#not until Hibiki
hotsuqueen · 2 months
Yamato Hotsuin, for the ask game! 💕💕💕💕 (yes I do in fact love hearing this rant every time lol)
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | depends on how you play I guess? | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
I love Yamato Hotsuin so much I chose my username in his honor, so there's that.
I don't think there's any aspect of his character that I don't like. I absolutely love his design. I love his lavender hair and his cockatiel fluff and his Matrix jacket and his military boots and his stupid tie that's like 4 feet long. I love that he looks like a mean, scary badass, but he's actually a weird little drama queen who thinks Hibiki is hilarious and criticizes other people for their lack of social skills.
I love that he's so unapproachable that he has no friends, but it takes him less than 24 hours to be on a first name basis with Hibiki. I love that his attachment to Hibiki is so strong that he only has takoyaki with him one single time before he decides that it's not only his favorite food in the world, it's also the first food he ever taught himself how to make. I love him threatening to slit everyone's throat when he thinks they've poisoned the only friend he's ever had against him.
I love that the Triangulum Arc's Golden End is Yamato's route, and a perfect culmination of the immense character development he goes through over the course of the whole game. I've probably played through Record Breaker a good 8 times, and I never, ever get tired of him. Yamato Hotsuin is my forever girl and I'll wax poetic about him at the drop of the hat. He deserves the world!
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0046incognito · 16 days
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i lost my stylus [drew this with finger] and haven’t even finished editing the damn student film yet but already thinking about hibiki redesign. HEEEEEEEELP my curse
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
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"This’ll be a quick sketch” I said,”A fast design” I am a liar and a fraud to myself. Anyways here’s Fairy Godmother Wataru as promised @niicookie​
He deserves only the most convoluted and glittery of outfits tho
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rayar32 · 7 months
I started drawing these like two weeks ago but only remembered to finish up the FIS Trio today so here's a few lazy doodles of all of my body type/scar headcanons for the girls
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I can only draw them this way btw I have completely destroyed any chances of being canon accurate though sheer stubbornness
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
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They can match now :)
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linanord · 1 year
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so @mihai-florescu asked if someone could draw wataru in this mask and this jacket
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wataeicentric · 10 months
I'm deeply sorry I disappeared for ages without a post however i need Wataei tumblr's opinion on whether they think Daydream actually took place or if it was literally just Eichi lucid dreaming in the hospital
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apothecarywormcrud · 9 months
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press [x] to kill(?) your boss [screenshot edit]
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ninjagirlstar5 · 1 year
Question for the Teruya Protag AU: is everyone who died in the VR game perma dead irl or do they get saved by like divine luck ex machina
(The Protag Teruya AU was inspired by @/anotherprofessional’s post! Beware of Void spoilers though!)
Short Answer: Everyone who dies in the Neo World Program is perma dead IRL. And I did come up with a reason that explains why, even when Divine Luck is technically there. I just hope it makes a sense. Long Answer: uhhh, spoilers below.
The reason everyone stays perma dead is because Akane, despite having Divine Luck, ends up getting "killed" by Nikei. The wheel really tied my hands here with this one, so I have to make it work somehow. I'm thinking she ends up confronting Nikei upon finding him murdering Yuki and then tries to kill him in retaliation. But despite injuring his hand, the light goes out and he manages to shoot her in the chest and escape. And while she didn't die right away, by the time Teruya and co. finds her, it's too late to even try and help her and because no one in the group has any medical knowledge beyond first aid, even the Divine Luck can't save her from this possibility and she kinda...dies in Teruya's arms. But she's not straight up "dead." Instead, because she's connected to the Neo World Program, the Divine Luck does manage to kick in and Akane's conscience becomes one with the code. Kinda like Yuki in Chapter 6 where the poor guy got separated from his avatar's body. But because she's merely code and now lacks access to her avatar's body, Akane is kind of...stuck in the program. She manages to travel around through the program and appear every now and then, but she can barely physically interact with anything or anyone. And the only reason she's able to move around like this is because S.O.R.A. managed to make contact with her from the outside of the Neo World Program and is helping her get around with a bit of hacking but is still having trouble trying to stop the Killing Game on her end. It's not perfect, either, as Akane tends to appear and disappear despite their combined efforts to keep her presence there on the surface. She only shows up once in Chapter 4 but makes more consistent appearances in Chapter 5. But regardless, this situation makes it even harder for her to use the Divine Luck as her constant disappearing and reappearing through the code makes it impossible for her to "physically" be there to have any sway in important events. After all, if she can't be there, she can't use the Divine Luck to stop the worst case scenario from happening. And even worse, being stuck in the code acts as a sort of "barrier" that prevents her from using the Divine Luck as best as she can on the surface of the Neo World Program.
And sadly, even Divine Luck can't change people's hearts or the choices they make. The remaining survivors have regrouped (minus Syobai because no one can find him and Kokoro for obvious reasons) and decide to stick together, that way no one can get killed for the time being. As they talk about their options, Mikado brings up one of the plans he had tried at the beginning: activating a force shutdown of the Neo World Program after using his reset code to escape. When questioned why he didn't do this at the start, he explains he didn't have his memories intact at the start of the killing game due to also having gone through the memory reset like everyone else. The only reason he managed to recover them was because of the failsafe he had made in his avatar's code that would make him recover his present memories over time. A code he had made at the last minute due to circumstances threatening his own life and being forced to connect himself to the Neo World Program before he could escape the lab and meet up with the Kisaragi Foundation (a task he had to give to S.O.R.A. instead). Seeing Rei's body - or rather, her avatar's body - only unlocked it faster.
While he did jump the gun and tried to kill Kokoro (and failed, hence why his mask breaks in half in this AU), he still had other plans he could try to implement to stop it. However, he couldn't escape the Neo World Program due to the firewall Kokoro made...through Akane's avatar. And as much as he did NOT trust Akane with her being labeled as terrorist and as part of the Ultimate Despair, he wasn't willing to kill her as he knew she's a victim of Kokoro's plotting as she's the one that put her in that position. Not to mention her willingness to help the participants seemed to be genuine if her supporting the Kisaragi Foundation is anything to go by. But with her "death" back in Chapter 3, he could've tried to force the shutdown before they reached the fourth island, right? Unfortunately, it seems Kokoro also planned for this as she had made another program that prevents Mikado from accessing his rights as an administrator's aid, which is similar to a classmate's aid/teacher's aid position as they help identify patients that are struggling to improve mentally and help them develop individually. It's what allows him to use his "magic" and have access to programs that the regular "students" can't. Kinda like AI Chiaki, except she's actually proactive in the killing game (I'm sorry) and the role is given to a real person. And Kokoro completely blocked his access to it, meaning that she probably planned to have him killed on the fourth island. Thankfully, he survived passed that thanks to Hajime's sacrifice and was able to regain access to being the administrator's aid by the time they reach the fifth island. So he should be able to shut it down now, right? There's no reason not to.
Except...there is: once he shuts down the program, everyone's' avatars will be forced to merge with their present conditions. On paper, that wouldn't be a bad thing as it just means everyone will revert back to their present appearance and have their memories back...until you realize what will happen to the dead people's avatars. And Mikado's answer is...anything but (completely) good. If they just wait until the end of the Neo World Program and try to leave through the graduation program, they could probably figure out a way to bring the dead people back from their comatose state. That's how the incident of Jabberwock Island Killing Game was resolved after all: the people that have "died" in the program were still fully connected to the NWP or what remains of it and were eventually taken out of the fantasies that it created to sustain their lives. But if Mikado forces the shut down from the outside, the dead states of the victims' avatars will be deleted and would sever their connection to the program. Essentially, it's taking people off of life support in exchange for the rest of the survivors' lives.
If this was near the beginning of the Killing Game, Mikado would've been much more willing to go through with this plan as no one except Rei had died at that point. (And even then, it was only Rei's avatar that was killed as the real Rei used an escape code at the last minute and was brought back to the real world.) It would've effectively ended the Killing Game before it could even get started. But due to circumstances outside of his control, that plan has become less than ideal to use now that more than half of the participants are dead. He's a lot more...hesitant to go through with it.
Everyone is silent upon hearing that. Mikado even adds that he's not certain of what will happen to Hibiki and Teruya's avatars as their real life bodies and mental states are less than ideal. Hibiki has been in her puppet state for years, probably permanently thanks to all that trauma Kanade forced on her to keep her that way. And Teruya had just been told that he's apparently been comatose for three(?) whole years and hasn't woken up since. Mikado hypothesized that if the Neo World Program was being used as it was intended, Teruya's current avatar being uploaded into his body might've actually help him wake up from his coma. But he's not certain as the Neo World Program is not only a fairly recent invention, but also hasn't exactly been used very well due to the constant killing games it's been used for due it's flaws. So there's not a lot of information of the Neo World Program being used as a way to wake up comatose patients. So Hibiki and Teruya are most at risk due to their present conditions among the survivors.
And yet, despite hearing all of this, Teruya says that he should do it. He gets a bit of pushback from Yoruko and Shinji, but he explains that even if Mikado chooses not to do the forced shut down, he should still exit the Neo World Program to check on what's going on outside. The Kisaragi Foundation is taking way too long to get them out of the program, even with the knowledge that time works different compared to the virtual reality and the real world. Akane's avatar has been dead since Chapter 3, so they had every opportunity to get them out by now. But they haven't and it's better if Mikado leaves to learn what's going on and decide what to do from there. Hibiki also supports this decision, because as much as she would hate to lose everyone for real this time, she also doesn't want to wait around any longer and risk having someone else die again. She doesn't want to go through another trial, she doesn't want to lose another friend, she just...She just wants this to be over with now. Even if it's at the cost of her wellbeing, if it means Shinji, Yoruko, Mikado, and maybe even Teruya getting out of the killing game sooner rather than later, she would rather take that chance. And Teruya agrees.
Everyone is unsure if this is the right decision. None of them want to sacrifice everyone else for their own survival. But no one could think of any better ideas. Even when they try to hold a vote, it ends up being two against three: Shinji and Yoruko wanting to try and figure something else out...and Teruya, Hibiki, and eventually Mikado choosing to go through with the plan.
Shinji is resigned to the fact that he was unable to save everyone.
Yoruko is heartbroken at the thought of sacrificing everyone she had cared about for her own survival.
Hibiki is scared for what will happen next but is determined to see this through.
Teruya is so damn tired but will try everything in his power to keep the rest of the survivors alive.
Mikado is preparing himself for the guilt he will carry for the rest of his life.
And Akane, upon overhearing all of this, and despite having all the power in the world with the Divine Luck, is crushed to know that even she can't reverse this fate. Not when she's stuck in the code that limits her use in the Divine Luck.
And even then, Divine Luck can't reverse death.
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arcueidbrunestud · 1 year
I. Have to be up in like 4 hours but I don't want to stop drawing...
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shiro-sideblog · 7 months
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oryou-condred · 2 years
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id in alt
wataru hair. pillow
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floorpancakes · 11 months
you would think my gay ass would have come up with an xxxholic idol au by now but i havent
which is hilarious because i totally unintentionally gave two of my idol ocs douwata dynamic lite
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xbuster · 2 years
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
There is exactly one good cook in fine and it's Wataru. Tori has never prepared a full meal on his own in his life he has servants to do that. Same goes for Eichi. And while Yuzuru can cook just fine it tastes bland and the main objective isn't to taste good, it's to fill the quotum of nutrition and calories. So unless Yuzuru actually tries to season his food he'll forever be place 2 on the fine fine cook ranking
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tokusatsu-birb · 1 year
I finished Hibiki this weekend and it was weird. It had enough that I enjoyed that I can see why there are people who really like this one. But personally, it was overall not my favorite. Some of the camera work in the first half gave me a headache and the second half had Kiriya who I found extremely annoying and not relevant to the overall plot.
Also the second half got rid of the outro :(
I liked Asumu's overall arc in the show, I liked that the main rider was just some middle aged guy, and the music transformation gimmick was pretty cool. This show had a lot of interesting ideas but I think it got lost with how messy the production was.
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