phonographica · 2 months
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Noriki – Dream Cruise (1984)
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senmago · 1 year
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oc dump
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The person who named Noritoshi: nobody will notice. I changed the last kanji !
The rest of the JJ world:
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citypopdaily · 7 months
Do What You Do by Soichi Noriki / 野力奏一 featuring Yurie Kokubu / 国分友里恵
Album: Noriki Year: 1983 Label: Universal Music Japan (Eastworld sublabel) Lyrics: Dwight Waldron Music: Soichi Noriki / 野力奏一
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mariomusicdaily · 1 year
Mario Music of the Day: Super Mario Bros. from the 1991 Super Mario World album.
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444names · 2 years
russian + japanese forenames
Abamu Abartadao Abdull Abdullav Aberu Abidekazu Aboraizu Abuya Adaronorō Agafonora Agaku Agami Agaru Agatadasa Agavenji Agavro Aijin Aimiwaku Aisato Akafiyo Anessa Ariyasa Arunji Arutako Asaki Atoshio Atsugu Atsuhi Avalod Avdiachid Avdifum Avdiko Avdiyosu Avdoko Avengor Averi Averiko Avide Aviko Avimia Avitsuki Avrenji Avreori Avtomiu Avvako Ayukeake Azumu Azurō Basae Chikl Chiko Chinpeiji Chiro Chiroakiy Damikuzu Danobuto Dansaya Daori Darumi Datsuki Eichi Eigori Eiichir Eishinori Emamito Emikona Fumichiki Fumin'ya Fumiro Fumirō Fumotoshi Gatsunemo Gennaru Getsuto Giichim Hachide Hanobu Harihiko Harika Harin Harinzō Harisa Hazukishi Heiji Hidehiro Hidey Higemotya Hikaga Hikagarō Hikoshiro Hikuo Hineko Hirokao Hiromiya Hisaako Hisaki Hitokim Hitom Hitsu Hiyoshiko Hokichi Ichikiya Ichiku Ichiro Ikogo Ikoute Inori Itsuhi Izuka Joshigen Junan Junaofeyo Junei Juneyorié Junideta Junoshiko Jōichige Jōtakon Jūtaka Kaaya Kaayukiro Kagapane Kagda Kahirō Kaika Kakio Kamunie Kaniko Kaoki Katakaya Katake Katsu Katsume Kayoshirō Kayuko Kazaneo Kazuhi Kazuke Kazumiko Kehio Keimisa Ketsuhi Ketsuko Kichiro Kiemori Kihige Kinao Kiyofey Kiyugumi Koyuka Kunji Kunovy Kuyokojio Kyōshi Kyōsuhir Kōheiji Kōsuo Kōzōaaki Ljunki Luborige Ludmiro Ludoni Maari Machirō Maharu Mahiyahi Mamvro Manaru Manimei Marada Maron Marukiku Marunsuo Masadiy Masahi Masaom Masatsuka Masatsuki Masatsuko Mashi Masugio Masugu Masuhari Masuken Masumie Matakarō Materu Matsu Maximi Mayoi Michi Michide Michieko Michinad Michisa Micho Miharu Miichi Miichige Mikharō Mikusuo Minaka Minari Minji Miroko Mitasuo Mitogori Mitoma Mitoshi Miwata Miyoshi Miyoshiko Momanemi Monna Morina Moriy Moriya Moshideko Motakaton Motokogo Moyukei Nadasa Nagart Nagaru Naiko Namvra Naofey Naotsuji Narukazue Nasaya Nasiku Nasuyo Natsugu Nihirō Niichirō Nobuniie Nobutsu Noriki Norin Norinora Norisa Noryūsa Noryūsuki Noshi Noshito Nozura Otohart Otomiko Otoshi Otoshigem Radisa Raiichin Rashideo Reiichiro Ren'ichi Renagda Renao Rihiko Rikaki Rinao Riotoya Risadafon Riyukiko Romoni Runtachi Ryukiichi Ryōsumeko Ryōsuni Ryōtadane Ryūjina Ryūjiroyo Ryūko Ryūsugu Ryūsutozu Ryūyasa Sachira Sadana Sadandre Sademi Saede Sahiteo Saiku Sakenori San'ya Sanillaw Sanir Sanoshi Satsu Satsuhi Satsunki Sayui Sazukeki Seigemasa Seigeri Senatsuhi Senobu Seppeikto Setsuri Sevolyahi Sevolyuru Shachisa Shidezō Shige Shigel Shigemo Shigenae Shihi Shihigeko Shiko Shimichio Shinpeiko Shiotomi Shiran Shiro Shirokuri Shironaoi Shiroto Shirō Shisa Shisaya Shissadao Shizō Shuneko Shuntako Shōtadiya Shūseisa Sobumi Sophi Sophir Stariyuke Sterkyo Sutomiko Svenji Svensumi Sviani Sōseijir Tadafon Tadai Tadata Tadatsuhi Tadatsuya Tadmiko Tadomi Tadul Taikako Takatsu Takatsuto Takazuo Takehia Takeiji Takemi Takie Takihirō Takiko Takitsuki Takiya Takuro Talbely Tamichiko Tamuna Tango Tanna Tariko Tarinao Tarit Tarito Taron Taroshiko Tarumi Tatarō Tatatsu Tatsune Temarō Terina Teryōzō Tetsukiko Tiamatsu Timunabuo Tomurō Toniichir Tonobu Toria Torinji Toritr Toshifa Toshikan Toshira Toshiro Toshōhei Toshōji Tostako Tosumi Tosusa Toyasa Tsugu Tsuhige Tsuke Umasa Vaneyoshi Vasahi Venae Vlimidey Vseim Yaekazumi Yaharu Yakei Yakin Yananori Yasabu Yasaku Yasatani Yashi Yasunzō Yatsugu Yefanriya Yerumi Yoako Yofuji Yoshige Yoshihi Yoshin Yoshir Yoshūgo Yosugu Yosuko Yosuniy Yoyoshito Yozuri Yukanae Yukeka Yukoji Yukyoki Yūsae Yūsatomi Yūtake Yūtakio Zen'ya Zenanori Zeniafa Zenkimika Zentaka Zinaichi Zorieijū Zoyuraiko
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mistermaxxx08 · 3 months
Soichi Noriki - Do What You Do
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b0mblover · 4 months
a very confused god
wednsday, january 26. 17:00 (5pm) noriko came home around 15 (3) to sleep, she had been running around since 12, like normal. Jirou had went to run errands for crown, and lopt stayed home all day. now they were all laying in the living room doing various things, lopt was watching some british news station, jirou was simultaneously trying to figure out how they got such channels and texting someone, probably crown, and noriko was painting her nails venting to whoever would listen, something about public transit being awful. “Hey noriki” “lopt i will smite you if you ever call me that again” “kay rinoko, gotta question for ya” “id suggest you start running lopt” noriko procceded to chase lopt around the (mind you very small) apartment for about 30 minutes before hiding in the bathroom for another 10 minutes. Lopt came out of the bathroom to see noriko stole his spot on the couch, laying down on two cushions (look no way she would even reach 3 shes too short) while jirou was sitting on the other, the floor was his only option. Lopt sat down on the floor, stretching his legs out. “Can i ask my question now riko?” “Augh fine what?” she said, sounding playfully annoyed. “What were you doing with your nails?” “painting them? why, no im not gonna paint yours” “oh, well, thanks for considering anyways” lopt picked up on the fact that it was pointless to try and ask what the hell “nail polish” was, it didnt look like polish, and smelled better than polish, so what the hell was it really for? 
around 19 (7pm) noriko decied to go to her room to sleep for a bit, claming she had to “get up buttfuck early for some bullshit” she never elaborated. Jirou was in the kitchen, sitting crosslegged on the counter, not chair, counter. looking at god knows what on his phone, he decided d to go to his room for whatever reason (plot convince) Deciding that it was the “perfect time” to execute his plan, he walked into the bathroom, opened the cabinet below the sink, and pulled out the bag noriko had her nail polish in. it was mostly red and yellows, two bottles of black, one of purple. Lopt, counting what looks like it would taste the best, and how many there was of each, decied on a midly dull red, she had two of them, he picked the one that felt less full. He opened the bottle and sniffed it, admittedly, he didnt have the best sense of smell, but he could pick up on how strong things were. He mentally noted how strong it was, it wasnt as strong as some things, but definitely was enough to make someone get lightheaded if not pass out. He set the “brush” on some wadded up toilet paper, attempting to convince himself that it was for “science” even though he had never been interested in it before. He counted mentally, when it got to 15, he would down it, like he was going to die (i mean, he cant die so he didnt really know what thatd feel like so-) “5,6” he muttered it aloud, trying to drown out the thought that itd make him sick, the last time he ate something he shouldnt have, his throat ended up bleeding (a few of you know what im referring to) “11,12” he told himself, since it was a liquid, it wouldnt do much harm. “15-“ he immediately downed the bottle, instantly noticing two things, 1. since it was red, the others might confuse it for blood if he were to throw up 2. it burned. He looked around, usually there were cups in the bathroom for water, but of course, why would there be now? he found a bottle of pink looking liquid, deciding that it probably couldnt get much worse, downed it too. Instant regret, for the secound time, it burned worse than the nail polish. He dreaded the hours ahead of him, he ran (ran more like speed walked) into the kitchen to grab a cup, fummbling it twice before getting water. After he drank it he barely felt better, his mouth and throat felt irritated, and he wanted to vomit
(note, this is just what happens when you ingest/drink eat nail polish/nail polish remover)
he decied that fresh air might help so he unlocked the door and went out onto the “balcony” or what they call a balcony, its just some thin wire that wasnt more than 28cms (roughly 10-11 inches). Taking deep breaths, trying to not panic, maybe he mentally knew that he fucked up, maybe it was the fact the pain barely dulled down. After 7 minutes of harsh breathing and barely calming down, he decied to go in, the pain hadnt stopped but it was cold out and it felt like it was almost making it worse, even if he couldnt feel temperature like a normal person. He sat down on the couch and no less than 2 minutes after, ran to the bathroom to throw up. It was disgusting, the smell, the look, he couldnt tell if he threw up blood (again) or it was the nail polish, merely questioning if it was the nail polish made him throw up again. This went on until Riko asked if he was okay, of course she had to be awake. “Uh, the hell, uh hold on ill get something stay there and uh try to not throw up..?” she sounded uncertain with her words, lopt gave up, trying to think about anything else than the situation he was in. He heard Riko mumbling through the wall, something about “antiemetics” he didn’t know what those were
(antiemetics are like peptol bismol n shit so you don’t throw up or smth idk i’ve never took them)
She came back into the bathroom with a small cup of something disgustingly pink and instructed him to take it. He did as he was told, wanting it to all be over already. Taking a deep breath he changed his position, getting off of his rather sore knees, and sitting down properly, he considered leaving the bathroom but ultimately decided that if he were to puke again he wouldn’t want to clean it up. Noriko told him to text or yell for her if he needed something, he nodded, though knowing that there was no chance in hell would he intentionally get her attention. She went back to her room, after 5 minutes of her leaving, he threw up again, though this time being a odd vague pink colour and with less possible blood or nail polish chips. This was going to be a long night.
(again im shit at writing im so sorry)
(lopt fucking dies at the end /j) 
(i’m not even kidding i looked up so much shit for this, smth smth every 4 grams of acetone for every 1kg (2lbs~) if were saying that lopt weighs around  ((exactly)) 67kgs (148lbs~)smth smth 42.5 idk look i’m not good at math) 
(i love lopt suffering /pos) 
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tropichalys · 4 years
NORIKI - Night Lights - [1984] DREAM CRUISE
Genre: Piano / JPop
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netdream · 5 years
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madpotatodisease · 4 years
<3, couldn’t help myself. I was born in the wrong era lol
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radiophd · 5 years
noriki -- dream cruise [album, 1984]
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femmecherries · 6 years
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“ from the very depths of my heart, you begin to disappear. “
a retro japanese playlist.
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citypopdaily · 8 months
スノッブな夜へ (Snob na Yoru e) by Yurie Kokubu / 国分友里恵
Album: Relief 72 Hours Year: 1983 Label: RCA (Air Records sublabel) Lyrics: Kazuko Kobayashi / 小林和子 Music: Soichi Noriki / 野力奏一
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crewneck · 6 years
NORIKI (1983, Eastworld)
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ondasyletras · 4 years
(1984) Noriki - Dream Cruise (Full Album)
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