#not a vague at mutuals!!
deathmcth-archived · 2 years
literally roll my eyes when people complain about other people who headcanon the genpact characters as anything but their twiggy in-game models.. that’s why it’s a headcanon.. that’s why it’s fun to imagine body diversity in a game that SUCKS at diversity... when has ripping on people in public for harmless hc’s become so popular 
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bananonbinary · 6 months
also worth noting that "abusive" doesn't actually mean "irredeemable" either.
there's a lot of people that have done things in the past that were bad, because they weren't taught any better, or they were in an overall toxic situation where EVERYONE was shitty (like a cult), or they were just at an especially low point and hurt others for it.
you don't have to forgive them. you don't have to ever speak to them again. you can be angry with them until you die if you want.
but society cannot function if we don't allow them to move on. to change their behavior and fuck off somewhere else and build meaningful relationships without bothering you again. we need a path for people to change, or nothing ever will.
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felixcosm · 4 months
I think it's mean how some people talk about fics on AO3.
'Oh you gotta wade through literal trash to find the good stuff'.
Were you not a beginner once? Did you not write crack fic or self indulgent things for your own entertainment?
Maybe don't speak that way about your fellow fic writers? Just because some fics aren't as polished as others, or involve fetishes and tropes you don't enjoy, or are not the style you want your fics to be doesn't mean they're trash.
It's a horrible thing to say and beginners are going to be discouraged from writing knowing that their fics might be considered trash because they're just starting out.
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ok i need. need. NEED. you all to understand what high support needs autism actually is. not just higher support, but highhhh (high) support.
& honestly me, am not even fit to talk about this!! but knowing popular (often low support) autism content creators & authors tokenize me & include me in justification “well i listen to high support needs people and they need—”
high support needs not just need remind take meds, not even need remind eat, need remind shower. if you think “high support needs” & those struggles come first in mind & see those as most represent of HSN, most classical way of be HSN, then you wrong. you wronggg.
many HSN autistic, not even “advanced” enough (for not have better word) to able use reminders. on average day often need physical help. for a lot, need complete physical help. need complete physical help hold spoon n fork, or not able be a part at all and need other people do it. need be told open mouth chew swallow sometimes. need other people clean up drool & spill from mouth & mess.
they have worth. deserve all the fucking help they need.
“difference between low & high support is not actual amount struggle because all struggle inside same but that high support show more external outside struggle & those struggle more annoying for people around them” hear this so often and make blood boil because cannot be farther from truth yet some you all so loudly proclaim.
then tell me why only hear LSN say this. why only hear LSN on internet. why all big content creator big authors big autistic speakers all LSN.
tell me how someone nonverbal and no robust communication no functional language struggle even nonverbally communicate not even AAC not yet or not ever ever, how that same inside as someone who able speak who speak fluent who able communicate want needs dreams have conversation with words
both struggle. but not fucking same struggle.
many people in between. but you not get use people like them like me to give self shiny credential of “i know high support needs because i listen”
don’t use me. you embarrass me.
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taikoturtle · 2 years
My Friends: have you seen this TV show?
Me: no, but thanks to tumblr,
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communistkenobi · 5 months
been gawking at spn discourse from afar and the phrase “drunk driving headcanons” has taken up permanent residence in my brain
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coughloop · 10 months
im not Jewish nor am I educated enough on the topic to speak from any place of authority but its very concerning/frustrating/fucking aggravating how much antisemitism is seeping into leftists circles again (not that it ever really left). like popular bloggers on here are posting memes that have like 5 dog whistles in a row in them and are completely ignoring or mocking anyone that points it out. After all its all "ironic" anyways, so its actually funny to say "hollywood is full of devil worshipping, blood drinking, pedophiles" and not the oldest trick in the antisemitic playbook.
of course if that wasnt enough to just post it, you can look at the people reblogging it directly from these leftists and you'll see some of the most infamously racist bloggers on this website so like, how ironic is it? because that guy is taking it at face value and is now going to see you as being on his side no matter how many leftist words you have in your bio.
it fucking sucks and it all feeds into the constant harassment Jewish people face for just being alive and its not going to end there. be better or kill yourself
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Steve and Eddie don't like each other at first. Or, no, that's not quite right. They're still bonded from everything. They're friends, sort of, but they don't spend time together outside the group, have trouble talking one-on-one.
Steve doesn't think about it much. So, he and Eddie won't ever be real friends, okay. He's a little disappointed, but mostly he doesn't understand how he feels about the other guy. He's always anxious when Eddie's around, clumsy and stuttering, infected with Robin's tendency to nervous chatter. It doesn't make sense. It's just Eddie. But that's the thing. It's Eddie and Steve doesn't know how to act around him.
And Eddie? Well, he spends a lot of time avoiding Steve because the fucking cascade of butterflies he gets every time Harrington is around. He knows what it means, knows even he isn't immune to the Harrington charm, but he needs to be. He needs to keep his heart safe. So, he keeps his distance because Steve Harrington is not for him and never will be.
It changes during movie nights. First it's teasing Dustin and Mike, mocking whatever horrible movie the kids put on, and then it's inside jokes, and playful bickering, and evenings with just the two of them drinking beer and sharing joints.
Then it's August. It's too hot everywhere and Steve's parents are home, so they're in Steve's car, driving with no destination, a couple joints in Eddie's jacket pocket and a six-pack in the trunk. They're listening to a mixtape Eddie made Steve, a bunch of metal. Steve still doesn't get it but there are a couple of songs he enjoys. Rainbow in the Dark starts--this is one Steve likes, reminds him of Eddie and not just because it's Dio. Sun filters through foliage and into the car windows, backlighting Eddie's curls like he's some kind of deity, beautiful and ethereal, not part of this world.
Steve starts singing along to the music, can't help himself. His friend throws him a beaming smile, big enough that Steve thinks his heart stops. He smiles back. He and Eddie sing the rest of the song together, and Steve is...he's content. He's happy. He hasn't felt this way since--well fuck--since 1983. Their eyes meet again, gazes linger, warmth pools in Steve's chest and low in his stomach.
Oh. He thinks. That's what this is. It settles something inside him, the knowing.
Time passes, they get closer, share a bed most nights. Doesn't matter where as long as they're together. Sleep better this way, both of them.
They're at the trailer when it happens, sharing a joint, loosely tucked against each other in bed.
"I've never had a friend like you," Eddie says. His eyes stay fixed on the smoke he exhaled. "I know you and Robin are--like, I get it. But you're--for me--"
"Yeah," Steve agrees. He flushes from his chest to forehead. "For me too."
It's enough, they both think. They're standing on the edge of more have been for months, but this? This is good. There's no need to push, to force. They're hurt, Steve thinks. They're healing. And they have time.
Corroded Coffin plays their first show back at the Hideout in December. Steve's never seen Eddie like this, performing. His shirt is cropped and artfully torn, his jeans more rip than pants. He's wearing eyeliner and his hair is wild. And the way he moves, sinuous and sleek, hips thrusting in a tantalizing rhythm as he shreds on the guitar. Steve wants so badly he feels it in his teeth.
He finds Eddie smoking behind the Hideout after the set. His eye are too bright, his smile manic, the adrenaline keying him up to the highest setting of Eddie. Steve knows he matches the energy, can't help it.
Eddie throws himself into Steve's arms, wrapping around him tight enough that no space lingers. The musician presses his face into Steve's neck, nuzzling, lips pressing against his pulse point. They touch always, share a bed and cuddle, but never like this; nothing like this. Steve pulls Eddie closer, and groans at the mutual swivel of their hips.
Eddie's breath comes in panting bursts, and Steve thinks, "here it is, finally, finally," but the door next to them bangs open and they jump apart at the noise.
Their friends and the rest of the Corroded Coffin guys come out, frolicking and shouting, complimenting Eddie on the show. If anyone noticed them embracing, notices the way they both adjust their clothing to hide their matching arousal, they don't say anything.
Steve wakes early the next morning, early enough that Eddie doesn't even stir beside him, hair wild and eyeliner smeared.
He gets out of bed, starts breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon, Eddie's favorite. He's so intent on cooking that he doesn't hear the other man come up behind him, doesn't realize he's even awake until a warm body presses to his back, long-fingered hands slipping under his t-shirt, tracing the scars on his stomach. He leans into it without a thought. They touch all the time, but they don't touch like this.
"Watcha making, sweetheart?" Eddie whispers.
"Your favorite," Steve answers.
Eddie makes a little sound, almost a whimper, and presses his face to Steve's neck. Steve lifts his chin, leaning into Eddie and offering more. Warm lips press against his jaw, down to the moles on his throat. A moan slips from his lips as he grinds his ass into Eddie's hardness. The other man groans, grabbing at Steve's hips.
Somewhere in the press of their bodies, Steve has the presence of mind to turn. He lifts his hands, cups Eddie's jaw, thumbs caressing the stubbled, scarred skin of his cheeks. "Okay?" He asks. His voice shakes.
Eddie's eyes are wide, shining, and he swallows hard. Steve knows he's overwhelmed, knows that the words won't come. Instead, Eddie nods, and finally finally they kiss.
Steve is flying. His blood soars in his veins, his heart lifts off. It was always supposed to be this. Always supposed to be them.
It was slow. It was easy. It was small jokes, and long looks, and little touches, and singing in cars and best friends and sharing beds.
His heart belonged to Eddie Munson for months. It will belong to him forever.
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mp100days · 2 years
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036 - serirei
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amajorsystem · 2 years
i'll be honest. not a fan of how the nonpsychotics are treating this goncharov thing. so PSA: if someone asks you if something is fake, DO NOT lie to them. yes, even if you think it's funny. yes, even if it's a meme. not everyone has the grasp on reality that you do, and you never know when a "funny" lie will cause actual harm.
also for fuck's sake, tag it as unreality. memes are not immune to unreality.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 11 months
two people loving each other deeply and physically and emotionally while not having sex can still be romantic that does not mean they’re basically just platonic oh my fu
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kuroshika · 1 year
what do you mean you can't see how cannibalism is the purest form of obsession and devotion??? that love is all about mutual consumption??? that you can love without obsession but you can't obsess without love???
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sparrowlucero · 19 hours
your giant ego and total lack of confidence in your own work are fighting, kitten
i literally can never tell if asks like this are meant to be insulting for real or if it's like a kink thing
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starheirxero · 6 months
good morning everyone! unfortunately for all of you, I am still wildly gay for Lord Eclipse on this fine wednesday! so take this INSANELY self indulgent doodle I did a bit ago LMAO
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valeechtine · 8 months
I am going to be entirely frank here some of you people cannot keep being like Well I'm like this cuz I'm mentally ill take it or leave it I don't owe anyone anything! Because like to be so real with you if you're being a cunt to people who didn't do anything you're being a cunt thats the bottom line and while being mentally ill makes it Harder to work on like. You still need to. It is such loser behavior to acknowledge that you're just a genuinely unpleasant person and then to not do anything about it and actively pride yourself on your unchanging nature, and then you're going to sit there wondering why you're in a cycle of entering relationships be they romantic or platonic and then they become toxic and you're left alone again. And you'll fill that emptiness soon enough because misery loves company but the company is always going to be miserable as well and you are going to be killing each other trying to use the other as a life preserver to stay afloat in this tar pit of your own creation and this can only go on for so long. Everyone has the ability to change themselves for the better and I simply do not have the patience or smpathy for those who so blatantly refuse to while well aware of their problems
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fatestayyuri · 9 months
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i make a lot of Parahumans fanart for someone who hasn't read Worm and is currently Not Enjoying Ward
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