#objectively correct
tsams-confessions · 23 days
Sun, Lunar, and Ruin give me He/They vibes.
I will not be explaining further.
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carefulfears · 1 year
when do you think mulder and scully each fell in love with each other
scully was in love from the motel room in bellefleur, when she showed up at his door shaking in her underwear with a couple of mosquito bites, and he wrapped her up and sat below her on the floor. she didn’t really know it until four years later, looking up at him in a hospital hallway, “crossing to face him incomplete” like she had written on her deathbed, asking for forgiveness and finding it.
mulder knew when he found her cross in an empty trunk and put it around his neck, when he walked away from answers to hold her hand. but what does it matter when everything is so fragile? when everything can end in bright lights or nosebleeds and it’s always them and not him? when she’s right to want to get as far away as possible?
what does it matter when he’s always running, he’ll never get out of the car, and to follow him is to lose everything?
until she was walking to the elevator in yet another hallway, saying that she had only held him back, and he had to argue one more time, tell her she’s wrong one more time. tell her she’s everything.
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clarabaguette · 2 months
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moonliithe · 11 months
Been thinking about how one doctor told me not even think about how I have bouts of fibro sometimes because it has no cure.
it's such an encapsulation of how people decide to think about disability sometimes.
Yeah,,, if i don't talk about it you'll probably forget it’s there, but it will still be there for me...
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im-tempted · 11 months
Shadow of the cross c!wilbur????
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tron-a-thon · 10 months
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These movies all take place in the same "cinematic universe," as does the sequence in Time Bandits with the ship, the ogres, and the giant.
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wagglewings · 1 year
any catboy worth their paws is in favor of prison abolition "I just think we need to punish bad people uwu" motherfucker I get you like cages but they would've killed you for witchcraft before 1900
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troutfur · 2 years
points the JayBreeze and CrookedBlue lasers at you
YESSSSSSS, two great options!
First, the prickly Crowspawn
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The main appeal for me here is pretty similar with any combination of Breeze and his half-siblings. I mostly am invested in seeing the explosive moment when the truth comes to light and how they react to it. It's why "my partner and I were secret half-siblings all along" as a trope appeals to me even though I'm normally quite averse to sibling ships. But I think there's something to Jayfeather in particular that appeals to me. Not only is their relationship forbidden on two additional counts but it's fun to get from that initial friction state to romance. Which as two prickly assholes with something to prove, I think once they can get past the initial coarse exterior they do have a lot to relate on and bond over. I have a WIP exploring this and I haven't fully nailed the dynamic while on the romance stage, but that snippet you shared in private has given me a good starting point, so ty. <3
And now for Crookedblue...
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FANDOM WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING ON THIS???? These two work so well together and there's disappointingly so little content about them. To all the rewrite people out there, do consider making this canon to yours. One of the most fun things about societies like the Clans where the political is inextricably linked to the personal is having drama like this explored. And I think if it's leader to leader rather than leader to deputy the confrontation and the way it bubbles to the surface is more interesting.
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everything in this world is either a moth or not a moth
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mumblesplash · 4 months
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actual footage from hermitcraft 10 ep 1
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jdragsky · 2 months
warhammer 40k loves to call itself a satire of fascism and then depicts a universe in which all of the great fascistic anxieties and beliefs of its imperium (the enemy is everywhere, it is both weak and strong, we are eternal, any violence we commit is justified, our leader is our genetic superior, degeneracy will lead to the collapse of our society) are all objectively true, completely blunting any satirical edge it could have, but giving it just enough plausible deniability that games workshop can market to anyone of any ideology
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aerial-jace · 1 year
5, 7, 14?
(Ask game)
5) What 2023 new releases are you most looking forward to?
I gotta say, I don't keep up with the editorial landscape enough to really know what's a new release this year. I mostly have my eyes set on already out titles. Kind of a lame answer, I know. But the alternative is admitting I'm looking to the WC releases the most, and that's just embarassing if I'm doing it on main.
7) What languages do you plan to read in? Do you want to read anything in translation?
English, as always, is going to be my main reading language! But ngl, I'd like to flex my French muscles a bit too. Reading is my strongest skill in French and I've been wanting to use it more. Plus I'm fascinated about the decision making that goes behind translating a book. So I'm putting this down as a maybe I'll read something I've already read in French translation.
14) Do you plan to mostly buy or borrow your books? (Or be the unicorn who reads the books they already own?)
Borrow mostly! It's been ages since I've properly owned a new book and as much as I love the feeling of bringing new treasure to my horde, it is kind of expensive. Last time I did it it was only because my university library was clearing out the inventory and giving away free books, that was neat. Anyway, lending, particularly digital lending, just tends to be so much more convenient for me.
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haunthouse · 1 year
because i've seen 3 other polls like this and they were all missing the best options
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fembutchboygirl · 2 years
He's a cis man. He's transfem. He's nonbinary. He has 35 genders. He's a cis woman. He's a trans man. Gender, he barely knows her. He's transmasc. He's gnc. He doesn't know what a pronoun is. I didn't say his name but he popped into your head didn't he
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Sally is the real neighborhood Rizzler... you all know i'm right...
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chamerionwrites · 2 months
Like this is personal and anecdotal and I do recognize that I am probably in the minority here (or if not, that people with a different experience are definitely way louder about it). But. Personally speaking, I am significantly more likely to be triggered (and WAY more likely to be badly triggered) by a story’s framing than by its content. And content warnings are themselves part of a story’s framing. Ironically, blackly hilariously, this actually means that an exhaustively tagged story which overlooks something is vastly more likely to do a number on me than a story labeled with some kind of extremely nonspecific Yeah Shit Gets Fucked Up Here tag.
Again, I recognize that this is personal and anecdotal and that I am likely in the minority. But I also don’t think this is in any way unique enough that it shouldn’t be something we consider when we talk about why people might go a less-is-more route with content warnings.
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