#never noticed that little spot on his beard
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Jack fluff concept request pls
Jack has been really clingy with reader after being apart for a couple days. When they’re finally together he can’t stop following her around. When reader walks from the living room to kitchen Jack is speed walking behind her with a big smile on his face. When reader moves to a different spot on the sofa he automatically gathers his stuff and moves right next to her. When y/n is in the restroom doing her business he opens the door ajar and forced her to hold his hand through the little crack💀💀 basically giving her no personal space. Jack gets offended when y/n asks him why he’s acting this way all clingy and more obsessed than usual
I love you
My Baby Love
A/N: I love you too, anon!
Warning: suggestive
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You let out a sweet hum as you felt Jack's cold hands slip around your waist, his chest resting against your back. You felt him sink into the bed against your body, letting out a deep sigh.
"You're home", you whispered with a smile, turning in his hold to face him. "Shhh", he mumbled against your forehead in between gentle kisses. "Go back to sleep, babe." You gave him a quick kiss, your fingers finding his beard as you snuggled into his hold, Jack's chin resting on your head.
You woke up a few hours later to the sun in your face, Jack's body heat warming you up against the cold of the room. You didn't want to get up- two weeks away from Jack was way too long, and you knew in the back of your mind the two of you only had a couple of days together before he was traveling again, and you wanted to soak up as much time together as possible.
You laid gentle kisses along his jawline as you watched him sleep, his lashes fluttering as he dreamt, messy curls hanging low in his face. He barely stirred, only pulling you in tighter.
"Jack, I need to get up." You felt a hand move to cup your bottom. "Mhm, no you don't."
"Someone needs to let Lou out." You countered back, trying to wriggle from his hold to no avail. Jack peeked out of one eye, letting out a sharp whistle that immediately got Lou's attention at the end of the bed. "Lou Lou, go potty." You giggled, moving to tickle Jack underneath his arms so he was forced to let you go with a chuckle.
"That's not fair", he whined as he followed you out of the bedroom, his gruff voice was extra scratchy after a night of performing. You could hear the shuffle of his socked feet as he trailed behind you to the kitchen, his hands never leaving your hips.
Everywhere you moved, he moved as well, resting his head against yours as you worked around the kitchen making breakfast.
You enjoyed his touch, having missed it over the last fourteen days, and knowing that Jack's love language was physical touch, you didn't dare object to him holding you. At least- at first you didn't.
Jack followed you everywhere on that quiet Sunday morning. When you went to do laundry, he was right there with you, holding the laundry basket as you loaded the dryer. You enjoyed the company as he told you every detail of his trip; you loved hearing about everything you missed when you couldn't be with him.
As you moved through your to-do list, Jack was like you personal assistant. First, cleaning out your closet. You modeled new pieces and old ones you were thinking of donating, for Jack, and he eagerly gave his opinion on each one. Next, as you answered your work emails, Jack pulled up a chair next to you, watching your every move, his hands moving between massaging your lower back and thighs as you worked.
The closeness really didn't bother you as you moved through your list, crossing one thing after another off with his help. It wasn't until you went to the bathroom to shower and get ready to run errands that you noticed something was different in his behavior.
"JACK!", you screeched when he busted into the bathroom as you were taking care of business. "What are you doing, baby?" You tried your best to cover yourself up, but he was unfazed. Jack moved across the room, settling on the rim of the tub with his phone in hand, scrolling through his texts. "What?", he looked up at you straight faced. You gestured wildly at your current position, pressing your legs together.
"Its nothing I haven't seen before", he said with a shrug. "Do you like these sneakers?" He showed you his phone screen.
"Jack! Its not about that. Can I have a little privacy, please?" You quickly got up from the toilet, moving to the shower and turning the water to the hottest setting. The steam billowed into the room as you stripped down.
"Oh good, I needed to shower anyway", Jack remarked, pulling his shirt over his head, his ab muscles flexing as he worked at his belt buckle. You placed a gentle hand on his bare chest, stopping him.
"Baby, I'm taking an everything shower. I think you'll just be in the way." You needed to shave, wash your hair, exfoliate your skin, and you knew it'd take at least 45 minutes, even without Jack stopping you multiple times in between to make out. You watched as his face dropped with disappointment, quickly backtracking. "I'm sorry, of course you can join me. Can you help me wash my hair?"
Jack immediately perked up, giving you a kiss to the temple. "Of course, whatever you need."
True to Jack's temperament, what was supposed to be your everything shower, quickly turned into an extra curricular activity that found both of you tired enough to head back to bed, both comfy in Jack's hoodie and sweatpants. When Jack woke an hour later to an empty bed, he gingerly got up to find you, spotting you on the couch with a book in your hand.
"Where'd you go?", he asked with more worry than he intended. You looked up from the pages of your novel with a smile. "You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you."
"Next time, wake me, okay?" His voice was calm but stern, which got your attention. You grunted as he laid his full body weight on top of you. "Baby, I-", you couldn't get out any more words as he tried his best to hide himself underneath your hoodie, his cheek resting against your stomach. You rubbed his back as he settled, knowing you needed to ask him if something was wrong, but not wanting to upset him. As you felt his breaths even, you broached the subject.
"Is something wrong, babe?"
"Nope", he mumbled against your skin, his beard rough across your skin.
"Are you sure? You seem clingier than usual." Jack pulled his head from underneath your sweatshirt. "I didn't know loving my girlfriend was such an inconvenience for you." You could tell he was offended by your questions.
"That's not what I mean, J." You grabbed at his chin, forcing him to look at you. "I love spending time with you, but usually we spend a little bit of time apart during the day. You do your thing, I do mind. I thought we both liked that."
"I do, I just-", he hesitated, "Nevermind. I'll give you some space." Jack pushed up from the couch, but you grabbed his hand before he could walk away. "Talk to me."
He let out a sigh, sitting back down, placing your legs over his lap. "I had a dream a couple nights ago, that you were just gone. It was like a nightmare for me, and the only thing I could think about was getting back to you and making sure you never left my sight."
You could feel a lump building in your throat as he spoke. "I don't know where you went or anything." He shook his head like he was trying to rid his mind of the thought. "I just know I never want to feel like that ever again." He ran a hand through his messy locks, looking at you with watery eyes.
You interlaced your fingers with his, running your thumb over his knuckles. "I'm not going anywhere, Jack. Not ever, okay?" He gave you a quiet nod, and a soft smile. "Okay."
You leaned back against the couch, motioning for him to join you. "C'mere, babe." Jack wasted no time falling into your arms, resting his head against your chest.
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zegrasdrysdale · 12 days
qh43 headcanons
fluff and smut
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warning(s) : smut !
author's note : did i write 80% this while on my break at work ? absolutely (i was bored)
fluff !!
you and Quinn were just friends at first
you both had crushes on one another for years though
then one summer you were both at the lake house in Michigan after you got an invitation from Jack and one thing led to another and by the time Quinn returned to Canada for the season, he was referring to you as "my girl"
Quinn keeping his captaincy a secret from you until it was officially announced by Vancouver and the NHL
you yelled at him about that
Quinn offered to get a C put on every one of his jerseys that you owned (which admittedly was a lot despite not being together for very long when he got the C)
you got tickets to the first Canucks home game to watch the captain's ceremony where Quinn got his new jersey
you surprise him after the game since he withheld getting the captaincy in the first place
he's a very big fan of kissing his girl. he'll steal kisses whenever he can, but especially when he comes back from a long roadie and you’re at his apartment
his love languages are very much physical touch and quality time. Quinn loves spending time with you and if it ends with cuddles, or a make out session, then he's very happy
you often visit him in Vancouver, most of those visits being surprises
you go to both Hughes Bowls even though Jack was hurt for the second one, and you wear one of your Quinn jerseys to both
you're very close with Luke and Jack and have been since you were all kids
you're also friends with some of the guys on the Canucks as well, notably Elias Pettersson and JT Miller
Quinn invites you to the All Star game in February and you accept. spending a weekend in Toronto with Quinn and Jack doesn’t sound like the worst idea in the world
you spend every summer at the lake house
Quinn gets you a necklace with a ‘Q’ on the chain for your first anniversary. you get him a chain with your name on it in return, and he wears it for every game
you beg him not to cut his hair or shave his beard and mustache after getting eliminated from the playoffs, but he does it anyway
Jack takes all the credit for your entire relationship since he is the one that invited you to the lake house the summer that you and Quinn got together
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
smut / nsfw !!
Quinn has a thing for you riding his thighs. he loves watching you get off using his thighs, and he’ll let you come as many times as you want
you think Quinn’s beard is hot so you never mind a little beard burn when he goes down on you, which is more often than not
he’s a giver. he’ll have you coming all over his tongue as many times as he wants. he’ll go down on you until your entire body shakes
you (not so) accidentally find out about his captain kink that neither of you knew he had. you had read about it somewhere and decided to give it a try one night …
and he made you come so much that you were in tears by the end it the night (oversensitivity is a thing that you wish didn’t exist)
Quinn loves when you use him to come. thighs, face, fingers, cock. it doesn’t matter to him
on the other hand, you completely give yourself to him if he has a bad game or a rough loss. he uses you to get off and blow off some steam, and you will let him
sneaking around the lake house to have sex is a big thing, especially at first. no one knew so the two of you would have to sneak off. then everyone knew so you were a little less discreet about it
there was boat sex on the lake once late at night one summer too. Quinn is not opposed to that happening again, but not when a bunch of people are at the house and notice when the boat is a mess
car sex is a big thing, especially when Quinn picks you up from the airport when he knows you’re coming to visit. he knows a bunch of spots to drive to so the two of you can hook up (he buys a bigger car and puts it to use in more ways than one)
lazy, morning sex !!
quickies !!
Quinn loves holding your hand during sex. he makes sure your fingers are laced together every. single. time.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
A Disturbed State Of The Natural Environment, Gods-Fucking-Dammit
A Pada-Wan Story
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for @lttrsfrmlnrrgby
“Obi— Commander Kenobi-“
“You can call me Obi-Wan, Cody,” the kid huffs. “Neither you nor I will suddenly combust into a ball of fire if you do.”
You don’t know that, Cody thinks, not liking how his voice sounds in his mind.
Four days since the incident - or, “The Incident,” how Boil and Waxer like to say in unison with the bucket lights under their chins -, two since the 104th of all Battalions received their signal and towed the 212th fleet to the nearest station within the Republic that would allow them to overhaul the ships’ electronics.
It has been exactly two point five hours since Wolffe stopped wheezing at Cody over comms. Nearly as much time as the kid had vanished from under Cody’s paranoid nose.
“Councilor Kenobi is safe and sound,” General Koon had assured him while Wolffe stood at perfect parade rest a step behind, shriek-laughing his armor off.
The kid sighs. “You have come here for a reason?” he asks, stubborn and prim. “Or is Wooley babysitting me not enough?” He points a thumb over his shoulder to Wooley popping up several yards away, waving.
“If you haven’t noticed Hook, Line, and Sinker also keeping an eye on you, my trepidations are justified.”
The kid rolls his eyes, gesturing to three empty looking spots in the distance. “I am well aware Master Koon is in league with you.”
Cody will not explain safety precautions again. He’s saving that for when the kid really sets out to stomp on any and all walls Cody had to hastily and thoroughly built when his General, his partner, suddenly turned into a child at the worst possible development stage for Cody’s sanity.
The kid studies him while Cody is trying to come up with a legitimate reason for looking for him. Direct admittance to personal concern would backfire on Cody in multiple, entertaining ways, and he frankly doesn’t want to deal with that. From the kid being smug that Cody cares about him very much so keeping his distance must mean something more. To accusations of not trusting Obi-Wan (which, correct, Cody doesn’t know him after all), seeing him as a kid (also true) when he’s sixteen and basically a stone’s throw away from becoming a geezer.
Sixteen. Cody shudders. He remembers very well that half year when he was that developmental age. He shudders again. Gods, the mood swings alone.
“I am reasonably paranoid about your welfare,” he says at last. Wooden which makes him cringe but he’s never lied to Obi-Wan and he’s not starting now.
The kid stares at him for a while. One corner of his mouth quirks up with a shrug and a shuttered look in his eyes Cody desperately wants to make better. “It’s different when they really are out to get you, isn’t it.” The Council had explained how precarious his older self’s safety was at the best of times. Cody had only seen the aftermath and the accompanying ranting about life choices with the occasional visibly happy understanding that Obi-Wan could, actually, grow a non-patchy beard when he’s got a few more years on him.
“May I sit with you?” Cody asks. Shoveling his own metaphorical grave is so much easier with mixed signals after all. But he misses the older Obi-Wan. It’s not fair of him but he needs this.
The expected blush blooms on freckled cheeks. “Yes, of course!” is the eager reply, followed by more blushing.
It’s endearingly cute and Cody would like to chew on his bucket now.
The kid scoots over, wide eyed and expectant.
Gingerly, Cody lowers himself, ignoring the armor digging into his ass and thighs. And lets the silence stretch.
This, really, is what he came here for. A self-indulgent little break to catch his breath. The High General of a Systems Army is compromised and that fact has to remain eyes only to an exclusive handful of people. Only the Jedi Council knows out of obvious necessity. So it’s up to Cody to keep everything else running, keeping the admiralty in the dark because even teenaged Obi-Wan had said he’s got a bad feeling if they were to tell the brass. So they haven’t.
Usually, when flimsiwork and war horrors keep stacking up and expand into an avalanche, Obi-Wan and Cody sit together in silence, sharing a precious cup of real tea, being together and lending support and strength they can’t find for themselves but can always, always find for each other.
Selfishly he wants that strength from Obi-Wan now, the warmth of his body nearby. He’s already breathing easier.
The kid is looking at him curiously, but Cody chooses not to say anything. Instead he turns forward once more, watching the busy night markets of the station and the stars behind it. After a moment the kid does the same.
Shoulders slowly relax and the silence becomes comfortable.
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Sometimes I see some excellent discussion around s1e5, which is just such a meaty episode, and a fun little game to play on rewatches is trying to spot the moment Ed's "fans" at the party stop laughing with him and start laughing at him.
And honestly? I kinda think it adds to the episode if you understand it as them laughing at him all along, with him just being too caught up in thinking it's possible for him to "win this interaction" to notice.
There's definitely a shift, there's a turning point at the dinner table when the angles go all unsettling as Ed realizes what's been happening, when Antoinette reaches for the bows in his beard in a very on-the-nose mirror of the experience pretty much every poc has ever had of someone feeling entitled to touch our hair, when a cork pops in the background and Ed flinches and they just keep laughing at him, but Ed is so unused to the passive-aggressive style of racism he experienced that I truly think they've been laughing at him all along and he just wasn't forced to acknowledge it until that moment.
From the start, they exoticize Ed, playing up his outlandish stories and making him the center of attention, and rewatching is so unsettling because you know they don't see Ed as a person, they see him as a novelty. Stede, unused to both the apparently positive attention Ed is getting and not equipped to notice the racist undertones, can't expect what's going to happen, and Ed's certainly more used to the kind of racism where people just call him a donkey to his face, so he tries so fucking hard to win these people over, to get them to laugh with him, unaware that they're already sharing a joke at his expense.
And I think it's honestly hard to get the whole point of the episode if you don't approach it with this reading! From the minute Ed walks in there, the only brown guest in the room, he's "lost" the game he wanted to play. It's a confirmation for him of his mother's warning that some people aren't meant for that life and never will be, and it's the reason why, when Stede tells him he thought Ed was actually quite sophisticated, letting him know that he'd done nothing fucking wrong, Ed falls for that man like a pile of bricks.
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sweetenerobert · 4 months
keep fuckin’ quiet
1.1k / dbf!joel miller x male reader
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summary: you can’t keep quiet, joel has to find ways to keep you silent
warnings: +18 MINORS DNI, pwp, age gap (22/40s) sex in a bathroom, slight suffocation (joel covers your mouth from moaning) dbf!joel, daddy!kink, kissing, creampie, joel has a dirty mouth, spanking,
a/n: I was sick when I wrote this, and somehow wrote this shit at 3 am (from where i am), @janaispunk thank you for letting me be the most chaotic and delirious person while I was writing this 💗💗💗
a/n 2: was this me writing this out of boredom because my brain can’t sleep, yes! also thanks to @strang3lov3 for the graphic, love you queen 💗💗💗
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You noticed beads of sweat from the man behind you, littering his forehead through your squinted eyes. Hands planted hard and rough on your bare hips. You were bearing your teeth in an attempt to keep quiet. Your dad was just a few feet from the bathroom, and any sudden noise would distract him from the TV.
The pseudo-uncle whom you’ve known your entire life was fucking the daylights out of you; keeping your hands to yourself around him was hard; you were eager to know what rested under the extra cloth in his jeans that rested where his cock lay. He was hesitant, but even paper folds with enough pressure pressed.
“Ya’ fuckin’ got what you wanted? You like this big dick deep in you son?”
“Yes! Oh, I love it so much,” You whined.
Joel was trying his best to fuck you as soft as his hips drew closer to you with each thrust, but he wanted to see you squirm under each thrust, tried to stretch you out, and leave a mark on you that he never wanted to forget. But he couldn't do that with each thrust as heavy breathes and light moans were escaping with each push of his cock.
“Keep quiet, son. Your pop’s is right outside.”
“I can't help it, Joel. You're so fuckin’ big.”
A light smack came across your ass but still caused you to wince and your ass to sting. “No cursing, son. I shouldn't have to punish my good boy.”
“Punish me, daddy! Teach me a lesson!”
“You asked for it, son, but keep fuckin’ quiet, or I’ll pull my cock out of that tight pussy of yours.”
Joel’s hips have a mind of their own as his cock jackhammers deeper in your ass, thighs clapping against your ass. The volume of your moans starts to elevate as Joel keeps hitting your G-spot.
“Shut y’mouth, son,” Joel grunted. “Y’want your dad to hear us?”
“N-no! I love your cock so much.”
“Such a dirty whore, y’gonna be daddy’s good little whore?”
Joel’s forearm wrapped around your neck, and you felt his chest on your back; hearing your dad’s best friend call you a whore made your cock twitch and made you want to cum. Your hands grab the sink, bending the material under you as you feel Joel stretch you out.
“Y’look so fuckin’ addicted from my cock, son. Look at yourself.” You complied with Joel’s command and looked at yourself. You saw a beast behind you; it wasn't Joel anymore who was behind you; he seemed unrecognizable. His eyes darken, his teeth bared, his grunts in your ear. Joel was becoming an animal in heat, and you were the reason why.
Focusing your eyes back down at the sink, you suddenly feel your chin grabbed and forced to look back at the small mirror and see you and Joel again. “What do ya think you're doin’? Y’wanted this cock so bad, I’ll make sure y’have it.” Joel’s lips press up against your ear, and his mustache and beard tickle the curves of your ear, causing shivers to crawl all over your spine.
The man before you, hips’ kept pushing deeper, and his pace was picking up with each thrust. Slight moans keep leaving your mouth, and you can't help but feel how Joel makes your body go into overdrive.
He couldn't compare to the guys you’ve been with in the past; Joel knew what he was doing to leave a mark on you. He knew how to pleasure a partner, and you were glad that you got to experience what it was like. Your hands rested on Joel’s thighs to help soften his thrusts, up to no avail.
“Son, y’getting too loud again.”
Ignoring Joel, moans kept slipping through your teeth; even with Joel’s firm but not tight grip on your throat, Moans kept leaping out of your mouth. Suddenly, Joel plants his hands over your mouth to help muffle your moans.
Heavy breaths were replaced but covered your moans. Each moan was replaced with a heavy breath covered with a groan or cry that Joel’s cock gave to you. His pace wouldn’t stop, and your moans wouldn’t stop shooting from your mouth.
The floor creaked from outside the bathroom; you both couldn’t tell if it was the house settling or your dad outside, but whatever it was, it made an unsettling feeling crawl up Joel’s body. The cries escaping your mouth through his thick fingers made Joel make a rash decision.
Lightly pulling on your chin, causing you to bend backward to look up at Joel. Quickly moving his hand from your mouth — a groan escapes your lips; Joel’s plump lips connect to your soft ones. They didn't block out the cries escaping you, but they suppressed them the best they could.
Joel’s hands were on your neck, not tight, but to balance your head. Eyes shut on both you and Joel as you gripped his arms. You felt your hair pressed on Joel’s flannel-covered chest; with each thrust, you could feel Joel’s heart bump against your head. A line of precum was escaping the hardened tip of your cock; it was hurting not to cum, but kissing Joel helped suppress that hurt feeling.
Feeling Joel back away from your lips, you open your eyes to look at him, an upside-down sneer on his face as your vision fixes from the darkness it was in moments ago.
“Fuckin’ hell, baby. I’m gonna cum; you want me to —”
“Gimme your cum, Joel. I want it all.”
Planting his lips back on yours, each of Joel’s thrusts started to become animal-like; he became the animal in the heat with each thrust and push; you could feel Joel’s cock twitch inside you. He was about to explode with each thrust of pleasure he gave you.
Removing one of your hands from Joel’s arms, you grip the shaft of your cock and start to stroke yourself. The buildup of cum from your base slowly began to rise as you felt it slowly crawl the shaft.
“Fuck, baby. I’gonna cum,” Joel grunted in your mouth.
“Me too, Joel.”
With a few pushes, a groan escapes Joel’s lips as you feel his warm cum swim inside you. As Joel was cumming, lines of cum escaped your pained mushroom tip. Your dick started to go flaccid in your palm as you heard the squelch from your ass as Joel slipped his cock out of you.
But his lips didn't move from your mouth; as your body turned, Joel’s lips stayed on yours. Your body pressed up behind the sink when your nails were trying to dig into it earlier. His rough hands on your waist as your hands find his face, his coarse but soft beard in your hands.
The electricity in the kiss died down as Joel rested his forehead against yours, noses intertwining together as you both just enjoyed each other.
“T’was the best fuck I ever had.”
“Best fuck for me, ever.”
“Thank, angel.”
“No problem, Joel.”
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theostrophywife · 7 months
kiss with a fist | chapter nine.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: only love can hurt like this - paloma faith.
author's note: i'm truly sorry for this chapter. that's all.
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The following week was the busiest you’ve ever been since term started. During the first two days alone, you had an exam in Alchemy, an essay in History of Magic, and a presentation for Charms. Combined with your prefect duties and the array of clubs and organizations you were involved in, you felt utterly drained by the time Wednesday finally rolled around. 
You slumped into your usual spot at the Great Hall and muttered a greeting to the entire table. 
“Merlin’s beard, you look more ghostly than Peeves,” said Mattheo. You glared at him in response, but opted to stay silent as you shoveled spoonfuls of mashed potato and gravy into your mouth. “Not even an insult, Y/N? Now I’m officially worried.” 
“I’m exhausted,” you grunted. “I can’t even spare a single breath on how stupid your hair looks today, Riddle.”
Mattheo grinned. “And she’s back.” 
You glanced around the table, not even realizing that you were searching for Theo until your gaze landed on his empty seat. You hadn’t seen him since the Hogsmeade trip, but you assumed it was because you’d skipped most meals to study at the library instead. 
“Where’s Theo?” 
Draco shrugged. “We thought he’d be with you.” 
“I haven’t seen him all week.” 
“Come to think of it, neither have I,” added Blaise. “Berkshire?” 
Enzo looked up from his muffin. “I’ve only seen him in class. I figured he was studying with you, Y/N.” 
“He’s probably just out for a smoke,” Pansy suggested. 
It made sense. Theo did have a weakness for the little cancer sticks. You didn’t think much of it at the time, but when the week winded down to a halt on Friday morning and you still hadn’t caught a glimpse of Theo, you were beginning to think that something else was going on with him. He hadn’t accompanied you to feed Henry either, which you found extremely strange. 
Ever since you first introduced him to the baby thestral, Theo never missed your visits to the Forbidden Forest. When you asked the boys, they said that while he did seem more moody and distant than usual, Theo still showed up to classes and quidditch practice. The only time he was noticeably absent was during meals at the Great Hall, which he obviously knew you would be present at. It might’ve been paranoia creeping in, but you were beginning to think that Theo was purposely avoiding you. 
Fortunately, you had Potions with him that afternoon which would either confirm or disprove your suspicions. When you walked into the classroom, you did so with your head held high despite the obvious lingering discomfort from the slug club dinner. Professor Slughorn bowed his head as you took your seat, but you were too busy worrying about Theo to care. He was nowhere to be found.
You and Draco exchanged worried glances until Theo came bustling through the door exactly a minute before class started. He said nothing as he passed the aisle, skipping the table you usually shared to sit next to Malfoy. The blonde seemed surprised by this and shot you a questioning look. 
Well, that all but confirmed it. Theo was definitely avoiding you. 
You barely paid attention to the lesson as you racked your brain for a logical explanation. Was he mad at you about something? The last time you spoke had been the night of the Hogsmeade trip. You ate a perfectly pleasant dinner at the Three Broomsticks and even chugged a heinous amount of butterbeer together. On the trek back to the castle, Theo insisted on carrying your bags and kept hiding the fudge from you. 
Nothing about that night indicated that he was upset with you. There had been that moment in the snow, but he had been annoyed with Mattheo and Enzo for the interruption more than anything else. Unless Theo had expected you to bring it up again, which you most definitely did not. 
But still, you hardly thought that was a reason for him to suddenly give you the cold shoulder. Maybe he was embarrassed. Maybe he regretted it. 
The possibilities weaved an endless thread of thoughts in your mind. By the time class winded down, you had given yourself a headache from thinking so much, which made you cranky and slightly angry because you realized that you hadn’t paid attention to a single thing Slughorn had said for the past hour and a half. 
As your fellow classmates and professor filtered out of the classroom, you stayed behind and waited for the chance to talk to Theo. He seemed to be packing his things slowly, probably expecting you to grow impatient and leave before missing your next class. Sometimes it irked you how well Theo knew you. 
You marched up to his table with your arms crossed. 
Theo slowly looked up from his seat. “Can I help you with something, Y/N?” 
“I haven’t seen much of you this week.” 
He carelessly tossed a quill into his bag. “I’ve been busy.” 
“Obviously.” You took a deep breath and pushed down your irritation. “I just...thought I’d check up on you. That’s all.” 
“I’m fine,” he snapped. 
“You haven’t shown up to any meals and you even skipped out on feeding Henry. Draco said you’ve been acting off all week.”
“Malfoy needs to mind his own goddamn business.”
You frowned. “He’s just worried about you, Theo. So am I.” 
“I told you, I’m fine. Don’t bother worrying about me. I’m not your responsibility.”
“I never said you were,” you snapped back, barely leashing your annoyance. “If you want space, that’s fine but you don’t need to lash out at me or anyone else.”
Theo clenched his fists. “Well I’m sorry that my mood has become such an inconvenience, but seeing as none of you know how to leave me the fuck alone, I don’t really give a shit if you feel like I’m lashing out.”
His words lit a fuse in you until your irritation bubbled into anger. “What is your problem?” you bit out. 
Theo rolled his jaw, averting his gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“This,” you exclaimed, waving your hands over him in frustration. “This is what I’m talking about. I don’t know what I said or did to upset you, but obviously there’s a reason why you’re this pissed because you’ve been avoiding me all week.” 
He sneered. “Please, don’t flatter yourself.” 
You wanted to throttle him. You wanted to lean over the table, grab him by the collar, and shake him until he came to his senses, but you knew that nothing good would come out of this conversation if you stooped to his level of stubbornness. 
“Why are you acting like this, Theo?”
For the first time that day, he looked up and met your gaze. Something unreadable flashed through his eyes, but Theo snuffed it out quickly. That mask of cocky arrogance, the one that he had lowered more and more over the past few months suddenly locked into place. It was painful to physically watch him put his walls up.
Those endearing dimples and playful sense of humor that you've grown so fond of were nowhere to be found. His lips curled into a sneer, those watercolour eyes devoid of emotion. There was no cheeky smile, no suggestive banter, no trace of the boy you had come to think of as your friend. This wasn't your Theo. You had no idea who the stranger standing in front of you was.
“Like what?” He said in a venomous tone. “This is how I’ve always been. You said it yourself. We’re rivals, remember? It’s not my fault that you thought we’d be anything more.” 
“I thought we moved past this petty rivalry bullshit.” Your chest tightened as though someone had reached into your heart and wrenched it out of place. “I thought we were starting to become friends.”
“I am not your fucking friend, Y/N.”
You flinched and took a step back. Theo clocked your reaction and winced, but it was too late for his regret now. It felt like he had poured a cauldron full of acid over your head. A part of you wished he had instead. It would have hurt less. 
Out of instinct, your defenses locked into place one by one. You laughed bitterly. “So what? You can fuck me, but you can’t even call me your friend?”
For a split second, Theo’s expression fell, but it was swiftly replaced by anger. “What did you expect? That we’d walk down the halls acting like we’re best mates? The Ravenclaw and her little Slytherin simpering after her like some fucking dolt? That’s not us. We fight, we fuck, and that’s it. Honestly, Y/N. I don’t know what the fuck you want from me!”
You could have let it go. Obviously you knew that there was a deeper reason why he was acting like this. You could have walked away and accepted that Theo was just incapable of communicating his feelings without pushing you away, but backing down from an argument had never really been your style. You were like a rabid dog with a bone. Incapable of admitting defeat.
“I want you stop being a fucking asshole and tell me why you’re so goddamn angry because obviously something’s set you off since we last spoke.” You rounded the corner of the table and got in his face. The chair made a scraping sound against the floor as Theo stood and easily towered over you. His height advantage didn’t deter you from pointing your finger in his face. “What is your fucking problem?” 
Theo growled as he seized your wrist. “Don’t fucking push me, Y/N.”
You yanked your arm out of his grip and tugged at his tie. “Why not, Theo? Hm? Are you afraid that your little asshole charade will crumble the second you have a genuine moment? Godric fucking forbid you express an actual emotion without deflecting it with humor.”
He pushed you against the table, his eyes flashing like a dark sign in the ether. You knew it was a bad idea to push him, but you just couldn't help yourself. Something inside of you longed to activate the big red button of Theo's temper. “You have no idea how I feel.”
“That’s exactly the point! You hide behind that cocky, arrogant little smirk and you think it makes you strong, but it doesn’t. In fact, it makes you weak.”
“Shut up,” Theo snarled. “Shut the fuck up, right now.”
“Why don’t you fucking make me?”
As soon as the words came out of your mouth, you knew you would live to regret it. Theo smashed his lips against yours, cutting off whatever insult you were about to hit him with next. You gasped as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, his kisses possessive and punishing. 
“You drive me fucking insane,” Theo growled as he picked you up and placed you on the table as though you weighed nothing. 
“And you don’t?” you shot back, pulling at the curls at the nape of his neck. “You’re so frustrating that it makes me want to fucking scream.” 
His teeth grazed your neck and he bit down hard. “Why is it that you insist on having the last word every time? Why can’t you just leave things alone?” 
“Why can’t you stop being a prick and say whatever it is that you want to say instead of throwing a goddamn tantrum?” You retorted as you unlooped his tie. “You’re not a child, Theo. You need to grow the fuck up!”
He nearly ripped the buttons off of your shirt, his hands shaking with anger and anticipation. “Oh, like you’re so fucking mature. Cornering me. Riling me up. You knew exactly what you were doing, Y/N.” 
“What was I supposed to do?” You said angrily as you undid his belt. “Making you angry seems to be the only way to get you talking.” 
“If it wasn’t already fucking obvious, I don’t want to talk!” 
“So what? You just want to sit around and pout, leaving the rest of us to figure out what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“No,” he growled, gripping your thighs so hard that it was sure to leave marks. “What I want is to fuck out my frustrations until I stop feeling so goddamn angry.” 
“So fucking do it already!” 
“Bend over,” Theo snarled, spinning you around until your back pressed against his chest. “Bend the fuck over right now.” 
You leaned over the table, your cheek pressed against the smooth surface as Theo pumped himself behind you. He hiked your skirt above your waist and palmed you through your soaked panties. Theo hissed when he felt how wet you were for him. He didn’t even bother removing your thong, opting to push it to the side before slotting himself inside of you. 
“Fuck,” Theo cursed, bracing himself against the table. “God, you’re so tight.” 
“Stop talking and fucking mo—“ 
You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence before Theo thrusted sharply into you. He chuckled darkly as your moan echoed off the walls. Theo ripped the scrunchie holding your braid together and gripped your hair in one hand while the other pressed gently against your throat. 
“I told you,” he whispered harshly, his lips pressed against your neck. “There’s nothing I enjoy more than fucking the attitude right out of you. Not so brave now, are you Y/N?”
“Fuck you, Theo.” 
“Technically I’m fucking you,” he said with a smirk. 
The pace he set was punishing. You were vaguely aware of glass breaking and books scattering to the ground, but you didn’t care. This was familiar. Fighting with your bodies made sense to you. 
All of the pent up feelings and tension made you anxious. It was a disaster waiting to happen. The anger within you was Mount Vesuvius, boiling and roiling with hot magma, ready to explode and erupt at any given moment, while whatever complicated relationship that had blossomed between you and Theo served as Pompeii. There was nothing strategic or logical about any of this, but at this moment, you wanted nothing more than to lose yourself in angry, meaningless sex. 
Except it wasn’t meaningless. Not really. Because when Theo turned you around and placed you over his lap, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“Look at me, Y/N.” You clamped your eyes shut. You didn’t trust yourself not to cry if you opened them right now. Theo caressed your cheek. “Please, just look at me.” 
“Why?” you asked, your voice breaking. “What good would that do?” 
“I want to see your eyes,” he answered. “I need you to see what you've done to me. I need you to see that you've wrecked me, ruined me. I can't breathe when you're around and it's even more painful when you aren't. I feel like I've gone mental. You've lodged yourself so deep that I wouldn't be able to get you out even if I ripped my heart out of my chest."
“Don’t,” you hissed, snapping your eyes wide open. You felt like a cornered animal, lashing out at the closest thing. “I don’t want to hear it, Theo. You’re only saying that because we’re having sex and you want to clear your conscience. Don’t fucking bother. We can fuck and get it out of our systems one last time without you feeling guilty about it.” 
Theo stiffened. The gravity of your words rolled over him like the eruption that had destroyed the ancient Roman city. Whatever precarious thing that may have existed between you died right then and there. Everything turned to ash and the bitterness of destruction lingered in your mouth, choking you with its acrid taste. Theo pried himself away from you and angrily pulled his clothes back on.
“Is that what you think this is?” He seethed, his voice dripping with venom. “Just a quick fuck to get it out of our systems?”
You tugged your shirt back on and smoothed over the front of your skirt. “What?” you challenged. “It’s like you said, Theo. We fight, we fuck, and that’s it.” 
His expression crumpled as you threw his words back at him. It tasted like ash in your mouth, but the bitterness was nothing compared to the ache in your chest as Theo pinned you with his gaze. There wasn't any trace of anger left in him. Instead, you saw nothing but disappointment.
It struck you harder more than his fury would have. You didn’t understand why he was acting like this. Theo was the one who pushed you away first. You were just returning the favor. 
Those watercolor eyes that had become so familiar to you had never seemed farther, like they belonged to a complete stranger. “I may be weak for hiding my feelings, but what does that make you?” His wounded expression cut you to the core. “You’re always so smart, so calculated. Two steps ahead of everyone else. There isn’t an argument that you aren’t determined to win." His lip trembled as he averted your gaze. "Well, I’m done fighting. No matter what I do, you just keep rebuilding that impenetrable armor of yours and I’m tired of trying to break through, Y/N.” 
There had never been anything more tragic than the look of absolute defeat on Theo’s face. You watched in silence as he walked out of the empty classroom.
It might’ve been minutes or hours later before you finally peeled yourself off of the table. You walked through the dungeons alone, feeling cold and numb. The sun had started to set over the horizon when you finally made it back to Ravenclaw Tower. You held yourself together until you opened the door to your dorm. Luna took one look at you before rushing to your side. 
Your friend caught you just before you crumpled to the ground. Luna held you in her arms as you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Somewhere deep within you, a dam had broken and all of the emotions and tears and ugly, complicated feelings that you kept contained behind a steel wall of logic spilled out of you in waves. 
“It’s alright,” Luna whispered, rubbing your back. “It’s going to be alright, Y/N.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her that she was wrong. Nothing would ever be alright again because you hadn’t just watched Theo walk out of that empty potions classroom.
You watched him walk out of your life as well. 
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions @cinderellawithashoe @starsval @kalulakunundrum @lucyysthings @siriuslysmoking @purplegirls-posts @unstablereader @lqclercs @whatsupb18 @rikirritated @psychedeliccc @jetblackpayne @clairesjointshurt @ama1a2 @omwtkydttfym @cinderellawithashoe @xeqr @txzii @goldenmagnolias @ilikefictionalmen @xxpeachyxo @dirt-cup-draco @willowecho25518 @shulipp @pompeygirl89 @lame-ferrum @dustbunniess @justdizzie @sopsopsopy @therealallisonspear @sweetwonieee @spacecadet16 @moonsreid @grrbrielew
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CONSUMED by dadsbestfriend!Price rn
He and your dad served together when they were both younger men, boys really, and they fought side by side for years before your dad packed all that in and decided not to renew his contract - leaving for a white picket fence life with your mum and you
You’ve never gotten to meet him before, but you feel like you kind of know him anyways because of the stories you’ve grown up hearing. He’s always been like a kind of figment of your imagination, someone your dads always spoken highly of in all of his tales from drunken weekends and adrenaline spiked firefights, he’s like some kind of mythic hero haloed in beer fumes and musing looks that get shut down when your mum asks if they both got themselves into any trouble on their latest gambit
Sure, you’ve seen pictures, you know what his face looks like, vaguely anyways. Apparently he has mutton chops now, something your dad is ‘always shocked by’ when they meet up now. However the pictures don’t do him justice. You realise that quickly after you do lay eyes on him.
You go over to your parents house, summoned for an early birthday dinner for your dad, and that’s when you see him. The man, the myth, the legend is cosied up on your usual spot on the corner couch, at the end of the short side with the chunky red tartan pillow barricading the hard brown couch arm. He turns when he sees you staring directly at him, meeting your gaze with a raised eyebrow.
The pictures didn’t really encapsulate how big he was, how broad his shoulders were as they took up an expanse of the chair back, how expressive his eyes were as they rover over you, how nauseatingly good he looked when ripped out of the confines of ink and paper and pressed into the lumpy old sofa you’d never been so needy to jump onto before.
Every little overworked neuron in your mind was busy exploding while you pictured tugging on his hair and beard and moaning out filthy things for him.
“You must be the kid,” Price observes, not knowing how much it would sting you, “how’s the head?”
If you weren’t aware of how childish it would be you’d huff that you were far from being a kid anymore.
“How’s my what?” Part of you wants to quip back that it’s ‘great- it comes recommended’ but then the sane part of you kicks in and thinks ‘perhaps don’t get yourself kicked out just as you’ve gotten in the door’
“Your dad showed me that charming little photo you stuck in the family group chat from the party last night. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree by the looks of it.”
Your face would flame up like a radiator in the dead of winter, you were just about spluttering and hissing like one too. You’d forgotten all about the drunken selfie you’d sent while in a full haze of peace love and a couple draws of your friend’s j after countless rum and cokes. ‘Love u guys, see ya tomoz’ you’d typed over it - remembering how you fumbled and squinted at the screen just so that it would be halfway coherent. Now sober, you knew it probably wasn’t.
“Fuck me, it actually sent,” you grumbled, jumping when you hear his earthy laugh tumble out.
His voice is like tree bark and honey, stolen straight from the mountains and imbued into his throat. You hang on his every sound, keen eyes glued to his plush pink lips that Peak out from under his beard.
You hardly notice your dad coming in until he’s all but shouting your name, wrapping you in for a bear hug you weren’t in the slightest prepared for.
Every response form there on out was hazy, as if it had been preprogrammed. For the entire night all you’d be able to focus on was John - He’d tell you to call him that after awkwardly addressing him as Sir, though not before something dark slithered over his eyes and passed in the instant it had come.
You’d spent the whole night fixated on John, hanging on his every word, sighing heavily when he reached back and combed through his hair, tousling it to a point that made you wonder if that’s how it looked after a night well spent in passion.
You were lucky you got through the dinner without making an arse of yourself, though to be fair your mum had gotten a jab in about how quiet you’d been. Better that than being embarrassing.
Though you weren’t to get away unscathed. It’d get late and after spending the whole night before fanatically talking and dancing, you had no energy left for being at your parents - present company included or not. However before you could call a taxi, Price would jump in and offer you a lift, claiming taxis were far too unsafe for someone so precious.
It’d make your parents laugh, but you weren’t even smiling. You’d stutter your excuses, telling him he didn’t need to make a fuss, but he’d be persistent. Being an army Captain and all, he was very difficult to argue with, so of course you found yourself in the passenger seat of his monstrous car, watching nervously as the old beast sputtered to life.
“Is this thing even legal to ride?” You’d mutter, frowning at the persistent choking noise that rattled underneath the engine roar.
“Could ask the same about you.”
It was barely a whisper, almost lost to the growl in his throat and the sound of the engine, but you were so sure you’d heard it said nonetheless. The possibility of it sent your back stick straight and your mouth plummeting to the floor, though in the back of your mind you wondered if you’d only heard him say it from out of the depths of your subconscious.
“Excuse me?” You’d chirp.
“I said: couldn’t get you to pull up some directions, could you?”
He’d side eye you as he said it, smiling to himself as he indicates and pulls out onto the road and out of the cul-de-sac.
Right. Directions, of course. You were just being filthy minded, you’d had a long couple days and you were strung out and tired. Why would he insinuate that he wanted to know if you were the right age to fuck or not. Especially when - even if you were by many measures - he was off limits to you. Forbidden. No go. Like the battle zones he probably waded into through his day job.
“Here you go. It’s not far!”
You’d pull up your phone, placing it on the dashboard so that he could see. He’d tell you to put on music too, shocking you when he’d produce an aux cord (by rights this car shouldn’t have even had the words aux cord uttered in it, but somehow it supported one).
“What kind of stuff do you listen to?” You’d ask, waiting to hear whatever dreary nonsense he was likely to come out with.
“What do you think I listen to?” He’d ask, barely paying attention to you as he made his way down the main road. “I’ll be happy with whatever you put on.”
“I mean i doubt our tastes are super similar.”
“You trying to drive at somethin’ here, sweetheart?”
You’d light up at the name, lighting up from the inside out in quiet awe. It’d be a challenge having to suppress your little firework show off happiness, so you’d hide it by shrugging and saying “figured you’d listen to old man music.”
He’d shake his head and grumble about ‘no such thing’ up until you put on an old Killers song and watched him smile - then you’d sagely nod your head and repeat ‘old man music’ delighting in his playful growl.
“Killers ain’t even that old sweetheart, at least stick some Dylan or Cash on if you’re gonna patronise me.”
“This came out in 2004, dude - I don’t know what to tell ya. It’s old.”
“Dude,” he’d grunt back. “Earlier it was Sir, was it not?”
You’d flush again and face the window, suddenly absorbing yourself in the outside world. The way he said that was far too…inviting. The no go zone was looking like the ‘get right the fuck in here and stomp all over your parents relationship with this man’ zone.
You couldn’t help yourself.
“Sorry, sir,” you’d tease. “Won’t happen again.”
Stupid insatiable brat, you’d inwardly curse, watching as Price’s smile widened again, pulling his whole face into a knowing grin.
It’d be clear to see you weren’t the only one fighting the urge to cross the barrier and take what you wanted. And with two people smashing at the confines…well.
One thing was for certain, you knew it in the pit of your belly, there was no way you were going to stay away now.
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alicedash2 · 3 months
Luffy's first love, Child!Luffy x Child!Reader (inspired by ponyo)
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Collaboration with: @gatitties 💗💞💖
Her post: 🪼
I think is everything okay now, I will change something if I found something
Luffy found a weird fish!
In the East Blue Sea, in the deep of the ocean, there was a small village that had been abandoned by its former inhabitants. However, now only one family lived there—a man with deep bags under his eyes, long white beard, and a slight hunchback. He maintained order at the bottom of the ocean, helping and nurturing marine animals. His house was large and peculiar but well-lit with various animals around. Inside this house lived YN, a small and chubby fish. For a while, YN had wanted to escape. After all, her "father" didn't allow her to leave because she was too young and careless. Despite being the most mature and largest among her sisters, she still couldn't go out.
The "species" of YN isn't exactly a fish, they are similar to the fish-men of Sabaody, but rarer and more special. YN emerged from a relationship between a human and one of the inhabitants of that village, who are creatures similar to humans but with the ability to control oceans, animals, and transform into either human or unique fish and extravagant forms
One day, while her "father" was tending to and raising new fish, guiding them to their destiny, YN sneaked out through the window, spying on her distracted father. Quickly, she fled. Being still somewhat small, she couldn't swim fast, but luckily, she managed to cling to one of the fishes swimming swiftly. Together, they headed towards the coast. Suddenly, they were caught by some merchant ships with long hunting nets. In the chaos, YN, trapped among the struggling fish, finally managed to break free. However, it didn't take long for her to be targeted again, this time by a large fish intending to prey on her. Despite YN's powers to control fish, tides, and others, she didn't know how to use them yet. Her only option was to flee, which almost failed if it hadn't been for another fish that hunted down the one chasing YN. The impact of the bite and the speed was so great that YN was flung towards the coast and landed directly in a glass jar, where she struggled to escape. In this moment of despair, YN managed to use her powers to call for help from a small group of fish, who quickly went in search of someone or something to help YN
Luffy, a small boy of 7 years old, was walking along the coast of his island, playing with the water and collecting some shells he found, putting them in his blue bucket. It was a sunny and comfortable day when he saw a small group of fish, for some reason, circling between his legs and nibbling on his skin. He tried to shoo them away, but the fish followed him. He attempted to catch one with his hand, but one of them jumped and resumed circling around him.
"What? Why are they following me?"
Without success and without an answer, the fish began to swim slowly and perform acrobatics away from him, then stop. Whenever Luffy approached them again, they swam a few meters away and stopped, as if waiting for him. He followed the little fish to a certain spot on the coast, a more secluded area. When the little fish guided him to another fish trapped in a glass jar, Luffy realized that the struggling fish was peculiar, a species he had never seen on that coast. He approached the fish, which was a bit large and chubby. Luffy held it, relieving it, and tried to pull the glass jar it was trapped in, but with little success. He tried harder, managing to break the glass jar with a nearby rock, freeing YN. As Luffy cleaned up the glass shards, he accidentally cut himself, but he didn't pay much attention. When he went to comfort YN, he noticed that she wasn't moving until he felt YN licking the small wound that was bleeding on Luffy's finger.
Luffy was confused, but quickly grabbed his bucket again, pouring out the shells and filling it with water. Then, he placed the little chubby fish inside. The fish remained motionless for a few seconds, tense, thinking that the fish might have died. However, it soon started swimming normally, which relaxed him.
"What a strange fish, I've never seen a fish like this before."
Luffy commented with a huge smile. The fish itself was quite different, it didn't have exactly fins, scales, or gills, but it was a beautiful and cute fish. The fish had a round face, small arms, and even hair, which in this case, was YN's hair.
As Luffy walked back to the village, the tide rose violently along with the waves, as if trying to attack Luffy and take YN back. But Luffy didn't pay much attention.
"I'll show this to Ace and Sabo!"
So, Luffy ran to DanDan's house with his bucket full of water containing the fish he had just saved. When he got there, he looked for Ace, who was nearby.
Meanwhile, YN's father appeared above the waters, with only his waist visible. He saw Luffy with YN.
"...this is terrible...hm, terrible and terrible...yes, terrible..." he said, rubbing his hand on his beard.
"Ace! Ace!"
Luffy ran up to the older boy, who looked at him already annoyed.
"What's up, Luffy?"
"Look what I found! A really weird fish!"
"A fish? I've seen many and..."
Ace stopped talking as he saw YN, who was swimming happily in circles.
"What...the heck is this?!"
Ace looked closely at YN, who was still swimming cheerfully.
"What an ugly fish!"
"What? Don't say that! How mean, Ace!"
Upon hearing this, little YN glared at him and spat a jet of water in the boy's face, making Luffy smile and laugh.
"W-What?! What a bold little fish! Give me that fish; I'll put it in the fire!"
"What?! No! Stay away!"
"Quick, give me that damn fish!"
A few hours later, in the evening, DanDan and others had already prepared dinner. When Luffy came down and joined them for dinner, he didn't hesitate to bring his new friend along. Luffy placed the bucket with YN on the table, the dinner was rice and meat.
"You must be hungry, right? Here, have some rice."
Luffy offered rice, but YN slowly looked at Luffy's meat.
"....meat? Here."
Luffy tore off a piece of meat and handed it to YN, who didn't hesitate to simply take all of Luffy's meat, leaving him indignant.
"Hey! Don't take all the meat! That's all I have!"
Luffy said as he tried to take the meat back from YN, but he only managed to retrieve half.
YN enjoyed the meat with great pleasure and happiness.
The next day, Luffy, still with YN in the bucket, was with Ace, who was still wary of YN.
"Ace, Sabo!"
The boys heard their names being called, and when they turned, it was Sabo, running towards them.
"Sabo, look what I found yesterday!"
"What is it?"
"It's... a fish... I think."
Sabo approached and looked at YN, who had a sweet smile.
"It's cute! Have you given this little fish a name yet?"
Luffy took a moment to realize that he hadn't named YN yet, but when he started thinking, YN stuck her head out of the water and said:
Luffy, Ace, and Sabo fell silent for a moment.
The fish spoke.
Luffy shouted and almost spilled the bucket on the ground, but Ace held him back. Ace and Sabo looked scared.
"It spoke, the fish spoke!" Sabo said, a little trembling.
"That's not a fish!" Ace said, in a low tone.
Luffy composed himself and stared at YN.
"You can talk...you can talk!"
Luffy stomped the ground in happiness.
"How amazing!"
"Luffy!" YN said, her voice cute and happy.
"Yes, it's me!"
"I like Luffy!"
YN started swimming in circles and doing pirouettes, making Luffy blush a little.
"I like you too, YN!" Luffy said in a soft tone.
Once again, Luffy was in the village, and Shanks was there. Nothing better than introducing his new friend to Shanks. As soon as Luffy entered the bar, he had YN in the same bucket of water.
"Shanks! Shanks!" Luffy ran to the counter. Shanks looked at the boy with the same smile as always.
"Hey, Luffy! What do you have there?"
"It's a fish, but...I don't know what kind of fish it is. And she talks too."
"...a talking fish?"
"Yes! Come on, YN, say something!"
Luffy put YN on the counter, where she leaned against the edge.
"Shanks!" YN said.
Shanks looked surprised. He held Luffy by the shoulders and looked serious.
"Luffy, listen to me. You need to return this fish to the ocean."
"It's not good. The "father" of this fish's species is one of the survivors of the village that was massacred by the Celestial Dragons. If this fish stays with you, she might end up dead. It's unknown how many of her species are left, but they were crucial for some islands..."
"I'm not going to! I won't, I won't!"
Luffy stomped his feet.
"If they find out you have this fish, they will kill her, and who knows what will happen to you...or to your island."
"Luffy!" YN said.
Luffy got angrier, with tears in his eyes. He took YN and ran away, back to the mountain.
"I won't leave you, YN..."
"Luffy!" YN swam happily.
A few more days later, Garo came to visit his grandchildren, Luffy didn't know if he was hiding YN from his grandfather or not, but it was useless, Garp ended up finding out and went to talk to Luffy, who was on the beach
"um, grandpa?"
"...this fish"
Luffy was soon surprised
" I'm not going to give it back! She...she's my friend! "
"Yes, you will."
YN's "father" appeared, riding on one of the kings of the seas
"She can't be with you, boy"
"I won't let you get her!"
"boy, don't make me repeat myself, I don't want to take YN by force from you"
YN's father said in a threatening tone, causing kings of the seas to appear, Garp prepared himself for any fight, Luffy, hesitantly, refused to give back
"I already said I'm not going!"
"either you give her back, or I sink her entire island, boy, just for YN to be here is a risk to all the only survivors of her species!"
while they were arguing, YN sneakily got out of the bucket and entered the ocean, she swam a few meters and screamed
"Luffy! run!"
Before Luffy could act, large waves began to appear and hit the coast violently, Garp was quick to take Luffy and get out of there, but little by little the island was almost being flooded by the waves and would be sunk by possible future tsunamis, but YN submitted to return with her "father" with the promise that he would not harm any living being in the village Foosha" was the last time Luffy saw YN that day
A few more days passed, and Luffy was very depressed. Even with the help of Ace and Sabo, they couldn't find YN.
Luffy was walking around the village, and he saw Shanks outside the bar, talking to Yasopp. He approached with a sad look.
"Still haven't found her?" Shanks asked, and Luffy just shook his head negatively.
"Luffy... this way is better. She's safe now. Maybe one day she'll come to visit you."
Luffy cried; he didn't want visits. He wanted to be with her. As much as she was a fish, Shanks took Luffy to his ship so he could cheer up a bit.
When he got close to the ship, strong waves began to appear, and on them, a colorful little fish. During this time without seeing YN, she managed to create a form that allowed her to walk. It was strange, but she did it in a hurry. Luffy smiled when YN reached the shore. She ran with the bucket that Luffy had left on the beach and been washed away by the waves.
Shanks widened his eyes when he saw the little creature with legs and arms running to Luffy. Shanks tried to grab YN, but she dodged him. Her form was finally complete when she acquired her human form, a slightly chubby and cute child, wearing a vibrant dress. She ran and threw herself into Luffy's arms, rubbing her face against his cheek. When they let go of the hug, they looked at each other.
"YN! You... you've changed!"
YN just laughed and stomped the ground, dancing.
"Do you like it? Took me a time for create my human form!"
Luffy jumped with joy and hugged his friend again.
"Shanks! YN is a human now, look!"
Shanks was incredulous, unsure of what to do or say, but it didn't matter much since Luffy took her hand and ran to his brothers. In the end, YN became part of them too. Garp, now that he understood what had been done, adopted her as his granddaughter and wouldn't let her "father" try to take her away either, as she had won Garp's big heart. That cuteness and innocence, now Garp himself called her the "princess of the seas" and "My princess"
DanDan didn't accept it at first, but she saw that YN could be useful regarding food, managing to easily bring fish.
YN was very well accepted by the village. Her father had made a deal with Luffy
that he should protect her with his life since YN is still a rare species, who acquired a human form and still managed to escape both her father and the Marines (Garp). And so, Luffy did.
It didn't take long, but Luffy was in love with YN, whether it was love or not, he couldn't stay away from her. YN agreed to join Luffy's crew and would help with whatever he needed. She was Luffy's first love, and now Luffy wanted to conquer the seas together with YN.
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devnmon · 8 months
The Staring Contest // D.D.
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Summary: Daryl tries to convince you to rest in bed with him, but when you refuse, he finds another way to try and convince you.
Warnings: suggestive content, 18+ | wc: 2.5k
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Daryl was bent over his bike in the garage of your shared home, tightening a bolt on his bike for what seemed like the 10th time of the day. He hadn’t realized time passed as swiftly as it had, noticing the light from outside had dwindled down to darkness.
There were two things Daryl looked forward to when the day came to an end: relaxing for the night, and falling asleep next to you.
His fatigue from working throughout the hours only sparked one thought: where the hell were you?
All desire to finish tinkering on his bike washed from his muscles. Finding you in the home you two shared was the only thing he could think about now.
His tools clinked together as he shoved them away in a random drawer of the workbench he’d been using, before turning to leave the garage.
It was nighttime, which meant you wouldn’t have watch shifts or be caught up doing anything else around the community for the rest of the night. Daryl wondered what kept you away from him for so long, recalling the very moments you’d search for him endlessly on days you were apart for even more than an hour. He knew in his heart, no matter how long each of you spent separated, that you never stopped thought about him throughout the day. His earth-like scent, and the way your skin littered with goosebumps every time he was in the room was so familiar and safe.
I keep you in the front of my mind, always, you've told him before.
Daryl sauntered into the kitchen, immediately spotting you at the table, nose stuffed in a textbook. His steps were silent as always, which was normal for Daryl. On a day to day basis, he was able to enter a room silently and unnoticed, unless he made it known.
But somehow, you always knew when he was around.
“Hi, Dare,” you spoke, without looking back at him.
"Oh, hey, sunshine. What's gotcha down here this late?"
“Just trying to memorize what we need for the garden, so I can help Maggie tomorrow. Wanna know these by heart so I don't have to keep looking back in here. Ugh... this small text is giving me a headache already…”
You didn't have to turn around to know Daryl was right behind you. His voice drifted, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, sensing him step closer to you.
You gasped lightly at Daryl’s presence surrounding you, his warm breath brushing the back of your neck.
“My girl,” he whispered in your ear, “Smartest in the whole world. D'ya know that's so sexy t'me?”
A chill ran up your spine from his gravel tone of voice. It was intoxicating, almost enough to pull your thoughts away from the very interesting plant content.
“Daryl, you’re distracting me.” you chuckled, still staring down at the textbook in front of you.
“Mm.. why don’tcha drop that book an’ come t’bed with me.. It's late, babe.”
“Cause if I don’t know this information, our crops won’t do as well and-”
Your breath hitched as his hands had traveled up your back, massaging your shoulders, thumbs pressing into your stiff muscles.
“Yer tense..” he picked up the soft sigh you let out, and continued, “Like that?”
You sighed, “Yeah… takes the stress out of memorizing all these facts just a little bit.”
Daryl could feel the heat rushing over your skin in waves, realizing so obviously that he was the cause of it.
“I could help ya take out more’a that tension. Happen t’know a few ways, babe..” he pressed a kiss behind your ear, beard hairs tickling your skin.
“N-No.. no, I can’t. I’ve gotta be at Maggie’s early to help her and.." his hands continued, "Oh god that feels good, keep going..”
In your train of thought, you’d forgotten how firm Daryl’s hands were; how they could always bring you pleasure, no matter how he did it. The paired silence between you two continued for a few minutes with his hands and fingers firmly pressing into your back, until his southern drawl broke the silence, focus breaking once he realized your attention wasn’t pivoting from the book.
“Can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I’m gettin’ jealous of yer damn book right 'bout now.”
Finally looking up from the pages beneath your eyes, you chuckled. The obvious boyish smirk on your boyfriend’s face was evident as you turned your head.
“You’re telling me you're getting jealous over some plants? I hate to break it to you, but I’m not sure anything in this world gets to take your place.” You stated, almost turning back to the book for a second, before cupping his cheek to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“You gon’ lose sleep over this? Some silly plants?” He murmured, close enough for you to hear him.
“Hey!” you poked at his chest lightly, “Those silly plants are what’s gonna help Alexandria and Hilltop thrive. It’s not my fault I was blessed with a green thumb. Now, can you please go get some rest? For me?”
He shook his head lightly, scrunching his nose at the idea of not having your full attention. Daryl knew what you were doing for the community was important. He knew that.
But maybe in those end-of-day moments of alone time with you, was when he decided to be selfish.
His intimate time with you was one of his favorite times of day; lips pressed to some part of your body in absolute worship, even if there would be a mark the next morning. Perhaps in favor of a mark being there.
“Nah. Nothin’ better than watchin’ my girl be a genius. Even if I’ll be damn tired t’morrow.” The slight groan in his voice hints towards the fact that he’s probably, definitely been up for way too long hunting and running around Alexandria all day. Straining all those precious muscles of his.
“You’re cute when you're being stubborn. You need to get some rest, too. Can’t have those bags under your pretty eyes.”
“Oh, my eyes’re pretty, now? Saw you avoidin’ em when you kissed me b'fore. Tha’s how I know ya get distracted when ya look at me..”
Of course you got distracted looking at him. He was so perfectly Daryl with that mop of wavy brown hair, piercing eyes that shone as the sea does, and his rugged figure.
“Tell ya what, you win a starin’ contest with me, an’ I’ll go to bed so you can study. But if I win, you gotta drop the books an’ come to bed with me.”
It was then Daryl’s hands left your shoulders, thus your aches returned. He took a seat backwards on a chair across from where you sat you, while you glanced up at him.
“Now Daryl, you’re just being silly. What are we, teenagers?”
Being around you certainly made Daryl feel like a teenager, even in his aged life, which brought a smile to your face.
“If ya don’t wanna see my eyes, jus’ keep starin at that book, I guess.”
You scoffed under your breath, still staring at the book. Only his soft breathing could be heard from across the table. He could’ve sworn you were blushing, but your head was tilted downwards too much to be certain.
“Look at me, sunshine,” he drawled, while you sat too flustered to face him, “C’mon..”
Your eyes trailed up the leather on Daryl's figure, then the tips of his brown hair, the scar across his left cheek, meeting his blues softly. He’d registered the rose tint on the apples of your cheeks immediately afterward.
"Mhm.. So, staring contest?” he lowered his head, making sure you kept eye contact with him.
“I don’t get what the point of this is…” you replied pointedly, shaking your head, a bit amused with the whole thing.
“Point is… ya do this with me or else I’m gonna drag your butt upstairs to bed."
“What’re you gonna do if I refuse?”
You knew Daryl was absolutely capable of carrying you upstairs. There was no doubt about it, he was strong enough to lift you and it wouldn't take much effort on his part.
"When's the last time you weren't workin' yourself overtime for this place, huh? I think you're the one who deserves rest, sunshine." His arms crossed against his chest, muscles practically bulging from under the cloth of his shirt.
"So do you, Daryl. You're just too stubborn to admit it."
The archer sat in silence for a moment, knowing you were right, putting up a stubborn front.
"Fine. I'll participate in your little staring contest. What happens when I win, again?" You both know what'll happen, and Daryl scoffs.
Placing the book down in front of you, your arms rest on the table and he leans in a little further. His scent of pine surrounds your senses, faltering your gaze from him for a minute.
"This ain't gonna work if you don't look at me, sweetheart." It's like you can hear the shit eating grin on his face, and when you look up again, it seemed you were right.
"Let's get this on with, shall we? First one that blinks, loses." You tilt your head in the same fashion as his, lowering your voice a bit.
"Gladly. Ready whenever you are, sunshine." Daryl's drawl had gone from his normal volume to a gravel one. You can tell he tried to throw you off track with it, but nonetheless, the staring contest was on.
Your eyes met his, deep and dark in the lighting. How did everything about him compliment those damn irises of his? Just one glimpse of his gorgeous aura from across the table had you pulling away from your book for more.
"You're infuriating, you know that?" Your nose scrunches as the words come out in almost a whisper, delicate with the way you're letting your thoughts drift from just his eyes.
"Hun, you're not much better. Gorgeous, but stubborn as all hell. Think ya might be more stubborn than me." You hear the chuckle, and it takes almost all of your stamina not to steal a glance at his lips. If you did, there was no way you'd be able to contain your eyelids.
You know exactly what he's doing, playing on the way you melt at his every compliment. But you focus on his eyes and what you can see of him in your peripherals. His broad shoulders are scrunched, eyes studying your face.
"Are you trying to intimidate me? Cause it's not going to work.."
"Dunno, think I have a couple ways. You jus' keep on starin' at me."
You huffed a breath and continued looking into Daryl's eyes. He was intimidating enough that you had to find other things to think about rather than his. Because they were so... tantalizing. Electrifying. A simple glance of his would usually bring you, figuratively yet literally, to your knees. Ones that were met from across courtyards of Alexandria, or from the corner of a room during a community meeting. How you were able to hold off on crumbling under that same look now? You had no clue.
To your concern, you hadn't realized the falling of your mind into such deep thoughts about the archer. Your eyes focused back on the wisp of his eyelashes, before realizing his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. Giving his features a once-over, you peeked at the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.
"Are you smirking?" Your arms folded across the table and inched closer to him.
"What else am I supposed t'do? You're too pretty. Happens when I look at’cha for a long time." His elbows propped up his chin in those rough palms of his, and began inching closer as well.
“Speak for yourself, handsome.” It was almost a whisper, but still the tones of your voice caught him off guard. Daryl’s eyes dropped from yours, swiftly to your lips and back up.
“Wish you’d just let me win so I could kiss ya right now.” His deft fingers tapped on the wooden table now, eyelids heavy with impatience and a sultry gaze being shot your way. You want him to lean towards you, within just the proximity to plant your lips on his, but he sits back in his chair instead.
You whisper, “You make me wanna go back to my books and leave you hanging on this damn contest.”
Daryl shrugs, “Ya blink, ya lose. Them’s the rules.”
“I’m not breaking.. do with that what you will, pretty boy.”
“Mhm..." Daryl chuckled to himself for a moment, then stood from his seat. Whatever composure you were trying to keep from showing while gazing at him only overwhelmed you as he rose from the table. No matter how hard he tried, Daryl came off as intimidating, especially when he stood over you, like he was doing right now.
"We're having a contest here.." you began, "Or does you leaving the table mean you forfeit?"
Daryl's fingers dragged along the table, slowly stepping towards you with the same intimidating glare.
"Nope." He stepped behind you, grabbing your chair with both hands to pull it out from the table.
"Daryl- what're you doing?" You giggled, letting the book of plants fall onto the floor, while you were dragged backwards by Daryl's strength.
"If you're not gonna let me win, I'm just gonna have to take you myself." let go of the chair, and immediately knelt down to grasp your body from your seat.
"Hey!" Daryl's large, warm hands grasped your body, while you wrapped your hands around him in surprise. Upon your hands grasping at him, he got a face full of your chest, which he didn't mind at all.
Grunting at your weight in his arms, you turned to him, spotting the faint blush on his cheeks at the view he was currently getting. You chuckled, getting flustered yourself, but still pressed against him. He began towards the stairs, with you easily grasped in his arms. It was during these rare moments that you realized just how strong Daryl was, how easily he could pick you up and carry you without breaking a sweat.
"This what you're gonna do every time you can't convince me?" Your arms wrapped around his neck now, watching his face while he walked. You pressed a few light kisses to his neck in response.
"Nah, I'll let ya win sometimes. But this, you're gonna wanna be there for." The smirk on his face created a warm feeling inside your chest, one you wanted to give him, too.
Daryl continued up the stairs, down the hall towards the bedroom you shared with him. Your arms wrapped around the nape of Daryl's neck, lips peppering kisses across the expanses of his chest. Once he'd walked to the bedroom door, he kicked it open and made his way towards the bed.
He softly placed you down on the edge of the mattress, waving you to lay back on the bed with his hand. Daryl kicked off his boots, undoing his belt before crawling towards you on the duvet.
In a moment he hovered over you, smirk lingering on his lips like liquor.
"Now, I dare ya, take your eyes off me. See what happens."
You were in for an especially long night.
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A/N: Thanks for reading:) If you enjoyed this fic, please show support by reblogging!
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alexa-fika · 2 months
I don't know how but I had these ideas while working out
1- Rayleigh x winged!child!reader (w)
W gets sent back in time and meets his grandpa and Roger Pirates
2- sanji x ghost!child!reader
Okay so the reader is basically Danny phantom and he doesn't die (because he's already dead yohohoho sorry) and doesn't need to eat so a story about that idk
3-law x son!reader
Okay you wrote a story about laws son being able to see dead people so he gets kidnapped by Doffy and ghost Corazon trying to reassures him until his dad rescues him
Adventures in the past ( Roger Pirates x gn!child! Reader)
A/N here we gooo, Im kinda meh on this one and I ‘ll be honest I din’t even noticed that it was a winged!reader request until I was done so I had to kinda mix it in? But regardless here we goo, I can’t tell you how many times I went back and rewrote it again and again cause I kept getting stuck 😩
Reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which means reader in Japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Dokucha groans, wriggling their way out of the barrel they had found themselves in, looking around their surroundings, shaking their wings
“Grandpa is gonna be mad that I ruffled them again,” they mutter
They squeak as a knife flies past them, digging into the wooden walls behind them
They slowly turn around, staring at the entrance of what looked to be an office of sorts, spotting two kids, a red-head with a straw hat holding a sword menacingly and a blue-haired boy with a red nose, holding an array of small knives between his fingers
The two seemed to be young but still relatively older than they were
“Um… hi”
“Who is it, Shanks, Buggy?” a voice calls behind the two young boys
“Uh…” Shanks lowers his sword, staring at the scared child in front of them
“It’s a Bird-kid!” buggy, never one to be at a loss for words, exclaims
They stare at the man for a few seconds, their eyes glancing at the familiar marks on his chin and grin, flying towards the man and crashing into him
The boys give the man a side eye from where they stand
“Don’t look at me like that. I don’t know this kid!” he exclaims, looking down at the child who was now holding onto him and hugging him
“Kid, I think you got the wrong person…”
“No! You are Grandpa Ray!”
“How do you know my name,” he says slowly, looking at the child hugging him
“Because you’re grandpa!” They cry
“How old do you think I am, kid.” he frowns at the child clinging to him
At those words, the child pauses, taking a closer look at the man before him; it was their grandfather, that was for certain; the scar and the markings were unmistakable, not to mention the powerful aura their grandfather carried.
But the closer Dokucha looked, the more they noticed something was not okay; the silver-white long hair was now short golden yellow locks. The markings that characterized him, although there, rather than framed by his beard they, were now inked on his chin, the beard nowhere to be seen. And his face that was before marked by time was now much younger
“Um, Granpa Ray…. This joke is not funny. Why do you look so different?” They said, poking the man’s cheek, trying to find their ‘disguise.’
“Wait, wait, you actually think I’m your grandpa?” he asked in disbelief
“Who put this idea in your head?” he asked before letting out a slight chuckle
“Shanks, Buggy, is this your doing?”
“Hah? I didn’t do anything!”
“Not me either.”
Dokucha turns their head at the mention of their names, glancing down at the two teens
“Uncle Shanks? Uncle Buggy?”
The two looked a bit surprised; how did this kid know their names
“Uh, yeah,” Shanks said nervously
“How do you know who we are?”
“Umm, what year is it?”
The two exchange glances before looking back at the little kid in front of them; it was an odd question
“It’s… 1486.” the teen with the hat said
“Uh oh”
The two look at each other again a, very concerned looks on their faces
“W-what do you mean, uh oh?”
“W-Well, Grandpa Ray said it was 1522.”
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Dokucha now had found themselves on Crocus's lap, the latter performing a quick examination on the latest visitor of the Oro Jackson
“I'm okay, Uncle Crocus,” they said, inching back at the cold feeling of the stethoscope
“Are you sure?” He asks, repositioning the stethoscope
“Your wings seem fine, no broken feathers or anything embedded in them, no lacerations or damaged blood vessels.”
“No fever, Heartrate is good, breathing is good, the pulse is normal.. they’re good,” he said, giving the rest of the crew his approval as he put his tools away
“Yay! I'm free!” They said hoping off and flying off
“Not so fast, Sweet thing!” laughs Roger, effortlessly picking up Dokucha
“So, what brought you here?” Roger said while carrying Dokucha in his arms
“A barrel did,” Dokucha responded
“You got yourself trapped in a barrel?” Cuts in Buggy
“Yeah, I couldn’t get back out because of my wings.”
Shank lets out a slight snicker at that
“Hey! It’s not funny!” Dokucha exclaims with a pout
“It’s quite funny, you got yourself trapped in a barrel,” Shanks said, snickering harder
“Haha, yeah, it’s quite funny.” Buggy joins, laughing along with Shanks
“Fight me!” They said, lunging at them
Roger lets out a belly laugh, holding back Dokucha
“There, There”
“They’re being mean, Uncle Roger!”
“I think they’ve only teased you lightly; they haven’t really been mean per se,” he responded, patting Dokucha’s arm
“Your future self sure raised a wild one, Rayleigh.”
Rayleigh rolls his eyes, walking closer to his Captain and plucking Dokucha from his lap
“Grandpa Ray!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re back to Grandpa Ray now?”
He chuckled, patting the kid on the head
“Grandpa Ray looked so handsome when he was young,” the child exclaimed, moving Rayleigh’s head around and inspecting the younger version
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment now and an insult in the future…”
“Don’t worry, Grandpa Ray looks handsome as he is now, too; he got to be with grandma after all,” they said, giving the man a thumbs up
Rayleigh rolls his eyes at this
“You’re something else, kid
“Now-Grandpa Ray says the same!” They chirp
playing around with his sweatband
“I'm sure he does,” he stated, putting the sweatband over their wrist
Dokucha smiles at this, glancing at the new addition and, sliding down his arms and walking to the two teenagers
They observe them for a while until a pout comes on their face
Shanks just stares at the kids as they pout
“What? Is something wrong?” he asks
“I wish I had gone back farther… I'm still shorter than Uncle Shanks and Uncle Buggy.”
Shanks chuckles a little before giving a small pat on Dokucha’s head.
“It’s alright, kid. You’ll catch up to us soon.” Shanks’s voice is kind and reassuring
Buggy just giggles at the situation
“No, I won’t; when I'm as tall as you are now, you’ll be all grown up, just like you are in my time! And then I ‘ll still be smaller.”
“Why do you wanna be tall like us anyways?” asks Shanks with a raised eyebrow.
They shrug
“to make fun of you.”
Buggy lets out a hearty laugh
“That’s the most honest reason anyone could give.”
Shanks snorts at this and lets out a laugh of his own
“I know”
“You are something,” said Shanks
“A lil brat,” says Buggy
They gasp,
“Says the red nose!”
Buggy’s eyes light up with pure rage.
“What did you say, bird-brat?” he growls
They stick their tongue out of them and running of between Rayleigh and Roger, who just observed the situation amusedly
“Are you going to let a little kid get to you, Buggy?” Rayleigh chuckles with a raised brow as he watches Buggy’s rage get the best of him
“Dokucha!” He growls
“Come and get me then!”
Buggy shoots off like a bullet, lunging for the small child
“Come here Dokucha!”
The kid laughs and giggles as Buggy tries to snag them.
Roger chuckles at this scene, watching the two
Dokucha looks around as Buggy’s voice soon begins to shift, becoming echoey and distant, changing into two familiar voices
Dokusha blinked their eyes open, looking around and finding themselves in their room, Their grandfather and grandmother glancing down at them
“Good morning,” smiles Shakky, puffing out a wisp of smoke
“Geez kid, that was one heavy dream you were having,” Laughs Rayleigh
“Grandma, Grandpa?”
“Look like you’re still half-asleep. I'm going to get breakfast going,” Shakky says as she leaves the room
“What did you dream about?” asks Rayleigh, lifting the child from the bed.
“Still asleep? Hmm? Say, Dokucha, when did you get that sweatband?”
“Huh.” they look down, confused, only to look at their wrist and spot the familiar red and white wristband, a grin growing on their face as they realize what it meant
“Someone gave it to me!”
“Huh... I used to have one just like it; it brings me back.”
“Hey, Grandpa?”
“You looked really handsome when young. I can see how you got with grandma.”
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Here we go thoughts? It’s not kicking your legs type but hopefully you got a chuckle, I will start working on the other one’s now 👀
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caxde · 2 months
Hi! Can I make a request about Wayne reacting to reader being Eddie's girlfriend in Bright eyes? 💜
I'm so curious if Wayne likes the reader or if he's hesitant about her because he cares about his family. 🤔🤔
ty for your request, i hope you like it! bright eyes universe drabble ~1.7k girl!dad eddie
Lua had woken up first. And for once she let Eddie sleep peacefully, she found her way to the couch. Wayne was sitting in his usual spot on the far left, sipping on a mug of coffee. He left in with care on the side table that had been repared more times than it had been in his ownership. Lua opened her arms, knowing that a hug was incoming. 
Wayne grabbed her under her arms, and pulled her in for a little cuddle. He smiled to himself, something he only dared to do in such intimate moments. 
“Mornin’ Lua.” He whispered into her ear, her little hands playing with the collar of his work shirt. 
“Hi uncle Way.” She beamed back almost immediately, her hands still playing with the straight fabric. 
Wayne had never been a man of many words, that didn’t really change when Lua came around, though she somehow understood. She felt seen and cared for, which is more than she could ask for, maybe because she only had known that, unstoppable love and devotion that she liked to express back. With Wayne that was quiet moments, giggles that were born from Wayne tickling her, especially when he kissed her cheek and the beard he usually had tickled her, and small playtime. 
This particular morning, Wayne brushed her hair with his fingers as she lazily woke up. Waiting for her to start chatting, as she usually did. 
It didn’t take long. 
“Dada?” She asked, pointing with her finger to the door she left ajar. 
“We should let him sleep, Lu, he’ll work until late.” He tried to explain, grabbing her shoulders in a soft touch as she tries to stand up. 
“Princess?” She asks, her tone remains the same as when she was calling for Eddie, for a moment Wayne doubts, but smiles as she stands up, grabbing her princess books and VHS that Steve had snuck out of Family Video. 
“You wanna watch Sleeping Beauty again?” He tried, handing her the plastic box that had the infamous kiss printed on it. 
“Yeah…” As soon as Wayne walked up to the T.V and the red FBI announcement was starting, Lua groaned, which made Wayne turn around in shock, she usually giggled at the recognition of the movie starting. “No, princess!” She screamed again, her hand now pointing at the window. 
“I don’t know what princess has a window, Lu…” He tried a soft tone, as he sat back down, turning the volume low so he could actually hear anything she would say, rather than the loud opening credits. 
“Dada’s princess!” She cheered again, her head looking outside the window, right to where your trailer was. The light on that could be seen through your living room window let her know that you were already awake. 
“Dada’s got a princess?” Wayne’s eyes opened in disbelief, his voice a bit higher in pitch than what Lua was used to, the change maker her smile, a mischievous one at that, as if she knew she was telling a secret. 
“Stevie said, dada went to charm the princess.” She explained, looking back at where your trailer was to the T.V and the bright colours that started appearing on the screen. 
Eddie had woken up long enough to hear it all. He had remained frozen in the spot, his hands playing with his rings as he stood in the corridor, his old sleeping shirt a wrinkled mess, his hair was in a similar way tangled and he was on his way to take a shower and sort it out when he heard it. Wayne looked at him, his eyes still opened in shook, but a grin in his lips that Eddie had stolen long ago. 
Lua still hadn’t noticed his dad, or the way his cheeks grew pink in embarrassment, her full attention on the way the little fairies were casting spells to protect Aurora, she was mouthing the words along, as if it were a song. 
Wayne walked over to his nephew, who was trying to hide his face behind the palm of his hands. He rested a hand on Eddie's shoulder, as he nodded to the kitchen, asking to have a little conversation with him. 
“So… a princess huh?” Wayne asked, the Munson grin on his face, his usual teasing tone in a quieter voice so Lua wouldn’t eavesdrop. 
“Uh… yeah. A girlfriend really.” Eddie confessed, his right hand scratching the back of his neck as he tried to avoid Wayne’s eye contact, unsuccessfully. 
“Girlfriend?” He mocked back, his eyes staring deep into Eddie’s trying to read him. 
“Yeah, it happened yesterday.” Eddie couldn’t help but smile at the memory, nor could he stop his eyes from shining. He got to kiss you for the first time yesterday, and couldn’t wait until he got to kiss you again, unfortunately for him, he hoped you would have some time where nobody knew, but of course, everybody seemed to know before he could even tell them. 
Wayne looked at him, and the way his lips curved upwards when he talked about it, and for a moment he saw the younger Eddie. The always full of energy and excited one, the one that existed before he was buried in pressure. In a way that Wayne wasn’t prepared for, he was glad you were able to make his nephew’s eyes shine again. 
“So uh… Lua likes her?” Wayne opens the door above the sink, sitting next to it before grabbing the box of cigarettes he had in his back pocket. 
“Blow the smoke out.” Eddie reminds him as he accepts the cigarette Wayne offers him, placing it behind his ear. “She’s infatuated with her.” He admits, as he looks over at her, and the way she is dancing hugging a shirt that was left yesterday on the sofa, as if she was Aurora and the shirt was the prince, she was mumbling along to once upon a dream.
“And are you with her because Lua likes her and you're lonely or because you actually like her?” He points out the difference, his hand that holds the cig between his two fingers gesturing as he speaks, smoke making the moment even more dramatic. 
For a second Eddie smiles to himself, thinking that maybe he’s as dramatic because of his uncle. 
Then he reflects on his question. 
He really likes you, and he had really liked kissing you, and the way you had made him feel. As if he wasn’t a disappointment, or a responsible fixer of fuck-ups, but as a person. You made him feel like he deserved to be happy again, like his life didn’t have to revolve about stupid worries that hadn’t yet happened. 
He really likes the way you treat Lua. And the way Lua smiles and laughs and giggles every time she gets to spend time with you. In a selfish way, he wanted you to fit in his life, desperately so. He could see the way you fitted into the dream he had, a nice large house, a bedroom for Lua and maybe another little one, only this time they had your eyes. 
“I really do like her…” He starts to try to rationalize out loud, his uncle watching him closely. “She’s truly amazing… And she… She makes me smile, and I feel lighter when she’s near.” Eddie tried to explain, with a lovesick smile in his lips as he turned his head from the ground up to Wayne’s eyes. “And she is great with Lua, I mean… I haven’t seen Lua warm up to anyone like she has to her, and maybe that helps in me liking her so much, but I…” 
“I didn’t mean to make you spiral, kid.” Wayne is smiling as smoke escapes his mouth. His hand on his shoulder once more, Eddie relaxes at the touch, his lips curving a bit as he feels it. “I just… careful, yeah?” Eddie nodded at his words, a knowing look on his face. 
“Believe me, I hadn’t even thought about dating since Lua came around, but she’s just… I dunno, special I guess.” Wayne gives a knowing nod, as he stomps the cig on the window still, throwing the bud on the trash next to the counter. 
He feels the way Eddie’s changing for the better because of you, and he can’t help but be happy and weary at the same time. 
“Just… y’know, wrap it before, one is enough for now.” Wayne teases as he walks back into the living room, laughing as he hears the way Eddie groans at the comment that he made. 
A weight on Eddie’s chest feels as though it lifted, the big scary talk done and over with, he started to walk into the living room, Lua giggling as the buffon was sleeping with the guitar over his head. Eddie sat down next to her, his arms wrapping her in a soft cuddle. 
“Dada he’s like you!” She pointed out, at the cartoon on the T.V. He furrowed his eyebrows, not really following her train of thought. 
“What do you mean, bug?” 
“The guitar! You play it…” She becomes embarrassed for a moment, her hands playing with the ends of her hair. 
“Dada can play it better than that.” He teases back, his fingers tickling her side as she laughs, falling on the cushions as she accepts his father’s way of saying good morning to her. 
Wayne walks over them, looking at them fondly, an idea popping into his brain. 
“You should invite your princess over for dinner sometime.” He mocks the nickname Lua had given you, his hand flicking between the T.V and the window where your trailer could be seen. 
“Please?” Lua added, wanting to see you sooner than later. Her eyes shining as she looks up at Eddie, she was trying what usually worked when she wanted something. Her eyes were opened as she looked up, her brown eyes a reflection of his, her smile showed her teeth as she moved her body slowly from side to side. 
“Yeah, I’ll ask her when she’s free.” He gave in immediately, hugging Lua and melting as she celebrated it. 
Wayne nodded at Eddie, who couldn’t help but smile, trying to hide just how nervous he actually was for you meeting his uncle. 
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inbloomwriting · 11 months
a calm surrender II Roy Kent
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Plot: Roy doesn't love her. In fact, he finds her irritating above anything else. And yet he manages to tell her in so many different ways.
Pairing: Roy Kent x female reader
Warnings: A lot of swearing, mentions of food and alcohol. Reader takes Keeley's spot in some plot points - no disrepect to her though she's my favorite.
Notes: This is inspired by a "100 ways to say I love you" List. It’s 8.3k words, It's a big one.
Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please
"It's enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you"
Take my jacket, it’s cold & You can have half
She’s irritating. Everything about her manages to get under his skin. The way she’s always smiling that big radiant smile of hers or the perpetual scent of jasmine and vanilla that seems to follow her anywhere. She laughs too loud, she’s a terrible driver and even worse at parking. The music coming from the physio room is mostly cheesy 80s and 90s pop songs that make Roy want to give himself a lobotomy. She’s irritating in every which way you look at it �� and maybe that’s the exact reason why Roy can’t keep himself from looking at her.
Tonight is no exception. For some inexplicable reason, his eyes manage to find her across the room and in the crowd, every single time without fail. It’s not like it’s a conscious choice on his part either. It just happens. That sparkly green dress of her’s just seems to call out to him like the damn light across the bay at the Buchanan’s dock.
And the worst part is that she noticed. She caught his eyes on her more than once, even had the audacity to smirk back at him. During the auction, for a small moment, he thought she might bid on him when her hand just barely twitched and her eyes held a sense of infinite mischief. She didn’t though and for a second he could feel a string of disappointment pull at his heart. Not because he wanted her to bid on him or anything, he just wasn’t particularly fond of the idea of having to spend time with Cheryl Barnaby.
He managed to find her across the room all night — except for right now. Everyone’s on the dance floor. Keeley, Jamie, Ted, even Beard. But not her.
No one’s paying attention to him right now, if he were to just slip out of here, no one will notice.
It’s not like he wanted to be here in the first place. Sure, raising money for underprivileged children is something honorable and he would never let his own disdain for overly glitzy social events get in the way of doing the right thing. Doesn’t mean he has to like it though.
Emptying his glass with one last sip he grabs his jacket from the back of the chair and steps out into the chilly air of a London night.
It’s funny, really, how the moment he stops searching, the green light calls back out to him and she steps into his vision. A glowing beacon of refuge, guiding ships through dark nights to safe shores.
The cold air nips at her skin, sharp and vicious and Roy doesn’t even have to get any closer to her to notice that she’s shivering. He can barely suppress the urge to roll his eyes at her. Of course, she’s cold, she’s only wearing the dress and some flimsy chiffon scarf thing around her shoulders. That’s gonna do fuck all to shelter her from the cold. Irritating. She’s so irritating.
The most irritating part though, is that he can’t help but slip out of his suit jacket. The most irritating part is that he can’t help but care.
“Take my jacket, it’s cold.”
There it is again, that smile of hers. The one he sees sometimes when he’s about to fall asleep. How ridiculous, he thinks, how foolish of him. How absurd it is to fall asleep to the image of a smile belonging to a girl that annoys him more than anything and anyone. (Except maybe Jamie).
“Are you — are you talking to me? Little old me? Are you being nice to me?”
“Jesus fuck, don’t make it weird. I’m always nice.”
She giggles and it’s bloody adorable. So adorable that a smile threatens to pull the corners of his lips upwards. See? Fucking irritating.
“You hardly talk more than 3 words to me when you’re in the physio room but — okay. If that’s your version of nice.”
“Take the jacket or not, I don’t care. I’ll let you freeze out here if you’re trying to be difficult. Means fuck all to me.”
That’s not true. They both know it. No matter how much Roy tries to deny or hide it, there is a soft heart buried inside the rough exterior. He just can’t risk showing that to everyone. Can’t have people getting the wrong ideas.
“No, please I — sorry I’m just — you make me nervous and when I’m nervous I talk a lot and then most of what comes out is just stupid nonsense or deflecting humor or something. I would really appreciate that jacket. It really is fucking freezing.”
Roy has been in the public eye for years now, he’s used to people being intimidated, nervous. Usually, it’s strangers though, people who don’t know him. Those that do, that work with him, usually lose that feeling pretty quickly.
“Why the fuck would I make you nervous?”
She just glances at him before turning her face back towards the street “Have you seen yourself?”
He’s not sure how to take that. Is it a compliment? Does she think he’s handsome? It’s not like it matters to him really. In fact, the thought that she might find him attractive is — say it with me — fucking irritating.
He contemplates asking her outright if this is something she does on purpose. If she’s deliberately trying to rile him up. The words are on the tip of his tongue when he notices her shiver once again and all that was on his mind vanishes against the desperate need to keep her warm.
“Jesus. Let me just — “
Jasmine. Vanilla. He smells it when he slips the jacket around her shoulders. He wonders if his jacket will smell like that, like her, when he gets it back. Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Not because it’s her or anything — just because it smells fantastic and Roy is not one to deny himself the simple pleasures in life.
“I really appreciate it, Roy.”
And the gratefulness with which she says it is not irritating at all. It’s endearing. It’s flutters-in-his-tummy kind of wonderful.
Instead of reacting like a normal, reasonable person with a simple “you're welcome”, he gives her one of his signature grunts. That’s as good a normal reasonable reaction as anyone can expect from him, really.
“What are you out here all by yourself for anyway? Trying to get kidnapped or something?”
“No,” there it is again, the giggle. Ugh. “ I’m waiting for my Uber. He’s — “She checks her phone, illuminating her face with the harsh blue light. He thinks she looks wonderful either way. Then scolds himself for thinking it. Some simple pleasures he has to deny himself. “ 12 minutes away.”
Roy isn’t quite certain whether or not he considers himself a good person. He tries to be, it’s a conscious effort each and every day. He helps out his sister, he gives in to all of Phoebe’s wishes even if it means having to play the princess yet again and never getting to be the dragon. He donates more money to charity than the press is aware of, leaves hefty tips whenever he goes out to eat and though he does swear a lot, he still tries to be polite if he can.
He tries to be a good person and a good person doesn’t let a woman wait outside in the cold dark night by herself. No matter how infuriating she is.
“Do you mind if I keep you company? Couldn’t live with myself if you got snatched up and I was the last person to see you alive.”
A laugh tumbles from her lips. A step up from a giggle and god does it send shockwaves through his traitorous heart.
“The press would have a field day if that happened. I can see the headlines, ‘Football legend Roy Kent involved in the disappearance of Richmond sports physio’ and then they use a picture of you from like 10 years ago with the really bad long hair that makes you look a little sketchy.”
“I didn’t look sketchy.”
“You looked a little sketchy.”
Roy glances at her through the corner of his eyes. She really is a dream in forest green, the sequins, and rhinestones reflecting the street lights like little kaleidoscopes. He’s almost certain he’ll dream in shades of green tonight. He’s sure he’ll see her smiling face.
“You look beautiful.”
The words fall from his lips before he can stop them and it makes him want to put his head through a wall. Fuck.
“Thank you —” she replies bashfully, “do you want some sausage roll?”
In all the scenarios running through his head of how this conversation could’ve gone, this is not one of the outcomes he expected.
“What?” he asks, one eyebrow raised in question.
“Do you want a part of my sausage roll?” she chuckles and pulls a brown paper bag from her sparkly clutch bag. “I wasn’t sure if they were gonna actually feed us or just serve us rich people portions so I brought backup. You can have half if you want.”
She breaks the flaky pastry in two and holds one piece out to him. Even her nails are painted to match the dress. If he was any worse a man he would risk it all for just one taste of her and whatever black magic she possesses that gets so deeply under his skin. He is a better man than that tough, so he settles for a taste of the sausage roll.
“You’re a strange woman”
“Strange or smart?”
Taking a bite from the sausage roll, buttery and flaky and greasy, he must admit she has a point.
“Bit of both.”
“I can live with that.”
Silence settles upon them, well as silent as a London night can be. It feels weirdly comfortable. No expectations to be someone or do something. Just her and the city and the fucking Greggs sausage roll.
And — Elton John?
“Oh, I love that song!”
A string of pink lights adorns the top of the rikshaw as it turns the corner, loudly blasting Can you feel the love tonight. The driver catches sight of them and Roy can’t suppress the annoyed groan slipping its way out.
“Good evening can I interest you lovebirds in a — “
“No, fuck off!”
Elton’s voice gets quieter and quieter as the startled driver rides his rickshaw further away and back into the inky black of the night.
Lovebirds, he called them lovebirds. Thought the two of them were anything other than acquaintances. People pushed together by circumstances and coincidence. As if anything between them could ever happen. She’s already getting under his skin, sticks around his thoughts, and ghosts through his head without him ever giving her permission to do so. She’s all he can think about lately and yes he knows it sounds repetitive but god it’s so damn irritating.
“I would’ve liked to hear the rest of the song.”
Roy scoffs “Figures.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
He turns to face her and, for the first time since he’s stepped out of the building and into this tiny bubble they’re sharing for just this fleeting moment, he looks at her. Really looks at her. With her sparkly dress and her lips painted a deep red like candy apples. With flakes of the pastry sticking to her lower lip and his jacket wrapped around her looking almost like this is where it’s always belonged.
He’s never had a heart attack before, he wonders if this is what it feels like.
“You play the worst fucking music when you’re working in the physio room.”
“Uh — are you insulting my taste in music? Are you really out here insulting the legend, sir Elton John? The Lion King soundtrack is a religious experience, okay?”
He hates that he can clearly tell by the glimmer of mischief in her eyes that she is joking more than anything. He shouldn’t be able to tell. Mere acquaintances can’t do shit like that.
“No, in fact, it’s a pretty fucking great movie. It came out when my sister was a kid though and I had to watch that shit a million times. You know how traumatizing it is having to watch Mufasa die over and over again?“
She grants him a look of understanding and shrugs her shoulders in agreement “At least it’s not Frozen, eh? “
“I have a 6-year-old niece.”
Roy Kent has a lot of things in his life that he takes pride in. His career and talent, all the hard work he put in to be where he is today. He takes pride in being a good brother and a loving uncle and maybe even a good friend and leader.
Making her let out a snort as she laughs at his Frozen-induced misery? That might be his proudest achievement to date.
“I’m glad you find my suffering amusing.”
“What can I say? You’re a funny guy, Roy Kent. So funny in fact that I almost bid on you at the auction.”
He wants to let out the most guttural scream in the existence of mankind. She can’t just go ahead and say stuff like that. Not when he is trying so hard to keep their interactions at the most basic level. Not when she already haunts his dreams. She’s irritating, Roy. Not charming or lovable or — beautiful. Or maybe she is all those things but most of all she’s annoying and infuriating and — oh he’s so fucked.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Oh, well I’m just a measly sports physician. Don’t get me wrong, it's good money but I don’t really earn quite enough to throw thousands of pounds at a man to have him spend time with me.”
He’d do it for free. Hate every second of it, naturally. But he’d do it for free.
Can’t tell her that though. Never. So once again he just grunts.
A silver Toyota pulls up to the curb, effectively bursting their little bubble of comfort as the driver leans down to look out the window. “You (Y/N) ?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
She makes a motion to slip out of the jacket, only for Roy to step in and hold it closed, keeping it in place, wrapped around her, and shielding her from the cold.
“Keep it,” his voice comes out all rough and husky. More than usual. It’s probably the jasmine scent getting to him, clouding his every sense. “Don’t want you to freeze on the way home. Just give it back another time.”
“Oh, okay. Well, thanks again. Goodnight, Roy.”
He opens the door for her and closes it softly once she’s settled into the car. Roy tries so hard to be a good man, a good person but in that moment all he wants to do is be a little bit worse, just a little bit. Just enough to rip the door open again, pull her out of the seat and kiss her stupid.
Instead, he wishes her a good night and sends her off before stepping out into the night himself. There is a smile playing on his lips all the way home and it’s so fucking irritating.
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I was in the neighborhood & It’s okay I couldn’t sleep anyway
The door leading to her apartment is bright red and there is a little white sign and the picture of a dog with huge fucking ears that reminds him of Gizmo from the Gremlins. It says “Beware of the dog — might cuddle you to death.”
It’s cheesy as hell. He loves it.
He’s not quite sure how he ended up here. Losing is never fun. Feeling yourself slowly becoming unable to do the things you love, the things you were good at, and actively playing a part in your team losing? That’s absolutely mortifying.
Of all the places he could’ve gone, all the people he could’ve seen — he ends up in front of her door. Red and shiny like her lips that night.
It’s almost 1am and all things considered, this is a really dumb idea. She’s probably asleep and waking her up would be fucking rude. He should just go and forget this ever happened instead of knocking on her door in the middle of the night. That’s what the rational part of his brain tells him at least.
Roy was never really good at listening to the rational part of his brain.
Tiny barks, no doubt belonging to the dog on the sign, echo through the hallway before the door swings open just enough for (Y/N) to look at him with tired eyes.
“I was in the neighborhood I — I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sorry.”
It’s not a lie, really. He was in the neighborhood. He walked here specifically to knock on her door and see her.
“It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
Now that is most definitely a lie. Her eyes are sleepy, her hair disheveled and he can just about make out the pillow print on her cheek.
“Do you want to come in?”
He does. He shouldn’t but he really does.
The apartment is small but it feels cozy rather than cramped. The walls are lined with pictures, little reminders of happy moments and people she loves.
There’s one of him too, well him and Isaac and Sam and then her at the end of the line. He thinks it was taken at some get-together after a particularly hard-fought win. He likes to know that there’s a picture of him on her wall even if his appearance in the photo is probably more incidental than anything.
“I didn’t know you had a dog.”
It’s a stupid thing to say, there is so much he doesn’t know about her. He doesn’t know where she was born or if she has siblings or if she always wanted to be a physiotherapist. But there are things he does know, like the specific way she likes her coffee and that she always gets a snickerdoodle cookie from the bakery down the road from the stadium, every Wednesday without fail. How she scrunches up her nose when she’s frustrated and that she snorts when something makes her laugh really hard.
“His name is Yoda. He’s a papillon and also my best friend.”
“Don’t let Sam hear.”
“Oh, he’s also Sam’s best friend.”
Yoda, it’s a fitting name. He does look like a Yoda.
“So what brings you here, Roy? At uh — “ she glances towards her open kitchen and the digital clock on the microwave “ 1:04 am?”
Should’ve gotten his story straight before he came here. What is he supposed to say? I felt like proper shit and wanted to see your smile? Surely not.
So he blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind.
“Came to get my jacket back.”
Absolute dumbass.
“Your jacket? Oh uh. sure. Let me go get it.”
She regards him with confusion and curiosity, he can tell she’s not really buying his story.
“Or, if you aren’t in a rush, I was about to pop in a movie and pig out on some popcorn? Do you want to join me?”
This might be the first time he lets her see the smile she continues to put on his face.
“Fuck yeah, what are we watching?”
“Vernon is such a little bitch. Antagonizing fucking teenagers? What a loser."
“Right?,” (Y/N) agrees, taking a sip from her glass of rose before stuffing another handful of buttery popcorn into her mouth. “Bender needed someone to care, not just another adult yelling at him. "Such a loser. Hey, now that I think about it, you do give me John Bender vibes. All broody and mysterious.”
Roy just scoffs in response.
Her eyes fall onto his empty glass of wine resting on the little square table in front of the couch.
“You want a top-up?”
“No, I’m good. I should probably get going.”
He hates to admit it, it’s something he’ll take to the grave with him, but there’s something about rosé that gets to him. It makes him tipsy immediately. He doesn’t want to go home but the longer he stays the more he opens himself up to saying something stupid and fucking this up — whatever this is.
“Did you walk here?”
“Oh well I can’t in good conscience let you walk home, half a bottle of rosé in your system and dealing with all the emotions brought on by the breakfast club. Couldn’t live with myself if you got snatched up and I was the last person to see you alive”
Throwing his own words back at him should be infuriating, annoying. It isn’t. It’s lovely. She’s lovely.
“You can stay if you want. My couch isn’t the biggest but I think you’ll fit just fine.”
The sincerity in her eyes hits him like a dart to the chest. It’s something so simple as offering him her couch for the night but it means everything for a man who has grown so awfully accustomed to loneliness.
“If I stay, will you make me breakfast?”
“Fuck no”
Laughter fills the tiny living room and it takes him a second to realize it’s his own.
“I might be up for a Starbucks run tomorrow morning before work though.”
“Sounds great. I love peppermint lattes, those are fucking delicious.”
She grants him another smile as she gathers their glasses and the empty bottle and brings them to the kitchen before returning with a fluffy pink blanket for him. He thinks that smile could’ve just about killed him, thinks he might just die right here on her couch and it wouldn’t be so bad.
“Well goodnight, then. Hope you don’t mind Yoda”
The dog is curled up on Roy’s chest like a little bagel. It’s gonna be annoying later, he’s sure but hell will freeze over before he disturbs the little pup.
“That’s fine.”
“He snores, just thought you should know.”
“Makes two of us then, hope he doesn’t mind.”
Another laugh. Another tiny heart attack.
She’s by the door, just about to turn off the light and plunge the room into darkness, when she hesitates for a moment.
“Hey Roy,”
“I’m sorry you guys lost today and I — I can see you struggling but I just wanted you to know that it was not your fault. I need you to know that.”
The entire way here, he tried to make himself rationalize that. Make himself understand that losing is part of the game and that he did his best. But knowing your best might not be good enough anymore is a hard fucking pill to swallow.
Hearing her say that it’s not his fault, it takes the weight off for a moment. Not all the way, never all the way. But a tiny little bit and that’s a whole lot already.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Night, Roy.”
He falls asleep with the taste of rosé on his tongue, the snoring of a little dog in his ears, and the sight of her on his mind, all sleepy eyes and messy hair. She never looked better.
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It looks good on you & I like your laugh
He’s positively buzzing with euphoria. They won, something no one thought was possible. They won and he scored the winning goal.
Spirits are high as the team and their friends have taken over the Karaoke place. Shots and drinks flow with no regard to the tab they’re raking up or the headache that awaits each of them tomorrow. None of that matters right now. Tonight is made for celebrating. Consequences don’t exist right here and now.
Rebecca burns the house down with her rendition of let it go and after a short intermission by Dani, singing a Spanish song that neither of them managed to join in with their non-existent knowledge of the language, the opening chords to another familiar song fill the room.
“Well, thanks for making us all look like amateurs, Rebecca,” (Y/N) says into the microphone as she takes her place on stage. Her words are laced with happiness and laughter and Roy thinks she must have him under some spell because he can’t manage to not smile when she’s around. It’s a bit ridiculous if he’s being honest.
“I will most definitely not be able to live up to that performance but I thought we could stay in the Disney bubble for a moment.”
Her eyes meet his across the room and when she winks at him it takes everything in him not to get up on stage and devour her. Fucking irritating.
“I know you all know this song so sing along if you feel like it. This one’s for you, John Bender.”
He knows it’s one of the cheesiest love songs ever, written for a movie about a cartoon lion. But sitting on the couch at the karaoke place surrounded by his team, having just scored a winning goal and listening to the girl that haunts his dreams sing straight to him and only him, he thinks Elton has a point. He can feel the love tonight. It’s in the smiles of his friends, and the voices coming together all chaotic and off-key singing along to the song. And there is love in her eyes, clear as day and undeniable.
“And can you feel the love tonight How it's laid to rest? It's enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best”
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The night is coming to an end, everyone’s found their way to their respective rooms — or whoever’s room they felt like staying at. Roy’s pretty sure he saw Rebecca’s friend enter Ted’s room but that’s none of his fucking business, is it?
“Okay, you can’t laugh though!” (Y/N)’s voice calls out from the bathroom and drifts towards the main part of the room where Roy is perched on the chair by the window.
This isn’t his room and really he knows he shouldn’t be here. But being alone right now sounded like proper torture. He wasn’t ready to leave this magical night behind yet. Not like this. Not when she sang to him and he had nothing to give her in return. So when she invited him to her room to watch yet another John Hughes movie on Netflix, he couldn’t do anything but accept.
“Are you sleeping in one of those weird fluffy onesies?”
“No, god no.”
“Then I don’t know why I’d laugh at you.”
When she steps into the room, he can see why she’d think he’d laugh at her choice of sleepwear. The white shirt looks not so white anymore, there is a hole at the bottom and a mysterious red stain by the collar. It doesn’t make him laugh though. It makes him fucking hard. Because that’s his name on the back of it. That’s a 2014 world cup Roy Kent England Jersey.
“Fuck me.”
He doesn't mean to let it slip but alcohol and euphoria have made his lips go loose.
“I knoooow, it’s embarrassing. I meant to bring something else but it’s just so comfortable.”
“It looks good on you.”
It does. He thought the green dress was it. Then he thought she looked absolutely adorable, all sleepy and natural. But this? This is the look that pushes him over the edge. This is everything.
“Yeah?” she asks and twirls around the room, not unlike Phoebe whenever Roy gifts her yet another new princess dress. He’s just such a sucker, can never say no when she asks him for something. “You just wait and see, I’ll steal your job soon enough.”
That makes him erupt into laughter yet again, he doesn’t think he’s laughed quite as much lately as when he is with her.
“I’ve seen you attempt to play before. I’m not worried.”
“I like your laugh,” she says, all warm eyes and wistful smile.
Something takes over, an invisible force pulling him to his feet and making him walk up to her. She’s leaning against the wall as he places one hand on her hip, the other on the wall next to her head. This shouldn’t be happening, he knows this. It’s dumb to believe that whatever tension there is between them can lead to anything. That’s just not in the cards for him no matter how much he wishes for it.
Girls like her don’t fall for boys like him. They never did, they never will.
“Roy Kent, you won today.”
Winning the game is the last thing on his mind right now. How could he ever think about winning right this moment when her hand is softly resting on his cheek and her nose gently nuzzling against his and the —
A knock on the door cuts through the moment making Roy let go and take a step back.
“Fucks sake.”
In his defense, Sam looks apologetic as he stands in front of the door, signature smile on his face. Good-natured and lovable. If this was any other moment Roy wouldn’t have been able to be mad at him. But this is that moment and he is a little pissed right now.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to disturb, I was just wondering if you had another phone charger. I can’t find mine and I know you always bring extra so — “
“Uh, yeah let me go get it real quick.” (Y/N) says and turns back towards the room.
Roy’s eyes connect with hers for a split second and it’s like a bucket of ice straight over his head. They both know whatever magical spell they had been under, it’s broken and gone and all that’s left now is a big old pile of what-ifs.
“It’s getting late, I should leave. Goodnight, (Y/N). Night, Sam.”
“We’ll reschedule, yeah?”
Tiny smile on his lips he nods his head in agreement.
He gets a soft “goodnight” in return and though he hates to admit it, the touch of her hand against his cheek lingers there all the way to his room and even further into his dreams.
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Call me when you get home & We’ll figure it out
Rain pounds against the roof and windows like tiny bullets. A rainstorm has Richmond tight in its clutches so cruel and unforgiving the team can’t even train right now.
And yet for some reason Roy still finds himself in the workout room, trying to push himself to do just 5 more minutes on the treadmill. Just 5 more.
Actually, it’s not entirely true. He knows why he’s here. Part of him hopes that if he just pushes himself enough, he can overcome the pain in his leg and all the issues it causes. That if he just tries harder, he can go back to being the talented overachiever he used to be.
But it hurts. A sharp stabbing pain rushes through his knee forcing him to step off the treadmill. He hates this. In fact, it’s his worst fucking nightmare. Football is all he’s ever been good at, he can’t lose that. It’s his entire life.
If he’s not Roy the footballer, who is he? Some bloke named Roy with a dead career and no one to come home to? Now doesn’t that sound delightful?
“Jesus, fuck!”
There she goes again giving him a heart attack, only this time it’s not because she’s being cute or anything.
“Oh shit, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
The smile on her face falls as she catches sight of him holding onto his knee. He can almost see the thoughts running through her head. She knows about his knee. If anyone knows how bad it is, it’s her. She told him not to overdo it. Said that would only make it worse.
He knows she has pity on him and he hates it. It’s irritating coming from everyone. Irritating and misplaced. Why would they pity him? It’s his own damn fault for not being good enough anymore.
But coming from her? That’s even worse. No one wants a guy that’s getting too old to do his job properly. That’s falling apart and breaking.
— Not that he wants her or anything. Oh, Roy, who are you trying to fool here? Of course, he wants her.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m fine.”
She raises her eyebrow in disbelief, in that bratty way that drives him crazy.
“I said I’m fine, (Y/N).”
“I hear what you’re saying,” she says and comes to stand next to him, crossing her arms in defiance. “but I can also see the way you’re holding your knee and that face you’re making. You’re in pain, love.”
Love. He doesn’t hate how it sounds when she calls him that. Irritating for sure but also — sweet.
“I’ll be fine! What are you even doing here?”
He hasn’t seen a lot of her ever since the night in Liverpool and while part of him was quite glad about it because he honestly wasn’t sure whether or not to bring up whatever had or had not happened between them, another part of him had missed her smile desperately.
“I work here.”
“You’re a fucking smartass, aren’t you.”
“I try.”
Fuck, even when she’s being deliberately difficult she manages to pull a smirk from him.
“I had some paperwork to do but by the time I arrived here, the storm was so bad that now I have to wait for it to stop before I can drive home. I hate driving when it rains.”
“Oh you should,” Roy returns, nodding his head in agreement “You’re a horrible driver in the best of weather.”
She responds with a scandalized gasp and a hand placed on her heart in mock upset “I am not a horrible driver! Take that back.”
“It took you 18 minutes to park your car the other day. I know because I saw it, we all saw it. Boys took the time and had bets going. Jamie won 20 quid.”
“Wha — okay I’ll have to have a word with the guys, you’re ridiculous. But don’t think you can change the topic on me, Mister. Is your knee getting worse?”
Yes, and he fucking hates it. Can’t even say the words out loud because that feels like admitting defeat. And that’s a terrifying thing to do.
Fortunately for him, he doesn’t have to say anything. A look is all it takes and she nods her head in understanding.
“That’s okay, Roy. We’ll figure something out.”
We will figure something out. We as in him and her. Since pretty much the beginning of his professional career, Roy had admirers. People who would latch onto everything he did or said and hold him to abnormally high standards he would never be able to reach. They adored him but they also didn’t know him. She knows him even when he tries so hard to keep her at arm's length. She knows him and is still in his corner, still has his back. The only people who ever did that were his family.
It’s an unusual feeling but he really really likes it. Even if it’s a little terrifying.
“What if — “ he takes a deep breath, trying to form the words that weigh so heavy on his heart “What if I can’t go back to how it used to be? What if this is the end for me?”
“Do you want me to be honest or nice?”
“Lay it on me then.”
“Things might not get back to how they used to be and there’s not really much you can do about it other than learn to accept it and then figure out a new place for yourself.”
“Football is all I have.”
“That’s not true but even if it was there is so much more about it than just the players.”
She’s right but it’s still a bitter pill to swallow.
“…and with that smile of yours, you can always go into modeling. I’m sure they’re always looking for new faces in the toothpaste commercial business.”
“Oh fuck off.”
“See! There’s that smile I was talking about.”
“You’re fucking insufferable sometimes.”
She is. He adores it.
“Oh, but you like it — right?”
“You do — like it? Like me?”
It’s the first time he’s seen her act insecure. She’s always so bubbly and happy and smiling, he hates that he put any doubt in her mind that he does anything but cherish her.
“You irritate me, woman. Drive me up the fucking wall, every day.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No! Don’t say sorry. I love it. I think you’re a fucking knockout. Best thing since sliced bread.”
He does, he truly does and it feels nice to say it out loud for once. To admit it to her and to himself. It feels nice when she comes closer and when she rests her arms around his neck and it feels fucking phenomenal when her nose brushes past his and he can almost feel her lips on his.
That’s until her phone beeps and she pulls away altogether.
“Ah shit, I gotta go.”
“Fuck sake. The universe hates me.”
“The universe doesn’t hate you, Roy Kent. We just have bad timing. ”
He’s not convinced.
“What about the storm?”
“I think the rain stopped, listen.”
Roy hears nothing. Where raindrops were drumming against the roof and windows just minutes ago, there is silence. He’s never wished for a rainstorm to persist more than he does at that moment.
“Well, call me when you get home at least. Roads will still be wet.”
“Aw, Roy, are you worried about me?”
His lips say no, but his eyes and his smile tell a different story.
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You can stay & Is this okay? Can I hold your hand?
This is it. This is the end. He’s seen this one coming for a while now but he tried so hard. He trained and pushed and it was all for nothing. They’re losing and his career as an active footballer is over for good.
The door to the locker room opens slowly, almost cautiously and he’s just about to yell and whoever dares to disturb him, when his head snaps up and he sees (Y/N) standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing here? Game is still going, you’re the fucking Physio.”
“Good thing there’s more than one of us. I have to make sure all my players are okay.”
I’m not okay. That’s what he wants to say. He wants to scream it from the rooftops. He’s not okay. He’s not sure he ever will be.
“Get out, (Y/N).”
She can’t see him like this. Defeated. Broken. Old.
Instead of listening to him, she sits down beside him and holds an ice pack to his injured knee.
“As a physio, I need to tell you that what you did was really stupid.”
He knows it was. It was a calculated risk he was willing to take and if nothing else, he kept Jamie from scoring and the fans appreciated it. That was all that mattered at that moment.
“But as a friend and Richmond fan, I think it was brilliant. I just wish you didn’t hurt yourself in the process.”
Silence settles over them and (Y/N) is just about to get back up when he grabs onto her arm and pulls her back down. “You can stay.”
And for a long while they just sit. No words, no expectations. Just them.
Softly, almost like a whisper, he feels her touch against his hand, sliding her fingers between his.
“Is this okay? Can I hold your hand?”
It’s not okay. It’s phenomenal. It’s everything he could’ve wished for in that moment but never would’ve had the nerve to ask. It’s a promise that he isn’t alone in this. There is someone there holding his hand through the darkest of times.
A green light guiding him to safe shores.
“Don’t you fucking dare let go.”
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Stay there, I’m coming to get you & I can't wait for tomorrow
Turns out, retiring from a successful football career does not mean you suddenly have a lot of free time. In fact, Roy doesn’t think he’s ever been this busy doing shit he doesn’t like.
Everyone wants an interview, a statement, a “what happens next”. It’s a lot of paperwork and contracts and shit he doesn’t care about. The point is, he’s fucking busy. So busy he hasn’t seen (Y/N) in quite a few days. Nothing has really changed since their moment in the locker room but somehow everything feels different.
It’s exactly 4:12 am when his phone rings. He almost doesn’t want to answer but calls at 4am usually mean bad news and he’d never forgive himself if something happened to his sister or Phoebe or (Y/N) or even (and he will deny this if you ask him about it) Jamie just because he couldn’t be bothered to answer his phone.
Oh. Oh!
A smirk pulls at his lips.
“Sorry —” she says and stops for a giggle “Sorry to wake you. I just — I was out with the girls and I didn’t plan on drinking but I did. They had a buy one get one free deal. It would be stupid to say no, right?”
"So, yeah."
“Go on. Didn’t just call me to tell me about the drinks, did you.”
“Oh, no. I just wanted to talk to you while I wait for my Uber. I miss you.”
“Do you?”
“So much!” her words are slow and slightly slurred. “Every fucking day. Like — god, I just wanna see your stupid handsome face.”
“It’s handsome, innit?”
“You have no idea! I just want to kiss you, so badly.”
Kiss him. She wants to kiss him. Sure, it almost happened twice but it’s still different hearing her outright say it. But then again, she’s drunk and by the time she wakes up tomorrow, she probably won’t remember half of what she’s saying right now.
“Where are you?”
“It’s that weird little bar around the corner from Sam’s restaurant. The one with the green door.”
“Go on and cancel that Uber.”
“Then how am I going to get home?”
“Stay there, I’m coming to get you.”
Roy isn’t quite certain whether or not he considers himself a good person. He tries to be, it’s a conscious effort each and every day. He tries to be a good person and a good person doesn’t let the woman he’s absolutely head over heels for wait outside in the cold dark night by herself. No matter how infuriating she is.
“Okay,” she agrees, a giggle slipping past her lips “Thank you. Can’t wait to see you.”
And though Roy had other plans for his weekend than picking up a drunk girl at 4 in the morning, he also can’t wait to see her.
“…and like it was mostly sugar, right? So I thought why not have another one. Turns out it was mostly vodka.”
“Who could’ve guessed.”
She’s cuddled up on his couch in one of his shirts looking into his eyes and retelling her night in vivid detail. Her story is slurred and a bit all over the place, blame it on her tipsy brain. It takes her forever to get to the point and when she does, the point doesn’t even make all that much sense. It doesn’t matter, he’d listen to her ramble forever if it meant he got to spend time with her wearing his shirt sitting on his couch — looking into his eyes.
“You’re going to feel like shit tomorrow.”
“I know,” she shrugs then scoots closer to him and wraps her arms around his “but you’re here so it’s only half as bad really.”
“If I’m feeling generous I’ll even make you breakfast.”
“You really are the dream, Roy Kent.”
She’s clawing at his chest, prying open his ribcage and burying herself where his heart used to be. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
“You have to stop saying shit like that. People are gonna think you’re in love with me or something.”
She pulls away slightly and looks up at him with those big eyes of hers before resting one hand on his cheek.
“Roy, I am. I thought you knew.”
He had a hunch, of course. Fostered a spark of hope in his heart that there could be something between them after all. But once you grow accustomed to loneliness it’s a little hard to let yourself believe.
“Do I need to show you to believe me?”
She pulls his face closer to hers and for a millisecond he wants to let go, but when he smells the alcohol on her breath he pulls back. This isn’t right.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“You’re off your tits. I’m not kissing you like this. Our first kiss is not going to be some inebriated tongue-wagging. You hear me? I’m a hopeless fucking romantic, that kiss is gonna be special. I’m gonna kiss you stupid.”
She bites her lips to suppress the smile from taking over.
“So if I were to ask again tomorrow, you’d say yes?”
At that she snuggles further into his arms and rests her head against his shoulder, a content smile on her face as she closes her eyes.
“Oh, I can’t wait for tomorrow.”
He doesn’t admit it, but neither can he.
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I think you're beautiful & I’ll meet you halfway
Her voice echoes through his house as the eggs sizzle on the stove.
“Why is there a small child looking at me?”
“Phoebe, stop staring at her you little creep!”
“She’s so pretty.”
She has a point.
10 minutes later the girls join him in the kitchen, walking in hand in hand and big smiles on their faces. Seeing them get along makes his heart grow approximately 12 sizes. That being said, the two of them teaming up against him sounds like trouble to him. Good trouble though. Trouble he loves to deal with.
“Good morning, Roy.”
“Morning. Pheebs, go sit down, breakfast is almost ready.”
“Okay, Uncle Roy.”
Once she’s out of the immediate earshot he turns back towards (Y/N). Though she tried her best to conceal it, yesterday's makeup is still smudged around her eyes and her hair is a downright mess. She’s wearing his shirt though, standing barefoot in his kitchen after bonding with his niece.
Sometimes life is fucking sweet.
“Don’t look at me like that, I know I look like a mess.”
“I think you’re beautiful.”
“You’re delusional.”
“That’s not what you said last night. Think you called me the fucking dream if I recall correctly. Said you were in love with me.”
(Y/N) leans against the kitchen island, her hands flat against the countertop and her eyes trained on Roy.
“I did say that, didn’t I?”
Roy mirrors her position, arms resting on the kitchen island across from her. God, she really is so beautiful.
“Remember what you said?”
“Do you?”
“You promised me something, Roy.”
Roy Kent doesn’t make promises lightly. He thinks there’s hardly anything quite as heartbreaking and awful as breaking a promise. He prides himself in keeping all the ones he’s made.
It’s only right to keep this one too.
“Phoebe,” he calls out to the little girl without moving his eyes away from (Y/N) for even a second “Blindfold!”
The 6-year-old slaps her tiny hands over her eyes obeying her uncle's orders with no hesitation and no questions asked. He’s proud of her. Silly little idiot.
Leaning across the counter, his lips almost reach (Y/N)’s. She’s so close. So close.
Only —
“Fuck, I can’t reach. My knee.”
There’s so much love in her eyes as she regards him. It almost knocks him out.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll meet you halfway,” She says and gets up on her tiptoes.
Across the counter their lips meet. There are no fireworks or butterflies or an angel choir singing. But there is her tasting of toothpaste and smelling his deodorant. Her and the feeling of belonging. Of comfort and domesticity and love. He loves this woman, undeniably and irrevocably.
It’s a great kiss. Fucking mindblowing. There is no need for rom-com-induced fairytale fantasies when you have the real thing and it is so much better than any story could ever be.
“Hey Roy,” she whispers against his lips as they come up for air.
“The eggs are burning.”
“You owe me a pound, Uncle Roy!”
Irritating! Both of them.
They’re his whole entire heart.
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I love you & I love you
“I love you.”
It’s a normal fucking Tuesday when she says it for the first time. Really says it. Using those exact words. There’s nothing special about that day but with those words, she puts magic into it. The way she puts magic into his life every single day.
“Fuck you!”
“Sorry, what?”
She’s laughing. She’s always laughing and smiling that goddamn smile that makes him go all soft inside. Beautiful, lovely, knockout that she is.
“I said fuck you. I’ve been thinking about how to tell you all fucking week and here you go and say it first. You’re infuriating.”
Softly she rolls over so she’s resting on his chest, fingers softly tracing patterns into his skin.
“You’ve said it a million times before, Roy.”
“I love you, (Y/N).”
Can’t hurt to say it again.
“I know. I knew. I always knew. From the moment you gave me your jacket.”
Of course, she knew. She took one look at him and it was like she got a view straight into his soul. Straight into his heart with all the vices and virtues, all his triumphs and defeats. All the good and the bad.
How fucking irritating. He loves her for it.
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transformee · 5 months
The Naughty List
“The f- uh, can I help you?” Rick wasn’t sure how else to respond in the moment as he walked into his living room to find a large man in a red costume hunched over next to the fireplace.
“Oh, wonderful! Yes, perfect timing as a matter of fact. I was hoping I could wrap up this last stop quickly.” The man put his gloved hand on the mantle and hoisted himself upright, leaving little doubt as to his identify as he turned to face Rick. The beard, the belly, the suit – it was all there.
“Ok then, errr… Santa. I’ll play along. Did Jace put you up to this? How did you even get in here?”
“Why, through the chimney of course, just like always! Things just took a bit longer this year, but here I am!”
“Yeah, I mean, aren’t you a bit late? It’s almost New Years…”
The normally jolly look on Santa’s face soured a bit, although Rick didn’t notice. “Well, there are a couple billion more people than there used to be,” said Santa, dripping with rare sarcasm. “And no one is happy with the simple things anymore, so everything has to be bigger and bigger and better than ever before for social media and-“ Santa snapped out of his little rant, coming back to his senses. "But enough about that. Those gifts are reserved for those on the Nice list. These Naughty stops are usually much faster," he said with a chuckle.
"Ah, so I'm on the Naughty list, eh," Rick said with a smirk, now convinced that this was just a prank or little bit of roleplay that his boyfriend Jace had arranged. "What does that run these days? A few extra lumps of coal from inflation?"
"Sometimes yes, actually. It varies quite widely though, you see. And I do tend to save something... special for my last stop. it makes the rest of my year until next Christmas season much more enjoyable! And you, my little Dickie, have been on the Naughty list for so long, you finally earned that last spot..."
"Dickie? No one has called me that since I was like-"
"8, in fact."
Rick's previously amused expression slowly darkened. "And how the hell would you know THAT? I've never told anyone that, not even Jace."
"Oh, you know how all the songs go... I've been watching you for a long time, Dickie. Or would you prefer another moniker? Big Dick Rick, perhaps?"
"Ok, well, I don't have time for this anymore. Suit yourself." Rick turned around with a huff, intending to leave and accost Jace over the weird interaction in their home.
"Very well - I'll do just that!" A red cloud enveloped Rick from behind as Santa blew a handful of red dust that he had fished out from a punch on his large traditional belt. Rick coughed and waived his arms around before the cloud seemed to thicken and swirl around him until...
Just a quickly as it had swallowed him, the red cloud dissipated and left Rick wide-eyed and speechless. His clothes had all evaporated with Santa's smoke, and he was hovering a few inches above the ground. Santa just smirked as Rick spun his arms and legs around, trying to orient himself and regain some control.
"Ah, that's better! As you said, Rick, I don't have time for this early, so let's get this show on the road. I was going to give you and Jace the same special treatment that I usually save for my last stop, but I just thought of something different for you. Now... come to Santa!"
Rick's ass started to pull backwards towards Santa, with the rest of Rick floating along with it. Meanwhile Santa quickly unbuckled his belt and let his trademark pants fall to the floor, releasing his jolly belly and reveling a modest-but-erect cock aimed right at Rick's ass.
"Wait! Wha- what are you doing?!? N- EE!" Rick's protests ended with a high pitched squeak as Santa's cock slid right into his hole, leaving him mounted mid-air on Santa's crotch. A small moan escaped both their lips before Rick snapped back to his senses, albeit momentarily.
"N- no! This isn't- JACE! Jace! Ja..." Rick's words slurred and his eyes rolled back slightly as a bit more red dust sprinkled down from Santa's glove above his head.
"There, there... Just relax. That'll make this next part faster and more enjoyable for both of us," cooed Santa in Rick's ear. And with that, Santa leaned forward slightly and started to rub his gloved hands down Rick's muscular thighs, rounding his knees before pulling up slightly on his shins and feet. Again and again, Santa gently tucked Rick's lower body up towards his own as the changes slowly became more and more noticeable. With each pass, Rick's legs diminished in size, rounding off and lifting up towards their new home. Santa's balls hung low as Rick's feet finally made contact, merging and sinking inside. Within a matter a moments, Rick's legs had been fully engulfed by Santa's nuts, which now sat slightly larger in Santa's hand. He rolled them around with his gloved fingers, eliciting another louder moan from them both. And then, at least the most perfect or most awkward time...
"Rick, babe, was that you? Did you need help with something?" Jace descended the stairs down in the hall in front of the living room, giving him a direct view of the show. "Babe, what did yo-" Jace's eyes grew wide like saucers at the sight of his legless cross-eyed boyfriend magically suspended out from Santa's crotch. He would have been speechless even if a bolt of Santa's dust hadn't smacked his as soon as he turned the corner, leaving him frozen in place. A few muffled screams faded quickly as the calming effects of Santa's magic took hold.
"Oops! Well that was some interesting timing... Sorry about that, Jace, but you'll just have to wait there for your turn. Don't worry - it won't be long!"
And with that, Santa refocused on the task at hand, quite literally. "Well first, we need to do something about these big broad shoulders of yours!" Santa reached out his large hands and started to caress and press them on Rick's traps, pulling down and back and around from the base of his neck. Just like with his legs, each pass of Santa's hands brought accelerating changes as Rick's muscular shoulders and arms began to smooth down and slowly merge into his torso. Rick's biceps flexed a couple final times on reflex, but that didn't last long as they disappeared into the rest of him. Rick's new shape was becoming more and more clear unbeknownst to him. He simply remained a moaning mess mounted on Santa's cock.
"Mmmmmm, now for the best parts," Santa moaned as he reached back down towards his balls before stroking upwards. He hadn't forgotten that Rick's rock hard cock was still protruding, but not for long. Rick let out his loudest moan yet, and his eyes rolled back again as Santa pressed his cock against his abs, again and again, pressing it deeper and deeper until only Rick's smoothed abs remained. Rick groaned one last time before a different sound finally emerged - more of a gurgle. Santa purred at the new noise. "Mmmmmmm, yes, that's what I've been waiting for. That's what I love to hear..." Shifting his focus one final time, Santa stretched out with both hands as far as he could, just barely able to reach Rick's handsome face. Santa gently caressed Rick's cheeks as he pulled backwards, stroking what remained of Rick's body with both hands all the way down both sides from head to hips, stopping only to give Rick's pecs and nipples a squeeze on the way. The little bit of Rick's consciousness that struggled to hang on quickly lost its will as it felt like Santa's cock was growing inside of him with every stroke. The reality of course was slightly different as it was actually Rick's body dwindling in size. His mind was too mushy to notice however as Santa gave his pecs and nipples one last tease before they disappeared, causing that gurgling sound to bubble up from within Rick again and a dab of drool, or at least something that looked like drool, to dribble out the corner of his mouth and down his chin. Rick's hips had already disappeared into Santa's at this point, leaving what was left of him firmly attached. Santa's floating magic was barely even needed at this point as Santa had shrunk what was left of Rick down down past 3 feet to less than 2. His hands now easily reached all the way around Rick's body, so it was time to finally focus on Rick's head. Santa's gloves gently slid around his face, smoothing his forehead and chin back and down. It only took a few strokes before all that was left was Rick's tiny face on the tip of Santa's significantly larger rock-hard cock. Any illusion of Rick's torso was long gone, with cock veins clearly straining along what had been his body. Cum clearly leaked from his lips as he bobbed up and down a bit, and Rick's glazed eyes could only stare straight up at Santa's jolly face smiled down at him from above. And with that, the last thing that Rick saw was Santa's gloves bearing down on his one last time for one last tug, as his final features smoothed away, leaving just an engorged pink drooling head on the end of the dick that Rick had always been.
Santa groaned as Rick's transformation completed, with every last bit of nerve and fiber finally merged with his own.
"Nnggghhhhhhh, Big Dick Rick indeed..." Santa moaned as his new python of a cock started to soften slightly, all the while continuing to drool. "And for your first performance..." Santa's eyes gleamed as he turned and his mouth drew into a wide smirk... 'I'm going to need a volunteer!"
Horrified didn't even begin to cover it as Jace remained wide-eyed and frozen, staring at his former boyfriend leaking onto the floor from between Santa's jiggling thighs.
"For you, Jace, I've saved the usual 'gift' I give at the end of the season. This one is more for me really, but every now and then a recipient even enjoys it too! Now, don't be shy..." Santa playfully motioned for Jace with his index finger, calling him over.
"Mmmmm... mmmmmm!" Jace tried to cry out but could only manage a muffled protest as he felt himself lift off the ground slightly and twist and angle directly towards Santa. Then, suddenly and far faster than Rick had hovered, Jace was flung across the room in an instant, like a magnet flying to it partner. Jace's destination was far from a magnet however, as Big Dick Rick barreled his way between Jace's lips with a satisfying *schlorp*. Jace gagged from having such a massive member suddenly down his throat, but he quickly relaxed as a light sprinkle of that familiar red dusted his face. His eyes crossed and rolled back as he started to go to town on his former boyfriend, using every trick and tongue that he had ever learned. Santa practically roared in pleasure.
"Good lord, boy! I didn't even suggest... any...JESUS, you're good at this!" Santa could barely form a thought while getting what must've been the best blowjob of his life. He only wished it could've lasted longer, but Rick was so... so... sensitive...!
Three souls groaned as Santa's body started to buck and his 'gift' started to pour into Jace. A torrent of cum and mass and magic erupted from Rick's old lips straight down Jace's throat - far more than should have been physically possible. But this was no normal load, as Jace's body started to quiver. Not that Jace could discern anything further, but Santa's ample body was undergoing a change of its own. His belly shook like a bowl full of jelly as it receded inwards, all while Jace's breathing grew more labored. His tight-fitting clothes groaned, stretching at the seams as Jace expanded in all directions. Every part of him inflated like a balloon as Santa's did the opposite, with the disappearing mass revealing a sculpted physical behind. After the magical climax, Santa slowed stepped back, sliding his cock out of his cock's boyfriend's now-chubby face. Jace slumped to the floor on his knees, leaving his rotund rear end sticking up in the air.
"Aahhhhhh, that always feels soooooo much better, like the best version of getting your hair cut." A barely recognizable figure chuckled over the comatose boyfriend on the floor. Santa's traditional clothes started to shimmer and warp as they slowly reformed on his body. His coat pulled in quickly and tightly, foregoing new sleeves while his baggy pants snaked out from the ground, wrapping themselves around Nick’s tight thighs with a trim fit before covering the softening cock inside, sealing it in its new home.
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"This is what can happen to those on the Naughty list, gentlemen. Now, we can revisit your Naughty status near year, depending on your behavior of course. But with that, I think we can call this season a wrap! Time to hit up somewhere warm like Miami and have some fun for a bit!” And with that and a little strut, Nick made his way out of the house, giving Jace’s ample airborne ass a little slap along the way. He stretched his muscles, now on full display, and summoned his list with a puff of red smoke to cross his last names off for the year. However…
“Well what’s this? Did I miss one somehow? I guess we have one more quick stop this year, Rick!” said Nick as he pawed at his crotch with a smirk. “Now let’s see. Bryce… Bryce… are we Naughty or Nice! Ah ha! N-“
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all, especially @bizzhideaway ! 😁
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Hey!! Could we potentially get some Brian Quinn smut? :)
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Bathroom Sex -Brian QuinnxFem!Reader
I haven't been on here in a while so I'm so sorry for not getting to this!! (Also i love the way you think, Brian Quinn is everything)
Set After the Punishment Above
Warnings: Fem!Reader; Sal's Younger Sister Reader; Porn with Little Plot; Smut; SoftDom!Brian; Semi-Rough Sex; Bathroom Sex; Semi-Public Sex; Fingering; Oral (Fem Receiving); Dirty Talk (idk man); You almost get caught; Unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it people); He doesn't pull out; Soft Fluffy Brian at the End
Summary: After Brian's punishment, you couldn't help to notice how good he looked all sweaty and hot. One thing leads to another, and you finally get to know your brother's best friend a little more personally.
You couldn't believe this was happening. One second, Brian and your brother had come out of their punishment, the next, you were pinned against the wall as Brian had his fingers inside of you inside the bathroom on set.
You could smell the hot sweat radiating off of his body as he kissed and bit your neck, leaving marks that you would have to find out how to cover later. One hand was covering your mouth, the other had its long, thick fingers inside of you, stretching you out, and making you feel incredible.
You moaned against his palm, trying to close your thighs as he got you closer and closer to your release.
"You close? Hmm? I've barely even done anything and your already crumbling sweetheart," Brian mumbled into your neck.
All you could do was moan in agreement as he thrusted his fingers faster inside you, his thumb beginning to circle your clit. He slowly started to kiss down your neck, towards your collar bone, and down to your chest, leaving a wet trail down your skin. He looked up at you, his normally chocolaty brown eyes dark. The way he was smirking into your skin made you clench even harder around his fingers.
"I'm gonna let go, but you have to promise to be quiet. Can you do that, Sweetheart?" Brian spoke into your chest, his eyes never leaving yours.
You quickly nodded your head, and he let go of your mouth. He got onto his knees, his fingers still plunged into you. He licked his lips and removed his thumb from your clit, quickly placing his mouth on the sensitive nerve instead. You had to bite your lip to keep you from moaning out. Brian gripped your thigh like his life depended on it. You gripped his hair, slightly pulling it, forcing him to grunt into your wet pussy.
You were so close, you were practically seeing stars. He inserted a third finger into you, hitting that mushy spot inside of you that caused your knees to collapse. You had to shove your hands against your mouth to stop you from crying out in pleasure as you soaked Brian's chin. His fingers and mouth slowed down, giving you time to come down from your high.
As he stood up, he trailed his hands along your sides, slowly bunching your shirt up as he went. When he was fully standing, he slipped the shirt over your head and threw it onto the sink.
He leaned in and kissed you deeply as he unhooked your bra, throwing that onto the sink as well. You could taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and you couldn't help but whimper at the thought.
"You want more already? God, what did I do to deserve you, Sweetheart?" He said as he leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, forcing another whimper out of you. His hand reached up and took the other nipple in between his fingers, rubbing around it. He softly nipped your sensitive nipple between his teeth, his beard scratching your chest.
"I need you. Please- fuck," You muttered.
"What do you need, honey? Come on, tell me baby," Brian spoke, a smirk making it's way onto his face.
"Fuck me, Brian, please?" You said, looking down at him, your lips slightly parted.
"Since you said it so nicely..." Brian leaned down and pulled your pants, and panties, completely off from where they were around your ankles.
He stood up and gripped both of your legs, lifting you up and shoving you even harder against the cool, tiled wall.
It was then that he smiled at you, "Are you one hundred percent positive? We can still stop if you want."
"Brian, I will kill you if you stop now," You spoke, a giggle coming out as you joked.
He unzipped his pants, pulling down his boxers just enough to let his hardened cock escape. You licked your lips hungrily as he slid his tip in between your folds teasingly.
He thrusted into you slowly, first just his tip, then going a few inches farther every couple seconds, forcing you to moan. He kissed your lips hungrily to quiet you.
He finally bottomed out, grunting about how tight you were against your parted lips. You were panting into his mouth, and he was doing the same as he thrusted into you, quickening his pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin had to be heard from outside the bathroom, but you couldn't care less. Brian filled you up perfectly, stretching you out slightly and making you feel amazing. Your legs were gripping his waist as he hit that special spot inside you over and over again.
Just then, you heard a knock on the bathroom door. Brian's thrusts slowed, but didn't stop, and you could tell he was close. He shoved his hand against your mouth and motioned for you to be quiet.
"Yeah?" He yelled out to whoever was outside the bathroom.
"Brian? Have you seen Y/N? I'm her ride home and I can't find her anywhere. I'm gonna leave soon," Sal, your brother, spoke from the other side of the door, his irritancy at the situation clear in his voice.
Brian smirked and looked at you, taking a hand and slowly rubbing your clit before speaking again, "No man, haven't seen her. Have you checked the other bathrooms? Or the parking lot, maybe?"
"Yeah, I guess I'll check again. If she isn't there I'm going to have to leave, can you make sure she gets a ride home if I don't?" Sal said.
"Yeah, I'll let her ride with me man," Brian said, winking at you.
God you couldn't wait to get home with this man.
As soon as it was quiet from the other side of the door, Brian sped up, his dick twitching inside of you. You clenched around him.
"You liked that didn't you? Liked me fucking you right in front of your brother? Right where we could get caught? God, you're so fucking hot," Brian muttered into your skin as he left marks on your chest.
Brian was pounding into you at this point, the sound of skin against skin and a wet squelching increasing every second. He took his hand away from your mouth, and put it around your throat softly gripping it. You scratched his back, surely leaving marks, as he got you to your breaking point.
"Bri- I'm gonna-" You couldn't even finish your sentence.
"I know baby, me too. Me too," Brian grunted.
After a few more thrusts, Brian came, his dick twitching as he filled you up with his come. The full sensation and the still-constant thrusting caused you to let go as you came, your wet and his come covering the length of his dick and the inside of your thighs.
He slowly pulled out, kissing your face, neck, and chest as he put you back on your feet. Your legs almost buckled out from underneath you immediately, and he caught you, chuckling.
Brian kissed your forehead, brushing your hair from your face. "Sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to fuck you that hard," Brian spoke against you, chuckling.
You laughed, finding your balance and the feeling in your legs. As he smiled at you and handed you your clothes, helping you get dressed, you could only think one thing: You can't wait for the ride home.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 4 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader | SMUT 🔞
Strickt parents and werewolves don't mix, so you run.
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The gates opened with that familiar creak that had you stumble out of your bed and stare out of your window.
Like clockwork you watched the community's hunter return from his trip. The beast man's steps were heavy as he carried in a large deer and a boar that hung over his back, together with a bunch of squirrels he'd strung up.
Almost ceremoniously the smaller hunted animals were taken from him as he slowly walked past your window.
You followed the movements of his large paws, wishing to be able to hold them in your hands on day and just rub at the pads. His tail wrapped up in that red rag that identified him from further away since his human form also carried it. You loved how his fur was the exact color of his hair and even the greying beard he sported carried over to his beast shape.
His tail swished from side to side with each step and it almost hypnotized you. So much that you hadn't noticed your father waltzing into your room and catching you staring at the one thing he hated most.
Like a disobedient child he grabbed you by the back of your shirt dragging you away as you let out a shriek at the initial contact.
Out of your view the hunter perked up at the sound, staring at your empty window. He found it curious to not see your familiar face there, now that he for once did fully look up. Your admiring from afar had him intrigued but he had never seen you outside to talk.
As your father dragged you out of your room you cried but your mother only shook her head with a saddened look in her eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you that ..thing! is the devil!" His shouts went right through you, your mother still not speaking and just standing by and watch.
Not that it surprised you. It had been like this ever since the group came to the community and the beast had saved many people.
Ever since the dead started walking your father had been insanely protective of you and to your luck he was one of the folks in charge of this housing area and held a high rank in the community.
You were his precious little girl and even now as an adult he still saw you like that and never let go of that need to protect you.
"Let me go!" You screamed at him, watching as your mom stood there in the door opening, doing nothing.
You managed to worm your way out of his grasp and sprint out of the front door.
Daryl had heard a shriek and paused his trek to the supply room. As he listened in he heard the yelling and stood at the ready in case someone needed to interfere.
He wasn't going to just rush in due to the opinion these specific people already had of him, so only of really needed he'd go in.
Not that it was, as the woman he had caught glimpses of now came stumbling down the porch steps, clearly in panic.
Running onto the street you collapsed yourself against the beast you knew your father wouldn't get near. You grabbed handfuls of his fur and cried your heart out. Crocodile tears, but the bystanders didn't have to know that.
A large paw came to rest on your back as your father rushed onto the street.
Daryl watched him holding a rifle, ready to shoot as he was calling him all kinds of nonsense names. After looking back and seeing the rifle you clung to his fur just a little tighter.
You felt the rumble through your entire body when Daryl let out a warning growl.
You dared to sneak a peek at your house, where you spotted your mother, again backed ip in the doorway and crying.
All you wanted to do was scream at her to speak up, but the rifle currently pointed in your direction silenced you. And then the familiar sound of a round loading into the chamber caught your ear and Daryl ducked further behind you. He knew your father wasn't gonna shoot you.
The scene was interrupted as your mother jumped forward to grab her husband's shoulders. "You can't! You'll hit her!" She cried as her hands were roughly shaken off the man's frame as he again took aim. "Don't worry, I'm a great shot."
You jumped up at his words, shielding Daryl's frame with a wide stance.
"Why would you even shoot him? He's a friend! He provides for us.." You felt Daryl's head rest against you in response and held a paw around your leg.
Your voice cracked as you yelled at your father, tears now anything but fake.
"Don't you see? That's a monster!"
A crowd had formed by now as you yelled at each other until Carol stepped in, wondering in her kindest voice what seemed to be going on.
You knew Carol, she was the sweet lady who brought food all the time. Even while being part of Daryl's group your parents quickly accepted her.
"Do you wanna lower the gun, please?" Carol approached cautiously. "You're scaring your wife and daughter."
The rifle lowered slightly before being used to aggressively point back as he continued raving about how his daughter was defending a demon.
"You don't even know him!" You snapped back before Carol could answer. It wasn't that you did knew him at all either, which your father made very clear as he cursed at your disobedience.
"You kept me locked inside, I couldn't get to know him.." You cried out between tears, feeling Daryl carefully nudge your hand with his snout.
"From what I'm hearing right now I think it's best you and your daughter are staying separated for a while." And before he could respond she added "she'll be staying in my home. We are friends and I know she's comfortable around me."
After some more back and forth without a pointed gun, efforts to avoid the argument shifting back to Daryl and finally some words from your mother the agreement was done. You were watched like a hawk as you and Carol packed your most important items up and eventually left for her home.
It was strange, spending your time in a new home. Even stranger to hear a shower running while thinking Carol lived alone as she never mentioned any housemates.
She helped you take your items upstairs and sort out anything you could keep downstairs like coats and shoes.
"You can do whatever you want in here. Just make sure to tag along with me if you wanna go outside for the near future, okay?" Carol tried her best to work with everyone's rules and requests and for now it seemed to be good.
You spent your first days relaxing and reading. Carol had allowed you to rummage through the books she kept in the living room and you found a thick book on werewolf mythology and history. Maybe she kept it to learn stuff about Daryl.
And you wanted to learn as well so you spent your time in bed with the book, reading about the strengths, weaknesses and changes of werewolves. There were chapters about their changed anatomy too that went into full detail.
During dinner you heard a door and stairs before a half asleep, grumbly Daryl emerged from the downstairs room.
"Morning, Pookie. Made your favorite." Carol got up to grab him a plate as Daryl sat down at the table and greeted you tiredly.
You three ate dinner mostly in silence with Daryl still being half asleep and you being too nervous to speak and were internally worrying if the way you ate was normal.
And of course Carol caught on as you two washed the dishes as Daryl had passed out on the couch almost immediately after putting his plate away.
"His hunting trips tire him out, he sleeps almost the whole time for like four days after." She gives a loving glance at her best friend. He looked like those old world dads that took their after work nap while moms cooked dinner. It was cute, honestly. And that little peek of happy trail underneath the ridden up hem of his shirt was pretty distracting.
You continued the dishes and laughed with Carol, who promised to take you along on her trip through the community to clear her list of tasks.
You finished up and headed back upstairs to continue study your book, eventually passing out with it open beside you.
It wasn't long before Daryl joined you in the bed, laying down behind you and pulling you close into his chest. Your body warmed up immediately as his soft growly breaths fanned your ear and his hard length pressed against your clothed backside.
A soft sigh left you as you pressed back against him. You wondered what he looked like, bit you weren't going to interrupt him and ask. His hands slipped the fabric off your body and you felt his thick cock slip between your thighs.
Your breathing picked up as you felt his hand snake to your front and guided himself between your folds and pressing in oh so slow.
You moaned as he slid in and out at a calm pace with his hands grabbing at your chest.
He felt so good inside of you and you could feel yourself getting so, so close--
What? A knock on your door woke you from your dream.
"Yer okay?" Daryl's raspy voice wondered, but as he breathed in he needed no answer. Your panting clearly wasn't from a nightmare. Your bedside lamp was still on and his old lycantrophy book was open next to you on a ..more intimate chapter.
When you didn't answer his question in embarrassment but seemed to be okay in any other way he gave you a huff and a smile. "'M headin' fer a shower. Wan' me back here after?"
A very shy nod was all you could muster before he left with a quiet "back in a bit."
As the door closed you put the book away and curled away under the blankets. Entirely flushed by the situation and embarrassed of how he caught you just now.
You were so caught up in your own misery you hadn't realized he walked into the room until your mattress dipped on the side and the blanket was lifted off your head.
Wide eyes, caught off guard, stared up at him. His hair still wet and a soft smile on his face. "Hi," was all he said before dipping his head down and nuzzling your cheek, not wanting to kiss you without being sure you'd allow him to. He kept his seated position at your side until you gave him the okay to come lay down.
But it was clear you were still a bit shy from before.
"Can ya show me what ya want?" His voice was much softer than usual, sending shivers down your body that collected all the way down to your core.
You rolled onto your back, hands slowly coming out from under the blanket to hang still halfway between you two for a moment before they settle on his arms and tug ever so softly, scared to seem too forward. He let his arms be moved, one ending on each side of you and his body soon followed.
The blanket stayed in place to form a comfortable barrier for you to remove when ready, but for now he was content like this. "Wha's yer next plan, pretty lady?" His hand lifted to caress your cheek and brush a strand of hair out of your face. You didn't answer but without thinking you stared down as your mind went back to your dream and the book you were reading.
Daryl caught your eyes moving down his body and let out a soft laugh. "How 'bout ya share tha' dream from earlier. Can do tha' for real this time."
A short moment of silence passed that Daryl used to take in your features properly this time until you finally nodded. "Okay."
You moved the blanket down while Daryl moved off it to give you more space to move, patting the mattress behind you for him to lay down. Feeling the mattress dip behind you really kicked your nerves into high gear and Daryl noticed. He placed himself down gently, an arm over your waist to test the waters. He had no clue how experienced you were or weren't thanks to your living situation so tonight wad all at your pace. Although it was getting difficult to keep his urges to himself as his mind howled at him to 'just take and claim her'.
Your soft voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Can I.. see you?" It wasn't the whole question, but it was all you could get out.
"Take ma clothes off?" A shy "Please" was all he needed to take off his shirt and shuffle off his sweats. "All the way?" He questioned before removing his underwear as well on your request.
"Can yers come off?" His fingers had already found the hem of your shirt and the elastic of your panties, slowly moving his hand around your bare skin.
"Uhuh." Your hips lifted just enough for your shirt to be pulled up and rolled back to lift your shoulders for it to come off entirely. With the blanket slipped down Daryl's eyes found your chest immediately and looked at you with pleading eyes.
When you gave him permission his lips were on your skin, sucking and biting at the sensitive flesh. You arched your back in response, pressing your ass right against his hardening member and earning a soft moan from the man. Humming in response you repeated the motion until a hand gripped at your hips. Quickly stilling all movement as you felt claws digging into your skin. You pushed down the blanket to see. The skin around his fingertips had darkened and his nails had grown into long, thick claws. The deep rugged breaths fanning your ear had you look back at him only to see bright blue eyes and sharp fangs. His ears now pointed our from underneath his messy hair.
"Please.. show me?" They still weren't the words you were trying to say but you couldn't get them out, too embarrassed to ask.
The question mulled around in Daryl's mind for a moment, wondering if he was really going to change for her.
But who was he to deny her request? He knew he wouldn't hurt her and had seen her more often than not staring from her window.
So he nodded. "Yeah, alright." To which she smiled widely, unable to hold her excitement in.
A quick kiss was shared before he lifted himself up to his knees as he let the change wash over him. It was a quick process for him these days and it only caused some mind discomfort that faded as soon as the change was done.
You watched him shift into his large beast form with awe, being below him only intensified it all.
When his breathing evened out and his shape now was that of a beast he slowly blinked at you, showing he trusted you.
You were gorgeous beneath him. And he was beautiful above you.
Yet neither of you moved. He was letting you take him all in now that you were close and not watching from behind glass.
All that was heard in the room was Daryl's heavy breathing as he watched your hand lift up and reach out to touch the thick muscle of his arm.
You watched his head come down and gently lick your arm at the spot you touched him. And then your hand moved. To his shoulder, up to the side of his neck and his tongue followed. To your shoulder, onto your neck. His wet nose rested against your skin as he let out a noise akin to a purr. Ever so slowly you moved your hand again, resting it on his chest and giving the soft flesh a little squeeze. You couldn’t help yourself when he looked so soft and squishable.
You felt his wet tongue dart across your neck, moving down with each lap and reaching the sensitive skin of your nipple, easily engulfing the whole area in a layer of drool and making you sigh in relief.
One of your hands went to rest on the bridge of his snout and softly pushed downward. A whimper escaped your lips as Daryl complied and moved down until your pushing stopped. He had needed to back up a little and almost stepped off the bed in the process but managed to curl up with his maw right above your centre. Jaw hanging open with his tongue lolled out, sniffing and lapping at nothing as he salivated. You had spread your legs for him but still his large paws came to rest on your thighs before he nudged his snout against your lips and licked a broad strip making you moan out his name.
Just as he shoved his tongue against your clit he let out a hum, sending vibrations straight through you. Soon after you were squirming under his grasp, whining and begging for nothing in particular until he slowed his movements and moved back to hover above you, still licking his lips.
With how he was sitting over you, you realized you had a very clear look at his delicate its full glory. And it was scarily big. Everything about him was big, his tongue had reached deeper than anything else ever had, but seeing how it hung just above your stomach and reached as far up as It did, with that big, swollen knot at the base..
Now it was Daryl’s turn to let out a whine. He repositioned himself so his length rested snug between your puffy lips, moving his hips back and forth to get at least some kind of friction and panting at you, almost begging to press it past your entrance.
Reaching down you gave his cock a rub, trying to wrap your fingers around but them never meeting with how thick he was.
She used both hands to squeeze at him while he kept moving around. A particularly loud whine made you feel bad for him and finally gave into both of your wants.
When he pulled his hips back you maneuvered his tip between your folds and into you on his forward thrust, catching him off guard.
He felt his tip being enveloped in your walls and jerked his hips, pressing further than he wanted and earning a yelp from you.
"Ow." You breathed heavily but still managed to laugh, which helped ease Daryl's worry of hurting you.
He didn't move until you gave him the okay. Slow, careful thrusts were his way to go, each few thrusts adding an inch. After a good few inches, almost three quarters of his length inside of you your face scrunched in pain. "Too big.." you sighed with a flat hand on his chest. He grumbled an apology and wrapped his hand around himself, making sure he would't thrust deeper as he kept going at any pace you could handle. Slowly speeding up as no noises of protest came and he only heard soft moans and pleas. His head was right next to yours, panting softly as he rutted into you, taking in your increasingly needy sounds.
"C..close" you breathed as your hand reached to feel the bulge in your stomach his cock made. An acknowledging growl let you know he understood and not too long after when his thrusts got more sloppy he reached a paw to rub at gour clit, working to get you both off at the same time.
"Fuckk--" his rough pawpad felt so good on your most sensitive parts you came hard, your walls constricting around his length so delicious it took him two, three more thrusts before finishing with a muffled howl.
Daryl lapped at your skin in a comforting manner, from your cheek to your chest like he was telling you "you did great."
He slowly pulled out and nudged you hips, gesturing at the door. He was telling you to go clean up. You could feel him leaking out of you so squeezing as best as possible you waddled to the bathroom only to return to Daryl comfortably resting on your bed, lifting the pre-warmed blanket for you to join him.
It felt safe like this, with his strong frame curled around you it was like nothing could hurt you anymore and sleep took you in a way calmer embrace than ever before.
The next morning when you woke up you found Daryl back in his human form blinking the sleep from his eyes and grunting a good morning.
You lazily smiled at his groggy morning voice and leaned in for a quick kiss, whispering your own good morning in return.
You shared some cuddles until your stomach called out for food so loudly it had you both roll out of bed with laughter and head downstairs after getting dressed.
Neither in those moments, now or before had thought of the reason they even shared a house. Their loving housemate Carol, who, from her spot in the kitchen called out upon hearing two pairs of feet come down the stairs.
"How was it? Did you use protection or do I need to puppy-proof the house?"
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A/N: y'all may thank @celtic-crossbow for that fantastic closing line.
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