#nubbins slaughter x reader
Sawyer/Slaughter Family Walks in on you changing!
Johnny Slaughter
-this cocky mf looks you up and down
-twice, slowly with a smirk
-chuckles, comes in and locks the door behind him
-“Need help with those, darlin’?”
-he would say and give you those daring, primal, lust filled eyes
-you’d probably have to push him out of the room 💀
Sissy Slaughter
-she would giggle at you and have a slight teasing grin
-“Wow sugar, you sure look nice!” She’d say, dragging out the “e”
-she’d take one last look at your embarrassed flushed out face before closing the door softly
Nubbins Sawyer
-“Hey Y-y/n l-ook at this roadkill I fo-“
-his eyes would grow wide
-he would quickly blush and look down
-“I-I’ll come ba-back later…”
-he would leave abruptly
-glad that you didn’t see the picture he took while you weren’t looking
Chop Top Sawyer
-“Whoa Whoa Whoa there y/n…”
-“You ain’t tell me you look like that.”
-he would give you an unblinking smug smile
-you point to the door, embarrassed and wanting him to leave
-he nods and proceeds to close the door behind him
-“Yer right babe, no one should see us fucki-“
-you push him out of the room 💀
Bubba Sawyer
-gives you wide eyes
-his eyes would never drop below your face
-squeals in apology and leaves with an embarrassed grunt
Drayton Sawyer
-“Y/n I need yer help in the kitch-“
-“Lord, there’s locks around here for a goddamn reason Y/n!”
-leaves with an angry door slam
Nancy Slaughter
-she looks you up and down
-makes some snarky remark that she
-later covers up as just caring about your health
-(she’s jealous as hell of you)
-“Are you eating enough?”
-“I’ll tell Dray to cut down your portions at dinner.”
-and leaves with a sweet, manipulative smile
-stfu up old lady
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creepling · 8 months
sawyer/slaughter family using captured!reader for sex
tags: dead dove - read at your own risk. smut - MDNI. gn!reader. all family seperate. bondage. rough sex. petplay. underwear sniffing. somnophilia. cannibalism-ment. aftercare (only with bubba).
harddom!johnny being your capturer but liking everyone having his way with you. his possessive attitude dampening over time and your novelty wearing off. leaving you chained in random parts of the house and going on with his day, coming back to see you exhausted, ready to have his turn with you. hanging you in his shack by the wrists, littering your body with bite marks, bonding your limbs with rope, using you like a glorified piece of meat. fucking your holes until their raw, amused by your moans mixed with screams. fucking you dumb until he undoes your restraints, making you crawl on your knees, and face fuck you until he blows his load over your face.
softdom!nubbins playing with your holes while you sleep, holding in his giggles as you squirm in your slumber, awed at your wetness under his touch. dry humping your leg until you wake up, basking in your surprise until you succumb to him. prying your legs open to enter his hard, meek dick. rutting into you like a desperate puppy, his moans sounding like sobs. praising your body, thanking you for letting you fuck him, pleading that he is not worthy of your body. but he never slows his pace, slamming his hips rapidly until he cums, careless on where his load lands; dripping on your leg pathetically.
femdom!sissy treating you like a little pet, playing with your hair and adorning a leash around your neck. using you as a foot stool while she lounges around the house, snapping her fingers when she wants your attention. pinning you to the floor and fucking your tongue, riding your face as you gasp for air. pulling at the lead when you disobey, demanding you to be a good little kitty/doggie and lick her cunt. when you're good for her, she lets you sleep with her and ride her thigh, mewling over your whimpers, pleasuring you when you're too fucked out to think. only letting you cum when you beg for her.
perv!drayton never laying a finger on you, but goes down to clean your cell, cursing at the mess you leave. wishing you were never here and degrading your existence. you're better off being their next meal, but now he don't wanna eat you now you're the family's cum dump. without you looking, he steals your underwear for his own possession. taking it back to his room, inhaling your scent, cursing his old age for not getting it up and letting him have pleasure. his body unresponsive, but his mind wild with thoughts about you.
scene-dom!bubba the one you have to anticipate the most, brace your frail, sore body for his manhandling. he tries to be gentle, bubbling concern noises at your winces of pain. stroking your face, but his heavy hand rough on your skin. wearing his pretty woman mask and wanting you to match, sloppily apply makeup to your face, red lipstick smudged along the corner of your mouth. he cheers at his masterpiece, ready to fuck his pretty little thing, sheepishly revealing his fat dick. the sight of it intimidating, his heavy build engulfing you, his large girth stretching you out. his thrusts slow but heavy, pummelling his whole length inside you, bubbling at the way you tense around him. he gets overstimulated from the pleasure, his moans frantic. he finishes inside you, cockwarming until he goes limb, letting you lay on his lap with his arms around you, not wanting to let you go just yet and milking all the time he has with his little play toy.
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simplyelviss · 10 months
Here's some pictures I took of johnny while playing him lol
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
Would Johnny and Nubbins feel jealous if someone watches or tries to flirt with their s / o?
I tried my best with both lol and I also tried to make sure they weren’t ooc.
He would not feel exactly jealous if someone was watching his significant other, but more “wtf *head tilt*”.
Given that he’s new to the dating thing, he’s not exactly sure how to handle certain aspects of a relationship.
He knows his s/o is spectacular to look at, but that’s his s/o, not theirs.
He would try to scare the person off by acting unhinged or making it known that you are his.
But if they persist with their watchful eye, he’s not letting them get away so easily.
He will lure them in and pluck their eyes out, watching with joy as they squirm in pain.
He gets rid of an annoying pest and feeds the family, it’s a win-win!
However, when it comes to others flirting with his s/o, he definitely gets jealous.
You are his, and his only! No one else will come in between that.
He becomes much more possessive and angry, not the spontaneous and hyper Nubbins you are used to.
Nubbins does not wait to kill them, he will immediately put hands on them with murderous intentions.
Nubbins remembers faces very well, so if he cannot do it in the moment, he will make sure they pay a price for their behavior.
Even if it means claiming you in front of their tied up body, he will do it.
Nubbins makes sure that they are good and dead. He doesn’t want to risk losing you, especially when you mean so much to him.
He knows it’s not your fault, so he’s sweet to you afterwards. He will revert back to his usual, bubbly self and make dark humored jokes about the body.
Overall is very silly after all is said and done.
Oh lord, you better start praying.
Johnny is extremely possessive of his s/o no matter what circumstances.
Given that, he has a lot of jealousy issues and gets jealous over little things.
Johnny’s had much more experience than Nubbins when it comes to dating, so if someone is watching you, he makes it VERY known you are claimed.
Whether it’s man-handling your ass, wrapping an arm around you tightly, or pulling you in for a kiss, he marks his territory and makes it very clear you are off the table.
But if they persist, he confronts them and he is real mean about it.
Will either get in a fist fight or if he’s on the Sawyer property, will kill them.
And if someone is flirting with his s/o, they are just begging for a death wish!
He is too pissed off to even make an effort to mark you, he will start beating the shit out of whoever is flirting with you.
Sometimes if he��s in a real fucked up mood, he will take them back to the house and torture them.
He will fuck you right in front of their tied up body and degrades both you and the flirtatious person.
Afterwards, he is still pissed off.
He will blame you for it, whether it’s the clothes you wore (not like you wear anything revealing when it’s Johnny controlling you), or he will accuse you of egging the person on.
Makes you feel real bad about it and will make you cry.
Does not apologize, he doesn’t say “sorry” ever.
If he feels bad after he calms down, he will get you your favorite snacks and spend some quality time doing what ever you like.
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gofuschia · 9 months
(fem reader, 18+ content)
Say hello to your new home. A six by nine makeshift cell in the pit of this backroad Texan household, nothing for company ‘cept a shit-bucket and a dirty old mattress you've a suspicion must’ve been pissed on once upon a time. Tug at those ropes all you want - they ain’t going nowhere, and neither are you.
Bet it’s sinking in, right about now, huh? Might as well get nice n’ comfy. You’re fixing to be here a while.
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lonleydweller · 3 months
If you could, could you write a little drabble or fic of a yandere nubbins chasing his darling who's trying to escape?
🥀Run, run, run piggy!🥀
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!warnings!: yandere trope, violence, murder, spoilers for tcm 1974, cannibalism mentioned, violence and injuries towards reader, sadism, failed escape attempt
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
The hot dry air of the texas summer was suffocating as you ran. The sun's golden morning rays breaking over the vast fields of sunflowers. It would have been such a pretty sight. Oh how it could have been such a pretty sight to enjoy with your friends. Shame you'd never get that opportunity now. Your lungs burned, your head pounded, your cuts stung as you hobbled along. You weren't even that far away from the house yet, in fact, you were still close enough to where you could hear the sound of clamoring footsteps on the porch behind you.
You don't know why, but you turned your head a brief moment to see. Even when you knew who it was. You don't even haft to look for more than two seconds to recognize the lanky, greasy, feral thing of a man chasing you. Your body answers your plea of flight to the best of its ability. Pushing past the pain and hobbling just a bit faster. You can hear his voice crystal clear stammering behind you.
"H- hey! W- where do you think yer gettin t-to?"
He wasn't far behind. You can hear his footsteps quickly catching up to yours. You had learned early on, during your first few attemps of escape, that he was quick. Nimble too. Any crawl space you could squeeze yourself through, he could damn well weasel his way into too. A never ending game of hunter and prey.
You can hear his stiffled giggles and squeals of excitement even over the thunderous sound of footfall. You had pushed your luck hadn't you? So desperate for escape. So desperate to be free of the stench of rotting meat, decaying bodies, dirt, grime, blood, all of it. Foul. A home built on people's bones and skin. Never able to return to their own. Nothing more than pigs lead to slaughter.
It didn't help that they even tasted like pork too. The taste had flooded your mouth when he forced you to eat the disgusting meals his brother had prepared. Shoving the vile concoctions down your throat. One night head cheese. The next chili. The next steak. Not a single bit of animal meat present. God. Why couldn't they have just killed you too. Why couldn't you have just been turned into a stew like the rest.
Instead you have to suffer a monsters sick delusion of what he thought love was. It wasn't of course, it never would be. It was torture. Of wich you were quickly reminded of as his blade made contact with your back. Tearing through your shirt and at your skin with ease. You cry out in pain, the only sound you could muster anymore. He had gained on you so quickly, and you were only growing slower.
One, two, three, more painful cuts land on your back as he makes animalistic noises of excitement. His hands feverishly grabbing at your shirt, desperate to snacth you up once more. You're barely able to put up a fight as you desperately try to pull and writhe away with what little strength you have left.
"I gotchu! I gotchu, I gotchu, I...gocthu!"
Pure glee taints his voice. He knows he's won. You do too. Even then you still flail and struggle as he wrangles you to the ground, up until you can taste the dirt road beneath you as your face is smushed against the ground. You can can feel him shift above you, quickly followed by a sweeping pain in your legs. A familiar burning feeling as he relentlessly slashes at them. It feels like forever before he finally stops with a shakey laugh.
"T- there! You can't g- get nowhere if your legs don't work c-can ya?"
You can hear him taunt. 'Pffbt! Pffbt!', the sound of him blowing raspberries like an obnoxious child only adds insult to your many, many, injuries. It was a game to him. It all was. One he won everytime. No matter how hard you tried. You can feel his arms slink around you as he hauls you to your feet. Well partially anyways, you're more at a slouch as he starts to drag you back towards the farmhouse.
You don't bother to struggle anymore. You simply can't. You can't even walk now with the condition you're in. Still he held the cold steel of his hunting knife against your neck, just to make sure. In just a couple minutes you'd be trapped inside the house again. In worse condition than before. You hadn't even gotten that far away from the house. Even if you did, where would you go? There was nothing for miles. No help for miles. No hope for miles.
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melodrama-ticcc · 9 months
abstract: bubba never learned the importance of acts of kindness and simple gestures. your new role in the family has begun to change that.
warnings: reader and bubba are platonic. brother/sister relationship, fluff and pure wholesomeness, brief mention of killing, i didn’t proofread because i am very lazy, sorry heheh.
solace is found in the tranquility of the bright, cheery sunflowers. their golden tincture and lofty height making them as warm and inviting as the summer sun. rays of sunshine emitting from their dark centers. their triumphant stocks grow thick and long, hairy spines catching the light of the midday sun above. their heads look to the sky as if to admire the faultless beauty in its cerulean colors and heavy heat of the dazzling star above them. leaves droop in a careless fashion, gifting some shade to the creatures below. it’s pretty, the way they shift and dance gently in the warm breeze that falters. only to return every so often with another soft gust.
they’re all-seeing, observers of all in a never ending spectacle. perhaps that is the reason they brought fourth the idea of contentment and peace. for they bare no judgement. complacent in their nature and the symbol of joy and happiness.
the sunflower fields were perhaps the only place on the homestead untouched by the wretched atrocities committed by this bloodlust family. less the human matter that compromised the soil’s fertilizer should be considered in that regard. but, what was unbeknownst to her wouldn’t bare her any harm.
the flowers come in varying lengths and sizes. some stemming to be taller than her, others rise just above her hip line, some greet her at eye level, and the smallest of them all barely reach the knees. the sun peaks through the foliage to glisten over the high points of the girl’s features. shining brilliantly against the bridge of her nose as she winces against the warmth of the texas sun. a soft smile befalls her chapped lips as she feels the warmth tickle against the skin of her face, down the length of her neck and glimmering prettily over her exposed collarbones. reaching upwards, she can just barely grasp the soft rays of the flowers. rubbing the velvety petals between the pads of her fingers delicately. they’re warm with the day’s sun. flashing in the golden colors of the heat from above. it’s pleasant and peaceful, euphoric in a way one might not expect to experience in a place like this. it is strange to find such a beautiful and inviting thing.
bubba never fully understood the value and importance of gentle gestures and tenderness. but perhaps, this was on account of how he’d been raised by his immoral and detached elder brothers. he found it difficult to express such elaborate displays of affection, strange to be benevolent and careful with others. the only time he’d ever experienced such was with grandpa, but that was on account of his disability and frailness. in other words, bubba hadn’t seen him as a threat.
for he feared more than he could bear to be sweet and soft. he feared more than he felt safe. the constant come and go of strangers had put him in a constant state of uncertainty and terror, a constant looming of paranoias. for he killed of fear, not malice. this young woman was no exception.
bubba watched as her arm twirled gracefully in the sunlight. cautiously from a short distance in that same sunflower field. often times he sought the advice and comfort of the flowers and their wisdom. frolicked in their own carefree and pleasant ways. it has been amongst the only times he would find peace of mind. an escape from the influx of insults and violence hurled his way by the family. a place where someone like him could truly be gleeful.
he watches as she reaches for the fragile flowers closer towards the ground. spinning it between her slender fingers as she brings the bud up to her nose. a quiet sniff, and a gentle smile. intrigued, he mimics her actions. carefully bending over to pluck a small sunflower from the soil, sitting back up, and bringing the head of the flower to his nose to smell for himself.
the smell of the earth fills bubba’s nostrils. the faintest hint of sweetness invading the warm smell. it’s soft and sweet, yet strikes him unexpectedly. he sniffles, not before dropping the flower as he sneezes. his foot moving to step on the plant accidentally. the fragrance twinges his nose, despite its pleasant smell. he’s stunned, spooked, and upset he’d destroyed something he found to be so pretty. groans of concern and sadness leave his mouth as he stares at the partially destroyed flower. only to look back up to find the girl slowly approaching him. offering him her own flower she’d picked only moments ago in the accident’s wake.
she’s terrified, still not fully accustomed to her new home life or family members. therefore cautious and unsure, just as he is. but she sees the vulnerability and display of softness bubba possesses. and a part of her almost feels pity, intertwined with the longing to be kind to such a lost soul.
her frail arm shaking, bubba hesitantly takes the flower from her hand. her gesture met with just as much caution and fear. but beneath that skin mask, he smiles. a disgruntled and amused laugh befalling his lips. his display of happiness is met with a bright smile. to which, the both find some degree of comfort. she moves to remove the mutilated flower from the ground below, examining it closely and shaking her head.
“ it ain’t ruined. ” she dusts the dirt from its petals and reveals a flower crushed and bent. it’s petals wilted and the middle plucked of some of its fuzz. the stem is cracked in half, but she prevails, holding it out to display it to him. “ it’s still beautiful, see for yourself. ”
bubba scoots closer to examine the damage he’d done, finding himself confused by what she meant. it was mangled and ugly, much like he saw himself. but she only pressed on, despite his sounds of disappointment.
“ it’s beautiful, to me. ” she whispers, clasping it to her chest. “ here — i’ll keep this one, the one i picked is a gift from me to you. ”
bubba only nods, staring in awe at the flower he held. he’d never been given a gift like this before. it felt, strange. it filled him with a great sense of joy and gratitude. that foreign feeling of safety and tranquility filling him as he stood with her. ah, perhaps she was his new favorite sibling.
their exchange is short, yet it became the moment he had began to learn the importance of simple kind gestures. maybe, the beginning of his understanding of gentleness. he felt a little less scared. and in the hot summer months when time had allowed it, they’d return to the sunflower fields to bask in its beauty and warmth. she’d braid flower crowns and place them atop his head, and they’d fill baskets with flowers to craft fancy bouquets for the dinner table each night. bubba even found it in him to gift flowers to his brothers, despite their unappreciative nature to the gift. despite that, he’d always feel great satisfaction when seeing the smile on y/n and sissy’s faces when he gave them a flower.
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gxthicwxrm · 8 months
The Beginning Of The End- Johnny Slaughter
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Character(s): Johnny Slaughter, Sissy Slaughter, Nubbins Slaughter, reader
Summary: The reader has lost her memories, and Johnny and the family are determined to remind her where she belongs.
Credit to @creepling for the idea. Their post is here.
With feet pounding against the dirt path, you dart down the driveway of the house you've been kidnapped and tortured. Petrified and paranoid, you look over your shoulder to see your fear is confirmed: a blonde, slender woman and a brunette muscular man following behind you, only a few paces away from grabbing you. Pushing harder, you kick dirt behind you as you zone in on the fence ahead of you, running as fast as your injuries allow. 'I can do this. I'm going to make it out of there.' You thought as you closed the distance between yourself and freedom. 'I'm going to make it home.'
You hear the electricity zapping before you see the sparks, but that doesn't waver you. 'I'll make the jump.' You've made your decision, feet slapping the ground.
As you came up to the fencing, you prepared yourself and went to dive past the fencing, only to get electricity pulsing through your body as you were thrown backward and hit the ground hard. A loud crack rings in your ears as pain swells from the back of your head. Gasping, the air in your lungs leaves with a single whoosh, still inching towards the fence. Everything is a blur as you look around. Nothing makes sense. Where are you again? Who are these three people around you? Why are they laughing and not helping you? All you knew was you had to keep moving, unsure of why but determined to proceed.
Digging your digits into the ground, you start crawling toward the exit. Your hand stumbles onto the metal sheet of electricity, and a hot, numbing blackness takes over. 
All you could feel was pain. Heat covers your body like a blanket, suffocating you. Your eyes feel like someone has placed weights on them,  too heavy to open them. A sharp, prickling sensation wraps over your head, pulsing, as you attempt to move your hand, triggering a tingling pain to shoot up your arm, stopping your movements as a groan of pain leaves your dried lips.
"Oh J, it seems like our guest is awake!" A woman's voice sings to your right. Footsteps fill the silence around you when whatever was covering your eyes is suddenly lifted. 
First, all you see is the bright white of the overhead light shining down, blinking the sting away as your eyes adjust to the new environment. Looking around, you notice the woman you presume was talking: a blonde-haired woman standing on your bedside with her hand resting on your shoulder, a small comfort. With much effort, you give the woman a slight smile that probably looked like a grimace, a dull ringing in your ears sending sharp pains into your skull. If you weren’t so out of it, you would’ve questioned the subtle raise of the woman’s brow before she quickly smiled back.
“Where am I?” You croak. The woman hesitates for a moment before nodding.
“You had an accident, but you are okay now. You are safe.” Her voice is soft and comforting, a contrast to the blinding light. Squinting, you move your head to the side the blonde stood on. “Oh, Dear, let me turn that off.” The woman rushes to the side of the room and flicks a switch by the door before setting something down on the table near the door—a flash of white cloth and glass.
“Thank you.” You mumble, looking around the strange room. “May I ask you something without sounding rude?” You ask, causing the short woman to pause before slowly facing you as a mysterious glint clouds her eyes that were not there before. 
“Ask away.” She says, taking small steps toward me.
“Are you my family?” The woman pauses, her eyes wide as her mouth opens and closes, seemingly unsure.
“Yes, you are.” A husky voice says to your left; a tall, dark-haired man walks in the door, followed by a slightly shorter man with a uniquely shaped birthmark on his face. The taller, more muscular man strides to your side, reaching for your hand.
“B-Baby? How are you feeling?” The man asks, sitting on your bed as you hear a soft scoff behind the brown-eyed man before you. Even through the piercing headache, you could see his sharp, defined features and dark eyes you could get lost in. ‘Who was this man?’ You asked yourself as you took in his beauty. 
“Who are you?” you ask.
“Do you remember your name?” He asks, surprising you, but you thought about it. After a moment of concentration, it came off you. 
Y/N, Y/N L/N.
“Yes, Y/N.” You answer as a look flashes across his face before a smile replaces it.
“Good. Good. What else do you remember?” He prods, his thumb drawing shapes on your hand as his other rests on your blanketed thigh. Taking more time to comb through your brain, you try hard to conjure up any memory but sigh when you cannot. Tears slowly fill your eyes as you look between the three strangers who weren’t strangers, looking for answers you knew they didn’t have. 
“I can’t remember anything. Why can’t I remember? Who are you? What happened to me?” Your voice rasps as you raise your voice slightly. 
“I’m Johnny. I’m your boyfriend. This is Sissy and Nubbins.” He gestures to the other two. 
“You were cooking and fainted, hitting your head pretty hard on the coffee table. The water burns your hands and feet a bit, but the d-doctors” He glances to Sissy, who nods before turning back to you. “-said that they will heal nicely.” He finishes with a reassuring smile.
“I fainted?” You ask. Could it be that simple?
“Yes.” He says, squeezing your hand.
“Let’s let your girlfriend rest up, boy. Let’s go catch dinner since you let ours go.” The man called ‘Nubbins’ sneered at Johnny, earning a glare from the taller man. Johnny turns back to you as Nubbins walks into the hall.
“I’ll be back after a while. When I get back, we’ll go home, baby.” He promises, quickly placing a kiss on your forehead before stomping off. Home? Wasn’t this home?
“Johnny has- You and Johnny have your own place. This is the…family house. He lives by the Junkyard. You’ll love it again.” She says as she hands you a glass with two white pills. “Hear. It’s late, and you need rest.” She says
“What is it?” You eye the pills.
“Pain management.” She responds quickly, pushing the glass to your lips. With a nod, you take the pills and swallow them down. The cool water coats your dry throat, bringing life back into your body. Walking toward the door, Sissy stops, hand on the frame.
“If you need anything, scream.” She says before following the two men, leaving you alone to try to think of anything you remember, but it only brings you waves of pain instead of memories. With a sad sigh, you close your eyes, allowing sleep to take you away. 
Hey guys! This is my first Slasher and Slaughter fic!!! This is the first part of a potential series. Let me know what yall think!!
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February Closet Cosplay #15: Johnny from TCM video game (Texas Chainsaw massacre)
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Should I do another Johnny Slaughter Cosplay?!
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Nubbins Sawyer xGN! S/o insecure about their body:
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-if yall cuddled he’d play with the parts of you you’re insecure about because he can’t snuggle still for shit
-constant compliments and pictures, showing them to you with the biggest smile on his face “M-my s/o looks s-so good!”
-shows them to victims too 💀 and asks them if they think you’re attractive and if they say no they get tortured for hours
-would mutter about how lucky he is in his sleep
-would cling onto you if you had a low self esteem day, complimenting you wherever you go
Nsfw below
-would fuck whatever you felt insecure of
-gap in your teeth? When you blow him he’ll be telling you how good it feels on him and adds to the friction, or have you bite his neck “S-see? Without that g-gap you w-wouldn’t have your signature m-mark!”
-Hip dips? He’s rubbing himself up on your side, muttering and moaning about how it makes him feel so good and how perfect you feel for him
-belly fat? Perfect cushion for his cum to land
-big thighs? He loves it, he wants to be smooshed in them and squeezed
-skinny thighs? Fine by him, they are a lot easier to hold down so he can eat you/blow you real good
-scars/bruises/imperfections/stretch marks? Hed find them beautiful and gently kiss on them, maybe try to make some matching bruises nearby 😏
-Take pictures of yall fuckin and show them to you, with a smug little grin “Y-you look s-so good t-there!” *while showing you like the most fucked out version of you ever* 💀💀💀
-just ramming into you when he tops sloppily “y-you are s-so pretty…” “y-your body I-is so nice…” I
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small-sinclair · 4 months
Sometimes, I think about Nubbins goofy grin.
Like, he giggles when s/o places a flower crown on him. He can’t control his laughter when s/o takes a photo of him and calls him “beautiful blue”. When he holds their hand and feels them close, he gushes like a school girl.
Idk. I think he’s pretty neat.
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suvidrache · 1 year
S/O Has Diabetes - Part 2
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 525 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad / PART 1
Featuring: Alfredo Sawyer, Edward "Tex" Saywer, Robert "Chop Top" Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer, and Walter Edward "W.E." Slaughter
Warning: Sex and porn mentioned with Alfredo
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→ Offers you to look at his porn magazine.
→ That's not really helpful and you probably don't want to see that…
→ Sex? Cuddles? He isn't sure how to comfort you.
→ Just tell him what you want or need, and he'll listen.
→ Unlikely to help you with your medicine, just cause he doesn't know how and doesn't want to mess it up.
→ If you really want him to, he will be terrified of messing it up. 
→ Talk him through it. He's also going to need help to calm down.
→ He'd do great but his hands would be shaky afterward.
→ Keeps sweets in his truck, the gas station, his room, or anywhere else you may need sweets at.
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Edward (Tex)
→ Will listen and try to talk things out, cuddles, whatever makes you feel better.
→ Would help give you your medicine if you want or need him to.
→ Sweets are in bowls in the kitchen, his truck, his room, and anywhere else you may frequent. 
→ No one is allowed to take more than one sweet from the bowl unless it's you.
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Robert (Chop Top)
→ He understands you being upset. He has a metal plate covering a hole in his head.
→ While it's not the same, he can't get rid of it and has to deal with it for the rest of his life.
→ He's going to cuddle you and tell stories about his childhood, his favorite band, and some army stories.
→ He knows what day of the week it is, but probably not the number. 
→ Unlikely to remember your medicine and that you need to take it.
→ You probably shouldn't have him help give you your medicine. He is easily distracted and would either go too fast, too slow or stop halfway.
→ When the thought of you taking medicine finally crosses his mind, he'll remind you to take your medicine. Probably only happens every six months to a year.
→ Carries candy on him. He isn't sure why. He did it before you met him.
→ If you need some candy, he'll pat down every one of his pockets until he finds one.
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→ Very cuddly and will sit and listen to what you have to say. 
→ He isn't sure what else to do to help. 
→ Do you want a band-aid? No? Ok…
→ He has very shaky hands, so it's probably not a good idea for him to help.
→ I mean, if you really want him to, it's your funeral. 
→ Might carry a piece of gum on him, but that's it.
→ He won't carry anything else unless you ask him to.
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→ "Don't worry about it, you'll be alright."
→ He'd hug you and try his best to comfort you.
→ If you need a daily reminder, he'd do it. 
→ He'd just remind you every couple of days, even though you don't need reminding.
→ If you need or want him to give you your medicine, tell him or show him how it's done.
→ He'll do it every day or every time you need him to.
→ Will keep some sweets lying around, that no one else is allowed to touch except you.
→ May get physical with whoever touched it. That wasn't you.
© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
What would Nubbins be like with a best friend? She tells him that she considers him special and that she likes spending time with him... and she may come to feel something more for Nubbins
I’ll answer this in headcanons/drabble! Im also referring to the reader as “you” cause it’s easier that way but reader is a female. Tried my best with this one
Here we goooo:
The Sawyers and your family were close as the farms were close in proximity.
Your family had known it was Drayton by himself raising his siblings for the most part, so sometimes they took the load off of his hands when he needed a break.
This is how your relationship with Nubbins started.
You were both very young, about five years old, and when you first met, you were extremely shy.
The young boy was excited, acting out wildly as he could not control himself.
It made you nervous.
But after some adjustment, you began to enjoy his presence.
You first discovered roadkill together and you both became fascinated with dead critters.
Sometimes you both would poke at their bodies with sticks out of pure curiosity.
Eventually, you started going to school but you noticed that Nubbins did not go.
But everyday, he waited at the bus stop for you to get off and so you both could play.
It was your favorite part of the day and you could barely contain your excitement at school because of how much you wanted to be with Nubbins.
You had a hard time making friends at school because they were nothing like your little roadkill obsessed friend at home.
So Nubbins ended up being your only friend.
Chop Top teased him and said that you were his girlfriend, but Nubbins always tackled him and told him to shut his mouth.
You both were inseparable. Drayton always smiled when he saw the both of you running around together.
He found both of you asleep in the pasture one time and couldn’t help but chuckle.
It was cute to see you two together.
As time went on, you both began to grow up. Grow into your bodies. Adjust to hormones.
Going from being shorter than you, to towering over you in a quick amount of time.
Your body began to change too, curves forming and your womanly features coming in.
Your style had changed as well, going from wearing frilly, cute clothes to dark, gothic-like clothing to match your interests.
You both had stayed very close, absolute best friends.
But there was some feelings between you two that neither of you addressed.
The way he wrapped his arms around your waist to lift you up to the birds nest in the tree.
The way he held your hand to look at the new animal bone ring you made.
The way he smiled when you brushed his hair out after washing it for him.
The way he kept his body close to yours when pulling you in for a hug.
He noticed how flush your body was to his when he was showing you how to throw a knife at a haystack.
Sometimes you both stole glances at each other but tried to make sure the other person did not notice.
There were many things between you two that you did but did not talk about.
It was almost taboo to bring it up.
So neither of you spoke about it, continuing your friendship as if there wasn’t something more to you both.
Drayton always scolded him to make sure he did not get you pregnant, which would have horrified Nubbins if he was not in love with you.
One day, Johnny joked that he was going to “steal that fine piece of ass from Roadkill Boy” and it set Nubbins off bad.
He hurled insults and physical objects at Johnny, screaming to stay the fuck away from you and if he didn’t, he would slit his throat.
Johnny knew he struck a nerve and just chuckled, only wanting to get underneath Nubbins’ skin.
You asked Nubbins if he would like to have a picnic with you in the sunflower fields and he quickly agreed.
The next afternoon, you skipped down to the Sawyer house in a black, lacy dress with a black cropped bell sleeve cardigan cover up (long ass description I am so sorry).
You wore bone jewelry Nubbins had gifted you and you curled your hair to perfection.
When he answered the door, he felt his heart skip.
You were absolutely beautiful.
Chop Top yelled that Nubbins had a hard on which embarrassed him a lot and Johnny just about died from laughter.
But he did not have a hard on, to your dismay.
You gently grabbed his hand and pulled him outside to go to the sunflower field together.
He seemed a bit off, he was not his usual, wiry self.
He seemed nervous and a bit out of it. Not usual Nubbins behavior.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” you asked as you both made your way into the sunflower field.
“Y-yeah.” he stuttered.
You frowned. This was not your usual Nubbins. You wondered what was wrong with him, but you didn’t want to push it any further.
“Well, I made us some sandwiches and got chips. I made your favorite dessert too!” you chirped as you pulled him quicker. “Come on, I’m starvin’.”
He giggled as you pulled on his hand softly to speed up his pace. Your hand fit perfectly into his.
Setting up the quilt and giving Nubbins a show with how your dress started to ride up your thighs, you both sat down on the quilt with a small sigh. You took out the lunch you had prepared and you both began to eat, talking about the latest roadkill you had seen and the latest victim the Sawyers had mutilated. You knew what went on, but it did not bother you. You were twisted in your own ways. But Nubbins loved that you didn’t seem to mind their bloodthirsty tendencies and their cannibalism.
However, he did enjoy the sandwiches you made even if it wasn’t made of human flesh or organs. Sometimes he had a craving for something other than human. And you filled that craving. After the main course, you took out dessert. A double chocolate cake that you decorated carefully with chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles. Nubbins had a sweet tooth as well, and chocolate was a huge weakness of his.
“Y-you’re the best, ya’ know that?” he said as he munched on a slice of cake. “This is amazing.”
You smiled. “Aww, well I had to make it. Ya’ are my special boy, ya’ know.”
A slight blush covered his cheeks as he giggled. “Am I your s-special boy?”
“Of course you are, you are my best friend in the whole world.” you replied with a blush tinging your cheeks as well. You opened your mouth to say something else, but you closed it.
He tilted his head. Some things did not go unseen with Nubbins. “What else were y-ya’ going to say?”
You swallowed and shook your head. “Nothin’.”
“I thought we d-didn’t keep secrets from each other.” he pouted.
You felt your hands begin to sweat nervously. You fumbled with the trim of your dress. “Well, I really enjoy spending time with you. It’s what I look forward to a lot. Just being with you.” You avoided his gaze.
“I-I-I feel the same way too.” He replied. “I really l-like spending time with ya’ too, Y/N.”
An awkward silence filled the air as the birds chirped quietly in the background. You both looked away from each other, not sure what else to say.
“I’m in love with ya’.” Nubbins said softly, the only sentence he said without stuttering.
Your head snapped up. “Seriously?”
Nubbins slightly flinched at your tone, immediately recoiling back. “I-it’s okay if ya’ don’t feel the same way-”
Gaining some courage, you leaned forward and cradled his face between your hands. “Nubs, I’m in love with ya’ too.”
He blinked at you in bewilderment. “Y-ya’ are?”
“Always have been.” you said quietly as you looked down. “Ya’ are my whole world.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “Oh, I knew ya’ was gonna’ come around!”
You giggled as he began to get hyper. “My special boy, I always have been around.”
You kissed him gently. He was not very sure what to do, as he only had watched a lot of television that only showed a few kissing scenes, but he just went with his instincts. After what felt like forever, you pulled away and grinned at your Nubbins. He grinned back.
“So w-we’re a thing?”
“Yes we are!”
You both spent the rest of the evening together in the sunflower fields, watching the stars in the sky and talking. He held you close to him as you snuggled into him. This felt like home to him.
After some time, he noticed how frequently you were yawning and figured it was time to let you get back home to rest. He walked you to your house, which was not very far but he wanted to make sure you made it safe. He was not going to let his lady walk by herself in the dark. You kissed him goodbye once more and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. He didn’t want to let go of you either
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Nubs.” You said sleepily.
“Y-yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He replied as he ruffled your hair. You smiled at him as you went inside.
Trekking back to his home, he could barely contain his excitement. You were finally his and he was so proud of it. When he walked inside his home, Sissy hounded him immediately.
“Why are ya’ so smiley about?” she teased. “Someone got a little girlfriend?”
He nodded and smiled more.
Sissy gasped. “Ya’ finally got Y/N?!”
Chop Top peeked his head around the corner of the door frame. “Nubbins got a girlfriend?!” He started to dance around and tease his twin. “Nubbins got a girlfriend! Nubbins got a girlfriend!” he sang.
The hitchhiker could not help the string of giggles that came out of him. His cheeks hurt from the amount of smiling he was doing.
Bubba was freaking out with Sissy as they both squealed with happiness.
Johnny clasped his shoulder. “Ya’ shifty sum-bitch, I knew ya’ had it in ya’!”
With all the clamor and excitement, they did not hear the phone ringing except for Drayton who answered it and relayed the message.
“Nubbins!” he yelled as he came into the living room. “Ya’ little girlfriend called and said to come back to her house, she forgot to give ya’ somethin’.”
“Yeah, forgot to give him some ass!” Johnny and Chop Top howled with laughter as Sissy punched Johnny in the shoulder. “Oww, Sissy what the fuck?!”
Nubbins had a faint blush and nodded. “A-alright.”
Drayton eyed his brother. “And ya’ better make sure there ain’t no hanky panky goin’ on! Don’t need no love child of yours to be runnin’ about!”
“Lighten up old man, let Nubbins have this one!” Johnny said. “Go on, get to ya’ girlfriend now!”
Nubbins exited the house and made his way back to your house quickly. He was a little confused as to what you wanted to give to him, but he didn’t mind walking to your house this late. In fact, he didn’t mind doing anything for you at all.
He noticed that it was empty. Your parents must have been gone and he didn’t take notice of it earlier when he walked you home. He was too busy thinking about how you loved him. Knocking on your door, he glanced around and shifted onto his other leg. He was still a bit hyper from the commotion of his family.
When you answered the door, he felt his blood rush. You were wearing panties and a plain t shirt that outlined your curves. He tried not to stare too much.
“Wh-what is it that ya’ wanted to give to me?” he asked.
You chuckled. “Actually, I just wanted to see if ya’ wanted to have a sleepover. My parents are gone.”
He smiled. “I would l-l-love that.”
You both cuddled together and watched a movie, dozing off as you two soaked in each other’s presence. He was yours, and you were his. Forever.
“Where in the hell is that boy?!” Drayton complained. “It’s 12 in the goddamn morning!”
“Like I said old man, he’s gettin’ some ass right about now.” Johnny replied as he and Chop Top watched a horror movie and ate popcorn. “It’s best to leave them be. Ain’t hurtin’ anyone.”
“Y-yeah, he ain’t had a girlfriend ever.” Chop Top said while shoving popcorn into his mouth. “It’s g-good to see him happy.”
“Fuckin’ A.” Johnny said as he nodded his head.
Drayton sighed. “I’ll let it be this time, but I swear to God if she ends up pregnant I am beating the shit out of both of ya’.”
“They are gonna’ fuck like rabbits.” said the Slaughter boy with a chuckle.
“What was that, boy?” His mother asked in a warning-like tone.
“Nothin’ mama.”
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sinsofbeauty · 8 months
Red Stained Sunflower Pt. 3
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, Suggestive Nsfw content, Cigarette mention/usage, SMUT!!, Fingering, P in V, Unprotected (Stay safe), slight choking, and more but I don’t wanna spoil the fun ;3
Requested?: Yeeee!!!
Overview: If the events that happened the night before weren't enough, then tonight sure as hell would be. After an awkward encounter, you find yourself alone with the man who has such a hold on you. Talking and playing around won’t compare to what you got yourself into tonight.
A/n: This is the last part of this little series!! If you would like to see more Johnny feel free to send me an ask/request! I got a couple in my inbox so I’ll be working on those! Johnny’s a little more soft but can be a bit aggressive in this one so if ya aint feeling it DNI!!
This chapter contains written NSFW content. Minors are advised to not interact!! Enjoy!
Red Stained Sunflower Pt.1 - Red Stained Sunflower Pt.2
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You weren't prepared for really visiting the Slaughter home the next day. Your heart pumped strangely after Johnny left last night with his confident demeanor and witty remarks. You couldn't sleep all night from it. The man’s scent had still lingered in your room, especially on your bed where he decided to make himself comfortable. You hated him for that. You loved the thought of him but hated that he was constantly on your mind.
Now you were on your way to meet the man, telling your father that you would be at Maria’s for a bit. Lying, so that you could see the trouble that dipped so far into your heart. Walking along the dirt road in your favorite sundress and a small bag, you decided to go through the front instead of the back way close to the gardens like last time. It probably would be easier since it was getting late, the sun coming close to the horizon. 
You hurried your steps as your feet silently patted on the porch, before raising your hand to knock on the door. Your hand was mere centimeters away but suddenly stopped when you heard commotion coming from the other side. And it didn’t sound good either…
“Ya’ keep leavin’ without a trace and don’t tell nobody! The hell ya’ goin’ off to?!”
You carefully pushed your ear to the door to hear if anyone was nearby. If you can recall his name, it sounded like Drayton. The older gentleman who occasionally went by the name Cook among some members of the family. Given that he didn't seem to like your presence, you didn't actually talk to him all that much. When you laugh with Bubba and Nubbins, you may receive sidelong looks or little scoffs from the kitchen. He appeared agitated, and was questioning the person who had turned his mood so sour.
“That’s none of yer damn business, old man.” 
Oh… that’s who was getting interrogated. Johnny. What they were saying appeared to grab your attention, even though it shouldn't have startled you as much as it did. 
“It’s that girl again ain’t it? Ya’ keep goin’ out and followin’ ‘er like a gosh darn puppy!” Drayton had persisted in reprimanding Johnny, his aging voice hoarse with annoyance. “What’s so special ‘bout ‘er hm? She can’t do nothin’ for ya’-“
“Watch yer tone! Before ya’ start ta’ have a real problem on yer hands.”
Drayton and Johnny both appeared to be furious, but Johnny's stance was clearly more aggressive. Given that the older man made a comment regarding other girls, you weren't sure if they were talking about you or not. Your heart briefly ached as a result. You felt a tiny bit envious when you imagined Johnny with someone else. As you refocused on the exchanged words, you briefly dared to blink. 
“Calm ya’self Johnny!” Your ears twitch to the sound of Sissy’s voice. 
“Get off a me!” He growls, sudden footsteps approaching closer the door. “Yer quick ta’ start pointin’ fingers. Do I need ta’ remind ya’ how long ya’ left us fa’?”
“Don’t chu start yappin’ at me! Ya’ know what I needed ta’ do-“
“And I know what I’m doin’, so quit yer barkin!” 
You became aware that you were still listening in as footsteps began to move dangerously towards the door. You immediately moved away from the porch, to the side of the house where the bushes encumbered beneath the window. Bubba and Nubbins emerge from the door moments later once it had opened. You see from the bushes as the two enter the white pickup truck's back bay, with Sissy trailing behind them and moving toward the passenger-side door. Johnny is furiously flailing his arms behind Drayton as the older man stumbles out of the house.
When Johnny came closer, Drayton spun around and pointed a finger in his face as the younger man's brows furrowed. “She’s makin’ ya’ weak boy. Weak! And if I have ta’ tell ya’ ta’ leave ‘er alone again-!”
“What are ya’ so afraid of ol’ man?” The man’s eyelids lower in suspicion. “I don’t have ta’ explain anythin’ ta’ anybody, and I ain’t gonna let ya’ boss me ‘round like a kid.”
“So naive, wait until ya’ mother hears about this,” Cook chuckles, hopping into the truck. “Ya’ care ‘bout ‘er more than ya’ care ‘bout yer own family. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, once she realizes what you are, you’ll treat ‘em like the rest once she tries ta’ leave.” 
As you saw Drayton shut the door to the truck, his remarks caused your stomach to churn, giving you anxiety-filled butterflies. The vehicle had been started, and the engine was roaring as it backed into the driveway. Once it was turned around it drove off, leaving Johnny there speechless and heated as ever. You’ve never seen him so upset, so… filled with anger. He tightened his jaw and balled his fists into the palms of his hands, a vein protruding from the side of his temple. He looked like he could kill someone, right then and there. After a period of silence, he took a long breath in and let it out harshly.
“Yer terrible at hidin’.” 
As Johnny's statement rang across the air, your heart leaped and your eyes widened. Before turning around, he had let out an abrasive huff while his tongue prodded at the insides of his cheeks. “Ya’ can stop hidin’ darlin.” He only moves a few steps before his eyes and boots come to a complete stop on the ground. He was perceptive, and that was well noted. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his dark hair as his demeanor abruptly changed. “Come oooon, I know yer out here.”
Although you were uneasy, there was no use continuing to hide now that he had exposed you. A few seconds later, you emerged from the bushes, and Johnny's eyes shot open to meet yours. His chocolate brown eyes locked with yours at that very instant, and you could feel the rage and shame simmering behind them. With the broad grin that covered his face, he did a great job of hiding it. 
“How did you know I was here?” You asked, making him shrug his shoulders. “Could see yer footprints. They moved that way unlike the others,” His fingers pointed down to the ground, making you smirk and shake your head slightly. “Didn’t think ya’d be ‘ere so soon. Hell, thought ya’d go on and ditch me again~.” 
“Well… I uh, was thinking about it. After hearing all that.”
The smile on Johnny’s face faded as quick as it came, tilting his head slightly with the squint of his eyes. “How much did ya’ ‘ear?” He asked, stuffing his hands in his back pockets.
You fiddled with the fabric of your sundress, debating on whether or not to tell him the truth. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, it just happened to be a bad time and you didn’t want to get caught knowing they were talking about you. It was reasonable, but then again… maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to lie right in Johnny’s face.
“Enough…” You said, making the man turn his head away. “I know Drayton didn’t like me that much but not as… much as I thought.”
Johnny shook his head, a chuckle coming from his mouth. “Heh, yeah. I got some explainin’ ta’ do don’t I?” The man had lifted his arm, hand gesturing to you as he began to approach. “Walk wit’ me?”
He smiles once again at your head nod when he approaches. He took hold of your shoulders and pulled you along with him as the two of you moved to the side of the house. “So… about that explaining?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m gettin’ to it.” Johnny rolled his eyes playfully, removing his arm from you to run his fingers through his hair again. “So impatient. Next thing I know yer gonna be bossin’ me ‘round!”
“Thought you didn’t like being told what to do.” You say, his eyes narrowing to stare at you in a playful side eye. 
“I don’t.” His voice cracks with excitement, making you giggle in response. 
Both of you had stopped, and Johnny had positioned himself on a car's damaged hood. He had rested against it, his arms crossed, and his head tilted to the side. The male had observed as your eyes silently absorbed the magnificence of the meadows. You were patiently waiting for him to resume speaking, but the breathtaking scenery fully captured your attention. The scene of the sunflowers gently colored by the sun's rays as they sway side to side in the wind. The man behind you, who had hummed at the sight, was the only one who managed to divert your attention away from the view.
Your head turns, staring Johnny with his half lidded eyes. “I should’ve brought my camera.” 
“Why didn’t you?”
“Forgot. I was so busy getting ready that I left it on my dresser.” You had fumbled through your bag in your hip, looking into it for something. 
“Got all dolled up just fa’ me? Ya’ shouldn’t have~.” Johnny was… staring a lot, and it was awfully distracting. You don’t even remember what it was that you were looking for. 
“Oh shut up.” You say, putting your bag away to your hip. “Come up with that explanation yet?”
Johnny sighed and rubbed the side of his stubbled cheek as another smile appeared on his face. “What do ya’ wanna know?”
There were many things you wished to know. Why Drayton didn't like you, whether his family disapproved of you, whether he is seeing someone else, and whatever part of him the older man was referring to. There was just a lot on the table, and you didn't have much time to gather everything from him given how soon the sun would set. “Has Drayton always had something against me?”
“Doesn’t like any girl I bring home,” Johnny explained. “Says it’s a distraction. Don’t know what the problem is when I can handle myself.” 
“Maybe he’s just worried about you?”
“Should worry ‘bout his damn self.” Johnny rolled his eyes at that.
“Okay,” You walk over to him and hop onto the hood of the car to take a seat. “Does the rest of your family… not like me?”
Johnny didn’t say anything for a moment, averting his eyes away from you as he thought about it. The man looked up at the sky, nodding his head slightly. “I… don’t really know.” He finally responded. “Sissy has her suspicions. Nubbins doesn’t really care, I know big boy likes ya’ a lot.” 
“Who Bubba?” 
“Yeaaah,” His grin starts to appear again. “He’s like a kid, likes it when ya’ spend time with ‘im. Yer much nicer than the rest of us.” 
Well that was good to know at least. You smile at that, nodding your head to the thought. “I’m glad that he likes it when I’m around. He’s like a puppy, so energetic when he’s happy. Speaking of-“
“Oh god,” Johnny sighs out loudly. “Don’t— Don’t listen to anythin’ he said beginnin’ with that!” 
“So you follow me?”
“Jesus Christ,” Johnny groans out loud, shaking his head. “I don’t follow ya’!”
“What about the skatin’ rink?” 
“That was one time!” Johnny lifted his arms up as he exaggerated his lies. “That’s cause I wanted ta’ know what ya’s been doin’.”
“I mean you did break into my house,” You teased, making him huff in irritation. “Do you usually just go into places whenever you feel like it?”
The man cracked a bit, chuckling before shaking his head at you. “Breakin’ inta’ houses ain’t my usual thing. I like bein’ more… direct. If that’s whatcha call it.” Johnny shook his shoulders at the thoughts, giving the question more attention than he probably intended. “Maybe… I’ve seen ya’ a couple times in town.” 
“Sneaky thing aren’t you~.”
“Indeed I am~,” He realized right away that you were making fun of him. After pushing himself off the hood, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of crumpled smokes. 
“You’re not gonna smoke are you?” You ask with your eyebrows raised. “Those are bad y’know.”
“So nosey,” Johnny pulls out a cigarette and stuffs it into the side of his mouth. “Yer stressin’ me out with all these questions.”
“I can ask more.”
“Shut up.”
His grin seemed to morph into a naughty one when you were about to speak back to him. The chuckle that rumbled in his throat caused him to avert his eyes. He was aware of what you were about to say, and unlike yesterday, you were all by yourself with him. He smirked triumphantly and drew the lighter from his other pocket as you forced your mouth shut. However, you got an idea and got up off the car hood. You approach Johnny and snatch the cigarette out of his mouth. His expression was priceless and made you laugh out loud. 
“Uhm…hey?” He says reaching for the cigarette before you pull it back. He licks his lips with a sly grin, nodding his head. “Ohhh, okay. So that’s what we’re doin’ hm?”
“Maybe,” You reply. “Yer funny, now give it back before I take it.”
You stood there idly, not listening to a single word Johnny said. Johnny had taken that moment of silence to look over you, before his hand rushed to grab yours. It caught you off guard, your wrist with the cigarette being taken as he pulled you towards him. The front of your body collides with his, a small grunt coming from you. Looking up at the man your eyes widen. Cheeks flushed, you feel his other hand snake around your lower back to keep you there. Oh dear… what did you just get yourself into? “Tsk tsk. Yer playin’ a dangerous game here sweetheart.” Every word in Johnny's voice is dripping with seduction, like a warning sign. “If that’s whatcha wanna do, I’m all up fa’ the challenge~.” Johnny takes the cigarette from your hand and sticks it back in his mouth. What an absolute tease. The way your body effortlessly melted into him gave the man the confidence that he could get away with it. “What~? Wish I did somethin’ else wit’ ma’ mouth?” 
“If you wanted to, I’m sure you would have.” You say narrowing your eyes. 
“Oh really?” Johnny says, his hand behind your back moving to place itself on your abdomen. He moved you backwards, your hands coming in contact with the hood of the vehicle you sat on earlier. “What makes ya’ think I won’t?”
“I don’t know, maybe you do it to all your other little girlfriends.”
Your statement made Johnny laugh, having to take the smoke out of his mouth before it fell out. “Awww ya’ heard that too? Jealous~?” He made your lips purse, your eyes moving away to the side of you. “I’ll amuse ya’, so how ‘bout this. Yer the only one I’ve been talkin’ to fa’ a while.”
You look back up at Johnny, who had stuffed the cigarette back in its little box. “So amused,” You roll your eyes, trying to remove yourself away from Johnny but all he did was stand in your way. He was so close to you, that he practically had you pinned against the car and him. 
“Lookin’ a lil’ sour there honey.” He teased, the cigarette box being placed back in his pocket. “Still jealous~?”
“N-No…” You stammered, swallowing thickly when you tried to look away.
Johnny chuckles as he detects your lies. He was making you so anxious and driving you mad by imagining the other women he's seen. He was undeniably so close to your body that you would bump into him if you even attempted to move. His hands, which were still protected by his grime-stained gloves, advanced to your waist. When his face got close to yours, it made you hold your breath and your heart race.
“Can’t fool me darlin’, yer a terrible liar too.” His nose brushes against yours before he pulls his head back again. “I promise~, yer the only one I got eyes on.” Before you feel them move to your hips, the hold on your waist becomes tighter. You were raised back onto the car's hood a short while later. Johnny reached out and traced his fingertips along your exposed thighs without pausing. “Yer the only one I want.”
Once more, his face approaches yours, but this time he maintains his distance. The once-orange sky was beginning to turn dark, misty blue as the sun dropped below the horizon in the distance. The view in front of you now... drew you in more than ever, and you were unable to take your eyes off of him. Your head subconsciously turned in his direction as quiet breaths filled the chilly air in the silence. 
“I want you too…” You say quietly, making the man in front of you grin.
“Hm?” He hums, moving himself in between your legs. “Ya’ want me?”
The man takes one moment to remove his gloves while you nod your head. He places them beside you, grabs your legs, hooks them around his waist, then grabs your hips. 
“All of me?” 
Your hands that had been resting on the hood, came and cupped the sides of his cheeks. “Yes,” You reply. “I want all of you, Johnny.” 
“Ya’ sure?” The male wasn’t hesitant, he just knew what both of you were going to get into. You knew this yourself, and you nodded once more. “Good, cause I’mma keep ya’ aaaaall to myself~.” 
The man's lips had touched yours at that point. Your entire body experienced waves of arousal as well as butterflies throughout your stomach. His touch was felt, and the satisfaction from his lips lingered on your own. It appeared as though he was directing you through every step due to the way they moved so perfectly alongside yours. He tasted metallic and minty, with a hint of tobacco. 
He pulled back from the kiss as his bare hands took hold of the hem of your sundress and raised it just a bit. As he moved from your earlobe to the side of your neck, his lips made contact with your jaw. You start to gasp softly as Johnny grazes your neck with his teeth and nibbles on your tender flesh. He leaned down to your collarbone and softly sucked on the skin there, creating a small hickey in the process. A reminder of what was his.
“Drivin’ me crazy sweet pea,” He mumbled in the crook of your neck, his calloused hands massaging the top of your thighs. The more he dragged on his throbbing need for you, the more vigorously he kneaded them. “Might not be able ta’ hol’ back much longer.”
Your legs are still around Johnny's waist as he pulls away from you, but you move your eyes. They proceeded on to the growth that pressed up against his jeans and the obvious indent of his own erection in a sizable tent. You shiver at the sight.
“Gettin’ cold?” He asks, the man lifting you from the car hood.
“A little,” You half admit, your hands hanging onto his shoulders. “Didn’t think you’d care much.”
Johnny chuckles as he lowers you and unlocks the car door. The man poked his head inside and looked around as it rustled. The back window and the opposite side of the car were covered in sunflowers, and the only damage it appeared to have was a couple rips in the back seats. He moves and motions for you to enter with his hand. A hefty slap on the ass greets you as you crawl inside after taking the bag off your shoulder and throwing it within. You yelp as you turn to face Johnny, who dove with a grin on his face. 
Before climbing on top of you, he crept into the car and shut the door behind him. The man lowered his head back to your face as your back pressed up against the seat cushions and your head leaned forward. “I’ll warm ya’ up real good baby girl,” He adds as he presses his hands firmly on your lovely outfit. He raises it, revealing your (color) underwear, and wraps his fingers around them. 
Once he begins pushing the thin cloth up to your thighs, his lips come into touch with yours. As it slides down your ankles, he grabs them, taking them off your legs. He hums and pulls away from the kiss as you move your dress subtly with your hands to cover any views he might have.
“Hidin’ from me?” Your head slams against the seat as his enormous hand grabs both of your wrists and moves you lower with his other hand. He raises the clothing up to reveal you while pinning your arms above your head. As a result of Johnny's position, your legs were unable to even close completely, so he only huffed amusedly as you attempted. “Be a good girl and I might be gentle.” 
“You better be gentle,” You blurt out loud, earning a hefty laugh from Johnny.
“Riiiight, forget yer still a virgin~.” He sees you pucker your lips, Johnny taking the opportunity to peck them, making you groan. “Take this off will ya’? I wanna see everythin’.”
As you sit up to remove your sundress, Johnny draws back as you blink at him before nodding. You slipped your flats to the ground, nervously staring at Johnny as your sundress joined the pair of shoes. He had taken off his torn-up, black muscle shirt as you were doing this. The muscles you previously noticed were considerably more impressive up close. The scars, the little chest hair, and the flexed appearance of his arms. God, just looking at him made your pussy throb.
With such precision, he swiftly tossed his belt on the ground. Johnny’s boots were kicked off soon after, his jeans going down his legs and off his ankles. “God… jus’ look at ya’…” The man was in awe, his cock so strained that the boxers it held were pleading for release. He spread your legs open, looking down at you as he took in every inch of your body with his eyes. 
Johnny gives you another kiss, this time with his lips flowing against yours and his hands encircling you. He releases the clip from your bra, allowing it to fall as you adjust it to the side. The man was gentle, even attentive. His fingers stroked over you as if you were a work of art. A canvas that he was so tempted to ruin yet was too delicate to damage.
“Mmhn… I want you… Johnny…” Your words were said between kisses, the ones that got more rough with every passing moment.
Johnny pulls back, his pants evident while his lust for you grew immensely. “Yeah?” His voice is low, deep with pure emotion. 
You can feel his fingers rubbing against the slit in your pussy at that very instant. They have an unfamiliar, somewhat unusual feel about it that makes you flinch with curiosity. Before shutting, your eyes lock onto his, and as he rubs his thumb on your clit, you let out a gasp. Oh he knew what he was doing. This wasn’t his first rodeo. 
His eyes dart between you and your aching cunt as the pad of his thumb experimentally strokes your clit. You covered your face in embarrassment at the quiet grunts and tiny moans you let out. But Johnny appeared to enjoy it. How your confidence and shyness seem to win his favor equally. The unintentional bucking of your hips to increase your pleasure. 
“So wet fa’ me darlin’~,” Johnny purrs, his hand adjusting itself. “I could jus’…”
With his words, Johnny’s finger enters your pussy. Your back begins to sag, and you whimper. The man does this while touching your breasts with his free hand and kissing them. You felt dizzy with excitement as he pinched your nipples and took them between his teeth. Your body burned at his touch and you wanted more. 
Your body tensed and jerked in response to the excitement that shot through your abdomen, his finger began curling in the most sensitive parts. Johnny was relentless, making sure that none of his actions left you even the tiniest bit untouched. That was until he slipped in another into your tight hole. This time it felt uncomfortable, and you expressed that feeling too.
“E-Eh… it hurts…” You whine softly, your hands gripping on Johnny’s biceps.
“I know baby,” He says, sending a kiss to your jaw. “Need ta’ stretch ya’ out fa’ me.”
You were speechless when you considered that Johnny was bigger than his fingers. Your hand, let alone your fingers, were much smaller than his. The discomfort you are experiencing right now undoubtedly pales in comparison to what you saw—er, see—in his boxers. He appeared to be on the larger side. Jesus…
Your face twitches as you notice him starting to up his pace. As his motions intensify, the buildup in your abdomen begins to expand and keeps growing. He was skilled with his hands, and within minutes you were on the verge of bursting. As your pussy throbs on his digits, the space between your walls gets smaller as he stares at you with half-lidded eyes. He hums as a result of your hold on his biceps, which also serves as a visual cue that you are close.
“J-John-ny… ah~ s-slow down…” You whine out, your words not phasing him in the slightest. The discomfort had faded to pleasure, your head hitting the window as your legs started to shake.
Curling his fingers he presses against your g-spot, making you squeal. He was merciless, fucking you with his fingers alone made you dizzy. “Thought about this all fucking day,” He growls, his voice cracking with lust. “Always on ma’ damn mind… fuck~, wanna make ya’ cum darlin’.”
“I… wanna cum.” 
Johnny looks at you with a grin, his head tilting. “Ya’ wanna cum fa’ me baby?”
He nods slightly in response to your head nod. The man had corrected himself, lowering his body and bringing his face to your pussy. You tighten up as a new feeling begins abruptly, your eyes widening. Johnny places his tongue on the swollen bud of your genitalia, the muscle twitching as he started lapping at it. While his fingers occupy the space within, he suctions and pleases you with his lips. The sensation of lowering your hands and grabbing Johnny's hair in your fingers was irresistible. 
“Mmhn~! Johnny… fuck! J-Johnny ple-ase!” 
Johnny had been humming along to your moans as they reverberated around the vehicle. Your stomach's coil finally burst, your eyes clamped shut, and your back arched in ecstasy. As he holds you down, Johnny pulls his fingers out of your cunt and grabs your hips with both of his hands. Your climax is coursing through your body as he continues to devour your pussy. His hair was being held in place by your hands so tightly that you worried you may rip it out. Your thighs were gripping the sides of his head as if you were going to break his skull.
“N-No! Waitwaitwait– Johnny!!”
As his mouth violently began sucking on your clit, you begged him to stop. The man, however, remained still, and you then experienced a new feeling. Your cunt gushes, Johnny groaning before quickly removing his face away from your sensitive core. Your grip on his dark hair, which had been locked in your fingers, loosened as you panted. His hands holding onto your hips relaxed while he chuckled. The man licked his lips and then ran his tongue against his teeth as he raised himself to his knees, which kept him on the seat's cushions. You stare at him in the hot atmosphere of a cool night. His chin down to his chest was slickly covered in your juices, he wore it like a medal as it glistened on his skin. A giggle escaped his thin lips as he raised his hand to wipe his face. “Did I just–”
“Squirt all over me? Yes, yes you did~.”
You blushed madly, setting a hand over your mouth and looking away from him. “I… didn’t know I could do that.”
Johnny grinned, “These hands work wonders darlin’.” He ran his hand over your pussy again before patting it, making you jolt at his soft motions.
“Eh– Ah! H-Hey! I’m still sensitive...” You whined.
“Oh I know,” Johnny said, pulling the hem of his boxers down. His cock emerged from that piece of clothing after it had fallen. Although the image had your mouth watering, you were uneasy about having that inside of you. “Bein’ sensitive is the bes’ part. Yer gonna be screamin’ ma’ name as I fuck ya’ senseless~.” You gasp when Johnny moves in between your legs, pulling them apart as he grips his twitching cock. He pumps it slowly, taking a moment to coat your juices on his hard length. Moments later, he lines himself up with your hole, running the loose strands of his now messy hair back.
“You don’t need me to do anything? I mean– I can… you know…” You tried to find the right words, but feeling the head of his cock press against you distracted your thoughts. “Nah, we’ll get ta’ that some otha’ time.” He says, leaning down to you. “I jus’ wanna be inside ya’~.”
His lips make contact with yours, and the sudden penetration makes you tense up immediately. You try to release, but the more he pushes the more pain surged through your lower body. When he pulls back from you, he stares into your eyes, a sudden wickedness appearing in his own. All of a sudden he bucks his hips forward, his mouth opening agape when his full length is inside of you. You whimper out in pain and pleasure. You felt so full that your walls could only squeeze around him, and so sensitive that a simple adjustment made you groan with pleasure. “A… warning would’ve been nice.” You glare at him, the man taking your body and pulling you back down to lay on the cushions. “Oops~.” He purrs, a small moan coming from his throat. Johnny takes your legs and wraps them around his waist again. “Want me ta’ go slow?”
“So considerate,” You say, watching as the man comes down to you. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” 
The man pulls his hips back before slamming back into you, your eyes widening at the feeling. A shocked gasp wakens the night, and Johnny continues to fuck you like the man he is. Hard, deep, thrusts that send your toes curling, and your hands to dig into his back that you held onto for dear life. The jolts of pure pleasure send you into a state of ecstasy, your mouth sending out nothing but pure, uncontrollable moans. 
“God baby— fuck~! Yer clampin’ on me— shit— uh~.” Johnny moans at you, his eyes watching every single detail of how your body craves him. “All mine… all fuckin’ mine— god!”
His head dips to your neck, placing firm kisses as his hand grip the sides of your ass. He lifts you up slightly, his cock beginning to drill into your tight pussy. 
“AHH~!! Ohmygodohmygod~!!” Your voice sounded so beautiful, getting louder every moment he bucked his hips into you. 
Johnny mutters under his breath, stopping and pulling his cock out from you. “Turn around baby,” He motions, watching as you quickly get on your hands and knees. You wiggle your ass, making him tap one of the cheeks teasingly. “Fuckin’ tease.” 
“Your the one who stopped when it was getting good.” You roll your eyes.
He scoffed, slapping your ass in which made you jump. “Ass up ya’ little shit.”
You smile, arching your back as he positions himself against you once more. While Johnny stuffs his cock back inside of you, you chuckle as you feel both of his hands on your ass. Oh, if he wasn't ramming into you before, he sure was doing it now. This position made things a lot easier for him to access. In the deepest places, most sensitive areas, as soon as he hit that sweet spot that’s all he ever did. 
“Tryna get away~?” He grips your hips as you try to pull yourself away, pulling you back on his cock. You squeal, your head shoving itself down in the cushion of the seat while your legs shake tremendously. “Ahhh~ fuck yer tightenin’.”
“Feels s’ good— ah— fuckfuck mmhn~!” 
“Say it again,” Johnny bends down slightly to take your neck into his hand. “Fuckin’ say it again!”
Tears brim in your eyes as his thrusts make your stomach clench, your eyes practically rolling back into your skull. “It feels good!! AHH~!! You feel so good Johnny!!”
“That’s right love, take it~ Take it~!”
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train as your body trembles. As Johnny continues to abuse your g-spot, you scream, your delightful climax intensifying to the point where tears are streaming down your face. As the man squeezed your neck, the shortage of oxygen caused you to start seeing stars as you gushed once more on him. Your voice breaks when he lets go of you, and your head is fuzzy as he fucks you for the remainder of your climax. 
His low murmurs and grunts escalate to become louder growls and moans. He gave you a hard slap on the ass and grasped it tightly. Both cheeks took turns getting reddened handprints. The man's thrusts were more eager, and he was grinning broadly. 
“I fuckin’ needed this— uh~ fuck I needed you~ Doin— mhm~ this ta’ me~…” Johnny threw his head back, taking in his own pleasure. The man was close to cumming, his thrusts starting to become sloppier than they were before. “I’m so close… Y/n, say my name.”
“Johnny…“ Your brain was mush, barely being able to comprehend what you had heard.
He slaps your ass, hard, making you yelp in surprise. “Louder~.”
“Johnny!” You moan louder.
Another firm slap, making you whimper out. “Scream my fuckin’ name~!” He positions himself, his cock pulling out to the tip before thrusting back in. 
“AH~! Johnny— FUCK~!” You scream out, the continuous jerk of his hips driving you wild. “Johnnyjohnnyjohnny— ohh my— MMHN~! JOHNNYYY~!!!”
“That’s… fuckin’… ohh~ fuck~  ha— ah ahhhh~.” 
Johnny stops moving and embraces your cunt with his pulsing cock. His hot cum shoots ribbons into your pussy, coating the walls of your womb with his thick sperm. His pants were just as heavy as yours, and the air in the car smelled strongly of sex. Your head turns to look back at him only to realize he had leaned down, his hand rubbing the small of your back as he huffed. Both of you stayed silent for a while, admiring each other, which was a little different for Johnny.
“You okay?” He asks breaking the airs silence, making you smile again.
“Yeah… just really hot.”
Johnny grinned and drew his cock away from you. Both of you sigh as the feeling suddenly slips away. He settles down and observes while you prepare to follow suit. When he notices you struggling, he smiles before grabbing your arm and bringing you near to him. “C’mere.” 
You move over to him, the side of your body pressing against his. Your entire body relaxes in his arm as your head lays against him, his body radiating a warm but comforting heat. Being around him made you feel safe… oddly enough. Though god, did your lower body throb like a mother fucker.
“Still gonna go with pretty boy on Friday?” His question lingered in the air for a few seconds before you turned your head to look at him. 
“I already canceled that,” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “I have plans.”
“So you do hm?” He says with a smirk. “And what are your plans?”
Johnny understood what you meant after only seeing you grin. He gave you one back, truly pleased with your choice. His expression caused your heart to melt. He knew he had you, he claimed you as his before you even knew it. Can he… really say that this is love? Is this how it actually felt? Like the others, you were drawn in, but there was something special about it. You were the one person he really desired and cared about. The mark of his prey had been on you, his print now painted red on your body. His little red stained sunflower. 
His, and his only.
@optimsluv @chernayawidow @yixxes @marriedtoeddie @iorbit @yoong1c0re @thedollmakerkai
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