#nyck de vries x y/n
lovelytsunoda · 10 months
better be good to me // nyck de vries
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summary: he's trying to hide that he's famous. she thinks she's finally met a normal man. one weekend trip is enough to knock every perception of him on it's side.
pairing: nyck de vries x reader
warnings: takes place before nyck got fired, nyck's kind of shifty about who he is, very brief mention of a piss k*nk, allusions to sexual activities, happy ending because I beleive in happy ever afters.
Oh, you better be good to me That's how it's gotta be now 'Cause I don't have no use You loosely call the truth You better be good to me
“there’s no way he can afford this if he is who he says he is, you do know that, right?”
“you used to work for red bull and you turned out fine.” she laughed at her roommate, pulling a few dresses out of her closet and throwing them into her suitcase.
“I worked on college campuses and made minimum wage.” eleanor rolled her eyes. “I could not afford to whisk my lover away for a weekend in austria.”
y/n rolled her eyes, flopping down on the double bed. “you worked for minimum wage hocking energy drinks on campus. nyck works in advertising.”
just under eight months ago, y/n y/l/n Met the man of her dreams. nyck de vries was sweet and funny and gentle and best of all, he was normal. he wasn’t a macho frat bro athlete or a film bro who’s favourite movie was ‘scarface’. he didn’t have a hidden piss kink. he was just nyck.
“I’m just saying that I don’t think he’s being totally honest about who he is. maybe he’s some dutch nepo baby burning daddys money.”
“and would that be so bad?” y/n laughed, tossing a floral skirt at her roommate in retaliation. “I finally meet a normal guy, someone who makes me feel incredible about myself, and you’re questioning it?”
eleanor sighed, looking over at her best friend. “I’m just looking out for you. I want you to be safe, even if you are choosing to go to a whole new country with a man you barely know.”
“we live in a small continent, ellie. it’s a six hour drive across the border, i can come home at any time.”
y/n never has any reason to doubt that nyck was exactly who he said he was. sure, he dressed a little too nicely for a twenty-seven year old and he drove a car so expensive that she could only dream of owning one like it, but she took one as a sign of maturity, and the other as a sign of a healthy work ethic.
“just be safe. and tell me all the gory details. i wanna know what the little man gets up to in bed.”
two days later, she was in the passenger seat of nycks toyota supra, speeding down a one-lane road on the way to spielberg, not a care in the world or another car in sight as she rolled the window all the way down, hair flying around her face as she sang along to the radio, a classic rock station that she knew nyck couldn’t stand but had put on just for her.
his hand rested comfortably in her bare thigh, rubbing reassuring circles as he looked over, a grin on his face as he watched her intently.
if only she knew what he was hiding. would they still be able to have moments like this, he wondered to himself, car hugging the curve of the road as he turned.
as he pulled up the hilton suites he’d booked for the weekend, a sprawling lodge located in the hills, behind a wrought iron gate only accessible with a confirmation code from your booking receipt, y/n felt her heart contract in her chest as she saw the hordes of people surrounding the gates.
“nyck, why are all these people here?”
“they must just be in town for the race.” nyck hummed, trying to steer through the crowd without running over any fans dressed in red bull regalia, thankful that he had sprung to buy the tinted windows.
“race?” she raised her eyes, pushing her sunglasses up on her head. “what race?”
“formula one at the red bull ring this weekend.” nyck said, finally steering the supra through the barely open iron gate, security officers pushing back the fans as he made his way up the winding driveway. “they gave me some paddock passes at work for the weekend. i remembered how you said you used to love racing in school and I thought you might want to see it up close and personal.”
y/n smiled, reaching to clutch his hand in hers. “babe, that was five years ago. i drove a stock car for my university’s shitty team around a homemade dirt track because we lived in a town that was so far away from everything that there was nothing else to do. it was a glorified demolition derby.”
“and you still haven’t shown me any videos of it.”
she laughed as nyck pulled into a parking space. “it never came up in conversation!”
“you can’t just tell me that you were once a stock car driver and not back it up with photographic evidence!”
they headed inside the hotel, walking hand in hand. they only brought in one suitcase each, the rest of the bags hidden in nycks trunk. all his racing gear was still in the car, a pit in his stomach as he though about confessing, about explaining who he truly was.
but in his defence, everything could have easily been found by googling his name.
he unlocked the suite door, ditching his suitcase and his shoes by the mirrored closet door. to nyck, this was just another hotel room paid for by management. but to y/n? she felt like she was sitting in the lap of luxury as she buried her bare feet in the carpet, walking towards the french balcony doors.
“nicky, this place is incredible!” she laughed, twirling around and trying not to hit the tv as she laughed, gesturing to the large tub in the corner of the room. “is that a jacuzzi?”
and nyck looked at her in pure adoration, laughing as he pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly. “only the best. you and me are going to have lots of fun in there tonight.”
“why wait?” she grinned roguishly, leaning over to turn the taps on the tub, brushing up against her lovers crotch. “we could have fun now.”
nyck was a goner before she had even taken her shirt off.
the next morning, he was running through all the ways that he could tell her who he was before he got to the track. by the time he was done his shower and drinking his kale smoothie, he had exactly no ideas.
by the time they got to the track, he had admitted defeat. he’d let the massive motif of his face in the side of the alphatauri building do all of the talking.
they walked through the paddock hand in hand, and as nyck stopped to wave at everyone, confusion started to well in her stomach.
why did everyone in the paddock know who her boyfriend was?
“um, babe, we just walked past the red bull building.” she pointed out, gesturing with her thumb towards the large navy building emblazoned with the face of sergio perez.
“just trust me, sweetheart. it will all make sense.” nyck reassured, kissing her knuckles as he turned towards the alphatauri building.
“oi, de vries!” someone shouted from a balcony “nice to see you, big guy!”
and that’s when she saw it, freezing in her path and dropping nycks hand. he didn’t notice as first, only turning back to look for her once he stood in the doorway. he found her standing at the edge of the patio, staring up at the flag fluttering in the breeze. it had her boyfriends face on it, and he was dressed a nomex racing suit, a much more expensive version of the tags she wore in college.
nyck sighed, taking a few steps forward as he tried to think of something to say. something, anything that could explain why his face was on the side of a building inside a formula one paddock.
“y/n, please, just let me explain.”
“eleanor was right.” she shook her head, not even looking at nyck before she skipped down the patio steps, running as far away from the alpahtauri building as she could.
how could nyck have lied to her for so long? did he take her for a fool? did he think she’d think any different of him if he knew the truth?
or, did. he not tell her because she didn’t mean anything to him?
nyck would find her sitting on a picnic bench in the paddock, reading her boyfriends wikipedia page. if he had lied about being a formula e championship winner, what else has nyck de vries lied to her about?
“hey, y/n…” nyck sighed, sliding his hands into the pockets of his chinos. “can we talk?”
“i don’t know, nyck. if that even is your real name.” she scoffed, dropping her phone into her bag. “you know how many people have stopped me and asked if I’m your girlfriend because you’ve told them so much about me? yet you’ve told me nothing about any of this.”
“well, im going to start by admitting that nyck isn’t even my real name.”
“i know.” she crossed her arms over her chest, growing at her lover. “I’ve read your wikipedia page, hendrik nicasius.”
nyck sighed, taking a seat next to her on the bench. “i guess I deserve that. can I at least explain?”
“you can do whatever you want. but please, give me one good reason to stay here with your lying ass instead of calling a rental car and driving back to eleanor, who will then say ‘I told you so’.”
“i didn’t tell you because when I was with you, I didn’t feel like i had the weight of the entire sport on my shoulders. you’ve read my wiki page, so you know how I got here. and you know how difficult it has been this season.” nyck started, half reaching for his hand before clenching his fingers into a fist and withdrawing the action. “you didn’t look at me and see nyck de vries, f1 rookie. you looked at me and saw hendrik, a normal guy who wants to enjoy a normal life.”
she nodded, anger evaporating from her bones when she thought about the situation from nycks perspective. yes, he had lied, but he did it out of the goodness of his heart. he had done it for the right reasons.
“i get it. you didn’t want me to see you any differently.”
“I just wanted you to see me for who i was.”
y/n frowned, reaching for nycks hand. “I’m still pissed at you for lying to me. but I understand. nicky, this is a fever dream. if you told the nineteen year old stock car driver i used to be that I’d be here with you right now, i wouldn’t have believed you.”
nyck nodded, leaning forward to place a kiss on her hairline. “I love you. and I hope this doesn’t change anything between us.”
“never. let’s go get you on track, car boy.”
@magnummagnussen @scuderiamh @libraryofloveletters @lorarri @sidcrosbyspuck @diorleclerc @scuderiasundays @thatsdemko @oconso @silverstonesainz @clemswrld @love4lando @httpiastri
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scuderiamh · 2 years
home || n. de vries x reader
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pairing: nyck de vries x reader request: yes / no summary: after a trip away with friends, your house never felt more like a home. word count: 950 warnings: child has a decided name.
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sitting in by your flight's gate and surrounded by tired, hustling people rushing to and fro, you only had one thing on your mind.
two things, actually. but in the same category. your fiancé and your daughter. 
the joy the two of them brought you was unreal, but that also meant the amount that you missed them while they weren't present was just as unbelievable. you enjoyed your trip away, certainly. as much as you loved them the break was nothing if not much needed, and the time weekend spent away on some white sanded beach with a few of your closest friends could not have been any more enjoyable. but now after flight one of two home you were more than ready to fall into nyck's arms and hold little tess for hours and hours. 
your flight was boarding in just under fifteen minutes. luckily, it was a short one. so, you should be home within four hours. and considering the time now, you didn't expect much communication until you see them face-to-face... that is until your phone lit up with a facetime call from the contact titled “nyckie 💙” 
you wasted no time in connecting your headphones and accepting the call, only to be greeted with a close-up on your 10-month-old's face -- her very awake face. before you could say anything, the camera tilted to the side to show part of nyck's face. 
“shouldn't you guys be asleep?” you asked, attempting to be stern. but you couldn't hide the smile at the sight of them. the camera had since returned back to tess, but with your question nyck set up the camera against something, showing that they were both on your bed, laying down and now facing his phone.
“tess couldn't sleep,” nyck responded, a hand resting lightly on her back. “too excited, i suppose.”
“tess, or you?” you teased.
he grinned, watching you with a look in his eyes you'll never get tired of. “both?”
“uh huh.” you scoffed lightheartedly, switching the phone from one of your hands to another. “you should sleep. both of you.”
“but we want to stay up for you!”
“absolutely not.” you gasped. “you'll ruin her sleep schedule entirely, nyck!”
“but she misses you.” he pouted. “isn't that right, tessie?”
tess only babbled in response, making you deadpan at the whole exchange. this should've come as no shock, really. nyck had been wrapped around your finger since day one and then around little tessie's the moment she was born. this behavior was just about expected. 
you sighed. “let her sleep if she falls asleep, yeah?”
“yes, ma'am.” he responded with a grin, repositioning himself yet again as he sat up, took tess into his arms, and held the camera with one hand. “isn't your flight boarding pretty soon?”
“yeah.” you nodded. “few minutes, actually.”
“you hear that, dropje?” nyck whispered to tess, sounding about an octave higher. he placed a light kiss to the top of her head. “sooooon.”
you giggled, shaking your head. “i miss you guys.”
as soon as nyck began to respond, tess' babbling increased, muffling his response. making both of you guys giggle again. 
“think that's her way of saying she misses you too, hm?” 
“or a please don't ruin my sleep schedule, dad.” you chided softly.
“hey.” he gave you a pointed look, feigning offense at your light jab. 
you only smiled. before you could say anything else to him, a loud voice interrupted -- the airport announcer. your flight was beginning to board. you perked up immediately.
“hey, nyck? i've gotta go. flight's boarding.”
“okay.” he smiled. “stay safe, schat. love you.”
“love you too. and you also, tess.”
the last thing you saw was him picking up her tiny hand to wave at the camera before you hung up. 
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by the time you'd landed, picked up your luggage, and took the uber home it was near 4:30AM. you were really hoping they were asleep, mostly for the sake of tessie's sleep pattern and how messing it up would ruin your daytime schedule. but also because you knew how tired nyck got with everything he had to do in a day. you didn't want him to waste sleep hours over waiting on you.
making it upstairs in your home, you made a point to be quiet. just in case. you opened the door to you and nyck's bedroom slowly, wincing when it creaked. a sense of relaxation came over you immediately with the sight you were met with.
nyck, laying on his back on your shared bed. tess laying on top of his chest, his arm slung over her protectively. you couldn't help but snap a photo before anything else.
climbing into bed with extra care to be as silent as you could, you lay your head on his free arm. if it wasn't the door creaking that's what woke him up.
thankfully, he didn't move so much as to wake up your daughter, he only craned his head your way, eyes unfocused still. then they widened, and his mouth opened in surprise. “you're back?” he asked, voice groggy from sleep.
“hello, my love.” you said, smile wide as you snuggled into him. “go back to sleep. greetings in the morning.”
“yeah... okay. okay, goodnight.”
it was hardly nighttime, you believed you both knew that. sunrise was in a mere few hours. but you let yourselves have this. “goodnight.”
and you haven't felt more in peace before. laying there with your family, feeling their warmth. you couldn't properly describe the feeling if you wanted to, but it's moments like these that made this plain old house home.
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sunreisets · 1 year
Congratulations - Nyck de Vries x reader (for spirit!!)
FemSingaporeanstudent!y/n graduates from college with flying colours and Nyck manages to get her a vip pass to the paddock to their first ever Singapore Grand Prix (F2, F3 and FE don’t have Singapore on their calendars 💔)
P.S. since this is for my dear friend @schuvries , i’m following Singapore’s graduation system, which is 25-29 for college!
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liked by nyckdevries, pierregasly, alphataurif1 and 240,732 others
yourusername an end of an era! i’m free! (for now)
last slide is just @/nyckdevries screwing up a claw machine in suntec city
nyckdevries at least I got you a plushie 🙄
⮑ yourusername yeah after screwing up 15 times
y/nxnyckfan my dose of nyck and y/n content
alphataurif1 how’s the Singaporean weather? 😁
⮑ yourusername I’m used to it but Nyck’s sweating like a pitcher with ice water in it 😂
⮑ lilymhe best couple on the grid ❤️
⮑ yourusername you and alex are better though ❤️
nyckdevries posted a story
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yourusername posted a story
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nyckdevries posted a story
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yourusername posted a story
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yourusername posted a story
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(also I would like to say that the 9grid format was inspired by spirit too, didn’t know the app had a 10 image limit 😢)
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liked by yourusername, lilymhe, alphataurif1 and 240,732 others
nyckdevries my first win in the beautiful Lion City, also my girlfriend @yourusername ‘s home grand prix ❤️
first off, I would like to thank all of @/alphataurif1 ‘s engineers and staff. Without all your hard work, I would not have been standing at where I am today.
secondly, I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting my career. I bring this win to thank you all for your love and support.
last but not least, my beautiful @/yourusername . Thank you for always supporting me and being my best friend and a loving girlfriend, there were tough times but I am glad we stood strong. I bring this win to you, my win in your home. This is my gift to you for your graduation and for always being by my side ❤️
yourusername I couldn’t believe it either!! congratulations baby 🫂🏆! no one makes me happier other than you ♥️
⮑ nyckdevries love you baby 🫂 ❤️
yourbestfriendsuser you should have seen her when you passed the chequered flag man I was fting her and her phone flew 💀
⮑ nyckdevries 😂
snowdevries she must be so proud 😭
tsuvries them your honour
sorry that this au was kinda bad :(( congrats for 500 though @schuvries !!
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ynbabe · 6 months
Fake texts au- pt.6 bffs with the rookies+ very concerning text w/each other
back to the texts bby!!!
| Masterlist |
Oscar: Arthur: Logan:
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Lando: Rookie grp chat:
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Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99
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thatsdemko · 11 months
Japan is calling - n.de vries
all photo credits to Pinterest!
pairings: nyck de vries x tsunoda!reader
summary: People think you’re dating Pierre based off your Instagram… but are you actually?
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liked by pierregasly, nyckdevries, yukitsunoda0511, & 5,689 others.
y/ntsunoda: home🫰🏻
f1wags: our fav couple!
tsunodasan: can’t decide who’s dating Pierre yuki or her
Pierreupdates: I don’t think either of them are!
yukitsunoda0511: 🫰🏻ps did you buy me any manga?
y/ntsunoda added three new posts to their story
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liked by verstappen01, yukifanbase, y/nupdates, & 3,690 others.
f1wags: before our favorite sibling (@ y/ntsunoda) deleted her recent story and replaced it with the alpha tauri car we took a screenshot just in time! it seems like one tsunoda finally gets their wishes to come true!
yukipookie3: there’s no way she’s dating Pierre yuki would be so jealous!
maxsredbull: I call bs I don’t think she’s dating Pierre!
alblondo: Pierre is dating yuki how could he cheat on yuki with his own sibling?
nyckdevries added to their story
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y/ntsunoda added to their story
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liked by nyckdevries, yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly, & 3,257 others.
y/ntsunoda: being a tourist in my country today
yukitsunoda0511: I would’ve been a better tour guide
liked by nyckdevries
y/ntsunoda: いえ (no)
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liked by yukitsunida0511, y/ntsunoda, pierregasly, & 5,893 others.
nyckdevries: 🇯🇵🫰🏻
tagged: y/ntsunoda
y/ntsunoda: ❤️
pierregasly: yukierre lives on!
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sennaverstappen · 9 months
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me when im transgender
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vroomvro0mferrari · 3 months
CL16 | Awkward Advances
Summary: You are best friends with Alex Albon. When you go to the bar with him and his driver friends, you decide to shoot your shot. But with the amount of drinks consumed, it doesn't go as smoothly as planned.
Charles Leclerc x female!Reader
WC: 2.1K
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, maybe talking yourself down?
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You have met Alex's friends many times. Every time he invited you to a race, he made sure you had someone to talk to when he was busy. Of course, most times his girlfriend Lily, who had also turned into your best friend, was there to keep you entertained, but when she wasn't, he set up some other people to take care of you. You had met many people that way: his engineer, his PR manager, and many other team members. But he also introduced you to several drivers: Nicholas Latifi, Nyck de Vries, Logan Sargeant, George Russel, Lando Norris, and even Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc. You had conversations with all of them, and they were all great people to talk with, but Charles Leclerc was different.
Like many other girls, you thought he was really, really handsome, and so sweet as well. And you got along great, better than with any other of Alex's friends. It's safe to say you had at least a little crush on him. Who are you kidding, it's a pretty big crush, and it's been going on for quite a while. But you'd never actually made a move on him. Why would you? He would never like you back. It wouldn't make any sense, Charles Leclerc is famous and rich, surprisingly sweet, talented, intelligent, a great conversationalist and insanely attractive. What else could you wish for in a man? He has his pick of the litter, nearly any girl would love to be with him, so why would he choose the silly friend of one of his colleagues?
So, you never tried to make a move or flirt with him. Because you knew it wouldn't lead to anything, but also because you're a terrible flirt. You never know when's the right time to flirt, what to say, and you're always either too subtle or not subtle enough. It's a difficult balance that you've never managed to find.
Tonight, you are once again going out with Alex and his friends, including Charles. The night's been great, you've been dancing for hours, and you and Lily have made numerous new friends. Right now, you're sitting at the bar to get another drink, while Lily is joining Alex in the booth your group is occupying. As the night carries on, and the drinks keep coming, you are definitely moving from tipsy to drunk. When you finally receive your drink, you decide to join the rest of the group at the booth. Sitting next to Alex, leaning on him, you look around the group. Everyone had dressed up, ready for a great night out and enjoying the time spent with friends. And Charles, he looked so good. In the black button-up he was wearing, more buttons undone than done, and his messy hair. Your drunk mind could barely handle it and found it very, very difficult to focus your eyes elsewhere, and Alex wouldn't be him if he hadn't noticed your staring.
"You've been staring at him for a while now." He whispered, or at least it sounded like a whisper.
"Hm? What are you talking about?" You slowly turned your head back to the boy next to you.
"You're more obvious than you think. He'll notice soon."
You blushed as you realised Alex knew about your crush on his friend. You shouldn't be surprised though, Alex knows you through and through. He would have found out eventually.
"What are you talking about?" A drunk Lily asks you, bending around Alex to look at you properly.
Alex responds for you: "[Y/N]'s crush."
Lily gasps, "You have a crush? Who is it?" she yells loudly.
Your eyes quickly dart over the group, ensuring they didn't overhear that just now. "Shh, not the whole world has to know." You look over the group again, before you move closer, "It's Charles." You're blushing again.
"You should go flirt with him!"
"Are you crazy? I can't flirt, especially when I'm drunk."
"Nothing like a little liquid courage to help you flirt. I'm sure you'll be fine!" Lily turns to Alex, "Come, let's get another drink!" and pulls him up, winking at you.
Fuck, should you do it? What does it matter anyway? If it ends badly, you can just blame it on the alcohol, right?
Just then, seeing you're left alone, Charles moves to sit next to you.
You turn to him.
"Hey, how are you doing?" You ask him.
"I'm good. Having fun." He smiles at you. To him, it's obvious you're drunk. He decided not to drink tonight and was completely sober, different from most of the group.
God, he looks so good. You are going to do this, no time like the present, right? "That's good. You look handsome tonight, clean up well." You say, moving your hand to touch his upper arm and looking into his eyes. You can feel your heart beating in your chest, but no matter how nervous you are, and how nervous he makes you, you're not backing down now.
"Uhm, thank you." He responds chuckling a bit. He did not expect that from you. He thought you were sweet and had noticed that you were always slightly flustered around him, and he also knew you were not very upfront and direct. He suspected you had a crush on him, but maybe you were just very shy, and behaved like this around everyone. Nevertheless, he had never expected you to say something like this - to flirt(?) with him like this, so straightforward. He's surprised, to say the least, and maybe feels a bit awkward at the situation too, because what is he supposed to do? But you don't notice, and continue.
"I mean, you always look good, but especially tonight." You smile with fake confidence.
He looks away from you, chuckling again, adjusting his body to subtly push you to the edge of the booth. Fuck, that hint is so clear it's hard to miss, even when you're drunk. Your smile falters as you realise he wants you to leave – to leave him alone. Your false, alcohol-induced confidence falls, realising you made a mistake doing this now. He obviously isn't into you. You knew this, yet you tried. You never should've.
"You're pretty drunk, no? Let me find Alex, hm? He can take you back?"
You nod softly, disappointed at his rejection. He now fully pushes you out of the booth, but sets you back as he stands up.
"I'm gonna find him, okay? You stay here."
You just nod, and sit still waiting for him to come back. God, you're so embarrassed. Why did you have to do this again? You knew this would happen, that he'd reject you. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You've never felt this embarrassed. You try and blink them away as you see Charles return with Alex and Lily.
"Let's get you home, yeah?" Alex says when he's back at the booth.
You feel like a toddler when he pulls you up and helps you walk out of the club to the taxi. This couldn't have ended worse.
In the cab, he asks you: "So it didn't work out?"
You shake your head and lean on his shoulder, Lily doing the same on the other side, as she speaks "I'm sorry, it'll be okay"
The headache in the morning was the worst. And the realisation of what you had done last night settling in certainly wasn't helping. Lily and Alex took you back to their room last night, and let you crash on the couch they had in their very luxury room.
They were already walking around and getting ready for breakfast when you first opened your eyes. You were moving around, trying to find a more comfortable spot on the very uncomfortable couch when Lily spotted you.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." She says way too excitedly for the time of the day. Actually, you don't even know what time it is, but you assume it's too early after a night out.
"How are you so cheerful right now? If I remember correctly you were just as drunk as me last night, if not more." You say grumpily, sitting up.
"Lots and lots of water, and aspirin." Lily smiles at you, grabbing you a glass of water and aspirin as well.
"So, you want to fill in the gaps on what happened with Charles last night? Before he came to get me?" Alex asked.
You groan, "I don't even want to think about it. It was so bad. I knew he would reject me, but I still tried anyway. It's so stupid. I'm so stupid for thinking it would work out."
"You're not stupid for trying. What did you say to him?" Lily continued, handing the water to you.
"I told him that he looked good and then he laughed at me, told me I was drunk and left to get you." You take a sip of water and take the pill. "I shouldn't have expected any differently. He never showed any signs that he was into me."
"What are you talking about? He's always staring at you when you're near." Lily says, confused.
"He's not. And even if he is, it doesn't matter because he rejected me last night.", you sigh.
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm sure you'll find someone else who likes you just as much as you like them." She smiles sympathetically. "We're going down for breakfast now, you wanna join us?"
"Yeah, you go. I'll come down in a bit. I want to take a shower first."
You go to your room to take a shower as soon as Lily and Alex leave to go to the breakfast hall, where they meet the rest of the group.
"Hey, guys. How's [Y/N] doing? She was pretty drunk last night, no? Is she very hungover?" Charles asks as soon as Lily and Alex sit across from him.
"Nothing aspirin can't fix." Alex smiled.
"She was acting pretty weird last night, told me I looked handsome and stuff. I've never seen her acting like that."
"Yeah, that's why she never flirts. She sucks at it, and people always think she's acting weird." Alex says laughing.
Charles looks surprised. "That was flirting? She was flirting with me?"
"Yes, Charles. I thought you knew she liked you?"
Charles shrugged, "I didn't know for sure, but I suspected it, yes.", he looked somewhat confused at the revelation.
"Look, maybe you should talk to her. She's really embarrassed about last night and would hate for things to get weird because you rejected her. Just to make sure everything's good between you two, you know?" Alex explained
"I didn't reject her? I just-" Charles is interrupted.
"Hey, [Y/N]! How you doing?" Lando asked her as you walked to the table.
"Hey, I'm fine. Just a bit hungover." you responded, a fake smile on your lips.
"I'm not surprised." He said laughing, "I've never seen you so drunk."
Your face flushed as you laughed awkwardly, taking place on the only available chair, next to Charles, of course.
You glare at Alex, knowing he did this on purpose. He shrugged his shoulders with a sneaky smile as he sipped his water. Naturally, he had to make sure the only open chair was the one next to Charles.
"You're not hungry?" Charles asked you, moving his face closer to your ear as the group moved on to the next topic.
"No, I don't think I can keep anything down right now." You responded with a small smile. "By the way, I'm sorry for last night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything."
"Oh, you didn't make me uncomfortable. I just thought you were very drunk, and it would be better for you to go back to the hotel."
You smiled tightly, looking away to avoid any eye contact.
"I didn't mean to reject you if that's what it seemed like."
You kept staring at the table, but you could feel your face becoming hotter as you picked at your nails to keep yourself occupied.
"I didn't think you were serious. You really are a bad flirter." Charles chuckled again.
You're face was surely as red as a tomato right now.
"If you come to dinner with me sometime, I'll show you how it's done."
Could your face get any redder? You don't think so. You look up at Alex sitting across from you. He looked away, pretending not to overhear the one-sided conversation Charles was having with you.
You nodded your head, "Okay" you said softly.
Charles put his arm on the back of your chair, "Great!" he said with a cheeky smile.
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tomorrcwz · 10 months
★ . . . 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘!, 𝐍𝐃𝐕𝟐𝟏
pairing: nyck de vries x schumacher!reader
the second schumacher kid is trolling the paps with her new, still (seemingly) unknown bf
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liked by ginaschumacher, sebastianvettel, yourbff and 50
y/nschumacherpriv break from uni never felt better !!
mickschumacher das letzte Bild? Ernsthaft? 🤢 the last picture? you fr y/n?
y/nschumacherpriv sehe kein Problem damit Zwerg ;) don't see a problem with it dwarf
nyckdevries 🖤
liked by y/nschumacherpriv mickschumacher love you too bro y/nschumacherpriv mick u annoying piece if shit, i'm not sharing nycky w u 🗡 mickschumacher he was mine first hoe nyckdevries girls there's enough of me for both of you lilymhe is there really little man? 🧐 nyckdevries oi alex stop using lily's acc for shitting on other people lilymhe NEVER y/nschumacherpriv #cancelalexalbon2023
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daily mail — y/n schumacher and boyfriend passionately kissing in the streets of london once again!
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at the beginning of july 2023 the middle child of formula one driver michael schumacher and his wife corinna started to tease the public by hanging out with a brunette man, who's yet to identify even through they're openly affectionate.
mick schumacher has shared in an interview with sky that the family already met the boyfriend and couldn't be more happy as he knew him before his sister dated him and trusted him — the youngest schumacher cheekily added that he hoped for the boyfriend to survive his messy loudmouthed sister.
this presented us with an idea: what if y/n is dating another driver? it could be possible as mick mentioned to knowing him first and being close friends.
as long as y/n and her mysterious man won't share their relationship with the public, we have to sit back and wait in anticipation — maybe they'll slip up in the future when trolling the paparazzi.
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caption of the story: nyck came back and is still alive 🙏🏻
y/nschumacherpriv ey ich fahre sehr gut sebby :( ey I'm driving very well sebby sebastianvettel klar y/n . . sure y/n y/nschumacherpriv :((
monaco gossip ; EXCLUSIVE — y/n schumacher and boyfriend nyck de vries put on a loved up display as they're on romantic holiday in monaco
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y/n schumacher, second daughter of sports couple corinna and michael schumacher, and her boyfriend nyck de vries put on a loved up display as they're on a romantic holiday in monaco, where de vries has lived when he was an active formula one driver.
the 25 years old student went all out with a chill afternoon date, followed by enjoying the sunny weather outside in the streets of monaco, gently kissing each other and holding hands.
schumacher's younger brother mick had shared that he knew his sisters boyfriend before the now cozy looking couple met — which makes sense as mick and nyck both drove for the prema team in formula two years ago. we come to the conclusion, mick had introduced his teammate to his sister and from there romance blossomed.
de vries, gotten dropped by alpha tauri for daniel riccardo, had announced last month to begin studying at the harvard university where his girlfriend also studies by the way!
y/n schumacher and nyck de vries were something we didn't expect but we surely wish them the best.
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liked by pierregasly, ginaschmacher, arthur_leclerc and others
nyckdevries snoepje is a bit sad about the fact that the cat and mouse game has finished and our biggest fan dailmail wasnt the one to uncover us. to quote her at our dinner with the friends: they're a bunch of losers. love you snoepje little candy
oscarpiastri dinner was great, y/n should do a cooking class
y/nschumacherpriv thank you my aussie friend, i'd totally do it (you would be my first student) oscarpiastri i dont need cooking classes y/nschumacherpriv they video of rob and you cooking eggs tells me a different story . . . oscarpiastri :(
y/nschumacherpriv i love you hotstuff
nyckdevries 🖤
y/nschumacherpriv you're so hot 🥵
nyckdevries you're hot too aaaaand we could do some hot stuff ;) y/nschumacherpriv gimme ten mins hotstuff charloslestappen NOT THEM BEING HONRY ON MAIN load more comments
midnighcts my eyes ARE blessed. they're HOT, and STUNNING, simply AMAZING, SHOWSTOPPING
alblondos can't decide if i want to be with her, him or both
mickschumacher still can't believe you chose her over me nyck, I thought what we had was enough 😩
y/nschumacherpriv mick, shut up, I won't share him with you, get that in your small brain nyckdevries i'm sorry bro :( mickschumacher its fine, i'm slowly getting over it y/nschumacherpriv wdym with "i'm sorry"?! there's nothing to be sorry abt 😑 nyckdevries . . . y/nschumacherpriv we're done hendrick mickschumacher i have space for you nycky 🥰 ginaschumacher idiots. all of you are idiots
hamiltonslegend the schumacher siblings >>>>>
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rina's masterlist ; i really enjoyed writing this and I miss the little man (who's a cm bigger than me but idc he's a smol bean !!)
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lokideservesahug · 2 months
For How Long!?! -Extras
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Extra 1: Y/N Y/L/N - Timeline
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x fem!driver!Reader. Oscar Piastri x reader (platonic), Arthur Leclerc x reader (platonic), Mick Schumacher x reader (platonic)...
Warnings: None that I can see.
Notes: This isn't a SMAU (sorry). Also this could be added to/altered. And I hope to put out the next chapter pretty soon...
Also!!! I got way too far into writing this before finding out that a driver can only win F2 once (or rather after they win it, they can't return)....so for my own sanity, that rule doesn't exist or if it does then it came into place after Y/N won 5 championships😅
2012- Age 11
Y/N Signed with Red Bull Racing for them to sponsor her in her karting career. This was a part of the Red Bull Recruiting Scheme (RBRS).
2017- Age 16
Y/N becomes the first woman to race in The F3 European Championship. She goes on to come second in the drivers championship.
2018- Age 17
Y/N meets F3 rookie Oscar Piastri and the two become friends (they still are to this day). She wins the F3 championship and recieves an offer to move up the ranks and into Formula 2. She runs into Logan Sargeant, he asks her out and the two start dating yet don't tell a soul.
2019- Age 18
Y/L/N Moves Up to Formula 2 into the newly established Red Bull Racing Formula 2 Team. The RBRS terminates any connection with lower leagues of racing but establishes a Formula 2 team. Y/L/N is the first woman to ever enter F2. She also signs as Red Bull's F1 reserve driver. Y/N even stood in for (and came 3rd in) a race after Pierre Gasly became extremely ill. This makes her the first woman to ever get on the podium in an F1 race and also one of the youngest drivers to ever start a race.
Y/N meets driver Mick Schumacher and the two become good friends despite their different teams. Y/N went on to come second in the championship, narrowly missing Nyck de Vries for points. She is also awarded the Anthoine Hubert award.
2020- Age 19
Y/N once again, comes runner up in the Formula 2 championship by loosing to her good friend Mick Schumacher by a few points.
Red Bull Racing renew a contract for the next 2 years to be a team in Formula 2 and they sign Y/N's new teammate, Liam Lawson. Y/N continues to race for them and for the third year in a row, she comes second in the Formula 2 championship due to a technically issue with the car causing her to DNF (huge scandal in the F2 world). The media also sees Y/L/N "meeting" rookie Logan Sargeant and the pair become extremely close...
2021- Age 20
2022- Age 21
Liam Lawson swaps teams to race for Carlin with Logan Sargeant. Y/L/N once again comes second in the F2 championship. People are confused by her lack of wins or lack of moving to other motorsports categories (especially with her F1 podium in the past). Y/L/N is unable to win due to the amount of races and points missed by driving in F1 (as a reserve driver). She does however score many more points and podiums in F1.
2023- Age 22
In mid December, Y/N receives a call from Aston Martin F1 executives. They invite her to have a meeting about possibly racing for them that year. Y/N goes to the meeting and leaves having signed for Aston Martin Aramco F1 team for the 2024 season. This is because Lance Stroll dropped out for undisclosed "personal reasons"
Y/N meets Arthur Leclerc. The pair become very good friends - this is aided by Logan Sargeant and Oscar Piastri's Formula 1 debuts and subsequent exits from the F2 scene. Y/N wins the F2 championship finally, making history for women in motorsport. Not long after, Red Bull announces the retirement of their RBRS programme and they pull out of junior motorsports to "focus on the current success of [their] Formula 1 team"
2024- Age 22 (not yet 23)
It is publicly announced that Y/N Y/L/N is replacing Lance Stroll to race at Aston Martin for the 2024 season...
Thank you for reading. As always likes, reposts and especially feedback is greatly appreciated.
Please don't copy, translate or steal my works without permission.
Taglist: (I didn't know if I should do this or not because it's not a chapter but oh well)
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
dasher // nyck de vries
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summary: its christmas in the netherlands, and nyck thought it would be a wonderful idea to bring y/n home to meet his family and feel what a small town winter is like. too bad she never told nyck that she didn’t know how to ice skate.
pairing: nyck de vries x female! reader
warnings: reader doesn't know how to ice skate, just general winter fluff :) minor mention of anxiety, especially over meeting nyck's parents for the first time, but it's barely there! small mention of blood.
author's note: i'm so excited to bring you guys the christmas collection !! holiday themed fluff (some minor angst by way of my mick schumacher fic), me wishing i had a boyfriend and my favourite holiday songs. i have fics planned for zhou, mick, george, pierre, daniel, charles, alex and lance. hope you guys enjoy : )
friesland, the netherlands.
the snow fell down in flakes as she sat on the windowledge, still dressed in her flannel pajamas and clutching a mug of hot chocolate in her hands as she rested her head against the window. her breath fogged up the glass as she breathed, and she found herself grinning as she drew a small christmas tree in the haze.
there was a knock on the bedroom door, followed by the creak of the hinges to indicate that the door had been opened.
"hey, baby." nyck smiled from the doorway, fully dressed and hair still damp from the shower. "i wondered if you might have been hiding up here."
"hiding from your parents? me? no, of course not." she remarked sarcastically, getting up from her window seat and crossing the guest bedroom to kiss her boyfriend softly. "it's just harder to win your parents over than i thought. my anxiety isn't being super friendly to me this morning."
"i'm sorry, darling. is there anything i can do?"
"a distraction might be nice."
nyck raised his eyebrows. " a distraction, you say?"
"not the kind of distraction that you're thinking of, casanova." y/n laughs, resting her forehead against his, trying to steal as much of the driver's body heat as she could. "i just want to spend some time with you. i feel like we haven't done too much of that since we got here."
"then today is going to be all about me and you. seychelle and my parents are going to the winter market. we were invited, but we can go out and do something else, or we can stay in if that's what you want."
"let's go outside and do something. i've barely seen the village."
nyck smiled kissing her on the forehead. "i've got a great idea. let me run downstairs and put some stuff together. dress warm, you'll need it out there."
she kissed him gently, whispering her affections to the driver as he ducked out of the room, leaving her to get dressed.
it was hard for the imposter syndrome not to set in. he was the hendrik johannes nicasius de vries, formula two and formula e champion. she hadn't even known that nyck was famous until their fourth date, when a group of fans accosted them in the streets. and as much as nyck reassured her that she was the one for him, every so often she wondered if he could do better than her.
coming back home to the netherlands with nyck felt like a nail in the coffin. it was a small village with an impossible name, and less than one thousand people. it was the kind of place where everybody knew everybody else.
and they sure as hell all knew who nyck de vries was.
she reminded herself to breathe, lacing strands of her hair into a fishtail braid before pulling a fair isle patterned sweater overtop of her tight, white turtleneck.
she grabbed her mug, exiting the room and jogging downstairs, anxiety spiking at the thought of running into nyck's mother, or even worse, his dad.
she exhaled when she realized that the kitchen was empty, save for nyck, who was filling a thermos with his mother's homemade hot chocolate.
"my parents just left, they're outside warming up the car." nyck said, passing her a covered breakfast plate. "my mom made you breakfast. she's a little worried about you. she likes you more than you think she does."
"i'm sure i'm just overreacting." y/n agreed, sitting down at the kitchen table and taking a bite out of the crispy bacon strip on her plate.
"it's okay, really. don't beat yourself up about it. i get it. meeting family is terrifying." nyck soothed, sitting next to her at the table. "now, i've got us a whole day planned."
true to his word, the whole morning with nyck had been a dream: homemade pastries in the town square, hot chocolate and a relaxing walk down main street, boots crunching over the snow. a disposable camera roll full of pictures of the two of them that she would get developed as soon as they were back in monaco.
with her hand in his, nyck and y/n walked in a cloud of love, laughter and smiles as the dutchman lead them to the final destination of the afternoon.
in the middle of the village, a large pond had frozen over, pairs and small groups of people ice skating with hands intertwined, dressed in thick mittens and hats with pom-poms on top.
"oh, nyck." y/n said softly. "this was such a sweet idea, but i need to tell you something."
nyck's face fell. "is everything all right, love?"
she laughed softly. "i can't skate, nyck. i never learned."
"that's it?" nyck laughed. "right, let's get you some skates. lucky for you, i'm a great teacher."
the wind kissed their skin, cheeks and noses bleached pink from the cold as the couple strapped on the rented ice skates. y/n was wobbly on her feet as she gripped nyck's arm, blades crunching over the frozen ground as the duo slowly stepped onto the ice.
she felt her foot slide forward, her mind instantly filling with panicked images of wiping out, breaking bones, blood splattered on ice.
"you're okay." nyck said softly, his breath warm against her skin. "just hang on to me."
"just put one foot in front of the other, darling."
at first, everything went smoothly. so long as y/n held on to nyck, her anxiety subsided. she just kept putting one foot in front of the other, blades skimming the ice and creating soft scratches on the pond's surface.
"see, it's not that hard. muscle memory, babe. once you figure it out, you'll never forget it."
the couple just kept moving in the large oval, circling around with the rest of the patrons, with y/n becoming more and more confident in herself with every move she made, slowly releasing her hold on nyck.
nyck let go of her hand, confident that now she could skate at least a few feet forwards on her own two feet.
but once she felt nyck's hand let go of hers, she faltered, stomach sinking as she felt the blades on the bottom of the skates lose contact with the ice, unable to stop herself from falling backwards and landing on her tailbone.
"shit!" she shouted, garnering looks from mothers now covering the ears of their small children.
nyck laughed, reaching out his hands to help her back to her feet.
"you're a goddamn liar, de vries." she laughed. "i guess i'll jsut have to hold on to you forever now."
nyck smiled, gently kissing her forehead. "that sounds like a plan to me."
tags: @sidcrosbyspuck @flannel-cures @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @magnummagnussen @daydreamingleclerc
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scuderiamh · 1 year
red-nosed baby || n. de vries x reader
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pairing: nyck de vries x reader request: yes / no summary: your first christmas as a family – except the little one got sick right before. word count: 900 warnings: tess makes a return <3 rushed revising. two days late again... oops?
a baby’s first christmas was always something to look forward to. and not to get you wrong, you were excited. emphasis on were, past tense. 
there was nothing more you were looking forward to in the months leading up to christmas than the idea of spending it with your newly wedded husband nyck and your near one year old child, tess. sure, you knew full well this wouldn’t remain in tessie’s memories in thee years to come, but it was still important to you, just as it was to nyck. you’d have the memories. she would have the pictures in the future.
and it was all so exciting. you truly went all out. you’ve baked more cookies than you have in your lifetime, went over the top in decorations, and maybe went a little too far in buying gifts for your little one.
but it was going to be fun.
now to the emphasized past tense - tess got sick. right before christmas.
to say you were devastated would be pretty fair.
maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal, but it sure did feel like one. not only was christmas going to be spent with her too sick to really enjoy it, it was her first christmas, too.
the highs of your excitement were high, but now the lows were just as intense. you tried to keep the christmas spirit going, telling yourself she’d be fine by christmas morning, but then when she wasn’t… it was nyck who had to try and keep the mood high.
“hey, at least its the one she won’t remembered.” he said, making a weak attempt of brightening the atmosphere. you two were half sat, half laying on your bed, with tess in between. she was sound asleep, but after the long night you’d just had trying to keep her from crying too much, you knew it wouldn’t last too long. not only were you all upset, you were beyond exhausted, too.
“yeah,” you smiled half-heartedly, appreciating his efforts but not feeling much better. “i guess so.”
in terms of talking, the room went silent, but your daughter’s consistently labored breathing rang throughout the room. then, nyck checked his phone, and the action caused you to glance over.
“a couple stores should be open now,” he said, propping himself up a little more. “i can go get the medicine now.” “no, you stay. i’ll go.”
“you sure?” he asked, watching you say you got up.
“yeah.” you nodded. maybe it was a little selfish, but you needed to get out of this room. it started to get depressing, and you needed to breathe a little. seeing all the christmas spirit outside was not something you were looking forward to, but it was better than feeling cooped up. “i’ll see you in a bit. love you.”
“yeah, you too, schat. see you.” he responded with a little sigh, sinking back down and returning his attention to a sleeping tess.
you put little to no time into making yourself presentable, only making yourself look decent enough to escape concern. it took a little online searching to find the closest grocery store open today, but the driving itself only took about five minutes.
once at the store, you’d made your trip for cold medicine quick. you averted your eyes from any of the decorations and successfully blocked out the christmas music with your own headphones playing something of the complete opposite energy. while there, you grabbed some chicken broth you figured would likely come in handy later.
the overall time to the store and back must’ve taken less than twenty minutes total, but you’d come home to an entirely different scene.
while the lighting outside hadn’t changed, it seemed as though the mood brightened the house significantly by the time you were back. jolly music was playing from a speaker somewhere, and, on the couch-
nyck holding a slightly better looking tess, who was awake and… not crying. giggling, actually. it was a sight so normal you’d almost forgotten the circumstances, but as you remembered the past few days it came as a shock.
little tess, way too sick to do anything but sleep or cry just hours ago, was giggling. a laugh impossibly even sweeter to hear than normal times.
“and would you look at that!” nyck exclaimed in a hushed voice, clearly talking to tess though looking at you. “mom’s back!”
it was now that they were turned your way did you realize they had… red… something? on their noses. approaching them with something resembling caution, you looked more than confused. “what’s on your guys’ noses?” you asked tentatively, putting down the grocery bag before sitting down next to them.
“face paint.” nyck shrugged, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.
“we’re red nosed reindeer!” he said, and tess burst out in another fit of giggles. “like rudolph.”
your smile was impossibly wide as your head hung with your laugh. now, that’s what he wanted to see. a silly antic to make both his girls laugh.
“tess… the red nosed baby?” you said, and he nodded enthusiastically. 
at the mention of her name, tess’ attention was on you and her arms were outstretched your way. you took her into your arms immediately, tapping her painted nose once with a smile. when she sneezed, you knew it was still going to be a long day ahead of you. but maybe it wasn’t going to be as dark as it felt.
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dstxrgirl · 10 months
social media au. daniel ricciardo x fem!reader.
fluff. just some mild cursing.
author's note: so so glad that danny is back in the paddock! made this post dedicated to his return :)) hope you all like it <3
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f1 BREAKING: Daniel Ricciardo to replace Nyck de Vries at AlphaTauri for the rest of the 2023 season
#F1 #Formula1
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vroomvroom OMG HE’S BACK!!!
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Liked by f1 and 1,249,846 others
danielricciardo Full circle 😊
View all 3,723 comments
alphataurif1 Welcome back 😊🍯
landonorris Ricky bobby is back
vroomvroom come on where’s y/n’s comment ☹️☹️☹️
dstxrgirl you and y/n l/n CANNOT be over 🥺💔
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Liked by danielricciardo and 3,250,523 others
y/n.l/n she is so proud of her dada 🫶🏻
ps: i am too
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danielricciardo I love you both so much ❤️
y/n.l/n we love you 💗
carmenmmundt the prettiest baby ever, just like her mama 🫶🏻
y/n.l/n baby ric has got the prettiest aunties ever 💗
lilymhe it was so fun meeting baby ric! can’t wait to see her in the paddock more often 💖
y/n.l/n she can’t wait to see you again too! 😚
vroomvroom holy shart.
dstxrgirl so that’s why y/n has been away for a while 😭
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donaidk · 3 years
✨ Welcome to my blog ✨
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I usually post fanfictions, aus, gifs, pictures and stuff about my studies. If you ever wanna talk to me my ask box is always open and I’m not biting in dms either. Only a tiny bit 😉 If you wanna see content on my blog of anything please don’t hold back and I will do my best to get it out there 🤗 Hope you will enjoy your browsing here 🧡
Someone brought it to my attention that the masterlist page sometimes doesn't work from phones, so I'm remaking my pinned post in a way that it will contain my full masterlist in it. Thank you anon for the heads up! 🧡
What can help me if you mention it in your request: OPEN/CLOSED
Character: driver/crew member/whatever you can think of
Relationships: friendships/siblings/relationships (past or present)
Ideas: any ideas you would like me to include
Realness: would you like me to follow real life events/schedule or can I step away from it?
Name: should I name the character, should it be Y/N or would you like me to use a given name?
Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
(this is gonna be a pinned post, that I’m gonna refresh if things change)
🌠 - in the works
🎉 - special parts (holiday themed, present for someone)
🧾 - requested
❤️ - involves a relationship
🥀 - involves angst
👊 - involves a friendship
💥 - trigger warning
▶️ - link to another site
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Inquisitione (to find myself) - Pierre Gasly (for @x-lipstickstains-x 🎉)
Chapters: Part I 👊❤️ | Part II ❤️ | Part III ❤️🥀 | … | Special Part I 🎉❤️ | …
Characters: Pierre Gasly, Fleur Carmin
AO3: ▶️
Moodboard: 🖼️
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False Confidence - Lando Norris
Parts: Chapter I 👊 | Chapter II 👊 | Chapter III 👊 | Chapter IV 👊 | Chapter V 👊 | Chapter VI 👊 | Chapter VII 👊 | Chapter VIII 👊 | Chapter IX  👊 |  Chapter X 👊❤️ | Chapter XI 👊❤️
Translated parts: Chapter I 👊 | Chapter II 👊 | Chapter III 👊 | ...
Characters: Lando Norris, Daniel Ricciardo, Nyck de Vries, TBA
AO3: ▶️
Moodboard: 🖼️
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Rhythm of Time - Mick Scumacher
Parts: Part I 👊 | Part II 👊 | Part III 👊 | Part IV 👊 | Part V 👊 | Part VI 👊💥 | Part VII 👊 | Part VIII 👊  | …
Characters: Mick Schumacher, Mona Timmons, Haas F1 Team
AO3: ▶️
Moodboard: TBA
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Alive - George Russell
Parts: Teaser 💥 | Chapter I 💥👊 | Chapter II  👊 | …
Characters: George Russell, Alex Albon, TBA
AO3: ▶️
Moodboard: TBA
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Pieces of our Love - Marcus Armstrong
Parts: One 👊 | …
Characters: Marcus Armstrong, Zasha Shwartzman, Robert Shwartzman, …
AO3: ▶️
Moodboard: TBA
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This is my show - Alex Albon
Parts: Part I 💥 | ...
Characters: Alex Albon, Lily Muni He, George Russell, Lando Norris, OG female characters, TBA
AO3: ▶️
Moodboard: 🖼️
Teddy Bear - George Russell ❤️ | ▶️
Eyes Off You - Mick Schumacher 🧾❤️💥 | ▶️
Looking at me - Arthur Leclerc 🧾👊 | ▶️
Perfect Strangers - Mick Schumacher 🧾👊 | ▶️
A special holiday - Lance Stroll 🧾❤️ | ▶️
Flying High - Lando Norris 🧾❤️ | ▶️
Overwritten Plans - Nyck de Vries 🧾❤️💥 | ▶️
Prema Cooking Challenge - Marcus A. & Callum I. 🧾👊 | ▶️
Worth the wait - Mick Schumacher 🧾❤️ | ▶️
Almost Home Part I - Marcus Armstrong 🧾👊 | ▶️
We Don’t Have To Dance I. - George Russell 🧾❤️💥 | ▶️
Baby Badger & Prequel & Sequel & Hide&Seek - Daniel Ricciardo ❤️ | ▶️
Pierre Gasly - We're the new kings
Daniel Ricciardo - Burn The House Down
Liam Lawson - Afterparty
Susie Wolff - Venus Fly Trap
Daniel Ricciardo - All Hands on Deck
Daniel Ricciardo - I Wanna Be Your Slave (Gangsta)
Marcus A. & Callum I - Confetti
Daniel Ricciardo - Dress
Pierre Gasly - Best Day Yet
Lando Norris - Best Day Yet
Daniel Ricciardo - Walk walk fashion baby
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
shut up and put your money where your mouth is // oscar piastri
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summary: the reserve drivers have a little mischief pool going, keeping themselves occupied on weekends where they have nothing better to do. until nico hulkenberg pushes y/n and oscar a little too far and makes them confront how they feel about each other
pairing: oscar piastri x female alfa romeo! reader
warnings: alcohol is involved, drinking games are played (spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven) and a massive prank war is waged on every driver in the paddock, implied smut scene at the end, but no smut is written. sexual innuendos because jack doohan is a little shit, y/n is too cool for oscar (she's also really mean to fernando but in a funny way . . . sorry nando) mentions of a crash ( everybody was fine, y/n is just still feeling the emotional effects )
author's note: so for a while now i've been wanting to make a story or a fic that focuses on the reserve drivers because i feel like they all sort of get forgotten, so this fic is dedicated to the reserves and those who hide behind the scenes : )
"alright, jamie and logan got the extra dye from alex, liam and dennis are going to distract the old man." y/n started eagerly, making grabby hands towards logan sargeant, who gave her a strange look before passing over the bottle of red hair dye. "oscar, do you and jack have a way of getting into his driver's room?"
the reserve drivers were standing outside the alpine hospitality building, mischeif in their eyes as a plan started brewing. the reserve and development drivers were only performatively employed through driver's academies. they had no real reason to be there on race weekends. very rarely were they actually needed.
it was natural for them to get bored, expected, even. because who wanted to stand around and look at data all day when it didn't even affect them? who wanted to take a ten hour flight to another continent just to sit around and do nothing all race weekend except look good for the team?
and that's when nico hulkenberg had made his proposal. every season, it was a new game. always disruptive to the regular drivers, always chaotic and more than once it got guenther steiner swearing at the lot of them. two teams, a season full of dares and challenges.
and may the best pranksters win.
jack doohan nodded. "it was shockingly easy to get his keys. all you've gotta do is find a way to swap out his shampoo for the dye. and then when he goes to take a shower after free practice," jack clapped his hands together. "his hair will be red before the old codger knows what hit him."
their team was the young guns, the under twenty-fives. there were more of them than anybody else, but they were competing against guys who had been there way longer: nico hulkenberg, antonio giovinazzi, robert schwartzman, nyck de vries, stoffel vandoorne and pietro fittipaldi
"i'll come inside with you. since the contract thing started, people in alpine hospitality have been giving me a wide berth." oscar piastri shrugged his shoulders, hands in the front pockets of his black chinos, making his alpine polo ride up, exposing a sliver of his toned stomach.
y/n sucked in a barely audible breath, hoping that nobody around noticed.
she wasn't sure when she developed a crush on the aussie f2 champion, but she knew it wouldn't lead her anywhere good. never mix business and pleasure, so she had always been told.
no, it was better to leave oscar to his own devices. to pretend she felt nothing towards him.
"you don't have to." she said gently, pulling a denim jacket over her alfa romeo polo. with any luck, she was little-known enough that the hospitality staff wouldn't recognize her and just let her pass through.
worst comes to worst, she could always pretend she was coming to say hi to abbi pulling, who had recently signed to the alpine young driver's programme.
"you don't even know where his driver's room is."
she hated it when oscar was right. "fine." she pouted, hooking her fingers in her belt loops. "but let's make it quick, before daddy szafnauer gets the wrong idea."
jack snorted, and logan shook his head, wishing he could leave the conversation.
"excuse me, what?" the american frowned, raising his eyebrows. "there's something wrong with you."
"what?" she laughed, sipping from her plastic starbucks cup.
god, oscar would never tire of that sound, the visual of y/n throwing her head back, smile splitting her features as her hair spilled down her back.
"he's like, the fourth most fuckable team principal. don't even get me started on daddy toto."
"there's a scale?" jack looked scandalized. "i am but a mere child, too innocent for this!"
oscar snorted. "according to the country of australia, you're street legal, doohan."
"here's the scale: toto, jost, andreas, otmar, christian, mattia, mike, guenther, fred, franz. i'd fuck ted kravitz, too. don't underestimate daddy kravitz."
somehow, at the revelation that y/n wanted to fuck toto wolff, oscar's ego ached. if her type was six foot five austrian men old enough to be her father twice over, what chance did he have?
'"i know way too much about you." logan shook his head, beginning to walk backwards. "good luck fucking fernando over- bad word choice given that last conversation, let me know how it goes."'
y/n laughed, playfully punching oscar in the arm. "come on, alpine's most wanted. i've got an old man's day to ruin and a self-centered german to upstage."
y/n tossed the bottle in the air, catching it with a grin as she brushed past oscar and headed into the hospitality suite.
oscar watched her go with wide, bright eyes, attempting to casually hide the boner forming in his khaki's as his eyes zeroed in on the alfa romeo driver's sashaying backside, made extra prominent by her tight black jeans.
"you coming, problem child?" she shouted, a bright smile on her face as she stuck her head out of the glass door.
"coming in just a second!"
"i'm sure he's coming in more ways than one." jack snorted, patting oscar on the shoulder. "you are so whipped, mate. and you aren't even getting good sex out of it. that's a crime, oscar!"""i'm sure he's coming in more ways than one." jack snorted, patting oscar on the shoulder. "you are so whipped, mate. and you aren't even getting good sex out of it. that's a crime, oscar!"
"fuck off!" oscar whined, pushing jack's hands away as he sauntered up the hospitality steps. "i'm doing it for my commitment to the bit."
he wished that he had sounded like he believed it, but everybody knew that he didn't.
everybody knew that he did it because he was head over heels for y/n y/l/n.
he ran to catch up to her, directing the testing driver in the direction of fernando alonso's diver's room. fernando was never the original target of that prix weekend's scheme. in fact, y/n was never supposed to be the person who planned it. this was supposed to be frederik vesti's weekend to plan and execute the scheme.
but after an unfortunate incident in fp1 resulted in fernando cutting y/n off and sending her into the wall, cutting her coveted rookie driving session short, a session she had fought freddie vasseur tooth and nail to steal away from theo pourchaire, plans had changed and she'd swapped weekends with fred.
drawing the keys out of her jacket pocket and offloading her frappucino on the australian standing next to her, she opened the unmarked door to fernando's room, rolling her eyes at the massive spanish flag hanging on the wall.
"where's the fucker's shampoo? he doesn't get to ruin my one young driver session and get away with it." she started pacing, hands reaching to the back of her head to tap on the brim of the backwards baseball cap she was wearing. "changing his hair color is fucking mercy compared to what i should be doing to him."
"shower's are that way." oscar nodded, cocking his head towards a royal blue hallway. "how many points do you think this is going to get us with the hulk? you have to admit, that stunt he pulled on crofty and brundle last week was kind of legendary."
y/n rolled her eyes, heading towards fernando's shower and wishing she had brought gloves. seriously, what do old men get up to when they shower? she didn't want to find out. she could get a goddamn staph infection just from stepping foot in the damn thing.
"all nico did was fuck with the microphones. they fixed it in less than half an hour. all that happened was making sure that fp1 was narrated by darth vader." she shook her head, wincing as she reached into fernando's shower, wishing she could have gotten somebody else to do it. "nico shouldn't even be doing the scoring if he's participating. why can't kubica do it? he's a neutral party."
but there wasn't enough money in the world to pay one of the other reserves to stand in fernando alonso's shower.
she uncapped the bottle of men's head and shoulders, overturning it in the bathroom sink as she turned on the faucet, watching the thick, cream colored liquid bubble and fizz as it went down the drain.
"robert made it damn clear that he wants nothing to do with this." oscar laughed, trying to decipher the label on the side of the starbucks cup, curious to see what sweet concoction was in the cup, especially knowing that she didn't like to drink coffee.
"understandable. i think robert's kind of done with everybody's bullshit. mostly theo's, though. frankly, so am i. truth be told, i think vasseur wants me gone." she frowned, twisting open the bottle of red dye that logan had given her and upending it over the plastic bottle. "i don't think that he's a fan of the fact that i'm never going to drive competitively."
"that's a bullshit reason for him to fire you."
"that's what i said!" y/n complained, throwing her hands in the air as she waited for the thick red dye to drain. she wasn't even sure if her plan was going to work: fernando's hair was dark, and it was arguable that the color might not even show unless the spaniard bleached it first. "i've never wanted to drive competitively, but after what happened in magny-cours, i'll never be able to compete again."
she had never wanted the fame, the glory, the champagne and the trophies. all she'd ever wanted to do was drive. she'd had a mediocrely successful season with the w series in 2019, followed up by half a season in formula three before a three-car crash had broken four bones in her foot.
she could still drive, and she loved her job working in testing and development, but she could tell that frederic vasseur was tiring of prepping and training a driver that was never going to make it to f1. a driver that would never compete in anything ever again. the crash had stolen all of her self-confidence, and there was nothing she could do other than pack all of her dignity in a box and walk out of the prema garage, terrified to ever race again, for fear of another incident occurring. her partnership with the ferrari driver's academy had fallen through a year later, and she counted her blessings every day that alfa romeo had rescued her from the wreckage of what she had seen her life becoming.
shaking her head as she realized that the dye bottle was empty, she rinsed it out before stowing the evidence in her jacket pocket and putting the cap back on the shampoo bottle before thrusting it back into fernando's shower.
"come on, piastri." she grinned, taking her drink back from the academy driver. "let's get out of here. all we can do now is wait for the old man to have a shower, and then nico is going to have to give in and declare us the winners."
they got their answer three hours later.
y/n was walking through the paddock with jamie chadwick and jessica hawkins, twirling her paddock pass between her fingers as she made small talk with the girls she considered to be her best friends.
"so, y/n . . . " jess started, the pom pom on her signature beanie hat bouncing as the brit walked. "are you finally going to tell oscar?"
"nope." she answered. too fast, always too fast when it came to feelings. too quick to catch them, even quicker to deny them. especially when they concerned the boy at the center of every f1 news story in the last two weeks, ever since he had announced he would not be signing with alpine, but in fact would be ousting daniel ricciardo from mclaren. "never. no feelings whatsoever."
"aw, jess, look at her face go all red." jamie laughed, nudging y/n's side. "she's definitley in love with piastri."
"um, go fuck yourselves. both of you." she laughed, trying to hide how flustered she was. she had been waiting all day for fernando to come running out of hospitality, cussing her out in spanish at the top of his lungs. "the way my life is going, i might not even be around the paddock next year. i've actually started looking into testing for formula e, maybe i can become a reserve driver or something there. mclaren will need people."
"vasseur finally sick of seeing your face in his garage?" jess replied sadly. "i'm sorry, love. freddie just has a stick up his ass and someone needs to yank it out. with force."
the girls laughed, arms around shoulder's as they kept walking down the paddock. y/n froze, reaching for jess and jamie's arms, trying to get them to slow down before they walked past the alpine suite. jack and oscar were sitting on the patio with liam and dennis, waiting to see the fruits of their labour.
"who did this?! which pendejo is responsible!?"
"jesus fucking christ." jess groaned. "please tell me that you didn't."
on y/n's other side, jamie extended her hand for a low high five. "so that's what the dye was for." she laughed as the front door to alpine hospitality swung open, a furious fernando alonso standing on the front steps.
his hair was still soaking wet, but it was clear to everybody in a five mile radius that his hair was now a very vivid cherry red. the pure look of rage on the spaniard's face should have been enough to send a shockwave of terror through her body.
instead, it just made her feel alive.
at the patio table, the four boys had collapsed in laughter. jack had his head buried in his hands while liam had his phone out to videotape the entire encounter.
"did you cabrons do this?" fernando roared. "as if what you've done to the sanctity of this team wasn't enough!"
"oscar, run!" she could hear dennis hauger shout through his fit of laughter.
oscar stayed put, laughing to himself as he looked over at y/n.
and when he winked at her, she thought her legs would buckle, the butterflies spreading through her stomach so rapidly that she thought she might be sick.
she had been past the point of denying her feelings to herself a long long time ago, and now the aussie had a permanent place in her dreams, in both horny and wholesome ways. her fingers had become quite acquainted with the motions they robotically performed whenever oscar piastri appeared in her late-night fantasies.
"oi fernando!" she shouted, throwing her middle finger up in the air, ignoring all the patrons and crew members who were gawking at the alpine driver. "that's for sending me into the barriers, you old cunt!"
when fernando turned back to her, jessica grabbed her hand, and in a fit of laughter the three girls took off down the paddock to the aston martin garage.
nico hulkenberg had decided to award ten points for that stunt.
he had given himself eight points for the darth vader microphone trick.
the war would continue for weeks upon weeks, only stopping for the summer break. jessica and y/n had teamed up with liam to cover lawrence stroll's desk in plastic wrap, rendering it unusable and relishing in watching the multi-millionaire throw a fit when he couldn't figure out how to get the plastic wrap off his ikea desk. ( worth eight points. )
robert schwartzman and antonio giovinazzi had countered that by gluing clown wigs to the headphones used by the ferrari pit wall. to this day, mattia still didn't know who was responsible. ( worth five points. ferrari were already enough of a joke as is. )
and suddenly they were in sao paolo, and the season was almost over. begrudgingly, hulkenberg had relented and crowned the younger group the winners.
y/n had hefted the large lego trophy with a proud look on her face, standing in the center of oscar piastri's king-sized hotel bed while the other reserve drivers clapped for her from the floor.
they had gathered together for one last hurrah, a night without pranks or fighting or superiority complexes. a night to celebrate: logan, nyck, oscar and nico were all being promoted.
and y/n had news of her own that she planned to announce after the season ended in abu dhabi: she would be leaving f1 to go to formula e and act as the reserve and development driver for avalanche andretti now that she knew for certain that vasseur would not be renewing her alfa contract for another year.
jamie would be leaving for indy nxt, and liam for japanese super formula. it was truly their last night all together, their last night of things being the way that they used to be.
"i think we need to end this season properly." pietro insisted, reaching for the bottle of ferrari trento that was in the middle of the circle where they were all sitting. "it's our last season together, so forgive me for growing attached to you motherfuckers."
with news of nico returning to grid with his new place at haas, he had been quick to hand the reins of the prank war to his young apprentice. pietro fittipaldi intended to take his job very seriously, and was already dividing the teams for the 2023 season.
"psst, i'll still be around." y/n said, hopping down from the bed. "someone's gotta keep piastri in check. and who else is going to remind you all just how fuckable your bosses are."
"ugh, never say those words again, i beg you!" antonio begged. "if i ever hear you talk about 'daddy mattia' again, i swear i will put a laxative in your drink, just like i did to steiner."
the laxative stunt had won giovinazzi eight points, but at what cost? guenther had been pissed off for the rest of the weekend, and there had been a smell lingering around the haas motorhome despite f1's best efforts at cleaning it up.
y/n just laughed, holding out her plastic solo cup. "hit me, fittipaldi. i want as much champagne as can fit in this glass."
pietro shook his head, but abided the testing driver's request, filling the solo cup up to the line.
"what do you say that we make this night a little more interesting?" jack doohan proposed, looking over at oscar and y/n out of the corner of his eye.
the two young adults were sitting directly next to each other, their knees touching through their jeans. and then jack suddenly had the best worst idea ever.
he turned to liam, lowering his voice and whispering something into the kiwi's ear before they both burst out into sly grins.
"oi, fitti, how much champagne is left in that bottle?"
pietro frowned, looking at the green glass bottle in his hands. "like, a third. why?"
"just drink it so we can use the bottle." liam suggested, offering up his own solo cup. "pour the rest of it in here."
"nope." robert schwartzman cut in. "liam, i refuse to deal with your drunk ass again. that can be somebody else's problem today."
as pietro passed off the bottle, nico met liam's shit eating grin. still chuckling to himself, the red bull junior nodded in the direction of oscar and y/n, who were signing the nineties song blasting from pietro's phone in a very tipsy, our of key way. but somehow, they were perfectly in tune with each other, even if their rendition of 'hot in herre' didn't match up with one nelly was singing on the other end of the phone speaker.
nico's eyes widened as he watched jack set up the bottle in the middle of the circle.
they were going to play spin the bottle, but with the number of men outweighing the number of women, it was a set up for chaos. but even more than that, it was supposed to be a way to get two very specific lovesick idiots to finally admit how they felt about each other.
"who's ready for spin the bottle?!" liam shouted, being met with cheers from some of the other guys. guys who just wanted to see something really stupid that they could use as blackmail material.
but nobody missed how oscar and y/n instinctually moved away from each other as pietro shut the music off, a dusting pink on their cheeks as y/n moved to put jamie in between her and oscar.
"aren't we a little old for this?" stoffel vandoorne sighed. "we are grown ass adults."
liam shrugged. "you don't have to play if you don't want to."
"and let you jackasses have all the fun?"
"i say trophy bearer over there goes first." jack proposed, pointing at y/n.
nobody missed the way that her eyes flicked to oscar, nerves settling in her stomach. it was fine, she told herself. there was no way that the bottle would land on oscar. and next year, she'd be in a different paddock and her heart could cool down from all the ways that the aussie used to make it race.
taking a deep breath, she leaned forward to spin the empty trento bottle, nails scraping against the label. she closed her eyes, sitting back on her heels and crossing her fingers behind her back that god would be on her side.
hoping and praying that it wouldn't land on oscar.
and because her eyes were still closed, she didn't have a chance to watch jack nudge his foot into the circle, stilling the bottle's movements so that it landed on oscar piastri.
oscar's face flushed pink as he leaned back against the bed. next to him, liam and jack cheered, as did nico from the other side of the circle.
"oscar and y/n!" the german cheered. "now where's the closet? we're playing full seven minutes in heaven, out here we'll set the timer. you kids have fun." nico winked
trying not to make eye contact with each other, oscar and y/n got to their feet, slowly walking over to the closet like they had been sentenced to the gallows.
"ladies first." oscar coughed out, sliding the mirrored door open and allowing y/n to slip inside the confined space. the future mclaren driver followed her inside.
they stood less than two feet apart, breaths heavy.
"we don't have to do this if you don't want to." oscar said quietly. "nico is a jackass. we can just stand here and talk for seven minutes."
"oscar," she cut him off. "i need to tell you something." the time for being a coward was over. she wasn't going to be here next year. if oscar didn't feel the same, at least she wouldn't have to deal with seeing his stupid, pretty face every day. "i'm not coming back next year. vasseur told me that management is changing, and that the new guy isn't likely to keep me around if i'm never going to drive competitively again. i'm going to andretti, oscar. i'm going to be a formula e reserve in 2023."
"what? what do you mean you went to andretti?" oscar's voice was faint as he stared at her, his eyes slowly moving from her plump, pink lips, down to her tiny black garage top, the lace of her bralette peeking through the deep-cut collar, her cleavage on perfect display.
if he was ever going to do something with his feelings, now would be the time.
but y/n didn't even give him the chance, pressing up on her toes to smash her lips to oscar's, his hands flying to her waist. it was a searing kiss, all teeth and tongue as oscar pushed her back against the wall.
sometimes, a kiss could say more than words.
she moaned as oscar's hands squeezed her thighs through her army green flare pants, the aussie taking that moment to gently slip his tongue in between her lips. her fingers carded at his hair, gently pulling a small handful, eliciting a growl from the driver's throat before he changed his area of focus, hungrily kissing her neck.
y/n gasped at the feeling, a sensation made double as oscar's cold hands touched her skin, teasing the bottom of her shirt, running over her toned stomach.
"oscar." she whined, feeling a familiar ache in between her thighs. in the back her mind, she wondered if they were nearing the end of their seven minutes.
or if nico had even bothered to count.
they got their answer when a harsh knock on the closet door startled oscar so much that he tripped on his own feet, falling to the carpeted floor.
"time's up, kiddos!" stoffel shouted from the other side. "make yourselves decent and then get your asses back out here."
getting decent would be difficult: her hair was a mess, a hickey already forming on the side of her neck, and there was definitely a bulge in oscar's jeans that wasn't there when the duo entered the closet.
"fuck." she mumbled, resting her head against the wall. "what do we do?"
"it's my room." oscar reminded. "i can just kick them out, and we can finish what we started."
"good plan." y/n agreed, throwing the closet door open.
the pair stumbled out, and oscar found himself tugging the tails of his button up shirt over his crotch, hoping that nobody could tell how massively turned on he was.
"everybody out!" he shouted. "this night has been incredible, but i'm very tired and have things to do in the morning." he lied blatantly, dragging dennis and jack to their feet.
logan gave him a very confused look. "the fuck? tomorrow is race day? they don't need any of us."
"logan." jamie said gently "read the room."
it took the american a minute as the rest of the reserve drivers groaned, abandoning their night of champagne and debauchery. or at least, relocating it from oscar's room. but when the pieces clicked in his mind, his eyes went wide. "what the fuck? you're kicking us out so you can fuck, aren't you?"
"ew!" robert shouted. "god, you guys are terrible!"
jack and liam just winked at each other as they slipped into the hallway, thankful that their plan had worked, and that the two would finally stop being idiots around each other.
"yes, now get the fuck out unless you want to watch." y/n concluded, kicking theo pourchaire in the back to try and get him to stand up.
"wait, live porn is an option? i'll hide in the closet, i swear you won't even know that i'm there!" pietro shouted, half joking and half not as oscar pushed him through the doorframe.
"out!" oscar shouted again, holding the door open as all of the drivers walked out in single file.
"call us in the morning and tell us all about it, love." jessica winked at y/n as she and jamie followed stoffel out.
"oh of course." y/n agreed. "see you all in the morning. or not!" she shouted down the hallway before oscar closed and locked the door.
they stood toe to toe, soft smiles on their faces.
"hi, lover." she said softly, eyes on his lips.
"hi." he said, just as soft as he pressed his lips to hers. "no, where were we?"
"well, i think you were about to do this." she hummed, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping it to the ground.
oscar's eyes darkened at the sight. the lacy black bralette was even better now that he could see all of it, the halter strap sweeping up around the back of neck. as she spun around, he could see the thin strap draping low down on her back.
"god, you're beautiful." he rasped.
she wasn't prepared for how deep his voice was going to get, but it thrilled her to no end, knowing that she'd had that effect on oscar this entire time.
"you know what makes it even better?" she lowered her voice, pretending to be distracted as she started to undo the buttons on oscar's shirt. "i'm wearing a matching thong."
"bed, now." oscar insisted, sweeping her off her feet.
it was going to be a looong night.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
christmas on the road // george russell
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summary: all george wants for christmas is to get home to his wife and his son. unbeknownst to him, his wife has a little surprise in the from of two pink lines that's about to make his christmas that much sweeter.
pairing: george russell x wife! reader
warnings: pregnancy. other than that, just fluffy dad! george. his son's name is hudson charles russell :)
king's lynn, norfolk. december 24th, 11:55 PM.
the soft lights of the christmas tree were the only lights on in the room as y/n russell sat curled up on the large couch, watching the clock tick as she ran her fingers through her son's fine hair.
hudson russell had insisted on waiting up for his father, but traffic out of brackley had been terrible, and though george had left four hours earlier, he still wasn't back yet. it was a hell of a commute to make, but george was lucky enough that most of his work could be done remotely when required. hudson had fallen asleep two hours ago, his little head resting in his mother's lap.
he was looking more and more like george every single day.
she still remembered the day that she found out she was pregnant. she had been so scared to tell george. they were so young, and he was still has something to prove. his second season at williams, his first with a new teammate. the weight of the world was on his shoulders, and she hadn't wanted to add to that.
it had been a tough race. george had ignored everybody when he got back to the garage, including his girlfriend. she'd tried so hard to stop herself from crying as she watched his driver's room door click shut.
fuck the pregnancy hormones.
"georgie?" she'd asked softly, gently knocking on the door. "can i come in, love? i need to talk to you, and i want to know that you're okay."
the door creaked open slowly. george was sitting on the massage table with his head in his hands. "i can't do this any more, y/n. i can't hang around at the back of the pack, driving in circles all on my own. i'd rather admit defeat."
it hurt her to see him like this. she took a seat next to him, looking at the windowless white room that he'd somehow managed to make feel like his own for the weekend. "george, you can't give up just yet. it's been a rough few years, i know. but we need you."
"we?" there was confusion in his voice as he turned to look at her. "honey, what do you mean 'we'?"
"george, i'm pregnant."
time seemed to stop as george just stared at her. "you're what? but how? we were so safe."
"sometimes, things just happen, george. i don't know. but i do know that this baby wouldn't want their father to give up right now."
george turned around, taking her hands in his. she was starting to cry, and he hated that he knew he was about to make things worse, even though he didn't want to. "baby, i love you so much, and i need you to know that, because i need some time to myself to process this, and i don't want to say anything i might regret. but i need you to know, you and this baby, to know that you're so loved."
nine months later, hudson charles russell was born, and george had come straight from the racetrack to the hospital, leaving nyck de vries to run the qualifying session, sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair, race suit around his waist as he held his son to his bare chest, trying his best not to cry.
they'd gotten married a year later. george had walked down the aisle holding hudson's hand, and charles had hudson on his shoulders for the entire ceremony.
and now, a small box covered in sparkling wrapping paper was waiting under the christmas tree. something that would change her life again, in the best way.
the door opened behind her, and she found herself waiting for george's traditional 'honey, i'm home' shout before she remembered that her husband probably assumed that both she and hudson were asleep.
"in the living room, hon!" she tried to shout it as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake the sleeping toddler in her lap.
george russell couldn't stop the smile on his face when he saw his wife on the couch, wrapped in her fluffy bathrobe, hair thrown up in a messy bun. and he smiled even wider when he saw his little boy curled up at his mother's side.
"hi, honey." george smiled, leaning in to kiss y/n. "why is hudson still up?"
"he just wanted to see his dad." she smiled, brushing a small strand of dirty blonde hair out of hudson's face. "do you want to tuck him in?"
y/n moved to stand up, hudson in her arms, when george stopped her. "i've got him, darling." george was quiet and careful, doing his best not to wake the small child in his arms. hudson stirred, wrapping his small, pudgy fingers around george's thumb.
it was still little moments like that that made the mercedes driver's heart swell. it was a feeling even better than his win in brazil the year prior. (lando had teased him relentlessly for mentioning hudson and y/n in his podium speech.)
y/n followed her husband upstairs, her heart filled with love as she watched george kiss his son on the top of the head. before she went up the first step, she ran back to the christmas tree.
the clock read 12:06.
it was officially christmas morning.
the grabbed the small box, slipping it into the pocket of her bathrobe before she turned back towards the staircase, tiptoeing over to hudson's room.
the little boy was lying in the middle of his racecar bed, a custom-built replica of his father's old williams f1 car. the soft blue sheets were pulled up over the two-year old's small body. george was laying next to hudson, comfortingly resting his hand on the toddler's back.
y/n watched from the doorway, wondering how she had gotten so lucky to have found george william russell. and how the two of them were about to get even luckier.
at the sight of his wife standing in the doorway, george sat up, pressing a quick kiss to his son's temple before he slowly got up from the bed, crossing the room and closing the door behind him.
"merry christmas, love." he smiled, pulling his wife in for a deep kiss on the lips.
"since it's already christmas morning, i have something for you." y/n beamed, passing her husband the box. "go on, open it, you muppet."
george laughed, still standing in front of hudson's bedroom door as he pulled at the wrapping paper. it was an old box from swarovski, and the driver gave it a confused glance before y/n whispered to open it.
he carefully opened the end of the box, his face scrunched up in even more confusion before the white plastic stick fell out of the open end, into his palm. he turned it over, his eyes opening widely as he saw the two pink lines.
"you're pregnant? we're having another one?" his shock gavev way to excitement, his grin splitting his features as he beamed at his wife. "i'm going to be a father again!"
"that's a much better reaction than last time." y/n laughed, wrapping her arms around the love of her life before she kissed him. "we're having another baby, darling."
"i love you so much." george whispered, on the verge of tears as he kissed the top of his wife's head. "merry christmas, y/n."
"i love you more, george william russell. merry christmas."
Tags: @magnummagnussen @daydreamingleclerc @flannel-cures @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @diorleclerc
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
monza is for believers // nyck de vries
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summary: nyck gets his f1 debut, and y/n is there to watch his dreams come true. after the race is over, he makes a decision that will alter the course of their friendship forever.
pairing: nyck de vries x female reader (friends to lovers!)
warnings: monza 2022 ( don’t worry the curse will get him next year !! ) and indications of sex. mentions of health issues & chronic illness (iron deficiency anemia)and brief mention of pregnancy (like it’s barely there)
authors note: if I was latifi and just got my ass handed to me by the other nyck, I’d quit then and there 😭. i still dont believe that this man doesnt have a seat for next year.
saturday - qualifying
“nyck, this is incredible, honestly. you really didn’t have to do this.”
y/n y/l/n was pure awe as she stepped out of the mercedes, looking around at the italian track. this was monza, the temple of speed.
obviously it wasn’t her first time at a track. she’s been to zaandvort before, in the grandstands. but she’d never watched from the pit lane before, much less the mercedes amg hospitality suite.
“of course i did! your mom called and told me you needed a break.” nyck laughed, throwing an arm around y/n’s shoulders
she rolled her eyes. “you’re insufferable today, de vries.”
they’d known each other for over ten years. once up a time, y/n had wanted to give karting a shot, fascinated by all things fast and car related. of course, a few seasons later she was frustrated and ready to throw in the towel. she had only ever won one race, and lacked the self confidence to keep going.
but her coach adored her and wanted to keep her around, so he started training her in different aspects of the team: managment, stewarding, mechanics. anything that he could think of to keep y/n somehow connected to the sport.
and now she worked in the manufacturing department for porsche: engineering and repairs and anything else mechanically inclined that people were needed for.
“god, I missed the racetrack. like, marrakech and new york were incredible, but there was no roar of engines, no smell of gasoline.”
nyck chuckled as he swiped his pass at the paddock entry gates. “the burning rubber is still there.”
“still not real racing. not the way that we were taught.”
“shut up. I’m not the one that quit.”
“you weren’t a backmarker.”
“my mom thought you were really good.”
y/n rolled her eyes, pulling her sunglasses over her eyes as nyck stopped for autographs and photos. “she’s your mother, she had to support us both.”
“she loves you.”
“and don’t I know it.”
they walked together through the mercedes hospitality suite, getting hot drinks before settling in at a seat near the window. the sun was streaming through the windows, reflecting off the softness of nycks skin, the familiar pang in her stomach that reminded her they couldn’t be anything more than friends.
it was the lifestyle he lead, a relationship would never work for him: the long nights, weekends away, camera always trained on him wherever he went.
and as much as it hurt, she needed to accept that she and nyck could never be more than what they were. more than friends.
“nyck!” a thick voice shouted out from across the suite as toto wolff came striding across the small cafe area
“hey, toto.” nyck flushed, waving at the team principal. “this is y/n, I don’t know if susies told you about her? she and I used to go karting together years and years ago.”
y/n went pink, slapping at nycks arm. “I went the technical route. I help build engines for porsche in amsterdam.”
toto laughed. “so you’re the smart one in the relationship than?”
they both flushed pink, nyck and y/n talking over each other to try and refute the team principals assumption.
“we’re just friends. nycks invited my family to a few e-prix but it’s not like I go everywhere with him.”
“hey, nyck, I know that you were with aston yesterday and hoped you’d be able to watch from mercedes this weekend, but alexander albon is is the hospital, he has appendicitis.”
nycks jaw fell wide open. y/n reached across the table to put a hand on his arm, her magenta nail polish contrasting his tan skin. “nyck, go. I’ll meet you in the garage after I call your parents and make sure they’re watching.”
nyck nodded, grabbing his jacket and taking off across the hospitality suite while y/n grabbed for her phone, searching for mrs. de vries’ number. she got up from the wooden chair, grabbed her backpack and moved to follow nyck before toto stopped her.
“susie told me about your crush on him. neither of you are getting any younger. tell him before it’s too late.”
“for optimized performance, you need to send him out on the mid compound tyre, it will last longer so you have a better chance to get quicker laps, since you’ll be able to stay out for more. based on weather patterns, we should als be starting with them tomorrow when the race begins-“
“you realize we have proper engineers for this, right miss y/l/n?” jost capito asked gently, passing y/n a pair of headphones.
y/n rolled her eyes, taking the soundproof headphones and slipping them around her neck. “just trying to be helpful. that’s my childhood best friend you’re sending out there.”
��she builds engines for a living, jost.” nyck pointed out as he got suited up in his williams fireproofs. “she also did like, four seasons of karting as a driver before our coach started training her in he behind the scenes. maybe she’s worth listening to.”
nyck never understood why someone as smart as y/n still hung around him all the time. sure, he was talented and famous, but nowhere near as brilliant as she was. she could have gone places, but instead she worked on the assembly line at porsche.
but y/n was always smiling, because it was something she was good at, something she enjoyed. she was happy slaving away and working to build something with her hands rather than sitting behind a desk looking pretty.
she wouldn’t have survived a day in the office: the hem of her white embroidered camisole tied so far up on her chest that one could see the royal blue lace on her bralette, the piercings crawling up her ear, her curly hair pinned up in a messy bun and the skin-tight jeans that made her ass look so good that it gave the dutch boy a hard on if he stared at her for longer than a minute.
and that damn tattoo. the three small dragons that trailed from the top of her jeans and up the side of her stomach, the small glittery stomach piercing in the middle.
basically the opposite of what an f1 wag was supposed to look like.
nyck wasn’t sure when he had started falling in love. and it hurt to know that he could never hold her like he wanted to, kiss her like he wanted to, make love to her like she deserved.
he wanted to blame it on his job, but the fact of the matter was that he was a coward scared to face his feelings for the one woman who had been by his side throughout everything.
“hey, nyck?”
the cold metal of the rings that she wore was pressed against his skin, making him suck in a breath.
“be careful out there, okay? I know you’ll play it safe, you always do, but come back to me in one piece, okay?”
nyck nodded, clutching her hands in his. “I promise.”
“pinky promise?”
y/n smiled, extending her pinky finger. “promise.”
every nerve in her body was on edge as she watched him walk towards that car, slowly backing away from the garage so that the drivers could get ready for fp3.
“you’re not exactly convincing me that you’re just childhood best friends.”
nicholas latifis voice made the reserve drive jump as he was trying to pull his balaclava over his head.
“what’s it to you?” nyck said coldly, staring at the canadian.
nicholas shrugged. “I just see two people who are madly in love with each other and too afraid to admit it.
sunday - race day
ah, race day. y/n loved everything about it.
it was cold in monza as she walked with nyck to the williams hospitality suite, clouds hanging low in the air.
“you need med-“
the driver laughed, finishing the sentence for her. “medium compound tyres, I know. and god knows jost does too, you’ve ingrained it in his mind after yesterday.”
because of the cold, the top that she wore was more conservative today, only one of the three dragons on her stomach visible. but this tank top showed off more of her cleavage, and it was all nyck could do not to stare in wonder at y/n’s double-d’s, a little bit of dark brown lace visible from the bra.
the previous night hadn’t been the first night that nyck had to touch himself in the shower to get her off his mind and it probably wouldn’t be the last. he loved everything about her so much that it hurt.
“hey, you’re going to do great out there, nyck.” y/n said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. nyck reached up to place one of his hands on her arm, wishing that she wasn’t wearing her plaid flannel, that way he could find comfort in her soft skin. “you’re starting p8, you can do this, that’s a good place to be.”
“y/n, I’ll be okay, just a little nervous.”
he could tell that she didn’t believe him.
and then she did something really stupid.
y/n curled her fingers into the collar of his williams polo, pulling him towards her as she pressed her lips to his. after a moment of shock, nyck fell into the kiss, his hands coming to hold her hips as their lips moved in perfect harmony with each other, a low moan emanating from the dutchmans throat before y/n pulled away.
“wow.” she said simply, nyck echoing her thoughts, or lack thereof.
“now do you see why I need you to come back to me in one piece?”
nyck exhaled. "listen, y/n, this is a can of worms that I really can't afford to open when i'm about to get in a car going three-hundred miles per hour. but i promise we'll talk about this as soon as i come back, okay? because i have a lot that i really need to tell you."
y/n swallowed the lump in her throat, fighting off tears as she just simply said: "stay safe out there, de vries. remember: medium tyres."
nyck smiled, pained at the thought that he might be causing y/n more emotional pain. but he knew that if he said what she wanted to hear, what he needed to say, he wouldn't make it out onto the racetrack in time.
"medium tyres, got it." he squeezed her hand, ready to walk away before changing his mind at the last second, turning back on his heel to press another kiss to y/n's lips before taking off to go put his fireproofs on.
it hurt her to watch him go, but she had to remember that he also kissed her and she hung on to the hope that what he had to say wasn't going to break her heart in the end.
because she didn't think that she could handle it if it did.
"that's p8 nyck, p8. magnificent job, kid!"
"hey nyck, it's y/n. i'm proud of you, dumbass."
despite himself, nyck laughed. "have you been backseat strategizing this entire time?"
"what, of course not." y/n joked sarcastically. "i might have gaslit jost into offering me a job as race engineer."
"god help us all." nyck chuckled. "can we talk after i've gotten weighed? i'm not mad about what happened earlier, i swear to you, but i have something i need to tell you."
any unease or worry left in y/n's soul evaporated when she saw nyck walking back towards the williams garage, fluffy hair ruffled and matted from the balaclava, helmet in his hand as he opened his arms to engulf y/n in a tight hug, bodies pressed together, fingrs digging into fabric.
"you did it, de vries."
"i'm in love with you." he hadn't meant to start his grand speech like that, the words just slipping out. "and i have been since we were sixteen years old. when you stopped karting, it stung because i wasn't sure if i was ever going to see you again. so when i saw you at the track a few weeks later, learning how to fix an engine, i thought it was a miracle, a sign. but i was too much of a coward to tell you sooner."
"i'm not the kind of girl that guys like you go out with." y/n confessed. "even going to the e-prix i realized that i never fit the mould of what a racing wife was supposed to be like. and when you got into f2 and started travelling a lot, even though you brought me with you as often as you could while i was still in school, i felt lonely and i knew i couldn't put myself through that, that we would never work. even when i was with you, i always felt out of place. i don't look like those other girls with their fancy clothes and their toned stomachs and their modelling careers."
"I'm going to stop you right there, y/n. i'm in love with you. not those other girls, you. tattoos, piercings and assembly-line job and all. and we can make this travel thing work, i promise. but i don't want to spend another day pretending that i don't want to hold you in my arms and kiss every inch of your skin."
“kiss me, nyck.”
nobody needed to tell him twice.
the garage burst out into cheers as they embraced, her lips soft against his. nyck tasted like sweat, but y/n tasted like peppermint from the chap stick she was wearing, the taste of dark chocolate still on her tongue. she cradled his face in her hands, his arms tightening their hold around her waist. one of the engineers ran up to nyck and took his helmet from him so he could hold y/n with both hands, both parties giggling into the kiss, wide smiles on their faces when they finally split apart.
"are you saying that we could have been doing that for eleven years by now?"
nyck lowered his voice, raising an eyebrow in an attempt to be sexy. "then i guess we'd better make up for lost time."
the hotel room window was open, a soft breeze causing the sheer curtains to billow in the wind. clothes were scattered all over the wooden floor: plaid flannel shirt crumpled by the front door, a polo shirt and jeans thrown over the arm chair, tank top draped over the television. nyck and y/n were on the bed, basking in each other's company now that they finally had each other.
the rest of the hotel floor were probably glad that the two were finally finished moaning each other's names at the top of their lungs. it had been a long hour and a half for the people in the rooms on either side.
y/n was wearing one of nycks shirts, bunched up under her breasts to show off her tattoos, the ones that nyck found utterly fascinating as he traced the path that the dragons took from the hem of her calvins and up over her navel with his fingertips.
“why dragons? I’ve always been curious.”
“do you remember when I quit karting?” she paused, waiting for nyck to nod. “it wasnt just because I wasn’t confident in myself any more. that was also the year that I got my diagnosis.”
nyck didn’t mean to say it, it just slipped out: “shit.”
“I was still just a kid, and I was terrified. I couldn’t deal with things properly. the dizziness,the fatigue, shortness of breath. I think one of the hardest parts was learning that I could have problems during pregnancy if I ever decided to have kids. I was young and I was scared. hell, I’m twenty seven and still don’t have kids. I don’t even know if that’s something I want, I just know that I’ve spent too much time being scared. to the celtics, dragons meant courage, and to the chinese dragons represent good fortune. they were two things I thought I needed a bit more of.”
she had been diagnosed with an iron deficiency three months after her performance in karting began to seriously decline. she was holding down the midfield okay, still finishing races in the points, but out of nowhere, she couldn’t keep up with the middle of the pack anymore, she was finishing races out of breath and dizzy. when her period came around, she would just bleed and bleed and bleed, never letting up. that was the year she found out she’d need to spend the rest of her life on iron supplements.
she did some things she regretted that year, and some days she wondered if quitting karting was one of them. it was definitely one of the less irresponsible choices she made, she always wondered if she could have gotten better once she understood her body and her condition a bit better.
but at the same time, her condition had lead her to start fixing engines, which is what lead to her job at porsche.
what lead her back to nyck.
the dutchman took her hand in his. “whatever comes next, I promise you that we’ll get through it together, okay? if you do decide that you want kids, I’ll be right next to you through it all, okay?”
she nodded, tears threatening to fall. “I wouldn’t want them with anybody else but you.”
“I love you, nyck. there’s never been anybody else for me.”
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