ramah dan mau memulai dari dirinya benar-benar menjadi favorit.
Rin yang dikenal sebagai pacar Juri datang dengan setelan hitam. Penampilannya terliat kacau, matanya membengkak dan hidung merah yang berair, entah berapa lama dia menangis. Di tangannya, terdapat tisu yang koyak karena basah air mata. Perempuan itu terus berusaha menyeka, ditatapnya terus menerus foto Juri. Membuat air matanya kembali meluncur dengan sendiri.
"Kau tidak sendirian, kami pun sama kehilangan. Ini mungkin memang berat bagimu, tapi tolong tetap hidup untuk Juri."
Berbicara seperti itu tidak akan pernah menenangkan seseorang yang baru kehilangan.
Hokuto hanya diam ketika salah satu temannya berkata seperti tadi. Tahu apa dia? Dia tidak akan merasakan apa yang sedang Hokuto rasakan saat ini. Tidak akan ada yang mengerti.
Dadanya seperti terimpit, air mata tidak lagi terbendung, badannya sudah letih, berbicara pun tidak sanggup lagi.
Kematian Juri gara-garanya, 'kan?
Hokuto terduduk kasar dengan punggung menempel dinding. Kedua tangan besarnnya menjambak rambut tanpa henti. Sekali-kali tangan kanannya berhenti hanya untuk menampar pipi kanan-kiri.
"Kau masih hidup, 'kan? Kau tidak mungkin meninggalkanku sendirian seperti ini," racaunya dengan terisak.
"Kau pasti hanya berpura-pura, sialan."
Hokuto merosot, tangannya berhenti menjambak dan berganti memeluk dirinya sendiri. "Jangan bermain-main denganku. Ini sungguh tidak lucu."
"Kembalilah sekarang, kumohon! Sebuah pekerjaan pasti menuntutmu untuk tidak pulang terlebih dahulu, 'kan?"
Baginya, Juri adalah mentari. Dalam sekejap dia mengubah Hokuto yang sulit bersosialisasi. Ketika masih di sekolah menengah atas, Juri sering mengajaknya bermain basket. Laki-laki itu menjadi teman pertama bagi Hokuto juga. Juri amat sangat berarti untuk lelaki itu. Jika dijabarkan hubungan mereka lebih dari seorang teman, kurang dari seorang kekasih. Yang jelas ia penting bagi kehidupan Hokuto.
Ada banyak air mata yang berjatuhan karenanya, tidak siap ditinggalkan untuk pertamakalinya—karena tidak akan ada hal kedua—tapi dia tidak pernah memikirkan ini. Dengan seenaknya meninggalkan orang-orang ini jadi bersedih. Dia pernah berbicara bahwa akan menikahi Rin tahun depan. Namun mengapa dia malah pergi terlebih dahulu untuk meninggalkan Hokuto dan pacarnya?
Juri memang pembohong kelas ulung.
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
Just realized I never posted this. *sigh*
I still have some Apple-sona ideas in my inbox, so if you haven’t seen yours yet, don’t worry! I’ve just been a little busier today. Hoping to get them done soon though. :)
(Also, Headcanoner, I hope you know I’m still reeling from your hecking sandbox tree ask lmao. Like, the below meme was 100% me. XD)
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wolfwhiskers · 3 years
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hhhhhhnnggg women
they are affectionately referred to as the single mom union but two end up dating each other so uhhhh not so single anymore KFSJDJF
the character on the right(?) isn’t mine! her name is loreley and she belongs to @/isle.clan on instagram.
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keldabekush · 2 years
OC personality sheet / tag game
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs! Thank you for the tag @kkrazy256 original by @/queen-breha-organa.
The amount of effort it took to choose which oc i wanted to use was no joke. But its been a while since i talked about my Mandalorian OC!
Name: Nuhur Pronouns: They/he Nickname: Hura One Word To Sum Them Up: Frenetic Noun to Describe Them: Whirlwind
Temperament: Energetic, affectionate and kind, but emotionally distant MBTI Type: ENFP (The Champion!) Enneagram Type: Type 7: The Enthusiast Other’s First Impression of Them: Impatient, overconfident General Likes: Racing, new culinary experiences, chatting to people in bars
General Dislikes: Complete silence, wet climates, people questioning their ability to do their job well
Romantic Status: committed relationship, non monogamous
Love Interest(s):  Din Djarin lmao get it Nuhur
Good Friend(s): Rhudii & N'Gyuy, survivors from the clan he grew up with, and Conoco Ballasti, who oversees an orbital shipyard for offworld repairs, where Nuhur worked for a year laying low.
Enemy: The Empire and all of its affiliates. Also this one racer they keep running into on fringe circuits competing for smallchange who just. Is so rude.
Hobbies: Tinkering with their Swoop Bike that is essentially built from scratch at this point. Fingerknitting
Songs They Relate To: Good To Be Alive | PVRIS
Fictional Characters Similar To Their Personality: HMMM. this one is really hard, Luisa Madrigal maybe? Nuhur is very "Haha I'm great why do you ask?? Anyway look over there-"
Fun Fact: They have a tattoo that goes from their left ankle all the way up to their hip, mostly thick black geometric shapes. The part that covers their shin is actually a stylised map of their Buir's house, as best as they could remember
Free Space/Ramble: Nuhur's armour is painted in the absolute brightest colours they could find - they have to wrap their cape over their plates if they want to keep a semi-low profile, but they usually opt to just be too fast to stop, rather than too hard to spot. By the time you see them coming it's too late. They fly a retrofitted Clone Wars era troop carrier and although they bounty hunt frequently, they're also down to pick up courier jobs delivering small, valuable packages, either on land or through hyperspace. They have a hard-line stance about making sure everything they carry is above-board and legal, they can't afford to damage their reputation.
They're also a modestly recognized member of the swoop-bike racing circles across some outer-rim planets, and they carry their modified swoop bike in the hold of their gunship.
Tags: big kisses and no pressure to respond to this tag! : @llorstel @gruvu @jaigeye @hearjessroar @cedarsmoke4
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Beach Vacation
Warnings: Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard Astartes, tell me if I need to add more. Illness, thoughts, mental discussion of physical ailments, Death Guard Shenanigans
Author’s note: Hura’s debut! An Explanation that spawned this AU. Prologue, Next
Summary: Hura in Mermay!
Another Author's Note: I put Keep Reading line, in case there is triggering content that I haven't tagged. Again. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @egrets-not-regrets, @barn-anon, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bleedingichorhearts, @whorety-k
@kit-williams, @whorety-k-k Did it work this time?
You had been informed by your doctor that you had cerebral aneurysm and that where it was placed in the brain that it was inoperable. At least with human medicines and technology, there were rumors that the Mer-people, the Space Marines, which swam through waters, space, and the air, that had arrived one day long ago in various iterations of ‘loyalist’, ‘renegade’ and ‘chaos’ variants that they might be able to help with the situation. There were folk tales that, for a price, humans could become immortal. But, that was just rumors and myths, you doubted that it was actually true.
You are at the beach, having decided to take a short vacation from work and normal life when you’d finally found out what was wrong with the headaches that you’d been getting. You were not within the normal age range for getting a Cerebral Aneurysm. Mostly it was older people who got aneurysms, or people that did a lot of illegal drugs, or where hit in the head really hard, either once or repeatedly. It’s also, sometimes thought to be genetic. So, that had been a long, painful conversation with your family. To warn them, just in case the genetic factors of blood were partially responsible.
Finding out from your mother that your dad- the dad that you had known all your life was your step-father, not your actual father had been both a surprise and not a surprise. He’d always favored your younger sibling over you. You had thought it was because your younger sibling was more similar, in looks and personality to your dad, but now you wonder if it’s because he knew that you were not his child, but some interloper’s child. Someone that your mom had once loved, but had left because he was not a suitable partner. Part of you wondered what that random stranger with a genetic tie was you like, your mom had told you that you reminder her of him, sometimes.
You wonder if that’s a good thing or not, but mostly your dad that you know is the dad that you love and view as. Who cares about some random stranger that your mom left because he was a manipulative unstable bastard. Or at least that is what you’d heard your grandmother hiss sometimes. How He had once threatened both your mom and your grandmother while she had been pregnant with kidnapping your mother and making sure that she’d, and you, you suppose, would never see your grandmother ever gain. You’d heard, that had your grandmother explode with rage and then drag your mother away from him and insist that she live with your grandmother until she could get on your feet again.
It was… odd. You felt upset, yet numb and wondered if you might have half siblings out in the world that you don’t know about. But as you watch the waves wash on the sandy beach and walk in the sand with bare feet scrunching your toes in the sand and humming to yourself. The stupid brain grape is in a relatively stable position, but it could kill you at any moment, yet you could potentially live a long healthy life. It sucks, and you blink tears from your eyes, you don’t want to die, and while there are treatments for brain grapes, they are very expensive, and you aren’t the best candidate for surgery.
You have a weak heart. The doctors had said, that was something you had long known about. Having benign heart murmurs, four, one in each valve, you’d often joke with your younger siblings and family that you have a sieve of a heart. Also, it caused issues with dizziness and funky heart rate, also, whenever someone heard your heart beat, they’d get a disturbed look on their face, or be Alarmed at your resting heart rate being so low, despite having such a squishy body type. Most of the time it was funny, and you’d tell them why your heartbeat was funky. Perhaps it was a little mean to play such a prank on medical professionals?
Besides, some of the times you’d warn them beforehand and they’d give you a look of ‘your full of shit’ and then listen to your heart and realize you weren’t full of it. You looked out at the ocean and walked in a bit, having the waves lap at your feet and up to your ankles. The water was cold, but it was nice for this warm, hot day as the sun beat down overhead. You sigh and rub your face, you’d come to the beach to try to distract you from your woes, not have your thoughts betray you with the shit hand you’d been dealt with. There were other people who had it much worse than you, so really, you were lucky that you weren’t worse off.
You blink when you feel, more than see at first a large shadow block out the sun, you lift your head and look around and see a massive mer-space marine swim to you. You step back, he’s a massive fellow, with the mutations that set him as a Chaos Marine, whatever that was, mostly you’d heard that they tended to be more aggressive. You step back and out of the water, but are stopped by the large Space Marine, who croons at you, tilting his massive head as he peers down at you, reaching out towards you. You back off more, he was a large, strange sentient being you’d never met before, you often didn’t like strangers touching you, finding the contact like barbed wire pricking your skin, and sand paper scrubbing at you, making you feel like your skin was going to bleed, and yet nothing of the sort was actually happening.
“Hey, big fella,” You say cautiously eyeing the massive mer-marine. He has massive spines all over his frame, and he has dark green and grey spots along his tail.
Your brain twinges a little at the sense of something is wrong. The massive creature croons at you again and you get distracted, you make the mistake of looking into where his eyes should be and a wave a calm comes over you and your defensive posture relaxes as the mer-marine croons at you again as you get into the water and head over to him. Your brain has gone fuzzy, why had you been so scared before? He just wants to say hello. You notice that you were also near one of the caves that was partially submerged with ocean water during high tide. Perhaps you had gotten too close to where he’d been resting? You grab a seashell that you’d picked up from the beach, it was a mostly intact sand dollar and offered it to him.
“Sorry for disturbing your rest buddy,” You say and the mer-marine tilts his head as he looks at the offered sand dollar.
The only whole sand dollars were found in the gimmicky tourist traps that suckered the non-locals into buying such overpriced things. However, the mer-marine carefully reached out a clawed hand and you gently placed it in his palm. He gently curled his claws around the sand dollar and brought it up to his face to look at. You carefully back away and out of the water, heading back up the beach. Perhaps, you should go back to your hotel room, or something.
A few hours later you are trying to wash your legs, you have developed welts along your feet and legs where the ocean’s water had touched you. They were itchy as hell, and you were trying to google to see what you could to do help resolve the issue without going to the doctor’s office. They were super itchy, and they weren’t bug bites, great, you’d developed hives from being in the water. You head to the store to get some over the counter allergy meds, making sure to wear a face mask as you had started to develop a wicked cough. Ugh, of course you started to get sick while on vacation, just your luck.
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sleepyfan-blog · 26 days
Nearly Taking Root
Author’s Note:  this is the second part of mer-Darsas fic! I have borrowed @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan ‘s boi Hura with permission for this fic
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel @whorety-k
Warnings: Body Horror, near-death experience, swearing, ask me to tag something if it bothers you
Summary: Darsas finds two little helpers in his garden and one of his dearest brothers comes for a visit.
Darsas hummed happily as he swum through the burgeoning garden of rot that he had been lovingly and patiently tending to for months now. The garden was small and fragile, but Darsas held out hope that with time, effort and the endless patience that Grandfather has taught him, the small space of decay will grow and become a -
The high-pitched giggle burbled around the diseased reef and through Darsas’ mind. A bright grin pulls at his lips - and the larger mouth that Grandfather had Gifted him on his lower torso purred out “I hear you little one! Won't you come play with me?”
“Who calls us? We hear! We want to play… Will you be nice?” Another voice chittered in his mind and through the water.
“I am Darsas Plagueweaver. Psyker of the Death Guard, humble grandson to the Lord of Rot.”  The space marine rumbled, not entirely surprised as two nurglings peered Up at him from the heart of the garden, where grew the Plague Rose vines. 
The deep green vines dripped with spores and bacteria from their black thorns, pulsing in time to his heartbeats, curled around his previous offerings. He had no willing cultists to feed the garden's heart, nor any worthy captives. But the larger aquatic mammals were sufficient for the task for now, and by the time he needed sentient sacrifices, Darsas Was certain he would have them.
After all, he had seen the baseline humans who regularly visited his gardens, taking samples of his efforts. Their curiosity was understandable, as was their weariness. Ancient Terra was incredibly difficult to create and maintain Works like this without much blood, sweat and tears. He hadn't approached them directly - but he planned to soon.
They definitely seemed like the types to meddle, and baselines though often enthusiastic needed a patient guiding hand to show them the path forwards. He was delighted to see the tiny deamon's faces. Their many sharp teeth and ever-shifting number of eyes as they swam out to meet him with wide grins and happy giggles.
“This world is… Not one we have been able to work in before. Grandfather is grateful that you would seek to bring his Love and Care. We bring you a bowl filled with His Soup, to fortify you. You're practically skin and bones. Our Grandfather would not have you fall into sleep and join him in the Warp too soon.” One of the Nurglings coos while the other cuts its’ belly, it's writhing intestines and brackish blood curled around the bowl of benediction.
Darsas kneels down as far as his large bulk would allow, lovingly patting both Nurgling's head, smiling as their tar-sticky skin clings in clumps to the fused ceramite-skin of his armor. “My thanks, to you both and our Grandfather.” with careful hands, he scoops up the small bowl and tipped it - bowl and boiling stew together - into his larger stomach-mouth.
A soft sigh of satisfaction leaves Darsas as the mind-numbing ravenous Hunger he had been unable to sate from the moment the first Rot Rose Vine began to grow in the heart of his garden. The ragged edges of exhaustion were lovingly removed from his mind and body, and the micro-tremors from how ragged he had been worn from working the hard-fired clay that the Warp felt in this time, on this world. Another dual smile and a deep, thrusting purr rumbled through Darsas as he scooped up both Nurglings, nuzzling them happily “Please send my deepest thanks to Grandfather. I feel much better now.”
“We are here to help! Many souls live on this world, just waiting for Grandfather to embrace them. There are many diseases and parasites that could be empowered with Grandfather's blessings… Many souls in agony, on the brink of fearful oblivion and in need of the gifts that he can give to those loyal grandchildren who follow in his footsteps.” one of the nurglings chirruped happily.
“Oh I know, but I do not move quickly over land. Through the air and in the water, yes. And the mortals here shy away from me, as they fear my visage.” Darsas pointed out with a regretful sigh. He was large for a Chaos astartes and had long since fused with his armor, which was more akin to his skin than anything else.
The scent of putrid Rot and decay followed Darsas wherever he went, the scent strong enough to nauseated most mortals who got within thirty feet of him. The spikes on his armor and the way his fins could stretch and Warp to suit his needs bothered many of his cousin astartes as well, if the low-level headache one of the lingering blessings of Nurgle didn't drive them away. It wasn't as if Darsas could help to be the way that Grandfather had altered his body and psychic gifts to be of better service.
And serve Darsas did, the memories of Father's long years of defiance and horror as he and his brothers were… Made examples to The Reaper, of why defying Grandfather was the height of foolishness. But that had been long, long ago and whatever his initial feelings on Back Then had long since faded.
“Worry not, Darsas! For we can alter our forms to be able to move quickly over land, and to mortals we will look pleasing to their eyes unless we choose not to!” The healing nurgling burbled up at him happily. 
Darsas beamed and gently patted the injured nurgling, setting it back down within the Heart of the Garden, allowing the vines to wrap around his body, it’s thorns sinking deeply into his flesh, as it drank his blood.
“Darsas?” One of his nearest and dearest Brothers called out.
“Over here, Hura.” Darsas called out over vox, his voice weakening as the thorny vines constricted further around his body. Grandfather’s stew kept the pain away, and it the pressure felt pleasant as the blood loss made him feel floaty. Shadows were starting to lengthen and deepen as the Apothecary came into view. Why was the other horrified? Darsas was fine, really, and the Nurglings giggled and clapped delightedly, dancing at where his tail touched the decaying reef. The sweet relief of sleep was incredibly tempting. “I’m… So tired, Hura…  Been working on this garden all by myself… Younglings all wandered off.”
Hura was frowning for once, and the usual smile on his face was missing. He was… Cursing? Angrily as he hacked and slashed at something with his power sword. “Oh absolutely fucking not, Grandfather damn it all, Darsas why didn’t you tell me that you had a Hungry Plague Heart that needed feeding? I would have been able to procure for you an appropriate sacrifice. You didn’t need to pull something like this.”
“Huuuuraaa stop being maaad! Grandfather gifted me a bowl of Soup… I feel great.” Darsas murmured, feeling something leafy and verdant on the back of his tongue, for reasons he couldn’t begin to guess. “Look! Hura! Nurglings!” He pointed at the two little ones who’d scrambled behind him, peering up at Hura, their faces shifting.
“He is hurting the heart! We must stop him!” One nurgling cried out, frightened.
The injured one rushed at the Apothecary, trying to grab at the other’s tail “Stop it! Stop it! We were going to play a game and you’re ruining it! Stop iiiit!” They begged.
Hura glanced down at the Nurgling pawing at his tail and sent the tiny demon flying into a large sandstone rock, the force with which the Apothecary had used enough to cause the little demon to splatter into a puff of warp-energy and necrotic rock. “I will not let you take my brother from me. It is not his time yet to join Grandfather.”
The other nurgling whimpered and looked up pleadingly at Darsas “Please help me! Why is your friend being so mean? I thought he would be nice, like you.”
“He is nice. I don’t know why Hura is being so strange… ‘Urrie, you need to calm down. ‘M fiiine! I promise.” Darsas reassured the very unhappy apothecary, reaching out a shaking hand to cup Hura’s face, to get his attention.
“You really aren’t, Darsas. I was worried when our brothers mentioned that you’d been withdrawing from them. I didn’t think you’d pull something like this. Sar. You stop fussing and let me do what I must.” Hura growled - actually growled - at him.
Genuinely stunned and taken aback, Darsas obediently kept still, unable to process the frantic pleading of the remaining nurgling - who’d gotten sliced in half by a stray swing of Hura’s blade when it tried to step between Darsas and the irate apothecary.
Eventually, Hura sheathed the blade and pulled Darsas into his arms, still growling softly. “Don’t you dare fall asleep until I tell you to. I will wake you up if you do.”
“No… Promises. I’m so tired, ‘Urrie.” Darsas mumbled as the darkness took him.
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shadowofwar-goober · 2 years
The Shaman and the Bard- Ch. 6 Changing Times
Things are always changing, for better or for worse.
Warnings: Violence, Some Abuse, Mental Strain
    Hûra had crafted a small pouch of cloth and leather scraps that he secretly cut from the camp's tents and used it to contain his precious hell hawk bones. No one ever noticed what he did, and he doubted they ever would. He is often blamed for so many things going awry, even if they learn of what he’s done, Hûra isn’t sure if he would really care. It’s yet another thing added to the stain that is associated with his name and he is becoming accustomed to the pain of being accused of things that are beyond his control. 
    Perhaps he has finally begun to lose his mind. His need to collect and find meaning in the shapes of bones has spiraled into an obsession that is on the verge of becoming all consuming. Hûra has continued to train- he has, he is now more capable than many of his peers of a similar age and physical standing- to the point that even the elder captains that shun him cannot mistake his abilities for luck alone. Even so, he has become more… sensitive to his surroundings. 
    Over the weeks, his sense of smell has become acute enough that even a slight breeze could carry a scent that he could recognize from a great distance. The smell of smoke and oils were too strong when the smiths and the armourers and the quartermasters worked and polished and refined returning captains’ kits and the kits of their uruk-hai. It burned Hûra’s nose and left him heaving at times, particularly when meats were being smoked and his hunger pains were especially dreadful. 
    ‘Tracker’ was a phrase often thrown around when his nose began to burn and his eyes watered. There was division among the elders: he was an uruk with so sort of potential- he heard them say so. He was light on his feet, quiet and becoming quieter still, his sense of smell was far more developed than any other pup in this camp and he has mastered an uncanny weapon in less than a month. There was but one major flaw that none could see past: the shamanistic traits he was starting to show. 
    It wasn’t only the bones that Hûra was capturing glimpses of… things that could happen, or that have already happened or that could be happening that very moment. His dreams were once a place of quiet reprieve that allowed him some comfort and solace. Now they are filled with places, things, uruks and other things that he doesn’t understand. Some are peaceful, mundane, even. Some are stressful, uncertain and vague to the point it brings him great anxiety. A rare few, though, were things that scared him. Even though the dreams are scattered and unclear, like his mind is fogged and his eyes unfocused and his mind slowed, the fear he feels when certain visions overtake him is startling and leaves him screaming and thrashing in his sleep.
    “Wake up, boy! Do you want to draw every ghul, brigand and manswine in Cirith Ungol here with that shouting of yours?!” It was punctuated with a kick to his side. Why was it always a kick?! The captain glared down at him and forced him on guard duty to prevent him from harassing the other uruks in camp with his ‘tarkish screams’. 
    Hûra was becoming sick from the lack of sleep. Or maybe it was from his lack of food? The more bones he saw, even as other uruks were still tearing the meat from them, the more ill he felt. Even if he was able to convince them to allow him to just… see it. For a moment! Just… let him hold them for a minute… Please let him see what they hold- 
    “No- No, no, no- NO!” Hûra pulled against the hand that held a bruising grasp on his wrist.
    “Fucking leave it you glob! What the hell’s wrong with you, damn freak!” The captain was big enough and strong enough to haul the smaller uruk off his feet, if he so wished, but damn! Where did that pup’s strength come from?! He had to get another, older uruk trainee to help him drag the little weirdo away from the butcher, who was more than pissed off by the boy’s near constant harassment of him and his work. 
    “J-Just-! I NEED TO SEE-!” Tears of frustration streamed down his face as he was dragged from the butcher’s by his arms. His shoulders drop and he goes limp as he is berated for being… him. Over and over again, he is less than what they expected. 
‘He’s got talent… but fuck I ain’t working with him.’ 
‘What’s that little freak done now?!’
‘ We ought to sell ‘im already…’
‘Sell ‘im? Who the fuck would take the like of him?’ 
Hûra held a squirming Ghâsh to his chest as he laid in the fetal position. She wasn’t a fan of the tight contact, but Hûra’s heaving chest and wet face kept her from lashing out in a violent frenzy. Or maybe she was scared… Hûra released her, apologizing between sobs. Maybe he was nothing but a fuck up… What if he accidentally hurt her…? Ghâsh waddled closer to his face and gently picked at the stray hairs that stuck to his tear-soaked cheeks. 
Such a good girl… It was enough to bring a small smile to his face, even through the pain he felt. She wouldn’t ever hurt him like the other did, would she? 
The crows were his only friends. Hûra didn’t want anyone else, anymore. Why would he? They gave him everything he needed: companionship, warmth, little gifts and small tricks to make him smile and laugh… when anything even dared to threaten them, he would become enraged. 
“STOP throwing rocks at them!” Hûra stepped between three uruks and the crows that scattered due to their interference. 
“Why?! Their fucking birds and probably spies, anyway!” One raised a hand to throw another rock and Hûra caught his wrist before he could release it. 
“I said stop.” His eyes cut through the older uruk. He dropped the rock he was holding and almost didn’t feel the younger uruk’s nails biting into his skin. 
“The captains were right! You are nothing but a damn freak!” Hûra was pushed from behind. 
Hûra managed to break an uruk’s nose and another’s ribs before he was tackled to the ground. The beating was brief but it was brutal. His ribs were broken as well as his nose- an eye for an eye- and the rest of his back, arms and legs were left sore and bruised. Some uruk pulled a handful of his hair from his scalp and one last kick landed on his slightly exposed underbelly, leaving him winded, wheezing and choking on his saliva. 
They left him on the ground, curled in on himself and reeling, as they walked away laughing amongst themselves. Defeat didn’t sting him with humiliation this time. They were bastards… every last one of them. The fear he felt for his crows was more acute than the worry he had for himself. If they challenged him to a proper duel, he would have won. Hûra was confident in this. They think they need to form gangs to take him on? Fine. It shows who the real softskins were in this fight. 
Hûra would nurse his wounds himself. He didn’t need the healer’s help. He didn’t need anyone’s help! Hûra was patiently waiting to be reprimanded for infighting, only-
He wasn’t.
Being punished, physically or verbally, was to be expected. When it didn’t, the fear was all too real and it was suffocating. What will happen to him now? He wouldn’t know until nearly three days later, when his captain kicked him awake in the middle of the night and told him-
“Today’s your lucky day, brat. Get your shit together, you got visitors.” 
@space-arsonist, @sinick, @elvenmoans, @boozy-dwarf, @dirtymeanuruk
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usagii-bun · 1 year
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in which you find a child floating in the water and you save them only for your acts of kindness to get misinterpreted by the father who is also the king of an underwater civilization.
PLEASE READ THIS FIRST : this is a story i am writing on wattpad but my wattpad version is more in detail, slightly different and has an oc ( alora ). It has 6 chapters thus far and still work in progress if you want you can check it out with the link below or use the linktree link in my bio to access wattpad but if you feel more comfortable with x reader I'll try and get all the chapters I have currently published over here in a few days
hiraeth ( namor ) wattpad | oc version!
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3
@kpopgirlbtssvt @lazyassfinals @ilovehobi101 @f1uveryys @r3dc4ndy @puzzlemastersworld @namorlover @happycupcakeenthusiast @kakimakiloh @glaciuswduo @disaster-in-waiting
I hope I tagged everyone! also tysm for the support , pls do like, reblog and share ❤️
THE SKY WAS A PEACH color in the early morning. The ocean was calm, the sun that was slowly getting up from its slumber greets the ocean with its rays of light causing the ocean to twinkle and sparkle like stars.
Your eyes were still fogged with sleep but when the first ray of light entered your room, your slumber was broken— your mind instantly telling you to get up and check on Huracan.
"Hura.." you mumbled out, voice still laced with fatigue when you entered the bathroom to find that the young child was already up— gaze was lingering at the window that was across from him, staring at the sky that was slowly turning from a shade of peach-red to a blue.
"You're up, Good Morning." You say, your voice was calm with a subtle hint of fatigue , Huracan turns towards you — a lopsided smile plastered on his face, he seemed to be much better then before.
"Good Morning" the boy says out in english, his words were thick with an accent but it did surprise you, that he had picked up on basic greetings.
"Well this is a pleasant surprise." You state heading towards the side of the bath tub to check on Huracan's wounds. The boy adjusted himself in the water so that you could check his wounds, when you had peeled off the last bit of bandages a gasp leaves past your lips— the bite mark from the shark was completely healed just leaving behind a scar—such healing would take months, maybe even a year but Huracan was healed in a weeks time.
"It's gone.." you mumbled out, gazing back up at the boy that smiled at you.
˖࣪ 𓇬   ˖࣪ 𓇬   ˖࣪ 𓇬
After getting ready for the day and feeding Huracan and yourself, you decides to take him out— deciding that it was now time to let him go.
Your time with him was short but it was also worth every moment you spent with him.
The air was warm today, the ocean was calm— it was a perfect time to send him back. Your hand held onto his as you both walked towards the ocean, the sun being the only witness to know that you had helped and saved the prince of the ocean.
Huracan stared at the ocean, the place that was his home but he didn't want to go back yet, he really enjoyed the company you gave him— you gave him affection he lacked, even though back at home, everyone in Talokan including his father showered him with love and affection but the type of affection that you had given to him, made him feel even safer and calm— it was motherly affection that he lacked and unknown to you, you gave him that affection for the short time you have known each other.
Suddenly, Huracan let's go of your hand and runs instead towards the direction of the tidal pool— your brows knitting together as you follow him, he turns back towards you and suddenly hugs your waist— shocking you.
"Hura, what's wrong? Do you still feel pain ?" Your voice laced with worry, the boy understood the word 'pain' and could sense the panic in your voice, hugging you tightly.
"D-don't want to go back yet, stay with you for a bit." the boy stammered out in english causing you to look down at him, shocked that he could form a sentence in english and also feeling relieved that he didn't want to leave you yet, a smile forming on your face as you softly placed your hand on his back and hugged him back gently.
"Okay, I won't let you go until you feel most comfortable to but if I see that the surface is affecting you really badly, I'll be forced to send you back— okay?" You say in a soft tone, the boy understood you slightly and nods his head, letting go of you and then pulling you with him into the tidal pool causing a laugh to escape your parted lips.
This was the first time in years you had felt genuinely happy.
Little did the two of you know, that you were being watched from somewhere in the ocean— eyes trained on the both of you in worry, anger and panic.
"We should go and take him now, Namora." Attuma insists, anger boiling in his blood at the fact that you , this surface dweller had taken the young prince— after days of searching for Huracan, they finally found him.
Huracan had snucked out of Talokan— the young boy was curious about the world beyond the uderwater city but that curiousity had lead to him getting lost and also being attacked by a shark resulting in him being unconscious and floating up to the surface where Alora had found him.
The dispearance of the young prince, left an enraged king— who didn't blame anyone but himself, he was so wrapped up around the issue of the surface dwellers finding out about Talokan along with the tension that was between Talokan and Wakanda that he didn't have time to see to his son— this was his biggest regret.
Namora surveys the behavior of you with Huracan, she notices that you was not being hostile with the young prince rather you was playing around with him but something also told Namora that you could be using a façade.
"The surface dweller does not seem to be a threat , we can't just go in and kill. We must inform K'uk'ulkan first before we do anything else." Namora states and submerges into the water, Attuma was in disbelief at her words as he gives one last glance at the prince and you, a venomous glare being thrown at you before he submerged into the depths of the ocean.
˖࣪ 𓇬   ˖࣪ 𓇬   ˖࣪ 𓇬
Talokan was in despair after the disappearance of Prince Huracan. The young boy was the King's only son whom he treasured with his heart and soul, now the king was anguished in despair at the fact he may have lost his son forever.
He had sent his top generals to go and seek for the young boy one more time, in hopes of any sightings before he went on a rampage in finding his precious son. His generals were back , his heart ponding as he sees no sighting of Huracan.
"K'uk'ulkan" they both said in unison, doing the hand gestures towards their king who returned it back.
"anything?" the king's voice was rasp, his tone filled with hope and a mixture of sadness. Attuma steps forward, pressing his spear into the ground.
"We have found sightings of Harucan." Attuma states, this causes the King's body to jerk up— his heart beating faster and hope burning through his veins.
" than where is he ? "
"However, we have found that he was on the surface with a surface dweller." Attuma said, voice monotoned.
These words made K'uk'ulkan's blood boil, his face that was perceived in a calm manner twisted into an enraged one, he gets off his thrown in anger.
"What ? And did you two not think of retrieving him back?" K'uk'ulkan angrily asks, trying to push back his anger that he didn't want to throw at his people, for this anger was towards himself and the surface dweller that took his son from him.
"They don't seem to be hostile with Prince Huracan but we can not be slow as we do not know the true intentions that this surface dweller holds." Attuma states, voice gravel with caution and stoic as their King's blood boiled in anger as to what this surface dweller might do to his only heir.
"We shall leave now to retrieve him." The king announces, the two generals follow behind their king— who's mind was now only focused on the safety of his son.
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hura-kan · 2 years
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HURAVERSO?? JAJKSJHASKDJHAJD tenia q ser mame de esto ok? ALM VENGO A BURLARME DE Q TENGO COMO 6 VERSIONES DE DIFERENTES UNIVERSOS DE MI- y muy innecesarios, dos solo son ideas de mi cabeza que no estan ahí pero podemos ver a el Hura original por decirlo, Tempo q ps lo acabo de crear, el Hura blanco, y el Hura de TR aunq este ultimo mencionado no lo e dibujado nunca a digital xd pero en fin.
Crear más Ocs originales o trabajar en mis proyectos???
NO, obviamente seguir posponiendo todo y hacer diferentes veriones de mi mismo ;]
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rosie-love98 · 3 years
Idea For “Star Wars” Fanfics And OC:
Before I explain, I just was to say that I'm only going by Episode 1 to 6 along with the Ewok films and some elements from the Holiday Special. Specifically, Chewie's family and Bea Arthur's story. Though, I'll use Rey, Ben Solo and other characters, the fanfics won't go with the Disney canon nor would it go with the Legends canon (albeit, I might use Mara Jade, but that's another post).
Anyway, here's what I'm working on with the character origins and the story:
-Somewhere prior to "Revenge of the Sith", a young Ackmena was working as a servant for Palpatine. Having been intrigued by her beauty and seeing her able to brainwash, he chose her to bear him his child in a way Darth Plagues had done decades before. After much persuasion, a naïve Ackmena agreed to mother his child. But, after the baby boy was born, Ackmena, having began to see Palpatine's true colors, took the child and fled Coruscant with the help of her friend, Tork. Now on Tatooine, Ackmena hides as a bartender on Mos Eisley with her son, Laze "Fixer" Loneozner knowing of his parentage but keeps it a secret for obvious reasons.
-A year after "Revenge", Obiwan "Ben" Kenobi, was living life as a hermit on Tatooine when a lovely runaway slave (let's call her "Hura Cloud") had stumbled into his abode. As time went on, the two formed an attraction that led to a baby on the way. Yet, Ben refused to marry her as he needed to watch over Luke and be prepared to fight in the Rebellion. Naturally, Hura was upset about his refusal, came to understand when told of the circumstances. Months later, daughter, Camie, was born and months later, Ben and Hura found it best to have the mother and child live in the more stable town. This arrangement would then lead to Camie meeting her childhood friends, Laze Loneozner, Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter. With Camie and Fixer marrying, they would eventually become the parents of a girl whom they'd named "Rey".
-A year or two before "New Hope", Darth Vader had made a deal with the fugitive Endor witch, Charal; bore him an heir and he'll eliminate the Nightsisters looking for her and the ring she had stolen from them. As a result, their son, Cassiel Vader, was born. But with Vader busy with the war and Charal leaving on her own accord, the baby was raised by a handful of nannies. This would include Ruja and her sister, Pooja who, (unbeknownst to Vader), were the nieces of Padme Amidala and were secretly Rebel spies. Once Palpatine and Vader died, the then 5-6 year old Cassiel was set to rule. However, the sisters took their young ward from his Naboo home and fled to a different planet to keep him away from the Empire. This would lead them to an elite clan who had once worked for Lord Vader until he turned on them. As a result, they strictly forbade any use of the Force (be it for the Light or the Dark) and would eventually gain a movement to destroy Luke's chances in resurrecting the Jedi. To make matters worse, Pooja and Ruja became part of this Anti-Force movement.
-A year after "Return Of The Jedi", Luke was told by Anakin of his half-brother's existence and traveled far to find him (with the help of his friends, of course). Once succeeding in the search, Luke took in Cassiel as his padawan along with Chewie's son, Lumpy, the orphan, Cindel and the Loneozner's adopted daughter, Bari.
-As he grew, Cassiel became well-versed in the Force and was highly gifted. Yet, after a horrible incident, he decided to leave the Jedi ways within fear of hurting anyone. This was because he unknowingly began developing an illness that forced his mind going from Light to Dark (think "Jekyll And Hyde"). At first, Luke and the others weren't fully aware of the sickness or its severity and allowed him to stop his training. But, a few years later, Cassiel's ailment became more apparent when an attempt to cheer Bari up had almost turned deadly.
-Poor Cassiel also has other problems; with a reformed Charal back into his life, he's contemplating on whether or not he wants to forgive his mother and deceased father.
That's all I got so far. How does it all sound so far? Any critiques?
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bethabunnywrites · 7 years
Aesthetic Meme
AESTHETIC MEME ! —— List your muse’s aesthetic. Anyone can do this. List your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits & sceneries. Add as many subjects as you like, it can help with people tagging you in aesthetically pleasing (or just applicable) things towards your muse! REPOST do not reblog.
Tagged by: @stonestridernerd Tagging: @dozyox and @actualpanda, as well as anyone else who wants to do it. Character: Bahuurra “Hura” Breezestrider Tastes: Wild game, homemade jerky, pork dumplings, tea with honey, faire hot wings Smells: Grass, freshly disturbed earth, sweat, leather, musky fur Sights: Dyed purple feathers, worn chainmail, open fields, dense forests, a longbow that was gilded long ago Outfits: Mail and leather, suede and fur, an old belt with knives and pouches, an unorganized pack, flowing skirts loose enough to climb or run in, cropped tops that hardly cover everything necessary Sounds: Heavy paws on soft moss, gentle hooves on packed clay, an arrow being loosed from a longbow, the scraping of skin being cleaned for leather, the soft cooing of a mother to her infant, arrows shifting in a quiver Other: hair blowing wild in the wind, the almost tangible feeling of love and warmth in a close family
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daxdraggon · 6 years
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My Psion and Gladiator OC’s, Lunoc and Hura-ca, who are big gay lesbians, and are the sole survivors of a Guardian siege on the base they were stationed at. They’ve given up trying to contact the Red Legion after the war was lost, and are just trying to survive together.
Then my Thrall-Acolyte OC, Chu-rouh the Gobbler, or Chewy. They got disconnected from their enthrallment during their initiation to Acolyte ritual, and are now their own Thrall who don’t need no Wizard. They eat orbs of light and follow Guardians around much to the lightbearer’s dismay. 
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wolfwhiskers · 4 years
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Tried something new with the style for this one! This is art from a few days ago, her name is Gingerskip and she is fighting for IsleClan - one that she joined when it was early in its creation. 
With StarClan, The Hura, and the downfall of humanity to worry about, the odds are almost never in IsleClan’s favor. Yet, somehow, these underdogs persevere. 
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