#not just they them but yeah no thx on that site tbh
zoekrystall · 6 months
I watch/listen to trash taste while playing splatoon and instead of playing further did I think oh I should write that anime down -> let's see where I can watch em subbed -> oh that site is good I should maybe make smth like that finally. Cue almost 4 hours later. Updating that with everything in the past will be a pain oof. At least I found out there are nami line stickers (plus a site that makes the zip file easier to download than my past method yay will come handy in the future)
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I genuinely think that bar w how many days and all that site got going on makes me push more to watch again bc number go up is fun.
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Like I want to fill that life on anime thing up so badly I wonder what it'll say when I got everything from the past on there. Once it's more up to date will I maybe slap it on my socials crd bc why not.
0 notes
lluvia-otsana · 1 year
2,13,20 (book ask)
I got an ask, time to overshare -w-
If you make it to the end, you get a cookie (or you can cheat and scroll to the end!)
2. Top 5 books of all time:
Harrow is def no.1 by far for me, as much as I loved and devoured GtN in one sitting. Both of those books I've reread a million times and hold such a grip on me I can recite so many lines word for word, I can repeatedly open the books just to revisit scenes, I'm so invested in what will happen next in the series, and somehow they're even better on reread. There is always a portion of my mind now possessed by this series lol.
Ugh I'm bad at top 5 tho. I love the Murderbot series too but there's so many novellas in that series that if I include them TLT and Murderbot could take all the top 5 slots. It's sci fi action packed but also the narration is just such fun snark a bit like GtN.
In the same vein of the above books with their dark humor and banter I really enjoyed Nevernight. Probably also cuz the sidekick was a magical sarcastic cat made of shadows. And horny bi girl rep.
Also love When Women Were Warriors - it's my cheesy wholesome romance go to series. It's enemies to friends to lovers ish but soft.. except the swords.
Since the question says of all time, I will include that when I was a little weird kid I was obsessed with the Silverwing series and reread those a million times. Including and *especially* the very strange Firewing book that took place in bat hell lol. One of the main characters gets burned to death in the beginning! Great books for kids.
13. Do you have a goodreads?
Yeah, I've mostly been using that one lately. Trying to combine books/manga/webcomics in one site even tho goodreads isn't always great for shelving manga/webcomics.
If you wanna snoop and spend a second harshly scrutinizing me I think the link is:
Haven't been using it to keep track of books read per year as much until recently cuz I usually read physical books* and wasn't updating times before.
(*I live close to a gigantic indie bookstore I love to support. A dangerous place to live.)
20. What are things you look for in a book?
I like authors with a crazy imaginative mind. I wanna be thrown into a really different universe and experience the passion they put into the details of their beloved story. Bonus points for funny world building footnotes and appendices - I don't care that it detracts from the plot. I don't care if I don't know wtf is going on and I need to think and squint for foreshadowing and to understand the truth of what the characters are feeling - I like biting thru the layers of thick plot and characterization tbh. I love humor interwoven into the series and want to care about a diverse cast of characters. Not cuz it's forced in there but especially if it's SFF if you're gonna write an entirely different world why not put that care into writing different perspectives rather than the default usually cishet and male ones. I care more about the characters' motives and feelings and actions feeling real than them being morally correct. I don't need romance in it I can read diverse relationships, platonic or hateful or whatever (more fun if it's still intense in some way) But truthfully I am a sucker for deep monog romance if it fits somewhere in there.
Here 🍪 („• ᴗ •„)
(And thx for the excuse to ramble at myself @ghostlament)
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I feel like I’ve been MIA on here lately and want to post many backlogged pics but also feel like I should do a lil brain dump
Been home for like...3 weeks now? honestly, we’re dealing with it. I’ve actually been really busy and once I decided I wasn’t going to be able to run away any time soon I kinda committed to just doing my best to make it work and it hasn’t been terrible
But on that note, I basically live at our neighbors’ house. They’re essentially my second family, I realize that breaks ~quarantine~ rules and I’ll admit to that, but my family was also already in contact with them before I got home and they are basically the only people I ever see and tbh if I had to pick between coming back to NJ to stay with my family or them, I’d pick them SO... yeah. It’s been really nice spending so much time with them though, dylan (22) and sage (20) have basically been my pseudo siblings my whole life and I pretty much grew up at their house but ever since college it’s rare that we are all home at once and after this time period we will never all be here together again because my fam is moving SO trying to really soak it up- hiking, cooking, playing catan, drinking beer, watching movies, etc. very nostalgic
To my last point- my family (well my mom and ed) is moving! my mom has had a plan to retire and move to costa rica (it’s literally the ONLY thing she talks about ugh) for awhile and they officially put our house up for sale last week so THAT has been a little hectic (I’m honestly so glad they are moving tbh I really don’t like coming to my childhood home that has now been flipped upside down to accommodate a new marriage and does not feel like my home)
not much to report on the running front, have been running less days and doing more biking/swimming here. I took a glance at the site for the marathon I was eyeing for the fall and they seemed pretty adamant that they were gonna hold it which honestly shocked me but I guess it’s in a place that hasn’t been hit too hard?? idk though I basically assumed all 2020 races were off the table. I’d also have to start training in like...2 weeks and I’m not sure if my body is really in the place for that
^to go off of that (TW ED) I need to like...get my fucking shit together. Over the course of the past year I’ve lost x pounds, unintentionally, literally due to anxiety, but once I started thinking about it more I realized my period has really petered out since the winter (like...january I guess?), plus it was never like...FULL force normal to begin with even though I was getting it to some extent for basically all of 2019. so anyway red! flag! I actually weighed myself yesterday which is something I haven’t done in like 5 years (only at doctor’s visits where I usually don’t even look at the weight until weeks later), but I KNEW it was going to have gone down and I thought maybe I could knock some sense into myself and tbh it kinda worked. The disconnect in my brain truly astounds me sometimes. But after I type this up I’m sitting down to have a chat with myself and journal and figure out a plan because this is not healthy and I need to get a grip. (again, like I said, not intentionally undereating, in fact I’ve eaten more on a daily basis over the past year than ever before, but my output is high and whenever I’m anxious my appetite is zero which makes for a very confusing disastrous time) 
In other news! headed down to NC to visit jared next week and I am excited 4 that. tbh I am looking forward to the 10 hour drive I find it really meditative and gives me time to think, catch up on podcasts, etc.
in the process of figuring out my living situation for the fall which is causing me STRESS. but it’s looking like we will be at least to some extent having in person classes. Also it looks like jared might not have to be on campus after thanksgiving in which case maybe he would come stay with me for a few weeks in OR which makes me very very happy
Also in jared news, feeling very very grateful for that boy, he is truly astounding
Food things- I was honestly having like....a slight identity crisis about eating meat. Normally I never buy meat, I only really eat it if there is a very particular circumstance and it’s so infrequent that it usually doesn’t cause me too much angst when it happens, but being home I told myself I’d eat dinner with my fam to make my life easier but I honestly started to get real freaked out about the amount of animal products going on (from an ethical side, not health). I’ve appreciated the eye opening-ness of it from my perspective in a lot of ways. Idk, too many thoughts to type. Probably sounds hypocritical anyway but the thought of being entirely vegan is incredibly stressful to me given my ED (plus, I eat mostly plant-based in general). BUT I have started to try to cook vegan meals for my family which makes me feel good and like I’m promoting good things. I made my mom a TLT for lunch the other day. On Tuesday I made homemade veggie burgers for the first time and they were super good. Making vegan stuffed shells tomorrow. And! And! After talking to my neighbor about veg cooking she also made very very similar veggie burgers this week, she actually made them the day before me so we got to taste test eachother’s. And then jared sent me a pic of vegan bolognese that his sister made which I know was inspired by him making that and I know he was inspired by my plant-based nudges and that stuff makes me feel good. Like I’m spreading a positive influence.
This is super long as per usual and I need to go have my meeting with myself lol thx 4 reading 🐢
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szopenhauer · 3 years
Has anybody ever told you that you’re too young to be in love? from what I remember that could happen
Did you learn anything from the last BIG mistake you made? no comment...
Do you have a favorite brand of shoes?   nah
Do you like rollercoasters with big drops? I don’t do rollercoasters 
Do you have any inside jokes with your parents? yes
Did you ever want a pony for a gift as a kid? nope
Do you know who your mom’s favorite singer is?   she doesn’t really have one because she doesn’t listen to music tbh except what I blast 
Have you ever gone to a school that made you wear uniforms?   middle school
Have you ever tried to surf? nooo
Do you want to learn? absolutely not
Did you pick out the furniture in your bedroom? I wish...
Yes or no: Apple pie? yes
Yes or no: Candy apples?   no
Are you a heavy sleeper?   not anymore
Honestly, have you ever re-gifted something? What was it? plenty of stuff
How many months away is your birthday? 1-2
Is the closet in your bedroom a walk-in closet? I’d love to have one like this :3
Do you enjoy cooking? I do not
Which one of your family members do you wish you could see more often? grandma... and aunt Alice
Have you ever (accidentally or not) set off a car alarm? just by walking by 
Do you call it sitting “criss-cross” or “Indian-style”? criss-cross is less offensive
Do you have dimples when you smile?   I do indeed
Do you find graveyards scary? Jack kinda does
Have you ever carved anything into a tree? don’t do that :(
Do you give or get advice more often? give
If you have caffeine late in the day, does it cause you to struggle with your sleep? no idea, I don’t drink coffee
If you have a pet, have they ever embarrassed you in public or in front of friends or family members? What happened? sigh...
Do you leave the house every single day? almost
Would you rather spend the day at the beach, or a day in the snow in the mountains? beach
Do you prefer tops that are plain, or ones with patterns/logos/slogans? plain are lame
Do you enjoy buying gifts for other people, or do you never know what to buy them? it’s complicated
What book do you wish they’d make into a film or TV series? few of my favorites 
Do you prefer zip-up or overheard hoodies? overheard, I hate zippers in clothes
When was the last time you stayed overnight away from home? Was this with friends, family or in a hotel somewhere? What was the occasion? recently, my partner[s] apartment, no occasion
Would you ever be interested in seeing a live magic show? I already did but I don’t remember anything 
What’s your favourite period to learn about in history? What got you interested in this particular era? I liked interesting facts no matter of the period, I hated dates and names
Do you still use or carry cash, or do you pay for everything via card? cash forever
Are there any TV shows that remind you of your grandparents for some reason? Moda na sukces głównie
Do you know how to tie a tie without looking it up? Did you have tie in school (uniform)? maybe, we didn’t
Do you prefer having carpets or hardwood floors? hardwood
When was the last time you took a bath? Is this something you do often or do you prefer taking showers? last night and gonna have one now
What’s your opinion on clothes for dogs? If you have a dog, have you ever bought any clothing items for them? cute but my dog doesn’t wear any
What will you be doing once you finish this survey? What were you doing before you started taking it? I will go to sleep, I’m also playing Choices 
When was the last time you played a game of Monopoly? Did you play until the end or did everyone get fed up and start arguing? this year, we don’t argue about it which is weird because we often argue in general
Do you have anything fun or exciting planned for tomorrow? I hope I will meet with Slytherin system
Don’t you love it when you meet a dog or cat and they instantly love you, especially when the owner says “they normally hate strangers!”? awww sounds like Nat don’t ya think? :P
Would you rather do a wordsearch or a crossword? Word Search but sudoku is cooler
Do you prefer multi coloured or plain white fairy lights? good question
Do you have a favourite TV detective (eg. Sherlock, Poirot)?  Poirot <3  and Don Matteo
Do you hear any animals right now? not even kotszop 
Is your trashcan full? it’s small so it’s almost always full
Are you hungry? am not
Is it rainy where you’re at right now? not tonight
Is your dishwasher full? we don’t own a dishwasher
Do you like to wear gloves? not really
Are you wearing anything pink right now? nothing
What is the creepiest bug you’ve ever saw? maggots are
Do you chew on your lip? might
Are you afraid of needles? I’m not
Do you like Batman? mhm
Can you see a star shape in the room you are in? I can
Do you use hand sanitizer? obvi
Are you in any kind of club or group that is trying to save animals? I’ve been signing petitions 
Where were you two hours after you got up, and what were you doing there? dentist...
Have you ever played fetch with a dog? it didn’t listen XD
Do you use Netflix? if I only had an account...
Do you play games on your computer? when I’m in the mood
Did you have anything bad happen to you today? ...
Do you use the term “lol” if you don’t have anything to say? not when I have nothing to say wtf
Should you be sleeping right now instead of taking this survey? yup :x
Do you currently have any blemishes on your face? yep
Do you use smileys often in text convos? maybe
Would you ever consider being a cannibal? hell no
Did you forget something important in the past week? yeah
Are the floors in your house creaky? there are creaky places and I love it
Do you fear death? sorta
Is your mouth dry? it’s complicated
Do you have any scars from an animal? weirdly no
When was the last time it snowed where you live? Do you like snowy weather or is it just a pain? this week, it’s pain!
9 - When was the last time you got off work early? What was the reason? I don’t have a job
What time did you wake up this morning? Did you get out of bed right away? 8 and had to
Do you ever watch movies or TV shows that require you to read subtitles? why not?
When was the last time you had a haircut? When was the last time you dyed your hair (if you ever have)? Nat is gonna kill me for this bangs, I dyed my hair over 5 years ago
Do you prefer wearing tight-fitting or loose-fitting clothes? loose
What was the last piece of good news you received? Was it expected? pfft
What time of year do you start listening to Christmas music? after Halloween
Are there any names you can think of that just go well together? where should I start...
Do you enjoy museums? whatever
Do you have a username you use for everything? Or does it change each site? it changes but not for EACH
Do you have any disorders or disabilities? what I DON’T have...
Do you ever watch How To videos? in my whole life like a few
Did you have a tree house when you were a kid? If so, did you ever fall from it? I wanted to but never did
Do you enjoy designing things? Anything? I sure do
Do you know what a raincheck at stores is? I know
Can you learn the lyrics of a song by ear, or do you have to search them up? I never remember even the titles...
Do you like the name Amy? Amy Anya :(
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Are you close to that person at all? I called my dad but he couldn’t talk so... he’s my friend
Do you enjoy watching bloopers or outtakes from TV shows?  could
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own shop? What kind of thing would you like to sell? antiques and such
Are you a twin? If not, would you ever want to be a twin? If you are a twin, do you ever wish you weren’t? ;)
Would you ever want to go and visit the moon? it’s bought by Tom Cruise, no thx
Does anything on your body hurt or ache right now? shut up...
When was the last time you struggled to get to sleep? Was there was a specific reason for that? constantly
When was the last time you had a cold? With everything going on in the news, did you worry that it was COVID? my dad had a cold
Do you think people should have to pass a test in order to own pets? it’s not the worst idea
When was the last time you fell asleep/had a nap during the day? Is this something that happens often? it happens very rarely
so how are you today? bad
have you ever been to London? in the past life lmfao
do you enjoy going to the library? heh...
what’s the last movie you watched? we rewatched Asterix and Obelix 
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sosa-sketch · 5 years
Fright or Flight: Chapter 2
Parings: Prinxiety // Logicality // Platonic LAMP
Story Summary: Virgil and Patton investigate the New Prince Castle, when a brutal accident kills Patton. Patton wakes as a ghost and meets friendly ghoul Roman, who has been haunting the castle for 20 years. Virgil is determined to bring Patton back to life and brings Logan, the ghost expert, to help him out. Time is quickly running out, and the four must work together to undo death. If only it was as simple as Logan made it sound.
Unknown to them, a secret entity in the castle does not plan on letting them succeed.
Previous Chapter   Next Chapter 
When Patton first met Virgil, his last intention was to become friends with him. Virgil had built up a notorious reputation over the first few months of school, and his grades did nothing to disprove his status. Patton wasn’t the type to judge a person’s character based on rumors nor looks. No one was a higher believer in the benefit of doubt than Patton! However, Virgil’s first impression did not help his case.
Virgil transferred into Patton’s English class the second semester due to a schedule change. When the teacher stated a new team project was to be completed, Patton did not shy away from offering to be Virgil’s partner. He understood how difficult it could be being the new kid in a class full of friends and cliques.
The project was hefty, an collection of novel analyzing, essays, vocabulary, and journal entries. Patton was not looking forward to the Shakespearean project-Shakespeare’s language was alien to him. It occurred to Patton that pairing up with the soon-to-be-dropout may not have been his best idea. Nonetheless, Patton refused to be jaded.
The first day of the project, Virgil refused to touch the work.
“There’s no way I’m touching this project.” Virgil sneered. “Especially about Shakespeare.”
“Huh?” Patton had not fully processed Virgil’s words. “Is it because you don’t understand it?”
“Neither can I! I guess Shakespeare really has our brains shaken up! Maybe we can ask the teacher to go over it for us?”
The teen huffed and shook his head. Virgil laid his head on the wooden desk and his eyes slipped closed. He napped for the rest of the period.
His behavior continued for weeks. Patton had tried everything in his power to get Virgil to help him out. Patton’s seemingly endless supply of compliments and encouraging gestures served no help.
Patton’s mind had conjured countless excuses for Virgil since Virgil himself refused to give one. At the beginning the excuses had seemed feasible. Lack of sleep? Family issues? However, by week three, Patton was already scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying to justify Virgil’s dismissive attitude with clones and possible mind control. Virgil was no closer to lifting up a pencil, there were ten days left of the project, and Patton still understood little to nothing about Shakespeare. Patton was flying solo and time was ticking.
The final week before the project was due, Patton caught the flu.
Patton would chalk up the flu to the top three sucky sicknesses of his lifetime. His fever was raging, his skin drowning in sweat while the insides of him iced over. Patton couldn’t tell when being awake ended and when sleep began. The only alarm in Patton’s body was the churning in his gut that rushed him to the toilet.
Understandably, the project was the last thing on his mind.
Patton would not remember his Shakespeare mission until the Sunday before it was due, when he was shaking off the final remnants of the flu. The realization hit him like a train, but by the time he went flying off his bed and hurriedly logging on to his computer to check the time, Patton knew it was hopeless. There was no way he could get the project done in a few hours and counting. Not when all his energy was going into fighting of sneezes and headaches.
Patton was dejectedly scrolling through his email filled with newsletters from adoption sites and animal protection agencies when a subject line caught his eye: “English Project.” Linked to the email were word documents and an audio file. Perplexedly, Patton opened the email.
Subject: English Project
so apparently you’ve been sick. class is way more quiet without you their, which is wierd.
i think i did everything you hadn’t done. it’s gonna be really mispelled and confusing and shit. sorry. i’m not the best with righting. feel free to fix anything.
get well soon.
p.s. sorry for acting like a jerk. i owe you a explanation monday.
Patton hugged his computer screen and laugh with relief. He had no idea why Virgil was so nervous. His ideas were brilliant. A week later, Patton would see an A in his gradebook for the Shakespeare project.
There was a reason why Patton never lost faith in people.
True to his word, the next week Virgil explained his mistreatment to Patton. Virgil struggled with dyslexia. While he was getting tutoring in overcoming his learning disability, Virgil’s writing made him incredibly insecure. His old teacher always let him work individually, but the new teacher wasn’t having it. Before class, the teacher pulled him aside and told Virgil he was no different from any other student and would have to work with a partner. Virgil, determined to spite the teacher and anxious to seem like an “idiot” in front of Patton, would pretend to sleep the whole period.
“All your writing took was a quick grammar fix. The ideas were so good! I’m not just saying that to say that, they actually were! I could never think of something like that.” Patton reassured enthusiastically.
Virgil flushed a bright red. “I didn’t do much. Shakespeare is a lot easier to understand with audio.”
Patton listened to the audiobook of Macbeth that night. Virgil clearly wasn’t giving himself enough credit.
Virgil and Patton quickly grew close once the project was done. Virgil was still quiet, snappy, moody, and detrimentally insecure, but he began to open up more as the months went on. By senior year, Patton and Virgil was joined at the hip. Two peas in a pod.
Virgil had grown a lot since freshman year.
Being joined at the hip with Virgil meant that Patton got to understand Virgil by the simplest change in body language or expression. It also meant that Patton became aquatinted with anyone close to Virgil.
Patton already had a bad feeling while Virgil’s tone had shifted on the phone the night they were chatting about yearbook quotes. Remy sending Patton a text only confirmed the ball of dread in his stomach.
Rem: pat can we talk ?
Patton: You don’t even have to ask! Everything ok?
Rem: it’s about v
Rem: have you guys talked recently ? out of school
Patton: We talked last weekend. Over the phone. Why? Is Virgil fine??
Rem: idk. he came over to my house a couple nights ago at like 5 am. talked about some ghost shit.
Patton: He woke you up to talk about ghosts??(language!)
Rem: looking for affirmation that he wasn’t some obsessed ghost freak. i told him nah
Rem: but tbh he kinda is obsessed
Patton: He is passionate about his ghosts! But that’s not a bad thing.
Rem: v strongly disagrees. the whole thing about the yearbook and ghost quotes really messed with his head
Patton: I didn’t mean anything bad by it! It was just an idea! I promise! I’ll apologize to him!!!
Rem: wait no thats not what im saying. no one blames u
Rem: is he doing any ghost stuff anytime soon
Patton: Yep. He’s going to visit a castle!
Patton: Is that bad?
Rem: don’t you remember last time v became paranoid abt something? he pulled some real stupid stuff just to prove ppl wrong
Patton: Yeah. I know.
Patton: Gosh now I’m worried :(
Rem: i just dont want him doing anything he’ll regret on the trip. can u just…idk watch out for him pls ? ik v can take care of himself. but sometimes he gets into this headspace that’s self-destructive
Rem: tbh i dont like his ghost stuff as it is. i dont need him doing something dumb either
Patton: I understand Rem. That’s really sweet of you <3 <3
Patton: I’ll look out for him! I promise!!!! :-) :-)
Rem: ty. dont tell v abt this convo tho
Despite feeling uneasy about it, Patton understood Remy’s request to keep silent. Telling Virgil about their conversation would only push Virgil away and make him defensive. It’d be impossible to look out for him.
Virgil had already given Patton a way in. Patton had to talk to Logan for Virgil and get any supplies he might need. Patton loved visiting Logan in and of itself. Maybe Logan could help him out.
Logan’s business was located near small shops clustered along the beach. It was a hotspot for tourists, where knickknacks and souvenirs were sold and expensive attractions were advertised. Patton walked along here with Virgil sometimes, stopping at the arcade or mirror maze. Patton had met some of the most interesting people in the small touristy town.
Among the attractions was a dark blue shingled building with a pointy-roofed top. Painted letters on a wooden board spelt out “Afterlife Exposed.” Patton stepped through the door and a bell gently ringed, signaling his arrival.
At the sound of the bell, a tall, dark-haired man turned around. His navy suit blended in with the darkness of the shop. The man’s lean body was captivated beautifully in the suit. Patton quickly averted his eyes, blushing furiously.
“I have been expecting you-oh. Greetings, Patton. What a surprise.”
“Hi Logan!” Patton waved enthusiastically. “Who were you expecting?”
“No one. It’s a new rule Father has implemented. I must say it to every customer to ‘set the mood,’ as he calls it.” Logan dragged his hand over his face exasperatedly. “I find it quite ridiculous. But business shall be business.”
Logan’s father technically owned Afterlife Exposed. But he was always hidden in the back, gathering supplies or experimenting. Logan was currently studying entrepreneurship in college in order to take over the family business someday.
“How may I help you today, Patton?” Logan inquired, stepping around the counter to stand in front of him. He was even taller up close.
Patton filled Logan in about the New Prince Castle family murder and Virgil’s plan to investigate the castle for one of his ghost routines. Logan nodded politely the whole way through.
“I see. What an intriguing case. What exactly does he need from me?”
Patton shrugged cluelessly. “Anything you think might help, I guess.”
“What’s his budget?”
“A coffee and cake pop from Starbucks, if he uses his gift card.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “And he sent you to purchase something from here? Why, he couldn’t even afford a keychain.”
“Come on, Logan! He’s one of your most loyal customers and between us, he’s going through a rough patch. Can’t you help him out? Please?”
Logan massaged his temples and sighed. “Patton, it’s just not something the business can afford to do right now. My Father and I have been dealing with a sort of rough patch as well. You and Virgil have my sincerest apologies-truly, you do.”
Patton nodded dejectedly, “I understand.” Spotting Logan’s hesitant expression and tense form, he rested a hand on Logan’s shoulder and grinned. “Really, I do. I don’t blame you.”
Logan gave a small, tight-lipped smile in return. Gently shaking Patton’s hand off his shoulder, he clasped his hands together tightly. “Well, is there anything else I can do for you?”
“I’m not too sure.” Patton pursed his lips in thought. “Well, actually. I was wondering if you could tell me the dos and don’ts of ghost hunting. The yays and nays. The cats and dogs-actually no scratch that, both of those would be a yay.”
“With all due respect, Patton, I think Virgil has got that covered.” Logan reassured. “He must have asked me a dozen times prior to his first investigation.”
“Oh yeah, I know. It’s for me.” Patton corrected.
Logan raised an eyebrow in perplexion. Patton had never shown an interest in ghost hunting when Virgil wasn’t to be found.
Patton thought quickly. “I just want to understand more. For when I talk to Virgil. Sometimes I really don’t get half the explanations coming from the kiddo’s mouth.” It wasn’t a lie. “Just…how do you deal with ghosts?
“I see.” Logan clicked his tongue. “I’m sure Virgil could explain it to you more in depth. But, if you’re ever in doubt, chalk it up to one thing: respect. Is what you’re doing respecting the afterlife and their home? Are you portraying common courtesy? Treat them with the same respect as the living, if not more. There are exceptions, as with anything, but for the most part, that should keep you out of trouble with spirits.”
“Respect.” Patton repeated.
“You have strong morals, Patton. If you’re concerned about involvement with the afterlife due to your closeness with Virgil, I would not worry. Lack of respect is the last of your weaknesses.”
Logan pulled out his phone from the back of his pocket. “I apologize, I must return to my work. However, if you or Virgil have any more questions, feel free to give me a call.”
Patton gushed and thanked Logan, jotting down his number. Logan flushed a gentle red and held out his hand for a handshake.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Patton.”
Patton swatted Logan’s hand away and brought him in for a hug. “Thank you, Logan.”
Logan awkwardly pat Patton on the back before ungracefully untangling himself from the embrace. “I was only doing my job. Now, I understand it’s none of my business, but I recommend getting some rest. You look exhausted.”
“High school has permanently carved bags under my eyes.” Patton shook his head defeatedly.
Logan gave an amused smirk. “You sounded like Virgil.”
Patton beamed. “Like father, like son!”
Just as Patton was about to turn around to leave the store, something in the corner of the room glistened, catching his eye. “Hey Logan? Just one more thing?”
Logan hummed at him, encouraging Patton to continue.
He pointed to the object at the corner of the room. “How much can I get that for?”
 “Walkie-talkies. I sent you to Logan Berry, one of the smartest, most knowledgeable people about the afterlife in this town, and you come back with a Ghost Buster walkie-talkie.” Virgil grunted, dangling the toy by its antennae.
“You can have the Casper the Ghost one instead.”
“What? No! Ghost Busters is better, anyway.” Virgil groaned. “That’s not the point. How about advice? Did Logan say anything?”
“Just to respect the ghosts. Have common courtesy. Which you better be doing anyway, even without Logan telling you to do so.”
Virgil threw his hands up in exasperation and fell down into his sofa as the cushions engulfed the skinny man. “Obviously I respect them! The last thing I need is coming home possessed and cursed! He knows I know that. That’s really all he said?”
“Besides giving us his number.” Patton confirmed. “Which I already gave you.”
Virgil grumbled. “Whatever. One day I’ll get enough money to- wait. The walkie-talkies. There’s no way you could have bought them with my money, I would not have had enough. Please don’t tell me…”
Virgil got a glance of Patton’s sheepish look and groaned. “Patton, we have a rule! No buying each other anything!” He buried his head in his hands. “I can’t pay you back. You know that.”
“Hey…” Patton took a seat next to Virgil and laid a comforting hand on his knee. “It’s okay. They weren’t expensive. You don’t have to pay me back.”
Virgil looked at Patton in between his fingers. His voice was muffled against his palms. “You know how I feel about that, Pat.”
“Virgil, come on.” Patton pleaded.
Virgil shook his head. “Thank you. But, you need to return them.”
Guilty silence settled among the two, but neither made a move to leave. Both were lost in their own worlds when an idea struck Patton.
He nudged Virgil. “I know a way for you to pay me back without money.” At Virgil’s unimpressed look, he protested, “Seriously! It would mean a lot more to me than whatever these walkie-talkies cost.”
“Yea?” Virgil lifted his head from his hands. “What is it?”
Patton stared at Virgil’s stormy eyes as his heart pounded. In all honesty, this was the last thing Patton wanted to do. He was terrified. But, he thought back to the conversation he had with Remy, and the last time Virgil did something senseless unsupervised due to paranoia. “I want to go ghost hunting with you. At the New Prince Castle.”
Virgil’s jaw dropped. His eyes darted around Patton’s face before he shook his head and gave a weak chuckle. “Sure, Pat. Whatever you say.”
“No, I’m serious!” Patton insisted. “I’ll respect the ghosts and do whatever you tell me to do!”
Virgil was dismissing Patton before he could finish his sentence. “No, no, no. You hate ghost stories, Pat! Especially ones that are spooky and gruesome. You’d hate ghost-hutning. It’s dark and there’s lots of weird noises and tons of spiders. No way. I’m not adding more guilt to my conscience.”
Virgil made a move to get up from the sofa, but Patton refused to let the conversation drop. He grabbed Virgil’s hand and pulled him back to the seat. Virgil landed with a clumsy thump.  
“Kiddo, I know I hate all those things. I’m sure I’ll be scared. But, you’ll be there too! I love you more than I hate all those things combined.”
“Patton, we can do something else together. Go to the movies. Or bowling. Normal teen stuff.” Virgil reasoned.
Patton retorted, “But ghost hunting is important to you.”
“It’s not that important. It’s a simple hobby. I don’t care that much about it.” Virgil cut off.
“I know, I know!” Patton quickly backtracked. “What I meant was that ghost-hunting has been a cool way for us to bond. It intrigues you-a perfectly normal amount-and I like seeing you happy! Just like you go walking with me along the shops by the beach even though it’s super crowded and you hate it.”
“Patton, what’s your point?” Virgil grilled.
“My point is I want to try this thing that you enjoy with you. Just like you try things for me. It’s senior year, Virgil. No one hates thinking about it more than me, but we don’t know what things are going to be like after high school. I want to find a husband, start a family. Maybe study veterinary science. You could have a publisher for your writing, become a famous author, and move. I want to do this with you. I want to get over my fear.”
Patton stared at Virgil hopefully and held out his hand. “What do you say? One more big adventure for the dynamic duo?”
Virgil stared at Patton, looked down and roughly shook his head, froze, then stared at Patton once more. Virgil’s foot rapidly tapped against the floor, creating a dizzy, distracting melody. Finally, Virgil pulled his hair and glared at Patton. “You’ll be careful?”
Patton nodded eagerly.
“And you’ll stick with me no matter what? At all times? I want you in my sight.”
Virgil dramatically groaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. “I guess you can come.”
Patton shot up from his seat, whooping with joy and hopping around the sofa. “Thank you, Virgil! Thank you! We’re going to have such a great time!”
Virgil peeked one eye open and gave a soft grin. “Yeah, I guess we are. You’re sure you wanna do this?”
“Never been more sure of anything in my life besides my love for you and cats! I pinkie swear it.”
Patton and Virgil intertwined pinkies before Patton winked and let go, embracing Virgil.
“Let your moms know you’re going to be gone for the weekend.” Virgil smirked. “We have a haunted castle to explore.”
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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‘less weird hairs,’ pics of me, real life questions, seasons thoughts, kpop stuff, ‘are you a boy’ erhdfnv, tutorial questions, edits, ‘safe’ cc, and umm yeah never go camping in the actual woods ok
Anonymous said: Can you do Less weird hair? I Like how good Mesh You make but all styles look Really Weird I never Would use them. I just want Usual hair? Thanks you            
Firstly, thank you for the meshing compliment, but tbh I think I make pretty simple hair styles? Like I don’t do many crazy things especially recently? Idk, I hope you like some of my hairs and can find something that fits in your liking :/
Anonymous said: Hi I really love you content and I was wondering if you’d ever do a “goddess locs” hairstyle?            
Ok I am gonna be super straight forward about this, making hairstyles like this is really challenging for me. I have tried a ton of times and I just can’t get the meshes to work out the way I like. UV mapping is a pain in the ass, making the hairline match well, and making sure none of the mesh strands are broken is next to impossible for me. Most creators that make hairstyles like this do them from scratch or spend a long time working on them for them to look right. I’m not saying ‘no’ because I am going to try to play around with some seasons meshes (I have hair ideas) but no promises :(
i know omg jennie snapped, I wasn’t planning on buying the physical album but I ended up caving in and getting the pink versions ;-; I hope I get Jennie or Lisa photocards
Anonymous said: i know your theme is by gukthemes, but what is it called?            
Anonymous said: Are you ever gonna do a face reveal?
I have posted a pic of myself before in one of these ask posts, here are three more from the past few months :P
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Anonymous said: Fav kpop group(s)???            
1). LOONA (bias Kim Lip) 2). BLACKPINK (bias Jennie) 3). RED VELVET (bias Joy) 4). CLC (bias Yeeun) 5). DREAMCATCHER (idk their names but the rapper)
Anonymous said: You play pokemon go still?
Yes! I collected cards/figures growing up and watched the show before school every morning. I’m not a ‘game’ fan but the mobile app is fun. Actually I played the Wii U Pokemon tournament game but it was boring so :/
Anonymous said: are you going to buy seasons? do you think it is worth it?
I got it from CDkeys for $25 lmao, so yes :P I can’t run the live mode so I kind of am just getting it for the new CAS assets :/ but I think the pack looks really good. Everyone always says ‘it looks like the best EP so far’ every time something new comes out so I’m not gonna say that but we will see :D
Anonymous said: whats ur skin blend called?            
Fruitpunch! You can get it here
Anonymous said: when are you going to be done camping?
I am back home now lmao I assume you sent this when I posted about not having service there :P but I was camping for 3 days? I know it was 2 nights at least refdbv also omg some camping stories:
► I didn’t have my voice for the entire trip bc I got sick with laryngitis, and now koby (the guy i shared a tent with) has it too erfdbvc
► It was blazing hot like omg I was dying, there werent showers, bathrooms, anything with AC. The tents were boiling hot, the ground fucking hurt, and it was just hell ok this isnt even a story I just need to complain.
► There was a racoon family outside the tents the first night, and we thought it was a bear bc we were literally in the middle of the woods, like it wasn’t a campsite with other people, it was the forest ;-; anyways we were legit so freaked out and up for 2 hours just listening to them walk around the tents and god it was so scary rfbdv
► As I said, I had no service so I missed the larvitar community day in pokemon go -_-
► I suck at cornhole so I was the cheer leader for a team UwU
► A deer jumped out right in front of the fucking car like RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT omg we were so close to hitting it like... it was fucking scary
► We went walking on a trail that was down a mountain and once we got down we discovered that the chairlift up was CLOSED so we had to walk back up and it was a nightmare bc we had all just drove like 30 minutes to shower in crappy no pressure no heat showers and we were all sweaty again by the time we got back to the top ;-;
dont go camping
Anonymous said: Your last edit creeps me out.
LMAO why? It isnt meant to be sexual or scary?  
@achinghearts88 said: I really love Sims 4 cc but I constantly struggle with finding safe sites and have accidentally downloaded a virus trying to get cc before so I'm kinda frightened now. What advice do you have for getting safe cc? Thanks!
Hello! I use an adfly skipper + adblock, and if both of those don’t work then I just don’t download the cc. For some creators (nolan-sims, simduction, isjao, ivo-sims, and others) I will turn them off because I know these creators aren’t ones that use the sketchy adfly stuff, but for others that I don’t know well I leave it on. I use: U Block origin and adfly skipper (both on firefox)
Anonymous said: I couldn't find a "contact me" thing but your AHarris00Britney has a broken mesh I think.            
??? idk what this means im sorry ;-; what hair are you referring to?
Anonymous said: an amazing creator and a loona fan???? i stan            
My mind... your mind... our mind..
@chocooosims said: hey, I love your cc, you are such a good creator! :) I'm not sure if someone already ask you that, but have you ever considered making a tutorial where you show us how you create maxis match hair? I mean, I know that I can already find on Internet  tutorials about frankenmeshing hair. But the thing is that you are one of the only creator who do more than simply merge 2 EA's hair together. So, I would really love to see a tutorial of how you are creating your cc! :) Thx for your time!! 
I am making a BIG tutorial right now of me making a hair from start-finish and it is around 3 hours not speed up. My guardian angel is going to edit it for me tonight and then I will try to have it posted next week sometime
Anonymous said: what university are you going to?
Radford :D it is in Virginia
Anonymous said: Just wanted to let you know you're a king           
thank you lmao I wish it were true, stan loona or be beheaded
Anonymous said: r u a guy or girl or non binary etc. also are you lgbtq+ at all? not to judge, just wondering :)
uuh, I’m a gay guy lmao idk about all the other terms like cis/bianary ;-; i like the anatomy exclusive to the male body
edit: rip so someone messaged me asking what I meant by “anatomy exclusive to the male body” and I was like ?? bc I meant i like d**k, and i explained that i didn't like using cuss words on my blog bc my account got shut down/deleted/reported last year and was completely gone for two days while I emailed my butt off to get it back. Also, I was trying to be funny by sounding proper and using big terms like anatomy/exclusive instead of just saying “i like penis” bc that just isnt as fun to say imo. My anatomy teacher never used words like v*gina/p*nis and would say stuff like that, and I always found it funny and I guess that was another reason I worded it that way. Anyways if you think I was being transphobic, I apologize. I hope you don’t think that I am transphobic bc of that? If you want to message me and talk to me about how I can word stuff better then I am around 24/7 mostly, but I’m not going to fight with anyone who is just looking to argue because that is childish. I am sorry to those that got offended but I got one message about this so if something like this happens, message me like this person and ask what I meant so that it isn’t blown out of proportion. Again, I did not think that it would be taken that way and I am sorry if you felt that I was making fun of a trans person. <3
Anonymous said: What do you see in the corner of your room when you get sleep paralysis  (;            
James Charles with breasts on the beach and im not sharing this photo anymore it is demonic OK
Anonymous said: hi! i installed your non-default eye recolors but i'm having a glitch with them. my female sims lose their face in cas and it's just like an empty spot where the face should be. i have the default eyes installed too so i know it's not an issue with a missing mesh but i'm not sure how to fix it.            
Hello!! I don’t think this is my eyes because I’m not experiencing this glitch? Did you run a S4S batch fix over everything? I think that causes this glitch sometimes but I am unsure. Try repairing your game and if you have the “no EA eyelash” mod then redownload that and replace the old file.
@sephirajo said: I found your sims 4 mods and I love the hairs! They're so amazing and pretty.            
thank you so much!
Anonymous said: In your collab with wildpixel, I F**KING love the Ivy hair; do you have any recolours of it or any of the other hairs in the collab?
all the hairs in that pack are recolored in the anathema and sacharinne palette :) and I reblog all recolors of my cc over on @aharris00britneyrecolors
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incorrectcats · 4 years
It's too soon in the morning to cry, but this is too much. We still have a lot of things to improve on the acc but it's lovely to spend some time with you guys and talk to you here. We're blessed (this fandom is blessed too omg). LET'S GO WITH THE TAGS OF THE LOVELY PEOPLE.
@jelliclegifs @itwasmungojerrie @its-that-horrible-cat @was-there-ever @your-missing-period @tuggercore @singerj2002 @fandomsandmore394 @mzlle-punzi @jelliclescanandjelliclesdo @mrmisto @voltsdolt
And I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of beautiful people so feel free to come and tell me JXKSJX LOVE YOU AAAAAAALL ♥️♥️
Tag 10 or 15 people you love here in tumblr
oh boi
@whoviannekogal, @artsy-tatertots, @hokoribunny, @flcat95boi, @inky-saturn, @drawingkiyrah018, @thewindowsshutdownnoise, @charanal, @onlyplatonicirl, @mutated-bunnies, @parspicle, @theappleempress, @reyano, @thegreatyin
annnnnnnnd a lotta other people, but that’s wayyyyy for than 10-15
edit: also sbfhabdjha PLEASE don’t feel bad if i didn’t include i have smol brain and i just remembered someone to add
like i’m trying i love you all there’s just so many of you babys and i can’t keep up
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franeridart · 7 years
Did you know that Honezuki's 'favorite thing' on his info page is giving or receiving messages?
I did know!!!!! He’s so soft, honestly ;u; was that a pun maybe it was
Anon said:Bleh I’m trying to read the bnha manga on kissmanga but every time I change the chapter It gives me a pop up and I’m reading on mobile so I can’t block it .-. I really don’t think I’m gonna be able to read it
How about you try using mangasee? Or mangareader? Or mangahere? Honestly I really don’t like kissmanga anyway, there’s a lot of better sites around hah
Anon said: Omg fran every time i see ur notifications i get so happy thx for existing
HHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。 thank u
Anon said:The moment you posted that new Bakushima I just HAD to set it as my lock screen. I jump every time you post a picture, I get so excited. And I’m never disappointed. Thank you for all of your content!!
Anon said:What would you be like in the Boku no Hero Academia world? What would your quirk be? Your class(class 1-A)? Your relationship status with everyone in that class?
What a weird question, and the weirdest thing is that I have another similar one somewhere in my inbox haha ANYWAY!!! I’ve been thinking about this and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be a hero my friend hah I’m not heroic enough - I’d wish to be in support, for sure, building stuff makes me happy?? And if I could pick my own quirk it’d be something that helps me build and fix stuff easier since it’s something I’m vaguely good at already and to be really good at it would be lovely… 100% sure the drawback would be headaches
I dunno about relationship status with the main cast in general? But as far as the squad goes I’m pretty sure I could get along easy enough with Sero and Jirou, and everyone gets along with Kiri, Denki and Mina anyway. Bakugou is a mystery. Both if he’d be able to stand me and if I’d be able to stand him. I just don’t know.
YO!!!! I used to know a lovely guy who was born exactly ten days before me and had my same name I loved him a lot WHICH MEANS I’m loving you a lot by default too !!!!!!!!
Anon said:Would you do a speedpaint or a stream or idk something like that? I would love to watch you draw
I tried understanding how to make a speedpaint once but tbh once I recorded myself drawing and I watched it it was kind of… real boring……….. are you sure you want to watch me draw it’s, like, seriously monotonous…………………….
SO ARE YOU???????? OH MY!!!!!
Anon said:what are.. your thoughts.. on ojiro x kaminari
Anon said:Your answer about getting notes is amazing. Seriously. It’s intelligent and honest and it makes me admire you even more. It does hurt to realize that my art might never get a lot of notes simply because there aren’t many people who like what I do, or bc I can’t put the effort to draw everyday at this moment of my life. But it’s also eye opening. Like, social media is all about shared interests, right? And that’s great so I can’t rlly blame anyone. Not the original anon but, thank you very much.
I’m glad the answer was helpful to you at least a little? It’s honestly just my personal experience, I know of really well known artists that post rarely but still get a lot of notes tbh… the thing is that whether you draw every day for a year or sporadically for five years you’re still gonna improve, you just take longer? I don’t know what I wanted to point out with this but, yeah, what I talked about was just how it happened for me haha
I’m glad you liked themmmmmm!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Omgomgomg you have a store!!! I’m so excited!! I know where it’s going, when I have a little extra cash!!
G AH !!!!!!! Thank you ???? 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。
Anon said:Thought of Tetsu x baku? I ship them so hard! Because even though a lot of people say it would be just like kiribaku, I dont think so? Tetsu is.. Very different from kiri in a lot of ways, and his and baku relationship would also be different! :3
Kiri and Tetsu are definitely different and more importantly their relationship with Bakugou is completely different too, so of course the ships are gonna be totally different as well! Can’t say I specifically ship it tho, mostly because Tetsu and Baku haven’t interacted much and the little they have Tetsu didn’t seem to like Baku at all? I tend not to ship Baku with people that don’t like him haha
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farsfromhome · 7 years
Hi I was tagged in a lot of ask tags so I'm gonna do them all in one go! Thank you @spideypooly @underose @babyparker Name: Amanda 
Star sign: Pisces 
Height: 5'6
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 it depends
Lucky number: 8
Last thing I googled: lemme go check. Okay it was to get a hex code from an image for my mobile layout lmao.
Number of blankets I sleep with: just one
Favorite fictional characters: ok I have a lot. Peter Parker, Luke Skywalker, Finn, Kamala, & Katniss Everdeen
Favorite Novel: catching fire in the hunger games series 
What are you wearing right now?: pajama pants and an old American idol t shirt lmao 
When did I start this blog?: literally yesterday 
Amount of followers: 43 and I'm shook !
What do I post mostly?: tom holland & spider man stuff 
Most active follower?: I think you can find that out on the real site but I'm on mobile so idk tbh 
What made me get a tumblr?: I've actually had tumblr for years and I joined bc I'd always see posts from tumblr and wanted to join
Do I get a lot of asks?: nope haven't gotten one but it's all good lmao
Why did I get this URL?: it's supposed to be a play on homecoming but it's not amazing Alphabet Q&A Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. A - Age: 18
B - Birthplace: New York
C - Current Time: 11:31 AM
D - Drink You Last Had: I think iced tea? Can't remember.
E - Easiest Person To Talk To: my best friends Abby and Katie but Abby's all the way in Australia so it's a lil difficult.
F - Favorite Song: hmmm I have so many but at the current moment it's touch by little mix.
G - Grossest Memory: a duck pooped on my favorite shoe when I was younger and I had to throw them out smh
H - Horror Yes or Horror No: No thx I don't like horror movies 
I - In Love?: Uhm not really but someday I guess.
J - Jealous of People?: uh yeah sometimes it depends lmao 
L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: Walk by again
M - Middle Name: Lynn 
N - Number of Siblings: one. I have an older brother.
O - One Wish: happiness tbh
P - Person You Called Last: It was my mom 
Q - Question You Are Always Asked: "are you excited to go to college?" Nope no thank u adulting????? Yikes.
R - Reason to Smile: my cat. She always makes me happy. 
S - Song You Sang Last: TT by Twice.
T - Time You Woke Up: 10:30 I think
U - Underwear Colour: black
V - Vacation Destination: Tokyo, Japan. I've always wanted to go there.
W - Worst Habit: biting my nails lol.
X - X-rays: I had one like two years ago on my knees 
Y - Your favourite food: Mac n cheese 
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces 85 Q n A’s!! Rules: Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people. 
Last 1. drink: iced tea 
2. phone call: my mother
3. text message: my gc with all my friends 
4. song you listened to: TT by Twice
5. time you cried: Last week I was so sick and felt like absolute shit 
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. been cheated on: nope
9. lost someone special: I've lost my grandma a few years ago f
10. been depressed: yes but not really my problem is my anxiety tbh 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope 3 favourite colours 12. Pink 13. Blue 14: Purple in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes I dropped one really toxic friendship and gained a lot more friends.
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: I do this a lot but I honestly can't remember the last time I did that lmao
18. found out someone was talking about you: actually nope but I don't doubt that it happens. Listen, as long as I don't know it it's fine. 
19. met someone who changed you: yes but nothing bad. Just let me out of my shell more.
20. found out who your friends are: mhhhhmmm
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope. Also not a big fan of Facebook. General: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i honestly can't even remember I never go on it.
23. do you have any pets: yes! I have two dogs and a cat. My dogs names are Emma & Daisy and my cats name is Meeko. 24. do you want to change your name: eh not really 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to Cheesecake Factory with my friends. 26. what time did you wake up: 10:30 I think 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: in my bed I'm tired lmao 
28. name something you can’t wait for: the next Star Wars movie omg
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 10 minutes ago 
31. what are you listening to right now: my family talk to themselves at the dinner table 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: loud chewers I hate it i haaaate it 34. most visited website: Twitter tbh
35. hair colour: my hair is currently purple 36. long or short hair: it's long I'd say 37. do you have a crush on someone: I did before but not really anymore since schools ended lmao 38. what do you like about yourself: I really like my hair.
39. piercings: I have both my ears pierced and then I also have a nose ring.
40. blood type: I actually don't know. 
41. nickname: panda, mandy, uhmmmm anything you can think of that works I've probably been called.
42. relationship status: single rip
43. zodiac: Pisces 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: The office 46. tattoos: none!!! But I really want one sooo bad. I'm just scared of the pain. I've got exactly what I want all planned out tho.
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: I've had my wisdom teeth removed lmao 
50. sport: I don't play any but I enjoy watching hockey and swimming.
51. vacation: Tokyo! Specially Tokyo Disneyland. 
52. pair of trainers: I think this means shoes? My favorite pair of shoes I think? Well my converse. MORE GENERAL
53. eating: currently haven't eaten anything yet.
54. drinking: haven't had anything to drink yet today.
55. I’m about to: probably just chill out 
56. waiting for: my doctors appointment tomorrow so I can figure out what the heck my ear is doing.
58. get married: eventually 
59. career: i really don't know but I'm leaning more towards social working since thats what my major is leaning more towards but idk. WHICH IS BETTER:
60. hugs or kisses: tbh neither 
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: older
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 
65. hookup or relationship: a relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER:
67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: no
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yup and it's super annoying 
70. turned someone down: yes I think 
71. sex on the first date: nope 
73. had your heart broken: yeah I think so 
74. been arrested: nope
75. cried when someone died: yeah
76. fallen for a friend: actually nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
77. yourself: it depends on the situation lmao
78. miracles: eh
79. love at first sight: not really 
80. santa claus: I used to 
81. kiss on the first date: I guess it depends on how good it is 
82. angels: Not really OTHER:
84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: I have too many but my favorite of all time is cat in the hat I know it's really bad but it's a guilty pleasure. Okay I'm gonna tag random! Sorry if you've been tagged in one before. @starryeyesandblurredlies @trashholland @spideygwen @penlsparker @pcteparker
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? some
What trends do you refuse to give in to? basically all of them What types of perfume/cologne do you like on your preferred sex? none How do you get rid of anxiety? wish I knew! Are you a more of a homebody, or someone who’s always out with friends? homebody Are you materialistic? been told - in a sentimental way, not rich way Would you consider yourself open-minded? no Is there anything in your life right now that needs fixing? my body/mind Would you say that the simple things in life make you happy? they make me smile, I enjoy them Do you come up with your own words or sayings often? yes What’s the first thing you think of when I say ‘pearl necklace’?
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Gummi worms: Yay or nay? nay What do you do when you have ‘me time’? why after the question before it sounds so... ekhem... What’s your opinion on Weird Al Yankovic? I liked his SW song Have you ever met someone online that you wanted to meet in real life? yup and met but only one person When was the last time you entertained yourself with shadow puppets?  not that long time ago tbh as I like to do that randomly :D
What do you think S.H.C. stands for? school lmfao
Have you ever heard of Salad Fingers? mhm *I like rusty spoons
How do you feel about oldies (50’s-70’s) music? depends on the song
Ford or Dodge?  Ford What’s your favorite element: fire, earth, wind or water? I think that most spectacular, in a movie/book, is fire, then wind, earth is most lame but I still dislike water, when it comes to real life then eart would be most interesting instead hahaha but I’m either wind or earth probably 
Do you visit craft/hobby stores often? nope
How do you feel about spiked collars?  cool
What’s keeping you from going after the person you like? I’ve been writing about it plenty of times...
Who/what brings out the best in you? depends on your definition of “best”
Have you ever watched or read A Clockwork Orange? no and don’t want/plan to
How do you feel about plastic pink flamingos? love
Do you like your ice cream super frozen or somewhat melted? in between
Fill in the blanks: I wish _____ knew _____. I wish I knew what’s wrong with me and how to fix it. I wish I knew what’s good and bad and what I should do. I wish I knew who I am and what I want/need. 
Do you enjoy playing with magnets? :3 I collect them but don’t play with magnets 
How do you handle an awkward moment? depends
The Beatles: totally amazing or horribly overrated? overrated
Have you ever felt like you belonged in a different century? not really
Pretend you just saw a shooting star. What do you wish for? health *not that it will work
Was your first phone a flip phone? nope What is an old website that closed down that you miss? polyvore forever <3 Do you listen to Grace VanderWaal? If yes, what’s your favorite song of hers? I know/like one of her songs - I don’t like you What is the grossest thing you have ever vomited up? everything about puking is disgusting so... If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? omg...
Are you foreign-born? I was born and live in Poland Do you drink coffee with your breakfast? I don’t drink coffee at all
Did you know that dolphins & whales are mammals?  I did Are all of your grandparents still alive? no
do you need to take a smoke break? I don’t smoke honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? I won’t be a parent :P what kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? uh... have you ever been tutored or tutored someone yourself? been tutored would you rather wear necklaces, bracelets, rings, or earrings? hmm... is everything you have on actually yours? sure when was the last time you wore a band-aid and why? wbiłam sobie metalowy drut w palec what would you do if you discovered that you had a 7 year old kid? ... how? moon sand or play doh? Playdoh do you honestly believe that someone will waste their time reading this? I know she will pfft what’s something you need to get done soon? don’t remind me... your grandparents just died in a plane crash, what are you doing? sit confused as why would they be in a plane in the first place? :o if i came to your house, could i find any kind of chocolate? ask my mother do your parents allow smoking in your house? hell no last person you left a voicemail for? I don’t like voicemails what is the last thing you charged? cellphone have you ever held a snake? I wanna describe to me the nearest stuffed animal to you. there’s shitload of those around me do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower? neither zebrah print, cheetah print, cow print, polka dots, or stripes? stripes would you rather go to a beach, and amusement park, or a water park? beach or amusement park, definitely not water park
Have you ever thought about becoming a crime scene investigator? yep
If I asked around, would people say you’re an actually good friend? doubt it
Where are your siblings at right now, if you have any? most likely her apartment
Do people say you complain too much? I know I do, sorry not sorry?
Have you ever considered changing your sexual orientation? there was a moment
Do you miss any of your past best friends? kinda
Have you graduated high school yet? If so, what color were your cap and gown? we didn’t have caps and gowns
Does your significant other complain about the way you dress? does she? XD
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? would say so
What would you do if a stranger smacked your ass and whistled? dunno
Do you understand the game of Monopoly? why not
Do you ever make fun of short people? I’m short...
Would you say you’re reliable to be a good babysitter? I don’t like kids
Do you feel replaced in any way at all right now? when my dad plays with my niece :( also when I see/hear about my ex friends and exes in general?
Do you think it’s actually possible to have a ‘beautiful nightmare?’ yes
Have you ever held an intervention for someone before? I don’t want to participate in such a thing 
Do you ever blame your problems on someone else? only if they’re at blame
As a child, were you ever made fun of? What about right now? I’ve been bullied my whole life
Are you more of an open, optomistic person or lonely and pessimistic? loner* and pessimistic but I’m also quite open about who I am, because I’m an introvert doesn’t mean I’m shy
What is the last thing you tried on in a store? not sure what was last
When did you realize you are no longer a child? this question makes me sad Is sleeping naked more comfortable then in clothes? no idea Are you comfortable enough around your friends to change in front of them? I don’t care most of the time anymore tbh Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone? smth more more often than just kissing which is weird Do you prefer to fix the problems or just end the relationship? depends Have you ever accidentally stepped on a cat tail? possibly
Did you know that when a worm is cut in two both pieces grow again and continue living? been told Do veggies gross you out? why Have you ever dated someone in secret? :x Do you bring pillows and blankets on road trips? nope Does walking by yourself make you nervous? might When dog’s bark, do you think it actually sounds like ‘ruff’? no What about when cows moo? yup Do you kiss your pets? yuk Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car? I don’t drive Does your leg itch right now? not rn Would you rather marry someone repulsive or be alone forever? be alone When is the last time you saw a monkey on TV? I don’t watch TV Would you be sad if you were 50 and still not married? nope Is it dark out yet? mhm Do hugs help when you’re sad? sometimes Do you buy more things online or in stores? stores Do online dating sites ever work? not for me
Do you find kite flying boring? if for a long time Have you ever released a paper lantern? I’d like to 
Do you ever listen to Jpop? not anymore What is the best summer camp you have ever been to? been to two and both had good and bad sides  Is your bed next to a window? it’s not 
Have you ever ran a cash register? I have
Does anyone appreciate your talents? what talents? Do you ever write letters and send them through the mail? used to Have you ever had an allergy test at the doctor’s? even recently
Skeletons or scarecrows? scarecrows
Do you own pumpkin earrings? - Have you ever walked through a haunted house? no thx Have you ever asked someone to be your Valentine? and they laughed at me?...
Do you like the name Ellery? sounds like Celery so no
Do you find cemeteries pretty? yeah Does your phone screen freeze a lot? could say so
Do you tend to wear the color blue the most? as a kid Did you kiss anyone on New Years? never Who did you spend your last velentine’s day with? by myself
Is there anything plugged to your computer? two pendrives and powerbank Anyone ever got you something while you were with them without you knowing? sort of Are you more of the indie or mainstream type? indie Where is your favorite place to be massaged? I don’t receive massages When did you last speak with your grandparents? years ago Don’t you hate it when something limits the amount you can type/write? very Do you live where there are a lot of cows? nope Have you ever went an entire day without looking at yourself in the mirror? as a person who avoids mirrors... Do you like the colors purple and orange together? depends? Honestly, do you smell nice at the moment? do I ever? my partner tells me I do but I’ve been told I stink several times before
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