#newt has the flare
fool-of-a-took1 · 1 year
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So I work at a bookstore and didn’t really think about what I was doing when writing down the prize of a book on my arm. Now I want to cry
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meteor-moon · 25 days
why is newt so lana del rey coded
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pathsofoak · 2 years
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m30wk1ttycat · 1 month
Contains: cuss words, cuddling (*omg*) Pairing: Newt x Reader Summary: You can't fall asleep, so he tries to help you, somehow.
Even after all those years, stuck in the Glade, trying to find a way out - you finally did it. But you weren't happy. How could you? Everything was going wrong in so many ways possible. Your family, friends from school - all gone. The Flare was spreading. Alby was gone, Chuck was too. There was no way anyone could be happy.
Thankfully, you still had that one boy you could trust with your entire life. The one and only, Newt.
That same boy who dragged your ass out of the Maze so many times, you'd be counting for days. The same boy who always made sure you were safe and sound after your morning runs with Minho and the other Runners. That same boy who tended to you after you were the one challenging to fight Gally during one of the bonfires.
Good old times.
Nothing's changed. Or, well, at least he hasn't changed. Not one bit. He's still the Newt who's always nice to everyone, but isn't afraid to be a bit more aggressive when he needed to prove a point.
Now that you think about it, Thomas and Minho haven't changed much either.
Thomas? The boy is still curious, too much for his own good. You weren't sure if he was either smart, or dumb as fuck. But he made a good friend regardless.
Minho was just as sarcastic, if not more than before.
Now you were stuck in some facility, "a haven protecting them from the Cranks" in Janson's words.
"This place has actual beds?" Newt grinned, making that signature face of his. "Y/N, we're so gonna share a bunk bed."
At this point, it didn't even sound like a request. More like a.. command, maybe? No, you were just overthinking this.
"This is Heaven," Minho joked, plopping down onto one of the beds.
This was far from Heaven. But it was still better than the Glade, probably.
Right in the middle of your thoughts, you were interrupted by Thomas. "Huh, new clothes."
"What, never seen 'em or something?" You say, walking into the room with a furrowed brow. This was suspicious. Janson was acting a bit too sweet.. There was no way this was going to end well. Just no.
"Y/N, chill out," Frypan says.
You weren't even doing anything wrong, why was Frypan suddenly telling you to chill out?
After everyone took a shower and all, you were supposed to go to sleep, but you just couldn't. You were tired - obviously. But you couldn't sleep. You were tired, but not tired enough to actually go to sleep.
Shifting under the blankets, Newt seemed to have picked up on the movement in the bottom bunk. He let out a small chuckle, that only made you realize he wasn't sleeping. Damn it.
"Can't sleep?" he whispered, leaning down from the top bunk. Even in the darkness, you could still make out his features. His messy, sandy blonde hair, his chocolate brown eyes, his smooth jaw, and of course, those barely visible eyebags.
He wasn't sure whether he should, or shouldn't frown. You were tired, he knew that. He realized, when you almost fell asleep on his shoulder when you were eating in the dining hall. Those weird looks from the guys would probably forever haunt his mind.
With a slight huff, he whispered a quiet "come here, then". You were confused for a moment, but you did as he said, climbing up the ladder. He laughed softly, trying to muffle out his laughs and giggles by covering his mouth with his hand. Unsuccessfully at that.
With a swift movement, he manages to pull you into a cuddle. You'd beat the life out of him, if only you weren't too tired to do so. He played with your hair, whispering some random stuff into your ear, but you could barely focus on anything else other than your hair getting twirled by his fingers. Those whispers mainly consisted of quiet comments, like "you're so adorable when you look like a lost pup" "you're so huggable" "try to get some rest, huh, love?" "cutie"
"Y/N," he whispered, "you still awake?" To which you didn't reply. He figured you were asleep, so he let out a sigh, kissing the top of your head, still fiddling with your hair.
i'm so sorry its so short, i jus have a ton of school workkk
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catoslvt · 29 days
Newt (TMR) x Reader
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you confess to Newt as he's a crank.
this is probably gonna be very quick.
As Newt jumps on me, sending me spiralling backwards into the floor, I look over at Thomas, who is standing clueless
"Go get the cure! I can handle him!" I scream, Thomas gives me a concerned look before running off anyway.
My attention is suddenly grabbed again by Newt, who now has a knife. Where did he get it from? I've got no clue, but all that matters is getting it out of his hands.
"I don't want to hurt you." Newt snaps, his tone certainly sounding like someone who wants to hurt me.
"You don't need to, please." I beg, but his eyes have faded over again, and he lowers the knife to hover above where my heart is, but I quickly knock the knife from his grip, and it moves far away on the concrete meaning I'm now gonna need to fight Newt with my hands.
"Keep talking!" Newt screams, his eyes flashing only a slight bit of normality before the flare comes back over him, and he's trying to hit me, so I do what he told me to do, talk.
"I've been in love with you since the scorch trials." I say as my hand connects with his jaw, and he stumbles off me, allowing me to stand up, and as I look at Newt, I realise he landed beside the knife.
"What?" He chokes, and I nod tears at the brims of my eyes.
"When Aris led me to your rooms from the vents, I was terrified to meet you, but somehow, I managed to persuade you to leave WICKED and I fell inlove with you almost straight away, I've never looked back. I've never wanted any other boy the way I want you." I continue to talk as a few tears fall from my eyes, and Newt now stands up with the knife, his step staggering as he approaches me, but I suddenly see Thomas, Frypan, Minho and Gallys shadows about to turn round our corner, so I take a few footsteps towards Newt as he stands and stares, either fighting the flare really well or it's about to take over for good.
as I step closer, Newt opens his arms for a hug, and I can't help but do it, crank or not. I just confessed my love for him.
as he wraps my arms around my waist, I momentarily forget he has the knife until it gets plunged into my lower stomach before pulling out, and I step away with my mouth hanging open, clutching the knives enterance wound as blood pours from it.
"y/n!" I hear frypan scream, but it's too late, I've passed out.
I wake up in a small hut with a curtain as a door confused, where the fuck am I?
I quickly go to sit up, but I let out a huge groan as a pain shoots from my lower stomach, so I decide to take it slower and once I'm sitting up, I kick my legs off the bed and stand up, grabbing onto the wall for support before I slowly make my way out the room.
Okay, where the actual fuck am I.
there's tons of people here, mainly people my age or younger who are all walking around, there's huts, there's hammocks and there's even Gardens.
Gardens. Newt.
the thought of his name brings a huge pain towards my stomach, and I groan and almost double over, but Aris sees me and rushes over.
"You're up!?" He exclaims and I nod confused.
"Where are we?" I ask, my throat suddenly feeling incredibly dry as though those three words took away all my willpower.
"The safe haven, a real one this time." He answers, gently grabbing my wrist as he begins to steer me to what seems like a kitchen, and when we walk in, frypan is cooking up dishes.
"Morning shuckface." He says with a small smile as he raises his eyes momentarily to fall onto me.
"How long have I been out for?" I ask and both Aris and Frypan shrug.
"A week or so? Newt got banned from your hut because he was constantly in there speaking to you, Vince thought he was gonna wake you up." Frypan answers, and my eyes almost bulge out my head
"Newt?" I gasp, and they both nod, confused.
"After you passed out, Thomas managed to give him the cure. It worked quite quickly, except there's still dark veins in places." Aris tells me before pointing over at Frypan.
"Can y/n get some water and a sandwich or something?" Aris asks, and Frypan nods, turning around and rummaging around in his make shift kitchen.
I sit alone at the edge of the beach, eating my sandwich and ever so often taking a few sips of water.
"How was the sleep?" The all too familiar voice of Newt asks with a slight laugh as he sits down beside me, but I don't turn to look at him, because the last time I saw him I confessed to him only to get a knife plunged into my stomach.
"Fine." I respond and listen, I'm not too pissed about the knife thing, I'm just scared in case he can remember what I told him.
"Nobody ever told me that turning into a Crank means getting memories back." He sighs, and I turn to look at him, Frypan was right, there is still some dark veins, but it's better than what he looked like as a crank.
"All of them?" I ask, and he nods.
"I remembered Sonya from your maze is my little sister, only her name was Elizabeth back then." He first of all starts, and I gasp slightly.
"I remember every shank from my Glade before we got sent up." He begins listing little things that must mean a lot to remember.
"I remember you." He then states, and I gasp a bit.
"we would've been held separately. How can you remember me?" I ask.
"Minho, Alby, Thomas, Teresa, and I used to all sneak into a maintenance closet somewhere in the WICKED building. One day, we walked in, and there you were, as innocent as ever eating a chocolate bar." Newt tells me and we both laugh slightly.
"From that day forward, you joined us every night in the closet, and I knew from the very first moment I saw you that I'd do whatever I could to protect you." He goes onto say before frowning.
"But I couldn't. You told me you loved me, and i stabbed you." He mutters, and my eyes widen.
for fuck sake did he need to keep those memories?
"we don't need to talk about that Newt, you got the cure, and you're fine, and my stomach is healing. It wasn't your fault." I say as I reach one of my hands over and grab his hand with mine giving it a small squeeze which he returns.
"I tried so hard to fight the flare, even momentarily to tell you that I love you too, tell you that from that closet I knew it was always gonna be you." He tells me, and I look into his eyes, really confused, what did he just say.
he loves me too?
he's joking.
he has to be.
maybe he still has the flare.
"What?" I finally ask, and he nods.
"I love you y/n, I always have." He states, and I smile widely.
"I love you too!" I exclaim, and he kisses me, being gentle with the movements to not hurt my stomach.
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petrichor-idyllic · 9 months
Hi Petri, soooo I just finished Dead man walking and already (not that soon though, cause I know you have many requests to get through) need a part 2 because this is my new favorite thing, I love it, you did amazing (as always <3).
You can do whatever you want for part 2 but I wish you could do a little scene where the reader is trying to figure something about her job out and Gally is there just staring at her, and how beautiful she looks when concentrated,and they're just flirting and having fun. Also please do a lot of Fry teasing them because I absolutely love it.
Yes, absolutely, I can.
Love my boy Gally.
Sorry I've been MIA.
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SUMMARY: See above. Continuation from part 1. Time skip to the Safe Haven.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, Frypan bullying Gally, awkward tension, you not being sure what to do with yourself, reference to Chuck's death. WICKED being WCKD because movie. Newt's dead. Rip.
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The past few weeks have been a blur of chaos and emotion.
You'd arrived at the Safe Haven. But, you were the only person left from the rebels.
Lawrence stormed the City, destroying and setting fire to everything, which was not the plan. And not something you agreed with.
You'd split off and made your own way through the City, managing to bump into Gally on his way to their escape ship. His group had taken some blows.
They'd lost Newt to the Flare. Teresa got swallowed by a burning building. Thomas had been shot. Minho had been deeply traumatised at WCKD's hands.
Life hadn't been easy on these kids. But at least they're safe now.
And so are you, even if you're permanently having some kind of identity crisis due to too much free time and losing your rebellious means.
But, hey, you've still got Gally, at least.
Well, sort of.
Things have been painful awkward since your kiss in the Last City.
It's no one's fault in particular. You've been moving a hundred miles an hour your entire life, and now you get shouted at for finishing your work too quickly, and you're not really sure how to deal with people when you're not bossing them around or being bossed around.
And, Gally is just generally terrible at feelings.
It's actually mildly concerning, sometimes.
Which has led to a weirdly tense friendship where neither of you really know what you're doing.
It's a painful watch.
And you kinda sorta forgot that Gally is still a slightly awkward teenage boy with no experience with women.
It's definitely an experience; but on the bright side, you've become an honorary Glader. Sure, you don't understand the slang still, and you have to remember to not ask too much about the Maze or some of the people because you'll be met with several PTSD induced panic attacks. But, you've befriended them.
Minho is funny and sarcastic and incredibly tough.
Frypan is sweet, and also kind of funny. And he's an excellent cook despite what the other boys say.
Thomas is bold and determined, even taking a bit of a leadership role alongside Vince - even after his well-deserved break.
And whilst Brenda and Jorge aren't quite Gladers, you also like them quite a bit. Jorge reminds you of Lawrence in a way. He's rebellious and bold, but instead of cold and occasionally terrifying, he's funny and fraternal. And Brenda is kind of like you in a way, except she's playful. Which you have severely been lacking in the last few years of your life.
Yet, despite integrating into his friend group, his new home, his daily life - yours and Gally's relationship is still at a weird standstill.
So, you've decided to dive into work. Helping Vince is an easy way to clear your mind, and helping out people who've suffered under WCKS's hands is kind of your speciality.
You prepare blankets, clean, help Frypan in the kitchen, help with building plans, settle petty disputes; you name it, you do it.
And that's something Gally has always admired about you.
"Oi, shank, you're starin' again." Frypan says, snickering as he sits next to Gally, the light from the flames bouncing off his face.
Bonfires are an almost nightly occurrence at the Safe Haven. A celebration of their freedom and security. But, it's a bittersweet experience for the remaining Gladers. Memories of happier times dance in the fires of community. They always thought escaping the Maze would be the end, but they often find themselves remembering simpler times.
You don't share the same heartfelt irony.
"I'm not starin'." Gally grumbles back, yet his eyes still linger on you.
You walk around, handing out drinks and occasionally adding to the fire, making small talk; mainly with Vince, Thomas, and Brenda. You also occasionally take grimances sips of Gally's special brew - another festivity bought from the remains of the Maze.
"Uh huh, sure you aren't." Frypan chuckles as he sips his drink, a beat passing between the boys. "I don't get it. You guys kissed. Like, you kissed an actual girl. And now... what?"
Gally sighs, dropping his head as he speaks in a grumbled tone. "I... I don't know, man. She's... she was my boss. She saved my life. You know she found me in the Maze and-"
"And did everything to patch you up. Took you under her wing. Yeah, yeah, we know, we get it." Frypan rolls his eyes, knowing the story off by heart. "You clearly care about her, so why not actually doing something about it?"
"She hasn't done anything about it."
"Uh, yeah, she did."
"When she shuckin' kissed you, slinthead."
Gally falls silent for a moment, eyes landing back on you. It's everything about you; your hair, your eyes, your smile, the way you hold yourself, your passion - everything.
"...I don't wanna shuck it up, Fry."
Frypan's eyes land on his friend, the teasing tone slipping away as he looks at him. "Huh? What do you mean?"
Gally anxiously taps his foot, eyes lingering on you again. He looked at you like you were a Goddess and him a feeble insect, blessed to be in your mere presence.
"Gally?" Frypan presses him, brows starting to furrow in worry.
Gally has never been good with words. He's aggressive, and scary, and dangerous. Even if he has learnt to forgive and become more humble thanks to you, it's not like he's become an expert at this. And now he has...
He sighs, running his fingers through his short hair. "...I messed everything up back in the Maze. I was scared, and I acted on my own. I tried to hurt you guys, and I..." He trails off, the sound of the gunshot and Chuck hitting the floor still burnt into the back of his retinas. He shakes his head, clearing his throat. "I don't wanna mess this up, too."
Frypan looks at him for a few seconds, before smacking him on the back of the head.
"Klunk-! Fry! What the shuck, man?" Gally grumbles as he rubs the back of his head.
"Are you hearing yourself, shank?" Frypan leans forward on his knees. "That girl over there brought you back from the dead. She saw the potential in you and made it work. Without you, we would've never been able to save Minho, we would've never stopped WCKD - hell, we probably wouldn't even have made it here, man. Get a grip. You ain't that same sissy that spent his time buggin' out around the Glade, terrified of change. You're a hero and a rebell who risked his life for change."
Gally looks at his friend, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"And the only way that you're shucking this up, is if you sit you shank-ass here and do nothing." Frypan continues, letting the statement hang in the air for several moments.
Gally nods, churning the words over in his head.
"I'm right. Am I right, or am I right?" Frypan grins.
Gally snorts, shaking his head slightly. "You're right."
"'Course I shuckin' am." Frypan grins, patting his long-time friend's back. "Now, are you gonna sit here, wasting your breath yappin' my ear off - or are you gonna go get your girl?"
Gally struggles to hide the smile playing on his lips.
His girl.
He likes the sound of that.
"I'm gonna get my girl."
Whilst Gally gets his heart to heart (lecture) from Frypan, you've taken to cleaning up cups and desperately trying to stop drunk people from falling over. It's not a pleasant way to spend your evening, but it takes your mind off your boredom and constant speculation about your relationship with Gally.
"Hey, Boss." The familiar voice pulls you away from your thoughts, landing on the broad boy.
"I told you you don't have to call me Boss anymore, Gally." You roll your eyes slightly, continuing to pick up glasses.
"Yeah, sorry, force of habit." Gally rocks on his heels, anxiously looking at you.
"...You good?"
"Uh, yeah - uh, can we talk?" You raise an eyebrow at his words, a bubble starting to form in the pit of your stomach. "Like.. in private?"
"Sure. 'Course. Uh, wanna walk along the beach?"
"Yeah." He smiles slightly. "Sounds good."
You put the glasses you've collected down, nodding for him to follow you as you both head towards the waves, starting to wander as the waves just miss lapping up your feet.
Gally doesn't look at you for a while. His eyes fixed on the endless sand ahead of him; it's a heavy silence.
You don't push him. Sure, you spent months pushing him to his full potential. But when it came to talking, it was better to let Gally take his time.
After about ten minutes of walking, he finally takes a deep breath. "So, uh... I spoke to Fry.."
"Oh, yeah? What did he have to say this time?"
"He basically called me a useless slinthead." He chuckles dryly, glancing at you.
"Slinthead? That's like a dickhead, right?" He grins slightly; you're still getting used to the dumb slang of the Glade - it really doesn't help that every group of Maze escapees has their own set of personal curse words.
"Yeah, basically." He chuckles.
"...why'd he call you a dickhead? Sorry- slinthead."
He can't help but shake his head at you, that smile still on his face. "Well, uh, I've been a massive diaper-klunkin' sissy, basically."
You blink. What the fuck does that even mean?
He laughs at your confusion before composing himself, stopping to look at you, which makes you stop, too. You face him, brows furrowed slightly as nervousness starts to feel heavy through your inside.
"...remember before the Last City fell? When you kissed me?"
You freeze, embarrassment heating your face as you'd began to start cringing at the memory when you fall asleep. "Honestly, I thought you'd forgotten that." You attempt to joke to lighten some of the tension.
He scoffs. "Yeah... I've been a bit of an idiot." He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just... I was worried about ruining things between us, yanno? I'm so used to messy everything up and-"
"You don't mess everything up." You interject, immediately prepared to defend him against himself.
"Yeah - I know; Frypan already gave me the lecture." He grimaces slightly, almost like he's cringing at himself. "But... I like you. Like, I really shuckin' like you. And... we're safe here. I wanna stop being such a pussy and just..."
It takes a second to sink in what he's saying, your skin feels warm and tingly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. "...just?"
"...I just wanna ask you if... you'd... like to be my girlfriend?" His confidence falters with every word, voice raising in pitch, scrunching his face as he finishes his question in embarrassment. "That sounded shuckin' awkward." He sighs. "Listen-"
You don't listen, because he has no time to speak. Adrenaline takes over as you step towards him, hand coming to cup his cheek as you press your lips against his once again.
The kiss is short and sweet as you pull away, meeting his half-lidded eyes and wide grin. "Take that as a yes?"
"Yes, Gally, I'd love to be your girlfriend. Took you fuckin' long enough."
He snorts. "Yeah, yeah." He leans back in, kissing you again, this time deeper and with more passion, his fingers creeping around the back of your head and into your hair.
"Shuck yeah!" Both of you pull away from each other, seeing Frypan shouting from half way down the beach. "Told you she's your girl!"
You look at Gally. "The fuck is he on about?"
"...Don't worry about it."
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So, I'm back.
And back with a part 2, nonetheless. Sorry for vanishing, lads, I've had some wicked lack of motivation and I feel like a bit of a dick about it.
Yanno... since it's been literal months.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed :))
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carterthefrog · 6 months
sorry still not out of my maze runner era. i've been trying to figure out how to articulate this for the longest time but there's something about newt's death in the book and its specific flavor of tragedy that's completely lost in the movie. i understand why they had to change the mechanics of the flare so much in the movies to make it translate well to screen, but what they did changed newt's story for the worse in my opinion.
in the book, it's not a matter of 'they had a cure but they couldn't get it to him in time!' or 'he could've lived if only he hadn't been bitten!' or anything. and this is where the movie got it so wrong. because yes, easily preventable deaths are very tragic, but that's also the kind of tragedy that we see all the time. we've grown used to characters that are always one minute too late, characters who made one wrong misstep.
but what we're not used to? characters that were doomed from the beginning, characters that don't survive simply because they were never meant to. in the books, newt's fate has been sealed since he was first picked for the trials. he was always going to be exposed to the flare and he was always going to die because of it and that type of tragedy is not something that we are emotionally equipped to handle. because that's really all it was. a decision someone made over a decade ago. it also would've made it easier if it was some grand destiny written in the stars type thing. it's also easier to digest deaths that are prophesied and fated and for a greater good, but this was none of that. this was just death.
newt was always going to die and it was for the simple reason that they needed a control group for their experiment. his death was so impactful because the circumstances were utterly devoid of drama. he didn't die saving anyone, he didn't die to fulfill anything, and he didn't die because of any sort of ironic timing. it completely subverted every single expectation we have of fictional dying, and it just made it feel so much more raw and real than anything else. there's a reason why you can tell me the exact page number that newt died on but you probably can't do the same for any other fictional deaths of equal significance.
anyways this post is getting way too long but i have a lot to say abt this. the maze runner was my absolute favorite series growing up and im still peeling back the layers of why that is abd just ughhhhhhh
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citrusses · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped 🎁: Drarry Favorites Published in 2022
Featuring eighth year and fuck-or-die fics that were instant classics among classic tropes, steam and suds, mind-bending non-linear narratives, and character studies that made me consider anew the protagonists with whom I’ve spent so many years. 
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Then there are the other twelve days.
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Well, minus that whole having to kill Dumbledore or be killed by Voldemort thing.
Second worst year.
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Fine, this is the third worst year of his life. Hoppípolla by @moonflower-rose (E, 21k) Falling in love was as easy as jumping in puddles, and Draco Malfoy was completely drenched.
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 52k) 
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love. OR: It’s Eighth Year, and Harry Potter has detention. What else is new? Well, since you asked: Greenhouse Four and the Tree of Life, for a start, and then there’s the new shared Eighth Year common room, and Harry’s sexuality, and these pesky dreams he keeps having about a blond man pushing him into things…
Pack by @rockingrobin69 (Not rated, 1.4k)
It was cute when they were in school, the whole rivalry thing. 
What Makes a House a Home by @writcraft (E, 27k)
Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy wakes up in an unfamiliar house owned by none other than Harry Potter. Even stranger is the snow in September and a night sky without any stars. Naturally it’s a matter of life and death, because isn’t it always?
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship (E, 24k)
Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige.But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
The wrong sort by @vukovich (Not rated, 1.6k)
Draco half-rolled, half-fell onto his back, his skin sweaty against Harry’s sheets.  He licked his dry lips and exalted the plaster ceiling with, “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Howl by @tackytigerfic (M, 9k)
After an encounter with a vicious werewolf, Draco Malfoy wakes in a field hospital with a mangled shoulder, a furry little problem, and an inconvenient crush on Harry Potter. Potter, meanwhile, is still trying to save the world, only this time he wants Draco right there with him while he does it. Taking part in a rebellion against a corrupt regime isn't always glamorous, but at least sometimes there are organic farmshop pastries and fancy hotel bedsheets. Just don't ask about that smell of burning.
Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants (E, 34k) 
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed?
but first, we fight by @nv-md (E, 8k) 
Fighting with Draco Malfoy has never been quite this thrilling...or this frustrating. Harry's always horny, Draco's in denial, and there simply isn't enough time in the day to fight crime and watch your ex-archnemesis wash his arse.
Tapestry by @kbrick (E, 51k) WIP
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim.
In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter.
The Same Sweet Shock by @xiaq (E, 17k) WIP
One day, Draco Malfoy is going to get his life together.
One day, he will be a respectable citizen. He will have a respectable job and his last name will no longer be a scarlet letter and people will no longer try to hex him in the street. One day, he is going to live a good, honest, ordinary life.
Today, however, is not that day. Because today, he is driving a stolen police car and will likely be responsible for murdering Harry Potter.
Accidentally, of course; not that the papers will care.
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leafydinosaur · 2 months
thomas vs teresa
i will never EVER understand why people side with teresa. "but her mom died-" yeah and like everyone else on earth during that time. every single person during the flare lost someone so idk why people feel bad for her (also before people say anything about her before wicked and her true story and stuff, i read all the books including fever code and kill order so i know everything about her story, thanks.) yeah okay her story is sad but that doesn't mean she's necessarily good. i understand that she's trying to do the "right" thing, and i respect that, but she's literally stupid. wicked's operation is stupid. anyone with more than two brain cells can understand that. instead of spending like a billion dollars on trying to find a cure, wicked should focus on protecting the immune kids instead of torturing and killing them. firstly, wicked found a cure like 15 years too late. basically everyone was dead by then. but let's say that wicked found a cure in the few months of the flare. how would it be transmitted? the flare was artificially made, transmitted by bullets. there would not be enough of the cure for all of the infected. the cure cannot be artificially created (this is stated in scorch trials book and movie) thomas is the only person who can make the cure, but his body cannot produce blood fast enough for everyone on the planet. by this time, wicked should've already realized that finding a cure was a lost cause and should try to save as many immune people as possible. instead of building a multi-million dollar death maze, they should've started creating a safe haven (like the one in the end of death cure.) fortunately, ava paige and jansen aren't complete boneheads, but they built the last city in a very very bad location. you could assume that with the modern technology that wicked has (considering the fact that they literally created teleportation) they would be able to start a new civilization on mars or something. but let's say they couldn't. instead of having the location of the last city public, it should've been built on an island, in the middle of absolutely nowhere. (to prevent angry raiders that aren't immune or newly infected to raiding it or something. kinda like in death cure how they infiltrated the city and everything went to crap.) this would be a temporary location. wicked could send out an army to clear out, for example, iceland or another small country and slowly build their way up to bigger countries. they could build more and more bases and soon enough people would reproduce. the stronger wicked gets, the more cranks they'll be able to clear out with bigger armies. within 10 to 15 years, the world would be mostly clean and wicked would be able to slowly rebuild humanity. there you go. i just solved all of wicked's problems (your welcome ava and jansen, you could repay me with newt's number iykwim.) anyways, this is why i think wicked is stupid and why i don't support teresa (because she supports wicked and also she's the reason why a bunch of people died in the right arm and got newt killed so...) people are allowed to support and like whatever character but in MY opinion, teresa is really stupid or really selfish to sacrifice an entire group of people AND betray her friends to create a cure that will do absolutely nothing.
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bad268 · 2 years
Hi! Could you do a enemies to lovers with Minho. You guys were both taken by WICKD at a young age and became pretty good childhood friends and then later you started dating in your teens. Minho was then taken away and you rebelled with Thomas and they sent you up. In the maze you don’t get along with Minho but then suddenly you both get a memory of you two dating from before the maze. Angst and you don’t get together until scorch trials? Jealous Minho lolol. Love ur work!
It’s Always Been Minho (TMR Minho X Reader)
Fandom: The Maze Runner
Requested: Clearly
Warnings: WICKED
Pronouns: She/Her
W.C. 5124
Summary: Minho and the reader were together before the maze. What will happen in the maze and after they get out?
As always, my requests and ships are OPEN
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~~(^Google/Wiki fandom)
I couldn’t see. The last thing I saw was the WICKD workers taking me out of the little cave I called home after my parents went crazy. They caught the Flare.
I couldn’t remember all that happened. I recall them saying I would be safer with them rather than on my own. They said they wanted to help find a cure. They said I was immune. I didn’t know what that meant. I was four.
My head hurts. I think I was screaming. It could have been someone else. Who knew? It has only been a week since I followed those WICKD soldiers out of my cave. They took me to their facility. There were more people there. I didn’t get to meet any of them, but I saw them when I first walked in. I was the youngest. I didn’t like it.
They told me it was a simple test. They wanted to see my brain waves when I did puzzles. Then, they knocked me out, and now, it hurts. There’s a boy in the bed next to me. He stopped screaming a while ago. The nurses and doctors refused to come in while we were screaming, and he learned that the hard way.
By the time I stopped screaming, another person a few rooms over started. “I hate this. It hurts.”
“Tell me about it,” the boy said, turning to glare at me. “You didn't have someone next to you screaming their head off for the last hour.”
“My bad,” I sassed, looking over to meet his gaze. “By the sound of it, everyone reacts this way at first.”
“You’d be right about that one,” he laughed. “Last time a nurse came in here was to drop you off. That was a few hours ago.”
“How long have you been in here?”
“Since yesterday,” he signed, flipping over to his side. “Said I could leave this morning but never told me anything after that.”
“I’m sorry. Probably my fault. I’m (Y/N).”
“Or they’re just jerks,” he laughed again. “I’m Minho.”
~4 years later~
There was knocking. I was sure of it. A few minutes passed by before I heard it again. This time, I stood up to open my door only to find Minho leaning against the wall.
“Took you long enough, sweetcheeks,” he whispered.
“Are you insane?” I seethed, moving to pull him into my room. “Them WICKD workers could kill you for sneaking out.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked, rhetorically as he moved towards my bed. “What good’ll that do them? They need us.”
“Point is that they’re sticklers for rules, and one of the main rules is to not leave our rooms after lights out.”
“Again, what’ll they do? Kill me? Doubt that,” he smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me down to the bed on top of him as he laid down. “Plus, I got news.”
“What kind of news?”
“Good news,” he smiles. “Everyone’s merging.”
“Like everyone everyone or most of us?”
“Well, obviously the golden four won't be with us, but I heard we’re gonna be allowed to eat together, go to classes together, and we’ll have roommates.”
“They would never room you with me,” I laughed at his statements. “They’ll stick you with Newt and me with Harriet.”
“Unless they group us in those two huge rooms by the stairs,” he offered. “Maybe they’ll split us into the groups they’re prepping us for.”
“If they do that, they’re probably going to split us by gender,” I countered. “I heard group A was going to be the guys and group B was the girls.”
“Well, I guess I’ll be sneaking into the girls’ room every night.”
“Take a lady to dinner first.”
“I literally eat with you at every meal!”
~4 years later~
I couldn’t sleep. I just couldn’t shut down. This room was too big, too echo-y. Every little sound caused anxiety to rise in my chest. I didn’t like this new room. I missed my isolated cell. I miss Minho randomly stopping by and talking for hours. It’s been years since the merge, but I still do not like it.
Then, I heard the door close. I pretended to be asleep, in fear of the WICKD guards catching me again. The footsteps echoed through the room, but they did not sound like the boots of other WICKD workers. They sounded like someone was being careful of where they were going like they were searching for someone.
“Pst,” they whispered. “I hate that you guys can’t stick with one format. Like they’re just beds! Why do you have to rearrange it so often?”
“Maybe you boys are just boring,” I laughed in response, immediately recognizing the voice as Minho. “Why do you come in here every night?”
“Maybe I just want to see you, sweetcheeks,” he teased as he continued to move around the room blindly until he tripped over something on the ground. “What's with all this clunk?”
“Shut up, Minho! If you want to hang with your girlfriend, take her out and let us sleep!” One of the girls exclaimed. With a groan, and probably an eye-roll, he got up and found my bed.
“Finally,” he let out a breath. “Now, you want to get out of here?”
“Take a lady to dinner first,” I laughed.
“What if I want our first date to be a walk in the park?” He offered before pausing, “or facility. We don't have a park.”
“What if I said yes?”
“Then, I will take you out right now.”
“Okay,” I giggled. “Let me grab a jacket and my shoes real quick.”
“Here,” he said, taking his hoodie off, revealing a long sleeve WICKD shirt underneath. He helped me put it over my head once I sat up in my bunk. “Take mine. I bet you’d look cute in it”
“Oh, smooth, Min,” I replied, sarcastically. “Now, lead the way.”
He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the large room into the hallway where we met up with Alby.
“Took you bloody long enough,” Alby complained. “We almost got caught twice!”
“Didn’t take you as a stickler,” Minho shot back.
“Last I thought, you were just going in and getting the girl,” Alby laughed as he pushed himself up from where he was sitting on the floor. “Didn’t realize it’d take you 20 minutes.”
“Okay, shut up both of you,” I stated. “You need to pack your patience.”
“And you just got shut down by a girl,” Minho laughed. He pulled me along, leaving Alby behind. “Let’s go, you lazy shanks! We’re going to kidnap Thomas and Teresa.”
“That was the plan?” I wondered. “How are we going to get them to follow us?”
“Just say we found something cool,” Alby laughed. “They’re probably bored as heck in their rooms all day. They don’t get to see anyone besides the doctors and each other, so anything is better than nothing.”
“Exactly,” Minho agreed as we continued down the hallway towards their respective rooms that were at opposite ends of the hall. “We can also show them what WICKD is trying to get us to do. Show them what kind of experiments they are doing to us.”
“I’ll get Teresa, you guys get Thomas,” I said, stopping her room, as the others continue to the other end. I raise my hand to knock, and almost immediately, Teresa opens the door. “Come on. We’re gonna take a tour.”
“Anything to get out of this room,” she laughed, closing her door behind her, and we started heading down to Thomas’s room. “Do you know where?”
“Not exactly, but knowing the boys, it’s probably the ‘super-secret hiding place’ they found last week,” we laughed. “Did you get Thomas yet?”
“Yeah, he’s talking with Alby,” Minho answered, leading us over to the rest of the group. “Now, let’s go before someone sees us on the cameras.” Teresa walked ahead to meet up with the only other person she knew in the group while Minho and I stayed a few steps behind the rest. “Are we going to the place?”
“Yeah,” he responded, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “We’re gonna show them exactly what they are feeding.”
“Is that so?” Another voice asked, causing us all to stop as another group of WICKD workers came out from behind the corner we were about to cross. “Why don’t we show you what we’re trying to do?”
Without an escape, we all follow the workers, and we are met by a few other people at the elevators. I could only recognize two of them: Dr. Paige and Chancellor Anderson.
“We are going to show you exactly what we are keeping you safe from,” Dr. Paige explained.
“Oh, we finally get to know what happens when someone gets the flare?” Minho exclaimed sarcastically. “I’m shaking in my boots.”
I turned to slap his arm as we got into the elevator and went down. Chancellor Anderson and Dr. Paige just shook their heads in response as we rode down in silence. We just awkwardly looked around at each other. Despite having done this many times, this is the only time we have been caught. Probably because this was the first time we brought Thomas and Teresa with us. Finally, after what felt like forever, we stopped at the last level. Dr. Paige led us out with Alby, Minho and I walking out first while Thomas and Teresa followed behind us with Chancellor Anderson after them.
We walked down a dimly lit hall to a large metal door at the end. Thomas and Teresa were taken another way with Chancellor Anderson doing who knows what. Once we approached the door, Dr. Paige turned to us slowly as one of the workers began opening the door. “This will, hopefully, put into perspective what our mission is, and why we do what we do.”
“Keep your mouth shut, Min, and let’s just get this over with,” I stated, turning to send a glare at Minho before moving to go into the room first. I am immediately met with a large room that looked like a forest. The next thing I noticed was the groans. I looked to the side to see Randall Spilker. He had black veins spreading around his body, blood flowing from his mouth, and the tips of his fingers were gone. “What happened to him?”
“The flare,” Randall answered. “Don’t you understand? This is what they are keeping you safe from. They are trying to keep you safe from people like me. To find a cure.”
“It’s not like we were going to leave,” Alby responds.
“Yeah, we were going to show Thomas and Teresa all the work they’ve been putting into this place,” Minho added. “We saw those huge areas you’ve been building, and wanted to show them what’s been going on.”
“Minho, respectfully, shut up,” I hissed. His big mouth was going to get us into more trouble than we already were.
“All I’m doing is defending us,” He responded.
“And because we want to get our message across, Minho, why don’t I show you around this room first?” Randall offered.
“Is that even safe?” I nearly shouted.
“We would never let the cranks harm any of you,” Dr. Paige said. “However, we will throw you in to understand them.”
Before Alby or I could register what Dr. Paige said, two other workers pulled us back out of the room, leaving Minho with the cranks. Out of the room, down the hallway, and back to the elevator; we were dragged. Once in the lift, the workers pulled out these syringes before plunging them into our necks
I wake with a start, tied down to a hospital bed in my old room. Thomas is next to me, shaking me awake. I groaned before squeezing my eyes closed to block out the white lights of the room. “What the shuck, Tom.” I slowly opened them again to take in the boy in front of me. He looked nothing like earlier. He looked a few years older. “How long was I out?”
“They’ve been keeping you in an induced coma for the past three years,” he explained. “They started sending people to the maze after you got caught. Alby went first, then Newt, Minho, Gally-”
“Hold up, what maze?” I was so confused. I could not register it all at once.
“The groups they separated us in. The gigantic structures in the basement. Those are mazes like the ones we did in class. They want to monitor our brainwaves to see if they can find a cure,” he explained once again.
“How do mazes and puzzles find a cure for a DNA-altering disease? Doesn’t that seem fishy to you?”
“That’s why I woke you up,” he whispered. “They don’t know. They gave me access to all floors and rooms once Teresa and I agreed to help them, and I need backup.”
“What kind of backup?”
“Okay, so I want you to find out exactly what they are doing with the tests,” he explained. “If anyone can figure it out, it’s you. Once you find the results and their intentions, we can get them out. You also need to hide from anyone besides me. Again, I’m the only one that knows you’re awake.”
“Got it.”
It has been a few weeks of me sneaking around the facility, taking notes on every little thing I believe would be helpful to Thomas. I have been writing as much as I could, sliding the pages under his door, and hiding in one of the back closets.
Today, I was going to try and get down to the basement to see the mazes. Looking over the building plans, there was a small passage from the stairs to a platform that looks over one of the mazes. By the looks of it, it should be an easy thing, especially at night.
It was nearing midnight, and I know the majority of the staff is off to bed. I make my way down the never-ending staircases to reach the last floor before turning off towards a door that leads to the passage. The narrow hallway twisted into a spiral staircase. Once I got to the top, I opened the door to see a gigantic enclosed yard.
“Holy crap,” I whispered to myself as I looked at the field. From where I was standing, I could see a few people walking around the perimeter, and in those people, I saw Minho. It was him, Newt, Alby, Ben, and Gally. I had no clue what they were talking about but they were laughing at something, then Alby slapped the back of Minho’s head. I jotted some notes about what the place looked like and what they were doing into the notebook I snagged from one of the supply closets. I hid the book in the back of my shirt and turned to leave, but the sound of the passage door locking.
I took off running down the normal entrance/ exit stairs despite knowing it would be completely open; if I was going to get caught, I needed to make sure Thomas knew what was going on in the mazes. I took off running up the stairs, hearing the pounding of multiple sets of footsteps following behind me. I took a shortcut up to Thomas’ room. I needed to get these to him without the guards noticing.
I turned the corner to his room before throwing the entire notebook under the door and taking off toward the only exit I knew of. As I got to the last door, I opened it using a key card I had stolen from a desk, but when the door opened, I was met by Janson.
“Who woke you up?” He teased me. “Last I checked, you were unconscious.”
“I woke up myself, Ratman,” I laughed in response. “Just you wait until I tell everyone in this facility exactly what you are doing with us. I saw those grievers. You are literally trapping us and not letting us leave! I have seen seven people get killed by those grievers directly, and another ten from getting stung. I will make sure that everyone knows about the cruel punishments you put us through!”
“Maybe, but you’re not going to remember what you saw,” he responded. I was not able to respond before a doctor came up behind me and injected me with something.
I couldn’t tell where I was. I couldn’t see, but I could tell that I was moving. Very fast at that. After my eyes adjusted to the dark area, I could make out that I was in a small room with boxes surrounding me. I went to go over to the crates but fell down as the room came to a sudden stop.
The top of the room opened, and I had to squint my eyes as the bright light evaded the area. Once I was able to see again, I noticed a group of guys huddled around the opening.
“What the shuck?” One said.
“Since when did they send girls here?” Another said.
“Oh great,” A third said with an eye roll, “stick her with Fry. I’m not dealing with her.”
“What is this place?” I asked. “Who are you?”
“You’ll learn with time, greenie,” The second guy said, jumping into the box. “I'm Alby. I run this place. It’s the Glade.”
“What did I miss?” A guy walked, more like limped, over from a building. “Wait, they sent a girl?”
“Yeah, Newt. What does that mean?” The first guy that spoke said.
“I don’t know,” Newt responded. He and the guy he was talking to walked over to the end, and the other jumped in with Alby and me while Newt stayed at the top.
“Minho, take her and show her around,” Alby commanded. Minho went to protest, but Alby stopped him. “Newt would, but his leg is still healing and walking ain’t doing him any good.”
“Fine, let’s go, greenie,” he huffed, climbing out of the box.
“Who are you calling greenie? What is a greenie?” I responded, following him out. “Last I checked my name was (Y/N).”
All of the guys gasped in surprise and started talking among themselves. Alby climbed out as well and pulled Newt into a side conversation while Minho just stared at me like I was crazy.
“You know your name? Already?” He asked, curious as to why the creators would send someone with at least partial memories.
“Yeah, you think I’m dumb?” I snapped.
“No, just no one remembers anything when they get here,” he snapped as well. “And until you can prove that you’re not useless, you’ll just be weak to me.”
It has been a few months in the glade. I have not remembered anything other than my name, but I moved past that in order to prove myself to these boys. The only people in this place that did not question my worth were Alby and Newt even though I have worked my way up to being a builder and occasional runner.
Minho had some weird vendetta against me. He thinks I am out to get him or something stupid like that. It’s almost like he doesn't understand that I am just doing my part.
“Why don’t you let the stronger guys take care of that,” Minho sneered, poking at the fact that I was carrying wood to the area where we would have the bonfire. “Look like you’re struggling there, shank.”
“Minho, respectfully, shut up,” I growled, “Let me do my job in peace. I don’t run into the maze to bug you.”
“Hmmm, yeah you do.”
“Not on days that I’m not allowed,” I snapped. “Even then I’m not near you and Ben. I’m off on my own.”
“Hey, (Y/N), get back to work,” Gally shouted, “Those logs ain’t gonna move themselves.”
I was about to respond when the box sounded that a new shipment was in as well as a new greenie. We all went to crowd around the box, and when it opened, I recognized the person. I could not say from where, but his face looked familiar. He didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything before he jumped out of the box and bolted towards the doors of the maze. Minho and I took after him, but we didn’t need to run for long as the greenie tripped. Once we got him into the slammer, I knew I wanted to talk to Alby about making him a runner.
“That’s a suggestion you need to bring up with Minho,” Alby said. “It’s his section.”
“You know he’d never listen to me,” I started. “Plus, he’d never let a newbie into the maze.”
“Here, we will have a meeting, and we’ll vote on it.”
“We already voted, and we need more runners,” I reasoned. “You’re not even running with him. I’m the only one that doesn’t have a partner.”
“Still, I’m the keeper of the runners, so I get the final say, and I said no,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Just let it go, and leave me alone.”
“I’ll leave you alone when you respect democracy, you slinthead.” I continued following him as we approached the bonfire. Gally was already throwing hands with Ben, Winston and Fry already had Gally’s concoction and Newt was talking with the greenie. “All I’m saying is to give him a chance.”
“Fine, he got one day to prove himself, and I’m not handling him, is that clear?”
“Crystal,” I spat with a tight-lipped smile before turning away from Minho to approach Newt and greenie. However, the greenie was being pulled into the ring by the time I got to them. I looked over to Newt to see him looking nervous. “This is initiation. He’ll be fine.”
“Were you able to talk sense into Minho?”
“Yup, he’s got one day to prove himself,” I stopped, hearing someone hit the dirt. I saw the new guy on the ground, but he did not get up right away. Just as Newt and I were about to react, he jumped up screaming his name.
“Thomas!” He exclaimed. “My name is Thomas!”
“Alright, Thomas,” I paused out of breath. We had just gotten closed into the maze with Minho and Alby. Minho and Alby ran together today since Ben was sung yesterday, but now, Alby was also stung. No one had ever been locked in the maze, and now the four of us had to survive together. “We just killed ourselves.”
“No, I’ve got an idea,” Thomas started.
“Thomas, no,” Minho snapped, propping Alby against the wall. “We are dead. There is no way we can survive the night with the grievers and Alby being stung. We. Are. Dead.”
“No, I have an idea. We could tie Alby to the vines and hang him up,” Thomas explained as he pointed up the wall. “We just need to work together.”
“Thomas, hate to break it to you, but Minho hates both of us,” I responded bluntly. “So while I might help and it might work, there is no way we would ever work together.”
With that, Thomas and I started wrapping the vines around Alby. We worked together to secure the vines and pull to hang him at a safe height. All the while, Minho sat and watched. Just as we finished, the sound of gears and scraping got louder, almost as if it were right around the corner. Once we secured Alby in the air, we took off in different directions instead of sticking together.
I could not tell how long I had been running, but eventually, I found a cliff and a small hiding place. I threw myself into the hole as the griever came around the corner. Thankfully, it did not see me, but another set of footsteps turned around the corner. It was Minho, but the next thing I knew, the griever was on top of him.
I did not really want to help him since he would not do the same if I was in his shoes, but I also could not let him just get stung. Thus, I jumbled out of the hole, grabbed a vine, and whipped it at the griever. “Over here, griever!” I shouted.
Minho had already been stung, but he looked over at me with a glazed look before passing out as the griever walked up to me.
“I clearly did not think this through,” I mumbled to myself as I took off running in the other direction. I, quite literally, ran into Thomas before scrambling to get up, pulling him with me. “Run!”
“What?” He trailed off but followed closely behind once he saw the griever on my tail. We ended up splitting up, me going right, and Thomas going left. I ended up doing a circle which worked out since I was able to get Minho hidden in the hole, so he would not die. He stirred as I dragged his body toward the hiding space, and he started mumbling pieces of a conversation but still not opening his eyes.
“Golden four,” he muttered. I listened curiously as there was a break, but he picked up after a second, almost as if he was having a real conversation. “Split us into groups…Sneaking into the girls’ room every night…I literally eat with you at every meal.”
That last sentence sparked something in my mind, it was like the floodgates opened, and it’s like I could remember most of my life before this maze. I do not remember specifics, but I do remember running around a huge facility with a small group of people. There were three boys, Newt. Alby and Minho, and one girl. We would cause trouble in the cafeteria, roan the halls, and run from guards. That was about as specific as I could get.
Leaving Minho where he was, I took off to find Thomas. Finding him relatively quickly with a griever pinning him down, I grabbed a vine yet again to whip at the machine. This time, instead of it just coming back at me, the vine wrapped itself around the legs of the griever and tripped it. Thomas scrambled from underneath it to stand beside me as the griever began tearing through the vines. It stood menacingly in front of us before, almost like a switch, just turning around, and leaving us without a thought.
“Minho got stung,” I told him as we started walking back to the doors. “I hid him.”
“Why would you do that? Not to be mean or anything, but you guys hate each other," Thomas asked as we dragged Minho out of the hiding spot. “He would’ve just let you did probably.”
“Regardless of our hatred, I am not letting anyone die in this maze. Not on my watch,” I replied seriously as we approached the doors that were just opening. We propped Minho against the wall as we got Alby down. Thomas carried Alby while I dragged Minho closer to the doors as they finished opening, and every glader was standing, waiting for us. I leaned closer to Thomas, whispering, “I’m not a monster.”
~~ It’s been nearly a week since we got out of the maze. Three days since we got out of the glade. Minho and Alby survived, but Gally and Chuck died on our way out. Now, we were all separated, well most of us were. The boys got to stick together, and Teresa and I stuck together. I’ve got a bad feeling about her, but I’m apparently the only one.
Minho, on the other hand, has been avoiding me like the plague. I know he’s asking about me because Thomas and Newt still talk to me, but anytime Minho sees me around them, he turns the other way. I want to know what he remembered, but I know that is something he would never tell me.
One night, I got curious. I wanted to know where the “safe” people were going, so I stole a key card and snuck through the vents to reach the backrooms. I was not expecting to see hundreds of teenagers strung up, hooked up to a multitude of machines. I found a couple of loose guns, so I grabbed those, hoping the guys would bust out with me. If not, oh well, I have a weapon now. I crawled through the vents to reach the boys’ room. I heard them talking quietly, so I waited for a break in the conversation.
“You’re not making any sense,” Newt said. “What do you mean you remember her?”
“When I got stung, I remembered a conversation and we were talking about a merge,” Minho explained. “Like I think we were here for a long time and then the WICKED people put us into the groups. Y’know, Group A and Group B, but she should’ve been in Group B. Why was she in our group?”
“We do not have time to focus on that,” Thomas reasoned. “We need to figure out exactly how you know Y/n and how we get out of here. Seriously, I have a bad feeling.”
“I think we were together,” Minho mumbled. The rest of the guys gasped, and I let out one quietly to myself. None of them heard it as they continued the conversation. “I don’t know what to think.”
“Well, how do you feel?” Newt pressed. “You wouldn’t be so caught up if you didn’t feel something for her.”
“Maybe I do!” Minho exclaimed. “She literally saved my life, but she hates me.”
“Minho, trust me,” Thomas speaks up, “she does not hate you. When she was talking about saving you in the maze, she did not look like she hated you. There’s no way.” It went silent for a while, so I decided to put aside my shock and make an appearance. I knocked on their vent. I could hear them jump before Thomas lifted it. “Oh, what’re you doing here?”
“You won’t believe me, but we need to get out of here. Now,” I pressed. “They’re stringing us up. There is no safe haven. They’re killing us.”
Running through the halls with Ratman chasing me did not bring up the best memories. I remembered waking up after Minho was sent up to the maze, and Thomas recruited me. Not the best time, but I pushed through. At one point, I tripped. I thought I was dead. However, to my shock, someone stopped.
“You’re not dying on me. I won’t let you go now that I remember,” Minho. It was Minho. It’s always been Minho.
~~~ Part 2 ->
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fool-of-a-took1 · 1 year
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Mhm yeah just looking around on Pinterest and see this. Thanks for getting my mind to spin before I’m supposed to sleep
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persnickett · 3 months
Fanfiction - The Blood Culmination
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Fandom: The Maze Runner Word Count: 250k Rating: E Some time has passed on the Safe Haven Island since the events involving WCKD, but Thomas still seems to have some work to do getting over all of it - especially what happened to Newt. When Newt unexpectedly arrives on the island, alive and apparently free of the Flare, coming back from the dead proves a lot more complicated for both of them than they might have imagined - had either of them imagined it was possible at all. Read on Ao3
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pathsofoak · 1 year
I have underestimated the potential of Brenda being the type to go all feral kitten in certain specific situations
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voidpetrova · 8 months
comforting thomas after he has a nightmare (established relationship)
thomas lay in bed, bathed in the pale moonlight that filtered through the cracked windows of the safe haven. it had been months since they'd escaped the maze, and even longer since you and thomas had found solace in each other's arms. despite the relative safety of their current situation, the memories of the maze and the trials they'd faced still haunted his dreams.
as you slept beside him, your fingers gently intertwined with his, you could sense the turmoil in his mind. thomas had always been strong, but the weight of the past was a burden even he couldn't shake. his breathing grew erratic, and his face contorted with anguish as he battled the demons that plagued his sleep.
then, it happened. thomas woke up with a gasp, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. his chest heaved with the remnants of a nightmare that had torn through his subconscious. his eyes, filled with fear and sorrow, met yours as he tried to make sense of the real world. “thomas,” you whispered, your voice a soothing balm in the darkness. you shifted closer, your arms wrapping around him as he struggled to sit up. “it's okay. you're safe. it was just a dream.”
his hands were trembling, and he clung to you as if you were his lifeline. “it felt so real,” he admitted, his voice wavering. you leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “i know, love,” you said softly. “but he's gone, tommy, and you couldn't have saved him. you did everything you could.”
the reoccuring thought of newt, his dear friend who had succumbed to the flare, sent fresh waves of pain through thomas. he buried his face in the crook of your neck, seeking solace in your presence. you held him tighter, your fingers running through his hair in a comforting gesture. “shh,” you cooed, your words a soothing melody. “i'm here, thomas. i'm not going anywhere. you're not alone in this.”
he nodded, his grip on you gradually relaxing. “i just miss him so much,” he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. “i know,” you replied, your own eyes damp with empathy. “i miss him too. but we have each other, thomas. we survived all of this together, and we'll keep surviving. we owe it to newt to make the most of the life we have now.”
your words seemed to resonate with him, and he slowly began to calm down. his breathing steadied, and the tension in his body eased. you continued to hold him, rocking gently back and forth as if you could lull away the nightmares that still lingered.
gradually, thomas's eyes grew heavy, exhaustion winning out over the haunting memories. “stay with me,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. “always,” you replied, your lips brushing against his ear. you stayed there, wrapped in each other's arms, as the moonlight bathed you in its gentle glow. slowly but surely, thomas drifted back into a peaceful slumber, safe in the knowledge that you were by his side, and that together, you could face whatever challenges the future held.
and so, in the heart of the night, you held the boy who had faced the maze, the scorch, and the trials of wicked, and you whispered promises of love and a future filled with hope, until his breathing evened out, and the nightmares were chased away by dreams of a world where pain and loss were distant memories.
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liliumsabyss · 1 year
Hello I have once again found myself rereading the Newt fics and my love for them continues to grow. However thoughts have been thunk and I need protective Newt in my life. I’m happy to let you run wild with whatever ideas you want, if you can’t think of any here are some ones that have been floating around my mind:
Newt protecting reader while they escape the maze. Newt protecting reader at the WICKED facility (probs not what it’s called but can’t stop and think about that right now). Newt protecting reader from himself while he has the flare. Newt protecting reader from Teresa/WICKED after the betrayal.
Anything you want, I’ll take it all.
All the love for you and your work ❤️
Protecting and Patching
Newt(TMR) x Male Reader
Word Count: 1.96k
Tw: Maybe OCC Newt, Blood, Injuries, Mentions of Death, WICKED, Swearing, Weapons, General TMR Violence, Film Newt, Based on Both Novel and Film
A/n: Hey again! It makes me so happy that you enjoy the fics so much! I really like the idea of Newt protecting the reader at the WICKED facility especially since my love of that scene in both the films and novels is just <3<3<3 I love that scene so much of course I love Newt more and he’s just so great in the scenes even if it’s very subtle he does a lot of the shit in the scenes. I had so much fun writing this to the point that I rewatched the scene like eight times to include all the little detail things that happen since I just wanted to capture the feel of the scene and Newts character in that scene since it’s like their first time with face to face peril of WICKED. I had a load of fun writing this and I also learned that Thomas Brodie-Sangster the guy who plays Newt is one of the voice’s of Ferb from Phineas and Ferb I don’t know if I love this fact or if it makes me want to cry. Anyway I hope you enjoy and all the love to you! Thank you so much!
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The boys flooded out of the vent into a dark room that was made of dark concrete floor and bright white concrete brick walls that were decorated with metal pipes winding and weaving into the florecently lighted hallways. The group stood antsy waiting for Thomas to give the next instructions, (Y/n) rocked on the balls of his feet, Newt quickly stepped closer to the other. Thomas started heading down the hallway.
“ Wait, go ahead I’ve got something I need to do” Aris calls out to the rest, one replying they will go with him.
The boys started sprinting down the hallway, Newt making sure the (h/c) haired male was beside him. The sound of footsteps pounded through the wall and the group turned the corner only to be met with a lady in a lab coat. The blonde quickly stumbled back making sure to put himself slightly in front of his lover blocking him subtly from the woman. 
“ What are you kids doing-“ The lady started before being cut off with the howl of sirens projecting from overhead siren lights flashed yellow. The lady’s face quickly contorted as the boys seized her holding her hostage as they continued their sprint through the corridor. They turned a corner (Y/n) being in front of the blonde when the ones who had passed the corner skidded to a stop. A man in all black with what appeared to be a large gun shouted a hey before raising the weapon and opening fire. Newt grabbed the (h/c) haired arm pulling him back clutching onto as they started to sprint the opposite way.
“ Are you ok!” Newt tried to shout over the chaotic shouts and pounding of footprints but it didn’t reach the other as he froze looking away towards where the man had come from. The blonde turned to see what the other was looking at, Minho was stopped several feet away with his fist tightly clenched, some let out calls questioning what he was doing at a time like this. Minho turned around letting out a yell as he sprinted full speed hurtling towards the wall as the man came around the corner. He kept through the air his knees close to his chest as he soared into the man taking him off guard knocking him into the concrete walls rendering him unconscious or dead. (Y/n) couldn’t exactly tell as the group surged forward Newt grabbing his arm dragging him along. Thomas had picked up the gun leading the group of boys through the winding hallways as they still kept the woman in the lab coat hostage.
A large metal door stood in front of them quickly being opened as they surged in seeing five very startled people in lab coats. Thomas holding up the large gun waving it between them screeching ‘where is she’ repeatedly. Newt turned to see (Y/n)’s face, he was biting his lip trying to push down the fear but the blonde could still see it in his eyes which had widened at Thomas’ sudden act of aggression. Newt quickly stepped in front of the other pulling his own arm behind his back to grab the (h/c) haired male's hand looking back raising his eyebrow. (Y/n) just gave the other a nod. Thomas had passed the gun to Minho who continued to keep the WICKED employee’s at gun-point. Newt ran forward grabbing a long strip of cloth attempting to tie their hands together as Thomas retrieved Teresa from the medical bed. Then suddenly someone standing next to the (h/c) haired male shouted ‘they’re coming this way!’ (Y/n) looked petrified turning towards the window in the door right where he had been standing. 
“ (Y/n) get back!” Newt screamed, his eyes widening in fear as he pushed through the crowd in the room towards the door. (Y/n) quickly sprinted out of the way, the blond pushed over a nearby metal examination table it made a loud clatter that shuddered through the already clambering room. There was a loud screech as the table was pushed by Newt up against the door barricading it. 
“ BACK EVERYONE GET BACK!” Someone shouted as a loud crash was heard, reinforcements crashed into the door trying to bash it open. (Y/n) turned at the sound of the panging of glass only to see Thomas thrusting a stool into the glass attempting to break it only to be unsuccessful. Newt looked with terror at the door as the WICKED guards were so close to breaking in so close to getting them all and then what would happen would they be killed like their so called rescuers or would only some of them be killed, would one of them be himself or even worse (Y/n), that future could not exist, he picked up another stool hurdling it towards the glass with Thomas. The loud sound of a shatter filled the room as the glass rained upon them. The boys leapt through the empty window frame that still had remnants of glass. Newt kept turning as the (h/c) haired male shakily attempted to climb through with the blonde spotting him, he however stepped on a piece of glass piercing through his foot the tip covered in blood appearing at the top of his shoe. The male let out a quick yelp falling forward onto Newt who luckily caught him.
“ Can you walk?” Newt said worriedly looking between the other’s shoe that was covered in blood.
“ I think so…” (Y/n) seethed, clenching his teeth. The blonde slowly lowered the male's legs to the ground still keeping his arms around him to take some of the weight of his foot. Newt looked up at (Y/n), (Y/n) giving a curt nod, his arm still stretched around Newt. Then they hear a loud crash. The (h/c) haired male didn’t even get a chance to look back before Newt had started sprinting, still supporting some of (Y/n)’s weight. The group sprints through the hallway being led by Thomas, Newt and (Y/n) towards the front of the group running on pure adrenaline. They all ran through a door. A man in a black ski mask with blank eyes stood there with a large gun which must have been the standard for WICKED. Thomas with little hesitation shot the man with the weapon he had been holding. Suddenly they hear the thundering footsteps echoing down the hallway from the WICKED employee’s. Someone yells shit as they race off again, they finally get to the access door all of them clinging desperately to the large industrial door. Thomas frantically swipes the ID card into the access slot, the door buzzes and a red light flashes denying access. The doors metal jaws stay clamped, some slap Thomas’ back yelling word’s of rush such as ‘c’mon’ and hurry up, but once again Thomas tries are futile as he once again frantically swipes the card it fails buzzing a sound of denial and flashing red. They hear the heavy footsteps of guards looking down the hallway and they see Jason surrounded by guards in tactile equipment heavily armed and holding up shields. Newt quickly pushed (Y/n) into the corner of the wall as gently as he could keeping in mind his injured foot shielding him from the rest as he turned to face the guard’s. Thomas quickly started walking towards Jason ready to open fire shouting at him to open the door only for him to respond with a threatening ‘you don’t want to do this’. Newts head whips behind him making eye contact with the (h/c) haired male whose hands were placed on the blondes back shaking, Newt looked away avoiding making the other more terrified he looked desperately back at the card slotted only one thought pummeling through his head how were they going to get out of this. Then as if a higher power heard Newt’s thoughts the heavy metal door screeches open its heavy jaws. Newt gives a cry of relief like most of the group as he throws (Y/n)’s arm around him, (Y/n) lets out a hopeful smile before they stumble through the door. Thomas lets out a few shots before his gun becomes jammed, throwing it at Jason and his security personnel. The metal door starts to shut slowly sliding down, everyone is screaming for Thomas to get there and in the little gap between the metal teeth of the door and the floor Thomas slides under. Jason hits the window of the door angrily as Thomas flips him off. (Y/n) still clasping onto Newt sticks his young out briefly mocking him as wide smiles spread onto the boy’s faces. They start at full speed sprinting through the large warehouse-like room stopping when they approach the large metal gate that stood a steel or iron giant whatever material it may be in front of them towering twenty feet standing between them and their freedom. Thomas quickly pulled a red lever allowing the doors to steadily open heavily, dragging open a greyish-blue smoke swirled past the door as the group flooded out.
Once they got to safety Newt and his lover separated from the group. The blonde still supported the others' weight as they hobbled to a corner where the two could sit. Newt carefully helped the other sit on the floor hoping that the pain had decreased and the bleeding stopped. He looked up at the other for permission as he went to take off (Y/n)’s shoe the (h/c) haired male nodded. Newt tried to take his shoe off as carefully as he could looking up at the other male who was biting his lip trying to not show how much pain he was in. Newt slid off the shoe to see a several inch wide gash going straight through the (s/c) skin of (Y/n)’s foot . It was bloody but didn’t appear to be bleeding as much as it was, being mostly caked in dried blood. Newt quickly took a flask of water that he had picked up earlier pouring the water on the wound. (Y/n) squirmed clenching his fists in pain.
“ I'm sorry love, I'm sorry.” Newt apologized, trying not to look up at the other in guilt. The blonde quickly tore apart part of his white cotton shirt’s sleeve, he gently held up the (h/c) haired male's foot using the cloth as a makeshift bandage wrapping the wound tightly letting the foot go carefully. The blonde then slid next to his lover putting an arm around him. 
“ This hurt’s like a shucking bitch!” (Y/n) whined to Newt waving his leg in the air.
“ It looks like we will be limping together for the time being.” Newt chuckled slightly making the rare joke about his leg only for (Y/n) to give him a bewildered look and a slight nudge. (Y/n) grabbed Newt hand interlacing them, Newt pulled their hands towards himself raising them slowly to his lips kissing (Y/n)’s hands as he peered at them with his honey brown eyes he gave out a short amused hum seeing the others bashful face.
“ We should get some sleep.” The blonde said hugging his lover slightly more into him, the (h/c) haired male leaned his head against Newt's shoulder with Newt reciprocating the action leaning his head against the others head.
“ Goodnight Newt”
“ Goodnight (Y/n), love”
The two drifted off into sleep in each other's embrace, the other boys shaking their heads at the lovesick couple leaving them alone as they continued to their shifts making sure not to wake the pair.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
aaaa this might be a really lame request, but would it be possible for a minho x reader where she splits up with him when brenda and thomas go back and instead of brenda getting bitten by a crank it was the reader (maybe she got bitten saving brenda) and how he reacts to seeing her get ill / recover? 🥲 seeing an active tmr blog the delivers such good content in 2023 actually made me gasp so like even if you don’t write this, i will be actively reading anything you write!
Oooo I actually really like this idea, of course I'll write it :))
Also I appreciate your continued support, you guys are the best.
Inaccurate dialogue to the films because I'm too busy to watch the movies for reference, but you get the jist.
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SUMMARY: See above. Fem! Reader x Minho. Movie based fic. You came up with Teresa.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, you nearly die (again)(there's becoming a theme with my Minho fics)(I'm really putting this man through it), the Flare works differently in the movie vers. and all we get are the visual symptoms so I'm making this shit up, WICKED being WCKD because movie.
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This wasn't meant to happen.
You just went after Thomas when he ran after Brenda - you couldn't leave him alone with a stranger.
And look where your kindness has gotten you. Biten by a Crank.
You're not really sure how it happened, but when that psycho tried to attack Brenda, you were the one to dive to her rescue. It's a blur, but once that glass broke and Thomas managed to catch Brenda, and you narrowly avoided death- you didn't even notice the pain in your leg.
It's fine.
It's no big deal.
You're probably immune.
You were in the Maze, after all.
The memories of waking up with an unconscious Teresa next to you are only from a few days ago, but now it feels like an eternity.
Though, you thought you were all immune. And look what happened to Winston.
You managed to hide it from your companions, only checking the injury when they weren't looking. But Brenda seemed to catch onto something not being quite right.
You lose Thomas and Brenda in the daze of a party you accidentally got dragged into, though you're pretty sure you see them kiss, (and Brenda get rejected,) before your body hits the floor.
"Rise and shine, shank," Minho gently pushes you awake as your eyes flicker up to meet his. He smiles at you.
You don't really know when your feelings for him started, especially since you don't think you've ever actually stood still. But whilst Teresa was unconscious and you were having some kind of mental breakdown, Minho made time to make sure you were alright - even with his ventures into the Maze.
Newt had his hands full running the place with Alby out of commission and Gally was throwing a paddy because Thomas had achieved the impossible. So, Minho and the Medjacks were the only ones around to keep you sane.
Maybe if you arrived at a different point, things would be different.
But they're not.
Thomas and Brenda are already awake. Brenda is sitting in a chair, looking forlorn and anxiously glancing at you. Thomas is talking to Teresa, which is also a bitter sight for Brenda.
"What happened?" You grumble, pushing yourself up on your elbows. You've been lying on a pile of cushions on the floor.
"You got wasted at some Crank party, passed out - the klunk you took was stronger than Gally's special brew," he snickers, offering you a hand to pull yourself up. Your eyes flicker up to his face and you smile.
He yanks you up and you stumble slightly. "Woah, easy, girly," he chuckles, placing his hand on the small of your back, stabilising you.
Your head feels foggy from the drugs, but your main concern is the throbbing sensation in your ankle. It stings and pulses, like something is living under your skin.
Minho notices your hesitance as your stomach drops.
You're not immune.
If you were, your whole leg would feel like it's covered in cobwebs and on fire.
Shit. What do you do now?
You don't want to worry your friends, they have enough on their plate. And maybe your body will take more time to fight the infection. Maybe it's too soon to tell.
You're lying to yourself, but it's all you can do.
"Hey, you feeling okay?" You force yourself to smile at him.
"Yeah, yeah, just a bit shucked up - where are we?" You look around the room as Minho lets go of you. There's a man tied to a chair in the middle of the room as Jorge yells at him.
"We found Marcus," Minho says simply.
"That's Marcus?" You and Thomas say in unison.
It's the same guy that spiked you earlier.
You step forward, a jolt of pain slicing you in two, making your leg twist awkwardly and your stomach flip.
"Shuck-! Christ, (Y/N)," Minho jumps to catch you before you manage to catch yourself. "Are you sure you're good?"
"Y-yeah," you try to push out a chuckle, but it comes out as pained. "Think I twisted my ankle before - nothin' I can't handle."
Minho looks unsure, his eyes flickering to your leg and then back up to your face. He can't show how much he cares.
How much he wants to say fuck this and just figure out a way to survive in the Scorch with you. You were gone for one night and now something's wrong - he knows it's wrong but he can't quite put his finger on what.
He's tired of fighting, of running, of everything.
But he figured things would be alright because he had you now.
Brenda moves to let you sit down in the armchair. She's seen it before, and if it were her in your situation, she wouldn't want everyone knowing either. And you proceed to completely zone out.
Too many thoughts swarm your head. Minho. The Flare. The state of your immunity. Who this guy is and how the fuck you're going to actually find the Right Arm.
That's a lot of ground to cover.
So, obviously, you steal a car. Marcus' car, to be more precise.
Bastard deserved it.
You all squeeze in the car, and you're stuck between Minho and Aris. Normally, being this close to Minho would send your brain foggy and have you blushing, but your body is literally rotting from the inside out.
The sickness set in pretty early into the car ride. Then the sweating and fever followed. You're struggling to keep your head up, which is less than ideal when you're trying to act completely normal.
But at least you're not walking.
So, you're less than pleased when you have to stop due to a pile of cars in the road.
You try your best to keep going, but everything everyone's saying is like static in your ears. Everything hurts, and it's a good thing Minho is paying attention when the gunshots start.
He yanks you behind a car with him and Newt - and he's not the only one noticing your state as Newt looks at you.
"What's wrong with her?" Newt asks, like you're not even there despite the current circumstances of being shot at.
"I don't know." Minho says bluntly, eyes scanning you as you lean back against the vehicle.
"You don't think-"
"Slim it, Newt," Minho snaps, "I don't wanna think."
"I'm fine," you say, adjusting yourself. "Just shucked up my ankle, that's all."
"Come on, get up! Up!" You jump out of your skin at the voices of two girls breaking your static state.
Who apparently knows Aris.
Small world, I guess.
Sonya and Harriet lead you through the mountains, shoving you into another set of vehicles and leading you to the Right Arm base camp.
By this point, the world is a blur and direction doesn't matter to you. You're just absent mindedly stumbling in the direction of sound and blurred images of your friends.
You hear Minho say something, touching your wrist but you yank yourself away as it feels like you've been burnt.
Harriet and Sonya introduce you to Vince, whose name you don't even catch.
He gives some speech about checking for infection and how he doesn't trust you all.
And that's when your body caves in and you hit the floor.
"Shit! (Y/N)!" Minho snaps, diving forward to catch you. His knees hit the floor, pulling your upper half onto his lap. He moves strands of hair out of your face - your eyes are sunken, and your face is sweaty, your eyes involuntarily rolling back into their sockets repeatedly as you desperately try to regain soke kind of control.
His heart sinks into his stomach. He knew. He knew something was wrong, and he just let it slide because you said so. And now look at you, crumpled on the floor, unable to breathe. You're seriously ill, and he did nothing to help.
"What's wrong with her?" Vince asks as the Gladers swarm you.
"What's wrong?" Frypan asks. "Minho? What happened?"
"I-I, I don't know," Minho stutters out, "I don't know."
The Gladers repeat your name and the world spirals around you. You look up at the boy who's cradling you.
This is it. This is how you die.
Minho's looking at someone else, his blurred face trying to make sense of everything. You reach out, your fingers brushing against his face - which is easier said than done with the awkward angle and your weak arms.
"Thanks, Minho," you whisper as he looks down at you. "You were always my favourite."
"Shit!" Vince snaps, making Minho jump out of his skin. Vince has moved the piece of cloth from your ankle, revealing the bite in your leg. "She's infected!"
The crowd swarms away as Vince pulls a gun out. Minho tries to shield you, shouting something you can't make out.
He's yanked away by some Right Arm members, fanatically trying to break free.
The Gladers, along with Brenda and Jorge beg for your life.
"Please," Thomas begs, "we can do something- can't you help her?"
"Yeah, I can put her out of her misery," Vince points the gun at your dying body.
"No!" Minho screeches. "Don't! Please! Don't!"
"Stop!" An unfamiliar voice says. "Let him go! Now. What's going on here?"
A woman, Mary, walks over, forcing the men to let Minho free.
"She's infected - we can't help her." Vince explains.
"No, but he can," she smiles at the boy, "hello, Thomas."
Everyone is left confused, but Minho is too busy on the floor by your body again.
Mary explains how she knows Thomas, and that he can make you better again, even just for a little while.
"Get your girlfriend up," she says to Minho, "come on, we'll help her."
"She's not my girlfriend," Minho huffs, slipping his arms under yours and pulling you up, before picking you up bridle style.
Mary looks at him, smirking. "Are you sure?"
He looks at Thomas who simply shrugs.
They follow Mary into the medical tent, Minho lays you on the bed, taking a seat on the far side as he gently plays with your hand. She sets up her equipment and takes blood from Thomas.
"Minho's also from the Maze - couldn't you take his blood?" The boy asks.
Mary sighs. "Well, I'm sure you know by now that not everyone from the Mazes was immune. And I don't know the status of your friends. But I know you are because we used to work closely. Minho's blood might work, but I'm not willing to risk waiting."
It makes sense, and Minho doesn't care about that.
She injects your arm with the serum. She rubs Minho's shoulder. "She should be awake soon. We'll leave you be." She gives him a reassuring smile. "Come on, Thomas. Let's give them some space."
She walks out the tent, but Thomas lingers for a second.
"Did you know?" Minho asks. "Did you know she got bit?"
Thomas simply shakes his head. "No, but I think Brenda did. She didn't seem as shocked." Minho doesn't bother looking at his friend, he just stares at you. "She's gonna be alright, yanno."
"Yeah, but for how long? It doesn't last forever." (Little does he know)
Thomas settles into a silence before sucking in a deep breath. "You love her."
"What?" Minho snaps to finally look at his friend.
"You love her, don't you?"
Minho's jaw tightens, his eyelids fluttering. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out, so he rubs his face with his hands instead.
"You love Teresa," Minho retorts, taking the pressure off himself.
Thomas scoffs. "Yeah - but at least I can admit it."
Minho presses his lips into a thin line. He doesn't exactly like being called out like that.
Thomas exits the tent, leaving him with you.
He looks at you. "He's right, yanno," he mumbles to himself. "I do shuckin' love you. How shucked is that? I've known you for less than a week, and I..." He trails off, not really sure how to put it into words, even just to himself.
So, instead, he leans forward, placing a kiss to your forehead.
Though, he did not expect your eyes to be open when he pulled back. Your eyes flutter, looking up at him. You smile.
"Hey," he chuckles, sitting back in his seat. "You scared the klunk outta me, yanno that?"
"I didn't mean to." You groan, trying to sit up. Your body still feels messed up and groggy, but it's still a massive relief.
"Woah, hey," he shakes his head, pushing you back down. "Take it easy, shank. You nearly died today."
"Yeah, well, it's not like that's anything new."
He glares at you, and you chuckle.
"What did you mean earlier?" He asks after a brief pause.
"You said I was your favourite," you cringe at that detail. "And you said thank you. For what?"
"For everything," you respond simply. "You looked out for me, so..."
"That wasn't anything special."
"It was to me."
You turn on your side, resting on your arm as you look at him. There's something behind Minho's expression that you can't quite read as be stares at you. It fades as quickly as it came though when he resorts back to his sarcastic ways.
"So, am I really your favourite? Because you seem to like Frypan's food a bit too much."
"What? Fry's cooking is good - you shanks just act too high-and-mighty to appreciate his hard work." Minho fiegns offence, dramatically gasping and putting his hand to his chest.
"Hm, I don't know, there's definitely some favouritism going on there-"
"Slim it," you snort, before dropping your gaze and suddenly becoming serious. "You're my favourite, Minho. You always have been."
He struggles to fight the smirk that crosses his face. "But, I guess I'm yours too, eh?" You grin. "Since you love me, and all."
Minho freezes completely, his face dropping. He blankly stares at you for a good few seconds.
"Ah, shuck," you burst out laughing as his face turns red, his hands coming to cover himself and his embarrassment. "So, you heard me..?"
"Yep, I heard."
"Right, yep, cool - shucking brilliant."
You smile. You've just had a near death experience, so an accidental love confession really isn't fazing you at all. Sitting up, it hurts but you don't care as you throw your legs over the side so you're sitting directly in front of him.
You pull his hands away from his face, taking them in your own. His eyes meet yours and you smile at him. Leaning in, you kiss him on the cheek.
"I love you, too," you mutter, almost into him as you only pull away a bit. He scoffs, and it looks like he's about to say something but his words fail him.
So, he decides to do something else instead. He presses his lips to yours and you immediately kiss him back.
It's short and sweet, and you're both smiling as you part.
"I'm so relieved you're okay," he mumbles.
"I'm always gonna be okay," you kiss the tip of his nose. "I've got you looking after me."
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Another cute piece for my main boy.
Requests might be lacking for a bit since I'm away for the next few days but I'm gonna see what I can do.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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