oivsyo · 2 years
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[I'm finally back home]
May NejiHina Week 2021 begin!
Prompts used: ANBU and Reunited
Sudden, fast and experimental work in every sense.
I had 3 ideas for this pose, but collectively it was decided to beat everything under the ANBU prompt, and I don't mind, bc drawing Neji in this design is my guilty pleasure (// ω //)
The concept of returning home does not let me go, probably because of Neji's tragic story in canon and because of the huge amount of fan works where the characters, one of or both die, I really want to give these two a happy ending in every art I draw. They deserve it =3=
Here, I imagined that Neji went on a mission, and his squad was ambushed, and the situation escalated into a carnage.
Perhaps this is an alternative ending to the Noblesse Oblige fanfic, where the survivors from the squad eventually returned, and Neji was among them.
Hinata, who, having received alarming news, did not sleep, refusing to believe that he would not return, rushes to him, cuddling, despite the dirt, blood on his clothes. She is close to crying, but, probably, there are no more tears left, or she is already used to keeping everything to herself, so she just hugs him to feel that this is not a dream, that he is real, that he is back. And Neji, in response, gently draws her to him, touches her soft hair with his fingers, gently sorts it over and breathes in such a familiar scent he missed so much.
He whispers something soothing, maybe some nonsense to distract her, but he knows perfectly well that he really could not return. And that every time, leaving for a mission, he says goodbye to her like the last time for a reason.
By the way, I don't even know if they are in a romantic relationship here 👀 After all it doesn't matter. It seems to me that regardless of their status, they are very close and dear to each other. So imagine what you want X)
I still think that Neji, like any other member of the Hyuga clan, has nothing to do in ANBU, they have a lot to do at home, but I really like drawing this look on him, and my brain just comes up with such short plots, probably helps me immerse myself in what I draw x)
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steklywko · 2 years
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NejiHina Week Theme: Hobbies (reading) Neji likes reading, but he needs to take breaks from time to time. <3 @nejihinata
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nejihinata · 3 years
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We wanna start saying thanks to everyone that sent us suggestions. Without you all, this event wouldn’t be possible.
There are three theme options for each day to choose from. More variety!
On the free day, you can choose a theme that you want to do as well, but that was on the same day as the other theme you wanted to prioritize.
If you have any questions you always can go to our ask box!
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dryades-angeli · 2 years
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#NejiHinaWeek2021 wings | last time Comment: I had done this for a while and showed it to my friends and family. Let's see if it goes down that well here too. A last time I want to feel your touch. A last time I want to see you face. Neji, my love. I miss you so much. But our memorys would never erase. You are still a part of my heart. Forever.
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kalira · 3 years
My main focus right now is my NaNoWriMo project (a Madara-centric wing AU, I anticipate it being 50-65k somewhere, most likely - the first book in the trilogy was 62k) but I am also working on some side stories as I go. . .
Like starting to poke at things for @nejihinata‘s NejiHina Week! X3
Here’s a snippet from my story for the Day 6 prompt Moonlit. . .
Hinata brushed through the tall sunflowers, feeling the tickle of their petals, then landed lightly. The barely audible thud of paws was her only warning before the moonlight was blotted out briefly by the silhouette of the wolf soaring over her in an easy leap.
He skidded just a little as he turned back towards Hinata, and she released her broom, taking the few steps to meet him.
His eyes glowed in the light of the moon, as blank white as her own and stark against his dark fur. Then he closed them as he nudged his muzzle along her shoulder, and Hinata threw her arms around him, pressing even closer with a shiver.
“Oh . . . I missed you.” Hinata said softly, burying her fingers in his fur with a gentle stroke.
He shook himself in her embrace, gentle enough not to throw off her arms, and then his own arms were wrapping around Hinata in return, drawing her in close against a warm, bare chest. Hinata shivered again, this time for a different reason, drawing one hand back to let her fingers skim over his skin.
The prompt just left me with the image of a great black wolf with Hyuuga eyes. . . I had to indulge with a fantasy AU. ;)
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So it's been years since I even log in, let alone post anything. And I wrote this real quick cause I wanted to publish it on #NejiHinaWeek2021, it may be full of mistakes, I promise to edit as soon as I have the chance, but for now I hope you can enjoy.
So this fic heavily involves astrology, I understand not everybody likes it, but if you do, I hope you can read it and tell.me what you think
Opposites and Complementaries
'About the other day, I do agree with her on something'
'I also think that you are stronger than you believe, Hinata-sama'
Hinata and Neji had finished one more of their arduous training sessions in the art of the soft palm in the yard of th Hyuuga compound quite a while ago, but sometimes, when there was time, they would indulge into their break together, often chatting about anything, often sharing the quiet, like that time; the last moments of a chill twilight, both sitting on the engawa, watching the first stars appear on the darkened sky dyed in several shades from bright red to violet to deep blue, sipping a cup of hot tea, only the brush of the wind in the tree leaves and singing of the crickets and cicadas were to be heard
Unbeknownst to one another, the two shinobis were submerging slow but steady into the memories of the mission that had triggered such spontaneous comment from the young man, the same that made them concur only two days ago and had concluded an evening much like that one
A rush of white coats ran along the sunset's reddish beams that covered the Rock Village, jumping from building to building until reaching the great central premise of the small town, in which the misterious runners had been instructed to deliver, as soon as they recovered, an item of crucial importance to the security of the whole country
The boss of the village in person was waiting for them patiently sitting in his office. The nine persons group entered neat and silently, then in order placed themselves in front of the old man, bending one knee
'Tsuchikage-sama, the ninjas of the Village hidden between the Rocks, along with the ninjas of the Village hidden between the Leaves, have succeeded with the mission entrusted, together we vanquish the traitors who stole from you, they have been already incarcerated; we are happy and relieved to bring back to your hands the precious artifact' said a firm female voice coming out from the figure in front of the group, extending a small wooden box towards the leading man in a white tunic and a matching white kasa, the man grabbed the box, opened it a checked the content, maneuvering it so it changed the angle for a few minutes, then gave it to another younger man next to his right side, possibly his personal assistant
'Kanami-san, as always, your team has fulfilled the mission brilliantly and much sooner than expected. Well done, thank heavens, the item is untouched. Shinobis of the Land of Fire, our whole country is in debt with you'
'It's been an honor to colaborate with you and so reinforce the aliance between our countries and villages!' responded a man behind the first speaker, deferentially, but with a little extra energy. This person was in charge of conducting the ninjas of Konoha
Once the group was released from duty and exited the building as a whole, the elements of the foreign nation settled to say good bye. Konoha's Might Guy, Rock Lee, Tenten, Hyuuga Neji, to which Hyuuga Hinata joined as a reinforcement, needed to return home and report the mission to their own village boss. Guy-sensei adressed the person who had spoken and delivered the misterious box, an astonishingly beautiful, tall, deep dark skinned woman with white, tomboy short hair and artic blue eyes
'Kanami-san...'started Guy, taking a few seconds to breathe and gather the fire his signature flashing smile and youthful speech required 'working with you has filled us all with joy and success, we will await full of vigour the day that you visit our home and reencounter with all the power of youth!' he proclaimed with voice of thunder. An enlongated silence was the reaction of both teams, but the enthusiast man didn't seem to notice
Kanami shook out her confusion as fast as she could before replying 'Guy-san, I hope you're not planning to leave already, you should be tired from the mission, please stay the night here'
The green tights dressed man contemplated the thought rubbing his chin with a thumb and a soft growl 'We are very sorry, but there are matters we shall attend as soon as possible'. Secretly, the sensei was planning to start a special two weeks training as soon as they arrive to the village
'Guy-sensei' said a charming girl with brown skin, golden hair and amber eyes, behind the tall woman, an exotic beauty that paired up with her adorable personality 'today is Ichigo and Ichi'e's birthday' said pointing at her twin teamates, two strong looking boys with wavy brown hair to the shoulders 'and we're taking them out to celebrate, please join us, only a few hours' she asked sporting a gracious smile. Her sensei and teamates grinned in amusement, for the visitors stood mute at the girl's charisma, including rambunctuous Guy, who gulped with difficulty, and turned to collect any negative, but being that only Neji looked displeased with the idea, as he mostly was with any chance of socializing, and the rest of his precious youths seemed eager to attend, he rectified with yet another brigth smile
'Miyuri-chan' such was the name of the little enchantress 'we will be delighted to join you and make a toast to the burning youth of Ichigo-san and Ichi'e-san, count with us!'
The place of reunion was a small bar, rustic and cozy in one of the outer sides of the town, which, acording to the gorgeous subordinate, was the only place of her teamates' taste, who weren't too inclined to party at all, and nevertheless, both of the twins looked happy and grateful with the small comite.
The mood was joyful and relaxed, and everybody drank and chatted and giggled. Guy and Lee were the ones more invested in the birthday boys, much to their chagrin, for they couldn't make them stop talking about training and waving triumphant fists into the air. Hinata and Tenten were delighted with Miyuri's jokes, laughing non stop, they seemed to be having quite a girls time, and Neji who shared the interest in meditation and knowledge with Kanami, was enjoying a conversation with just enough dialogues and long pauses. This was the dinamic of the table for a fair while, until the three females decided to join the sensei and the genius, drunk with silliness and fun, especially the blonde one who tended to lose control over her social skills
'Kanami-sensei! Can you tell me what the stars had set on my destiny for today?' she asked ebulliently bending a little too close towards her menthor
'Miyuri-chan, I've told you a thousand times, I do not pratice divinatory astrology' the beauty responded frowing 'and I've also told you, as a Libra, you are too much into socializing just like now, you should seek balance by making contact with your inner self, which you could do right now by staying quiet'
The pupil lost every bit of the hint and went on exclaiming 'Kanami-sensei is wonderful!' elbowing the girls by her side and then wrapping each neck with her arms 'won't you tell my friends here their future?'
'Oh, for Kami's sake!' the ninja grumbled, but then decided to let go of her nuisance with a huff and laxed laughter, looking at the goofy grinning trio with warm eyes. She inhaled
'Tenten-chan, you were born on the first days of March, isn't it?' she asked nonchalantly
'The ninth, March nine! How did you know?!' the first consultant exclaimed
'I know a Pisces when I see one, they long for a perfect world, so they expect too much of the people around them, and when people do not meet their expectations, they get moody, isn't this your case?' Hinata and Miyuri, who spent the mission hearing her nag at her team, covered their laughs with their hands
'What? of course not! I'm not like that!' she objected, not willing to accept her reading
'but then again, pisceans are good for understanding other people's emotions, so open up to know your friends better, not their past, but their present, this will help you cope better with their peculiarities and feel more at ease around them'
'Oh' was the only thing Tenten could say after that, then turned to watch Guy and Lee, for some reason they were crying melodramatically, but this time she didn't roll her eyes
'Next one is Hinata-chan! isn't she lovely?' said Miyuri hugging the violet haired girl enough to difficult her breathing 'please, Kanami-sensei, designate a good fate for her' and the blonde went serious on her petition
The menthor hunched in despair 'Hinata-chan, my bird headed pupil here' she eyed Miyuri severely 'doesn't seem to understand that I can't predict the future, I can only tell you certain traits that I see in your personality that match the ones of your zodiac sign, so you may take into acount for personal growing, is that understood?' said Kanami in such way that sounded like a plea
'Yes' Hinata whispered smiling shyly
'Alright then, I see the influence of Saturn in you, born in the last days of December?'
'December twenty seventh' Hinata confirmed
'Yes...Capricorn...your shyness is the result of the things you've had to overcome, people with this sign often get harsh lives, but they come to the world with the strenght to persevere and thrive no matter what, I see all of this in you. You just have to believe in the strenght of your heart, cause it is greater than you think, it may be they key to your success'
'Thank you, that was very beautiful, Kanami-sensei'
Hinata blushed as she thanked her, not able to look her in the eye but attempting every few seconds.
'Oh, you are beautiful, Hina-chan!' praised Miyuri laying her head on Hinata's shoulder affectionately 'and so strong! and talented! can you do that thing with your eyes'
'Yes! the one Neji-kun does too!' she insisted pointing at Neji, who spent all that time trying to avoid attention, and had just lost the battle.
The girl gasped 'Neji-kun!!! sensei, you haven't told Neji about his sign!'
'Neji is probably not interested in that, are you, Neji-san?'
'Not in the slightest' he said, warning the earth kunoichi with a cold glance to leave him alone
'N-neji-nii-san...would you mind if Kanami told a few things of what she thinks about you?' Hinata asked half covering her mouth with one of her hands 'I'm sure it would be all good things' she smiled tremorously to him. Neji looked rather uncomfortable, as if someone was tightening a rope around his body, he grunted, then he crossed his arms and nodded one time. Kanami contemplated incredulous the whole scene and then hid a little laughter behind her hand. However she proceeded coyly, her voice much more delicate than before
'Neji-san, by any chance you were born on the firsts days of July?' the prodigy nodded again, without more confirmation or detail.
'You're a Cancer, and as a shinobi, the great intuition of this sign has come in handy to decipher people around you'
'That has nothing to do with my birthday, it is an ability that I cultivated and perfected with own intelligence and kekke genkai' Neji argued with a frown
'Of course, but are you sure you didn't decide to do so cause you realised you already had impressions when meeting someone? not every ninja does what you do, even though many are in possesion of eyesight abilities, but you see things not only with your eyes, there is something else you feel, isn't it?' Kanami replied calmly. Neji frown harder and then turned his head away
'Like a crab's shell, your exterior is impenetrable, it's almost impossible to find a weakness in you...almost impossible' she ended, drinking from her cup of sake. Neji contemplated her discretly, as if she was a strange creature
'Neji-nii-san might be tough on the outside' Hinata added suddenly 'but he's got a great heart' the smile that crossed her face was soft and warm as well as her eyes, she was inside her own world. Neji smiled too.
After the awkward astrological session, Miyuri took her interest and the girls somewhere else, Kanami and Neji stood silent for a while, then reinitiated their previous conversation, Guy and Lee were still harasing the twins and everything was as in the beginning until the group decided to call it a night.
Konoha's team headed to the hostal in charge of keeping ninjas from other villages, not too far from the bar. Guy and Lee walked on their hands balancing the backpacks on their feet as they liked so much to do. Hinata and Tenten walked behind them, looking weary from hanging out too long with Miyuri. Neji guarded the group from some yards behind
'Neji-san' he turned around 'you should consider telling her how you feel'. He watched the kunoichi in front of him, her white hair shining with the moonlight
'There's no point in that' he confessed with a resignful grin
'You already know she feels the same'
'I...cannot hurt her again, it would kill me'
'Love is a rocky road she's strong enough to take. And you are not all sharp and rough, you can be sensitive and gentle too'
Neji looked at her with a sarcastic grimace 'What else does astrology say?'
'I'm not involving astrology in this conversation. I'm talking about what I've seen in you two, while on the mission and tonight as well. You guide her to be better as a ninja, and she guides you to be a better person, am I wrong?' Neji stood silent with a sad look on his face
'Stars do not dictate fate, nothing does but ourselves' Kanami smiled graciously 'but to answer your previous question, a Cancer and a Capricorn like you two would make a wonderful couple. Since you're opposites, you are also complementaries'
The two Hyuugas had watched in silence the first shine of every star come out in that nightsky of November, until the glittering lights populated the entire dome. It was one of the last clear nights before the firsts snowfalls of the season. The were both well protected from the cold by the blankets the cautious heiress had dispossed before the training. The teapot and cups laid empty aside them
Neji's heavy breath took them both out of their thoughts. Hinata turned to find him tense, his hands clenching the fabric of his pants and his jaws tightened
'Hinata-sama....' he looked at her with much difficulty 'Hinata, I want you to know that...I love you...I have loved you for so long'
Hinata stood awhile mouth opened in confusion, but didn't flinch, didn't move, didn't make a sound until saying 'I know'
Neji did flinch a little, confused as much as Hinata had been after his revelation 'How?'
'You are the only person I can read as you do with everyone else, because I've watched you so closely...' her voice began to sound shaky 'so I started to notice...certain gestures you have only with me, they way you look at me, speak to me, smile at me... but, I was scared of saying something and find it was only my imagination' she said drawing her attention to tighten the blanket around. A hand grabbed her chin and turned her face to look to the eyes staring at her eagerly
'Now you know you read me right' Neji got closer to Hinata without letting her chin go, lowering his voice into a whisper as their clash became inminent 'what you saw in me is my truth' she was quivering 'believe in yourself, Hinata' his breath caressed her lips, and the quarter of an inch between them was extinguished by Hinata, who took the tempting offer in front of her, closing her eyes to feel the soft, moist texture of his mouth, attacking hers slowly, sucking her lips, stealing the little air she could grab, such sweet suffocation. The kiss lasted more than a minute until Hinata parted from him a little
'What will happen if we can't work it out?'
Neji widened the space between them and looked into the stars once more 'We don't have a way to know that, but if it is of any use to you, we got the stars on our side'
Hinata stood incredulous after Neji's last phrase and then laughed overtly, he did as well 'Do you believe in such things now?'
Neji grabbed her nape and broke the distance once again 'I think we complement each other' he said earnestly
#NejiHinaWeek2021, #NejiHinata
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oivsyo · 2 years
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Prompt used: Social Media AU
AU where Hinata posts their selfies on Insta from time to time, and followers always comment that they are a cool and beautiful couple. Everytime Hinata gets embarrassed and jokes that they are not a couple, tho keeps posting their photos, and Neji rejoices inwardly :3
I planned to post this one on a #HinataWeek2021  for a Sunflowers prompt, but a quick sketchy redraw turned into something bigger and I decided to not to rush and keep it for njhn week. This was 100% right decision ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
A couple of months ago I saw a photo on Twitter, there was a comment something like "these two have Neji and Hinata vibes" and I was like "say no more" xD  it became vital for me to redraw that photo. Actually, that's what happened. That's why the setting is so strange, that's why there is the  guitar, that's why there is  the phone xD
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However, for a long time I already had thoughts about the plots for Modern AU NejiHina, but this is a completely different story 👀
Here is my playlist for this art:
Fleurie - Summer Girl                                                                                        MISSIO - I See You                                                                                          Duncan Laurence feat. FLETCHER - Arcade
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oivsyo · 2 years
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Prompts : Sunlit | First Love
I promised myself that I would definitely draw them in the field of silver grass and I did it 💪🏻
Perhaps this art is the most difficult of those that I have drawn this year. Practically every element of the drawing, whether it be a pose, perspective, background, lighting, coloring, emotions on the faces of the characters - literally everything was a challenge and a small battle, that’s why this work squeezed me out emotionally, but I really wanted to capture exactly "those" emotions and the atmosphere of the moment that were in my head. I should say right away that not everything worked out, unfortunately, my skill is not enough at the moment. Anyway this is the artwork I’m proud of.
I sketched this idea back in October, right after the art where Neji and Hinata are training together. Initially, the background was planned on that art: a field with tall grass (as in the flashback of episode 232) and a sunset. But no matter what I drew, the background turned out ridiculous and awkward, so I decided to make that drawing just on a plain color background, and try to add the field and sunset in the next work. Actually, the decision was the right one.
[Then she smiled. It was the most beautiful thing he’d seen in his entire life]
With this work, I wanted to show the moment when Neji realizes that since they established communication and resolved past conflicts and grievances, Hinata has come to mean something more to him. It is not necessary that he immediately identified this feeling and formulated it for himself as falling in love or love. Most likely, it will take him time, probably years, during which he will go through the stages of denial of his feelings, anger, that his feelings are unrequited, bargaining with himself, that it is enough for him to be by her side and know that she is happy, even if not with him. Well, this is a completely different story. 
At that very specific moment, he realizes how important she is to him, how important it is for him that she smiles again, that her smile shines brighter and warms him more than the rays of the rising sun. He realizes that he does not know what will happen to him if she is not there. 
[Hinata smiled at him and rushed towards the gentle morning sun, carelessly brushing her hands against the fluffy silvery tufts of the grass, while Neji froze behind, continuing to stare absently at her trail. Confused, he felt how the emptiness in his chest, formed when the darkness and hatred receded, filled with warmth, and the world around him became a little brighter. He stood immersed in himself until Hinata called out to him. Neji shook his head and walked briskly towards her.]
Hey-hey, I started the Patreon so you can support me there and get the high-res of this art (4000x2250)
There you will find content I post on my social media pages  + more WIPS and unfinished arts/ideas, high-res versions of some arts =)
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steklywko · 2 years
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NejiHina Week Theme: Sunlite ☀
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oivsyo · 2 years
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[Scars | Touch starved]
I just wanted to draw a spicy stuff with them (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) It was supposed to be even hotter, but I failed to draw wrinkles on a kimono, haha
You can find the full art here. As usual it is SFW tho spicy enough for tumblr :”3
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nejihinata · 3 years
Hello, dear followers!
We are already accepting prompts for NejiHina Week 2021!
You can send prompts as sentence starters, color (or a palette), an AU, a word or whatever you think that fits in our event. Feel free to send us the asks!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Please only send them through the ask box. It is better for us to gather all the suggestions.
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kalira · 2 years
Central Point
Written for @nejihinata​‘s NejiHina Week - First Love!
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T; 1.7k Neji/Hinata, Team Gai
Team Gai know almost everything of importance about each other already, and what they don't . . . they're willing to share with one another. A conversation between friends turns to love and defining devotion.
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kalira · 2 years
Needed Care (but for whom?)
Written for @nejihinata​‘s NejiHina Week - Day 5: Touch Starved!
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T; 2.5k Neji/Hinata
Neji has been badly injured on the battlefield, and while he will recover, Hinata cannot but go to him in her worry - though perhaps Neji is not the one who most needs this time, this quiet closeness between them.
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kalira · 3 years
I’m busily trundling along with my main NaNo project and, of course, KakaSaku minifics, and works for @nejihinata‘s NejiHina Week!
Here’s a peek at another of my works for that - my current WIP, for Touch Starved on Day 5:
“I . . . appreciate your worry.” Neji said almost stiffly, looking away, and for a moment Hinata wondered if he was trying to politely put her off, send her away, but. . .
Neji’s cheeks pinked faintly, and Hinata’s heart fluttered. She brought his hand up and kissed his battered knuckles, rubbing her cheek against them gently as Neji’s head jerked back around towards her, his eyes wide.
“I could not have . . . not come.” Hinata admitted, feeling her own cheeks warm and her stomach squirm a little. She tucked her knees closer together, focusing on the firm pressure, and held Neji’s hand in her own, his forearm resting against her. It was. . .
Hinata felt slightly shaken, and tried not to hold on to him too tightly, even as the warmth of his arm against her body seemed to burn right through her, his hand curled around her own impossibly strong, her mind fixed on the feeling.
Neji’s fingers flexed slowly, and Hinata could feel the shift of his forearm against her, realising belatedly she had tucked his arm between her breasts, holding it tightly. Her face warmed further, but she didn’t release him. He didn’t pull away, either, even as his fingertips brushed Hinata’s collarbone just above the thick collar of her jacket and beneath her loose hitai-ate.
“I appreciate your presence, too.” Neji said almost wryly, and Hinata pressed her lips together, momentarily uncertain. She petted his hand almost cautiously, and Neji shifted weakly, grimacing in pain.
I have 5 works complete for NejiHina Week already, and I’m quite enjoying the mostly soft and hurt/comfort feels I’m turning out for it thus far~
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kalira · 2 years
War Front
Written for @nejihinata​‘s NejiHina Week - Day 3: Reunited!
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T; 1.5k Neji/Hinata
Hinata is glad to be needed on duty as part of the support teams called up to aid the iryou nin at the front lines, if only for the chance to search out her most precious person and be with him once more.
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kalira · 2 years
History Unrepeated
Written for @nejihinata​‘s NejiHina Week - Day 2: Never Again!
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T; 1.3k Neji/Hinata
Hinata is determined that their clan will not repeat the mistakes of their past, determined to undo as much as she can of their ugly history. Neji is very proud of her . . . but mostly he would like her to be kind to herself in the process as well.
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