#not really but I'm obligated to put that tag there
apocalyp-tech-a · 5 months
The Bad Batch Season 3 Predictions so 'Bad' They Only Have a .00001% Chance of Happening:
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Rematch between these three gents. Let's gooooooo!!!!
Gregor: Payback's a b!tch. *yeets Scorch off cliff with a kick to his left shoulder* Scorch: *Wilhelm scream* Tech: Unlike myself, he shall not be surviving that fall. Gregor: I guess you could say he was 'Delta' 'Bad' hand. *laughs in Gregor* Tech: *smiles in Tech* *Gregor and Tech hi-five*
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sciderman · 10 months
Me clicking “see all” on the tags of that post on why Nate likes Peter: “Holy shit”
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zackmartin · 2 months
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• requests OPEN! • all icons are 150x150 • please don't repost or claim as your own • do not use on other websites without my permission • do not edit or change; if you want another shape/color etc, just ask • please link back to this post if asked about them • reblog if using/saving :)
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slowips · 1 year
thoma - family
how important is your family’s approval of your s.o.?
((feel free to substitute "family" with kamisato siblings LOL))
Thoma: The Kamisatos are the nicest people I know. If my partner were to ever fall under their suspicions, I see no reason why I shouldn't be cautious of them either.
character ask game
to me, thoma is the epitome of "when you marry, you marry your partner's entire family". for someone of his character, i think not having his s/o approved by those he's close with would also bring him great distress. (although tbf, it can also be argued this is what he says. whether he falls head over heels with someone enough to part away from the kamisatos is another thing.)
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luna-melon · 2 years
Time for another round of "do I actually hate presenting as feminine or have I just been brainwashed into thinking I don't by old online misogynists?"
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wikagirl · 1 month
I...I blink once and suddenly I am drowining in interaction notfis of people loving my skyrim artwork???
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, just wondering where the heck all of those people are coming from because when ever something like that happens I just cant help but imagine a bunch of folks just...strolling into my living room and staring at the scribbles on the wallpaper, ya know?
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caparrucia · 1 year
Full offense and pun fully intended, but I genuinely think the very existence of "dead dove, do not eat" was a fucking canary in the mines, and no one really paid attention.
Because the tag itself was created as a response to a fandom-wide tendency to disregard warnings and assume tagging was exaggerated. And then the same fucking idiots reading those tags describing things they found upsetting or disturbing or just not to their taste would STILL click into the stories and give the writer's grief about it.
And as a response writers began using the tag to signal "no, really, I MEAN the tags!"
But like.
If you really think about it, that's a solution to a different problem. The solution to "I know you tagged your story appropriately but I chose to disregard the tags and warnings by reading it anyway, even though I knew it would upset me, so now I'm upset and making it your problem" is frankly a block, a ban and wide-spread blacklisting. But fandom as a whole is fucking awful at handling bad faith, insidious arguments that appeal to community inclusion and weaponize the fact most people participating in fandom want to share the space with others, as opposed to hurting people.
So instead of upfront ridiculing this kind of maladaptive attempt to foster one's own emotional self-regulation onto random strangers on the internet, fandom compromised and came up with a redundant tag in a good faith attempt to address an imaginary nuance.
There is no nuance to this.
A writer's job is to tag their work correctly. It's not to tag it exhaustively. It's not even to tag it extensively. A writer's sole obligation, as far as AO3 and arguably fandom spaces are concerned, is to make damn sure that the tags they put on their story actually match whatever is going on in that story.
That's it.
That's all.
"But what if I don't want to read X?" Well, you don't read fic that's tagged X.
"But what if I read something that wasn't tagged X?" Well, that's very unfortunate for you, but if it is genuinely that upsetting, you have a responsibility to yourself to only browse things explicitly tagged to not include X.
"But that's not a lot of fic!" Hi, you must be new here, yes, welcome to fandom. Most of our spaces are built explicitly as a reaction to There's Not Enough Of The Thing I Want, both in canon and fandom.
"But there are things on the internet that I don't like!" Yeah, and they are also out there, offline. And, here's the thing, things existing even though we personally dislike or even hate or even flat out find offensive/gross/immoral/unspeakable existing is the price we pay to secure our right to exist as individuals and creators, regardless of who finds US personally unpleasant, hateful or flat out offensive/gross/immoral/unspeakable.
"But what about [illegal thing]?!" So the thing itself is illegal, because the thing itself has been deemed harmful. But your goddamn cop-poisoned authoritarian little heart needs to learn that sometimes things are illegal that aren't harmful, and defaulting to "but illegal!" is a surefire way to end up on the wrong side of the fascism pop quiz. You're not a figure of authority and the more you demand to control and exercise authority by command, rather than leadership, the less impressive you seem. You know how you make actual, genuine change in a community? You center harm and argue in good faith to find accommodations and spread awareness of real, actual problems.
But let's play your game. Let's pretend we're all brainwashed cop-abiding little cogs that do not own a single working brain cell to exercise critical thinking with. 99% of the time, when you cry about any given thing "being illegal!!!" you're correct only so far as the THING itself being illegal. The act or object is illegal. Depiction of it is not. You know why, dipshit? Because if depiction of the thing were illegal, you wouldn't be able to talk about it. You wouldn't be able to educate about it. You wouldn't be able to reexamine and discuss and understand the thing, how and why and where it happens and how to prevent it. And yeah, depiction being legal opens the door for people to make depictions that are in bad taste or probably not appropriate. Sure. But that's the price we pay, creating tools to demystify some of the most horrific things in the world and support the people who've survived them. The net good of those tools existing outweighs the harm of people misusing them.
"You're defending the indefensible!" No, you're clumsily stumbling into a conversation that's been going on for centuries, with your elementary school understanding of morality and your bone-deep police state rot filtering your perception of reality, and insisting you figured it out and everyone else at the table is an idiot for not agreeing with you. Shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and read a goddamn book.
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
light of the morning
in which spencer sneaks into bau!reader's hotel room and they share a little more than just the bed
18+ (smut) warnings/tags: softdom!spence x sub reader, munch!spence, unprotected piv sex (dont do that), creampie (hate that word btw) praise, mentions of having to be quiet because morgan is right next door LOL, fluffy, established co-workers/friends with benefits, soooo idiots in love a/n: here is the promised smut. i am literally kicking my feet and twirling my hair and giggling and blushing at my own writing. I'm gonna have a freak out. requests are open like my legs
It’s late when the knock finally comes. Late enough that you’re dozing on the bed above the covers. 
It takes you a moment to reorient yourself—you’re rubbing your heavy eyes when you finally get the door. 
"Hey," says Spencer, hands awkwardly shoved into his pajama pants pockets. It’s funny, really. He never gets any better at this. 
You step aside and he enters the room, looking around as you close and relock the door. 
"Did I wake you?"
"How could you tell?"
"You’re in pajamas. And you look tired. I mean—you don’t look bad. You never look bad, I just meant… you don’t look tired but you’re not—I didn’t mean to—"
"Relax," you yawn, putting him out of his misery. "I was joking. I know I look tired." You glance at the digital clock on the nightstand. "It’s late. We have to be up early tomorrow."
"Yeah, I got, uh, sidetracked. Sorry."
He was reading. If it was anyone else, you'd be offended--but a sinkhole could open up under Spencer's feet and he probably wouldn't notice if he was absorbed in a book.
You shrug, a knowing smile lifting the corner of your mouth. 
"It’s fine. But I don’t know if tonight is a good night. I really am exhausted."
His eyebrows dart up. 
"That’s fine. That’s totally fine. I’ll just, uh—"
When you don’t move from in front of the door, he pauses, unsure. You bite the inside of your cheek, studying his rangy frame and choice of clothing. Blue pajama pants, slippers, grey CalTech zip up hoodie. It feels wrong to describe a 6'1 man as adorable, but that’s how he looks in his sleep clothes. There’s a very real chance, you find yourself thinking, that you are the only member of the BAU to ever see him in something other than slacks and a button-down. He looks so cozy that you kind of really want him in your bed even if he’s not doing anything but sleeping. The invitation slips out before you can think too hard about it. 
"You could… stay, anyway, if you want?"
His mouth parts slightly, and those eyebrows raise again. There’s a moment of awkward silence and you are very much beginning to regret your offer, wondering if you somehow violated the sanctity of your co-workers/friends with benefits situtationship. Clumsily you try to backtrack. 
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, you can—"
"No, no! You didn’t, I just don’t want you to feel obligated to invite me to stay in your room. I’m right across the hall, I can go back if you want me to."
You smile awkwardly, silent relief replacing the brief anxiety. 
"It’s fine. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before." And not like you wouldn’t have ended up doing it tonight anyway, if things had gone as originally intended.
He chuckles, looking to the floor and nodding. The blush on his face does not go unnoticed by you. "Fair enough."
It’s incredibly endearing how nervous he still gets after six months of this little arrangement. 
"Do you wanna get your stuff, or…"
"No, that’s okay. I’ll just go back early tomorrow. The chances of someone seeing me leave your room are significantly higher if I do it so soon after entering."
You squint, unable to tell if he’s fucking with you or if that’s an actual statistically sound probability. And then you realize, blissfully, that you don’t really care. 
"Okay, well. Make yourself comfortable. I’m just going to brush my teeth."
Once you’re enclosed in the bathroom, hotel vanity lights blinding you as you brush, you find that there is a jittery sort of apprehension buzzing in your chest. But that’s silly. As you yourself pointed out, the two of you have shared a bed many times over the past few months. But the sleeping together is always a byproduct of the sleeping together. Never have you shared a bed in a completely decent, virtuous, strictly non-sexual manner. It’s always been a matter of convenience—less bother if he doesn’t have to worry about sneaking back into his room in the middle of the night when you’re both exhausted. Or maybe that’s just what you’ve been telling yourselves. 
You rinse your mouth out and exit the bathroom, flicking off the light and finding that Spencer has indeed made himself comfortable. The hotel room is dark and he’s already under the covers, fiddling with his phone. 
"What time should I set the alarm for?" He asks, looking over at you as you crawl into bed, drawing the covers over yourself. "I was thinking 6:23. That should give me enough time to—"
"Sounds perfect," you affirm, wiggling under the blanket as you get comfortable. He schedules the alarm and sets his phone on the bedside table, dousing the room in complete darkness. Your eyes stay open despite, waiting for them to adjust. A few moments of utter silence and stillness pass, and you can tell Spencer is completely stiff next to you. 
“Yeah,” he answers immediately. Like he’s even more wired about this whole situation than you are. 
"You know you don’t have to avoid touching me at all costs, right? I’m not a leper."
He looses a nervous laugh. 
"I know. We’ve just never really done this."
You frown at the darkness.
"We’ve definitely slept in the same bed before."
"Yeah, but… this feels different."
That, you can’t argue with. Can friends with benefits share a bed just to be near each other? Does that blur some line? And why does it feel more intimate than the sex? 
Screw it. If there is one thing you don’t want your relationship with Spencer to be, it is uncomfortable. Uncertain, you can work with. But not uncomfortable. You reach for him, hand sliding under the duvet—and find his hand already waiting for yours. 
"I don’t think it’s that different," you lie, interlacing your fingers together slowly. 
"Prolonged physical non-sexual contact does have measurable health benefits…" the words are murmured, like the moment is fragile and he doesn’t want to shatter it. 
"Can’t argue with the facts," you breathe, trying to modulate the shakiness of your voice. But you have a feeling you’re doing about as good of a job at concealing your nerves as he is. He shifts.
"Can I…"
Your heart is pounding as he slips one arm under your neck and the other around your waist, pulling you close. Instinctually you curl into him, slinging your top leg over him as you’ve done before, but always dismissed as post-sex brain chemicals making you feel all warm and fuzzy. A neurological reaction that is so solidly scientific, neither of you ever questioned it. But it feels bigger now. 
He exhales as you settle against each other—a sound of relief that mirrors your own. He’s so warm, so safe as he envelops you, physically and sensorially. In such close proximity, so clear-headed, you notice each layer of his scent. Toothpaste, lavender, vetiver, detergent. You sort of feel like a creep, but you can’t deny how comforting it is. Nor can you deny the pirouette your heart does when he begins minutely rubbing your back, like he’s not even thinking about it. 
"Goodnight," you whisper into his shirt. 
"Goodnight," he whispers back. 
You fall asleep pretty quickly after that. 
It’s unclear what wakes you up—maybe it’s the blue-grey dawn light filtering in through the filthy window (doubtful, it’s still mostly dark) or maybe it’s the blinking green digital clock on the nightstand. 5:02 AM. Your alarm will go off in an hour and 21 minutes.
Sometime in the night you shifted, turning over in your sleep, but Spencer is still holding you close. The arm slung so casually over your waist is slightly domineering, but you manage to rotate again and face him once more. Mere inches away from his face you can see every detail. His expression is so peaceful, it makes your heart ache. 
But you’re just friends. 
Perhaps he felt you moving, because his eyes flutter open and you watch as they flood with consciousness. He takes you in, takes in his arm over your waist. For a split second you’re nervous he’ll pull away. 
"What time is it?" His voice is scratchy with sleep. 
"Why are you awake? We have over an hour til the alarm goes off."
"Sometimes waking up early is okay."
His eyes flicker between your own, and momentarily you’re paralyzed as you realize this is a limbo state for the two of you in which you’ve never operated. You don’t know what’s acceptable. You don’t know what to do. Being close to him feels so good, that the idea of separating hurts. But you don’t want to make him uncomfortable, or—
He leans forward and kisses you softly. In the blue light of dawn, rather than frenzied and hidden in the dark, a desperate tear of clothes and teeth and hands—it’s almost freeing. All the anxiety you were feeling just seconds ago begins to melt. 
"You looked anxious," is his whispered answer after he pulls away a moment later, like a kiss is the simplest remedy in the world. He brushes a lock of hair behind your ear. "We should go back to sleep."
"I don’t want to go back to sleep."
The corner of his mouth twitches as he studies you.  
"No? What do you want?"
Emboldened by your mutual indiscretion, it’s your turn to kiss him. You feel him smile against your lips, hand finding the back of your neck and raking up through your hair to pull you closer. 
The delirium of sleep seems to have softened you, filed down the rough edges of your boundaries and kicked away the lines in the sand. What’s a kiss or two when you’ve just woken up? A small, innocuous display of affection while you’re still barely conscious. Nobody could fault either of you for that. People don’t think clearly when they’ve just been asleep.
So what if your lips part against his, and his other hand finds its way under your shirt to stroke the bare skin of your waist and hips? So what if you hitch that leg over him again and press closer?
Spencer breaks the kiss, still ghosting over your lips. 
"I thought it wasn’t a good night?"
"It’s not night time anymore, is it, genius?"
You sneak another kiss, nipping his bottom lip gently as you pull away. 
Instead of whatever array of responses you were expecting, Spencer smiles slightly, eyes almost sparkling in the faint light. The hand on your hip moves to your face, gently thumbing across your cheek. He begins to say something, and stops himself—biting his lip to hold back the words. 
"What?" you ask, heart dropping. Illusion fracturing. 
"I was just—" he begins, pausing for a moment before the words all come out in a rush. "I was just going to tell you how beautiful you are, but I don’t know if that’s something I should say, or if it would feel too… I don’t know…"
He trails off. A rare instance in which he doesn’t have the words. 
You do. Intimate. Real. Romantic. And he’s right, it does feel too much like all of those things. But that doesn’t mean you don’t like it, perhaps more than is strictly good for you. 
"It’s fine. Thank you."
He continues chewing on his lip for a moment. 
"Did I just ruin the mood?"
"No," you laugh, "not at all."
"Thank god," he sighs, surging forward again. 
"Since when do you thank god?" You manage between kisses. 
He moves to press his lips to your jaw and down your neck. 
"Do you want me to talk about the historical and cultural transition of religious expressions into ubiquitous secular colloquialisms right now?"
"Kind of," you breathe.
"No you don’t," he murmurs against your neck as his hands find the hem of your shirt. "You want me to take your clothes off."
Well, he’s not wrong there. 
You help him tug the shirt over your head before leaning back into the pillows as he situates himself over you and lavishes more kisses down your neck and collarbones, pausing to suck a mark only when he knows it’s low enough to be covered by your clothing later. 
You gasp when his lips brush over your nipple, before running his tongue over the sensitive skin. He glances up at you, and though his mouth is occupied, you can see the humor in his eyes. He loves how sensitive you are—how easy it is to get a reaction out of you. 
Of course, you continue to prove him right when he takes the other into his mouth, trying to hold back your little whimpers as he darts his tongue over the peak. Maybe somebody else wouldn’t hear them, but Spencer does. He’s hyper attuned to the sounds you make. Something of a catalogue has begun to form in the back of his mind; he knows exactly what each noise means and how to get them out of you. 
Once satisfied, he moves to press a kiss to your sternum. 
"You’re gonna be quiet for me, right?" Another kiss above your bellybutton. "Because Morgan is sleeping right on the other side of that wall, and we don’t want to wake him up."
"I’ll be quiet," you promise, somewhat breathlessly. Spencer’s mouth trails lower until he’s pulling your shorts down your legs, leaving you completely naked. He tosses them somewhere on the floor and hooks your legs over his shoulders. 
"Good." He plants one last kiss to your thigh and the next one lands right between your legs. 
You regret the need to be silent almost as soon as he drags his tongue over your clit. It’s not like the two of you have ever had the privilege of making a lot of noise, as the hotel rooms are always so close to each other, but it doesn’t make it any easier. 
Instead you opt to rake your hands through his hair and try to take deep breaths. But he knows exactly what you like—he knows starting light and slow, teasing around your most sensitive spot will work you up to the brink of insanity, just like he knows gentle circles make your back arch and elicit the prettiest little moans. 
"More," you beg, and the hands wrapped around your thighs rub soothingly, reassuring you that if you can just be patient you’ll get what you want. 
He takes your aching clit into his mouth, sucking lightly and you’re forced to clap a hand over your mouth, muffling the sob of pleasure you can’t hold back. Spencer keeps it up until you’re practically riding his face, teasing your dripping entrance with the tip of his tongue when you get too close. 
"Fuck, please, Spence," you whisper through your fingers, hips rutting in your desperation. Somehow it always ends up like this—with him in charge and you begging. Not that you have a problem with it, of course. 
He hums into you, and if the way his tongue moves back to circling your clit with newfound fervor is any indication, is apparently satisfied with your entreaty. 
You gasp and try to control your breathy moans, but his mouth feels so good on you that your vision is going out and you’re losing touch with reality ever so slightly. You use the last of your brain power to bite down on the back of your wrist, hoping it adequately muffles the noises you make as you come on Spencer’s tongue and he greedily continues lapping at you. There’s really no way of knowing—your ears are ringing anyway. 
When you come to a moment later he’s peppering kisses on your thighs, rubbing your hips gently. 
"So pretty," he murmurs, climbing back up so your lips can meet again. "Everything about you is pretty."
You paw at his shirt, signaling that you want it off as you moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue, feel your slippery arousal staining the kiss. Spencer helps you, sitting up briefly to unzip his hoodie and pull off his shirt. 
You’re the one to drag him back down, and you notice that he pulls the covers back over the both of you in a sweet gesture he probably didn’t even think about. 
"Need you to fuck me," you beg, reaching down to try and undress him further. 
"So crude. What happened to my nice, sweet girl?" He mumbles against your neck, but helps you with his pants anyway. 
"You must have me confused with someone else."
You don’t have much time to consider what that could mean before he’s running the head of his cock over your clit and you’re gasping into his mouth, saying please like it’s the only word you know. 
"There she is," Spencer croons, slipping inside you slow enough for you to feel every inch but quick enough for it to expel all the air from your lungs. Once he’s opened you all the way up, impossibly deep and close, you’re seeing stars, barely breathing. His head has dropped to your shoulder but now he drags his lips up your neck and jaw. "We okay?"
It’s been a while, you realize, since that last case in Maine. He always takes some getting used to. Hardly able to think around the pressure of his cock you nod, trying to string together a few words. 
"Fuck, I need a second." The words come out choked, but you manage. Spencer rubs your hip, his lips brushing yours as he speaks. 
"Relax, sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you."
He curses to himself, dropping his head momentarily. You’re so fucking soft, and warm, and perfect, he can’t think straight. But he has to try because he has to take care of you. 
"Spence," you gasp, failing to verbally communicate the intensity of the physical sensation. 
"I know, baby," comes his sympathetic coo. "You know you can take me. Deep breaths."
"Mhm," you squeak, trying to take follow his directions and soften your muscles. Spencer keeps rubbing soothingly over your hips, stomach, whatever he can get his hands on, really, pressing kisses all over your face and telling you how good you are, how perfect you feel for him. After a few moments he feels you fluttering around him and experimentally pulls out halfway, before pushing back in equally as slowly. Your jaw drops as he begins to leisurely fuck you, arms wrapping around his back. He gets deeper than you expect every time, rubbing you raw and stretching you out in the most delicious way. 
"Perfect, baby. Such a good listener, did exactly what I asked."
You cry out when he begins fucking you impossibly deeper, but still so slow and sweet.
"You feel so fucking good for me," he groans. "This is what you were made for, huh?" You agree enthusiastically, eyes fluttering shut. 
"Only for you."
Just three words—but he wasn’t expecting to like hearing you say that as much as he does. A strong desire to possess you overtakes him—one that he’ll probably have the decency to feel guilty about later, but for now feels fucking fantastic and intoxicating. 
"Only me?"
You moan an affirmation. 
"Good. I don’t want anyone else fucking you, do you understand me?"
"I’m the only one who gets to touch you," he breathes, speeding up ever so slightly, "nobody else is going to feel you like this. Such a good girl, spreading her legs for me at five in the fucking morning. You’re not doing this for anybody else, baby."
"Uh-uh, please, pleasepleaseplease Spence—"
He knows what you need, reaching a hand down between your bodies to rub your clit. 
You gasp an airy, high pitched curse, hips twitching but unable to escape the near-punishing rhythm of his own. It’s obvious that your orgasm is close, but you can’t even warn him, too overwhelmed with pleasure. He kisses you, swallowing your moans that have probably become just a bit too loud given the whole hotel thing. 
No words are exchanged between the two of you as you near the finish line for a change, open mouths slipping against each others in what is too messy to be called a kiss. Your orgasm body-slams you, a choked silent scream as you tighten around Spencer and he seems to come at nearly the exact same moment—deep inside you, slowly rolling his hips in a few more strong thrusts as he finishes. 
You let out a delayed moan at the sensation of being filled up, still pulsing around him as he comes to a halt, buried inside of you. He drops his head to your neck, and you can feel each breath against your flushed skin. Other than the panting, you’re both silent for a while. Spencer seems to gather himself sooner than you do, finally breaking the quiet. 
"You okay?"
All you can manage is a little squeak, at which he looses a breathy chuckle. His hand slides to your hip, gently stroking the skin with a thumb. 
"Need your words, angel girl."
"I’m okay," you coo into his shoulder, but he has to strain to hear it above his own breathing. 
"Yeah? Why so quiet?"
But it seems that at least for the moment, he’s gotten all the words he can out of you. When he tries to move, you whimper indignantly, clutching onto him tighter. 
"I really did a number on you this time, huh?" He laughs when you nod into him. "Are you falling asleep?"
"Mhm," you hum dreamily, little puffs of warm air slowing against his neck. 
"You can have…" he cranes his head to check the digital clock, "48 minutes."
"An hour."
He settles his weight on you once more, pressing a chaste kiss to your throat. His voice is low and gentle as he admonishes you. 
"I said 48 minutes."
But it doesn’t matter—you’re already asleep, or close enough to it. Spencer takes the opportunity to shift you to your side, and the way you wrap around him like a vine even unconsciously makes his heart ache. He really should go now—the earlier he gets out of your room the less likely certain complications will arise—but how can he possibly leave you like this? A vulnerable, dreamy girl with tangled hair haloing around her on the pillow case, clinging to him with blind trust that he’ll watch over her as she sleeps? No—there’s no way he’s leaving yet. Instead, he brings you closer. 48 perfect minutes will go by far too quickly, he’s sure. 
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Dog Mom 🤝 Cat Dad
Y/N Leclerc is a dog mom. Max Verstappen is a cat dad. The two go hand in hand
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liked by username, charles_leclerc, and 1,456 others
spottydogrockie Rockie says thank you uncle Charlie
view all 194 comments
arthur_leclerc I'm the favourite uncle
spottydogrockie sure you are, arthur
lewishamilton Bring him to the next grand prix!
spottydogrockie he'll be in Ferrari red 🫡
username01 i have never been jealous of a dog
username02 Rockie Leclerc is my favourite Leclerc
charles_leclerc my favourite nephew
spottydogrockie your only nephew?
maxverstappen1 cats are better
spottydogrockie are you lonely, max?
maverstappen1 no i have my cats
spottydogrockie guys i think he's lonely
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liked by lorenzotl, maxverstappen1, and 4,865 others
spottydogrockie more talented than uncle Charlie
view all 438 comments
charles_leclerc sure you are, Rockie
username03 The real talent in the Leclerc family!
username04 pls put him in Charles' car next time you attend the race!
maxverstappen1 I could hear this from my apartment
spottydogrockie your ears have been blessed
maxverstappen1 i'm legally deaf now
spottydogrockie i'm legally obliged to say i don't care
username05 anybody know if Max and Y/N Leclerc really hate each other?
username06 omg charles was asked about this in an interview lemme find it real quick
username07 begging the instagram algorithm gives me the answers to this
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liked by arthur_leclerc, landonorris, and 6,448 others
spottydogrockie sweater is now covered in dog hair
view all 557 comments
username08 THIS ISN'T Y/N'S SWEATER WHO'S IS IT???????
landonorris sus
username08 WHAT DO YOU KNOW
charles_leclerc nice sweater you got
arthur_leclerc where did you get it?
username09 no because I swear I've seen this sweater before i just can't remember who on
pierregasly rockie is gaslaying
spottydogrockie ew that was disgusting
spottydogrockie leave me and my son alone
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tagged maxverstappen1
liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 8,345 others
spottydogrockie contrary to popular belief, we don't hate each other
view all 587 comments
maxverstappen1 conveniently not mentioning the part where rockie chased jimmy through my apartment and broke my trophy
spottydogrockie he wanted to humble you
username10 I'M SORRY WHAT?
username11 oh my god Rocky did a Lando
maxverstappen1 its rockie, actually
username11 MAX OMG
landonorris sus
spottydogrockie why you so obsessed w me
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liked by username12, y/n_leclerc, and 18,036 others
f1gossip eagle-eyed fans spot Max Verstappen walking Y/N Leclerc's dog in Monaco. In the picture we can see Max walking Rockie through the snow with no Y/N in sight. Fans who frequent the dogs social media page with the apparent feud between cat dad Verstappen and dog mom Leclerc. But not everything is as it seems?
View all 1986 comments
username12 they're dating c'mon
username13 max not sim racing is already surprising enough but i was not ready to see him with a dog
username14 no but rockie posted the other day that they had a playdate at Max's apartment and rockie broke a trophy they're 100% dating
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, and 10,643 others
spottydogrockie mom calls it stirring the pot
view all 4951 comments
username16 NO THEY'RE DATING
usename17 WHO?
username18 not rockie soft launching 😭
charles_leclerc you have my approval
spottydogrockie never asked
athur_leclerc want me to send the pictures I have?
charles_leclerc ARTHUR
spottydogrockie oops
username19 Max not commenting?
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liked by y/n_leclerc, charles_leclerc, and 600,812 others
maxverstappen1 us
view all 6,758 comments
username19 HARD LAUNCH
y/n_leclerc is this your way of telling me you got me another dog?
maxverstappen1 i'm a cat person
y/n_leclerc sure you are
username20 this is the cutest thing i've ever seen
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tagged maxverstappen1
liked by maxverstappen1, arthur_leclerc, and 16,593 others
spottydogrockie 'i'M a cAt pErsOn'
view all 1,739 comments
maxverstappen1 blasphemy
landonorris sus
spottydogrockie get out of my hard launch
landonorris no
arthur_leclerc i approve
spottydogrockie you're hilarious
username21 not y/n outing max as a dog person
roscoelovescoco converted him 🤝🤝
spottydogrockie dogs are so much better than cats 😈😈
maxverstappen1 no comment
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smutoperator · 4 months
Crossing The River
Cho Miyeon, "Megan" Park Jiwon, Nicha Yontararak (Minnie) x Male Reader
Tags: anal, creampie, daddy talk, dirty talk, (lots of) deepthroat, facial, painal, role-playing, spa sex, threesome (FFM)
Word count: 10811
Morning time
The life of a regular worker in South Korea isn't easy. The long, steinous shifts, the lack of labor protection laws, and proposals to extend workdays to over 20 hours are the rule there. And they are even worse for the very few foreign workers like you, milked to earn every extra cent businesses want to get. It was barely 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning when you got a call from your workplace saying you had to work today. You had very little time to prepare yourself, and even on a Saturday, the morning train commute from Incheon to Seoul was just as crowded as on a typical weekday. You arrived 2 minutes late, which led to your always rude boss scolding you.
"You can't come in late; we have a very important pair of guests today, and I assigned you to their room," your boss yelled at you. You didn't answer anything; your face just looked disgruntled as you prepared yourself for the job. Today, you were going to take care of the spa's luxury accommodations. Normally, there is more than one person there, but the spa was severely understaffed. But you were all alone and already dreading the experience of being overworked on what was supposed to be a rest day.
You entered the main room, which was empty. You started searching for the guests in the bedroom, the massage room, and the manicure room, but couldn't find them. It took a while, but in your last search, you finally found a pair of women lying on a bathtub with just their beautiful faces and soft feet, not underwater.
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"You're a little late," Miyeon told you. "I apologize," you immediately answered her back. "No worries; I'm sure you can make up for it," Jiwon said. "Thanks; I'll do my best," you replied back. "Sure, you can; you can start with our feet," Miyeon continued. You quickly obliged, giving both their feet a massage. "That's good, but you should go further," Miyeon continued. "Tell me, how further do you want me to go?" you asked her back.
"How about we start kissing our little feet?" Miyeon said. It wasn't the first time a client had asked such a thing. You always declined such flirty requests as they were against the spa's rules and could get you fired, triying to explain them about it. But they pushed back. "We are your clients; we make the rules," Miyeon punched back. "Now kiss it." Surely you did, but that didn't let them get happier or anything; it just got them emboldened once they found out you could indeed break the rules. It wasn't long enough until Miyeon asked for more.
"Take those clothes off and jump on the tub," she ordered. Where the hell was she going with it? You started asking yourself. But despite her very direct orders, Jiwon and her were such cuties and reacted so well to your little kissing that you decided the best way to be a good worker was to break your own work's rules as you took your shirt and pants off, leaving just your trousers on, and slowly entered that full of foam and glowing green water tube, going towards Miyeon and Jiwon, who waited for you on the other side of it.
They did indeed have a plan, as you were greeted by Jiwon with a pair of kisses right in your mouth. Miyeon got behind both of you and quickly took the turns as the one kissing you. She had a very torrid yet ultra-romantic way of moving her lips. Soon, Jiwon joined in, kissing your back, and you were already sandwiched by this pair of beauties. If Jiwon was the one handling the more romantic stuff, Miyeon was already thinking of naughtier thoughts, as she was already searching for the bulge under your pants. It was still soft, but that wasn't going to last for long with the touch from her soft little hands.
As Jiwon put her hands on your chest and carressed it, her friend finally took your cock off your trousers. "That's a really nice cock," Miyeon said, leading Jiwon to giggle behind you. Jiwon tried to get her hands on it, but Miyeon quickly closed her window, bumping her chest against your bare belly. Both Miyeon and Jiwon took the top of their one-piece bathing suits off, and Miyeon got a good grab of your cock, sliding it slowly between her soft boobs. as she got on her knees. Jiwon once again tried to join as she touched her friend's breasts while they gave your cock a little massage. 
Miyeon slapped your cock on her boobs and gave you a naughty look, prompting you to retribute with a hot and long kiss. Jiwon didn't want to be left out of the fun for long and pushed herself in front of you as both pushed you to the edge of the tub and got on their knees with only their heads not underwater to take turns licking your already thobbing head. Jiwon took it in her mouth first, while Miyeon moved her tongue around your shaft. As Jiwon sucked you deeper, Miyeon shifted her focus to your balls before getting her turn, while Jiwon moved her body up for some more kisses and a little lick of your chest.
"Do you like how my girlfriend sucks your cock, baby?" Jiwon played with you, pretending Miyeon was her girlfriend. "For sure, she's so sexy," you replied, hugging Jiwon as she rested her face on your chest, and both of you watched Miyeon suck you off. Miyeon let out a smirky laugh, almost telling you not to steal her "girlfriend," as Jiwon moved back down and sucked your shaft with more intensity, making you curse for the first time as it reached the depths of her throat. She kept sucking it faster and harder, while Miyeon was now the one licking your chest and getting your kisses. Jiwon was having a lot of fun, enjoying your good reactions as moans as she sucked your prick, leading Miyeon to take a watch as her younger girlfriend kept going.
"You weren't expecting this, weren't you?" Jiwon asked as she kept moving all the way up and down your shaft, giving it hard strokes and fast licks. "You want some more?" Miyeon asked. "Yes, she's so good," you replied. "Then let's go inside," Miyeon said just as Jiwon stopped, and you kissed them both, staring at their beautiful, cute smiles.
Miyeon and Jiwon dried their bodies but still kept their messy hairs wet as they moved towards the bedroom. Now all three of you were naked as Jiwon still led the charge, now simultaneously kissing you while stroking your cock while Miyeon scratched her long nails in your back. You then turned around and gave Miyeon more kisses, but Jiwon kept her hands on your cock while you two enjoyed each other. "So hot watching you make out with my boyfriend," Jiwon said, continuing her ambigous role play where she was both your and Miyeon's girlfriend. You embraced it, kissing Miyeon harder in front of your girlfriend and letting her stroke your cock while Jiwon now moved her hands all over your body, carving your armpits and legs, but especially your cock, while Miyeon was now stroking it. You answered your girlfriend's moves, caressing her back and eventually reaching her soft ass.
"Your boyfriend's dick is so cute," Miyeon said to Jiwon, fully embracing the role-playing, getting on her knees and sucking it under the watchful eye of Jiwon, who, looking a little jealous, sought your attention, turning your face towards her for more kisses. "You like how my girlfriend sucks your cock?" she asked while kissing you. "Yes, she is so beautiful," you responded as both settled on their roles of kisser and sucker. But not for long, as the more Jiwon watched Miyeon dive on your hard pole, the more she wanted to join the fun. And what a nasty way she decided to do it! Getting on all fours, Jiwon ducked her diminutive body under yours, going for your balls at first, before putting her chin a little back up and putting her tongue in your asshole.
"Holy shit," you screamed as Jiwon massaged your rim, craving more as you reached your right hand on her hair and pushed her head against your ass. Miyeon was just a few centimeters away from her, still fellating you, but she couldn't even see her friend's face, now fully buried in your anus. You now pressed both their heads against your body, using your right hand to grab Miyeon's hair and have her take a deepthroat. "Show me your tongue," you ordered to her when she gagged, then thrusting your cock back in her mouth soon after at moderate speeds. "Get in my ass, baby," you told Jiwon, albeit in truth she had never left her tongue out of your butthole, feeling on top of the world as you had two beautiful girls on their knees stimulating you.
Jiwon now moved towards your balls, surprising you as her small head suddenly appeared between your legs while Miyeon started a no-hands blowjob. You gave a couple pumps to Miyeon's mouth, rubbing your balls against Jiwon's as well. "Kiss her." The duo continued to gang on your cock, sharing their regular duties. Miyeon is working on your shaft, and Jiwon is working on your balls. It stayed that way until you took Miyeon's hands and got her up, looking at the enticing bad waiting for you just at the side. Jiwon followed suit, getting up just as her unnie did. At first, you just watch them kiss each other, with Miyeon taking most of the initiative. You quickly joined them, tucking Miyeon's wet hair to see their faces better as you put yourself right in the middle, sharing a triple kiss.
"Let's suck this cock," Jiwon said after a few more kisses as both crawled towards you. Miyeon got there first, once again not needing her hands to engulf your big shaft. "You like how I suck your boyfriend's dick, don't you, Megan?" she asked Jiwon, using her English name. She didn't answer, rather asking a question of her own: "Does that pretty little mouth feel good?" as Miyeon continued to take it. "Yes, so hot, baby, keep going," you approved. Megan kissed you as she then went to take a slice of it, only to be met by a possessive Miyeon, with both racing to see who would take the most of your pole. But they once again quickly learned how to share the task, with Miyeon still sucking the shaft while Megan rubbed her tongue open and down on the edges.
You then moved towards giving each of their throats a few soft pumps, alternating between Miyeon and Megan until the latter started bobbing your head in your cock and fucking it in and out of her mouth. "Spit on it," you told her as you facefucked Miyeon, who also spitted on it as you fucked Megan's mouth, then took turns between them with Megan still doing her head-bobbing while Miyeon preferred to be passively throated, finishing with a massive deepthroat, which Megan tried to match and managed to do with ease. "That's hot," you said about their next move as they shared your tip between their lips. "Ohhhh yes," you groaned as Megan once again did her head-bobbing signature move on your cock before climbing up to kiss you and give you the following suggestion.
"I want to see my girlfriend riding your cock," she said to you with her radiant smile. "Wow, she's gonna be even hotter than when sucking that dick," you replied as you got back in bed and prepared yourself for it. Miyeon got on top of you as you rested on Megan's belly before she gave you another kiss. Miyeon sat her ass on your shaft before getting up and lining it to her entrance as Megan caressed your hair. She put it in her pussy and let out a soft angelic moan, with a slow but deep ride from the start, which you found very hot and approved of a lot. "So good inside me," Miyeon said as she bounced on you while Megan sat on your face for you to eat her out.
Miyeon kissed Megan as she kept working on your cock. Her pace was very steady, using the lessons a certain old Japanese friend had given her, even though her ride was softer in comparison to Sana's frenetic pace. Megan chimmed in, kissing Miyeon and then spanking her ass. Miyeon switched her motion, tilting her body down and taking longer thrusts as she sucked Megan's tits when reaching the top of her ride. "Bounce on his cock," Megan ordered her as Miyeon increased her pace while still keeping her friend's tits in her mouth while you ducked your hands in between your bodies and poked her navel. The ride heated up Miyeon. "That feels so fucking good," she said, as Megan watched her while you increased the pace of licking her slit.
Megan reacted to it and started moving her hips in a circular motion as you buried your tongue deep in her folds. Her moans were pretty loud and had plenty of range. She could really showcase her vocal talents in any situation. Miyeon moved to a straighter, faster bounce as Megan increased her loudness, both now overwhelming your body as their tight holes had you on a chokehold. Miyeon's cheeks started to clap against your hips as she kept applying to you the cock-riding teachings of Sana, trading hot kisses with her friend. Megan enjoyed what she was seeing and spanked Mieyon's butt once again, to which Miyeon responded by going even harder.
Miyeon got overwhelmed when Megan came up and started fingering her asshole, which gave you an opportunity to be the one now thrusting upwards against her pussy. Miyeon quickly regained control, but Megan wanted more, replacing her fingers with her tongue as she worked on Miyeon's rectum just like she did on yours. "Oh, that feels amazing," Miyeon moans as she moves towards a slower ride that lets her enjoy Megan's tongue on her ring and even provokes it. "You like licking my beautiful, clean ass and putting your nasty tongue on it, don't you, Megan?" she asked.
"Take it out and suck it." You rewarded Megan's efforts by letting her eat the juices of Miyeon's pretty pussy. "Such a dirty girl," you told her as she put her mouth deep in your cock and grabbed it with her small hands. Miyeon crawled on top of you as you tasted your own cock from her wet folds, taking your shaft by herself once more and starting a 69 while Megan worked on your balls. You couldn't resist for long and thursted your hips up to fuck her warm mouth. Megan surely thanked those efforts as your cock got much wetter as she got ready to jump on it.
Megan rubbed your shaft a little at her entrance before sliding it with ease inside her thin body. "Ahhhhhh!" Her moan was like music to your ears; it had the perfect mix of cuteness and sexiness. She was so small that your cock filled her to the fullest from the start, leading her to take it slow as she filled the room with soft, nasally sounding moans between kisses on Miyeon. Megan kept searching for the better angle, and when she found it, she wasn't afraid of bouncing fast from the start as Miyeon said dirty words to her ear. Megan rode you like she had something to prove, and it wasn't long until her cheeks were clapping between her hard bounces. She was tiny but not afraid of taking a big one, stretching her out to the maximum from the beginning. Her moans got louder, but she kept going.
Her ride didn't last long, as you responded to her aggressive bounce with hard thrusts that hit her cervix every single time, shaping her little hole with your cock. Megan's moans now had gotten so loud that it was like she was singing an opera in bed as she clinged to Miyeon's tits and held herself into her body. You too started groaned at each pump, muffled by Miyeon's slit on top of your mouth. "OH MY GOD, THIS COCK FEELS SO GOOD!!!!" Megan screamed so hard that she almost ended up biting Miyeon's nipples. Her unnie could only laugh, as she was clearly not prepared for it. "AHHHHHH. " FUCKKKK! She screamed again when you slapped her ass. But Megan enjoyed it and wanted to make it harder on herself.
"Choke me hard," she asked Miyeon as her unnie grabbed her neck and had both her pussy and throat now tightened. Miyeon kissed her and granted Megan her wish as her face turned red. But Megan wasn't totally powerless either, taking back control of her ride just as she got choked. Megan was extremely loud in bed; it felt like she was auctioning as she screamed her lungs out. And you wanted to make sure she continued, taking advantage to pound her harder and having zero regard for whether any spa employee could hear you. Miyeon poked her, enjoying the best of both worlds, as she teased Megan while getting eaten out. "Ahahahaha!" Miyeon laughed as she tried to mirror Megan's ride and grinded on your face.
It turns out that just watching was much better. Miyeon let you do the work, resting on your face and resting on the headboard while you grabbed Megan's waist to push her down your shaft, her hands grabbing your knees. "AHHHHHH!" she screamed again as you spanked her butt and moved your hands up to reach her tits. Miyeon was really enjoying it, as she started fingering herself at the action between you and Megan, only interrupting it when she was ready to make her next move.
"I want to take it in my asshole," she said, no ifs ands and buts. Megan was shocked to hear her say it. "I thought you weren't into anal sex," she said. "We can always try to improve," Miyeon replied. She was much more careful. Her butthole was even tighter and made you groan with just the tip in as she tried to ease herself into it. Miyeon kept her hands on your shaft and slowly moved down. You groaned, and she moaned every single time she descended an extra centimeter. You were very kind and let her set the pace and adjust herself, leading into a slow-paced romantic anal fuck as you too filled the room with your soft out-of-breath noises.
"I want you to sit on his face," Miyeon demanded to Megan as she put her hands on your chest and maintained her slow yet sexy ride. Megan climbed back on top of you to muffle your groans as you started blowing hot air into her folds. Miyeon wasn't lying when she said anal was still a challenge to her in contrast to the way she dominated vaginal sex, as just a little extra dig of you inside her made her gasp. Megan took notice and contrasted her enjoyment with Miyeon's struggle. "Oh, I love this filthy tongue in my tight, little pussy," she said to her friend's face as she kissed Miyeon, who kept gasping from time to time.
"God. Holy crap!" Miyeon kept uttering words and clinging to Megan as her riding skills weren't translating to anal. Her friend just watched. It turns out Megan's indifference was what made Miyeon toughen up and finally start adjusting herself to her tight rectum being ripped apart like never before. It helped that Megan finally aided her as she placed her hands on Miyeon's butt and helped spread her ass. Her ring loosening up meant you could increase the pace and thurst a little harder, which Miyeon managed to take, but not totally free of some growing pains.
You quickly showed some mercy towards Miyeon, pulling out as she quickly put her left hand back in her sore hole before putting it back inside and grabbing her ass firmly, making sure to spread it as much as you could. This ended up being much more enjoyable for her, while Megan gave some pats to her friend's back. "Unnie is learning it well," she said when Miyeon finally took some courage to try a faster bounce, which really got her going. However, Megan didn't let it last long.
"I want you to take a turn in my ass," she said. "Yes, baby," you approved. Miyeon ceded her position on top of you but then went to taste her clean, flower-smelling butthole as Megan was making out. "Yes, I want to fuck your ass," you reiterated to Megan, signaling it was her turn. Miyeon gave your tip a little lick and lined it towards Megan's bum as she fingered her anus a little to ease it out for your cock, but even with her friend's helping hand, it still took some time to find it. Similarly to Miyeon, Megan had a tight, tiny hole that made you groan from the moment you got inside it. Unlike her friend, she had much less of an issue taking it in the ass, riding your prick moderately from the start.
"Yes, fuck my big dick," you bragged to Megan, who obliged. "Oh my God," you said as you hit the depths of her anus for the first time. Just like when you take her in the pussy, Megan mantained her style of loud, opera-esque moans. "That's good," you told her just at the time she sttruggled a little, something you couldn't afford to do to Miyeon with another girl sitting on your face. You and Megan quickly develop good chemistry as you thurst upwards inside her butthole much faster than you did to Miyeon. When her moans make her voice crack, you can easily tell it's time to go easier on her, but when she screams perfectly, you know you can pick up the pace.
"AHHHH FUCK," Megan cracks as you dig deeper in her hole. You kindly spread her butt as the edges of her rectum start turning red, reassuring her as she tries to go faster. "Yes, baby, keep going," you encourage her. Megan pushes through; even the pain is somewhat pleasurable to her, as she finally gets on the rythym with wiggling jiggles against your cock that send you over the moon. "I love the way you stretch my ass," she tells you just as you pull out of her. Unlike in Miyeon's case, Megan's butthole is quite gaped, just like her pussy. "Good girl, let's keep going for a little," you tell her as you spank her butt and she inserts your cock back in.
"Spread her ass," you ask Miyeon, who laugs and does it. You reach deeper into Megan's anus, but after a while, you want new challenges as you pull out of her. "Taste your ass, baby," you tell Megan, who dives on your cock as Miyeon takes on your balls before Megan takes it all by herself. "I wanna do my asshole again," Miyeon asks as she challenges herself once more. "Turn around and put your ass up," you ask her as you tongue her ring while Megan fingers herself while watching it. You slap Miyeon's butt and try to ease her entrance as much as possible, knowing she's gonna need it as you get ready to top her. Even after the first fuck, her asshole hasn't changed much and is still tight. You enter it from behind very calmly but manage to insert your full length with ease. Getting on all fours turns out to be a much more comfortable position for Miyeon than cowgirl.
"Oh, fuck, that's perfect," Miyeon tells you, who takes her slow but deep, finding the rhythm from the start. She enjoys it much more this time. "Hmm, you like it in the ass now," you tell her. "Yes, I do," she answers while you look into Megan's eyes and kiss her as she enjoys herself. Megan asks the same question as you did and gets the same answer from Miyeon, who now fingers her friend's pink pussy along with Megan. You go faster, putting Miyeon on the edge; she never got an anal orgasm before, but you are getting there. "So much fucking dick in my ass," she tells you, still in awe. Megan spreads her cheeks, but Miyeon really doesn't need it anymore; she's much better adjusted and in a more preferable position than during the first time. "Wow, you're so deep," she says. Could you be the one who finally manages to unlock her anal pleasures?
You push harder, mounting on Miyeon like you would a more experienced girl. She moans and laughs, just enjoying your dominance over her rectum. "Yes, right there," she says as you continue to pound her. "I'm ready to cum," she says as her hole clenches and she squirts into the bedsheets. Megan is definitely impressed. "I want you to fuck me just like that too," she says right to your eyes as you pull out of Miyeon and give some kisses to her neck and a little pat in the ass in approval. "That's my dirty girl who loves asses," you say as Megan quickly jumps to taste your cock. "Suck it too, baby," you tell Miyeon.
You prepare Megan the same way you prepared Miyeon. Her more flexible asshole means it's an easier job, but you keep it consistent, calmly inserting it in her anus as she reacts with a big smile when you go in. "That's my dirty little slut," you say to her. "You look so good fucking her in the ass," Miyeon says as Megan gives her classic flawless screams. "Yes, take it, my little baby," you tell her. "Make me cum," she orders you as you penetrate her at a 90-degree angle from her body, fully topping Megan as she inches closer to orgasm as she rests her head on the bedsheets. You let Miyeon give you extra help as she spits on Megan's already massively gaped butthole and provides you with the extra grip you need to make her scream her way to orgasm. Megan now rests her entire body in the bed as you pound her ass in a prone bone position and go balls deep on her, to which she eventually caves and cums on the sheets.
Miyeon was the one playing the "dirty girl" role this time, as she chimes in and tastes your cock. But she's actually just preparing herself. She took your cock as deep as she could, making sure it was wet from top to bottom, jerking it off compulsively. As she gave her final spit on it, Miyeon sat on it once again, this time in reverse. "Yes, give me that sexy ass," you told her as she inserted it. "Oh my God," she said as she put it full length inside her anus for a third and final time. "Shit, I love your boyfriend's fucking cock," she told Megan as she started to bounce. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said as she fingered her needy cunt and adjusted it to your length.
"I love taking this cock," she said with a big smile on her face, riding it faster as you also started pounding her from down low and both your bodies clashed. "More, more, more, more," she asked as she increased her intensity. "Hmm, you love jumping on this fucking cock, baby," Megan poked her. And Miyeon surely did. "I'm ready to bounce this fucking cock until I die," she said. The teachings Sana gave her were finally working, but she was about to get things flipped on her head.
"Lay on me," you "ordered" her, actually just pushing her back towards your chest. You grabbed both Miyeon's legs and took control of the fun. "I love the way your balls fucking clap when you fuck my ass," were her last words. What came after were just moans as you hit her hard and deep, Megan helping you as she fingered Miyeon's pussy. "Taje this cock, Megan said as she helped lift Mieyon's legs fully up in the year. From the dominant girl riding on top of the world, Miyeon was now a submissive slut, taking the roughest anal pounding she ever did in a full nelson. Her butthole was on fire as you obliterated it full speed, giving her no rest whatsoever. But Miyeon didn't mind whatsoever, just searching to cum again as Megan kept rubbing her clit and you kept destroying her insides.
"Wanna cum all over my boyfriend's cock?" Megan asked her. "Yeah," Miyeon replied, twisting as she continued to get stretched out. "Don't stop, don't stop," she commanded. "Ohhhh fuck! Right fucking there," Miyeon said, and you pounded her with all your might. Megan took advantage and gave her a deep kiss. You now had Miyeon's body bouncing in sync with your cock. "That's so fucking deep inside my ass," she said as you pulled out, making an air pop come out of her asshole. Megan was quick to scoop your cock up, not sharing it with her unnie whatsoever, just like Miyeon did earlier to her.
Miyeon rested herself in the bed, feeling a lot of soreness and wondering how she would even walk back to the afternoon practice. Meanwhile, Megan was deepthroating you, wishing for her turn to be even better. "Good, baby, come here and give me your tight little ass," you asked Megan as she sat on top of you. Unlike Miyeon, Megan offered no resistance, letting you pound her hard from the start as she fingered her clit. "AHHHHHH!" she screamed once more as her legs closed, letting you take advantage of her. "Lay down on me," you said just like you did to Miyeon, giving Megan a pounding that made her let out glass-shattering screams, spreading her legs at a 120-degree angle.
"Harder," Megan said, and you granted her wish, making what you did to Miyeon look like child's play. Megan's legs tingled in a way she could barely feel them, while her pussy uncontrollably squirted. "FUCK!" she yelled so hard the whole spa could hear. Miyeon sucked her cute tits as waterfalls were gushing out of Megan's pussy. Now free from your leg locking, Megan just stood sideways as you kept pounding her. "Woahhhhhh!" she screamed, finding new ways to moan and getting you close to cum. "Harder, fuck my ass harder," she kept saying as she got back into a straightened position, even with you taking her to the maximum. "Yes, baby," you obliged as Megan's legs closed and her eyes rolled, leaving her vulnerable to your final attack. "OHHHHH FUCKKKKKK," she said.
You spread Megan's legs in the air one final time, annihilating her asshole to the fullest. "Yes, play with my pussy," she demanded of Miyeon. "FUUUUCK, I'M CUMMING!" Megan screamed as she closed her legs yet again, allowing you to use your right arm and bear-hug her thighs as her pussy covered your cock with juices and Miyeon drank them, but Megan quickly followed up with a good top-to-bottom lick of your pole. You were panting as the rough assfucking of Megan had drained all your energies. As they teamed up on your cock, you warned them. "I'm gonna cum".
Megan shoved Miyeon's back to the bed and got on top of her, ready to get your love milk as a reward for the anal obliteration she just endured, eagerly sucking your big dick to the base. You happily answered her wishes, unloading six shots of love custard in her mouth, with Miyeon scooping what dribbled out of Megan's chin. "Show me your tongue," you asked Megan as you inserted your already flaccid cock in her mouth for her to lick it, but she still sucked it to perfection before swapping the sperm you just dropped in her mouth with Miyeon. "Your boyfriend's cum tastes so good," Miyeon told Megan as they kissed and laughed at each other before licking your cock one final time, with Megan also giving her a few licks on her neck and tits. "This is the best fuck I ever had," were Miyeon's final words.
Afternoon time
The practice was a struggle for Miyeon, as expected. She looked severely out of sync when dancing; her moves were very limited. Her voice looked very powerless as well. Soyeon was quick to notice and intervened as she called her name. "Miyeon, what's going on? Is there any problem?" she asked. "No," Miyeon tried to deny, but as they continued to practice, it was clear she was lying. "We need to talk in private," Soyeon said as Miyeon made yet another egregious mistake.
"I saw you go to the spa this morning, Miyeon. I thought spas were supposed to make someone look more relaxed. Be real, Miyeon? Did you go to a motel instead to get anal sex? I'm pretty sure these feet you sent on the group chat this morning were from Jiwon, not from Sana," Soyeon said, alluding to Miyeon's nymphomanic best friend.
"Jiwon and I had sex with a guy in the spa, and yes, he fucked both of us in the ass," Miyeon confessed. Soyeon looked her in the eye, sensing she was now telling the truth. "Girl, what's going on in your head? Don't you remember all these rumors that circle around to this day about why you left YG? The Blackpink member that never was. Think of your career and of what you built here for us," Soyeon said. Miyeon cried a little, but Soyeon wiped it out quickly. "Don't cry; I don't condemn anyone for wanting to have sex as much as they can. You know me; you know that I would sound like a hypocrite if I did. Just pick the right places, know your limits, and be careful. And do it in a way that won't compromise your work," Soyeon finished.
"We can continue the practice now, but for today, we'll do it without Miyeon. She needs a good rest," Soyeon told the other members as Miyeon headed home. Meanwhile, you had been fired from the spa, as the loud screams Megan gave in that bedroom were indeed heard by plenty of members. Lucky for her and Miyeon, her label quickly intervened to avoid a scandal of gargantuan proportions. Now you also had to go home, but it took a much longer time as you had lost your wallet, all that while knowing it was your final time crossing the river as you would have your worker visa terminated.
Evening time
At her home, Miyeon texted Minnie if she wanted to have dinner with her. "Me over Sana? I'm surprised. But sure". Minnie texted positively as they arrived at their preferred restaurant. But Minnie obviously chose a Japanese one, her favorite food. It wasn't today that Miyeon was going to be free of any Sana thoughts. "Private table for two," Miyeon said. The two chatted over the course of your dinner until Minnie finally touched on the issue.
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"Soyeon told me about what went on this morning," Minnie said. Miyeon looked petrified. "Miyeon, listen. You can't be Sana without the resources of Sana. She has the backing of a massive label and a whole country behind her. We are popular idols that worked really hard, but we must admit that there are idols who are at a different level. She's one of them. Just because I'm close friends with Lisa, I won't be hanging out with French billionaires like she does; that circle is reserved only for her. I think you're a winner just for being such a big friend to her. Let her be like this and have great experiences together. Don't try to be her. Just like I'm not Lisa," she continued.
"Thanks," Miyeon said, taking Minnie's advice. "I couldn't resist; I just got an instant crush on that guy; the moment he entered that room, I was having naughty thoughts," Miyeon said. "Look, I don't blame you," Minne said. "He's really hot. And I'd never have known Jiwon would be so wicked. Now I know why she goes by Megan," Minnie laughed. "America has Megan thee Stallion; Korea has Megan thee Shorty," she joked. "Nicha, you are so corny," Miyeon said back.
"I see you still have his wallet. We need to find a way to get it back to him. He probably had a hard time going back home without those transport cards. We can't use Cube's post office. I think we should find out where he lives and hand it back. Of course, taking all safety precautions." Minnie said. "Sure." Miyeon agreed. It wasn't long until they found out. "What a funny coincidence! He lives in Incheon, Majeon neighborhood. I think you know this place." Minnie winked as she checked the app, calling for a cab. "We'll definitely have to cross the river asap and go south of Gimpo Airport before heading north. We'll be there in 30 minutes. The route north of the airport is shorter but so crowded that it takes over an hour. A pain in the ass, maybe bigger than the one you're feeling right now," Minnie said. "We gotta go now before it's too late," she continued.
You were at home, booking your flight out of Korea. Even after suffering the consequences, you didn't regret anything, as you despised your boss at the spa. You ate your pre-cooked dinner and watched a little TV before the doorbell of your house started to ring. You wondered who it could be, as the clock told you it was almost 9 p.m. But you opened the door regardless.
Two women greeted you, one with a very familiar face. Minnie introduced herself. "I'm Nicha Yontararak, but you can call me Minnie, yes, like the Disney character," she said. "Sure, Minnie," you responded. "I think you know her already," she said, pointing to Miyeon. "You lost this at your work early this morning," Minnie said, taking your wallet out of her coat.
"Thanks," you said, very grateful they had found it out. "May we come in?" Minnie asked. "Sure, I don't think I can deny it after your kindness," you said. "I just don't have anything; I just finished dinner," you continued. "Not a problem; we already ate. Do you have something we could play and spend some time on before we head back home?" she asked. "Only those cards," you said. "I'm getting out of this apartment tomorrow and heading back to my country; I got fired from my job today," you said. "I'm sorry. Tell us if there is anything we can do to make you feel better," Minnie said. "I'm fine; I hated that job anyway," you said. "Let's play some cards."
"The highest card gets to kiss my little friend," Minnie says. Miyeon blushes. "I'm fine if she accepts it," you say. "I'm good," Miyeon replies. You win the first round and give Miyeon a soft kiss as she giggles and reminds herself of this morning's experience. "Next round, the highest card kisses Minnie," you say. Now Miyeon is the winner as she gets on her knees in front of you to kiss her groupmate. But as you waited for the next round, Miyeon interrupted: "What if we play a different game?" she asked, pushing your body towards the couch.
Miyeon took her coat off, already showing off the black lingerie she had under it. She definitely had something to prove and felt overshadowed by Jiwon at the spa. "The game is me sucking the cock while you watch," she told Minnie. "Okay," she replied. Miyeon quickly took your pants off and dove right to your already-erect bulge. "Look at this size," she said, taking it in her mouth from the start and getting it wet. Quickly, she was taking it deep in her throat. "Little slut, I know how long you've been waiting for this," Minnie said as she pressed Miyeon's head against your shaft. "Good girl," Minnie continued.
Definitely, Miyeon had a different feel to her in the morning. Even with your massive monster in her throat, she didn't gag at all, spitting on it soon after and letting Minnie freely push her head towards the base of it. She sucked you vigorously, so much so that soon Minnie wanted a slice of the pie. "Let me taste that cock too," she ordered. The Thai hottie took it in her mouth next, showing she could deep-throat it just as well as Miyeon. "So yummy, isn't it?" Miyeon asked her. Minnie continued to do so while Miyeon licked the sides of your prick and took your balls before taking them back from Minnie as both reversed the roles.
"I love this cock all the way down my nasty throat," Miyeon said as she kissed Minnie. "Work that cock in your mouth," she ordered Minnie, making her play the role Miyeon had done many times when Sana was teaching her. "You look so pretty with this cock in your mouth," she told Minnie before taking the initiative to take it deep in her mouth like a maniac, letting Minnie taste it as soon as she pulled out. "Gag on that cock," she told Minnie as her groupmate went down on it. Soon both were wrestling for that throbbing didk, moving their hands up and down your shaft.
"You like the way both of us work on that cock?" Miyeon asked you, who were so overwhelmed you could only give her a timid positive answer. They continued to team on it, with Miyeon taking your boner while Minnie heated your balls. Minnie kept testing her beautiful friend's willingness to take it, bone-pressing Miyeon's mouth on your shaft. "What a good fucking slut you are," Minnie says to her. "Now spit in my mouth," she continues. Miyeon follows it and gives Minnie the saliva she needs to go deep, before both keep taking turns going hard and deep. You're just a watcher, as now Minnie turns Miyeon's face red as she attempts to make her take even your balls in her mouth.
"I love fucking my mouth with your cock," Miyeon says as she now does the same to Minnie, who gags halfway in. "It looks like we have a winner," Miyeon brags. The two now lick your shaft up and down, chasing each other's mouths, before Miyeon takes it all to herself. "That's a good girl," giggles Minnie as she tries to go deep again. "Oh yes, take it all." You finally say a word, as this time Minnie successfully deepthroats you. "All the way down that big cock," Miyeon praises her and strokes you harder, challenging herself once more.
"Fuck her face," Minnie orders as you finally get more active and give little thrusts to Miyeon's mouth. But you don't even need to work that hard, as she's once again pushing Miyeon down your shaft. You take her softly, just giving her mouth a few pumps. "Now I want you to fucking choke on that cock," Miyeon tells Minnie as the Thai girl now takes her turn. Unlike Miyeon, just a few pumps are enough to make Minnie pull out. Miyeon continues to run insane, jerking you off hard as she takes your cock back in her warm mouth. Minnie tries to match her energy, but Miyeon seems possessed by the spirit of her friend Sana.
As soon as Minnie adjusts to your length, Miyeon is already slapping it on her cheeks and sliding her naughty tongue on your balls. "Gasp for air," you ask as Miyeon takes a minute-long deepthroat on your shaft before gagging. Minnie tries to match it, but with the thursts on your face and your massive length, she can only go for 10 seconds. "I want to get throated until tears run down my eyes," Minnie says, and Miyeon quickly tries to ensure her wish is granted. "Time to fuck the shit out of you," Miyeon says as she starts taking her clothes off. Her visuals as she says those dirty words to you are amazing, but her slim body manages to draw your attention just as much.
Minnie still has her dress on and tries to take advantage of her final moments slurping your big shaft in her mouth. As Miyeon finishes taking her panties off, Minnie is already jerking you off, knowing her groupmate has her sights on that massive pole. She presses her ass on it as she reaches down to her entrance to put it in. "Stretch me out," she commands to you. "How does it feel?" Minnie asks as she gives Miyeon's butt a couple taps. Miyeon let her dirty words do the talking. "Daddy, you stretch me so well," she says as she starts to bounce. "There you go, you little slut," Minnie laughs as she grabs your balls while Miyeon rides.
"That's so fucking hot," Minnie says as Miyeon increases the pace of her ride. She is very concentrated, telling herself that if Sana can do it, so can she, trying to match her best friend's intensity. It helps that Minnie is now pushing her down. "AHHHH," Miyeon moans as your hard pole hits her cervix. "Turn the heat up, you fucking whore," Minnie talks dirty to her. You are on the edge as Miyeon's walls rip your shaft apart. "Say it louder," Minnie continues to provoke; the harder Miyeon goes, the more her groupmate asks for more. "It's so fucking deep in my fucking cunt," Miyeon says as her cheeks clap on your hips and her moans get louder.
"Jerk that cock in my fucking pussy," Miyeon continues her profanity show; her princess image was truly left at the door of your house. The more she curses, the more Minnie disciplines her with extra spanks, turning Miyeon's butt red. "I'm your fucking whore," she repeats to you as Miyeon now jerks you off, even with Miyeon bouncing as hard as she can. Minnie enjoys it as Miyeon tilts her whole body against your chest as she twerks on your dick. "Ride that dick like the whore you are," Minnie repeats, giving Miyeon a hard spank that makes her scream. The Thai girl wants everything, asking Miyeon to wink with her asshole as she works your pole out. Miyeon spreads her ass and lets her open hole gape and clench multiple times.
You take advantage and reach towards Miyeon's neck to choke her, as she is now in a straight position. "Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhh," Miyeon moans even as you try to close her throat, and the choking only makes her more aggressive in her ride. "Oh my God, look at that fucking ass," Minnie says. "STOP IT, MINNIE," Miyeon replies back as her groupmate's spanks annoy her. "FUCK HER HARDER," Minnie screams as she takes her hands off Miyeon and now lets your cock do the work to make the stretched beauty scream. "FUCKING CHOKE ME LIKE A WHORE," Miyeon demands as she gets fully stretched out. Minnie loves seeing her beg like this and asks for Miyeon to repeat her words, to which she obliges, as her groupmate also grabs her neck.
But Miyeon enjoys this. Even with her face fully red now, the more she gets choked by both of you, the harder she tries. "AHHH FUCK FUCK!" she screams as you thurst harder and hit her deeper, to which she answers with a bounce of her own that makes you groan like a caveman. You too take your hands off her neck as Minnie spits on your cock, enjoying Miyeon's beautiful ride from a privileged back view. Miyeon is now the dominant one, shoving Minnie's head against your balls while her ass hits her groupmate. "Let me take that fucking asshole," Minnie says as she puts her tongue on Miyeon's rectum while her groupmate's cheeks swarm her tongue.
"Look at that tight asshole," Minnie says as she sticks her middle finger up Miyeon's butthole. "Tease my fucking asshole," Miyeon demands as she keeps going. "So you could do this all night," Minnie tells her. "But you need to leave something for me too," she continues as Miyeon pulls out. Your erection now is otherworldly veiny; your tip throbs full of blood as you push your cock on Minnie's entrance. And she means business as soon as she takes it in, riding you fast as if Miyeon's ride had never ended. "Slide it in that fucking pussy, work that fucking cock," Miyeon tells her. "Good girl, keep going, bounce harder." Miyeon takes the opportunity to now be the one slapping Minnie's ass, but also with your helping hand.
"Fuck him like that," Miyeon keeps saying as Minnie works her hips; she alternates a few slow rides with more crazy-paced ones. "Put your tongue in my asshole," she asks Miyeon, who loves doing it as she moans on Minnie's dirty hole while you thurst upwards against her Thai cunt. "Harder, harder, harder, please," Minnie begs as you stretch her out. "You hear that, Daddy? Fuck her harder," Miyeon says as she spanks Minnie once more. You answer her prayers as you hammer your cock faster against her tight babyhole. "Nasty whore likes to ride daddy's big cock," Miyeon whispers to Minnie. "Yes, HOLY FUCK," Minnie answers just as you hit her sensitive spots.
Miyeon gets a great view as Minnie's ass cheeks start to tremble with your cock fully buried inside her fuckhole. "Take every inch of that dick, up and down," Miyeon demands as Minnie continues to ride you with as her insides throb. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she repeats. "Fuck her like a whore," Miyeon insists. Minnie can now only scream, even as you choke her. Your cock slides out of Minnie, and Miyeon quickly scoops it. "Taste my pussy, please," and out of breath, Minnie demands. "Tell me how it tastes," she begs, but Miyeon doesn't answer, just having all the fun to herself with that big cock in her mouth. Miyeon tells her it's yummy, but she's actually thinking of your cock as she slaps it back in Minnie's vagina while massaging your balls.
"Keep riding that fucking dick," she says as she slaps Minnie harder. "That's so hot," she says as Minnie screams and can only beg to be fucked. You pump her pussy faster. "Hmm, you like that? Tell me." Miyeon continues as you destroy Minnie's tight hole. "Yes, I love it. I love this fucking cock stretching me out," Minnie claims as she is now completely out of breath and angrily moaning. "Uhhh, yeah," Miyeon continues to poke her. Minnie slows her ride as Miyeon tells her she is ready for more.
"Sit on my face; I want to taste that stretched pussy," you say to Minnie, who moves quickly towards it. Miyeon already fingers herself in preparation for another ride, this time in reverse; it's her specialty after all. Now you have two beautiful, sexy women on top of you, moaning their lungs out. Minnie steals the show this time, as your licks on her sensitive cunt make her go over the moon. But Miyeon quickly matches her with another crazy ride and dirty talk. "Oh, daddy, you make my pussy so wet just for you," she says. "That's my fucking cock; I'm his fucking whore," Miyeon continues to talk, being the polar opposite of that shy girl you saw early in the morning. "I want it all inside me," she continues as she fingers herself.
"I love the way you fuck me, daddy," every time Miyeon calls you. You get more feral. "Make me take it; you're gonna make me cum," she keeps going as she now lets you take control. "Cum for us, cum all over this fucking cock," Minnie says as she now focuses her attention on Miyeon's clit and fingers it. Miyeon screams the hardest but keeps focused on moving up and down your cock regardless. Minnie now slaps her thighs, but Miyeon stays unfazed, just wanting to please herself as best as she can. But Minnie keeps trying to distract her as she now moves towards grabbing Miyeon's perky tits, working in tandem with you so you can push your cock up against Miyeon.
"Oh yes, fuck her, fuck her, fuck her," Minnie yells as her stimulation of Miyeon opens the door for you to pump Miyeon's pussy up. But Miyeon quickly answers and retakes control. Minnie now slaps her groupmate's clit as Miyeon gets close to cum. "It's so deep, it's so deep; make me cum," Miyeon demands as Minnie now slaps her face. Miyeon rotates on your cock as she releases her juices and goes straight back to taste them, leaving Minnie no room. In the end, she incentivizes her "Yes, taste your pussy like that," Minnie tells Miyeon. "There you go, you fucking little slut; put that dick deep in your mouth," Minnie says as she taps Miyeon's cock-filled cheeks and watches Miyeon get throatfucked.
Minnie takes it deep in her throat herself as she gags on it, licking your shaft hard, but Miyeon is hungry and wants it all for her, taking it all for her. "Worship every inch of this fucking cock," Minnie demands. "Our guy here has been such a good boy and deserves it," she continues. Miyeon keeps sucking and stroking as Minnie lets Miyeon warm your cock for her. "Fuck my face," Miyeon says again as she gags on it after a bone-pressed deepthroat. Now it's Minnie's turn to take it in reverse, cowgirl. Miyeon talks dirty to her and fingers Minnie's cunt from the start, smirking at her groupmate as you stretch her insides.
"Who's the fucking whore now?" Miyeon provokes Minnie as she rides you at a steady pace. "Oh my God," Minnie groans as your length streatches her out and Miyeon licks her little tits. Minnie stops mid-air as she lets you pound her, getting impressive with your massive length as Miyeon continues to finger her. "Take it, take that fucking pounding," Miyeon demands. Minnie groans hard and makes a huge effort to increase her face, even as each hit you deliver in her cervix is like a stabbing. "I love hearing you scream like a whore," Miyeon continues. "Now he's gonna make you cum," Miyeon says, as you are now the one massaging Minnie's big, throbbing clit while she moves towards groping her groupmate's cute, bouncy boobs.
Minnie's legs start to shake, as now both your left hand and Miyeon's right are placed on her clit. She closes them hard as her thighs clamp on your shaft. Just as she spreads them a little, you strike back with a massive pounding as Minnie screams, "AHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK." She loses her breath and tells you to keep going as your balls hit her sensitive clit, making her lose it and squirt on your couch, expelling your cock out of her pussy, her legs quaking as you rub your tip on her big clit before giving her cumming cunt an extra pounding that makes her lose it for good.
"I wanna taste my pussy," Minnie begs, but Miyeon doesn't let her and arrives first at the crime scene. For Minnie, she only leaves your balls as the two give you the hottest blowjob yet. "Gag on that cock" is all you can demand. "OHHHHH YESSSS!" Miyeon screams as she starts the third ride just in that night, plus the ones she had earlier the morning. After all, if Sana could ride the same cock 10 straight times, so could she. "I love taking Daddy's big cock in my tight, slutty pussy," she says in between her bounces, now also circling around your cock. Her ride this time is brief as she holds herself not to cum again this quick as Minnie tastes her juices as soon as your cock is free from Miyeon's tiny fuckhole.
"I'm so fucking hungry for cock," Miyeon claims as she throats you once more for a good time, then slaps your prick on Minnie's needy face, watching her cough as she takes it deep. The two trade cock slaps between each other and get your shaft wet. "Worship that fucking cock like it's the last dick on earth," Minnie demands of her. The two now just treat it like a toy for their own entertainment, slapping it all over their faces nonstop. "That's a good fucking slut," Miyeon praises Minnie as her groupmate finally manages to take your cock deep in her throat for a more prolonged time. The pair didn't want to let go of your cock, taking it like their personal lollipop.
"Yesss, I love it. Put it just like that in your fucking filthy mouth," Miyeon told Minnie as she slapped your cock on her and then shoved it in her Thai groupmate's mouth. Minnie quickly answered back and took your cock for more slaps on Miyeon's face. "Dirty boy getting his nasty cock on little princess face," Minnie said as Miyeon now maniacally caressed your balls while throating your shaft. "Luck at that fucking slut." Minnie was in awe at Miyeon's deepthroat prowess, as she could not leave your cock out of her mouth even with you now pounding her face as hard as you could. "You like that, bitch?" Minnie asked. "I LOVE IT!" Miyeon screamed just as she took your dick out of her mouth.
"Dive her head until she can't breathe," you told Minnie, who obliged and dunked Miyeon's red face into your hard boner using all her might. But Miyeon was restless and took a long time to gag. "Give me those fucking balls," Minnie asked as soon as Miyeon released them from her mouth and started working on your tip, spitting all over your pole. "Wow, look at that sack. I bet there is a lot of cum in there." Minnie continued the dirty talk. But you had enough of them, shoving Minnie on all fours while she moaned and lining yourself up to take her Thai pussy from behind.
"Uhhh, good," Minnie moaned as you inserted your cock back in her cunt. "Daddy, I wanna watch your fucking dick go in and out of her fucking pussy," Miyeon asked as she started tonguing Minnie's butthole once more. "Put your fucking tongue in my asshole," she demanded as Miyeon took a lick of both your shaft and Minnie's rectum as the Thai hottie finally called you daddy for the first time. "Taste that pussy out of this big cock," Minnie demanded as you facefucked Miyeon after pulling out of her. "Back and forth," Minnie continued, and you kept going, taking on her pussy and then Miyeon's mouth.
"I love being your cocksleeve; my pussy feels so good," Minnie said as you went back to pounding her nonstop, moving her hips back and forth and fingering herself while you spanked her ass, screaming like a dying goat. You stopped to give Miyeon's sexy mouth some kisses and spit on it, letting Minnie do all the work and engulf your shaft with her tight pussy. Miyeon used the spit you gave her right back into your cock. "Look at this slut being stretched out; keep going," she said. "I love watching the way you fuck her hard," Miyeon continued as she got to taste Minnie's pussy and you fucked her face once more. "I love watching how you fuck her face; now put it back in because I want that cock," Minnie said as she gave you a doggy ride, moving faster than you could thurst into her.
You had to tame Minnie with a rough pounding that made her scream hard, as Miyeon applauded. "Take this bitch, make her yours," she said as you gave Minnie's ass the hardest slap yet, which only made her move faster as you two fucked each other like a pair of savage animals until Minnie's whole body started to tremble and she fell to her knees. "Fuck the shit out of her for me," Miyeon demanded, grinding her teeth as she loved seeing Minnie get obliterated by your hard cock. "Fuck her, daddy," she continued, sending you over the moon. Minnie just closed her eyes and took it. "Spit on it," you told Miyeon as she followed your orders. "Nice. Now give it to her, she said. "You look so fucking pretty taking cock in your cunt," Miyeon continued to talk as Minnie could only yell and moan.
Minnie kept shaking, but you didn't take your cock out of her hole for a single second. She was built to be your cocksleeve. You loved the warmth of her pussy and were having thoughts of filling it with your seeds as you clapped her cheeks hard. But you showed some mercy and let Minnie breathe as Miyeon took your cock in her mouth for the hundredth time. "How does it taste?" you asked. "It tastes like a whore," she replied. "You want to take this cock again?" Minnie asked rhetorically; she knew Miyeon's eyes were glowing for a pounding like that.
"Slide under me," Miyeon asked Minnie, as her groupmate had already taken advantage of it to eat her beautiful pussy. Miyeon laid on Minnie's long body and prepared herself to get penetrated for the last time, moaning before you even had an inch inside her. She couldn't have asked for something better, as your cock pumped her cunt while Minnie used her tongue to sweep it. Miyeon placed her right hand on Minnie's clit as you pounded her at full speed, firmly gripping her ass. "I love your fucking balls in my tongue," Minnie said under her, enjoying as you worked Miyeon's pussy and stretched it to the fullest. But truth be told, she liked her tongue on Miyeon's clit even more, as she moved to it to make her groupmate moan even harder.
"This view is amazing," Minnie tells herself as she watches Miyeon get pounded, sticking her tongue to lick her groupmate's entire pussy. "Wanna taste it?" You offer your cock to Minnie, sticking it in her mouth. "Yes, taste it right out of my fucking cunt; that's so fucking hot," Miyeon approves. "Fucking use me," she keeps asking as you get back in. "Lick my balls," you order to Minnie as you pound Miyeon harder, slapping your sack hard against Minnie's face and Miyeon's clit. Miyeon keeps screaming. "Use my fucking pussy daddy; I'm your fucking whore," she says. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" she screams as you top her to a point she only has Minnie to hold herself onto. But Minnie doesn't care and just enjoys watching her pretty groupmate get mauled.
You fuck Minnie's face as she provides the lube for your final attack, and you destroy Miyeon at full speed. "Daddy, fuck me, take every inch of it in my pussy," Miyeon screams as your balls slap her cheeks. "That slut is having the time of her life," Minnie says. "Yes, I'm your little fucktoy, daddy," Miyeon claims.
"You know what I want?" Miyeon asks, to which Minnie repeats. "Your hot fucking load is deep in my cunt," Miyeon answers. "Fill me up, Daddy, please," she continues. "You better give it to her," Minnie says as you get closer. Those loud women really turned you on. "Give it to me, daddy," Miyeon says. "Are you ready for it?" you ask her. "You're ready for that load, aren't you? Dirty little fucking slut," Minnie answers for her. You announce you're ready to cum as you empty your balls on Miyeon's tight little pussy as your cum drips out of it straight into Minnie's mouth, who also scoops it from your cock and more from Miyeon's pussy. "Ah, daddy, you were so good to me," Miyeon says.
"I wanna taste it right out of my fucking pussy," Miyeon asks, and Minnie swaps the semen into her mouth. Miyeon also takes a bit of cum from Minnie's neck, leaving her with a hickey as she sucks it, before they take turns trading the sperm between each other's mouths. "Such a yummy load," Miyeon says. "What a slut you are," Minnie tells her.
The girls dress up as the clock hits nearly 10 p.m.; they have to cross the river and head back home. The next day, you head to the airport, leaving the country for good. But with the best possible final memory you could have.
First time I crossed the 10k barrier for a smut. My original idea for this one got scrapped. Wrote this over the course of 2 weeks using the spa trip Miyeon did with Jiwon as an inspiration and turning it into a day-long story. Also the first time I put a few extra characters, including Soyeon as an on-screen character and Sana as a prominent off-screen character.
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sourpeachsayshi · 2 months
Praise kink with Nanami, please😭
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ minors / ageless blogs / blank blogs - do not interact.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags: therapist!nanami; client!reader; guided; forbidden; doctor-patient relationship; size kink(?)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ notes: I went overboard with this one.
nanami's eyes darken, his glasses resting just below the bridge of his nose, irises blurring like the haze between night and day. he uncrosses then crosses his legs, desperately trying to adjust the bulge in his pants. his notebook is still resting comfortably on his lap, one of his hands fidgeting with the pen that he lightly taps against the paper, while the other traces the outline of his lip.
your legs are spread apart, your skirt flipped up, underwear pulled to the side. your shirt unbuttoned, exposing the lace fabric of your pretty, pretty bra. the sight of your cunt forms a knot in his throat, which he swallows while trying to forget the many nights he's jacked off picturing himself fucking you.
the one who came to him after leaving her horrible husband. who has struggled to find any sexual pleasure ever since, and who timidly admitted that she finds her underwear soaked after every session with dr. kento.
"I don't think," you sigh, your bottom lip trapped between your teeth. "I don't think this will work..."
"but you look good," he reassures, noticing your lashes flutter at his words. "Wet. I can see it from here..."
your face burns with embarrassment, and you part your lips to say something though no words come out.
"just keep listening, okay? you're doing really well for me, I promise this will help," he lies through his teeth, his cheeks tinting a shade of crimson of him abusing his role. "your middle and index finger, use it to rub your clit, not too fast...nice and easy..."
you oblige, and that doesn't take him by surprise. you listen to his guidance, start massaging the nub of your clit gently. a few minutes pass, but he's busy paying attention to your reactions. the way your breath hitches and your chest hiccupping as you try to stifle a moan.
"don't hold it in," he coos, "give in to your natural reactions. it's okay, I'm right here. I'm watching you, helping you. you trust me, right?"
"yes, doctor," you whimper and he hums in response.
"feels good?"
"you sound lovely, like you're enjoying it..."
"faster. add a little more pressure, that's right..." he continues, "how do you feel?"
"warm-" you add, breathless and needy which only fuels his desire. "I l-like it, I like how it feels..."
"This is excellent progress, I'm proud of you," he praises, a hint of a devious smile ticking the corner of his lip. "try putting a finger in, there you go..."
his eyes narrow as you sink your middle finger into your hole. you gasp in slight shock, taken aback that you actually enjoyed the tiny stretch. nanami nearly snaps the pen his half. knowing full well that the length and thickness of his fingers would do far, far better.
you pump in and out, so slowly like you're trying to figure out what pacing you prefer. "doctor kento," you moan, though you are not addressing him with anything specific except to simply call out his name.
his cock twitches.
he takes his glasses off, and folds it neatly between his pressed shirt. he closes his notebook, the page filled with mindless scribbles that he put together to distract himself from being aroused by you.
"when we discussed your sex life prior to your marriage, you mentioned you enjoyed receiving oral," he states.
you gaze up at him with doe eyes from underneath your lashes, finger fucking yourself tenderly as you shake your head in confirmation.
he gets up from his seat, takes a few steps closer as he carefully rolls up his sleeve. he kneels before you, the afternoon light sparkling against his golden hair. his face far too close to your cunt.
"a more manual approach might do you some good," he mumbles, his large palms reaching for your plush thighs.
the heat burns behind your ears and down your neck, your muscles in your lower belly start quivering with delight and anticipation.
"you're gorgeous, by the way," he admits, dropping his professional mask and allowing his inner thoughts to speak on his behalf. "it's a shame your ex couldn't appreciate that..."
he moves on hand to circle around your wrist and draws it away from your soaking cunt. he brings your shaking fingers to his lips to taste your essence before releasing you with a pop.
"so sweet," he purrs. he drops your wrist, his hands smoothing over your inner thigh and over the curve of your pelvis. when he looks up at you, you almost don't recognize the devilish expression on the face of such a gentleman. "you deserve to feel this good. may I?"
you melt into the pillow behind you, your heart pounding so hard against your chest it makes the room around you spin.
"we'll go for as long as you can handle. alright, sweetheart?"
"yes, doctor kento"
"good girl," he murmurs, the depth of his voice making you tremble in your seat. "such a good girl..."
your eyes roll to the back of your head, a cry leaving your lips that sounds like an ache when he brings his tongue to your sex and drags upward along the glittering slit.
no more secrets x
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hiraiologist · 4 months
keep you in my mouth (and hope to never take you out)
hirai momo x f!reader
synopsis: at first it’s a party. then it’s a study session. then it’s like you’re addicted to her, and you find yourself caught up in everything that is hirai momo.
tags/warnings: ambiguous location but college/university setting, alcohol, drugs, parties, mentions of throwing up, smut (strap, cunnilingus, overstimulation, begging), fluff!, light degradation (reader is referred to as whore and slut lul), friends to lovers, switch!momo ??? idk but momo’s the best girl :]
a/n: i haven’t written for fun in… over 5 years? not since i was in high school… so i'm extremely out of practice SORRY! i’ve definitely regressed (T_T) i wanted this to just be a quick way to get back into writing, so its not all that articulate or anything. i started this last thursday when i was off work bc i was sick and bored, and i was gonna post it over the weekend but then with seollal and going back to work, i kinda forgot about it. partially ib my own college experience :p i feel obligated to say don’t do drugs and don’t drink underage but…! title from flashing room by 2am club. not proofread!
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the resounding thump of the bass sinks into your skin, replacing the steady beat beneath your ribs.
you feel a body next to you—someone’s pushing past you across the room, their sweat smearing across your exposed forearm. it’s damp and uncomfortably cool, an off-putting and striking contrast to the heat of the crowd. you stop dancing and frown. you turn to your left, pinching a piece of your friend’s shirt between your fingers, wiping the sweat onto the dark fabric. chaeyoung stops moving to the music and swats your hand away.
“what are you doing?”
“someone touched me,” you wrinkle your nose. “it was sweaty.”
“so you wiped it on me instead?” the shorter girl glares up at you, though her eyes twinkle with mirth—or maybe it’s just the reflection from the led light strips on the walls. she pulls out her phone to check the time. “i need another drink before we go. c’mon, let’s go find tzuyu and dahyun.”
you shrug as the two of you link fingers and begin to find your way back to the makeshift bar for more drinks. you’re already drunk—yooyeon’s playing bartender tonight and you’ve been taking advantage of it as much as possible.
“ladies,” yooyeon greets as you approach her table. she spreads her hands over a few stacks of cups filled with red liquid. “what can i get you this time?”
the options are pretty limited. actually, there’s really only one option: a delightfully strong mixture of jungle juice made oh so lovingly by yooyeon and jiwon.
“you’re hilarious,” you say flatly as you roll your eyes at her. she just cackles and starts fixing up two new cups. “have i ever told you that you’re my favorite bartender?”
“that’ll break jiwon’s heart,” she replies with a laugh. “but i won’t tell if you won’t.” she holds out the drinks with both hands.
chaeyoung accepts one of the cups and takes a long swig. “hey, we’re actually probably heading out soon. going to a kickback with some friends,” she says to yooyeon. you take the other cup and swallow some of the jungle juice. it’s your third cup of the night, so maybe you’re just drunk, but it tastes divine. you’re pretty sure that, at the very least, it tastes better than the tequila shots you’d downed earlier with chaeyoung before leaving your apartment.
yooyeon pouts. “why?” she leans in towards the two of you. “don’t go. you guys practically just got here.”
you shake your head. “no can do. we promised jihyo we’d go to her place tonight.” on another night, you might stay, watch jiwon do a few lines in the bathroom, drink more alcohol until your vision starts to blur, maybe let yooyeon or jiwon—or both—put delicate hands up your shirt and leave bruises on your hips. tonight, though, you’re going to a kickback held by one of your closest friends, jihyo, and you’ll consume enough substances to ensure you wake up with your head pounding, mouth dry, body aching all over.
it’s going to be fun, you think to yourself. you chug some more jungle juice, finishing your cup more quickly than you’d intended. chaeyoung’s texting tzuyu, instructing her to meet you guys by yooyeon’s setup. as the alcohol sets into your bloodstream, your skin warms, a muted blush settling on your cheeks.
chaeyoung spots tzuyu and dahyun walking towards yooyeon’s table and waves them over. yooyeon pours two more drinks and offers them out to your friends as they approach.
“thanks yooyeon!” tzuyu happily tips her cup back into her mouth. dahyun does the same, though she only takes a small mouthful. you’re pretty sure she’s sober. you’ve been at the house for about an hour, but you know she’s only been occasionally stealing sips from everybody’s drinks instead of just getting one of her own. really, you’re a little grateful that she’s not drunk—you know that by the end of the night, most of you will be too inebriated to get home properly without help. dahyun’s always been a little less raucous than the rest of the girls, but it doesn’t seem to bother her. dahyun hands her barely-touched cup to you to finish and you flash her a playful grin with a wink.
“finish your drinks and we’ll go. i’ll go ahead and call an uber now,” dahyun directs while pulling out her phone. the rest of you nod and tap your cups together in a cheers. a few moments pass before dahyun slips her phone back into her pocket and announces, “okay, he’ll be here in… six minutes. jihyo said nayeon and mina are already there.”
yooyeon makes eye contact with you. “will you guys come back later?” her eyes are hopeful, bright—she’s more a puppy than a party girl. but you’d rather be with your other friends, so you just shoot her an apologetic expression.
“not tonight,” you shake your head. “but maybe we’ll see you later this weekend or something?”
before yooyeon can respond, you hear someone squeal from a few feet away. “guys! what are you doing here?” you all turn to find sana skipping towards your group, a huge smile on her face.
“sana!” the four of you yell simultaneously, pulling her into hugs with each of you. she’s beaming wildly. you didn’t know she was here; if you’d seen her earlier, you would’ve dragged her onto the dance floor and probably made her your drinking buddy. sana’s a little older than you and she’s infinitely cool. you’d met her at a party last year, where she’d pulled trig for chaeyoung after knowing her for about an hour. you’d all instantly fallen for her, and she was a welcome addition to your group. sana was confidence and optimism wrapped in sex on legs—but she was also undeniably cute, with her bubbly personality and squishy cheeks. she’d easily become one of your closest confidants, spending time with you every week, showering you with affection and giving you advice whenever you were struggling. her status as a social butterfly also meant that she has a lot of other friends, so your group of four—you, tzuyu, chaeyoung, and dahyun—had rapidly expanded to a group of ten, with sana bringing her best friend momo into the fold, then jihyo, mina, jeongyeon, and nayeon with them. but sana’s infinite list of friends turns her into a pretty busy girl, so when chaeyoung had invited her out with you all tonight, she’d politely declined, stating her previously-arranged plans with momo and jeongyeon.
“i thought you were hanging out with jeongyeon and momo?” you look at sana in excitement.
“i am! well, jeongyeon had to go home early because she’s got a test tomorrow morning, but momo’s here. she’s talking to yoona right now,” sana points a few feet away at momo, engrossed in conversation with another girl you vaguely recognize. “wait, this is great! we can all hang out!”
“actually,” tzuyu interjects, “we’re leaving right now. but we’re heading to jihyo’s! nayeon and mina are there right now. will you come with us?”
“i’m down, but let me ask momo,” she giggles before bounding towards the older girl. she taps the girl on the shoulder and yoona offers them both a wave, walking off to find her friends in another room. sana starts to talk to momo; after a moment, she points over at your group and momo turns to glance at you all. her gaze seems to drag over you slowly. then she looks back at sana and says something, prompting sana to grin and tug at her arm, dragging the girl towards you. dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu all give her a quick hug and big smiles.
momo pulls you into a hug last, her firm arms wrapped around you tightly as sana exclaims, “momo said she’s down to go to jihyo’s!”
“we should probably head outside, then,” dahyun suggests. “it would suck if we missed our uber.” you all nod and start to find your way to the door. you quickly turn towards yooyeon and send her a wave. the girl perks up and shoots you a smile before you turn back around and follow chaeyoung out the house to the front.
you all stand outside, chatting idly amongst yourselves as dahyun watches for the right car to pull up. eventually, she spots what must be your uber and walks up to the vehicle, waving at the driver as they roll down their window. the rest of you trail behind her.
“for dahyun?” when the driver nods, she continues, “uh, so we have six people, actually. is that okay?” dahyun smiles sheepishly at the uber driver and bites her lip. he looks at you all warily and sighs.
“yeah, sure. it’s not like we’re going very far, i guess.”
tzuyu climbs into the passenger seat while chaeyoung scoots into the middle seat in the back. dahyun takes the seat to the right of chaeyoung, with sana climbing into her lap naturally. you quickly realize your predicament as the rest of the girls settle into the uber. you turn to momo and say, “you can sit on me. if that’s okay.”
the girl’s cheeks instantly turn the prettiest shade of pink you’ve ever seen. “oh! um, okay. sure. thanks.”
you open the door on the left and climb into the last seat. once you’re seated, you look back at momo and smile. she quickly gets in, sitting awkwardly on your lap. you reach for the door handle with one hand, close the door, then snake your hand around the girl’s waist, pulling her towards you more tightly. she squeaks a little, but shifts her body more to settle comfortably against you. your uber driver eyes you all in the backseat with a tired expression before driving off slowly.
“this top looks really good on you, by the way,” you say, lips twitching into a small grin. you play a little with the ends of her hair before dropping your fingers to brush along her shirt. she stares at the floor.
“thanks,” she replies quietly. her cheeks are red when she looks up and her eyes dart away when she notices you’re looking at her face.
the rest of the ride is filled by your friends’ conversations and your driver’s playlist coming low through the speakers of the car, your fingers rubbing circles into momo’s hip soothingly as you feel her take quiet, even breaths. you’re almost disappointed when the uber stops in front of jihyo’s apartment.
when you arrive at jihyo’s door, jihyo welcomes you all with a hug and ushers you inside. she leads you to the kitchen, where nayeon and mina are chatting next to the table covered with an array of drinks. you greet nayeon and mina with hugs as well, chatting with them for a minute before you decide to make a few cherry bombs for everyone. the girls seem to have found their spots in the apartment: tzuyu, dahyun, and chaeyoung are sitting on the floor in jihyo’s living room while sana and momo fumble with jihyo’s speaker system, squabbling over jihyo’s phone to try to queue up a few more songs. nayeon, jihyo, and mina continue to chat while they watch you in the kitchen as you mix cherry vodka with redbull. when you’ve prepared a few shot glasses, you offer them to nayeon and jihyo, knowing mina won’t be drinking. you all quickly down your shots and nayeon and jihyo excuse themselves to go find a game to play, leaving you in the kitchen with mina. she offers to take two of the shots over to sana and momo, and you agree. you grab the remaining three shots, find dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu in the living room, and watch as they knock back their cherry bombs.
you plop down on the floor next to chaeyoung, letting out an excited giggle when she produces a small tin from her pocket and pulls out a perfectly rolled joint. as she lights it and begins to take a hit, you look towards the speaker where you spot sana and momo laughing with mina. you observe them for a moment before you feel chaeyoung tapping at your shoulder, offering you the joint. you take a hit and hand it back to chaeyoung. dahyun and tzuyu get up; you vaguely register them saying something about finding some ping pong balls. you and chaeyoung chat quietly, asking “would you rather” questions, passing the joint back and forth until eventually it’s reduced to nothing and you’re forced to stub it out. by now, the combination of the weed and alcohol has you feeling light and slightly dizzy, but it’s pleasant and you’re smiling a little dopily. chaeyoung pulls you up with her when she sees tzuyu across the room, setting up a table to play beer pong.
“tzu! i wanna play!” chaeyoung exclaims happily. “can i play?”
“sure,” the taller girl agrees easily. “you can be my partner. y/n, wanna play?”
“wait, who else is playing?”
tzuyu shrugs. “go find someone!” you glance around; mina’s sitting on the couch with dahyun, both tapping away at their phones. nayeon and jihyo are sitting at the table in the kitchen, already playing some kind of card game. you start to walk off to look for sana and momo and tzuyu calls after you, “oh, get sana! she needs to get on our level!”
you find sana in the kitchen with momo. you quickly grab another cup, mixing vodka with soda haphazardly, taking a big gulp as you bound up to sana. “i’m drunk,” you state the obvious with a giggle. “and you need to catch up! let’s play beer pong with chae and tzuyu!” you point your cup towards sana, who giggles back at you, takes the cup, shares a look with momo.
“thanks, y/n!” she hums as she sips at the drink. “actually, i think you might regret recruiting me for beer pong,” she winks at you and hands your cup to momo, who tilts her head at you for approval. you nod quickly and she takes a long drink before handing the cup back to you. “but momo would love to be your partner tonight!”
you beam at the other girl hopefully. “would you really? please?” momo looks at you with wide eyes, seemingly caught off guard. she sneaks a glance at sana, who just bats her eyes innocently.
“oh, sure,” she agrees quickly. “i’m down.” you cheer as you grab her hand and guide her towards the table where chaeyoung and tzuyu are setting up the cups and pouring beer into each one. you chug a bit more of your drink, which has dwindled down to just a few more mouthfuls. you offer the rest to momo, then pout when you realize you don’t have anything else to drink, making sana laugh from behind you. she walks back to the kitchen as you and momo take your places at one end of the table, chaeyoung and tzuyu at the other. it’s decided that you and momo will go first. momo gestures at you to go ahead, and you grab one of the ping pong balls and eye the pyramid of cups across from you.
before you can toss the ball, sana returns with two new drinks, places one on the small table by the couch. she points at it and says, “that’s for you, y/n. when you’re done playing.” she takes a sip from the other drink still in her hand.
“thanks,” you nod at her words, focusing intently on your form. you decide to just go for it, casually arching the ball forward, watching as it sinks cleanly into one of the cups in front of tzuyu. “yes!” 
momo whoops. “nice.” she offers her hand out for a high-five. tzuyu takes the cup, removes the ball, drinks the beer. momo quickly finishes off the drink you’d given her, adding it to the cup tzuyu drank to start a stack on the side, then moves to take her shot. she hesitates for quite a while before eventually throwing the ball. it bounces off the side of one cup, but falls into the one next to it. you cheer loudly as momo’s eyes widen and she turns to face you, a giddy expression on her face. you sneak a quick peck on her cheek, delight in the way the skin pinkens immediately as momo looks at you bashfully. chaeyoung takes the cup out, removing the ball before downing the contents inside. she boos half-heartedly but she’s smiling as she hands both ping pong balls back to you.
you immediately toss one across the table. it bounces off a cup and drops onto the table. you pout. “ugh. got too cocky. redeem us, momo!” but momo misses her shot, too, so you hand the balls to chaeyoung and tzuyu.
tzuyu tosses her ball quickly and it immediately falls into a cup in front of you. you grab the cup, take the ball out, drink the beer, add the cup to the stack. chaeyoung takes her position, squinting momentarily across the table before shooting the ball, landing it in a cup next to momo. the older girl grabs the cup, takes the ball out and hands it back to chaeyoung before tossing the beer back into her mouth. a droplet of beer shines at the corner of her mouth. without thinking, you lean forward and wipe at it with your finger before popping it into your mouth to clean it off. momo stares at you, but you don’t seem to notice. tzuyu and chaeyoung take their shots again. tzuyu lands her ball in a cup—momo drinks it quickly—but chaeyoung misses hers. they hand the balls back to you and momo. you arc one ball perfectly into a cup. momo’s turn is kind of disastrous; she throws the ball towards the cups, but it ends up smacking chaeyoung in the tit.
“sorry!” momo squeaks. chaeyoung just laughs and waves her off. the game keeps going, but it quickly becomes obvious that chaeyoung and tzuyu are going to win. you only land your ball into the cups two more times, and momo misses every shot she takes, looking all the more distracted as each round passes. eventually, you and momo lose pretty spectacularly. jihyo and nayeon push you both out of the way to take on chaeyoung and tzuyu.
disgruntled, you grab the drink sana made for you and take a gulp. “i can’t believe we lost!” you wail as momo follows you to the kitchen.
momo shrugs. “we’ll get ’em next time,” she promises, wrapping her arms around you from behind. you settle against her with a sigh.
“you’re so…” you gesture a little vaguely at her body, “comfy?” you finish, pulling momo’s arms around you even tighter. “like, you’re firm. you have really nice muscles and... you know. but you’re super cozy.” she hums in your ear as you lift your cup to your lips again.
“thanks,” she laughs. “i mean, i eat a lot. but i work out a lot too.”
“oh, i’ve noticed. your body always looks so good,” you continue absentmindedly before you pull away from her to look her in the eyes, slightly embarrassed. “i—it’s not like i stare. i just mean i wish i had your athleticism, you know? i don’t really know how to work out, and i don’t have a whole lot of stamina.” that causes momo’s mouth to twitch into a subtle smirk and you flush. your tongue suddenly feels very dry, and you’re not exactly sure it’s cotton mouth.
“well, maybe i could help you with that,” momo quips before she steals a bit of your drink and starts to move to the music blaring from jihyo’s speaker, and it pushes you to dance as well. after a song or two, momo’s hands make their way around your waist and you let your arms wrap around her neck, your cup dangling over her shoulder. it registers in your mind that you like this—like momo pressed against your body, like big brown eyes twinkling as she grins at you, like momo’s laugh vibrating against your chest. you smile at her as you dance together, your friends jumping and singing along to the music around you as they toss ping pong balls at each other.
everyone else seems to be preoccupied, not paying any attention to you and momo. you hardly realize that momo’s been guiding you towards the bathroom until she pushes the door open, closes it behind you, shoves you against the wall. her eyes bore into yours, looking for your approval before she leans in to kiss you. you close the distance, bringing a hand up to cradle her jaw. it feels incredibly intimate as she runs a hand from your neck down your side, eventually resting it on your hip. you continue to kiss her softly, sighing into her mouth as she lets out quiet hums of approval. after a while, she licks into your mouth, nips at your bottom lip, and you gasp as things begin to progress quickly from there.
her teeth tug at the skin of your throat. you try to suppress a moan, but it rips out of your mouth before you can stop it, and momo laughs, kisses you again. “maybe,” she breathes against your lips, “we should get out of here.” you nod enthusiastically, connect your lips again, savor the taste of her peach chapstick. you follow her out of the bathroom. you go to the front door, grabbing your belongings while momo walks up to the rest of the girls, all still either dancing or playing beer pong, says to them, “i think y/n isn’t feeling great. maybe she drank too much? and i’m kind of tired anyway, so i’m gonna take her home. we’ll see you later.” she leans in to whisper something privately to sana, who squeals and shoves momo’s shoulder. then sana waves you both off, turning back to cheer jihyo on as she tosses a ping pong ball into a cup.
and then you’re out the door, stumbling as you walk the few short minutes to momo’s place, giggling as momo pulls you into her arms every few steps to kiss you exuberantly.
you’ve never actually been to momo’s apartment, you realize. it’s nice; it’s relatively simple, a comfortable lived-in vibe filling the space. in the back of your mind, behind the haze of tequila shots, jungle juice, cherry bombs, beer, and weed, you remember that this isn’t just momo’s apartment—this is also sana and nayeon’s new apartment, the three having just moved in together recently.
you follow momo to one of the rooms, presumably hers. as she punches the numbers into her keypad, you take a moment to check your phone. you have a text from chaeyoung.
text me when you get home please, it reads.
not sure when i’ll be home but i’m okay! i’m at momo’s, you respond before following momo through the door.
quietly, you take a moment to observe momo’s room. it’s cozy, photos adorning the walls along with a bunch of figurines momo must like. there are a few drawings hung on the walls, too, and if you lean in, you can see on each of them a signature that looks kind of like momo’s name.
before you can get a closer look, though, momo’s running her fingers down your arm, pressing feather-light kisses against the back of your neck and your shoulders. you turn and wrap your arms around her neck, pulling her into a proper kiss as she settles her hands along your waist. she kisses you with vigor, smiling as you respond just as fervently. she pushes you lightly, the backs of your knees hitting her mattress, making you fall backwards onto the bed. she makes quick work of your clothes, pulling your top and pants off as she kisses down your skin. momo takes her shirt off and you stare at her muscular arms and abs in reverence. your jaw drops when she pulls off her bra next; her boobs are actually perfect. it’s like she’s not even real. she smirks as she pulls her pants down her legs and kicks them to the floor, shaking you from your daze. then she crawls back on top of you, leaves another hickey on your chest, strokes your hair.
“if you wanna stop at any point, just tell me.” her voice is gentle but insistent, and you nod.
“same here,” you respond, and she sends you a little smile that’s entirely too cute for her own good.
she undoes the clasp of your bra, throws it somewhere to the side and momo descends immediately, full lips around your nipple, sucking hard and assertive, the other one rolled between two fingers. after you begin panting, she switches sides, makes sure to pay attention to both of your breasts as you let out lewd moans and sighs.
you lose yourself like that for a while as she pleasures your tits before eventually she removes her mouth from your chest, shifts up a little, grinds down on your thigh—you can feel the heat from between her legs, the soaked fabric of her panties pressing down onto your skin. you let out a whine.
“you sound so pretty for me, baby,” momo breathes into your collarbone. she sucks a dark hickey at the base of your throat. you moan again, the sound vibrating against momo’s lips. you let your hand drift down towards her clothed core, rubbing circles against the wet spot on her panties. she lets out a whimper, and you push her a little so she sits up. you easily pull her panties off, let them fall to the floor. you use your fingers to tease at her folds, coating them in her slick. you start to rub circles on her clit and she lets out a series of breathy, high-pitched whines. you keep going like that for a while, momo pulling you down to make out with her as you stimulate her clit. soon, momo’s body is shaking. “i need your fingers in me, y/n,” she chokes out. 
you hum. “ask me nicely.”
“please, y/n. please fuck me with your fingers.” you lick your lips and nod.
you start by easing one finger inside her, thrusting in and out until she’s whimpering softly. then, you add another finger, curling them both upwards as you sink them into her pussy, caressing her g-spot. momo groans, low and sensual, as you start to fuck into her with your fingers. with each thrust, your palm makes contact with her clit, and eventually her head starts to loll back, loud moans rising out of her mouth.
you think you could get addicted to this—her sounds, her heat, her pleasure. it’s enough to get you dripping.
“i’m gonna cum,” momo gasps out. “oh, fuck—i’m—”
you nearly cum when her orgasm takes over, grunts and whines falling from her lips as she shudders and gushes onto your fingers. you slow down, rub at her clit gently a few times before eventually pulling your fingers out. you shove them into momo’s mouth. “suck,” you command, and she does so immediately, tongue flicking around your digits. “good girl.” you take your fingers out and immediately pull her into a kiss, licking into her mouth and tasting her cum on her tongue, sweet and tangy and a little salty.
yeah, you could definitely get addicted to this.
for a while, you kiss her like that, her heavy breathing eventually evening out as she recovers from her climax. slowly, momo slides her hand downwards, stopping at the edge of your panties. she circles the hem of your underwear, presses a kiss into your neck again. your breath catches in your throat. you’re positively soaked. momo moves down, settles between your thighs. she kisses at the wetness on your panties, reaches up, pulls them down your legs, over your thighs, tosses them away from the bed. she kisses your clit and you whimper. you look down and oh—she makes eye contact with you, smirks, licks into your slit, collecting your slick on her warm tongue.
momo sucks at your clit just as unrelentingly as she had your nipple, and you’ve always been so sensitive. you’re moaning, breath ragged, body shaking as momo licks at your cunt.
you’re so drenched, momo easily slips two fingers in and starts pumping them in and out. the feeling of her fingers curling into your g-spot makes you gasp, and she keeps darting her tongue against your clit, licking against your labia, spreading your wetness around her mouth. you moan loudly and your hands fall to grip at her head, grasping into her hair.
you let out a strangled, “oh fuck, momo, oh my god—” as her fingers fuck into you, tongue licking broadly against your folds and flicking against your clit. her lips wrap around your bud and she sucks, the sensation sending you over the edge. “momo, i’m gonna cum, ’m gonna—fuck—”
your body goes slack as you cum powerfully, momo still lapping at your folds, sucking around your clit and thrusting her fingers into you. eventually, she pulls away, lets you lay there as you recover, brushes your hair out of your face. she gets up off the bed and says, “be right back.” then she’s rummaging through her drawers as you close your eyes, trying to catch your breath.
you notice her shadow looming over you when she returns. “so,” momo breathes out, tugging at your hair. you let out a whimper. “i have something else i’d like to try with you, if you’re up for it?” you open your eyes and look at her, see the harness and pink silicone dildo in her hands. instantly, you sit up and surge towards her, kissing her desperately. she pulls away with a laugh and says, “i’ll take that as a yes, then.”
before you know it, you’re face down on the bed, on your hands and knees, elbows resting on her pillow, back arched and legs spread. momo runs her hands down your back as you shiver, grips your left hip, uses her other hand to rub the tip of the shaft along your dripping slit. she teases you leisurely and you quickly begin to grow impatient. you whine pathetically, “more. i need all of you. please, momo.”
momo’s mouth quirks up in satisfaction. “you’re a greedy little whore, huh?” but she complies, places the head against your pussy, pushes the tip in, doesn’t wait for you to adjust and slides the length all the way into you in one movement. you grasp tightly at the sheets beneath you, letting out a low moan. momo slowly pulls out, looks smug at the slickness spread along the strap, pushes back inside you with a giggle. she pulls out again, repeats the action, thrusting harder and quicker each time, hands gripping your ass firmly. she’s found a good rhythm and she lets out a deep groan. you feel yourself clench at the sound, thighs quivering as pleasure surges throughout you.
she continues to fuck into you deeply until eventually your arms begin to give out; she slows momentarily, pulls out completely, grabs your hips and flips you over so you’re on your back, staring up at her. she lines up the dildo against your cunt again, buries the shaft in you, but she doesn’t move. instead, she smirks down at you as you begin to whimper desperately.
“what is it, baby? use your words.”
“momo,” you gasp out, “please move, please.”
she tilts her head. you’re squirming, trying to fuck yourself on her dick, but momo’s strong, holding you in place, preventing you from finding your own pleasure. “beg properly,” she drawls, “and maybe i’ll think about it.”
“will you please move, momo? i’ll do anything, baby, please, i need your cock so bad,” you cry. “please fuck me, please i’ll be such a good slut for you, momo, just please move, please.”
“how cute,” she coos before she starts fucking you at the same pace as before, hitting hard and deep inside you every time. you’re gasping and grunting each time she thrusts, her round eyes shining in amusement as she stares down at you. you eventually break eye contact when you glance at her body.
the sight of momo’s toned abs and round tits glistening with a thin layer of sweat nearly makes you lose your mind, and you claw desperately at her arms. she starts rubbing at your clit with one hand, the other holding you down securely by your waist. the combined stimulation sends you into overdrive, and your breath hitches, vision begins to blur, body shakes frantically with momo’s name falling from your lips repeatedly as your orgasm ripples through every part of you.
as you come down from your high, momo slips out of you, making you exhale sharply as you adjust to the loss. you feel completely wrecked, pussy raw and sore from the intensity of momo’s actions. she quickly leaves to bring you some towels and a glass of water. she returns with a soft expression; the two of you lay together as she gently, carefully wipes you down. you sip at your water gratefully, finishing the entire glass, but you can feel fatigue engulfing your body. she practically carries you to the bathroom, where she lends you a spare toothbrush and leaves you to use the toilet. when you’re finished, she really does pick you up this time, setting you gently on her bed, pulling the sheets up over your body. you barely manage to whisper out a “thank you” before you’re passed out, surrounded by momo’s scent and breathing peacefully. momo just smiles, tucks your hair behind your ear, presses a soft kiss against your forehead. as you fall into a deep slumber, she gets up, folds your clothes and puts them in a tote bag, finds your phone. noticing your almost-dead battery, she plugs it into a spare charger. then she crawls into bed next to you, turns off her light, and falls asleep to the soothing rise and fall of your chest next to her.
you roll over, eyes sticky with exhaustion and haziness. your body aches, and you reach a heavy hand out to find your phone. you feel around for a few moments before your phone is pushed gently into your hand. startled, you blink a few times and sit up.
momo lays next to you, body half-covered by the sheets, lips cut into a smirk. “good morning,” she husks quietly. “sleep well?” you stare at her for a moment. you’re aware that you’re both still naked, and you try not to think about her flawless chest and delicious abs.
“uh, good morning. yes. yeah. uh, i… i did. did you?” your brain feels all jumbled and looking at momo doesn’t seem to help.
“sure did,” she drawls with a grin, all teeth and rosy cheeks. “your phone’s being blowing up all morning, by the way.” you look down at the device and unlock the screen. your notifications are flooded with missed calls and texts from your friends—sana and chaeyoung’s names seem to take up the majority of them. noticing the time, your eyes widen comically.
“holy shit,” you breathe, head snapping up to look at momo. “uh… fuck. i am so sorry.”
her head tilts, adorably confused. “what for?” she shifts forward, reaching for your torso. she tugs at you a little until she’s snuggled against your body, burying her head into your side and wrapping an arm around your midsection.
“uh.” it seems to be your favorite word this morning. “for staying here so long? i didn’t mean to fall asleep here, i swear.” momo just laughs softly and closes her eyes.
“i don’t mind,” she sighs into your skin. your heart starts to beat a little faster.
“are you sure?”
she hums. “yeah. i even made breakfast, if you’re ready to eat. i wouldn’t have done that if i weren’t okay with you staying here.” her tone is teasing, but you can feel the sincerity in her voice. it makes you blush.
you squeak, “you made breakfast?”
“mm,” she responds. “just before you woke up. should still be warm. you still like waffles, yeah?”
“uh,” you repeat. you mentally kick yourself—where is your eloquence? “waffles are… good. hey, is sana here? and nayeon?”
her lips twitch. “would i have made breakfast naked if they were?” you turn bright red. “nayeon decided to head over to jeongyeon’s last night,” momo continues, “and dahyun took sana home with her and tzuyu. neither of them will be back until later.”
“oh, okay,” you exhale. “right. so, uh…” you don’t quite know how to say the words.
“hey, if you’re worried about this ruining our friendship,” momo starts, fiddling with her fingers, “we don’t have to make it anything more than just a hookup. we don’t even have to mention it again, if you’d like. i don’t mind. it’s your call.”
instantly, you flush, embarrassed that she’s read you so easily. “i’m sorry,” you say quickly. “it’s just—last night was incredible, beyond incredible, and you were so good, really, but i just don’t want this to make things weird between us. you’re one of my best friends and i like being with you, you know?” stop talking, you think. momo raises an eyebrow and you can’t help but continue, “not like that—or, well, maybe like that, if that’s something you want, because i definitely wouldn’t be opposed.” oh my god, stop! talking! your cheeks are hot and you look down at the floor.
momo lets out a laugh and reaches for your hand, prompting you to look back up at her. “y/n, it’s okay. i’m not, like, offended or anything. i totally get it. i’d never want to jeopardize our friendship, either. but it doesn’t have to make things weird. because i also like being with you, whether it ends like it did last night or not. no pressure. we don’t have to do anything you don’t want. we can just go with the flow.” she sends you a comforting smile. “how about we eat breakfast now? before it goes cold.”
“sure,” you agree, “but i might need help walking over there.”
momo’s proud smirk that follows replays in your mind even weeks later.
when you’d come home the day after jihyo’s kickback, chaeyoung had asked about your sleepover at momo’s, but she didn’t seem to think much of it. miraculously, none of the girls had noticed the array of hickeys that momo had left all over your body, or wondered why you’d spent the rest of the weekend entirely in bed, only moving to get ready.
before you’d left her apartment that day, you’d mustered up the courage to lean in to kiss her, and momo had closed the distance before saying goodbye sweetly. you’d given in and texted momo not even two hours later, and ever since then, you’ve been chatting back and forth with the older girl, messages flirtier than they’ve ever been, tension accumulating as the weeks go by. you see momo a lot when you hang out with your friends, and nobody seems to think anything of it when she intertwines her fingers with yours or pulls you into frequent hugs, hands gripping at your waist. you hang out with her alone, too, though it’s all been completely friendly so far, with only your texts to insinuate there might be something else between you. you won’t say it to her, but you really wouldn’t mind if she just kissed you sometimes, or edged you in the bathroom during lunch, maybe.
on one morning, between classes, you go for coffee with her and sana—invitation extended by momo followed by a mouthwatering mirror pic of her, post-workout, abs gleaning with sweat and thumb hooked into the front of her joggers, along with the message working on my stamina. needless to say, you’d nearly forgotten about the coffee entirely.
“you guys seem to have gotten really close recently,” sana remarks as momo goes to pick up your orders. the two of you sit at a table, observing the oldest girl as she thanks the barista and starts to carry the tray back over to you.
“well, we were close before,” you say, trying to not sound too affected. “but i guess we have been hanging out a lot more recently.” momo takes her seat then, passing out your drinks and pastries. sana just hums and fails to hide a smile behind her cold brew. you cough.
before you head to your next class, sana pulls you aside as momo’s tossing away your trash. “just so you know,” she whispers, “i think you should go for it. if you like her, i mean. you’re totally momo’s type.”
before you can respond, momo’s standing in front of you, doe eyes sparkling as she swings her bag over her shoulder. sana winks at you.
you bid them both goodbye and make your way to class. it’s kind of funny—the entire time, all you can think about is sana saying you’re totally momo’s type. you try to ignore how the thought sets your skin on fire.
you have statistics class with tzuyu, jihyo, and momo every tuesday and thursday at 10 a.m.
only now, you start to notice momo—she always sits at the end of the row next to tzuyu, while you sit in between tzuyu and jihyo. momo’s quietly immersed in her phone most of the time. she doesn’t really take notes, or even listen to your professor. in fact, whenever your eyes find her, she’s always staring into space or typing something on her phone. sometimes you catch her with her notebook open and pencil scrawling something across the pages, but you can see she’s just doodling. you wonder what her grade is. after all, you spend half your time in this class playing games and texting with tzuyu, and the both of you are barely clinging to a low B as it is. jihyo, on the other hand, is always focused—her hard-earned A is the reflection of her determination and work ethic.
you subtly begin to switch seats with tzuyu so you can sit next to momo. tzuyu doesn’t really seem to notice or care, but one day, after a couple weeks, jihyo asks you about it as you slide into a seat, five minutes early for class.
“why are you sitting there?”
“huh?” you say smartly, pulling out your notebook and pencil. jihyo does the same, but she gives you a look.
“tzuyu usually sits next to momo. what, you don’t like sitting next to me anymore?”
“oh! no, that’s not it. uh, i guess i just didn’t notice.” you hope it comes out as casual as possible. jihyo gives you another look, which you ignore, and pulls out her stuff, settling into her seat.
“momo! hey!” at jihyo’s words, you nearly break your neck looking up so quickly. jihyo tries to stifle a guffaw.
“hey jihyo,” momo glances towards you and her eyes sparkle more brightly. “hi, y/n.”
“hi momo,” you reply breathlessly. again, you pay no mind to the giant grin jihyo’s sending your way.
momo drops into the seat next to you, scoots a little closer to you, her leg brushing against yours. your breath falters slightly. jihyo suppresses a cackle; you ignore her resolutely. “are you guys ready for the test next week?”
“wait, there’s a test next week?” you squeak.
“hey, you should’ve been paying attention,” jihyo tsks. “i invited you the other day to come to my study session. at least tzuyu actually showed up.”
“well, we can still study until the test,” momo offers. she glances at you. “y/n, what do you think?”
“oh, uh,” you look at momo. “sure. i could use the extra help. i mean, tzuyu and i…” you peek over at jihyo sheepishly. “well, yeah. i could use the extra help.” momo lets out a laugh and you blush.
jihyo rolls her eyes. “oh, now you want to study together? hey, you missed your chance.”
you wince. “sorry about that again. it’s just… well, i just didn’t feel like studying.” momo can’t help but giggle again at that. secretly, you’re preening inside at the sound.
“you can study with me,” momo leans closer to you. you stare at her, brain faltering at her close proximity. “i might not be a genius like jihyo, but i’m good. good enough to have an A, at least.”
you’re about to respond when tzuyu hurls herself into the seat between you and jihyo. “hey guys! did i miss anything?”
“hey tzuyu,” momo looks at her. “no, not yet. we were just saying we should study together again before the unit test, maybe next week?” you all agree and begin to make plans, but quickly quiet down when you notice the professor walk in.
the entire lecture, all you can focus on is momo—momo’s leg, pressed against your own—momo’s fingers, tapping every so often along the desk—momo’s perfume, something sweet and citrusy and a little powdery—momo’s jawline, sharp and gorgeous—momo’s eyes, huge and twinkling—
you don’t even notice when class ends, only registering it when momo’s standing up to leave, waggling her fingers teasingly at you as she exits the hall. jihyo and tzuyu gesture for you to hurry up and gather your things. you look down at your notebook, page completely empty save for the words stop staring at me in momo’s cute handwriting scrawled next to a heart.
jihyo and tzuyu exchange a look as you stare at the paper. when you peer up at them, jihyo just laughs. tzuyu rolls her eyes but sends a soft expression towards you. you suddenly feel very dizzy.
you’d spent the week trying to study to prepare for your statistics test, but you didn’t seem to get very far. now, you’re standing in front of momo’s door, textbook in hand with your bag slung over your shoulder as you knock gently.
jihyo and tzuyu had chosen to study on their own, with jihyo ultimately deciding that you would be too distracting for tzuyu to focus if you were together. she’d offered to study with you separately, but you’d instead jumped at the chance to ask momo to study with you. jihyo hadn’t tried to convince you otherwise, just giving you a knowing wink, and momo was more than happy to say yes.
the door opens to reveal a barefaced momo, dressed comfortably in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, doe eyes blinking at you behind big round glasses, fluffy hair falling softly around her face. your heart bursts at the sight. she beams at you before pulling you into a hug, shutting the door behind you.
“hey, you,” she greets you fondly. “ready to study, buddy?” you roll your eyes but laugh anyway.
“i guess,” you respond. “but to be completely honest, i’m pretty lost on this whole unit. and not just because i usually spend half of lecture beating tzuyu at candy crush.” momo raises an eyebrow at that. “i mean, i’m not stupid or anything, but it kinda just doesn’t click for me. just to warn you.”
momo just shrugs, gives you a comforting smile. “that’s okay. i’m pretty patient.”
you follow her to her room and you settle on the floor, pulling out your materials. for a while, you’re determined and fully concentrated on your studies. momo’s not wrong: she’s extremely patient, and the way she explains things is direct and simple, and somehow, things start to fall into place, and you grasp the concepts from the unit fairly quickly.
but after a couple hours, your focus begins to waver, and you find yourself incredibly distracted by the slope of momo’s nose, the mole on her neck, the rosiness of her cheeks—
“you’re staring,” momo singsongs, breaking your train of thought. her mouth is configured in a lopsided grin. you blink. “again.”
“sorry,” you say, not feeling very sorry at all. “you’re just really… you know. pretty.”
“i’m pretty?” she smirks at you, leans into your personal space. you nod dumbly and she giggles. she tilts her head forward to capture your lips in a kiss, and you can’t help but sigh. despite her flirty behavior, it’s been almost two months since you’d last kissed, since you’d spent the night with her after jihyo’s party, and you missed it. you missed her.
the two of you collapse onto her bed and kiss lazily for a while; you relish in her gentle touches and natural beauty. she’s so pretty. she’s certainly handsome, too, you think. she’s honestly just the most gorgeous person you’ve ever seen in your entire life. her lips are soft and full, dragging lightly along your jawline before she nips at your throat. you whimper quietly as momo bites down on you again.
statistics long forgotten, you take your top off, toss it to momo’s floor.
momo’s plump lips are pressing hot, wet kisses against the column of your neck. you try to keep your composure, but a guttural moan makes its way out of your mouth and you instantly flush red. momo pulls at your pants, tugging them and your panties down your legs.
momo eats you out until you’re trembling, chest heaving and nothing but moans and broken speech falling from your lips. her lips and chin glisten with your slick, but she just gives you a quick kiss before leaning back down and attaching her mouth around your clit again. you fall apart once, twice, three times—your clit throbs intensely, painfully, too sensitive to keep going. but you don’t tell her to stop, so momo doesn’t stop, and you really like that she doesn’t stop. by the time you’re shuddering your way into a seventh orgasm, you’re limp and mumbling incoherently. momo finally lets up, licks into your mouth instead, your own cum coating your tongue as she kisses you wetly, desperately.
you go home that night feeling complete—and momo completes you again and again and again for hours when you show up at her place a week later, a giant A displayed at the top of your statistics test.
you’re pretty sure you’re addicted to momo.
you hang out with the older girl constantly. you go to movies together, study together, eat meals together. you don’t even go out to parties anymore, unless it’s held by one of your friends, choosing to go out with momo instead. you can’t remember the last time you saw yooyeon or jiwon. it hardly matters when you’re settled between momo’s thighs, lips wrapped around her clit, the sweetness of her cum dancing along every corner of your mouth.
eventually, you’re ending every other night in momo’s room. it doesn’t always involve sex—really, you just feel like being around momo. it’s nice. momo certainly isn’t complaining.
she starts to keep a toothbrush for you in her bathroom, and your clothes begin to mix in with her own closet.
chaeyoung doesn’t text you asking when you’re coming home anymore. instead, she asks if you’re coming over. whenever you swing by what’s technically your apartment with momo in tow, chaeyoung beams hugely at you, gives you a wink or a thumbs up. it’s only mildly embarrassing.
you’ve never had a friend quite like momo—she’s in a league of her own. she’s easily the best hookup you’ve ever had. you feel lucky just to be friends with her.
you think about momo’s taut abs, the way her skilled tongue curls inside you, her incredible stamina. you think about her contagious laugh, her alarmingly loud sneezes, her focused expression when she’s cooking something in the kitchen. you like all of these things about momo. you decide that, yeah, momo feels right. your head starts to spin when you think about what that means.
it dawns on you that this was what you’d been feeling every time you think about momo—want, pure desire, love. you’ve never craved anything or anyone like this before. you never felt want like this, love like this—it never felt right, not unless it was momo.
you’re at dinner with jeongyeon when you finally get the bright idea to actually tell momo you love her.
really, it’s more like jeongyeon hands you the idea on a silver platter.
“you seem happy,” jeongyeon says before biting into a dumpling.
you hum. “i am happy,” you say, not at all surprised to find your thoughts immediately drifting to momo. you begin to space out a bit as you think about all your recent memories with her; it’s not just the sex that’s good, but she makes you feel alive. when you’re with her, you forget about the rest of the world. it feels good to be around her. even just thinking about momo makes you feel at ease, content.
jeongyeon smiles at you, eyes softening. “so you and momo made it official then?”
that jolts you out of your reverie.
“momo—official—we aren’t—what?” you splutter incredulously. you stare at jeongyeon. she just blinks at you.
“you and momo,” she repeats, slower this time. “aren’t you guys, like, dating?” she says it so casually, in between bites of meat—you feel like the world has stopped spinning. “did she finally ask you to be her girlfriend?”
“momo and i are not dating,” you choke out nervously. “where in the world did you get that idea?”
jeongyeon stops chewing, swallows haltingly. “you’re kidding, right?” she sits up straighter, looks you in the eyes. “you guys aren’t subtle. like, at all. you know, we’re polite, not blind. those hickeys aren’t invisible, and you only got away with faking sick so many times before it tipped us off that something was up. plus, you’re always looking at each other with heart eyes. it’s kind of sickening, actually.”
you sit in silence as you absorb this. after a beat, you croak, “so, all of you… know about the sex?” she nods. “i see. well, honestly, i love her. but i’m worried that she’s not there yet.”
jeongyeon looks at you. “y/n, i’m pretty sure everyone knows that momo loves you. like, i’m not kidding, but she’s had a crush on you since you met. just ask sana. she’s been playing wingwoman for momo for months and it was like you were completely blind until the first time you and momo kissed. you know sana called me that night, drunk in dahyun’s bed, both of them shouting at me to start planning the wedding? mina helps momo pick out outfits for your dates. nayeon buys extra groceries because you practically live at their apartment now, and don’t think chaeyoung hasn’t noticed that. don’t even get me started on the updates jihyo and tzuyu send every week.” she decides to make it very clear to you. “momo talks nonstop about you, and the sex isn’t even a quarter of her rambling.” she rolls her eyes, but her lips stretch into a tender smile.
“oh. i guess i should probably do something about this, huh?” you rub your fingers at your neck as jeongyeon just rolls her eyes again.
“yeah,” she responds. “make it simple and just tell her ‘i love you.’”
you unlock momo’s room when you return from dinner and march up to momo, who’s laying on her bed, listening to music and staring at the ceiling absentmindedly. “i love you,” you say to her, feeling completely breathless. she sits up, looks extremely confused, but smiles blindingly at you. “i’m sorry i didn’t say it sooner.” you pause. “all of our friends seem to be under the impression that you love me back, so…” you trail off shyly.
“well, they’re not wrong,” she laughs out. “i do love you back.” you’re blushing, but momo just reaches towards you, pulls you onto her bed next to her. “no need to be sorry, by the way. i told you i was patient.”
that night, you see stars over and over and over as you and momo make love for hours until you’re both ready to pass out.
when your eyes finally shut, the last thing you register before you drift to sleep is momo whispering against your lips, “i love you.” and you think love might just be your new favorite word in the world.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
seungmin taking off his mask brainrot. allusion to sex but no smut. still mdni.
honestly i struggled with tagging this, because it's not smut but also not fluff either hshshs enemies to fwb??? anyways i hope this reaches its target audience,, enjoy <33 (lowercase intended)
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seungmin is an asshole.
you don't like him. he's always around, nagging you, throwing unnecessary comments your way about every little thing you do or say. if it were solely up to you, you wouldn't talk to him ever again. but he's jeongin's best friend, who also happens to be your best friend, so seeing him is inevitable.
he's there sipping on his iced americano, wispy bangs falling in front of his brown eyes, fixated on you. he's there sitting across of you in the campus garden, hitting your leg repeatedly with his foot. he's there at jeongin's dorm, who also happens to be his roommate, strolling around shirtless with no care in the world.
he's infuriating, everything about him makes you mad. from the way he smiles proudly when he sees that he's getting on your nerves, to the way he leans his face onto yours, faking interest in whatever you are saying.
seungmin is an asshole, and to your surprise, he's here to pick you up.
you know it's him, from the red converse he is wearing, and his familiar black leather jacket. you can also tell from the hands gripping the handles of the motorcycle. they aren't clad with rings, so it can't be jeongin. the friend who was actually supposed to pick you up.
you half debate staying home, cursing jeongin in your brain for forcing you to spend more time with seungmin. but you really wanted to go to that party chan is hosting. you needed the free alcohol, badly.
so you huff, as seungmin takes his sweet time parking, mentally preparing to curse him too. but the words die in your throat as soon as he removes his helmet.
he has caramel colored hair now.
he slides off the motorcycle, running an easy hand through his hair. it looks soft, and you wonder what it smells like. citrus, maybe, or pinewood. he then leans onto his engine, smirking at you slightly. you roll your eyes, taking one step forward towards him.
"i think you're obsessed with me."
"yeah? why is that?" he smiles, tilting his head to the side, his arms now crossed in front of his chest.
"you just had to pick me up right. couldn't stand being away from me that badly?"
"correct." he doesn't deny and you huff, grabbing the second helmet and putting it on.
"let's make this as short as possible."
"my pleasure," he bows slightly and you bite your lip, trying to suppress the tiniest smile from coming out. you really liked his hair, it made his honeyed eyes stand out more.
he gets on first, and you follow suit. you were used to riding with jeongin but this is your first time doing it with seungmin. you hesitate for a couple of seconds, before wrapping your arms loosely around his waist.
"hold tight," he tells you, adding a soft "please" after a few silent beats. you oblige, and then he takes off with no further warning.
the drive is short, and you can't seem to focus on anything but the warmth emanating from seungmin's body. you are hyper aware of your thighs pressing against his, and his broad back snug against your chest. it feels intimate, for some odd reason, and you almost close your eyes to fully savor it. almost.
when you arrive, you're quick to hop off, handing your helmet to seungmin. he takes it from you silently, before removing his own too.
strands of his hair stay upwards and you debate internally for a second, before reaching to smooth them down.
you were right, his hair is incredibly soft to the touch.
"you look pretty," he says. and he sounds sincere- different from how he usually speaks to you.
"thank you," you reply quietly, " i like your new hair."
"really? I'm not sure if it suits me," he admits, running a hand through it self-consciously. it felt weird, to see him anything but confident and boastful.
"it does. what shampoo do you use?"
"i don't know. something citrusy, i think."
your naked chest is pressed to seungmin's, limbs so tangled you can no longer tell where your body ends and his begins.
you didn't exactly plan on ending up here tonight, you weren't even sure how this happened. you just couldn't take your eyes off seungmin's hair, and then his eyes landed on your lips and suddenly he was leading you to the nearest bedroom.
but you don't mind, not when seungmin looks this way. the light is dim and dark shadows reflect on his face. there is a sheen layer of perspiration on his upperbrow, and you imagine you must look the same. sweaty and slightly dazed, a pink hue adorning your cheeks.
seungmin traces your lips with his thumb, going over your cupid bow ever so slowly. it makes shivers run down your spine, and you huddle closer to him. as close as you physically could anyways, since you were practically glued to him.
"had i known this would happen i would've died my hair sooner," he smirks cheekily and that brings you to his hair again. you run your hand through its soft locks gently. a stark contrast to how hard you were tugging them moments ago.
"mm, it's all because of this caramel color," you smile back, its citrusy scent wafting to your nose. "i really like your shampoo."
"are you turned on by scents?" he jokes and you swat his arm, leaning a bit away from him.
"it just smells nice. sue me."
"it's okay, you smell nice too," he chuckles, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. you appreciate it. it makes you feel less weird about how affected you are by him.
"i... i told jeongin that i wanted to pick you up," he mumbles onto your skin and you feel yourself tense slightly. "why?"
"wanted to see you first," he says quietly, pressing a soft kiss to your collarbone. it makes you dizzy. you don't find him infuriating any more.
"let's talk about this later," you finally reply, pulling him away from you.
"mm. what do you want to do now?" he smiles, grazing your naked arm with the back of his hand.
you straddle his lap, swiping his bangs away from his forehead. that damned hair of his.
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sanguineterrain · 2 months
hi sanne!!! my mind has been rotting with assistant!reader x dick, and i literally can’t get it out 😭. i'm in love with your writing and reblog everything! thank you so much, have a great day!!
cute idea! I gave it a little twist ;) hope u enjoy!
dick grayson x gn!assistant!reader. flirting, secret identities, sparring.
Bruce Wayne is evasive on a good day and downright invisible on a bad one.
So when you see him down the hallway from his office, attempting to escape without being caught, you nearly trip on your feet trying to catch him.
"Mr. Wayne!"
His shoulders rise with tension. You pity the guy, you really do. Being a gazillionaire is tough.
"Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne, Sharon has been hounding me about the charity dinner. Please, if you could just go to this one dinner... you haven't been to an event all month."
And you're getting the brunt of it from all of WE's clients.
Bruce turns, his smile looking more like a grimace. "Hn. Hello. A dinner? I was sure I had a shareholder meeting that day—"
"All month? B, what happened to the two event minimum? That's your rule."
The new voice comes from behind you. Dick Grayson walks down the hallway, wearing jeans that probably cost as much as your monthly rent.
"Mr. Grayson," you say, nodding primly. "How are you?"
You shift the files in your hands as they start to slip. Dick is quick to catch them, balancing the stack.
"We've been through this," he says with a smile. "You know you can call me Dick."
Yes, you've been through this. Every time Dick shows up to Wayne Enterprises, he tells you to call him by his first name. And every time after that, you call him Mr. Grayson.
"Right..." you say, taking back the files. You turn to Bruce. "Mr. Wayne, if you would just consider the dinner..."
Dick gives Bruce a severe look. "B, this is ridiculous. You're such a stickler for rules and yet—"
"Oh, look at the time." Bruce scoots past you and Dick. "I've got that meeting with Lucius. Where does the day go? Please tell Sharon I'll get back to her."
You can't understand how a guy whose biggest exertion is made by playing tennis at the country club can slip through your fingers so fast. He's around the corner before you can blink. You sigh.
"Don't worry," Dick says. "I'll get him to go. And I'll get one of my siblings to tag along to make sure he doesn't duck out early."
You smile briefly. "I'd appreciate that, Mr. Grayson."
"Dick. So!" He trails behind you as you make your way back to your office. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"
"O-kay..." Dick jogs ahead to hold the door open for you. You push through, trying not to frown. "What about tomorrow night?"
You toss your scarf on the hook. It ends up on the floor. You ignore it.
"Still working."
"How 'bout I ask B to give you the day off then?"
Now it's your turn to give a severe look. "If you're implying that I'd be obligated to go out with you in return for a day off, you've completely misjudged my character, Mr. Grayson."
"Whoa, okay." He holds up his hands. "You're right, that didn't come out right. How about I get him to give you a day off, no strings attached?"
You dump your files and sit at your desk. "That's at your discretion."
"Hey." Dick leans on your desk, puppy eyes at full power. "Maybe we've gotten off on the wrong foot. Did I do something that put you off? I'd like you to tell me if I have. I hope the fact that I'm Bruce's son isn't stopping you from being honest."
You put down your pen and look at him. "Look. You seem like a nice guy, and you're handsome with a rich dad to boot. But I'm just not available, okay? You're looking for someone to go to Tahiti with. I respect that. But I'm not that person. I'm just not interested in that."
"You think I'm handsome?"
You sigh and open your laptop.
"Right! Sorry. Not the point." Dick sinks into a crouch next to you. He pulls the oddest poses sometimes, like he's made of rubber bands. "Okay. You're not looking for a trip to Tahiti. Got it. I don't take many vacations anyway. So how about having a friend?"
"And why would you want to be my friend? I'm just some assistant."
"Well, I..." Dick scratches his neck. "I like you. Is that so hard to believe?"
Very. But okay. You can throw him a bone.
"I guess not," you say.
Dick frowns. "You don't believe me."
How does he do that?
"Can I please get back to work?" you ask, only a little worried about being rude. "I'm sorry, I'm just very busy."
His face falls briefly before he stands and nods.
"Of course. No problem. I'll see you around? And I'll get B to go to that dinner."
"Thank you."
You don't notice his lingering looks, or the fact that he picks up your scarf and places it on the hook on his way out.
The safe clicks. You smirk. Easy peasy. The hotshots always use their own birthdays for combinations. Predictable. You bet Bruce Wayne does the same.
It's a blessing that you were able to duck out early today. Bruce gave you the rest of the afternoon off. You suspect that was due to some outside meddling.
You take out the files from D.A. Colson's safe. You always say that if crooked district attorneys don't want their documents stolen, they shouldn't put them where anybody can find them.
...Maybe you were too harsh with Dick. He's sweet, no doubt. It was nice of him to get you off early. But you kind of feel like he'd take issue with the fact that you spend your weeknights breaking and entering.
"You know, cracking safes is already Catwoman's shtick," a voice says behind you. "You might wanna find a new gimmick."
A thrill shoots through you. You toss your head as you turn, leaning against the open safe.
"Catwoman steals diamonds." You hold up the documents. "I just steal files."
"Files from the district attorney," Nightwing says, crossing his arms.
"The dirty district attorney," you correct.
"I'm supposed to let you off on a technicality?" He sounds amused.
Your shrug one shoulder, a little coy. "You could. I hear you're the nice one."
He laughs. Nightwing has a pretty smile. It's the first thing you'd noticed about him.
"Oh, yeah? Anything else you've heard?"
"Plenty. But I'm in a bit of a hurry tonight, Wing. As much as I enjoy our little chats..."
You dart to the window. Nightwing easily blocks your exit.
You're not quite sure what overtakes you when you run into Nightwing. Ignoring the fact that he manages to be the one to chase you almost every time (and what a chase it is), there's a tension between you. Or maybe it's just one-sided on your part. It certainly doesn't help that he's got a nice smile and bouncy hair.
"You know I can't let you go," he says, hands on his hips. "Put it down."
And he's extremely good at what he does.
"Make me," you say.
He never uses his escrima sticks, which you know is a courtesy to you. But that doesn't mean you can't hold your own.
"Alright," Nightwing says, smirking slightly.
He takes three steps, blocks your immediate kick, and takes the documents.
Something swoops in your belly. You kind of get why Catwoman exclusively fights Batman. Once you go bat, you never go back.
"Got them," he says cheerily. "Now what?"
You throw a glass bird tchotchke at him from Colson's desk. He catches it with his free hand, but it's enough of a distraction for you to slide into his legs. Nightwing stumbles less than you would like, but you push him down against the desk.
He grunts as he hits the wood, then rolls you over in the next breath, hands catching your wrists.
"Stealing... makes you no better... than Colson," he says, hair falling over his mask. All of him is pretty, really. It's too bad he's so firmly on the blind side of justice.
"If these documents are released, Colson will win his case and bury his own crimes in the process. Is that what you want? Another crook in court?" you ask.
Nightwing frowns. "You know that's not fair. We can't toss a case for the sake of putting Colson behind bars. And if we pick and choose whose lives to play with, what gives us the right to carry out justice?"
"I dunno, Wing," you say, a little breathless. Nightwing's hips are politely shifted off of yours, chest to yours. "Seeing you go rogue would be kind of exciting."
You can tell he's glaring at you. "Not in your dreams."
"Been in my dreams, have you?"
You gain enough leverage to push Nightwing off of you. He's back on you immediately, trapping you against the wall.
"How is doing something like this not crooked?" he asks.
You scoff. "It's for charity. I'm donating residents to the county jail."
You twist in Nightwing's hold and land a kick. In the three seconds he's distracted, you grab the documents. No sooner do you do that does Nightwing tackle you. The documents slip out of your hand.
"I can do this all night," he says, knee wedged between your legs. "Might as well yield."
"Yield? You're not even playing at your full strength, hotshot."
He smiles. "No, I'm playing nice."
You roll your eyes. "Well, play fair."
And then you jump out of the window.
Your tuck and roll isn't the worst but it's not the best. Especially when Nightwing neatly lands a few feet away without a wince.
"Showoff," you say.
"Give me the documents," he says. "I want to put Colson away, too. But this isn't how to do it. He's still a civilian, and his client's life matters."
You get up and wobble on a loose brick on the edge. Stupid historical buildings.
You're desperate. If he keeps this up, you're bound to land yourself a night in the police station and lose the documents.
So you dust yourself off. And you stop. Right at the edge of the roof.
"Okay," you say.
Nightwing takes a careful step forward. "Okay?"
You toss the documents to him. He catches them in surprise.
"You're surrendering?" he asks.
You shrug. "Like you said: you can do this all night. And I guess there are better ways to catch Colson. More permanent ways."
He tilts his head. "You're not gonna kill him, are you?"
"No! Jesus, man. Ye of little faith."
"I'm just trying to understand why you surrendered."
You sigh. "Because you always win anyway. You're a better fighter than me. And I'm cornered. I just feel like cutting my losses early. You're a lot more convincing than Batman."
"Is that so?"
"Oh, yeah. I much prefer you chasing me."
"Uh-huh." He nods towards the building. "Come on, then."
"Okay, sure."
You take a step. And you fall.
The brick is loose under your foot. It doesn't take much for you to keep going.
Panic surges through you, but that only solidifies your acting.
"Wing!" you cry, toppling over the edge.
Nightwing lunges and grabs you by your waist, then uses momentum to haul you both to safety. His cheek against yours for a moment, body pressed to yours. It really is a damn shame he's such a Boy Scout.
You knock him in the stomach and snatch the documents, then separate from his grip. You watch his face contort in realization as you land and bolt.
"That wasn't playing nice or fair!" he yells, landing on the opposite side.
You're already gone, laughter echoing.
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lilywastaken · 1 year
⇝ resolution .
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!AFAB!Reader.
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SUMMARY: A letter in the mail changes everything.
WARNINGS: Mentions of canon typical violence, gore, blood, death; angst, fighting, slight NSFW, a really big rollercoaster of emotions, I'm sorry.
A/N: AFTER ALMOST THREE WEEKS!! I AM SO SORRY IT'S HERE IT'S HERE SOUND THE BELLS!!! Please don't froget to reblog and comment if you enjoyed, it helps so fucking much!!
If you want to be tagged in future works, please follow and activate notifications on this account - @lilynottaken !
Also on Ao3!
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“You know you can just go to bed, right?”
“Mmm...” You yawned, leaning your head on the cool porcelain of the bathtub’s edge as you watched Tommy try to grab at one of the toys you’d placed in the water for him, leaning over to push it towards him. “...’m fine.”
“You haven’t slept properly for a few days.” Simon tried again, arms crossed over his chest as he tried his best to not just grab you and shove you into bed and finish Tommy’s bath on his own. 
“Noted…” You said, voice groggy and throat sore but still with enough energy to snap at him. “Just go…”
Go where? He wanted to snap back, but kept himself quiet, looking away from your body slumped on the floor to your bed, letting out a frustrated sigh. 
It’d been a few days since he’d come back from the mission that had ended with him and the task force in your home, and despite the warm farewell you’d both shared, when he came back, you’d seemed to have grown colder towards him for no apparent reason, and God, did he hate how much it reminded him of the first few months of whatever this was, insisting to do everything by yourself and leaving no room for discussion, taking up almost all of Tommy’s time with yourself. 
Which was fine, you were his mother, after all, but it just felt a bit like… You were pushing him away, keeping him from your son all over again.
He didn’t like it. 
“I got some curry, go eat and let me finish him up.” He took a few steps towards you, leaning down and placing a hand on your back, immediately being taken aback as you jumped away from his touch, arm placed protectively over yourself as if he’d just tried to attack you.
“No!” You all but screamed, staring up at him in shock before seemingly realising what you’d just done. “No. I- I said it’s fine, Simon. Go eat, I’ll finish.”
He furrowed his eyebrows beneath the mask, clenching his fists at his sides as he watched you turn around again to call out softly at Tommy, who turned his head to you with a bright smile, unaware of the tension filling up the room between his parents. 
“Fine.” He said gruffly, not missing the way your shoulders tensed at the sound of his voice. 
He really didn’t fucking understand what had happened between you two, what could’ve occurred in the span of the few days he’d been gone to change the way you acted towards him completely…
It was worrying, the whole scenario that was playing out making him sick to his stomach as he took out the food he’d bought, making you a plate before his and pouring you a drink, simply staring at his own food while listening to you whisper to Tommy through the walls, suddenly having lost all his appetite. 
You hadn’t even gotten to talk like he’d promised when he came back, you’d dismissed any and every attempt to start a conversation, keeping it to short words and sentences, seemingly not wanting anything to do with him apart from the things you were basically obligated to talk to him about. 
And god, did he fucking hate it. 
“Let me feed him.” He spoke as you walked out of your bedroom with Tommy in your arms, his hair damp and curly from the water, chubby hands clinging onto one of his toys. 
“I can-”
“I’m going to feed him.” Simon snapped, walking over to you and reaching for his son, his towering figure and the fire in his eyes immediately shutting you up as you didn’t put on more of a fight, letting him take the small boy. “And you’re going to eat and then go to bed.”
“I’m not tired.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Tommy was placed in his chair, a plate of rice in front of him. “You need rest.”
“Maybe I don’t want to rest.” You retorted, voice almost gone, crossing your arms over your chest and turning your head away from him, yet still keeping a watchful eye on him and Tommy, once again insinuating further that you didn’t trust him anymore anywhere near your son. 
Keep it calm. Not around Tommy.
You saw it by the way he clenched his hand around the fork in his hand, he was trying his best to not snap with your son present, not wanting to subject the small boy to that kind of spectacle. 
And yes, you didn’t either, but you couldn’t just act like everything was normal around him, you knew how you were acting now was just a trauma response to what had happened in the time he’d been gone, that it would all hopefully be better if you told him about it, but the mere thought of the files you’d received in the mail that were currently sitting in one of the cupboards’ drawers made you feel nauseated. 
You just… couldn’t see him the same. 
Yeah, you were once a kid with unlimited access to the internet, yes you accidentally saw some gore shit online, you’d heard some disgusting things thanks to your grandfather that had served in the military, you’d seen all the mess and blood after you’d given birth, you weren’t fully desensitised to gore or blood, but you’d seen it across the years. 
But those pictures, fuck. It wasn’t any surprise that you’d immediately thrown up after opening them, having expected maybe some letters about rent or something, not- whatever that was. 
What you’d been able to discern after flipping through them a few times was that they were not the original military’s file but copies, which by the way the ink was smudged on a few of them and the lettering was off, seemed to have been made under a lot of pressure and on a time limit. 
You didn’t understand at first, why they had been sent to you, too in shock and terrified of the images amongst them to even connect it to Simon until you saw his callsign. And as you started to read through them more carefully, you realised that it was everywhere. 
And fuck, you’d never been more terrified in your life. 
Of course, you were aware of what a man in his position did, but you’d never explicitly asked him about it, never wanted to actually be exposed to whatever things he and the task force did to protect your country. 
But seeing it written down, all the specifics along with the pictures, it was traumatising. 
You hadn’t even realised how much time you’d spent staring at them until Tommy alerted you with a cry, snapping you out of it and forcing you to put the files down (although putting them down anywhere in your house made you feel sick), body shaking and bile rising into your throat once again. 
Obviously, there was no name on the envelope and of course, no return address, so the person who sent the files to you remained a mystery, but it didn’t take a genius to deduce that it was someone who’d been close to everything that had been depicted in them, someone who’d figured out who you were and what relationship you had to the SAS Lieutenant, and either wanted to send some type of message that you were to shook up to decipher or to simply toy with your emotions, all you knew was that somehow, they’d figured out Ghost’s oh-so secretive double life out. 
How, you had no idea. But you did know what that meant. 
You and Tommy were in danger. 
And you didn't know how you were supposed to react. 
Seriously, how?
Everything was too much at once, the files, the pictures, the fear, Tommy, Ghost, you- 
And then he came back. 
Acting like he’d never done anything of what you’d seen, holding your face in those warm hands and being so sweet towards you and your son, conflicting you even more. 
You didn't feel safe anymore, not just around Simon, but in general. And seeing him lean down to pick up Tommy with those hands, those hands that had caused what you’d seen, you just jumped into action, scooping Tommy up before he could reach him and insisting he would need to have a shower before touching him. 
You just couldn’t fathom how a man like that could treat you both with such kindness, how his hands could go from doing that to someone and then holding you softly at night, it was confusing and sickening and all you wanted to do was get rid of everything, go back to before where you had no idea of what happened while he was gone and you could indulge yourself in his touch without that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
How were you supposed to bring up a topic like that to him? How were you supposed to look him in the eyes after that information, hand him the files and receive confirmation that they were in fact real and true? And what would you do? Force him to explain himself like a wife confronting her husband over an affair? This wasn’t anything like that, this was his job, something he’d been doing for ages and needed no explanation, especially to you. What, would you force him to apologise to all the people he’d hurt? 
Of course not. 
But still, you couldn’t just act normal. 
Even if you felt slightly bad. 
Even if he looked at you like that, the way he’d done at the beginning of your relationship.
You… Couldn’t…
You didn’t even process the tears running down your cheeks until he shot up from his spot and his warm hands came into contact with your cheeks, pulling your head up to look at you properly, making you stumble as the exhaustion and overwhelm finally caught up to you. 
He called your name with such confusion and care, despite how mean you’d treated him these past few days, your hands coming up to grab at his arms for stability as he asked you what was wrong, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. 
“Hey, listen t’me, come-”
“I can’t- I’m sorry, I can’t-” You sobbed out, your breathing erratic as you tried your best to stop yourself from crying, but once the dam had been broken, there was no way of fixing it. “Simon-”
“Come ‘ere.” He let go of your face, arms falling to your body and wrapping around you, pulling you into a hug and letting you grab at his shirt, despite that repulsive feeling stirring deep within your chest once again at his touch. “Fuck, lovie…”
“Don’t…” You murmured into his shirt as soon as the pet name had slipped out of his lips, squeezing your eyes closed. 
“Don't” You repeated, pushing yourself away from him and taking a few unsure steps back. “I- I can’t I-” You shook your hands as if there were muck on them, confused and anxious as you tried to breathe, spiralling further and further into a panic attack. 
You weren’t really there for what happened next, Simon could tell as he held you almost limp in his arms, trying his best to calm you down from whatever was happening. Panic attacks for the both of you weren’t unnormal, he knew that, you’d both been subject to anxiety for a long time, so this wasn’t completely new, but you fainting from the exhaustion and him having to bring you to bed was. 
And because you were asleep, he had no way of figuring out what had happened, what the cause of this whole mess was and how he could help you through it. 
He’d placed Tommy in the crib you'd brought into your room a few days ago, letting you both take a well-deserved nap while he cleaned up the abandoned food outside. And well, after that, he picked a beer out of the fridge, convinced that he was deserving of one too after everything. But of course, the bottle opener was nowhere to be found, so he was forced to look through all the different drawers in the kitchen and living room until he found it. 
But… He didn’t. Instead, he was greeted with a file envelope messily shoved into one of the cupboards beneath a few pictures of Tommy you’d put up, blank and very much looking like some of the files that they kept back at base. 
He pulled it out, looking down at the drawer that was filled with little trinkets, stones and incense, definitely not the drawer where you’d stick something like this. 
Maybe he should have put it back, but he finally decided against it, pulling the contents out and spilling them across the wooden top of the small cupboard, fear immediately being stricken within him as he laid eyes upon the papers. 
What the actual fuck. 
This wasn’t the first time he’d seen them, some of these he’d written him fucking self, all the reports for recent missions where he’d been the one to finish off most of the enemy’s team. 
He recognised each and every picture that came along with the textual description, remembered the face and the voice of the person who had been unfortunate enough to meet him during a mission. 
He knew them, he’d had them in his hands at one point, that didn’t fucking explain why you had them. 
A thousand scenarios rushed through his brain as he stared down at them, hands gripping at the edges of the wooden piece of furniture in order to keep himself from breaking his hands from the force he was clenching his fists with, a shaky sigh leaving his lips as his mind went down the deepest rabbit holes to explain why you had this. 
Had you been using him to get inf-
Was this all a game to y-
No, you weren’t… You weren’t a fucking enemy. You weren’t his enemy. You weren’t that type of person. You wouldn’t just fucking babytrap him to get information. 
No one was sick enough for that. 
“Fuck!” He roared, slamming his hands down onto the wood and staring deep into the picture of the soulless eyes of one of his victims, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. 
No. He wasn’t going to think of you like that. You loved Tommy too much for it all to be an act. He loved y-
Simon raised his hands up to his face to press them into his eyes until he saw flashing lights, trying to calm himself down. 
He turned around as soon as he heard the squeak of the floorboards, furious eyes landing on your dishevelled figure as you clung to the doorframe, staring at him like a deer caught in headlight as you saw what he’d been looking at. 
“Why do you have this?” A shiver ran throughout your body at the sound of his voice, calm and calculated, like he hadn’t just woken you up with a shout loud enough to shake the building. 
“Answer.” Ghost replied, eyes focused solely on you as you looked down at your feet, a pressure building in your chest as you tried to speak. 
“They were sent to me.” You finally choked out, flinching back as Simon made a move to pick them up, unknowing of the connotations that answer could have.
“Do you really think I’d go out of my way to find those? Do you think I wanted to see you like that- like Ghost?” You started, voice wavering. “Fuck, Simon, those- I couldn’t even look at them a second time, I feel sick just fucking thinking of them!”
“Then why didn’t you tell me!?” He shouted, turning around in a flash and taking a few jarring steps towards you, files all bunched up in his shaking hands. “Why didn’t you think to mention that you were being sent shit like this!?”
“Because I was fucking scared, Simon! I was fucking terrified that this meant that they know who I was, who Tommy is, who he’s related to! That they know about us and therefore can use us as leverage against you! Unlike you, I’m not that fucking desensitised to pain, to whatever you do, to the fear of getting hurt so that they can get to you! I’m not part of the fucking military, I’m just a fucking civillian who is clearly very much in danger thanks to a fucking mistake she made with you!” You screamed, tears streaming down your cheeks and blurring your vision as you shoved a finger into his chest. “So I’m sorry, okay!’ I’m fucking sorry that I was too afraid to bring this up! To bring up the fact I can’t see you the same, that I’m scared Tommy’s going to be hurt and I won’t be able to do anything about it, I’m fucking sorry!”
You let out another sob as you finished, your voice sore and throat dry from letting all of that out. 
“‘M not like you, Simon.”
Everything came crashing down onto him, guilt the only thing weighing Simon down.
“I’m… scared.”
“Of me?” He finally breathed out, raising his free hand to cup your cheek, relief flooding his body as you didn’t move away but immediately being crushed as he saw the fearful look on your face. 
“...I don’t know…”
A beat.
“...Should I be?”
“...I’d never hurt you. I told you once, and I’ll tell you again. You and Tommy are my family, and I’m going to protect you both no matter what. I won't let anyone ever lay a hand on you. You need to know that. The man I’m out there isn’t the same as the one I’m here. But neither of us would hesitate to rip apart whatever bastard is making you feel like this.”
He let the files fall, cupping your face with both hands, shaking you slightly so you got the message to look up at him. 
“I know I can’t undo this, what you’ve seen, what I’ve done, but I want to be here for you. You know I’ll always be here for you.” He said, voice barely above a whisper. 
“I know.” You said, voice breaking. You couldn’t fully express what you were feeling right then, you… you didn’t hate him, it would be impossible to truly hate Simon, after everything he’d done for you; you just needed time and space. His view of you might’ve not changed in the whole time he’d been with you but yours definitely had, and that was normal, considering everything he did. You just couldn’t act like everything was normal after what you’d seen.
“...go back to bed. We’ll talk this out once you’re rested.” He let you go, watching you walk back into your room with a guilty look on your face before turning to his now still beer, the appetite he’d had for one having vanished. 
“...Simon?” You whispered before closing the door, hand clinging onto the wood. 
“Yeah?” He replied, a bit gruffly. 
“...Tommy’s going to be okay, right?”
“Yeah.” He repeated, giving you a reassuring look, one he hoped you caught despite the mask. “‘Course he is.”
He watched you hesitate at the door for a split second, almost like you were deciding whether or not to say anything to further the conversation, but seemingly decided against it, closing the door after a quick nod and leaving him in silence. 
Something he used to enjoy before, when he was alone at home or at base with only himself for company, letting him unwind and think about whatever he wanted to. Now, it was overwhelming. 
It felt like every single thought rushing through his brain was out to catch him or hurt him, showing him the most horrific scenarios and ideas of what could happen thanks to whatever fucker had decided to play some sick joke on you. 
Was it even a joke? It could be hundreds of things, a joke, a message, a threat… 
Or just a form of psychological warfare, a way of messing with you and no doubt hoping to distance you from him, to leave him weak and defenceless like the enemy anticipated. That was the more credible reason, even if the mere thought of someone sending you shit like this in hopes of breaking you drove him insane to the point of wanting to catch and dispose of that abstard with his own two hands, ironic considering that those acts of anger and violence had been the whole reason for your dispute. 
It pissed him off to no end. 
But, even though a lot of people would’ve acted on the current emotions rushing through him if they were in his place, Simon knew that focusing solely on finding the bastard wasn’t the most important subject at hand. As much as he wanted this threat on your happiness and safety disposed of, he couldn’t just fuck off and leave you here to deal with the damage and Tommy all on your own. 
He’d repeated it to himself countless times before going on a mission, he was a protector, he was your protector, even if in the future you decided you hated his guts or something happened between you two, you’d always be safe and secure with him, no matter what. 
And so, he swallowed that horrible need for retaliation and picked up his phone, dialling in his captain’s number.
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“What’d you do with them?”
“Burnt them.” Simon grunted, wiping away the mess Tommy had made around his mouth. “Best way of disposing shit like that.”
You hummed, clearly out of it, staring at the news playing out on the tv. 
“I told Laswell about it. ‘Said she’d do her best to find out who was the one who made the copies.” 
“Right…” You drummed your fingers against your mug with feigned disinterest, truly not knowing what to say back. 
“And, until whoever it is is caught, I’m not going anywhere.”
That caught your attention. You turned to him with an inquisitive look, confused. “What?”
“Asked her to stop givin’ me missions until they’re sure you’re not in danger.” He clarified, picking Tommy up from his high chair and straddling him to his side. “So I’m here in case anything happens.”
Tommy was carefully handed to you, Simon’s body plopping down onto the sofa next to you a few seats away, his feet coming up to rest on the coffee table as he picked up his own tea. 
“‘That okay? Figured you’d feel better if it was me and not some random guy sent by the SAS. Though Gaz was pretty up for it when asked…” He mumbled the last part, showing you did indeed have an option if you truly didn’t feel safe with him around anymore (his heart stung a bit at the thought of it, but it was what it was), but you soon shut it down with a simple shrug, pulling Tommy closer to you so he could rest his head on your chest, rubbing his back with your free hand. 
“It’s… okay. I’m just going to need some time.”
You were a bit ashamed of how you’d reacted last night when he’d confronted you about the files, but you still stood by everything you said, even if you’d said it a bit too harshly, it didn’t matter. You weren’t like him, after all, you were still afraid of things happening to you and of course, your son, and just needed some time to process what you hadn’t in all the months of knowing Simon: that whether you liked it or not, you would always be tied back to him, even if the mere thought of being hurt just because of who you’d randomly decided to go back home with one night.
“You said something last night.” He began, outstretching a hand towards you both so Tommy could grab at one of his fingers. 
“I said a lot of things last night.” You tried to humour, but stayed quiet as the expression in his eyes didn’t change. 
“You said that you were in danger because of a mistake you made.”
You flinched at the words, biting down on your lower lip as you recalled back to the outburst you’d subjected Simon to last night, that particular part having slipped out in the heat of the moment.
“...did you really mean that?”
“Fuck! Of course not!” You whisper-shouted, not wanting to disturb Tommy any more than you both already had in the last few days, shaking your head to further your point. “No- Fuck, tat- that was so disgusting of me to say. It might’ve been a mistake back then when it first happened-” You saw his shoulders slump slightly, so you moved to grab at the arm he’d put out, catching his attention. “-but I’d never change it. Not for anything in the world. If that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have Tommy, and he- God, Simon, he’s my son, of course he isn’t a mistake, he’s my everything…”
He let out a relieved sigh, nodding along with your words as you both looked down at Tommy, curious big eyes switching between you two as if able to understand the conversation that had just transcurred, giving you a toothless smile. 
Well, not really toothless, since he had been crying for almost a month now due to the pain of his teeth coming in, so there were a few flashes of white across the smile. 
“Yeah, you’re my everything too.”
You’d expected him to immediately backtrack on his answer and say he was talking to Tommy, but he simply shrugged again, eyes darting from you to Tommy with a fond look reflecting in them as he did everything but take back what he said. “Both of you. Might be corny, but it’s true. I told you.”
His everything.
Simon’s everything. 
That shouldn’t have made you as happy as it did. 
Everything was going to be okay. 
Yeah, it would take some time for you to adjust like you’d told him, but he was okay with that. He’d wait for you.
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"Come on, please, wake up."
Simon's hands were shaking, gripping at your lifeless body as if you were the only thing that mattered in the midst of this living nightmare, his mask growing wet as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, his breathing growing erratic as your body slumped in his grasp. 
He called your name desperately, your body shaking in his hold from the way his own hands were trembling and in a feeble attempt at getting you to wake up, to open your eyes, to say his name in that fucking beautiful voice of yours, anything. 
His gloved hands came up to cradle your paling face, running it over your features to rub off the dust and ashes that had stuck to the now drying blood, dropping your body in horror as instead of the grime he wanted to wipe off, he was left with nothing, his hand growing warm as the blood from your now horrifying carcass started to flow. 
He was drowning, he was choking, he couldn't fucking breathe, he couldn't think, you were dead, you were gone, his fucking life didn't have meaning anym- 
Simon jolted up as the pressure that had been building in his chest finally exploded, the dam that had been working so hard to keep his fears at bay breaking, letting the tears that Simon always tried his best to contain out. 
Fuck, it felt like he'd really lived it, like he had held your dying body in his hands as you slowly slipped away from him, like his the recurring fears of him causing your end had come true. 
He felt pathetic, like the broken man he really was, lying on the fucking sofa like always trembling like a little kid, the tears a constant stream down his cheeks, all the emotions and stress from the past few months finally catching up to him.
His breathing was raspy and uneven, reflecting the anxiety rushing through his veins at that very same moment. 
He felt awful, he was awful, an awful, destroyed, broken man who had been tipped over the edge by a stupid fucking dream. 
Someone undeserving of everything you’d given to him. 
He was sure his heart was going to break through his chest with how quickly it was beating against his ribcage, one of his hands coming up to clench at the material of his creased shirt. 
He felt like he was about to pass out. 
His eyesight was blurry, his limbs shaky and his mouth dry, clear indications of the oh-so familiar panic attacks he’d been prone to every since he was a young boy, hat he’d grown enough to know how to control, but he knew that right now, he did not have enough willpower to keep himself from spiralling down into his own thoughts. 
He blindly got up, staggering around the living room as the blanket that had been draped over him pooling onto the floor. He pushed open your door, breaths staggering as his teary eyes made contact with your sleeping body, darting towards the crib right next to your bed where Tommy slept peacefully, making sure to stay quiet as he entered the bathroom. 
He didn’t want to wake you up, to annoy you even more than you already were with him after everything that had happened, despite almost a month having gone by after it all, you deserved rest, you deserved fucking better than h-
His hands gripped the porcelain sink as he stumbled into the room, staring at his uncovered reflection in the mirror, his cheeks red and blotchy from having cried mere moments ago, a few stray tears continuing their pathway down his face. 
He felt ridiculous. 
He was supposed to be some hard willed strong Lieutenant, not the pathetic man who cried at a mere nightmare he really was. 
The sound of shuffling sheets reached his ears, your muffled voice coming from beneath the covers as you stirred, his panicked footsteps and the light shining through the crack of the bathroom door enough to wake you from your slumber. 
"'S that you?"
Who else would it be? He wanted to joke, but stayed quiet, hoping you would just go back to sleep. 
But clearly, you weren't satisfied with no answer.
He watched the door open behind him from the mirror, freezing like a deer in headlights as you walked in sporting one of his dirty shirts he'd told you once you could wear, hiding the fact he wanted to see you in his clothes behind the pretence that it would be easier to do laundry, sweatpants (his, as well) tied at your waist so they wouldn't slip down your legs. 
"Simon." You mumbled, eyes barely open and vision blurry as you held onto the door frame for stability, a hand coming up to cover your mouth as you yawned. "What's wrong?"
You knew something was off as soon as you'd heard him creep into the bathroom, already knowing from experience that Simon never got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, fearing that he'd wake you up like he’d done just now- 
“Nuffin’, lovie. Go back to bed.”
You frowned, squinting at him through swollen eyes, the bright lights from the bathroom and the sleep in them not helping your vision in the slightest, moving your head to rest against the cool wood of the doorframe. “It’s not, though, is it?”
A beat. 
“Simon…” You said, mid-yawn, outstretching a hand to blindly grab at his sleep shirt, tugging at the material. “Tell me.”
He squeezed his eyes closed, willing himself to not break down like he knew he wanted to, his grip on the sink slowly growing stronger as you stumbled towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing the side of your face to his warm back, giving him a comforting squeeze. 
"I said it's fine." He whispered, hand coming up to yours and attempting to peel it from his body, giving up once it immediately snapped back. 
Part of him wanted you to stay like that, but the other, more reasonable part knew that it would be best if he didn't burden you with his nightmares and if you just went to bed.
"You wouldn't be crying if it was." You murmured, unlinking your hands and running them over his chest, feeling his muscles tense beneath his shirt. 
"'Not crying, lovie."
"You have to stop lying to me, Simon. It isn't healthy." You mumbled angrily, pulling yourself away and looking up at him, feeling the blood leave your face as you realised you were staring at the back of his actual head instead of the black material of his balaclava like you'd gotten used to. 
Simon had never explicitly told you that he was uncomfortable with you seeing his face, but you could only assume after all the time he spent with his face obstructed, even with Tommy. 
So you looked down at your feet, making sure to not peek at the mirror like you knew you really wanted to, not wanting to upset him by breaking his trust. 
"...I know." He sighed, turning on the tap and splashing his face with some of the water, finding it a bit humorous that he did it with you still clinging onto him, placing a damp hand over one of yours and giving it a squeeze. 
"Come on…" you sighed, letting go of him reluctantly and turning your body towards the door, flipping the light switch off before blindly outstretching an arm out to him, letting out an amused huff as you immediately met his own hand, pulling him out of the small bathroom and back into the comfort of your room. "Stay?"
"...'course." He breathed out, following you mindlessly as you returned back into your spot in the bed, almost like routine now after all the times you'd brought him to bed with the same comforting hold on his hands, kneeling on the mattress and all but collapsing onto the soft covers, running his hands over them until they met your warm body, running his fingertips over the patch of skin that had been revealed by the rise of your shirt, letting out a shaky breath as your own hands came up to run over his arms.
He fluttered his eyes shut, closing the distance between you to and letting his body fold into your touch, snuggling his face into the valley of your breasts (he thanked whatever god was up there that his shirt was big enough to expose your cleavage, a very welcoming sight), and grasping at your thighs for stability. 
Your arms came to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer into you until he'd grabbed at your legs to wrap around his waist, fingers running through his coarse hair, stopping at the top of his head every few seconds to scratch at his scalp, and if Simon was a cat, he knew damn well he'd be purring right then. 
"It's okay to cry, you know that, right?" You whispered, voice muffled by his hair as you let out a breath, his short hair tickling your cheek from how you'd pressed your face against it. "Better out than in."
"You sound like my mom." He grumbled, pulling a snort out of you as you ran your nails down his nape. "'Always said shit like that."
You stayed quiet, ignoring the nagging feeling in your chest that wanted you to continue on with the conversation, curious for learning more about his mysterious family. 
"'Said'?" You whispered, almost nervous, scared you'd overstepped. 
He stayed silent, only furthering your fear that you'd insulted him until he let out an elongated sigh, hands pulling you impossibly closer as his warm breath hit your skin, face flushing at the reminder that if was his actual face pressing against your cleavage, not the rough material of the painted balaclava. 
"Don' see her as much. Not in the best condition to have a chat. Tommy takes care of her mostly."
"Tommy?" You said in confusion, eyebrows furrowed as your eyes darted over to your son's crib, the glow-in-the-dark stars you'd stuck to the sides of it illuminating it enough to reflect your sleeping son's cute little face.
He froze in your arms as if he'd said something wrong. "My… my brother."
"Your brother's called Tommy?!" You almost shouted, peeling yourself off of him to look down at him (ignoring the slight whine that formed in his throat at the feeling of your body being torn away from his), despite not even being able to see him. 
"Yeah…" he grumbled, trying to pull you back into his arms, frowning as you slapped at his shoulders to catch his attention. 
"That's - Why you reacted like that, right?" You mumbled, thinking back to the night he'd met Tommy for the first time, the way his eyes had gone blank like you'd just reminded him of some painful memory. 
"...his name's Tommy."
You felt him freeze behind you, the aura around him growing cold almost immediately, like you'd just blatantly insulted him without any remorse. 
"Tommy." He echoed, voice scratchy as if he was dying of thirst, body suddenly feeling like it had been dunked under tiding waves. "Why?"
You hadn't thought much about it at the time, since by then, you had more important things to worry about, but now that he'd revealed his brother's name, his shock made sense. 
"Yeah…Was kind of… Tragically funny, lovie." He sighed, running your hands over your waist as you finally pulled him back into your hold. 
"Yeah… I didn't know."
"How could've you? I left before I could even give you my last name." He huffed, rubbing the side of his cheek on your chest. 
Silence filled the room once again, only being broken by the shuffling sounds of the sheets over you or Tommy's occasional whines, continuing your brushing of his hair with your fingers. 
You didn't want to pry further into the topic that had been at hand before you'd interrupted, squeezing your eyes closed as you inhaled his shampoo, shivering beneath his touch as he ran his fingers around your belly button. 
"She's in a home. Near where I grew up. Nice one. I only talk to her on the holidays." He started, running them up to the space below your breasts. "It's better that way. Tommy's the nicer one of us."
"Didn't he used to terrorise you?" You teased, trying to lighten the mood, letting out a cry as he licked a stripe up your clavicle, no doubt grinning into the darkness as you slapped his head. 
"Going to stop telling you things from now on if you insist on using them against me in the future, lovie." He murmured, pressing a kiss to where he'd just licked as an apology, ignoring the way your skin grew warmer beneath his touch. "But… he's cleaned his act up. Not as much as a cunt. Probably afraid I could rip him in two, now."
You snorted, hesitantly pushing his bangs back to press a kiss to his forehead, almost giggling at the pleased hum that left his lips. "Si… you, uh… want to talk about why you were crying?"
Simon noticeably tensed beneath your touch as you brought up the whole reason as to why he was in your bed, another breath hitting your skin. 
He thought about lying to you once again, but finally decided against it, throwing a glance at his son over his shoulder as if the boy would understand the next words that would come out of his mouth. 
"Just… a stupid nightmare. You… I jus’ wanted to make sure you were safe. I didn't mean to wake you, really." He let out all in a string pulled together by one breath, hands coming down to grab at your thighs and rub at them through the material of your bottoms, letting out a shaky sigh as you moved them to wrap around his body. "Fuckin' stupid, isn't it?"
"It's not stupid if it affected you this much, Si…" You tried, not wanting to pry further into the contents of the nightmare, but still not wanting to drop the subject all together. “Even the strongest people need a shoulder to cry on.”
You cupped his face, bringing it off your chest, looking down at what you could only assume to be his face. 
“Let me be yours.”
You didn’t move as he shuffled closer to you, running your thumbs over his cheekbones as he leaned closer into you, feeling his warm breath hit your face. 
“Mine?” He mumbled, your hair standing on edge as you felt his lips brush against yours ever so slightly. 
“Mhm… Yours.” You breathed out, nodding as if he could see you. 
Heat rushed to your face as soon as his lips crashed into yours, swallowing the moan you let out as his hands moved beneath your shirt, tightening at your waist. 
And God, did it feel right. 
Nothing had ever felt as right as this did right then, the feeling of his lips slotted against yours and his hands seemingly everywhere on your body, causing you to go near dizzy and drunk on his touch. 
“Fuck, love.” He said between kisses, moving you onto your back so he was hovering over you properly, leaning down to catch your lips back into a passionate kiss, not even giving you the chance to breathe or let out your own moans, immediately swallowing up each and any sound you made. 
His hands came down to your thighs, helping you wrap them around his waist before he moved away to press pecks along your jawline, moving further down until he was leaving a trail of sloppy kisses all over your upper chest, his stubble tickling your skin. 
He shushed you, sucking on the pressure point of your neck, pressing closer to you as you let out another breathless whine, his eyelashes brushing against your skin from the way he's snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, almost as if he was trying to have you impossibly close to him. 
He stayed there for a few minutes, covering your neck in kisses and love bites, answering with a “markin’ my territory” and a chuckle when you asked why he was so adamant on kissing you everywhere but where you needed it the most, his hands doing wonders as they went over your shirt to cup one of your breasts, immediately surprising you both my the loud moan that left you. 
“Christ, lovie. That fuckin’ sensitive? Barely even touched you and you’re moaning like that?” He huffed out in amusement, leaning upwards in hopes of laying his eyes on the mess he’d left across your skin only to be met with darkness, grunting as he raised a hand to run over the marks, feeling the indents from his teeth around your neck. 
“It’s- It’s been a while, Si-” You mumbled out of embarrassment, thankful for the darkness since it was the only thing keeping you from fully breaking down from the shame of being so sensitive after a single touch, but you couldn’t really be blamed. 
It’d been almost a year and a half since you’d last indulged in any type of self-pleasure, the last time ironically being the night you’d spent with Simon before his mission, it was no wonder a simple brush of his warm hand to your breast had you writhing and moaning like a bitch in heat, you basically were. 
“Hm…” He grunted, leaning down to press some kisses along your flushed cheeks, still purposefully avoiding your mouth, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he thought of what to do next. “...I want to see you.”
You felt his lips brush against yours slightly, knowing full well how titillating he was being. 
“Turn the light on.”
You froze. 
You were staring up at the darkness of your ceiling, letting out soft breathless sounds as he leaned back down to continue kissing your neck, letting the words he’d just spoken sink in, letting out a chuckle against your ear after a minute or so passed. 
You acted on instinct only, stretching your body over to the lamp on your bedside table with the little space he had given you, the man still insisting on having his hands all over your body, your mind and thoughts reeling. 
It would’ve been different if he had his mask on, the small request would have been just for him to see the marks he’d left on you, to continue whatever you’d started in the light so you’d both be able to see your body’s reactions properly, but this was oh so much more than that. 
He didn’t seem to want to make a move to go get his mask or to cover his face, he was actually telling you to turn on the light so you could see him, see his face, his eyes, his nose, his lips, Simon
As soon as your shaking hand found the switch and had pressed it, your eyes closed in time for the room to be filled with light, a nervous sound leaving your lips as Simon pulled you back into place, his calloused fingers running over the length of your nose before poking at the middle of your furrowed brows. 
“Y’can open them.” He whispered, his own voice sounding slightly terrified. “Please.”
“What if you’re ugly?” You blurted out as a joke, trying to lighten the mood, immediately slapping yourself mentally the moment he didn't laugh, opening your mouth to apologise only for him to poke you again. 
“Jus’ open them.”
The first thing your eyes landed on was the smile pulling at his lips, leading them from the scar that adorned the left corner of his mouth past his crooked nose and up to those beautiful eyes of his, his blond eyelashes framing them perfectly like always. 
And fuck… He was beautiful. 
The stubble covering the lower part of his face, the scars littering his face telling stories and tales of all his time on duty, his cracked lips and scarred nose only complementing his beauty even more. 
It was everything and nothing like you’d expected, it was just… him. 
You didn't know what to say, what were you supposed to? But by the way his smile grew bigger at the sight of your dumbfounded face, you were sure that your expression told him everything he needed to know. 
Now, Simon knew that he wasn’t the worst looking person, but the way you were staring at him like he was a god incarnates, like Aphrodite herself had given him a piece of her beauty, it didn’t fail to tint his cheek a soft pink, quickly leaning into you to meet you in another kiss in hopes of hiding how flustered he was from you. 
“Mhf-” You tried speaking as soon as you had regained consciousness through his kisses, a giggle leaving your lips as he gave you no time to speak. “You’re- Mm- S- so pretty, Si-”
Pretty? He thought to himself as he continued his kissing assault, the adjective a very foreign concept, never having been referred to in that way in his life. But, it did feel nice when you said it, the way you were looking at him with that sultry gaze as the compliment oozed out of your mouth like honey, it had him grabbing at your thighs for stability, wrapping them around his waist and letting you make contact with the product of your make-out session and cute words. 
“F-fuck!” You mewled, grabbing at the back of his head for stability, tugging at the roots of his dirty blond hair, shivering underneath him as he let out a breathy groan, the sound sending pleasurable shocks down to where you both were connected, despite the amount of clothes that separated you both. “W-Wait- Hng!”
He stopped as soon as the word left your mouth, pulling back and moving his hands to hold your waist, giving you some time to regain your breath before asking. 
“‘vrything okay?” He said breathlessly, looking down at your equally dishevelled state, your lips red and sore from all his kissing and body littered with all the marks he’d left, taking a few seconds to admire his handiwork and how truly fucking perfect you looked covered in his claims before going back to waiting on you. 
“Y-yeah.” You swallowed, breathing and heart pulse erratic, coming down from the sudden pleasure. “I- I’m sorry, I just don’t know if I want to continue- Sor-”
“It’s okay.” He interrupted you, grabbing your thighs and pulling them away from their spot around his waist, pushing them together and placing them away from him, placing a comforting hand on the one that was still pressed next to his. “We don’t have to. Whatever y’want, love. ‘S been a long time, I get it.”
You nodded, sending him a small smile that he returned in an instant, leaning up to press a final kiss to his lips, thankful that he’d understood your fears so quickly. 
“You’ll stay, right?” You mumbled against his lips after pulling away slightly, looking at his through half-closed eyes, his deep beautiful pools staring back at you. 
His arms wrapped around you from behind once you situated yourself back in the bed, arms pressed tight and securely against our stomach as his thumb rubbed over the skin, a constant reminder that he was there and that you were safe like he’d promised, soft kisses being pressed against your nape from behind, a sweet contrast to the bites that now littered your front. 
“‘You going to wear the mask again?” You spoke drowsily, turning your head slightly so his lips pressed against your cheek, his breath tickling your ear. 
“Not unless you want me to.” He mumbled back, half-asleep. 
“Rather you did… Can’t focus with that ugly mug of yours…” You teased, letting out a high pitched yell as he bit down onto the space between your neck and shoulder, immediately soothing the pain with a kiss and a chuckle. 
“Only mug you’ll se ‘round here, lovie, better get used to it.”
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carmyboobear · 3 months
Idk if you've written this but can you write about carmy and the reader arguing and he makes her cry? Idk I just feel like thatd be good angst fluff lol
AHH I got carried away as per usual. anyway this is good stuff. wrote a bunch. enjoy!!
word count: 1.3k
tags: traumatized carmy, mentally ill carmy and reader, arguing, language, HURT/COMFORT, ANGST/FLUFF, carmy being a sweetie
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Hm…i'm spending a lot of time thinking about the set-up for this. Carmy is a very careful person when it comes to those he’s romantically involved in, but at the same time, he has a hard time controlling his temper when he's in the darkness, as i'll put it. 
here's something awful i think about that i wanna write about. carmy's stressed about work, because of course he is. he's carmy. his head is whirring, spinning with anxiety and self-hatred. i think you're just like him. mentally ill for mentally ill if you will. you're also in a bad mood, and he comes home from The Bear exhausted and keyed up.
“I hate when you push me away like this,” you admit. You've been trying to get him to talk to you since he's been home. Maybe he just needs space, but separation makes you anxious. Especially when he shuts down. 
“I'm sorry that it's so hard for you,” he spits, finally snapping and turning to face you. You've followed him into the dark bedroom, lit only by the harsh moonlight through the window. You flinch. You never quite get used to seeing him like this. 
“I—I just—“ you feel pressure beginning in the back of your eyes. You will it away. “How can I help you if you don’t talk to me?”
“Why do you care so much? Does it make you feel better to take care of someone more fucked up than you?” He snaps, voice raised. His words go down bitter, leaving an awful taste in your mouth. Something in you shatters.
“How could you ask me that?” Your vision’s gone hot and blurry. “I’m your partner. I love you, that’s why I care, you asshole!” You’re stifling sobs. You hate crying in fights like this, but it hurts. You can’t help it.
“Fuck,” Carmy mutters under his breath. He’s gone still in your blurred vision. “Baby, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that—“
“That was so fucked up, Carmy.” You move to sit on the bed, trying to wipe your tears away, but they keep coming. “What’s your problem?”
“You know what my problem is.” His remorse has swept away the anger, leaving him quiet before you. He leans down at your knees, hands on your thighs. “I shouldn’t have said that. Any of that.”
“You shouldn’t have.” Carmy nods quickly, and he raises a hand to your wet cheeks. “Fuckin’ asshole.”
“I know.” He takes your pain, your anger in its entirety. His other hand brings your knuckles to his lips. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.“
“Sure sounded like you meant it.” Anger flares up in your chest, hurt and betrayed, but you tamp it down, leaning into his hand cradling his face. You take a deep breath to steady yourself. “Damnit, Carmy.”
“I know. I know.” He’s still kissing your hand. “You’re too good for me. I don’t deserve you.” You hate it when he talks like this, because you can tell he really believes it.
“Don’t say that. Please.” 
“But it’s true.” You look down at him in the moonlight, at his sad blue eyes. “I always find ways to hurt you. I…”
“That’s what being in a relationship is, Carm.” You pat the space next to you. “Sit with me?”
“I keep having to remind myself of that.” He sinks into the bed next to you. “I’m so sorry for talking about you like that. Like you’re only doing this out of…I don’t know. Obligation.” He drags a hand across his tired face. “You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry. I just, I just think that—that I’m—fuck—“
“Slow down, Carm,” you say quietly. “It’s okay. You don’t need to force it. I’m listening.” He smiles bitterly at you, and you recognize the love in it easily. He takes in a deep breath before continuing. 
“I still have a hard time believing that anyone cares about me. I can’t even believe that you—love me.” You can practically see the shame rolling off of him in waves. “And it makes me scared.”
“Love is scary, isn’t it?” You say softly. He just nods. “It scares me, too. That’s why I kept pestering you when you got home. I…” You blink quickly. You don’t wanna cry again. “It scares me when I don’t know what you’re thinking. Because…I dunno. It just does.”
“Yeah?” You nod. He has this thoughtful expression that he holds for a moment as he stews on your words. “I didn’t think about it like that. I’m sorry. I think…I think when you kept asking me if I was okay, it…” he sighs, scratches at his temples. “I felt like I was…getting back into a corner. I think.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” You take his hand in yours. “I can see how that must’ve felt really bad.”
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault that I’m like this. I think—I think it just reminded me of my mom. We would always ask her if she was okay, because she’s fucking crazy, yknow? We didn’t wanna step on her toes. But it turns out we did anyway. And the way I acted just now, I was just like…” He can’t even get the words out. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, voice choked with emotion. “I love you. So much. You know that, right?”
“You tell me everyday. How could I not?” You pull him into a hug, tight and warm, and he instantly wraps his arms around you. “You’re not your mom, Carm. You're nothing like her. Okay?” 
“I don’t wanna be like her,” he whispers. “I don’t wanna be like her.”
“You’re not,” you remind him softly. “And you won’t be.”
Carmy leans back to look at you, but he remains close. His expression is knotted with pain. You run your thumb over his furrowed brow, and it makes his mouth curve upwards in a smile. It’s fleeting, but it was there. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeats. “I’ll try to open up more. Let you know what I’m thinking.”
Suddenly, you think about when you first started dating Carmy. He was so scared to open up to you emotionally, but with gentle prodding, he fell apart instantly. There was a hunger in him to be known by others, to be seen by you, and it scared him to death. You see that same fear in him now, but you also see how much he’s grown since then. You doubt you would’ve been able to have this conversation at all in the first couple months. 
That makes you happy in a way you’re not quite able to word properly.
“Thank you. But I hope you also know I don’t want to force you. I just wanna help. And…” You measure your words carefully. “I’ll try not to let it freak me out so much. Because if you’re not in the mood to talk, I want you to know that’s okay. Okay?”
“Okay. I’d like that. If I don’t want to talk, I’ll just tell you. Instead of…blowing a fuse.” He laughs dryly. 
“I’d like that too.” You let out an exhale of relief you didn’t realize you were holding. “Wow, Carm. Look at us. Communicating!”
“I know.” That makes him laugh for real this time, and you’re laughing too. “I couldn’t do it without you.”
“I think you could. But I certainly like doing it with you.” His smiles grows wider at that, brimming with affection. 
“Let me make this up to you, baby.” He pulls you in for a kiss, slow and deep. You let out a little noise when his lips meet yours. 
“Make it up to me?” Carmy’s tongue is on your neck now. Oh. “Aren’t you tired? You—you have work tomorrow—?”
“Don’t care.” You fall back onto the bed, and the blankets deflate under you. You stare up at Carmy, his curls hanging by his face. “You’re more important.”
“Well, if you insist…” You giggle, and your giggles get louder when Carmy pulls up your shirt to blow raspberries against your stomach. “Carmy, quit it—oh—!”
He makes it up to you in full and more by keeping his head between your legs for the rest of the night. By the end of it you can't remember what you were mad about in the first place.
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