#npc: risa
puppyeared · 1 year
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akumanoken · 1 year
He wasn't at all surprised that he wasn't acknowledged, why would he be. Just following along silently through the halls, squeezing Souji's hand to help keep him grounded through his nerves. Finally stopping in a tea garden, he returned the bow before turning his face to his husband.
"I... hello..." he said softly. He turned to Aki and squeezed his hand, trying to keep from breathing too hard, but it was obvious he was already freaking out.
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"Ah, and this must be your husband... Hello, Mizushima-san it is an honor for you to be here as well... please both of you sit?? My granddaughter Risa," she said gesturing to the teenage girl. "And this is my son Haruo..." she said gesturing to the man who led them here.
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"H-hello!! I'm... such a big fan it's so good to meet you!!!" Risa was practically sparkling, and her smile seemed to calm Souji down a little.
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"A-ah... thank you!!!" She was super cute, wasn't she?? He turned to Aki and took another deep breath, walking with him to sit down.
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nathan-naguit-art · 1 year
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Recently I've had the pleasure of working on seven (seven!! 😂) character commissions--a whole D&D party (plus one NPC)--each with their own vibrant designs and personalities. First is Risa, an aasimar fighter/druid, and ex-royal guard. Though exiled, she is more than content protecting what is hers. 🔥🔥🔥
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mxdarling · 4 months
vas; eng
anjali kunapaneni (dori & sushang)
dani chambers (arlan & nilou)
felicia angelie (asta, hook, & mona)
alejandro saab (cyno & jingyuan)
elizabeth maxwell (rosaria & natasha)
xanthe huynh (pela & changsheng, baizhu's snake)
amber may (deyha & yanqing)
kayli mills (keqing & dubra "the scribe")
jennifer losi (ganyu & constance "the dahila")
caleb yen (gaming & hsr male mc)
suzie yeung (eula & hanya)
daman mills (lyney & blade)
risa mei (kokomi & lynx)
skyler davenport (march 7th & loumelat, npc)
jenny yokobori (xueyi & yoimiya)
emi lo (ruan mei & columbina)
cia court (himeko, ogura mio, npc & inagi hotomi, npc)
istg if i'm missing one i'm gonna cry :soob:::
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luminisiv · 2 years
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day 4: nostalgia
more l5r npcs, this time with risa and mihane, and the days gone by.
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gadgetcheat · 12 days
7, 14 and 24 for the rejuv asks !!
7. Favorite friendship(s)?
one of my favorite hobbies is getting really emotional over the ligosomnia trio (xara + jean + risa) THEY MAKE ME SOOOOOOOO SAD. arceus take all of their pain and give it to thomas blakeory senior. i could talk about them for hours but i dont want to spoil anything for followers who haven't gotten there yet. platinum route ruined my life. worst game ever. best game ever
other than that idk if this counts more as like found family or not but i care kanon and erin soo much their dynamic is so good
+ honorable mention whatever florin and talon have going on
14. What character(s) did you initially not care about or dislike that grew on you after a while?
i didn't have much of an opinion on damien the first time i saw him but after a while i was like Wait a minute...... this guy is awesome as hell...!!! and i do think he deserves more love.... we as a community need more damien rhaela fans NOW !!
24. Favorite npc/minor characters that barely get screentime?
I LOOOVE cosmia and comet even though they have like two and a half minutes of screentime. i was soo happy when they got official art theyre so funny and cutes both of them. i want to squish them. i hope we get more of them in v14 but please arceus im begging dont let anything awful happen to them they are literally just the silly putty siblings
and patty too
thank you for the ask!
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yungimmortals · 3 years
phone numbers | jaime (ft. risa)
date: december 26, 2020
summary: a long-overdue phone call, a heavy dose of salt in an old wound, and a very low battery
An unknown number flashed across his screen. Never one to pick up the phone unless he absolutely had to (and definitely not one to pick up when he didn’t recognize the caller), Jaime let it go to voicemail, tossing his phone onto his bed. 
Swiveling in his desk chair, he spin in a full circle before returning his focus to  the project he had been working on since getting back to his apartment earlier that evening. Christmas with Katie’s family had been fun; now it was time for Jaime to recharge. Restoring a vintage typewriter -- Jaime’s Christmas present to himself -- was the perfect thing to do. In the last hour, he had polished it, ridding the typewriter of years of rust and grime. All the type-levers were in place, all the knobs and buttons in working condition. Now it was time to work on the carriage lever and the platen, time to get the machine ready for writing. 
Dismantling his typewriter was a delicate process, interrupted again by the ringing of his phone. “Where is it?” He mumbled, turning is his chair and taking a dive at the bed when he spotted his phone. Snatching it up, he recognized the same number that had called earlier but was saved the trouble of a debate as to whether or not he should answer it when his screen went dark once more. A moment later, a voicemail notification flashed across his screen.
Curiosity piqued, Jaime unlocked his phone, raising it to his ear to listen to the voicemail. The last voice he expected to hear drifted out of the phone’s speakers and he dropped it in surprise. 
Jaime, it’s me. I need to talk to you. I hope this is still your number.
Without hesitation, he returned the call. There was one ring, then two, then three. Jaime bounced his leg up and down before spinning around in his desk chair, his stomach a pit of nerves. As the line continued to ring, he was almost positive he had imagined the voicemail. But then there was an audible click, followed by the sound of his sister’s voice.
“So this is your number. Rowan’s handwriting is absolute shit, I couldn’t tell if that last number was a seven or a four. Can’t believe she wants to go to art school with that chicken scratch.”
“You sound surprised.”
“Well, I, er. That is-”
His sister’s laughter sounded tinny, far away. “Jaime, relax. Oh, and Merry Christmas. Did you get our card?”
Jaime switched the call to speaker phone and placed his phone on his desk. He stared at it blankly before scrubbing his face with his hands. “Card?”
“Yeah, Ro made you a Christmas card in her risography workshop. She’s building her portfolio for college but I’m sure she told you that since you talk, like, all the time.” Risa sounded bitter as she spoke, changing the subject quickly. “Anyway, I need to talk to you about something. Is this a good time?”
In eight years, his middle sister had never once called of her own volition. Even convincing her to be a part of Jaime and Rowan’s ‘family phone calls’, had taken a few years of their littlest sister badgering her. Now Risa was calling and it sounded important and Jaime couldn’t think of a single thing to say. He must have been silent for too long, he realized, hearing his sister clear her throat.
“Jay, if you’re busy, just tell me. I’ll find another time,” she said, though from her tone, Jaime could tell that if they didn’t talk about what was on her mind now, they likely never would.
“No! I mean, no, I’m not busy. I was just-- yeah, no, I’m here. What-- what’s up?” Jaime pushed his typewriter to the side before rummaging through his desk drawer for a notebook and pen (just in case he needed to take notes). He chuckled as Risa told him to buckle up, already welcoming the familiarity with which she was speaking to him, no matter how strange it felt.
“This isn’t what I’m calling about but I might as well tell you while we’re here. Dad’s sick. He said you cursed him or some shit, but it’s all bull. He went off the deep end a few years ago. Totally cuckoo. I figured you didn’t know, since you and Ro have your stupid agreement to never mention Charles to each other. Says he’s seeing things. Monsters and shit. Which I would call bull, but I remember that creepy guy. You know, the one waiter at the Dog & Pony that would always stare at you and Mom when we all went for dinner? He only had one eye. I don’t mean like an eyepatch. I mean one freaking eye, right in the center of his head. Don’t know if you ever noticed that, but I did.” Now that Risa had started talking, it seemed she couldn’t stop. “And that’s not the last time I saw something or someone weird like that. There’s a girl who works at the nature center in the park and I swear, Jay. I freaking swear that she melts into the trees. She’s a dryad right? I got lunch with your aunt last week and she filled me in on some stuff. I don’t know how she got in touch with us. Said something about your dad, I don’t remember. But, anyway, we got lu-”
“My aunt?” Jaime interrupted, feeling guilty for doing so, but not seeing where he could get a word in edgewise if he waited for her to pause.
“Oh, shit. Wait, there’s a picture, did I mention a picture? Before I forget. It’s with your card. I was digging through some of Mom’s trail crew stuff in the attic a while back, looking for her old boots, and I found it. It says ‘David’ with a heart next to it on the back. That was his name, right? Your dad?”
Jaime blinked, surprised at both the abrupt subject change and the mention of his father. He didn’t want the subject of his aunt to drop but the photograph won his curiosity. “Yeah, that’s him.”
“Okay, so you’ll see it, but, like, it’s totally weird. There’s a lens flare on it but it’s, like, just across your dad. Kinda ruins the whole picture, you can’t see him at all. It’s like when you try to take a photo of the sun. Mom looks beautiful though, but she always did. I think they were at Otter Cove, and I know that was one of your favorite trails.”
Like trying to photograph the sun. Jaime almost laughed. Risa had no idea how close to the truth she was. Which reminded him, “You had lunch with my aunt?”
“Dude, yeah. And she’s, like, so cool. If you’re related to so many cool people -- myself and Ro included, obviously -- how did you turn out like this?” 
He could hear Risa laugh on the other line and just rolled his eyes. He glanced down at his notebook where he’d written a collection of words: cursed, Cyclops, dryads in Acadia? The latter was underlined several times, whether from surprise or excitement, Jaime couldn’t remember. He realized his sister had started speaking again. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” 
“I was saying, if you were paying attention, that we went to Geddy’s -- that veg place on Main? -- for lunch and she was telling me about some fancy neo-classical city? New Athens or some shit like that, I think. In New York. Is that where you live? Ro told me you were like, weirdly into Greek mythology one time. But honestly, that tracks with some of the stuff I’ve seen. Hey, how come your aunt was looking for me, not you? She said something about mist but it was. like, not even a foggy day. We could see out over the harbor. Crystal clear.”
“The Mist,” Jaime correctly automatically, then pinched the bridge of his nose. The list in his notebook grew longer as their call stretched on. “I don’t know,” he admitted, in response to Risa’s question about his aunt. “Did she tell you her name?”
“Artemis? Which I was like hello, weird, since I was literally just thinking about you and your Greek mythology phase. I asked if she was David’s sister and she said ‘if that’s what he’s calling himself now’. Do estranged siblings run in your side of the family or something?”
At that, Jaime made a choking sound, staring at his phone. The resulting crow of laughter from his sister made it clear that she’d been expecting, no, hoping for that reaction. 
“Just messing with you, Jay. Relax. Anyway. She’s got this, like, wild grrl gang of hikers that travel the country? Gave me a pamphlet, told me to consider it. She said I could tell Rowan too, but when I did, Ro didn’t seem to care at all. She’s just got art school on the brain, I think. Your aunt had told me that would happen, said that the Mist was thicker around our sweet baby sister. But, uh, do you know what the Mist is? I’m, like, pretty sure you do since you corrected me a minute ago.”
“Yeah that’s what I thought. So anyway, Aunt Artemis said you’re a demigod. Guess your dad’s name isn’t really David, huh? Last I checked, there’s no Greek god of boring dad names. Care to fill me in? Is that why I’ve seen some weird, like, mythological creatures around the harbor when we were growing up? Oh and Grandma Hana says hi.”
A distressed sound escaped Jaime’s lips. He had forgotten his sister’s habit of bouncing from subject to subject and here it was, smacking him in the face with more new information than he could handle at the moment. Christmas wishes had been exchanged with his grandmother the day before, so he didn’t have to worry about acknowledging that topic, thankfully. His brain was working in overdrive and he could practically feel Risa’s impatience, the longer he was silent.
“Jaime,” she prompted. 
He sighed, massaging his temples as he stared down at his phone. “His name isn’t David, it’s Apollo. Artemis’ brother. They aren’t named after the Greek gods, they are the Greek gods. So yes, that makes me a demigod. And it sounds like...you can probably see through the Mist. At least a little more than most mortals.”
“Holy shit. And you never thought ‘hey maybe I should tell my sister this super freaking weird but also totally cool thing about me’? What the shit, Jaime!”
He opened his mouth to tell her that he hadn’t known until after he left, until after he read the letter their mother had left for him, but Risa was steamrolling ahead.
“Wait...wait, so that was the Artemis? Your aunt is the Artemis? And she- and she invited me to join her immortal Hunt?” He heard a muffled shriek, like she had covered the receiver with her hand. A small smile spread across his face. “Well, I’m saying yes...obviously.”
“Okay, hold on a second there. That’s a big decision, don’t you think you shou-”
“Oh no, no. I’m going to stop you right there. You don’t get to play the big brother card here, Jay. You don’t get to keep secrets for years and then tell me I need to think about accepting an offer from a goddess. And don’t say some shit about me looking after Rowan. She doesn’t need anyone to look after her. You’d know that if you were here. Honestly, she does a better job looking after me than I do her. Shit, wait. Does that mean Dad’s not crazy? Did you really make all those people sick all the time? Did you...make Mom sick? Isn’t Apollo the god of healing?”
“I wasn’t playing the big brother card!” He protested weakly. As she continued, Jaime blanched. Several times. First at the mention of his absence, then at the mention of Charles’ theories, and again at the mention of their mother. “I’m sorry,” he started, hoping Risa understood that he was apologizing for leaving. They would have more time to unpack that later, he figured. 
"Charles is definitely still crazy. I didn’t make all those people sick. Mom either. I, uh, I only did it once. Made someone sick, I mean. It was a boy that bullied me at school during the years Mom was sick and Charles wouldn’t listen to me about it. One day the kid was beating me up and hitting me and, and I, I don’t know what happened. I pushed him and pushed? I don’t know, energy? At him, and I gave him the chicken pox or something, at least I think that’s what the school said. Chicken pox,” he scoffed, ducking his head, despite the fact that Risa couldn’t see him. “He’s the god of many things. Music, the arts, the sun. Healing, yeah, but plague and illness is the flip side of that.”
“Like the plague arrows he shot at the Greeks. Before you say anything, yes, I’ve read the Iliad. And The Song of Achilles, which, if you haven’t read it, you have to.” As if realized she’d gotten off track, Risa was quiet for a moment. Jaime was thankful she didn’t push him on the subject of his powers; he wasn’t sure what he would have said if she had. When his sister spoke again, she sounded farther away, her voice detached. “Artemis told me there are other children of Apollo. You have other family.”
It wasn’t a question, it was an accusation -- that was clear. When Jaime answered, he sounded tired. “I do, yeah.” Though his sister couldn’t see it, his expression was one of regret. “But it’s, it’s not like that, Ris.”
“I didn’t ask what it was like,” she snapped. After a moment of tense silence, he could hear her sigh. “I’m going to contact Artemis. Learn as much about your world as she’ll tell me. And then I’m going to join the Hunt.”
With a click, the line went dead. 
Jaime stared at his phone in silence until the screen darkened, battery dead as well. He heaved a sigh, detangling himself from his desk chair to plug his phone into the cord on his nightstand to charge. So much for recharging, he thought to himself, knowing his own battery was dangerously low. Exhaling a groan, Jaime sunk onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling once more. To the constellations on his ceiling, he murmured, “That went about as well as it could have, all thing considered.”
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annyllel · 5 years
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See what happens when you go wandering in people’s homes?! Sometimes you can hear some interesting--and amusing--stuff!
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rxll-the-dxce · 6 years
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“Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.”  
 ―    Mae West
NPC. Risa Hanzō is a master of melee weapons, from sword to knuckledusters and anything inbetween. Raised to value military life above all, she’s a fierce commander who men fear being around.
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hooved · 3 years
obsessed with this ferengi npc who trains monkeys on risa in star trek online. fucking look at this dude
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weepylucifer · 2 years
Discovery Antagonist Outfits Ranked
1. Evil Lorca aka Regular Lorca
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See, I don’t dislike this. Not a huge fan of the crumpled-looking leather parka here, but it’s not the worst thing ever to round off the rest of this look. I like the fun pseudo-armor-detailing down the chest, the silver is a nice departure from the black leather theme that we’re going to see a lot of here. Not entirely sure about the tool-belt, but the holster strapped to the thigh is sexy for certain, and black leather pants and combat boots are always gonna find approval with me. Would have been even cooler and edgier with fingerless leather gloves. Bonus points for the tasteful trickle of blood and big sword. 7/10 off to a decent start
2. Leland
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This... isn’t really anything, sorry. Especially next to Queen Emperor Georgiou. He has some slight variations on this look but it’s mostly more of same. The shaved head and stubble isn’t really adding to it either, even tho he is the type to definitely think it looks cool. 1/10 it’s leather and it’s black
3. Osyraa
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With this high-waist jumpsuit situation here, Osyraa is boldly trying to make the statement that she is not a Karen, but those bangs tell otherwise. Good on her tho for setting some nice accents with the jewelry and silver studs in her belt, also the painted nails. Little bit of levity there by Ms. Capitalism, little bit of Fun. You speak to that manager, girlboss. You have coupons for those crimes against humanity, damn it, and the Admiral is going to accept them. 6/10 he won’t accept them honey, just go home or we’re going to have to call store security
4. Tarka
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SIGH. TO BE FAIR Ruon probably didn’t get out of bed that morning thinking he was gonna start a villain arc, hence why he neglected to grab any edgy leather statement pieces on his way out the door. Speaking of getting out of bed, this has the vibe of “t-shirt he slept in plus A Jacket”, symbolizing his depression and unfortunate lack of boyfriend. That’s all that can be said about it, it’s A Jacket. I didn’t crop the pic so you could all see how much more effort everyone around him put into their appearance, including the npcs who didn’t get a single line. Look at Book serving Brooding Antihero goodness. What on earth, Tarka, comparatively? Are you gonna ascend to space heaven in THIS? Do you think Oros is gonna look at this and say “Wow, babe, you look so handsome in that nondescript jacket, I love you and I’ll take you back despite the many crimes you committed to get here”? 2/10 quadrillions of impeccably glammed-up Risians are rolling in their graves. They probably consider this treason on Risa
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akumanoken · 3 years
“WIll you finally be quiet?”
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News of Nao’s son finally started spreading.  A shame, since she was doing her best to keep it under wraps, knowing just how the family would react.  
Especially members of the branch family.  One of them, with far too much makeup on her skin and a cloud of perfume that seemed suffocating, was worried about this... errant boy claiming things that don’t belong to him, that he would disrupt the delicate balance of the household that Tsukiko had spent much of her later life maintaining.  
“You’re so worried about affairs that truly do not concern you... or are you trying to make it a problem? Make it your problem?  Is there a reason you are so quick to judge a boy you don’t know and have never met?”
“Ah, forgive me, Tsukiko-sama but... it is odd that he had appeared so suddenly, is it not? I mean surely you must be wary of the complications that may arise if he--”
“You know nothing, Kutagawa Misae...”  The elder stood then, eyes boring holes in the woman’s form.  “I have met the boy myself, I have known him for longer than you have heard of him, which I would guess has only been a few days by the rush you’ve made.. and no matter what you think, the only one who makes decisions on the fortune of the Kutagawa estate is me.  I trust you will not forget that.  To jump here in fears that their share would be compromised... the nerve! She moved to the door, opening them up to show th woman out, but instead she revealed a young girl, cheeks red and panting.  “R-Risa??”
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“Ah... sorry for interrupting, obaa-chan...”
Tsukiko smiled.  “No interruption, this meeting had just adjourned... why are you so flushed, child?”
“Ah!!! Right!! Sou-chan just called me....he’s... he and Ayato-san are getting married!!! They’re going to have a ceremony in Hawaii can we go please please????”
The woman behind the matriarch sat there in stunned silence.  Such a satisfying face.  Tsukiko smiled and nodded.  “You must tell your father, Risa-chan... I’ll give Souji a call soon as well.”  
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When the girl ran off in her excitement, she turned to the woman with a smirk.  "Ah, you’re still here... well, I hope our conversation has settled things...”
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Ashai: In your travels, you come upon an injured voe lying on the ground. What do you do? Pasha: I immediately lift him up over my shoulder and carry him to the nearest person who can treat him! Dina: I would determine what was the matter and make a medicine on the spot to treat him! Risa: I would secretly bring him back to my home, where I could help him gradually recover! Ashai: Risa…A sweet sentiment…But also basically kidnapping.
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estelanel · 4 years
Mighty Nein ep. 32
“It’s weird looking at yourself walking towards you. Kinda like playing Resident Evil 1.”
“I tell Frumpkin to drink his milk.” - Matt: *sad cat noises*
“Maybe make some tea and shut the fuck up for one second.” - LOL.
I think Bryce is one of my favourite NPCs of c2 so far... Bryce and Risa, the gnome girl in Hupperdook.
“When you drink tea made of dead people you see things.”
Grog is still the only character to get psychic damage from thinking too hard, but Caduceus is now officially the only character to get a nosebleed from thinking too hard.
That weasel dies first. XD
"Nott now has a full-on Alf dynamic with some of these creatures." - this is gonna end real well. :D
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qironvg · 4 years
Capítulo 6: Comienzo Desfavorable
Después de aprender su lección, Shen Qingqiu se comportó serio por el resto del viaje hasta que al fin llegaron a la ciudad de Shuang Hu sin incidentes.
Aunque la ciudad no era tan grande, se podía considerar bulliciosa. Después de entrar, se quedaron en la mansión del hombre más rico de la ciudad. Él era el que había mandado a alguien a pedirles ayuda a la secta de la montaña de Cang Qiong, el viejo Maestro Chen.
Dos de las concubinas más queridas del Maestro Chen habían muerto trágicamente a manos del demonio desollador, así que había estado esperando desesperadamente la llegada de Shen Qingqiu. Él frotó las manos blancas de su hermosa concubina, mientras se quejaba con la gente en fila frente a él.
–¡Cultivadores, tienen que ayudarnos! Estos días, no me atrevo a dejar que mi querida Die-er se vaya de mi lado por un segundo, temo que si no tengo cuidado, ¡ese monstruo miserable la matará!
Al escuchar estas líneas NPC, Shen Qingqiu sintió algo como déjà vu.
¡Era absolutamente asqueroso ver a un anciano de sesenta años y a una jovencita acariciarse frente a él!
Por suerte, Shen Qingqiu tenía el aire de un noble maestro; después de hablar con ellos brevemente, se fue a su habitación. Sólo Ming Fan se quedó a hacerle plática al viejo Maestro Chen. Había privilegios en ser maestro, podía ser frío y nadie se atrevería a decir nada. Cuanto más distante, más respeto se recibía.
Ning Yingying tocó la puerta y entró.
–Shizun, Yingying quiere caminar por el mercado. ¿Le gustaría acompañarme?
A ningún hombre le disgustaba que una niña le llame tan dulcemente. Originalmente, Shen Qingqiu le estaba dando la espalda; al escuchar esto, se aclaró la garganta y se volteó a mirarla con la apariencia de un individuo frío y distante.
–Si quieres salir a caminar, puedes encontrar a varios shixiongs o shidis que te acompañen. Todavía tengo cosas que hacer antes de enfrentarnos con el desollador –dijo Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Qingqiu ya sabía a quién le pediría compañía.
¿Él ya no podía salir? Previamente, había pasado el tiempo encerrado en la casa de bambú de la cumbre Qing Jing, pretendiendo ser el shizun elegante de artes y literatura; tenía que actuar de manera “insulsa”: pláticas insulsas, risas insulsas, práctica insulsa con la espada— fue tan insulso que hasta le dieron ganas de rociarse la cabeza con sal. ¡Que molesto! Y cuando al fin salió de las montañas a viajar, todavía tenía que encerrarse en su habitación porque según el sistema, “a el Shen Qingqiu original le gustaba la tranquilidad, y no salía a lugares con mucha gente”. Ni siquiera quería fingir meditar, así que se acostó en la cama y fingió estar muerto por un rato. Antes del atardecer, Ming Fan llegó a darle un reporte.
Al fin, alguien vino a darle compañía. Shen Qingqiu no pudo evitar querer llorar. Todos los beneficios le pertenecían al protagonista, y la soledad a la carne de cañón. Poder salir y acompañar a las chicas a ver las linternas no era algo para ellos.
–Este discípulo ha examinado el cadáver –dijo Ming Fan. Le ofreció algunos objetos con una expresión solemne.
Shen Qingqiu los examinó de cerca; eran dos pilas de papel amarillo escritas con cinabrio. El papel ya se había ennegrecido. Parecía similar a la necrosis.
–¿Usaste esos talismanes para comprobar la energía demoníaca?
–Los ojos de Shizun ven todo[1]. Este discípulo usó estos talismanes en dos lugares. Uno en la tierra cerca de la tumba de una mujer, y el otro en un cadáver que aún no ha sido enterado por la esquina –dijo Ming Fan.
Esto sirvió como confirmación de que el desollador era sin duda de la raza demoníaca. Al fin sabían a lo que se enfrentaban.
Shen Qingqiu aclaró su garganta,
–Si se atreven a hacerle daño a las vidas cerca de la secta de la montaña Cang Qiong, esos condenados demonios no pueden culparme por enviar a mis discípulos justamente a castigarlos en lugar del Cielo.
De verdad no quería decir algo tan cursi, ¡pero si no sería OOC!
Ming Fan lo miró con ojos llenos de admiración.
–¡Shizun es muy sabio! Si Shizun toma acción, ¡acabará con ese demonio de un solo golpe, librando a la gente del mal!
Parece que este par de maestro y discípulo siempre habían seguido el modelo de “tú dictas, yo admiro”. ¡Una alegre cooperación!
A decir verdad, en el punto de vista de Shen Qingqiu, estaba muy satisfecho con Ming Fan como discípulo. Aunque era un joven rico, mimado y arrogante, no se atrevía a enseñar ni un poco de su arrogancia frente a su Shizun. Era extremadamente obediente y respetuoso. A cualquier hombre le gustaría ser admirado como un dios.
Las preparaciones para el viaje, la comida, los arreglos de alojamiento, todo fue hecho por Ming Fan. Si su IQ no se le bajará tanto cada vez que se topaba con el protagonista, transformándose en un malvado de escuela capaz de cualquier fechoría, él también sería un joven grandioso.
Frente a ese discípulo de carne de cañón que al final, fue arrojado por Luo Binghe a un pozo de hormigas y mordido hasta la muerte por estas miles de ellas, Shen Qingqiu siempre sintió un poco de lástima.
–Este viaje fuera de las montañas fue por el bien del entrenamiento. Si no es necesario, no les daré ayuda. Ming Fan, como el discípulo mayor, tienes que ser cuidadoso. No dejes que ese demonio dañe a tus compañeros discípulos.
–¡Si! Este discípulo ya tiene planeado una formación táctica, mientras ese demonio…
Ming Fan no había terminado cuando una persona entró apresuradamente a la habitación y le interrumpió.
–¡Shizun! –gritó Luo Binghe con la cara pálida.
–¿Qué es lo que pasa, para que grites tan recio y con tanto pánico? –El corazón de Shen Qingqiu latía con fuerza, pero fingió una expresión indiferente.
–Ning Yingying-shijie fue con este discípulo al mercado hace un rato durante el día; Cuando se empezó a oscurecer, le dije que es tiempo de regresar, pero no me hizo caso, y luego de repente desapareció. Este discípulo… buscó toda la calle una vez, pero no la pudo encontrar, y solo pudo regresar a pedirle a Shizun por ayuda –dijo Luo Binghe.
Desaparecer en este momento crítico, no era ninguna broma. ¡Ya casi caía la noche! Ming Fan saltó inmediatamente.
–¡Luo Binghe! Tú…
Shen Qingqiu agitó sus mangas, y explotó la taza de té en el escritorio; no solo fue disuasorio, también previno que Ming Fan se convierta más en carne de cañón.
Puso una apariencia enojada y dijo:
–Como la situación ya es así, no hay punto en decir más. Luo Binghe, tú vienes conmigo. Ming Fan, trae a otros shidis para pedirle ayuda al dueño Chen, y vayan a buscar juntos a su shimei.
Ming Fan le dio una mirada de odio pero se apresuró a salir. Luo Binghe tenía la cabeza agachada sin decir nada.
Shen Qingqiu sabía que esto absolutamente no era su culpa, porque Ning Yingying no solo juega el papel de la chica linda y adorable, pero también caminar hacia su muerte y ser una carga; en la novela original, el aumento de giros en la trama causados por sus desapariciones, torpezas, y líos eran suficientes para que Avión-Disparando-Hacia-el-Cielo extendiera la trama por otros 100 capítulos. A veces, Shen Qingqiu se sentía impresionado con la valentía de Luo Binghe cuando aceptaba miembros del harem. Él nunca rechazó a nadie, y se atrevía a aceptar hasta las mujeres más problemáticas, y hacía esto sin ser engañado y asesinado. Como se esperaba, el resplandor del protagonista era realmente genial, asombroso, bárbaro, y cabrón[2]. Una persona normal no podría soportar esto.
Luo Binghe pensó que le había dicho que se quedara para pegarle y gritarle.
–Todo esto es mi culpa; si Shizun desea castigarme, este discípulo no se resentirá ni lamentará. Solo espero que Ning-shijie regrese bien – dijo Luo Binghe con la cabeza agachada.
Shen Qingqiu pensó que se veía muy lamentable y quería acariciarle la cabeza, pero tuvo que contenerse por el sistema.
–Tú ven aquí. Llévame al lugar donde la perdiste – dijo fríamente.
Luo Binghe había perdido a Ning Yingying en la zona más bulliciosa del mercado.
Shen Qingqiu cerró los ojos, buscando la energía maligna. Siguió ese poco de energía que parecía que se rompería en cualquier momento. Cuando abrió los ojos, se encontró parado frente a las puertas de una tienda de maquillaje.
Shen Qingqiu: …
Podría ser que, ¿el matador era alguien de la tienda de maquillaje? ¿Era así de fácil?
Sin embargo, después de entrar a la tienda, el hilo de energía se rompió y desapareció por completo.
¿Podría ser que el asesino no se había escondido en la tienda, sino sólo había pasado? Al entrar a una tienda de maquillaje… ¿será una mujer?
Shen Qingqiu adivinó a ciegas por un rato, y trajo a Luo Binghe para interrogarlo, pero siguió sin respuestas.
Este tipo de misión era exclusivamente para él para subir de nivel, así que no tenía ningunas escenas de la novela original que pudiera usar como referencias. Shen Qingqiu también sabía que no era un maestro de deducción que podía pensar meticulosamente, que podía inferir cosas con una sola clave. Justo cuando él estaba agonizando, el sistema notificó, [Hemos notado que te has encontrado dificultades. ¿Le gustaría pagar 100 puntos B y activar el modo fácil?]
Shen Qingqiu: «Joder, ¡si había algo como modo fácil, lo hubieras dicho antes! ¡Activa, activa, activa!»
Su mirada se centró en la opción “Sí” por tres segundos; la opción de volvió verde, y desapareció. Luego, algo en el aire causó que se le pusiera la piel de gallina.
¡Qué energía tan fuerte!
¡Como si temieran que no se pudiera encontrar el objetivo!
¡En serio era un modo fácil!
Shen Qingqiu no sintió nada de vergüenza por usar el modo fácil. Con ánimo, camino hacia donde la energía lo guiaba. Después de 500 pasos, ellos salieron del distrito central y llegaron a una casa abandonada y desierta.
¡Sólo puede ser aquí! ¡Mira a esas linternas tenebrosas blancas de papel, mira a ese portón destrozado! ¡Una verdadera casa embrujada!
Shen Qingqiu ajustó su expresión y apresuró a Luo Binghe, quien lo había estado siguiendo en silencio.
–Regresa a la finca Chen y contacta a Ming Fan, que traiga a todos los discípulos y talismanes con él.
Luo Binghe aún no había respondido cuando, de repente, sus pupilas se encogieron.
Shen Qinqgiu lo vio mirando directamente detrás de él, y supo que no podía ser bueno. Pero era demasiado tarde. Una ráfaga de viento sopló junto a él, y las puertas del portón se abrieron de golpe.
–¡Shizun, Shizun, despierta, rápido!
Shen Qingqiu se despertó.
Después de despertar, vio a Luo Binghe con una expresión afligida, atado al lado opuesto. Cuando vio que Shen Qingqiu se había despertado, dejó escapar un suspiro de alivio, sus ojos iluminados, y volviendo a llamar “Shizun”.
Y Ning Yingying estaba atada con él, también llamándolo con una expresión miserable:
Shen Qingqiu estaba un poco mareado, y no tenía idea si la mierda que el demonio roció causaba efectos residuales.
Estaba de mal humor.
¡Este modo fácil fue sencillamente[3] brutal! ¡Lo trajo directamente a la boca del BOSS!
Lo peor fue que el digno señor de la cumbre Qing Jing fue derribado por este mini-BOSS, así que poco después de despertar, el sistema le notificó: [OOC, puntos-B -50.]
Acababa de gastar 100 puntos para activar el modo fácil, y en un instante había perdido otros 50, ¿cómo no podía estar angustiado?
Originalmente, con las habilidades del Shen Qingqiu original, debería haber sido como matar a una gallina con un cuchillo; pero vergonzosamente, el cuchillo falló en matar a la gallina.
Pero un poco después, descubrió algo que le empeoró el humor.
Su cuerpo se sentía un poco extraño; se sentía frío, y había un dolor. Al bajar la cabeza, un “joder” casi escapó de su boca.
¡Él! ¡Estaba! ¡Desnudó!
[1] 慧眼如炬: percepción; como una antorcha
[2]酷炫狂霸屌炸天, 酷炫狂霸 todas son palabras para describir como de magnífico alguien es. 屌炸天 es literalmente pene más largo que los cielos. La exageración.
[3] 简单 la misma palabra que el “fácil” del modo fácil; 简单 también abarca “simple” y “directo”.
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goldenlandscape · 5 years
[ Awards ] Summer Memories.
Hago esto especialmente porque voy a olvidar el significado de cada premio y es más fácil encontrarlo aquí, que en otra parte. Así que vamos. EL DISEÑO EN GENERAL HA SIDO PRECIOSO, tanto de los banners como los stamps (Pero solo pondré los banners, todo el conjunto se encuentra en regalos en su respectivo apartado de Awards). Realmente me encantan porque tienen una onda muy verano mágico que se gana mi corazón.  
PD: Me faltó ship yuri, gané en todas las ships menos yuri, la deshonra. 
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¿De qué user querrías que dependiera tu vida? ¿Quién ha salvado más culos en este foro?
MERU SIEMPRE VA A RECONOCER LAS VECES EN QUE LES SALVO EN MIS ROLES JAJAJAJAJA. Las amo. Igual ando siempre salvándoles a menos que realmente no pueda hacer nada y es como >:’c porque tengo buen corazón y siempre me da corte cuando muere un personaje. Después si disfruto su muerte, pero en el momento estoy como muy TwT. Así que eso, lo voy a atesorar. 
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Ese user que ojalá nunca tire tus dados. Que si tiene 1 chance de 100 de que le salgan mal las cosas, pues sacará el 1.
Dejé con trauma a Hakurin después de tirar sus dados pero, ¿Qué se espera de mí? Soy condenadora y los dados sienten mis ganas de condenar así que es como JAJAJAJAJA dale fuego con todo lo malo. Así que es re lindo esto, forever en mi corazón.
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Ese NPC que jamás olvidarás… pero que lamentablemente nunca llegó a ser un personaje oficial.
ME DA RISA ESTE PREMIO, ¿ESTÁ BIEN? Arecia es más memorable que el panita que le saqué los ojos... Y lo hago, en todas las rutas de Vanaheim. Seguramente pasaba en Impeto, pero no me di la oportunidad que se llegara a eso. Igual es más significativo por el simple hecho que Takumi si es un personaje mío, el cual nació para morir. Bueno no, en realidad no. No pensé que fuese a morir inmediatamente pero ahora le tomé el gusto y es su destino por siempre y para siempre, así que esto es sumamente hermoso, bai. 
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Mira, yo sé lo que pasó aquí. Quisiste un bronceado de modelo, te dio una insolación y shippeaste la cosa más loca, retorcida, sin lógica y extraña del mundo acuático. Pues mira, esa alucinación puede tener premio.
¿Y qué cosas se fuma Meru? MERU, BÁJALE DOS CON TUS SHIPS RANDOM. Igual tiene sentido, el archidiablo que solo le hace caso a Vanaheim e ignoró a Aura y Mozt JAJAJAJA. Me la guardare siempre en mi corazón porque se pasó de crack, jamás me la hubiese esperado Y ES UN ARCHIDIABLO, ¿ESTÁ BIEN? QUIERE MATAR A VANAHEIM, NI SIQUIERA ES HUMANO EL RUBICANTE. Hola, sí, se llama Rubicante. Siglo flipando con este.
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Esa pareja heterosexual que ha robado tu corazón por siempre, tanto que aún la recuerdas.
Man, este realmente me hace feliz porque es el Ashik, el Ashik se merece el amor del mundo entero y es de mis ships más queridas del mundo mundial. Así que puedo tenerlos en forma de premio por ser ship Y ES LO MÁS LINDO, no sé cómo explicarlo pues, pero me hace bastante feliz. SON DEMASIADO LINDOS JUNTOS, los amo, y los extraño, el mundo merece leer más Ashik en esta vida. Juntos o separados la dvd, son super lindos igualmente. AHHH, que lindo vale.
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Esa pareja BL que ha acaparado todas las miradas y todas las memorias. Todos los hombres son sexys en MT, así que no cabe duda de que también se llevó todas las fotos. 
Lo especial de esta ship es el simple hecho que Ace se la toma en serio, o sea que el mencito podría tener otras ships pero serían algo pasajero para él pero con Touya ni él ni yo podemos considerarlo así. Flipo demasiado hasta el fin de los tiempos por esta ship. Así que tener un premio para ellos será lo más preciado, y venga, no cualquiera, sino primer lugar así que los atesoro x2. APARTE ACÁ MENCIONO LO QUE ME DIJO CHI que con los ojitos que se ven parecen que están reflexionando sobre el amor, la vida, y lo homos que son JAJAJAJAJAJA. Añado que hay un noise con Ace, lo cual hace más significativo esta cosa por el hecho que... #Reapers.
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Ese personaje súper badass que tiene una grandísima actitud y puede con lo que le tires adelante, bebé.
KATRINA TIENE LOS OJOS MÁS PRECIOSOS DE LA VIDA, MIREN COMO SE VEN SUS OJOS DORADOS ALLÍ, SON PRECIOSOS, SON HERMOSOS,COMO ELLA. Dejé este premio de último porque es el mejor de todos y tengo una clara preferencia por este, mucho, demasiado, por siempre. Es demasiado significativo en todos los sentidos, y pondré una frase de Katrina porque tiene una gran actitud y todo eso: 
“No soy lo suficientemente fuerte para resistir la tormenta, sí, por supuesto pero… Lamentablemente, en mi caso, yo soy la jodida tormenta. Los demás son los que tienen que lidiar conmigo.”
La amo. No sé si llamarla bebé porque fue super raro usarla tan pequeña en Segunda Estrella cuando la Katrina de Impeto Oscuro tiene 24 años, así que quitarle 14 años fue super wow Y QUE GANÓ UN PREMIO POR SER TAN BADASS ME ENCORAZONA. Porque lo es. Katrina se merece el mundo, y ella misma buscaría tenerlo. Así que no es cualquiera, ¿saben? Es Katrina, lo máximo. Y estoy fangirleando mucho por esto, AHHH, NO PUEDO. Bai.
Tengo que usarla más y que el resto aprecie lo grandiosa que es.  
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