#never once called ellie pretty in my life
elliesbelle · 1 year
you baby gays need to woman the fuck up and instead of just calling ellie and abby “pretty,” start calling them handsome
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heartpascal · 3 months
hoping there’s somewhere to go
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▹— joel miller x platonic!reader + tommy miller x platonic!reader
▹— summary: you try to navigate life after the rejection of the only family you’d ever had (part two of weight too heavy to hold alone)
▹— a/n: the song too much time in my house alone by leith ross inspired this <3 longer A/N at the end!
▹— warnings: angst (as always), isolation, and then self isolation, mention of christmas time but it’s not christmas, a winter’s dinner that isn’t christmas dinner, fears being proven correct, very little self worth, it has been a long while since i have written/posted/needed to put warnings so let me know if something is missing!!!
▹— taglist: @rhymingtree @sleepygraves @wnstice (everything) @auggiesolovey @just-kaylaa @evyiione @lemonlaides @fariylixie0915  @faceache111 @randomhoex @canpillowscry @pedropascalsrealgf @star-wars-lover @coolchick333 @soobsdior @rvjaa  @sunflowersdrop @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @miss-celestial-being (pedro) — please let me know if you want to be added/removed
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Jackson is cold in winter.
And it’s not just because of the weather.
There’s winter festivities, holidays that you had never really had any experience with. And because of the weather, patrols were undertaken by smaller groups, leaving crowds of people wandering the streets, or trying to find work within the small community. So, not only was it cold and miserable, but it was about ten times as crowded in the communal spaces, with everybody packing into every space possible in order to preserve their warmth.
That’s not even the worst part — there’s the whole focus on family, or whatever a person in the apocalypse might have that’s close enough to it.
Holidays bring people together, Tommy had told you once, about a year ago. It wasn’t long after you had first arrived in Jackson, traipsing through the gate alone, aside from the patrollers who escorted you there.
The thing was, though, that you didn’t have people.
And it wasn’t as if you were wanting them! That definitely wasn’t the case — you couldn’t bear getting close to anybody, after what had happened last time — but you couldn’t help the more prominent feeling of isolation. You knew you weren’t alone in your feelings, after all, there were plenty of Jackson residents who had nobody, or resented the holiday season for one reason or another, but you felt alone.
You’re allowed to feel bitter about it, even if you do want to stay that way. It’s not like you had always felt this way, there was a time when you had thought yourself close to having a family — whatever the hell that was. In spring, if somebody had told you that you might feel this way, you might have disbelieved them, might have had faith in Joel and Ellie, despite your reservations. But then everything there had fallen apart, and you were left like this.
Living on your own, halfway across town, closer to Tommy, but further away than ever.
It was like that gaping hole in your chest had reopened with a vengeance, sucking any amount of trust or affection you had for the man into a void where it couldn’t be found. If Tommy hadn’t stuck you with Joel and Ellie, you might not be feeling like this — feeling so cold, and alone, and frozen despite the world moving around you. If he had just minded his business, or even, maybe, if he had just looked after you himself, rather than passing you off as nothing more than a chore, you could’ve been something at least close to happy.
Instead, you’re here. Making the short trip back from the school he had forced you to start going to, heading back to the little space you were supposed to call home. It wasn’t home, though. You had never occupied a space that had felt anything even close to that before, other than Joel’s. You’re pretty sure you’ll never live anywhere like that again.
You’ll probably live here, in the shitty garage that Tommy had someone convert for you, for the rest of your life. Either that, or until they finally have enough of you, and kick you out. Whichever came first.
Really, you should be used to being on your own. To having to do everything yourself, be responsible for every aspect of your own life, but strangely, after Joel’s, you find it hard to go back to that. Balancing things has never been your strong suit, and this only goes to prove that. And it’s aggravating, feeling as though something within you had changed, feeling as though you’re no longer capable, when you had spent your whole life looking after yourself.
Feeling like this has had you thinking some incredibly stupid things, your mind at one point trying to convince you that the only way to prove that you were capable, was to go back out into the big open world. Luckily for you, your survival instincts are stronger than that, and you’re able to remind yourself that Jackson is the best possible place for you, regardless of whatever thoughts and feelings you were having.
Besides, you wouldn’t want to give any of them — them being Joel, Tommy and Ellie — the satisfaction of your leaving. If they wanted you gone, they’d have to tell you as much, this time.
It was clear to you now, that they hadn’t wanted you there in the first place. And given the distance between you and Ellie since Joel had gotten rid of you, you gathered that, despite what you believed to be a close bond, she had never wanted you around either. She seemed happy enough, gallivanting around the town with her few friends, friends she had never even bothered to introduce you to. At least that meant you weren’t missing anything. Maybe she had actually done you a favour. Although given the way she avoided your gaze like her life depended on it, every time you happened across her, you somehow doubted that.
You’re not sure which loss was worse. Despite how close you had grown to Joel, how attached you had become, Ellie was the first person your age who you had ever trusted. You had told her things that you had never spoken aloud to anyone before. And now, you were left with a constant weight of regret, of dread, in the pit of your stomach.
Selfishly, you wanted Ellie to be angry at Joel for getting rid of you. You wanted her to fight for you, wanted her to remain in your corner when everybody else opposed you. What you really wanted, though, was for somebody to choose you. You wanted to feel important to somebody.
Though, now, you think you’ve outgrown that childish desire. You don’t want anyone around you, anymore.
Not even Tommy.
“Kid, would you just open the damn door?” Tommy asked, speaking to the plain face of your front door. He had knocked three times before opening his mouth, growing exasperated by your cold shoulder. He knew you were in there — had seen you walk home after school, when he was finishing a job just around the corner. Besides, where else would you be?
You stayed silent, sitting on the unmade sheets of your bed, staring at the door as Tommy knocked once again.
“C’mon, open the door. Please?” He repeated, and you could practically picture his stance outside, one arm resting against the doorframe and one hand resting against his hip. “Just wanna talk, alright? Then I’ll be on my way.”
You heard the heaviness of his sigh from your space across the room. But it didn’t change anything for you. How could it? Tommy had sent you to his brother, he had known what his brother was like, and he had sat idly by while you were uprooted and sent across town like you didn’t matter. Just another inconvenience. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he was also forcing you to go to Jackson’s community school, run primarily by an almost 70 year old woman, who was meant to retire a year after the outbreak.
It was ridiculous and unfair.
Ellie didn’t have to go to school.
It just felt like another method of getting you out of the way. After all, what did you need with writing and reading? Mathematics and history? The world had ended before you were even born.
Besides, you knew for a fact that Tommy had volunteered to take Ellie out shooting soon. Despite her avoiding you, you could still hear her boasting about it in the canteen to her friends.
You couldn’t help but feel like it should’ve been you. After all, weren’t you the one without anybody? Weren’t you the one who would be alone, should Jackson fall apart? Ellie would have Tommy and Maria. She would have Joel. Who would you have? Nobody.
If Tommy Miller had ever actually cared about you, perhaps he would’ve helped you work on the issues you’d been facing when you went to him for help, rather than passing you off to his older brother. You had spent your entire life depending on only yourself. Tommy had no idea what it had taken for you to approach him, for you to want help. To have that thrown back in your face, you knew, had done damage. As if you weren’t already damaged enough.
It was something you had been aware of for a long time — that there was something wrong about you. Something rotten. Like something had crawled into your chest, into the gaping cavity between your ribs, and died in there. It had been decaying over the years, leaving an air about you that told everybody exactly what you had always known: you are unsalvageable. Nothing in this world could reverse the decomposition that had occurred inside of you, just like nothing could reverse the infection that had taken the family you had never known.
The whole thing made you feel foolish, really. Your whole life, a voice inside of your head had been telling you that nobody could help you. Nobody would help you. And when you had finally gathered the courage to prove that voice wrong? It was proven right instead. It was a kick in the teeth. A thorn underneath your fingernail. Something bothersome, painful.
Tommy Miller had proven that you were just as alone as you had always felt.
He knocked against your door again, apparently content to wait you out. You had nowhere to go, but the knocking was irritating, the knowledge of his presence outside of that door was grating.
Before you could think better of it, you made your way over, and opened the door.
He looked the same as he always had done. Dressed for the weather, his favourite pair of boots on, and hair pushed away from his face, which held a surprised expression.
“Hey, kid.” He said, finally, after a moment of just staring at you in shock. It had been a while since Tommy had seen you up close. You looked more tired than he remembered.
“What do you want?” You asked, forgoing any sort of greeting towards the man. Opening the door was about as generous as you were prepared to be towards him.
His face morphed slightly, shock ebbing away, regret flowing in at the creases by his eyes, the grimace of his mouth. “Right, uh,” He paused, looking into your converted garage through the gap between you and the door. You pulled the door closer, so only you fit into the gap. “Alright, so, I know things have been… tense, between everybody, but I was hopin’ that you might join us. Me ‘n Maria are doin’ a winter’s dinner, not exactly Christmas, but it’s a day to be with family, y’know?” Tommy rambled on a bit, trying to spit all of his words out before you could decline, or shut the door in his face.
“We’re not family, Tommy.”
You watched his expression fall, which provided you with a sting that you hadn’t expected. But the sentiment remained the same — you weren’t family. Your surname wasn’t Miller. And even if it were, with the state of things between you, Tommy and Joel? It definitely wasn’t something you’d call family.
Honestly, you weren’t sure why he was coming to you with this now. Maybe before Joel had rejected you, before Tommy had watched on as any trust you had was shattered, but now? Now, he was lucky you even opened the door. You didn’t have a family, and it wasn’t a big loss to you. You’d gone this long without one, so what did it matter?
Tommy’s mouth opened and closed a few times, and he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. He was at a loss for words.
“Go home, okay?” You said, when his words continued to fail him. He swallowed, jaw clenched as his teeth gritted together. He was frustrated, though you doubted that was directed at you. More likely, was that it was directed at Joel. You knew things had been tense between the two of them recently, too.
He paused just as he was about to turn away. “Will you think about it, at least?” Tommy asked, though he didn’t look like he wanted to hear your answer. It wasn’t much of a question anyway.
You nodded, with no real intention of thinking about it. Well — no intention of thinking about attending. Thinking about the offer was a different story.
His shoulders deflated as he turned away, hearing you shut the door as he followed the path away from your place.
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
Even a full twenty four hours after Tommy had approached you with his invitation, you couldn’t let it go.
It felt as though something within you had snapped, falling from a great height and landing in the pit of your stomach. For whatever reason, one that you couldn’t get into now, maybe ever, you were filled to the brim with dread. It bubbled over, pooling in your limbs and making everything feel far too heavy.
You couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just let you be? Couldn’t he see that he had done more than enough, when it came to you?
Logically, you know it isn’t fair to blame him. Tommy wasn’t in control of anything his brother or pseudo-niece did. He had always tried to look out for you, and deep down, you know that he had truly believed that his brother would be good for you. He must have thought that, given Joel’s pre-outbreak experience, and now post-outbreak too, of being a father, he could’ve been that for you. Tommy couldn’t have known that Joel didn’t want another kid.
But that illogical part of you, the part that cowers away from everybody you meet, the part that was hurt, reminds you that it was his job to know. It was his responsibility to know what he was dumping you into. And more than that, Joel was his brother. How could he not have known?
You were the one who had ended up well and truly hurt from the encounter, not the other way around. So why did you feel guilty, every time Tommy’s expression at your scathing words popped into your mind? You hadn’t said anything that wasn’t true, and you hadn’t said anything that he didn’t deserve to hear. So why? Why did you feel this unending twist of dread and guilt, eating away at your bones, your tissues, your organs?
Even now, as you worked a late night shift at the canteen, washing dishes, every time the water rippled, you could see his face. Distantly, you hoped Joel had felt like this, after what he had done to you. You hoped he remembered what he said, remembered your expression when you relayed his own message to him.
If you were honest with yourself, you think that if it had been Joel, you would’ve revelled in that expression. There’s a part of you, a part that is mean and bitter and full of resentment, that wants to hurt Joel, just like he had hurt you. You settle for staying as far away from him as you possibly can.
Joel had tried to see you a few times, back when it was fresh, with no luck from you. There was nobody in this world that you wanted to see less than him. At the very least, he got the message. Sometimes, you wonder if he had only shown up those few instances just for appearances. To make himself look better. It was no secret to the people of Jackson that Joel Miller was a questionable man, with an even more questionable past. But he did more for the town than most, so it wasn’t spoken about. Nothing more than whispers, anyway.
There had been a few whispers after your outburst at the Tipsy Bison, especially when somebody shared the news of your move across town. But it was chalked up to teenage dramatics, the youth, as if there really was such a thing.
Regardless, Tommy’s invitation to dinner was coming up in a mere two days. The knowledge of where and when it was happening made you uncomfortable, like an itch underneath your collar, it was stifling. Because that part of you, the one that wants to hurt Joel, also wants company. It craves a family, and that was a craving that had only ever come close to being fulfilled once. Still, it was a natural instinct within humans. Safety came in numbers, and there was comfort in having people you could trust. You wish that part of you could just be satisfied being solitary, because you’ll never go to that dinner. Not if you have anything to say about it.
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
Two hours until dinner, and the sun was beginning to set.
And here you were, axe in hand, staring down at the dwindling pile of wood that you needed to cleave into pieces. It wouldn’t last two hours. In reality, it wouldn’t even last one. Still, you stare as though the logs might multiply, hoping for the excuse out of a dinner you didn’t want to go to. And you know that you have no obligation to any of those people, you do know that, but it’s hard to believe it. Partly because you don’t want to. Because you’re torn between the satisfaction of succeeding on your own, and the fear of cutting off all ties to the only people you think you’ve truly cared about.
Being alone is a lot easier in theory.
In practice, it’s harder than you had thought. You were doing okay when they all left you to it, left you to live your own life. But an invitation means something, and that’s hard to ignore.
You bring the axe down, letting the severing of wood distract you from all thoughts of invitations and dinners and meanings.
It’s about the most physical task they’ll let you do — courtesy of Tommy, you’re sure — but you relish in it. Something about it is rewarding. Reminds you of your capabilities, your survival. The cold air burns your lungs, and each swing of the axe makes your muscles ache, but in a satisfying way. And doing it like this, alone, makes you feel unmistakably powerful.
You hear the crunch of footsteps behind you, not heavy enough to be Tommy’s or—God forbid—Joel’s. You paid them no mind, leaning down to move the chopped wood into the pile you had already assembled. You grabbed another log and placed it down, and just as you were preparing to swing the axe back up, you heard somebody clear their throat.
“Hey,” Ellie said, when you turned around. She shifted uncomfortably on her feet as you failed to reply, fiddling with the gloves on her hands. “So, uh, you having fun chopping wood?” She asked, apparently trying to clear some of the tension that surrounded the two of you, that clung. You leant the top of the axe blade on the ground, and sighed. Your breath clouded in front of your face.
“What do you want?” You asked, repeating the very same question you had asked Tommy, feeling all the more certain about your adamancy about not going to that dinner. Ellie’s brows furrowed slightly, but she quickly deflated as soon as you could see the defensive air starting to rise within her.
She shifted again, before speaking. “Just wondering if you’re coming to dinner? Tommy said he wasn’t sure.”
You did your best not to scoff, mostly succeeding, as you turned back to the wood awaiting your axe. With practiced ease, your axe rose, and swung down at the wood, separating it with a satisfying crack. “Wouldn’t count on it.” You said, as polite as you could say: no, no, I’m not fucking coming to dinner. You’re not my family. You don’t care about me. I don’t care about you. There’s nothing left here.
It was ridiculous for them to send Ellie to come and convince you to attend, of all people. Their best bet would have been Maria, who had never technically done anything that had hurt you. No, all of the fault laid with the Millers, and with Ellie.
The two of you could’ve remained friends, could’ve been something close to a family, but she didn’t want that. She chose to cut you out, to isolate you even further, to disappear from your life completely, despite being the only reason you had ever opened up to Joel. It was like she had taken a knife, and cut you open, let you warm, simmer, before leaving you out on the counter to cool. To rot.
“What happened to you?” Ellie asked, as if she didn’t know, as if she hadn’t been a part of it. Like there was no reason for your shift from being warm around her, to being ice cold. She had done this to you. At least, in part.
You didn’t say anything at first, choosing to finish chopping the wood in front of you, and piling it off to the side. Finally, you turned to her as she watched you, brows furrowed, lip curled defensively. “You people happened. You all fucking happened. Is that enough for you? Is that enough for why I don’t want to go to some stupid winter dinner?” You said, not raising your voice, but hearing more anger and irritation seep into your tone as you spoke.
She looked like she wanted to take a step back, but she stayed firm. “We all have our own problems,” Ellie told you, voice harsh and unrelenting as she spoke, and her expression hardened. “Everybody does! It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, okay?”
It would have been so easy to continue arguing with her, to descend into childish taunts and quips, to disguise genuine hurt with ridiculous arguments, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You said nothing, turning back to the depleting supply of unchopped wood.
Ellie seemed ready to burst. “Me and Joel have our own fucking problems! It’s not always good. But you can’t just give up on someone!” She said loudly, stepping towards you, ignoring the snow crunching underneath her shoes. It seemed to you that she was trying to convince herself, more than anything. Whatever she came to you with, now, wasn’t really about you. It was about her.
“I’m not the one who gave up, Ellie. You and Joel are more alike than you know. But at least he had the decency to tell me why he was giving up on me.” You told her, staying calm, despite the way your blood was rushing through your body, carrying so much adrenaline you felt like your heart may just burst.
She gaped at you, seeming more stuck on the concept of her and Joel being alike than on how she had hurt you. You figured it would go like this, though, if the two of you ever spoke again. It wasn’t a surprise to you. Everything in your life always turned out the way you expected it to. Even Joel and Ellie, in the end, had done as much, despite surprising you at first. It was inevitable. Your every worry, every fear, even the ones that Tommy had once labelled as irrational, had turned out to be true.
You wouldn’t go to the dinner.
Everything between you and the extended Miller family was in ruins, and like you, it couldn’t be salvaged. It was over with. Done.
Now, all that was left to do was wipe your hands clean of them.
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A/N: hello if you made it this far! it has been a WHILE. but in honour of ITDWS being posted a year ago today (!!!!!!!!!) i thought i’d give y’all SOMETHING!!! it’s not amazing but i hope you enjoy!!! life has been crazy + i haven’t been writing much but i still love and appreciate every single one of you <3 i think of you often.
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undercoverpena · 8 months
i. to fix a porch
joel miller x f!reader | chapter one of honey stained hands
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chapter summary: it’s why he allows himself the chance to look, to admire. His hand slides in yours all over again, as you offer your name—dutifully exchanged. and all he can think is, you’re a pretty thing. He’s seen pretty, laid with it lifetimes ago, but there’s something different in you.
wordcount: 3.5k warnings: typical canon-angst. my spelling. joel trying to fit in and be good for ellie. an: i am so nervous about this. i hope you like. huge thanks to @guyfieriii + @thetriumphantpanda for holding both my hands.
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The world had gone to shit, but the world hadn’t gone to shit.
It still grew, expanded—and changed.
Just as it once had. The grass didn’t stop turning green. The trees didn’t stop rustling, the flowers didn’t stop pollinating between bones and disintegrating fabric.
Nature, in all its immensity, didn’t bow to the cordyceps that stole minds and whispered destruction along roads and grass. Nature didn’t allow the rot to take the seasons, as it had done with so many other things.
The end of times wasn’t allowed to touch the moon’s schedule. It didn’t have an impact on how the daylight grew shorter and the night span longer. It had no bearing on the way leaves turned golden, the dew appeared on tall grass, or how both danced under amber-rising and lemon-setting suns.
The outbreak took souls, but it didn’t rid the craved scents of stews and freshly baked apples—two aromas that flooded Jackson's roads.
Mostly, even if something else thrummed along the ground, and spoke in claimed lives, it couldn’t try and claim to have any effect on the way frost made the morning path glitter—or how it made the world still feel magical.
Fungus had stolen a lot. Had spread its poison across state lines and once happy towns. But it couldn’t thieve the natural beauty that shifted in three monthly turns.
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He wakes in a sea of sweat, panic and desperation. Forehead clammy. Salt and pepper hair clinging in thin spider-leg lines against the creases of his frown.
Each morning, since Joel has been here, has followed the same pattern. The shadowy nightmares were still there, ever-present—swirling and twirling, not ready to stop their dance. Even if the sun is blasting through, informing them it’s morning—it’s the time their claws should retract and allow him to experience a new day.
They never really do. They remain, hanging in the edges of his thoughts, his eyes—even as sleeping thoughts diluted into the present day.
Just the same as he did yesterday and the day before, his closed fist rubs in gentle circles against his chest—right over his heart. Where it thumps and beats, hammering quickly. Fingers and palm attempting to soothe it, half-wishing he could weave under milk-white bone and release the guilt-wrapped tendrils around it.
It doesn’t matter what his routine involves, it’s all in vain.
Little to nothing alleviates it. Not the circles of his hand over the bobbled t-shirt he sleeps in or the way he wills himself to breathe, to fill his lungs—advice given against his will.
Joel has attempted a lot of things, but the tightness always remains. The imaginary vines forever constricting, all stemmed with thorns, digging in, tightening their hold as he struggled to gasp, never mind breathe. It’s like a fungus of its own, a thing poisoning him, ruining him, blackening what’s left of his soul.
All because he made a choice—one he’d make a thousand times (if given the chance).
Blinking, he slowly sits. Back aching, body groaning as the honeyed sun coats the place he calls his. It flutters over the set of drawers, the flannel draped over the handle of his closet, and the strings of the guitar, gifted by Tommy to keep him busy and out of trouble.
It’s a good place he’s found himself in. A normal place—one found in the centre of moving on and trying to live life. Something he gives enough of a shit not to let it be torn from him and a thing he worries is being tugged from his grip all the same.
One wrong move.
That’s what he hears, even if no one says it. It never leaves their lips, but instead is etched into the faces of everyone he has been introduced to. It was discernible on his sister-in-law's face when he and Ellie appeared; it was poorly concealed by his brother when he’d handed him the instrument.
So much so, that he’s become worried all of this—the safety, the future for Ellie—will be taken from him if he breathes wrong. If he makes eye contact a little too quickly, a little too sternly, too forcibly and not followed quickly enough by a half-smile.
He tries. Not for him, but for her. The same person he keeps his jeans close by and his t-shirt on for—the one that makes him sleep on the side so his good ear can hear a scream of his name—just in case. The same person who manages to shift off the worry, dusting him down without knowing the impact she has on him—the young person who forms him, shapes him into someone half-decent, who is willing to try, who is willing to do things with his hands that isn’t fighting or shooting.
The only time Ellie has shouted for him since being here, though, is for breakfast.
Now, the house is silent—too silent. A smile almost appearing all on its own. An image bubbling, appearing, blanketing over the nightmares that tried to linger. One of her, in her new bedroom—the one she keeps talking about painting—all asleep, mouth open, catching flies.
Joel snorts, swallowing it back. All of the darkness that is weaved inside of him. Focuses on the little flecks of dust that glitter in the glow of a new day, how they fall absently in the space between light and dark—making a choice, one he makes each day, to be here. To try.
His hand slides from his chest, landing on his wrist. Sighing, he closes his eyes and lets his thumb slide over the broken glass of his watch—the one he never removes—another thing he does daily. Another thing that has become a routine.
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He knew what Jackson was when he arrived the second time. A communal, a place where everyone chips in.
Joel had expected something more to be requested from him. Almost braced to be told he would be stationed on the other side of the gate—in a more permanent role than others. But, he wasn’t.
If anything, he was given tasks.
Menial things, but tasks all the same.
Little jobs, all reminiscent of a handyman back before things to fungus and rot. Oddities, bits and bobs. Projects half-finished or never begun at all—assigned, handed to him, chosen for him because he’s there and capable. And not, as Tommy explains, is because no one trusts him.
The first had been his own porch. The wood split, cracked, creaking—an accident waiting to happen (a thing he’d muttered to Tommy when he’d first walked up the steps of it), more so as the days became shorter and the nights loomed closer.
He shouldn’t have been surprised to find a toolbox placed at his feet the next day. A smug look on his younger brother’s face: think it’s time y’fix y’damn porch, brother. A clap on the back to cement it, a promise silently exchanged—that he could ask more of him when he was done.
And Tommy did, just not how he expected.
His breath mists the same as Tommy’s when he sighs, the weather biting as the two hovered on his newly repaired porch: got something else for you to do.
Maybe he should have said something when the silence filled the air when Joel suggested after. That he’d be good on patrol, that he could help in ways that weren’t repairing porches, front of shops and whatever else he brought to his door. If not for the fact he was grateful for the chance, for her—for the girl who is slowly making friends, who is beginning to smile—he may have done. The old Joel would have. He’d have pointed out that his skin isn’t stained with scarlet, that his hands are worn, but not smeared with the guts of those who’d crossed him. That he’d hung up as much of the former demons as he could.
He suspected, deep down, that Tommy could still see them haunting him. Knew that they kept him awake when the world went silent—that Joel didn’t sleep until the moon was at its highest, and woke with them jeering at him, perched on his shoulders, poking holes into his soul.
Joel also presumed that Tommy could see the way guilt had looped itself inside of him, strangling, making truthfulness harder to spill. Even if Tommy had no idea. Even if Joel hadn’t whispered to even the animals, never mind a person, what happened before he and Ellie had arrived.
So, he doesn’t argue, not as he’s handed another task, and another, then another. Days seep into weeks, weeks ticking into another month. Each time, his jaw grits, and his head nods, all well-versed, practised, as he picks up his toolbox and heads where he’s needed.
Except, today, when he’d finished up the fence that contained the sheep, a request came from someone else—a person he had spotted, but never spoken to. They were weary, guarded—approaching with caution as though bracing for him to snap, to become the callous individual they’ve likely heard through the whispers of gossiped stories.
In time, they approach, asking, burying their hands into their pockets as they do, before they continue with their reasoning for the request—one not for themself, but another person in Jackson.
A person Joel realised was his neighbour.
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He’d been a good neighbour once, almost a lifetime ago.
Had hoped that it would come to him when Tommy had introduced him to you the following morning after he and Ellie returned. Your hand in his, smaller, but warm, a smile that was inviting, but slid over to Ellie upon Tommy’s introduction.
You usually rose early, that he had learnt when he’d begun to watch the sunrise before the leaves not just changed, but began to litter the floor in an array of shades. A pattern of habits he had picked up when he’d descended his own staircase, finding you already passing his home or your lights were on, already busy ticking off the hours of your day.
Today, he’d spotted (thankfully) the latter. His coat was thrown on, boots stepped into, toolbox in hand before he closed his door behind him and headed over. Your name on the tip of his tongue, all heavy, thick—an array of unsorted letters he’s hoping will shift into something as he climbs the steps to your front door. The syllables there, desperate to form, but in no order when his hand lifts to knock.
Air is what greets him, as the door rips open before his knuckles can even make contact.
Now, he’s standing in front of you—again. Your eyes land on him, brushing over in thick strokes of warmth, and all he can focus on is how you don’t step back in fright or stand a little taller. If anything, you don’t react, don’t move, as though it’s normal he’s there standing, talking to you.
“Oh, hi? It’s Joel, isn’t it?”
It’s kind, sweet, your tone. Eyes wide in a way that reminds him of a surprised, small animal—except, you’re grinning, not spooked. No sign of fear or question sketched across your features, or into the rest of your face, not as he stands, hovering.
It’s why he allows himself the chance to look, to admire. His hand slides in yours all over again, as you offer your name—dutifully exchanged.
And all he can think is, you’re a pretty thing. He’s seen pretty, laid with it lifetimes ago, but there’s something different in you. Something that has remained, that has weathered the storm of whatever it is, and however you came to be. Your smile rises, sliding into your cheeks, as his brain snaps a Polaroid of it and stores it somewhere less dusty in his mind.
“I just have to nip out, do you need something?”
Your hand sliding a jacket—one he’d just noticed in your hand—around your frame. It buries you, smothering, hiding yourself into it as you pull it around, watching, studying him as he does the same to you.
Shaking his head, he glances at your porch. “No, ma’am. Jus’ here to fix your porch.”
Sighing, you roll your eyes. “I make one comment and… anyway, I don’t want to trouble you. You don’t have to.”
“Maybe I want to.”
Looking down, you stare around at the porch. Him waiting, watching. “Guess it’s lucky for you, I wasn’t planning on taking it with me.”
It tugs from him, not forcibly pulled, but rather rolling from his mouth willingly: a laugh. It’s gruff, covered in cobwebs and sheets. It’s different, laughing with an adult compared to a pun book in the hands of a child.
“Well, definitely makes my life a bit easier that you’re not.”
Smirking, you lick your lips—a thing he spots, and finds makes his cheeks burn. “Yeah, guessing that following me around the animal pen wouldn’t be your favourite thing… after the other day.”
His eyes narrow, attempting to follow—until it dawns. Until it slams into him.
“You saw.”
“I did. Roscoe is a very boisterous sheep, though. So, it’s more on him than you.”
Cursing under his breath, he dips his head. Trying to stifle the embarrassment, the one rising in him like a phoenix, swarming up.
“Anyway, do you need any tools…”
That’s when he notices how your voice dies, your smile fading. Your words all fall from existence as the warmth around the two of you suddenly chills, as though he’s been plunged into a snowstorm. Your eyes had dropped, landing on the box in his hand.
It’s long, too long.
Almost prolonged, the quietness shifting into awkwardness until you’re blinking, head lifting, chin rising, determined and full of insolence.
“I’ll be back soon, yeah?”
Nodding, he swallows. Ignoring, for your sake, that your voice cracks before you’re hurrying past him. Watching, and staring until you’re a blip, a little figure in the distance of the cold morning—unable to forget about it, the look, the one that unhooked something in him.
Because it made him question—made him want to ask.
His hand shifts around the handle of the toolbox, staring down at it—the one he suspects belongs to someone you knew, someone you were close to. One that is in the hands of someone you don’t know, someone you live next to, that you know nothing about.
Except stories.
And fuck, Joel knows the stories can’t be good.
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Joel had maybe made an assumption that you’d never speak to him again.
Sarah’s voice, barely discernable, wafting around his mind, assumptions make an ass of you and me, dad. He blamed it on being bitter, tired—or grumpy, as Ellie liked to call him. The kind of qualities he’d rather be known for, than the ones he sees reflected in the eyes of the people living here, wondering the kind of man he was to go back out there and then return.
He’d made the assumption based on the way your eyes flicked to the toolbox when you’d eventually returned home—him halfway done, waving away your offer to help. You barely spoke, and skirted around him, only placing a glass of lemonade on the welcome mat as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
He drained the glass, and hated how good it tasted. Keeping in mind to leave the toolbox outside when he rapped his knuckles on your open door to bring the glass back in, inform you that he’s done. You call out to him, eventually coming into view—apron on, doused in flour, cheeks and smile smothered in it.
For a moment, he could almost forget an outbreak had even happened with the way you looked at him—the way you looked in general. Something out of one of those cooking shows that play at ridiculous hours of the night; a thing that’d had a street talking about with sweet you sounded.
“I bake—sometimes,” you announce, hands down your apron, leaving flour-finger strokes against the navy blue.
He could see that. Placing the glass on the side, thanking you—watching you glance around him, likely for that. He almost tells you, informs you it’s outside, left on your porch. But, he waves himself off as a beeping begins, that he’ll get out of your hair, because you’re busy—knowing deep down it’s the right thing to do.
That’s how he left it.
Nothing more, nothing less.
His thoughts sliding to you when he saw you talking to others; his mind unable to rid himself of the way you’d looked at the box he’d been given to be a helping hand.
So, it surprised him when he watched you climb the steps of his porch from outside Tommy’s. Something in his chest narrowing—different from the way it does when he wakes up in the morning. Observing how you’re nervously shaking your free hand, moving from one foot to the other—a thin t-shirt covering your frame (no coat or jacket on your arms) as you try to stand still in the chill at his dark doorstep.
It’s only as he nears that he sees what your other hand is holding. A bottle, the contents from appearing amber in shade. The hesitancy woven into your figure is more prominent as he reaches his own boundary, unsure whether to clear his throat—and only doing so when you knock.
“Heard he’s out fixing more porches.”
Turning, he finds you smirking. Spinning around on your heels, slowly taking a step down—still above him—before your hand gestures for him to take the bottle. “A thank you.”
Thank you, he thinks, staring at it. His thumb catches your fingers as he tries to ignore the twist and knot of his stomach when he eyes the label. It used to help, for all the wrong reasons. It’s why he’d tried not to drink since arriving here, still able to remember how it used to scratch an itch, how it smothered over scabs—ones that never healed.
It unlocks that part of him that worries that they’ll become inflamed again. All raw, hot to the touch.
“Y’didnt need to.”
“Well, it was alcohol or baked goods—and you strike me as a drinker over shortbread.”
Snorting, he lifted his head, swallowing. “I do like shortbread.”
Your face lights up—shimmers—under the slowly setting sun. A part of him wishing you’d brought him a tin of those instead.
Because the main reason he hadn’t been to the Tipsy Bison is that he preferred the version of him that didn’t drink. The one from before all of this happened—the one with a clearer mind. One that isn’t trying to run but rather settle and live—the one that comes out when he tastes something akin to what he shared with Tess.
The bottle in his hand demands his attention—a note attached to it that reads the same as your words. Gratitude humming, rolling from you, all in plenty. The entry at being neighbours suddenly ajar, the door taken from the hinges so it can never be closed again.
“Next time, then?”
You say it purposeful, full of genuine nature. And, it makes him roll his jaw, biting the inside of his cheek. Palm and fingers still clutching the bottle—unsure if he likes this. The neighbour thing—the pretty neighbour thing. Especially one who looks at him with a sweet smile and who makes lemonade just because.
“I should go, don’t want to interrupt your evening—”
“Well, the only thing you’re interrupting is whether or not I should open this now or wait.”
You stop moving at that, coming to a stop in front of him, smile broadening, almost turning into a smirk. “
Rubbing the back of his neck, he sighs. “Got another job in the morning. Be a lot on my own.”
“What problems to have, ay?”
He snorts.
But then, he finds you nodding, licking your lips. “How about this, for the safety of the porches of Jackson, I’ll help you with your problem.”
“And what’s my problem?”
“You don’t wanna drink alone—likely worried about what it means if you do.”
You say it nonchalantly, as though seeing through him was a relatively easy task. Your body is still not moving; the cold either not bothering you, or you are faking it all so well.
“Alright,” you say, slightly more chipper than him.
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huhniebowl · 1 year
A Dare’s a Dare
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Elliot x Reader
Warnings: Smutty smut smutt & also a try at some plot...pray he never sees this
a/n: whew...hey guys. long time no SEE! it’s been a hot minute & i’m so sorry about that. please accept this gift as an apology...i didn’t even mean to make this so long, & i definitely still need to make corrections, but alas, here we are. please enjoy & maybe leave a comment? i love reading your guys reactions/thoughts! :)
a/a/n: wait, also, can we talk about cochella? because i was SAT! mama’s boy is already my favoritee.
One of the lightbulbs in the bathroom flicker as you lean down to sniff a line of coke off the porcelain sink. Then it blows out. You told Elliot weeks ago that it needed to be replaced, but as usual, his “I’ll get to it.” gets lost in all the other bullshit he spews. 
Throwing your head back, you scrunch your nose and sniff. Not yet used to the burn.
Unrolling the five-dollar bill, you shake it out and shove it in your pocket. He left it in the bathroom for you anyway. You do a quick sweep around to make sure there’s nothing that can show what’s been going on in there, swipe the powder off your tight long sleeve, and walk out. 
The music that was once muffled behind the door is now clear as you sway to the beat on your way back into Elliot’s room, Jules and Rue sitting on his bed with a joint between Rue’s lips. 
“Ooo, that the vanilla backwood–” You start, then stop when warm hands grab your face, and your lips are pressed against another pair. It happens so fast that you barely have time to process it before the warm body moves away. You stumble and look up. 
“That wasn’t 10 seconds,” Jules calls out, leaning into Rue. They’re going straight to hell if you have any say in it. Though considering the life choices you’ve all made from the moment you crossed paths, you’ll be right there with them. Elliot too. 
“You’ve never really kissed a girl before, huh, Elly?” Rue mocks, lighting the blunt. 
Elliot leans over and whispers in your ear, “Let me keep my dignity, and I’ll let you keep my five in your pocket.” Damn. Touché. 
You shrug and nod, reaching to grab his face and pull him forward. You’re too high for this shit. 
“Start the clock.” Elliot points, looking at Rue before meeting your lips in a heavy kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist and pushes you against the nearest wall. 
Your heart is going well over the average beat per minute, and for once, you can honestly say it wasn’t because of the line you just did. You’ve wanted Elliot since the day Rue introduced you to him. Charming, snarky, sarcastic. Qualities right out of your manifestation journal. 
The both of you clicked immediately as if you’d been a past connection. Got even closer as the year went on. 
You once considered confessing. Telling him you wanted the title of being his and him yours. But that long since died out the closer you became. You’d rather him a friend than nothing. 
So every girl he's ever brought up, fucked, confided in you about, you sat there and took it. Shoving down what you felt and ranting it all out to Rue and Jules until you felt good enough to shove it down again. You thought you were doing pretty good, well, until now, since his hands are squeezing your hips and his mouth is hot on yours. You’re more than sure your pussy rivals Niagara Falls right now. 
You know this is some fucked up dare on Jules's part nonetheless, and you really shouldn’t enable her, but fuck it. 
It’s just a kiss. 
So you melt into him, let your hands slide from his face, and rest one on the back of his neck and the other in his curls. You accidentally give them a harsh tug when Elliot pulls back a little to suck at your bottom lip while slipping a warm hand into your sweats to grope your ass. 
At the same time you whimper, he huffs out a hoarse ‘fuck’ against your lips at the tug. You open your eyes and pull back just a bit to see he’s already looking at you. Desperation is evident on his face, and his chest heaving just as much as yours. His eyes dart back down to your lips, and you can tell he’s about to go in for another kiss. You just about meet him halfway until your drug-muddled brain processes that you both aren’t alone. The harsh shrill of Jules yelling out shatters the atmosphere.
“10!” You jump, and Elliot freezes, dropping his head onto your shoulder, as his shake with laughter. Unfortunately, the new position leaves you face to face with your friends looking at you with a smugness you want to punch. You throw up your middle finger. 
“We literally yelled out 10 a good zillion times. You two were practically fucking in front of us.” 
You roll your eyes and push Elliot off when you feel him start to leave soft kisses up your neck, afraid you might actually jump him in front of company if he keeps going. Besides, that wasn’t part of the dare.
“You’re so fucking horny.” You groan, sliding down on the carpet, still trying to catch your breath. Elliot grins and takes the joint from Rue. 
“Sorry, but I couldn’t go out like that. A dare’s a dare.”
You grumble and try to ignore the ripple of hurt that rides through you. For a split second, you let yourself believe that maybe the kiss was of hidden motive. Despite it being a dare, you hoped there was at least some truth behind his touches. 
Suddenly you hate your friends for the dare, but more so yourself for letting the strong wall you built fall the second he unknowingly dove into your hidden desire. 
Your response was a bit delayed, a dry laugh as you reached out for the joint. Closing your eyes and letting your head thump against the wall after your pull. 
Time goes by, and your high eventually fades. Rue and Jules left when Jules’s dad began calling about her whereabouts. You stayed behind with Elliot, you two in the middle of a movie when your friends decided to go. 
When the credits roll, you glance at your phone. Two am. 
“Can I stay the night?” You ask, looking up from your phone. Your stomach swirls when you notice he’s already looking in your direction. Stare intense, and you wonder how long he was staring in the first place.
“It’s pretty late, and I really don’t feel like going home.” You know he’ll say yes, so you quickly text your sister and toss your phone. 
“Yeah, sure,” He rolls over and stretches, “You know where everything is to shower and shit.” 
You nod and roam around his room for a shirt and a clean pair of boxers. 
“You don’t already have a hookup planned for tonight, do you? Cause that would suck.” You laugh under your breath, turning on his orange lamp. Your back faces him while you move around, and you notice he’s silent. Too long for a joke. Not even a scoff. You turn around and see him on the edge of his bed, hands running down his face. 
“I stopped those a while ago.” You raise your eyebrows and shuffle in your spot. The air goes tense, and you don’t like it. So you try to shift it. 
“What? Ran out of girls in the area?” Your smile drops as soon as it starts when he looks up at you in annoyance. A look that’s never been directed to you. 
“No, I got tired of fucking people who didn’t give a fuck about me.” You’re immediately swallowed by guilt. You cross your arms and stop shuffling. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry, Elliot. I didn't mean it like that.” He waves you off and gets up to grab a clean towel. 
"Mhm." He walks out to his vacant cousins' ensuite bathroom and slams the door. You jump in your spot and groan. Muttering to yourself on your way toward his bathroom. 
You brush your teeth once you’re showered and dressed. His boxers rolled down to fit your hips. His shirt smells like him, and you find yourself bringing it up to your nose any chance you get. 
Spitting out the toothpaste, you rinse your mouth and stare at yourself in the mirror. Eyes trailing down to your neck and remembering how Elliot’s lips softly moved up that sensitive part of your skin hours ago. You wonder what would have happened if you didn’t push him away. 
Would he have kept going despite having company? Bite down? You shudder, shaking your head and gripping the sink. You've stayed over at his place before, but this feels different. Something is looming over the two of you, and you don’t know if you like it. 
You give yourself a dramatic thumbs up in the mirror and walk towards his room. The orange light from before is off, and a dim glow emits instead. He turned on his string lights. 
The ones you got him for his birthday last year. You smile to yourself and see Elliot cross-legged on his bed, rolling another joint. 
He doesn’t acknowledge you, rightfully so. But it still doesn't make you feel good. You lean on his door frame and watch his fingers skillfully pearl the backwood. You know he knows you’re staring at him, but he doesn’t make a move to say anything. 
Your eyes move up to his mouth, fixating on how he uses his tongue to lick the seam of the rolling paper. His eyes flick up while doing so and lock with yours. Your breath hitches, and you watch as he trails down your body before making eye contact again. You divert your attention elsewhere, clicking your acrylics against each other. 
Elliot sighs, and you hear him place his rolling tray on his desk. 
“You just gonna stand there or help me smoke this?” A silent peace offering.
You stay by the doorway, still a little unsure, watching Elliot place the blunt between his lips and lie on his back, holding his lighter out to you. 
“Light me.” 
You huff and push off the frame, crawling on his bed and taking a seat on his window seal. The square cut out big enough for you to comfortably sit in. You grab the lighter from his hands and spark it, leaning forward to light his spliff. 
“Elliot, I’m—” Once again, his eyes meet yours, and your words die in your throat. You’re closer to him than before. His curls are still damp and loose, framing his face. Skin soft and dewy from skincare, and the amber glow from the flame. 
He’s so fucking beautiful. Being this close, your thumbs itch to rub over his apple tattoo; then over his eyebrows, then gently use the pad to pull down his plump bottom lip to watch it bounce back into place. 
They’re loosely holding on to the vanilla backwood, pink and soft. You want to kiss him again. Taste the flavored remnant that undoubtedly coats his lips the longer the joint sits there.
Elliot shuffles, and you snap out of your revere, clearing your throat. You quickly light his joint as you feel the lighter wheel heat up under your thumb. Then continue your apology. 
“I'm really sorry for earlier. What I said was fucked up.” 
“Yeah, you think?” He’s being sarcastic, but once again, deserved.
“At least the sex you’ve had meant something. They don’t just fuck off after.” Elliot takes a long pull and hands it over to you. 
“Who would’ve thought me, of all people, craved intimacy during and after a fuck.” He gives a dry laugh and blows out. 
“Eh, I wouldn’t say that.” Elliot looks over at you. “The guys I fucked were only interested in me for that reason. A fuck.” After a pull, you let your head rest against the wall, “Led me to believe it would be something more, then left with a half-assed sentiment once I gave them what they really wanted. Never even cummed for a guy.” 
You shrug, then blow out the smoke before continuing. “So I guess we’re on the same boat then, huh?” 
You look over at Elliot, his face unreadable. Silence falls over you both like a thick blanket as you pass the joint between each other. You let him get the last hit, holding it out for him lean up and take a pull. 
He crosses his legs and puts his hands behind his head, eyes lidded and red as he watches you snuff out the blunt and toss it out the window. You suppose your eyes don’t look too far off from that too. 
His voice, although soft, jumps you out of the silence. 
“You’re more than just a fuck.” You suddenly find it hard to breathe. 
“You too, Elliot.” You whisper, scared to break the atmosphere you two have made. He’s quiet for a moment before continuing. 
“I wouldn’t treat you that way. At least with me, you’d cum.” 
Your heart damn near stops, and you inhale at his words. He reaches a hand out to your ankle; the pads of his fingertips cool as they rub at the warm skin over the bone. Mindlessly playing with your anklet, you shiver as his hand moves to caress your calf. 
He shuffles closer to you, and your thighs quiver at the new tension. You can’t process what’s happening anymore. What’s real, and what’s fake. 
Being high blinds the practicalness you usually have when it comes to Elliot, making everything regarding him, sugar-coated. Elliot’s processing through your brain like he’s a wad of sugary cotton candy, and you’re feigning for it bad. 
It’s why you feel your body mindlessly moving on its own as you climb down from his window and over to him. You straddle his hips, and his hands slide under your shirt like clockwork. 
He’s close enough to where his breath fans over your lips, he’s focused on them until he catches your gaze. “I know I can give you what you need.” 
You nod, letting out a shaky breath when your clothed clit barely rubs at his dick, poking under his sweats. His body reacts to prove his words right. 
“So, please, can I make you cum?” He doesn’t need to ask twice. 
“God, yes, Elliot.” And just like earlier, his lips are on yours. It has your pussy puddled in seconds. It’s slow, wet, and sounds lewd even in your ears. 
Just as you guessed, there’s a faint taste of vanilla, and it has you whimpering. Your moans filter in soon after when he grabs your hips and pulls them down, pussy rubbing against his hard-on. 
He’s harder than earlier, and it feels too good; it has you jolting up. His groan is guttural, sending spikes of pleasure through you like no other. You swallow the sound and let him flip you both over. 
“Wanted this for so fucking long.” He breathes, leaving kisses down your neck. You don’t know what to say. Still not comprehending this is happening, let alone someone you’ve been yearning for admitting that he has been too. 
He moves back to yank off his shirt, and you’re whining out to him before you can stop yourself. Needing him back against you. Elliot chuckles at your neediness, returning for a kiss that barely leaves you in touch with reality. 
“Take this off for me?” He whispers, tugging on your shirt. You pull it off and bring him back down, his hands running over your newly exposed skin. Fingers brushing over your tits. 
“Can I?” His voice is strained, composure just short of being lost.
“Yeah.” You breathe, feeling him kiss down your chest until his warm mouth suctions onto your nipple. 
You curse out and arch off the bed, running a hand through his hair and gripping it hard. He groans against you, his dick pressing harder against your thigh as he ruts himself into your soft skin. Desperate for friction.  
You don’t realize how much he’s getting off to this until you bring yourself to look down and see his eyes closed. His lips suctioned around your right nipple, his fingers rolling the bud of the left one. He’s in a state of bliss, so lost in himself. He pops off and moves to the other, tongue flicking over your nipple in a way you wish was on your clit. 
“Elliot, please.” You whine, pussy gushing yet again when you feel him grind harder at you saying his name. 
“Please, what?” He moves off your nipple and lays his head on your stomach. Looking up at you while his fingers replace where his mouth once was.  
“Need you.” You can’t say it; you won’t. You’re more than sure he knows where you want him. You can tell when you hear him huff a laugh. 
“You’re going to have to tell me where.” You quiver when you feel his fingers rub over the drenched spot on your boxers. His boxers. 
“It’s here? You need me here, right? You really drenched my boxers, didn’t you?” 
“Yes, right there. Please, please.” You whine, unable to feel embarrassed. Not when he has you this worked up.
“See. Not so hard.” He muses, sliding them off and slowly pushing your legs apart. 
“Fuck, look at you.” He whispers. “So pretty and so wet. Just for fucking me.” He looks up at you, “Anyone ever made you this wet?” 
You shake your head. “No, just you. Only you.” Elliot’s in awe, someone like you all glistening and needy for him. It's like he’s on a power trip. “Can I record eating your pussy?”
Your mind is too sugar-coated for you to think straight, your trust and reliability around Elliot allowing it to be as such. A question like that from anyone else would have had you shriveling up in disgust. But with Elliot? You find yourself pliant. Ready to let him do anything he wanted to you. 
“Your words.” He murmurs, his fingers pressing down on your clit to watch your juices spread. 
You squeal at the pressure, “Yes, yes!” 
“Good girl.” He feels around for his phone. You hear the start of the video and through lidded eyes, see him shining the camera flash on your soaked folds. 
“Looks even prettier in the light.” You’re not sure if he’s talking to you or the camera, but your pussy visibly clenches at his words, and he chuckles. 
“Can you spread yourself for me?” 
He was going to be the death of you, you’re sure of it. 
Obediently, you slide your pretty fingers to your cunt, and slowly open yourself up to him with your pointer and middle finger. You hear the sticky sound your pussy makes as you reveal your clit to him, the jewels on your acrylics glinting under the flash. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out your name, zooming in. “Keep it there.” He says, reaching his thumb to rub slow circles on your clit. 
“Elly!” You whine, thighs trembling. He hands you his phone without a word, eyes not tearing away from your pussy. With a shaky hand, you take it and position it so he’s in frame. 
“Hold still.” 
“Oka–Shit, Elliot!” You cry, his tongue flicking your clit before you can finish. His eyes are closed, lapping you up like he's starved. You want to close your eyes, too lost in the overwhelming feeling of everything, Elliot. But he told you to hold still.
So you look down in the camera to make sure he’s still within frame and almost cum right there. He’s looking up into the camera, right at you. It has your stomach clenching and pussy throbbing under his tongue. 
“Feels so good, Elly, don’t stop.” You cry out. He keeps a hand firmly on your thigh to keep them open and brings the other to rub circles on your clit. He moves down and shoves his tongue inside. Tongue fucking you and eliciting the only sound he wants to hear from you.
You let out a moan so pretty it has Elliot’s dick harder than ever, and he falters in his movements for a second. Pulling back to leave quick, and messy kisses to your pretty fingers for holding yourself open for him. 
“M’ gonna cum!” You squeal, dropping the phone to grip his sheets. You could feel it; you were about to snap. And you’re so desperate for it. Desperate to cum for him. 
He pulls back for a quick second, “Come on, baby, you can do it. All over my face, come on.” Then he quickly flicks the tip of his tongue back on your clit. 
You reach both hands down to grip his hair, “Yes, like that; stay there, stay there!” You cry, toes curling when Elliot does as you say. 
That’s all you need. The white-hot coil snaps, and you scream Elliot’s name, cumming harder than you believed possible. Head thrown back as one of your hands squeeze the pillow under your head, the other still holding a tight grip on Elliot’s hair. Knuckles white. 
Your legs tremble, and your chest stutters. Elliot watches it all in a daze. He didn’t know someone could look so fucking beautiful while cumming. You look dewy, a thin sheet of sweat coating your body. The woman right out of his wet dreams. 
He did that to you, it was all him, and it has him moaning into your sensitive cunt. Causing your body to quiver. 
“Fuck Elliot.” You breathe, pawing his greedy mouth off you and back to your lips. You taste yourself on him and sigh.
“So good. So so good.” He mumbles, moving to bite at your collerbones. You wrap a arm around his shoulders, your body still trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
“Thank you, Elly, thank you, thank you.” You whimper, feeling so raw. So bared with him. You’re holding his face in your hand, overwhelmed with how he’s staring at you. Like you hung the stars and the planets. Like you’re wholeheartedly the only reason for his existence, and you almost can’t take it. 
“Wanna make you feel good.” You whisper, reaching down between your bodies and wrapping your hand around his cock. He breathes through his nose and drops his head into your neck. 
“Yes, please.” His voice is thick and coarse. You don’t respond, lining yourself up with him and squeezing his arm, letting him know to slip in. 
“Fuck fuck.” Elliot grits out, as he slowly pushes, his hands on either side of your head. You gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck and locking your legs around his waist. 
Once he bottoms out, you clamp down on him. He stays still, trying to pull himself together not to cum yet.  
He feels helpless, losing himself in the heat of your pussy like this. Never has he been reduced to a mess like this before. 
“Gonna need you to relax, baby, or I’m gonna cum before I get to fuck you properly.” He rasps. You pepper kisses over his shoulder and run your fingers through his hair. Willing yourself to calm down. You feel so full, the pleasure tingling up your spine and throughout your body. 
“Elly, please move.” You whimper, desperate to feel him. He keeps himself buried in your neck, his grip on the blankets tightening. 
You’re just about to beg again when Elliot decides to snap his hips. You choke on your words and lock your ankles tighter over each other. His pace is quick but deep, the tip of his dick abusing that spongy spot you can never reach. 
Your walls flutter around him, so warm and soft, and he needs more. 
He’s pussy drunk, panting into your skin at how you’re squeezing him in so perfectly, greedy to milk him for all he has.  
“S’pussy was made for me, just for me.” He mutters.  
You can’t find your voice. Eyes rolling to the back of your head and mouth open as Elliot fucks you into the mattress with all he has. Your nails dig into his back, and he hisses at the sting. 
You find yourself gasping for air when he pulls up from your neck, his face flushed and his baby hair curling at his forehead. 
“Kiss me, plea—.” You whimper, and he’s already moving to your lips before you finish. It’s sloppy, more a meeting of spit and tongue than a kiss, but you’re high off it. 
You’re going to cum again, and Elliot can tell, by the way your pussy is tightening around him. 
He can feel your cunt drooling, his precum mixing with your arousal, causing a creamy ring around the base of his dick, and the mere sight of it has him higher than he thought possible.
“M’ gonna cum. You gonna come w’me?” He mumbles against your lips, his eyes far away.  
You nod, “S’close, Elly.” You grow impatient, moving your hips to match his sloppy pace. 
“That’s right, fuck me back, baby.” His voice is hoarse. Completely lost in his lust and need for you. You feel it again, that familiar heat pooling; you’re right there.
It takes one more snap of his hips, and you’re cumming around him hard, eyes shut and mouth open in a silent scream as you cream all over his dick. There’s a ringing in your ears; Elliot sounds far away as he works you through your orgasm while chasing his. 
“Cumming, fuck m’gonna cum.” He sounds like a broken record, but he can’t help it. 
He’s so lost in the way you’re squeezing around him. So perfect and tight. You hold him as close as possible in your weakened state, making eye contact and fulfilling your thoughts from earlier by pulling down his bottom lip with your thumb. 
“Cum inside, Elly. Wanna feel you cum.” And he’s cumming. A resounding whimper works its way up his throat as he paints the inside of your sopping cunt. He goes limp on top of you, kissing you up the valley of your chest, until he softly catches your lips in a slow and lazy kiss. So good, and thank you’s tumbling out his lips.  
You feel hot, & sticky but can’t bring yourself to push him off. So you bask in the silence, your nails raking through his scalp as you gather your bearings. You feel yourself spinning, wondering where this leaves you two. If this is the end of your friendship. If he—
“So,” Elliot draws, looking up at you and unknowingly snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Wanna be my girlfriend?” You look down at him and can’t help the laugh that erupts from your throat. Light swatting his head.
Because, of course, this is how Elliot would ask. He smiles, content with how he can feel your chest rumbling under his head, and presses a kiss to your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend, Elly.”
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sykostyles · 1 month
melodies | 1.2
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summary: he's the most powerful & ruthless mafia boss in the city, and she's just a music store owner. but once he hears her singing voice, he wants nothing more than to hear it for the rest of his life..and she's not so sure about that.. he'll do anything to change that. wc: 3.1k
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warnings: swearing, harry being insufferable, suggestive content
a/n: hello loves! I am still on vacation but I was able to spend a little time editing this chapter of melodies to get it posted for you! I hope you all enjoy! here comes the DRAMA!!
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The box. The infamous box. Its contents?
“Styles, wha–,” you’re speechless. How did he do it? Where did he? “--Is that what i think it is?”
“That depends,” he starts, a shit eating grin on his face, “do you think it’s a custom, handmade replica of the diamond and ruby necklace Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman?” He looks at you deviously, “Because that’s what it is.” You just stare at him in shock. “Oh, and it’s all yours.”
“Harry,” you breathe; your voice full of disbelief and amazement.
“You–,” he smiles, “You just called me Harry.” He’s beaming. His whiter than white smile is on full display; pearly whites shining bright enough to blind. He’s happy. Ecstatic.
“You deserved it,” you place a quick kiss on his cheek, leaving a blush on his skin in your wake. “Would you help me put it on, please?” 
“I would be honored,” he takes the necklace from the box. He hooks it together before placing a featherlight kiss where your neck and shoulder meet. The contact makes you shiver with anticipation. “Fits in like it was made just for you,” he smiles against your skin, his hands finding your hips, pulling you back into him as he speaks.
Turning in his hold, you place a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Sty–Harry. It’s beautiful,”
“You make it beautiful,” he comments, giving you another kiss before he opens your car door. Harry helps you in, holding your hand as you sit down, minding the train on your dress.
“So, where are we going all dressed up?” you ask, as he takes his seat in the car.
“Ah, that would spoil the other surprise,” he grins from the driver's seat, one hand on the steering wheel and the other is planted on your thigh. 
You huff in response.
“Alright, brat,” he laughs, “It’s a business dinner, and some.. Live entertainment to follow.”
“What happened to Harry?”
“Are you doing what I think you’re doing?”
“Depends,” he chuckles.
“Am I getting my Pretty Woman moment?” The hopeful glint in your voice makes him feel a sense of pride.
“For the record, you don’t need the dress and the whole shebang to have a Pretty Woman moment,” he looks over to you, your excited eyes look back in awe of the man next to you. He really is determined to give you everything you want in order to make you his. The amount of thought he’s put into everything really shows you how much he listens to everything you say, and it makes you feel things you can’t explain. 
“You're in love with him, stupid,” Ellie's voice rings in your head. Shut. Up.
“You don't need all these sweet words and grand gestures to get what you want out of me either,” you say, placing your hand atop his on your thigh.
“I know, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing that smile of yours.”
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Arriving at the dinner, Harry opens your door as you’re met with flashing cameras. He’d warned you that there would be paparazzi here but you weren’t anticipating this level of insanity. But you probably should have, knowing Harry’s status.
He stops for a few photos, requesting you stand with him for all of them. Harry didn’t want you out of his sight. The paps shout questions of your identity, where you met, how long you’d been together, if you were pregnant, that one made you laugh, you had to admit. But the attention being on you was never what you wanted. It's why you never pursued the stage. It didn’t comfort you like it did your mother. The stage terrified you.
Making your way inside, there’s a sea of people dressed to the nines as they make pointless conversation amongst themselves. They all seem super interested in each other but you know better. Harry had warned you ahead of time that these people don’t actually care about anything going on, it’s all for show. Who can donate the most money while keeping up appearances. Tonight was about the benefit of the city, meaning whoever donated the most money basically had the mayor at their mercy. Harry had been the highest donor for the last decade. Not to say others hadn’t attempted to take the spot from him. But he could always handle it. Tonight was about celebrating Harry. Most people were unhappy with a Yakuza having the upper hand in the city, but knowing if they said anything the funding would immediately stop.
“Harry,” you mutter, eyes roaming the room before you.
“Hm?” his eyes follow yours, immediately understanding your apprehensive state.
“This is.. A lot of people.” your fingers clutch the sleeve of his jacket, holding his arm as close as possible.
“I’m here with you, Birdie,” he whispers in your ear, placing a soft kiss on the shell. “Just focus on me, yeah?”
You nod once, not letting up on your grip on his jacket as he led you further into the room, heading for your reserved table. Harry pulls your chair out, then takes his seat next to you. 
A little into the evening, a tall man with blonde hair approaches your table, a curt smile on his face as he speaks. 
“Evening, Harry. Who is this lovely specimen?” He asks.
“Jones,” He grumbles in response. “This is Y/N.”
Harry offers the man no other explanation in return. You can feel the shift in the air. So this was Jones. He’d left before you’d arrived the last time his name was mentioned. He’d intrigued you for sure, not many people could sour Harry’s mood that easily just by being present.
“Hello, sir, lovely to meet you,” you extend a gloved hand to the man standing near the table, “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N what a lovely name, I’m Scott Jones,” he takes your hand in his, offering you a kiss on the back of your hand. “Tell me, just what is a beauty like you doing with a man like Harry?”
“She likes being with...the strongest,” Harry answers for you, standing from his seat. “Now if you’ll excuse us,” he holds his hand out for you to grab, “Dance with me?” he asks, diverting his full attention to you.
“Of course,” in your typical fashion, you still address Jones as you’re pulled away. “It was nice meeting you,” you say, offering him a sweet smile; a silent apology. Harry leads you to the dancefloor, placing the palm of one hand into the small of your back while holding the other one up for you to grab. lacing your fingers together, he begins to sway. 
Harry spreads his fingers out across the surface of your lower back; each touch leaving a trail of heat.
 “So that was Jones?”
“Mhm,” he hums. “He has some nerve..” 
“Hey,” you reach up, tilting his gaze down to you, “Just focus on me, yeah?” you mirror his earlier words back to him. His smile grows, but his worry does as well. Now Nanami knows Harry has a weakness, and that weaknesses name. But he knows he can protect you. As much as you’ll let him anyway.
“How could I focus on anything else?” his gaze bores into yours, a sense of total adoration washes over you as you look into those crystalline emerald eyes. You could see the whole future in them. Tables adorned with navy, black and gold. Roses fill your hands as you’re led down a petal covered aisle, looking ahead to Harry at the end. I do’s and kisses are swapped. Hands exploring dips and curves. Slow, languid movements filling you to the brim. Sweet nothings whispered against sweat slicked skin. Small patters of tiny feet across tile floors. Those tiny feet carrying a matching tuft of chestnut hair, green eyes and a bundle of giggles as bigger feet follow behind..
“Birdie? Did I lose you?” Harry chuckles, his voice snapping you back to reality.
“Hm? Oh! Sorry. I got stuck,” you mutter, letting go of his cheek. The thoughts are still burning in the back of your mind. Every thought seemed so real. Like it was a memory instead of a daydream. 
“What were you thinking about?” he asks, anticipating some sort of panicked response.
“Just..doing this,” leaves you in a whisper. You place your lips over his in a soft kiss; your hands find their way back up to cup his jaw, making him smile against your mouth. He hums in approval, his hands attempting to pull you as close to him as possible.
“I think you’re trying to seduce me in front of all of these people,” Harry teases you as he pulls away. Your cheeks turn a soft pink at his words. “If you wanna go somewhere more private just let me know.”
“Stop it,” you whisper, taking back in the amount of people surrounding you. It feels as if every pair of eyes were following your every move. One pair of eyes was following your every move, and it wasn’t Harry’s.
Jones stood in the corner with his men as he watched, and waited.
Harry led you back to the table as the dining portion of the evening was about to commence. A full meal entailing all of Harry’s favorites, which had somehow turned into your favorites too. The night had been wonderful so far; the conversation flowed so freely it was as if you and Harry had been together forever. 
“Harry,” place your hand on his thigh, leaning closer to him.
“I’ll never tire of hearing you say that,” Harry says, turning to give you his attention. 
“Think I’m ready,” you whisper, taking your bottom lip between your teeth as you look up at him.
“Mhm. For this,” you motion between the two of you, “Us.”
You watch as his eyes get even brighter than they were. He looks to you for real confirmation. The smile plastered on your face was the answer he needed, and so he kisses you. “You’ve just made my entire life,” he groans before he kisses you again.
“Remember we’re not alone here,” you giggle as you pull away.
“Ask me if i care,” he tries chasing your lips with his, “You didn’t seem to care when we were at the beach yesterday.”
“We were in a somewhat secluded cabana, not an open table at the front of a great hall with hundreds of people watching, Harry.”
“Ugh, I already know I’m gonna love when you say my name when you're mad.”
“You’re already so insufferable,” you huff, turning away from him. 
“Oh, don’t be like that.” He reaches to turn your chair back towards him, caging you in with his arms. “Tell me you’re mine,” he whispers, eyes locked on to yours.
“I–I’m yours,” you whisper back, staring back into his eyes as he searches yours for any sign of apprehension.
“Yeah,” you lean forward, sealing the deal with a kiss once again.
A voice booms throughout the space, startling you enough to pull away from the man before you. Harry readjusts, as he pays attention to the announcer behind him.
“Good evening folks, thank you all for attending as we celebrate the continued support from our guest of honor, Mr. Harry Styles.”
Applause follows. Your eyes scan the room, finding Jones staring right back at you from his spot on the edge of the room. You offer him another sweet smile before overting your attention back to the man at the front of the room.
“Harry, come on up here,” the man speaks into the microphone.
“I’ll be right back,” Harry assures you, offering you a quick kiss before taking his stand at the front of the room.
“Evening everybody. I’m thrilled to be back here for another year. Even more so this year,” he looks over to you. “Someone very special to me came with me this time, and I intend to make her my wife one day.”
The room fills with ooh’s and aww’s as Harry pauses. “So, we all owe everything to her tonight, for making me the happiest man in the world. So if you would all join me in raising your glasses,” he starts, leaning down to grab his glass from your hold. 
“What are you doing?” you whisper-yell at him. He just offers you his devious smile in return. 
“To my lovely Birdie, thank you for attending with me, and for making me incredibly ecstatic tonight by agreeing to finally be mine,” he raises his glass a little higher. “To Birdie,”
“To Birdie,” the crowd rumbles behind you. An anxious smile spreads across your lips as you turn to see everyone staring at you. You stand, albeit reluctantly, and politely bow with a smile. The other tables erupt in applause, as Harry pulls you to join him on the stage, his arm snaking around your waist.  “We hope you enjoy the live entertainment in the concert hall for the evening, once you’re finished dining. The proceeds from tonight will be donated to the children's hospital. Have a great night, everybody.”
More applause fills the space as you exit the stage with Harry, his hand firmly holding yours.
“What was that?” you ask through gritted teeth as you smile.
“Staking my claim, and also showing my appreciation for my lovely lady,” he smirks at you as you take your seats again at the table.
“I would appreciate not being the center of attention,” you huff, slapping his hand away from your thigh under the table.
“Now now, Birdie. You have been the center of attention all evening,” he slides his hand back up your thigh as he leans down near your ear. “I’ve just been too distracting for you to notice.”
“You are quite distracting.”
“So, should we go somewhere more private?”
“Mm, no. I want to see this live entertainment,” you remove his hand from your thigh again, taking a stand from your chair. Harry stands with you, offering you his arm to grab as he leads you to the concert hall.
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The live performer just so happened to be Rod Stewart. How that happened, Harry swears he doesn’t know. But the devious glint in his eyes says otherwise. 
He’s performing all of your favorites. The ones you’d sing with grandfather in the car on the way to the next city. And the ones Harry likes you hear you sing along with.
“Thank you,” you whisper against his lips after kissing him.
“Anything for my lady.”
Harry sits next to you, an arm around your waist as he studies you watching the performance below. He knows you wish you were able to do that like your mother did, but he also knows the thought of it terrifies you. He’ll make it his mission to help you face your fears if that's what you wanted from him. But if you’re okay with being on the sidelines as well, he’ll help you with that too. Anything you want, he’ll make it happen. He thinks tonight is the prime example of that.
After the performance, Harry leads you to the car. Opting for Niall to drive this time, he takes his seat next to you in the back. 
“Did you enjoy the evening? Was it, quote unquote, fun enough for you?”
“Oh, god Harry, that was amazing. I’ve never enjoyed myself more.”
“I don't think I’ll ever tire of hearing you call me that,”
“Yeah?” you ask, sliding closer to him.
“Yeah.” he breathes out, cupping your cheek and kissing you softly. He smiles into the kiss so you push your tongue into his mouth, taking him by surprise. Harry lets you have your fun for a moment before he reminds you who's in charge. He reaches to his left, pressing a button on the door to close the window between the front and back seat. Gripping your waist, you’re brought onto his lap, knees on either side of his legs. The kiss deepens, your arms finding their way around his neck as his hands explore the expanse of your back.
“Harry,” you whisper in his ear. You move your hands to tangle into his hair, earring a soft moan from his throat.
“Please, keep going,” he mutters, readjusting himself beneath you. His hands planted firmly on your hips.
“Harry,” you bite down onto his earlobe. “Harry,” you kiss just beneath his ear. Tilting his head to your will, every which way leaving your featherlight kisses along his throat, up and down the surface, whispering his name before every kiss. His breathing feels labored under your touch; his skin ablaze. 
“Birdie,” he groans.
“Hm?” You hum, going back to kissing along his throat.
“As much as I would love for this to continue, we’re at your apartment.”
That damn saying again.
“Come upstairs with me,” you kiss his lips.
“I have a meeting first thing in the morning, otherwise I would,” he kisses you back. “How about you come to mine? Spend the night?”
“What are we gonna do?” you ask with the most innocent looking eyes you can manage.
“What do you think?” he teases, chasing your lips with his.
“Can I meet you there? So can I go to Encore in the morning?”
“Of course. I’ll leave Mitch here with you,” Harry reaches for his phone.
“No need. I’ll be right behind you once I change. Promise,” you kiss the tip of his nose, climbing off of his lap.
Harry exits the car, rounding to your side and opens your door for you. Helping you from the car, the man before you kisses you passionately, pulling your front against his, leaning into your touch. 
“Harry,” you whisper, pulling away from him.
“Fuck, Biridie. Don’t you see what you do to me?”
“Mm, I could feel it too, big guy.” you tease him, smoothing down the front of your dress. “I’ll meet you at your place.”
“Okay,” he smiles down at you, offering you one more goodbye kiss.
“Keep my seat warm,” you wink at him before disappearing up the stairs of your apartment building. 
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Harry’s trip home felt longer without you. He was counting down the minutes until he got to touch you again. Waiting for the moment you walked through the door to devour you. 
“Sir, we have some..news.” Mitch’s voice makes Harry turn towards the entrance of the living room.
“What is it, Mitch? Has Y/N arrived?” he asks, standing from his seat.
“No, sir, it’s about Encore,” the double bunned man says flatly.
“What about Encore? Was there a break in?”
“No, Sir. it’s on fire.”
“What do you–where is Y/N?” Harry asks, panicked.
“We–We can’t locate her, sir.”
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @harrysonlylover @daydreamingofmatilda @triski73 @evie-119
@vamprry @howling-wolf97 @angeldavis777
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familyvideostevie · 8 months
come care about me
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joel miller x reader a quiet evening at your house in Jackson with the man you call home | implied but unspecified age gap, domesticity, jackson au, joel is a flirt and a gossip [2.2k] a/n: my first attempt at joel! hope it's alright. read part 2 here! part 3 here! series masterlist here.
Jackson is quiet at this hour. The whole world is pretty quiet these days and sometimes it's more suffocating than peaceful. The white noise of life is so different -- you remember how car horns and humming power lines and the thrum of planes overhead used to remind you that you weren't alone. Now, most of the time, you're hoping you're alone. The snap of a twig or click of a safety or a muffled cough are signs of danger. But this town is safe. You know it, you feel it, but sometimes it catches up to you: how tiring it is to be on guard all the time. This is just how it is.
You hear little but your own footsteps as you head for home, hands tucked into your pockets and book wedged under your arm. The warmth of an evening spent at the town book club is still in your veins -- well, that and the finger of whiskey -- and it chases away your melancholy musings for the moment. Even better is the promise of what awaits you.
The porch light is on when you round the corner. You half expect Joel to be strumming away in his chair but there's no sign of him. Not unusual, not really, given that there's a chill in the air and Ellie was meant to come over for a movie night. Maybe she's still here and they're inside watching some shitty action flick on the couch. One or both of them always doze off before it's over. Regardless, you know he won't head to bed until you're home.
You ease open the door. The hallway smells like Ellie's favorite tea and slightly burnt bread but there's no splash of light from the TV, no clash of swords or quiet laughter.
It's dark in the house but that's not unusual either. "Took a few years to stop flicking light switches," Joel once told you. "Reckon it'll take a few more to get used to it again." He's the kind of man who would rather sit in the dark than chance disappointment.
"Joel?" you call. Your jacket goes on the hook next to his and you sit on the bench you dragged in last month for unlacing your boots, which will go next to his spare pair. He's undoubedlty still got his on, wherever he is. The tell-tale trail of belongings that often indicate the presence of a teenager is absent.
Your name echoes down the staircase followed by heavy, slightly uneven footsteps. Joel emerges into the hallway, guitar in hand. His hair is mussed like he's just thrown on the sweater he now wears and his expression softens at the sight of you, an ever-so-slight ease of his jaw and upturn of his mouth. It took you a while to learn how to spot it.
There are nights when you'll make a joke, tease him a little to try to get him to laugh. It's easier than it used to be but he likes to make you work for it. But tonight you're just glad to be home and you want to tell him so. He leans the guitar against the wall and beats you to it.
"Was gonna wait for you on the porch," he says. "Bit early to be back already." He's right. The after-discussion drinks will be going for at least another hour, thought the sun has been down for ages. You just shrug, fingers a little clumsy from the whiskey and the cold as you undo your laces.
"Wanted to come home," you say. His eyes crinkle at the corners and he crosses his arms, shoulder pressing into the wall above the guitar. Joel rarely takes, rarely reaches for what's in front of him even if he wants it, even if it's already his. It's a patience, a self discipline painfully constructed from years of survival and two rounds as a father mixed with the deep guilt he'll never allow himself to be rid of.
Point is, he'll wait for you to touch him. But that's okay. You've worked on your patience, too, and you've been doing this dance for a few years now. His arms will be open once you finish getting your damn shoes off.
"Ellie still here?" you ask. Joel's words are heavy with his drawl, heavier since being around Tommy, if Ellie is to be believed, his sentences clipped of unnecessary words and syllables. It seems that you've adopted some of his speech pattern. He'll never admit it but you think he likes it.
"You just missed her."
"I think she'd like this." You nudge the book on the bench beside you with your thigh. "I'll drop it by tomorrow. Movie night go good?"
Joel dips his chin, eyes on the floor. He shows you so much but there are some things he can't. The scabbing over wound between him and Ellie is often one of those things. "Was nice," he allows. "She n'Dina will be at dinner this weekend, she said."
You finally get your boots off and sigh, tossing them into the corner. The thud is loud enough to make you wince. "About time those girls graced us with their presence." You reach your arms above your head and stretch, joins popping and muscles sore from the sheer exertion of existing after the end of the world. Joel watches you.
"Alright," he says. He pushes off the wall with a groan. "C'mere."
It's the easiest thing in the world to walk into his embrace, socked feet soundless on the hardwood. You love Ellie like she's your own but her absence means that Joel will touch you more. He's a private man, reserved around people he knows and downright stony around those he doesn't even though the years in Jackson have softened him a great deal. He'll squeeze your hand, your shoulder, hover his palm on the small of your back as he moves around you, but that's it. He worries constantly that you'll wise up and realize he's too old, too boring, too mean, that people in town whisper the same behind your backs. Funny how in a time where you fight against fungus-powered flesh eaters, gossip still makes its rounds.
Still, you feel Joel's eyes on you in every room and you'd rather he worry about things like that than life and death beyond the walls. It's like your cells know he's near, a compass needle magnetized to the set of his shoulders and smell of wood glue and gunpowder. The rasp of his voice and his rough hands and the lines on his face. In the privacy of your home he's all yours.
"Hello," you say into his sweater. It's a new find, different from the threadbare button-ups and flannels he wears into the ground. His beard scratches against your skin and you sink into him, arms around his waist. He cradles the back of your head in one warm palm and holds you steady with the other on your back.
"Howdy," he mutters because he knows it'll make you laugh. It does. You match your inhales to his and any remaining tension from the day leaks out of both of you. "Do y'wanna to sit on the porch or go to bed? You hungry?"
His knuckles trace your spine as you shake your head. "Astrid had Seth make sandwiches. So, bed. Too cold to be on the porch."
"S'not that cold," he retorts. You roll your eyes and pull away from his embrace to look at him. His hair could do with a trim, the silver strands falling into his eyes. Your own hair has greys here and there by now, a byproduct of the times. Nearly everyone born Before has some. It's damn stressful to be alive. Joel often grumbles that you're too young for that kind of shit, not far enough from twenty for such visible signs of age.
"I've got gossip for you." That gets his eyebrows to raise.
"Do you now?" He releases you and grabs the guitar, gesturing for you to head upstairs first. "Should'a led with that."
Joel Miller is a lot of things, some of them better than others, but one of your favorites is that he's become a gossip. Maybe he was Before, too. Small-town life and safety and a teenager of his own and you have turned his eye back towards the business of other folks. Information gatherin', he calls it. Important to know what's going on.
But really he's just nosy. Good thing you are, too. It's basically the only reason you go to book club. If you actually wanted to talk about books you'd do it with the teenager living out back -- and you do -- since she's a bigger reader and miles smarter than anyone else in town.
The stairs creak like they always do. Joel has put away the laundry that you finished this morning and despite his inclination towards darkness, has left on the lamp in the bedroom. He sets the guitar back in its stand and sits in the armchair to unlace his boots, grunting a bit as he goes.
"Jesse's mother brought a new batch of whiskey for after the discussion. Caused some loose lips, I think. I hope she did it on purpose because it was worth it."
You eye the book on Joel's side of the bed. Something about...woodworking? Typical.
"Whiskey, huh?" he drawls from behind you. "Could smell it on your breath," he says. You look up and he startles you a bit by appearing in your space and tilting your chin up with two fingers. Joel presses his lips to yours firmly, tongue dipping into your exhale for just a moment before he pulls back. "Can taste it, too."
He's gone before you can lean into him. You sit down heavily on the bed. Whiskey aside, Joel's touch, his kiss, his attention always make you feel a little overwhelmed. And he knows it. You hadn't even heard him creep over to you.
"Asshole," you mutter.
"Say somethin'?" He's wandered to the closet to shuck off his jeans and sweater.
"Remember Scott?" you ask instead. "Short, got that scar across his face."
"I might be old but my memory is fine," he grumbles. "Patrolled with him last month."
"Well, he's been with Duy, that guy who works the gardens, for almost half a year, right? But according to Wendy, as of yesterday, Scott's not living in the house on Spring Street anymore. She saw him moving into a split level on Crescent."
Joel whistles through his teeth. You watch him slide into flannel pants, catch flashes of his tanned skin and your palms ache to touch him.
"You think it has to do with...what was his name? The other guy Scott's with sometimes? Phil? Peter?"
"Patrick. Yeah, that's what I thought too. Something must've been happening there." You tuck one leg under you on the bed. "What was that about a fine memory?"
He ignores you. "Never did like him much," he says. "He talks a lot." He reappears from the closet in his pants that belonged to some other man long dead, his chest bare despite the cool evening. He's a furnace, this man. You barely need layers to sleep in as the seasons change so long as he's next to you, all solid warmth and muscle. He tosses you the shirt you like to sleep in. It smells like what passes for detergent these days.
"You don't like anyone much," you tease as you unfurl your leg. It's not true, not really. Joel likes a few people a great deal and tolerates everyone else just fine. He's respected not only for being Maria's brother-in-law but for the way he can fix things, for his calm head on patrol. Children in town adore him and Ellie's friends used to revere him like a god, or so she tells you. You didn't know him before Jackson but you know enough about what happened twenty years ago, four years ago, and everything in between. You know that it made him hard but hollow. You know that that dear girl in the back shed brought him back to life and now that they're on the mend, you can see even more pieces of who he was.
You know that you've helped, too.
"I like you plenty," he says. He stands between your knees and frames your face with his hands. The callused pad of his thumb drags over your lower lip as you just stare at each other for a few moments. You press your palm to his stomach, nails sliding through the thatch of hair that leads down under the band of his pants. His abdomen contracts and his nostrils flare.
You give him a grin. "I like you plenty, too, Joel Miller." There isn't much more to it. He's probably your favorite person on this god-forsaken planet.
"Get outta these damn clothes," he grumbles around a small smile of his own. He tugs at the shirt in your hand.
You wiggle your eyebrows at him. "Oh, so we can f--"
Joel steps back and heads for the bathroom, leaving you behind with a dramatic sigh. "So we can go to sleep."
Laughter spills out of you as you head for the closet. "Whatever you say."
"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?"
The end of the world isn't so bad.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Love Thy Neighbor- pt 10
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9.
Summary: With your ex-husband in town, this is sure to be interesting.
WC: ~2.4k
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I’m in Philly this weekend. We should talk.
The good mood that you were in from waking up in your girlfriend’s arms sours at that text, and she notices.
“Hey,” she whispers as she kisses your temple, also rolling out of bed. “You’re upset.”
“I’m not,” you shrug. “I’m fine. Just… thinking.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you sigh. “I should probably go check on El. You comin’?”
The redhead nods and follows you into Ellie’s room, where she’s playing on the floor with a few of her dolls.
“Momma! Mel!” she grins up at the two of you. Immediately, she’s launching herself at you, and if either her or Melissa notice the way that you cling to your daughter only a bit desperately they don’t say anything. You lift your little girl onto your hip and hold her close, smoothing down her wild locks and kissing her temple. Melissa follows suit, and she grins when Ellie kisses her cheek back.
“Breakfast?” your daughter looks to your girlfriend with those sweet eyes of hers.
“Obviously,” Melissa chuckles. “And what does the princess want?”
“Chocolate chip pancakes!” Ellie cheers. When you give her a look, she quickly adds on a, “Pretty please!”
The three of you head for the kitchen, and while your daughter and your girlfriend mix the batter together and start heating up the griddle, you stare at your phone contemplating what you should do.
“Penny for your thoughts, hun?” Melissa breaks your trance as she sets a plate full of the breakfast food in front of you. Ellie comes bouncing over with the butter and syrup a few short moments later.
“We can talk later,” you tell her softly. “When we take El to the park.”
Once you finally get Ellie ready for the park and get yourself ready, you head out. Melissa drives the two of you there, and as soon as she can, Ellie is running for the swings. You and your girlfriend walk hand in hand to find a park bench to sit on and keep an eye on your little girl.
“So, what has my girl down?” the redhead asks you once she’s sure your daughter can’t hear her.
“Jared texted me. Said he’s in Philly, and we should talk.”
Her face flickers through a few different emotions before settling on a neutral face. “And how do you feel about that?”
“Honestly? Like I never want to see him again, but I also have El to think about. He is still her father.”
“And he gave up his parental rights,” she reminds you. “Willingly, and without hesitation.”
“I know, I know,” you sigh as you set your head on her shoulder. “But if he wants to reach out in order to stay in Ellie’s life, I cannot deprive my child of her father.”
“You can,” she tells you.
“But it wouldn’t be right… especially because El… she loved her Daddy before everything got messy.”
“It’s up to you, hun,” your girlfriend says. “But I would be cautious.”
“I know, I know,” you mutter.
Ellie has a blast at the park like she always does, but after about an hour she’s running back to you with rosy cheeks and telling you she’s sleepy. Melissa carries her back to the car, and in the short ten minute drive back to the apartment complex, she falls asleep in her carseat clutching one of the stuffed animals Melissa keeps in her car now. You lift her out of her carseat and hold her tightly as you make your way up to your apartment. You settle on the couch with her, still in your arms while your girlfriend heads for the kitchen.
“Are you good if I make eggplant parm?” she calls softly.
“That sounds great,” you sigh out.
As she cooks dinner, humming quietly to herself, you continue to torture yourself with the pros and cons of texting Jared back. Ultimately, you tell him that if he’s serious, you can meet him for coffee tomorrow- preferably around the time when Melissa will be going to mass.
His response is almost an immediate one. So the two of you set a time and a place, and you know that come tomorrow morning, you’re going to have to make an excuse to your girlfriend as to why you can’t join her for the church service tomorrow.
Ellie stays asleep up until Melissa calls in that dinner is ready. She clings to the redhead through dinner, claiming that she’s warmer than you are. Despite Melissa trying to get her to stay with you (she knows you need Ellie to keep you grounded right now), your daughter insists on staying in her lap.
Your routine through the end of the night goes on as usual, and when you and Melissa finally lay down for bed, you have an awful pit in your stomach as you prepare to lie to her.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” you mumble with your head on her chest. “But I’m not feeling too great right now.”
“Oh?” Melissa looks at you. “What’s goin’ on?”
“Just… cramps. Probably PMS.”
She’s immediately out of bed and grabbing some ibuprofen and the heating pad, and you feel even more guilty at your lie. Melissa is so willing to take care of you and love you through everything.
You’re lulled to sleep with the extra warmth provided by the heat on your abdomen as well as your girlfriend gently combing her fingers through your hair and her soft humming.
The next morning, you wake up and you wish that you were lying to Melissa when you said that your cramps were awful- they really are. But you also know that this is going to be the perfect way to get out of going to the long church service with her, and you know she’ll take Ellie with her to let you ‘rest’.
She does, and you stay in bed until they both head out. And then you run around like a maniac trying to make yourself look presentable to meet your ex-husband. 
You arrive at the coffee shop you agreed to meet at, and he’s already sitting with two cups in front of him. You drop into the seat across from his, and he pushes one of the cups in your direction.
“Hey!” he smiles at you, and it’s that damned charming smile that made you fall for him in the first place. 
You stare at him for a few minutes in a steely silence. Why did you come here? “What do you want?” is all you ask him as you take a sip of the coffee in hopes of it soothing your nerves. You cradle your abdomen in hopes that your cramps begin to subside soon.
“Damn,” he chuckles. “I come all the way out here to meet you, and that’s the greeting I get?”
“I didn’t ask you to. What do you want?” you ask him again.
He looks a bit stunned that this is the approach you’ve decided to take with him. He’s so used to you being meek and mild, warm and gentle. “I just wanted to catch up.”
“I’m doing just fine out here, with my daughter,” you say shortly.
His eyes go soft. “How is Ellie?”
“She’s fine.”
“C’mon, Y/N,” your ex sighs. “Listen, I’m sorry about everything that happened.”
“You should be,” you laugh bitterly. “You broke apart our family, and for what? To go fuck someone newer and younger? Tighter?” you quote back one of his texts to Jen that you saw after you caught him in bed with her. 
“Y/N, I was an idiot,” he tells you. You nod with a smirk. “I came out here to tell you that I want us to get back together.”
“Not a chance in hell,” you snort.
“Then at least let me see Ellie,” he tries. “C’mon. You owe me that.”
“I don’t owe you shit,” you tell him. “You cheated on me, and then signed away your parental rights without hesitation. And I’m still waiting for all of your child support money. So, I see it that if I don’t have the money in my hand by the end of this meeting-”
“Where is Ellie?” he asks quietly. “I was hoping she would be with you.”
“With our neighbor,” you say. “Not that it’s any of your business.”
“You left her with your neighbor?” he asks you incredulously.
You nod. “I did. I trust Melissa- my girlfriend.”
He raises both of his eyebrows at that reveal. “Moved on so quick?”
“You moved on before you even took your ring off, so don’t give me any fucking shit, Jared,” you hiss out. “Babysitter fucker.”
“I didn’t realize you still swung that way. I thought I fucked the gay out of you,” he smirks.
“Oh, eat shit,” you stand from your place and throw your hot coffee in his face. “Don’t bother getting in touch unless it’s to fork over the child support. If I don’t have it by the end of the month, I will be getting a lawyer.”
You head out to leave the shop, and who do you run into on your way out the door but Melissa and Ellie. Your girlfriend gives you quite the questioning look, considering you were sick in bed an hour ago. 
“Momma!” your little girl shouts as she slams into your body to hug you.
You groan softly at the contact, but lift her into your arms and hold her tightly, praying she doesn’t see her father. Melissa kisses you at the same time that Ellie gasps, points, and shouts, “Daddy!”
You close your eyes and give a face of pure defeat. You were just caught.
“Ellie girl!” your ex-husband replies with the same amount of enthusiasm, and your daughter is wiggling her way out of your arms to run over to her father. He scoops her up into the biggest hug, despite the fact that he’s still covered in your beverage.
“You came here to meet Jared?” Melissa whispers as she eyes the man.
You nod sheepishly before attempting to make your way over to the two of them. You have to stop about halfway there, gasping in pain as your stomach twists in knots. Your girlfriend follows, an arm wrapped around you protectively.
“Daddy, you’re all wet!” Ellie giggles.
“You know Daddy,” he chuckles in the easy way that he used to with her. “Clumsy, clumsy.”
“Silly Daddy,” your little girl playfully rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically.
“How are you, little girl?”
Your daughter grins as she launches into her stories. “I love it here! I love school, and Momma and I go to the park all the time with Miss Mel like we are today!” she points to Melissa. “That’s Miss Mel, and I love her. She’s my favoritest person in the whole wide world!”
You have to bite back a snort when you see the hurt expression on his face, and you beam when you see your girlfriend’s proud look. You don’t even care that you aren’t your daughter’s favorite person right now because at least it isn’t him. 
“And Miss Ellie’s favorite person in the world brought her down here to pick up some coffee and doughnuts for being such a good little girl at church today,” Melissa cuts in. “Which I think we should do, what do you think El?”
The little girl absolutely beams as she remembers why they’re here, and she runs for the redhead. 
They head off towards the counter, and your eyes turn to stone again as you face your ex-husband. 
“I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play here, but quit it. You’re not getting her back,” you hiss. You turn on your heel and make your way up to where your girlfriend and daughter are ordering.
“I already ordered your coffee,” Melissa tells you with a kiss to the temple. She readjusts Ellie so she can grab her wallet from her pocket, but before she can insert the card, Jared is there handing over some money.
“I got this one,” he says cooly. “For my little girl, and my wife.”
There’s a fire in Melissa’s eyes, and before she can get anything out, Ellie pipes up. “You and Momma aren’t married anymore!”
Your mouth, along with Melissa’s and Jared’s, form into shocked faces. Your little girl is right.
“But thanks for breakfast anyway,” you laugh in his face. “Bye.”
You hope that he’ll just leave in anger, but he doesn’t. Instead, he turns his eyes even softer and his voice even smoother. “Well, I was hoping that I could maybe tag along to the park to spend some time with my little girl who I’ve missed so much.”
Fuck. Now he’s using Ellie against you, and you know your daughter will beg you to let him come.
“I missed you too, Daddy,” your daughter whispers softly, but she keeps her hold on Melissa.
“Not today, sweetheart,” the redhead says quietly as she runs a hand through your daughter’s hair. “Your momma isn’t feeling super well, so today is going to be an easy day.”
You nod along.
“Maybe another day this week then,” he shrugs. He isn’t giving up. “I’m here all week for a work conference.” With that, he kisses Ellie’s head, kisses your own, and then heads out.
A tense silence washes over Melissa and you as you wait for your coffees to finish being prepared. Ellie just hums to herself softly as she lays her head down on the redhead’s shoulder and fiddles with the ends of your girlfriend’s hair.
Your names are called, you grab the coffees, and make your way out to her car- you silently thank God that you won’t have to take the Septa now.
No words are spoken between you and your girlfriend for the entirety of the drive home, and when you make your way to your apartment, she turns for her own door.
“You aren’t coming in?” you ask quietly, and you hate the way that your voice breaks.
“I need ten minutes,” she says scarily calmly. “To change and collect myself.”
Fuck. She’s mad. Deciding that it’s best to give her the ten minutes she’s requested, you unlock your own front door and take Ellie to the kitchen table to enjoy her breakfast.
Tags (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @nothere1111 @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
More domestic Joel Miller headcanons because I can’t stop thinking about him
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When Tommy and Maria have their daughter, Joel absolutely falls in love with her. You two take turns helping the new parents out so they can get some sleep which means you get to watch Joel hold the tiny baby
He will bounce her around the dimly lit room, humming whatever song is stuck in his head, and his curls are a mess on top of his head and he looks so tired but he’s so happy
As she gets older, she clings to him and cannot get enough of him
One time you were walking through town together and you heard a very loud “UNCA JOE” coming from behind you
Joel lit up like a Christmas tree when he turned around and saw the little girl abandoning Maria to rush across the town square and into his arms
She and Ellie become fast friends and the two become little trouble makers despite their 14 year age gap
Speaking of trouble, Ellie constantly makes fun of how affectionate you and Joel are at home. On patrol, you keep it professional and barely even kiss each other goodbye. But, once you’re in the comfort of your own home, all bets are off
This man was so touch-starved for so many years but now that he has you, he is the clingiest man alive
Joel will come up behind you when you’re doing something and wrap his arms around you, kiss your neck, tickle you, whatever he needs to do to distract you
He LOOOVVVEEESSS laying his head in your lap and letting you run your fingers through his hair while you ramble about your day
Can’t fall asleep unless he’s touching some part of you
He has a horrible habit of smacking your ass any chance he gets (poor Ellie)
“You guys are gross,” she’s yelled across the room so many times you’ve lost count. Joel thinks it’s hilarious each time
“You’re gross,” he’ll accuse before letting go of you and turning to face her. “You don’t have to be so jealous. There’s enough Joel Miller to go around.” He teases before wrapping her in a big hug and spinning her around the room
Her squeals of laughter could power a whole city as she screams at him to put her down
Loves cooking even if it took him a long time to learn
You and Ellie grinned your way through some truly awful meals but he got better and now you actually look forward to when he cooks
Teaches Ellie how to cook even though she’s more impatient than he is
You manage to snap a Polaroid of the two of them at the stove with their backs to you and under it you wrote “Chefs Miller + Williams”
Oh my god the nicknames they would come up with for each other
Ellie Bellie was the first one and then it quickly divulged into Elle Belle, Bellie, Smellie, Smell, Elle, and so many more
At one point, you were each calling her Beleanor Roosevelt
Joel’s nicknames get cycled through pretty quickly: Joey, Jo Bro, Joel Bowl, Bowl, Grumpy McGrumps (curtesy of Ellie), Goel (Joel’s drunk alter-ego) and whatever else ends up sticking
Joel is one of the most intelligent men you have ever met and you would (and have) trusted him with your life but Jesus Christ is he oblivious when Ellie starts dating
Sarah wasn’t really interested in dating so Joel never had to talk to her about anything but with Ellie EVERYTHING is different
Ellie never really came out in the sense that she never sat you two down to have an emotional conversation. She just kinda came home with Cat and told you she was her girlfriend
You were being a typical protective figure for Ellie and asked Cat lots of questions but even then you weren’t sure if you thought Cat was right for Ellie. Joel, however, was surprisingly quick to welcome Cat and didn’t have any qualms about Ellie dating
When you asked him about it later, he shrugged and said, “I think it’s nice that Ellie has good girlfriends like her”
“No, Joel. Cat is Ellie’s girlfriend not a girlfriend”
“I’m lost”
Once you explain it to him, he goes into Ellie’s room and they talk for a long time about God knows what
Joel Miller may be from Texas but that man supports his daughter, no matter what
Neither of you ended up being a huge fan of Cat but once Ellie and Dina start dating, it’s over
Joel invites Dina over for dinner every chance he gets and embarrasses Ellie each time but Dina loves it
Subtly tries to teach Ellie love songs on the guitar
Ellie subtly lets him
You subtly fall deeper in love and the life you have built with them
In conclusion, Joel Miller would be the sweetest little domestic guy if given the chance.
Give me my last paragraph back or give me death 🍓🍓🍓
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cxrsed-angel · 1 year
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word count: 3k
Warnings: smut 18+ only (minors DNI), Daddy kink (kinda expected), established relationship, age gap (reader is between 24-25, Joel is in his 50s), oral (male receiving), fem!reader
A/N: I've always thought Joel was hot but Pedro Pascal playing him really did it for me, trying to improve my smut so I hope this is better than my last one. <3!!
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You were going through an old building as a short cut you didn't realize it at first from the decay and rubble, but the more you looked around, you could see that it used to be a mall. You looked inside a store seeing if you could find anything useful when you spot it. It was a sign from fate; you go and grab the shirt and hold it up to look at. Considering what it's been through, it was in pretty good condition, like it was saved for you. You quickly take off your backpack and put it on. It was a little small; you assume it was a baby tee from the fit of it, but you had a long sleeve under, so you were still covered. You hear Ellie call your name and grab your stuff and run over to them. Joel starts walking, leading you out once he sees you, “Took you long enough come on lets get out of here” You see Ellie looking at the shirt, trying to read it.
 “I heart-i heart, whats a DILF?” Ellie asks more so to anyone than directly to her you could see the gears turning in her head trying to figure out what each letter means. 
You wish you could take a picture of Joel's face when he heard that, he turned around so fast, “Where the hell did you find that at” “C’mon Joel you know this is my brand, my whole motto, this is me, it was fate that brought me and this shirt together and Im never taking it off.” 
“Dead I Like, Deadly I-ok I give up what is it” you both ignored Ellie trying to figure out what DILFS are. 
“I can't take you anywhere, how do you always manage to find the most ridiculous shit during an apocalypse.”
 “Hey! what is it, I don't get it.” You hear Ellie shouting at you clearly annoyed, but youre more focused on Joel at the moment. 
“Aw Joel don't be jealous you know you're the only DILF for me” 
“Can you shut the hell up.” You giggled slightly at the clear annoyance in his voice. You loved messing with him when you can, and when it wouldn't put you in danger of course, you added some much-needed fun to his life. 
You finally leave the mall and walk out onto the road; you were so excited about your DILF shirt, you had an eye for things like this. You knew you couldn't take back everything you find but if it was small or something you really liked you took with you like when you found an old hello kitty watch, it didn't work, but it was still cute. Another time you found a Britney Spears poster in decent condition that was currently hanging up in your room, but the DILFS shirt was definitely your favorite after the poster. You were happy to add it to your little collection. 
“Can someone please explain what is a DILF I don't get it and why is Joel one?” Ellie asks for the billionth time, getting frustrated at you both for not listening to her. 
“Its da-”  You were interrupted by Joel his deep voice, a little upset at you for almost telling Ellie, you didnt think it was too inappropriate but he clearly disagreed. 
“Absolutely not youre not telling her she doesn't need to know, way too young for that, Im surprised you even know what it means” he responded, looking back at you mortified at where you had learned it from. 
“Hey! I was born before the pandemic you know” you tell him, reminding him that you’re not that young. Although compared to him, you were. 
“You were what 4, 5 when it happened can’t have remembered much before.” you heard the sass in his voice but you continue trying to prove that it shouldn't be surprising that you know what a DILF is. 
 “Okay, Im not ancient like you but still I had older friends, and we would talk about-” He interrupts you again, staring at you with frowned eyebrows. 
“Please stop there I really don’t want to know what you and your friends talk about, can we just change topics please.” If they told you about DILFs, he really didn't want to hear what else teens talked about in this world. 
“Dude c’mon, why can't you tell me, Im not a little kid.” Ellie says again, trying to get both of your attention and get you to explain it to her. You know now she’s not gonna let it go since Joel told her no. But you decided you’ll explain it later, especially after the whole playboy magazine situation, and she was around the same age you first heard it from your friends so you didnt see the issue.
“Alright from here until we get to where we are headed we are quiet, no one says a word unless you're dying got it” you could tell Joel had heard enough, and considering that you were outside you told it was best to listen to him and not distract him or yourself. 
“got it” “yes sir” you lean towards Ellie. “He’s in a mood today huh” deciding to bother him one last time before you would have be serious. 
She was about to respond until you walked right into Joel, giving you a yet intimidating glare frowning his eyebrows at you.  “alright alright, i’ll shut up.” 
After a couple hours of walking, Joel found a small safe building to sleep for the night, and you had been talking to Ellie until she fell asleep; you walk over into the room Joel was in, deciding to tease him again.
 “Hey daddy whatcha doing?” you call out in his direction, watching as he rolls his eyes at the name. 
“Stop.” he responded flatly, clearly not amused by your jokes, but you decided to keep them going. 
 “What's wrong Daddy does it make you flustered?” You thought he was going to give you another flat response or tell you to shut up. But you were wrong, instead, he stands up and walks over to you, standing closer than you anticipated, you try to step back slightly, but his arm around your waist prevents you from going too far. You feel the blood rush to your cheek and ears, your mouth goes dry, not knowing what to say or how to respond.
“Oh look who’s flustered now, sweetheart.” His deep voice teases you back, having more of an effect on you than your teasing did on him. You feel yourself get hotter, your brain is unable to focus anything except on how close he was and his rough hand around your waist forcing you closer to him, though you didn't mind. You continue blinking up at him, speechless.
“Youre so quiet now what happened, thought you were teasing me baby?” 
You continue to stare at his brown eyes, the only thing you brain was thinking way, wow hes so hot. You look up into his face, taking in his features. The wrinkles around his pretty brown eyes, the scars and cuts around his face. God you always thought he was attractive but it still amazes you how hot and pretty he was. You could look at him all day. 
He wraps both his hand around your waist, pulling you to him,places his lips on yours. You loved kissing Joel. It was rare having him kiss you while you weren’t in the safety of the QZ. He usually couldn’t relax enough to kiss you, needing to be alert and focused just in case. So this took you by surprise but his kisses always made you feel warm and safe, and in that moment, you didn't have to worry about anything. All that mattered was him. 
You wrap your hands around his neck as you deepen the kiss, pressing your lips against his rough lips, closing your eyes as you melt into his embrace; his hands lower down your waist and squeeze your ass, which surprises you so much that you let out a small gasp against his lips. Joel pulls away slightly, smiling at you “youre cute” His actions confused you; you rarely ever are intimate outside the walls, but you trusted him and if he felt comfortable you knew you were safe so you decided to mess with him “hmm I dont daddy youre pretty cute yourself.” 
He guides you over to the makeshift bed, leading you by your waist, making you walk backward, as you continue kissing him, parting your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside yours. 
 “You ain’t gonna stop are you” he asks he sits down and pulls you down onto his lap; you couldn’t tell iif he seriously was tired of you calling him that or if he just teasing too. 
 “what you don't like it Daddy?” you ask, trying to gauge his reaction you didn’t want to push it too far or actually make him uncomfortable. 
 “I never say that now did I, sweetheart?” again, he confused you does that mean he liked it or that he didn’t mind you joking about it? you stare at his face trying to see. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by him pulling your lips onto his again. But more aggressively than earlier, moaning into his mouth and rolling your hips against him as he gropes your ass through your jeans.
“Joel” You moan against his lips before you lean your head into his neck.
 “Aw baby what happened to daddy huh” you pull away, looking up at him with wide eyes, surprised. Did he like it? You look at his face and see his eyes full of lust, and you realized he liked it. He liked it when you called him daddy. You look down, suddenly getting shy and embarrassed about saying it. It was one thing saying it as a joke and teasing him about it, but to moan, it was different; it was dirtier. 
He saw you getting shy and flustered in his lap, avoiding eye contact with him. Unlike you, he could read you like the back of his hand; he could easily tell you were embarrassed.
“c’mon baby no need to be shy, I can tell you like too don’t you” he softly stroked your waist when one hand and squeezes your ass with the other. you take your gaze off the floor onto him. nodding in agreement with him.
“C’mon baby need you say it, you like calling me daddy don’t you” you could tell he wanted you to say it out loud, his hand rubbing small patterns on your waist encouraging you, reassuring you that you didn’t need to be embarrassed. 
“Yea i like it daddy” you mutter quietly, still ashamed to say in a serious setting. Not quite ready to admit to yourself that calling Joel daddy turned you on as much as it did. 
You didn't think you would like it or find it this attractive. Maybe it was your lack of a father growing up, and Joel being older than you. You didn't know why; all you knew is that once you said it, you felt yourself getting wetter. 
“hmm good girl” he takes your face into his hands, kissing you again; you slip your tongue into his mouth, his deep voice letting out a moan against your mouth. You couldnt help but grind and roll your hips against him, searching for any type of release. 
He goes to lift your shirt but stops slightly, rolling his eyes “Want me to fuck you in the I heart DILFS shirt dont you?” you look at him, nodding laughing a little “you know me so well.” 
He sighs and shakes his head. Although there’s disappointment in his voice, you can tell there’s also amusement. “ I do, dont why I tolerate you” 
 “You love me, cant live without me, I bring adventure into your life you’d be so bored without me.” you remind him why he puts up with you.
“Shut up” he mutters, though you sensed the amusement in his voice because he knows you’re right. As much as you annoyed him, he couldn’t imagine living without your teasing and antics. 
You unbutton his shirt and take it off, lightly grazing your fingers across his chest, admiring his chest and body, you see more scars and healed wounds but you also see his muscles. You’ve always loved his body. You remember the nights in your apartment placing, kissing along his waist, his chest, his stomach. 
You thought about placing marks on his chest but were interrupted by him unzipping your jeans and lifts your hips up to slide your pants off, you get off his lap, taking off the rest of your pants.  You unzip his pants, pulling them down, you stare at his bulge through his boxers and press kisses onto his dick, teasing him through his boxers. 
“Wanna suck you off” you mumble quietly, focusing on how much you need him in your mouth. You weren’t even sure he heard or understood you until you hear his deep voice speak to you, breaking you away from your thoughts. 
“What’d you say darling couldnt hear” You know he heard you he just wanted you to say it louder. 
“Can I please suck your dick daddy” you look up at him batting your eyelashes while you rub your hand against his hard dick. You feel his dick twitch against your hand while he bites his lip, suppressing a moan. 
“Goddamn darling you’re killing me” his texas accent getting stronger as he gets harder in his boxers, you loved hearing his deep texas accent come out as he gets more turned on by you. 
He pulls down his boxers, and no matter how many times you’ve seen his dick, you’re still in shocked at how big he is. You can’t help but to stare for a couple of seconds taking it in, you smile up at him before teasing him licking the tip gently as you lightly stroke him, you continue placing kitty licks on his dick. He shivers against your tongue, and you love it, love watching him fall apart because of you and seeing how much your mouth affected him. 
 You gather some spit in your mouth before you drool some onto his dick. He rolls his eyes back as you slowly stroke his cock in your hand, using your spit as lube. You hear his deep voice moaning as you lean down and lick the tip while still stroking him. You start to slowly speed your hand when you feel his hand lightly tugging your hair making you stop and stare up at him.
 “you’re gonna have to speed it up sweetheart.” 
That was all he said before his hand grabbed the back of your head and forced your lips onto his cock. You hollow your cheeks and take him in further, feeling your nose brush against his hair at the base of his cock. He moves his hips gently fucking your throat 
“Fuck you feel so good” he murmured under his breath, his voice deeper than his usual tone. You closed your eyes as you felt yourself starting to choke on him,he started to thrust his hips faster into your mouth. 
“C’mon baby look at me, look at daddy.” 
You couldn’t help but moan around him at his words, feeling yourself getting more turned on as he called himself daddy. You listen, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you continue taking him down your throat. 
“Atta girl, so pretty looking up at me like that.” you feel yourself getting warmer from his praise, loving how vocal he was, you wish you were back at his apartment so he could be louder without the risk of drawing unwanted and dangerous attention. 
He moves the hair that was falling in front of your face behind your ears “you look fucking gorgeous sucking my dick darling” feeling butterflies in your stomach as he compliments you.  
You take him out of your swollen lips when you start feeling dizzy from the lack of air; you continue to stroke him in your hands as you catch your breath until he puts his hand on your head, guiding your mouth back onto his cock. His deep voice moans out your name under his breath as he gets closer to his release. 
“fuck darling i’m close keep on-yes like that baby god you like this huh like having daddy’s dick in your mouth sweetheart?”
You nod as best you could, trying to agree, but all that comes out is your moans against his dick. You could tell he was close as his started to get slightly louder, but you could tell he was trying his best to be quiet. His deep voice, making your head go fuzzy in arousal. He start making you gag as he thrusting into your mouth faster , sloppy fucking into your mouth as he closer to his release. After a few more thrust you hear him moaning your name as he cums into your mouth. You feel his cum shoot into your mouth and down your throat.
You held your head onto his cock until he finish before you slowly took him out your mouth. He holds your cheek in his hands, lightly caressing them. 
“Open baby girl let me see.” you happily open your mouth, showing how you swallowed his cum. “Good girl baby c’mere” he pulls you onto his lap again before placing a kiss on your lips , softly biting your bottom lip before pulling away. He holds you in his lap for a couple of minutes. you lay your head on his shoulder as he softly rubs his hand up and down your back.
“if we were at home you know i’d take care of you right baby” his deep voice makes you lift your head off of him, looking into his eyes. Before you met Joel, you thought older men didn’t have much of a sex drive, you didn’t know if it was just Joel or all men in their 50s but he proved you wrong. There have been many nights in his room where he would fuck more than one time; the first time caught you by surprise. Of course, you both paid the price in the morning; both sore, aching muscles had to spend the next day in bed, not being able to do much. So you know he would have fuck if you were back at home. 
“Of course i do” you play with the hair at the back of his neck for a little while before getting off his lap so he could put his clothes back on, and you do the same. You didn't mind; you knew sucking him off was as much risk as he could take, and you didn't really feel comfortable enough to fuck out in the open like this. After you both have your clothes on, you lay down with Joel, wrapping your arms around his waist as he turned, pressing your back into your chest, falling asleep. Trying to rest before you’d have to walk back to the QZ in the morning.
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love-toxin · 6 months
ellie!!! do you have thots for welt as well because i am on my knees for this man. daddy
ab-so-fruitely bro his idle animations make me go nutso fr....
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welt -> casual dominance dilf....he's not a public person but on the express there's a total 180. makes up for all the times he doesn't touch you in public with a kiss here, a grab of your hand there, touches on the small of your back, gloved fingers digging into your inner thigh while you sit together. the belts aren't just for show, he has you wear one of his like a garter so you can carry a concealed weapon for safety. sure. it's really just so he can tie it tight every morning and look up at you on his knees, for him to know there's something of his on you always so you can wear it like a wedding band. 100% husband duties even when he's just a friend, but he doesn't stay a friend for long. he eats up your attention regardless of the role he plays in your life, and eventually it gets to the point that he just simply cannot exist without your love. he needs a dose of it every day or he feels his strength slipping out of his grasp. you make him feel young, and handsome, and desirable, just like he did back when he was a bright-eyed young adventurer. the whole universe is open to him, but when he looks out at the horizon all he sees is you.
(nsfw -> fem + masc pronouns, daddy kink)
fem!reader -> being a daddy dom feels a little odd after so much time separated from it, but he slots back into the role quickly and efficiently as he does everything else. and it helps for you, because welt is an absolutely deplorable munch. your pussy could be categorized as an obsession, but it teeters on the edge of addiction for welt. he fixates on how it pulses, what makes you the wettest, how it resists him like it wants out but sucks him back in like it also can't let go, how just his fingertips brushing through your folds can have you squirming with need....fascinating isn't quite the right word, but he is fascinated with everything that lies between your legs. there are times he'll soak a hot, damp stain in the front of his pants and not even realize it, his touch-free orgasm coming in second to his attempts to make you squirt. he starts wearing contacts with his glasses just so when he's gotta take them off he can still see you in all your glory. he loves calling you pretty baby while you're cumming, "my pretty baby, you're so precious, let it all go for me" he can't quit blabbering so he tries to talk you through it with that deep, gravelly tone that vibrates right through your clit and up your whole body. never did he think he'd feel guilty for making a beautiful girl cum so many times, but the process of teaching you the art of squirting means you're left shaking and soaked more often than not, your grip almost crushing him as you cling to your lover and let him kiss you down from the high.
but daddy's only sweet like that when you're good. when you're a brat--teasing him in public, distracting him from work, interrupting him on repeat--you get your tongue grabbed, your ass thoroughly spanked with a belt, and not a hint of the spoiling you usually get as he makes you get off on his cane. only once you rub yourself up against it enough will he let you use his leg next, and maybe, maybe if you cum quietly and beg him for forgiveness, he'll perch you on his good knee and let you kiss him while he catches up on the work you interrupted. but try acting up again in the process, and he might just have to slip his cock into your mouth and lock a belt around your neck to keep you there--and keep you quiet--until you can behave like a good girl for daddy.
male!reader -> your nickname is pretty boy for sure. he feels like such a dirty old man for corrupting you like he does, but it's hard to help when you just sound so pretty mewling "daddy" into his ear. he can't even bring himself to gag you when you're getting too loud, so he just clamps one of those gloved hands over your mouth and urges you to hush, cause if you don't stay quiet like you promised then daddy won't rub your cock like you need. and as often as he knows you've gotten off when he's gone by humping his pillow, he knows you do need him to touch you when he's here cause he's trained you to. you're daddy's pretty boy after all; needy, whiny, cute, and absolutely ripe for a good railing to ensure you don't get too mouthy. brat training is in his blood, and it's definitely something he likes to spice things up, but you both like it much more when he gets to reward you, right?
and just like he is with pussy, welt is just about obsessed with your pretty cock. he loves the veins and the way it twitches when you moan, how the tip gets all flushed and shiny as his tongue strokes over it. there's always a good reason to give you a polish, even if it's been a long day or a strenuous battle and welt just wants to rest. it's a bit like a stress reliever for him; sitting you on his face or with your cock in his mouth is his preferred way to unwind, especially since it saves him the strain in his hips that would come even with normal, daily activity. but of course, if you want to be on top, he's not necessarily opposed to that....he just has to make sure you're either very gentle with him, or his schedule can easily be cleared for the next day. cause when he's bottoming, whether it's your strap or your cock, there's a good chance his legs won't stop shaking when he gets all that love and attention turned back on him.
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hazashiovo · 3 months
Can u do a headcannon of Dina being reader’s gf? (Fluff and smut) if you want please?? She’s so amazing and deserves it a lot😞💕 i just love her sm
My first tlou request 💪💪
Dina x Fem! reader
Smut below the line: eating out(both) fingering (both) face riding, mentions of straps, vibrators and lingerie, reader calling Dina 'Mama'.
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Dina is literally the best gf in the world. If you ever have a bad day she's there to listen to your rants ,or to your silence. Your head would be on her chest listening to her heart beat while her hands would run through your hair, massaging your scalp and even landing a kiss on your forehead.
If you ever come back from patrol hurt,she's there to take care of your wounds. And if you did something rushed or dumb, prepare to be scolded like a child.
You asked Maria to align your schedules so the two of you could scout together.
When scouting,you get to find spots only the two of you know and keep to each other.
For example, one of your hang out spots is an old music studio accompanied by a store full of Vinyl disks and and a player.
You just love losing your time together, listening and dancing together, having the time of your life.
Back in Jackson ,your friend group has Ellie, Dina's ex and Jesse,also Dina's ex.
Even so,it doesn't matter because you all get along just fine, Jesse is the type to make some jokes about Dina being his and Ellie's ex,but you always laugh it off. After all you're the one who's dating the girl now. So you don't care about her past romantic partners.
If you have any talents,like writing,or drawing or even singing,you're doing it for her.
Love poems? You got it.
Portraits of her or things that remind you of your amazing gf? On it.
Even songs written by you sway her off her feet, never falling to remind her why she loves you in the first place.
Hot make out sessions in your room,hers or even a hang out spot. They're either Slow and passionate,or if any alcohol or weed was involved, fast, sloppy and lustful. Most of those end up with both of you naked and at it.
Most of the time Dina tops, she can't help it. Just seeing the ecstatic expression on your face while begging her for more is driving her mad.
Your girlfriend especially loves pushing her fingers in you, her toghs holding yours open while her other hand is holding down your waist, leaving kisses and bites from your neck to your collarbone all the way to your lower belly.
Your moans and whines go all the way to her cunt, making her panties wet with arousal. You beg her to sit on your face, craving to make her feel good like she makes you feel. But it all just falls on deaf ears,for now. After all you're her main priority in the moment.
Once she makes sure you come,her mouth attaches to your pussy, licking up the mess you (she) made. Of course your over sensitive body joints up at the feeling of being overstimulated,but she just can't help it.its not like she gets so hot when those pretty sounds leave your lips,all for her. "F-fuck mama, jus like that."
After all the begging you do,she obliges, climbing on your face and seating herself on your mouth.
You don't hesitate even one second,hands wrapping around her tighs and pulling her in,tongue thrusting into her while you suck her clit greedily. "That's my good girl." Her voice would come out passionate, rolling her hips on your face .
Her hand stretching towards your pussy, making sure you're getting a reward for doing so good. Fingers skillfully rubbing your clit in a circular motion , making you moan into her pussy.
The vibrations making her joint up and leave a broken moan,yet her fingers never leaving your pussy. The feeling of your wetness on her fingers makes her squeeze her tighs around your face.
That hot feeling starting to make it's presence known in her lower body.
You know she's about to come, by the sound of her quickening breath,with one quick move you change positions. The brunettes back sprawled on the bed while you lap at her needy cunt, making sure to add your middle and ring finger in her. Hitting all the right spots you know make her see stars.
Her moans now louder, your tongue licking her clit while your fingers pump in and out of her with the perfect rhythm.
And so she comes,hard. Her chest moving rapidly up and down as relieved breaths leave her lips.
Oh and that sight,when you raise your head from between her legs ,a dopey smile on your lips covered in her slick, it's gonna be a long night/day.
Maria is no longer worried if the two of you take longer than expected on a patrol, unfortunately she once catched you two in the act. That alone made her take the decision to never come after you two,ever again.
One particular time you two stumbled upon a sex shop, and oh boy. Things began even more heated.
There's a special spot where you hid all kinds of straps (of course disinfected and cleaned troughly), and even vibrators.
On your birthday she gifted you this beautiful lingerie set, with the color that suited you most. The top part was see trough, allowing her to stare at your titts lustfully,and your bottom part? It was barely covering your ass,not to say your pussy was full on display. It also came with a pair of tights attached to the panties by a string.
It didn't stay to long on you,I can say this much.
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Jealous!Ellie where she’s trying to deny her crush on the reader but they start getting “friendly” with some guy.
Like Ellie starts seeing them doing things her & the reader did. Or the reader having a framed picture of him beside a framed picture of Ellie.
With a happy ending please
“what do you have a thing for me or something?”
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a/n: okay so this has basically no plot and this is the first fic that i’ve actually tried on so i really hope you like it :) we’ve basically just got some jealous ellie sprinkled in so i hope this is what you were kind of asking for lol
word count: 2.5k (hehe)
warnings: smut MINORS DNI, top!ellie (mostly) x bottom!fem reader (mostly), strap on usage (fem receiving), oral sex, fingering, jealousy, squirting, some degrading, lots of praise (i’m a whore for that shit), idk it’s really filthy sooooo you get the gist. AFTERCARE TOO!
ellie’s favorite thing was your sleepovers. whether you were up all night talking and watching movies or fell asleep at eight after a long day, it was what she loved most. and the best part of it all was when she would wake up in the morning before you. the only time where she could admire you without you catching her stare. the sun shining onto your face through the curtains, your lips parted, it was so peaceful. but you were friends, nothing more. at least that’s what ellie told herself.
it was also the only time when she could touch you how she secretly wanted to. in a domestic way, almost. small gestures such as a leg against yours in bed, tucking your hair behind your ear while you slept, and the best back massages you would ever receive. she told herself that all friends do these things, it’s normal. but deep down, she hoped that you had the same feelings for her that she did for you. a burning desire to talk to you whenever you waltzed into a room, longing for you while you were out on patrols. it was almost pathetic how she felt about you. but she would never act on it.
“good morning, els” you croaked.
“how’d you sleep?” she replied.
“pretty good. what time is it?”
“it’s around 7.”
“shit!” you jumped out of bed and threw on your clothes from yesterday. “im late for patrol with elliot. will i see you later? you should come by my place and we can watch a movie or something.”
before ellie got a chance to respond, you were out the door.
“fuck…” she muttered.
you stomped up your wooden patio footsteps, creaking with every move. recounting everything that happened on your patrol, overthinking what you could’ve done differently. you were covered in dirt, sweat, and blood, and all you wanted was to watch a movie with ellie. you removed your old, leather boots and headed to your bathroom to get in the shower. once you were squeaky clean, you got into your pajamas and laid in bed when there was a knock on your door.
“it’s ellie” the person stated.
“thank god you’re here. come in,” she opens the door and hops on your bed next to you. “i’ve been looking forward to this all day. what are we watching?” you sighed.
“how was patrol?” ellie questioned, taking your leg into her hands and rubbing circles in the sore flesh and muscle. she had magical hands. you always told her that she was a masseuse in another life. she made her way down your leg and to your feet, not breaking eye contact with you. your eyes rolled back in your head and you sighed.
“patrol was- ugh… that is orgasmic. i love you so much right now, ellie” she blushed.
“love you too, y/n” she smiled, saying the words more sincerely than not.
“patrol was good. no close calls or anything. elliot’s a solid partner. he’s actually really strong which surprised me based on how scrawny he is. saved me a few times if i’m being honest. he suggested some movies if you are interested?” you answered.
“i’m glad. surprised you guys even got anything done based on the fact that he’s obviously got a thing for you.” your eyes snapped open at the statement.
“what are you talking about? he does not!” you replied defensively. ellie took your hand and focused on your eyes in a sarcastic, sympathetic way.
“he totally does. whenever you are doing anything around here, he’s always giving you the eyes. it’s disgusting, really.” she said as she held her chest, faking being sick.
“sounds like someone’s jealous.”
“i am not jealous.” ellie whispered defensively.
“aw! you’re getting all red and flustered. what do you have a thing for me or something?” you teased.
“what would be so bad about that?” she mumbled.
“are you for real? el… what are you doing?”
smiling at the nickname, she moved her hand from yours to your cheek, admiring your eyes, your mouth, your face. her eyes shifted back and forth from your eyes to your lips, signaling what she wanted.
“can i please kiss you?” she begged. without hesitation, you nodded. she moved her other hand to the back of your neck and closed the space between you. softly, sweetly, savoring your taste. you never thought that maybe you had other feelings for ellie - she was your best friend after all. but it all clicked in the matter of a kiss. you grew needier, and you both sat up on your bed. her hands ran through your hair and you kissed until you couldn’t breathe. ellie broke the kiss for air, but you quickly leaned back in for more. you couldn’t get enough of her, and she knew it. you climbed into her lap, grinding yourself into her.
“y/n” she groaned into your mouth as you pulled away. “are you sure you want this?” she asked as she placed her forehead to yours.
“yes, ellie. i want you. please.” you pleaded.
she smiled as she kissed you again. this time not so gently. she pulled at your hair and ran her hands up and down your body. her scent was intoxicating and her chest heaving up and down brought you back to reality. being with her was euphoric. all you wanted was more. she slid her hands down your torso and began to nip at your neck. she grabbed at your shirt and pulled it up off your body, along with your bra.
“oh my god. you are so beautiful.” ellie explained, lustful grin filling her face. she grabbed at your chest and began to kiss down your body.
“not so fast. you turn to take some clothes off. i wanna see you too.” you urged as you grabbed the hem of her t shirt, demanding her to take it off. with your assistance, her shirt dropped to the floor, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra.
“you have no idea what you do to me.”
the room became filled with sweat, heavy breathing, and soft moans. both of you began to buck your hips against the other. ellie started to become needy, begging to give you the pleasure you deserve. she headed down to your sweet spot, leaving open mouthed kisses down your body. she rubbed over your clothed slit, giving you some relief.
“please, ellie.” you heaved.
she removed your shorts and teased you a bit more, running her hands up and down your thighs. you began rubbing your legs together begging for some friction, growing more and more impatient by the second. she forced your thighs open though, not allowing you to provide yourself any consolation. finally, she removed your lacy underwear and you gasped as the cool air met your sensitive skin. she spread you apart and smiled, staring at you like she had been waiting for this for forever.
“damn, y/n. you are soaked and i’ve barely even touched you. what a dirty little slut. just begging to get fucked.”
a shiver ran through your body, eager to hear more dirty words come out of her mouth. she ran her first finger up and down your aching hole, focusing her other hand on your clit as she began to rub soft circles. your moans filled the cold night air. finally, she sunk two fingers into your cunt, enjoying the squelch from your juices. with her first thrust, you were already squirming. she used her other arm to steady your hips, preventing you from moving.
“stay still, baby. you look so pretty like this.”
she reinserts herself with two fingers and places her mouth on your little bud, sucking hard.
“o-oh my f-f-uck! ellie!” you screamed.
“yeah, you like that sweet girl?”
you nodded ferverishly. she continued licking up and down your dripping pussy, picking up the pace in her fingers. you began to feel a coil form in your stomach. ellie could feel you getting tighter, clenching around her fingers. realizing that you needed just a little bit more, she removed her fingers and mouth from you and pushed her tongue into your cunt, focusing her thumb on your clit.
“ellie! oh my god. i’m g-gonna cum! please don’t fucking stop!”
she shook her head and moaned into your pussy as you reached your high, not stopping or letting up in the slightest.
“e-el, i’m s-so sensitive. please!” you squealed as your legs began to shake. eventually, she slowed down and rubbed your clit gently, allowing you to calm down.
“holy shit, el. i think i might actually love you.” you laughed breathlessly, her deep chuckle following. she removed her numb hands from you and licked them clean, shaking them to try and gain some feeling back.
“you gettin tired, els?” you asked with a fake shyness on your voice.
“definitely not. you wanna go again?”
“is that even a question?” you hopped off of your bed, legs still shaking, and opened your closet door, grabbing a box out of the top.
“is that what i think it is?” she asked nervously.
“yep. it’s a strap. i want you to fuck me, ellie.”
her body went numb along with her hands. she had dreamt about this moment, praying that she could show you how it felt to be properly fucked.
“you sure it’s me you want fucking you? what about that dickhead elliot? i’m sure you’ve thought about having him inside of you, fucking you from behind. how do i know you won’t be thinking of him?”
you quickly became flustered. ellie would never have suspected that you had actually been thinking about her fucking you breathless for months.
“elliot means nothing to me. i’m gay. like, really gay. especially now. actually, i’ve thought about you like that before. fucking me from behind like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do. like you live for it. so, please. please fuck me, els.”
you opened the box and revealed the long, purple silicone. you helped her slip on the harness and tighten to straps so that she was as comfortable as possible. as soon as she was situated, she felt a rush come over her body. an overwhelming need to be in charge. suddenly, she grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at her with your innocent, doe-like eyes.
“don’t look at me like that. get on your knees” she spat at you harshly. you did as told, lowering yourself to face her groin. you took her into your mouth, licking up and down the shaft, giving enough friction so that she could feel it rubbing against her clit.
“fuck…” she groaned, beginning to thrust herself into your cavern. slowly at first, gradually picking up her pace. spit dripped down your face, tears flowing from your eyes. you began to gag on the cock as she forced it deeper down your throat with each push in and out. her hands gripped your hair, pulling and tugging, trying to balance herself. her breaths became more and more erratic, and the sight of you on your knees in front of her with your sole purpose of bringing her pleasure led her to her climax. her chest heaved up and down, releasing a loud, whiny moan as she came. she sat down on the bed, gesturing for you to follow her. silence filled the room as she calmed down from her high.
“are you okay?” she asked with care, breaking the silence. she wiped the drool and tears off of your face, letting her hands linger there for a second.
“yes, ellie. i’m fine. great even. just relax, babe” you explained as you took her shaky, sweaty hand into yours, connecting your foreheads once again. her breath slowed as you comforted her, stroking her hair and rubbing your thumb along her jawline. you pressed a soothing kiss to her pink lips, savoring her taste.
“you’re so beautiful.”
she leaned back in, connecting your lips softly once again. the way that she just went from fucking your throat to kissing you reassuringly practically gave you whiplash. or maybe that was just her. but you both felt at peace. you smiled into her mouth and she pulled away.
“what are you smiling about?”
“i’m just happy. that’s all” you giggled. she ran her hands down to your thighs, squeezing gently.
“im happy too. can i show you how happy you make me?” she asked nervously.
instead of answering, you pushed her back against the wooden headboard of the bed and straddled her lap, looking down at the sheath of silicone, which was still covered in your saliva, attached to her hips. with a lustful grin, you took it into your hands and guided it to your hole. slowly, you brought yourself down on it, allowing it to fill you up completely. your breath hitched when she thrusted upwards, her thighs meeting your ass.
“oh my god, ellie” you whined as you began to ride her dick. getting faster with every thrust, she pulled you in for a kiss, her lips traveling down your neck and leaving little marks everywhere they went. she drew soothing circles onto your back and grabbed your tit with the other hand, giving you even more pleasure. sweat dripped down your body, mixing with hers. you grabbed onto the headboard for balance and soon felt a familiar sensation building in your core.
“fuck e-ellie i’m gonna cum-“ you screamed as you felt her in your stomach, prodding at your g-spot with every movement up and down. she stared at you for a moment with her jaw hung, admiring the masterpiece in front of her. she wanted nothing more than to bring you the pleasure the you deserve, so she began to thrust against you from below, holding you against her to get a deeper angle. she took her other arm and rubbed your little clit, making you even more sensitive. soon enough, your body began to tremble. your toes curled as you came to your release, moaning out a pornographic sound. your vision blurred and your entire body tensed up as you soaked her torso and the bed in your fluid.
“holy shit” ellie exclaimed with concern.
you fell onto her chest, heaving on top of her as she comforted you on your way down from your high. she left small kisses on your shoulder and ran her hands through your hair, removing the sweat from your forehead. once you came back to reality, you left a sweet kiss on her lips and rolled off of her lap and onto the other side of the bed. she followed, cuddling up to you from behind.
“i’ll be right back, okay?” she whispered into your ear and you nodded and mumbled an “okay.”
when she returned, she had a bottle of water, a hair tie, and a damp washcloth. she gestured for you to sit up, and she kneeled at the edge of the bed, handing you the water and tying your hair up messily. generously, she rubbed your legs clean with the rag. you took it out of her hand and began to wipe down her stomach, which was also covered in you.
“i’m sorry, els.”
“please, please, please don’t be sorry. you are gorgeous. don’t ever apologize for that. next time we will just have to put a towel down under us, okay?” she laughed.
“i love you, ellie.”
“i love you too, y/n.”
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lolasimms · 1 year
a lots gonna change pt.7
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change
next chapter
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"I'm sorry... what?" You laugh, surely she couldn't be serious, you were starting to believe that delusion and craziness was following you around now.
"I'm not lying y/n, she and I have been seeing each other for a while now" Amelia mutters, unceremoniously as she takes peeks into your home. You immediately become protective and stand closer to the door, in case she suddenly went into rampage and tried harming you or even worse, harming Lila.
"Amelia I have to ask, do you really expect me to believe you?" She sighs aloud and then crosses her arms over her chest in defence at your words.
"Why wouldn't you, y/n... maybe you don't know Ellie as much as you think you do."
"She's my wife, I'd like to think I know her quite well" you defend, you were starting to get irritated, just who did she think she was to be coming into your home and questioning you.
"Y/n we need to sit down and talk about this, I'm coming to you as a woman. I realised what she and I have done is wrong and the only way I can repay you is to confess" her eyes were pleading, her brown orbs staring deep into you and you had to try your hardest not to crack.
"Amelia I can't do thi-" you're cut off when she begins rambling.
"Y/n I have photos, texts and call logs, I can prove it to you please just let me show you!" Her voice was now raising, and you couldn't bare the thought of any of your neighbours coming out and seeing any of this commotion.
"Fine, come in"
Ellie was having a great morning, the two of you had made love, she and Lila had taken a walk to the park and then she was off to the golf course with Vic and Page. With Amelia off of her back, she and y/n's relationship strengthening and her time off at work, she had never felt better. Not to mention the fact that she had absolutely smashed Vic and Paige at golf today.
"We getting drinks or heading to your place?" Paige questions, as she places her club back into the trolley.
"We can have drinks at my place, I'm pretty sure y/n opened up a bottle of moscato" Ellie says, placing the trolley into the golf cart.
"Honestly I'm down to get tipsy, moscato sounds nice" Vic laughs and gets into the cart, as the two women follow suit.
"This was one of the hotels we frequently stayed at, she was strict about phones but once in a while it was dominating to be able to capture such sweet moments between us" Amelia reminisces on the intimate times she had spent with your wife . Tears were now flowing freely down your face, and you felt like your world had stood still. At first you had no reason to believe her, she was probably some weirdo that go a kick out of ruining lives you thought, but what would she benefit from lying? You asked yourself, but these photos... these photos of your wife, the woman you so strongly loved, the woman who you shared a child with, laid in bed with a stranger who wasn't you had solidified it. Ellie had been cheating on you, and it had finally started to make sense. The next photo however had done it for you, the both of them stood in-front of a mirror as she held Amelia in her arms, a faint smile on her face, that's when a sob broke out of you and all prospects of self dignity had broken.
"Look Amelia, if you think I'm blaming you I'm not, sure I hold a small level of resentment because you fucked my wife, but she's the one who made a vow to me, this ring symbolises... well it symbolised monogamy and she couldn't even uphold that" you say as you stand in front of her, as she awkwardly sits on the sofa. Amelia wasn't expecting this, in fact she expected a slap to the face. She knew for a fact that if this ever happened when her and Ellie got married she would've killed the bitch so for you to show such empathy towards her made her feel somewhat guilty.
"Y/n, I'm sorry" Amelia trails off, as her eyes fixate on the fireplace in-front of her, you hold your breath, not sure if you could handle another blow to the heart right now but nod, an urge for her to keep going.
"I- I really don't even know what to say I should've stopped once Ellie told me she had a family but I was too selfish and-" the sound of the front door opening and the faint murmurs of what you assumed were the voices of Ellie, Paige and Vic catch your ear and you are left feeling like you could throw up. Amelia too, looks frightened as she shifts worriedly from her chair and looks at you in fear. The sound of their voices grow closer, and then subside as soon as they reach the living room, and are met with the unexpected guest. Ellie frantically looks from Amelia to you, as Vic and Paige stand their silently and uncomfortably. You were assuming they knew about Ellie's affair, making you heart break all the more.
"I should probably go, bye y/n" Amelia mumbles as she stands up and looks at you, you nod in acknowledgment and she walks past Ellie who is frozen in the entryway and gives her one last look before she makes her exit. You don't bother looking at your wife, the thought of even having to communicate with her makes you want to drop dead.
"Y/n what did she say?" Ellie walks towards you, kneeling in front of the couch you are sat on, she tries to touch you but you retract your hands from her arm.
"What do you think she said... huh?" You mutter as the waterworks return.
"Vic, Paige you guys should go, I'll catch you later" Ellie looks behind her as she orders her friends to leave. You scoff at the level of pathetic that she is, she could freely engage in an affair and have her friends know about it but when it came time to face confrontation they had to be gone?
"No! They can stay, they knew anyways so let them stay" Vic looks to Paige and shakes his head.
"Y/n, we'll go you guys ca-" you cut him off
"Shut the fuck up Vic, the past five months the two of you have come into my house and had the audacity to play nice when you knew she was cheating on me?"
"Y/n it's not their fault just let them go" Ellie pleads as she tries her best to get you to look at her, you refuse to comply.
"No! Its fucking disgusting, especially you Vic. I trusted you, I chose you to be my daughters God father, I fucking trusted you... and you- you knew this whole time" you were now uncontrollably sobbing, struggling to catch your breath as you pointed your finger at them. Ellie tried desperately to touch you, console you but all you would do was swat her hands and pull away.
"Vic and Paige get the fuck out, I'll talk to you later" Ellie calls over her shoulder and they quickly scramble.
"Y/n please, baby I neeed you to listen to me" Ellie begs as tears begin to fall down her face.
"You cheat on me and you're fucking crying? You betray me and you get to shed tears?" you yell, not caring if it wakes up your daughter, you were too riled up and you couldn't stop now.
"Y/n I don't... I don't know what I can do to make this better I- I tried to stop it bu-"
"But what Ellie? You're too selfish... you're too much of a self centred cunt who can't appreciate everything she has?" You stare into her tearful eyes, awaiting a response that seemed would never come.
Tell me, where did I go wrong... huh? Was I not good enough for you? Did you not feel loved by me?" The words fall out of your mouth in a sputter, as saliva bubbles from your heavy breaths. Your nose was running and the tears wouldn't stop, the lump in your throat was beginning to physically pain you.
Her silence was angering you, she just sat there, refusing to say anything, refusing to acknowledge her faults and mistakes. And to be quite honest you didn't even think an apology would fix anything, you just wanted to be left alone. You lift yourself off the sofa, removing the wedding ring that had once been a symbol of love. It was a symbol of monogamy, a symbol of togetherness and a symbol of your future, a future that was now tainted in infidelity and betrayal. You drop it on the floor in front of her and she immediately begins to panic. As you walk up the stairs, she follows you and frantically begins begging ; "I'll change", "I'll do better", "I love you", "I don't deserve you", "We'll keep going to therapy" but you tune her out, as best as you can and head for the bedroom.
Once you've made it to the bedroom, you're standing on your toes, reaching for your suitcase.
"Put the fucking suitcase down, what are you doing?" Ellie yells as she tries taking the heavy object from your hands. You try your best to pull it back but her grip is deathly tight. You resort to grabbing necessities instead. You start with your pyjamas, underwear, some work clothes and your jeans and throw them on the bed. As soon as you turn to gather your shoes, Ellie is snatching the clothes and putting them back in the closet.
"Stop fucking touching my shit, STOP!" You yell as you get all up in her face, your patience was wearing thin.
"No! You're not leaving me, please baby I promise we'll work it out" for the person who had done the cheating, she seemed to be way more emotional than you and you can't help but roll your eyes at her.
"Shut the fuck up, we're not working anything out, Ellie. Go fuck with Amelia for all I care" you angrily grab your clothing and stuff it into a duffel bag as she continues to sob. Your next action however surprises Ellie, as she watches you exit the room and make your way to Lila's. She follows you inside and her heart jumps when she sees you opening the child's dresser and pulling out items of clothing.
"What the fuck are you doing, are you trying to take my daughter away from me?" She yells, and Lila immediately begins to awaken from her sleep.
"She's my daughter, you don't even fucking care about her" you spit as you pull out rows of dresses and onesies from the closet.
"Yes the fuck I do, don't accuse me of shit like that" she booms angrily as she forcefully, pulls you away from the closet. She drags you to the outside of the room and you've finally had enough. Without much thought to it, you land a hard slap to her face. The action leaves a tingling sensation on the tips of your fingers and depths of your palm and Ellie is stood their taken aback. A red mark on the spot your palm had landed beginning to form.
"I'm leaving, and I'm taking my daughter with me, and you are not stopping us" you spit and return to the child's bedroom.
Ellie stays far away from you for the remainder of the afternoon and you complete the minimal packing and get Lila ready to go. You descend down the arched staircase with the toddler in your arms and a heavy duffle bag in your hands. As soon as Ellie hears you she's rushing to the staircase and your daughter finally acknowledges her presence.
"Momma!" She squeals in delight and you quickly grab your keys and unlock the front door. Ellie follows behind you and have to try your best not to scold your daughter who's hands are out trying to reach for her mother.
"Let me at-least say bye to my kid y/n" Ellie begs as you settle Lila into the booster seat and place the duffel bags on the car floor next to her. You ignore her and shut the car door, as you journey to the drivers seat.
"Will you fucking talk to me, hear me out?" She pleads for a final time and your response is to simply slam your car door shut in her face. Tears start pouring again as you drive away from your home, the place that had once been a temple of happy memories and domestic bliss, now ruined with thoughts of Ellie's infidelity.
"I want momma!" Lila whines from the backseat and you tune her out.
"Mommy I want momma!" She's whining and you feel like your head was about to burst, the headache in addition to her sulking was going to be the death of you. "We're going to see Aunt Dina, baby, don't you want to play with JJ?" You force the addition of enthusiasm into your words to sell her, but she simply frowns, only wanting her mother. You locate your phone with one hand on the wheel, planning on calling your only friend.
You didn't know what was going to happen, would it always be like this? A constant battle between Lila choosing you or Ellie. Would she pick her over you? Would you have to go to court over this? How would you explain this to everyone... Joel, Your mom, Nara? You hated her, you hated Ellie so much and you hated that she had destroyed you so easily, why did she have to cheat on you? What had you done? Where did you go wrong?
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian
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nexusnyx · 1 year
heyyy. so what if reader and joel got in a really big argument because he wasn’t being safe and putting his life on the line and that pissed her off. so joel gets on a horse, and rides off into the sunset in true cowboy fashion. when she’s on a supply run with some of the other people from tommy’s town, they find joel, injured and hiding out in a barn. she didn’t recognize him at first, and pointed her gun at him but when he’s like “it’s me.” she’s all like “for fuck’s sake, joel. i almost shot you.” “someone already did.” and yeah feel free to take that anywhere u want <3
that's such a cinematic idea!! you've got a good imagination, Sof. thanks for the request. — main masterlist | 🏷️: established 'situationship', post-outbreak, mentions of past attempted suicide, hurt/comfort, fluff. [WC: 1.7k]
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˗ˏˋ꒰ foolish ꒱
All of his recklessness had a direction. A purpose.
Joel had no reason to tend to his own life with careful hands. Not when those same hands had inflicted so much damage already. When they'd caused so much destruction. He knew how to direct his anger and reckless behavior well—to protect, evade, survive.
All of that kept him away from building any kind of real relations, but that goes up in flames after Ellie. And then it really disappears after you.
Joel's scared again. He panics. He cares, and he talks about himself, and he lets spill out secrets he never once spoke about.
He's just not ready for what comes after they're out in the open.
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“I just can’t concentrate if I’m worried about you going in with your knuckles and elbows to someone’s fucking face instead of at least trying to keep it cool. y’know? I don’t know. Call me crazy, Joel. I thought you could control yourself.”
“No. That just ain’t fair. Was I supposed to do nothin’?”
“Yes! Exactly. If you’d given me at least one second—”
“He asked if you up for offer. I should’ve fuckin’ killed, him.”
“Joel, he could’ve asked ‘if the little bitch worth a quarter or 10 bucks’ and I couldn’t give less of a shit—”
“You—I swear to god.”
“He’s an animal! And a fucking idiot. But he was the idiotic animal with the goddamn information. Which we needed. And now we don’t have, ‘cause he and his buddies have ran back to wherever the hell they’re hiding and we’re never gonna see them again. And they had the real deal—they had medicine we need that are lacking in the stock.”
“I know. I know. Fuckin’ hell, I know.”
“... you know I’d help you do anything you wanted, right? I don’t care about what they say. And I’d wanna kill anyone who disrespected you like that, too, but we gotta be at least smart before we’re emotional.”
“...Tommy’s gonna fuckin’ kill me.”
“No, he won’t. I’ll talk to him. Make something up.”
“You don’t need to.”
“I know. But I’m gonna.”
“...thank you. … I really am sorry, ‘kay? I’m still gettin’ used to—I just. I saw red.”
“And I get that.”
“...you really do, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Remember how I acted at that river trade? Because of what that man said about you?”
“Couldn’t forget it if someone blew my brains away. … You’re a lil’ crazy, baby, y’know that?”
“Coming from you, Miller. That’s rich.”
“Yeah… It’s kinda beautiful. You’re like—a force o’nature, or somethin’. Fuck, I’m sorry—I’m drunk—but listen. I won’t fuck up again.”
“I know you’ve got my back. I just want you to have yours, too. I worry about you and how you dive head first into dangerous shit ‘cause when it comes to you, you don’t think.”
“... had no reason to, ‘till recently.”
“Well, now you do. Should’ve always had, but now you really do ‘cause there are people, like Ellie, like Tommy, like me, who are gonna be pretty pissed off if you’re stabbed again anytime soon. Don’t make me go feral and have to kill a fucker ‘cause you know me by now. I have the whole thing where I have to bury the bodies I’m responsible for and, honestly—have pity on my back’s sake, Joel. I don’t got the back for that shit anymore.”
“You’re so—can’t believe your fuckin’ jokes sometimes.”
“You’re laughing.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m crazy too, obviously.”
“‘don’t got the back for it’. You’re—You know, I never thought I’d be this happy I didn’t blow my brains out. Last time I thought that Ellie was standin’ on top of a fuckin’ dinosaur and—”
Joel shivered.
You found him as you were searching a barn on a supply run with Tommy, the day after he ran away on Shimmer’s back.
A stom had followed his departure, not minutes later, and he was still out of the gates when the time to close them came by, which meant he’d been locked out. Tommy was the one to give the ‘ok’ for the gatekeepers to shut them down, his face twisted into a painful twist and an apologetic look sent your way, but it was also Tommy who nodded his agreement to go with you when you announced you were going out the very next morning despite the horrible weather and the feet of snow making everything ten times harder.
It was obvious to you he couldn’t have gone far.
When you find him, Joel speaks up first. “It’s me.” He somehow heard you coming before you saw him.
Of course he did. It’s Joel.
The voice still makes you flinch—Joel was kneeling on the ground with his thickest jacket wrapped around him and his knees pulled up, and—”Jesus Christ, Joel. I almost fuckin’ shot you.”
As you’re lowering your gun, he goes. “It’s happened before.”
It’s such an oddly-timed joke that it halts your steps toward him, but then, his eyes find yours and it happens, just like always. You two share a private, ‘this is a fucked up joke, but we find it funny either way’ laugh. The same one that bonded you two.
You kneel beside him, taking out the blanket you brought in your backpack exactly for this, and wrap it around his shoulders, rubbing him up and down on his arms and his back.
When you’re satisfied with your job — he quit shivering — you finally make eye contact.
“You got stuck because of the storm, right?” your question comes out in a whisper, and your breath fogs up the air between the both of you.
You didn’t run away, right?
Joel takes a deep breath, and nods. His eyes close for a moment before he leans in slowly until his forehead is touching yours.
“Told you I wouldn’t do that.” Joel said those words a couple of months ago, and you still had trouble wrapping your head around them. I ain’t goin’ nowhere. I like it here. With you.
“‘kay.” Your lips search his in the dark and find them waiting for the kiss already. With your hands still on his shoulders, you can feel a lot of tension dissipating when you sigh into the kiss, and Joel seems to fully come back to his body. You pull away against your will, and take a few seconds before you’re able to open your eyes.
His warmth always spreads through you like an oven slowly heating up.
“‘m sorry if I scared you.”
It’s inevitable—a smile blossoms in your face, and you start laughing.
“What?” Joel asks, confused and serving the biggest doe eyes in your direction.
For someone who punched first and asked questions later, a night stuck with the howling story winds made quick work of reminding him he was cared for. “Nothing.” I love you. “You did scare me. I spent all night thinking about whether you were okay or not.” The doe eyes seem to glisten with the soft light, and it pulls you in to seal your lips on his again. “But it’s ok. I just wanna go now and run you a hot bath and massage… all of your body. Is that ok? Can I do that?”
Joel’s eyes said I’ve never felt more vulnerable and that’s going to be a lot, but it also said it’s exactly what I need and I don’t know how to say that out loud. From his lips, it came out, “I… yeah. Yeah, ya can. I wanna… Wash your hair. And—you. ‘s that weird?”
“It’s not.”
“I like that smile on you. ‘s my favorite.”
“I am so happy I left Tommy behind.” Joel laughs at that, and he makes a move to get up. “I’m serious. We’d never hear the end of this.”He gets up with your help, and you two can walk side by side, leaning on each other and not speak of the storm that passed and carried more than just heavy snow all around. The things that are rising and growing between you are deep-rooted somewhere—nothing seems to shake you and Joel away. Only closer together. Tighter. Realer.
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🏷 @sakuralikestars — @mostardentily — @thegreat-annamaria — @leiticia — @polyglot-noodle — @casssiopeiaaa — @levylovegood — @simply-sams-things — @lavenderhhze — @gracie7209 — @waywardwolfbonklight — @shadytalething — @yesimwriting — @celestialstar111 — @averysblog — @pedrostories — @fleursirvart — @sirtommyholland — @capbrie — @hawsx3 — @superflymaterial — @ashleyforeverareject — @girlofchaos — @queerponcho — @am-3-thyst — @nyotamalfoy — @my-tearsricochet — @ponyboys-sunsets — @peqchsoup
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ* . join my Fireplace celebration. * | send me mail 💌
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elliephile · 1 year
heart to heart ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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summary: reader basically comes out to jackson ellie without actually saying it. for context reader has now been in jackson for awhile and has become close friends with ellie.
cw: no smut just kissing and making out. just ellie and reader having secret crushes on eachother & being cute. kinda inspired by dina and ellie during the blizzard. pretty wholesome besides a make out session. also not proofread!
a/n: also this is my first time writing on here and i hardly know how to work this so bare w me if I do something wrong or weird 🚶‍♀️I kept it a little short but i have a couple ideas on where to take it for another part. but i also feel like it might be good as just one part. idk hehe
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It wasn’t often that Jackson welcomed new people, but when they did, it was always with open arms and generosity. That is, once whoever they found was no longer deemed a threat. You always thought Maria was better than you for that – for letting in new people, seemed too risky, but then she’d say something like “that new person was once you,” and then you’d feel kind of dumb. You’d just been in Jackson for so long now that you hardly thought about life before you stumbled upon the now familiar settlement. Regardless, life before Jackson wasn’t worth thinking about. You hated talking about things that were in any way traumatic or uncomfortable, which is probably why you didn’t have much to say when Maria was a little too enthusiastic for you to meet the new boy your age that Joel and Tommy ending up taking back to town during one of their patrols.
“He’s cute huh? Well mannered too,” Maria began, her tone rather suggestive. You simply widened your eyes, looking down at the tired, wooden bar counter of the Tipsy Bison, hoping your silence was any indication that you did not like where this was going. “I could set you and him up for patrol together, y’know? You could show him the ropes and I don’t know maybe you two—” before Maria could even finish her train of thought, you cut her off, grateful your order of two sandwiches came at what seemed like the perfect timing.
You smiled a small smile to Maria, hurriedly grabbing both sandwiches and getting yourself up to get the fuck out of there. You knew she meant well. She was always trying to be helpful but there’s no way she could have known that maybe you just didn’t like boys. In the post-apocalyptic world, sayings like “there’s plenty of fish in the sea” were simply inaccurate. It’s not like there were a ton of guys around in Jackson; maybe a few, but you never showed any interest, and you spent most of your time with Ellie anyway. Maria probably just thought you were lonely or something, but you were more than content with Ellie’s company.
“Gotta go Maria. See you around!” You didn’t really know what else to say because you knew Maria would end up doing whatever she wanted. If she envisioned you and the new guy together, it wouldn’t be long til’ she put you on patrol with him. That, and you felt indebted to her for giving you a chance at a somewhat normal life in Jackson, so you never really challenged her. Part of you wanted to come clean and tell her you just weren’t attracted to him, or any guy really, but what if the right guy just hadn’t come along? Your sexuality didn’t make sense to you, and it’s not like there were a ton of ways to figure it out. You could only go by what felt right.
As you trudged your way to the stables, holding the sandwiches close to your chest to contain their warmth, you spotted Ellie alongside Shimmer, putting her back after patrol. Excited to see her, you immediately picked your feet up, struggling to gain any speed with how deep the snow was.
“Hey” you called out, finally reaching the freckle faced girl. “When’d you get back?” your words were hard to form with how cold it was outside and despite the several layers you put on, you never got used to the snow, or the cold weather in general.
“Uhh, just a few minutes ago. You okay?” Ellie’s attention quickly diverted over to you, and though she was worried about you, she also couldn’t hold back a playful smile. Something about seeing you all flustered and cold in the snow made her wanna laugh.
“Please I know you’re holding in a laugh. I’m fucking freezing, but I brought you a sandwich. Here, catch.” A half annoyed scoff falls from your lips as you attempt to throw the sandwich, but your arm feels too frozen to move.
“You know, I think i’ll just grab it myself.” A chuckle falls from her lips and you can’t help but admire her. She seemed to be good at almost everything she did.
You avoided patrol on especially colder days, knowing how miserable you’d be, so Ellie would pick up your slack, offering to go in place of you. You took up the offer only after Ellie insisted profusely; she really cared about you, even if she seemed to be laughing at your misery right now. You always felt bad when she went out of her way for you, so you’d thank her one way or another; today you’d brought her a sandwich.
As she leaned forward into you, your stomach filled with butterflies, and even being a few inches away from her made you feel warmer. She grabbed the sandwiches, placing them in her bag before snaking her arms around you, squeezing you tightly in her hold. Your bodies were so close you could feel her cheek press against yours. “Alright. Let me keep you warm til’ we get back to my place. Consider it a thank you for bringing me food.”
You allowed yourself to lean into Ellie, letting her guide the way back. It was hardly a long walk back but the coldness made it feel like forever. Honestly though, you didn’t mind the excuse to be held by Ellie.
You two were nothing but close friends. Pretty much everyone knew one way or another that Ellie was lesbian, but you’d never expressed that you might’ve been too. Even though there was so obviously a brewing chemistry between you and her, neither of you acknowledged it and everyone else just took it as a mere friendship. It was also very possible that Ellie was utterly and completely oblivious and could never believe in a million years that you liked her.
“I don’t know how you don’t get hypothermia out there.” You mumbled, crossing your arms tightly together as the two of you dragged through the snow. Ellie shrugged, “I mean, I do get cold but I suck it up, get used to it. I guess I’m just better than you.” The two of you made eye contact, an annoyed look in your eyes as you looked right at her, “I would fucking bury you in this snow right now if I wasn’t freezing my ass off.”
If even possible at this point, Ellie leaned her head closer into yours, bringing her lips to your ears, “That’s a load of shit. You know I could take you any day. C’mon now.” She chuckled deeply, and honestly, she was probably right. Whether she was joking or not, you knew there was truth in what she said; she was completely capable of beating your ass.
You let out a dramatic sigh, “Just shut up and get me to warmth.”
“Yes ma’am.” She nudged you gently, her fingers pressing into your side as she provided you with temporary heat.
Ellie held onto you until you were completely inside, sitting you down on her bed and wrapping her blanket around you. “You look cute like that.” Ellie mumbled, causing the butterflies to return to your stomach. You stayed quiet, not sure what to say. It almost made Ellie panic when you didn’t respond.
“I didn’t mean that in a weird way. Like I’m not saying that-”
“I know.” Part you felt a little bummed that she felt the need to clarify. Maybe you wanted Ellie to be attracted to you.
Ellie handed you your sandwich before taking her own, pulling a chair and taking a seat in front of you.
You watched the way she sat on the chair, her legs spread out. Your eyes flickered over her stance, barely paying much attention to the sandwich in your hand. Ellie, on the other hand, wasted no more time getting in a bite.
“Okay, I fucking hate Seth’s bigot ass,” she began, food in her mouth, “buuut he makes a good sandwich.”
“Eat with your mouth closed, you freak.”
She paused for a moment, her eyes meeting with yours. “Oh, fuck you.”
The two of you silently devoured the sandwiches, Ellie quicker than you. When the two of you were laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling, suffering from food coma, you randomly asked Ellie,
“How’d you know you liked girls?” It was a pretty unexpected question, given you never made a big deal out of the fact she liked girls and not boys. You never really even asked her about it.
“Hm, I think I always knew. Had a ton of girl crushes but zero boy crushes. But I think I knew for sure when I kissed Riley. Felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest, but in the best way possible.”
Ellie took a beat before glancing over at you. “Why the sudden curiosity?”
You thought for a moment before shrugging, “I think Maria’s trying to set me up with that new kid. Wants me to go on patrol with him because she thinks I’d like him but, I don’t see myself with him? Or any guy? Fuck I don’t know.” You let out a frustrated sigh, feeling Ellie’s arm on your hip, pushing it towards her so that you two were facing eachother now.
“Can you see yourself with a girl?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. I’ve never had a cathartic or life-changing moment to know. And I feel like I should know without that but I don’t and it’s like something is wrong with-”
If you hadn’t been so consumed in your own thoughts, you would have noticed the hesitation in Ellie’s face as she chose to cut you off.
“I’ll kiss you, if you want. Then maybe you’ll know.” Honestly, Ellie’s heart was racing just as fast as yours, and maybe she just took this as an opportunity to finally do something she’d always wanted to, but it took guts to even offer; she was afraid of being rejected.
You were shocked, but for whatever reason you wasted no time in saying yes.
You nodded your head, too nervous to even speak, and you were sure she could hear how loud and fast your heart was beating. That itself was probably enough indication that you were gay as fuck.
You felt Ellie inch closer to you, using her fingers to pull the hood completely off your head so she could see your entire face. She placed her palm over your cheek so gently, like it was her first time kissing someone when you knew it definitely wasn’t. She pressed her lips onto yours, peppering kisses one by one, gaining more confidence with each one. You leaned into her lips, surprised at how soft they felt, and for a few seconds neither of you pulled away.
When Ellie did pull away, your eyes flickered over the wet shine across Ellie’s lips, then at her eyes. “Yeah. I definitely like boys.” You joked, but your face remained absolutely serious, giving Ellie a full blown panic attack. Your lips quickly curled into a smile, and you began to laugh, causing Ellie to smack you right in your boob.
“You are such a dick y/n! Don’t fucking do that.” She groaned, shaking her head.
“Ow, I was kidding, geez,” you rolled your eyes, grabbing at the spot she smacked you, shifting your body to lay down more comfortably beside her. Something about the whole situation made your core tight and it gave you this new found bravery to push whatever this was further. “Actually, I think we should kiss again. Just to be sure that I definitely like girls.”
“No fuck you. Trial run is over, you jerk.”
“You don’t want to kiss again?”
“I mean, if you were to kiss me again, I wouldn’t stop you.”
At this point you could feel a throb in between your legs, and you pushed yourself up, swinging your leg over Ellie’s hips so that you were sat over her and you placed a sloppy kiss onto her mouth, both of you cupping each others face. Ellie deepened this kiss, the two of you a hot mess. Whether Ellie knew or not, this was your first real kiss, unless you count the time you were awkwardly kissed by the boy who had a huge crush on you when you were like 12.
You didn’t feel cold at all anymore, in fact you felt like your skin was on fire, causing you to pull your jacket off of you.
You struggled to pull the zipper down, making Ellie impatient underneath you, “hurry up,” she breathed out, lifting her head and stomach up to squeeze in a few kisses wherever she could. “I’m trying, ugh,” you murmured back before she decided to take matters into her own hands. She pushed herself up, flipping you underneath her and tugging the zipper down which allowed you to finally pull it off.
“Yeah, take that shit off.”
You didn’t really imagine ever having Ellie on top of you like this; maybe you occasionally thought about how it would feel to kiss her, especially when you’d see her with her other girls, but you never expected for any of it to actually happen. Nonetheless, you were glad. It felt good, and it felt right, and it confirmed the question you’d been wondering for a while now. Your body was feeling all sorts of things you hadn’t felt before and you didn’t want to stop feeling any of it.
You let out a hushed moan when you felt Ellie’s mouth drag across your jaw, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck. You mirrored her actions, warming up her cold skin with your warm lips. Her hands creeped up underneath your top, but she she didn’t push them any farther, instead she stayed focused up top.
Lips nearly swollen and both of you almost out of breath, the two of you pulled away, and Ellie flopped back down beside you. You grabbed her hand and placed it over your rapidly thumping chest. “Feel that? It’s my heart jumping out of my chest for you.” You giggled.
“You’re actually so dumb.”
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wait I’m so curious to the angst fic you wrote to in my feelings - ldr :0 cuz I would’ve never interpret it into an angst fic! Do you think you can publish that one too? No pressure! 💕
In my feelings - (ellie williams x reader)
Hi anon, here she is! I hope you enjoy <3
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This story is based off the song in my feelings by Lana Del Rey, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:) This was originally a smut fic. You can read it here, but this wonder anon requested a angst edition, so yes.
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open, feel free to leave one:)
Warnings: toxic situationship
Summary: In which you fell for a loser
Authors note: i know I've not been that active and I'm so sorry. Life has just been busy, i have to write exams, i have a surgery on Thursday so it's been tense lmao, but I'm trying. Please be patient with me <3
I'm smoking while I'm runnin' on my treadmill
But I'm cutting up roses
Could it be that I fell for another loser
I'm crying while I'm cummin'
Making love while I'm making good money
Sobbin' in my cup of coffee
'Cause I fell for another loser
"Could it be that I fell for another loser?" You asked Dina as the cigarette smoke left your plush lips.
You heard Dina snort beside you.
"probably, she looks like she could be one, and she treats you like shit" she shrugged"
you shook your head at her honesty.
It's embarrassing honestly. You truly did have a type for losers.
People who couldn't make eye contact with you. People who would fold as soon as you gave them your pretty smile. You had the control, but yet anything you had with these people weren't real love. It was purely lust. It was fun.
You liked being in control, you liked breaking them.
But with Ellie it was different.
You met Ellie at a gym.
She caught you eye immediately. She was perfect. Her autumn brown hair tied in a tight ponytail, she was wearing pink leggings with a matching sports bra. The sweat on her forehead glistening under the light of the gym.
If god was real this pretty girl would be in your bed by the end of the night
You ran on the treadmill for a while, trying to ignore the pretty girls eyes. You saw her watching you though the mirror. You felt her eyes trail down your body.
Maybe she wanted you like you wanted her.
After a while you tried leaving the gym, you lit a cigarette as you walked out, your bag hung on your shoulder.
you flinched at the strange voice.
Oh. It was her.
Pink tight girl.
"Hey" you responded.
You saw her gaze fall to the floor as she shyly muttered "I'm Ellie"
What a fucking loser. She couldn't even look at you.
You loved her already.
You gave her your name, and you listened as it fell from her tongue multiple time. She was testing the was your name tasted on her tongue and she loved it.
"Those are bad for you" she pointed out you shrugged
"it makes me look hot, doesn't it?" Was all you said as you took another puff, throwing your head back as the smoke filled the air.
You felt her eyes on you, and you heard her audibly gulp.
"Doesn't it Ellie?" you persisted
"yeah- yeah it does"
you gave her a smile, and before you waved goodbye she handed you a paper. With a raised eyebrow you opened it and in a messy handwriting was her number.
You looked at her and she looked away, she couldn't make eye contact with you.
All you could do was smirk, they were always so fucking easy to make nervous.
"I'll call you" you winked.
Now here you stood 5 weeks later, sobbing into a cup of coffee because you fell for a fucking loser.
Get that cigarette smoke out of my face
You've been wasting my time
While you're taking what's mine, with the things that you're doing
Talk that talk, well now they all know your name
And there's no coming back from the place that you came
Baby don't do it
you don't know what happened with Ellie.
The girl you called a loser once, the girl who fell to her knees when you smiled is suddenly a cold hearted person.
"Get that cigarette smoke out of my face" Ellie huffed as she sat across you.
You rolled your eyes before you put the cigarette out.
"Ellie calm down so we can talk"
"talk about what? You're wasting my time with this"
your jaw dropped at her words.
'What a fucking bitch' you thought to yourself.
"I'm wasting your fucking time? Ellie don't make me mad because I will fucking slap you"
she looked taken aback at your harsh words, her cheeks tined in a pink color.
Her eyes fell to the floor, and for a second you saw her.
Your Ellie.
The loser you fell for.
But she suddenly got up muttering "I will not be disrespected by someone like you", and she walked out of your apartment. The door slammed and you were left alone.
The silence was so loud.
There was no coming back from this.
The more time you spent with Ellie, the more you discovered about her. She used to be so sweet.
You remembered your first date, she couldn't even hold your hand and she constantly apologized for everything.
She was a fucking loser.
But one day someone said that Ellie was out of your league. You knew she was. Some like Ellie deserved someone better, but yet you thought she fell for you.
That day changed everything. Ellie's eyes widened at the person's comment and she was quieter than usual that day.
The next time you saw her, she was a whole new person. Her entire persona changed. Her hair, makeup, style, even the way she fucking walked changed.
You were happy that she had confidence, but you found out she was seeing other people behind your back.
Despite never being official it hurt.
You knew Ellie could talk to whoever she wanted to, but you thought you had something special.
One night when Ellie was sleeping over, you asked her the question.
"What are we?"
she never replied.
Every fucking time you brought it up, she always walked away.
What a fucking loser. What a fucking pussy.
Even today, you invited her over to talk. To see if she liked you. You needed closure because truthfully you fell for the autumn brown headed girl.
You just had to make sure.
And to hear her say that you were wasting her time was fucking sick.
She was wasting yours with her games.
And here you thought you had actually met a loser worth your time.
'Cause you got me in my feelings (catch you, it's so much right now)
Talking in my sleep again (you can whistle if you want)
Drown out all our screaming (catch you, it's so much right now)
Who's tougher than this bitch
Who's free-er than me
You wanna make the switch
Be my guest baby
I'm feeling all my fucking feelings
you wish you could sleep right now. You were tired, and you didn't have any energy for bullshit.
Ellie's rant had begun after she spotted you and Dina getting lunch earlier.
Wow so you can't breathe the air of another girl but she can fuck someone else? That's wonderful logic!
But you sat here listening to Ellie yelling at you for some reason.
You wish you could drown put her screaming.
"Ellie can you just shut the fuck up!" you yelled.
You had enough of her mixed signals. You had enough of her practically cheating on you. You were tired.
"How dare you talk to me like that-" but before Ellie could end up yelling again you got up, pushing her against the wall.
"How dare I? How dare you! You fucking lead me on for weeks, then you freak out when I hang out with another girl! Ellie you are really fucking stupid" you said though heavy breathes.
Ellie stared at you with wide eyes.
There she is.
The girl you thought you had a chance with.
You took a step back, shaking your head and chuckling.
"You really are a fucking loser, how could I fall for someone like you?" You asked yourself.
Ellie heard.
She got up walking to you, she placed her hands on your shoulders "i-i like you. A lot. I just didn't know how to express myself- and- you made me so nervous so I thought I could make you j-jealous"
you shrugged her hands off your shoulders and you took another step back.
"That's not how relationships work Ellie, you ruined this yourself"
"Please listen-"
"get the fuck out"
Ellie sighed before she got up. She was on her way to the door, and she looked back at you for the last time.
"smoking is bad for you" she said with a sad smile.
You chucked at her words before responding "it makes me look hot doesn't it?"
"It really does"
you watched as Ellie walk out the door, you lit another cigarette.
As the smoke filled the air, like it has countless times before. you let out a sigh at the realization: you fell in love with another loser.
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