#not just the two episodes i mean the whole thing omfg
asakamasanobu · 2 years
i should honestly start paying some kind of therapist royalties to nakamura for all she has unwittingly done for my mental health omfg ….. i don’t think i could’ve made it through this week without her (and . and many similar weeks)
#this is so facking embarrassing after i just wrote in my asaka post that i haven’t had a mental breakdown this year#like famous last words! boom! you’re gonna get mildly traumatised by someone’s actions in the middle of finals!#which is fun and all bc now i have another ricchan-esque experience under my belt even tho i did not WANT#ANY MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR ME WHATTHDKDHDJ THE FUCK#but i am doing kinda better now! still having mental illness tummy problems and loss of appetite but at least i’m not doing a voms#what have i been doing to therapise myself ….. i binged a bunch of old ricchan chapters <3 and then also watched 3 episodes of the anime <3#really want to rewatch the whole thing again but i can’t when it’s finals LOL so i guess this means dec will be another ritsumas for me !#somehow i always fall back into my ritsu habits when it’s nov/dec wghsjdhsj wtf is up with me in the holidays#and i’ve also been rereading the whole of yokozawa no baai ……. those novels actually come with like#therapist certificates i swear like they are the best pieces of literature ever#i have so many thoughts about them again i should dump them out here soon after finals! ehe!#plus my heart attack when they went poof but all is well again ….. would not have made it to today without them omfg#ok but yes that is all that is going on in my life …… many many things! and i will inevitably pop back here again soon i guess#i still need to read like two ritsu chapters in chinese that i’m behind on bc i’m a monolingual hater#bwehhhHh bweh
0 notes
minimoefoe · 28 days
space babies and the devil's chord first watch thoughts
a couple of these are things i wrote down while watching but most is off the top of my head afterwards. will probs rewatch in the week and be more on it writing down thoughts etc
spaces babies
starting the episode with however many minutes of the doctor telling ruby his life story is... idk. defo didn't hate it but also it felt very powerpoint-y like they're just tryna get all the info out and hit the bases for the new viewers. which is partly understandable and i do think it make sense for the new therapised doctor to be willing to give out info about himself but that coupled with him giving her the key at the end of the ep is like hm i maybe woulda preferred her to find out misc stuff over time? not just have his life story dumped on her when they've just met??? idrk.
with prev eras, that stuff came over time or with 13 the fam finding out about where the doctor was from was a big thing bc it took a whole season and also there was meaning behind it, she was just telling them to get them to stop asking. where as this doesn't feel as deep? it felt, like i said, more about telling the audience than about anything else. even if it does make sense he'd be willing to be open bc of his new therapised self and also the fact him and ruby relate in certain ways so he might feel closer to her quicker
the exact same phone trick that nine did with rose is so... another thing that's like okay fine and also that rose scene was 19yrs ago now so it's not like it happened recently but it being by the same writer is like maybe think of something new. at least the scenes weren't in the same context like with nine and rose it was right after a fight but this was more chill
the doctor purposely scaring the babies was so 😭😭😭
the babies were so cute like. i low-key felt a bit teary when we first met them and they were saying about being alone or whatever it was
some review mentioned that the doctor said 'space babies' a lot and yeah he did and i noticed it every time and idk if that's bc of the review mentioning it or if i woulda noticed anyways but either way it was annoying
ruby sunday monday tuesday wednesday
fifteen and ruby have good banter idk i didn't list every moment but they're defo good together
gonna be real idk why they didn't just let that bogeyman die like. was he or was he not tryna kill them for half the episode. call him a baby but that is not a baby. that ending felt strange idrk
overall a good ep, gave it 3.5/5. has potential to be a 4/5 on rewatch but we'll see
the devil's chord
maestro i doubted you but i stan kinda
the scenes that were released as sneak peaks were WAYYYY better in the actual context of the episode
a susan mention in the year of our lord 2024 is craaaazy. loved it but again is like my first space babies point where it kinda feels like stuff is being revealed to kinda give new viewers back story?? but ALSO susan finally getting mentioned by name is great and what she deserves so idk
one review said ruby was 'casually bisexual' and i did watch these eps at 6/7am so maybe i missed something but.. i didn't notice a single bi ruby moment
maestro mentioning the one who waits at the end was like omfg can we be more creative. i am really into what this season is doing and the toymaker being maestro's dad is really cool but can we find ways of hinting at stuff that isn't literally just a character saying 'they're coming'. it's so lazy
not sure why there's been a six month time skip between episode one and two???? just to keep up with our time? very unnecessary and i feel like doesn't fully work bc ruby has FRESH companion vibes still (like how by now she would defo have found out that shit going bad in the past would fuck up her life in the future but she didn't) but we're i guess supposed to believe it's been six months? whatever
all the fourth wall breaking isn't my fave
why was there a song and dance at the end i know it was music ep but it felt strange/unnecessary
the doctor aggressively pointing the sonic at maestro was so funny like. worried ppl would play guns on the playground with the old sonic design and then you have the doctor do that lol very unserious
the next time trailer looked really cool i'm looking forward to more darker eps, these were mostly just fun
gave this ep 4/5. could go down, defo won't go up i don't think
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ichimatsu-gal · 4 months
I watched the the last two episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Episode 7:
almost immediately I was happy to see Charlie get angry and frustrated even if it was just for that little rant about everything that’s happened so far and then choosing to make a deal with Alastor was insane I’m already theorizing all the ways he could ask for a favor that would still be pretty bad even if it doesn’t involve hurting anyone.
when we get to meet Rosie for the first time I kinda expected her to me more malicious and kinda blood thirsty but she ended up actually being a very sweet person who was very genuine and I loved that about her, she gave Charlie some very good advice about Vaggie that I really appreciate bc I though the same thing, also wasn’t expecting her to have the voice she did but I loved it anyway. (FUCKING SUSAN) the way both Alastor and Rosie just behaved like besties in this was way too funny Alastor cursing was way funnier tho and the fact that all it took was just to say hey there’s gonna be free food and it’s angels flesh was so stupidly simple.
I loved that they gave Carmilla another song she was absolutely beautiful and badass like bro HER HAIR DOWN GOT ME BARKING NOT GONNA LIE, she’s a very strong woman who is smart, resilient, and loves her daughters, also I’m biased bc she’s Latina and I’m latina so obviously she’s the best. The fact that Vaggie being an Angel was so obvious is hilarious to me I always thought the X on her eye was some type of aesthetic eyepatch not like an actual thing angels get when they lose and eye??? Still not sure about that but whatever, I loved the realization that yeah Vaggie fights with no real concern about her own life because she’s never had to fear for her own safety before, she wasn’t even aware she could die so the fact that Carmilla is like girl you fight like you aren’t scared of getting hurt which is stupid on your part is both funny and like wow yeah she’s so right that is a dumb way to go about it. Since usually demons can’t cause any type of real harm angels have never had to worry about death so they go about killing every extermination day completely recklessly so it keeps them open to weak points, they didn’t even think about their own weapons they left behind being used against them so yeah, the song was an absolute bop (like girl find the motivation to fight in the fact that you have someone to lose).
I love that the others stayed obviously they would but it’s nice to see everyone trying to help in any way they can despite the circumstances, they all enjoy each other’s company and it was so nice to see how far everyone has come.
Episode 8:
I’m kinda confused as into how Vox managed to get cameras? technology?? Into the hotel but whatever his reactions are funny. Almost immediately I was trying to figure out who was gonna die this final episode and when I saw dear ol Pentious in his little uniform I kinda knew and I was pre sobbing getting ready for the emotional damage I was gonna get (which side note I absolutely love his hair?? When it’s down I mean I’m a sucker for long black hair??? So yeah) anyway the whole thing with him and Cherri is so cute he’s such a dork. I like the scene with nifty and Alastor cause honestly I fully believe he doesn’t own her soul she’s just so outta pocket that he finds her amusing and her presence entertaining and he genuinely enjoys it so she gets to stick around, DID YALL SEE THE FUCK ME EYES HUSK GAVE ANGEL AT THE BAR DONT TELL ME YOU DIDNT AND THE WAY ANGEL LOOKED AT HIM WHEN HE WAKLED OFF YOOOOOOOO I CANTTTTT, and then Pentious being so awkward with Cherri is so cute my man was STRUGGLING tryna confess his love for her, he did say some really sweet things tho that she was kinda getting into it before he ran off plus Angel being like hey he got two dicks and she’s like huh 🤔 (like GIRL GET SOME OF THAT OR ELSE I WILL ).
They really did us dirty with having Charlie so obviously in front of angels door crying and shit before the episodes came out that shit had me sweating. So Adam, I’m not gonna like he kinda….👀 but only because he’s voiced by THE Alex Brightman like c’mon be so serious he did that character so good I can’t even, also I was kinda wondering why all the exorcists are all women like is that just because Adam prefers it or what? But anyway the fact that Vox got the other two V’s together so they can all watch this shit go down is so funny bc they couldn’t care less. It was so fun seeing what Alastor had in store bc I find him so fascinating as a character he has all these interesting powers that he doesn’t really get to use too often since he never has a reason to kinda go all out and have fun killing people so it was fun seeing that. Bro when Adam punched the dome that was wild I was like wow that was kinda cool I’m not gonna lie and the fight with Alastor was insane the animation was amazing it was so fun seeing Al just dodging his attacks with such grace like go off king tell him he’s a bitch 😌💅, when his microphone got sliced in half his reaction was absolutely priceless holy shit I rewatched that shit like 5 times bc I couldn’t get over him cursing like it was so quick but it did the job so well, hearing his actual voice outside of his normal Radio-ish way of sounding was really something it made it feel more alive I guess. Vox’s reactions was so funny he really is a bitter ex that just wants the worst for him I love it (NO! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOUUUUU, PUSSY!!) I love him.
When Vaggie said something had to be done about Adam and Pentious was watching I just knew, AND MY MAN JUST REALLY RIZZED CHERRI LIKE THAT BROO HE DIPPED HER AND EVERYTHING OMGGGGGG like I agree with her that WAS hot. I WAS SO PISSED THAT HE DIED FOR NOTHING LIKE BRO I KNEW HE WAS GONNA DIE A JOKE DEATH I JUST KNEW IT, they couldn’t even give bro the honor of dying in a way that would make us cry cause when he went out like that I just knew he was gonna probably end up in heaven to make up for how lame that was. Having Charlie call Adam a pig was so fun like yeas girl tell him, I kinda didn’t agree with Vaggie deciding to allow Lute to live cause girl that’s a loose end I would not wanna deal with later bc she has no mercy (she literally ripped off her own arm to chase after her bro) she would not hesitate to kill, like yeah I get the whole I’m better than you so yeah live with the fact the only reason you breathe is because I let you but girl be so for real she is a nuisance that will come back to bite you in the ass later I know it.
The fact that I didn’t even think about the fact that Adam was wearing a mask this whole time is so stupid of me but when I did see that I was thinking of all the ways he could’ve looked like and to say I was disappointed is an understatement, my disappointment got worse when I saw his pathetic little goatee 😑I’ve seen way better fanart, Lucifer coming in with the save 😮‍💨 not him saying he was gonna fuck Adam the silence was so loud (the only time the other two V’s found it interesting too)😂😂. lucifer is such an airhead twink I love him; Not only is he effortlessly flying circles around Adam and having fun while doing it he’s insulting him too, THE EVE COMMENT WAS SO OUTTA POCKET BRO LIKE WHAT WHEN DID EVE TAP THAT (lucky bitch) I was wondering where she was and apparently it was in his bed (that shit made me snort he has hella rizz) cause not only did he take Adam’s first wife he took the second one too bro, it was pretty cool seeing his more demon form his horns where hella cool and the fact that the entire time Lucy was like unserious about his whole interaction with Adam’s is crazy because I feel like it shows how powerful he really is, after all he is still a seraphim. I appreciate that despite everything Charlie still keeps her compassion and keeps her dad from killing him cause that could not be me girl plus nifty coming in with the last stab is hilarious he really got killed by her of all people that is sad, from what I could count I think she stabbed him 15 times maybe? Which like damm that’s crazy he stood no chance I’m kind of wondering if lute and him had something going one too bc her reaction was definitely not just some soldier who worshipped him it felt more personal and with the whole (sir SIR ADAM!!) plus the dopey ass smile he gave her wich Im ignoring the fact that it might’ve been due to the rapid amount of blood exiting his body and the multiple stab wounds and the fact he was, you know….dying was very loving in a way that just makes you think if there was more to them.
(Quick shout out to the fact that I’m watching the last episode for the second time and I just noticed what I think is Angeldust’s brother and Baxter watching the news)
I’m curious what deal Alastor made that is making him want so desperately to get out bc he definitely was close to a nervous breakdown there (husk was so disappointed Al didn’t die in the war). I was so thankful Pentious actually went to heaven bro I was starting to worry I’m not gonna lie 😀, his design is pretty cute i find it funny he ended up right in front of Sarah and Emily bc you’d expect him to be at the gates but no, it was like a big fuck you to Sarah about redemption which I love how they both reacted to that (love Emily).
Now Lilith, the fact that she is so obviously in heaven is insane like girl you have been gone for SEVEN years with absolutely zero contact with anyone and at first I was like where can she even go in hell that would keep her away for so long and then boom she’s on a nice beach somewhere up above like what the hell. Apparently her and Adam made a deal which my theory is that way before it was made official in order for for the exterminator to happen permanently which I’m guessing was Adam’s idea him and Lilith agreed that if she sang just enough to get his idea accepted by Sarah she would get to stay and chill in heaven maybe? It could be deeper than that but it’s crazy that all this time when her daughter needed her most she was just enjoying life upstairs, maybe she really is the evil mastermind behind it all.
(Something I just thought about, did Lucifer cheat on Lilith with Eve??? Cause like when he said he stole botu of Adam’s wives he was with Lilith so does that explain why they aren’t together or maybe had a falling out a long time ago, or would explain his depression and sense of guilt despite it being so long ago kind of)
Anyway that was all my opinions and commentary on the last two episodes of hazbin hotel I just don’t have anyone to talk to this about and it was too early for anyone else to really write anything about this so I was like fuck it I have tumbler, please do leave comments on your opinions, commentary, and theories about this I would absolutely love to hear what you you’d have to say thank you for reading this shit show that is my brain. 🥰
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
DOCTOR... WHO???? (siiiigh)
ok. ok. so. ok. alright let's do this. i have a sneaking suspicion this will rate higher than some other M*ffat episodes, but don't let that fool you about me thinking it's good"
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we���re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 8/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 3/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 1/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 5/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 3/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 4/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 1/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 3/10
FULL RATING: 37/100 (if I can count….)
OBJECTIFICATION: Amy wears a suit in this one. River Song is also wearing a suit in this one. because this secret society thing? (I am unclear what they're doing in it in this world, but I mean... the world-building is rated one out of ten so we'll get to that) people wear suits
there is this weird fucking interaction between sci-fi Churchill and the Doctor:
Churchill: What’s she like? Attractive I suppose The Doctor: Hell.... in high heels Churchill (leering): Tell me more
okay so it's about how River Song broke time in order to not kill the Doctor, which is supposedly a fixed point in Time, even though it definitely is not in show canon up until this season decided it was, and then the whole episode is the Doctor building up to telling River "actually I've found a way to not die," and she's like "oh good" and then he doesn't die
that is the plot. why is this a season's worth of plot and then 48mins? I will get to the FUCKING MONTAGES in a bit
so River's Thing is like. she's in love with the Doctor. in fact according to this episode "I cant let you die without letting you know that you are loved, by so many and so much, but by no one more than me"
which, if you're into River/Doctor is fine, personally I think Matt Smith looks like a child and Alex Kingston for all her acting (and hindered by so much bad "sexy" dialogue) cannot convince me she's into this baby-looking person. maybe if they'd done this during Capaldi, but that would require doing more things with River Song and M*ffat isn't really interested in her beyond the fact that a. she's in love with the Doctor and uh... 2. she was raised by a secret society. or she lived with her mother while she was growing up? (how did that work, when she was a child, weren't there people wondering who this kid's parents were????) and 3. she's sexy and she knows it
it does not fucking matter how she feels about the brainwashing of it all. it Does Not
I give this SOME points, because finally Amy got to have an emotion about her baby being taken away from her, I had fully forgotten that: "You took my baby from me and you hurt her and now she’s grown up and she’s fine (is she, we'll never know), but I’ll never see my baby again," and then she straight up, deliberately murders the villain who's helplessly tied to a chair
wonder if her feeling about murder will affect the plot in the future (they do mention it at the end of this episode), and she hints that "River didn't get it all from you" so like. Amy care to explain the execution you just committed?
she also mowed down a bunch of The Silence, but they're creepy monster people and not real people, so that's fine
uhhh what else for Amy? idk, she's there, she still loves Rory
COMPLEXITY: Stupid! Fucking! Plot! wait I already did this in the above point, okay so after River Breaks Time to not kill the Doctor at this supposed fixed point (lol, no it still fucking isn't M*ffat, there's loose continuity, and there's not caring at all about making your shit make sense, because LOLLL it's scifi after all and you can do what you want I fucking guess), Time just... stops
and all of Time happens at the same Time, except some people are noticing (are people ageing? or experiencing the same day again and again? or.. hte same second again and again? why is Churchill really the guy we want representing this idea??? why are there cars being carried around by big balloons????? why is it all earth? no time to explore any of this world- wait that's below point IT ALL BLEEDS INTO EACH OTHER BECAUSE IT'S SO STUPID)
the Doctor is explaining what happened up to a certain point and does so through the artistic format of montage. that means that Every! FUcking! Episode! M*ffat wrote for this season has a montage at the beginning!!!!!!
and then at the end of the montage, they're like oh no there's The Silence around us, for some reason, and then the Doctor gets kidnapped by... Amy, who's in the secret society now?
but now they're good guys, dedicated to figuring out why Time has stopped (except it... I mean it clearly hasn't, things are moving and changing and why is this done in the Stupidest way possible)
and they captured some Silence. but actually they were never captured just waiting, and now they're free and they go up to the top of a pyramid, the Doctor gets married to River, time restarts, River shoots the Doctor, but the Doctor had a Plan all along, using the little guys in robot-people we met in Let's Kill Hitler to get that body shot instead
the end
except for setting up THE NEXT STAGE OF THE MYSTERY because aaaalll of this happenned from WAY back in s5, because of a Question that mustn't be asked... and that question is Doctor Who
this episode is doing like. 2 things. "I know I'm going to die, and I stopped it easily (not so fixed a point after all I Guess, M*ffat)," and River and Doctor got married
oh and Amy KILLED PEOPLE but this will not be important, that was just to make her More Badass
and for all that it is presented like it's so fucking complicated
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: um so plot as above is nothing, as said, it's just another bit of silly mystery on top of an already unwieldy house of cards standing in a drafty room
characters. not much actually, I mean, yes the Doctor and River got married now, but it's like. anti-dynamic. it's just there now the characters are meant to get married for the set-piece
lore um... checks notes. fucking. "Doctor Who." Trenzalore is a place something is going to happen. yeah so, fuck off nothing
COMPANIONS MATTER: lol see above. nope they're still basically "The last Centurion and the Girl Who Waited"
which, defining Rory as the Last Centurion outside of the particular episode in which another version of him was the centurion never made sense to me, sure that's something he did in a part of the story, but it's not really what his character... is. it's just that M*ffat loooves a moniker and it sounds impressive, and also in the last episode, the Doctor said "it's time to stop waiting" there's just nothing! new here! they're never going to be anyone else, or like... just their flipping names
Rory in this version of events/this other different universe is a soldier, and Amy doesn't remember him (I'm assuming Amy remembers the Doctor because they have a bond from back in s5 where her remembering him brought him back from non-existence, I can accept this as an already-established thing), but she does remember someone who she draws completely differently to Rory (hearkening back to Rory not being as manly as Amy's ideal fantasy and I thought we were past that but whatever)
anyway, the Doctor goes up to soldier-Rory and says this: Loyal soldier waiting to be noticed, always the pattern
IS Rory a soldier ever outside of two episodes in s6, both written by M*ffat????? M*ffat has a different, less caring, more "masculine" version of Rory that he writes that is so different from Rory in near every other episode... I don't like this Rory much, because he has no personality outside of "shoot gun/be badass and run after Amy"
I do appreciate that he is about to die and Amy returns to save him (although I have questions about how easy it is to kill "the bad guys" in M*ffat's era)
I will take this from the same exchange as above:
The Doctor (trying to get Rory to go for Amy): she said you were a mr hotti…ness and she would like to go out with you for… texting and scones..."
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: this episode is all about how the Doctor is so special that everything bends towards this Moment In Time, but wait, That Moment is actually all about an even more important Moment that is still to come, also about the Doctor
and the tension of the episode is simply everyone waiting to see what clever thing the Doctor has already done in order to stave off the events this whole season has ostensibly been building up to
River Song at the Doctor: You’ve decided that the universe is better off without you, but the universe doesn’t agree
I mean yes, I enjoy the narratives favourite chewtoy type characters as much as anyone, but the thing is this Doctor isn't that, because the Doctor already has the solution. it's just. doing the exact thing that the episode The God Complex was deconstructing! S I L L Y ! ! !
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: there's a moment here that's kind of quick succession, and goes like this -- the Doctor is avoiding the moment of his death (that is easily avoided), and has a throwaway bit in which he say that Liz the First is forever waiting in a grove to elope with him (gross, stop gross stop with the ongoing Elizabeth the First banged the Doctor jokes stop! It!) or he could just "go and help Rose Tyler with her homework"
I can read this either as M*ffat's penchant of writing whatever he wants in terms of how the timelines of this series go (which is how he does it with Eleven constantly jumping forwards and backwards, up until the point it suddenly can't be done, because M*ffat only has rules when they serve a particular plot point), but I also can pretend/enjoy it from the perspective of "actually I could never go back and help Rose Tyler with her homework, because it's not possible to change how things went down or mess with her timeline, and that's the point, I'm pretending I can do what I want, but I know I can't"
ofc the episode then undermines this point, but still... it's a sweet point
also Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart dies. I didn't remember this in the episode, but I assume it just didn't land with me back in the day because.... who is the Brigadier if you haven't seen classic!who? it's something for the classic!who fans I suppose, but it's literally the moment that makes the Doctor stop running and it's completely unestablished why the Doctor cares about this character or even really who this character is
I'm being pedantic now perhaps, but I think if you're going to bring up classic!who (which I do enjoy) it needs to either be an actual Easter Egg/not affect the plot, oooorrrr it needs to be re-established in this text why this matters, and this does neither
I was sad watching it this time, because I've met the Brigadier now, but it's easy and lazy nostalgia bait
“SEXINESS”: so like. this isn't the worst episode for this, but the worst episode for this is so bad!
aforementioned gross mention of "Liz the first," River Song and the Doctor do boring, annoying flirting in which she mentions his past with Cleopatra (strike two, but at least??? Marilyn Monroe isn't also mentioned)
INTERNAL WORLD: none. nothing. montages of places that will never matter and a pocket universe world in which it seems like they thought two seconds about the functionality of it, I went on a rant above, I'm resisting ranting again, this whole thing is Stupid
POLITICS: there's not really politics. I mean, it's not a very big episode, it's just pretending to be, but in the end it's a couple of specific plotpoints inside a carnival that's on fire
but let's see, there's obviously the complete lack of interest in exploring female characters (including in episodes in which their names appear in the title)
oh and they mention psychopath River again
River: Take a child, raise her into the perfect psychopath, introduce her to the Doctor… who else was I going to fall in love with? fuck offffffffffff fuck off with all of this forever
also the plot culminates in a marriage -- now I was more annoyed when I thought the marriage literally solved the problem, when really it's more a sort of... segue into solving it, but the idea that this is a more important relationship than any the Doctor ever had or is ever going to have is what this plot works so hard to make the central conceit, and the way to prove this is by getting married, which segues into Fixing The Universe
and to be fair, it walked itself into this corner (on purpose) from the moment River Song was introduced, but the way it pretended at mystery as if the answer wasn't always "yeah they got married I guess, in an episode so boring, trying to be so big, that presents the Idea of marriage as the event that is more important than any other in the Universe (not like... individually, in the Universe) that for the Doctor in the same season as we had The Doctor's Wife is framed as more important than any other relationship because it is now defined by Getting Married...."
it's kind of a central problem with River Song and the Doctor, in the end it's... terribly normative. it tries not to be, but its structures struggle to break out of it, even when we get told that River has other partners (never seen, never important, often more of a throwaway innuendo to show how sexy she is), even with the tragedy of them moving backwards (sort of) in their respective timelines, it's still performing alloromantic heteronormative relationship hierarchy (big words meaning They're Straight TM writing)
the possible upside (we shall see) is that maybe now the stupid flipping marriage build-up is done River can be doing other fucking stuff, like being a character
FULL RATING: 37/100 (if I can count….)
okay so, the good. low on literally objectifying female characters on the whole, and isn't the worst on previous doctor who (except for of course saying a big fuck you to every past Companion and important relationship the Doctor has ever had)
and the bad is. that it is bad. bad across the board. it's a bad episode, made worse by everything that was bad before being doubled down on, so that in hindsight all the other bad stuff is also worse, like a horror ride funhouse mirror of non-linear watching reflecting backwards and forwards in time (kind of like M*ffat wishes the River Song and the Doctor's story managed to do, but in bad)
and that is s6. what a wild ride. epic highs and lows indeed!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
(I’m on the far, far end of the international date line, so hopefully most of y’all have seen it or are close to seeing it...)
I MEAN?!?!?!?! I MEEEEANNNNNN?!?!??!?!?!!?
Maybe I was a little (okay, A LOT) worried that these episodes would feel like an appendage, maybe in kind of the way I felt The Eclipse episodes turned out (but I really need to rewatch those again).
But how could I not trust Aof? It almost seems like he started writing this as soon as he was done with BOTH BBS and ATOTS to put this story together. 
I was getting mixed up in mom brain with @miscellar a few days ago, thinking that there was going to be a body swap thingy, and kind of groaning about it, so I’m SO SO GLAD I WAS WRONG, and that this is going to be set up to be a mini-drama about two couples going through their growth shit. 
I dunno, y’all. What can I say. The MAJORITY of you all have been waiting MUCH LONGER than me to see Pran and Pat reunited, as I only watched Bad Buddy in January, and ATOTS late last year, but still, really -- I have this seriously strong sense of nostalgia that I am so happy to see Pat and Pran HAPPY, and/or at least working on their relationship, AND, JESUS, to see Phupha and TIAN TOGETHER, and omg, THAT MUSIC THAT PLAYED WHEN PHUPHA TURNED HIS HEAD and Pran was googly-eyed, and I was literally DYING AT THIS STARBUCKS, actually covering my mouth with giggles because not only is it so good to see all these guys back, but ALL OF THEM TOGETHER, and acting together, and FUCK, THIS WHOLE TWO-WEEK DEAL IS GOING TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD.
Like, this storyline does NOT seem played out. (Listen, I enjoyed PatWai.)
Honestly, I can’t really conjure analysis, LOL. I’m just too overwhelmed. The fucking shots of Chiang Mai and Pha Pun Dao. Pran sticking his hand out of the car and seeing the green hills. PRAN IS THERE, Y’ALL, PRAN. I mean --
GAAAAAHHHHH. I think that’s it. I’m getting hit TWICE, Y’ALL, TWICE WITH THE FEELS! PatPran, PhuphaTian! Flashbacks to Tinidee and Chiang Mai! Campus and hills of tea! It’s too much! Too much for an almost menopausal woman like myself! I’m fuckin’ gonna give myself hot flashes with this shit!
And Tian is SO FEISTY, UGH, and Pat is SO DETERMINED but still making silly mistakes, but being SO HONEST and reflective about those mistakes, and Pran is still such a buggy little SHIT, but has opened up so much, as we can see, to be open and honest about his feelings, while these guys still know and maybe slightly regret that they have to keep things secret.
I might have more to say later, but I’m just agog right now. This was so well done, at least so far. These guys fucking hauled ass to do this show, I mean, Ohm had finished filming Double Savage like the day before this. I’m shaking my damn head. This was fun, it was flirty, it was emotional, the bros are still fucking bro-ing (WTF KORN, BTW! I mean, did you out them, or was that a slightly homophobic comment?!), it’s filmed BEAUTIFULLY, but what would you expect of Aof otherwise. 
I mean. I just wrote a whole bunch of gibberish, but I honestly have no words. I’m so, so, so, so, so, so, so glad to have all of these guys back, in one place, all four of them, acting together, working together (PAT IN THE CLASSROOM OMFG I’M GONNA DIIEEEEEEE TOMORROWWWWW). 
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noahtally-famous · 6 months
td 2023 s2 ep1 spoilers below the cut
(okay so I have not finished s1 but I know the general gist of what happens through mutuals posts and just the td tag lmaoo. maybe later I will actually sit down and watch the whole thing, but that time is not now.)
moving onto my thoughts of s2...
AHHHHHHHH idk how else to explain it but I absolutely LOVED the episode, and honestly I have a feeling I'll love this season, simply bc everyone is so great!!
heck even ripper and chase were tolerable, like, there weren't any fart jokes or anything, it was great!
MKULIA SWEEP???? HELL FREAKING YEAH idc if it's a friendship/alliance, I'm living in my world where they're toxic yuri
Caleb getting some much-needed character development??? I'm SO here for it, and the stuff mentioned during the episode def fits the kinda vibe I have going for him, so that's even better!! (potential caleb & emma friendship??? they can bond over kittens and of caleb being emotionally mature)
also his reactions to the team choosing was gold, I can't wait to see what A-Game he's gonna bring. I'm hoping he doesn't become a version of justin--I just want him to want to be a useful teammate and person for his team/friends/competitors and want to win as well. no overly crazy 'tda justin' villanry pls?? (I mean, I won't be averse to it if it does end up happening, but it'd be cool if things changed up this time around)
CHEMMA BROKE UP THANK FRICKING GOD, our prayers have been answered!! please please PLEASE have them stay broken up
raj & wayne on the same team again!! I was not expecting that tbh, but I'm curious to see where this goes
rajbow is so adorable, like bowie not even letting chris finish before he immediately picks raj first for his team is so 🥹
ngl chase is still a dumbass but now that chemma is out of the way, I mean it affectionately, I can't bring myself to hate any of the characters and that trend isn't going to stop here. that moment when he ran at granny hatchet and bowie was like "I don't believe it, I think he's gonna make it" like that scene was insane
damien is amazing as always, no words need to be said. manifesting a final two involving him
NICHELLE. FUCKING NICHELLE. GOD I CANNOT ARTICULATE HOW MUCH I ADORE HER HERE!! saving the best for last goddammit, I love her so so so so much, omfg the way she slayed the challenge, pls I'm so hyped for her character development this season, I can't wait for the other contestants to eat their words abt her
axel trying to 'be nice' ("i'm a work in progress" yes you are but you're doing amazing) but acting like an ass to ripper is something I live for. "I'm not following you, we're running in the same direction!" LMAOOOO
the fact that priya doesn't hold any resentment toward her parents still irks me, but I still love her character and I'm excited to see what's in store for her
I'm still hoping for some axelle content, but I'm more than happy with the mkulia servings we got
I'm lowkey interested in scary girl's change of character. I feel like this wont be the last we see of her--will she be like an amy and swim back to the island to enact revenge? or will she be like ezekiel and live on the island in secret? or will she be a secret third thing? I sure as heck don't know but I can't wait to find out!! her parting words def seem ominous enough to imply something
speaking of, scary girl's change of character and when she talked abt how she became "normal" everyone's reactions were sending me lmaooo
bowie going "you're never right" to chase but is the one to choose chase on his team, like yes dude frrr that frenemy whiplash was wack lmaoo I love it
same with bowie choosing julia, like yes we love to see two manipulative competitive strategists banding together
on a different note, I wonder what will come of bowie and emma's friendship from s1 and how that broke apart. maybe they could rekindle it in s2? hmmm
zee and their suitcase of sodas 😭
"she's an animal" OKAY MK TONE IT DOWN (pls don't, actually pls continue doing it) YOU'RE NOT HELPING MY MKULIA CASE HERE
millie being priya's first pick >>>
"what strategy? you just stop and run, it's not rocket surgery" 😭 I used to dislike ripper, but if he continues on like this, that opinion will def change. it's only been the first episode and I already don't dislike him anymore so-
chris is still 'tdi chris' aka the b e s t chris imo, and I'm here for it!! also chef and chris's dynamic is still spot-on
in conclusion, im so very excited for what this season will bring!! in case you didn't realize, I LOVED the first episode!
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oh-three · 7 months
Loki S2E5:
So, if the others got put back on the timeline, why is Loki still in the TVA??
Gotta say, the TVA is eerie af when abandoned.
Andddd, he's timeslipping again. Awesome.
Oh, that was odd. He got to see himself in present-ish time. Interesting.
OG Casey is from prison ALCATRAZ, that's kinda unexpected. Frank, eh?
"IF THEY CATCH US, THEY'RE GONNA GUT US LIKE FISH." Omfg, they did not just do that 😭😂
I like how the universe just casually decided to keep Loki timeslipping only between places relevant to his TVA friends. Like, out of all the places in the universe....it's rooting for him, then?
Why would they make poor Don work six days a week????
Timeline OB going by the library is the most in-character thing ever. Also- he's an author, neat!
They all have the personalities of their OG selves 😭
Dude was totally unphased by Loki's sudden appearance.
Flashbacks to when Loki tried to summon his weapons in S1E1.
OB is fucking amazing even without his TVA brain 🤣
Thank god for that silly little book.
"So, I am going to write a bestseller." THIS MAN IS PERFECT.
Single dad Mobius is such a human disaster, I love it.
I like how the Timedoor just. Moves.
"I sell jetskis, man." 😭
Of course this guy would pull a one-liner about the name when he decides to go along 😭😂
Frank, put that back, you silly little thief.
And it's back to McDonald's! Which means Sylvie must remember everything, since she's originally from Asgard, right? Yep.
"Okay, get in the car. I'm buying you a drink." Lmaooo, most appropriate reaction to watching our poor guy timeslip.
Is she seriously trying to tell him to put them back and not fix the universe? I'm not surprised, but still. They failed. They need to fix this.
"I want my friends back." 😭😭
The first friends he'd ever gotten, and they were stolen from him because they went and fucked up the timeline.
Oh, Frank, what are you planning, my guy. DON'T TOUCH THAT.
She broke him 😭
That woman is very lucky she has that stupid watch.
Frank: i have to go BACK to jail now?!
"It was a fictional problem." Famous last words.
The various reactions as they all spagettifi is heartbreaking 😭
"Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose?" WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME.
Oh. That was a fucking conscious decision? Awesome. AND JUST IN TIME, GOOD JOB.
This right here, this is the team that's gonna save the universe. And Victor, because yeah, we saw midseason trailer footage of him alive and that has to be next episode. Down, but not out. Let's try this again.
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dubsteplevi · 2 years
I just finished watch season 2 of Dead End: Paranormal Park (aka just dead end) and OMFG IT WAS SO GOOD. Literally left me in tears, excuse me while I ramble: (Spoilers for Season 2, duh, please go watch it if you haven't already before reading)
First off, the character Fingers???? So well executed!! At the beginning I was like, "something's up with him" but I couldn't put my FINGER on him (get it?? Yes pun intended). With that, what's up with the master?? He said he had a deal with him and it's almosy like Fingers was afraid of disappointing him! (I mean probably because he would/did get killed but still makes me wonder what made him like that to start with and how their relationship came to be. Hope we can see some backstory in a hopefully season 3) Also Fingers character design and personality is so good!! He's got this creepy vibe to him that immediately caught my attention and sjshdu. Not to mention Im gonna make either a cosplay or overall humanoid version of him simply cause I think it would be AMAZING seriously I know I'm supposed to hate him and stuff but I can't get over how well his character is made!!!
Second, PUGSLEY! NO! That entire scene of him "dying" (putting that in quotations but I don't think he's actually dead with that whole shot at the very end of the episode) with the other Pugsley (The Watcher? Idk mate) was also very well executed and did not disappoint and when they did that whole head nod thing towards each other I was like, "what are they- oh. oh no" I was literally screaming, kind of happy I was home alone while watching this.
Third, all of the callbacks to the first season in the last episode we're amazing!! Not to mention all the new characters and Norma coming out as bi to her mom!!! The whole gym sequence and Asmodeus (seriously if I had a nickel for every time Alex Brightman was in a show with someone else as Asmodeus I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice, right?) ALSO ALSO NORMA ADMITTING HER CRUSH TO BADYAH?? THEN BADYAH REJECTING HER??? IT HURT TO WATCH BUT THAT WAS SO IMPORTANT TO SHOW THAT YOUR NOT ALWAYS GONNA GET THE PERSON YOU LIKE AND SUCH! And then Badyah saying something along the lines of her never experiencing romantic feelings? That left me wondering if she was aroace and just didn't realize yet! Not to mention it would be wonderful representation as if this show didn't have enough of that! Oh yeah, if you haven't watched the show and are still reading this, it has wonderful representation! Not only LGBTQ+ but also people who are hispanic and different religions too!! Please watch it it's so good I can not emphasize enough how much I love it!!
Overall VERY well made and I am very much hoping for a season 3 or at least a mini series to tie up what we saw at the end. If you have any extra things to add to this post PLEASE I would love to hear them!!!!
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bigmack2go · 2 months
How tiktok is the reason i got into theatre except its not at all how you think it is
Okay tik tok. Tiktok right? Right. So tiktok shoed me this clip of toggos woozle goozle in like,,, what? 2017? And i literally just wanted to find that one episode bc i was really interested in that topic they were explaining (i dont even remember it anymore lmao) (yes i know this is the worst tiktok thing to fall for. Yes it still happened.) sonthere i was. No clue what episode it was. So naturally i skip through all of them to find the right one yes? I found myself get really invested in woozle goozle and even when i found the episode i kept watching cthrough that shit. NOW this is were i first hear about starlight starlight express. I have been to theatre and musicals before obviously and i liked it but i never really cared about it too much. But starlight express? Staight express was different. Starlight express just had smt of home to it. So for months on months i just yearned for this fucking show, buyed the soundtrack (i didnt know english at the time but i accidentally bought it in english so i bought it twice lmao), i tried finding bootlegs (but this stage is barely possible to get a bootleg), i buyed merch, i read all about it online. Then christmas came and WHAT?! I GET TO GO TO STARLIGHT EXPRESS?! OMFG?! So on april 18th the following year (yes i remember the date fuck u) i got to see the newest adaptation in bochum. I have never felt such chills in my entire life (and i gotta say i don’t think that i’m gonna, anytime soon). And so i first started obsessing with a musical. Now two years went by, i saw the lion king in london and loved it but tbh i didn’t obsess over it even near the amount i obsess over other stuff. Mind you it is now 2019 and i have adhd. I have never had a hyper fixation last this long. This is when i start to understand the world a bit more. I realise gay people…. Exist? I mean obv i knew they exist but where i was it was smt rly rly special and i never even considered it tbh. I search up what lgbtq+ means and my suggestions are now not only starlight express anymore but also gay shit (lmao who would’ve thought this is how i turn out) and algorithm was algorithm-ing and gave me: ✨Bi Electra✨. Now this is when i first even saw other sides/perspectives to the whole show (and generally, the concept of fandom) and i re-obsessed over this thing that i never even un-obsessed with(?). I got into some more musicals, saw sone bootlegs ykyk. Beetlejuice had a local production and i alsi went to see sister act, little shop if horrors and frozen on ice (this was the girst one i saw in English). 2020 came and with it: covid. I got into other fandoms thinking i cant go see musicals anyway. I have given up to find movies of musicals and i had no idea the bootlegs were a thing. I only ever tried to find snt that i know now is called a bootleg for stex and i didnt find anyghing so naturaly i never tried again lmao. With other fandoms coming along, i started to leave starlight express behind. And so tiktok cames back into play. Dream smp. I had no fucking clue what these people that i kept getting on my fy were. It took me a really depressing gnf fanart to finally give in and get into that fandom that pushed everything else of my for you page. That’s when maria Reynolds walked into my life (sorry i had to say this). You probably know how the whole L’Manberg arc started with hamilton being watchable. So i not only got into the dream smp (and let me tell you i was down bad for the dsmp) but even more into Hamilton. It was only about a year ago i started realising i was gay and then this actress is introduced to me and she is so fucking hot and i thought i was envying her but it turns out it was just me being really fucking gay-. I started translating it and you know the rest. Well basically what happened then was me realising that i love musicals. Ive seen a lot of musicals but that never really,,, conected(?) in my brain… ig. And there is went obsessing over musicals as a whole. I knew english at this point btw. In 2022 our local theatre opened again because it was mainly outdors so yeah yk.
I was falling into a major depression at the time shutting myself off since quarantine yk. So my mom forced me out of my room. And suprise suprise it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Little shop of horrors opened again wooo. Anyway so i tried to find more and more musicals also on tiktok and i saw newsies. I was avoiding it for a good three months but i don’t remember why and i know love it more than myself lmao. Anyway uk’sies became a thing and so newsies started trending and it was watched a lot more and so it showed up on my disney+. I went “oh fuck it let’s give it a try” and have never been the same lol.
Yeah and you know the rest.
So yes. When i say that the dream smp connects to newsies for me, that’s not a joke.
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samatokisfootrest · 8 months
Ok so uhhh... episode two was... something.
I don't mind seeing different versions/interpretations of Samatoki. I knew rhyme anima likes to mess up with characters so I kinda knew they'd follow that interpretation of him in s2 too and they actually did worse lol. They made Samatoki goofier than usual.
The whole cigarette thing could never happen in canon since we know Samatoki has no issues in asking Jyuto for a smoke. I'm kinda sad we don't get to see the true Samatoki animated but it's ok.
He's just so extra silly and I really don't mind that he's just a different, sort of wilder, version of himself... but the only thing I really wanted from it is... I'm delusional ofc... but like, if you gotta make him this silly please make him do the kind of silly I WANT, if you get what I mean heh...
The good thing is that this ep inspired me into thinking for what other possible reasons Samatoki could have been that irascible... like tummy ache :) (yes my mind always goes there), and I actually made a wip with a similar incipit a while ago where Samatoki was proner to anger due to constipation👉👈
One thing I loved is the satisfied smile he does when he finally get to smoke. Like, omfg the unholy purposes that image is getting used for in my head...
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gregoftom · 7 months
sdfg sorry sorry ignore me fr but omg I forgot how exquisite the marvey angst is in 3x1. oh it's huge it's charged. insane. the hurt, the desire.
and AGAIN after harvey releases his hurt onto mike, mike has sex. and this time it's also by giving the exact honesty to her that he should have given to harvey. like, proxy much??? (and he Also feels the need to mention (be thinking about???) harvey while he's horny and trailing his hand between her legs?)
and omfg more read-behind-the-lines bi harvey propaganda. there's a whole backstory I am conjuring with his opponent this episode because come ON. "I'm sorry, Harvey. Not this time." "Is that what I said to you on Hazelton?" "That was a long time ago. We're not at the D.A.'s office anymore." "I didn't realize our bond had an expiration date." and "Harvey, look. If our bond can't survive me telling you no, then… It didn't mean much to begin with." like I'm sorry your BOND? and that sounds like a consent metaphor to me?? and the way there was flirtation and care and hurt there too, like. these boys fucked around at the DA's office. ANDthen, later scene between them, when he still won't budge for harvey, harvey throws out "Send Carolyn my love." when he leaves like HELLO? was she the other woman in this scenario, harvey?? annnnndd to top it off this is all while the new managing partner at the firm is gay and it's a little hush but harvey and him just know they just get it and each other. (and this is again me behind the lines ig but jessica basically implies to him that harvey might out him and he's just like...nah, because he's fucking clocked harvey I swear it, and yeah lo and behold harvey does no such thing he just shares a smile and head tilt when he tells him he knows. like. this is mlm/mlm solidarity up in here ok.)
andd omfg when harvey's telling scottie (they're not together. it's missed-their-chance trope, but they're great) about how he basically loved her at first sight. he thought she was beautiful, and then heard her smarts and realised her beauty was the second best thing about her. like -- as if that's not exactly how it went with mike fucking ross HELLO. sir you LOVE a beautiful smarty pants and you will love them at first sight goddamn you, you've got a type and a means. (AND in episode of all time 2x10, when harvey gets high with mike, he literally looks into mike's eyes and tells him that his dad believed in love at first sight. like HELLLLOOO.)
aaa and omg mike with the line at the end "I don't wanna be here if I'm not solid with Harvey." and literally giving up his newly gifted office just because maybe it might be one thing on a pile of many that might lead to harvey forgiving him. the boy's whole episode is devoted to wanting to win this man back and it's beautiful and it's tragic in the Sweetest way. and GOD the shots of just them Looking at each other. harvey wants him so bad ffs. (and like. rachel wanting mike to quit. but cue like six shots of mike gazing at harvey and doing everything he can to help harvey whether harvey accepts it or not. this boy is NOT about to quit harvey for anyyyyyything.) (and like. harvey would not be this hurt for anyyyyone ever. it's because he Loves mike. he loves him so bad.)
god god god I am Eating this up and can't wait for all I know is to come because the Love and the angst and the absolute ride or die of these two to each other is somehow only just getting started (and I can't wait for all I've Forgotten, going by how much of this one I'd forgotten and how Good that stuff was holy smokes). and with zero pressure I also hope you get to eat this good good food too at some point heheh
ouuughhhh omg i love that kind of shit like the very OBVIOUS parallels and shots and actions like this, that's some good stufffff omg. and yeah don't worry i will eat the food! when i get round to it i shall, i'm gonna watch ttoi soon and thennnn i will watch suits <3
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snarkylinda · 1 year
Ok but Morgan stated that he and Reid hadn't much time to talk just the two of them when he discovers about his gf in 8x04- and literally two episodes later he is all "Reid join the team, please join the team, come on-" got me thinking- it was clear that he pushed Spence to play to build his confidence more and let out the potential he saw on him that nobody else saw, that is the whole theme of the episode- but like.... I also like to hc Derek wanted to spend some time to just connect with the genious, yknow? I mean aside from the whole stopping serial killers thing. Like knowing that now that someone caught Spencer's eyes that time would be more limited (let's ignore what happened later)
I am very normal about that episode.
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minimoefoe · 7 months
ftwd 8.10 thoughts
- strand saying 'you don't know troy the way I do' was funny bc king you barely know him either
- I love tracy a lot she's kinda iconic minus her shit name
- I like that troy has told tracy a lot of stuff, kinda interesting. I mean, obviously a lot of what he's told her is twisted to make him not seem like an insane person but it's cool idk
- the idea of ppl continuing what alicia was trying to do is fine but like, the fanclub vibe and acting like alicia was some saviour was so cringe and idk I didn't care about it at all actually like I just wanted the ep to move tf on
- there was a minute where I genuinely thought tracy was saying alicia was her mum and I nearly died like her fondling the fuckin necklace (which, why was she doing that btw) and then when they were stood by that frozen walker the way things were said had me ??? for a second and I was like naurrr but then I was like oh okay thank GOD that isn't what she was saying 😭😭
- I don't mind that tracy was chatting shit about alicia being there, she's kinda a genius. and I don't mind that it was actually her mum instead (assuming she wasn't lying) but the whole 'madison is the reason she's dead' thing is suuuuuch bullshit omg like I wanted to find out madison had murdered this fucking woman but you're telling me they blame her for tracy's mum's death bc she.. believed in the 'no ones gone til they're gone' thing or whatever like..? GROW UP
I actually don't even know how that works tbh bc like, how would this random woman know about this phrase and how could that get her killed like am I just stupid or what. maybe troy and madison will talk about it a bit in the next couple of eps so we get more info? I'm begging at this point but also I worry giving us more info will make it more shit so idk!!
- I think madison believing tracy and going to that place was kinda silly like you'd think she'd question it a bit more but I guess you can put it down to her desperation to find alicia
- the luciana and troy moment was cool. love a nick reference lmao troy kinda can't stop bringing him up 😭
- strand talking to troy on the radio was cool I kinda like them being a mini duo for a second there idk
- this alicia stuff is getting kinda annoying and I'm almost at my point of being over it idk. I'm definitely still looking forward to seeing what's actually happened but now that we've had that tracy's mum let down I worry its gonna be something shit
and also maybe I'm just heartless but if I was madison I don't think I'd give a fuck that alicia wandering around like I'm not searching the whole country for one walker what a waste of time omg
with nick it's like well they know where his body was so they could dig him and give him a proper burial or whatever they wanna do but with alicia it's like a fuckin wild goose chase idk. hopefully the end is worth it but I worry it won't be
- overall I did like this ep I think but it wasn't what I was expecting? and it also wasn't my faaave idrk. mixed feelings
- wish there was more troy content like it genuinely is haunting me how little troy content we're getting and just how many different characters need to get wrapped up endings in these last two episodes
- the next time trailer looks really good. troy with tracy and troy with madison is what I'm in this for fr omfg like I do like a lot of the other characters in this show but now that we have these three I'm like FUCK everyone else I don't care
- I think I had more to say but I've forgotten it so rip
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hoedameron · 10 months
Dark Winds anon back again to talk about the new episode bc I have so many thoughts and no one to tell them to irl!! What an episode man aughhhhhhhh. (These thoughts are very disjointed so bare with me) The whole hospital scene was sooooooo cool! whoever did the lighting for that needs a raise fr. I almost wish it had been a longer sequence with Joe and Bern having to go inside and stalk blondie/ protect Chee, but that’s alright. Speaking of Joe, I’m absolutely loving the little descent to madness he’s got going on. The staring off into space, dismissing anything that isn’t the manhunt, the obvious exhaustion etc all works so well. Bern was really keeping an eye on Joe the whole episode, which leads me to think that she’s at least somewhat caught onto his spiraling and is….. Concerned….. at the very least. It does make me wonder just how much they’re going to touch on Bern’s feelings regarding Joe Jrs death, esp since she says he was like a little brother to her in s1. Personally I think that, unlike Joe, she would probably be able to keep her feelings out of her work more, and that she’ll probably be a rock for him (at least on the professional side, her deal with Joe and the border patrol job is smth else entirely) rather than succumbing to the same recklessness as Joe. (Tho if anything happened to Joe or Jim I imagine that might change). My guess is that if we see any of her thoughts about it, it’ll be a quieter moment off the frontlines. but that’s a complete guess, I could be wrong about all of that! Overall, another great ep. I won’t lie the timeline is sort of throwing me off (it doesn’t seem like it’s been 6 days since the events of the first ep) but maybe I’m just dumb. Veryyyy much looking forward to the next episode which based on the preview seems to be a lot of injured Zahn McClarnon walking simulator, my favorite!
OMG HELLO BABE sawwwy i had a swamped up week and barely had enough energy </3
every single episode keeps gettng etter and better like what did they put in this show that makes it sooooooo scrumdillyumptious....YESSSSS the entire coloring of this season has been sexy as hell and i hope whomever had a part in that decision gets sloppy onthe reg. joe can go on a spiral as a treat for having to deal with another whitte man messing around with his livelihood like totally understandable it's only fair. goshhhh, my bbygirl bern needs a break !!!!!! and she is also always the one getting thrown into the supernatural-esque situations like omfg GIRL.
that's why i adore the relationship between joe and bern because they take care of each other like they can alwys lean on each other and trust one another with each other's lives. no, you're right, i do think bern might be the anchor in the storm and the one who would most likely face consequences for their actions is joe since it's now eating away at him. the questions of how did that buckle end up there? what really happened? just swirling around in his head. naurrr, it's going rather quickly and that's the thing that sucks about this show is that it's only six episodes long </3 even my dad was like wthhhh do you mean it's only six episodes ....my thoughts exactly. at the same time, i do think that if it was any longer than 10 episodes, it might be a litle drawn out like i've seen shows with long seasons and it's not always good lol. WHUMP JOE EVERYON EO N THE WHUMP HURT NO COMFFORT JOE TRAIN BABEYYY!! two premium tickest please ^_^
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pssst did you reblog the Rick and Morty ask game. if so, I'd ask you allll the questions, too XD
Hahaha, yes, I rebloged, then I deleted it, but I will happily answer all for you ;) thank you for the ask 💙
1. Morty, of course 💕
2. Domestic Beth. Beth is too much of her father's daughter
3. Yes! Oh, yes, definitely xD
4. Wren is cute, but I want to say her name would be Robin 🤭
5. Not sure. Hopefully lots and lots
6. Hard pass. Like, I can appreciate the horny Rick content, and I want more of it - especially Young Rick -, but nope, not for me xD
7. Rick 💀💀💀 but if we are talking about somebody they only portray as a villain, even if he didn't do anything wrong in his entire life, then it's Evil Morty 🤭💕
8. I haven't watched all of the episodes yet, but out of those I did, the Citadel ones are my favorite 😍
9. I did. Not. Like. Rick and Jerry bonding, even if Rick did it because his boywife asked him to do it ☹️
10. Beth and Jerry. Omfg I hate those two. Every time I see them on screen being their uncaring, shithead selves, I just want to- *deep breath* not going there. The thing is, I hate them.
11. Not worshipping Morty enough u.u okay, but really, blood and gore and killing and being an awful human being doesn't bother me. What does is when he is deliberately cruel to Morty.
12. No, I don't think so. It will be strange, sure, but it won't be a problem.
13. Hahahah, I think Vi said the same thing, but my mutuals, definitely 💕💕💕
14. I mean, probably Morty...
15. Every time Rick appears just as Morty wants to talk to Jessica, because we all know he is a jealous old man who can't handle the thought that Morty thinks about anybody else than him.
16. Not sure yet.
17. Not sure yet.
18. No, but I still have to watch the whole thing before the next season airs.
19. If you think my Rick's dead, he's alive! And if you think you're safe, he's coming for you!
20. Nuh-huh. None of them 💀
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how-masterful · 1 year
Omfg your writing is just so incredible and I would KILL to see you write a little scene of them in Russia together just having a great little time
Thank you so much! Here’s a slightly longer comment on it than i’d anticipated:
This was the fic that I knew I was going to remaster before it even came out on screen. The way I usually plan my fics is by watching an episode and finding my favourite scene- like in nightmare in silver, which was just the chess game and the trigger destruction. I don't ever intend to fully rewrite the episode, but to just expand on the scenes I loved and maybe do some context dumps that show how different the world has been shaped by it just being the master and the reader- removing side characters etc, and just focusing on the pair at hand.
In my fics i like to keep to a certain storyline: reader and the master knew each other post missy/before 13, and you were an undercover companion for series 11, leaving the team during spyfall part 2. From there it gets a bit tricky. Did you stay for the dalek revolution and the flux, meaning power was a reunion? Or did you leave with the Master in the finale of series 12?
At first, this was fine. I’d decide what idea to use once i’d picked a scene, and add in that context. But then the episode came out, and became so special to me, that I couldn’t pick a favourite. This presented two problems.
The first problem was, out of context, I had ideas for scenes. Like you being present at the volcano lecture, or you seeing the master again for the first time on the screen and him telling thirteen to bring you along. That leans in to a whole ‘you tried to turn me good because you failed with missy’ thing, but that’s a whole other can of worms. When I settled on a concept I liked, I wrote each scene in isolation, but in order- the corridor ‘roast’ is by far my favourite. However I didn't want to write the connective tissue such as Vinders arrival or the dalek drama, but I needed something to connect the scenes. So that's where the Russian scenes came from! Originally I had no intention on writing them, but they worked well as little intercuts. Also, I felt like I could skip the TARDIS scene as it would have gone on for longer than i’d liked, plus i’d already given the extra lore tidbits earlier. It’s a shame, as I love that scene, but I feel like any detours the dialogue could have taken would’ve made it worse. Also, I was just so tired.
As I write, i watch the episode over and over, sometimes watching the same few seconds about 20 times- especially if there’s certain moments where i want to really emphasise a gesture, or I want to get the surroundings just right. This takes up some time, as those few seconds can sometimes be 100′s of words long.  @plethora-of-imagines​ can attest to just how much of a struggle this first part was- i think i spent a solid 8 hours trying to write it, averaging about 1k an hour. The entire thing ended up clocking in at nearly 28k by the end- so by that logic, I had about 10 hours to write something that would take me 28. That was problem number two. 
By the end, my brain was mush. But perhaps this was a happy accident- it meant i could take a months break to recombobulate, think about the next parts, and end up writing more than I thought I could. It also meant I could include the masters version of the guardians of the edge.
Finally, here’s three (and a half) fun facts:  
Fact 1, The detail I spent the most time on was your companion parody outfit. If I remember right, it was Marthas jacket, Claras shirt, Jo’s denim dress and red tie, Rose’s tights, Amy’s cowboy boots, Romanas white version of 4′s scarf, and Nyssa’s tiara. Reader almost wore Romanas purple outfit, or Rose’s union jack shirt, or Jo’s fluffy blue jacket. That one was the hardest to let go of, but I needed something that was even slightly cohesive.
Fact 2, absolutely shamelessly, the two possible bodies that the guardian masters were suggesting were Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie. Moon Knight and Wednesday really did a number on me.
Fact 3, i think i spent a good hour trying to find an insert character for Rasputin Mater. I’ve no clue of the historical accuracy of the role the reader takes on, but then again I don’t think the whole thing is priding itself on being true to life. It was fun to google though!
Fact 3.5, i’m absolutely convinced it takes about 3-5 days for the fics to show up in the tags. Wild!
Overall, this fic killed me, bit I absolutely adored writing it. I’m sure I could say more, but then it would be as long as the fic. Thank you so much for the support, and I hope you enjoy what’s to come in the future!
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