#mommy issues making you a sociopath <3
marsconer · 2 years
not to obsess about never! tedros but imagine if my boy ended up in evil. everything is almost the same.
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esmiephan · 2 years
Listing my fave Eriks (Phantomverse Of Madness).
This is a post i was suppose to make a long time ago, but i only got the time to write it now. I will probably make a part 2 with the "Worse/Less Favorite Eriks".
Remember everyone, this is ✨MY OPINION✨. No adaptation is free from flaws, these 6 Eriks are my favorite but they won't escape from my critics. And if you disagree, feel free to comment about.
6. MazM!Erik (2018)
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We start with a polemic one. Mazm!Erik has an unique beauty and amazing hairstyle, his PTSD, the pain, the crying little boy inside of the man, the despair to be loved are still ON POINT. But let's not forget they turned him into a generic anime sociopath who does bad things because yes, and abuses Christine, and keeps Melek aprisioned, and other nonsense things of this mediocre script. However, MazM!Erik is still redeamable at some point and he has good stuffs.
5. Chaney's Erik (1925)
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Our first adaptation, the 1925s silent movie! In my opinion, NO ONE played Erik better than Lon Chaney. No one. Like, this man, he's just fantastic. Chaney's hands, movements, the PHANTASTIC make-up, the expressions of pain, madness, anger and tenderness, OH MY GOD THIS IS HEAVEN!!!
ok but let's not forget the ending sucks and the movie tried at best to villainize Erik, this is unforgivable.
4. Merik (1986-2004)
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Probably the most known version among us. Andrew Loyd Webber delivered us an amazing, outbreathing and beautiful musical that saved Broadway's story in the 1980s and brought Phantom back to popular tastes since then. Musical Erik has its questions, many people fan of the novel think Webber tried somehow to make him more manipulative and less redeeming. After all, even though people he killed weren't innocent at all, Erik isn't a man who runs out judging people and killing the ones he consider to be unworthy. He killed in EXTREMELY ocasional times in the novel. By the way, the way he constantely manipulates Christine and try to keep control as "the Angel" is just... no.
The original Erik wouldn't do this. He hates lying to Christine, he avoids at his best hurting her. Merik has more childish and toxic behaviour, even though he still ends up redeemed and changed out of his own will and kindness. We cannot deny Merik is one of a kind, one of the most iconic versions of the story. There are many actors who played Merik: Gerard Butler, Ramin Karimloo, Hugh Panaro, Norm Lewis, Ben Lewis, Michael Crawford, i could make a whole blog about my favorites and less favorites Meriks. And i'll probably do it.
3. Cherik (1990)
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Look what we have here ❤️
"MY GOD, THIS PLACE REALLY IS HAUNTED" -- this and other funny lines are a gift of Charles Dance's version of Erik. The minisseries isn't very loyal to the novel, however, it's not a bad adaptation at all. This Erik is funny, shy, awkard and more healthy than most of the other versions. I disaprove anything about his version? Yep. First, he wears too colored clothes and is less "dark and goth" like other Eriks. Second, his mother actually loved Erik in this version... I think this was an unnecessary changing. Because the horrible abuse committed by Erik's mother is something EXTREMELY important that can't be changed. Mommy issue is an essence of this character. Should I talk about the "Christine looking like his mom" problem?
2. Kerik (1990)
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Our favorite Susan Kay monologue! Yes, here it is. Kerik (or Serik as some people say) is funny, jerky and tragic, it's almost the same as Leroux's version, as it is supposed to be because "Phantom" isn't exactly an adaptation, but an explanation/expansion of what we've seen originally. Phantom is so good that we phans consider it as canon!
I can't help but say his relationship with Christine in this monologue is weird and a bit disappointing, though. Susan Kay actually started this "Christine looked like Erik's mom" shit, and it's not only weird, it literally confirms Erik's love for Christine was not real, that he only wanted to have a normal relantionship with his mother and Christine was a link to escape his pain. Ok, it makes sense Erik having mommy issues, but i disagree with Kay's vision about his love.
1. Lerik, The Original (1910).
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Claps to our king, sis and bros. Gaston Leroux wrote this character with passion. This is my favorite deformity and vision about the character, the lines and the emotions are all just perfect for me. No one ever surprassed the original novel. Erik is a symbol, and a figure to many people. A broken, tortured, emotionally unstable man, who wants to fix everything his way, who doesn't have anyone to trust, who searches for love, pity and compassion, who searches for inclusion and tenderness from the society... but had everything despised and wasted. Erik, originally, is not a villain or a romantic hero. He is an anti-hero. He's the representation of frustrated people and abuse survivors who are able to LOVE, even after everything they had to pass throught. People who are able to recognize and fix their mistakes, people who won't sacrifice their beloved ones happiness for their own problems and fears. Erik is all of us.
Thank you.
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cycian · 2 years
Sorceresses as levels of mental illness and general unhinged-ness.
15-Vanielle Of Brugge **Sodden Hill fertiliser** : a rather well adjusted person. Unless Stregobor is in the room, she's perfectly fine.
14-Coral **SKEEEELLLIIIGEEEE**: anyone who sleeps with Geralt loses one point in mental stability and in olfactive awareness.
13-Nina Vivero **Underrated Rita-sitter**: homegirl lost mental stability after being around Rita, who absorbs mental health as fast as alcohol.
12-Book Francesca **Emergency Plan B**: stopped giving a shit last century ago. The lodge is quickly making her unhinged.
11- Tissaia De Vries. **World's Number** **Mommy Issue Provider :**Very well adjusted until Yennefer happened. Also, after spending decades with Rita and raising Conspiratory Owl Girlboss, she lost points.
10-Ida Emean Aep Sivney **Elven Stoner** : she knows too much. Has seen too much. Lost mental stability upon hearing
Sabrina for the first time.
9-Yennefer Of Vengerberg **Die, Cry, Hate mom**: gives zero shits, constantly running from problems she caused, only to cause more. Needs therapy.
8-Sheala De Tancarville **The** **Koviri Boner**: poor introvert forced into constant social situations with extroverted, nymphomaniac sorceresses with one braincell and death wishes. Needs a xanax and vodka.
7-Speaking of, KEIRA METZ, **the OG MATERIAL GWOOORL**: constantly complaining, unhinged little gremlin with a knuckle duster and endless lust. Queen shit. Turns into an angry mess whenever bed bugs are in the vicinity which is fair and understandable.
6-Assire Var Anahid **Milfgardian Pussy Lover**: girl you are GAY. She needs to come to terms with that.sapphic mess.
5-Fringilla Vigo **Nilfgardian Clown**: ma'am you are also very bi and very much into every member of the lodge. Lost so much mental stability points after clowning for Geralt. Seriously, called out another woman's name during sex, and you're still simping? Get a grip.
4-Triss Merigold, **Crème Brûlée** : a disaster on all fronts. Chronic gaslighter, thinks with her vagina and needs to get ahold of herself. Has clowned for Geralt of Rivia, most of the lodge and most notable the world's most sociopathic owl.
3-Margarita Laux-Antille **Alcoholic Bisexual Disaster**: there is something deeply wrong with her. Love her for it. Simps for men, has the smarts to know it but cannot help herself. Needs ten new livers and so much therapy.
2-Sabrina Glevissig **Kaedweni Kebab**: local homophobic racist is in fact a gay mess and very much into elves. Needs to get her head out of her arse, go to therapy and might need to be restrained. Her willingness to commit acts of unspeakable violence with Keira Metz automatically puts her on the naughty and most wanted lists.
1-Philippa Eilhart LESBOMANCYY: all hail the queen of mommy issues. Needs therapy and imprisonment. Is a threat to the continent, gaslights and Girlbosses every day of her life. Throws up pussy-scented pellets on her foes-- keep slaying but also please confront your issues.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
hello again! it’s me, your morally gray homelander simpmate! random question, but what do you make of homeslice’s ears? their unique shape is something i could easily pick out of a prison line-up. they make me go absolutely feral- like, i have never had such a violent reaction to literal cartilage. i want to trace the shells with my tongue and tug on his lobes like they’re taffy, knowing full well my pitiful human level strength won’t do shit, but hey! they are erogenous zones, and i’m nothing if not persistent. can’t blame a girl for trying! also beyond stoked for more layla! love witnessing homeostasis wriggle and writhe because his ego isn’t being waited on hand and foot. and who is this oc you speak of, if you don’t mind my asking? they sound intriguing! 🇺🇸🦅🍼
hello my lovely!! HAHA YES THANK YOU. i actually went on a total tangent about this a while back because i noticed how far back they're set. THEY'RE BEHIND HIS JAW. anyways my friend thought i was just being an insane person so thank you for validating me. aaahhhh my oc!!! i'm a little shy about sharing oc's but this one is my pride and joy. his name is Innis Pyrescribe!
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I played him in a short dnd game back iiiiin 2018ish, and then brought him back for a longer campaign after that. he presents himself as a cleric, but is in fact a necromancer. his party had no idea until like, the very end of the campaign! it was a very fun reveal. there's also a running joke of him being a sociopath for drinking straight milk because the very first time I played him, the party was in a tavern, and he doesn't drink, so he ordered a glass of milk from the bar. it never stopped being a Thing after that. pair that with his rampant mommy issues, toxic masculinity, and a carefully crafted veneer of charm hiding sinister intentions... yeah, I can see why my bestie made the comparison. anyways that was years ago, and now he's ditched the cleric charade and he's living his best life in his villain era with the scars to show for it! he's become an NPC in the game I run. c:
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i commissioned both of these pieces from my pal Blu over on twitter <3
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extravalgant · 3 years
I have a dad but I don't have a mom so would Shadoe call my behavior Motherless?
😭 WELL IF YOURE A VILLAIN SHE PROBABLY WOULD.... try to say something about villainy replacing the warmth you didnt get from your mother
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dragynkeep · 2 years
can someone please tell these azula-stanning minors to shut up and go back to geometry class WE GET IT YOU LOVE YOUR TOXIC ABUSIVE QUEEN BECAUSE YOU HAVE MOMMY ISSUES NOW LEAVE THE REST OF US SANE PEOPLE ALONE THANKS
okay byeeee <3
whoever said mommy issues makes you a sociopath on that atla meme was right frfr
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chrisbangs · 3 years
Hey babe! It sounds like we have similar mommy issues 🙃 my mom has been worse than usual the past few days and it's so fucking exhausting listening to her yell at all of us for stupid reasons
You're not a useless, bad, or ungrateful child, she's just a shit parent. I hope you can do some things that make you happy to take your mind off of all the feelings and memories those arguments make resurface.
Also, proud of you for asking for accommodations from your profs! And I hope your neck feels better soon <3
😞🖤 i'm sorry you also have to deal with similar things angel.. it really is just so exhausting hearing someone yell all the time and act like this... idk it's so crazy to me bc she wasn't mad at all that day and she ??? out of nowhere snapped ??? i was so ??? like all of us were so fucking surprised it was ??? so insane like 😭 ??? dnjdkdkdks mommy issues .. idk if you've seen that post that's like "having daddy issues turns you into a ppl pleaser, having mommy issues turns you into a sociopath" but my god 😭 it's so funny and true ..
i'm doing a lot better today esp since i took this entire week off of my classes 😞 i was really feeling guilty abt all of it but ... now that i don't really have to worry too much except for a presentation in my morning class tmmr i am feeling a lot less stressed out... and thank you so much my love 🥺🖤🐺🪐🌙 jm really glad in the end that i asked bc it worked out.. i was scared they'd be mad or not understand but 😞 so far the 2/4 that replied were so nice...
i hope you're also doing okay baba 😞💖 please take care of yourself and i'm sending you a hug and all my love... :( i hope it's not too stressful for you rn and you're resting at least a little 😣🖤
#it's so insane to me she just snapped outta nowhere and it was over the most simple random thing (me accepting smth that my best friends mom#bought for me) like she got so fucking mad and started yelling abt how i can like . say no to her all the time but not to other ppl except ?#i literally kept refusing ... and my best friends mom kept insisting bc she's a family friend etc etc .. and it was the most??? situation to#me bc ?? i literally ?? did nothing wrong but she got so angry and started yelling at me.. even my sister was so ?? tf ?? bc it was so#unreasonable right ?? and i literally couldn't hold it back this time ... i literally started sobbing in front of her and i was shaking so#much and she dead ass goes 'why're you crying you have no reason to cry ? i said nothing' and she continues yelling ??? and#then 2 days later shes hugging me and kissing me and talking to me again#oh i do feel so gaslit at every turn of my life... it makes me feel fucking INSANE . anon i cant even begin to explain how fucked in the#head i feel every day of my life oh she makes me feel insane... like one moment i am the reason her life is ruined the next it's 'where#would i be without you.. 🥺 don't leave me!' like jesus !!!!!!! 😭 god no wonder i'm so messed up lmao 😭😭 JNSSKMSKSKSS#mentally ill !!! 😭😭 sjsjsksksks it's so insane to meeee...#but anyway.. i feel much better today... i played some animal crossing .. impulse bought like 3 pcs 🥲💔 .. libra boys bday is soon + i'm#meeting up with abia in like 4 days so 😞💖 i'm just uknow ..#like i feel marginally better after all that went down... but i cannot believe i opened my mouth and said 'i'll never be good enough for you#i get that now dont worry' like i really am asking for a slipper to the face these days lol . NXMDMDMDMD#ANYWAY.........#thank you for asking and 😞💖 being so sweet and lovely seriously ... i appreciate it and i hope you're doing ok little one 🥺🖤#anon#answered#abuse tw#parental abuse tw#idk ask to tag 😭😭
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silentfcknhill · 4 years
AtLA + LoK Villains Evilness Rating
(If you wanna dispute my ratings I’ll be happy to tell you why.)
Ty Lee - 0.5 /10
Cinnamon roll. Too pure for this world. Naïve and will put her faith in you 100%. Kind of ditzy but can take you down with no hard feelings. Needs to be liked by everyone. Is very flexible. Can strangle you with her legs and giggle while doing it. Chooses bad friends. Has frustratingly good luck. 
Uncle Iroh- 1/10
Actual angel but could still open up a can of whoop-ass if necessary. Too supportive and forgiving. Loves tea, sitting around, speaking in proverbs and leading by example. Probably considers you a friend. Surprisingly powerful but mostly peaceful. Hard to provoke but if you do, just run. Fear the nice ones. 
Jet- 3/10
Misguided and extreme but also traumatized. Don't get in his way. Kind of twisted and obsessive af. Ends justify the means, until they don't. Needs a proper role model and has potential. Can be unreasonable and is still kind of a jerk. Will gaslight you. 
Prince Zuko- 3.5/10
Conflicted, violent and angsty but mostly needs a lot of reassurance. Has a major boner for his honor. Will freak out over nothing. Has been through a lot and will not be underestimated. Grumpy and willful af and won't listen to you until it's too late, then will blame you for misleading him. 
June- 4/10 
Might beat you up or kidnap you for money but it's nothing personal. Might insult you as a way of flirting. Looks pretty and delicate but don't be fooled. Can beat you up in a split second and not break a sweat. Will probably take all your stuff and never give it back. Lives for the tough girl aesthetic. 
Mai- 5/10
Is just bored and over it all. Throwing knives is something to do. Apathetic and will probably just follow along with whatever including murder but will complain the entire time. Emo af. Would risk it all for a quick nap. Prone to bite your head off. Too smart for you and will let you know. 
Wan Shi Tong- 6.5/10
A total dick. Tired of your shit and is judging you. Thinks humans are garbage and won't get involved with them until it suits him. Don't touch his books or he will literally eat you. Nerdiest bastard. Doesn't trust you so don't try any shit with him. Sees through your pathetic lies. Kind of an elitist.
Combustion Man- 7/10 
Thinks blowing shit up is a form of art. Doesn't believe in communication. Very serious and focused. Do not fight him. Probably gets crapped on more than he deserves. A mystery wrapped in a bald head. Probably has a tattoo of the names of all the people he's killed and he's ready to add yours. 
Hama- 7.5/10
Traumatized old hag. Created bloodbending but too crazy to do much with it now. May kidnap you and keep you in a dank hole forever. Seems sweet at first but is hiding a lot of secrets. Don't eat her cooking. Thinks sitting at home scheming is a job. Hates you for whatever small thing you did to her 57 years ago. Forgets nothing. 
Long Feng- 8/10
Conniving af. Will brainwash you, lie to your face and maybe make you disappear. Wants everything and will plot to take it all. Perfectionist and control freak, will stab you in the back and you won't see it coming. Is tired of taking everyone's shit. Thinks he deserves better but he doesn't. Kills children. 
Admiral Zhao- 8/10 
Explosive temper. Huge egomaniac and narcissist. Hates the moon. Has probably killed a lot of people and fish and you're next. Will do whatever it takes. Won't listen to anything you say. Punch first, ask questions never. Jumps to a lot of conclusions, is usually wrong. Frequently embarrasses self. 
Koh the Face-Stealer- 8.5/10 
Terrifying and will probably steal your face. Do not approach. Too indifferent to chase you but can be sneaky af so watch your back. Doesn't handle emotions well. A total loner. The guy who knows everything but nobody wants to talk to. Fear him. To know him is to hate him. Makes you question everything. 
Firelord Azulon- 9/10 
Will order your execution on a whim and maybe a relative or two first for the appetizer. Do not question him. Will play favorites and call you out on things that are his fault. Overreacts and you should probably not be around when it happens. Disapproves of all your choices and is very vocal about this fact. Forces parents to kill their children. 
Firelord Sozin- 9/10
Will commit genocide and take over the world while yelling at you for minor shit. Kind of a petty and jealous asshole. Even if you think he is your friend he isn't and is going to attack you. A big old bully with bad breath and a wonky beard. The original starter of all drama and certified instigator shitlord. 
Princess Azula- 9/10 
Unstable and manipulative. Sadist who thrives off of your fear and suffering. Will hurt you badly in all the ways. Avoid at all costs. Acts cold and calculating but really has no chill. Demands your respect but won't earn it. Trolling you gives her pleasure. The spawn of satan and loving it. Mommy issues to infinity. 
Firelord Ozai- 9.5/10
Second worst dad ever. No soul. Will burn every tree and face to a crisp. Child abuse for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Actual sociopath. Will kill someone and banish you for it. Goatee comes first. Will project all his insecurities on you. Will tell everyone your secrets. World's biggest megalomaniac. 
Varrick- 3/10
Will probably lie, try to con you out of money, order you to do things for him and tell bad jokes but that's as far as it's gonna go. Eccentric and annoying af. Doesn't know when to shut up. Needs to learn some lessons in life. Attracts more trouble than he's worth. Has all the good gossip somehow. 
Bataar Jr.- 3/10
The guy that nobody likes because he tries too hard and ends up ruining everything. Enjoys being a bitch. Wants to rebel but is bad at it. Do you love me now father? Tries to act like he doesn't care what you think but cares way too much. Will not kill you but might get engaged to your ex to spite you. 
Police Chief Saikhan- 3.5/10 
Will do anything you say for a price, except give a fuck. Doesn't really care about anything. Might arrest you just because he doesn't like you. The type to pretend he didn't hear you just to avoid responsibility. Likes to yell into things. Hates helping people. Is actually a giant rock in disguise. 
Tahno- 3.5/10 
A total prick. Has nicer hair than you and won't let you forget it. Very flamboyant and arrogant. Will gloat over being better than you at everything even though he cheated every time. Talks mad shit but can't walk the walk. Ultimately a big baby. Lowkey protect him. Wants to be the cool kid but isn't cool. 
Desna- 4/10
Couldn't care less. Actual inanimate object. Lurks around for no reason. Hates everything and that includes you. Listens to his elders and would probably leave you for dead. Just wants to sleep. Secretly goth. Might actually be two small robots in a trenchcoat pretending to be human. 
Councilman Tarrlok- 4.5/10
Attention whore with a savior complex. Smol bean who wants approval. Acts arrogant but is secretly depressed and self-loathing af. Stubborn and clingy emotional wreck with impulse control issues. Needs a hug. Will probably manipulate you through guilt or charisma. Wants to be Lucius Malfoy, but cries at night. 
Hiroshi Sato- 5/10
Has lost sight of what's important. Total extremist. Will get revenge on you for something you didn't even do. Well respected and seems innocent but is plotting your downfall. Can build a whole army and take you down. Kind of a traitor. Loyalty is volatile. Thinks he always knows what's best for you but doesn't know shit. 
The Lieutenant- 5/10
In way over his head. Wants to make a difference but has let bitterness take over. Will probably electrocute you. Puts his faith in the wrong people. Kind of snobby and will hold a grudge. 99 problems and benders are about 98 of them. Tired of being pushed around but still lets himself be pushed around. FLOPPY MUSTACHE. 
Aiwei- 5.5/10 
Thinks he's better than you and probably isn't. Wants to be sneaky but really is just too predictable. Boring af and tries to be unique but fails miserably. Lets everyone take advantage of him. Don't lie to him. Will harbor resentment and take it out on you at a random point in time. Discount Long Feng but not as smart or ambitious. 
Eska- 5.5/10
Will stalk you aggressively. Thinks slavery is a relationship. Eyeliner sharp enough to kill. Never betray her or she will destroy you. Might use you as a footstool. Seems emotionally dead inside, but don't test her dormant waters. Uses everyone and feels no guilt. Hipster trash. No concept of boundaries or social interaction. 
Ghazan- 6/10
Sarcasm game strong enough to fatally wound you. Doesn't say much. Has tree trunks for limbs and will probably use them to throw lava and rocks at you. Lowkey protective af. Don't get on his bad side. You can't get on his good side. Would rather kill everyone including himself than let you win an argument. 
Zaheer- 6/10
A wannabe hippie but will still fight the system and you too. Don't try to control him. Gets annoyed when people breathe too loud. Is kind of a contradiction. Will literally blow you away. Anarchy equals freedom. Fuck the police. Can sit in the same spot for a really long time. Probably a flat earther. 
Ming-Hua- 7/10
Has a significant disability but can still easily slaughter you. Innovative and sneaky af. As fast and agile as an actual lemur. A natural disaster wherever she goes. Doesn't listen to your advice. Overcompensates a lot. Probably her own worst enemy. Is quiet and likes to eavesdrop on your business. 
Kuvira- 7.5/10 
Wants to control everything. Who invited her to poop the party? Highkey evil and just plain mean. Will use your corpse as a decoration if you get in her way. Secretly petty and superficial af. Thinks social bonding is trying to seduce you in order to take charge of your life. Individuality punishable by death. Even other villains hate her. 
P'Li- 7.5/10
Can explode you with her mind. Her gaze will pierce you to the core. Strong independent and violent woman who don't need a man but chooses to have one anyway. Will shave you off just like the sides of her hair. Has no problem fucking shit up. Boss bitch. Loyal to only a select few, so too bad for you. 
Amon- 8/10
Charismatic but scary and mysterious af. Huge hypocrite. Will silently judge you. Powerful, selfish and cruel. Manipulative as hell and uses intimidation to get you to comply. Pretends to have empathy but really just wants control. Will cripple you physically and emotionally without warning. Knows all of your weaknesses but none of his own. 
Earth Queen Hou-Ting- 8.5/10 
The actual worst. Eats your pets for supper. Her yelling is the #1 cause of deafness worldwide. Will keep you prisoner and then have you killed for looking at her. The bossiest Drama Queen ever. Will be the cause of all your misery and will be proud of it. Bark is the same as her bite. Lots of daddy issues. 
Chief Unalaq- 9/10 
Religious extremist. Actually batshit insane. Wants to destroy the entire world. Has ascended from this pathetic plane of human existence. Loner whose only friends are invisible. Wants you to think he's just shy and misunderstood but NOPE. Knows what you want to hear and says it. Will sell you to satan for one cornchip. 
Yakone- 9.5/10
Worst dad ever. Will either bloodbend you, try to live vicariously through you or both. Absolutely no redeeming traits except for being physically human. Abuse equals tough love. Might beat your ass for no good reason and expect your gratitude for it. Criminal mastermind with no conscience and all of the entitlement. 
Vaatu- 10/10
Actually the devil. Literal incarnation of darkness and chaos. Ultimate troll and force of disaster in the world. Doesn't know any better, but still an asshole by choice. Will use you until you're no longer of value. Has a hard-on for destruction. Likes to play the victim. Will consume your soul and burp loudly.
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phereinnike · 4 years
I feel like in general the ‘Why did Tom Riddle go so bad’ discourse is way too simplistic when it’s reduced to “born under a love potion so he can’t feel love :(” (which was confirmed purely fandom theory and not canon, or “his mom was a mad rapist that “””abandoned him””” so he couldn’t love” (which is a plain lie and a very ugly thing to say to all people who weren’t loved by their mother).
It dismisses the fact that he is very much an understandable product of his enviroment -on top of like everything else-: 1) grew up in an awful enviroment (London orphanages during the 1920′s-30′s were very bad), 2) probably weirding out both caretakers and other childrens with his early shows of magic thereof both ostrasizing himself accidentally & taking comfort in the fact that he wasn’t like them (he could do things they couldn’t, he wasn’t a freak he was special, he wouldn’t live and die in that hell-hole like they would). 3) Then he went to school and was judged from day one by an obviously rich man who had never been in a situation like his for stealing from other children when he was 10?, and 4) then he was made to return to said very bad (in the flashbacks we’re shown it isn’t just an orphanage in the 30′s, it’s poor, dilapidated, gloomy, dirty) muggle orphanage during the fucking LONDON BLITZ (when he was 14) and WW2 every summer.
Most fandom accounts exploring his time in the orphanage either reduce him to a budding sociopath that tortured other children for fun (wattpad mafia badboy syndrome) or a punny victim treated like garbage for his shows of magic and abused by everyone (poor whump baby :( if only someone had loved him) 
5) This discounts the considerable notes of madness in her mother’s bloodline, which we’re shown and pointed towards clearly on her brother and father and less clearly on her the rapist; and which could very reasonably affect him as well because people stopped imbreeding for a reason, it fucks genetics up. (3)The role Dumbledore and his prejudice (understandable as well in some measure because he did date magical Hitler, & accidentally kill his sister in the process pretty recently and was during ww2 actively fighting said guy -defeated in 1945-) played on shaping his personality (this is an Albus Dumbledore hate account don’t @ me). (1) (4)And the way the socio-historical reality he lived in the muggle world affected him because this is a child/teen that spent his summers in London city in the middle of WW2 (started when he was 13, carried on until he was 19) without being able to use magic for help until he was 17. 
People that live in war-zones are affected for their entire lives under normal circumstances. An incredibly powerful boy that is completely alone in the world, has a strong history of family madness, has had i thammered on all his life that he’s different (meant as a bad thing but most certainly interpreted as i’m better than them, because without going into ego issues that’s the way to rationalize things that hurt us, “they don’t want me? i don’t want them anyway! i don’t need  them!” and that suffered greatly because of muggles (both his living situation in the orphanage and the entire WW2.... finding a way to be protected forever? to have a guarantee to escape death? at the cost of killing the muggle that you think abandoned you to that horrid orphanage & war? (+ the fact that he was convinced when he arrived at hogwarts that his father had to be magical because his mother just up and died on him, and he -without any magical background or studies- thought that was something magic would be able to avoid??) Tom Riddle creating the first Horcrux makes so much sense in context.
And then if you go with the love potion/family trauma route you also disscount that 5) a Horcrux splits your damn soul in two, which should in some measure fuck you up as well and definitely shaped how he acted from there onwards. 
And that during his formative education in Hogwarts he spent every summer in a warzone and every school-year hearing about 6) Grindewald -the effective equivalent of magical Hitler- and his war, the Global Wizarding War (according to wiki) attacking both muggles and wizards, with people throwing themselves asking Dumbledore for help while he delays it (again, understandable in some meassure).
7) We should also account in some meassure that the HP books go from Harry age 11 (when we’re first introduced to Voldemort) to 17. So we were first introduced to a cartoony version of Voldemort and only got to see him fleshed out as Harry grew and his understanding of the world increased and changed and became more nuanced. Philosopher’s Stone is pretty much a children book and has the appropiate simplistic morals, Deathly Hallows is much more grown-up and nuanced. 
So yeah, here’s 4k+ words on why the situation is always more nuanced than that and reducing his rise & downfall to love potion/mommy issues is a disservice to the character and the story itself -as it’s main villain- because for all we joke that he lost his nose and went mad, Lord Voldemort is a villain for his story (on purpose or not) makes a lot of sense. 
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halfofmysoulistrees · 5 years
Prodigal son pilot live blog
Yo, Michael Sheen always nails feral characters.
Excuse me? 23 murders? Jesus.
If this whole series doesn’t end with Tom Paine’s character becoming a serial killer I’m going to be very disappointed.
Are you a monster? Yes, and some day you could be too.
No, don’t kill Claude. Malcom was gonna study him!
Oh jeez, he’s got issues.
Listen, new characters aren’t my thing, so the whole NYPD gangs a little bland and archetype-y right now. If lady cop hooks up with our boy though, someone’s gotta buy me a shot.
Oooh copycat, how exciting.
Crack theory: the killer is actually Malcom in a dissociative fugue state.
Listen, this is a family full of lunatics. Oh, alternate crack theory: the killer is Ainsley.
Why would the profiler go on raids with the police??
Honestly just drag Mr. Bomb as far away from all the evidence as....oooh the chair is locked to the floor.
That was the worst fucking pun. Only a sociopath makes a pun like that. Also he was way to excited to chop that man’s hand off.
Ooh alternate crack theory number 3, all of these crimes are being orchestrated by the surgeon from prison to tip Malcom over into full serial killer mode.
Yo, mommy, dear you’ve clearly not moved on what with all you drinking and drugs.
I’m a med student and I’ve never heard anyone refer the the median nerve as the “eye of the hand” wtf
Yoooo, did he fuckin find one of them stuffed in that box?? That’ll traumatize a child, yep. That’ll do it.
Night terrors mean no memory of the dreams...but maybe that’s just a technicality the show isn’t concerned with.
“I’m a vegan now” lol
The lion rug, so ostentatious.
I was kind of hoping this copy cat was gonna be drawn out over a few episodes.
Also this seems like a lot of trouble to go to for revenge on your wife...and how would he have stolen those journal pages?
Now the second quartet is unfinished! Someone must finish it.
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positivelyamazonian · 5 years
Not to question your preferences but isn't Legend was tr1's vision but made in 'updated' tech? You did heavily criticized the game for it's outfits & hypocrisy from the devs. Is there anything you find in legend similar to tr1? Like Lara's character for example. I thought legend was what they were going for in tr1 but more 'out there'. trU felt more closer to tr2&3's Lara imo & the less I say about anni the better. Aside from the pr abomination, you think CD did a gj with Lara's portrayal?
I’ve answered before when being asked about my opinion on LAU’s trilogy - I just can’t find the ask now, but it should show up eventually in the “my answers” tag - and why Legend is the one I most dislike from that trilogy; in fact, I’d say it’s the TR I most dislike ever. I don’t see the resemblance with TR1; if at all, Crystal was trying to go for TR1 resonances when making Anniversary… which they upright stole from Core Design’s, btw. But Legend? I can’t really see the similarity at all.
Just to summarize what I’ve said before, in other asks, for me Legend is an abomination and so it’s their Lara’s portrayal - which is not Lara but actually LAUra to me, they are different characters. But I guess you don’t want to hear again about changed bio, canon divergences, mommy issues and so. You ask me about the rest. Will try to syntethize it.
Even if I forget LAUra is just raiding tombs to find her disappeared mother and has deep family issues, a big amnesia concerning everything that has happened to her before - since she’s been rewritten, revamped, rebooted and erased of all her character arc in Core’s era - I still think Crystal did a very poor job with her portrayal. Crystal Dynamics’ version of Lara is James Bond-esque. She looks and acts more like a secret agent or an action soldier than a tomb raider, or a pseudo-archaeologist, which was her real nature.
She has forgotten her politeness and delicacy to act towards her enemies with rudeness and passive-aggressiveness, justified with her damaged soul because she lost her mom and needs to find her. Her lines and dialogues are very cliché, she just throws narcissistic and pre-cooked sentences that sound very inflated (”every breath of yours is gonna be a gift from me”, “repeat that thing again when you were begging for your life”. “this is a tomb I’m gonna make them feel at home”) that are good for a bombastic Hollywood blockbuster but don’t portray the real spirit of Lara, who talked little but very effectively. LAUra is all jabbing and jabbing. She just says things to see the effect they cause, but are void of any meaning.
Furthermore, LAUra has no moral guidelines. She uses the artefacts she finds as weapons against her enemies, something that Classic Lara would have never done. She’s just focused on the goal, which is to find her mother, and releases very dangerous powers on her enemies just to crush them if it suits her. Classic Lara never used an artefact in this sense. In fact, all the Tomb Raider arc was based in taking ancient artefacts to be stored away from power hungry and genocidal sociopaths because they’re too dangerous to be handled. LAUra uses the Excalibur sword mercilessly against soldiers only armed with mere firearms, not on equal footing. And does it again in Underworld when assessing herself the right to handle Thor’s belt, gloves and hammer. Which is directly immoral and a barrier Classic Lara never dared to cross.
When Crystal Dynamics portrayed LAUra in the LAU trilogy they were only wanting to appeal to the crowd fans’ mass who only had a superficial grasp of the character, and contented themselves with viewing a supposed Tomb Raider who in fact managed herself more than a villain, or a James Bond, and of course based more their work in the movies than in the classic games.
The movies should not be considered canon since the directors never played a real Tomb Raider and only elaborated about the idea they had of Lara. Same with the comic series artists and writers. And to these people who never bothered to play a real Tomb Raider, turned Crystal Dynamics to when elaborating LAUra and LAU trilogy. Of course, they had never cared for Core Design’s canon in the first place, so why bother to do so.
There you’ll have EXPLOSIONS!!!! And DEEP CLEAVAGES!!! AND LOUIS VUITTON PANTIEES!!! And very very snarky PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE REMARKS no one asked for because YOU ROCK!!! And interminable BATTLES with lots of ENEMIES and eternal BOSS FIGHTS with talking bosses and inconsistent difficulty!!! AND A VERY EPIC SOUNDTRACK WITHOUT LARA’S THEME!!!! And now rescue your POC DAMSEL IN DISTRESS because you’re the hero and must save HERRR!! And KILL ALL THE GUYS!!! And now use the EXCALIBURRRRRR BECAUSE THEY STAND BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR MOMMA!!!! And now threaten your old friend but now villain enemy who doesn’t give a shit about your personal goals BECAUSE SHE HAS TO PAY!!! SOMEONE HAS TO PAY!!! MY MOTHER DISAPPEARED YOU OBVIOUSLY STOLE HER!!!! I’m gonna shoot and yell and threaten and go berserker in a mindless rampage because you want to know WHERE!!! IS!!! YOUR!!! MOTHEEEEEEEEERRRR!!!
But in the meantime you also need a high-tech specialist to guide you through the adventure and he’s constantly telling you what to do because you will get lost surely and a PhD lecturer to teach you about History and Archeology because you aparently have no idea about it. Welp.
Oh yes, she still wears pants and top, she still has dual pistols, she still uses medipacks, and vehicles, and raids tombs, sorta, because the puzzles are an insult to intelligence. Does that make her Lara again? For me it doesn’t. Lara Croft went of adventures because it was fun and had a very strict moral code about it. LAUra probably would have stabbed herself with the Dagger of Xian and become THE DRAGON!!!! And then DRACARYS!!!! Or use the meteorite artefacts to mutate herself and become A POWERFUL ABHORRENT BADASS MUTANT!!! Or stick Amulet of Horus in Seth’s face BECAUSE I AM GONNA BATTLE YOU ANYWAY AND KEEP THIS SHIT BECAUSE MINE!!! And of course, accept Karel’s offer in TRAOD as long as he can bring your Mom back.
I am sorry but context is everything. If Lara Croft is just a girl with shorts and tank and dual pistols, then anyone can do Lara Croft. The thing is that she was something else. And for that, I have not the least sympathy for this Hollywood-esque, James Bond female agent who is all the time looking too cool and too angry to mind anything but find the absent mother.
No, definitely I don’t see anything coming from Legend that reminds of TR1, or in LAUra that reminds me of Lara except some gadgets any character could have. Sorry for the rant, you asked. :)
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Can we talk about how Lena was never trully good and piss off my stalkers?
Let’s start with her early life, shit taken from her fabulous Arrowverse Wikia page, written by a hormonal, brainwashed kid with Lena’s panties in a skull:
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Aside of the dumb as fuck plot to kill her “Irish” Mother So CW Can Stop Wasting Money On Lena’s Actress Accent Coach, this was said by Lena, Age 20 Something. Where is the problem? Lena,  Age 20 Something is old enough, and so called genius, to understand that her 4 year old ass couldn’t do a shit in that situation (well, she could drown along wiith her mother *stares longingly at the wasted potential*). So, Lena The Age 20 Something tells this traumatasing for everyone’s ears story to make herself look sympathetic. Or she is super fucking dumb, but the writers try to tell us she is a so called genius. Ouch.
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Planning a shit for months that in the end RUINS someone’s life and “regrets” it (*Len a sniffs, wipping her tears with a silky handkerchief that is worth 1500$*) is well, a perfect example of a future sociopath. Also, notice how she still remembers how Lilian was proud of her. Aka destroying someone’s life maybe was a bad thing to do, but her adoptive mother was PROUD of her. This is an example of what is the most important thing for Lena - her EGO and constant praise of her HORRIBLE adoptive mother.
You won’t find it on wikia page (wonder why *sarcasm*) that Lena threw a microscope at Jack - her boyfriend, what is hey!, a violent, abusive, toxic behavior!
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Aka Lena The Snowflake Queen has NEVER stood behind a man... only behind Lex’s back... as long as he was in the picture...and she became the CEO of LuthorCorp only after... he was out of the picture... because....that’s the easiest shit to do. And she ceased contact with Lilian... because she GOT WHAT SHE WANTED. Earlier she didn’t mind Lilian and Lex’ shady shit and did nothing to stop that, huh? Wonder why. This is called not standing behind men’s back. Brothers are not men, I guess?
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Insted of kicking the young mother to her home, to spend time with her daughter, Lena The Slave Driver (too soon? :) and The White Face Of Aggressive Capitalism gives her a blessing. And this article suggests that everything what Sam achived was all to Lena, not her own abilities. Feminism, yay!
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Because who cares about people’s privacy when they are not humans but some alien scum, right? You can’t ask for people’s believes or sexuality but can easily check your neighbour origin! Yay! Who cares that alienphobes would buy it for horrible reasons? Because moneeeey, moneeeeey, moneeeeey! 
Btw, remember how Lena was pissed off at Rhea, because she was ALIEN? It was not because the lie, it was because dear Rhea was alien, so hello ALIENPHOBIC Lena :D Also, Lena ignored Rhea lied to her and just followed The Daxamite Queen like a lost puppy only because Rhea praised her ass. Lena was easily manipulated, because oh her mommy and ego issues xD Cheer for the genius!
Btw, remember how big damage the Phorians did to National City BECAUSE of Lena’s exeperiments with the portal? And again, she didn’t face any consequecens. 
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Remember how  because of this portal she can stop starvation blah blah blah? Well, nah, it’s all about her ego. And after Daxamite invasion, what she has done about that starvation? NADA :’) She proved her portal works, who cares about the rest.
What happens next? A hostile Daxamite army invades USA THANKS TO LENA and... nothing happens. How many people died? How many buildings were destroyed? Did Snowflake Lena meet any consequences? Did they accuse her of being a TRAITOR? She is not a traitor, her brainwashed minions say. Yeah? Think about Snowden and Assange. And now you can laugh.
Then she spreads lead into atmosphere and yep, nothing happens. Weirdly, no other country is pissed off that some American bitch spread fucking lead all over whole fucking world. Who cares, American capitalism! *Afghanistan, Iraq, South American countries, Vietnam, South Korea stare into the void*
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Lena buys CatCo ONLY to keep her name clean and - Money, money money!
Plus, Lena reveals she didn’t talk with Kara for months (friendship goals! pure heart! friendship over work!).
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Few things here:
1)during it, Edge’s bodyguard was killed, what means that Lena getting what she wants is more important than random people lives
2)she did that on a gala, full of innocent, not aware of the danger people. She purposely put them in the danger
3)getting that record of Edge’s confession was absolutely illegal and any judge would fucking die hearing how she got it
4)she corrupted Kara to do this shit
5)cried about how ONLY her friends keep her from crossing a line - bitch, you already crossed that and your friends should take your ass to a psychologist, lol
6) did i mention that Edge’s BODYGUARD WAS KILLED?
(And now a short break for a laugh:
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My poor Lena’s phone! What have you done to piss Sam so much? :((((( )
Also hey, Lena is a gun lover. 
During this time, Lena was experimenting on Sam. Alone. Not telling anyone. Because you know, EGO issues. She told DEO only when her ass was satrting to burn.
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We are glad that Lena’s stans are aware she constantly LIE and loves EXCUSES of her shitty actions. KUDOS, guys!
Also yeaaaah, I reluctantly intend to tell my father I destroyed his fave  set of stamps. Someday. But after 10 years he is still not aware so maybe, not today, yeah.
Also, Lena plays the “innocent victim” when she reveals she produces Kryptonite. That can be used only to kill Kryptonians, but she doesn’t see why Supergirl is so pissed off. It’s not like it’s some 100% deadly weapon for Kara Zor El and her cousin. Calm down your tits, Supergirl, ok? Every day Lena can choke to death eating fucking avocado and she doesn’t throw tantrums about it!
And then Lena basically used Harun-El for her own experiments. Did she tell Alura she stole some of it? Nah. Did she inform anyone about her experiments? Naah. Why when she can play a god?
Remmeber Ben Lockwood? That horribly written bad guy? Who turned evil because Lena The Capitalistic Bitch Who Swims In Money didn’t help his father’s bancrupting factory? Becasue:
When you think about, if Lena wouldn’t have been a white typical American aggressive capitalistic bitch focused on making money and doing illegal experiments, there hadn’t been Agent Liberty. I think it’s hilarious. Lena wants to “help” the world *cough* by polluting it? *cough*  by some fucking useless portals, while all she needs to do is helping people and saving their buisness :D
Then we have some sweet talk including Lena and her so called friends, about powering up humans. And we clearly see that Lena wants to play a god, because of her EGO. Who decides who is good enough to be powered up? Lena. Who holds the power to make humans superpowered? Lena. Who doesn’t say a shit about these experiments and doing it in secret? Lena. 
And here comes our poor young Adam. Adam, who is depressed because of his brother’s death and driven by guilt. And Lena, for some fucking reason, choses him. UHM? And then, even if she KNOWS this experiment is deadly (no SANE scientist allows human trials when the possibility of death is higher than 1% - (you have animal trials for it for fuck’s sake), that is a FACT, in Lena’s case it was about 40%? or even more). But he filled the aplication! Yeah, and this makes it legal, LOL. But Lena wanted to stop it and he FORCED her to keep doing! Yeaaaaaah, depressed, driven by guilt kid forced poor innocent Lena to kill him. Holy crap! Lena! You poor baby!!!!
No shit guys, LENA IS MURDERER. And she doesn’t tell anyone, becasuse she knows it was illegal.
But! But! But! GOVERMENT knows! She works for them!!! Yeah, she works for alienphobic goverment and Ben Lockwood, what can go wrong?! :DDDD
And then, she basically saved a mass murderer and helped him escape.
How the FUCK her ass is not rotting in jail is a mystery, but I guess when you are a white loaded American capitalist you can do whatever shit you want and won’t meet consequecnes of your actions. 
And now cheer for Lena The Snowflake Queen Luthor stans who love her and don’t see a one single thing in her doings - it’s good to be murderer’s apologist, huh? :D
(all caps taken from Lena’s wikia page -> x)
I want to dedicate this post to my stalkers aka KramReceipt crowd from twitter - please, be more butthurt in the future, I have more ideas to expose your Snowflake Queen ;*
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study-thestorm-blog · 5 years
Divorce, and why it’s needed
I saw this⬇️⬇️ gem on Twitter, and it inspired this post
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Here is my story on how divorce changed my life, and how I am eternally grateful it happened.
This post is incredibly triggering, so, if you have any triggers as far as sexual abuse, violence, please stop now. It’s also revealing an incredibly vulnerable place within myself, so please, be understanding. This is taking a lot of bravery..
I was 3 when my mom, and my biological father divorced. We will call him GW for short, also to not release names. (trust me I’ve dragged him enough :) ) he is also the reason I am skeptical about a certain religion. I’m not dragging the religion, I’m dragging him for making a mockery of it.
I know what you’re thinking,
“Omg, 3, that’s so young, what all could you AcTuAlLy remember????” Well, newsflash Kendra, traumatic memories weigh heavier on the young mind than wholesome ones. So, buckle up.
My mom is an angel, I don’t know what I would do without her. She single handedly saved me from a monster I know as my father. She packed up in the middle of the night, just the basics, and left, to save my brother and I from any more toxicity that might have ensued with any more time in the home with him. (I know, “toxic”.... so basic....?)
My father has some psychological issues deep within himself (no excuse), I would even go as far to say he is a narcissistic sociopath. He, of course, hasn’t been diagnosed, but he is textbook. He was incredibly physically abusive to us, as well as emotionally abusive. I remember things as far back as my 1st birthday. That’s 2 years of living in the same house. The abuse goes further back than that, though. It began when I was a newborn, really. From having ridiculous expectations of toddlers to operate like miniature adults, to drawing blood on the blows that were taken. His idea of family time was that the kids were required to sit down, shut up, and watch documentaries (????) or we would feel the consequences. I mean, it wasn’t even us that would specifically take the beatings, he would (and I mean literally) beat the feces out of the dog.. for not relieving herself in a small piece of grass he designated for her. She went on to live her life as an incredibly skittish pupper.
My mom saw the abuse that was happening, and she knew what she had to do, but of course leaving is always easier said than done, especially when the individual you are leaving is a borderline killer. But, she knew that the chance at a better life she would be giving us by leaving far outweighed the chance of her being hurt, or killed. And for that, I am incredibly grateful. (Essentially, she knowingly risked her life to save ours)
We moved into a small condo in Hollywood beach, CA. I have some pretty good memories there (I want to say the most emotionally scarring thing to happen to me there was me trying to use the big girl potty, and my dress got wet, lol)
My mom made sure our lives post-Oxnard, CA house were great. And she succeeded. I didn’t know then what the significance of our innocent smiles held, and what they meant to her. I don’t think you really understand that, the true significance, until you’ve been through hell and back, and the one thing holding you together day in and day out is the sweet voice of your children saying “I love you mommy, you’re the best mommy ever.” after a long day of “what if’s”, after you realize your soon-to-be ex husband is outside your house, stalking you and your children. GW got regular visitation with us, even before a court order was placed. He continued to stalk, even when we were at his house. We would be left unattended quite often.
I guess I never realized until now just how scary each moment of her life was, how truly difficult it was to sleep, until she finally was granted permission to leave the state of California with us. She spent every second ensuring we got as normal of a childhood as we could have, in the midst of ensuring we had the safest childhood we could have. (Mama, if you’re reading this, especially this far, I love you, thank you.)
Even after the sexual assault that was witnessed by us, (no, I will not release details. It’s still an incredibly raw subject. Incredibly triggering) she did not miss a beat of being the best mama ever. I truly do not remember her taking the day just to have a mental health day. I was too young to understand then what strength she would have to muster daily. But, I know now, and I can say that it leaves me speechless, the strength she displayed, and the love she continued to give us.
After this, we fled the state of California. We would move into my nana, and papa’s home in Jacksonville, Florida. Here is where my mom swore up and down she would never remarry, and I cannot say I blame her. I would have felt the same. She wasted no time getting a job to provide for her children. But, this time was also a confusing time for me, because I didn’t know then why my mom was dreading flying to California, after it had been depicted on television to be this land of riches, and happiness. I later learned it was to settle the divorce, and the custody agreement, as well as sort through sexual assault charges.
After what felt like a year (I was 4, it was probably a bit longer, or shorter, who knows, not me.) she met someone that I saw she laughed a lot with, she smiled from ear to ear with him, and her face lit up at the sound of his name. She came home after every date with almost an aura lit around her, she just beamed happiness. We eventually got to meet him. The warmth that radiated from her when she presented this new individual to us was incomparable. We would come to know him as Brian. My stepdad.
He treated my brother and I like gold, and made sure to treat my mother the same both in our presence and behind closed doors. They married in November of 2003. Her happiness and beam of light when his name comes across in conversation, or even with the presence of him in a room has not waivered, and I don’t think it will. He boasted the same aura when she walked in, or was spoken of. This, the second marriage, was when I would learn the definition of love, and everything it would be, everything I would look forward to in life. My stepdad, who’s label holds a higher honor in my book than “dad”, saved my mother, just the same way she saved my brother and I, and he gave my brother and I the true definition of an unwaivering father figure. I wish I could repay him, but I don’t think there is a dollar amount that would suffice for what he has done for the 3 of us within just the first years of their marriage, and will continue to do until the day he is laid to rest.
Long story short, divorce is not the evil it is made out to be. Divorce saves individuals, families, from abuse, addiction, and any other toxicity that you, or your children, would not want to endure. Of course, this is not to encourage someone who is not in a tumultuous marriage, but it is a testament of why it should not be viewed so scandalously.
Thanks for reading,
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
You know, when I can say “Yang” and completely break your entire post, you know you’ve fucked up.
An inherent flaw with the show is how they seem to think that most (if not all) their arcs need to be resolved in a single volume.
Yang, Jaune, Ruby, Weiss, Blake
There’s five examples off the top of my head of characters with arcs spanning several Volumes.
For example, Renora’s rivalry with the Nuckelavee needed to be resolved all in one volume. There was no way to have it foreshadowed in an earlier volume, and then have it come to full in volume 4, they needed to set it up and resolve it in volume 4. Leading to a fight where buildings teleport around, and the characters who never graduated their first year manage to defeat a several-decades old grimm while a literal bad-luck charm was nearby. 
Doesn’t explain how this is a BAD THING either because NONE OF THIS is connected to it being contained in a single Volume.
Or how about Yang’s recovery?- They needed her to put on the arm and fully recover to get her on the road. All in one volume.
Didn’t know Yang’s abandonment issues/mommy issues shown in Volume 2 where solved in Volume 2. Oh wait, it wasn’t. It JUST got done possibly in Volume 5. Four years later.
Also doesn’t explain why this is a bad thing.
Maybe the Oscar plot. Oscar doesn’t resist Ozpin’s urging that often, and despite team RNJR taking multiple months, Oscar manages to get to Mistral without any trouble whatsoever?
So not gonna talk about how Oscar broke down in Volume 5 yelling at Ruby over this, thus meaning it continued into Volume 5? That makes six for me.
Also: Not Explained: 3
It’s like they think to themselves “We have to get all this development done in this amount of time, if we are to have the amount of volumes in this series as we want to have.”
Or maybe ‘We don’t have the time or resources to do this so we need to make sacrifices.’
Oh wait, you can’t attempt murder for that.
No time to develop a character, they need to get this volume done by this date. No time to establish the villain with a compelling backstory, they gotta get the volume done on this date. No time to acknowledge what happened in a previous volume, the current volume needs to be done by this date.
Oscar, Ren, Nora, Qrow
Pyrrha’s message in Volume 4, Yang’s entire aspect in Volume 4 AND 5, Blake’s entire plotline in Volumes 4 and 5, Weiss’ entire plotline in Volume 4, volume 5 EPisode 8, Cinder’s entire appearance in Volume 4-
Oh no wait, I didn’t watch your delusions.
Then again, Blake’s Menagerie arc took two volumes and still managed to be a tone-deaf piece of crap, so maybe getting some things over with is a blessing in disguise?
So basically:
“You do an arc in one Volume, you suck and you will always suck.”
“You do an arc over multiple Volumes, you suck and you will always suck.”
Yeah, if the CRWBY have lost their passion, I wonder who beat their passion into the dirt with their sociopathic hands?
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calledchaos · 4 years
Okay, so Killing Eve is currently my favorite TV show, but there's one thing that's been bothering me since season one and it's the INCORRECT assumption that Villanelle is a psychopath.
First things first, please note I'm not a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, but I've done a lot of research for this show (if you listen to the parcast's Serial Killers podcast, you saw what I did there 💁🏾‍♂️).
While I don't know a lot about hired assassins, I do have a fair amount of knowledge on serial killers and their traits. So let's break Villanelle's character down so I can explain why I don't believe she's a psychopath OR sociopath, for that matter.
Actually, before we even to that, let's clarify WHAT IS a psychopath. For starters, the correct medical term used, as in, when you get diagnosed it's not as a psy/sociopath but rather as having antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). A person with ASPD can be born like that (that's what we usually call a psychopath) or can become like that (that's the sociopath). Their main difference is that psychopaths are most likely to be organized and calculating, whereas sociopaths are more "react in the moment" type, they're sloppy and messy.
Here's some patterns of ASPD:
* Superficial charm;
* Dishonesty;
* Lack of empathy;
* Coldness;
* Inability to form honest relationships;
* Poverty of emotions;
* They don't think through the consequences of their actions and they don't care about them either.
* They break rules, laws, moral codes, etc.
Now you're probably going like "well, you just described V before she met Eve", BUT NO, my dear fellow gay, NO. What really sorts a person with ASPD out is their inability to FEEL REMORSE.
They CANNOT FEEL IT. It's been scientific proven that their brains are wired in a different way than the regular human. If they're in a relationship it isn't based on love, but rather some kind of profit, whether it's financial or sexual, or whatever. If they're with you it's because they WANT something FROM you. They don't form relations as in "I vs You", but rather as "I vs It".
Now what normally shapes a person's personality besides their nature it's their nurture. Villanelle grew up in a toxic home with an abusive mother. That's like... mental illness starter pack (a very familiar field for tumblr users, ain't it? Have you taken your meds today btw?). Did yall see her mother? It's pretty easy to understand why she looks for validation so desperately and why she's attracted to older women with wild hair. Mommy issues at its finest.
Now to be diagnosed with ASPD a person necessarily needs to also be diagnosed with conduct disorder before the age of 15. For what we've learned, Villanelle was a difficult child and she did set the orphanage she was living in on fire, which is one of the patterns to qualify her. But if you suffer from some kind of abuse at an early age, you will act out, one way or another. They didn't make it clear, but I don't believe she used to torture animals and commit petty crimes when she was a kid, and those are the most common behaviors of children with conduct disorder. So if she didn't behave like that, she couldn't be diagnosed with ASPD after she turned 18.
When she killed Anna's husband it was from a place of jealousy, which's pretty common for female murderers, you don't have to be a psychopath for that, could very much be a crime of passion. His castration, however, indicates she perhaps needed to set a ritual to get her point across - which she repeated when she murdered Frank, but then again that was staging the body to shock Eve... Did she want to shock Anna as well or did she want to emasculate the husband? Honestly, I don't remember what that was about. BUT had her not be recruited by the Twelve, would she had killed again? She seems to be questioning that herself and from where I'm standing, I'd say maybe no. Because SHE ISN'T A SERIAL KILLER. I mean, now she is by definition, considering she's killed a ton of people, BUT LIKE serial killers kill because that's all they know, that's the only thing that brings them fulfillment and even that it's a tricky statement, because MALE serial killers kill for satisfaction; FEMALE serial killers normally kill for profit, like a tool to reach their goal. There are very few female serial killers that I know of that kill for the sake of it or even less so, for sexual gratification.
It's difficult to follow a pattern with a character, because you don't know how accurate the writer intended to be or how vast is their knowledge on people with ASPD, but because she has shown empathy for various characters so far (Konstantin, that kid she killed in the hospital so he wouldn't have to live without his family, her brothers...) and also because she fell in love with Eve, she CAN'T have ASPD. I mean, sure when it comes to human behavior nothing is 100% certain. Gary Ridgway, aka The Green River Killer, was convicted for murdering 48 women, but by the time he was caught he was married to a woman who pretty much said he was a great, loving and caring husband and he did say he actually loved her too, but he kept soliciting service from sex workers and killing them afterwards.
The thing is, specialists say that killing can be addictive. Though I don't consider Villanelle a psychopath, I'm okay with her having psychopathic tendencies. When she said she doesn't feel anything, she's just so bored, remember? It could very much be the reason why she got stuck in killing. Her first kill, Anna's husband, got her in jail where she would've stayed if it wasn't for the 12 recruiting her. They taught her how to do the job and I believe that gave her some kind of fulfillment. It made her finally feel something and that's why she kept killing. She had to learn how to disassociate herself from what she was doing in order to keep doing it. People became just subjects. But once she felt connected with Eve, that all started to crumble down.
Okay, so the first two seasons we don't see her really loving Eve, we see her obsessing over her. And that's pretty easy to crack: there was a middle aged woman with beautiful hair dedicating her days to find Villanelle. For someone who so desperately needed reassurance and attention, that was probably a burst of excitement she wasn't used to feeling.
The game changer happened in season 3, though. That scene when Konstantin told her Eve was still alive was SO WELL DONE. The camera angle tilting to the side, the slow motion, Konstantin's voice fading away. You can actually see in her eyes she's SPIRALING and that single tear rolling down her face while she smiled... IT'S A GOOD SCENE. I think in that moment she realized her feelings for Eve were a lot deeper than just her need to have someone to control and play with. She learned that her actions almost made her lose the one person she actually loves and probably also actually loves her back and she doesn't want to blow the miraculous second chance she got.
Since she thought she had killed Eve she was even emptier inside and killing wasn't giving her satisfaction anymore, but the thought of Eve surviving made her burst with emotions. She didn't need to kill anyone now, she just wanted Eve back.
Needless to say that's NOT how ASPD works. They're literally incapable of these kind of feelings. SO the pattern I THINK fits better is NARCISSISM.
Now, see... There are 10 personality disorders divided in three groups: clusters A, B and C. Antisocial Personality Disorder is one of the four disorders in cluster B and withing this group their common trait is narcissism.
There are two kinds of narcissists, the one that concerns us here are the ones that are charming, confident, they'll do whatever it takes to get what they want, even if means emotionally abusing their peers, manipulation, lying, cheating... They think they're the very apex of the world, people that only know them on the surface love them, they're the life of the party and yada yada yada. They're normally very successful, because when you don't care about people around you, you will climb to the top way faster (most - if not all - CEOs are narcissists btw). You're gonna noticed that this description is pretty similar to ASPD, but the big difference here is that narcissists CAN FEEL REMORSE AND SHAME, people with ASPD CANNOT.
BUT being a narcissist doesn't mean you have a personality disorder, it just means you're probably a fucking jerk. What will give you a diagnosis though is when your narcissistic behavior causes you impediments. When it causes you trouble in all areas of your life, professional, personal, familiar, etc., when it makes you miserable it's when you can be diagnosed with another cluster B disorder: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
It is incredibly difficult to diagnose someone with NPD, because these people very rarely see themselves as having a problem. Like I said, they normally live their best lives, no need to change anything. So when it comes back to bite them in the ass (which sometimes never happens, because the universe is unfair) and if by a miracle they realize that THEY are the problem, that's when you get a NPD ticket. If you're following my thought process you know where I'm going with this...
While being an assassin was giving her everything she wanted, Villanelle was just fine with her nice life, cool flat and fun job. The only thing she was lacking was someone to watch movies with and being a narcissist she thought she had to control someone in order to be loved by them (narcissists are actually very insecure, that's why they're so extra with the manipulation, they don't deal with rejection well). Once she felt actual feelings, when she realized how her explosive ways almost costed Eve's life, that's when she understood that her actions took her to a place she didn't quite like anymore and if she wanted to have a another shot and do things right, she needed to change.
In real life people with NPD need a lot of therapy and even so, they won't impruve much tbh, 'cause that's just how their brains work. But for the sake of the poetry, I'm more than okay with accepting that Villaneve's connection is so strong it made an skilled narcissist assassin to come down from her high horse to put Eve as a priority. Villanelle giving Eve the option to walk away for good to have a better stable life away from the chaos their feelings for each other created is probably the most romantic thing I've ever seen and I can rant about that season 3 finale for hours too, don't try me.
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sophygurl · 6 years
heh. @c-l-ford​ gave me all of the main characters from both Lucifer and Leverage for the character questions thing. This should be interesting. And long. 
do I like them: you betcha!
5 good qualities: he’s clever, he loves his family - much as he tries to deny it, he’s extremely talented at playing the piano, he’s a wonderful model of hedonism being about what’s pleasurable for all and not about a single-minded pursuit of what’s pleasurable for one in disregard for other’s desires, and he actually quite cares about humans and wants them to be good and not make it to hell. 
3 bad qualities: he’s more than a tad self-absorbed at times, he is quick to blame/judge others for their failings, and dude often has to make the same mistake many times before learning from it.
favourite episode/etc: A Good Day to Die, 2x13 where he goes to hell to get the formula to save Chloe
otp: Deckerstar
brotp: Lucifer x Amenadiel 
ot3: Don’t particularly have one for him. Sexytimes with any 2 ppl he wants, but I don’t really romantically ship him with anyone but Chloe (possible Mazikeen, but not WITH Chloe. and I could see either Linda or Maze as someone for fun sexytimes but not with one another or Chloe involved, so, yea. no ot3 for the dude we often see in 3somes (and moresomes))
notp: Any of his family members - he seems totally grossed out by the idea, himself. 
best quote: Don’t have a specific one, but any time he reminds ppl that he has no qualms about the gender of who he has sex with or is attracted to is fantastic. 
head canon: Mostly ones that really make me cry if I think about them for too long, having to do with his relationships with his family - particularly his dad. Like, for example, that he was a total daddy’s boy before their falling out and that’s part of why it hurts him so incredibly much. 
Chloe Decker:
do I like them: yes ma’am!
5 good qualities: she’s such a good mommy, she is loyal af once she’s let someone into her inner circle, she’s driven af in her career, she is able to maintain a high sense of professionalism while allowing for Lucifer’s quirks as her partner, she’s one of the few ppl not let in on the Big Secret and yet she is still cool with all of these wacky people that have entered her life since meeting Lucifer like whatever these folks are weirdos but they’re my weirdos now. 
3 bad qualities: she can be a little bit naive??, she often puts work above personal life stuff which can hurt her relationships and cause her to be a bit strained emotionally, she needs to work on that flirting game if she wants to do undercover work lol
favourite episode/etc: Quid Pro Ho, 2x10 - the trial where she talks about Lucifer’s honesty, etc. 
otp: Deckerstar
brotp: Chloe x Maze 
ot3: None for her, she’s monogamous. 
notp: No major ones, though I’d not particularly enjoy her and Dan getting back together. They work best as friends, I think. 
best quote: ugh, I’m bad at specific quotes. probably some snarky thing she said to Lucifer.
head canon: There’s a part of her that does, in fact, believe everything Lucifer tells her about who he and his family really are. She’s just not ready to accept it, yet. Until she’s ready to accept it, there’s nothing he’ll be able to do to prove it to her. But eventually, one day, she’s going to put it all together and just sort of ... know it. Then she’ll have a million questions.
do I like them: yea, she’s amazing.
5 good qualities: character development like whoa, she’s totally kick ass, she’d do literally anything for the small handful of folks she cares about, she’s learned to be vulnerable and to value vulnerability in others which is amazing, sexy af. 
3 bad qualities: like Lucifer she can be kinda self involved at times, she enjoys the torturing maybe a hair too much, can be really mean without intending to be
favourite episode/etc: Mr and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith, 3x3 - her Canadian adventure
otp: none as of yet
brotp: with Lucifer, obvi
ot3: none as of yet - perhaps Linda and Amenadiel???
notp: no one in particular
best quote: Self worth comes from within, bitches. 
head canon: She’s gonna get accepted into heaven some day.
do I like them: amen!
5 good qualities: he has learned to be so kind - wow character development!, he loves his family sfm, he finds cues of goodness and forgiveness and worth all around him even at his worst, is driven by a sense of purpose even when he feels lost as to what that purpose may be, hot af
3 bad qualities: can be a bit rigid in his thinking, is still overcoming some of his judgmental stuff, doesn’t always think through the consequences of his actions
favourite episode/etc: also A Good Day to Die - the way he and Lucifer worked together on that was so amazing I love them so much
otp: no one really, though I enjoy his relationships with both Linda and Maze
brotp: with Lucifer of course
ot3: idk with Linda and Maze!!?
notp: with Lucifer/any family, also would be horrified at the thought of him and Chloe
best quote: I don’t have an exact quote for this, but when he was telling Lucifer about the significance of his getting his wings back over and over and how it proves that their Father can forgive anything and how that gives him hope. *tears up*
head canon: He’ll get his own wings and angel powers back once he’s forgiven himself. God never took them away from him...
Linda Martin:
do I like them: Oh yes very much.
5 good qualities: So smart, so funny, so compassionate, so open minded, has some mysterious past that we still don’t know about please tell us Linda!!
3 bad qualities: Uhmmmm.... hmmmm .... I’m sure she has some but none are coming to mind. 
favourite episode/etc: Oh, whatever episode it was that she found out the truth - er, probably not that episode because her seeing Lucifer’s true face was the end but the next one where we see her dealing with it all and trying to accept it and accept these supernatural people in her life for who they are. Linda is so amazing u all!
otp: No otp, but I did dig her and Amenadiel’s thing. But not if it’s gonna hurt Maze - which I think they’d both also not wanna do anything to hurt her, so that’s cool. I hope. 
brotp: Linda/Mazikeen for sure. 
ot3: As said above, her and Amenadiel and Mazikeen together could be interesting?
notp: Her and Lucifer. Like, it was fun when it was a thing but I was a lot more comfortable with them as both friends and client/therapist once they stopped having sex. 
best quote: idk - something wise she says to Lucifer during a session most likely.
head canon: I can’t think of any. 
Nathan Ford:
do I like them: meh
5 good qualities: he hates the rich, he’s incredibly intelligent, he’s protective of his people, he’s wily, he not only thinks six steps ahead but can think on his feet to adjust the plans as necessary
3 bad qualities: he can be selfish af, his character arc was kinda boring to me?, he tends to wallow
favourite episode/etc: I’m gonna be bad at this category for this show because I haven’t watched it recently to remember specific episodes oooops.
otp: with Sophie
brotp: also with Sophie? I feel like they were sort of the two on the same footing with the others being somewhat dependent on them so while they were all a family, he didn’t allow himself to connect as equals with any of the others.
ot3: none
notp: idk who else did ppl ship him with? I can’t picture him with anyone besides his ex and Sophie tbh
best quote:  Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen…when she's breaking the law.
head canon: After he and Sophie leave the other 3 to it, he checks in on them from time to time. That is to say - he always knows what they’re up to and how they’re doing and occasionally when they find themselves in a bind, he just sort of shows up out of the blue like “I knew this was gonna end up being a plan M situation, and I didn’t wanna lose Hardison quite yet...”
Sophie Devereaux: 
do I like them: She’s alright.
5 good qualities: Elegant af, amazing actress as long as she’s breaking the law, loves her 3 socially awkward children and wants them to do well in life, takes no shit from Nate, has a strangely positive outlook on the world for the kind of work she does.
3 bad qualities: Such a bad actress when she’s on stage, again her character arc wasn’t super interesting to me, and uh IDK what else - she’s mostly pretty fab.
favourite episode/etc: no clue, see above.
otp: With Nate, although honestly I think she could do better??
brotp: With Tara, probs.
ot3: None.
notp: With any of the team other than Nate. It would be weird.
best quote: no clue
head canon: Sophie also checks up on the kids after they leave them to their own devices, but she does it in her own way. She’ll show up to their apartment after a draining job with an organic pizza and some beers and have her feet up in a comfy chair and ask them to come tell her all about it. When they’re having relationship issues, she seems to magically know about it before anyone tells her, and she’ll take them each aside for a lil chat and help them work through whatever is bugging them. Then she slips away before they even have a chance to say goodbye. 
Eliot Spencer:
do I like them: Boy, howdy!
5 good qualities: When it counts he is so gentle and kind, has more emotional intelligence than you realize, is ridiculously knowledgeable about a ridiculous amount of things, cranky chef af, loves his adorkable nerd and sweet sociopath and would do anything for them (but would never admit that)
3 bad qualities: Doesn’t communicate that emotional intelligence enough, thinks he’s only good for his brawn :(, can be a lil intolerant and fussy 
favourite episode/etc: Can’t think of the name, but the one with the kid that he bonds with and protects? I loved him so much in that one, especially.
otp: none....
brotp: with Hardison, also with Nate I think
ot3: Hardison and Parker, OBVI
notp: never with Nate or Sophie
best quote: hmmm not sure, something about food probs.
head canon: When he snuggles with Parker and Hardison? He’s the little little spoon. Don’t tell me otherwise, I’m not listening!
Alec Hardison: 
do I like them: yup!
5 good qualities: so smart, so brave, so open-hearted, so funny, so adorable!
3 bad qualities: does Not like being wrong or making a mistake, can be over-confident at times, can also be overly pessimistic at times
favourite episode/etc: Oh probably the pretzels one. Like he is just so patient and open with Parker. I just ... *tearing up*
otp: with Parker
brotp: with Eliot
ot3: with Parker AND Eliot 
notp: no one I can think of actively anti-shipping him with
best quote: The pretzels thing. 
head canon: He’s the one who finally brings Eliot in to the relationship with Parker. 
do I like them: uh yea, she’s only one of my all-time fave characters
5 good qualities: she’s hilarious, she’s been so traumatized and she’s still so open to people like??? she doesn’t know How to connect with ppl but she Wants to so bad???, so fucking competent at everything she does, extreme desire to help others once she’s had a small taste of it, her idea of a great time is jumping off buildings and blowing things up and she is legit confused when she realizes that not everyone likes those things????!
3 bad qualities: nothing. she’s perfect. leave me alone.
favourite episode/etc: ALL of them, IDK, maybe at the end when Nate hands her the reigns it makes the most sense in the world alflgfjfhgskjalhfhgf
otp: with Hardison
brotp: Peggy!! (also Sophie)
ot3: Hardison and Eliot OF Course!
notp: anyone besides those 2 rly because my girl is very unique and emotionally fragile and I can’t have anyone hurting her or abusing her trust or causing her to backslide in her evolution of learning to love people like. no. stay away. 
best quote: Everything blows up, silly!
head canon: She loves unicorns and totally believes they’re real. She can’t wait to meet one some day. She knows it’ll happen. The guys probably discuss how to dress up a horse as one to make this happen for her on her birthday at some point. She knows it’s a fake, but she loves them for trying. And she STILL believes in unicorns. 
WOW that was fun and only took 2 hours, thanks C! lol
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