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Vintage official(?) chibi artwork of my blorbos!
Source unknown, artwork found at: http://chibiland.dearchibi.com/chibiothers.html
Thanks to @kunzoi-archive for helping me find these! I knew the Shitennou chibis existed, but that site has many more season 1 characters:
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My main desktop computer is broken, and I'm having trouble getting Blender to work on my laptop, so it may be a bit longer before I get more artwork done. I am still working on my story, and working on writing notes, so hopefully I can still get something done! In the meanwhile I wanted to share these here.
If anyone knows the original source for these let us know!!
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historia-jaeger · 1 year
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You can't like a shipping and you don't need a comprehensible reason. It's enough if you prefer another shipping with one of the characters. Everything fine and dendy. But I'm not a fan of bogus arguments being sought to badmouth a shipping. And with that, I'm addressing the bogus argument that people use to belittle NephNaru. Nephrite would be much older than Naru, Naru is still a minor at 14 years old. Shipping would be pedophile. Teach me otherwise. But as far as I know, Nephrite's age is unknown. But I guess he's 16 years old. Why do I think that? Because Naru is 14 years old, same as Usagi and her friends. It's clear. They're in the same class. Sailor Moon is the same age as her Senshis. So I'm assuming the Shittenou must be Mamoru's age, also 16 years old. This means that Nephrite would be of legal age, in contrast to Naru, but at most two years older. Nevertheless, that Shipping then has nothing to do with pedophilia. And if NephNaru is still criticizable, then every other shipping in Sailor Moon is also criticizable. Starting with Mamoru x Usagi, Seiya x Usagi, Shittenou x Senshi (specifically Nephrite x Makoto) and finally Helios x Chibiusa. Even the incestinous sibling relationship between Ail and Ann seems fine. But NephNaru. Oh my gosh. That's pedophilia. lol I just want to throw my hands over my head.
If you're bothered by relationships between minors and adults, please don't watch Sailor Moon. Above all. They don't go to bed together. The relationship is only illegal if they sleep together. Otherwise, everyone can love whoever they want. Please stop sexualizing any relationship. Thanks. -------------------- On the picture is a reedited screenshot from Sailor Moon Crystal, showing Naru und Neflite together.
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sayaki-kiramoto · 1 year
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'Sailor Moon' is actually on air in german tv and two weeks ago they showed the episodes where Naru (Molly) developed an crush on Nephrite and shortly after they start to come closer to each other he was killed by Zoisite's minions.|DD’ I always liked this cute little lovestory and always felt sorry for them that they only had three(?) episodes with each other and just a short moment to talk clear. This could have been a sweet romance but it was kinda bad written. |DD' However; when i saw that episodes again i felt like i wanna draw a picture about them and chose to make another screenshot redraw. So, here it is! I hope you like it, aye. x3~
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weiszklee · 1 year
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This is the ideal male form. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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mina-martin · 2 months
a year and a day
since I last updated my fic. not abandoned! but I am a slow writer, and life happens. in the meantime, I don't think I ever shared this amazing fanart on tumblr:
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A commish by Supreme Moon Senshi on insta! If you've seen gorgeous aqua colored fanart of Sailor Earth that looks like it could be official 90s art, than you've seen his work. :)
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A little thought I had on Discord
So, I was thinking. What if in the final battle with Sailor Moon, after the Shitennou regain their memories, Beryl fuses them all together as a massive geode humanoid, where the shitennou are sometimes popping out like this
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Before being absorbed back in
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scary-pixie · 3 years
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Nephrite from Sailor Moon! I added a lot of extra detail to this one.
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imperialmoonkingdom · 3 years
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Sailor Moon: The Shittenou
As I imagine them looking IRL. Made in artbreeder.
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sharkyboye · 5 years
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he deserved better :'(
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Who else wishes they were as cute as Molly(Naru)? Then I could attract a sexy Neflite~
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"I Won't Forget You"
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Late submission for @smvillainsweek Day 1, theme Corruption / Redemption. The end of the Golden Kingdom (and the beginning of the Dark Kingdom), shortly before the past life events of episode 44 of the 90s anime (and Prince Endymion's confrontation with the Shitennou in the PC Engine Game).
The chambers (beds? sarcophagus?) are based on the one Mamoru is put into in late season 1, when he's being mind controlled to serve the Dark Kingdom...
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ravenovni · 2 years
Sad Zoisite 🥺
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mary2j · 7 years
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feelingravityspull · 3 years
Coworker asked me today: “neflit? What do you understand this?” I assumed he meant “Netflix,” but no, he was actually trying to say “Nephilim” which led to about an hour of him talking about how angels from Mars are going to come to earth to bring us medicine. Also the biblical Pharaoh was an extraterrestrial. Apparently he read this all in the Book of Enoch, so maybe I should take a closer look at my bible
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mina-martin · 5 years
A Gift by Starlight, Ch3
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Chapter 3 is up!
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