#niall on hot ones
tryhoney · 1 year
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Niall on Hot Ones talking about how Louis and Liam trashed his car and put a picture of his license plate on the internet.
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imagines-1directioner · 2 months
Shut up and fuck with me! - with Niall Horan
Situação: ex!namorado!xNiall Horan x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 2059
Avisos: +18; linguagem sexual explícita
Sinopse: S/N e Niall acabam em uma situação extremamente chata após o término e tentam resolver da pior - ou melhor - maneira possível.
N/A: Não sei aí, mas por aqui o mundo caiu numa tempestade e me inspirou a escrever tal história caliente e com um toquinho de clichê. Espero que gostem e fico na espera do feedback de vocês 🔥
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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“Oi, amiga! Cadê você?” - antes mesmo de colocar o celular no ouvido, escuto a voz estridente da minha amiga e aniversariante do dia. Seu tom era irritado e preocupado eu diria. E eu não poderia retrucar o possível motivo do surto, pois com certeza era o meu atraso e como de costume não consegui sair no horário planejado.
- Já pedi o Uber, tá chegando!” - tento contornar a situação logo em seguida enquanto colocava minha mochilinha amarela com apenas o necessário para passar o dia fora, tomando sol e bebendo drinks com nomes chiques.
“Não está me enrolando, né?” - infelizmente eu era daquelas de dar o bolo em cima da hora. “Estamos só esperando você!” - enfatiza, repreendendo-me de certo modo.
- Claro que eu vou! Daqui uns vinte minutos chego aí.
“Pede para o motorista acelerar.” - de fato ela estava muito ansiosa para chegar no tal resort que reservou há meses para festejar seu dia.
- OK - dou uma leve risada. - O Uber chegou. Até daqui a pouco.” - recebi a notificação de que o carro estava na frente de casa e com a pressa que estava apenas conferi a placa e já fui entrando após fechar minha casa.
- Olá, bom di.. - minha fala trava quando olho para o retrovisor e vejo os olhos azuis que me perdia todas as vezes que encarava. - Niall?
- Não é possível que vai se fazer de sonsa.
- O quê? Sonsa? - não deu nem tempo de raciocinar a situação e ele havia mexido com a minha paciência.
- Por que a supresa? - cruza os braços e sua face debochada grita acompanhada da atitude. Em nenhum momento ele virou a cabeça e olhou para mim. Todo o diálogo visual acontecia pelo ângulo do retrovisor.
- Eu não vi que era você.
- Então você entra nos carros de desconhecidos numa boa? - que abusado! respiro fundo de olhos fechados para não surtar como deveria.
- Se eu não tivesse tão atrasada eu cancelaria agora.
- Fique à vontade. - dá de ombros.
- Eu estou atrasada se não escutou, ou não prestou atenção no que eu disse, como de costume. - desta vez é ele quem suspira e revira os olhos. - Pode acelerar, por favor? - como não era besta solto meu ar irônico, o rapaz liga a carro e inicia a corrida em silêncio que eu tinha esperança de durar até os vinte minutos da viagem, mas logo após virar para a avenida principal um trânsito quilométrico surge a frente e o tempo de chegada simplesmente dobra. - Puta merda.. - sussurro preocupada. - Pode dar a ré e virar na outra rua, indo por dentro?
- Não sei se notou, mas já tem uma fila atrás do carro. - só percebo a constatação quando viro meu pescoço e observo a roubada que me meti.
- Merda!
- Vai dizer que a culpa é minha por não ter saído antes?
- Eu disse alguma coisa, Niall? Que implicância chata! Fica na tua. - meu tom de voz muda e ele percebe a minha irritação ficando finalmente quieto. Aproveitando o silêncio envio um áudio para minha amiga dizendo que me atrasaria mais do que o esperado, com uma foto do engarrafamento.
- Aniversário da Doris?
- Sim. - tenta puxar assunto mas sigo bem grossa para ele entender o quão idiota é. - Quanto tempo está dando pelo GPS?
- Quarenta e cinco minutos.
- É, impossível eu chegar a tempo. - confesso derrotada. - Se puder na próxima saída dar a volta e retornar para minha casa, agradeço.
- Vocês pretendem ir aonde?
- Te interessa?
- Estou tentando ajudar, grossa! - suspiro fundo.
- Ela marcou de passar o dia no resort que inaugurou ano passado.
- Aquele na divisa da cidade?
- Sim.
- Acho que vale mais a pena ir direto do que ir até a casa dela.
- Bom, mas você já iniciou a corrida.
- Posso te levar lá.
- Jura? - um pontinho de esperança é expressada em minha voz e consequentemente nos meus olhos.
- Contando que você não brigue comigo durante o caminho. - cada alfinetada eu rolava os olhos. Sem perder tempo aviso i grupo do aniversário da minha amiga que encontraria eles lá e que poderiam ir sem mim. Niall pega a próxima saída, indo na direção contrária da qual estávamos. Ele muda o trajeto no aplicativo e o tempo diminui em quinze minutos. Bom, já era alguma coisa.
Felizmente o único som que ouvíamos era o do rádio, permanecendo assim por quase meia hora, até notar que Horan quis bancar o esperto, não seguir o GPS e rodar com o carros nas mesmas ruas por pelo menos cinco minutos.
- Você está perdido?
- Pensei que conhecia uma atalho.
- Segue o GPS.
- O sinal foi embora. - suspiro profundo, demonstrando minha negação.
- Ótimo.
- Você tem sinal? - sem desbloquear o celular vejo que estava fora de área.
- Não também, mas eu sei onde estamos. Vira na próxima esquerda. - digo confiante, afinal eu sabia em que local nos encontrávamos.
- Vamos retornar aonde estávamos. - simplesmente sou ignorada.
- Não vamos, eu sei o que estou falando.
- Mas..
- Custa você tentar? - o moreno respira fundo e vira na rua que mencionei.
- E agora?
- A direita e depois a esquerda de novo. - assim fez e de nada adiantou, saímos em uma ruazinha vazia. - Segue reto até sairmos na principal.
- A gente já saiu da cidade, S/N! - esbraveja sem paciência.
- Tá, então se vira! - retribuo na mesma entonação e cruzo os braços, irritada.
- É você quem está atrasada, querida. - mais uma vez o deboche dele me tira do sério.
- Para aqui, vou pedir informação.
- Pra quem? Estamos no meio do nada. - no instante em que ele conclui a frase a leve garoa que caía sobre o parabrisa, transforma-se em gotas espessas e um raio corta o céu que começa a acinzentar. - Agora que não saímos daqui tão cedo. - Niall acelera o carro a fim de fugir da tempestade mas de nada adianta. Um minuto depois uma chuvarada inicia, sendo impossível enxergar um palmo da mão a nossa frente.
- Meu Deus! Que maldição é essa! - bato minhas mãos nas coxas, completamente insatisfeita com tudo que estava acontecendo. O nível de stress era tanto que qualquer palavra proferida por Horan seria motivo suficiente para gritar.
- Vamos esperar a chuva passar e tentar encontrar alguém. - e dito e feito.
- Por que você é assim?
- Assim como? - ele encara-me pela primeira vez olhando nos meus olhos, já que o carro estava desligado.
- Controlador! - admito zangada. - Toma as decisões pelos outros.
- Quer sair nessa chuva a procura de ajuda no meio do nada que nem uma louca? Por mim tudo bem, ninguém está te impedindo.
- Eu não estou falando disso.
- E está falando do quê? - o tom de soberba soou alto.
- Esquece. - falo com o intuito de me acalmar e não começar uma briga, desviando o olhar para as janelas a procura de uma alma viva.
- Agora fale! Fica alfinetando e simplesmente não consegue sustentar o que diz.
- Eu não tenho porquê dar satisfações para você.
- Você está falando de mim, do que eu sou! - o rapaz ergue a voz. - Obviamente preciso que você sustente o que fala quando o assunto sou eu. Afinal você não consegue passar um segundo sem falar de mim. - e foi com esta frase que o estopim para uma discussão iniciou.
- É isso! Esse jeito de se achar o centro das atenções, de querer mandar em tudo, de controlar as coisas que nem estão no seu controle é completamente irritante!
- Eu ser o centro de tudo? - a ironia encrustada na fala e na atitude ao apontar para si mesmo e soltar um riso ridículo, fervendo meu sangue.
- Você sim! Eu não consigo parar de falar de você? Além de egocêntrico e extremamente prepotente.
- E repito, você não consegue! - seu dedo é direcionado para mim. - O fato de eu ter terminado com você ainda te afeta de uma maneira gigantesca.
- O quê? - ele só poderia ter falado errado. Eu apenas rezava para que aquela cena patética acabasse.
- Deu para sentir assim que entrou no carro.
- Você é ridículo! - sem pensar e inteiramente zangada saio no meio daquela tempestade andando contra o carro estacionado. Eu só queria me livrar dele mesmo escutando-o me chamar para voltar e dizendo o quão “louca” eu era.
- Vamos voltar, tá chovendo muito! - não percebo que Niall me alcança e segura meu pulso, impedindo-me de andar.
- Me larga!
- Está perigoso ficar aqui.
- Eu não ligo! - no segundo seguinte um trovão alto ecoa pelos ares e outros raios caem, como se Deus reafirmasse o que Niall disse, provando mais uma vez meu ponto de vista.
- Por favor, vamos voltar!
- Volte você! Eu não quero ficar do seu lado senão eu vou explodir!
- Para de graça, S/N.
- Você me irritou, Niall! Como todas as outras vezes você me tira do sério e quer me ver fora de mim porque você é baixo, mal educado e insuportável! Muitíssimo insuportável!
- Me desculpa! - grita, e eu arregalo os olhos, surpresa. - Sim, eu passo do ponto, sou chato, insuportável.. mas é porque você me deixa assim! - justifica o injustificável, contudo eu sabia que esse era o jeito dele ‘consertar’ as coisas. E por mais que eu odiasse, era algo fofo, que me pegava de certa forma. Magicamente a situação em si pareceu acontecer em uma antiga briga nossa, que só acabava quando nossas bocas ocupavam-se sem utilizar a fala para resolver. - Sou eu que ainda não absorvi a ideia que não somos mais um casal. E eu fico puto por isso! Tão puto que perco a noção e quero arranjar motivo para pelo menos fingir que não tenho tanta culpa em acabar o que a gente teve, porque eu sinto falta e … - na adrenalina do momento e em uma vontade incontrolável calei sua boca com a minha em um beijo sedento que começou rápido mas que foi desacelerando quando nossas línguas se reconheceram.
A chuva deixou o clima muito romântico e as borboletas no meu estômago voaram como não faziam a tempos. Minhas mãos adentraram ao fios encharcados de seu cabelo e as dele agarravam meu corpo, apertando pontos estratégicos que me arrepiavam.
A medida que nos beijávamos fomos caminhando de volta a direção do veículo, e quando menos reparo bati contra o carro. Niall abre a porta de trás e me puxa para dentro sem demora. Comigo em seu colo, retornamos ao beijo quente e sem ligarmos para o peso da roupa molhada. Na verdade esta foi uma prerrogativa plausível para retiramos toda e qualquer peça e enfim sentirmos o tão esperado e maravilhoso contato pele com pele. As partes íntimas roçando uma na outra, os gemidos crescendo, o tesão controlando toda a situação dava-me arrepios bons demais para ignorar qualquer sentimento.
No ápice do tesão peço por ele e sinto Niall dentro de mim, entrando com uma facilidade enorme que quando me dei conta cavalgava com força enquanto ele beijava e mordiscava meus seios, além das mãos apertarem meu corpo deliciosamente. Quando nossas bocas se encontravam em um final de gemido eu me sentia nas nuvem e gritava por mais daquela sensação quente, prazerosa e gostosa ao extremo. Aquela sensação que só ele me proporcionava até eu desabar em seus braços e sentir o gozo escorrer sobre as pernas.
- Que delícia.. - a frase soa mais como um suspiro de alivio do que a fala em si, e o sorriso naquela boca gostosa consegue mexer comigo. Infelizmente a transe acaba com o meu celular tocando. - Alô.. oi amiga. - por um segundo Niall retorna ao relaxamento e começa a trilhar um caminho de beijos desde meu pescoço até meu seio, enlouquecendo-me. - Pois é, tá uma chuva terrível aqui. Tanto é que me perdi. - Fecho os olhos e tento segurar os gemidos. Niall ria, adorando a provocação. - Ah.. sério? - afasto Horan de mim. -Tudo bem. Amanhã vou aí na sua casa te entregar o presente… Ok, te amo também.
- E aí? O que foi? - ele questiona.
- Aniversário cancelado. - respondo entre risadas ao sair do colo dele e procurar minha toalha na mochila para pelo menos me enxugar.
- Então podemos nos resolver na minha casa?
- Já não nos resolvemos? - pergunto com um sorriso safado.
- Não do meu jeito. - o moreno tenta me amolecer e eu nego sorrindo.
- Eu estou toda molhada e sem roupa, não dá.
- Se esse for o problema, ainda tem algumas peças no meu armário. - a confissão desperta uma certa chama em meu peito e um riso bobo escapa. - Eu te disse, não consegui aceitar que não estamos mais juntos.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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1d-oned-1d · 1 year
for everyone's notice, this is my first time writing smut, soo please bear with me and tell me how I can improve.
warning:- kinky shit, smut, a whole lot of filthy hot smut.
pairing:- Y/N and Louis Tomlinson
inspired by his outfit at his documentary premiere. also don't mind me I'm horny as fuck atm and DO NOT JUDGE ME FFS.
summary:- y/n has a fear of thunderstorms. they're in the car and things get a little too steamy.
I slightly woke up because of thirst and irritating clothes when I heard our driver converse with sun. 
"Sir it's raining heavily and the car is stuck in the puddle, extremely sorry sir I'll just go and try to fetch a car for you and ma'am." the driver opened and shut the door. I whimpered as I heard another thundering voice. I slightly opened my eyes to see sun on his phone but then closed it back because of my sleepy mind. I was in that phase where you could listen to everything going on in your surroundings but even lifting a finger was too much of a work. The door opened again.
"Sir I found a car but it's only available for one person and it's going back to the city." He explained. There was a bit of silence until sun spoke up.
"Ok no problem, you might be having kids and wife waiting for you at home and worried, take the ride and head back." As sun completed the sentence, the driver gasped. I don't what made his gasp, probably him getting to go back to his family.
"Thank you so much sir, thank you so much, when I reach there I'll send another car for you." The driver exclaimed.
"Oh no need, we have already covered 3/4 of the ride home, I'll just a call an uber." sun explained.
"Are you sure sir?"
"Very sure, now go before your ride takes off." Sun chuckled, with one last thank you and a smash of the door, driver was on his way to his home.
"Shit! there's no network, looks like we'll have to stay here for the night." sun cursed under his breath. I whimpered again as I heard that, staying here was no problem, but staying in here with these heck of a clothes and with me being thirsty was a problem to me and not to mention thunderstorm. Sun picked me up and cradled me in his lap, brushing my hair out of the way to get a better look at my face but instead I snuggled my face into his neck.
"What's the matter darling?" He asked but I had no power to vocalize my issues, so instead I let him continue on what he was doing, that is asking questions.
"Is it because we're spending the night here?" He asked but got no reply
"Cold weather?" He asked again only to be met with silence and I shifted again in his lap trying to adjust my collar of the shirt.
"are you thirsty? are the clothes irritating you?" He questioned once again but this time I meekly nodded in his neck. He bent forward with me in his lap and put a water bottle in between my lips.
"Come on darling sip it." as he said, I started sipping it, soon enough quenching my thirst. He pulled away the sipper from my lips and bent again. What is wrong with this shirt aah! I tried shift again only to be stopped this time with sun's hands firm grip on my waist.
"Oh it's ok babygirl let daddy change you into his tshirt." He rasped and I was shocked by the change of his mood. While I was on his lap he shuffled below me for a while, only to make me feel his skin, meaning he probably removed his tshirt. With somehow collecting some power left in me I tried to unbotton my shirt.
"No babygirl, daddy will do it, just go back to sleep." He stopped my hands movement and set it in my lap, slowly himself working on my shirt. He was painfully slow while unbottoning my shirt but thankfully he shrugged it off me. I was ready for him to put his shirt on me but instead I felt his one hand on my waist and the other hand on my face as he kissed me. I returned the kiss and he moved his lips down to my jaw, the spot below my ear to finally the sweet spot on my neck making me arch my back and moan out his name.
"Sunn." I breathlessly moaned, he squeezed my waist harshly and marked my neck. He moved down to my cleavage and roughly marked me there too.
"It's daddy to you, you like it don't you when daddy plays with you, do you want me to play with you babygirl?" He rasped and went to unclasp my bra but I stopped him. 
"Yes daddy I want you to play with me but I'm very sleepy." I moved his hands to my waist and shifted closer to him.
"Babygirl I'm not asking you to stay awake, you can sleep and let daddy play with you for a little while." 
"No daddy I want to sleep, I want to sleep with you, you can play tomorrow." I spoke as I started feeling hazy in my mind.
"Princess I'll sleep with you, just let me play for a little while, and you don't want to make daddy angry do you?" He slipped his hands in my skirt and underwear and squeezed my bum, kneading it.
"No daddy I want to sleep, you're being an arse." My eyes shot open as I finished my sentence. One thing that daddy made crystal clear was, I was never supposed to curse or else he'll punish me.
"Okay enough, up and strip." He growled removing his hands from my skirt. "Now" he slapped the skin on my back when I didn't try to move even a little bit. I shifted from his lap and quickly removed the pieces of clothing which were left on me while he was watching me like a hawk watching his prey.
"On my shoulder." He roared making me whimper. Usually he would bend me over his knees if I was being bratty but when he meant over his shoulder it meant I was in serious trouble.
"I'm sorry daddy, I promise I'll never say a bad word again and you can play with me as you like." 
"Did I ask you about your opinion my little slut?" he asked making me shake my head but all he did was raise his eyebrow at me.
"No d-daddy." I stuttered. I better use my words if I don't want to get in anymore trouble.
 "Good now on my shoulder."
"Yes Daddy." I nodded and stood on the seat with my knees on the either side of his legs as he slid down a little to come face to face with my boobs. He further pushed his head in my chest and started licking in between both my breasts as he spanked my backside making me moan and clutch his shoulders for leverage.
"You like it don't you, you little whore. How I wish I could see your face while I punished you, I wish we were in our room." he mumbled, suddenly moving away from me and started fumbling with his mobile. In our room all you'll find is couple of mirrors, so he can see me no matter what he's doing. He set his phone somewhere in the car giving me my phone where I can see myself but the volume was on mute, he facetimed himself?!
"Daddy has two punishments for you, you'll count till 10 as daddy spanks you ok?" He demanded making me nod. "I can't hear you?" 
"Yes daddy, are you recording me?" I whispered, I was never actually comfortable with the idea of him recording me.
"That was the second punishment for you but you have option, daddy won't record you, if you don't feel comfortable babygurl." He sucked on my nipples making my head fall backwards and my eyes roll in pleasure, digging my nails into his shoulder.
"Are you upset with me daddy?" I asked with a very low voice.
"Yes baby girl, very." He bit on my nipple making them hard as ever and me whine for mercy.
"Then you can record daddy."
"Are you sure princess?" He asked.
"Yes daddy." I confirmed. He quickly took my phone from my hand and handed me in a minute or two, and I noticed the screen recording was on. he bent forward taking his phone to do the same thing and set back in it's place within seconds. Once again I was visible on my screen and he spanked me harshly catching me off guard.
"One." I whimpered, I could already feel myself getting wet and dripping down the thighs. I was ready for another hit but it never came instead he trailed his finger along my slit, making me lose my mind and arch my back only burying his face more into my breasts, that made him groan. I expected him to slip his finger in my entrance but he spanked me hard once again.
"Two." I moaned and he continued his torture on me by sucking on my breasts and spanking both my ass cheeks one after the other giving me no time to breathe.
"Three four." I gasped for air, he removed my right breast from his mouth, not before taking my left breast in his mouth and biting it harshly. 
"doing so good for daddy, my little whore, I'll think I'll move it to twenty for you since you're enjoying it." He moaned in my breasts.
"No daddy I'm so sorry." I whimpered but only to be met by another sharp slap of his on my backside. "Five" I counted. Soon enough 20, moved to 30 which further moved to 50. I had tears running down my face as I couldn't control anymore of his teasing, I just wanted his fingers and him inside me.
"Please daddy please." I requested as he pinched my bud roughly. 
"aww just look at your red little glistening pussy, so red , please what baby?" He slapped my breasts, squeezing it harshly and kneading it.
"your fingers, I want your fingers inside me daddy, I want you inside me daddy." I moaned breathlessly, not being able to contain the euphoric feeling as he started running circles on my core in an extremely fast pace.
"You like it don't you, getting punished, getting spanked, so wet from all this, such a filthy little slut, like this baby?" He cockily asked as he pushed two fingers in me and started pumping in and out. Unconciously I tried to close my legs and I guess he noticed it because he further spread his knees which in turn spreaded mine and made me squirm while he continued pumping his fingers in me.
"Don't squirm, once again try to close your legs and I will stop" He roared as he started scissoring inside me with his fingers, not helping with the squirming at all, only getting me to squirm more and trying to close my legs. 
"I said don't squirm you whore and what is that? you tried to close your legs." He growled taking out his fingers and spreading his legs to spread my legs even wider and a burning sensation erupted in my core from being streched out too much making me whimper.
"Please daddy I'm sorry, please I want your fingers inside me, please I promise I won't try to close my legs but it's really difficult to keep it open." I begged him to just put his fingers inside me and fuck me. 
"You've really turned bratty you know, sorry babygurl but you'll be punished really hard this time. Not listening to daddy at all." He threatened. spreading his legs even more resulting me to cry his name out loud. He picked his coat and started rummaging through it, finally taking out his tie. Why does he even have a tie if he was wearing tshirt and a coat. He took the tie and tied it around my eyes like a blindfold making me arch my back repeatedly as he took my breast in his mouth. since my eyesight was closed off my ears perked up and I heard him shuffle around, he took phone from my hand and held both my hands behind my back tying it with a soft material, which now I guess was my underwear. He sat me down on the seat sideways, my back against his side and he pulled my knees to my chest. I was wondering what he was going to do when I heard the window descending and me getting wet from rain which was very harsh on my core, with every ounce of patience I tried not to squirm. Thankfully soon enough the window ascended up.
"Now listen to me babygirl, I'm gonna eat you out but before you're going to cum, you have to ask me okay?" He whispered in my ear, I nodded earning another slap on my core.
"Yes daddy." I moaned as he started rubbing circles on my clit once again. He shifted me away from him, lying me down on the seat to open my legs wide for himself.
"Oh so wet from me doll, I'm gonna eat you out so nicely." I could hear his smirk. He pinched my nipple with his thumb and forefinger and bit on my bud harshly, he entered in me with his tongue, lapping again and again in my walls, I locked my ankles behind his neck pushing him deep in me. I never knew how long somebody's finger could be until he entered his fingers in me straightaway hitting my g-spot making me a moaning mess below him. His tongue and fingers working ruthlessly in me until I felt a pressure in my lower abdomen making me pant.
"Daddy!" my eyes rolled back, not knowing anything while he curled his fingers in me removing his mouth from my core to attack my breasts, just increasing the pressure a lot more.
"Oh how daddy loves your breasts darling, so soft, wish I could have them in my mouth all day, you know how hard it is to resist myself when I see you like this under my control, all tied up, just waiting for daddy to pound into his little whore pussy." he kneaded one of my breasts as he sucked on the other one all while fingering me, sending my mind into a frenzy state.
"You feel the pressure in your stomach baby? that means you're going to cum" His voice dangerously calm but I knew he was onto something devilish. 
"Yes daddy I feel it, I'm going to cum daddy." I moaned, the pressure growing even more when he scissored again inside me but suddenly everything stopped, his hands, his mouth, everything, leaving me frustrated and whining.
"Oh babygurl didn't think I'll let you cum this easily did you?" He laughed, holding my thighs apart to constraint me from creating any friction between them. Few minutes after the pressure in my stomach subsided and I was left horny, juices dripping to my thigh, he turned me around, my ass in the air, face squished into the leather seat and started eating me out, his hands never leaving my breasts. After a few more minutes of torturing I could feel a little pressure again in my stomach. He removed his tongue from me and pulled my ass cheeks apart, licking between them as I shoved my ass into his face for anything more he could do, which resulted in him licking my hole recklessly. He once again removed his face and pulled me towards him by squeezing my neck and jaw from the front.
"How are you doing babygurl, any pressure down here?" He asked, removing his hand from my neck and moving it further south to my core and inserting three fingers in me harshly, pumping at a very high pace while marking my neck.
"Yes daddy yes, I'm going to come daddy." I whined, pushing myself further more into his chest. He removed all three fingers from inside me only to push them in me again. I was gasping for air, as his pace increased even more than before. How is that even possible?
"daddy I'm going to cum, can I cum please?" I pleaded. My breasts bouncing with the movement in between my legs.
"hold on doll, I'm still not done with my pussy, and if you dare cum, things will only worsen." he curled his fingers in me, hitting my g-spot again and again, pressure building in my stomach reaching it's peak as I cum moaning daddy's name, my thighs trembling and my head fell backwards on daddy's shoulder. I knew he purposely did this because he wanted me to cum to increase my punishment. 
"You didn't listen to daddy, daddy's going to pound in his hole and make you cum again and again until he's not done with you, ought to teach you some manners." he growled. He set me against the seat and I heard his belt clunk and his zipper moving meaning now he was going to fuck me senseless until I see stars. He undid his tie and my panties from around my eyes and hands. When I turned to him, he only smirked. I was beyond scared and excited for what coming next. 
"Out!" He demanded and I sat their confused. "out of the car my cute little whore" He opened the door ushering me out. It was still raining heavily making me shiver. I stood there getting wet before his further instructions. 
"On the car's hood baby." He got out after 10 mins or so with his belt and tie in hands. I quickly shuffled infront of the car to see him already on the boot, giving himself a few pumps. "Come on move your ass quickly." He demanded. I climbed onto the car and sat beside him.
"On my dick baby." He held his dick and aligned himself with me. "Sit down baby." He cooed but I knew very well the devil was soon going to unleash. I sit down on him and tried to keep my legs in between so he couldn't spread it but unluckily he caught on and set my knees on the either side of his knees spreading wide open until I cried out loud and held onto him once again.
"Oh baby I know, it's ok." He hushed and picked his belt and tie and tied my ankles with his legs only spreading them further, making me shout in pain. 
"Ride me baby, I wanna feel your bouncing tits on my face." He kept a hand on my waist stimulating me to ride him. He started agonizingly slow, grinding me on him every now and then, making me go mad and loose my common sense.
"Faster daddy, faster." I moaned making him groan, he spread his legs further, taking mine with his too. "aahh daddy no." I whined and he held my waist and started making me ride him faster. He spanked me, only increasing the pressure while my breast in his mouth.
"daddy I'm gonna cum." I started nearing my third orgasm of the day, afraid to be denied.
"Cum baby cum, you're not gonna stop cumming until I'm gonna cum, oh god how I wished I could record you." he groaned. I felt my walls squeezing him, making him throw his head back, his nails digging into my waist, my legs started trembling and I released. Just as I released he picked up his pace and streched his legs, it felt like I could rip apart anytime from being this wide open. I felt the pressure build again it was not minutes before I released again. He quickly untied both our legs and rolled us over. He pounded in me remorselessly with rain having no mercy either. I needed something to hold on, so I held onto his back, surely leaving scratches there. Only thing that could be heard in the moment was us moaning, skin slapping against each other and rain, as I came down from another high. God! sometimes how much I hate his self control, he could last for hours and he did. I released about countless times but he was still nowhere near.
"Please daddy I'm so sorry, please cum daddy." I whined and he pounded into my overly sensitive clit. Once again I released, shrieking, but this time I was not the only one, daddy released too. He filled me with his cum as he rested his head on my shoulder while I pushed out his wet hair from his eyes. He pulled out of me and rested on his side pulling me close to his chest. after a few more minutes of resting on the hood of the car, he got down, and picked me up bridal style and headed inside the car. I winced as he set me down, laying me on the seat and quickly got in. 
"You did so good princess, so good for daddy." He kissed me on the lips and picked up my shirt. He started cleaning me, he cleaned my face, jaw, neck moving to my breasts doing nothing sensual but cleaning me and then moving to lower part. He cleaned between my legs as I could feel his breath on my core, he left a quick kiss there and moved down further cleaning my legs. He again held me up as he dressed me into his tshirt and underwear when I winced.
"What is it babygirl?" He asked taking his hands in mine.
"It's paining down there." I muttered looking down.
"So sorry princess must be really sensitive." He laid me down, removed my panties and blew some air on my pussy making me shudder and close my legs.
"It's ok baby I'm just gonna blow some air so it feels good." He opened my legs and blew on my pussy for a couple of minutes before closing my legs and letting me rest.
He quickly dried himself up, wore his boxers and laid himself on me, only to flip us, so now I was on top with my face in the crook of his neck as he held me closer to him with his hand rubbing my back. 
"I'm sorry if I was too hard on you baby." daddy whispered from below me.
"It's fine daddy." I replied and kissed him on his neck because it was closest to me.
"Couldn't help it darling, all night you were looking so pretty, all I wanted to do was show you how pretty you were." He mumbled against my lips, making me turn beet red and burst out giggling. "My cute little babygirl." He kissed me on the lips and then my forehead. Feeling content in each others arms we fell asleep.
I told you I wasn't lying when I said it was kinky shit.
Requests are open if you want anything specific, I write oned smut so yeah.
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apureniallsource · 1 year
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Niall via Twitter - 03/16
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chrishemsworthsbitch · 2 months
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waoyflouis · 7 months
you know how every pretty guy you meet turns out to be gay? then tell me how all of one direction can be straight
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britbritsslave · 1 year
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ellamacman · 29 days
well am horny and wet DM for international hookup service
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tryhoney · 1 year
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How would Niall, the coach of today, judge his own 2010 audition?
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monkadirectioner · 10 months
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I love them ❤️❤️❤️
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I love that the whole fandom is really excited for Niall on hot ones but we all agree that he will die.
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blenderhemmings · 1 year
will we ever get a 5sos hot ones interview... the world may never know.
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apureniallsource · 1 year
firstwefeast: This week on #HotOnes, we got @NiallOfficial vs. The Wings of Death. 💀 Tune in Thursday @ 11AM ET. 🔥
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louuthesunflower · 9 months
Kinda obsessed
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midnightmemories-1-d · 3 months
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The eyes are same🥰🥰🥰
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I love this sm
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