#nsr tatiana x reader
smittenroses · 11 months
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Hi everyone! This is an announcement for a revamped version of my popular series 7 Minutes in Musical Heaven - henceforth known as A Muse in You.
It was a tough decision to either rewrite every chapter and keep the same plot - while also getting rid of the chapters people have come to love - or to create another story and do an entire overhaul. I decided to do number 2. The reason I did this is because I didn't want to erase an important part of my history for so many in the fandom while also keeping something I can look back on and be happy.
A Muse in You will contain more adult themes and the wonderful beta team I have scraped together behind the scenes has so far been amazing to work with, because of the more adult themes and tone I will be taking in the fic, I will not be publishing Muse chapters directly to the blog.
You can currently find the beginning chapter and Tatiana's solo chapter over on AO3, if a chapter has any potentially triggering content I will list it in the notes before the chapter begins.
Thank you so much everyone, and stay rocking.
— A Muse in You
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I really like your platonic! nsr x reader! maybe hcs for being tatiana's daughter?
Thank you. I'm happy that it please you.
Being Tatiana's daughter :
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image by GuudNight ([email protected])
reader is 12 years old
For her, you are the only good thing coming out of her old band break up.
Even if it was the annoncement of her pregnancy to her bandmates that was the last drop which lead to the group separation.
Since the day she gave birth to you, she only wanted the best for you.
So she created her own record label, NSR, in order to provide a stable and ordered life for the both of you.
She refuses that the chaos and anarchy that caused her so much pain and grief affect you.
So she kept you as far away from rock as possible.
You look like her when she was young, orange/red hair wavy and disheveled, looking like flames; violet eyes and long and narrow nose.
What differentiates you is that your traits are softer and rounder.
For her, you are what gets her life in order.
She only focus on the present, you, and wants to forget her past.
She took care of you all by herself.
When you were a baby, she had a crib in her office, so she was able to work and be with you at the same time.
Then, when you were a toddler, she placed a baby park with toys and plushies.
Now, you have a little desk just next to hers.
Since birth, your life was ordered. You had to follow the rules or you will be grounded.
It wasn't that bad, you had some freedom, but you wished that your mom wasn't a helicopter one.
She just wants the best for you, she had made mistakes, she wants to prevent you to do the same as hers.
Since your mom works in the music industry, you are really well acquainted with the music world, its currents and artists, and what will be the next big thing.
When there's NSR meetings, you play with the artists' children.
They're your only friends since you're homeschooled.
You never told your mom, but you discovered rock with a song of the mythic Kul Fyra, and now, you can't help but listen to indie rock bands.
You heard that one of your favorite rock band, bunk bed junction, will perform to the lights up auditions and you were hoping that they will be accepted into NSR.
So seeing that not only were they disqualified, but that rock is now banned from the auditions, was a huge shock for you.
You sulked in your room all night because of that.
Your mother, who doesn't know about your little secret, thought that their behavior is what had made you all pouty.
Good thing she had banned this savages from the music scene.
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emma045 · 1 year
Tatiana: we need something new
Y/N: tiktok
Tatiana: no
Mayday: YESSSS
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trashdeviant · 4 years
Whoever x reader
Tw: despressing, alcohol
‘Everybody hates you–you’ve done nothing but harm people who get close to you. They even tell you how much they hate you and yet you sit here in a pile of yourself claiming you’re the victim when you’re nothing but a piece of shit circling the drain and becoming forgotten. Unlovable and a waste of time. Who could love somebody as bloated and weak minded as you are...’
You clutch the sides of your head as you fight the urge. A dazzling glass bottle shimmers in the corner of your watery eyes. You’ve already vowed you would quit but when it hurts this bad who are you to say no? The yearn to lose control of yourself and forget you have feeling? You would kill for that. You almost move your hand to reach it until large, warm hands engulf you in a familiar embrace.
Weren’t you alone?
Your face is hot with embarrassment but you can’t stop the choked out sob as their grip tightens. Your name is called out gently, “Hey hey what’s wrong?”
You bury your head in your hands as you stifle anymore noises. ‘You’re already disgusting as it is.’ Their head rests against your back, “Alright you don’t have to say... but maybe turn around and look at me?”
Why are they speaking so gently to you? ‘You deserve nothing but to be tossed away. Is it too late to grab the booze?’ There’s a sigh above you before you are slowly moved around. You let it happen. Considering they already know you’re crying there’s not much use in hiding it now. They raise your chin up with care.
Regardless of your quivering features, they throw you a soft gaze and a loving smile. ‘You must be such a mess. Not to mention a handful. They’re tired of you and you know it.’
Almost as if they could hear your inner thoughts they lean in to rest their forehead against yours, “I’m so sorry you’re hurting, my love... please tell me what I can do to help you?”
There wasn’t much you could say in this state. You didn’t even know what you wanted. ‘So indecisive and so pathetic. You don’t deserve them...’
“It’s okay,” you hiccup as a new flow of tears stream down your face, “I’m here for you,” your name like honey on their tongue, “... is that what’s bugging you?”
They move away just a few inches to see in your red puffy eyes that their suspicions were correct.
“Oh no...” with a swift forehead kiss they bring you closer to them just to whisper in your ear. “You mean the world to me, never forget that...” you could almost laugh at that... “I love you so much and nothing you do or say will change that... please know that you will not be forgotten... I want to grow old and disgusting with you!” They pull away to cup your face in their hands to smile at you as tears brim their eyes, “please... I love you more than you will ever know...”
You return their smile, but something is wrong. Their expression shifts into something more questionable. They ask you name in a question, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing...” you reply with a hoarse voice, “I...”
You look down to your hand gripping a glass bottle...
“I love you too...”
you’re alone again.
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obsessed-bug · 2 years
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(Gif made by @submech)
(I won’t write NSFW work for Mayday, Tatiana, Kliff, and Neon J.)
(I’ll write lime levels of NSFW for Zuke, DK West, Eve, and DJSS. Read the rules down below to get a better idea of what I write and don’t write.)
(Mostly) Everybody
(Request) (Fluff) Tatiana, Eve, DJSS, and Neon J with silly outgoing S/O
(Request) (Working on it!) Tatiana, Eve, DJSS, and Neon J with super serious S/O who cracks up at the silliest things
(Request) (Fluff) (Almost) All characters reaction to their S/O giving them flowers
DK West
(Request) (Fluff) DK West Headcanons
(Request) (Fluff) Kliff Relationship Headcanons
(Request) (Fluff) DJSS with shy S/O
(Request) (Fluffy) DJSS with a mostly tired s/o
(Request) (Angst) DJSS x Reader - Please, Please Don’t Leave…
Neon J
(Request) (Fluff) Neon J with shy S/O headcanons
(Request) (Fluff) Neon J with S/O who has random mood swings
[Stupidly fluffy] 1010 x (Radio Host) Female Reader
(Fluff) 1010’s reaction to receiving flowers from their S/O?
(White) Rin
[Extra Fluffy] Rin x Female Reader - Cuddly Baby
[Fluff] Rin x Female Reader - Combat Training
[Fluff, also a lot of teasing] Rin x Female Reader - Tease
(Request) [Angst][Fluff] Rin x Reader - The Truth
[Some sexual tension, some fluff] Rin x Female Reader - Tired?
(Red) Zimelu
[Pretty fluffy… but oh my lawd why is this lime suddenly so spicy-] Zimelu x Female Reader
(Blue) Purl-Hew
[Slight-ish Lime?] [Fluff] Purl-Hew x Female Reader - Rain
(Request) [Fluff] Purl-Hew x (Chatty) Reader (Headcannons)
[Some spicy lime-] Purl-Hew x Female Reader - Lazy Morning
(Yellow) Haym
(Request from A03) [Angst] [Fluff] Haym X Female Reader - Just An Act
(Green) Eloni
[Extreme fluff] Eloni x Female Reader - Sweater Cuddles
[Depresso hours, but there’s also extreme fluff hours] Eloni x Female Reader - A Bittersweet Confession
[Not a single amount of fluff, this shit is just fucking sad ;_;] Eloni x Female Reader - This Can’t Work
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nsr-imagines · 3 years
I know that this topic of the ask is a bit early, but... what would happen if B2J, NSR and DK West encountered Sam from Trick 'r Treat?
So sorry for the long wait I've been really busy and I wanted to do this near Halloween
- "Hey Zuke do we have any candy around?" - Very oblivious to Sam cause she thinks he's just a regular kid under the bag - Not only that but she gives him full size candy bars - So in all May is safe for the season for her obliviousness
- "It's a bit early for trick or treating isn't kid?" - Does really think about it much and just gives Sam a goodie bag filled toys, candy and... a energy bar? - Sam stares at him for a minute than walks away leaving Zuke feeling unsafe - Zuke is okay but will feel watched from around the corner
- "Is it already Halloween?" - Forgot that it's October than processes to try and find any sweets - In the end he just ends up giving Sam two dodo pops - Sam's confused but walks away eating the pops joyfully
Yinu and Mama
- "I like your costume!" - Yinu and Sam would go around the neighborhood trick or treating with Mama following behind - Mama making sure that Sam stays close to her, because 1. he's a child and 2. she doesn't know where he's parents are (if he had any at all) - Yinu and Mama are safe just for hanging with Sam
1010 and Neon J
- "Hey, kid where are your parents?" - Much like Mama Neon J will keep this kid close to him and 1010 - 1010 are very interested in Sam's outfit, even taking welfies with him and than posting with the captions "🍬🍭🎃Trick or Treat! 👻🍫🍬" with Sam posing at the center - Sam leaves the group alone since they give him a sack of candy as he waves goodbye to them
- "Oh my and who are you suppose to be? A ghost, ghoul or zombie?" - Eve has a soft spot for children and Sam is no differences, she doesn't know that she's talking with the spirit of Halloween - She gives Sam big goodie bags filled with all sorts of candies from bars to gums and taffy - Eve in all passed since she has the Halloween spirit right down to decoration
- "Aren't you just the most adorable a little monster." - Tati is that one person during Halloween that gives out full sizes of any candy; Chocolate, Gummies, to Taffy - Even the NSR headquarters is decked out in decorations to make it look abandoned and haunted with employee dressed as monsters, while Tati dressed as a witch - Sam loves Tatiana that he sticks around her until Halloweens over
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Tatiana, about Neon J: The composure and self control shown by that man is an inspiration to all of us.
1010, who actually live with him: He fell out of a window yesterday because Y/N smiled at him, but okay.
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snailstrailz · 4 years
Hewo! Christmas is coming and maybe outside is snowing and I thought how s/o and NSR characters are celebrating Christmas?🎅🎄
🎄Christmas headcanons🎄
May is the Christmas-crazy type. She loves to decorate,sing, and do all things christmas! She also gives thoughtful gifts
Zuke is not as crazy as May, but he does enjoy the holidays, especially sharing hot cocoa with his s/o while watching Christmas movies
Dj is not really the Christmas type. He dislikes cold weather, and he thinks the carols are obnoxious. However, what he doesn't mind is cuddling s/o and ranting about how ridiculous the Santa myth is
Dk West
He enjoys Christmas mostly for the parties and showing off his s/o to annoy Zuke. S/o should expect to be dragged under a mistletoe when Zuke is nearby.
Neon j
Neon is pretty busy but around the holidays, scheduling Christmas concerts and signing deals for Christmas-themed 1010 merch. But it makes sharing warm cuddles with s/o all the more enjoyable.
Eve is also a bit of a holiday nut. She goes out of her way to make custom sweaters for her and s/o, and she stresses out a lot to find the perfect gifts for them.
Like Dj, Tati isn't big on Christmas. the extra lights that need more power mean more work for her, and she's pretty tense. Luckily, S/o is there to give cuddles
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monstertreden · 4 years
Y/N : *at 12 pm * Who dares to wake me during my eternal slumber..
Tatiana : Darling, you slept for more than 10 hours
Y/N: *rolling themselves in the bed sheets like a burrito * And I'm not going to get up from my crib..
Tatiana : I made biscuits
Y/N : *still in a burrito but standing next to Tatiana * Well then, what are we waiting for?
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Y/N is in the hospital
Eve: Don’t you have a city to run?
Tatiana: My favorite person is in the hospital, the city can wait.
Eve: I don’t think it works like that.
Tatiana: I run the city, so it does.
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smittenroses · 3 years
could I request some headcanons for NSR Tatiana x an easily flustered reader(love your NSR fics btw)
a/n: ngl I haven't touched nsr stuff in a while so I had to go back and brush up on how to write for the gilf haha. Also to assume, I'm not writing designer! Reader for this given the fact that it's not included in the ask. Also if anyone could find that picture of t posing spinning upside down Tatiana, I'll love you for it
Tatiana with an easily flustered reader
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Now, Tatiana's days of being Kul Fyra have long since passed, but the CEO of NSR still had a mean streak in her when it came to easily flustering her s/o.
Then again, there are many things that Tatiana still continued to be behind closed doors or with those she associated with, but that was beside the point.
you knew Tatiana back from when she had been the lead guitarist of the Goolings, so she was comfortable around you. Sure, you didn't exactly play with the band at the time since you were a pianist, but maybe that's why Tatiana still kept in contact with you over the years.
Maybe that's how she also knew how to fluster you easy; holding you in places which were risqué, flashing that bell bar piercing that she still kept in her tongue while the two of you were in public and nobody was looking, these were all things that made your face flush darkly.
however, the fact that even giving you any affection out in public, you still become flustered at the simple feeling of holding hands since you're worried about her reputation. Would people find it weird that she's dating outside her social circle?
Then again, Tatiana had a special ability it seemed to not even care about the gossip that spread about the two of you, instead she tried to show you off the best way she can.
Matching suits. People might also joke about your face when she's holding you matching her hair, though if she feels like they're causing you to become more upset than flustered, then she will make sure they're chased away by either herself or security.
may I mention she probably takes videos of her flustering you because she likes to watch them when she's away from you for long periods of time?
if I had to describe the relationship dynamic in a picture, it's the "special feeling" meme (pictured below)
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translation: "being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling. I like it."
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nsrficwritter · 4 years
I write for:
NSR Zuke
NSR Mayday
NSR Tatiana
NSR 1010
NSR Neon J
NSR Tatiana
I will not write:
Pedophilia (that's why Sayu isn't here she's 16)
Nasty stuff
I will write:
NSFW (though I'll try my best)
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emma045 · 1 year
Y/N: *shows friend kul fyra poster*
*looks at poster*
*looks at Tatiana*
*looks at poster*
*looks at Tatiana*
That's not her
Tatiana is more fat
Y/N: uh oh
Friend: what
Why do I hear boss music
Why Tatianas hair started to burn
What is happenin?!
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Tatiana x reader headcannon for a friend
She’ll keep you warm on day and nights
The night was cold yet as Tatiana held her partner in her arms. The reader found themselves held in her massive arms. “My dear sweet songbird, are you cold? Your shaking like leaf, do you need me to warm you up.” She placed a few kisses on beloveds forehead.
She may not like rock but if her parents likes it she’ll turn a blind eye to it.
“I may not enjoy it myself, but if it keeps you happy then listen to your heart's desire as long as see your lovely smile then ill look over you and your sad musical taste”
This woman will spoil you silly. She owns the city and she won't hesitate to show her power over you and town.
”you know my Sweetheart, I might have the city at my fingers tips but the most valuable thing I have, is you”
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trashdeviant · 4 years
If your open to it, I could request more Tati if you want! I really liked that last little scenario that you posted bout Zuke gettin a teasing text. Would you be willing to do a short scenario of Tati recieving one? If that is alright, of course!
It wasn’t unlike her to be too busy to hang out with you on nights like these. Tatiana was running late on picking you up so you could go grab dinner at some fancy restaurant. Something about meetings running too long or being buried in paper work–it was all the same to you. A small whine comes from the hand held console in your vice grip.
“Piers, please I only have so many hyper potions.” You whimper to yourself. You were just too lazy to level up your team before taking on the next gym.
Almost having enough of that there’s another whine, but from your phone.
“I’ll be home late, sorry. I’ve ordered you take out from that place you like to frequent. It’s on its way.”
Of course...
You’re not truly mad, not while she was trying to suck up after basically cancelling again. It kind of stung with how formal she would text though. Regardless you shoot her a rather petty, “thanks dont stay too busy ily”, not that she would notice. This sucked! You were even wearing that cute g-string she had picked out for you. “What a waste...” you hiss to yourself.
... or is it?
A mischievous smirk gracefully tugs at your lips. You’re quick to pull off all your clothes before finding a mirror. You took out your phone and began taking several shots, experimenting all sorts of angles and poses before deeming any of them worthy. Plenty of time had passed for your decided on an animatic set of three with you looking incredibly needy as your lips were invitingly parted and your hand gliding down your neck and chest with each picture. You slap a few subtle filters on it before hitting send.
“Tati I miss you 🥺”
Took a few minutes to open it before a speech bubble immediately appeared to indicate she was typing.
“I’ll be home soon. In the meantime, behave yourself.”
Ah, so you struck a nerve... good.
You couldn’t help the fake pout as you retaliated, “but I’m wearing that thing you like...”
She opened it, but it took her another minute to respond.
“Show me.”
You looked eloquently impish at the response and wasted no time in sending her one you had already prepared. You had your ass propped up on the bathroom sink. It was shot at a 40° angle–your torso twisted towards the mirror while your ass and thigh got taken at the side. Your tongue was lolled out teasingly just to be childish.
“Do you like it?” You asked not so innocently.
“You’re distracting me from my work,” you could feel the venom in the way she typed your name.
“But you wanted to see it!!”
“Enough! Stop being such a brat. I’ll be home shortly.”
“Oh I’ll show you a brat!” You challenge. Preparing another take, you hit record.
“Tati~” your tone begins softly, quietly needy, just how she likes it, “I haven’t seen you in so long.” You’re feeling yourself up and down, following any accents to your frame as you continue, “I miss the way you hold me when I’m lonely...” your hand trails up, “the way you,” gripping at your throat gently as you begin to zoom in accordingly, “touch. me.” Your voice gets breathy as if mimicking some of your rough play with her.
It cuts off perfectly–leaving her to want more like a kiss at the door that’s much too short. You were tempted to bombard her with all sort of lewd things! Just to start sexting about how punishment will go while she tries to focus on her work. That would certainly get her to pay more attention to you.
Oh how you longed for a reaction. She hasn’t responded in some time now. You were almost worried about whether or not you crossed the line when you remembered how upsetting it was that she cancelled on you. Before you could send anything else the front door opens.
You know it’s Tatiana so you don’t rush to visit her until she calls out your name. Once you were in front of her, looking away in sudden embarrassment, she firmly tugs at your chin to have you look at her. There’s a mischievous glint in her eyes that stills your beating ribcage. The tone she uses sends a welcomed shiver up your spine, “Grab your choker, brat...”
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obsessed-bug · 2 years
Hiya. May I ask for Tatiana, Eve, Neon J, and DJSS with a really funny/silly and outgoing reader? If you need more detail for that, I'll say their s/o is absolutely a delight. Able to brighten up any situation with a well placed joke or quip, and turn it comical. But they know when it's just not the time for a joke.
Oo how fun! Just a warning but prepare for the feels everyone when you read Eve and Neon J‘s bit.
• Oh boy oh boy. Tatiana had a bit of a problem with you the first time you two met.
• She thought you’d be an annoyance.
• She was proved wrong by your generous and fun personality.
• Anytime you’d enter a room, the room would be a bit less grim and more positive.
• Tatiana wasn’t that outgoing herself, but herself being around you made her feel something she hasn’t felt in years.
• The more times you were around her, the more she absolutely adored you from under her professional gaze.
• Of course when it came to hefty situations that personality of yours just completely disappears.
• Depending on who you are, you’re either the one panicking, or staying calm on the outside and at the same time panicking in the inside.
• Tatiana being so strong willed, she never panics.
• She appreciates that you tone things down and take things seriously when needed to be.
• There are other reasons besides these examples of why she loves you so much.
• Someone like Eve. Quiet, stern, and professional yet beautiful with an also equally beautiful partner that’s outgoing and silly, well...
• People wouldn’t think these type of personalities wouldn’t match. You’d be dead wrong though.
• Someone that’s also funny and outgoing but also beautiful in the inside and out? Eve is complete love struck.
• Eve LOVES your positive giggly funny self.
• It brings a new light into any room.
• Eve still dealing with mental issues, you’ve helped her so much so she’s not trapped in her own head as much
• She admires and loves you dearly, and she’d 100% create art based on you and her (especially you.) 👀
• Dealing with Eve’s breakdowns was the most heart wrenching things to experience.
• You being her partner, there’s not much you can do except to hold her and tell how much you loved her.
• You try to cheer her up with jokes, but you know when to tone it down.
• Eve appreciates when you try to make her at least laugh or smile.
• Ever since you two got together it’s always Eve ended up with a smile in the end.
• She’s become more mentally stable as of late because of you, and she couldn’t be any happier being with you.
Neon J
• Another person matching his energy? How could he not help but fall in love with you?
• He sometimes grew shy in your giggly presence.
• He couldn’t help himself. He hasn’t felt like that around anyone since he was a young lad.
• His boys saw him simping from a mile away as you two grew closer.
• They’d 100% do dumb shit in order for Neon J and you to confess to one another.
• Out of no where one day you confess your feelings to Neon J no problem.
• After Neon J heard you confess you swear you saw a heart start to form on his radar screen.
• You couldn’t help but squeal as you hugged him.
• As you two got closer in your relationship, you eventually moved into Baracca Mansion with Neon J and his boys.
• It was an absolute delight.
• 1010 were like your sons in a way too in a strange way.
• With getting closer in a relationship means finding out more problems that lie underneath though.
• One night you wake up to hearing Neon shuffling around in the bed
• You could hear him panicking in his sleep, and that’s when you hugged him from behind.
• “Sweetie it’s ok I’m here. You’re here. What you’re experiencing is just a nightmare. You’re safe now I promise.”
• After a while of holding him, you could feel his body grow less tense. He woke up.
• “I…”
• Neon said as he turned his body around to face you. You couldn’t tell what emotion was which cause of his radar screen yet, but you knew right now he sounded and seemed ashamed.
• “Shh…”
• You shushed him as you brought him close to your chest.
• You heard him sigh, his arms slowly making their way around your waist.
• “There’s no shame in having nightmares Neon. If you want you want to talk about it?”
• You didn’t get a reply for a good bit thinking he fell asleep, but then you feel him shuffle his radar boxed face out of your chest.
• “It’s about time I told you more about these nightmares, my love.”
• You nod as you hold him close as he began to explain his PTSD from the border wars.
• You felt like you learned more about him in this emotionally open moment.
• Neon J wouldn’t say it, but you just listening to him as you held him close and supporting him got him feeling so loved and payed attention to.
• Yes you were a jolly goofy person, but he’s never seen you this serious before.
• It showed that you cared this much about how he actually felt.
• He knew he made the right choice to choose you as his love and for you to move in with him.
• He doesn't want to admit it, but damn did he fall for you hard.
• Not just for looks of course, but your whole personality.
• Him usually being stoic and you being bubbly and outgoing rubbed on him for sure.
• It surpised him in ways he didn't expect.
• And that you get him blushing, like a lot.
• He thinks it utterly embarresing.
• Especially when you get excited over something and you come over to cover him in kisses-
• He's blessed to have you as a partner. Wether in serious situations or regular ones, you keep him steady
• Without you, I'd feel like he'd lose his sense of 'centre'.
• He found himself being a tad more open too, and he 100% blames you for that.
• Reguardless of that he loves you, like a lot.
Hey everyone! I’m updating SLOWLY but surely on a few things. Thank ya’ll for your patience and I hope this ok @queenticklusselena! ^_^
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