moonshine-dan · 2 years
rereading all your noya thoughts bc i’m a horndog
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Nishinoya taking you out on the sportfishing boat, fucking you, then throwing you overboard 😊
Nishinoya getting a painful back sunburn from clapping you doggy style over the safety railing ‼️
Having to remove fishing hooks from Nishinoya after he stepped on some he left out by accident 🥰
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moonshine-dan · 2 years
Noya who comes home after working out and he REEKS but it's so good. It's purely him. god i wanna lick the fucking sweat off of him. Squeeze him like a towel so i can drink the Man Juice
Hi yes I want to lick his sweaty abs and bite his chest hair n smell his pits and fuck him till I'm just as nasty 😩
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moonshine-dan · 2 years
dan i’m thinking abt noya and how he’s so confident until you pin him under you and then he’s a blushing mess and melting against you
I think you'd get this to happen sometimes but he's more likely to bite your arms if you pin him. He is a bit feral.
But yeah, I can imagine this!!! breathing kinda heavy from being pinned, pushing back on you and you can feel how excited he is, flushed and trying to escape - we love a switch vers king <3
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moonshine-dan · 3 years
nishinoya likes being scratched up. He’s a masochist, and if you rake your nails on his thighs he loses his mind
He's always wondered if he's weird, for not minding the pain. It helped him, in the past, to push himself farther than his peers. To let him work himself to the brink and past to improve. For Yū, the adrenaline high after he's pushed his body until his muscles refused to respond was something he lived for. Every time he lay on the cool waxed floor with his pulse racing and lungs burning- it felt good. He felt right.
The puzzle pieces click into place when he's caught in your bedspread, mind short-circuting as your nails rake thin red lines down his thigh. It's too harsh to be anything but painful - it wouldn't be suprising if they did more than welt- but the shock it sends up his spine has him biting down a hoarse sound as he thrusts into your mouth. Fuck. He's fine. He's more than fine, actually, muscles under the abused skin quivering as he rasps out:
"Do that again."
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moonshine-dan · 3 years
pspsps noya come suck my tiddies n call me mommy
If you don't think this man isn't out there attached like a LAMPREY to the titty, grinding on your thigh with your hands gripping his wiry hair and pulling him closer against you, sucking and teasing bruises and only stopping when he breaks free to pant out a husky little "Thank you, mommy," you are WRONG because HE DOES THAT!!!!
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Soft thirst: holding hands w karasuno players 🥺
Daichi’s grip is firm. Holding his hand feels like a promise that everything’s going to be alright.
Tsukishima’s hands are cold. His circulation doesn’t reach the tips of his fingers as well as it should, and he finds warmth in yours instead.
Nishinoya will drum his fingers across your knuckles when he holds your hand. But that’s when he does hold it - he’s just as likely to be putting something in it, showing you something he’s found or preparing you for whatever your next activity is going to be.
Sugawara prefers to twine his arm in yours and lace your fingers together loosely because it “feels more solid” than just holding hands.
Hinata prefers to grip your wrist - he’s always pulling you forward, towards something good. He loves the view when he turns to look back at you, making sure you’re coming with him.
Asahi will slip a pair of his fingers into your palm for you to hold, for his benefit and yours. It grounds him and lets you know he’s thinking about you. 
Yamaguchi’s hands tend to be clammy, but he always returns his hand to yours after he wipes them off as fast as he can.
You know how Kageyama’s feeling by how strong his grip is - when he sees something he knows you’ll want to see too, his grip tightens before he turns to face you. 
Tanaka spends about as much time holding your hand as he does holding your shoulder. Or your arm. Or your waist. He just wants a hand on you- he loves knowing he has you by his side. 
Ennoshita likes to rub the pressure points in your hand when he holds it: It keeps the knowledge in his mind fresh, and it makes you relaxed at the same time. 
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
What do they smell like?
Realistically, if you hugged them. (P1) - (p2) (p3)
Bokuto: sweat and Old Spice 5 in 1 body wash. I'm sorry, but I just know this man isn't taking any more time in the shower than absolutely necessary. Stinky. We love him anyway. Would KILL you with his hug.
Akaashi: printer ink and over-roasted coffee, sometimes a hint of sage cologne. Takes care of himself, even though his job as an editor leads to a lot of late nights and bad coffee. Would hold you as long as you needed.
Osamu: Rice wine vinegar undertones, unfortunately, but mostly smoky cedarwood. Will cradle you against his Dorito Chest and rock you when hugged.
Asahi: sandalwood and rosemary from the locally sourced fair trade lotion he buys! His hair smells like the expensive no-sillicone organic coconut conditioner he gets imported. An absolute delight to hug. Top 5 contender easily.
Sugawara: rosewater. He uses it as a toner in his 7 step skincare routine. You KNOW he hugs tight enough to break your ribs.
Hinata: you'd think citrus, but you'd be wrong! His sister gave him some brown sugar body wash as a Christmas gift and he uses it every time he bathes 🥺 Very warm and will squeeze you.
Kageyama: contractually obligated to wear a cologne he has a brand deal with. Very chanel-esque. Otherwise would smell kind of faintly like dairy due to the amount he eats 😬 does not know how to hug.
Nishinoya: unholy combination of sunscreen and monster energy drinks. Will pick you up and swing you when he hugs.
Yachi: sweet pea perfume 🥺 switches scents a lot, but always light and sweet! Will hug with all the power she has, which is not a lot.
Tsukishima: Almost no discernable scent. Arm and hammer detergent if you sniff hard, but this will end the hug early. On occasion, bergamot. Hugs half-assedly 😔
Yamaguchi: popcorn, not fries. He eats it in the break rooms at his internship a lot. Will hug back enthusiastically.
Ushijima: irish spring soap. Will pat you on the back when hugged exactly 3 times.
Tendou: like he just walked out of a bakery. Caramelizing sugar, vanilla, fresh pastry, cocoa beans. Top tier scent on this chocolatier. Hugs would be a delight if he wasn't made entirety out of sharp points.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Short idea: Noya, biting? you like noya right
This came in friday night but uh. Yes. Have you seen my shit recently. I LOVE him.
You're actually going to die. No, you're definitely going to die. He's got three fingers pumping slowly into you and twisting, tapping the spot that makes your legs shake before sliding our and doing it all over again. Noya's other hand is holding one leg up, and he's staring at you intently with his huge, beautiful eyes, making direct eye contact as he sucks a hickey to the thigh he's lifting into the air.
"Noya… Yuu, please…."
Another bite is his response. He's had you laid out forever, teasing you open and mouthing your thighs, and he won't let you come. You've passed by orgasm twice now and the stimulation is coasting along the edge of painful.
"But you look so pretty like this," he croons, spreading his fingers slightly. The burn of the slight stretch has you groaning, almost enough to have you coming, but he pulls them back together and stills, kissing back down to the crease of your pelvis.
ghh. He's biting down lightly again, teeth teasing the skin more than anything. The promise of his tongue so close to your sex is exciting, but you know better than to expect it- Nishinoya's in a mood and he's not going to rush you anywhere yet.
True enough, he slides over you to lift your other leg, breath teasing you before he bites down onto the currently unmarked skin.
"Wanna see you covered in my marks before I watch you come."
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Imagine snuggling with Noya 🥺 he's so tiny, he'd curl up against you like a cat and keep bothering you to hold him. I feel like he'd totally love to be the little spoon. He is probably a little touch starved now that I think about it. Maybe that's why he's always jumping on people? -✨
I want to wake up holding him...... He would let me be big spoon with no fight 🥺
Nishinoya is pressed tight against your chest. He fits in your arms like a puzzle piece, head tucked under your chin and legs tangled in yours. His shirt had ridden up in the night and you thumb along the warm skin that's been exposed. Heat radiates from him like a furnace- he's not the tallest, but he's solid, firm, sturdy. Dependable. Noya sighs, still mostly asleep but reacting to your touch. Your hand winds up to his shoulder and you smooth down his arm, soothing little lines along the muscle there as he turns slightly and burrows into you further.
You need to get up soon. You've got a whole day ahead and being a responsible adult means getting out of bed at a reasonable hour, even if it means you don't get to cuddle with your boyfriend.
Fuck, being a responsible adult sucks.
Your hand leaves his arm to tangle into his hair, still soft from his shower the night before. You knead his scalp lightly, feeling more than hearing the rumble in his chest as he stirs awake. He stretches languidly, pressing his back against you as he yawns.
"Morning, Yuu."
He closes his mouth as he finishes yawning, eyebrows drawn together and lips pouting. He rolls against you, turning to be face to face. A single brown eye peers at you through long lashes.
"Don' wanna get up yet."
Now this is novel. He's normally such a morning person- you have to beg him to sleep in, usually. You wrap your arms around him again and he buries his face into your shirt, grinning. A leg hooks over your thigh and he nuzzles further into your chest, moulding himself to your front. You trail a hand down his back, rubbing little circles as you go.
10 more minutes.
You can do that.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
nishinoya can and should fuck me into a straight up coma. His dick is powerful enough to do it, i KNOW it is
I've said it before and I'll say it again: short men fuck like they're trying to prove a point! Short confident men will straight up destroy you with their abilities!!!
Like not only COULD Nishinoya do this, it's his default state! He knows it too. Lil man is too powerful and should be stopped, but not before he sends me into UT Medical for dehydration again.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
buhhhh which of your faves do you think would send food, flowers, or other treats to you at work? conversely, which ones get too horny and needy when you're away?
SHAN 🥺💖 coming thru with the good questions
Will deliver you treats: IWAIZUMI, AKAASHI, SAKUSA, YACHI, Kita, Aone, Kuroo, Yahaba, Asahi, Ennoshita, Daichi, Tendou, Hirugami.
Shows up personally to deliver them: OIKAWA, BOKUTO, OSAMU, HINATA, Ushijima, Yaku, Tanaka, Sugawara.
Will be horny at home: KENMA, LEV, YAMAGUCHI, Kyōtani, Kindaichi, Hanamaki, Suna, Koganegawa, Kunimi, Yamamoto, Kageyama, Goshiki, Tsukishima.
Will show up @ work to fuck you: TERUSHIMA, ATSUMU, MATSUKAWA, Nishinoya, Semi, Daishou, Hoshiumi (!!!), Kiyoko (😳)
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
noya strikes me as a panty sniffer too. Not for any other reason than he just likes your scent
He's kind of feral. I can see it. He just likes how you smell, and I can appreciate that.
Noya seems like he would kiss the inside of your wrist and pull your fingers into his mouth on a whim. He'll bury his head in the crook of your neck while hugging because the smell of you calms him. And sometimes before he fucks you, he'll pull your underwear off and hold them to his face, inhaling the heady scent of your slick before putting them in his mouth.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
if you marry noya he WILL call you a milf
He'd be unbearable. I love it.
He'd honk your tits and call them "mommy milkers" without a trace of shame
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
noya, just existing: my mommy kink: 📈📈
Tell me he wouldn't be into it???
He's shameless. Like he's a dangerous mix of confident and shameless and he has NO issues calling you mommy, as a joke or seriously. My man is INTO it either way and will ask you to let him call you mommy on the 3rd date. King.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Okay so! I'm like way smaller then Noya but I couldn't get the idea of him with a taller s/o out of my head. Like imagine him snuggling up against you like a little cat or clinging onto you like a little backpack omg and then you carry him around a lot because he's always jumping on you! Basically you're his personal jungle gym. You've been talking about Noya for a lil bit so this idea is your fault - Sparkle anon (I cant find my emoji on mobile pfft)
Oh man this is ancient sorry
Noya is very comfortable about his height. He know he's short, but he knows he's not defined by that alone, and he's more than happy to date someone taller than him. He doesn't mind having to look up to see their smiling face, or pushing to his tiptoes to tug them down to his height for a kiss.
But his favorite thing is climbing on their back, hanging from their shoulders, sitting on their lap... It seems juvenile, but there's no faster or better way for Nishinoya to be close to them when he wants to let them know he cares.
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moonshine-dan · 4 years
Tagged by Character Tag
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If you are on mobile, please use the masterlist.
Sorted by which high school they were involved with. This pulls anything tagged with their Character Tag.
Tsukishima Kei (#tsukki.thing)
Tsukishima Akiteru (#akiteru.thing)
Yamaguchi Tadashi (#yama.thing)
Azumane Asahi (#asahi.thing)
Nishinoya Yuu (#noya.thing)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (#tanaka.thing)
Sugawara Koushi (#suga.thing)
Daichi Sawamura (#daichi.thing)
Kageyama Tobio (#kags.thing)
Hinata Shoyo (#hinata.thing)
Ennoshita Chikara (#ennoshita.thing)
Udai Tenma (#udai.thing)
Ukai Keishin (#keishin.thing)
Ukai Ikkei (#ikkei.thing)
Miya Osamu (#osamu.thing)
Miya Atsumu (#atsumu.thing)
Aran Ojiro (#aran.thing)
Kita Shinsuke (#kita.thing)
Suna Rintaro (#suna.thing)
Bokuto Kotarō (#bokuto.thing)
Akaashi Keiji (#akaashi.thing)
Aoba Johsai
Iwaizumi Hajime (#iwa.thing)
Oikawa Tooru (#oikawa.thing)
Kyotani Kentaro (#kyotani.thing)
Mattsukawa Issei (#mattsun.thing)
Hanamaki Takahiro (#makki.thing)
Kunimi Akira (#nimi.thing)
Kindaichi Yutaro (#kindaichi.thing)
Date Tech
Aone Takanobu (#aone.thing)
Futakuchi Kenji (#futakuchi.thing)
Koganegawa Kanji (#kogane.thing)
Goshiki Tsutomu (#goshiki.thing)
Ushijima Wakatoshi (#ushi.thing)
Tendou Satori (#tendou.thing)
Semi Eita (#semi.thing)
Lev Haiba (#lev.thing)
Kozume Kenma (#kenma.thing)
Kuroo Tetsuro (#kuroo.thing)
Yaku Morisuke (#yaku.thing)
Yamamoto Taketora (#taketora.thing)
Fukunaga Shohei (#fukunaga.thing) (#epcot ball)
Daishou Suguru (#daishou.thing)
Sakusa Kiyoomi (#sakusa.thing)
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