richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Show me how you do that trick- NOW COMPLETE
Lily Potter could deal with being Harry Potter’s kid. She could also deal with being the middle child and only girl. What she couldn’t deal with, was being stuck with Stella Granger-Malfoy. When the Potters and Malfoys descend on the Burrow for the summer holidays, Lily resents once again being stuck sharing a room with her nemesis, Stella. But one fateful summer evening, a lost Quidditch match and a stolen kiss make Lily wonder if Stella really is that bad after all.
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suppressedego · 5 years
The thing about Lily and Scorpius is that they really do fit.
She may be as brave and explosive and fiery as a Gryffindor but she holds her tears for days and smiles through pain. She’ll keep her shit together if people are watching. She’ll wear night gowns that make her look just the perfect combination of sexy, powerful and classy. Lily is a true Slytherin because she will make friends will Bellatrix Lestrange and will lie her way into whatever she needs to get wherever she needs to be.
Scorpius knows that his social position is extremely damaged after the war, he’s aware that his family name has been trashed and it’s up to him to bring his parents from the shadows and into the world of sparkling chandeliers all over again. He will fight for the ones he loves no matter what but he’ll do it in the best way possible, it’s often not the most heroic way but definitely the most effective. He doesn’t care for fairy-take glory, but instead, he cares about real goals and success.
She understood that. He saw her differences and how she stood out from the family. Her brains and the look on her face startled him into oblivion.
Rose is beautiful, brave, smart. She’s not a strong woman though. Lily got that from Ginny, the power, the sheer strength to get through. Scorpius needs someone that can and will go through hell and back with him. He doesnt want a ministry worker who retires to take care of the children, he wants someone with the looks, the bossy attitude and the ambition to match his.
Scorose is merely the distorted mirrored version of Hermione and Draco.
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girlwilde · 6 years
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...n i n e t e e n years later
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alilongbotttom-blog · 7 years
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"I was trying to be nice"-Frank. "You want to be the next Prince Charming"-Dom. Video taken by Rose. She is always at the library.
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lady-rhaesnow · 7 years
Coveted chapter 5: "You can't lose your family over me Draco!" she insisted. "You can't! You should have told me!" she cried punching his chest with her tiny fists. "I'm sorry," he said his voice barely above a whisper. Hermione didn't say anything, instead her chocolate eyes focused hard on him. "It's not your fault Hermione. No listen," he said cutting her off from her next rant. He spoke a little louder this time, knowing his parents were listening, "I can't change what my parents choose to believe. It's all they have held onto for so long and to suddenly just give it all up…" Hermione shifted slightly. It was not wrong, that much she understood. After all it was not easy to change one's entire belief system in one day, "They have made a lot of bad decisions, but so have I." Draco said looking at his father sadly, "So I accept their hatred of my decision, and I will accept the consequences too. Because you are worth it. I can't blame them for what they will do. It's what is expected and I made my choice knowing this." Draco told her pulling her closer, "I hope that eventually they will see what I see, and hopefully they will feel remorseful and embarrassed for what they have done but…" Draco sighed looking over at his parents, "they are not ready for such a change." "Draco think about what you are giving up." Hermione pleaded. "How can you just accept this?" "I know exactly what I would be giving up Hermione. And I fully accept that." He told her seriously, "But I will not accept you walking away from me." Check out my story, Coveted. It's part Dramione part NextGen! (Author name: Immortal Dragon Empress)
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dramione84 · 8 years
Letter from home
A/N: A re-imagining of the howler scene from Chamber of Secrets featuring next gen characters.  Dialogue as remembered from the scene therefore not mine so all credit where its due ;)
A wide grin broke across Albus’ face as the owls flew into the Great Hall.  “Oh look, mail’s here!” he cried, gleefully, dropping his toast to grab his letters.  
A rather official looking red envelope dropped onto Scorpius’ plate, his pale complexion blanching unnaturally translucent.
Rose sniggered, catching sight of it as walked past the table.  Slipping onto the bench beside his sister Cassie, she leaned round her.  “Oh, look! Malfoy’s got a howler!” she called down the table, causing several heads to whip around.
Albus locked eyes with Scorpius as the blonde wizard gulped, his Adam’s apple protruding with the reflex in a way that caused Albus’ eyes to drop momentarily.  
“Open it.  I ignored one from my Grandma Molly once” he shuddered at the memory.  “It was horrible.”
Scorpius tentatively peeled open the envelope, before the spell caused it to fly from his hand, forming a gruesome mouth that spoke the written words in a shrill imitation of his Mother’s voice.  The Great Hall fell unnervingly silent as the sound of Hermione Granger filled their young ears.
“Scorpius Malfoy, how dare you steal your Uncle Ron’s car.  I am absolutely disgusted, your Uncle and Father are now facing an inquiry at work and it’s entirely your fault.  If you put another toe out of line, we will bring you straight home.”
The animated paper mouth turned to Cassie who felt a hot blush creep up her neck, flushing her cheeks.  “Oh and Cassie dear, congratulations on making Slytherin. Your Father and I are so proud!”
Turning back to face Scorpius, whose mouth gaped with shock, the mouth stuck out a paper tongue rudely before tearing itself to shreds that fluttered onto the table like confetti.
“Well…” Albus started, breaking the eerie silence that followed.  “That was a little scary.  She sounded just like my Grandma Molly for a moment.”
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emilyclairebaxter · 9 years
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Teddy Lupin is Head Boy at Hogwarts this year (and how am I just now finding out about this?)
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Nextgen Hp headcanons
1. Teddy Lupin is genderqueer as fuck. But also uses his Metamorphmagus gene to turn into a werewolf during the Equality Marches, he, Harry, and Andromeda Tonks attend. 
2. Victoire Weasley is deadly and ridiculously lesbian, but uses the slight Veela she got from her mother to seduce boys into doing things, like her homework or carry her books, for her. 
3. She also is part of a secret girl society known as the Gorgons, which she started and they all hang out in the Chamber of Secrets, braiding each other’s hair and rigging the school system so that they benefit. Part of their mission is to protect and unite girls into an unstoppable force. 
4. Victoire Weasley is a Slytherin. 
5. Albus Severus is a trans girl. She insists on everyone calling her Allie, and is the one who opened the Chamber for the Gorgons. She’s also treasurer. 
6. While they all usually do their own thing during school, it is well acknowledged that if you mess with one Weasley, Potter, Scamander, or Malfoy, you will bring upon you a wrath like you’d never realized could even exist.
6. Rose Weasley is a Ravenclaw, but much to her mother’s chagrin, is more Fred and George Weasley. She’s well known for her many school pranks, had inherited the Maruader’s Map from Harry, and spends a weekly visit with Headmistress McGonagall.
7. Molly Weasley II is basically the Gryffindor version of Rose. Though less of a mastermind, she dutifully makes up for it by pulling Rose’s plans off without a hitch. Percy doesn’t know what to say. 
8. Neville Longbottom quickly becomes the new “Hagrid”, offering his greenhouses as places of respite to the children of his friends, providing them advice when they feel like they don’t fit in, allowing them to cry and scream and maybe re-pot a mandrake or two when they need a distraction. He is very asexual and has never married. 
9. Hugo Weasley is gay, comes out to Lily Luna around fifth years and makes out Lorcan Scamander, who’s bisexual. Hugo also have a very Hagrid-esque love for magical creatures, and decides to become Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.
10. Lily Luna takes over for Victoire as head of the Gorgons and leads an all girls Gryffindor Quidditch team. It infuriates both James and Allie, the former because he wants to be in on the club his younger siblings are a part of, and the latter, because she thought for sure that Victoire would pass the leadership along to her. However, Lily shows an unprecidented amount of goodness in her, much like her father; and with the ferocity and bat-bogey hexing of her mother, she makes a natural leader. 
11. Obviously, Scorpious, Rose, and Allie are the best of friends. I’m pretty sure that’s canon at this point. 
12. Dominique Weasley is the spitting likeness of the elder Molly Weasley, right down to the mothering, but wayyy far from the visual. She spends most of her time at Hogwarts trying to corral the younger Weasley/Potters into doing their homework and to stop pulling pranks on the poor teachers. She also seems to have quite the thing for Professor Longbottom. 
13. Fred Weasley II is rather like Percy and spends most of his years at Hogwarts feeling like he disappointed his father because he was nothing like the practical jokester he was named after. What he doesn’t know is that George feels like he disappointed his son because he isn’t able to relate to him because he never finished at Hogwarts at all. They spend most of Fred’s teen years unable to talk to each other, and feeling like they’ve fucked up. 
14. Pretty much all of the Hermione/Ron Weasleys and Harry/Ginny Potters have tried at least once to pull the “my parent is a war hero” shitck, which worked never and usually lands them with a more challenging dentition. 
14. James Sirius is probably the most fuckboy of all the fuckboys to ever fuckboy, except that he’s not. He comes off as a fuckboy but proves himself to be frighteningly aware of political issues, and a raging feminist. He often joins Andromedra and Teddy for protests. 
There are few other’s I don’t really  have head canon’s for yet. I know Louis will be straight as fuck but as feminine as possible. Possibly will end up working for Madam Malkin. Roxanne I want to be a Chaser like her mother, and Lysander, I dunno. I know Lorcan is just like his mother. Lucy I have no particular thoughts on either. 
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Chapters 10 & 11 are up!
Lily could not believe how quickly time had passed. It felt like yesterday that she had arrived at Hogwarts to start her sixth year. Between homework, Quidditch practice and making time for sneaking around with Stella, Lily barely had time to stop and think about how quickly the days were turning into months. Before she knew it, she was packing to go back home for the Christmas holidays.
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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The Meaning of Us: AO3
A side story about Poppy Longbottom and James Sirius Potter.
Poppy Longbottom was going to ruin James’s life. Not only was she shaping up to be the best Slytherin captain that James had seen since he started at Hogwarts, she was also fucking beautiful. Like when had that happened? 
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Show me how you do that trick- a Harry Potter fanfic
Chapter 7 is up!
“Now, what is a pretty girl like you doing standing here all alone?” a voice asked softly by Lily’s ear. She didn’t turn to look at the owner of the voice, but she couldn’t help the grin spreading across her face.
“Oh, you know, just waiting for someone,” she said casually.
“Who are you waiting for?”
Lily felt Stella lean against the table next to her, but she kept her eyes on her cousin.
“Just some girl. You wouldn’t know her. She’s kind of a brat, but I told her I’d wait for her at the party, so what can you do. I’m a woman of my word.” She turned her head to look at Stella, whose eyes were pulled into slits.
“What if she doesn’t show up?” Stella asked.
“Well,” Lily frowned, as though thinking carefully. “I guess I’d have to find someone else to sneak into my room with me.”
“Aha,” Stella nodded, thoughtfully. “And what would you do with this person in your room?”
Lily smiled and leaned closer so that she could whisper in Stella’s ear, “Everything.”
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Stella Rose Malfoy
Chapter 5 is up! 
“Where exactly are we going on a bicycle?”
Stella sighed, as though faced with a particularly tedious child. “We are cycling to the train station and then we’re taking a train to London.”
“Can’t we just apparate there?”
“No, because I want to do it the Muggle way.”
Stella’s chin was sticking out in a gesture that was not unlike her mother when she was acting particularly stubborn. Lily had to admit she looked quite cute.
“Fine. I’ll get on your shitty Muggle bike.”
Lily climbed onto the bars, nearly slipping and having to grab onto Stella’s shoulders. Well, at least she got to touch Stella during this travesty.
“Ready?” Stella asked.
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Lily and Stella
Show me how you do that trick- A Harry Potter fanfic
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Chapter 12 is up!
There was a shift in the atmosphere of the Great Hall and Lily looked up from the paper to see Stella walking into the hall, laughing with Poppy. Lily wanted to warn her, but she seemed frozen in her seat. All she could do was stare in horror as Stella walked past someone reading the paper and stop in her tracks. Stella’s eyes scanned the hall and immediately found Lily. She wasn’t sure what Stella saw in her expression, but within seconds she had grabbed the paper in front of her and cast a wordless spell to set it on fire. With a last glare around the hall, she fled.
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richardayoadeshair · 4 years
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Show me how you do that trick- a Harry Potter fanfic
Lily Potter could deal with being Harry Potter’s kid. She could also deal with being the middle child and only girl. What she couldn’t deal with, was being stuck with Stella Granger-Malfoy. When the Potters and Malfoys descend on the Burrow for the summer holidays, Lily resents once again being stuck sharing a room with her nemesis, Stella. But one fateful summer evening, a lost Quidditch match and a stolen kiss make Lily wonder if Stella really is that bad after all.
Chapter 2
Lily nearly choked on her bite of pancake. “When did I say I liked you?”
“When you kissed me,” Stella challenged.
“Maybe I was trying to shut you up,” she said lamely.
Stella gave her a pitying look. “Yeah sure, buddy. That’s also why you’ve basically asked me on a date to the Muggle village.”
“I have not asked you on a date, I have merely asked my father if we could go there.”
“Oh yeah, to a place where we will be completely alone and no-one that knows us would see us. You’re about as subtle as a kick in the head, Lily Luna.”
Lily bristled at Stella’s tone. “Well you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, I want to,” Stella answered, piling another pancake onto her plate. “I know a lovely movie house where you can stick your tongue down my throat for hours and no-one will notice.”
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