sweetthingshome · 1 year
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ロビン店長の元気のミナモト!ナパーニのハーブブレンドオイル。その効果を私も試してみたくって、最近こっそりスプーン一杯ほどいただくようになりました。(笑) 【※注意:ブレンドオイルは犬・猫用です。】 #sweetthings #山陽小野田市 #宇部市 #山口県 #Repost @napani_japan ・・・ ドイツ🇩🇪オーガニックペットフードのナパーニです。 冬になり、乾燥してくると健康維持や不調のケアのためにとても重要になるのが、積極的な「水分」と「オイル」の摂取です。 水分は、ウェットタイプのフードや手作りで汁気たっぷりのごはんにするのがおすすめ! そして、オイルは、「質」にこだわる事がとても重要です。 一般的には、肉の脂身やバターなどの飽和脂肪酸は、多量に摂取してしまうとコレステロールを増加させてしまうため、控えめにしたいところです。 また、仮に良質なオイルだとしても、酸化してしまったオイルは、とても気をつけたいところです。毒性を持つ過酸化脂肪酸は、胃腸や肝臓に負担をかけ、動脈硬化など血管のダメージにも繋がりかねません。 この季節、積極的に摂りたいのは、不飽和脂肪酸!その中でも特に必須脂肪酸といわれる脂肪酸は、体内で他の脂肪酸から合成できないために、意識して食事から摂取する必要があります。 とても大切な役割を担っており、健康には不可欠なのに、ついつい不足しがちです。 人や犬達にとっての必須脂肪酸は、代表的なものは、オメガ9(オレイン酸)、オメガ6(リノール酸など)や、オメガ3 (αリノレン酸など)です。 質の高い必須脂肪酸は、細胞膜を強化し、良質な栄養を受け取りやすくすることで、身体の機能を正常に保ち、健康維持に大変重要な役割を担います。 また、悪玉コレステロールを低減することで、血管の健康を保ち、高脂血症や心臓疾患を予防するといわれています。 しかし、これらの必須脂肪酸は、非常に酸化しやすい物質です。 オメガ3 を摂るために主流となっているフィッシュオイルは、DHA、EPAが豊富に含まれているものの、酸化させずに品質を維持することが非常に難しいため、保存料が欠かせません。ある調査によれば、なかには、保存料が使われているにも関わらず、腐敗していた商品もあったとの結果も出ています。 そのため、ナパーニでは敢えてフィッシュオイルを使わずに、植物性のαリノレン酸やリノール酸を豊富に含んだオイルを製品化しています。 αリノレン酸は肝臓で吸収された後、EPA、DHAに変換されます。そのため、体内で必要とされる量が、適正に変換され、過剰になることもなく、もちろん酸化の危険性もありませんので、安心して摂取いただけます。 ナパーニのオーガニックブレンドオイルは、厳選された3種のオイルをご用意。 良質なオーガニック素材を丁寧に低温圧搾し、必須脂肪酸やビタミンを豊富に含み、パートナーの身体に吸収されやすい質の高いオイルです。 オーガニックブレンドオイル プーデルヴォール (Puldewohl) ・月見草オイル、ウィートジャームオイル、杏仁オイルをブレンド。 ・リノール酸やαリノレン酸、ビタミンEやAも豊富で、心臓や肝臓やシニアの健康をサポートします。 ※リノール酸は多くのメリットがあるものの、過剰摂取は炎症を起こす要因にもなりえます。そのため、αリノレン酸を合わせて摂ることにより、競合的に作用して炎症を抑える役目を果たします。その二つを良い配合でブレンドした優秀オイルです。😊 オーガニックブレンドオイル ライブ&ゼーレ (Leib & Seele) ・ヘンプシードオイル、亜麻仁オイル、アマナズナオイルをブレンド。 ・αリノレン酸や、リノール酸が豊富で、体内に入るとDHAやEPAに変換されます。 ・抗炎症・抗酸化作用。細胞膜の健康維持。 ・皮膚や被毛を美しく。 脳と目に行き届く唯一のオイル!神経細胞を柔らかくして、脳や目の働きをサポートします。また、血管の詰まりを防ぎ血液をサラサラに。 👉オーガニックブレンドオイル ヘルフェライン (Helferlein) ・ブラッククミンシードオイル、オレガノオイル、ガーリックオイルをブレンド。 ・リノール酸やオレイン酸が豊富。 ・アレルギーの緩和、免疫機能サポート、抗菌、抗酸化、抗寄生虫などが期待できる万能オイル!! 今年人気爆発した優秀オイル。ブラッククミンシードの万能ぶりが、多くのパートナーをサポートしてきました😊💕 パートナーのお悩みに合わせても、健康維持のために3種類を代わる代わるトッピングに使ってもいいですね。 酸化しやすいため、開封後は冷蔵庫に保管して、必ず4週間以内に使い切りましょう! 目安は、小型犬なら100mlで20日分 中型犬以上なら250mlで20日分です。 ぜひお試しください!! #必須脂肪酸 #オメガ3 #napani #ナパーニ #カスタマイズフード #コンプリートフード #ドッグフード #dog #いぬすたぐらむ #犬のいる暮らし #dogstagram #猫 #キャットフード #犬ごはん #犬の手作りごはん #手作りいぬごはん #オーガニックドッグフード #オーガニック #organic #オーガニックライフ #ドイツ動物自然療法 https://www.instagram.com/p/CndpExQvRyt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pansamantalamo · 11 months
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| 060923 . FRIDAY . LATE POST
Sobrang traffic kaninang pauwe ako. Saktong 5pm ako nag out. Umabot ako ng 1hour sa pila ng tricycle. Tapos ilang minuto ako naghintay ng jeep dahil pagod na ako if maglalakad ako pauwe. Inabot ako ng gutom dahil wala ako meryenda. Yung meryenda ko sana kanina napanis. Kaya ayun bumili ako tapsilog, sakto kase na bagong bukas yung gotohan at tapsilogan ng classmate ko dati nung highschool. Natawa nga ko kase hanap ako ng hanap asa gilid lang pala yung store nila. Dapat titiisin ko nalang gutom ko hanggang sa makauwe e. kaso ayun gusto ko din suportahan sya. Mura lang naman at sulit dahil super sarap. Pag punta ni choykiee sa bahay bili ulit ako sa kanila ng tapsi at goto.
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gewwiduhling · 9 months
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Sarap naman, kaso lang napanis yung gravy lol
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fluffynexu · 4 years
taste of home
AO3 link
Malavai Quinn tried to avoid the officers’ mess hall when he could. Even though there were only about half a dozen officers that shared the space he preferred to eat in solitude back in his office. But every so often, he needed to restock his ration stash. And of course, there were those rare days when fresh supplies were imported to Balmorra directly from the Empire’s core. Those days he’d let himself indulge a bit and grab some fresh fruit or even stay in the mess’ kitchen long enough to cook something resembling a proper meal. 
He made his way to the officers’ mess and sifted through the various flavor and texture options when Major Bessiker called out to him. 
“Ah, Lieutenant!”
Quinn pulled his hand back before he got anything. “Major,” he replied with a curt nod. 
“Stocking up again?”
“You should join us more often.” 
Major Pirrell walked in with a miserable look on his face. “Oh don’t bother, Bessiker. You know how he is. Always too busy.” 
Maintaining a neutral expression Quinn simply looked at Bessiker. “Apologies, but Major Pirrell is correct. I have much to do for the war effort here, and I can improve my productivity by—”
“Don’t be such a shut in, Quinn!” Bessiker said with a warm smile. 
Pirrell merely scoffed while grabbing a cup of caf for the morning.
“Besides,” Bessiker continued, “A crate of fresh food coming in today, straight from Dromund Kaas!”
“Really?” Quinn and Pirrell asked in unison.
Quinn thought for a moment. “But there isn’t a delivery scheduled for another—”
“It’s for a special occasion!” Bessiker practically radiated with joy. Which, given the damn planet they were all stuck on, was quite odd.
Drawing in a deep breath Quinn turned back to the assortment of rations. “Thank you for the offer but—”
“No, no! I insist,” Bessiker pressed on.
Pirrell took a sip from his caf. “Take a hint. The man’s not interested.” 
“Oh but he will be. And so will you! In fact, I’m inviting all the officers in Sobrik for this occasion!” Bessiker smiled and laughed, “Don’t make me turn this into an order, Lieutenant.”
Quinn groaned inwardly but held his head high with respect. “Of course. If you insist, sir.”
“Wait.” Pirrell paused for a moment, no doubt waiting for the effects of the caf to kick in. “All of the officers? Does that include—”
“Colonel Sartius? Yes.”
Pirrell groaned loudly, rolling his eyes. “Well now I’m not—”
“For the love of the Emperor, you can handle one eve—”
Quinn cleared his throat. “If you’ll excuse me, Majors.” With his rations in hand Quinn left the two to continue with their bickering.
It was nearly 34:00, local time, when Quinn returned to the officers’ mess. It seemed that he was the first to arrive aside from Major Bessiker who was pulling foodstuffs out of a delivery crate.
Quinn gave a quiet cough. “I assume the others will be joining us soon?”
“Lieutenant!” Bessiker motioned Quinn toward the crate. “Give me a hand won’t you?”
“Of course.” Quinn began rummaging through the various items: fresh zinjer, coolumbers, a jar of cranonut oil, a package of two-striped skal fish, napani leaves, cerulean river blossoms, totomo fronds, churtuma powder, and a 10kg bag of Kaasi rice just to name a few. Each item he held with a sort of reverence, looking over the packaging and reading the labels. Sure enough, everything in the crate came from high end food companies on Dromund Kaas, the kinds that would often supply restaurants with Sith clientele. 
Quinn eventually pulled out a stack of thin boxes wrapped in light, ornate cloth. “What are these?”
“Those are mirbans, for dessert. There should be more than enough for everyone to take a box.”
“Mirbans? But Bloom Feast isn’t until much later in the Kaasi year.”
Bessiker waved him off. “Yes, yes. That’s true, but that particular steamery is one of a handful that makes mirbans all year round. And trust me lieutenant, I had some the last time I was on leave and it was simply divine.”
“I see…” Quinn placed the various chilis, fresh and dried, on the nearby counter. “If I may ask, what is the occasion for celebration?”
“My son!” Bessiker exclaimed, “He just got accepted to the Sith Academy on Korriban!”
Quinn paused for a moment before hauling out the heavy bag of rice. “That’s quite an accomplishment. My cong—”
Pirrell burst into the mess with Captains Ilun and Rollo flanking him. “So what are we here for? What’s all this? And—wait…” Pirrell pointed at the full counter. “Are those bottles of—?”
“Kaasake?” Bessiker answered with a smile. “Yes they are. Top quality too. These were not cheap.”
“Hmm. Those might make this evening with Colonel Sartius bearable…”
Rollo and Ilun remained poised and professional, but at another glance Quinn could tell that they were trying not to laugh, as if they were in a joke no one else in the room knew. 
“I told the Colonels to arrive a bit later than the rest of you,” Bessiker said motioning to the fresh imports from Dromund Kaas. “So that we may prepare the meal prior to their arrival.”    
Pirrell rolled his eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh while Rollo and Ilun simply went into the kitchen.
“What are we cooking anyway, Major?” Rollo asked. 
“I’m surprised Ilun hasn’t told you, considering how close the two of you are.” 
There was a slight blush on the Captains’ cheeks before Ilun cleared his throat. “R-right. It, uh, it’s a simple variation of river rice. I’ll pull up the recipe from grand-chef Iorra.” 
“Simple? With chef Iorra? Pah!” Pirrell exclaimed. “Is that what all this is for? What, instant rice and a meat paste not good enough for you, Bessiker?” 
Quinn frowned at the abominable description Pirrell gave for river rice and shook his head.
Despite Pirrell’s tiresome mood, Bessiker remained positively chipper. “Not for tonight! You see, my son, my dear Hiran, got accepted into the Sith Academy on Korriban! Therefore, we shall celebrate and feast in his honor! Yes, even here on Balmorra.” 
Ilun gave a quiet applause at Bessiker’s declaration while Pirrell just shrugged. 
“Now I assume all of you have passed the basic competency portion of food preparation and safety during your academy days. So here’s what everyone will be in charge of.”
The Colonels, Eben and Sartius, arrived just as the meal was finished and plated. And the river rice, simply put, was exquisite to behold. A generous scoop of light blue rice surrounded by the fish, fried nuts mixed with ashobies, coolumer slices, half an egg, and flavorful chili paste all sitting on top of a totomo frond on the plate.
Quinn’s stomach grumbled as Bessiker greeted with a deep bow. “Ah, Colonels. I’m so grateful the two of you could make it.”
Eben and Sartius sat down without a word. Quinn and the other officers shuffled around to set the table with the food, silverware, and cups. The Majors took their seats, followed by the Captains, and finally Quinn sat down as well. 
Bessiker engaged in polite conversation with the Colonels as Quinn automatically filled everyone’s small, ceramic cups full of warm kaasake in hierarchical order. Once the kaasake was distributed Major Bessiker stood to give a toast.
“I must thank you all for joining me in this wondrous occasion. As you all know by now, my son has been accepted into the Korriban Sith Academy. May he rise above their ranks and serve our Empire well!” Bessiker raised his cup high, prompting the others to do the same. “For the Empire!”
“For the Empire!” they all repeated and drank the warm wine. 
Bessiker sat back down and the meal officially started when the Colonels took their bites. As the Colonels congratulated Bessiker for his son’s accomplishments and the Majors started eating as well. Then the Captains ate which meant that Quinn was now free to enjoy the food. 
Quinn took slow bites, enjoying the harmony of flavors of the spices and the textures of the fish, rice, and nuts. As he ate the other officers would absentmindedly hold out their empty cups to him from time to time, an automatic and unspoken cue for him to refill their kaasake. To which Quinn obliged readily as per custom since they all out ranked him.
Everyone, even Colonel Sartius and Major Pirrell, seemed to be having a decent time. Afterall, it wasn’t common to have food this fresh and exquisite on Balmorra. Rollo and Ilun mostly kept to themselves, their hands occasionally intertwining as they’d whisper and laugh to themselves. 
“So tell me, Captain,” Eben said to Rollo, “how long has it been since you arrived here?”
Rollo looked up, seemingly caught a bit off guard. “It’s been a fortnight, sir. Er… in local time.”
Eben nodded and then everyone began conversing about their time on Balmorra. Quinn sank into his seat, putting more fish and rice into his mouth. Listening to his peers he realized that they all arrived on Balmorra after him, by years in most cases. All of a sudden, the fish became too mushy, the rice’s hue looked sickly, and the fragrant chili paste became too pungent. Not wanting to rudely waste such a splendid meal, he made an effort to finish his plate so he could return to his quarters.
“You know, Bessiker,” Pirrell said while finishing another cup of kaasake, clearly drunk and bored. “I had a Sith for a lover.”
“Pfft, yeah right,” Rollo laughed under his breath with Ilun.
Pirrell stared down at the Captains and continued, “It’s true!”
“Oh? What was their name?” asked Sartius with a smirk. 
“Her name was Nalatea. A beautiful red Sith and a proper Lord.” Pirrell swung his cup at Quinn, obtaining a refill. “Have any of you met a red Sith in person?”
Bessiker shook his head. “Can’t say I have.”
“Me neither,” Ilun added.
“You see them all the time on the holos but…” Eben said. “In person? No.”
A wide, slimy grin plastered itself on Pirrell’s face. “Well let me tell you all. They really are… beautifully exotic.” 
Quinn’e eye twitched. He wasn’t sure why but Pirrell’s comment made him uncomfortable. 
“Is it true then?” Sartius asked. 
“Is what true?” Pirrell replied.
“You know,” Sartius continued, making vague hand gestures. “In the bedroom…”
“Oh, ha, well…” Pirrell quickly drank the remainder of his cup. “I’d assume so… The thing is—”
Bessiker chuckled, “I knew it. This was just a Lord you had an infatuation over. There was no way a Sith would even consider—”
Pirrell slammed the cup down with enough force that would’ve sprayed the kaasake if he hadn’t emptied it just beforehand. “I’ll have you all know that there were plenty of moments where we could’ve—”
“So then why didn’t you?” Sartius asked. 
“It was her damned beasts!” Pirrell sighed. “She had wrats. About fifty—”
“She had fifty wrats?!” Rollo exclaimed.
“No! Worse. She had fifty-seven… or was it fifty-eight?” 
Quinn paused at the absolute absurd amount of rodents this Sith owned, not to mention the logistic nightmare of caring for all of them. 
“And I’m convinced that each and every one of her precious pets hated me,” Pirrell spat with venom.
“I… can’t imagine why,” Quinn said dryly, recalling an old Sith belief that wrats could judge a person’s character. 
Bessiker cleared his throat. “Yes, well. We all live and serve at their expense.” The group mumbled in agreement before he continued. “What about the rest of you? Any interesting interactions with a Sith, not necessarily sexual or… almost sexual in Pirrell’s case.”
The Captains openly laughed with Ilun leaning into Rollo as Pirrell just frowned and ate more food.
“What about you, Lieutenant?” Bessiker asked. “You’ve been awfully quiet this evening.”
Everyone turned to look at him and he opened his mouth to answer. “I—”
“I’m pretty sure he’s always like this,” Pirrell commented. 
Quinn sank back in his seat. His mind wandered to that fateful meeting with Darth Baras all those years ago. Looking around he knew that they would all be promoted and reassigned to more favorable stations. Which, the thought of officers like Pirrell succeeding where he could not made his heart sink with dread and envy.
“If I may, sirs,” Quinn sighed, “I… have much to do for Sobrik’s aerial defense inspection in the morning.” He rose and gave a deep bow. “Thank you for a pleasant evening and my congratulations to your son, Major.”
The other officers looked at him a bit oddly, but didn’t seem to care that he was departing.
As he was about to leave Bessiker called out, “Oh don’t forget your box of mirbans! And feel free to take one of the extra kaasake bottles as well!”
Quinn made it back to his quarters. Sitting on his bed he placed the bottle on the nightstand next to him and smoothed over the decorated, flimsi-thin cloth that wrapped the box. He unwrapped and slowly opened the box. There were twelve mirbans, expertly handcrafted by the look of their floral design coming in a range of soft colors.
He picked up one of the mirbans looking it over. All of a sudden, he was a child again, back with his parents and sister helping to make the different colored mirban dough in their kitchen that was far too small for the four of them. 
“No sisi! I wanna do it!” Malavai would cry out as a young child.
“I’m the oldest!” his sister, Primella, would declare, “I get to mix it first!”
Their parents would give a light-hearted laugh as they managed to produce uneven, lumpy mirbans. But it didn’t matter. It always tasted good.
With a deep sigh Quinn placed the mirban back in the box, nearly putting it away. But something brewed in the pit of his stomach as he recalled the last interaction with his sister. 
Balmorra. That’s where Baras was sending him. Quite frankly, it sounded awful, but it was better than death. He would need to leave in approximately fifteen minutes if he was going to catch his ship at the spaceport. 
Someone knocked on his door. He opened it to find Primella staring him down with crossed arms. 
“S-sisi? What—?”
She shoved past him and closed the door. “How could you do this?!”
“Do what?” “Don’t play dumb with me you little shit,” she huffed. “Did you know that mom left in the middle of your court martial trial?”
Quinn frowned. “Yes… I noticed.”
“Ok, well did you also know that she’s moving to Ziost?” “What?”
“Yeah. Word about your insubordination and mutiny got out and—”
“It was not—”
“Will you shut up and listen!” She was trembling and Quinn remained quiet as she continued. “All of mom’s friends and coworkers found out. She was practically ostracized for having a traitorous son! So now she has to move to Ziost and hope that the people there don’t know about your fuck up.”
Quinn clenched his fists as his nostrils flared. “Prim, I am not a—”
“No! Traitor or no, I am still you sisi! And you—!” she sighed. Her shoulders sagged and she tried to discreetly wipe away a stray tear. 
“…Sisi,” Quinn began quietly, “what I did, I did it for the good of the Empire. And quite frankly, I’d do it all over again.”
She scoffed.
“It’s like father used to tell us—”
“Father’s dead, Malavai. He died a war hero. You were supposed to carry on that legacy! We both were…”
“I’m sorry?”
“Reon called off the wedding.” She smiled bitterly at him. “Thanks for that too, kimu.” 
Quinn swallowed, his mouth dry and unable to form words.
“Do you even care? About us? Me and mom?” Her voice began to rise with each and every word. “Did you, for once, think about what this would mean for our family?!”
“Of course I—” His eyes fought back tears as he took several deep breaths. “Look, what’s done is done. Nothing I say or do will change anything now… so if you’re done yelling at me, I have a ship to catch.”
Primella glared at him and remained completely still for a minute. He could practically hear the gears whirring in her head when she finally spoke. “Fine. I need to go anyway.” 
With that his sister walked out of his room and out of his life.
Quinn tossed the box lid aside and unceremoniously grabbed the mirbans, shoving them all into his mouth one after another. He forced them down despite the lump in his throat with the bottle of kaasake. Tears began to sting his eyes as he finished off the box and bottle. 
The simple truth was, he’d never be able to go back home. 
Quinn was going to die on this miserable planet. He tossed away the empty box and bottle into the appropriate trash containers and collapsed into bed. He didn’t want any more reminders taunting him of a time that was and a home he’d never see again.
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glossary(?) in order of appearance:
zinjer - ginger
coolumber - cucumber
cranonut - coconut
skal fish - scad fish
napani - pandan
cerulean river blossom - butterfly pea flower
totomo - banana
churtuma - turmuric
mirban - songpyeon
steamery - think, bakery is for baked foods. steamery is for steamed foods! :D
kaasake - sake
river rice - nasi lemak
ashobies - anchovies
sisi - imperial term for Older Sister
kimu - imperial term for Younger Brother
AN in tags of OP
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trickramirez · 3 years
liwayway beams
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Minsan, isang pagkakataon
Habang ang ulan ay sagad sa pagbuhos, natagpuan kita
Sa gitna ng mga alon ng pangamba’t pagkakaligaw, nahanap ka
Umangat sa karamihan
Nag-ningning sa dagat ng mga huwad at mapagsamantala
Ikaw, umiilaw
Gumabay sa mga gabing kay dilam at kay panglaw
  Nag-isa mga kaluluwa
Sa daan-daang gulo-gulo, ikaw ang naging kalma ng puso
Ikaw lamang,
Ang nagdulot ng melodiya sa tahimik kong mundo
Labis ang saya at tila sa mga ulap ay handa nang humimbing ng todo
  Ngunit habang may mga alpa at gitarang tumutugtog,
Sa kalagitnaa’y ninakaw ka
Naglaho’t ‘di na muling nasilayan pa
Hanggang sa,
Hanggang nagbalik muli ang mga diablo at katahimikan ang s’yang umugong
At tila pagtulog na lamang ang naging susi;
Upang tumakas,
Upang lungkot sa isipa’y mawaglit
  Nagtiis, umiyak ng labis
Napagod; napagtanto, hanggang pagtingin ay napanis
  Pinatatag, binago;
Binago ng katahimikang noo’y namayani sa aking mundo
Naligaw, natagpuan
Ang indak na kay kulay, sa kaloob-looban ng dibdib ko nahanap
  Binago ang bawat kulay na natatanaw
Sinilaban bawat takip upang katawa’y mas masilayan
Mula puti’t asul ako’y naging itim at pula
Mula payapa, mundo ko’y napuno ng iba’t ibang musika
Madilim, mas uhaw
Kayang ipamalas buong kaluluwa
  Balat ang naging pansalag sa habagat
Balat rin ang magiging bala sa mga salitang dulot ay sugat …
  Ulan na nama’y bumubuhos
Sa bawat patak nito sa aki’y bagong ningning ang dulot
Kakaibang tugtog
Mas maingay, mas mapangahas at mas totoo
  Sumasayaw na muli sa indak na dulot ng dibdib
Kasama ang panibagong balat na handang ibalandra sa hangin
Mas matibay, hindi na kaya pang buwagin
Pagkat larong iyong ginawa’y nilalaro ko na rin
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someoneuusedtoknow · 4 years
sayang sopas nalahating kaldero pa. napanis na sa init.
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aammtteiu · 4 years
Paboena Manu
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 Sa kakamadali nila pumunta sa trak, may unting mga nahulog na kalat sa kalye. Meron pa yung mga tumutulong basura juice na mysterio yung halo. Mga napanis nang ilang init nang ulam mula pa nung huling taon.
May isang plastic na napunit, tapos lumabas galing sa lumaking butas yung mga panis na karne, spaghetti, napakaraming prutas at gulay na nakabalot sa tisyu, at saka mga nakatiklop na sticky trap para sa mga daga, atbp. Parang ni-rehearse, sabay-sabay yung mga manang mag-”Aaaaay!” na parang ang haba kahit ang bilis nung pagkabitaw. May bida na bigay talaga sa pagka-dismaya, kamay sa harap, handang sumalo ng bata, paluhod, hanggang sa nakaluhod na nga sa isang tuhod. Humahagulgol. “Ayos lang yan,” sabi nung isang manang habang hinahaplos sya. Tuloy pa rin. Mamaya, magre-reklamo sya na masakit katawan. Huli nang sumali si kuya na nasa taas nung truck. Mga anim na beses sya nag-”Aaaaaay!”. Bawat hiyaw niya, mas lalong lumalandi, may kasama pang pagka-gulay ng braso. Nilalapit pa yung kamay nyang naka-gloves sa mukha - parehong mga kamay na pinapang-ayos sa basura.
 Ayan na, lumapit na sila. Yung mga nagising na. May ibang naka-silip lang sa bintana. Yung mga bata nag-iingay na rin, pati na rin yung baklang isang malakas na tili lang, ayos na. Sinasaway sila nung mga matatanda habang nilalayo dun sa mga nahulog na basura. Merong isang batang tumigil bigla sa pag-iingay nung in-analyze nya kung ano tinitignan nya, na parang may gusto ring sumilip galing sa sikmura nya. Natahimik sya. Unti-unti, yung sigaw naging halikhik. Kasama na rin yung umiiyak kaninang nakangiti na ngayon. “Ano ba yan?” “Ano ba yan, kuya?” “Hala, naman!” “Ayan! Ayan,” naman sa mga matanda.
 Natuwa naman si kuya sa taas ng trak sa ginawa nya. “Ay, nako,” na may malambot na “-ow” sa dulo. Nakatingala, pansin yung pagka-bughaw nung langit salikod nya. Tumalon sya pababa. Kinuha nya yung nakasabit na walis at dustpan sa tabi ng trak, sya na mismo yung nag-tipon nung mga nahulog paunti-unti kung hanggang saan lang makakaya nung dustpan. Bawat kuha, hagis lang.
 Tuloy sila sa pag-salansan. Pinapanood namin sila, nakapalibot kami sa trak.
 May kumalabit. “Eto, oh,” sabay abot sa’kin ni ante ng zipper pouch. “Magkano,” tinanong ko pa, kahit na binubuksan ko na yung lagayan para magbilang.
 “Fifty Thousand yan”
“Fifty Thousand?”
“...yata, parang,”
 Halos puro blue yung laman. Pero makapal.
 Naunang dumating yung kuya na nagpamigay nung sobre bago pa namin marinig yung busina nung truck kanina. Kumatok sya. Si ante yung nagbukas. Dati envelope lang yung binibigay, ngayon canvas pouch nang may zipper na kasing haba na ng papel na pera yung binibigay - yung haba na pinapaalam kung ano talaga yung hinihinging ilagay sa loob. Nakasulat pa sa dilaw, pula, at saka itim, Pa-BUENA MANU PO sa BAGONG TAON.
 “Oh, bakit ngayon lang ‘to,” pabiro ni ante, “nung isang araw pa dapat, ah, late na.” “Eh, manang, tao lang naman po ang naglagay ng mga numero sa bawat araw. Sino bang makakapag-sabi na sakto ang pag-ikot ng mundo sa araw? Na kung saan tayo naka-pwesto sa kalawakan nung napagkasunduan nating unang araw ng nakaraang taon ay dito rin tayo bumalik noong napagkasunduan nating unang araw ng kasalukuyang taon? At sakali lamang na umabot tayo sa napagkasunduan nating unang araw ng susunod na taon, ay naka-pwesto pa rin ba tayo tulad ng sa mga nakaraang taon? Nabibilang ba ang pagbabago ng taon sa pag-ikot ng mundo sa araw, o sa saktong pwestuhan natin sa kalawakan, o sa pag-gunita natin nanatili sa tama, ligtas, at komportableng selestiyal na ugnayan ng ating mundo’t araw, o sa lahat ng nabanggit,” nakangiting kita ipin si kuya, “Gayunpaman, ang importansya ng numero sa oras at panahon ay hindi maihihiwalay sa tao, at kung susukatin ang tatlong araw sa pag-galaw ng mundo sa kalawakan, ilang kilometro rin tayo umikot. At paikot-ikot lang nang paikot-ikot. Pero, sa lupa lamang, ano ba ang ilang araw lang ng gising at tulog na paglipas? Mas mabuti nang andito ako ngayon kesa sa gitna o sa patapos ng kasulukyang taon po. Diba, ‘nay?”
 “Ito naman, biro lang,” sabay tawa ni ante. May mga araw syang kasama yung pagsusungit sa pagbibiro nya. Yung ngiti ni kuya, saradong bibig na. “Sige, i-abot na lang namin, ah,” sabay tawa uli ni ante - ito naman yung tawa na alam mong tapos na pag-uusap nyo. Nag-suot na ng gloves si kuya at kinuha yung apat sa mga sako o plastic ng basura namin.
 “Fifty Thousand, ah? Kasya na kaya ‘to,” hinahanap ko yung kuya na nagbigay ng sobre. “Okay na yan,” hinablot ni ante yung pouch, “ako na magbibigay.” Wala yung kuya kanina sa mga malapit sa trak, baka nauna na uli sya sa susunod na pupuntahan nung trak. Dun naman sya magpapamigay nung pouch. Marami siguro silang dala.
 Na-hakot na nung mga kuya sa trak yung mga basurang nahulog kanina. Kahit hindi lahat. May mga konti pa ring natira. Nung nasauli na yung huling trash can sa mga nagdala, nakatingin lang kaming mga nakapalibot sa kanila. Nag-iintay. “Ay,” si ante. Inabot nya yung sobra pouch sa pinakamalapit na kuya, “Muntik na.” Yung patawa.
 “Salamat po, nay,” at kinuha ni kuya yung pouch. Binuksan nya. “Fifty Thousand!,” sigaw nya, dinukot yung mga papel sa loob, “Fifty Thousand!”
 Yung reaksyon nung mga nandun may, “Aaaaah…,” ”Pwede pa siguro madagdagan yan,” “Ayos na yan,” “Wow,” “Sige, sige, sige… sige… sige,” habang pumapalakpak sila. “Galing,” “Fifty Thousand,”
 Si ante lang yung nagbigay sa kanila, kami lang yung binigyan ng sobre. Isang sobre lang kada area? Asan na kaya yung kuya kanina?
 “Maraming salamat po,” sabi ni kuya habang binabalik yung pera sa pouch. Hindi na uli mag-kasya ng maayos kaya sinuksok na lang nya nang bara-bara. Nagligpit na sila ng mga gamit at bumusina, pinapaalis yung mga taong nakaharang sa harap nung trak. Aalis na sila. Tuloy lang palakpak namin habang kumakaway sila mula sa gilid at taas nung trak. Diretso nang malayo. Antagal bago lumiko.
 May mga unti-unting nahulog na mga basura: mga wrapper, basag na mga baso’t plato, may mga twalyang nakapitan na ng sabaw ng mga naghalo-halong pagkain, mga buto, atbp. Sa puntong yun, di na namin alam kung kani-kanino galing yung mga basura. Kung ano na lang yung pinakamalapit sa pwede pulutin, tapos itatabi. Lahat sila nakayuko. Iipunin nila yun, kasama yung mga bago nilang itatapon, para sa susunod na pagbalik nung trak.
Aa. M. Gabao
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sweetthingshome · 1 year
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行方不明になっていたロビン店長のアウトドアカラーが探し物をしているときにひょっこり出てきました♪ しっかり水洗いして汚れスッキリ! さっそくパグオフをカラーのウッドビーズに垂らして虫対策スタート。 パグオフは虫の嫌う香りを放つ、ゼラニウム、シトロネラ、タイム、ラベンダーがブレンドされたオーガニックエッセンシャルオイル。 化学忌避剤の代替としてご利用いただける天然素材の安全性の高いオイルです。 #napani #ナパーニ #犬の虫対策 #バグオフ #虫対策 #エッセンシャルオイル #オーガニックエッセンシャルオイル #オーガニック #organic #オーガニックライフ #ドイツ動物自然療法 #sweetthings #山陽小野田市 #宇部市 #山口県 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSFS_arMuw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jencq · 2 years
Mas okay rin magdelete ng messages. Wala ka nang paulit-uli pang binabalikan. Masaya ka lang naman dahil sa laman ng message pero taon na ang lumipas. Maraming nagbabago. Lumipas na yung feelings. Kaya delete na lang. 'Wag na nating pasayahin ang sarili sa napanis nang pag-ibig. Hahahaha emsxz.
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quicklyleftwerewolf · 6 years
Ito ako nasa isang sitwasyon na wala na dapat ako. Nakatakas na ako sa lungkot na dulot ng damdamin ko pero ito ako bumabalik paikot ikot sa kwarto ng damdamin ko. Akala ko nalagpasan ko na ang isa sa mga masasakit na kayang gawin ng tao sayo. Akala nasanay na ako na walang pakialam sa mundo. Akala ko kaya ko nang pigilin ang mga nararamdaman ko. Ngunit bumabalik ako ulit paulit ulit. Nakakabuang isang linggong puno ng luha mura at pagsisisi. Luha na animo walang bukas, na parang nasa akin ang lahat ng sakit sa mundo. Mura, minumura ko ang sarili ko paulit ulit bakit ako na andito ulit. Mali napakamali ko. Pinagsisihan ko. Oo nagsisisi ako bakit kita nakilala. Bakit ko pinilit ang sarili ko sayo. Ngayon nararamdaman ko na basura na ako. Nararamdaman ko na parang andyan ka dahil tang*ina kailangan mo lang ako sa mga pagkakataong yun. Nagamit ba ako? Nagpagamit ako ulit? Tanong ko sa sarili ko yan. Marahil tapos ka na sa kailangan mo kaya andali mo akong naiwan. Ang dali mo akong nabaliwala. Di mo nga ako kinakausap kahit sa limang oras nating magkasama. Napanis ang laway ko tinulugan mo pa ako. Ang saya ng buhay ko. Kulang na lang magpaparty ako. Bumabalik lahat lahat ng sakit na binaliwala ko. Bumabalik ang luha na tinatago ko. Lahat bumabalik salamat sa mga tulad nyo. Ngunit babalik ako. Iiiyak ko muna to, isisigaw ko muna to. Uubusin ko muna lahat ng mura sa mundo. Isisisi ko muna to sa sarili ko dahil wala namang ibang may mali kundi ako. Ako na nagtiwala sayo ng buo. Pinagkatiwalaan kita akala ko iba ka ngunit di naman pala. Nakakalungkot ang saya ay napalitan na ng pagsisisi. Sayang lang.
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lapeacenasumusulat · 6 years
Kapayapaan Ang Hindi Naiwan Kay Aida
Anong lasa ng kapayapaan?
Bigla akong napatigil sa paglalakad—hindi alintana ang kalsada na naging makipot dala ng matinding trapiko, samu't saring paninda paroo't parito, mga taong hindi magkandaugaga sa pagmamadali, at bangketang ganda'y hindi na napanatili. Napatigil ako sa paglalakad at sa bigla kong paglingon ay nakita ko ang napakalaking watawat ng Pilipinas na nakapinta sa pader ng isang eskwelahan.
Ang watawat ay may maduming kulay pula, asul, puti at dilaw. Ang kalahating bahagi ng araw ay natabunan na ng paninda ng isang aleng hindi maganda and tabas ng dila. Napaisip ako bigla nang makita ang watawat: "Kung pagkain ang kapayapaan, ano kaya ang lasa into?" Sawa na kasi ako sa salitang 'kalayaan' kaya sa halip na tanungin ang sarili patungkol sa sinasabing pinaglaban ng ating mga bayani, mas maganda siguro kung kapayapaan na lang.
Base sa mga naaalala kong itinuro sa Araling Panlipunan ay tila mas nabibigyang pansin ang ideya ng kalayaan. Lalong lalo na noong panahon ng rebolusyon at himagsikan laban sa mga mananakop na espanyol. Balita ko nga, kalayaan ang isinisigaw ng mga katipunero. Nakakatawa lang isipin na hindi nakalaya si Bonifacio laban sa marurungis na kamay ng kapwa n'ya pilipino.
Pero balik tayo sa pagkain. Sa tingin ko talaga, kung pagkain ang kalayaan, isa ito sa mga pagkain na mayayaman at mga makapangyarihan lamang ang kayang tumikim. Sa tingin ko rin ay hindi ko maihahalintulad ang lasa nito sa mga pagkaing natikman ko na sapagkat wala itong katulad. Pili lamang ang may kakayahang makatikim ng pagkain na ito. Nakakatakot namang isipin kung hanggang sa kamatayan ay hindi ko ito matikman. Sana'y hindi ko man matikman, maamoy ko man lang.
Kaya 'yang kalayaan na 'yan? Huwag mo nang pangarapin 'yan. Hindi mo 'yan matitikman. Mas mabuti pa kung pag-usapan natin ang kapayapaan. Sa palagay ko kasi, kapayapaan ang pampalubag loob na putahe na inihain sa atin ng ating mga ninuno. Kumbaga, kung hindi na kaya ng salapi para sa adobo, may tinapa pa naman.
Ano bang lasa ng kapayapaan?
Balita ko kasi, may lasa ng katahimikan ang kapayapaan. Yung tipong kapag isinubo mo na ay mapapatahimik ka sa sarap dahil nanamnamin mo ang bawat sahog at pampalasa. Yung tipong dahil sa umaapaw na sarap, ipagmamalaki mo kaagad at ipapatikim sa iba kaya magkakaroon kayo ng salo-salo.
Balita ko rin, may pampalasa ng kasiyahan at pagka-kontento ang kapayapaan. Yung tipong mapapangiti ka sa sobrang sarap at wala ka nang hahanapin pa.
Kaso isa pala yung maling balita. Hindi sinasadyang nasanggi ko ang isang malaking matanda na puti na ang buhok, kulubot na ang balat, malaki ang tiyan, at may napakasamang tingin. Humingi ako kaagad ng paumanhin. Nakakapagtaka kasi dinuro n'ya ako, minura; sinabihang walang kwenta, walang respeto at pabigat sa lipunan. Bakit kaya? E, hindi ko naman yun sinadya. Napatingin din ako doon sa ale na tuluyan nang tinakpan ang araw. Grabe. Bakit n'ya kaya ako pinagtatawanan? Tapos ang sabi n'ya pa, sayang ang pinapang-aral sa akin kahit halos mamatay na nga ako sa pag-aaral. Pinagtitinginan s'ya ng mga maliliit na batang kalalabas lamang ng paaralan. Siguro may bago silang natutunan habang nagsasalita ang ale—mga salitang nagsisimula sa G at B na may apat na letra, isa pang salita na may siyam na letra na nagsisimula sa T, at tatlong salita na nagsisimula sa P, I at M ayon sa pagkakasunod-sunod. Nanunuod lamang ang kanilang mga Mama at Papa at tila nangingisi. Siguro nabatid nila na okay lang na marinig ng mga bata ang mga nasabing salita. Ewan ko ba.
Napakalawak talaga ng bokabularyo ng ale. Tinalo n'ya ako na marunong lamang sa filipino at ingles. Mabuti na lamang at mukhang hindi s'ya marunong sa wika ng mga koreano, hapon, at tsino. Hindi na siguro nakakagulat kung paglipas nang ilan pang taon ay hindi na lang filipino at ingles ang opisyal na wika ng mga Filipino. Matigas ang pagkakasabi n'ya sa katagang, "You not respecting, kid. You wasting our time." Pero bakit kaya hindi s'ya pinagtatawanan kahit mali ang tinuran n'ya sa ingles? Ako kasi magaling d'on pero pinagtatawanan ako ng aking mga kaklase sa tuwing iyon ang aking sinasalita. Ayaw rin naman nila kapag purong filipino ang aking wika. Kinukutya nila akong isang 'makata'. Ano bang nakakatawa sa pagiging makata? Saan ba ako lulugar?
Mali ang nabalitaan ko. Bigla ko ring naalala na nasaktan si Mama sa isang rally noong ipinaglaban n'ya ang karapatan bilang mangagawa. Mayroong mga lider na nagnanakaw sa kaban ng bayan. Meron ding nagsasabi na okay lang ang manghipo basta pabiro. Sa lipunan din namin, okay lang na maraming mamatay. Napigtas na ang tali na nagdurugtong sa karapatang pantao at buhay ng tao. Akala ko kasi dati hindi mapaghihiwalay ang dalawang iyon. Idagdag mo pa na may isang tatanga-tangang maimpluwensyang babae na mali-mali ang komento.
Dahan-dahan na lang akong yumuko at sinuyod ang siksikang daloy ng tao. Mali ako. Noong una siguro ay masarap ang pagkakaluto sa kapayapaan. Hindi sinasadyang napanis ito nang walang habas na sinawsaw ng mga hayuk na sikmura ang madudumi nilang kamay. Nag-uunahan sa pagsandok. Binibilisan ang pagnguya ng mga bungangang ayaw palamang.
Mali talaga ako. Mapakla na ang kapayapaan. Mapakla, panis, at nakakasira ng tiyan.
- GG
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manuelverdugo · 3 years
Avril Ramona Lavigne (Avril Lavigne)
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Avril Lavigne en Nueva York el 17 de mayo de 2013
Avril Ramona Lavigne; más conocida como Avril Lavigne, es una cantautora, diseñadora de moda y actriz canadiense. 
Nació el veintisiete de septiembre de mil novecientos ochenta y cuatro (1984), en Belleville, Ontario, Canadá. 
Poco después, se mudó a Napani, también en Ontario. Proviene de una familia cristiana de clase media y tiene dos hermanos. Uno mayor Mathew y su hermana menor Michelle. 
Sus padres; Jean-Claude Joseph Lavigne y Judith Rosanne Loshaw, son de origen franco canadiense. 
A los cinco años comenzó a cantar Cospem en la Iglesia. Con doce años aprendió a tocar la guitarra de forma independiente y se dedicaba a cantar en ferias locales. 
En el noventa y ocho (1998), con sólo trece años ganó un concurso de canto, obteniendo la oportunidad de compartir escenario con la cantante Shania Twain. 
Fue la primera vez que Avril tubo que cantar delante de un público de casi veinte mil personas. 
En noviembre del año dos mil, Avril firmó contrato con el manager Ken Kongrard, perteneciente a Artists and Repertoire (A&R), una empresa dedicada a descubrir nuevos talentos, asociada a Arista Records. 
El director de Arista, Antonio Reid, quedó tan impresionado con la presentación de Avril, que la contrató inmediatamente, con un acuerdo de un millón doscientos cincuenta mil (1.25) millones de dólares, por dos álbumes y un extra de novecientos mil dólares por adelantar la publicación. 
Incentivada por la firma, decidió dejar sus estudios para concentrarse plenamente en su carrera musical. 
Avril viajó a Los Ángeles en mayo del dos mil uno (2001), para componer con el equipo de producción musical The Matrix y con el cantautor Cliff Magness, lo que a posteriori (posteriormente) serían las canciones de su álbum debut. 
El álbum Let Go, salió a la venta el cuatro de junio del dos mil dos (2002)  logró la segunda posición en el Billboard 200. 
Por esto ganó un Guiness como la cantante femenina más joven en llevar un álbum debut a la lista de popularidad de Reino Unido. 
Fue certificada a finales de dos mil dos (2002) como cuadro cuádruple disco de Platino por la Recording Industry Association of America (CRIA). 
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Avril Lavigne (2019)
Sus sencillos Sk8er Boi y I'm with You, entraron dentro de los diez sencillos más vendidos de Estados Unidos. 
La canción Complicated, nominada al Grammy como canción del año, llegó al número uno en Australia y al número dos en Estados Unidos. 
Además, fue uno de los sencillos más exitosos en Canadá en el dos mil dos (2002) y obtuvo el lugar ochenta y tres en la lista Hot 100 singles of the decade de Billboard. 
Su segundo álbum Under My Skin salió a la venta Internacionalmente en mayo del dos mil cuatro (2004). 
Lavigne realizó una gira llamada Live and By Surprise Mall Tour, por centros comerciales de veintiséis ciudades de Estados Unidos y Canadá para promover el disco. 
Cada presentación era anunciada cuarenta y ocho horas antes y consistía de un set acústico corto de las canciones de su nuevo álbum. 
My Happy Ending se convirtió en el primer y único sencillo del álbum número uno de la lista Pop Songs de Estados Unidos. 
En dos mil seis (2006) contrajo matrimonio con Deryck Whibley, cantante y guitarrista del grupo Sum 41, después de más de dos años de relación. 
Fueron la catorceava (#14) pareja más rentable del dos mil ocho (2008), generando entre los dos, más de dieciocho millones de dólares, de los cuales quince fueron conseguidos por Lavigne. 
El matrimonio duró tres años y en septiembre del dos mil nueve (2009) se divorciaron, quedando como buenos amigos. 
The Best Damn Thing; su tercer álbum de estudio con su nueva discográfica RCA Records, salió a la venta el diecisiete de abril del dos mil siete (2007). 
Se caracteriza por tener un sonido más próximo al pop, con el cual llegó a un público diferente al que antes no había llegado. 
Su sencillo Girlfriend se ubicó rápidamente en el número uno de las principales listas musicales y fue un éxito mundial, siendo considerado como uno de los principales éxitos de la princesa del pop punk. 
Su videoclip, fue el vídeo más visto de Youtube en julio del dos mil ocho (2008). Rompiendo así el récord de ser el primer vídeo en superar las cien millones de visitas (reproducciones). 
Además; fue grabado con versiones (ocho idiomas diferentes) en alemán, español, francés, italiano, inglés, mandarín, japonés y portugués. 
Su siguiente álbum, Goodbye Lullaby, esta vez con Epic Record, soportó numerosos retrasos en su salida, provocado según Lavigne por su compañía discográfica, ya que el álbum llevaba terminado hacía más de un año para cuando salió el ocho de marzo del dos mil once (2011). 
Durante su grabación, Avril tuvo que lidiar con una faringitis estreptocócica. 
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Lavigne presentando en Los Ángeles (2019)
A pesar de las advertencias de su médico de no cantar durante un tiempo por posibles daños irreversibles en las cuerdas vocales, la skate girl, lo siguió haciendo para completar la grabación del disco. 
Vendió más de tres millones y medio de copias mundialmente y por primera vez compuso y produjo dos canciones totalmente sola, 4 Real y Goodbye. 
Aún así, se convirtió en el álbum menos exitoso de la cantante en Estados Unidos. 
Su quinto disco de estudio Avril Lavigne, salió al mercado el cinco de noviembre del dos mil trece (2013). Su single Here's to Never Growing Up, fue número uno en iTunes en más de veinte países y debutó en la posición treinta y cuatro de la Billboard Hot 100, con noventa y dos mil descargas digitales. 
En abril del dos mil quince (2015), anunció en la revista People que había sido diagnosticada con la enfermedad de Lyme. 
En una entrevista posterior, dijo que se estaba recuperando. 
Esta enfermedad, también la tienen artistas como Richard Gere, Alec Baldwin y la cantante mexicana Thalia. 
En octubre del año pasado, Twitter difundió la noticia de la supuesta muerte de la cantante, diciendo que Lavigne había fallecido en el dos mil tres (2003) y que la habían sustituido por una doble. 
Aunque el blog que escribió la noticia confirmó que era una mentira, las redes sociales obviaron ese dato y las teorías conspiratorias se extendieron como una pólvora. 
Todo quedó en un absurdo susto. 
Paralelamente a su carrera musical, también trabajó como actriz en series de televisión como Sabrina: cosas de brujas, como actriz de doblaje en películas como Vecinos Invasores. 
También tiene su propia línea de guitarras Fender Telecaster, su propia fragancia y su propia marca de ropa. 
Avril no puede comer ningún tipo de producto lácteo, ya que le perjudica en la voz y en la garganta. Su comida favorita es la pizza. Le encanta South Park y es una fan incondicional de Metallica. 
Recuperando su ritmo de trabajo tras su enfermedad, compuso canciones junto con Chad Robert Kroeger de Nickelback, con quien estuvo casada y Travis Clark de We the kings. 
Head Above Water es su sexto álbum de estudio, que sacó por vez primera mediante BMG el quince de febrero del dos mil diecinueve (2019). 
Participó en los Juegos Olímpicos Especiales Abu Dhabi con la canción Right Where I Supposed To Be junto a los cantantes Assala, Hussain Al Jassmi, Luis Fonsi y Tamer Hosny. 
Lavigne promocionó su sexto álbum con la gira musical Head Above Water Tour y el tour lo dio a conocer mediante sus redes sociales el veinticuatro de junio del diecinueve (2019). 
Parte del dinero obtenido en esta gira, la dio a su fundación The Avril Lavigne Foundation, que está dedicada a las personas que sufren la enfermedad de Lyme, entre otras graves. 
El veintiocho de junio del diecinueve (2019), sacó la pista I Fell in Love with the Devil (Me enamoré del diablo). Cuando promocionó su canción generó polémicas debido a la presencia de imágenes cristianas en las fotos donde se veía como era la filmación del vídeo musical. 
Cantó la canción junto con James Corden en The Late Late Show a través de CBS (canal de televisión estadounidense), el treinta de abril del dos mil diecinueve (2019). 
El veintiséis de octubre del diecinueve (2019), cantó en la tradicional fiesta de Halloween que organizó Halsey (Ashley Nicolette Frangipane), con la que cantó a dueto la canción Girlfriend (novia). 
Ya para abril del año pasado, Avril llevó a cabo un proyecto a causa de la pandemia del coronavirus, para obtener dinero y dárselo a Project HOPE, una organización que sirve para mantener al personal médico de todo el mundo con seguridad. 
El veinticuatro de abril del veinte (2020), mediante BMG Rights Management, Lavigne lanza su pista We Are Warriors. La canción está relacionada con la anterior pista Warrior del sexto álbum Head Above Water del dos mil diecinueve (2019). 
Dijo en el anuncio de la canción que el tema estaba dedicado a: 
Los trabajadores del hospital y supermercados, empleados, policías y bomberos, en general, a todos los que se han visto sacudidos en su mundo. 
Avril Lavigne.
En estos momentos, la canadiense está preparando su séptimo álbum de estudio y que podría llegar  a mediados de este año, pero para empezar ya presentó Flames en colaboración con Mod Sun. Esto confirmado en enero del dos mil veintiuno (2021). 
En mayo del año pasado, en entrevista para la revista American Songwriter hizo el comentario de que ya estaba preparando algo de material para su séptimo álbum, donde también por primera vez dijo que deseaba sacar algo de música este año. 
En diciembre del año pasado afirmó estar trabajando con John Feldmann, Machine Gun Kelly, Mod Sun y Travis Barker, creando música para su álbum más novedoso. 
Esperamos que no nos haga esperar mucho y que vuelva pronto a hacernos vibrar con su música. 
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3rJmWow
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makatang nagtangis, mga salitang napanis
My dear poet, why did you have to die?
Why did you have to leave me, when your words are what I needed most,
When darkness took over, its your pen that was my weaponry,
Now no shadow comes of you, not even your ghost.
My dear poet, why did you have to rot?
Why did you have to slip away from my fingers,
With your ashes flowing out of my fingertips,
Now carried by the wind to who knows where.
My dear me, why did the poetry died with you?
You were brimming, almost drowning of the darkest waters,
And you turn the water into air by words.
Now, you’re just drowning.
I’m drowning.
My loved ones are drowning with me.
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bertybrates · 6 years
Happy birthday bert!!!!!!!! Ano na ung burger natin dito aba!!!! See u soon plzzzzz!
napanis na yung burjer hahahahahahah thank you anagel lablab
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kmbrlyflrc-blog · 7 years
Araw-araw mo akong ginigising sa halimuyak ng barakong kapeng mas matapang pa sa'yo.
Araw-araw mo akong ginigising sa isang almusal na singbango ng mga pangako mo.
Araw-araw mo akong ginigising sa tunog ng orasan na para bang kasing bilis ng tibok ng puso mo.
Ngunit isang araw. Gumising ako. Gumising akong iba na ang ginigising mo.
May iba nang nakakaamoy ng halimuyak ng kapeng mas matapang pa sa boses mo.
May iba nang nakakalanghap ng almusal na sing-bango ng mga pangako mo.
May iba nang nakakarinig ng tunog ng orasan mong kasingbilis ng tibok ng puso mo.
Kapeng nanlamig.
Almusal na napanis.
Orasang walang baterya.
Ikaw na nanlamig.
Pangako'y isinantabi.
Tayo na walang gana.
Wala nang tayo.
Kasalanan ko ba?
Baka oo, baka hindi.
Baka oo, kasi akala ko totoo na.
Baka hindi, kasi para sa'yo, wala lang pala.
Baka oo, kasi akala ko tama.
Baka hindi, kasi sabi mo tama na.
Baka oo, kasi akala ko seryoso na.
Baka hindi, kasi nagloko ka na pala.
Baka oo, kasi akala ko ako lang.
Baka hindi, kasi meron pa palang iba.
Baka oo, kasi sariwang sariwa oa ang mga alaala.
Baka hindi, kasi limot mo na.
Baka oo, kasi ikaw pa rin.
Baka hindi, kasi mahal pa rin.
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jimlysaur-blog · 7 years
Oo madaling araw na,  madaling araw na nung sabihin kong mahal kita gayong alam kong di sapat para madama mo ang aking nadarama
Umaga na, umagang ako’y sabik na sa yakap mo’t mga halik pag gising ko sa umaga subalit tila para kang kapeng timpla mo na lumamig na
Ngayong Hapon, Oo hapon nga yon nung sinabi mong ako’y mahal mo sa ating hapunan ngunit kasing bilis ng pagkain kong napanis ang pagmamahal mo
Gabi, nung yakap kita kumawala kang bigla sa bisig ko at nasambit mong di kana masaya Madaling araw nanaman, madaling araw nung nagpaalam ka at sinabi mong ayaw mo na.
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