#nagi: I'm in love with you.
thyandrawrites · 1 month
"stay with me until the end"
"don't die before I do"
episode nagi is a romcom when you read it through the lenses of Nagi desperately trying to have his confession be acknowledged, while Reo remains dumb as a brick and oblivious no matter how corny and increasingly obvious Nagi's lines get
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
You gotta love the ntwewy squad just because every addition to the team is the polar opposite of a meetcute. Local death employee is so bored by your existence she actively hates you and just wants her shift to end. Goth furry crawls out of the dumpster and tells you you're gonna die in seven days. Weeb thinks you're a loser and straight up tries to kill you with her mind. Neku tried to kill his partner in his first day of knowing her but Rindo is just so pathetic that he has the exact opposite problem. These people will go on to be some of his best friends.
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ne-nene-ne · 1 year
Imagine being Nagi’s crush and Reo getting jealous, unsure whether it's because you're taking Nagi's attention or because he also likes you
seishiro nagi × fem!reader × reo mikage
- nagi is the primary love interest while reo has a one-sided crush on you (mostly from his pov too)
- includes a smidge of angst I'd say, (well actually not just a smidge teehee)
When Nagi was developing a crush on you, Reo was the first to notice. You were classmates, and you caught Nagi’s attention by playing the same mobile video game he did.
As Nagi was walking through the school yard with Reo, his ears perked up when he heard the familiar sounds of attacking noises and fanfare from his beloved game. Following the source of the sound, he found you, sitting on the bench and indeed playing the same video game that he did. You seemed so happy in your own little world that he didn't want to bother you. Instead, he would often peek behind your shoulder at a distance to see your progress. Your gaming tactics interested him.
Reo found the whole thing amusing at first. He elbowed Nagi lightly, "Why not just approach her and ask her about it instead of watching her like a creep?" Reo wouldn’t have encouraged him if he knew how this would eventually play out.
Nagi took his advice and approached you during those rare moments when you were having difficulty defeating a boss. You were incredibly concentrated on your phone screen, with your brows furrowed and teeth subtly biting your lower lip. It was an unusual sight to see that he finally felt the need to step in.
"Use that spell and use that attack at the same time, he'll be much easier to defeat", he says, earning a startled reaction from you as the silver-haired boy seemed to appear out of nowhere. Yet, you do as he says and end up finishing off the boss with ease.
You say your thanks, introduce yourselves, and segway into talking more about the game (and also exchange player ID's). The two of you began talking to each other more often.
This would be the beginning of Reo's 'dislike' for you.
Reo's irritation would increase when Nagi noticeably had you on his mind constantly.
Even with Reo next to him, Nagi's mind would still wander off to you. “I wonder if she’s online…”, he'd mutter and frequently check his phone, hoping that your active status would be green. The fact that Nagi would check nearly every 2 minutes particularly pissed him off.
In class, Nagi would come over to your desk, pull up a chair, whip his phone out, and you two would play the video game together. Poor Reo would be off to the side, sulking while his eyes were drilling holes into you. He'd be muttering to himself.
So what if you liked the same game as Nagi? What made you so special? Was it the way you'd sweetly smile at him whenever you saw him coming? Or was it the way your eyes lit up whenever he gave you a helpful tip to win? And that soft laugh whenever you thought he was being a bit silly. How annoying… Your blatant 'flirting' was irritating the hell out of him.
Reo was cut off from his thoughts when you suddenly called his name, beckoning him to come over with that same sweet smile of yours. And for a reason he couldn't comprehend, it made his heart beat a little bit quicker. What did you possibly want from him? He swallowed thickly as he approached you two. Turns out you wanted to learn how he and Nagi got into soccer as you noticed them practicing on the field after school.
'Is this your attempt to be nice? How dare you try to act so considerate when you're the root of the problem. I don't need your pity', Reo would think. Yet, he found himself answering all of your questions so willingly. Your eyes, brimming with genuine curiosity, were getting to him as he spoke that he ended up inviting you to watch their practice without thinking. Of course, you said yes.
Before he could come up with something to change your mind, the teacher came in and began class. He mentally punched himself. What was he doing? You were the enemy and he invited you to spend more time with them. But those eyes– It was those bright eyes that gazed at him while he spoke of his passions that got him carried away. He wanted more of it. You found his weak spot and he hated it.
And so you'd show up to their practices to watch them play. The moment both boys saw your figure waving at them, they'd instinctively try to show off. For Nagi, he hadn't realized it himself until he thought it odd that he wanted to put in a little more effort that day. (but that was just the effect you had on him). And for Reo, well, he just reasoned that if anyone at all was watching him, there's no doubt he'd want to look great.
But halfway through practice, he questioned himself. What was the use? You were looking at Nagi most of the time and not him anyway.
You had gained more of their affection when you brought them their favorite drinks and snacks once practice was over. Nagi would definitely eat most of the snacks you brought while you and Reo had to scold him to not eat either of yours. A muffled, "Thanks for the snacks, y/n" would come out of Nagi's mouth, now full of chips, and Reo would mutter a small "...thanks" (If you tell him to speak up or that you couldn't hear him, you'd get a rise out of him for sure, hehe)
And this would sorta be your routine with them. You would watch and wait for them to be done with practice and you three would hang out together afterwards.
Rather, in Reo's pov, it was more like you and Nagi hanging out while he was basically just third-wheeling, no matter how much you attempted to include him in your conversations with Nagi.
The interactions you two had were just different. The looks, smiles, and light touches that you'd give to Nagi weren’t the same ones you'd give to him. It was frustrating that what he wanted was right there but he could never have it.
And so maybe he could finally admit to himself that he's just jealous– Jealous that you were stealing both his best friend and his heart.
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boinin · 10 months
final epinagi chp 14 post tonight, because I'm going to go insane
I found this panel floating around on twitter:
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no frickin wonder it reminds Reo of Nagi
his flirty lazy boyfriend who wants to be carried everywhere gjdidsofje
anyway presenting CANON KUNIGIRI FLIRTATION 🎉🎉🎉
with that I am logging off, to die peacefully
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cause of death: these two goobers
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goshushin · 11 months
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三本のバラを「愛してる」表すに ngis 💒
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rintosei · 1 year
i love reo i love reo he's making me insane i love reo i love
reo reo REO reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo REO REO REO reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo REO reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo reo re
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year
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Kimi to Ja Nakya Koi mo Dekinai
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towl · 1 year
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I couldn't do anything against them. What are you talking about Isagi? You scored a goal against them. That was the result of our team play. Blue Lock ⚽︎ EP14:"The Geniuses and the Average Joes"
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ramu-ego · 1 year
YO just wanted to say that ur high key a genius for writing that Nagi would be obsessed with boobs / have a mommy kink?? Really loved reading those hcs!!
-I thought the mommy kink was super obvious I know that bitch probably has Reo labeled in his phone as mommy unironically he'd just demote Reo to Mommy#2 and make reader Mommy#1 😂 I'm so happy you enjoyed them though!!! Some day I'll make more content I swear 😩
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butterfirefly · 11 months
Me: reads epinagi chapter 13 a few moments later...
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sylhea-raemi · 1 year
it's so hard not to be an anhaner with the notch event because holy fucking shit the more kohane improves the worse an gets
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thyandrawrites · 1 month
It's all about Nagi living alone in a tiny one bedroom, one bathroom apartment with zero personality and Reo having a whole floor for himself but still living surrounded by tacky-expensive home decor with no apparent traces of his actual personality, either. It's all about how Nagi's parents haven't visited him in 2 years nor taken an interest in his life since, while Reo's are content to live floors apart from their teenage son, only taking an interest in what value he can bring to Mikage Corp but being otherwise uninvolved in / dismissive of his actual life. It's all about them being surrounded by people and still not knowing how to form a meaningful connection with another person before meeting each other. It's all about them being so starved for genuine human warmth to combat their bone-deep loneliness that they both treasure memories of tiny, inconsequential moments where they were spending time with their parents. Something something it's this line,
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and how it describes them both despite being said about Reo. It's them being awkward 17-year-olds who had never before had an equal who would just respect them as they are and unconditionally look their way. In this essay I will-
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asunflowerana · 1 year
what would you guys think if I said I'm crushing someone else other than Nagi at blue lock? 🤭
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touyaz · 1 year
haiiiii can u plz tell me what r ur thoughts on nagi becoz i lowkey think he is the type to never give but insists on receiving (sry im a nagi girl and im right but ig ur opinion matters too or wtvr..)
anything for you babycakes 🥰😝💗 i think he's pretty neutral towards oral (both giving & receiving) like if he has to exert his energy on something, it might as well be something you're both getting pleasure from, y'know? that said, he is a Guy at heart and i do think he'd prefer receiving to giving if he had to choose (break up w him👎‼️) going down on you barely ever crosses his mind agfhjfhsja like unless you're asking for it, it'll happen like........ once every 3 months 💀 and if you do ask, the first thing he says is "ehh, i'm tired, do i have to?" and he's like half-joking but if you say no, then he's not gonna insist on going down he'll move on 😭😭
having said all that, i do think he's good at it!! takes him a few tries to actually remember how you like it, but then he never forgets (bc it's the quickest way to get the moment over with </3) but yh no, he's good, he just doesn't do it often!! i think he prefers other aspects of sex that are more mutually-pleasurable. hates 69 tho bc he was enjoying receiving and stopped giving head & u bit his dick (lightly,,, 😈) and he's been #traumatised ever since. 🥰🥰🥰
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marcsnuffy · 1 year
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cypreus-and-willow · 3 months
Kick him in the shins (affectionate)
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