#now im lacking someone that actually pays attention to me to like my abs but we cant have all kn this life
inlovewithfairies · 11 months
I found my motivation for hitting the gym, and it is a Marvel fanfic
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goldenlionimagines · 4 years
Hi!! Could you please do “don’t stand up yet” with Claude?? Thank you so much for your hard work and sharing your writing with us all :)
okok listen this isnt angst but it was what came to my head im sorry
also it gets a lil steamy but not NSFW -Mod Bunny
 Prompt: “Don’t Stand Up Yet”
 Word Count: 2,582
  Claude struggled to get to his feet. Where was he? Where were his allies? His friends?
 “Don’t stand up yet. You’re still hurt, seeing as that injury on your leg got infected.” He turned himself towards her, seeing what looked to be a bandit. She had an axe leaning against the wall, and hanging from it was… Failnaught? “Your bow and the clothes you were wearing were pretty fancy. What’s your name?”
 Shit. He needed a good lie, one that wouldn’t make him desirable to the Empire. “Lorenz Hellman Glouscter.” He stated. His friend from school had become allies with Edelgard. He watched her pick up her axe from the ground, leaving Failnaught where it had been.
 “Oh, the Glouscters are allied with Edelgard, right? Then, I can probably sell you to Duke Reigan of the Alliance at high price once you’re healed up. I wanna make an ally of that man.” She began shining her axe, checking the blade.
 “Hmm? Why’s that?” Claude pried. 
 She laughed. “It’s stupid… But I’m from the Alliance. With this war going on, I want a chance to fight in the war for my homeland. Plus, some of our allies in the territory have said the new Duke is pretty attractive, and that’s a sight I’d like to see.” She joked.
 Claude had to stop a blush from rushing to his cheeks. Of course, the girl he was talking to wasn’t exactly unattractive. “I wouldn’t say you’re not too pretty yourself. What do you think of me? Think I could stand against what you’ve heard about Duke Reigan?” 
 She laughed a bit. “Well, I’m sure I’ve seen more of you then I’ll ever see of Duke Reigan from when I put your bandages on. But, from what I have seen,,, I’m sure you could give him a pretty good run for his money.” She smiled. “Anyway, I’m gonna go get a drink before I go to sleep. Want one?”
 “No thanks. I don’t drink.”
 Funnily enough, Claude and Y/N became pretty good friends. Sometimes, they would make each other laugh and laugh (Usually, more so when Y/N would drink). She was pretty good at treating his wounds, as well as cooking as he came to find. 
 One night, Claude was having trouble with his back. Maybe it was from the lack of walking, or  being forced to sleep on such a hard surface. He saw Y/N come into their tent and told her, “Hey, I’m in a good amount of pain. Don’t suppose you have anything to help me with that?” He asked.
 She laughed. “You’re getting brave asking me for extra pain management. I really shouldn’t give it to you.” She went over to her bag, which was in a separate corner from the weapons she was keeping. “This is a bit that I keep for myself, but I figure I can share just this once.” She pulled out a glass bottle, which seemed to contain a viscous, clear liquid.
He sat up, watching her walk behind him. She removed his shirt. “Thank you for this. Is that oil?” He asked her. He pulled one leg closer to him, but kept his infected leg stretched out. He heard the clink of the glass bottle opening, and then heard her rubbing her hands together. 
 “It is. We got them while stealing from some Noble’s place. He had a whole assortment of them.” She placed her hands on his shoulders, beginning to massage his shoulders and neck. She felt his breath becoming slow and heated, obviously enjoying the sensation. “Now tell me, how is that leg of yours doing?”
 “It’s getting better, I’m sure all thanks to you. The attention you’ve been giving me has been nothing short of spectacular. You’re even better than most of the nurses back home, even if you aren’t a nurse.” He expressed. He felt her hands travel down his back, and could feel her use more oil whenever she needed, but only ever removing one hand.
 “Thank you for the praise, even if I’m not sure it’s deserved. How are you feeling? Are you doing okay?” She asked.
 “It’s incredible, thank you.” He couldn’t help but moan a bit in pleasure as she hit a certain spot on his back. She smirked, sitting forward so that her head was hovering just next to his ear, and rubbing the spot a bit harder.
 “Does it really feel that good? You should give higher praise if you’re going to moan like that in front of a lady. Oh, and that reminds me.” She began to whisper. “I heard a little rumor from some Northern Tribes, who do trade with a few Northern Pirates from Almyra.”
 He could hear the little noises he was making, not even really paying attention to what she was saying. “Oh, well what did you hear?” He whispered back. What was in that oil?
 “I heard that Claude Von Riegan… Looks quite a bit like Crown Prince Khalid from Almyra. But, you wouldn’t know anything about that… Would you?” She moved herself to his front, straddling his waist and beginning to rub his abs and chest, meanwhile making eye contact. “You, with such lovely tanned skin and brown hair. Your eyes are like jewels as well. And that white Wyvern we found while someone was delivering messages to us this morning…” 
 She pieced it together. She, who had only known him for 2 weeks. She had his wyvern? “I don’t know anything about Claude in that sense, but I doubt he’s from Almyra.” He stated, trying to stay calm as she hung her looseley arms around his neck.
 “I’m no fool, Khalid, as much as I’m sure you wish I were by now.” She watched his smile fade. “Don’t worry, I have no reason to out you, and I have no plans to either. Although, I wish you hadn’t lied by calling yourself the name of some Imperial Dog. If I hadn’t known who you were, I would have killed you for being Lorenz, even if we are in Imperial territory.”
 “It’s been a long time since I’ve been called that name…” He trailed. “Why are you so close to me? I know I’m attractive, but usually pretty girls don’t sit in my lap after giving me massages.” He winked at her, causing her to blush and laugh a little. 
 “I just told you that I know some pretty serious information for you to be teasing me like that.” She looked off. “Do you ever miss your home?”
 “Tons. I know I’ll return someday, but I really do miss it seemingly more every minute. I was taken to Fodlan one day, and forced into a Lord role I’m not quite sure I was really meant for. Now I can’t seem to go home until this war is over.” He explained. “Dimitri and Edelgard, even despite their questionable sanity, are much more cut out for leadership than me.”
 “Okay Master Tactician, then tell me,” She stood up, and Claude almost missed her warmth as she did. “Why did Hilda and her crew send me a correspondence saying they would pay any amount to have you back? They even detailed that even if it may take several weeks, they’ll get as much money as necessary together for them to be allowed to get you back.”
 His eyes widened. “They said that? They wanted me back that much?” He asked.
 “Believe it. Of course, I didn’t charge them a thing. Sent a message today for them to send a team ASAP to get you back to the Alliance free of charge.” She smiled at him, as his mouth hung open a bit. “Don’t be dramatic, I just wanna go back to having my own tent. Maybe if you’re lucky they’ll be here in a week. Maybe.”
 “Thank you…” He said quietly. She seemed to be telling the truth, even if he didn’t expect her to do something like that. She was someone he couldn’t read, and certainly didn’t understand. Was she actually out for herself?  Or was there another motive to everything she did?
 She sat down behind him again, and he heard the clink of her glass bottle once more. “You’re going to keep going?” He asked quietly.
 “Do you want me to stop?” 
A week later, his leg was basically fine. He could walk, and even run. He found out Y/N had been the one caring for his wyvern when he couldn’t, and it had taken quite a liking to her. She could scratch his neck and he would flip over for her to be able to rub his belly. This was a trick he had only really done for Claude in the past. 
 He had been caring for his wyvern alone when she came to him. “One of my patrols spotted a pink hair girl with a group headed this way. Is that your crew, or should I get worried?” He stood up to face her. “Those are my people, yeah. I guess it’s time to go then, unless you wanna keep me a little longer?”
 She shook her head, laughing. “Nah, I can’t. Besides, you’re too pretty to be in my business. I wouldn’t feel right keeping you here.” She stated, starting to walk away. He pulled her back, holding her close to him firmly.
 “You really think I’m weaker than you just because I’m pretty? Because if so, you’ve underestimated me.” He held her arms behind her back firmly. Their faces were so close… it was a strange feeling. They seemed to get this close almost too often now, as though it were a habit. Khalid’s natural flirtatiousness always made her wonder whether he was messing with her or not, which bothered her to a great extent.
  “Fine, you’re stronger, can you please let me go now?” She asked. In less than an hour, he’d be gone, and she wouldn’t need to worry about him anymore. Why was she worried to begin with? He was just… Claude Von Riegan. Not Khalid. Not extremely attractive, secretly Almyran, Khalid. He was just a Lord from the Alliance.
 He moved his face closer. She could feel his breath on her mouth. “No.” He stated. Why was he doing this? What was his game? Was it just teasing her? 
“Do you want me to kiss you?” He asked after a considerably long pause.
“You’re not saying no.” His voice was low, and his grip was strong. She couldn’t think enough to say anything in the moment. There weren’t words that were coming to her in the moment. She could feel herself blushing brightly as she closed her eyes.
 His lips were so soft.
  “Claude!” Someone else called. He quickly disconnected from her, letting her go, but still standing next to her. They saw a girl with green hair, and a boy with green hair run towards Claude. “Claude!!” She exclaimed again, jumping up and hugging him. 
 “Hilda was really worried, and so was I.” Green hair explained. “We spent a while searching the area, but figured something had happened when we couldn’t. We kept sending out scouts, and just when we were about to give up, someone found their leader with your Wyvern. He sent us back a message, and judging by how nice he was, I guess we really lucked out.”
 Hilda looked over at Y/N. “And who are you?” She asked.
 “I’m the person who found Claude’s Wyvern. I’m sure if you’ve been running the alliance, I’m sure you can do the math.” She crossed her arms. This was not the first time people had been expecting a man there to greet them.
 “Oh, apologies. I’m Ignatz, and this is Hilda. Thank you for keeping Claude safe, it’s a debt we may never be able to repay.” He bowed, a bit embarrassed to have misinterpreted her gender right in front of her. She couldn’t make them pay for Claude now, right?
 “Wow, you’re really pretty!” Hilda said, walking up to Y/N. “How did you end up here, anyway? Do I know you from someplace?”
 “You’re Goneril, right? That’s where I grew up. My dad was from there, my mom did this her whole life. Mom dies and tells these folk I exist, and I get a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel and do as I please. That means with or without the law to guide me.” Y/N explained. “Maybe I went to school with you at some point.”
Hilda nodded. “Ever think you’ll return home?” She asked. “You could come back with us. Fight for the Alliance some? It could be a great thing to, y’know, have another pretty girl around to pick up some of my slack.”
  Y/N smiled, looking at Claude. “No. I think I’ll stay here. Keep the fun going, though, Hilda. There needs to be more pretty girls like us to show these men how to operate.” She gave Hilda a pat on the shoulder, before walking away.
 There was no one but him. Not now. He had asked his friends to go with Dimitri once he had given him the Alliance. The next part of the battle was his own to bear, not theirs. 
 It had been so long since he had this quiet. Not good all the time, but he had to admit, his mind kept drifting back to her and her tent. What had she wanted? It wasn’t actually to return home, or she would have. What had he wanted? Why had he gotten so close to her?
 He heard the front door open, and the tap of shoes against the empty floor. Who was there? He turned around, being greeted by a familiar face. “You sure bet a lot on his royal Highness. I can’t imagine myself doing that, but I guess that’s what makes you the master Tactician.”
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked. He ran up in front of her. “Everything has been a mess since you left, but it seems to be clearing up now. Dimitri and Teach will make good leaders, and I-”
 “You get to go back to Almyra. Is that your big plan?” She asked.  
 “You guessed it. I’m going home to start struggling all over again. Nader is going to meet me there to help me. I want to make things better for my people, just like I’m sure Dimitri will do here.”  He smiled as she hung her arms around his neck.
 “Well, I heard that a final battle was happening for Derdriu. I thought I’d make sure you were okay, and it seems like you turned out alright. Of course, now you wanna leave alone…”
 “You think there’s a but?”
 “Am I too hopeful?” He asked, placing his hands on her hips. 
 “No.” She said. “The but is that I’m coming with you. I’m ready for a new adventure, and I always like to say I’ve been everywhere but Almyra. Besides, someone pretty great is going to start something there, and I’d like to see that vision come to pass. Whatever that vision is, anyway.”
 He sighed. “You’re from Fodlan, and I’m not 100% sure that’s gonna fly.” He said. She gave him a look, and he knew she wasn’t taking ‘No’ for an answer. “But, I guess I’ll figure something out.” He got close to her face again, smirking. “Now, about that kiss in the woods…” 
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raibebe · 5 years
On the run
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Genre: Fluffy smut Words: 3.343 Prompt: My head says no but my heart says ooh yes For @im-a-special-bebe A/N: This somehow got really out of control and is a lot fluffier than I intended, I hope you enjoy it anyways. ❤ Also if this looks weird on some devices, I’m really sorry but tumblr was really not cooperating well with me today...
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You had been on the run now for more days than you could count. The first few all a blur of gunshots and running. Lots of running through the woods, a strong hand either pushing you foreward or pulling you with him.
When your father had assigned an officer to protect you at the base, you had laughed thinking it was a joke. But when you realized he wasn’t joking, you became angry. You didn’t need a babysitter and the base was the most secure place in miles. It didn’t help that officer Son - like he had introduced himself with a deep bow - was not only strangely quiet and followed his orders with great precision but also was breathtakingly handsome. He wasn’t as bulky as some of the other soldiers but he had brought shoulders and his legs were filling out the uniform pants quite nicely. Not to speak of those full lips that were meant to be kissed.
When the sirens suddenly got off in the middle of the night, he had wasted no time to first barricade your room to give you time to not only get dressed but to pack a few essential items before he managed to sneak you out of the base and into the surrounding woods.
You had never asked where he was leading you, didn’t care anymore as long as the place had running water and something different to eat then the cans you had been eating whenever officer Son seemed fit.
Right now he was walking in front of you, compass and map in his hands, big rifle strung up on his backpack. He had killed people with that. People who tried to either kill you or him. Probably you. You were the general’s daughter after all. But still it made no sense to you why they were hunting you like crazy persons. They apparently had enough people and weapons to attack a military base and take it over. Why would they keep hunting you?
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t pay enough attention to the narrow path your protector was leading you through and your foot got caught on a rather large root. Screeching you lost your balance and suddenly everything went black.
By the time you woke up again, it felt like your head had been split in two. Hissing you opened your eyes slowly and tried to sit up.
“Slowly.” A soft but stern voice told you and a handsome face appeared in your vision. “You tripped and fell down a hill. I’m assuming you have a concussion. You also managed to sprain some ribs and dislocated your shoulder as far as I can tell.” That explained why breathing hurt so bad.
“Are we Safe?” You asked softly, your eyes failing to completely focus on the room you were in. The face disappeared for a while before it was leaning over you again, wiping your face with a wet cloth. “I carried you to a little safe house. It wasn’t far. Can you sit up now?”
Nodding softly, causing your headache to get worse, you tried to push yourself up again. A strong hand was placed between your shoulder blades and officer Son basically pushed you up into a sitting position. “These are painkillers.” He explained, handing over some pills and a bottle of water. “Drink all of this please.”
After he handed both over to you, he disappeared from the room again, leaving you to take in your surroundings. You were perched up on a big mattress that was lying in a rather empty room with bare walls. The only other furniture was a really shabby looking green armchair next to the window and a dark brown wooden cabinet. Swallowing the pills that were supposed to make you feel better, hurt even more than breathing. When you tried to lift yourself up even further you hissed loudly. Your left arm was just dangling by your side, not responding to your commands, the shoulder seemed dislocated indeed.
Probably startled by the noise you had made, officer Son came back into your room. He had taken off his jacket and heavy black army boots, just leaving him in the cameo pants, a white t-shirt with rolled up sleeves - which really extenuated his muscular arms - and his dog tag hanging from a silver chain around his neck. “Can you put it back into place?” you asked him, pointing to your shoulder.
The soldier nodded and sat down next to you. “It’s easier when you lie down on your back.” He instructed you and helped you lie down again. “This is going to hurt a lot.”You nodded and gritted your teeth. “I can take it.” He only snorted and took your forearm into his big hands, softly pulling it away from your body. “Please don’t scream too loud.”
Without any further warning he first pulled your arm really hard and then pushed the joint back into place. Accompanied by the nasty crack of you bones you let out a bloodcurdling scream, loud enough to wake a bear from its hibernation in a five mile radius. Tears were prickling your eyes, the pain in your shoulder and your ribs just too much to bear and your vision went black once again.
When you woke up again, the room you were still in was dark except for the moon shining its silver light onto officer Son’s beautiful body. He had taken off his shirt and pants and was sleeping in the shabby armchair. Someone should be painting this. His facial features were relaxed, plump lips slightly ajar, strong chest moving with the rhythm of his breathing. He was breath-taking.
You had never asked for his first name, thinking it would stop you from feeling a certain way for him which was definitely not professional in any way. But you had heard his comrades call him Shownu which was probably a nickname but it somehow really fit him.
A loud growl originating from your stomach broke your shameless staring. Embarrassed you curled your arms around your midsection, which caused you to wince in pain because your ribs were still hurting.
“You should eat something and let me have a look at that.” A raspy voice cut through the silence. Officer Son had woken up and was stretching his long body. It took all your willpower to not make your jaw drop. The moonlight casted shadows in the dips of his muscular body, making his abs stand out even more. Swallowing dry, you nodded absently.
“I’m afraid it’s going to be canned food again.” He announced when he got up and put his shirt back on. Groaning in frustration - whether it was about the horrible food or him covering up, you weren’t sure – you carefully rose from the bed followed him into the room next door which turned out to be the kitchen – if you could call it that. It was basically a really old looking gas stove, a sink and a couple of cupboards. In the corner was a small table with two chairs that seemed rather unstable. But because of the lack of proper seating choices you sat down anyways.
“I’ve never asked for your name.” You tried to start a conversation because the silence made you anxious. “Everyone just calls me Shownu”, officer Son responded, not turning around from the stove. “But that’s not your real name, is it?” He let out a deep sigh as if it was a burden to actually tell you. “It’s Hyunwoo, but no one calls me that. So if you are uncomfortable with calling me officer Son, just use Shownu, please.”
With that he handed you the can he had been heating up together with a fork. You ate in silence, Shownu’s eyes constantly on you as if he wanted to make sure you wouldn’t choke on your food so he had to safe you yet again. When you were done, he wordlessly took the can and disposed of it.
“Could you take off your clothes so I can take a check you for further injuries?” Shownu asked without looking in your face, slight blush colouring his sun-kissed skin. You swallowed dry, a similar blush creeping up your neck.
“Turn around.” This was stupid. He was going to see you almost naked anyways, not saying anything, he turned to face the door to the room you slept in. Cautiously you pulled your sweater over your head, hissing from the pain that shot not only through your ribs but also your shoulder. “Shit”, you cursed when you saw the dark purple bruise that covered almost your entire left torso, you must have fallen hard. “How hard did I fall?” you asked while shrugging out of your pants as well and putting both items carefully on the table.
“You fell down a small portion of the hill until you were stopped by a rock” Shownu answered matter-of-factly. “Can I turn around?” “Yes” you gave your permission, but still put your arms around you in an attempt to hide yourself.
When Shownu turned around, he first furrowed his eyebrows before his lips formed a smirk. “I can’t check you like that” he stated when he came closer to you. Taking a deep breath you uncurled yourself.
His touches were light as a feather ghosting around the huge bruise and left an almost burning sensation that you were sure wasn’t because of the injury. “Tell me when I hurt you”, the soldier whispered almost, his breath tickling your naked skin and giving you goose bumps. Now checking every rib for fractures, his touch got more intense the closer he got to your still covered breasts. Your breath got stuck in your throat and your heart was continuously beating faster and faster as soon as he touched your upper ribs, fingers just barely grazing the flesh of your boobs.
“As far as I can tell nothing is broken but I can’t quite touch your upper ribs” Shownu confessed when he retreated his fingers. “Sh-Should I take my bra off?” you asked shyly, not meeting his gaze. “I would like to be sure that you are not injured”, he said calmly, “but you don’t have to, if it’s too uncomfortable for you.”
Wanting him to touch you further, to keep heating the fire burning inside of you, you turned your back to him. “Open it.” You whispered, not trusting your voice.
For a while no one was moving. Letting out a deep breath, Shownu suddenly closed the distance between you two and opened clasp of your bra, the garment falling to the ground the only sound in the room. Gently he began touching you, starting a couple of ribs below your breasts, still standing behind you, his warmth was traveling through his shirt onto your skin.
When he reached the flesh of your breast, you held in your breath. You hadn’t been touched like that since you had been ordered to life on the base for your own safety. A whine made its way up your throat and past your lips when his fingers were pressing down harder to feel your ribs. His fingers were stopping their movements for a while before continuing their work. The longer he as touching you, the harder it became to supress the lewd noises you were making and the hotter it seemed to get in the room and between your legs.
Clearing his throat Shownu stilled his fingers. “I don’t think anything is broken.” With that he retreated from you and took a step back.
Already missing his heat and his touch you turned around to face him, not covering yourself this time and looking directly into his eyes. “Are you sure?” You saw his Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallowed, his eyes getting darker and his gaze switching between your face and your exposed chest. “Do…Do you want me to check further?” he asked breathless.
Nodding you stepped towards him, closing the distance and pressing yourself flush against his chest. “You know, Shownu, it hurts a bit right here.” You whispered against his lips before placing both his hands on your chest and moaning softly at the sensation of his rough hands against your sensible nipples. Swallowing again, Shownu softly massaged your breasts and rolled one of your stiff nipples between his fingers which made you moan loudly and throw your head back. Wasting no time Shownu attached his lips to the exposed skin of your neck and sucked harsh before kissing his way up your jaw before he connected your lips in a fiery kiss. Sighing into the kiss, your hands found their way into his messy dark brown locks, pushing him closer to you whilst deepening the kiss. When his hands started roaming your body, it felt like he was setting you on fire with each caress of his fingers. “Hold onto me” he said breathless when he broke the heated kiss for not more than necessary before grabbing your behind and lifting you off the ground. Shrieking you wrapped your legs around him, now feeling his arousal through his boxers touching your ass. 
  Shownu softly lied you down onto the mattress in the room next door as if you were made out of glass, careful not to hurt your ribs further and ripped his shirt over his head. Pulling him down with your hands around his neck, you caught his sinful lips in another heated kiss. When he deepened the kiss further, your tongues dancing and exploring each other, you hooked your legs around him and pushed him even closer. Gasping you broke the kiss when his boxer clad hard-on was brushing against your hot core. “I want you.” You whispered into his ear before you raked your nails down his muscular back, making a moan escape his swollen lips. “I don’t want to hurt you further.” He voiced his concerns but rolled his hips down again, wanting to feel the sweet friction again. “But you want this too.” You pouted, pulling him flush against your almost naked body. “My head says no but my heart says ooh yes.” His last words were drowned in a drawn out moan when his clothed dick was sliding along your wet folds. Rolling your hips upwards again, you asked: “And what does your cock say?” That made him growl deep in his chest and attack your neck with kisses and bites, leaving angry red marks. Slowly he made his way down your body, teeth and tongue playing with your erect nipples before kissing down even further. Reaching your soaked panties, he took the cotton between his teeth and pulled them down. You gasped when the cold air of the night tickled against your hot core.
“Are you sure about this?” Shownu asked again, now kneeling above you. “My head and my heart both say yes” you mimicked his words and made grabby hands towards him, needing him close. He smiled fondly at you not moving from his position. You groaned in frustration, your hand reaching down in between your own legs. If he wasn’t going to touch you, you would do it yourself, sighing softly as your fingers slowly began to circle your clit. A curse left Shownu’s lips, his eyes focused on you shamelessly spreading yourself for him, one of his hands coming down to palm himself through his tight boxers. When you slid one of your fingers into you, both of you let out a deep moan. Slowly pushing the digit in and out more lewd sounds fell from your lips and your eyes fluttered shut when you added a second finger, moving them faster and faster when you felt your orgasm building. “Shownu” his name not more than a sweet whimper. “I need you” you added, desperate because your fingers just weren’t enough to make you fall over the edge.
When you pulled your fingers out, dragging them lazily over your clit and opened your eyes again you were met with a sight that made you even more aroused if that was even possible: Shownu was sitting on front of you, fist tightly curled around his erect cock and his wide blown eyes fixated on you. After dragging his fist up his dick one last time, he quickly sat up and positioned himself between your legs, teasing your wetness with the flush tip of his length. Hooking your legs around him again you pulled him close, letting out a needy whine.
Finally he slowly entered you inch by delicious inch, stretching your walls and giving you that wonderful feeling of fullness. When your hips where flush with his, he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on your lips. “Are you okay?” he asked softly. “If you don’t start moving now, I’m gonna go mad, Shownu”, you hissed, wiggling your hips to get at least some kind of friction. Chuckling he captured your lips again in a deep kiss and finally started moving his hips in a slow, sensual rhythm. Breaking the kiss with the need of oxygen you gasped loud and arched your back off the bed, wanting to be even closer to Shownu, to melt into his heat, forgetting your injured ribs. The pain shot through you like lightning and made you whimper. “Let me do the work baby, just relax”, Shownu whispered in your ear before gently kissing your temple. “Then move faster, please” you begged him, raking your nails down his broad back. “I was so close.” Kissing you softly he promised: “You wish is my command, darling.”
Suiting the action to the word, he let his hips snap forward more forcefully, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room accompanied by a symphony of lewd sound falling from both of your lips when they weren’t slotted together in a messy swirl of tongues and teeth.
Feeling your orgasm creeping up on you again, begs for Shownu to bring you your sweet release started mixing in with moans that were getting louder and louder. His touch too much but not enough, your whole body feeling like it was on fire. Parting from your lips, he moved to sit up and threw your legs over his shoulders, gripping your thighs for leverage and began slamming his length into you even more forcefully than before, hitting your sweet spot every time. Every coherent thought was wiped from your mind, Shownu reducing you to a moaning and sobbing mess. Releasing his bruising grip on one of your legs, he quickly licked his fingers before circling them fast around your clit. Screaming and lifting your hips off the mattress you were hit by your orgasm. White dots were swimming in your vision and your whole body began to shake and tighten up.
Shownu suddenly let your legs fall off his shoulders and jerked himself fast before spilling his release all over your torso, painting you white.
For a while the ragged breaths you both let out were the only sound filling the room, trying to collect yourselves and calm down from your highs.
“I should clean you up”, Shownu broke the silence, getting off the mattress and leaving the room. Returning soon with a cloth he cleaned his release off of you, still naked. Blushing you covered yourself with the thin blanket. Awkward silence began spreading between the two of you, just staring at each other. Clearing your throat you lifted the edge of the blanket and scooted over a little to make space for Shownu’s big body. Smiling so brightly, his eyes were turning into little crescents, he quickly climbed behind you and embraced you in his big, strong arms.
In this moment, just before you fell asleep, everything was alright: No thoughts were wasted on the fact that you were still on the run and that you had no idea where to go or what had happened to the rest of the people on the base. You were just surrounded by Shownu’s warmth and his comforting smell. 
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The cover up
Due to what I had seen a sister write concerning the apparent contradiction and hypocrisy of certain brothers who claim to be salafi openly, having  great recommendations and status with the community but being the complete opposite in their private affairs I felt almost duty bound to write something from a man’s perspective. Often times I get the feelings sisters have this belief that men are out there to hurt them and I, especially, am completely heartless as it relates to the feelings and emotions of my sisters. I, by my nature, can be very....militant in my speech. I am my father’s son and why the joke when I first came to tumblr was my being nick-named ABS(angry black salafi). 
However I have tried to change my tone a lot since...well, 5 years ago. I write the following not just to be a warning for sisters but also advice for my brothers as it is important for every man to truly look at himself, especially when he says he is “salafee”. 
I’ve been the manipulator. I’ve been in the haraam relationships. I do not say this, any of this, to expose my own sins(and I will not go into details as it relates to this at the same time Allah did save me from crossing a certain line) but there is a benefit to my sharing this. Living in the times that we live, the internet is a double edged blade dipped in poison. Good can be obtained and bonds can be formed by communicating with others trying to learn the sunnah, but so can evil. It is so easy for someone to portray themselves as something they are not.
Right now we live in a time where people are seeking instant gratification. It’s why we see so many milkshaykh’s, tumblr muftis, and other forms of internet “gurus” who claim to help people while they, themselves are nothing more than babies playing in daddy’s shoes. Sadly this is also why a brother with a big thobe, beard, and pants above the ankles(whether online or off) can deceive many. In a world of instant gratification some brothers want only that. Instant gratification and do not think about what comes after. This is why pornography is an extreme problem among young males, Muslim or not, because it is a way for a “quick release”. However real life, relationships, are not like that and this is part of the reasons why so many “men” are so inept when dealing with women.
This is why you do find some men doing whatever it takes to “seem” salafi just to get married. Instant gratification. They get the recommendations, the “right people to say the right things about them”, yet being the complete opposite once their goal is accomplished, because they aren’t men. A man does not thrive on impulse an animal does. In Dham al Hawaa or “The dispraise of desire” in his introduction Ibnul Qayyim mentions that what separates man from beast is his ability to reflect and think about his actions where as an animal cannot. If a dog sees a piece of meat, he will eat it. He will not think “but if I save this for later I could have food then”. Rather he does what his desire commands him to do. The human is not like that. So, when a man obeys his desires, not giving any concern to the consequences he-at that moment-is doing that actions of an animal, not an attentive slave of Allah.
It is why I say that if a brother messages a sister, free-mixing with her, then he is not a man and he is lacking fear of Allah. I say this because I know the mindset and empty-headed, desire driven foolishness that comes with a man trying to “get to know” a sister before marrying her. I know the games that some brothers play to try and marry that pretty sister from masjid such and such. Now ask that same brother what has he done to be the man of his home? Many will say “I have x job that pays well” and if they say that, know they do not understand what it means to be a Muslim man upon the sunnah.
So the question is how do you get past the smoke screen?
That’s the truly tough part. I don’t know. There is no one right answer, outside of praying to Allah and relying upon him, but what I do suggest is a sister looks at what the man does religiously. One thing I have found with brothers who are playing the “cover up” game, is that you will not find many of them serious about the Quran. If you asked them how much of the Quran they’ve actually memorized, have the tried to learn proper tajweed, what have they memorized from the mutoon, you’d be shocked at how many will buckle. Having brothers that go to duroos doesn’t mean they’re serious. It’s about like going to the gym. Sure, people will say they went. They will go in, pick up a barbell, be on their phone for 25mins and then leave. It’s easy to do. People do it all the time in mekkah and madeenah. They’ll go to a dars, never write one thing down, and then post on twitter “ALHAMDULILAH JUST GO OUT SH MUHAMMAD AL MADKHALEE’S DARS! VERY BENEFICIAL” and then go and @ sisters in the next 10mins. It’s not that uncommon. We live in a time of fitnah.
Are these brothers devils? Monsters? In a lot of cases no. I wasn’t. I was young. I knew I wanted to get married but I just didnt know how and I wanted instant gratification. I wasn’t worried about how to teach my wife, how to be in a relationship, etc. I just wanted to be with a woman(and im sorry if that sounds..brutish). Again, and I cannot repeat it enough, instant gratification. Not looking at the effects of all my actions, but just thinking about the desired objective. In more...tribal/cultural communities boys aren’t taught to be men. They’re taught to do what they want because they are men and the women should just accept that. It’s wrong, oppressive, but how many societies teach their young men. Is it manipulative? Absolutely. Even if it is on intentional it is wrong.
Now does this mean all brothers who claim to be salafi are fake? No. By absolutely no means. There are good brothers out there but with everything valuable it takes searching and being critical. I have personally put conditions on myself that I feel have changed me dramatically. It took 7 years(in total) to come to the realization I have now, but it’s why I do harshly criticize myself and any brother who wants to get married yet has done nothing to improve himself or set the foundations for his family. Personally, I believe a brother needs to memorize the Quran before he marries. Not just for marriage, because it should be for Allah, but because it shows commitment. 
The reason I said if you asked many brothers what they have memorized they will be shook is because many of us “play student”. We like to pretend we’re serious but in all honesty writing down notes and never looking at them again isn’t hard. It’s that second and third part, memorizing and acting upon it, that’s the real game changer. If I had truly though things through years ago I would have finished the Quran and possibly been in part of Saheeh Bukhari by now but Allah willed that I would learn my lesson through my mistakes. The only thing I can advise sisters to do is the same thing I advise brothers to do and that is be what you want to see in your spouse.
This is wildly unorganized and I will try to clean this up when I have more free time but I urge sisters to look closely at any man and to make du’a to Allah that his true condition is exposed to you. Understand that there are several thousand reasons why people do the things that they do but you can only control what you do, so as long as you focus on yourself Allah will grant you that which is good for you. 
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