#no thougts just vegaspete
acidicstars28 · 1 year
Do you ever read a sentence in fanfiction and instantly know whats gonna happen after that... and you just have to pause for a moment. Just put your phone down and take a deep breath and contemplate life for a second. Cause damn it me.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
I... I'm confused.
Good to see that you post smthing my friend but I am kinda lost, I think I need some context, which series are you talking about?
I ask because I'm curious 😅 and wanted to know the context of your analysis
(Good to see you posting scoups, hope you had a good day!! 😄😄)
SS anon my comrade <333!!!!!
I’m getting used to using my phone as my main internet source. I have some liveblog posts I need to edit too :33
My Laptop had to be left at the store for the replacement of battery and what not — which means I’ll be using my phone from now and between anywhere to 3 to 5 days or however long it takes for them to replace my battery LOL. 🗑🤡✌️✌️
The series I’m talking about (in my silly lil analysis’) is
(Thai mafia BL show. More specifically my analysis is about the VegasPete storyline.)
Vegas is like the main antagonist
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(a rlly likeable one <333. Like George or Olteca. AKa an unhinged fked up lil bastard that’s also just so very pathetic <333)
Vegas is the cousin of Kinn — heir to the Main fam; while Vegas is heir to the minor family.
Anyways, Pete is a bodyguard working for the main family. He’s a bestie, he’s funny, and he deserves the world no cap. In Revice I’d say he has a similar vibe to Tamaki almost?
So the VegasPete storyline starts when Pete is captured when he sneaks into the Minor fam compound to find evidence of Vegas being a lil b*tch. (Which he finds and sends to his boss). This foils Vegas’ plan. Vegas holds Pete captive in a safe house (that Vegas is sent to cuz the main fam is pissed at him and he needs to go into hiding) But what starts as torture progresses into a mutual understanding between the two of them, and then a relationship LOL
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It’s really fascinating actually.
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pharawee · 2 years
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fishy-xp · 2 years
KinnPorsche Ep 8 Brain Rot
(ghosts and love and trying to ignore the honkee)
Porsche and his fear of ghosts - I don't know if they really just threw that in there for some heeheehaha comedy but I will take the opportunity to superimpose my thougts and call it analysis. I have zero clue about Thai culture and their beliefs in the supernatural so this rambling comes from a secular perspective but I would definitely love to know more about Thai beliefs and relationships with ghosts. But my canon, if you can call it that, is that people who see the underbelly of the world, mafias, murderers etc etc are more inclined to be scared of ghosts because at this point they aren't scared of humans anymore. They know just what humanity is capable of, all the horrible little things about us so it no longer scares them unlike a regular person who would definitely be terrified of their closest serial killer. But death for these types of people is always knocking at the door so at this point he's just an unwanted salesperson. But on the otherhand, ghosts and the supernatural, it provides a sense of uncertainty and the unknown. A human, no matter how bad, is still limited by their mortality. They will die if a bullet is put in them, Porsche knows this. But a ghost? How tf does one even begin to fight off the ghost of your boyfriend's ex? Is it even possible? So yeah, why wouldn't he be scared of something he knows a bullet won't stop.
I would defend Ken some more, but right now he only needs protecting from KinnPorsche's unending hornkeeness
The shift in Kinn in this episode may seem out of character for big bad mafia but for me, someone who loves you will bring out the part of you you could never be in your day to day life. Throughout life, you become this mold of a person that is incredibly hard to change, the roles you fall into seem so natural and you find yourself unconscionously giving and giving to this expectation of yourself. But when you're in love, suddenly, those roles are reversed. Someone else makes the decisions for once, that person draws out the spontaneity to your timetabled-to-the-hour perfectionist. The other person throws a complete hammer in the works and at first, it's anxiety-inducing to be taken out of your comfort zone before you realise it's just the fact you've never been on the receiving end until now. In this ep, Kinn is taken out of his element, put in sheep's clothing and he realises how much of the pretty green meadow he hasn't seen because it's absolutely beautiful. Porsche wanted a beautiful dinner by the river, but Kinn has spent his life in excess, opulence and beauty. But you know what he hasn't done? Sat on the ground next to a fountain and eaten fishballs off a stick. You can look at one thing every single day and the beauty may fade, you bring someone who has never seen this thing before in their life and you will see the stars in their eyes expanding. This is what Porsche does for Kinn. This is why Kinn seems so completely enamoured and happy by the entire day. AND IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES.
I wonder if Kim is like an asshole of endearment? I remember in one earlier episode he said to Big 'why are you still here?' and I just remember thinking WOW WHAT A DICKHEAD WHY HE WANNA CATCH THESE HANDS. But then this time, his very thinly veiled 'joke' about Porsche being his dad's secret child makes me wonder if he's actually friendly with Big but in the insult your friends type of way.
Okay I really can't remember anything else from this episode other than soft KP (like the bread) and then very very hard KP (like Kinn's Magnum pistol lmfao, send help)
Sidenote, I was also one of the people eagerly awaiting some VegasPete and I'm absolutely feral because I was convinced we would have a Killing Stalking moment of Vegas of giving Pete some severe blunt force trauma to the head as the final cliffhanger scene. So now I've decided absolutely not to listen to KP Tumblr because the way y'all got my hopes up SHSHSHSHHS
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acidicstars28 · 10 months
I've been on a VegasPete kick (cause what else is new?) for a bit, and have found myself unsatissfied with a lot of the vegaspete playlists I come across either on spotify and youtube. Maybe I'm just too picky. I'm not saying there aren't songs in said playlists that I haven't added to my own vp playlist, but like can't we be a tiny bit more creative people. If I see Unholy or S&M once more, I'm gonna cry/scream/die, jury's still out on which. Hence why I have recommendations. Take note, this is an entirely opinion based post so don't get mad at me. Also I lean more toward rock/heavy metal/metal and shit, so if you ain't down with that, this ain't for you.
My recs as follows:
Practically anything in the Bad Omens discography. Their music is so good, but I have a few songs directly for Vegas and Pete that the lyrics are just 🤌
Vegas- Just Pretend, Bad Omens
Take Me First- Bad Omens
Pete- The Death of Piece of Mind
Also see by Bad Omens:
bad decisions
Like a Villian
Nowhere To Go
What do you want from me?
Nothing More- You Don't Know What Love Means (either regular version or the one ft. Taylor Acorn depending on your mood)
Theory of a Deadman- Say Nothing
Banks- Waiting Game
Poets if the Fall- Carnival of Rust
Sleep Token- Dark Signs
Higher and Say That You Will
Practically their entire Take Me Back to Eden album
I would add a lot of Evanescence's music as well aside from like Bring to Life which I've seen on many playlists.
I might continue to add to the list if the mood so strikes me. I just needed to vent for now. Feel Free to add your own and continue the list.
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