#no- don’t- nooo
twistedappletree · 6 months
Lan Wangji’s transition from awkward teen afraid of his feelings to give-no-fucks 30’s after Wei Wuxian returns is truly immaculate, like the person who used to annoy the crap out of him is now hated by everyone except him and as the head of the Wei Wuxian defense squad, his argument is literally “ok but have u considered that he’s hot?”
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churchcrabs · 1 year
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kr-yoongi · 3 months
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Merlin, from every episode | Season 1 Episode 1 “The Dragon’s Call”
(Timelapse below)
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seaswallovvme · 27 days
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I want him in such a catholic medieval way I’m so serious.
I would to wait for marriage, veil after marriage, read to him, play chess with him, play with his hair, write poetry for him and all that
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hemaris · 1 year
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aceisew · 4 months
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Silly drawing of a sad little Dib
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flutterpawzz · 5 months
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Me: “I love yandere Finn he’s so hottt 😍”
Also me if he was real:
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GILMORE GIRLS | 3.20 x 4.21
Requested by @ernestonlysayslovelythings
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the-merry-otter · 8 months
*flutters eyelashes* yeah I love living dangerously (sewing in bed with an open pin container perched on top of two pillows)
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Hii! Could you make a fluff snippet about a hero and a villain that have a mission that they have to pretend they are a couple,and give their first kiss? L love your snippets :) you are my favorite writer in tumblr💜💜
For you: a cookie 🍪
Dating had always seemed rather difficult to the hero. Opening up to someone, being vulnerable and revealing the depths of their mind wasn’t exactly what they deemed safe. In their career, countless people had betrayed them and the hero had never felt ready to be in a relationship.
Which was why they had dreaded this. Dating their enemy surely sounded like suicide.
The hero had struggled with the thought of living with someone for weeks just for the sake of the mission. The hero had a lot of problems, had a lot of issues and they hated to be viewed as anything less than perfect. They were a mess, their lifestyle was a mess. The hero couldn’t cook, couldn’t clean, couldn’t take care of themselves.
Sleep was an enemy, rest was too. And the hero had truly thought the villain would get annoyed and break off the arrangement.
But that didn’t happen.
“How’s your anxiety?” the hero asked quietly. Going out was probably the most challenging thing for both of them. Pretending to be in love wasn’t exactly easy.
“Much better, thank you.” The villain smiled at them from across the table and it wasn’t fake. They had chosen one of the restaurants where their targets were regulars and it wasn’t cheap. It turned out that the villain could be a very sweet thing, supporting the hero and making them feel better about themselves.
“…I was thinking about your idea. I’d like to try it,” the hero said. The villain looked at them and a soft blush covered their cheeks. Unbelievable that this person could name every bone in your body and break it with no struggle.
“Only if you’re comfortable, of course.”
“No, I…I think it’s good to try out. If I’m up all night you get no sleep either. Maybe physical contact can help with that. Something about survival instincts, I don’t know,” the hero said. Cuddling with the villain all night long didn’t sound too bad. It was just something…new. Physical contact was usually unpleasant for the hero. All they seemed to know was anger and violence.
Sometimes the hero wondered what it would be like to give into those feelings and simply do as their emotions told them. But they were pretty sure they would end up on the villain’s side then.
“I think we’re pretty good at this. The mission, obviously.”
“Oh, yeah…yeah, you’re right.” The hero looked at the empty plates, the empty glasses. Both of them didn’t really feel safe around people. Being a popular hero or a hated villain had those side effects. “Have you seen our targets yet?”
“No, I think they cancelled their reservations again,” the villain said. They let their eyes jump from table to table. The subtlety of it impressed the hero.
“Let’s pay, hm?” Let’s pay meant let me pay. The villain hadn’t even once let the hero take out their wallet and the hero knew whatever the villain did, whatever they said — all of it wasn’t real. However, no matter how hard they tried to convince themselves, they couldn’t help but find it sweet and dared to love it.
Once they were outside, the villain put their jacket around the hero’s shoulders and they walked home slowly.
“Do you think going out in a week again would be too suspicious?” The hero’s lips curled into a smile and they looked at the villain.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Even though the evening was turning into night, the hero could see how red the villain’s ears got. They scratched their neck and laughed nervously.
“That’s a very weird way of putting it.”
“Hm. Well, you can invite me on a professional business dinner, then. If that’s less weird.” The hero shrugged and smiled to themselves. Getting to know the villain, breaking the hard shell and discovering that the villain was passionate and sweet and maybe just as broken as they were, made the hero feel connected.
They didn’t know for how long they had chased this feeling. To be understood, to be…loved.
God, these feelings were horribly wrong.
“Or invite me on a date, your call,” they said quietly, nearly whispered it. It was meant as a joke. A joke rooted in hope.
“The date, then. Please,” the villain answered and the hero’s heart skipped a few beats. They played with the sleeves of the villain’s jacket nervously.
“…it was a nice dinner,” the hero said.
“Yeah, it was very nice.” They came to a stop and looked at each other. The hero could feel the villain’s gaze reaching into the depths of their heart. Their eyes dropped to the hero’s lips. For a moment, the hero thought their nemesis was leaning towards them but the villain only smiled lazily, cleared their throat and kept on walking with slow steps.
“I think you’re the first person I’ve ever dated. Even though it’s fake. It feels good,” they said. “I never went out on dates. Not like this.”
“Yeah, I get that. Feels like ages since I kissed someone. Not really the perfect life for a relationship,” the hero said. The hero turned to look at the (blushing) villain but when their eyes met, they seemed more than nervous.
“Can I?” They barely said the next words. “Can I please kiss you?”
“Yes.” The hero nodded desperately and felt the desperation between them growing when the villain came closer and held them. Their lips were on the other’s in seconds and, Christ, the hero couldn’t stop replying with kisses.
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heguanshan · 7 months
He tian doesn’t have a boyfriend he has a HUSBAND 🤣🤣🤣
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churchcrabs · 1 year
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Much has been said about why Jon sacrificing Dany a la Nissa Nissa is horrible, sexist writing (in addition to being completely useless because Dany already fulfilled the prophecy herself)…but no one ever mentions how this literally doesn’t make sense for Jon either? Like the very first chapter in the series, Bran I, tells us what Jon would do if he ever had to make a choice: he would choose to sacrifice himself over anyone else. You mean to tell me that very same Jon who is unwilling to deprive his younger sister of her birthright would deprive a would-be lover of her very life?? That’s just so diametrically opposed to who Jon is. Plus it’s thematically inconsistent because Jon always gets rewarded for sacrificing himself, which is very different from the established Azor Ahai lore given to us by Salladhor Saan.
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womenaremypriority · 4 months
How I look after I realize that the worlds problems can’t be solved by just thinking really hard and keeping love in our hearts
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yashley · 1 month
no but fearne and morrighan leaving the feywild as creatures of impulse who never once questioned how their primal instincts could be inherently violent but they step foot outside of their world and suddenly experience such a crisis of identity because… why am i like this? and why does it bother me so much now?
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sherbetyy · 22 days
OH MY GOODNESS!!! not little pauline the post box! :(
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