#no I didn't make dad and mom the main rivals because I love them way too much. shut up
nebulousboops · 2 months
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so uh. what if homestuck was ace attorney
I had so much fun making these designs you guys have no idea
basically, dad egbert is the main lawyer (we'll call him jonah for now) and john/june and jade are his weird girl assistants. his main rival prosecutor guy is mom lalonde (we'll call her roxanne), her weird girls being rose and dave.
I feel like the kids are like 16-18 now just because that feels in line for ace attorney, but jonah and roxanne are the same age
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tobiasdrake · 11 days
Most Harem anime present everyone as an option for the protagonist, though sometimes there is preferred option or head girl.
In Ranma 1/2, as you said, the harem is generally there for the sake of antagonizing Ranma and Akane's relationship like the rivals. Infact even the fathers tend to get in the their children's relationship.
The Ranma/Nabiki engagement plot was in both the manga and anime. In the manga, Nabiki had even more outrageous behavior such as trying to pimp out Ranma to Shampoo, Ukyo and Kodachi. The anime version removed/replced this scene, in line with Nabiki being generally nicer in the anime like Shampoo and several others.
Both the manga and anime reveal that Nabiki was not actually interested in being Ranma's fiance and her plan was Akane would buy him back from her, she actually thinks she went too far when it seems she broke them up for good.
Yeah, I remember Nabiki pimping Ranma out to the other suitors. Again, something that didn't really bother me as a kid because I didn't really understand it, but looking back as an adult it's like "Wow, that's super gross."
As I recall, Ranma 1/2 was kind of just. Like that. It's kinda like 8-Bit Theater. Nearly every character is an extreme over-the-top caricature of an asshole in one way or another, and the comedy is driven by the wild antics these characters inflict on each other with their behavior.
The main male protagonist is a guy whose dad absconded with him when he was little and promised his mom that he'd chisel him into a REAL MAN, and if Ranma fails to meet a certain threshold of masculinity then they'll both commit ritual seppuku. His mother even carries the seppuku blade with her whenever she comes to visit.
His father's method of teaching him masculinity is by training him in esoteric martial arts, such as tying a bunch of fish to him as a child and then throwing him in a pit full of cats - An unconventional form of training, to be sure, but one that successfully awoke in Ranma a deep and profound... uh... fear of cats.
The main female protagonist is a bitter misandrist who hates men because one day an unwanted harasser at school made a declaration that any man who wants to date her must first defeat her in a fight. Naturally, all the boys listened to him rather than, like, asking her opinion.
So now every time she goes to school, she has to physically fight off assaults from harassers trying to beat the shit out of her and declare their love. Consequently, she has a deep and frothing hatred for the entire male gender. But also, like, you get where that's coming from. I'd probably hate all men too.
And those are the two most sympathetic characters. It's a rabbit hole of broken people expressing themselves by trying to murder each other by way of mystical arts where you blast your foe with weaponized self-pity or erasing each other's memories with amnesia shampoo. One time Ryoga tried to cast a love spell on Akane that would make her fall for him but then accidentally hit Ranma instead. Genma created two entirely separate Forbidden Arts for breaking into people's homes and stealing all of their shit. There's an entire set of cursed springs all in one location carrying various curses based on whatever drowned in them in ancient fable, including a pig, a cat, a duck, a statue, an octopus (!?), and a yeti riding a bull while carrying a crane and eel.
Ranma 1/2 was a fucking trip. XD
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
My DC otps + short summaries on why i love them
Clois:Needs no explanation,Clark's my dad f/o and Lois is my mom f/o so it's only natural this is my top pick.Also love me some himbo x mean bisexual girl ships
Konbart:I think this was the first DC mlm ship i started shipping by actually reading comics?The fandom definitely helped but i saw something between them not too far into reading 90s YJ for the first time.Falls into my fave mlm trope too,that being guy who's seen as cool as fuck x guy who's ignored and/or seen as lame,and i see tons of transmasc4transmasc content for them and most Bart stans main it so it was easy for me to fall in love with it after seeing so much of it
Helstarr:Sapphic Bat x Super ship so it instantly peaked my interest and i'm very happy that i've read up on their relathionship and their individual characters cause all three are underrated asf.Giving grumpy goth gf x bubbly sunshine gf and transfem4transfem swag(Karen is a also bicon imo and ain't no way Helena's not a butch lesbian)
Mia/Natasha/Traci:Supergirls ot3,Supergirls ot3,Supergirls ot3!!!They balance and bounce off eachother so well💕💕💕That one panel of them all snuggling together lives in my head rent free
Kara x Diana(DC Superhero Girls 2019):An incredibly cute 'opposites attract' dynamic they got going on there!!C'mon,let the rebel butch lesbian date her golden girl bi femme bestie :/
Brutalina:Adore all three ships individually and can never pick a favorite so my solution is that they all have two hands and that the Batkids can have two moms.As a treat
Dickkory:I was an og Teen Titans cartoon kid so of course i was overjoyed when i found out their legendary comics dynamic,especially Dick being romani and Kory's black-coding(her even more so because she'd always been tied with Raven as my fave).T4T Bi4Bi Autistic4Autistic Brown4Black rep aka the exact kind i need
Starrae:Also a nostalgia thing,however unlike with Robstar i never came across content of them when i was younger so i didn't start shipping them until i got back into the show and i appreciate their dynamic tenfold now.Just like me and my gf FRRRRRRRR
Timsteph:They're tons like Todomomo so when i started reading for them,i loved them instantly like it became my comfort ship so fast.Idk if this is rude,you're really weird if you're an adult and you call their dynamic abusive,they were kids,not monsters.One of the best m/f ships out there to me
Stephcass:I love love LOVE their parallels to eachother and all the kindness and sadness and fun and all kinds of emotions inbetween them,i NEED it to be canon cause they're perfect together in literally every way.Plus classical goth x pastel punk >>>>>
Damimaps:We deserve another Robin4Robin ship(that's NOT batcest tyvm!!!)and they're so good for eachother and wholesome together!!Let Maps be a canon Robin DC!!!
Nell/Surren:Pure self-indulgence,they're both members of my verse's Damian's Teen Titans generation and i thrive off asshole with a heart of gold guy/soft uwu sunshine girl ships
Rosecassie:Oh,so you say they're rivals because they're both girls,DC?Then,it sure would be a shame if i were to ship them and make them enemies to frenemies to lovers instead :) I'm sexier than you
Wallinda:Wally belongs to woc /hj No but fr their dynamic is so sweet and i love just all their vibes
Mar'iian:Purple x blue,catgirl4catgirl,artist gfs,alien and human AND both biracial?It's the ship of dreams for me!!And their parents would be so happy to be legally family!!
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kanade-rindo · 1 month
You hc silver and moon as sibs?? Thought I was the only one
HELLO THERE ANON YES I HAVE BEEN HOLDING ONTO THIS HEADCANON FOR 2 YEARS. i think it's a fun way to interpret both their characters for like. So Many Reasons. one of the main ones being just. the parallels. the fucking parallels.
silver gets pushed into strength via his abandonment and ends up consistently losing to trainers better than him that actually know what love and trust is — something that he as an abused 11 year old has never experienced — but he learns and gets better, and he gets surrounded by people who actually care about him and encourage him to take the time to care for others instead.
moon gets pushed into strength by the adults surrounding them and they don't stop winning, they don't stop winning all the way to the champion role. they get pushed into just taking in more and more and more pokemon regardless of if they can take care of them or not and they get pushed and forced into being stronger despite the fact that hey they just wanted a pokemon and to have fun battling.
they counter each other in such a fascinating way that i think interpreting them as siblings would add another layer of interest to the dynamic — especially since:
a) usum has team rainbow rocket, and alola is meant to resemble kanto & johto a lot in terms of plot beats and characters actually — so there's already a pretty strong connection there
b) similar abandonment issues. which would definitely be made even worse by moon needing to leave to alola. like imagine you're silver who watched your father walk out of your life only to watch your little sibling also walk out of it and to another region. fucking brutal
c) also imagine watching said little sibling immediately become the fucking Champion and successfully beating the shit out of your father at an age where you failed to do so because they, unlike you, actually had a loving parent at a young age
and on the flip side for moon? being related to giovanni makes everything so much harder like. holy shit! *but*, it also makes them a more interesting parallel to lillie and gladion, since lusamine and giovanni have a lot of similarities. like.
imagine you and your mom leave to another region because your dad was like. the leader of the fucking mafia. and in said new region you end up taking down like 2 evil teams one of whom is very similar to your dad in terms of unethical pokemon experimentation and child abuse (let's be so fr giovanni wasn't a good father. just Look at silver.)
inly to need to fight an alternate version of said dad (i like to combine usum and sumo via sumo's plot + with rainbow rocket) who trying to take over the world and tries to recruit you into his evil team. like. yikes!
especially with the gym leader who took over your dad's position now Also having quit being the gym leader and also living in the region. fun !
but also aside from that i feel like their dynamic could be really fun if you focus just on them being siblings. like. moon is canonically a cocky little shit (the dialogue options are so funny in sumo. especially the Literally Canon ones) and pair that with silver? oh. they'd be so fucking funny.
and also if you believe in dad lance (i do) that makes the funniest fucking family tree. these 2 kids are the children of leader of team rocket giovanni. oh also 1 of them got adopted by the champion of the region. yeah the other went on to become the champion of another region. oh yeah they also befriended one of the strongest trainers. oh and the one who got adopted is rivals and friends with the strongest trainer. the one who became the champion also has like 10 000 legendaries yeah.
edit: also just in case you didn't see i have the #rocket siblings tag specifically for posts about those 2
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Who do you think the main aks and vks would be friends with? Outside of their regular friends (i.e the sea 3 and core four and Hero 6) ? And why?
So, besides for their immediate group of obvious friends:
Mal: Jane, since they're both half fairy.
Jay: His cousin Jade. Aziz, the son of Aladdin and Jasmine, much to everyone's surprise, most of all their own. Jordan. Lonnie, of course.
Carlos: Doug, since they're both smart, bookish, and usually underestimated. Claudine Frollo, since they both have....difficult parents, and would help each other out. His cousins, Diego, Ivy, and Hunter de Vil, the latter two whom I like to pretend exist in the Descendants universe. Harry and Jace Badun, not that they have anything in common, but they all got shoved together all the time during childhood that they ended up just getting along with each other regardless.
Evie: Dizzy, of course, since they both share a love of fashion. Audrey, surprisingly, once Audrey realizes that VKs aren't so bad and the whole Queen of Mean episode is over with and she's changed from that. Jane?
Uma: Harriet Hook, as Harriet is a fellow pirate captain whom she is allied with, what with Harry being her first mate. (Harriet is also her future sister-in-law, not that Uma nor Harry will admit it, although CJ takes great pleasure in loudly announcing it.) Ben, at some point after D3 - Uma is a young ruler too, in a way, she has her pirate crew, and both of them are under great stress. Ben wasn't trapped with villains under a barrier, though.
Harry: I think it said somewhere that Harry and Gil used to be friends with Jay? Also Lonnie, because anyone who can beat him at swordfighting earns his respect. His sisters, not that any of them will admit it. The rest of the crew.
Gil: He used to be friends with Jay like Harry? Ben, actually, since Ben decides to set a personal example for "don't judge the children for what their parents did." Also people like Dizzy and Jane and Evie....basically anyone who's cheerful or optimistic or hopeful like he is.
Celia: Her sister Freddie, Uma (who depending on what headcanon you believe may also be her sister), CJ Hook, since she's friends with her sister, and, my headcanon, Tiana's daughter at Auradon Prep who's just about Celia's age. (Tina? Tanya? Evangeline? They got assigned to work together on a science project. The teacher assigned them randomly and didn't think about the possible ramifications. Fortunately, to everyone's surprise including their own, once they got past the whole "My dad turned your dad into a frog. My mom sent you dad to the other side," thing, they got along pretty well.
Dizzy: Jane, Audrey, Lonnie, and in fact any girl ever who comes to her to have her hair and nails done and/or fashion advice, which Dizzy, despite the fact that she's younger than most of them, knows a lot about. Also her cousin Anthony.
Squeaky and Squirmy: Their older brother Sammy, plus all three of the Hooks. CJ sees them as little brothers.
Ben: Everyone. Really. He's Ben. He's friends with everyone.
Lonnie: Jane, well, she tried to be friends with Audrey, but then Audrey went and became the Queen of Mean, and actually also Uma.
Chad: Audrey, of course. And Ben. They were pretty good friends, after all, or at least they used to be.... 
Doug: Carlos. His brother and cousins. Hey - Doug and Carlos can bond over being the smart kids with a bunch of cousins!
Audrey: Chad. Ben. Well, she used to be friends with Ben, but then he met Mal and it all went downhill from there. Once Audrey and Mal, post-D3, have a long honest discussion, they have....well, perhaps not friendship, but an understanding. Dizzy, actually - she may be a VK, but her knowledge of fashion and beauty is to rival any princess's, and Audrey's never one to turn down a free makeover.
Jane: Mal, as they're both half fae. Lonnie, sometimes, although as Jane is so insecure and Lonnie is definitely not, sometimes being around her makes Jane even more insecure as she wonders what she's missing.
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duthea · 2 years
What are the other protags like?
Since I've already talked about the gen 1-5 protags here, I'll talk about X, Moon and Sword!
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X is a girl who moved from Viridian City to Kalos, and decided her goal is to become the most stylish girl in all of Kalos. Inwardly, she's pretty insecure, but she's a believer in "fake it 'til you make it" and has gotten really good at pretending she's the most self-confident person you've ever met. She loves fashion and clothes, but had a long period in her childhood when she was unable to dress how she really wanted, because she just... couldn't rack up the courage. Also she's trans, which of course played a part too. (Fun fact! I didn't originally intend that, but after looking over her backstory and everything, I realized a lot of it seemed to fit, so I figured I might as well make it official. I sometimes realize a character I've created is trans years and years after originally making them, so any of my OCs could honestly be trans without me knowing yet. I guess they gotta come out to me too.)
Her main rival is Trevor, who she just can't get along with, but she becomes instant besties with Y (Calem) who she feels like she's on a similar wavelength with. She's also friends with Silver from before she left to Kalos, and they still talk to each other and visit each others' Animal Crossing towns. (Yeah AC exists in Pokemon world, don't think about it too hard)
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Next is Moon! She's got a twin brother named Sun, and at first glance they seem like the same person in two bodies: Equally excitable, precocious, and use a lot of similar phrases. They're both gay and develop crushes fast, and tease each other about said crushes. But as their Pokemon journey begins, they start going their own ways and developing differently. One difference between the twins is while Sun is usually impulsive and quick to act but regrets his impulsiveness afterwards, Moon is slower to act, cautious at first, but once she decides to do something after thinking it over she does it full steam, not looking back.
Moon got a crush on Lillie from basically the moment she met her. She also met Red and Green early on in her journey and asked them to mentor her as a Pokemon trainer.
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Here's their family tree, btw, since I happened to have it drawn. Their father works as a scientist in the Aether Corporation. By the way, their surname, Akasha, is the fifth classical element in old Indian cosmology, similar in concept to Aether. Lillie and Gladion are also twins in this AU (because I thought they were twins when playing the game ._.,), so the Aether twins and Akasha twins kind of mirror and contrast each other in some ways!
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Finally, Sword. Sword is an unflappable-seeming girl who grew up in the Crown Tundra. She's got an obvious scottish accent and a tendency to make jokes with a deadpan tone and a straight face, as well as say anything else with a deadpan tone and a straight face. She's not really all that big on the Pokemon League Challenge, but since her best friend Hop is so excited about it, she decided to become a Pokemon Trainer and join in too.
Sword's parents are divorced, and her dad is Chairman Rose, who's far too busy to have time to spend with his daughter, so their meetings are often awkward. Also, Sword's mom has been spending more time with Peony, Rose's brother, and it seems like they might be getting together, so their family tree is going to be a bit complicated ^^; (yeah I decided to give Rose maximum divorce energy in this AU. it just fits) The fact that Sword is Rose's daughter is usually kept hidden from the media, so nobody around them really knows about it unless told. So when Bede tells Sword that he's practically already adopted by Chairman Rose, Sword just goes 'oh ok then' and starts calling him her brother without explaining why, which annoys the hell out of Bede.
And that's about it! I haven't talked about their Pokemon, but there's a rule of thumb: All of my protagonists (except Grey) have their region's grass starter. Not always as their first Pokemon, though!
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to better remember my bh main choices start-class rishi
Putting all this under a read more if i can get that to work so if ppl don't want to read or haven't done bh story yet but want no spoilers
mako = little sister
Character is opposite of me he is bi but not attracted to girls (will flirt with them tho)
Flirt with everyone but leave them before they want fade to black or sometimes even kisses
Currently thinks Gault is more useful alive than dead
Accidentally convinced Torian not to ask out Mako by not being supportive or unsupported
Has unrequited crush on Torian
Ships Treek and Blizz (their chaos combined could either save or destroy the world no telling which)
Hates Skadge and can't wait to be rid of him
Toed the line w/Tormen until he killed him in exchange for a pardon
Did directive 7 and let C5-M3 go free
Did foundry (made ds choice w/ revan? I think)
Let Torian make the decision about the guy who kidnapped him then regretted it and he just punched the guy and called it even (I head canon that bh didn't tell torian about the letter the guy's employer sent him about killing him for failure)
Considers Mako, Blizz, that one alien guy from hoth I forget his name, and the Mandalor as clan. (Sis, bro,bro, alor (thought ooo am I getting a dad at first but no)) maybe treek as well haven't quite interacted enough yet. And Torian hovers somewhere around feels like clan & bh would love for him to BE clan but it (likely) won't happen (headcanon that bh is contemplating trying to get mako & him together after all so he'll atleast be clan that way)
Let illum enemies live
Flirted with Cytharat (accidentally lets just headcanon that oops as flirting out of habit) and killed Hesk? Hask? (Can't read my own writing)
Flirted with Lana but then flirted with Theron to try unnerving him and oops bh kinda liked that
didn't give Thera Markon the clearance & security things she wanted because it sounded like she name dropped me to intimate her rivals(?idk if that the right word) and imply some kind of closer connection than just "my mom was his mentor for the great hunt & they flirted 1 or 2x."
In his fuck the empire phase since the start of The Tormen Incident tm (aka the I never wanted to work under him but I guess I won't pass him off too bad since it'll give a chance at revenge oh he'll no he didn't just choke Torian incident)
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spideyspeaches · 3 years
The Prince and the Archer ↬ t.h
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EDIT: LOOK AT THIS AMAZING MOODBOARD @mischiefmanaged011​ MADE!!!!!!
A/N: So @blissfulparker and I wrote a fic on this prompt I sent to her. She already posted hers AND GO READ IT IT’S AMAZING OKAY?! ANYWAYS-
Pairing: Prince!Tom Holland x Archer!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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Thomas had been nineteen years old when he first saw You.
He had been coming back from the stable with his mentor after a session of horse riding, exhaustion evident in the young Prince’s face. It had been a tough ride, his horse- Jakie- had not been very compliant that day, and Harry had been poking fun at him all day. He loved his brother, but he could be annoying sometimes (most of the time.)
Walking towards the castle, his eyes fell around the sports fields, his vision zeroing onto the Archery range. He had always found the sport interesting. How a single shot from an arrow and a bow could do so much as slice a fruit or pierce an organ, he would never understand. It never ceased to amaze him though.
“You look a little lost there mate.” Harry smirked, eyes following his brother's. He startled when Harry laughed, punching his biceps playfully. 
He didn’t understand what Harry was talking about, until he saw You standing in the field, hands stretched out and legs apart, a perfect stance for a fight. A bow was held tight in your hands, stretching the arrow. He hadn’t even noticed that he had been staring at you, your hair flowing with the wind, a serious expression with your lips pursed as if you were ready for combat, the half of your face glowing with the sun.
The snap of Harry ’s fingers got him back, a blush raising his cheeks at being caught.
"She's pretty isn't she? She's the cook's daughter." He said. 
“Mr. (L/N)?” He asked absentmindedly.
Tom saw as the arrow went sailing in a perfect trajectory, hitting the centre of the eye. He watched in a sort of trance as arrows after arrows hit the various targets, your hands not wavering once even.
 “Uh- you, you go ahead. Tell mother I’ll be back in a minute.” He stuttered. 
“Okay. Her name’s Y/N, by the way.” Harry  retreated, patting his back and giving him a smile that he knew all too well. 
He gestured at his mentor to make his way back to the Castle, walking towards the field where you were practicing. 
You noticed him coming towards him, immediately bowing your head as he approached you. 
"It's alright darling, you don't need to do that." He smiled at You as you nodded feverently. He smiled at you, cooing at the way you shied and hid your face from him. 
“You’re Y/N right?” He asked slowly as you fiddled with your bow, nodding but not looking up for a long time.
“That's me, your majesty, to what do I owe you the pleasure of you visiting the archery range?” You finally said, looking up and stopped fiddling. 
Your heart sped up when you looked at the young prince, hair slicked back in a short mullet, horse riding clothes donned on. 
You had seen him quite a few times while practicing, and even admired him from afar like any other girl your age, but never had the guts to speak. You didn’t know how you would talk to the royalty without the intrusive thoughts of what he would possibly think of a poor girl talking to him. You felt giddy now that he was actually here, talking to you. 
"Oh no no! The pleasure's all mine sweetheart. I, uh, you're good at it."He said, clearing his throat when you raised an eyebrow, “Could you show me? Uhm, how to work a bow and an arrow? I’m actually really bad at it.” He chuckled as you smiled, eyes lighting up when he mentioned the sport.
“Only if you teach me how to ride a horse.” You said back. You couldn't hold back the grin that appeared on your face, neither did he, when you agreed. 
You couldn’t help but do an internal victory dance when he smiled, his soft brown eyes shining in the sunny day sending your mind into a frenzy.
"I could do that. So do we meet here tomorrow? Same time?" He asked, too giddy to notice anything around him. His heart was beating like crazy, feeling a pang of excitement in his tummy as you nodded shyly. 
"Uh yes. That would be great, Mister Holland." You nodded, packing your bow and arrows. Shuffling your feet, you stared at him before he moved out of your way, chuckling when you saw his cheeks flame in a blush. 
"Just Tom is fine!" He said, waving at you with a goofy expression on his young face. He chuckled, shaking his head as he felt an unearthed excitement at the thought of seeing you again.
The feeling felt foreign to the young prince. He had been offered services with other princess' before, danced with them in balls and even had fancy dinners with them, but the thought of spending time with you in the fields felt different, yet the excitement felt the same.
Skipping over to the main halls with a smile on his face that rivaled the brightness of the sun, Tom sighed. His heart was still fluttering from your previous encounter, stomach churning with an unknown feeling. 
It was a few days later, during dinner, that the others started noticing his absences and random visits to the royal grounds with his horse (or how he suddenly was interested in learning archery of all sports).
"What's got you so excited?" His mum smiled, snapping him from his stupor as he looked up from his plate. The steak from his fork nearly fell, the laughter of his brothers making him blush. 
"Is it the girl?" Harry smirked, eating his dinner innocently as he could.
"What girl?" Sam piped in. Everyone's eyes were on him now. Shuffling in his seat, he smiled, remembering your smile when he offered to learn archery from you in exchange of teaching you to horse ride.
"The girl in the archery fields. She's really beautiful. And her aim is impeccable. She's perfect, mum! I've never met a lady like her before." Tom said, looking at his mom with large eyes, anticipation making him sweat. He saw his mother nod, giving him a small smile. 
"An archer you say? Is she by any chance, our cook's daughter?" She asked, resting her fork on her plate. 
"I- I don't know, maybe? How does it matter though?" 
"Tom, you know the rules. There are so many other princesses waiting for you in a like, you can't go for a normal low-life girl." She said, eyes betraying the sadness missing in her stern expression. 
"Just because she's not as wealthy as us doesn't make her a bad person mum!" 
"Tom honey, it's not about that, you have to understand we have certain rules and regulations to follow. For all you know she's a gold digger!" 
Tom was used to the burden of being royalty, and he often felt guilty for feeling burdened with having all the wealth of London, when there were so many poor kids in the streets begging for food and a shelter. 
Sometimes he felt like he would break under all the pressure and rules. 
"How can you say that? You don't even know her! You know what? I don't care. I- You have to understand mum. She's different! She's not like those other snobby princesses who only want to marry me for my name! She's so much more better than those fucking pompous brats okay?-"
"Mind your language Thomas!" 
"You can't stop me!" He said, pushing away his chair angrily before storming away, walking towards the ballroom and ignoring the servants running behind him with apologies. 
Stomping his way to the ballroom, he opened the huge doors, slamming them as fast as he could with his strength. Locking them from the inside, he switched on the lights, sliding down the doors. 
Holding his head, his shoulders shook with silent sobs, tears falling free as he felt himself break. He felt weak, for having such variations of emotions over some girl he saw not long ago. 
Sniffing, he stood up, fixing himself as much as he could in his state, before looking at the small door behind one of the curtains. It was only noticeable if you were looking for it. He smiled, walking towards it. Touching the small latch, he opened the door, sneaking into a garden, the garden only he and his father knew about. 
Pushing aside the shrubbery growing around it, he finally found the rusted gates, slowly removing the rusty chains with his hands.
He smiled fondly, remembering the day his dad had brought him here. He had been sad that day for whatever reasons he didn't remember, sitting on the small swing set as his father pushed him higher and higher until his tummy hurt because of giggling so much. 
Sitting on the swing that was slightly too small for him, he idly pushed his feet back and forth, lost in his thoughts. 
"It's beautiful here isn't it? I didn't think anyone would know about this place, much less the Prince of England." 
His eyes widened, jaw dropping when he heard your voice.
"How do you know about this place?" He asked. 
"My grandfather built this place before you and I were even born. My father told me about this. Now, answer my question." You shrugged, picking the leaves of the bush you were leaning against. 
"That's nice. My father used to bring me here when I was a child. He doesn't do that anymore. I just, I wish he would spend more time with me." He said, biting his lips. 
“You come here often then?” You asked.
“Yes, whenever I feel like being left alone. I come here.” He bit his lip, nervous of the sudden silence.
"I'm sorry." You said, cutting off his wandering thoughts.
"What are you sorry for?" 
"Good childhood memories are sometimes more painful than the bad ones. At least you can deflect the bad ones, but the good ones are just a reminder of what you had and what you can't now." You said. 
"That's not entirely true, good memories can still be made you know? With the person you love." He said, getting up from the swing set. 
Walking towards You, he held his hand up, pushing a strand of your hair from your face as you ducked, shying away from his touch. 
Your breath hitched, your hands clenched behind you as he came closer. You were standing head to head now. You could feel his breath on You, your lips nearly touching. 
In the moment of courage, you leapt forward, capturing his lips in yours. 
You loved fairy tales, small stories that described kisses as magical that made sparks fly. You always thought they were exaggerations, but at this moment, when you were kissing the most beautiful boy, the Prince of England and the boy you had been crushing on since forever, you felt like you were a part of those fantasies. 
The kiss was indeed magical, albeit a little wet. You giggled when you broke apart, short of breath as you laid your hands on his chest, feeling the expensive fabric under your palm. 
"What will the others think?" You whispered. Your hair flew in whisps, the air around you whispering it's reassurance as you stood in front of him. 
"Let them think what they want to, darling. I've been the prey before, I'm ready to do it again." He smirked, pulling you by your waist for another kiss. 
"You're cheesy." You chuckled. 
"Yes, I'm melted cheese for you." 
"That was a terrible joke Holland." 
"Okay so you need to hold your stance, stiff but not too stiff. You will feel pressure in your shoulders the first day-" 
"- darling can't we just make out please?" 
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as if his yapping was giving you a headache. 
You had gotten comfortable around him since your first encounter, and you felt special, seeing the goofy and happy side of the Prince. Didn't mean he didn't manage to make your heart stutter with his devilishly handsome grin (that made you want to pinch his cheeks and suck his dick).
"Thomas no." 
"Thomas yes! I don't know how you manage to do this, this bow is so heavy!" He whined, keeping down the bow and folding his hands on his chest. He looked adorable with his pout.
Smiling, you shook your head, heaving a sigh, "the bow isn't heavy, Tom. Here, how about this, I'll hold your elbow while you aim alright?" You offer.
"That would be great, princess." You blushed at the nickname, not quite used to being called that. 
"Alright drama queen, don't need to butter me." You muttered, moving closer so your chest touched his back, one hand on his elbow and the other on the string of the bow. 
He could feel your breath on his neck, shuddering as you leaned in, your hair tickling him, your rough but nimble hands featherlight on his skin.
"Now aim." You said, moving your hair from your face. 
He stuttered a response, holding himself straighter. You pushed his elbow up, right as he unleashed it, the arrow hitting the bullseye with a thud. 
"We did it! Oh god Y/N did you see that? We did it ! It hit the centre!" He laughed, turning around, the bow laying on the ground as he lifted you up.
You shrieked as he spun you in circles, laughter bubbling in your chest as you rested your head against his. 
"We did, your majesty." You smiled, leaning in to kiss him. 
You weren't afraid of being caught, you were way past that point. And you felt that you could live like that, if it meant living with the loveliest Prince of England.
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Shit that happened in Violetta
If you know me on tumblr or from my rants on random discord servers (because yes, I have bothered people with these shows in several discord servers) I am a big fan of Disney Telenovela Shows. Specifically Violetta, but Soy Luna recently rolled (lol) into my life too. I will make a post like this about SL too, but for starters, Violetta.
SO if you have just heard my rambles out of context, let me give you a brief summary of actual things that happened. Warning, spoilers, if you for some reason wanna watch yourself.
In their 100th episode, they have the main character, Violetta, get kissed without her consent
Then everyone blames her for it.
In their 200th episode, they have the main character, Violetta, get kissed by her crush, but he thinks she is someone else because she made up a fake identity and then he fell in love with her secret identity and chose the secret identity over her and anyway he's very bummed because he obviously knows it's Violetta when he kisses her, he can feel it in her kiss <3
Violetta's dad also created a secret identity to spy on her the season before that, so I guess she learned nothing about how bad that is
The changed the theme song in season 3 to a dubstep version
Mean girl named Ludmila has the gayest imaginary music video ever about her rival
- She become's her rival's step sister a season after that.
Violetta's aunt Angie doesn't tell her she is her aunt for 70 episodes
Angie also moved to another country to be away from Violetta's dad because he hurt her really bad
Then she marries him
In laws married in a kids show and everyone supports this apparently
There's a sister and a brother who tries to steal Violetta's dad's fortune and the brother has a handcuffs kink
He also did something so BAD that the scene had to be CUT in several countries... yes I am talking about 2x59... did ANYONE think twice about that
The sister is just very in love with Violetta's dad, who by the way is named Germán, and fails to get him, but she can MOVE ON when she LEAVES HER RACIST HANDCUFFS KINK BROTHER and IMMEDIATELY MEETS A NEW MAN WHO LOVES HER AND HELPS HER FORGET GERMÁN
Anyway conclusion write Matias out of this show his sister is better (and more iconic) without him
Ludmila's mom tried to kill Violetta once, and also Violetta's aunt.
Ludmila's mom also threw Violetta's diary in the trash and didn't even feel remotely bad after Violetta was like "I had pictures of my mom in my diary..."
Violetta's annoying stalker Diego once came to her house wearing a clown outfit (I feel like I need to have a picture proof of this)
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Violetta's friends also once hid him in the closet
After Violetta got her first kiss, a boy who has a crush on her was like "the kiss you gave Leon was my kiss ;-; I can't get over it ;("
At the end of season 2, the performed a song on stage as a final number that they completed 2 hours before.
Violetta's best friend Francesca starts dating Diego later, and refuses to tell Violetta about it even though Vilu could not care less who she's dating
Anyway that's what leads them to have a secret relationship while Violetta somehow doesn't find out for very long (and it leads to these memes)
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Camila, one of the most iconic characters of the show, made an artbook of boys in her school and listed pros and cons of dating them. She then decided to put them all in traffic light colors depending on how good they would be with her.
Camila also asked a girl to practice a kissing scene with her before asking her own boyfriend
One time a character was stuck in a chair and had to perform a song stuck in that chair and it was the most hilarious thing ever
Ludmila once referred to herself as Voyager, alone in space, and it was strangely one of the most emotional scenes in the show
Because then Violetta's dad, Germán, gave her a gold plate of Voyager, and then her mom fucking took the gold plate and melted it into earrings
Ludmila's mom is just very evil, she also locked Ludmila inside her room because Ludmila didn't want to be famous for a company (????) and also emailed Ludmila's dad and told him his daughter didn't want to see him ever, while Ludmila wondered why her dad never contacted her
And she's also homophobic. There's no canon proof for this but Ludmila's best friend is a clear lesbian and every time she's over, Ludmila's mom goes "ugh, why do you hang out with a girl like that" so like.
(Also I WILL make a comparison post with her and Sharon from SL)
Violetta got Francesca to stay in the country when her family wanted to move back to Italy, because Francesca's dad thought Fran would be too sad if she had to leave Vilu <3
Like Francesca had a boyfriend. Her dad was really like "Your best friend Violetta, it would be too sad if you had to leave her and only her" and honestly fantastic Fran's dad is the biggest Franletta shipper
One time Ludmila thought Fran and Vilu were making out, when they were actually dressing up as their secret identities
I wanna write more random franletta moments but actually I have a video with just lots of those moments so watch that
Camila had the best friendship with a boy, and then she and the boy kissed because I guess two people of the opposite sex can't be friends? Tho they "didn't feel anything" after the kiss but their relationship never felt the same again
A teacher came to ruin the school the main characters attend, and then he just fucking left? What was his plan? You get hired as a teacher at one of the best performing arts schools in the country and you just try to ruin it for?? Why?
Diego's real dad is a mentally unstable dance teacher, and they got to know this because they both have a birth mark of a giant fucking clover on their shoulders.
5 episodes after he got to know he's his dad, Diego and his dad decide to build their own school together and say this is their biggest dream they've had (??????)
One time the teachers had to have group therapy and it was the greatest thing I've ever seen
Ludmila has an obviously gay cousin who just disappeared from existence after season 1, complete with his obvious boyfriend, a tall Ukrainian boy who only thinks about bears
Violetta shares dreams with her boyfriend Leon a little too often, like to the point where they have written songs three different times by both dreaming about it
Actually they just have a telepathic connection and this is the most supernatural thing in this show and everyone accepts it as normal
A girl tried to confess to Leon that she had a crush on him and he LEGIT was like "Yeah! I see you as more than a friend too! A BEST friend! :D"
There's a girl who always talks about being a mechanic. Like people can say anything and she's like "I'm a MECHANIC, i'm not like that."
For a while in season 1, almost everyone had a crush on Violetta and she has like. PTSD from that.
Like a boy tried to kiss her in season 3 and she was like "Okay. We're just friends. I think we should spend some time apart. I don't want to confuse you. Bye."
Every time they go to a party they drink JUICE because alcohol doesn't exist, so everyone just gets JUICE
Germán has almost married two women and actually married two during the course of the show. He should just not date because he's terrible at it
The siblings I mentioned earlier? One time they hired a woman to pretend to be in love with Germán so she can steal his bank account. She later ran away and never returned and we never knew what happened to her
They also had a dance teacher who had some plan to sell the school but it was never brought up, she and Violetta's aunt Angie were exes or something because they bicker for no reason, and then she just left
There was a love triangle with Angie, that dance teacher who’s probably her ex, and a dude named Pablo. None of them ended up with each other so what was even the point. (I love Pablo Btw)
This show is insane and I love it
Thanks for reading, there's a lot I forgot to mention because this show has 240 episodes so a lot happens... I will make one for Soy Luna later :)
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voxvulpina · 3 years
I always wonder whether HY actually made a good money. I have seen photos of a very small section of its merch. Like very small and still full. Then, the news about it was very limited in some anime sites, like no one actually make articles of it unless they have too (example of it's crowned as one of the most boring anime, articles about how it happened then how it ended, articles on sequels which turn off fans. There were some, but not hyped or many of them). Even Fumination and Viz mag only made an article of it after it ended where they confirmed Rin as Mom.
None of my fanatic anime fans actually aware of it. Once I saw them opened a streaming site with YH on the screen, they just thought it was another childish boring anime and just immediately skipped it. They didn't even have any clue it was an Inuyasha sequel.
The viewership ratings also never reached significant number. The highest is no 4 but it's because SNK wasn't aired. Usually on 9th but then fell off the top 10 since eps 15 to the last episode.
Did it make any profit at all? Even many shippers (at least who I know) didn't show off their SessRin merch/magz. Most of them just kept on harassing people and the most weirdest act was drawing SessRin and twins her bedroom wall. Only the translators actually bought magz and showed it off like a treasure. The rating on streaming sites are high but the total number of people who gave it reviews are very low compared to other animes. The only time it trended on social media in Japan was eps 15 and only for a small moment about them making a joke about PEDOMARU then it's gone. The final eps didn't make any wave at all. Like it just went and gone so quick.
Am I just imagining something or Sunrise didn't prepare for all its downfall? Did they really expect it to be as popular as Inuyasha? Is that why they keep releasing bullshits like guidebook about how parents met and fell in love despite we have hundreds of anime episode and manga chapters about them already? Not to mention movies?
What I am sure of is that Sunrise was overconfident and thought that Sesshomaru's popularity could rivaled Inuyasha. He's not. His character development is just too weak compared to Inuyasha. There is a reason why many popular main characters on anime have similar behaviour (Inuyasha, Ichigo, Naruto, Kagami, Luffy) they could carry a show with layers of personality. There is a reason why cold, ice block characters become just side character (Sesshomaru, Itachi, Byakuya, Sasuke).
This makes me wonder how well Season 2 will do with only SessRin shippers as the viewers. In addition of many more interesting animes come out too.
Gawd, I hope Season 2 flops like a dying fish (I'm sure I don't need to say this, but for the love of all things holy, folks, if you're going to watch the new episodes, do it in a way that won't give Shitrise views or cash 💀).
I think the studio started out fairly confidently - people were excited at the prospect of an Inuyasha sequel and the Yashahimes were marketed as the three MCs, attracting droves of InuKags. It still boggles my mind how Sunrise managed to squander all that enthusiasm and all those viewers. Yashahime is so bad they had to disable comments on their YouTube channel, because of the awful reception the trailer for Season 2 was getting. Comments were disabled on their Instagram too a couple of months ago (I haven't checked if they're back on or not). I'm sure Yashahime's not making them any money - in fact, it's probably losing them OG fans, some of whom are so sickened by HNY, they're stepping away from the original show as well.
It's not only Sesshomaru's popularity that can't rival Inuyasha's - putting the pedopairing aside for a moment, one of Yashahime's big issues is that Sesshomaru's daughters, like their dad, aren't cut out to be MCs. Setsuna is too reserved and quiet. Towa, that is, delinquent Towa from the first few eps, is too selfish and cold-hearted. She only cares about Setsuna and isn't above being manipulative, which is interesting in a side character, but doesn't make for an MC everyone can get behind. They tried to fix this in later episodes, but ended up making Towa a whiny Mary Sue with shit for brains and no personality at all. She's proof that, in most cases, pushing side characters into the limelight ruins them. To force them into the MC mold, you have to twist their personalities to make them as appealing as possible...and chances are it won't work rotfl
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crybabysunflower · 3 years
Anime nostalgia
For a 90s or an early 2000s kid from India like me anime has been a part of our lives, despite not even being aware of the word 'anime' and it's real origins. The iconic animated shows we had watched back in our childhood were not always American, some of them were from Japan too. Although I don't watch many of these shows now, I still remember some moments of it, I still remember a little about it's central plot, it's theme and the feelings I had while watching them.
Some of my childhood favourite anime series
Crayon Shin-chan
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Who can forget this annoying but wise little boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, (who is mainly known as Shin-chan in India), his shopaholic mom who is always hyped for discounts, his laid back dad and finally his (not so) innocent little sister who has an obsession for shiny objects and uhh... handsome young men.
This anime did not have a specific storyline, it was just centred around the lives of the Nohara family. I also remember many other supporting characters such as Shin-chan's eccentric (paternal) grandpa, his friends (Kazama, Nene, Masao, Bo and Ai), his aunt who is a passionate photographer and many others.
I also remembered many parents disliked this anime and that's understandable because Crayon Shin-chan has a mature plot (it belongs to the Seinen category which means it is for mature audiences).
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Doraemon is another iconic anime series which still airs on the same channel as Crayon Shin-chan. Just like Crayon Shin-chan, this anime series didn't have a specific storyline as well and was centred around the main protagonists- Nobita and Doraemon.
Doraemon is a cat-like robot from the future who has come to help Nobita because he has a dark future. Nobita has a crush on Shizuka (who also has a crush on him too), Nobita is often bullied by Takeshi (who is well known as Gian) and his sidekick Suneo.
Suneo is a wealthy guy who has a habit of flexing about his expensive belongings and his lavish lifestyle to the rest of the main cast. Nobita is pretty much relatable for me except I don't consider myself to be some sort of underdog (because despite being poor in studies and sports, Nobita is actually an intelligent boy and he can run really fast as well). I was first introduced to the concept of time traveling through Doraemon.
I had (and still have) some strong opinions on this show, I find Dekisugi as an unnecessary character, not because he is a Mary sue but because his only purpose in the show is to be Nobita's rival in recruiting Shizuka's love, also he doesn't always appears in the show. I think the people behind this show could've made Suneo as Nobita's rival, in this case and if they wanted someone who is good at academics, sports and many other activities they could've made Suneo possess such attributes.
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I first watched Zatchbell back in 2013, when it used to be aired in Hindi. While I didn't always get to watch it (because the channel where it aired wasn't available in my TV that time) I still have some memories of it. The lead protagonist of Zatchbell Kiyo was the first no nonsense type character I had ever watched in some action anime (because usually in such anime series the lead protagonist are the loud, hyper, happy go lucky type).
Unlike the anime series mentioned above, Zatchbell had a definite storyline. After every thousand years in the mamodo world a contest is held where the participant mamodos are sent to earth with a book which contains spells, the spells are to be chanted by their human partners when they need to fight another mamodo. During the duel if a mamodo burns the book of another mamodo, then the defeated mamodo (the one whose book is burnt) is ousted from the competition and is forced to return to the mamodo world.
I remember an episode of Zatchbell, it was called Sherry's Rhapsody of life, that episode showed Sherry as a hopeless little girl who was rescued by another little girl named Koko, Koko told Sherry something like "there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel" I still can't forget that episode.
Inazuma eleven
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Inazuma eleven was the first sports anime I had watched, and back in 2011 when I was in the 4th grade, I had been a great fan of it (although I only got to watch the first season). It used to be aired on Cartoon network. Here the main characters were mainly known by their English names, such as Endou Mamoru's name was Mark Evans (and he was a goalkeeper). As a sports anime, it was centred around football.
Despite not really being a sports enthusiast, I still used to get hyped up watching the game, I remember I used to be excited about what type of team they are going to compete with (since those teams are kind of eccentric).
I do remember a few characters, but I sadly have forgotten their names, I remember there was a spiky blonde haired character, who despite being good at football had decided to quit, because his sister had met with an accident when she was on the way to watch her brother's match. There was also a member in the Raimon football team (to which Mark belongs) who either had DID or used to get possessed by his dead brother's spirit.
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The first anime I had watched was the Pokemon original series back when I was in kindergarten, I never watch it for its storyline, I first, only watched it because I used to find Pokemons cute.
As a child I wasn't a tomboy yet I was still interested in an animated series which were mainly popular among young boys. I later got more interested in knowing the types of Pokemons when I grew a little older, and the Diamond and Pearl series is still my favourite. I remember as a kid I used to make cutouts of my favourite Pokemons out of cardboard all because I wanted a Pokemon bag tag.
Later, in 2013 when I first learnt to use the internet, I had an obsession for searching about fictional characters, especially Pokemons, I used to randomly choose a Pokemon and then go straight to Bulbapedia to know about it and then started surfing from one Pokemon to another.
One of the only thing I can flex about myself is that although it has been years since I watched Pokemon, I can still name several Pokemons and their types other than Pikachu.
I wanted to participate in the First Anime Challenge but unfortunately it was too late. I don't know how this blog will turn out, I had really fun writing this and I feel a little satisfied after writing this.
The anime series I have mentioned above are not the only ones I had watched during my childhood, I have only mentioned my favourite ones.
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ree-duh · 5 years
I just watched After™ and it was bad so here's a run through so no one else has to suffer:
Okay so it opens with the main girl tessa going to her new college dorm with her mom and Noah. Noah is her boyfriend but they look related so the opening is a little weird when they kiss without introduction
They get to the dorm and see the bad girl™ that is gonna be her roommate. The girl is fine and friendly but the mom is pissed cause she doesn't want her precious girl to be corrupted by the slutty bad girls at the college and I say slutty cause in the books that's what Tessa says all the time
Tessa dresses like a Mormon on her first day of class,,, like literally girl wore the shit Bella was supposed to wear when she first met the Cullens,,, like a long ass skirt for no reason
Now we're getting into meeting the one D boys so here's a handy little screenshot to show the corresponding characters
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On her first day tessa the dork ass loser shows up hella early to the class and meets Landon Liam and they become friends I guess but like this movie has like no development so we don't really see them becoming friends
An important thing to note is that Landon is black okay that's important because this movie had the audacity to pull a spiderman homecoming
Okay moving on tessa gets peer pressured into going to a party to like hang out with her roommates friends
Here we meet Hardin or otherwise known as the biggest asshole you'll ever see, molly who will be a slutty romantic rival for tessa the pure virgin and Zed
Zed is white in this??? Or atleast I think he is??? and I have no idea why??? Also he wears really slutty clothes and it's a weird detail
They play truth or dare and the find out tessa is a virgin and then she's dared to kiss hardin and it's all weird and stilted and bad because Hardin looks and talks like a serial killer
The next day Hardin shows up in tessas class and gives bad hot takes about how Elizabeth in pride and prejudice was throwing herself at darcy because she wants something interesting to happen in her boring life and it's all just a thinly veiled metaphor for him and tessa
Tessa finds out landons mom is engaged to Hardins dad and that Hardin is mad about it
Tessa gets talked into going to the middle of the woods with Hardin and it's so creepy like,,,, he's genuinely scary so I didn't want him taking her to a secluded location bUT it turns out it's a lake and it's his spot™
Dude just strips and dives into the lake and talks tessa into doing it too but she wears his shirt over her underwear so she's modest or whatever
Then they are about to leave and homeboy like,,, starts moving his hand down her stomach and it's uncountable beCAUSE you remember tessa HAS A BOYFRIEND
After getting dressed they go to a bar and Zed and molly meet up with them and it's all awkward cause Hardin basically tells her to leave and THEN TELLS HER HE DOESNT DATE EVEN THO WE KNOW SOMETHING IS UP
Fast forward because this movie is boring Noah visits tessa and he's sleeping in her dorm with her until tessa gets a call from Landon saying he needs help,,,
So she leaves her sleeping boyfriend to help ,,, and what was it he needed help with you ask??? Well Hardin got drunk which was something he said he doesn't do due to his tragic past and he's like just wreckin shit in his house
Him and Tessa end up doing stuff but don't go all the way but it's still like waaaay more than anything she did with her boyfriend,,, you know the one she ditched in the middle of the night,,, well he sees her the next morning and like leaves her because he deserves better honestly
Imma skip some stuff cause it's just boring ass montages
So you know how I said Landon was important well,,, his mom and hardins dads wedding reception is going on and Hardin invites Tessa
So this reception is going on and we finally meet landons mom and like,,, she's white and I just didn't see that coming and I don't know why it's just like in homecoming except this bit is worthless
Hardins dad tells Tessa about some publication place that'd be interested in working with her
Oh and Hardin says this bit about how his dad used to be a drunk piece of shit and Tessa was like but at least he's trying and Hardin is like but that doesn't mean I should forget that he wronged me and it's like hmmmmm,,,, let's put a pin in it
After that whole thing they're both comfortable with each other but then Tessas mom just busts in on Tessa and Hardin making out in her dorm and it's like,,,, how did you get in there???
And she tells Tessa to leave that bad boy™ or else she'll be cut off,,,
So tessas homeless now,,, but don't worry out bad boy got them an apartment that both of them will live in and for a moment it's all fun and games and tessa even feels comfortable enough to sleep with him
Hardin starts acting shady and he like starts avoiding her and she thinks he's cheating on her with molly cause he was texting her about telling Tessa something
So Tessa being Tessa she tries finding out what's going on and she finds molly and it all comes out because turns out Hardin
Only persuade Tessa original as part of a dare to prove he could take her virginity
In the books he keeps the sheets that they did it on and the c*nd*m as proof and in the books Zed was supposed to be part of the dare too but legit he got no screen time so they could really do that in this
Tessa runs out and she goes back home to tell her mom she was right and to apologise to Noah and then she goes to get a job at a publishing place or smthn
On the final assignment for her Lit class the teacher gives her Hardins assignment and is like uhh I think this was meant for you and it's like,,,??? You can't just do that???? And it turns out to be like a love letter to Tessa and it's all awful cause he's a terrible person
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atlasifyllm · 5 years
etss fun facts
- Gloria was supposed to be evil and Nix's partner in crime. Her original name was also Vix, but because it sounded too similar to Nix I dropped the 3-x name system for the main empire kids only
- I changed Nox to be Lux's twin instead of Pax's because I felt him being older helped me plot him better. He's still the least developed of the empire kids alongside Pax, but definitely doing better
- Originally the soldier uniforms were customizable, but I felt it was too much of a design hassle and made each one a general uniform. In Firesun and Windstar however, the colors are customizable depending on what colored flame or star you are
- I once had the idea of Nex turning evil and her hair being turned black as a magical side effect to something, I felt it was too edgy and just an excuse to change her annoyingly blonde hair since yellow is my least favorite color. It's why I sampled her colors from Orlene in DraDes, Orlene's hair was the only blonde I've made and she turned out perfectly
- Nix was meant to be cocky and arrogant, but I changed it to make it fit more of a tragic character than a typical anime rival
- Originally Caelus was a mom and Bellona was a dad, but I changed it since I thought an overprotective mom queen and a runaway soldier guy was too overused
- Nix was originally meant to have gray hair and be achromatic, then blue, then purple, then I just decided on a desaturated indigo
- The Windstar uniform I intended as Nex's design only, but I realized it would be cool if it were an imperial uniform
- My plans for the final arc is in Watermoon, and originally I was going to go with a Romeo x Juliet route where the young queen (Lux) would go up against an older ruler (The King of Watermoon). However I think it's more in the direction of the Prince of Watermoon, Argento, being the main obstacle in the final arc
- Speaking of Romeo x Juliet, the original plot for EarthEclipse ranged from two warring familes to a civil war between rock elementals and plant elementals, with the noble families from both having their generation becoming a literal Romeo and Juliet. I changed it since I think the idea of an interpretation of Romeo and Juliet is overused
- Originally the starlight roads were also connected to an intergalactic space forest full of constellation animals and star trees but I changed it to keep it to the roads. You can't fall off the roads, though
- Originally Nex was another Rainbowflare kid, but I felt that Lux and Nex being related would make their relationship too limiting since Nox and Pax already existed. They aren't related anymore and are set to be a couple, do not think this is canon
- Nex and Aurifera resemble my old OC Aurum, who was a queen with long flowing blonde hair who was overpowered (she is also where Aurum in SOTGC came from). Funnily enough, Lux resembles my first OC Mana, whose color was purple and was a queen with magical powers
- This gets funnier where Mana's love interest was a literal genderbend version of herself, and Aurum was sort of a Yami Yugi + Super Saiyan form for Mana. So technically, Lux x Nex would be some obscure form of Mana selfcest.
- Nox's new design is based off of Storm Gray in DraDes, adding to the joke that Bellona is inspired by Storm and thus Storm is Nox, Pax, and Lux's dad/mom from another dimension
- Aurifera's design ironically almost matches the Watermoon uniform
- Aurifera actually was originally meant to be named Aurum, but I didn't want to have two very different OCs named Aurum, so I looked for other Latin gold-related names. It comes from aurifer, and here's wikitionary's definition on it:
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- Part of the reason why their names are in Latin is due to how our Solar System takes names off of Roman gods, such as Jupiter = Zeus, Neptune = Poseidon, etc.
- Bellona and Nix were originally going to be related as well, but I changed this because I already had Bellona as a pureblooded Sol and Nix as an ice elemental so there's no amount of genetics that would make them related. I also feel like changing this will make their dynamic stronger in whatever way
- The sole reason why I picked the name Janus was 95% because it sounded like the name Janet. I also refrained from giving him "Jan" as a nickname but it was way easier to type so his nickname ended up being Jan anyway
- I also picked the name Lux and Nox for the siblings was so their nickname could be "Nightlight". Nex however I just picked because it sounded nice despite literally meaning "violent death", hence why I'll say her actual name is Nexus, which I'm pretty sure just means "bond"
- The origin of the first two empires in ETSS is based off of a Greek/Roman myth, Baucis and Philemon, where an old couple turns into trees upon their death
- In the Chrisis Mega Timeline AU where all my stories are connected, the ETSS empires are the residence of the Stars who left behind planet Juno in DOTS
- Coincidentally each empire matches a season. Firesun and Watermoon are summer and winter respectively due to the fire/ice temperatures, but EE is spring because their imperial element promotes plant growth and Windstar is fall because it's where the weather starts to get chilly but isn't freezing yet
- Another coincidence is that the empire kids' birthdays match their empire, with Nox and Lux being born in the summer (August), Nix in the winter (January), and Nex in the fall (November). Pax however is a Sol September baby (September 17)
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) If a dollar for every time I saw "Gary wasn't really a character [in Kanto], he was just a recurring gag", as if everyone else in OS didn't have a gag attached to them in some way. Some more frequent and blatant than others. (You have a problem with his sporadic appearances or he was used, that's fair. But he was in a version of the show where he was written out completely, Ash's character alone would've been a lot different) Considering how Team Skull wasn't
(Part 2) taken very seriously and their whole vibe in general, that catchphrase worked well for Guzma. (Those who watched the dub more or less ran with Brock's mom being a 2nd wife or new girlfriend for his dad. Which while harmless, her presence does why some siblings are lighter than Brock. And some of Brock's traits.) As I said before, I speculate of Ash's opponents [and old friends] to tune into the fight. If that includes Paul, there's no excuse why Gary can't watch too.
(Part 3) {Or battle Ash again, but I digress} (Considering how Gary is about being punctual, I imagine he won't pick just anyone for the gym) Hmm, probably due to that just being in a lone episode and not really touched on again. (It holds more weight than the "Blue's Raticate" theory by itself) Maybe if we saw the attitude change JUST before the League, maybe being the cause of his loss later, or even just him having a role in the movie instead of a cameo. (Maybe he had an escape rope :P)
(Part 4) (Or Mewtwo just flung him out of the cave) Hopefully Paul's return will at least be satisfactory for most; battle fodder or not. (Same here; still too early for anything definitive to be prepared for. But the tracks are sure being set)
(Part 5) Magazine news: New Trio poster on their radio show and Drasna is apparently a double battle. Clemont confirmed to have a team update. (Poor Dawn, I'm almost convinced that everyone coming back will have something new besides her. Despite how popular Psyduck as a species is, it actually wouldn't surprise me if they gave Misty Golduck. If not that, give a word on the Azurill Tracey gave her. And while she did release it, we haven't physically seen a Togetic since DP)
Yeah, like... his appearances were sporadic and often involved comic relief but he was still important--he was such a motivation for Ash. And he was literally the blueprint for future rival characters throughout the anime!
Yeah, it's great. I love Team Skull, I love Guzma.
Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me! Especially with how much Journeys has loved its callbacks, it'd make sense to get to see Ash's old friends and rivals watch his final PWC match.
Would very much love an Ash vs Gary battle to cap things off, like old times, but we've been over that.
Yeah--and he has high standards for people, so he'd be bound to be selective about that.
I suppose so, but one can make a very strong case for it having lasting effects (which is a spiel I will spare you from this time). But at any rate, I don't get too bothered about the small number of other people who use it for their writing--I use it enough to compensate.
Confession: I buy into the theory about Blue's Raticate too--though I think it was very much an accident (Red is not the kind of person who would ever fatally injure a Pokemon on purpose). But even putting that theory aside I get sad for him because gameverse Professor Oak is the worst one and blatantly favors Red over his own grandson. Poor Blue. (But at least he's doing well these days.)
But anyway! Yeah, if maybe Gary hadn't been his usual cocky, annoying self during EP065 and the league and instead he'd been noticeably Off in some way... or if he'd gotten to be around for M01's main plot, and recognized Mewtwo and shown any sign of being affected by his other encounter with it.
Maybe! Also I feel a little bad about how hard I laughed at the mental image of Blue just getting psychically FLUNG out of Cerulean Cave. Poor Blue (again).
Hopefully! Regardless of my own feelings about him I hope however it plays out makes the Paul enjoyers happy, a few of them are my friends and I want good things for them.
Yeah, it's hard to say what the future will hold for Pokeani at this point. Just hoping for the best.
Ooh, fun!
Oh, I wonder when/if (though with the current track record, feels very much like a when) Misty will return and with what Pokemon... would be nice to see her get to reunite with Togetic. I wouldn't mind seeing her Azurill all grown up as an Azumarill either. And on the off chance Psyduck were to evolve... I just hope it'd keep its silly personality regardless.
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