#oc kata
dru-plays-starbound · 11 months
You Never Forget Your First
Universe: Starbound CW: Grief Words: 665 Context: Written for the Woe, Cubes be Upon Ye Protectorate Event, some of Mio feelings about the Terrene Protectorate.
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"Where you go, I'll be right behind you…" The song drifted along the quiet, empty corridors of The Vestige, mournful in its longing and loneliness. "Where I go, I'll have you at my side…" Kata looked up from where she was reading, hidden in a storage compartment near the front of the ship. Her e-book was tucked into a pocket as Kata rose, flicking one long, grey pigtail out of her face. She crept out of the storage compartment. "Where we go, together…" The song was coming from the Bridge. Kata checked her watch. Past midnight, local planetary time. No one but she was usually up this late. No one but the Captain was allowed on the bridge.
Kata crept forward, keying open the Bridge door, wincing at the pneumatic hiss. Sat in the chair at the navigation console was Captain Mio. "There's nothing we can't fight through. Nothing we can't weather…" The rising beeps and bloops from the ship's instruments made an odd accompaniment. With every other line of the song, Mio tapped the little hula girl, gummed down to the top of the console. "If you've got my back, I've got yours. Standing firm against it all…" Kata couldn't stand the pain in her captain's voice any longer. She rapped against the metal hull.
Instantly the song died in Mio's throat. She rocketed to her feet, reaching for the pistol on her hip. "Kata! 'Tides, woman…" Mio cleared her throat, hand moving away from her weapon to sign out, "What can I do for you?" Kata stepped onto the Bridge. "Captain, you okay?" she signed, her hands slow and cautious. "Yes, thank you." Kata frowned at Mio's quick and perfunctory signs. Kata drew herself up, her gestures sharper. "Respectfully, do not believe you." Mio lifted her chin. Kata looked her in the eye, one fist on her hip.
All at once, the Captain seemed to crumble. Her shoulders bowed, her gills flared rapidly, and the underside of her throat flushed a speckled red. Mio wobbled on her feet, then fell back into her seat. Kata cried out as she rushed over, hands flittering between Mio and signing, "Captain! What's wrong? You sick? I get Medic!" "No, it's fine." Mio caught Kata's shoulders, before her hands returned, tremulous, to the signs. "I'm just… I miss my first crew." Kata shook her head in confusion. "That song was one Fabian came up with. To remind us there was nothing we couldn't do together. Tides, he was so proud of it too." Mio nictated, her gaze over Kata's shoulder. "And here I am, singing it as a mourning song, instead of a marching song." "This at Academy?" Kata asked. "Yes. Our last year, we were sorted into proto-crews. We trained together as one unit. We should have graduated together. Gone into space together." "How long?" "Since Earth?" Mio's hands shook, mangling the sign for the Protectorate's homeworld. "Nearly five years? Maybe. I'm ashamed to say space has made time fuzzy." "It has been seven years, three months, 19 days, 55 hours and 3 minutes," SAIL's modulated voice came quietly through the speaker on the console.
Mio twitched an eyebrow ridge, her throat working. "Okay to miss people. Sadness not a failing," Kata said. "Don't have to hide." The shiver in Mio's hands belied the perfunctoriness of her signs. "I have my current crew to think of. Food to source, equipment to maintain. I shouldn't be wasting time on what's long passed." "Captain-" "I also have to finish plotting this course. Thank you for your concern, Kata. Go to bed." The last signs were delivered with a sharpness that made Kata blink. She rose, but still hovered until Mio made shooing motions at her. As Kata left the Bridge, she heard Mio take up her tune again, but rather than the mournful sound from before it was upbeat and joyful. Kata smiled; glad, if confused, that her Captain was in better spirits than she'd been found.
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druidx · 1 year
OC Favourites Tag
Thanks for the tag @bodoramzap
Rules: share photos of your OC’s fave Colour, Food, Season, Animal and Pastime.
Tagging back: @aalinaaaaaa @thewriteflame @wildswrites @aquadestinyswriting @artdecosupernova-writing @autumnalwalker @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @hannahcbrown @oh-no-another-idea @rhikasa @swordsoulwrites @winglesswriter @andromeda-grace @writingmaidenwarrior
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Since I'm still on my Starbound kick, I thought I'd do this for Kata, the assistant engineer on Mio's ship.
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Fave colour: Red
Fave food: Coralcreep Curry
Fave season: Winter
Fave Animal: Whisper
Fave pastime: Reading
(Whispers are considered monsters in the game, because they're always aggressive, but they'll still count for animal, I think)
Some misc backstory I came up with for Kata while making this. She grew up on a Snowy planet type (maybe something to do with the frost is responsible for her muteness?). The ship is climate controlled, but when certain dates roll around she can't help but miss the snow, and being able to cozy up next to a fire with a nice hearty curry. She usually enjoys fieldwork, but absolutely cannot go down to any desert, arid or other hot planet types, because she cannot deal with the heat.
Photo credits
Kata made in Heroforge by me
Red fabric - @ukotasthane on Unsplash.com
Curry - @/grimnoire on Unsplash.com
Snow - @/craig_bradford on Unsplash.com
Whisper - taken from Starbounder.org, image added by Katzeus
Book - @thenathanaguirre on Unsplash.com
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suweeka · 3 months
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punchy nun
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
The "Kata goes to college but also knows force and nightsister magic" is very funny, cause I can just imagine it being a normal day in class and then Kata uses the force or some nightsister magic and all her classmates are like 0-0
you KNOW she hid it super well for the first two years then a solid 12 minutes after the empire falls some imperial remnant tries to take her uni or smthn hostage (she's a merrical-akuna kid, trouble will find her) and she deals with it singlehandedly but it's like:
Other students: holy shit was that the force?!?! Kata, about to do the worst Jedi mind trick in history: No it was not
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kzmr · 11 months
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mew-ya · 4 months
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dickytwister · 4 months
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let those who would destroy us step into the light || [x]
taglist (ask to be added/removed): @paralytic-states @stacispratt @just-in-the-nickleback-of-time @perseus-veil @daydreaming-fanatic @adelaidedrubman @aceghosts @nightbloodbix @socially-awkward-skeleton @shellibisshe @leviiackrman @katsigian @corvosattano
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Ma'am please
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morsobaby · 2 months
HI !!!! WAVES :D How about... Falin and Laios Touden for the headcanon thingies !! Or perhaps Katagawa Jr if you wantttt.... or Senshi <3
- She would be KILLING IT in Minecraft creative mode I think she'd simulate complex ecosystems and build pretty houses all day long. And occasionally go explode stuff for enrichment but she makes sure there's no critters nearby bc she'd feel really bad about them dying.. Probably dedicates a little section of her world for each of her friends <3 or at least to her brother <33
- whenever she swears I think she uses creative unconventional bad words rather than the classic fuck and shit. Like she'd say something like. Son of a piss. Oh damnrabbit. Douchewad. Do you understand. She's not a No swearing pure baby but she also doesn't like the crude association the classic swear words have..
- I think he'd love playing skylanders a fuckton bc are you kidding me you can collect monsters and fight as them and save the world fuck yeah‼️he'd probably have all the challenge levels figured out..
- Only swears like once under very extreme circumstances. Again not bc of any autism attributed "innocence" but bc in other times he feels like it's not really necessary but it does feel good in a dire situation. He gets that singular F bomb swag. Otherwise he probably just says "Damn"
Katagawa Jr - He's Really particular about his favorite foods, if they change the ingredients in a sauce he uses regularly he IS calling the company to leave a word at least once and he threatens to switch to another manufacturer out of Spite. He actually won't use the alternative product bc IT DOESN'T TASTE THE WAY HE LIKES but this threat usually warrants change enough so that he doesn't even have to. His foods needs to be JUST SO.
- I'm not sure how well I'm gonna be able to word this but. Despite being really ambitious he never really feels like it'll be enough. Like he won't be enough to get what he wants, like he needed to be born a fundamentally different way somehow to truly reach all his wildest dreams and it eats him up inside so he invests all his time in treating himself like a god and climbing higher and higher but he's afraid of when the wax wings melt and so he just keeps going and wondering what's missing from him. In the end it doesn't shake him enough to consider his WILDLY privileged position in the world but such are the woes of disgustingly rich young people.
Senshi - If he lived in our world he'd be that guy who works for volunteer TNR facilities and fosters different kinds of animals to make sure they get into good homes. You cannot tell me he wouldn't do this. He KNOWS feral cats are living poor lives and a danger to the local ecosystems, he KNOWS and he's HELPING
- SUOMALAINEN SENSHI UKKELI REAL‼️‼️🇫🇮🇫🇮 THIS DWARF IS FINNISH he sells exquisite meals at the TORILLA and sits by the dock during sunset
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sleepyhollo · 4 months
One way... or another
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Looong overdue post of the gals. 2021 art. Even a few years on I'm STILL so proud of this piece. My ability to draw humans back then was a little bleh though. The big bitch finally has an official name too. The Grey Titan. Much more simple than I originally wanted, but because of that the designs of previous wielders have the potential to be much more first than just canid appearances. And not all iterations of it were, in the past, but this is by far its most animalistic appearance. And its most cooperative. Also I'm still so happy about the fact there are canine-like titans, at least in the manga. I designed and thought up the Grey looong before their reveals, but seeing how cool they look (even if they are barely seen in the background) has only inspired me more with this design. I remember when I used to feel like i was being cheesy and generic, cuz yknow, wolves, but even now Kata and her Titan are some of my most treasured and nostlagic characters. Wouldn't change that for the world.
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Mio's Crew: Kata
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Job Role: Engineer
Title: Associate Assistant Engineer
Previous role: Scientific assistant to Spanuil at the Virology lab on Altais Precipice, level 2.
Competency: Low ability. Has an appropriate background, but is still learning specifics. Quick study, however; expect the time and training investment to pay dividends soon.
Personality: Shy, incurious about things outside her field, protective.
Further details:
Rendered mute by an accident as a child, Kata communicates mostly in sign language and sometimes via her vocal box.
Raised in a small off-earth settlement with some... interesting customs.
Likes wind chimes. Thinks space vampires - should they exist - would be cool.
Dislikes getting caught in Youko's experiments.
When not working, her routine includes hanging out with Xictil and Elaine, using the atomic furnace to make roasted Coralcreep, and staying up all night reading.
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fwtcanimelover · 1 year
Hey, I just wanted to say I love your fanart of the Merrical kids!! I think you absolutely nailed it!!
Out of curiosity though, how far after Jedi: Survivor do you think the kids would be?? And is it okay if I mention them in any fan fiction I write (with credit, of course!!)??
Thank you so much 😊. For Jared, I'd say that he was 16 months after the events of Jedi Survivor. I'd imagine that Cal and Merrin would already be married before his birth. He was a bit of an oops child, while he wasn't planned they still love him. Kata would've carried him around everywhere as a baby and toddler. Jared is an energetic child that loves to teleport around, he has a mixture of Merrin and Cal's sense of humour along with Cal's recklessness, but teleports himself out of danger. When he and Kata are together he can teleport the both of them around to get into all kinds of mischief, I imagine them being best siblings, they drag each other along everywhere.
For Lillyiana, she was born 5 years after Jared. To Greez's horror Jared taught her how to teleport very early on. Unlike Jared, whose mischief is obvious, the mini Nightsister is more subtle. She seems to be on the outside better behaved then Jared, but they are both gremlins. They both crawl through and play in the vents. Despite this, they are both disciplined.
And yes, you can absolutely use them in your fanfics! I can even draw a couple of pictures of them for you if you would like, in the future.
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emotionalwarmth · 11 months
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Tanalorr. Kata is chasing Larin Kestis, her little sister, but Larin inherited her mother's skills to just teleport up a tree. So she does. Finally. Done. I am just going to throw this out here. I had a hard time focussing and anatomy said goodbye to me, as did patience, but here is my 9th finished Jedi Survivor stuff.
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Full Name: Kataleya
Pronouns: She/Her
Fandom: Genshin Impact
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Kataleya was born in Fontaine to a Fontainian mother and an Inazuman father. She was their second child, with an older brother, Cedric. They were a happy family when she was young, but unfortunately, their happiness was not to last. When she was fifteen, her mother died from a severe illness. Heartbroken, her father could no longer bear to live in Fontaine, and moved the three of them to Inazuma to be closer to his family. They then became trapped there after the Sakoku Decree took place.
Kata and her family fought with the Resistance during Inazuma's civil war, defending their ancestral homeland and its people from the Vision Hunt Decree. This, too, would prove disastrous for the little family. Her father lost his life protecting his children, holding off the shogunate army so they could escape. After the loss of their father, her brother Cedric would accept a Delusion from the Fatui in order to protect his little sister, draining his life force in the process. Kata wouldn't find out until it was too late and the damage was already done. She begged him to stop using it, but he lied when he promised her he would - he couldn't risk losing her, too.
She has a cryo vision with the ability to heal. This, too, she gained in a painful way - her brother took a hit for her during a fight, resulting in a mortal wound. As she cradled his bleeding body in the middle of the battlefield, desperately trying to keep him alive, she was bestowed a vision in her hour of need. As a result of the miracle, she not only kept him alive, but healed him as good as new - the wound that should have killed him not so much as leaving a scar. No one else would die fighting for the Resistance as long as she was present.
Unfortunately, there was one thing that she couldn't heal… time itself. They won the war, but she lost the one thing she had left shortly afterwards, as her rapidly-aging brother passed away as a result of using the Delusion.
Distraught and desperate for a way out, she did the very thing her father had done years ago - she buried her family and fled the country as soon as the Sakoku Decree was lifted, returning to Fontaine lost and alone.
She did some odd jobs to keep herself alive for a short time before stumbling across Lyney and Lynette's magic show. She was immediately smitten with the magician, and drew the two of them in her sketchbook during the performance. After the show, she approached Lyney with her art, asking if they needed someone to do marketing for them. He hired her on the spot - much to the displeasure of Lynette, who wasn't consulted. She made art of the magicians, designing posters and fliers advertising for them, and their shows became more popular than ever before. She soon worked her way up, helping with prop design, and eventually she would become their prop manager, working tirelessly from the sidelines to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely.
In the meantime, she slowly won Lynette over with her bright personality and the way she cared for both the magicians and the set - as well as the abundance of tea and snacks she provided. She would also win over Freminet in a similar fashion, often joining him in the audience while the twins practiced their magic.
Several months of ceaseless flirting later, Lyney would finally make a move and ask her out, in part because Lynette talked him into it after growing tired of hearing him talk about Kata all the time. They made the perfect pair, but there was one slight problem… Kataleya didn't know that Lyney was part of the Fatui. The truth came out during the trial after the disastrous performance, shocking her to her core. It took him quite some time (and several comedic attempts at apologizing) to earn her trust back, but eventually, she was convinced that not all of the Fatui were bad people. She's still wary of Arlecchino and the other Harbingers, but she trusts Lyney and his siblings with her life.
She is often the only person that sees Lyney without the cheerful mask he's constantly wearing, as he refuses to show even his siblings the darker side of him, believing he must be strong for them. Now that he's promised to never lie to Kata again, however… all it takes is a little gentle coaxing before the truth comes spilling out, often with tears following. At first, he felt incredibly ashamed by this, but eventually he began accepting her comfort, letting her see him vulnerable because he knew she wouldn't leave or judge him. They have an incredibly deep level of trust for one another.
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brokenhardies · 6 months
Doctor Who OC Masterlist
inspired by @children--of--time
Jane Smith/James Smith
Species: Time Lord/Human hybrid (clone) Place of Origin: Unknown, presumably Gallifrey Story: Life on Mars? Pairing: Ryan Sinclair (5th only), Rose Temple-Noble (5th & 6th? only) Face Claim: Multiple A half human, half Time Lord clone of the Doctor created by Tecteun. They were brought to Earth and dropped on the doorstep of Sarah Jane Smith, one of the Doctor's companions, and raised by her for 14 years. Their first incarnation met their father while their mother was investigating Deffry Vale High School
Kata/The Librarian
Species: Time Lord Place of Origin: Gallifrey Story: The Gallifreyan Archives Pairing: The Doctor Face Claim: Multiple Kata was chosen to be an Archivist, meant to analyse and teach Gallifreyan History, as well as to be in charge of ancient technologies - such as the Moment. She and the Doctor became friends during their time at the Academy, but their relationship soured during the Time War. During the Time War, she was sent down to Earth alongside a Dalek and taken to Van Stattens museum, where she reunited with her childhood friend
Luna Archibald
Species: Human - Time Skipper Place of Origin: New York Story: Fate, Coincidence & Luck Pairing: None Face Claim: Chloe Rose Robinson An American teenager who was supposed to die in an accident, but was rescued by the Eleventh Doctor. This means that she exists in a sort of Schrödinger's cat like situation - on the one hand, Luna is dead, but on the other hand, she's alive, and linked to the Doctor's timeline. However, she never meets him in order, always meeting him in different incarnations and on different adventures - and to make things interesting, the Doctor recognised her, which was the reason he saved her life
@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @wonderguards​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic @eddysocs @superspookyjanelle (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
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mew-ya · 7 months
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attempting some designs for a genshin impact au
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