#no offense to gmmtv at all
iceywrites · 2 years
kinnporsche if it was a high school/university romance gmmtv show
(i am by no means trying to offend gmmtv here)
kinn, tay and time would be engineering students
porsche, pete, arm and pol would be in architecture
vegas would be in political science
kim would be a music major
porschay is that kid who's freshly finished school and wants to get into kim's university
(much like canon except he actually joins college. probably)
macau would a film major (idk he just gives those vibes)
ken and big would in whatever is the rival faculty of architecture
kinn and porsche are enemies to lovers (bc the main couple always most of the times hate each other)
vegas is always trying to hit on porsche
(let's assume, it's cause he's genuinely romantically interested in porsche)
let my vegasporsche heart thrive y'all T_T
one fine day kinn and vegas were randomly fighting (they do that a lot. also what is a gmmtv show without a fist fight)
porsche was just passing by and tries to stop them or something
teacher passes by and takes some disciplinary action (basically some tedious job work or something)
vegas approaches the teacher and tell them that porsche and him were not involved in the fight and it was kinn who started it
porsche and him get exempted and kinn has to do the difficult task by himself
fast forward to when porsche is taking some books back to his room and he sees kinn doing the task alone
and bc he's a nice person, he decides to put his hatred away and helps kinn
"wHy ArE yOu HeLpInG mE?! gO fUcK yOuR bF!"
porsche: *rolls his eyes*
now... SLOW MOTION, CAMERA ANGLES, PLAY THE OST BESTIE, gasp they accidentally fell into each other's arms and longingly gaze into each other's eyes
flash back and they were in the same school OMG THEY WERE IN THE SAME SCHOOL
jom and tem were porsche's school friends
and what do we have here? kinn absolutely did not have a crush on porsche. nope. no way.
back to present and there's a few scenes with vegas trying to hang out with porsche but kinn is always there to be a hindrance
alexa play jealous by nick jonas
and then there's one scene where vegas is like "can i take you home khab?" (porsche is probably drunk or something) and he's just about to put porsche's arm around his shoulder and then kinn comes running in the frame
"keep my future boyfriend's name out of your fucking mouth"
the next morning, in porsche's room: porsche doesn't remember anything but kinn is acting weird and so is vegas and there's so much tension between them
now all you need is a random guy posting a video of the fight in 4K on facebook "ayye these are my uni peeps. come join"
after porsche watches this: *heads towards kinn in the middle of the classroom with the paused video in his hand* what the fuck is this kinn?!
*kinn activating his yolo self* i love you, bitch. i ain't never gonna stop loving you bitch
porsche: no this can't be i like girls
porsche after 2/3 episodes: kissing your homies till they drop is not gay
dates. slow motion. lovingly gazing into each other's eyes. holding hands. play that ost bestie
more dates. kinn insisting to be called porsche's bf in front of the whole university but porsche is not ready for that
a liiiiitle bit of jealousy (thank you vegas) and
"I love you porsche"
now what were vegaspete doing all this time?
vegas was sad+angry that he can't have porsche so he goes to the bar to get drunk off his ass
his staggering ass colliding into an asshole
random asshole: "look where you're going bitch"
vegas: "no you"
oh what do we have here? pete works in this bar and is rushing over to stop this fight
he gets punched in the face too but successfully stops the fight
pete carries him to his dorm and vegas is all like: no don't leave me i'm lonely and sad
and pete is like: ugh fine
next morning, vegas wakes up in an empty bed and there's a note on his lamp reading "gtg i have work"
now vegas might not remember any other details from the night but he clearly remembers that a took a cute guy to his bed
so he goes to the same bar, finds pete and tells him
"i'll take responsibility"
"we slept together, did we not?"
"no i'm pretty sure we kissed"
"oh? then i like you"
their little back and forth happens with vegas trying to pursue pete and pete is like STOP PLEASE (not really)
that's until macau points out the pete is probably not into him as he is
so vegas stops and pete is like "no why i was starting to like you"
and then vegaspete becomes canon
now we're heading close towards the finale when this bitch tawan enters
it's funny coz gmmtv actually has a tawan and i really like that guy
right off the bat, tawan starts hitting on kinn and porsche is all agitated "NOT ON MY WATCH"
misunderstandings. fights. sad montage. bitches are crying everywhere.
until porsche's friends (pete, arm and pol) knock some sense into porsche's head that kinn is not even into tawan
meanwhile kinn is confessing his undying love for porsche in front of a crowd bc he is also a singer (ofc he is)
and porsche is standing in the backstage and after looking all sad after the performance bc porsche wasn't there in the audience but what do we have here? porsche actually heard the whole song???
a liiitle bit of crying. exchanging sweet words. PLAY!!! THAT!!! OST!!! BESTIE!!!
macau pointing at tawan: (to vegas) isn't that your ex?
pete choking on his food: excuse me wHAT?
vegas taking macau in a headlock: "i have absolutely no idea what this boy is saying"
kimchay were having their own thing going on
straight sweet love story. no drama whatsoever.
last episode: couples making out in public, holding hands and walking into the sun.
happy ending
nobody died
what was tankhun doing all this time?
he was the narrator
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
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the incident // the aftermath
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charles-edwin · 9 months
so i started watching enchante for the first time because i enjoy the forcebook chemistry very much in only friends and im very much enjoying myself, it's such a feel good show and it's so pretty and also akk. as i'm watching i'm going through old posts and i came across one about a lot of hate that either forcebook or enchante seemed to have gotten? and im so confused bc it just seems like a normal gmmtv show? would you mind explaining what happened there?
hi there! glad you’re enjoying yourself! as i’ve always said, enchanté is warm and the world is cold, so i hope it keeps you warm as well!
dearest, i wish i could explain it to you but there’s no actual solid explanation for this issue that plagues our every move to this day.
like. one could argue enchanté has a really flawed ending, which is true, but the show got SEVERE hate throughout its entire run.
people mocked book’s french accent from the start, absurd shit tbh. and then proceeded to pick the show apart for no fucking reason.
i understand if enchanté isn’t your type of show, whatever. if you have issues with it, whatever. nobody’s obligated to like it. but the amount of hate it got? unjustified. especially when they never tried to make it a revolutionary show, like you said, it’s a FEEL GOOD SHOW but like seven people got the fucking message.
and that has TRAGICALLY affected forcebook’s reputation back then and now. people hate on them all the time for no fucking reason.
“they have no chemistry!” “they’re bad actors!” “they don’t know how to kiss!” and even more offensive takes from mfs who clearly didn’t watch enchanté at all.
2022 was a really difficult year for them. they barely got work after enchanté because of all the nonsensical backlash.
it hurt my heart to see everyone saying they were sure forcebook were done for, that they were never getting another show. like. i’ve always respected everyone’s faves?? but god forbid people respecting mine 🫠🫠🫠
admittedly, 2023 has brought forcebook a lot of good things and new fans but the stupid hate continues and it insists on tarnishing everything.
it’s like no matter what force and book do, they’re never good enough to just be allowed to exist in peace. and it gets tiring, you know?
i mean, forcebook are graceful beings. they’ve always been the kindest throughout this entire mess. they get all that hate and give it all back in love and hard work. i truly admire their strength! but i’m honestly beyond tired of reading the worst possible takes about them all the time.
my point is: no, enchanté isn’t the worst bl out there and no, forcebook haven’t killed anyone that i’m aware of. but everyone will keep on acting like they did.
have a lovely weekend! 🩷
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
Wednesday Club does NOT warrant meta of almost any kind -- it was not offensive in the least, just an almost-teeny-bopper ensemble show with very pretty people from GMMTV doing things that never centralized in a plot. For an early winter, holiday season watch, it scratched a trashy itch. We saw Phuwin take a leak on Thor, Thor interacting for like two seconds with Ohm (which, geez, more of THAT pairing, please), Papang being his solid side self, Film winning again, and Satang singing well. Piploy started weak and ended strong. These actors need FAR better scripts.
But let me just say this, as part of my reasoning to watch WC, and to stay consistent on my blog to pen a few words about what I'm watching: Wednesday Club ended in a way that Only Friends should have, and I do VERY MUCH admit that I watched WC in part out of spite for my continued bummed-outedness for the way OF ended.
The WC group of friends disbanded, right there in front of us, in the face of their treating each other like utter crap. It was the right thing for the show, these kids weren't right to be friends together, and some of them paired off into their own sub-friend groups. It was a very truthful reaction to university students experiencing things together that did the very opposite of bring them together in solidarity, and almost all of them decided independently to bounce.
I liked that, and I was hoping to give Wednesday Club a compliment over OF for doing something right about nailing group dynamics far better and more authentically than Only Friends. And that's the compliment: the friend group exploded, which was the absolute right thing to happen.
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boozles · 2 months
I'm still extremely sick in bed and missed three days of the BL Challenge, so here they are!
Day Three: side dish that should have been the main course
It's a surprise to absolutely no one that I'm picking Ai Di/Chen Yi from Kiseki: Dear to Me. I think almost everyone would pick them for this! Don't get me wrong, I adore Bai Zong Yi and Fan Ze Rui, but Ai Di and Chen yi were just something else.
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Day Four: Fave ship dynamic
In all honesty, I'm not sure I really have one outside of 'one is a chaotic little shit who can only be controlled by his lover'. Like (obviously) Ai Di/Chen Yi, Sand/Ray, Akk/Ayan, Prapai/Sky, etc.
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Day Five: Biggest flop
Okay, so I'm interpreting this one as a pairing that, to me, doesn't work. Before I get into it I want you all to know I mean absolutely no offense to anyone, and these are just my personal opinions.
So, I am really not a fan of OffGun as a cp. I've never understood why they are so revered and treated as the Elite Elders of BL. Separately they are both fantastic actors, but as a cp I just don't see any chemistry between them. As friends, sure, but I don't see romantic sparks between any of their characters. Okay, I admit in Theory of Love Gun did an amazing job of one sided love, but other than that I've never seen the attraction. I really wish Gun could be paired with someone else, but that's never going to happen.
Tbh, out of the original GMMTV BL pairings the only one I think actually works is TayNew. BrightWin was just awkward and the 2gether series' didn't grab me at all. I've yet to watch SOTUS, so all I've seen of SingtoKrist is a short they did and their Our Skyy episode, and I wasn't overly impressed; which is odd as I actually really like both actors with other actors! However, I am willing to admit it could be a product of time; the early days of GMMTV's BLs left a lot to be desired.
Again, I mean no offence to anyone who are fans of these cps! These are just my thoughts and shouldn't impact your love :) I'm sure some of my ships would probably leave ya'll like "huh?!" lol
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
no offense, but as a long time watcher of gmmtv - have you ever ventured outside of it when it comes to Thai media? because i and quite a big number of my (thai) peers regularly watch their shows, but it’s less about them being ‘good’ and more about being entertained, given how fast they’re churned out. i wouldn’t say the gp would ever consider a gmmtv show particularly great - good is even a stretch - and when it comes to production there’s not a lot of prestige either (by which i mean very few directors if any are household names). I’d imagine the equivalent of what gmmtv produces for western audiences would be trashy soap operas. What I’m trying to say is artists might blow up (specifically like Tu, Bright, and Win) but that’s not the norm and they tend to actually gain prominence when they venture outside of gmmtv shows.
I feel like I do a pretty good job of at least giving most BLs out of Thailand a chance. I miss a pulp every now and then, but I certainly don’t limit myself to GMMTV. My MDL is here if you want to critique my taste lol. I’ve rated 3 Thai BLs 10/10. One is from GMMTV, the other two are from different production houses.
I’m not entirely sure what this ask is in reference to, but I don’t think I’ve ever claimed that GMMTV is high cinema. In fact, I called it the gay Disney channel just earlier today. I, personally, happen to like trashy soap operas and I generally prefer GMMTV shows because the subs are decent, they’re easy to access, and they’ve got a bunch of actors I enjoy.
My understanding about the Thai entertainment industry in general is that it is very difficult for a BL actor to gain prestige in the first place considering there is still such a stigma against the genre. So with all due respect, I don’t really care too much about how popular these actors are in Thailand. If they’re looking to become more famous domestically then yeah, they should probably start acting in lakorns, but I wouldn’t wish a heterosexual plot line on my worst enemy. I mean, how boring would that be?
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inventedfangirling · 8 months
okeeey im done with hidden agenda, and as much as i enjoyed all the cuteness.... as far as i'm concerned its a one time watch at best, too many semi conflicts introduced and wrapped up in minutes or even less it was difficult to root for anything. that being said i will come back and rewatch a bunch of the cute stuff cos when it got cute it really got cute.
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I mean COME ONNNNN. this hand bite thing was friggin GOLDDDDD.
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I also LOVED the abundance of kisses
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Special mention to this one cos how can i not!?!?
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But also no offense to dunk, boy is EXTREMELY pretty but i would REALLY like to see joong act with somebody who can match him acting talent wise.
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I mean first of all LOOK AT HIM. I could and would stare at this for hours.
Second of all, the boy has got SO much potential, and so much talent, just give him right partner and a better script pls come on gmmtv do it. i have no hope but who can stop me from asking from the powers that be huh!?!
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gg-carboxylase · 1 year
GMMTV is really doubling down on dudes that are very mildly talented with GMMTV Musicon. The trailer for the thing is taking itself very seriously.
This is no offense to any of the lads included in the thing. They are all lovely for the most part, and they're fine, just not especially talented enough for like, "Hey let's have a concert."
This is two fold here.
GMMTV could just have a fan meet with some singing as usual, and that would be fine.
The main issue I see here is that they have SIZZY, which while not my cup of tea, are actually really talented. They get no love from GMMTV, which is ridiculous because girl groups are so popular right now and they have the talent to get somewhat big.
Alas, misogyny in the management structure is preventing this and it's sad. We're lucky we got GAP. These mediocre men are getting an unnecessary career boost.
If you held a taser to me and asked me who out of the GMMTV stable of lads has real talent and potential when it comes to singing:
That's about it. Even Khaotung — his voice is beautiful, but his range is v v small. Everyone else has an even more limited range that they can cover and has to sing songs that are written to their strengths.
Book is probably the most talented out of the bunch (listen to A Boss and A Babe OST, that's a technically difficult song), followed by Earth (his part in The Moon Represents My Heart is very good). Mix was in the same boy band as Book.
Supposedly Louis can sing really well, but I can't find solo live stuff, but he's another possibility. His cover of PS5 is legit, but you can't tell when things are recorded. (I really like him and would love to see him get more acting work, as an aside. He was fun in Midnight Motel.)
These are my thoughts from listening to their OSTs, listening to them sing ad hoc, and knowing my music stuff.
So, GMMTV, no matter how much I love the stuff you do for BL, this just sucks. These lads already have a hell of a career. They don't need this. You'll make money from it, but if you promoted SIZZY, and had been this entire time, you'd have a huge cash cow. Thai girls would have Thai women to look up to, how neat would that be?
At least the KPWT wasn't serious about itself at all. It wasn't out to make a music career for anyone. Jeff already had his. Ping's band is getting a boost, but again, they already had their fans. Pong might be getting work? Bas got some exposure, but still. None of these guys are using it like that. It was just great fun and hard work with their best friends, not solo acts.
I'm not here to fight over my opinions on talent. I love the GMMTV lads, I just honestly don't think they're gifted musicians. There's no shame in that. Not everyone can be a multi-talented artist. It's just as amazing to be just a great actor.
Anyhow. That's my 2 Kongbucks.
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eveindtub · 1 year
ok on a different topic chinzhilla is really so good and i wish gmmtv could for real invest in that let's get that thai boyband we all miss a good boyband and they're genuinely good at this it's been proven we are all obsessed with the songs and no offense to the og singers but some of these are even better than the og and i feel like gmmtv finally got it right for once so let's get it
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jenyifer · 4 months
Cooking Crush Ep 7 2/4 Initial reaction
My YouTube has been acting buggy but I got it reinstalled and I wish I hadn’t because the fuck is this mess. For context I am a pansexual person who definitely leans more towards women of any variety so now that’s out of the way wtf is with GMMTV giving Lookjun these TERRIBLE BISEXUAL REPRESENTATIONS first we had fucking Cheum and now this?! The fuck.
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Okay so… listen I’ve dated a full on lesbian and she would have been extremely insecure upset with me if I had a male friend I was hiding behind her back. Didn’t matter how much I reassured her she was only for me this would be a nightmare breakup level offense. I had to take her to meet my guy friends assure her nothing is between us. So… red flag on Jane for doing this at all. Red flag on Bell for not allowing Jane to have a friendship with Fire at all. Also Jane was two timing both of them? I assume she wasn’t physical with Fire but they were hanging out a lot. So the fuck. Terrible terrible awful the fuck.
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Okay… Prem…. Sure you aren’t dating Ten 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 get out of there Ten something is wrong with this kid. I mean his grandmother is spiting facts she obviously raised him right so why the fuck is he not dating Ten?!
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Okay side ship is definitely falling into one of my LEAST favorite tropes. So Fire hasn’t talked to Ten in ages then? He’s just left alone. Ten doesn’t care about anyone but Prem. Great. Wonderful. I just find that side ships benefit from being interwoven. We get to see Prem and Dynamite being actual friends have we seen that from Ten and Fire? No. It looks like to me Metha who is a fucking creep brings them together just because Ten is his neighbor.
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So is Dynamite there? Did he drive over to find Fire or is this a dream? Or is it in Fire’s head he’s imagining the voice on the phone is Dynamite? That doesn’t make sense because Dynamite sniffs his water bottle. Very strange once again lazy editing. Thanks I hate it. On the plus side I love Neo so I’m happy to see him playing an inexperienced drunk which after his convo with Jane the devil woman I understand.
I like that Dynamite dream or not stands up for himself. Idk why he likes Fire so much but he at least has standards and won’t be taken for a fool which I find more compelling than Ten being strung along by Prem.
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telomeke-bbs · 1 year
Once again GMMTV having Earth Pirapat play a rough-hewn older man closer to 40 than 30 like they did in Moonlight Chicken, when he still looks as dewy fresh as a young man in his twenties – he's only 29 at time of writing. (Meanwhile dearest Nanon kicks off every other OS2 x BBS x ATOTS instalment with a plug for Laneige, while unfortunately also sporting a biggish zit on his left cheek in the show itself. 😂)
A lot of skincare promises are a fantasy, but all these cosmetics companies should take note that if anyone has a proven record portraying the defiance of time and aging it's Mr. Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, and they should use him more! 😍
(No offense to Nanon too; everyone gets the odd pimple now and then and his skin is always glowing despite the occasional zit.) 💖
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juneviews · 1 year
Yeah Foei was done after that SH thing and so was White, who is seen doing shit yet again, now laughing along to Prom talking about being scared of people with big breasts because they might kill him in his sleep, and how he peeked on a younger girl in school?? And Mond and Sing are laughing along as well?? At least Sing is kind of wtf-ing him in that second clip, but still, how did that pass to be released and why are they like this??? Or is it some lost in translation and cultural context differences again?
hmmm... I'm not sure the two situations are comparable tbh, so here's my feelings about it:
foei posting this alt right anti lgbtq+ post is literally the worst thing I've ever seen from a gmmtv actor. yes, even worse than krist imo.
what prom did is bad, though the boob things imo (and I have huge ass boobs so I'm concerned) was just a dumb joke & wasn't offensive even though it wasn't funny at all. it felt like he was just trying to be entertaining but it fell flat.
the preschooler thing is definitely more fucking weird, even though I do not think he's a p3do, he's just a fucking weirdo & should've never told this story. I shall never stan this guy.
now though, for blaming mond, sing & white, I don't agree at all. I've been hurt by white's comments in the past & criticized them, but here they invited the guy to be on their channel, there was literally nothing they could do besides cut that segment out (which they deffo should've done before it even aired.) they do look uncomfy & like they're judging him, but it's clearly one of these situations were you can't say your true feelings bc you're in public & on the fucking job. blaming them bc they were fucking bystanders is honestly the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
tldr: what foei did & what prom and ESPECIALLY mond, sing & white did are absolutely not comparable imo so let's stop this idea of "every gmmtv actor is trash." they're 100+ actors, some of them are bigots, some of them are dumb af, and some of them are good. stop lumping every drama together, some are way more serious than others & some are a product of cultural difference. I'm tired.
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itsays · 2 years
my gmmtv 2023 review
the interest - now why are we giving pretty privilege boy roles out of his range. AGAIN. be so serious rn. you know who would’ve slayed this role? apo. might watch though ngl lol
beauty newbie - i was like totally sold on it until win came on screen lol it is funny though that he is playing eunwoo’s role... you know... the pretty privilege boys together
our skyy 2 - it’s giving kpop boy group and that’s not a compliment. also there is no way these couples are popular? earthmix ohmnanon and firstkaoh sure i believe you but the rest? somebody call nugupromoter. no offense to joong. 
midnight museum - finally real fucking television. finally gun being cast with a fellow ACTOR. i win. like im so excited ARE YOU DUMB!!!!
the jungle - this doesnt have subs PISSING ME OFF. they need to stop trying to sell us krist as a casanova be so serious rn. the male cast is mostly but not entirely bad... while the female cast is excellent i fear so yes i think i will watch this...
dangerous romance - i dont know what that trailer was supposed to be lol i’ll wait for it to come out to decide ... it doesnt look... good? um... but i guess
faceless love - i do not like dew. sorry to him but in association to bw i do not like him. i was surprised to see peach here? let out a scream when i saw kao. my baby kao being paired up with the enemy i could cry.... you know im watching this be so fucking serious. i see this is based off a jdrama... that i didnt like lol but whatever
only friends - this looks soooooooooo messy. drama of the year idk
loneliness society - there’s A LOT of remakes this year... i kinda wanna watch this but i also kinda dont wanna watch anything with joss in it so idk
last twilight - YOU WILL NEVER BE LAST TWILIGHT IN PHUKER YOU WILL NEVER BE TEH AND OH-AEW YOU WILL NEVER BE BKPP GIVE UP. this sounds like a really interesting concept gmmtv does not have the range for.... but... i might give one or two episodes a chance because again. interesting concept.
wednesday club - the absolute happiness i got when i saw jane here bro she didnt post ANYTHING about this i thought she had no projects i was losing it... MESSY MESSY MESSY YOU KNOW I WILL BE TUNING IN BE SO FUCKING SERIOUS RN ANOTHER CONTENDER FOR DRAMA OF THE YEAR excited for ohm jane and joon together SLAY!
cooking crush - give this ship up to god i BEG gun is way too good for this when will he get something on his level. i would watch for gun honestly. but it doesnt even look GOOD
phro thoe khue rak raek - this does not have an english name. does that mean it’s a lakorn? i dont really like those... i also dont like that prim (it girl btw) is being paired with dew and this is not my vendetta against him i SWEAR it’s because he looks so much older than her even though i googled it and it’s 4 years but idk she’s still a kid
23.5 - well im obviously watching this be so serious rn lol they really threw some bl there out of nowhere i was so confused like alskfjaksjfalk CAN WE LEAVE WOMEN ALONE? PLEASE? anyways this looks so cute uwu 
hidden agenda - i REALLY like joong and i wish all of the projects gmmtv give him didnt SUCK like lmao i am so upset give him something good i beg of you. and if you must use him as fanservice at least AT THE VERY LEAST give him a partner that is up to his caliber. couldnt they just pair joong with jamie IDK! remember my post where i said men get everything handed to them with lead roles for their debut and girls have to work in the background for years to be promoted to support actresses?
double savage - terrible name but i saw ohm with a gun so slay. i didnt understand this trailer at all to be honest but i think i might watch? looks very different from what they usually do so that’s interesting
find yourself - you had me at older woman younger man i fear alskfjakjfa ONE OF MY FAVORITE TROPES AND GUILTY PLEASURES... IF YOU WILL and honestly i was upset because to me it looked like the male lead was 25 and the female lead was like 30 so i was like BOO TOMATO TOMATO they arent even committing but then i googled them and turns out he’s 26 and she’s 42 WOAH that’s a lot. well anyways i most likely will watch this. ok so the characters... 23 and 38... oh that’s bad. just turn off your brains girlies
a boss and a babe - it doesnt look BAD but it doesnt look... good....
enigma - i was REALLY into this until i saw win.... that man does not have the range for this.... also.... is that like... a teacher student relationship.... um.......... i HOPE im the one misunderstanding because that would ruin an otherwise really promising drama?
two videos are hidden and i dont know what they are?... one is definitely cherry magic but what’s the other one and why arent they there? anyways i gotta SAYYYYY i am very curious to see that trailer alskfjaskfjakl
overall thoughts:
i think (at least from this trailers) gmmtv dramas are starting to look better visually which is crazy. but i wonder if they simply used this level of quality because it’s just like. trailers and not the real thing. i hope not because it looks a lot better like this
i dont know if im in the wrong here but i am growing progressively angrier and honestly resentful of bls. the way they are favored the way we get quantity over quality the way they overshadow everything the way they inevitably result in women being thrown to the back and neglected. im starting to think a mass extinction needs to happen. boycotting it isnt enough i need them gone.
you gotta give it to them, they DID stray away from what they usually do in terms of genres and stories...
gmmtv is actually fun when you ignore the bl and focus on the rest i always say this!
i dont think i saw gawin ONCE.... 
no way they’re promoting gawin and krist as a couple😭
i didnt see kapook :( like... she got no projects but i know she was there meaning she’s back to background character :(((
i couldnt help but notice milklove outdid literally half of the bl couples in interactions on twitter and i smile.
honestly. after comparing this year’s review to the last two I HAVE TO SAY. this is MILES better than anything they’ve done before...
i swear to god gmmtv had so many female rookies and i say NONE of them other than prim? although she’s barely even a rookie atp... but the other girls where are they? i swear to god there were at least 5..... nowhere to be seen here
i feel like they are giving prim main girl treatment and that is very pleasing to me bc she is a STAR easily the best actress gmmtv has currently (from the younger side at least)
oh and i forgot. what a wasted opportunity not to have tor and kao together. en fin la hipotenusa.
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
There's a Bad Buddy Anonymous out there to whom I owe an answer to!
If you're an Anonymous who wrote me an ask about Bad Buddy's episode 7, and you noted that you liked the un-formulaic way in which Pat and Pran reconciled their relationship, and asked for recommendations for dramas to watch *before* Bad Buddy, ones that might reflect on that un-formulaic quality that you liked so much: I apologize for the delay in responding.
I had a great answer that I had all written up, that the web editor ate. :'( The web editor LOVES to eat asks in drafts. Lame.
So here's my best attempt to recreate that answer!
Non, thanks for the ask! Ha.
Okay, so, Bad Buddy's episode 7, the competition-in-love episode. What is so great about this episode is that the boys are equals in their competition to get each other to confess first. They're both so clearly sweating for each other, they are totally aware of it, and yet they're still committed to the bit until the very end, when Pat confesses that he'll always throw the game for his lover.
Non, in your original ask, you noted that this set-up went against the formula of how couples usually reconcile their attractions to each other to confirm a relationship. You then asked for recommendations for dramas that a beginner should watch before Bad Buddy, so with that, I assume you mean that you'd like recommendations of Thai BLs. I'm going to interpret your ask from here on out as an ask that reflects on your appreciation for how we got to the setup that was episode 7 of BBS. I can help with this, but I'll also call in some experts at the end to ponder this!
I so appreciate that your ask focused specifically on Bad Buddy, because: my watching and appreciating BBS was a major reason why I myself wanted to learn about the early development of the Thai BL genre. Bad Buddy upends a ton of tropes that had been established in early Thai BL dramas -- I wanted to gain a better appreciation for what BBS was doing, so I hit the archives in my Old GMMTV Challenge project.
As I review the OGMMTVC syllabus for thoughts on recommendations, I'm reflecting on dramas that relied heavily on certain tropes that established the exact formula that BBS/episode 7 spins around. To me, namely, that's the pursuer/pursuee structure, better known as the seme/uke structure.
Pran and Pat are equals in episode 7 -- they're both chasing each other. Earlier Thai BLs almost always featured a seme who pursued an unknowing uke, and very commonly, that uke would have a queer revelation to realize that they were falling in love with their seme pursuer. (In BBS, Pat indeed has a revelation -- but he's not being pursued at that moment. He just realizes that he's fallen in love. By episode 7, both boys are the pursuers of each other.)
So in thinking about earlier Thai BLs that a beginner could watch, to learn about and appreciate the seme/uke tropes that established the formulas that BBS upended, I've got the following.
SOTUS/SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS: By now, in 2023/2024, SOTUS is.... gently offensive? But for historical purposes, AND for Bad Buddy-purposes, I think it's a must-watch. SOTUS walked so Bad Buddy could run. It was the first BL by GMMTV, a huge one, and gave birth to the first huge celebrity ship in KristSingto. Singto's Kongpob pursues a hesitant Arthit (Krist), who has a revelation that he's fallen for Kong by the end of the series. SOTUS S and Our Skyy x SOTUS follow their eventual relationship.
VERY IMPORTANTLY! Bad Buddy does a LOT to upend a LOT of what SOTUS put out there, by way of commentary on bullying, on the "gay-for-you" phenomenon -- BBS even featured an actor from SOTUS S who played the father of one of the main characters (Kongpob), and put that dude in the same shirt he wore in SOTUS S!
But for the sake of the seme/uke tropes we're talking about, SOTUS has this in spades. There's problematic hubby/wifey language in SOTUS that's, again, upended in Bad Buddy. But SOTUS is a product of its 2016-time period. The genre has learned a lot by way of revising problematic elements that came with the genre's origins. Whenever I think of SOTUS, I always get a sense of nostalgia for Arthit and Kongpob, because SOTUS gave birth to a LOT of tropes (engineering, beach trips, etc.) that we still see in Thai BLs today, tropes that often give structure and reference to dramas. I like that Bad Buddy honored these tropes while also gently calling them out -- and I think, Non, that if you get your historical knowledge squared away just through the SOTUS franchise, you'll appreciate that BBS/episode 7 that much more.
Love By Chance: LBC aired two years after the original SOTUS came out. Trope-wise, overall, I call LBC an ultimately derivative structured drama, in that it encapsulates really well a lot of the tropes that had been established in Thai BL in years prior. Non, I recommend LBC for its seme/uke pairing in AePete, as the pairing was a classic pursuit, but Pete happened to be out and gay, and had a fear that Ae would face discrimination for being open in his love for Pete. I loved that the show addressed this head-on. The rest of the show is not nearly as up to par as what PerthSaint delivered in their AePete performance, but LBC is well worth watching to see the tropes in high action.
Until We Meet Again: While I am a slavish LOVER of UWMA, this drama has a classic seme/uke pairing in Dean and Pharm, but -- the show allows Pharm as a blushing maiden uke to actually have agency and space for his sexual preferences. The show depicts Pharm in hesitation mode, often, but also allows for Pharm to have open and equal communication with Dean about when Pharm is ready to take things to a next level, without a seme pushing an envelope to move things more quickly than they should.
I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You The Moon: Instead of driving to a classic seme/uke set-up, ITSAY spent much more time in Teh's revelatory and recognition headspace, as he negotiated internally his attraction to Oh-aew. IPYTM allowed us to see into Teh's and Oh's eventual relationship, and established Oh-aew's supremacy as a man in control of his world and his decisions, always fully aware of Teh's attraction to him, but needing time and space to be ready for Teh's chaos. I love thinking about ITSAY and IPYTM as trope-deflectors before the rise of Bad Buddy, and -- there are multiple moments when Bad Buddy talks to ITSAY as well.
All of these dramas are considered classics and are thus on the OGMMTVC, but Non, I am in no way a comprehensive expert on the genre itself. There are elders all around who have watched more than me! I'm wondering if -- for the question of what dramas best established the seme/uke pursuit trope in Thai BLs before Bad Buddy upended that trope -- if @bengiyo, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @absolutebl, and @lurkingshan have thoughts and suggestions.
Non, I hope this helps!
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
Motive Village & The 2 Moons Franchise.
Well 2 Moons was meant to be a 3 part series starring the same cast.
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A BL Series Starring Itthipat Thanit aka GOD, Suradej Pinnirat aka BAS, Panuwat Kerdthongtavee aka COPTER, Warodom Khemmonta aka KIMMON, David Kreepolrerk aka TAE and Thanapon Jarujitranon aka TEE. They were set to play Phana, Wayo, Kit, Ming, Forth and Beam. FOR ALL 3 SEASONS.
The first Season Aired in 2017 and although it was critiqued it was a success. The cast gained instant acclaim.
Produced by Motive Village & CCDM. The former in 2018 claimed copyright issues with the latter.
While this was being "sorted out" God pulled out of making 2 Moons 2 due to other projects scheduled far in advance however Motive Village released this statement
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Some fans immediately took issue claiming God was homophobic and had no intention of completing the BL Series. That he had kiss scenes he didn't like removed or wiping his mouth after kiss scenes with love interest Bas (who played Wayo) but God's management took issue with this and Motive Village released this statement
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Quick retraction to save face. But Motive Village already made the decision to replace the entire cast. They created a BOY BAND called SB FIVE which included the entire main cast except God. The band was pretty successful.
However Motive Village had already replaced the actors for 2 Moons 2 and then fired the remaining guys without prior knowledge.
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Then came the new boys. Surprisingly, most fans were pleased with the new actors which were Benjamin Brasier aka BEN (replacing GOD) Teerapat Ruangritkul aka EARTH now DIN (replacing BAS) Archen Aydin aka JOONG (replacing KIMMON) Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee aka NINE (replacing COPTER) Naret Promphaopun aka PHOOM or PAVEL (replacing TAE) and WORANART RATTHANAPHAST aka DOME (replacing TEE)
2MOONS2 was a success. But more problems were on the horizon with 5 of the 6 Boys. Dome had independent management so he was not subject to Motive Village problems.
The problems with the 2 Moons 2 cast started with Din (formerly Earth) as he was allegedly facing sexual harassment from a much older man at the Top at the company. When Din rejected this man he was sidelined so Motive Village prepared to start another BOY BAND with the entire main cast called OXQ which excluded Din (EARTH) and Din's Fans called EARTHLINGS were miffed so Motive Village released this statement
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Though Din was promised jobs he was basically sat out with no work. But was there to support the BOY BAND featuring what he called his BELOVED FRIENDS.
Behind the scenes people did release statements in support of Din such as 2MOONS2 director and creative consultant (THERE IS A GREAT YOUTUBE VIDEO from MOONCONSORT that is very well researched about this issue)
Motive Village wasn't done yet. But Din's situation was handled with a statement from Din himself dropping out of the much anticipated 2 MOONS 3
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But more was to come. It was said Motive Village was in financial despair. There was talk of actors in support roles not being paid. And Ben and Phoom/Pavel were also sidelined as Motive Village partnership with a Chinese company for a reality survival sort of show but only JOONG NINE were involved while Ben and Pavel took TWITCH for online streaming plus Pavel had HALF SAVAGE (his clothing line) while Motive Village had no work for Pavel, Ben or Din. J9 were apparently paid for the Chinese Survival Show.
With 2 Seasons Aired with 2 Different Cast in 2017 & 2019 no one expected 2 Moons 3 to ever be made as finally the 2nd Cast were finished with their contract. But one more scandal before that involving Joong who said when asked if was gay he said I AM A MAN IN REAL LIFE (not gay) and many took offense. He later apologized and Motive Village released this statement
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Joong after leaving Motive Village went to another company briefly before settling at GMMTV.
So many fans said they would not support 2 Moons The Ambassador due to Motive Village mistreatment of the previous 2 Casts but on October 10, 2022
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2MTA was released with an all new cast yet again but 2 Brand New Leads. But Phana, Wayo, Ming, Kit, Forth & Beam were all recast for a 3rd and Final Time. Reviews Are Mixed. Some Like It, Some Hate It and Some Refuse To Watch It.
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bengiyo · 2 years
I have been reading a lot of thoughtful perspectives about Thua outing Akk and the context around it, and I think it’s an interesting discussion with valid points on all sides of the argument. What I can’t get over though is that the show didn’t really engage with it at all - it was just a plot point that was quickly forgotten with no fallout between the characters addressed and Thua not even acknowledging what he did, let alone apologizing for it. And I can’t help but be reminded of Bad Buddy doing something similar last year, with Wai forcibly outing Pran. Do you think the folks creating these shows at GMMTV just don’t understand how serious an offense this is? It really bugs me that they keep using it so casually as a plot device without addressing the repercussions.
Someone sent me this forever ago, and it's been in the back of my mind. I will say first that I think we should distinguish the shows you proposed here, because Aof has explicitly stated that he didn't want homophobia to be one of the problems in Bad Buddy. Yes, Pat and Pran's relationship gets exposed, but the drama of that is that they were keeping it a secret and not that they were queer.
With The Eclipse, some of it I think has to do with time. We know that their episode order got cut after they'd already filmed some of the early episodes. I also just don't think outing carries the same experience in Thailand as it does for us in the West. Consistently it doesn't seem to register as hard for them as it does for us in their dramas. It's not just a GMMTV thing. Most of the time, it seems to be more of a concern about how femme someone is and less who they want to sleep with. That's just how it seems to me.
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