#not to mention his shop. he's also a completely unavoidable encounter
multishipper-baby · 1 year
Deltarune Chapter 3 will be an interesting one, I think, because it will allow us to get a more clear vision on the patterns the game follows. What things are likely to be repeated and what are just coincidences.
Like... Every dark world so far has had a ruler, but I wonder if that's a necessity? Are all dark worlds MADE with some type of monarchy? And even if they are, how much can that be played around with? Because I can totally see the next storyline being about Toriel becoming the queen of the new dark world (and maybe also the antagonist depending on how the story goes?).
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
When the Levee Breaks...
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Summary: It's been three months since The Snap. The reader has a lot to cope with: newly-aquired super soldier capabilities, being a stranger in a strange place, and most of all, the loss of Bucky. But lucky for her, Steve Rogers isn't one to let his friends go through hard times alone.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem!enhanced! Reader (mentioned), Steve Rogers x fem!enhanced! Reader (platonic)
Reader has the ability to see bits of the future, understand all languages, and process information quickly as well as being a super soldier
Warnings: angst, self-destruct behavior, mentions of suicidal tendencies, mentions of mental illness, mentions of eating disorder, tiny bit of fluff.
“Some times I feel I’ve got to run away, I’ve got to run away…” Her footfalls are too fast to keep in step with the song’s beat, but it still gives her some comfort to listen. Some, because really, when she’s punishing her body for the mere sake of feeling it scream at her, there’s not much comfort to be found.
“Once I ran to you, now I’ll run from you, this tainted love you’ve given-” She’s so busy concentrating on pushing herself, making herself hurt, that she doesn’t realize there’s anyone in front of her until she runs smack dab into them. “Oof!”
She’s knocked flat on her ass, but it doesn’t keep her down (no, of course not, she’s a damn super soldier now). She hops up immediately, intent on apologizing, making sure the other person is okay, and then getting back to her run, when the person she’s run into grasps her arm.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am are you-” Whoever she ran into stops short (she’s trying not to look him in the face, faces are painful to see now that she knows she’ll never see Barnes’ again), and the hand on her elbow falls away, forcing her to look up. Oh no.
“Steve.” Great. Out of all the people she had to run into, it had to be Steve Rogers. She knows most women would be absolutely thrilled to have knocked Captain America off his feet (he’s now brushing off the back of his pants, which she should probably do as well, but can’t bring herself to care), but not her. She likes Steve, really she does. They haven’t spent a lot of time together, but he is -was, he’s gone now, was- Bucky’s best friend, and they got along fine. He’s a nice guy. That’s the real problem, because-
“How’re you doing? I haven’t seen you in forever.” -he’ll ask her that. You know, being nice. Which means she’s going to have to lie.
“I’m fine. Good to see you again.” Now if he’d just get out of her way so she can get back to what she was doing.
“I didn’t know you were a runner.” Damn. He wants to have a conversation. Doesn’t he know that earbuds in means, “Don’t talk to me?” Probably not, because he’d never be that rude. Captain frickin’ America.
“I’m not.” Why did she have to say that? Now he’s looking at her in surprise, eyebrows raised, mouth open in shock.
“Then why-”
“Just thought I’d try it out. See if the super serum really is all that.” She can’t very well tell him that she’s out here hoping that the place where one of Thanos’ goons speared her through the lung (and the kidney… and the intestines… and part of her brain) wasn’t repaired as well as the doctors’ claimed and it’ll open up if she just runs fast enough, allowing her to slowly bleed out. He seems like the type to see that as a cry for help.
He chuckles. “Well, considering you were going around 65 miles per hour, I think you have your answer.” Sixty-five? That can’t be right.
“How do you know that?” He shrugs.
“ ‘Cause that’s how fast I was going, and you ran into me.” Right. Of course she’s now as fast as America’s golden boy. Because her life wasn’t bizarre enough already.
“No harm done.” She’s all prepared offer him a courtesy nod and take off again, when- “Are you hungry? Let me buy you breakfast.”
Her first thought is, “He’s flirting with me.” and her anger flares, but then she remembers who this is, and calms down. He’s being nice. Again.
“No thanks. I already ate.” She didn’t, hasn’t in two days in fact, but the damn super serum is keeping her from dropping.
“Then how about coffee?” He can’t take a hint. “Just a head’s up, the serum also keeps you from getting a buzz from the caffeine, but it still tastes the same.”
“I drink tea.” Why does she keep talking to him? The last thing she wants is to be around anyone that reminds her of whom she’s lost.
Steve smirks. “Then let me buy you a cup of tea.” Again, anger wells up in her, anger and pain, but she pushes it down. He doesn’t know about the last person who bought her a cup of tea, or what it lead to. This is just being friendly to the widow (no, they never made it that far, ex girlfriend) of his old pal.
“Please.” The megawatt smile falters for a moment. “We’ve all lost so many people that we can’t afford to let even potential friends slip away that easily.”
She doesn’t want to be his friend. Doesn’t want to be anyone’s friend. She just wants to be left alone for however long she has left until her enhanced body falters and finally gives out. But, it’s against everything she believes, whatever values she has left now that a huge part of her has disappeared like dust left behind after the snap, to return kindness with a cold shoulder. And if he’s so desperate for company...
He’s never been to this coffee shop before, but he’s trying to hide that fact by studying the menu written in chalk with great concentration. In fact, he doesn’t particularly want to be here now. It’s too empty, too quiet. There’s too many people crying into their beverages of choice. But he had to come up with a valid excuse to keep her from disappearing again like she had three months ago after he told her, “I’m sorry. He’s gone. We lost him.”, and he was running low on ideas.
She looks terrible. No, correction; she looks average. He’s never seen the effects of the serum on a woman before (apart from the brief encounter with Hydra’s other super soldiers), but he’s almost certain she should look… stronger, somehow. More robust. If he’s being honest, she doesn’t even look like her old self, pre-serum.
She’s cut her hair, chopped it off unevenly, and it makes her look more severe. Or maybe that’s the fact that her cheekbones are more prominent, and although it shouldn’t be possible, she has dark circles under her eyes. She’s thinner too, although it’s unavoidable that her muscle tone has improved (at least from what he can tell; she’s in workout clothes, not the trendy kind, but a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, and besides, he’s keeping his eyes trained respectfully on her face). In short, she looks miserable.
Eventually, they both do order, and he doesn’t so much as get the chance to ask where she’d like to sit before she makes a bee-line for the table in the corner, half-hidden by a large fern, away from everyone else. That cuts down on the chances of them being recognized, or really, mostly him.
He gives her a few minutes to stir and sip her tea before starting the enquiry.
“So how are you doing really?” She nearly drops her cup at that.
“I told you, I’m fine.” So he’s going to have to dig.
“No you’re not.” She opens her mouth, more than likely to contradict him, but he continues. “You can’t be. I’m not, and I don’t know anyone else who is.”
Her eyes narrow, and he’s reminded of something Bucky told him in passing conversation back in Wakanda. “I always know when she’s mad, and so does everyone else. Trust me, you can tell.” He was right. Her face is rapidly flushing, and her posture has completely changed.
“Fine.” She snaps, and begins tearing the label off of her drink. “I’m doing shitty. I don’t have anywhere to live, so I’ve been sleeping at a different emergency shelter every night. I don’t have a job, which means I don’t have a source of income. I don’t know anyone because I’ve never been to fucking New York before. Oh, and my fiance turned to dust in front of me. That what you wanted to hear?”
There’s so much to unpack, but first thing’s first.
“You’re staying at the shelters?” She nods.
“Most nights. Sometimes I sleep on the subway. It’s not like the seats are full anymore.”
That’s not going to cut it. He may not know her well, but he’s not going to let her be homeless. He’s about to offer up the couch in his apartment (or, more than likely once she’s actually agreed to go, the bed while he takes the couch), but out of nowhere, she bursts into tears.
“I’m sorry, Steve.” She swipes at her eyes roughly. “That was rude of me. You didn’t deserve that.” No, he didn’t, but he gets it. This is a weird time for everyone.
“It’s okay.” He attempts what he hopes is a friendly smile. “I think we’ve all earned the right to not be as polite as normal. Plus, you really are doing shitty-”
She chuckles. “Wow. Captain America swears. Who would’ve thought.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
They sit in silence for a few more minutes, her sipping her tea, and him his… whatever this is. All the while, he’s trying to figure out the best way to shoe-horn, “Let me help you.” into casual conversation. Finally, he decides to just do it. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? She runs off again, goes back to the subway. On second thought, that’s pretty bad. Tact. This is a time for tact.
“What was it you do again? For a job, that is?”
“Did.” What? “Sorry again. Force of habit.” She meets his eyes. “I taught English as a second language, mostly to adults. That makes me a little anal about grammar.”
A teacher… that’s unfortunate, because all schools (and colleges for that matter) nation wide have suspended classes “until further notice” in the wake of Thanos. It’s possible she could submit an application now and be hired whenever they regroup, but she needs a source of income immediately.
“I also worked as a translator briefly. That is, before people started asking questions about how I was able to understand every foreign language they put in front of me without so much as a briefing.” Now that, he might be able to work with. Especially since their team has gotten a lot smaller.
“If, and it’s not a guarantee, but if I could offer you a job working with me, Nat, and what’s left of the team-” She grows a shade paler but doesn’t say anything. “-as a translator only, would you consider it?” To be honest, they could use her as more, especially with the training she received in Wakanda and her new status as a super soldier, but if her reaction is anything to judge from, the wound is too fresh for her agree to that.
“Yes.” The answer is immediate. His shock must show on his face, because she shrugs and tells him, “I’m out of funds and I don’t have a place to live. If someone offered me a job cleaning toilets, I’d take it.” That’s what gives him the courage to mention the next part.
“Is that your mindset about places to sleep too, because I have a couch that pulls out into a bed.” Her eyebrows shoot up, mouth forming a perfect “oh”. “That is, until you find a place. Or I can contact Natasha and see about renting you a hotel room-”
She shakes her head. “No, you’ve been generous enough. All of you, really. I can manage-”
“I know you can.” He feels bad about interrupting her, but this is going nowhere fast. “I know you can take care of yourself and manage on your own. But you don’t have to.” He almost adds that Bucky wouldn’t want that for her, but decides against it just in time. “If we don’t band together to help each other right now, then Thanos may as well have dusted all of us.”
She’s quiet for a few moments, studying her lap, and he thinks that he’s pushed too far. Then, with a sigh, she nods.
“Fine, but just a warning. I talk in my sleep.”
“Duly noted.”
It’s not been as bad as she thought, living with Steve. He’s an orderly guy, so she’s not picking up after him. He knocks before he enters a room, even if the door is open and gives her space. He doesn’t complain if she uses too much hot water and remembers to put the toilet seat down. If anything isn’t to her liking, all she has to do is mention it, and he immediately augments his behavior. In fact, the only disagreements they’ve had in the month and a half since she moved in have been over who gets the bedroom (he insisted on being a gentlemen and taking the couch, which she absolutely refused; she finally won by telling him that if he forced her to take the bed, she’d pack up her suitcase and leave) and who does the cooking (she said she’d do it and the laundry since she’s basically living in his apartment expense free, he said he’d do it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while she did it Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, then Saturday would be takeout; he won that one because he actually likes to cook).
They don’t really hang out together, apart from occassionally watching the news. Most of their conversations are banal. How was your day, I did laundry, gas prices have gone up, do you want the shower first. Roommate talk, but just from that she can tell why Bucky liked the guy so much, why they were such good friends (especially once she discovers that sweet, polite Captain America can be a sassy son of a bitch when he wants to be). It’s all very… nice.
And still, since that first day, she hasn’t sat down with him and had a conversation. Not about anything significant that is. He’s tried several times, but she’s shut it down as quickly and politely as possible. She appreciates the effort to be her friend, take care of the brokenhearted girl that remains, but she can’t let it go that far. She knows if she lets him scratch the surface, the floodgates will open, and she’s not prepared for that. She doesn’t want to talk about Bucky. She won’t.
No, they’ll just keep being nice to each other, being agreeable until she’s got a couple of paychecks under her belt and can make a deposit on an apartment and pay him back for his kindness (which is another uphill battle, but she’ll think about that later).
That’s the plan anyway, until after a run, she realizes that it’s gone.
She distinctly remembers leaving it on the sofa table in an ashtray that’s there for decoration only. It’s where she leaves everything; her wallet, her key to the apartment, the damn knife she purchased as a scared eighteen year old on the run from her government. But it’s not there.
Maybe it was so loose thanks to her self-inflicted emaciation that it came off while she was wearing it as she slept and it’s between the cracks in the sofa cushions? She rips them away as if they’re a bandage, finding nothing (not even lint, because she had a cleaning fit on yet another sleepless night and vacuumed). Under the couch then. Behind it. Nothing and nothing.
She’s ransacked the entire living room and is intent on moving onto the bathroom when the front door opens.
“What the-” She doesn’t bother looking up, but it doesn’t matter. He’s next to her in three strides. “Are you okay?”
She means to reassure him that she’s fine, just misplaced something, but instead what comes out is,
“It’s gone, Steve.”
“What’s gone?” Even as he speaks, she’s emptying out the trash can to make sure she didn’t acidentally throw it out (her mind’s been all over the place these days).
“My ring.” It’s the last piece she has of him. There’s a few pictures saved to her phone (which she can no longer so much as charge up), and his file which has since been given over to her care, but that’s the last physical thing she has that he left her, the last thing his fingers touched that she can touch too. And it’s gone.
“I can’t believe I lost it. I was being so careful-” She’s babbling, not even making sense to herself at this point. “-and now it’s gone. It’s gone, just like him. Fuck!” She shouldn’t be crying like a child, but there’s nothing she can do about it.
“Language.” Her head snaps up to stare at an embarassed Steve. “Sorry. Force of habit. What I mean is, why don’t I help you look for it?” She nods, and forces herself to take a deep breath.
“It was silver-” vibranium actually, but the color is more easily identifiable. “-with engraving-”
“I know what it looks like.” He interrupts sheepishly. “Trust me. He asked me, “Do you think she’ll like it” about a dozen times in ten minutes before he gave it to you.”
She never knew that, and it sends fresh tears to her eyes.
“And it’s vibranium, in case you didn’t know. Said it needed to be-”
“Strong and adaptable.” She recites back. Same as you. That’s what he told her when he slipped it on her finger, explaining why there wasn’t a stone. She doesn’t feel like either of those things. Not since he went, and she stayed. “I know.”
“Alright.” He nods. “When did you last have it?”
“Before my run. I took it off so I wouldn’t lose it.” She laughs bitterly. So much for that.
“Then you check your bag and the bathroom. I’ll give this room another look and search the kitchen? Sound like a plan?” She’s out of the room without a reply.
The bathroom turns up nothing, and despite upending her backpack, purse, and the pockets of each various piece of clothing, there’s no sign of it. So that’s it then. She’s lost him, down to the final shred.
Starvation, over-exertion, lack of sleep: none of it has taken her down so far, but knowing that it’s over, she can’t even hold onto that little piece of him, is what finally makes her legs give out from underneath her as she collapses in a heap.
She hears his footsteps long before he enters the cramped bathroom, but she doesn’t lift her head. At this point, she’s not even sure if she can. If heartache really can kill a person, she won’t be here for much longer. And, if Steve wants to survey the damage, she won’t stop him. She’s too weak to hide it anymore.
“You haven’t eaten anything today.” It’s not a question, so she doesn’t bother to answer. “Or yesterday. I’m not sure about the day before because it looked like you tried the meatloaf, but you could’ve squirreled it away in your napkin while I wasn’t looking.” He’s right. That’s exactly what she did.
Her eyes are closed, but her enhanced senses let her know the moment he sits down next to her, a respectful distance away, of course.
“You could be suicidal. You could have an eating disorder or another mental illness. Or you could just not care anymore. My bet’s on the last one.” What’s there to care about? She has no family. No friends. She has a job now, sure, but they could easily find another translator.
“You don’t care, and you’re grieving. That’s a dangerous combination. Was when I came out of the ice with everyone I loved either dead or dying, and it still is.”
His hand settles on her shoulder. Just lightly. Not so much a grasp or a pat as an assurance, an “I’m here.”
“You need to talk to someone about it. Maybe not me, but someone. You don’t want to go on, but like it or not, you’re here. You’ve gotta find a way to keep going. Maybe find something like a purpose eventually.” He sighs. “I’m gonna get you a glass of water and I’ll be right back.”
“I miss him.” She’s not sure when she decided to say it, or even if she did. “So much.” Steve doesn’t say anything, so she takes it as a sign to continue. “I know I don’t have any right to say that. You knew him for so much longer than I did, and you’re not falling to pieces. But I feel like half of me has been ripped away, and I don’t know how to live without it.” Her voice is barely above a whisper. “I’m not even sure I want to.”
He sighs, and she gathers what little strength she has left to apologize. She shouldn’t talk to him about this. That’s like comparing your stubbed toe to the man who’s had his foot amputated. But before she can do any of that, she hears a muffled thump. She should care what it is, but she doesn’t. That is, until she realizes that Steve is now lying on the floor with her.
“Now that we’re both about as low as we can go-” The corners of her lips turn up despite herself. “-I miss him too. A lot. But not the same way you do.” She would assume not. After all, that would be weird. “There’s a girl I miss like that. Her name was Peggy. But, that’s a conversation for another day.
“I’m not gonna tell you it gets better, because it doesn’t. I’m not gonna tell you you’ll move on, because I haven’t. What I’ll tell you is you learn to live with it. Eventually it hurts less to talk about them, or to even think about them. It still hurts, don’t get me wrong, but it’s more good than bad. Sometimes it helps to talk about them with someone else. For me at least, it’s like I’m keeping her alive. But it’s okay if that’s not something you can do right now. When you’re ready, I’ll be more than happy to take a trip down memory lane if you want.” She nods, still not lifting her head. “Okay. I’ll keep my calendar open. Now, I really need to get you that glass of water.”
He’s nearly out the door when she manages to croak out, “Thank you. For being nice to me. It’s good of you to look after your best friend’s…” What is she now? “...old flame.”
“You’re welcome, and just so you know, I’m not doing this because you’re Bucky’s girl. I’m doing this you because I think we could both use a friend right now. A real one.”
It’s only after he leaves the room that she feels something digging into her hip and discovers the ring in her pocket.
It’s convenient, her moving just down the hall from him. Especially since they had that little talk, and now Steve actually considers her a close friend. She’s looking better now, back to eating and drinking. Sleep is still dubious, and over the past few months, he’s woken multiple times to her screams coming from the living room. At first he ran in, thinking there was an intruder. Now he knows to crouch next to the pullout mattress and shake her shoulder until she wakes up. Occassionally there’s tears. Often there’s a midnight conversation about whichever funny memory they can think of to lighten the mood. As she’s come back to herself, bit by bit, he’s starting to see why Bucky was tied up in knots over her. It’s obvious they were good together in a way that can’t be replicated.
The one thing that hasn’t gone by the wayside is her running, and that’s one he’s not going to touch, because he does the same thing. In the morning, they both take off just as the sun is rising (in opposite directions to avoid anymore collisions), and once whoever’s pushing the envelope on how much distance they can really cover is done, they meet up, have breakfast, and start work.
Natasha keeps giving him not-so-subtle hints that he should ask her out, but that’s never gonna happen. Even if you took away the greiving and both of them still being in love with other people, she’s just not his type. He can’t see her as anything but a good friend at the least and an annoying little sister at the most, and he knows the feeling is mutual.
That’s part of the reason why he doesn’t bother knocking before using his key to step into her apartment, a bag full of things she’s left behind in his hands. She’s not in the living room or the kitchen, and even though they lived together for a solid four months, he’s not about to cross his boundaries and go any further into her place without permission. So he takes a seat on the couch (his old one which is now hers because she claims she’s gotten used to the lumps and can’t sleep without them) and waits for her to appear.
A good fifteen minutes pass before he hears footsteps approaching the apartment and the sound of singing. He recognizes the voice immediately because of the times she’d sing in the shower, but the song is unfamiliar. More than likely, she’s still got her earbuds in and hasn’t realized she’s giving a free concert to anyone in earshot.
“Got the sunshine on my shoulders, got a fist full of four-leaf clovers. Yeah, my cup runneth over. My sky is blue.” Cheerful, and a catchy melody. Maybe he’ll ask her the name so he can look it up. You can find any song you like nowadays on one little app.
“Been kissed by lady luck, the stars are all lined up. Every arrow that I aim is true-” The key turns in the lock and he starts to stand. “-but I miss you.” Some pains never completely fade, but at least they’re talking about it. That has to be worth something.
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((Alright, given what I figured out on my own + what I’ve learned + my ideas here’s a rough outline for these muses and their verses; ))
Ivry (17):
A sensitive young man with a talent for music and is quite popular as a result. Because of his frail constitution he doesn’t engage in ‘rough activities’ and doesn’t go out as often as his sister. He hates bugs and other disgusting things (he has a squeamish stomach) and loves his sister Iva very much. After the death of their parents he really worked hard to provide for his remaining family, his heart unable to bear the thought of them being separated. Ivry does his best to never show his sister an unkind or pained face and as a result blinds himself to how intuitive she actually is. He was meant to die from tuberculosis at the age of 17 but....
Iva (13):
Initially a bright, outgoing and tomboyish girl, Iva is the embodiment of the energy that Ivry’s illness robs from him. She likes collecting anything and everything from nature (this includes bugs, much to her brother’s displeasure and fright) and she’s very talented when it comes to drawing and singing, so much so that she often accompanies some of her brother’s performances. Her demeanor changes after the death of their parents and as Ivry’s health deteriorates. It’s this last that drives her to seek help from beyond mortal powers and the holy church: Iva makes a pact with a ‘Magician’, a pact that would, she’s told, grant her brother an eternity that he does not have. The price for such a pact, not to mention what she has to do begin said pact, is....
The ‘Magician’ (??):
A middle aged man who wanders from town to town enshrouded in dark magic and rumors. He carries with him various puppets and dolls and various people came that in his presence the unwell and dying can be ‘restored’ by mysterious means but for every ‘miracle’ performed someone else goes missing, falls ill, etc. There is always a price for such things and such a thing cannot be undone once promised. And on one fateful day this soft spoken man encounters a young girl and upon seeing her troubled face offers her a deal...
The Magician’s powers and knowledge stem from the cat (the devil) and while he initially began his work with the hopes of helping and saving others the reality of the situation and the prices that people must eventually pay have made him more neutral about the whole affair. His true heart is largely a mystery.
Verse 1 -
Set after the death of their parents and during their time at an orphanage up until Ivry manages to secure them a decent home through his outstanding music. This is Ivry and Iva at their most normal, struggling but normal, and encompasses the time of Ivry’s deterioration and Iva’s (potential) pact with the Magician. This is the only verse that will feature Ivry as a flesh and blood human whether he realizes it or not unless magic is involved, his sister and he trade places, etc.
Ivry: human Iva: human
Verse 2 -
Ivry has ‘awoken’ and lives with his sister completely locked within his own delusion and his sister’s inability to release him. In this verse Ivry is unaware of his true circumstances and believes himself to still be living (rather than a life sized puppet containing a soul) and that his sister Iva is dead. He doesn’t tell her this ‘truth’, of course, and acts as if nothing has changed between himself and his beloved sister as they live within their ‘happily ever after’. Iva will be the primary character here and will be wracked by guilt and shame over how she feels, what’s to come, etc, and may or may not break the fragile charade.
Ivry: puppet Iva: human
Verse 3 -
Ivry learns the truth and in doing so learns of his sister’s actions and unavoidable fate---the fact that she killed him in order to bind his soul and that as a result her own soul is doomed. Since both of them are corrupted by the devil’s magic their souls are unable to reincarnate and they are eternally separated from one another----or are they? This verse, while primarily rooted in canon, can diverge with the use of magic allowing some reincarnation, for their owed price to be altered (I’m fixated on Iva slowly becoming more and more of a doll day by day, much like the fate of her brother) and etc.
This verse, if we go with the canon events, also has the potential to cross into The Liars territory, although ‘Ivry’ as we know him will not be present save for perhaps some fragmentary memories. The puppet; having been bought from a shop centuries later, reawakens as ‘Grimm’.***
Ivry: puppet / ? Grimm: puppet / ?*** Iva: human / potential puppet / ?
*** 'Grimm’ is the most tentative point I have concerning all of this tbh, as it attaches to a completely different game and character (canon states Grimm and the ‘Magician’ are separate characters and ‘Grimm’ himself even appears in Iva and Ivry’s story. So until I can play the related material and learn more he’ll be low priority in the face of the Magician, Ivry and Iva.
Verse 4 -
Ivry lives his life as the humble and peculiar assistant/ward of a ‘dollmaker’ and so called ‘Magician’. His memories are dim, unreachable things and he’s never seen (or is at least not far from) a doll that shares his likeness to an unsettling degree. Almost as if it were crafted by the Magician to be his ‘sister’....
In this verse the contract has been made and the price has been paid but it’s slightly different: rather than their souls eroding to nothing in the depths of Hell Ivry still retains his ‘life’ and Iva is the one encased in a lifeless doll unable to wake. This was a conscious choice on her end and she viewed it as a necessary sacrifice in order for her beloved brother to continue living, even if he’s locked in a ‘dream’ that he cannot wake up from it’s worth if it what remains of his soul is intact.
Iva can be the bearer of this fate rather than Ivry should a person choose and the Magician will be a principle character along with either Ivry or Iva as his ‘ward’.
Ivry: puppet Iva: soulless puppet / ? The Magician: human
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modernsocialmediaau · 5 years
better together
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February 28, 2015
The girls ultimately make it to their interviews with no problem, well one tiny problem. Lauren being so busy avoiding Camila or another encounter like the one this morning she hasn't been able to eat. She's been drinking water, all day. It's completely slips her mind that she hasn't eaten in the past 3 hours.
" Alright everybody welcome Fifth Harmony. " the host said and the girls walk out to the stage
Normani pushes to sit next to Camila and Lauren holds herself back, and she couldn't be more thankful. Moments like this is what makes Lauren feel thankful that someone knows about her situation.
" Thank you. " Lauren whispers in Normani's ear before the host could ask as questions.
During the interview they ask about  pretty general questions.
Are you excited for the rest of the tour?
How was the first day?
How happy are you with the release of your album?
What are you most excited about?
What's it's like to have a number one album on Itunes.
And the are happy to answer, but of course this certain category is simply unavoidable,  boyfriends. " So other than the obvious Ausmila, anybody else in the group taken? " the host asks, Normani elbows Lauren trying to get her today attention seeing that the topic of Luis will be brought up. Lauren chokes on her own spit due to the elbow to the gut, and all Normani does is chuckle.
" Aw c'mon I'm sure we'd all like to know, " he continues to insist, " Well how about this, " he pans a picture and it's Ally and Troy. The fans already know about them which Ally doesn't mind seeing that she is able to control what the fans can and can't see. Lauren wishes she can say the same, she so sick of everyone telling her to be someone she's not.
" Oh, okay I guess it's my turn. " Ally laughs and begins to talk about her and Troy even though she's a tad uncomfortable. Somehow within the midst of Ally talking Lauren begins to day dream about how her life would be different if she isn't in fifth harmony. That if she didn't have this amazing opportunity she'd be with her friends in college. Lauren isn't trying to seem ungrateful, not at all if anything she just wonders what life would be like if Fifth Harmony never existed. Lauren and Camila would never have met, and in Lauren's eyes she would have never fallen in love with Camila.
For the longest time Camila thought about that as well, but no matter how much she'd like to avoid Lauren let alone the idea of her. She's got this feeling that they are meant to be in one another's life. Camila once read that the reason why soulmates exist is because before entering this world, a soul is split into two. And they spend most of their life looking for one another, Camila likes to think she's found hers even though it didn't quite work out how its suppose to.
" Lauren, " Normani elbows Lauren again and she snaps back into reality
" What? " Lauren wonders then she glances over at the screen and see the picture of her and Luis during New Years
" Oh right, yeah we're still going strong, " Lauren laughs making Mani sighs. Normani knows that Lauren is clearly lying which meant that the raven haired girl has to continuously relive this rollercoaster of a relationship.
" What's the most romantic thing he's done? " the interviewer questions
Luis is one of Lauren's first real love, there wasn't anything that boy wouldn't do for Lauren. Lauren felt grounded around him, he loved her before everything and everyone else, and for Lauren that is rare. But Lauren also treasures trust like a regular human being and Luis broke that, and a picture equal 1000 words. Months of recovering, writing and simply working on herself, they decided to give a quick try. Luis admitted that yes he did cheat but although this is no excuse to cheat, he just simply missed her during those months that it made him weak. Soon after their quick rekindling they both agreed to simply stay friends. There was and still is a lot of romantic things he's done prior to the break up, but Lauren being who she is likes keeping those between themselves.
" A lot of things, and I prefer keeping it between he and I. "Lauren comments putting my hair behind her ear looking down trying to avoid everyone's eyes.
That's where the topic of boyfriends died because Dinah and Normani are not ready to tell people yet about who they are dating secretly.  If anyone in this group had the possibility to become a spy it would be those two. At least Mani could be, she's a personified version of a safe. The girl is good with secrets not to mention her banging bod.
" So do you guys know what Camren is? " the host wonders innocently making Lauren to stiffen,  while Camilla looks at her. Lauren and Normani  were really hoping that this topic wouldn't come up again. But here it is,  Normani thought it would be funny to smile at Lauren sheepishly to make light of the tension.
" Yeah I guess it's our like.." Lauren pause hoping that Camila will jump in
"Ship, relationship thing. " Camila finishes
" And? " he pursues
" I mean if that's what makes them happy they can do whatever. " Lauren comment receiving a pat on her thigh from Normani
" Yeah exactly, sure it's weird but hey it's not like it's true," Camila adds some salt to Lauren's wounds.
After that question the interview ends after singing Worth It. Lauren couldn't be happier with herself because in her opinion she didn't  act weird, let alone make the other girls question her. But she was uncomfortable because the topic of Camren came up again. Going back to the venue Normani couldn't be more proud of Lauren so when they arrive she gives her the biggest and warmest hug.
Maybe I am getting over this whole Camren thing you know? Maybe I'm finally getting over her?Yea maybe...
Lauren thought to herself.
Soon after the hug the two girls follow everyone else inside House of Blues and immediately had sound check since the show starts in 7 hours. But knowing their schedule that usually meant fittings, make up, meet and greets, personal shopping errands, maybe a nap here and there. Finally, of course the last 2 hours are vocal warm-up and show finalizations. A lot of work to be done.
" Mic check one. " the sound guy shouts from the sound board
" Mic check one, hello, hello, hello " Camila responds but then sings the last part
He then went on to the other girls. Camila sees from the corner of her eye that Lauren was leaning up against her mic stand. She didn't look so good, Camila tries to catch attention but she seems rather occupied.  
As the girls do their soundcheck and choreo reruns Lauren is reminded by the fact that she still hasn't eaten. She suddenly became dizzy and light headed, assuming that she'll simply catch up on food after sound check she decides to shrug it off. The music of Sledgehammer starts and everyone notices Lauren trying to hold onto her mic stand but instead she falls. The last thing Lauren hears and see's are the girls running towards her and Normani shouting  " Lo? Lauren? " before everything goes black.
"Lauren? Lauren!" Janelle runs quickly on stage along with the whole crew, Normani steps back and shouts for everyone to do the same. "Give her some space!" Normani slightly panics biting onto her fingers. Janelle dials 911,
" C'mon let's get her to the dressing room, " Will says and big Rob helpS him. Well Big Rob decides that he would do it himself, since of the size different and all.
" Mila do you have any idea why she passed out like that? " Dinah asks while rubbing Camila shoulders
" No, " Camila rests her head under Dinah arms while grabbing Ally. Mani and looks at the unconscious Lauren. That's when it hits Camila that Lauren rushed to make up and hair with nothing to eat.
" Are you alright Camila? " she hears Lauren's voice get closer to her. They are currently in their first show of the Neon Lights Tour. Camila had ran off of their meet and greet. The fans had started screaming Camren when Lauren gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. Camila couldn't help it, she needed to leave and get out of her touch.
" You're over her Camila. You are over her. You have Austin. " she whispers to herself 10 times trying to remind herself of who she is.
" Yeah, I'll be out in a second. " Camila croaks splashing her face with some water trying to erase any evidence of her red eyes and smeared tears on her cheeks.
" Please let me in. " she beg but Camila has to shake her off.
I need to move on.
Camila thought to herself.
Austin has been helpful with that but Camila needs Lauren to leave her alone. To give her space, that's what she need. SPACE to forget about CAMREN.
" I'll meet you back in the meet and greet. " Camila commands firmly trying to convince her that she's serious. Camila hears her sigh and quietly leave. Camila clears her throat,  fixes her dress and bow, walking out and back to the meet greet. Camila hears the fans scream, while the girls all turned to her. Camila saw the space between Dinah and Lauren , but she pushed Dinah closer to Lauren and stood between Normani and Dinah.
Camila see's Lauren contour her face trying to question her actions, but Camila shrugs it off and calls to the next fan.
When they got back to their dressing room, Dinah, Normani, and Ally decided to head to catering for a snack before our next interviewing leaving Lauren and Camila in the room alone.
" Talk to me Camila, " Camila hears Lauren beg walking beside her and caressing her arm, but Camila removes her own hand hand out of Laurens touch.
" I gotta go make a phone call. " Camila excuses herself out of the room and leaves.
" Is she gonna be okay? " Ally ask Will , " Janelle got in touch with 911, they are sending paramedics over and a doctor, they'll be here soon. " he answers tapping on his phone contacting everyone trying to control everything.
" Why not take her to the hospital? " Mani sass angrily at him, without any intention
" The paramedics will make that call, okay and if they do I will call her mother, but if the doctors says she'll be okay here I'll do the same thing. Okay don't worry she'll be fine. " He assure as he walks out of the dressing room and it's only the 5 of them
"She couldn't have been sick because of exhaustion. " Mani rationalizes
" She hasn't eaten all day, " Camila comments sitting next to Mani who is sitting at the end baby Lauren's feet
" I thought she came to catering with you? " Dinah questions
" We didn't have time too, " Camila huffs
" What are we suppose to do? " Camila asks them
" Well we can't do much, we have to keep going I think it's best if she rests in peace. " Ally advises putting her hand out for Camila to take so they can leave Lauren in the room.
" Ally I can't just lea- " Mani tries to reason with her. Back then that would've been Camila that would've said that, but things have changed.
" I agree with Ally babe she needs to sleep. " Dinah sighs and Camila simply agrees
" We'll check up on her after the doctor checks her. " Camila gives Mani a side hug as they walk out of the dressing room.
3 hours later, make-up and fittings done the girls can finally take a break and Camila decides to check up on Lauren.
" Mila don't you want some food? " Dinah wonders
" Yea I will you guys go, "
" We'll take food for ya'll " Ally smiles
By the time Camila gets to the dressing room the doctor is only leaving the room. Camila waits for her to leave before approaching Stephen.
" The doctor just got here? " Camila wonders
" No, the doctor the got here at 2 something they've been talking that's all. " he smiles
" Oh. Can I see her?" Camila asks and he gave her a nod
Camila walks inside and found her laying there listening to music and hugging a water bottle.
" Lo? "Camila whispers pulling up a chair right next to her
" Lauren? " Camila repeat herself finally getting Laurens attention.
" Hey Camila? " she croaks in question
" Do you feel better? "
" Yea, " she weakly smiles
" Are you gonna perform tonight o-"
" Hell yeah I am. " she chuckles
" You are one bad bitch Lauren Michelle. " Dinah jokes making everyone laugh.
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baheersamad · 6 years
How to Play Chess? The Finest Guide for You to Becomde Great Gamer as well as Top Professional wit All The Assistance You Required
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If your pieces can obtain to the various other side quicker than your challenger's items, you will usually have the ability to install an effective assault there before he can bring over enough items to protect. Generally, do not panic when your challenger begins to give up his material to assault your king because not all strikes are completely realized or what are called early strikes. After a couple of more attempts to protect, Carjacking goes down to an Aland breeding attack. Furthermore, the concept that Endgame demonstrates that mankind is a video game with God is warranted by Pork and Clovis constant efforts to extend their destiny. The timeless parlor game of relocating and also leaping. The timeless card game is here! However it is as well as constantly will be a great ready screening and also reinforcing our idea processes. Generally will simply play d5 and c6 as well as be quite careful. The only point worth mentioning right here is that if you select Game Facility Suit, you will certainly reach welcome any kind of friends you have in Apple's Game Facility to play. Do you have a higher insight into why mathematics is tough? Therese a collection of expectations that children in other groups have. There are also those who have actually truly grasped its secrets.USA and also Europe variations are easy to locate and also most common. An usual mistaken belief is that pawns may only be traded for an item that has been recorded. If youre increasing a shy kid, you may discover from the the real worlds of autists what it is they suched as as well as didnt like regarding"expanding up". Please remember some info or numbers may have altered. Use the chess policies to play a video game as well as have fun. While sports might have much more dramatic minutes, a child may be asked to take a game-winning shot just once or twice a period( if ever ). While sentries can make it hard for your pawn to cross the board, their obstruction of your item is not outright. If the obstructing item comes from your challenger, you might stop before getting to that square, or you might stop on that square and also capture the occupying item. There may be other dimensions too, relying on regional setup as well as conditions, where various other negotiations might be need to be settled in real-time as well as on RTGS concepts, such as ACH procedures or cheque clearing operations. We would love to see you there. See Manual for chess trainers.Nothing seems more obvious than to see this scene as expecting the advancing degeneration of our culture or an unavoidable international catastrophe. In one study, researchers located that students who were shown how to play chess were more academically advanced in general, specifically in mathematics, spatial evaluation and nonverbal thinking ability. The Monkey's Bum is not something that you'll get an opportunity to play a lot, but the name is so excellent it has to obtain pointed out. Get the feedback on your chess relocations from knowledgeable chess train. The coach will certainly show you the 4 best relocates a Grandmaster would certainly pick. The next diagram shows the"queenside castling", where the king dodges of the board where the queen begins. Kids make their actions at the Katwe Chess Academy, situated in a shanty town in Kampala, Uganda. The propensity is that youngsters learn to play chess more youthful as well as younger. Learning Chess is quick and basic- Kid can discover chess online and also develop their concealed abilities. And you'll get everything else you'll require to find out chess openings fast.Now we look at openings besides "1. e4 ". Simply 11 kms away from the City, it is currently on the National Freeway leading to Delhi. As a matter of fact, just recently, I covered an all-day summit offered by the National Athletic Instructor's Organization on" Protecting Against Unexpected Death In Young People Athletes"on Resources Hill. You can check your development in the ability journal by pushing'J'. There should not be any type of items in between the king's and also the rook's action, and also the king should not be in check or pass via check. The King is safely stashed, as well as the Rook can take part the fight. You can evaluate any type of previous board positions, completely back to the initial step. The world very first heard of young Estonian in 1937 after acquiring the first place in events in Margret and Ostend. The very first point you must do is gain access to the Game Information and facts alternative and also change your opponent to the weakest one that you have, the one at the end of the listing with the most affordable chess rating.Petrov's Defense, likewise called Petroff's Defense, the Russian Game or the Russian Protection, is a strong, balanced opening option for black that is known for its drawish tendencies. This opening is additionally called the"Scandinavian"opening. You can involve in much linked with the game online with free streaming as well as seeing locate yourself hooked fairly quickly. 8. If your youngster suches as to use the computer system, download or buy a chess game where he can bet the computer system.] When a computer system obtains far better than you, it gets clearly much better than you really quickly. It does not improve than this.  In researching what to do versus this protection, I encountered IM Andrew Martin's suggestion( seen right here). Slowly however continuously the technique is acquiring appeal throughout the world. Well, if there is a coffee shop for art fans, there is likewise one made as well as excellent for songs fans. There is a White military and also a Black military.
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