#nymph regression
I is jus a shapeshifting nymph!!🦊
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Hi, I'm Seraphim! I'm your local Eldritch shapeshifting vampire!!
Some information!!
I'm Nonbinary!! I use xenogenders!
My pronouns are She/He/They/Xe/It/Angel/Vamp/Zombie/Eldritch/Death!! These pronouns make me feel good!!
This is just a side blog for age/dre/re, and pet/re/dre!! Just like my main blog!!
Another name I use more commonly is Raine!! So Seraphim or Raine are just fine with me!!
My Dms are always open!! So feel free to get to know me!!
For this blog I will end blogs with 🥀!!
DO NOT INTERACT if PRO-SHIP, Map, Homophobic, racist, ableist, Religion shame, abusive, anti-neopronoun, anti-therian, anti-regression, NSFW, Kink, and transphobic!!!
That is all for now!🥀
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rottenfaeiries · 24 days
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wondrous-art · 6 months
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Bug Sandman for my Spidersona AU. He's a Ant Lion, who are known for making burrow traps when they are nymphs to catch ants. Interesting note about that, nymph means they are usually young, so Flint Marko is a 10 year old boy in this. Though, he is often spotted disguising himself as an adult, human man. He's a much more childish, creative, and emotionally immature version of his adult counterpart.
So more lore. Age when it comes to the bug villains is sketchy. They are clones essentially, mutating with the DNA of a human counterpart. The Arthropod Genome Project allows subjects memories to be fully transferred into the clones, making them believe they are the same people. Flint's mind was accidently transferred into a much younger body, and his brain was not large enough to process his adult mind, so despite recalling being an adult, he regresses maturity wise. He shows no interest in returning to his old life, as he enjoys the freedom of being able to essentially relive his childhood; which Flint's was not a happy one.
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sleepy-lil-kit-kat · 7 months
if you won’t do this that’s totally okay!!! but a lil fic or cg hcs for malifcent from sleeping beauty? or hades from hercules? i’m a big disney villains fan :D have a great day/night! <3
heroes not like hercules
~700 words, not on ao3
disney's hercules, but also a little Greek mythology and some percy jackson influences (unfortunately I can't really tease them Entirely seperate when I write about Hades, but I've done my best to make it mainly disney)
cg!hades, regressor!reader, hero-ascended-to-godhood!reader
i hope you like it!!! it's a lot what I personally like in cgs–someone whos scary but has a soft spot for you, someone who'll badmouth the good guys for how they treated you, but I also wrote a lil of his more jokey aspects :P
requests are open! see my pinned <3
- k!nk/nsfw please dni! this is a sfw age regression post! -
Hades is not always nice. He is a god, tasked with running the underworld, shunned and maligned by the other Olympians–for him to be nice all the time is, relatively unlikely.
But sometimes, he's nice to you. A little godling, barely more powerful than a nymph, would not usually attract the attention of such a man, even as an underworld deity, but you have. Maybe–most likely–it's the fact that you'd ascended to divinity. Most who ascend do not ascend to a role among the dead; that you have done so is unusual, and perhaps a little telling.
His company is nice, when your head fuzzes up at reminders of your mortal life, and your form sort of stutters in the way only spirits' forms can. You don't necessarily talk to him much, when this happens–he's got a full time gig, as he often has to remind the other gods. No, you just curl up at the foot of his throne, a cushion left there just for you, and feel his presence.
His aura is... warm. Warm, and dark, and shadowy, but in the best of ways. Dark in the way of corners to hide in, shadowy in the way of the monsters that hunt the mean people. That feeling alone is enough, more often than not, to soothe you, and when you stay it's usually only because you just don't want to leave.
Once he's done with whatever he'd been doing, sometimes, sometimes, he lifts you up, just like he's doing now, setting you on the arm of his throne, with a "c'mere, kid." You just blink at him, gaze caught by the flames on his head. They dance and crackle and they're so, so, mesmerising, especially when you're as tired and fuzzy-headed as you are.
"What'm I gonna do with you, huh?"
You don't answer. The first few times he'd asked, you'd apologised, which seemed to disappoint him, so you don't do that. But if what he seeks isn't an apology, what does he want?
Hades sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Damn hypocrites, the lot of 'em. Houndin' me for trying Zeus's brat, but it's just peachy when they do it to the mortals?"
You just sort of stare at him, tilting your head, uncomprehending, as fuzzy as you feel. It's... right now it's hard to tell what he's getting at, in all honesty. Yes, he's protective of the deities that reside below the earth with him, but this feels... different.
"Big words for a bitty kid, huh?" he asks, mouth twitching into a smile. "Don't worry 'bout it. Just remember the ones up there're..." he pauses, searching for a word, seemingly rejecting several he comes up with. "Idiots."
Easily, you nod. It's Hades, so he has to be right. It is, at least right now, simple as that.
Hades is in a good mood today.
"Heya, kid, what say we go on a... itty bitty eeny weeny walk?"
You look up at him, wide-eyed. Wasn't he busy?
"Managed to con my idiot nephew into helping me out a tad, so I've got the time and, the miracle of a kid that's never annoyed me once."
Tilting you head, you point at yourself, a clear question in your eyes. Surely he can't mean you...?
"Yeah, kid, you. Even my stupid little minions get on my nerves, there's this one time they boight merchandise–well, with Hermes on paperwork, I don't have to worry! Hah! Anyway, point is, you're the one person 'round here who doesn't get a spot on the annoying leaderboards."
It's a good day, you think. Hearing him joke like that is nice, almost as funny as the rare times he goes off on people while you're by his throne, but best of all... he's letting you in on some of his rare free time.
A walk around the Underworld especially sounds nice–you only get to go the places where you're needed, usually, and when your head is fuzzy it's near impossible to muster up the will to go off wandering alone. A smile comes to your face as you think more about it.
"Ahh, there's a grin, there we have it!" He grins back, flames burning brighter. "No mopin', no time on the schedule for that, kid!" Hades holds a hand down, for you to take. "We might have a break, but we don't have all eternity, c'mon."
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duckkiedreams · 2 years
【 ♡ I do take requests but I may not actually finish them, please don’t pressure me to make them ♡ 】
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Hello!!!! I'm Ducky! This is my age regression blog, both fandom and original :D I have info/dni under the cut! At the moment, commissions are open! Also I has a kofi page :3 
‘DuckkieDreams’ is my AO3, u can find me over there
As for who I am, my name is Ducky or Duck「not rlly but it’s my persona’s name」I am a flip+pet and I’m 20 y/o. I have no cg and no little, platonic or romantic, although I would like one. I am also a babysitter in some servers I’m in.
I’m Neutrois and Queer, my pronouns are He/It or you can use any Neos for me.
So long as you’re 18+ you can pm me, I really like having friends!!! I’d really love to chat.
Requests can be anything but they might be a lil ooc, headcanons or fics or art or moodboards ^^
Also I’m liable to sign off my asks with 📝, bc this is a side blog; pls keep calling me 📝 anon I like it
Oh! My tags are #DuckkieDrabbles (Writing) #DuckkieDoodles (Art) and #duckkiebabbles (Just Talkin)
I follow from PeachiMilkie 💛
U CAN INTERACT BUT DO NOT REQUEST THESE THINGYS (except mmmmaybe if we’re friends)
Real Person Fiction (mcyt, youtuber fandoms in general, kpop + bands, etc), Harry Potter, Hetalia, Attack on Titan, vivsiepop
MINORS; You can follow, request and you can interact with me, but please avoid talking to me privately, I will not be your friend and talking to minors makes me uncomfortable
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loominggaia · 10 months
I think this has been asked but I can't recall, so, what's the best place in LG to live if you're disabled (not counting being rich or something where you could live just about anywhere)?
I would say Matuzu Kingdom probably has the best quality of life for disabled people on average. Although Matuzu Kingdom has signed the Nymph Pact, its medical technology is actually pretty advanced. This is because Matuzu has the most diverse population of all Great Kingdoms, so peoples have brought ideas and technologies with them from all over the world.
Matuzu Kingdom is also home of the World Athenaeum, which is fitting because this is a culture that highly values science. Magic and mundane technologies are both equally embraced here without many legal restrictions, so there are many different medical treatments available here--even treatments which would be considered unorthodox or even illegal in other Great Kingdoms.
This kingdom invests a lot of money into its public education. Your average Matuzan is quite well educated, and because the population is so diverse, citizens have been exposed to many different kinds of people in daily life. This exposure leads to a more open-minded population. Unlike Evangeline Kingdom or the Damijana Empire, seeing disabled people in public is not unusual here, so the disabled are not gawked at, shunned, or mistreated nearly as much. Matuzans do not have the religious or political incentives to hide their disabilities like some other cultures do.
The Matuzan government has one of the best welfare systems of all the Great Kingdoms. Elderly and disabled citizens are qualified for benefits in the form of food vouchers, monthly cash stipends, free medical care, and even housing in some cases. Living on Matuzan welfare is not a glamorous lifestyle, but it's at least enough to get by. Most Matuzan cities also have codes that force public buildings to have wheelchair ramps, elevators, and other disability-accessible modifications.
Most of what I've said so far applies to Matuzu's urban territories, which have more services and higher education than the rural areas. Life in rural towns can be more difficult for the disabled, as populations here may be more ignorant of their conditions and there isn't as much funding for accessibility and welfare programs.
There are some areas where Matuzu could improve on this, but overall, this kingdom probably does the best job at caring for its differently-abled population compared to the other kingdoms.
Its main problem is the lack of consistency between territories. Like I said, Matuzu Kingdom is extremely diverse, so there are many different cultures operating here. Some of these cultures may not share traditional Matuzan values, and instead may hold the regressive views of their motherlands. There are many insular pockets of the population that feel differently about the disabled than most, and usually not in a good way. This kingdom could do a better job at reaching out to these communities and making sure everyone gets equal treatment, but it's neglectful of its small towns in favor of dumping resources into its cities. (you know, where all the tourists are...)
So, in Matuzu Kingdom you will see many places where the disabled are very well accommodated and integrated into the community, and also weird little hamlets where they are hidden away, shunned, and not accommodated at all. Cultural diversity is this kingdom's biggest strength and also its biggest weakness in this regard.
Lore Masterpost
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Me when baby stuffs/pet stuffs:3🦋
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
5 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. it's always privileged ppl who are LO's biggest fans because they can see themselves in persephone's shoes :/ meanwhile nymphs are actively looked down upon and its written off as "funny" or "deserved" (minthe deserved better)
this comic sucks lol
2. I see a lot of people say the early art was more detailed but tbh it really wasn't? the quality was very loose and inconsistent, but what made it interesting was it was more fantasy like with strong composition and use of color/contrast (which LBR here, it's a few more swipes of a brush, it not that much more work if at all) which makes it's decline into such flat, static poses and colors all the more jarring. Her style has if anything become more complicated technical-wise and its worse for it.
3. What’s confusing to me about Eris’ design (wow she really only showed up for two episodes huh) is why does she look like a off brand harpy? Why do the rest of her family just look like people but she’s the random one out? Hell, why in general does it seem Rachel’s only extent into anything beyond boxy man/tiny and curvy woman is at best wings and maybe some horns? She clearly struggles with same faces/bodies yet does nothing to tell anyone apart. It’s so weird and lazy.
4. See it's funny because Rachel is framing Apollo as bad for loving his mother and being loyal to her, but Hades is framed as good for being so loyal to his mother who quite literally gave up trying to protect him and happily had TWO MORE kids with his father while he was imprisoned in his stomach. I get their situations are different and all but Rhea has done nothing to deserve such unquestioned loyalty and love while we're supposed to hate Leto because Rachel said so.
5. So with the new episodes - canonically 10 yrs have passed right? So Persephone should be 30 now (cause I think the last time we saw her she was 20?) - but she looks and acts the same? (Actually I take it back she seems to have regressed character wise) And yes, I know there's that thing RS set up where Persephone stops aging so she looks the same (so she doesnt have to draw Persephone any different / older I guess) but after 10 yrs we see her.. Basically mope around, talk to a tree of Hades and act like the same teen she was yrs ago. She does start to take ownership of her actions then Immediately pulls back on the statement with a very haunty look on her face as she states "well its not All my fault" which semes to imply she doesnt think she should be punished for the murder she commited?? And then she goes on to talk about how she thinks her green hands are a turn off as though this is her biggest concern? And later we see her mope about then act excited about her ears getting pierced so it doesnt seem like shes taking her job of regulating spring very seriously. And she asks zeus to send a letter to Hades but doesn't ask to see her aging mortal mother? Not even the nymphs seem concerned about Demeters whereabouts cause their too busy fawning over the idea of persephone having sex with Hades At Last (which is implied when they give her a condom - like props for trying to promote safe sex but still).
Things that seemed to be big deals also no longer seem to hold weight? Like minthe and Daphne are fixed no problem? As far as I know (I haven't seen the fp chapters) We don't even get to see persephones reaction to Daphne being turned into a tree nor minthes reaction to being non-plantified? Shes just chilling and is her usual sassy self?? Shes not complaining to Zeus that shes stuck with the woman who almost killed her??
Aside from that we have Apollo and Artemis being crowned and Hebe looks lile a carbon copy of her mother...
And I'm gonna actually push back on that earlier anon ask - yes techncially Artemis could have asked for anything but I doubt Zeus would've followed through with Artemis' request if she had asked for persephones banishment to be lifted. Like it would be too easy an out for Persephone plot wise so I guess she banished herself? (Idk maybe Artemis knows he wouldn't do it and her self esteem is so low that this is the next best thing in her mind.) Like I think its the same reason why Apollo asked for Leto to... Be unbanished .... but didnt ask for Persephone to be made into his wife because I don't think that's something Zeus would have budged on despite saying they Could ask for anything, he means within limits that he set. Could he do it? Sure. Would he do it? Doubtful.
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pwincessfwoggy · 2 years
Hi!! I'm pwincessfwoggy and this is my sideblog for when I'm regressing. My main blog is @cuddle-nymph so don't be alarmed if you see that acct following you
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Names: Fwoggy, Froggy, Ny, Moonbug, Moonbeam
Pronouns: she/they
Big age: 22
Little age: anywhere from 5-15
Favorite color: Green
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Shows I like: bluey, little bear, winnie the pooh, strawberry shortcake, max and ruby, fifi and the flowertots,jake and the neverland pirates, hilda, the owl house
Likes: frogs, opossums, raccoons, mushrooms, playing in the rain, rescuing worms, climbing trees, playing in the creek, stuffies, coloring, appie juice, drawing, car rides, moon, bugs, mario, animal crossing, minecraft, snails
Dislikes: loud noises, strangers, quiet, bad weather, being hot, trying to remember things
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Here is a drawing that I did of little me!! hehehe
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DNI: k!ink, ddlg, terf, maps (probably more but i have bad memory)
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theodore-stott · 2 years
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Theodore Stott | Delphine’s Ball
Age regression: mentally only
At 18, Theodore had just found out about his nymph ancestry, only to promptly run away from his abusive father to go to The Institute, hoping for a chance to learn how to harness his new abilities. Theo, of course, was quick to find out that this new arrangement came with a collar that would prevent him from exploring said newfound powers. It wouldn’t be till later that Theo meets Jude Rigby, and even later after that he would leave the island, only to return, this time without the collar. 
Physically, Theo is no longer this sickly, underfed boy that first showed up on the island, looking much healthier with a few tattoos, though the most obvious difference he will notice is the fact that he is presently unbound. Theo, in the current day, has had time to work on and gain a reasonable amount of control of his abilities, but even still, he struggles with his emotions triggering things. At 18 and with only a few weeks of time on the island under his belt, Theo is back to the terrified boy that first arrived, only this time with powers he barely has any idea how to use or control. 
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thetomcruiseblr · 9 months
I probably have the most boring bottom!Bradley take because I think often times the appeal and interest of it is supposed to be something along the lines of a regression or punishment kink. I can see the appeal of it that way, for sure, but it's not personally my ideal version of it.
My ideal version of it is: Maverick thinks Bradley is sexy and wants to fuck him in the ass/pussy. SEXUAL PREDATOR!MAV.
It's interesting to come at it in this way, because perhaps the bottom!Bradley regression and punishment genres are almost approaches to psychologically lessen Maverick's intrinsic attraction to Bradley, and thus ironically make him fucking Bradley more acceptable? Because then it's not about Maverick finding this man, whom he had known since he was a child, sexually-attractive. In the case of the regression genre, it's about Maverick having to help Bradley with his daddy issues, and in the case of the punishment genre, it's about Maverick having to help Bradley with his authority (+ daddy) issues. I believe this is also the case when it comes to the "Maverick helps Bradley through his heat" omegaverse genre - it's about a duty that Maverick feels he has to help his ward.
Like, maybe it would be more gross if Maverick just found Bradley hot and wanted to fuck him.
Okay, so I have mentioned liking Becca's Rooster egg series, and I do. I like it because Rooster eggs is viscerally a pleasing image to me (I just wanted Maverick eggs, too - sometimes, it was just that I had wanted both things to happen, not that I was opposed to the other.) But, also, I think that series was mostly about lizard!Maverick finding nymph!Rooster sexy and fuckable? It wasn't even omegaverse, so it didn't involve helping him through a heat (maybe from what I recall, it slightly involved lizard!Mav going through a rut, but it wasn't the crux of the premise). It was just regular-degular fun sex, and that is honestly probably my ideal genre.
Akdjslfdjklsjflll, I feel like I've solved a lot of things for myself! It's so interesting! Maybe the real friends we made were the sexual predator space lizard!Mavs all along, lol.
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acourtcfmuses · 11 months
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@aigonakru asked: Send "You should see the other guy!" For the reverse of “where did you get that?” ( from Gwyn to azriel)
Dark eyes just watched the quarter nymph for a long moment. A deathly calm on the Shadowsinger's features as his mind reeled in the hundred ways he was going to make the other guy wish that he had met the Mother long ago. He stepped forward wordlessly, taking the Priestesses chin in his hands, bringing teal eyes up to meet his before his own inspected her features for any hint of wore injury. "You should speak with Madja, just in case. You don't know what wounds may lie under the surface."
Gwyn had come such a long way since that first fated night they'd met and he had no desire to see her ill or to regress back into the pain she felt during that period of time. "I also don't care much for what the other guy looks like, I only require a name." if she didn't wish to do so, he would have Nuala and Cerridwen look into it for him.
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sweet-chimera · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on leashes and collars? Master/pet kinks?
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scale: fuck no|| gross || not for them || eh || no opinion || kinda || hot || fuck yes || p l e a s e do this || DO NOT TELL A SOUL     
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// FUN FACT-- literally everyone in her immediate life and society was a slave or object at one point. An entire race of people made on demand for what ever asinine reason people in power bidded. Why do you think every story of a god chosen hero had a monster to kill?
Or some pretty nymph that gave them their fate?
So despite all of her flaws and fiery (at times) personality. Getting her to revert back to that mindset in some fucked up ptsd regression and subservience is laughably easy. And a chance to do that safe and willingly in bed would be theraputic for her.
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fawnlambie · 2 years
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꒰   ୨୧  ꒱ princess / coquette ruffle top listed on Instagram & depop @/softlambie .. ♡︎
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Thoughts on the nincada line? Shedinja is very cool imo
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Nincada is pretty nice looking for more or less just being a cicada nymph (complete with wing stubs!). The white coloration looks really nice combined with the green, which reminds me of the way some cicadas look when they first emerge from their exoskeletons. What's interesting is that the 'dex mentions that the eyes are regressed to the point of it mostly being blind which, combined with the loss of pigment, is pretty accurate to a lot of cave animals (not cicadas though, granted).
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I guess my only point of complaint here would be that it's kind of bland, just being a straightforward cicada nymph for the most part--but one could argue that's the point, with it kind of functioning as the Eevee for it's line, so I'll let it slide. Also, those front claws really should've been white as well, or that brown should've been more vibrant and pulled into the legs as well or something.
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Ninjask fixes the blandness issue right away by adding a ninja theme, complete with sleek black-and-gold plating and a "helmet" akin to something you'd see from a Tokusatsu show. The red accents on the (very cicada-like) wings look great, and the gold areas form some cool markings, especially on the back.
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My only real nitpick here is that I feel like the grey areas in the front should've been black as well, to further increase the contrast between them and the gold accents. Aside from that, it's a nice looking design--though not the highlight of the line.
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Shedinja is, no exaggeration, literally perfect. Having a perfectly nice cicada is one thing, but having it evolve into two Pokemon, one of which is the discarded hollow exoskeleton which is now possessed and has ghost typing, complete with having a single hit point but an ability that prevents most types of attacks from doing damage? Like, that is absolutely incredible from both a conceptual and gameplay standpoint.
The design is also great. First, the slit eyes and the giant gaping hole in the back (akin to actual cicada exoskeletons, albeit much more "voidy") do a great job of making this thing seem completely hollow and haunted.
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This is emphasized by the 'dex, which mentions that anything that looks in the hole has its soul stolen. I know some prefer to ignore this because the trainer is usually staring at its back, but I just like to think it can control if it steals your soul or not and it won't do it with its trainer because it likes them. :)
I also love the way the busted-open skin forms a pair of wings on the back, which create a secondary angel theming emphasized further by a floating halo that mimics the marking on Ninjask. It just serves to match it feel that much more eerie and otherworldly, especially with how it doesn't fly so much as float around without otherwise moving.
The only thing I could really comment on from a design perspective is that the design resembles Ninjask a lot more than Nincada, despite it being Nincada's shed exoskeleton--though you could argue that's more of a problem with Nincada than Shedinja, and to be fair it is a Pokemon evolution and not a regular shed skin so their might be some weird stuff going on that causes it to change appearance, seeing as it also gets a halo out of nowhere.
But yeah, overall, Nincada works fine as a base evolution, Ninjask is a nice design, but Shedinja is absolutely brilliant and what really brings the line together. It's definitely one of my all-time favorite bug (and ghost) types.
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