#near kicked my ass
latapadraws · 6 months
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did a commission for a friend earlier this year and I finally am getting around to posting it eheh... Anime is Ga Rei Zero.
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and here is the mouse pad they ordered with the final art ! :D
thank you for the commission
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christakisbang · 8 months
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our big haengnim~ stay healthy! don't get sick! i'm always ready to hug you tightly so be prepared~
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densitywell · 11 months
thinking many ashrym thoughts rn. orym came back from issylra at his worst and ashton, somehow, has come out at their best. ashton wants to be a hero, to inspire people, to save the world; orym wants to get revenge on those who killed his family. when he's pushing the rest of the hells to go back to the key barely an hour after they've reunited, it's ashton who pulls them towards taking some desperately needed time to decompress.
ashton doesn't regret a single thing that happened in hearthdell. orym says they made compromises to get back to the hells. orym has admitted that he can't really grapple with one side of the gods debate because its the belief his family was killed over, while ashton is specifically exploring the ideologies most associated with the hishari. they both believe in people, and are dead set on destroying ludinus, and ashton thinks that maybe the gods deserve to die and orym is sure that they should live. orym is covering up, dressing in the standard armor of his people. ashton is standing out, taking the old things he loves and turning them into something new.
and yet the two of them, as a pair, still function the same. they move around, through, above and below each other as easily as they have for quite some time now. ashton loves zephrah, and orym is happy to have him there. two people who on the surface appear wildly different, whose lives feel like strange twisted mirrors, and yet who have developed this wordless understanding and love and respect for each other regardless. one that still holds - for the moment, at least - even as it feels like they're only moving farther apart.
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birddcandle · 1 year
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Do you know how much the people of Hels would pay for canary feathers?
I read the one ask about the feather farm and. Yeah here we are
this is art for @lunarcrown and @aquaquadrant ‘s Hels To Pay AU!! It’s so good the writing and drawings are IMPECCABLE
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
getting wigs for characters with the same hair color as myself make me feel like the biggest dumbass around but youd have me fucked thinking im burdening myself with daigos 2000's emo cut just for a weekend
#snap chats#a weekend is generous im only going to the con on saturday#i like how im making it sound like anime nyc is this weekend when its at the end of august LMAO BUT NO LISTEN#unfortunately beauty influencers have finally done their job right and this one guy was reviewing an eyebrow pencil#but the twist is that this pencil was like. SUPPPER STUPID FINE im talkin .08mm and he demonstrated how it could imitate stubble#SO OF COURSE. my ass wanted to see for myself cause as much as i like my sponge-stippling method its not super precise#and that shit gets annoying when most of it looks fine but then i press too hard or i angle the sponge wrong and now i gotta start over#In Any Case the pencil i got did exactly as i hoped and its actually p fun putting on LMAO. i prefer how it looks too#anyway how this all relates to this post. im probably gonna go as y2 daigo again for anime nyc in august#and I Repeat im not cutting my hair for that LMAO so. Wig 😩#i like it when i cosplay him cause i just go by his actual design cause if i even breathe near skinny jeans ill wanna kms#also i just like to be as accurate as i can be yk. plus the leather pants i have are cozy and theyre one of my fave pairs of pants 🤤#in any case. whenever that wig comes in ermmmmm i dont trust myself to take pictures 😞 my selfie game is dick#maybe ill stream yk2 LMAO but anyway. good night i think im gonna force myself to sleep now#i got back to my dorm like four hours ago or whatever and i am not looking forward to doing school shit again. alongside comm shit#OH WELL we ball good night#wait before i Good Night cackling as i have my meds next to my aoki tablet and plush#great reminder honestly. Take Your Meds Or You'l Convince Yourself To Be A Republican#ok goodnight fr now im gonna giggle and kick my feet thinking of cosplay
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
personally I think the medieval Irish were onto something
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dbphantom · 1 year
So those death flags on Roberto eh... Meryl is definitely using that derringer after he dies, right? It's her signature gun, there's no way she won't...
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genshin-brained · 6 months
Got Alhaitham's TCG card and I'm crying at how he is the king of not giving a shit even in this. You defeat his card in the game and he just goes "Oh?" You defeat him completely and he just tells you it was fun.
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da-riya · 9 months
Highlights from my EU4 Austria game up to 1600s
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#og post#eu4#pdx games#not in order but still funny#Had the worst RNG I didn't get any Personal Unions peacefully and had to fight wars to get Milan & Hungary & Bohemia & Brandenburg as PUs#Burgundy fully evaded my grasp and all of this got me so hated I got excommunicated and lost the election to Fucking Pfalz#I'm calling them the German name cuz it's more cringe then The Palatenate#(3 of the 7 electors are literally Theocracies what do you expect. Excommunication and the religious league wars were the end of me)#I got so pissed I switched to the Protestant side of the 30 year war and curbstomped Pfalz but only to sign the Treaty of Westphalia#Allowing me to gitch out and become an Easter Orthodox Christian member of the HRE (since it's peace between ALL Christians after all)#I can't even begin to explain how funny this is. Everyone picked sides based on me being Catholic!#When I switched sides all my allies were my enemies and all my enemies were my allies now.#Everyone lined up to kick my ass and I joined the queue. Then we beat up on some kid instead of me#Anyhow I also married into England without an heir and just... Got a Tudor as heir. The game pesters me to bring back the Habsburgs but no#It's better this way cause then I can try to take control over all the other Tudors (they hate me so that'd be hard)#England rebelled during my orthodox rebellion and so became an independent state seperate from Britian. Those are now two distrinct entitie#There's a England and there's a UK but they're nowhere near each other#And England wants to colonize overseas despit being landlocked. Like... No. Go back to paying me taxes!
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thinkingabout-girls · 4 months
i was looking through your blog as one does and i saw that in your ref you have “glasses + cane” as optional but you use a cane??? omg cane buddies if you do :3
i do not unfortunately but i really need one lmao
i do have glasses cause i’m a nerd (and like. near blind) but because of Reasons i haven’t gotten myself a cane yet but i could definitely use one cause it’d make my life so much easier. i’m a cane user in spirit. the spirit is desperate but the flesh is broke and stupid
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skarmoree · 11 months
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Rae’lia scar ref whoooo
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lonely--seeker · 9 months
Going on a fucking walk with my (not mine) dog that I hate (I don't) from now on because at this point I'm not entirely sure whose emotional, physical and mental health depends on it.
I need to take a picture of him because he's gotten so much bigger than last time I showed him
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fand0mswithbunny · 7 months
saw hamilton yesterday. better than i couldve ever imagined, if i could i would see it again esp with my shit memory. 100/10, if you can go see it its the most surreal experience ever.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
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Another AMAZING commission I got from the ever-talented @/RoboticReborn over on twitter! Please check out his art and cosplay, it’s seriously inspiring.
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syn0vial · 9 months
makin' spotify playlists for my favorite BG3 characters and i put "nobody" by mitski on karlach's and it's fucking killing me
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10moonymhrivertam · 1 month
Hazbin BatB AU Preview
Charlie pushed open the door, smiling at the gentle chime that wound through the shop. It was louder than such a little bell ought to have been able to make, but only if you listened the right way, like her mother had taught her. Looking into one of the dim corners of the shop helped resolve Alastor’s shape out of the shadows, even as he stepped onto the floor-proper of the bookshop.
“Charlie! You little demon. Back so soon?” Charlie could never help the way her smile widened to match Alastor’s grin.
“Morning, Al! Yeah. The chickens were actually fine, but the goats want way more food.” She spread her arms like she was sketching out a rainbow. “We reached a compromise,” she added, reaching down into her bag to present him with the borrowed spellbook. Al gave it a cursory once-over that it seemed to pass – the shadows wrapped around it and ferried it back to one of the half-hidden shelves.
“Last time it took you three days.” Alastor looked at her sideways over his glasses, his grin widening a fraction. “Well done.”
Charlie felt like she was glowing. She beamed back at him.
“Have you got anything new in?” She bounced on her toes. He considered her for several long moments before slipping sideways. She blinked, squinting a little to keep an eye on him.
“Not new, exactly…” He wandered alongside the shelves, running his finger across the spines in his way. After several steps, he stopped, tapping one of them and sliding his finger up to pull it from the shelves. “...I’ve little use for this one,” he announced. He slipped back onto the floor again, holding it out between them. “Go ahead and take it.”
“One-Thousand and One Nights?” Charlie was startled by a smart rap to the top of her head.
“Look,” Alastor instructed. Charlie blinked down at the book, watched the cover waver and melt away.
“Love in All Its Forms.” Charlie wrinkled her nose. “Al, I’m not gonna lie, love spells...kinda have rape-y vibes.” She peeked up at him.
“Well, I’ve memorized the spell for dispelling love.” Alastor’s gaze wandered to the window. Charlie followed his gaze to watch a duck fall out of the sky. She grimaced, hugging the book to her chest. “I’m giving it to you, regardless. May as well see where it takes you, no?”
“...Yeah. Okay.”
“Attagirl!” He cried, clapping her on the back. She summoned another smile, smaller than before. He gave her another once-over. “Would you like a charm for your way home?” He extended a hand. Technically, the answer was yes. Alastor charged pretty steeply for his workings, though, even for her. She’d only brought along enough money to cover the deposit he sometimes charged her for borrowing from the magical library – even that was an indulgence, she was pretty sure, that came out of frequenting the bookstore since she was a kid dangling off her Mom’s hand.
“No, thank you.” She managed to maintain her smile as she pushed his hand back toward him. He hummed, closing his hand. He tilted his head at her.
“Well. Better get along to your father, now.” Her smile widened at the familiar eye roll. “Safe travels, Charlie.”
She waved at him as she departed the store. After a few steps, morbid curiosity drove her to start leafing through the book. She found herself engrossed. The book wasn’t as bad as she’d initially assumed, but it wasn’t super stellar, either – a spell for finding a lost loved one could be great if they were scared of being alone; less great if they were scared of you. That spell Alastor had mentioned, about dispelling love – he was clearly happy knowing it, but Sev was her closest friend, and if she’d used something like this when she was heartbroken, she’d never have known.
This book, like a lot of Alastor’s spellbooks, had notes in the margins. It was in several hands. Charlie imagined it was a student-teacher or parent-child kind of deal, but Alastor had never contributed. For one thing, the first time she’d brought it up to him, he’d complained about it for forty-five minutes, which had been a little hilarious. For another, most of these people wrote in cursive, but Alastor tended to use the same neat print he used for his bookkeeping everywhere. The potion recipe correction that had caught her eye now was done in a flowing cursive. She squinted at it, trying to figure out if it was correcting the measurement or the ingredient itself.
“’Sup, l’il hottie?” Charlie was so glad for the book. It covered her grimace for the few moments before she got her face under control.
“Hi, Adam.” She avoided breaking stride, hoping she could just leave him behind, but he slipped around behind her, grabbing the book as he went. She sucked in a breath, worried and angry, but when she turned to him, he looked about as disinterested as he ever did. “Adam,” she said, carefully calm. “May I have my book, please?”
“Hot and smart, huh?” He waggled his eyebrows at her. She tried not to gag. “Not even one single picture – really?” He flipped through a few more pages. Well, at least that reassured her that he still couldn’t see. There were plenty of diagrams in the book.
“It’s called a chapter book for a reason.” She made herself sound as cheerful as she could. Adam rolled his eyes. She reared back. For just a moment, an intangible wind rippled through her hair.
“Charlie. Babe.” She couldn’t make the wind die down, but either Adam somehow wasn’t seeing it, or he wasn’t noticing how weird it was. “Chapter books have got nothing on reality.” Adam flung the book over his shoulder, and Charlie’s breath caught in her chest. It arched through the air and – Oh God, oh fuck, it didn’t matter if it was a present instead of a loaner, if Alastor ever found out she let one of his books land in the mud he would kill her. “Reality’s got me,” he added, even as Charlie dove past him to rescue the book. He paused a moment, and she thought maybe he would apologize, but then – “God, that ass.”
She shot to her feet, book in hands, glaring at him. At least the wind was getting kind of tangible, so it wasn’t so weird that it was picking up her hair any more. Adam was holding up his hands in surrender, but there was a lazy expression on his face that made her angrier.
“Look, baby. Come on over to the bar, and we can get your book on a nice, safe little table, and I’ll make sure no one uses it as a coaster or anything, and you and me and Lute can all...get to know each other.”
Charlie shuddered. She managed to keep a hold of herself long enough to take a deep breath.
“Maybe some other time,” she lied. Since she’d already dove into the mud, she went ahead and started wiping the mud from the book with the sleeve of her blazer. “Please,” she added. “I gotta go make sure Dad’s all packed.”
“Gotta make sure Loony Luci doesn’t pack three rubber ducks instead of his toothbrush?” Lute quipped, coming up from behind Adam to stand just behind his shoulder. He snickered. All at once, the wind was back.
“Don’t talk about my Dad that way!”
Adam scrambled for a moment, and then turned around to flip Lute off. “Yeah, don’t talk about her fucking Dad that way!”
“My Dad’s not crazy! He’s a genius,” she snarled.
Charlie whipped around, the wind gone again. Smoke was rising from the basement’s open windows.
“Shit!” She took off at a run over the bridge, leaving Adam’s spluttering laughter behind her. It seemed like the cloud was already dissipating as she crested the hill, so she felt safe deciding that the house wasn’t actually on fire, but she didn’t bother slowing down, sliding in the dirt as she stopped in front of the basement doors. She threw them open, recoiling from the smoke.
“’S okay!” He called back. Through the smoke, she saw him bent double, wheezing. “Just. Did the rubber duck test a little later than planned.”
“Um. That looks. A little...exploded. Are you sure you just put a rubber duck on one end?”
“Yeah.” He sighed, scrubbing a sooty hand through his hair. “I didn’t think it was that dependent on balance, but. Good to know. ‘Cause not everyone’ll use it the same.” He glanced back at the machine. “I’m just glad it didn’t fall apart.”
“It’s a mechanical chef, right?”
“Well. Chef’s being a little generous. It is supposed to kind of automate a kitchen, though.”
“Aw, but cooking is so nice. Why would anyone wanna automate it?” She reached out to poke at the axe on the end of it. Dad caught her wrist with a practiced, gentle hand.
“People with big houses are always doing dumb things with their money, CharChar. What if some little kid inherits a big ol’ chateau and half the staff ditch? She’s not gonna know how to hire more, and the butler will be too busy covering duties to do it for her. So. Lighter load for the butler, more time to hire staff – maybe less staff you gotta hire, too!” He cried. “And it can work in little provincial places, too, for the folks that don’t have as much get-up-and-go as they used to.”
“That’s so sweet.” Charlie clasped her hands together in front of her.
“So the boiler’s dependent on being right where it is…” Dad’s voice lowered until he descended into muttering, circling his contraption.
“Do you need any help to have it ready for tomorrow?”
“No. I shouldn’t, no.” He flapped a hand. After a moment of staring, he crossed his arms, holding onto his chin. “Hand me the – uh – dog-legged clencher...thing, if you don’t mind, actually.” Charlie smiled, rummaging around his tools for a moment until she could pass one to him. He disappeared from view. Charlie watched quietly for a few minutes, but then she looked down at her book. She grabbed a spare rag and began cleaning it carefully, standing it up and separating the pages, just in case.
“Dad?” She almost chickened out at the last second, and she wasn’t entirely sure he could hear her over the sounds of his work.
“Charlie?” He echoed. She was still staring at her book. She considered Alastor’s disinterest in it all. Adam constantly asking to ‘get to know’ her. How she and Sev worked so much better as friends.
“...How’d you and Mom meet?” She wasn’t sure it was what she meant to ask, but it felt right when it came out. The sounds of Dad working stopped, though. The basement was silent for a good few minutes.
“It was at a party,” Dad admitted. “Out in the garden, actually. We both picked the same tree for ‘just needing some air’.”
“When did you know she’d be...Mom?” Charlie waved a hand at the house above them, even though Dad wasn’t looking.
“I realized I couldn’t imagine not seeing her every day ever again.” Dad’s voice was a little thick, and Charlie ducked her head. Silence reigned in the basement again. Dad wiggled his way out from behind the invention and gathered her up in a hug. Charlie was forced to face that this blazer might be a lost cause.
“What brought this on?”
“Nothing,” she lied.
“...You know I’m hoping to get us back out of here with this, right? Maybe back out to the city.” Dad rubbed her arm, but then he straightened, eyes wide. “Do you want that, too? I mean, I know this is where your Mom grew up, and she really liked it here, but I just thought...you always just fit right in there, y’know?”
“I liked the city, Dad.” She promised, smiling. “I miss it a lot. ...I’m a little worried Mom’ll finally come back, and she won’t know where to find us. Y’know?”
“I know,” he whispered, gathering her into another hug. “Alright. I’ll think about it. It only matters if I win, anyway. Right?” He grinned sardonically.
“Which you absolutely will!” Charlie cheered, standing up. “C’mon, Dad, put me in charge of something!”
“Go ahead and hitch up Dazzle, kiddo. I think it only needs a couple more adjustments.”
“Aye aye, Captain!” She gave him a snappy salute before rushing back out up to the stables.
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