#never tedros
marsconer · 2 years
not to obsess about never! tedros but imagine if my boy ended up in evil. everything is almost the same.
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fbfh · 2 years
Imagine Tedros learning that someone attempted to assassinate his s/o after he rose to the throne and finding his s/o shaken from the attempt on their life: He would sweep you in his arms and hold you oh so close while speaking to you in a soft and gentle voice until you calm down. However, once he makes sure you’re settled enough to take a nap to process what just happens, that calm exterior drops and he is fuming to figure out who sent the assassin, because they will receive no mercy.
OOOOH GIRL. protective Tedros is something I feel very strongly about so thank you for this.
it was late at night. he was in a council meeting that was running later than expected and you were already supposed to be asleep. he's had a weird feeling in the back of his mind for a little while, but he brushes it off as wanting to go to bed and hold you tight in his arms.
"did you hear that?" his brow furrows but no one else heard what he thought was a peircing scream. moments later, footsteps thunder through the halls, guards rushing towards your room, and he really knows something is wrong. he bolts up, finding you shaking on the ground across from a broken window. he pulls you in his arms immediately, holding you tight while you cling to him, shaking like a leaf.
"are you alright, darling?" his voice is calm and gentle, but you can hear how worried he is. you nod, face in the crook of his neck. he holds you so tight, rubbing your back and gently rocking you to help you calm down. he sends away most of the guards to check the perimeter, not wanting you to feel more worked up than you understandably already are. he presses soft kisses to your hairline, just as relieved as you are that you're okay. he has someone bring tea for you two and takes you into another room to talk. you recount what happened shakily, and he only interrupts when you mention you were awake when the assasisn had crept in.
"I thought you went to sleep hours ago," he says softly. you get kinda quiet before you reply.
"I can't sleep without you anymore."
that changes his fuckin brain chemistry. he pulls you close again, holding you tight and kissing your forehead. you can't sleep without him. he's going to process that fully once they catch the bastard who tried to hurt his true love. he continues to hold you and talk to you and drink tea with you until it nears daybreak, and you seem okay again. he sends for your handmaids and ladies in waiting, making sure they're instructed to stay with you in groups no smaller than three or four people at a time. he caresses your cheek, pressing soft kisses to your lips.
"try to rest, love. I have a few matters to attend to, and we'll get this whole thing sorted out before you know it." he speaks so softly, so reassuringly that you believe him. he kisses you one more time, then hands you off to your ladies. you don't see the drastic change in his expression the second he turns away from you and walks toward the doors, but some of the other people there and in the halls do. each step he takes is like thunder rumbling in the distance, and none of them, even the ones who have known Tedros his whole life, have ever seen him like this. He's out for blood, and he won't rest until he finds out who tried to do this to you and slays them where they stand. if anyone in camelot thought they had a chance of doing anything to you, that all evaporates when Tedros and his knights ride off on their steeds, pursuing your attacker, not giving up until his head is in a basket.
when he comes back no more than a few days later, he holds you tight, making sure you're still okay. he kisses you, resting his forehead against yours before pulling you into his arms again. you've never felt more reassured than you do when he holds you tight like this, and you know he's got you 2:24.
"you can rest well now, love."
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 9 months
@pumpkinpaperweight had a dream and @bnanmonte gave me brain rot which led to lots of ideas and excess creative energy
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what I like to call Separation Au or the universe where Agatha is ready to break bones at all times only Sophie makes it to the school. It's a lot of fun to consider when you realize without Agatha, Sophie can't do more than psychological torment and emotional manipulation - and that's something the schools' inhabitants excel at!
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retold-tales · 1 year
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To Hear Her Speak
Tedros Pendragon x Ursula's Daughter Reader
Summary: the first word that starts something new
It was just an ordinary day at the School for Good and Evil when I saw her for the first time.
Ursula's daughter, Yn, was sitting quietly in the corner of the cafeteria, keeping to herself as always. I had seen her around before but I had never really paid much attention to her.
But then something happened that caught my attention. Yn spoke for the first time, and I couldn't help but overhear her.
She was talking to her friend, but her voice was so soft and angelic that I had to lean in close to hear what she was saying.
From that moment on, I was hooked. I started to notice her more often, and I found myself trying to catch glimpses of her whenever I could.
I wanted to hear her voice again, to see her beautiful smile.
But yn was so shy, so quiet, that it seemed like an impossible task.
I tried to strike up conversations with her when I could, but she would usually just smile shyly and look down at her feet.
It wasn't until weeks later, when we were lounging by the lake after class, that she finally opened up to me.
I don't know what it was about that day that made her feel more comfortable, maybe it was the peaceful scenery, or maybe it was just the two of us being alone together. Either way, I will never forget it.
Yn started talking to me about her life, about her hopes and her dreams, and about the things that made her happy.
The more she talked, the more I fell in love with her. I realized that there was so much more to her than just her shyness.
And then, in that quiet moment by the lake, I told her how I felt. It was a risk to be sure, but I knew that I couldn't keep my feelings bottled up any longer.
I told her how I had fallen in love with her from the moment she had spoken in the cafeteria, and how I had been trying to get to know her ever since.
That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Yn may have been quiet and introverted, but she was the love of my life.
I felt blessed to have her by my side, and I knew that nothing could ever come between us.
Yn blushed deeply when I confessed my love for her, and I feared that I had made a mistake. But then, she took my hand and gave me the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. She said yes.
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Never Agatha: I mean you’re average looking?
Ever Tedros: You find me hotter with scars on my face don’t you?
Chaddick: Should we tell them they’ve been cuddling for an hour?
Beatrix: You can, last time I did that this Agatha tried to stab me
Kiko: You did try and touch Tedros though
Never Tedros and Ever Agatha:
*ensue into a Mr & Mrs Smith style sparring match*
Hester to Sophie: 50 bucks on Agatha
Sophie: 100 she forfeits of her own free will
Anadil: 200 he pins her
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antigonenikk · 11 months
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the idol- episode 3
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autisticagathasblog · 8 months
hiii saw two of your posts about the ever/never system and I’m curious if you have more stuff to say bc it’s a very interesting topic to me <3
^.^ sure!!
Systematically, both schools are extremely dependent on pushing roles onto their students to uphold their societal values to keep the world at "balance" (Heavy on the quote marks). Anyone can easily pick that up. But I see some fans misunderstood it and just labeled it as Evers = bad and Never = good when no! Both schools are bad lol.
Nevers are expected to uphold the cycle of violence whether it's at each other or themselves. It's a very dog-eat-dog world in their eyes. They have to make sure the audience is in fear and keep them away. Evers are expected to keep the tradition alive and continue with glory. They have to give their audience give hope, be role models, and keep them entertained.
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
Dating Sophie From Woods And Beyond Would Include ( School For Good And Evil )
Fandom: School For Good And Evil ( Movie Version )
Tags: Fanfiction. One shot. Romance. Fairy Tail. Fantasy
Warnings: None, A little violence and drama.
G! N Reader x Sophie
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• Let's be honest you will have to be an Ever or in the school. She would never like you if you were the opposite.
• If you were an Ever. She would love you instantly, would always pamper you and take care of you.
• She can always be herself around you. She isn't her normal evil self around you. She just loves you entirely and no one can tell her otherwise.
• Agatha was shocked when she found out you and her best friend were dating. She honestly didn't think Sophie would date someone like you.
• Be prepared for Hort to target you. The boy has his eyes set on the beautiful blonde the moment he was her. And he feels like she belongs to him. So yeah... Be prepared.
• If you were an Never pretending to be an Ever she would still love you. Or an Ever pretending to be an Never. She can't judge she was an Never thought she was an Ever Princess all her life. Much to her disappointment.
• It didn't matter what gender you were. She would find some way to play with your hair. No matter the length or size. She loved your hair regardless. No matter if it was straight or kinky.
• I feel like Sophie would be the overprotective type. If you were her true love, you can imagine the anger she'll feel if someone would lay one single finger on you.
• It wouldn't come to that.... Ever!
• Loves to show you off. You are hers for Eternity... Rather you like it or not.
• let's be honest it would take a little time for her to be with you. She would see you as another Hort.
• But believe it or not, you wouldn't / didn't carry yourself like a never. You carried yourself like a ever. Always clean, shaved and etc.
• after two weeks of being there. She would start to notice you. She sees that you were kinda a little helpful about things and all that.
• She didn't approach you. You approach her. You and her we're walking down a. Hall, you on the opposite side. Smirking you took the opportunity to make her yours.
Hello Love, and where are you going on this fine day? You ask.
She frowned at you and tried to move past, but you blocked her way
Where are you going? I want you to go to the Nevers ball with me?.
You wish!
• she frowned and you let her go. She would be yours and when she become yours...
• After a little time passed and she grew tired of running away from you. She gave up and finally she wanted to be with you. She decided to give you a chance.
• She always wanted to be with and from the moment she saw you.
• The first kiss you two shared was at the ball and was captured and placed in the history book.
• I figure since people assume Nevers / Evil souls shouldn't be together ( Since it was impossible ) but since you were half-good and evil. You got a pass.
• A lot of people didn't like it at all.
• Pretty much you both lives would be ruined. Because you both would be targets. You would have to fight for your life and hers.
• It didn't matter to you. You loved her and she was yours.
• When graduation came, you two graduated with high scores ( Thanks to you ) and kinda live a somewhat happy life?
• You had three children with her.
• All were placed in good and evil.
Bonus Scene
" So y/n do you actually like me?".
You looked away from the beautiful sky and looked at the love of your life.
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" It's beautiful here, Sophie".
You smiled at her and nodded. " Sure, I do. You are the love of my life". She steps close to you, and you grab her face and leaned down pressing your lips against hers.
Smiling into the kiss, you pulled away and kissed her gently on the lips and kissed the tip of his nose.
" I love you Sophie" You beamed at her.
Sophie smiled at you ( The Realistic smile she can give you )
" I love you too, Y/N.".
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Zero canon evidence to support this but in my head Tedros is very musical. Like if Camelot is based in Welsh culture then it has a strong culture of music and poetry and Tedros would have definitely been encouraged to take up music. Guinevere taught him nursery rhymes and Merlin taught him riddle songs and the knights taught him drinking songs at FAR too young an age. He played the harp and hated it. He was entered into local singing competitions at age 4 and shoved up onstage as indirect training for public speaking. He’d automatically win every competition because he was the prince (4-year-old Bettina saw this for the injustice it was and threw a tantrum. This is how they first bonded). When he got to the School for Good he quickly sussed out that music was considered a girly thing in a lot of the other Ever Kingdoms so he got really embarrassed about the singing and the harp lessons. He started making fun of Camelot’s music in front of the other boys and felt the disappointment of his ancestors every time he did. He didn’t actually have anything pre-prepared for the Circus of Talent because his real talent was traditional Camelot folk singing
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
Me After watching School for Good and Evil: *Groans while shipping Agatha and Tedros and reading the books for more content* You know, I should have seen this one coming 
Me after seeing a two minute comedic duo compilation of Enola and Tewkesbury while searching for Agatha and Tedros edits: *Puts head in hands and groans louder while shipping Enola and Tewkesbury* And this, this I REALLY should have seen coming!
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cyarsk5230 · 11 months
Spoilers: So the twist in #THEIDOL is that the female popstar is using mental health to sell music, lying about being abused and is supposedly the real villain
Yeah f this
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He repeats
Part 1
Summary: never!reader has the ability to control people. When she joins the school for good and evil, she decides to target Tedros Pendragon
A/N: this is a hypnosis story, there is no nsfw content in this chapter but there is likely to be some in future chapters. This also means there will dubious consent from Tedros in these activities. Please let me know if you’re interested in a next part!
Warnings: hypnosis… um that’s it in this chapter but read the authors note about about any future chapters!
It was so easy to get him under my control. Everyone in the school was fascinated by me, as they were meant to be. A never that looked like me? Very rare. But here I was. Somehow able to pull off the never outfits without even trying. But then again, it wouldn’t really matter what I looked like. People can’t help but take an interest in me, it’s like an instinct. There’s no conscious thought about it.
As soon as I enter that school I set my eyes on my target. Prince Tedros of Camelot. I made an extra effort for him as well. To really show him I meant no harm. I had a lovely ‘conversation’ with my teachers that meant I wasn’t required to wear the uniform like other students. So I wore a dark, low, v-neck dress, making sure my breasts look obvious and out there in the mirror, doing my hair just right. He needs to trust me and I can’t just depend on my powers for that, that would be foolish.
I make my way outside at lunch and search the area, looking for him. It didn’t take long. I walked towards him with a purpose, grabbing a lot of peoples attention. It doesn’t take me long to get to Tedros and I clear my throat to grab his attention. He turns fast and looks at me, he runs his eyes over my body and I let him take it all in before I speak. “May we talk privately sire?” I say politely and confidently. He hates nevers and despite it being me, I was not going to risk having a ‘no’ as an answer because I didn’t address him ‘properly’. 
He nods and gulps, his eyes fixated on my breasts. I smirk a little, everyone’s the same with me. Of course, he doesn’t notice this. He stands and I lead him away from the other students, making sure there’s no chance of someone overhearing. Tedros trails behind me, stumbling slightly every now and then.
“This will do.” I mutter to myself and sit delicately on a rock, tapping the space right next to me, inviting him to sit. He does, there’s not too much space so we’re close, which is perfect. When he turns to look at me again, he can’t help but fix his eyes on my breasts again, I chuckle, which barely makes him glance at my face.
My power is… complex to understand. It’s something that I understand by pure instinct however. People get fixated by me from a glance, and the closer they get to my physically, the calmer they get, and the more I talk to them, the calmer they get. This unnerves people unconsciously, so they avoid eye contact. That’s why it’s good to give them something attractive to focus on. Ideally some part of your body. You want it to move with you, to make them relax further. Otherwise if they focus on grass, for example, it has no connection to me and can take longer to bring the focus to me. Straight men? Boobs. They move as you do, and it is something that they naturally find attractive. Simple.
“I brought you out here so we could have a chat, Tedros.” I state, calmly.
“O-ok…” he responds, barely there already, this was going to be easier than I expected.
“Do you trust me Tedros?” I ask.
“Y-yes. But I shouldn’t.” That’s the barrier I have to break through to get him fully under my control. Convincing him that there’s nothing to distrust about me, and making sure he keeps listening to my voice is key.
“Why shouldn’t you? Have I done anything distrustful?” I ask and scooch even closer to him, our thighs almost touching.
“No… but you’re a never. You’re evil.” He doesn’t try and move away and his eyes stay fixed.
“You really believe that? You think that all nevers are pure evil?”
“That’s- that’s what they’re meant to be.”
He’s starting to sound unsure, which is my cue to start touching him. I start by resting my hand on his shoulder lightly before continuing. “Maybe so, but they’re not are they? I’m not. I’m just a woman, who wants to make some friends. You know I’m not evil don’t you?” The added physical contact seems to break the final walls down.
“No… you’re not evil… just… just trying to make friends.” He’s talking much slower and he looks tired now. Perfect.
“Exactly. You trust me don’t you? I would never do anything evil.” He nods.
“I…I trust you. Y-you’d never do anything evil.” Now I bring my hand up to his head and sink my hand into his hair, massaging gently.
“There’s no reason to not trust me. I’m good.”
“T-there’s no reason to not trust you. You’re good.”
I take both hands and place them on either side of his face, slowly bringing it up so he’s looking directly into my eyes. “I’m here to protect you. I’m here to keep you safe. I can protect you better than anyone.” “You’re here to protect me. You’re here to keep me safe. You can protect me better than anyone.” He’s not hesitating anymore, which means he’s completely under. Now it’s time for the final stage. 
“You must always do as I say. Everything I tell you to do is for you’re own good.” Once again, he repeats the phrase back to me. “It doesn’t matter what I tell you to do, I always know best.” He repeats again. “You like doing what I say.” He repeats. “The more you follow my orders, the more you like it.” He repeats. “Soon you will start craving my orders.” He repeats. “You know that I am always right.” He repeats. “I always make the right decision.” He repeats. “You don’t listen to what anyone else says about your decisions as long as they were made by me.” He repeats. “You no longer make any decisions.” He repeats. “Every decision you are required to make, has to be made by me.” He repeats. “You belong to me.” He repeats. “I own you.” He repeats. “You’re purpose from now on, is serving me.” He repeats. “You will not tell anyone of this unless I give you permission.” He repeats. “You will behave the same as before this interaction unless I give you permission.” He repeats. “You’re mine.” And for the last time, he repeats…
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fbfh · 2 years
Imagine Tedros waking from a nightmare alone and panicking thinking his s/o left him like how his mom did but reader just went to get some water, imagine being held by him after that accidental scare because he needs to be sure that yes you’re there and he won’t end up like his father 😖💞💕💖
it's pure coincidence. the one time he has another fucking nightmare and the one time he notices when you get up to get water in the middle of the night colliding. his breath is shaky as he sits up, and when the momentary panic subsides and he's able to separate bad dreams from reality, he knows you're probably fine. it doesn't do anything to quiet the pounding in his chest, the panic gripping him that something horrible has happened to you and you've been kidnapped, or worse, you finally got so fed up with him that you left, running off in the night with no good bye and leaving him to wonder if you're dead or in danger forever. nothing is going to quiet that voice in his head until he finds you. whether he finds you on your way back or you reenter moments after he wakes up, he's still going to bolt over to you, pulling you into the tight embrace. You hold him back, figuring he just missed you, but he holds on tighter and longer than usual, even for him. you rub his back gently in that way you do as he curls your bodies together, face burried in your neck, and the catharsis almost hurts. he holds you tight, breathing in your scent, reminding himself to be here and now, to not linger in that awful dream any more than he already has.
"You okay?" you croak, voice groggy. it solidifies the knowledge that yes, you're here and you're real. you're in his arms and that's not imagined. he takes a few more breaths, collecting himself and embracing your warmth, your body heat mixing with his.
"Bad dream." he murmurs all gravily and sleepy into your neck. it's clear that he woke up suddenly, and you know him well enough to know what that means. you cuddle him extra close when you get back into bed, muttering little words of affirmation in the moments before you both fall asleep again.
"I love you, Teddy," you mumble before you doze back off again. he lets your words ring in his ears, and they remind him that you'll be right here when you wake up in the morning. when the sun rises and kisses your beautiful soft skin, he'll do the same, because you'll both be right here with each other come morning, and the morning after that, and the morning after that. when had dreams like this before - which used to be much more frequent - he wouldn't stand a chance at falling back asleep. but now, with you wrapped up in his arms, warm little breaths puffing against his chest, he feels himself pulled into the embrace of the late hour. he's excited for tomorrow morning to come.
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gay-puff · 2 years
I just got done watching the School For Good and Evil Movie and I'm about to rant so this is the obligatory Spoiler warning.
svhekrktjeh It was so beautiful!!!!! Obviously pretty different from the book, but still great in my opinion.
I kinda love how Tedros spent most of the movie failing at flirting with Agatha lmao. Excluding his brief stint with Sophie.
Also, Gregor???? Actually cried. Though it was a clever way to explain the failing and such.
The acting was beautiful. The narration from the storian the whole time? Immaculate. The set up for WWP? Also amazing. Does this mean we're getting the whole series adapted????? Maybe maybe not, prolly depends on ratings and shit.
The good teachers having breakdowns because Agatha is pointing out Things They've Noticed And Would Really Like Her To Stop Pointing out.
Oh!! and the school master fight at the start
Reaper :)
Callis :)))
Lesso being hot as FUCK
I like the touch of Sophie also being seen as weird
Sophie hitting that one guy with a frying pan. That there is queen shit miss girl.
Now onto things that made me sad
Gregor :(
The blue forest wasn't blue :(
Did I miss it or was there no "You've always been beautiful Agatha" moment :((( That's one of my favorite scenes. Unless it was when Dovey was telling Agatha good lacks empathy which she has in spades????? Idk I'm rewatching the movie already on that front. Someone (nicely pls) tell me if I am wrong.
The fact that they took out the whole town believing in the school? idk it seemed a little weird, but I can understand to a degree. Doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
Lesso being in love with Rafal.
There was no circus of talents :'(
There's a bunch of other stuff I loved, but it's super late bc I didn't watch the movie till after work. Overall much love for the SGE movie even if there's things I wished stayed more true to the books.
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plushpinkfox · 1 year
wow it's really crazy and super surprising that the first piece of new apparently canon sge material is actually very disappointing and terrible and i am shocked by this turn of events
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Never!Tedros & Ever!Agatha is just so delicious I will not lie 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I just imagine Never!Tedros interacting with Ever!Agatha, both secretly not believing in the Evil & Good of the school. I mean it makes Sophie trying to be Good even funnier bcuz I feel as if, Tedros will just be straight forward and say he’s not interested. All while Agatha rolls her eyes at her friend’s dramatic Queen tantrum.
Sophie: So what are you-
Tedros: Leave.
Agatha: *pinching her nose, dragging Sophie away* he’s evil for a reason
Tedros smirking as he watches Agatha for the 3728374729 time
Knights/Coven: why are they like this 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
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