#nobody has ever seen ink this angry before lol
sandeewithtwogaye · 30 days
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Rough start
Nightmare has been changing scripts for a very long time, so when Ink learned he was about to meet the “hero” that would defeat him, he was very excited. Later he got mad that the hero also changes scripts lol
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Core Frisk belongs to dokudoki
Ink: That’s it, you’re going back to the Omega Timeline and Core is babysitting you for a while
Dream: What?! But if I stay in the Omega Timeline, I won’t have enough energy to fight my brother!
Dream: (Wow, I really messed up…)
Core: Don’t worry about Ink, he’s been fighting Nightmare solo for 400 years during your absence. He’ll be fine
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 5 years
@voguish-throne submitted: (So… Uh… I was going through my google docs stories, and I found this crossover fic I have no memory of writing and it was titled Mecha AJDS[Mecha is the codename I gave to this Angela because I have a million versions of Angela LOL]. I have no idea where I was going with this, so this’ll just be a one-off, but here????)
   Was that child crying? Everyone else had left the studio, and Boris had been walking around with no purpose in mind.
    “Alice… T-Tom… Where are you?” The child cried.
    Boris rounded the corner and saw a child with blond hair and horns like Bendy’s poking out of her head.
    “P-Please… I’m scared…” The child whispered. She was facing away from Boris.
    “Hello?” Boris said.
    The child whipped around, gripping an ax. “S-Stay back!” She exclaims as her grip on her ax tightens.
    “Woah woah woah, calm down!” Boris said as he raised his hands to show the child he meant no harm.
    “Where’s Alice and Tom? What did you do to them?!?” The child demanded. Then almost to herself she said, “Wait wait wait, calm down Angela. H-He’s just a Boris. Besides Tom, when has a Boris attacked?” The child, apparently named Angela, laughed a little crazily. “I-I’m sorry,” she said to Boris. “I-I’m j-just a little o-on edge. Constantly living in danger does that to a person, ya know?”
    “Boris!” Bendy called from behind the corner.
    Angela stared for a few moments before turning and running. “Wait!” Boris called after her.
    Someone had been eating through some of the bacon soup. The empty cans were scattered throughout the studio, but nobody’s seen who’s been eating them. Wally wanted to see who it was and thank them, so he was waiting by one of the closets at the end of the day.
    Sammy stormed down the hall muttering something under his breath.
    “Yo, Sammy, what’s got you so angry?” Wally asked.
    “Somebody stole a few of my cigarettes,” Sammy said angrily.
    “Who’d mess with your cigarettes?” Wally asked.
    Sammy shrugged. “Whoever it is, they’re going-”
    A clatter from inside the closet distracts the two. Wally opened the closet and found a small girl with blond hair and Bendy-like horns grabbing a bunch of bacon soup. She froze when she saw Wally.
    “Well I’ll be damned,” Sammy muttered.
    “What’s a child like her doing in here?” Wally wondered.
    The child dropped the soup and jumped into a puddle of ink.
    Sammy grabbed something from the pile of soup. He held up one of his cigarettes. “Seems like the child was the one who stole my cigarette.”
    Joey had heard the reports of a child hiding in the studio. He almost didn’t believe it, especially because Sammy had said that child stole some of his cigarettes. Rather, Joey didn’t believe it until the child had jumped out of a small ink puddle in his office.
    The child’s black dress was tattered, her golden hair was messy, and she had a black scar over her lip.
    “Wh… Who are you?” The child asked.
    “Joey Drew,” Joey replied. “Who are you?”
    The child was shaking as she said, “M-My… My n-name is Angela Angel. I-I’m… I’m lost…”
    Joey had stood up at this point and was cautiously approaching Angela. “Are you okay?” he asked.
    Angela let out a shaky breath. “I… I don’t know…”
    Joey was considering what to do about Angela when she crumpled.
    Angela woke up in an unfamiliar place. Her ears were ringing, her throat burned, and her head ached. “Alice… Tom…” she muttered hoarsely.
    Angela heard someone say something like “She’s awake!” but it sounded distant, like she was underwater.
    She saw people standing over her, but they were blurry. She blinked a few times and her vision cleared. As her vision cleared, she saw it was an Alice Angel, a Boris, and the old man whose office she had accidently portaled into.
    “Can you hear me?” Joey asked.
    “Ink… I n-need ink…” Angela muttered. Angela’s head was spinning. She could hear Joey, Bendy, Boris, and Alice talking, but she couldn’t tell what they were saying. She just hurt everywhere. She was vaguely aware of somebody helping her sit up and helping her drink something. She felt instant relief as she drank the ink.
    When she had finished, she looked over the three toons. The Alice Angle was perfect, but she wasn’t her Alice. Her Alice was a fighter, a protector. This Alice probably wouldn’t last long against a searcher.
    The Boris was a little fluffier than the other Boris-es Angela had ever met, and he looked like he could maybe hold his own with an ax. The Bendy on the other hand, he looked like he’d get crushed. If it came down to it, she could probably take them with her-
    Wait, where was her ax?
    “Where’s my ax?” Angela asked as she glanced around.
    “You didn’t have it when you were in Dad’s office,” the Bendy said.
    Angela angrily muttered a few curses under her breath. “Just what I need- to be stranded without my weapon.”
((i think the fact she lost her axe is safer for everyone, she seems to be a little... whatever the blunt-weapon-equivalent of trigger happy is xD its ok smol child you are safe here. ty for the fic!!))
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baelllamyblake · 6 years
Ask Nicely. ( Billy Hargrove x Reader )
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Request : Can I request a billy Hargrove x reader fix where reader is the new kid and has a photographic memory and like everyone thinks that reader is a slacker because nobody ever sees her studying but when the test scores come back Billy’s just like “wtf how did you get a perfect score when you literally do nothing” lol thanks love ya
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x fem reader
Word Count : 1,709
Warnings : none except for curse words and writers block writing ugh
A/N : okay so an anon asked me when i will write the billy fic they requests and i am PRAYING to that this is the one they asked for. if it’s not, please let me know !! also, if yall out there have photographic memory and this aint anything like it, i am so sorry i did like no research at all. also keep requesting !! this one was really fun to write !! 
“ Hey, why aren’t you studying? “ An unfamiliar voice piped up from besides you, your eyes shifted from the tall trees outside to the sudden blue eyes that belonged to your deskmate. People say that the eyes are the window to soul but these were locked tight. His earring swung slight from side to side, its silvery sheen reflecting the light off whenever it hit that perfect angle. His brown and weathered leather jacket contrasted wonderfully with his maroon shirt on underneath. You had never seen someone so hardened and intimidating in your life but you would never be able to wipe Billy’s face from your memory.
In fact, you could remember every word, feature, and image that you’ve come in contact with. Your brain just didn’t let you forget, it absolutely refused too! Your psychologist called it “ photographic memory “ after the countless MRIs and the many short stories she had you recite back to her. It got to be a hefty burden when you developed a love for books and reading them for fun was nearly impossible. It became downright tortuous when you accidentally walked in on your parents having sex one day.
However, you fully reaped the benefits your photographic memory had to offer. You managed to breeze through middle school by getting your friends to distract the teacher and you memorizing his or hers answer key before every major test. If only you hadn’t moved across the country, you could’ve still been living it up with your closest friends in California. Now, you’re the new kid in a Podunk town with a RadioShack as the most advanced part of the main street. Other than that, it’s nothing more than a miniscule dot on a giant road map.
“ Why do you care? “ You spat out, your eyebrows knitting together in response to Billy’s dumb question. Before he could retaliate with a disdainful insult, the bell rung sonorously around the classroom. You never actually gave him a reason as to why you slacked off and it already began to eat away at Billy. You disappeared like a ghostly apparition with the rush of kids bustling out the doorway. He groaned out defeated, Billy wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.
“ How in the fuck are you passing, Y/N? You’re a fucking lazy shitbird. “ Billy snapped, his eyebrows furrowed in repressed anger. His eyes were glued to the A+ written in red ink at the too of your test. You got a brief glance at his paper before he folded it out of sight in shameful embarrassment. A C- was marked in the corner, you could see the outline of the letter bleeding through the back of the page.
“ I’m not sure but if you asked nicely, I’ll consider telling you my secret and maybe even help you out. How about we talk about it over milkshakes or something? “ You teased the wavy-haired boy, a flirty wink following suit. It was highly unlikely Billy was going to accept your offer. His pride was far too large for him to swallow in one gulp.
“ Forget about it, Y/N. I am not asking you for help. “ Billy seethed quietly, his strong arms crossed firmly over his chest. You stuck your lip out in a childish pout, pretending to be offended by his remark. Your cute puppy dog eyes weirdly struck a chord in Billy, the corner of his eyes crinkled in disgust as he tried to cooly play it off.
“ Suit youself, Billy. Have fun getting C’s the rest of the year. “ You taunted him with the idea of getting better grades. His dad would finally get off his ass about the C’s and D’s dotted on his report cards. Billy leaned back in his chair without replying, his arms still crossed and his eye stuck at the front of the room. You let out a breathy chuckle at how boyish he was acting, how unusual of him. “ I’ll let you think about it. See ya around. “
You sat at a cafeteria table away from the crowds, chattering with your closest friends about the all the newest music coming out. Billy eyed you warily from afar, he desperately needed the help and Billy just couldn’t humble himself to walk up to you. The nervousness growing in his chest made him angry, this has never happened with a girl. There’s no fucking way that he actually liked you, you were a lowlife slacker with no initiative.
Yet, you were a slacker with a class rank of 6.
“ Ah, fuck it. “ Billy grumbled lowly, his stomach doing a backflip with every step he took towards you. Billy never took the time to examine all your features in class, he was too busy constantly rolling his eyes at your teasing. You were laughing A warmth nipped at the back of Billy’s neck, you caught his eye from across the way and waved happily with a gorgeous smile of your face.
“ Hey King, what’re you doing so far away from your pack of wolves? “ You articulated, your eyes wandered to the rest of his group. They were watching Billy’s every move with intent, probably wonddering if he was asking you out. Your attention shifted back to Billy, his hand was rubbing the back of his neck while his boot tried to grind its way into the white tile below.
“ I can’t believe I’m asking you this but will you please study with me? I’ll take you out or some frilly shit like that. “ Billy sighed, his heart drowned out the surrounding noise like a loud drum beating in his ears. The fear of you literally being able to see his heart bouncing around in his ribcage only accelerated his heartrate. “ Please, I’m desperate, Y/N. “
It almost amused you to see how jittery Billy was to leave, is that sadistic? You hoped not. He was growing more and more uncomfortable with every second Billy stood in front of you and your friends. All eyes were either on you or on Billy, lungs were waiting in bated breath for your response.
“ I’d thought you’d never ask. Where do you want me to meet you? “ You commented smugly, your eyes playfully slitting at Billy.
“ Whatever. Just meet me at my car. “ Billy huffed out, sweet relief flooding his mind and body as he sauntered off. Your eyes trailed down his back and stopped at his ass that was practically sculpted by the Greek Gods. He ran a through his hair in sheer stress before being hounded with questions by his friends. Your friends squealed in delight, immediately asking for your intentions with him.
“ A bitch just might make a move. “
“ Okay, Y/N, I think it’s time you tell me your stupid secret or else I’ll make you regret it. “ Billy spoke his empty threat with that signature smirk on his face. You sipped on your chocolate milkshake with a grin, Billy’s homework in your free hand.
“ Oo, I’m so scared, Billy! “ You exhorted, setting down the glass and sarcastically waving your hand in the air. Your brain soaked up his math work, a lot of it was wrong. No wonder he was doing so badly in Mr. Michael’s class. “ If you really want to know so badly, go get me a menu. “
“ Why? I already bought you lunch. “ Billy questioned dubiously, his eyebrows raising in confusion. You shifted your attention from the paper to Billy. God, he’s so fucking cute, why can’t he stop that?
“ Just do it, okay? I swear there’s a method to my madness. “ You digressed, your hand waving to shoo Billy away. He let out a loud groan before forcing himself out of the booth and retrieving the 50’s themed menu. Billy handed you the menu and plopped down on the bench seat, his suspiciouns were growing periodically. Just what were you doing?
“ Okay, I’m done looking at it! “ You chimed happily as you shut the menu within seconds after reading it over. You slid it in front of Billy, your eyes glued to his. “ Ask me what’s on the menu and you shall receive, Billy. “
“ I just got it like thirty seconds ago, Y/N. Don’t tell me you memorized all of it? That’s humanly impossible. “ He observed your confident body language, you knew all twenty items on that menu. Billy could see it by the shining twinkle in your E/C eyes. “ What’s number 16? “
“ Number 16 is the Hop-A-Long Burger. It’s topped with barbeque sauce, onion rings, and cheddar cheese. It also costs 50 cents. “ You declared, a cheesy smile grew on your face. This was only the start. Billy’s eyes turned to slits, how was that fucking possible? “ Give me a more difficult one. I want a challenge. “
“ What were the answers on the math test we had two weeks ago? “ Billy quiered interested, a triumphant smile curling on his features. How about that for a challenge?
“ A, B, D, B, C, A, A, D, B, C, Need I go on? “ You listed off ancouple of the answers when you could’ve named all of them off but you didn’t want to show off more than you already were. Billy looked as if he was blown away, his mouth hung slightly agape. He had never met someone with such an expansive mind. “ I have a photographic memory, Billy. I can remember everything I see like how handsome your smile is and that you’re left-handed. There’s a freckle on your ring finger too. “
“ That’s creepy how you know that but that’s weirdly tubular. I dig it. “ Billy admitted, a content smirk on his face. No wonder you were so smart yet so lazy, you didn’t have to put in any effort at all. He could finally die in peace and it took half a year! You’re so stubborn! “ Let’s do this again. I’ll take you somewhere nicer next time. “
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halfincubus · 7 years
tagged by @soulfulspikethekiller tagging: @whoawhatwhoa @ghoshts @pauldrons
1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest?
It’s either my Famous Five collection or my Agatha Christies. My grandad gave me both around the same time, so I’m not sure which I started reading first.
2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
The last book I read was The Knife of Never Letting Go (And I’m never going to let go of the shitty way that book killed the dog, not touching that pointlessly miserable series again) and I’m probably going to start reading Cormoran Strike next because my friends recommended it and I’m a glutton for murder mysteries.
3. Which book does everyone like and you hated?
I have a fair few books that still make me Angry, many of them from the Victorian novel period I was forced to study in uni. Madame Bovary stands out as a novel full of boring twats who don’t know what they want and all they do for like 300 fucking pages is have their heads in the clouds. Why is it a fucking classic, it’s so damn irritating. If we’re talking about more modern novels I particularly despise that Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. The ‘romantic’ lead in that is honestly such an arrogant unloving knobhead I don’t understand why he’s allowed to exist. To say nothing of the GROSSNESS of many different aspects of the way females are treated… yeah I would say if you value yourself as a woman just don’t read it.
4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?
I bought the first two instalments to Anne Rice’s vampire books since I loved the film Interview with the Vampire. I remember trying to read it at one point but I think I got bored 1/5 of the way through and never tried again. I think I’ve grown too out of my vampire phase to read it now.
5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”
War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, Les Miserables. Any one of those massive classics that everyone is supposed to read but is just too long and requires too much brainpower after a long week at work to bother with.
6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?
Let it be known that I have never once looked at the end. I am pure and disciplined in this. I’m not even tempted.
7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
They can be interesting, and lovely. Karen Chance’s recent one was for the fans and I loved it. Same for the last Harry Potter book, however many years ago it came out, I remember it because it included an acknowledgement to the fans. Definitely worth perusing when you’ve finished an amazing book and don’t know what to do with yourself for like a week (which is when I start absentmindedly flicking through the entire book).
8. Which book character would you switch places with?
It would have to be a character that can do magic and cool stuff like that, but without all the difficult lifeyness of a Harry Potter character. I think I’d be someone from The Worst Witch, like one of the minor characters that never gets in trouble.
9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?
Yeah, who doesn’t? All my Cassie books remind me of summer holidays because that’s when I like reading them the most. My Japanese murder book Out reminds me of the girl in my history class who lent it to me. My Agatha Christies remind me of my grandpa (who still loves the odd Poirot episode). I have lots more, too many to list.
10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.
I entered a random giveaway and won an advanced reading copy of RTS. I don’t know how many people entered but I was one of the first to win, which is pretty cool.
11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
No. I lent my sister When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit once and she left it on the plane. I’ve never let anyone have one of my books since.
12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
I think my Catch 22. Before I got my Cassies, that was my go-to book to read on holidays and any free time I had. I don’t even know how many times I’ve read it, it’s so good.
13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
I thought Winter’s Tale was stupid for the longest time (and I still think Leontes is a massive idiot) but when I had to study it again in uni I found its familiarity oddly comforting. It wasn’t ten years, but hey, I’ve only just reached that milestone.
14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
I can’t remember that sort of thing unfortunately, even if I did ever find anything. I’m sure I’ve never found anything odd, I mostly buy new books.
15. Used or brand new?
Brand new. I don’t have anything against used books but I guess it’s just easier for me to buy new?
16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?
Never read one [shrug]
17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?
Lord of the Rings might actually be better than the books. You know what, it is. The books had some funny things that weren’t in the films, yes, but they also had useless stuff like Tom Bombadil that were thankfully cut out. The films made me FEEL SO MUCH. I FEEL SO ALIVE WHEN I MARATHON LOTR.
18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?
I’m gonna go ahead and copy Mai here because I TOO LOATHE ‘2005 Pride and Prejudice’ WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING IT WAS TERRIBLE THE CASTING WAS TERRIBLE IT WAS ALL WRONG WRONG WRONG WHY DOES EVERYONE LOVE IT IT WAS AWFUL COLIN FIRTH IS THE ONE AND ONLY SUPREME DARCY. Also Northern Lights (Golden Compass) was so perfectly casted (except for Lyra) and then they just fucked up the entire film’s adaptation idk I think maybe the book was just meant for TV more than film, like Harry Potter.
19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?
God all of the Famous Five books ALWAYS had food and even though it described stuff that was gross in theory like ‘tongue’ I would get hungry and salivate because it was so deliciously and meticulously written.
20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
Oh man any one of my supertrash gang are 100% trustworthy.
book meme 2
1) Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
My bed, most often.
2) Bookmark or random piece of paper?
I have homemade and bought bookmarks, I practically collect them.
3) Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?
It’s very difficult for me to stop reading once I get a good rhythm going. It’d be like stopping your dinner in the middle of your meal and going out for a walk or to do chores and it’s just weird I can’t do it. If I’m really in love with the book I’ll go without food and sleep lol
4) Do you eat or drink while reading?
Depends how much I’m into the book. If I’m really enjoying it, I’ll forget to do basic human functions like that haha (see above). If I can manage to tear myself away for a few minutes I’ll grab some easy insta-food like bananas or snacks and eat while I read.
5) Music or TV while reading?
NOTHING. THERE MUST BE ABSOLUTE SILENCE. But once I get into the book you could fly a plane into my room and I wouldn’t notice.
6) Reading at home or everywhere?
Has to be somewhere I can be mostly by myself and I’ve got at least an hour of peace ahead. If in public, only on a long journey and I have nobody sitting next to me on a seat.
7) Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Silently. I don’t think I ever read out loud, even when I was a child.
8) Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
I might sometimes come upon a scene that makes me go UUUGGGGHHH but I will struggle through it rather than skip ahead. I might read it faster and with less attempt at full comprehension though (rest in pieces Mircass scenes)
9) Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
Fuck keeping it new, you need to break in the spine so your hands don’t hurt when you’re reading it.
10) Do you write in your books?
Nope. They made us do it for high school but it always felt wrong to me on some level. I couldn’t just 100% focus on reading if I had a pen in my hand the whole time. I’m starting to do it with my kindle though, I like it there.
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