#new bug thoughts
iamthecomet · 9 months
Comet!!!! I am having ♡thots♡ and i love your work so much i can't imagine who else to share them with. Ok, ok. Picture this:
The new bug gets a proper, ghoul style welcome to the pack now he has had a chance to bond with each of them individually and by that i mean they just make a total mess of him you know? (In an enthusiastically consentual way ofc) i'm talking tears, cum, piss, shame, praise, slick, bites,knots. Basically everyone really goes all in on the new bug. The cuddle pile after would be the most sticky place on earth though i know it💀
I thought, hard, about writing this into an actual fic(let). But there is no way I can write this without it being like 10k words. SO....here, have some THOTS. Under the cut, brief mentions of watersports, and also a tiny bit of blood. Mostly stream-of-consciousness thoughts about Aeon getting his shit wrecked by 9 other ghouls.
Aeon's individual nights with the ghouls have all gone really well. There's an astounding amount of communication in this pack. And they take care of him, and he takes care of them, and it's been lovely. But taking everyone at once is another thing entirely. It's all laid out first, talked about hard limits and what they'd all like to do to him. He knows what's coming. But that doesn't mean he isn't surprised when Rain digs the toe of his boot into his bladder while Aeon's sucking him off. He chokes. Rain holds him in place. Dew laughs at him, mouth right against his ear. Calls him pathetic. Shame burns hot between his shoulder blades, and the urge to piss himself follows and Aeon's cock kicks against his stomach. And Swiss runs his hand over the aching head. "Look, he likes it." It isn't all mean, obviously. Mountain, Cumulus, Aether, and Aurora are soft with him. Pressing praises into his skin as they work him over. Telling him how good he is. He sobs from that praise. He learns a lot about them like this. Learns that Rain, as mean as he is, softens when he checks in. But Dew, Swiss, and Cirrus do not. Knowing how to make sure he's green while still calling him a slut seems to be a particular talent of theirs. He learns that Sunshine jumps back and forth, laughing at how quickly he comes when he's called a good boy. And then carding her hands through his hair, and whispering genuine compliments and praises into his ear as she works her cock inside of him. It's a lot. All of them like this. The press of so many bodies up against his, inside of his, all around him. He is oversenstive almost immediately. Sobbing from it. Cock aching, wet, body twitching with every brush of fingers over his balls, his dick, his stomach. But he begs for more anyway, wants it. Leans into that ache, finds that it's good. Finds that he loves the look on Rain's face when he really does piss himself. That he loves the way Swiss calls him names, still fond, and the way Dew sneers at him, like everything he's done is wrong, even as he's shoving his cock down Aeon's throat. He loves the way Cumulus pulls him back, to lean against her body as Cirrus works a strap into him. Her hands are so soft when they wrap around his cock, both of them, even though he isn't big enough to warrant it. Despite the burn of overstimulation it feels like a break, like relief, until it all shifts and his face is being shoved between Aurora's thighs and Cirrus is fucking him hard enough that he feels each thrust in his bones. They take him down to studs. Then, when he's done, spent, covered in cum and piss, and sweat, and a little blood from Mountain's overzealous teeth, they rebuild him. He's cleaned, re-dressed, and then cocooned between them all. Face squished up against Aether's chest. Head resting on Sunshine's thigh. Aurora cemented to his back--held there by Mountain's long arms. Rain between his legs, head on his stomach. They're all touching him somehow. A hand, a tail curled around his leg. Something. A constant reminder of where he is, of who he's with. And how much they all love him already.
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tarvalian · 2 months
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XII - The Hanged Man, Upright: surrender, sacrifice, faith, perspective
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shima-draws · 5 months
Hey. Hey you know what would be cool and fun. First post of 2024. 1000 notes. We can do it. Yeah? Yeah??
Take a picture of my dog as an incentive
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rubberhoze · 2 years
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some news huh
[ID: an uncolored drawing of bugs bunny and daffy duck. bugs is sitting on the couch, reading a book titled "how to get away with tax fraud." while daffy is smirking and leaning on the couch with a phone in his hand.
daffy: did'ya see that we're now (underlined caps) officially (end caps) "canon"-ly (rainbow text) gay?
bugs: i thought i married you years ago.
daffy: well it's (caps) real (end caps) now because some intern on "instuh-gram" posted about it.
bugs: sure, doc.
/end ID]
(ID written by @rootsinthecountry, thank you so much!)
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tethered-heartstrings · 6 months
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ironinkpen · 1 year
The interpretation of Rise Raph as a 'perfect responsible soft boy uwu' is so BORING I'm sorry, Raph is a rowdy adrenaline junkie with anxiety and I won't take this slander any longer
Raph secretly kept an enemy soldier in their actual literal house as a sparring partner. Raph glued his brothers together and dragged them out to fight crime. Raph once asked Leo to punch him in the face to prove he 'takes damage like a boss.' Raph tried to lift a school bus, twice. Raph offered to help his favorite wrestler beat his little brother up. When Leo suggests evacuating Bullhop, Raph says no bc the best defense is a good offense babey. Raph's idea of a 'friendly chat' with April's upstairs neighbor is to put on a black ski mask and go stand menacingly at their door. It takes Raph 10 episodes to conclude that they should MAYBE start training. Raph's plan to get a potentially priceless (and potentially FRAGILE) museum artifact is to punch a car in the middle of a busy street and also cut it in half with his brother still inside.
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Raph's never met a problem he wouldn't try to punch in the face and does not know the meaning of the words 'excessive force.' He roughhouses with his bros and drags them out to fight villains and thinks any plan that doesn't involve an all-out brawl is boring and lame. He'll do anything to protect his family from harm and be a hero, but also he eats wet salami off the floor and once single-handedly destroyed a library.
I just adore how, at his core, Rise Raph is such a classic Raph—impulsive and stubborn and caring and passionate. He is a very sweet, strong, honorable guy who has a very powerful sense of personal responsibility... and he is also the exact kind of jock who throws you in the pool at a party without checking if you have your phone in your pocket first.
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lunarin64art · 1 month
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Love the canon future AU where Ouma makes up rumors abt how all his classmates ended up being failures in the future, meanwhile he's a loser NEET who was left behind by his high school crush❤️
(Happy Ougoku Day!!!!)
Based on one of the April Fools tweets Kodaka wrote this year:
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I imagine that the "strange insects" Ouma's seeing are just like... fruit flies, house flies, and maggots....(man is NOT cleaning his room🤮)
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keikoyume · 2 years
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Of course I’m gonna draw a big villain with a creepy smile that eats people
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absolutebl · 10 months
So apparently GMMTV will be announcing their 2024 line up in October!
Which actors do you think will be paired together this time? I feel like Mix and Pond have hinted they will be studying more so maybe not their pairings…. GeminiFourth said they will have a series so definitely them…
I would love to see ThorFluke plus Pawin with anyone and Drake with anyone!
What are your predictions?
Ooooo, GMMTV 2024 Pure Speculation
(remember if it's not data driven I'm historically pretty bad at this, but sure, let's shoot the shizz)
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Most Likely
EarthMix - they're reading v burned out (in addition to Mix + school) but they are currently GMMTV's cash cow so I can't imagine GMMTV won't try to put them in something, no matter what Mix said... but it's possible they'll be let rest for most of 2024.
First & Khao - naturally, if GMMTV can find a script the boys like, these two are likely their the biggest pair earners (if EarthMix really are out).
GeminiFourth - of course, the new princes
ForceBook - honestly they are steady, reliable workhorses who visually suit many BL scripts, they seem easy to work with, fun, and game. Not the most charismatic pair and I'm shaky on their range and versatility, but GMMTV clearly doesn't feel that way. I think it's pretty likely they will get something... I just hope it is something interesting. Are they bankable enough for a historical? That's the real question.
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Not Sure
JoongDunk - I really don't know, I think they are slightly more likely than not but they keep getting lackluster scripts. GMMTV is more likely to blame the pair than the show. And it is possible they are just a lackluster pair... too.
JimmySea - what happen to (or will happen with) Last Twilight?
I'd like to see Jimmy paired with someone else. He's too charismatic for Sea. To really break us they should pair him with Gun and just burn down the world. GMMTV would never do this, tho.
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Least Likely
It's unlikely PondPhuwin will lead out a show. Pond def said something about going back to school. (Which is code for a long break, if nothing else). They're good but less $ than EarthMix so I think GMMTV will back off from them.
OffGun - I'm not saying it won't happen anymore, but...
TayNew - see above
Bright with... anyone but Win.
A queer can dream, tho.
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Some noodling
I do think First & Khao were successful enough, and Only Friends will be enough of a sensation, for GMMTV to consider more First Khao style stuff. AKA instead of just dropping a whole pair, GMMTV will try rearranging pairs. Especially for couples that had previously been mostly just sides.
So we can expect Neo, Mark, Marc, Puwin, Aou, possibly even the twins or the Flukes show up paired "experimentally" with different other actors. Some that may genuinely surprise us.
That said, I'd like some more role swapping too.
For example, with Pond away, and him getting older and being SO established in the genre, I would love to see Phuwin play a seme roll. Not sure he has the personality for it in terms of how he's bonded with some of the newer GMMTV talent since I don't watch any of the variety/BTS anymore, but he has the screen presence.
Remember originally Neo & Phuwin had a pairing... I wonder if that would ever happen again.
I would love love LOVE to see Tay paired with someone else. I thought he was a revelation in 3 Will Be Free showing range I'd no idea he had and he's such a big puppy and friendly with everyone. I bet he could get many partners to trust and relax.
Similarly New needs to play a seme. I think he once said he'd rather not do BL with anyone but Tay, but I still think he'd be fun to see.
So New is less likely, but I think we can safely assume Tay would be game. With TayNew it's whether their shipper/stalker fans would "allow" this.
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What GMMTV Wants/Needs
I said in the past they needed to onboard new talent and they went for free agents (Joong, Perth). I thought they'd go for whole pairs, and I still think they'd be wise to consider this.
Given they're likely shifting focus on expansion into darker, higher heat, and more gritty arenas (which I think they need to do given the paucity of scripts within their preferred BL style, the tenor of the market, and the aging of their existing stable) what they want is Zee++. Now they can't wrestle him/his pair free of Dormundi, so...
For solos they are looking for:
actors who have lost their pair, have range into dark territory, will do high heat, and can play harsher seme roles (tall a bonus.)
If they're smart they make a play for Bible, but I wouldn't rule out Lee Long Shi. Both actors have a style that fills a niche in the GMMTV stable and are pro enough to work well in a new pair that GMMTV sets for them.
You KNOW they want Bible. How could they not? Can you imagine?
If they go after a pair?
If they're smart as I think they are? They want NetJames. And they might be able to get them, depending on contracts. NetJames has been awful quiet recently, they either are actually finally filming Love Upon a Time or that's fallen through and they're in contract negotiations. YinWar and JaFirst are also tempting prospects, I would imagine. Especially Ja.
It's this "new pair to GMMTV" announcement I'm most interested in, come October.
I think I'm leaving a key high heat pair on the table, but GMMTV also has a specific appearance and acting style they tend to cast for, and not all of the current indy heat pairs have that. Plus their are high value pairs that clearly do not want to sign with or work with GMMTV (OhmFluke for example) so that's a factor.
Finally, you KNOW they want to recreate the magic of GeminiFourth with young talent so I would bet they are actively recruiting high school grade pink milk via auditions, so we can expect one set of totally fresh faces.
Also tumblr ate half this post so I might have missed a few pairs worth discussing, because I had them but it deleted them. Don't blame me, blame tumblr, and leave a comment.
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FYI my predictions for 2023 were as follows:
10 GMMTV THAI BL 2023 Predictions (and how I did)
(these are the ones I made last year before their announcements)
EarthMix (yes, 2x)
something with Joong but not paired with Dunk (nope, they tried the same thing again)
dito Jimmy (not sure what's going on there)
what the hell: Lee does a BL (still no, last man standing)
probably a new attempt at ForceBook (yep)
2 set in high school and fewer set in uni (yep/nope)
at least 1 set in an office of some kind and at least 2 set in the countryside (yep/sorta but mostly nope)
one experimental paranormal/alt reality/time slip (yep)
something Friend Zone messy featuring several LBGTQ+ characters and couples and higher heat (yep)
an attempt to resurrect big guns like TayNew (yep - if cherry magic happens) or even BrightWin (nope, they went for OffGun instead, who I had thought were out)
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So here's my...
10 GMMTV THAI BL 2024 Predictions
First & Khao lead out something non-school and complex (GMMTV BL grows up)
ForceBook & GeminiFourth get new shows
Phuwin paired with someone else
GMMTV starts experimenting more with busting up and rearranging pairs
What the hell, Tay does a BL with not New.
We see Joong and Perth star in something GMMTV but not BL
GMMTV pulls in at least one established outside talent who plays harsh seme roles and has a more aggressive tone
GMMTV recruits/onboards an established pair who can and is willing to do higher heat
They option something v complex: crime thriller, mystery, suspense, historical even, I wonder if they might be interested in adapting say... Trapped.
JoJo gets to helm another "off brand" show
What I want them to do?
Finally admit that they can take an established script and "make it gay" and just LEAN in. Descendants of the Sun, but gay. Business Proposal, but gay. Home Town Cha Cha Cha... but gay. Thailand has the latent pool and the screen time but they don't have the scripts/stories.
Time to look to Korea and just fill in the gap that Korea is already leaving on the table (by only doing short form BLs).
Korea has the romances. Hundreds of them. MANY of which are not gender dependent.
Can you fucking imagine if Boss & Babe had been that exact cast but GMMTV doing a gay Dali and the Cocky Prince instead? It would have been amazing.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Tunes that make the dead rise
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excuse me i need to Muse on something for a moment
so in Wally's secret 'vinyl' audios, specifically the last few (if we're listening to em in chronological order), obviously he starts to sound more strained/distressed. his breathing is more labored, like it's taking all of his energy to make contact.
but the audio that really caught my attention was the "But i still can't see" one. cause he just said he has more eyes than he did before. he knows We draw them a lot, and it's thanks to that that he can see. but he still can't see?
so my question is: where is Wally physically? cause although he can (assumedly) see the WHRP goings on, he can see through the eyes We draw, that could all be on a, uh... more Intangible level of sight. like the spiral pit is forming an eye, and then there's the eye on the ceiling in the secret Staff Only section - could Wally be in the pit, that space between his reality and Ours, "watching" through the eyes? but unable to actually see with due to the pit being pitch black nothingness? is he somewhere else? is he stuck? he can see, but he can't... see.
(or is he trying to explain an abstract concept - he's not actually viewing anything, but he can sense it. like how he knows We're there, even if he can't see or hear Us. but he just doesn't have the words to describe it other than using physical senses - see, hear, look.)
and him saying "...that I can see. But it is still... I can't..." but it's still what, Wally? dark? something else that he doesn't have the words to describe, so he just says that he can't see?
i know that in the Livestream Trivia Document (compiled by @/the neighborhoodwatch) there was something said about Wally being in a box. my first thought reading that was "oh, so he's in storage? the physical puppet, i mean?" which would make sense - show's over, there's no more use for him. pack 'em up and put him away. but that paired with the "can't see" audio makes both seem a lil... connected.
Wally can't see > he's likely somewhere dark > the inside of closed boxes are dark > Wally's in a box. (or maybe the Neighborhood is the box? it's a stretch, i know, but the map is a box. television sets are often set up in "boxes". maybe it's less of a physical storage box and more of a 'boxed in' sort of thing...)
one question i've had since the Start of my interest in this incredible project is: how is Wally communicating? how has he connected to the site? how does he connect to our reality? the pit almost definitely has something to do with it - most likely acting as a bridge, or the deteriorating of the barrier between our two 'worlds' - but if Wally is in a box and Not the pit or even just in the puppet's reality... how is he reaching us beyond just seeing through the eyes he's given?
or is he in their reality, and he can contact through the pit or something, but he can't actually see the other side? Our side? he knows it's there - that We're there - but none of it is visible to him. maybe his apparent disassociation in the 14 bug audios is a demonstration of him contacting Us. we can see through him, but it's a one way street.
and speaking of the pit - i just had a thought. his whole thing with Us letting him in, opening... the pit on the neighborhood map is getting bigger and clearer. but the presumed Other Side, the one on the Staff Only ceiling, is small. it's the size of a ceiling panel. it seems to me that Wally is chipping away at his side of the pit or 'portal', trying to reach Our reality, but he needs Us to do the same thing on the other side. the QA can hear him calling, but there's no phone on their (Our) side of the pit. how do We call back???
there's a fundamental barrier & lack of understanding between Wally and the QA/Us. he's trying. he wants to be let in, but what does that mean, really? let him in where? open what? he's desperate. he wants us to understand. he's trying so so hard Without the right tools to clearly communicate what he wants. he can't see Us, We can see him, both know the other is there, but there's no way to connect. and the attempts are hurting all parties involved, however unintentionally
#and its very ah. Autistic/Neurodivergent Horror i think?#the Wanting To Explain but Being Unable To because the people you're trying to communicate with#function differently than you. they don't understand. they Can't understand. their brains are wired differently.#no matter how hard you try there will never be understanding. your attempts to connect are somehow Incorrect.#and often - in my experiences at least - being that Different gets you hurt. people perceive your actions/behavior as a slight.#or as intentionally malicious! and then they get mad and you just.. dont get Why? you didn't Want to hurt anyone. you wanted to Explain.#you wanted someone to look at you and Understand. say 'oh. i see you! i get it now!' and have that Connection.#but you will never be understood. never Seen nor Heard. left in the dark. you're accidentally hurting them. they're hurting you.#it takes all of your strength to try to reach them and yet you still. fall. short. because they don't reach back.#anyway ive had these thoughts simmering for a lil while#Knowing whether or not the bug audios are present day or not would cross some theories off and write up new ones i think#that confirmation seems Important imo....#homebogging#welcome home speculation#welcome home theory#then of course there's the question of how Home fits into all of this... in the early days i was a 'home is evil' believer but now??#nah. home's not outright Evil i think. there's something complicated going on between them and wally and its role in all of this#im just... unsure of what. i think confirmation of whether his morse code says 'help me' or 'hello' would massively help clear up the sitch#is home an accomplice? a victim? a perpetrator? a secret fourth option? who's to say (yet)#i have many Thoughts about it based on a couple different things - the distorted voice under wallys. the waLLy guestbook entry. etc#but this post has gotten long enough and its Not on that particular subject#*grips the bug audios & home's morse code* you two motherfuckers would clear so much up i stg-#the bug audio's timeline placement could tell us whether or not wally is with his neighbors or if the neighborhood is intact (in some way!)#home's morse code would give Major insight into their place in all of this!!!#AGH THIS FUCKING PROJECT MAKES ME INSANE. IT'S SO GODDAMN GOOD WHO AUTHORIZED THIS-#as always take my words with a Hefty grain of salt & i hope it's coherent!#anyway there's nothing more dangerous & all-consuming than the need/desire to be understood <3
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slimeshade · 3 months
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
good news for some, Asajj isn't a one-off character, she'll return, and they have an actual explanation for her death up their sleeves
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Getting to know your new neighbor.
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jingerhead · 2 years
I'm obsessed with Aaron and Neil having an intense rivalry with each other whereas Andrew and Neil are deeply in love with each other like
Aaron, walking into the living room: you have my approval
Andrew, looking up from his phone: I thought you hated him
Aaron: oh no I do
Aaron: I will forever be offended that on the day we met he made fun of me for going to med school
Aaron: but unfortunately he passed the twin test
Andrew: the what
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palossssssand · 2 years
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A long-awaited update for my commission prices! All the info below is also included on my commission sheet images. BASE PRICING-Base sketch! Further rendering will be added on. Most standalone sketches will come with a flat shape or pattern background.
Half body-$30
ADD-ONS-Any combination of add-ons can be done!
Clean Lineart +$10
Flat Color +$10
Cell Shading +$10
Complex shading +$30
Backgrounds-depends on complexity. Just ask!
FAKEMON DESIGNS-Price is per design, please have an idea or sketch for me to work with! Fully shaded render, concept work, and permission to use for your fakemon region with credit included.
-Simple/First stage-$50-$70 -Complex-$100-$120
Pricing is in USD and per character.
I may decline your request for any reason.
Art may not be used commercially or for profit. If you are interested in commercial work, just ask!
Feel free to use my art as icons, banners, wallpapers, etc. Please be sure to credit my work!
YES-ocs, fanart, ship art, furries/anthro, humanoids, gijinka design, body horror, bugs, monsters, mech/robot(will try my best)NSFW(you must be 18+ to request this. I have my own parameters for nsfw art)
NO-incest/explicit gore/certain characters from media(hazbin hotel, attack on titan, south park, etc)
Please have a visual character reference when commissioning me! If you would like a custom designed character or reference, please have a description or idea ready, and pricing will be according to complexity.
Sketch only commissions will not be sent wips. Commissions with more steps will be sent wips at every stage, with 3 revisions per stage allowed.
If you would like to use the commission artwork or any of my existing art as a tattoo, please ask! I will request an art use fee from $40 depending on the complexity.
Payment is upfront. I will not work on your commission until payment has been received. Commission will usually be done by 1-3 weeks, depending on how busy I am. Slots will open/close periodically and my commission status will always be in my bio. If you are interested, please DM me! My paypal email is [email protected].
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