#nobody thinks that. you're trans. that's not a misogynistic act.
nothorses · 2 years
So in order to stay safe from my abusive parents and maybe win some amount of their trust back so I can, I don’t know, get a job and earn money to buy a service dog and leave, I have to detransition and act like a ciswoman. Nothing wrong with being a woman at all, but I am a man or a nonbinary so this just does…it’s not going to be fun. Wish me luck, hopefully this only takes a year and not three cause this is going to SUCK
I'm so sorry, that is honestly awful. I hope you get through it & get out okay- and quickly!!
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TW: sensitive topics
Adam slowly becomes more tolerate and less misogynistic over time via osmosis but won't admit it and instead hides it.
Adam thinks women bitch too much about the pink tax until he's sent out to get period products for Reader and Lute, only to realise that his cost of his shopping just doubled in price from just one pack.
Adam thinks women bitch too much about not being welcomed to normally male occupied spaces until he's playing late night online and hears a woman join only to leave after five minutes because everyone kept harassing them.
Adam hounds a girl for her number, thinking that he's so smooth for getting it in the end, but then decided to lose it after watching a film with Reader and Lute where it showed a girl terrified of what would happen if she didn't give a guy her number and hears Reader and Lute, two very capable women, talk about how they've been in similar positions.
Adam has done a lot of thinking lately.
Personally, I'd like to think that Heaven, while flawed, is above some of the nonsense like the pink tax. I do still think catcalling and being harassed happens, probably mainly in result to a lot of men modeling Adam's behavior.
But once he gets with you and you start calling him on his shit, and therefore Lute gets more comfortable calling him out, and especially after the period simulator, he's more aware of certain things.
I feel like eventually he'd ask you if this is how bad it is now, what did you do when you were alive? When you had to work constantly, sometimes 2 jobs at a time, just to afford basics. That's when you tell him you didn't really have a choice but to suck it up. That you weren't allowed to get a hysterectomy, you couldn't take sick days just for a period, and that most doctors wouldn't believe you anyway.
Especially if you're a trans person this is a big foot in the door to explaining how poorly women and queer people are treated. Hit em with the fact that religious nuts use Adam and God as examples for their behavior and he's going to feel physically sick. I think he'd have to take a few days to just be by himself and really think about how he acts and how people interpret that.
From there it's a slow build up to correcting his behavior. And it's not always gonna be easy. He's going to be defensive, he'll tell you that you're overreacting and that him persistently following a girl around to ask her for her number repeatedly isn't bad, it shows he's interested. He's a nice guy.
Tell him that's what other men thought too until "insert any woman you can think of who was assualted".
Lute's more direct, she sits his ass down and has him watch as many true crime stories of women getting kidnapped, SA, tortured, and murdered as she can find. Usually she picks ones based off the names you drop. He really only has to hear 4 or 5 before it sinks in. (Tiktok reminded me of the girl who was tortured to death for 45 days and assualted with lit fireworks so, have that fresh horror in your minds).
Tell him about any personal experiences you had and how terrifying it is to be a woman or queer. Show him the responses to the man or the bear question. Let him fully realize how many people, people he knows as strong and capable, would rather face the bear because "the worst the bear can do is kill me". Or "Nobody accuses me of liking being attacked by a bear"
"No one asked me what I was wearing when the bear attacked"
"People would actually believe me if I said I was attacked by a bear."
"The bear sees me as a person."
"The bear lives in the woods, the man probably followed me."
Each answer is gonna send a new shiver down his spine.
Reforming Adam isn't an easy or fast process but it's fully possible because I don't think he's bad or a fullblown narcissist. I think he's been told his entire existence that he's a good guy, a pinnacle of creation, someone to be admired and obeyed without question.
You could argue he may be a bit controlling and narcissistic because of how he treated Lillith and requested a submissive wife with Eve. And I don't think he's ever not going to be full of himself and expect his ideal partner to be a bit more traditional in the sense that they're a housewife/domestic type. But he also likes people who go out and have fun, can get wild, and he definitely thinks it's hot if you can defend yourself even if it strokes his ego if you let him do it.
But overall, I think with enough time, patience, and exposure Adam could become a better person. Probably the type who would throw hands with himself if he could. Definitely becomes the type to start borderline hating other men.
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corvidcall · 10 months
the way people act like the people youre sexually attracted to is some sort of praxis is really annoying for a lot of reasons! because like, yeah, when people say that a whole marginalized group isnt hot, its usually informed by some sort of bigotry, either implicit or explicit. are black women not hot, or have you just decided that every black woman looks and acts the same, and that anything outside of eurocentric beauty standards is "ugly"? would you actually hate dating a fat man, or have you just made a lot of assumptions about what kind of person they must be because of their body, and decided that was at odds with your own interests? you say you wouldnt date a trans woman because you "dont like men" and you're "not interested in penises", but youre just assuming that every trans woman is just a cis man in a dress, which is absolutely not true! OBVIOUSLY prejudice influences peoples attraction
but also like... you cant frame it as a direct expression of someones morals. some parts of what you're attracted to will change throughout your life, but a lot of it is baked in and cant really be changed, even if you might want it to! i mean, thats why conversion therapy demonstrably doesnt work. if youre a person who is really into. idk. vore or bdsm or redheads. even if you decide that actually thats immoral to be into, you're not really gonna be able to stop being attracted to it because sexual attraction isn't really something you get to sit down and CHOOSE. if youre not into anthro animals, theres no amount of sitting down and working on yourself that will convince you to start getting a boner at furry porn.
and then theres the obvious other problem, that being attracted to certain qualities or traits or demographics doesnt even mean that you actually have their best intetests at heart? racists date POC. fatphobes date fat people. misogynists date women all the fucking time!!!!!
i think your tastes are heavily influenced by your environment and your values, obviously, but you cant act like its a pure expression of your values. personally, as a fat person, i dont like people saying that not being attracted to my body is solely because of prejudice you need to unlearn. being attracted to my body isn't homework! it's not vegetables! it's not a thing you need to start doing because its Good For You whether or not you enjoy it! if you dont like my body, thats fine. the thing thats fatphobic is if you TELL ME that you think all fat people are unattractive, even though nobody asked what you thought, and we were talking about me specifically and not all fat people en masse. you can find me unattractive without being a fatphobe. the problem lies in using your lack of attraction to me as an explanation for why youre a fatphobe, or using it as a criticism of me personally. like you not being attracted to me is something i need to change about myself
anyway the actual point i wanted to make was that the worst part of this kind of rhetoric is that it makes it really hard to hornypost without people acting like im advocating for specific actions people MUST take about their own bodies :/ I'll be like "i think transfems with deep voices and who dont really pass well are incredibly sexy" and people will crawl out of the woodwork to be like "oh you think its WRONG for transfems to pass?? you think it's IMMORAL for them to do voice training? you think none of them should EVER get FFS or laser hair removal?????" like... no! i never said any of that shit! just because i think something is hot doesnt mean i think its wrong and bad to not do it. not everyone should make all their decisions based on what i think is hot. no one should, in fact. just because i think its cute when people have crooked teeth doesn't mean i want to criminalize braces. doesnt even mean that i dont think people who have straight teeth are hot. please just let me be horny in peace 😭😭😭
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aficionadoenthusiast · 11 months
i think another thing a lot of terfs and queerphobes in general don't realize is how intrinsically tied queerphobia and misogyny are beyond body autonomy and gender stereotypes.
i mean, obviously, those are the main things they have in common, but in every bit of discrimination, there's always the undertones of dominance and heteronormative power dynamics. like, in an mlm relationship, there's the idea of needing a woman to dominate in order to always be the bigger person in the relationship that homophobes can't get past, as in, how can you feel like a real man when there's nobody to boss around in a socially accepted way? and, of course in a wlw relationship, there's the idea of women needing a man to be able to function in society and really live life at all, as in, how arrogant, they think they can get by without a man to protect them from the big scary world.
then, and I'm not trans, so correct me if I'm wrong or overstepping, for trans women, there's the idea of essentially giving up power, as in, you'd throw away your manhood, the very thing that makes you powerful, like an ungrateful child to become one of the lesser gender? and for trans men, i feel like there's the idea that being a man is some special, coveted thing, as in, you think you're worthy of being one of us, one of the chosen? you think you can break into our special group defined by dominance and patriarchal tradition?
and then for everyone in between, bis, pans, aces, enbies, etc, it just confuses them, because they can't judge us on their binary scales, and that's not even getting into the gender stereotypes of polyphobia. queerphobes can't figure out whether to be offended or upset that some people just don't fit in their neat little boxes defined by birth-assigned gender, so they simply decide on discrimination.
and, as this post is really attempting to call out terfs specifically, i can't understand how self-proclaimed feminists can act like they're helping women by advancing this kind of gender discrimination. when transphobia wins, feminism takes a hit, too, because it continues the idea that men and women have to occupy certain societal roles, roles in which women and queers lose every time. you can't have equal gender rights without equality for all genders and sexualities, which is why any type of queerphobe might as well be a misogynist, too, and any misogynist might as well be a queerphobe.
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jimmythejiver · 6 months
I hope this James Somerton shit kills many of the same tumblr tropes I've quietly taken grievances at for years after being screamed at and called a conversion therapist and rapist for daring to be an asexual trans man in a relationship with a cis gay man. In no particular order:
All Asian media is inherently homophobic and oppressing western gay media from getting accolades or funded, bonus sinophobic conspiracies and Japanese censorship
Cis het white women fujoshi's to be mad about when it comes to making gay rep and it's consumption
The assumption all trans men and enbys are functionally the same as above and part of a conspiracy to destroy pure gay male culture
Using white women (since many examples turn out not to be so cis and het after all...) as an excuse to be misogynist instead of challenging racist dynamics
Gay Nazis
Sexless Russians
Ew fatties, fascist physique fawning
Fake protests, boycotts and censorship to be mad about when there are real incidents, they're just not always tied into your pet fake facts
Bob Iger
Nobody was sexually expressive before The Beatles, bonus points if you quietly whisper "except Elvis"
"All the good artists died of AIDs leaving the boring straight acting asexuals" fuck you
Bisexual and Asexual means straight
Lesbians always have it better than gay men
"Queer history is unknowable, so I'm a learn you a fake revisionist lesson" gatekeeping and grifting in general
Interest in true crime and particularly Jeffrey Dahmer is a red flag for white woman groupie behavior, homophobia and racism, can be, but come on, man, you're generalizing and also making up incidents to be mad at
Anyway if I have more, I'll add to this list, but I've lost sleep watching 6 hours of video content on fast speed to be up to date on this egregious shit. I also want to acknowledge that it's very possible I've spread some of the above shit unknowingly in the past, thinking maybe the white women as a shield for misogyny part. I try to curate my shit better, talk less and listen more since my initial whipped up anger at Trump voters.
With that said, every transphobic british housewife who told me I'm a raging misogynist who owes women an apology for throwing them under the bus for gay rights (when did this happen?), I'll forward your message to this fucker upstairs.
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ipusingularitae · 1 year
it makes me very worried the kind of discourse we're having online about feminism and trans folks, bc the impression that i have is that a lot of ppl hop on those conversations just to spread terf discourse.
like, i think we should have a healthy way to talk about it without leaning into the terf side. and the saddest part is that i see more and more of that type of content popping up and it's... very disturbing.
how are you saying that you want a safe space to talk about how "man in skirts" are taking women's spaces and you don't wanna be called a terf? how are you saying that you find it frustrating that "we can't have discussions about women's rights without changing it to 'ppl with uterus' just to please queer movement/discourse" and you don't want others to look at this phrase very suspiciously when it straight up implies that you have a problem with talking about public health that includes trans ppl?
what confuses me is that i can't see how terf discourse helps women, and still i see it spreading.
y'all are talking shit about trans ppl in sports, and now we have bills that puts kids in sports under the distrust of adults based on dumb arguments and accusations that just endangers them and all women too. we had magazines and posts talking shit about serena williams' body and the phrases pretty much align with the stuff ppl say in order to put their transphobic thoughts into arguments to imply distrust, "they have a certain type of body, there's no way they're cis and so there's no way they're not having some advantage", like... the way this discussion takes place in a very misogynistic and biological line of thought (and racist too, let me say it) and a lot of ppl don't even get this. it's a rewind so big that makes me think we're back at the 70's, but the difference is that nowadays we already know that this type of arguments are DUMB and still they're coming back to it. IT'S CRAZY
the way i get desperate with the implications of this discussion to butch women and studs, for example. it's weird as fuck how y'all treat them even without this type of sayings and how it gets worse and worse, and y'all don't even care. it's weird as fuck because THIS TYPE OF THOUGHT DOESN'T HELP ANYONE.
and so thinking that you're doing some good it unbelievable. you're making the world unsafe to women, queer people, poc; everyone. stop thinking that it helps, it doesn't. these movements doesn't work if they're separate and rivaling with each other, we need to be together.
nobody knows all and we need to talk about gender and gender expression and how ppl live this, and terf arguments just makes it harder and harder. IT ALIGNS WITH THE PATRIARCHY SO BAD AND Y'ALL KEEP LEANING INTO IT, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE (spoiler alert: IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE)
(terf discourse shouldn't even be called feminism in the first place, and it also leans into the same type of acting as the part of the movement that excludes women of color, women with children, etc., and this part shouldn't be called feminism either)
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Terfs really think they do something with "a woman is an adult human female" bullshit!
Like, queen, you just shot down the entire terf ideology and you're too fucking stupid to realize it.
You bring up intersex women, and they go "an exception doesn't change the rule" like they weren't just arguing that xx=woman? Queen, if you claim gender based oppression is actually based on your chromosomes and not your gender, then intersex women prove that entire ideology wrong. It's not an exception, it's giving you proof that society doesn't actually think a woman= xx, they just use that to justify their sexism and their transphobia.
Like, intersex people who have secondary sex characteristics that would get them afab are treated like cis xx women are, with the same level of misogyny and bigotry and trans women who have "passibility" also get treated like cis xx women (im pretty sure if a woman looks even a little bit like a woman, she will face sexism).
So then their argument becomes "well you have to have a uterus/ability to make a baby" which ignores women who were born sterile and cis xx women born with uteruses either. These women will most likely still be socialized and treated like cis xx women who can reproduce naturally because most sexist bigots will not bother to check to see if she is fertile before mistreating her.
They want to cling to power so badly, they want to believe their vaginas make them special but they will never be allowed to have power nor will their vaginas make them special or unique from others somehow. You are not more of a woman because you have a working vagina, queen, sorry to break it to your sexist ass but your personality is what matters to people. And regardless of how many times you scream "im not a bigot for "speaking the truth"" the reality, YOUR reality, is that YOU are a piece of shit bigot. You are a shit human being and nobody likes you, not because you're a woman but because you're a terrible person.
You are not being attacked for your "womanhood" you are being critiqued for your awful bigotry and your weak justification to be a bigot. You don't have facts on your side. Trans women make up less than 1% of amabs, and they are not the ones raping us. That's your father, your brother, your uncle, your boyfriend or husband. You are so scared of the actual men in your life that you are allowing that fear to turn against trans women for no other reason than to steal power from another vulnerable group.
Trans women face misogyny too. This is undeniable because if you even semi pass as a woman (i say this because some cis women look more masculine with their features and they are still targets of misogyny), as long as you identify as a woman, men will use that to target you. Regardless of your sex, regardless of your gender, if you identify or look as a woman, you will face misogynistic attacks. This is just reality, I know you want to feel special because you have a vagina and that's what society has told you your whole life, but it doesn't make you special.
And if you actively look to oppress a group of people because they don't act like "real" women to you, you are a digusting human. That is why people hate you, that is why you have no friends besides other people who are just as hateful and disgusting as you are. Because your ideology makes you a disgusting, evil human being. And it is one thing to be a woman, but it's quite another to be a bitch.
If it was about "science," you wouldn't provide me medical sources and then provide a personal disclaimer "i obviously don't agree with the fact that gender is changable and personally defined" when your own fucking scientific sources don't agree with you. My sister in christ, nobody gives a fucking what a 20 year old nobody with a tumblr blog "personally doesn't agree" with what actual real authorities say about sex and gender. It's so obvious it's not about the science to you, it's not about "truth" because you can't find 1 legitimate source that agrees with you. It's all terfs agreeing with each other and disagreeing with the actual science and yall never stop and question why you look so much like anti vax trumpers?
It's really despicable and you SHOULD be disgusted with yourself. There is a difference between we hate you for being a woman and we hate you for being a delusional anti science bigot actively wishing to oppress people to make yourself feel more secure in your own feminity.
Learn the difference, or don't. But don't cry about it in my notifications, fuck off or die mad but I'm not posting this to invite discussion with bigots. You are a hateful human, I want nothing to do with you.
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