#naga rider
pixie-mask · 18 days
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justicebeetle · 2 years
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drawing i dont like too much but OF MANY JUSTICE GUYS !!!! they are here to help!!
+ best two seperated just for u
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livevility · 1 year
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misc. tokusatsu doodles
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p5x-theories · 11 days
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Shadow battle icons (part four)!
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Michinaga: Why can’t I move?!
Tsurugi: Is this the Kamen Rider that attacked you, Kotaro?
Kotaro: Yeah.
Kotaro: He seems to think that I’m a Kamen Rider.
Tsurugi: What a legendarily shameful man.
Tsurugi: Attacking a kid in a bid for revenge.
Michinaga: All Kamen Riders are the scum of the world!
Naga: Balance, what is this feeling, it’s like I want to crush this person for what he said.
Balance: That, Naga, is anger.
Balance: While I am reluctant to teach you about that emotion.
Balance: But I did promise you.
Balance: Anger is when you feel you’re slighted and you want the other to feel the same or to suffer some sort of consequence.
Kotaro: Not the best definition, but its enough for now.
Michinaga: don’t make me laugh, someone who doesn’t know emotions?
Tsurugi: Shameful, what a legendarily shameful man. Mocking someone who wants to learn on top of attacking a child.
Kotaro: I’m 19 years old now, Tsurugi.
Tsurugi: truly shameful.
Tsurugi: Your slight against the legendary Kotaro can be forgiven if you ask for forgiveness.
Michinaga: Me? Ask for forgiveness from a Rider?
Tsurugi: truly a legendarily shameful man.
---- a flurry of Kyuranger attacks later----
Michinaga: How are Rider attacks affecting me?
Emu: That’s because they’re not Kamen Riders, Michinaga-kun.
Michinaga: And who’re you supposed to be.
Kotaro: I don’t think its wise for him to know your identity, Hojo-sensei.
Emu: No need to worry about me, Kotaro-kun.
Emu: After all, Hyper Muteki operates on the same level as his wish.
Emu: We can’t hurt each other.
Emu: Yes, Michinaga-kun, I’m Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.
Michinaga: A Kamen Rider, all of you should be culled from the Earth.
Tsurugi: Is he this legendarily wrathful?
Emu: According to Ace, he is.
Emu: That is in no small part because of the people who gave him his driver.
Tsurugi: Right, the people who gives out the drivers, are mostly the ones who needs destroying by those Drivers.
Emu: There are a few exceptions but yes.
Emu: We will take it from here, Tsurugi-san. Kotaro-kun, Naga, Balance.
Naga: It was nice to see you again, Emu-sensei.
Balance: Nice, nice!                     
Emu: You two as well, Naga, Balance.
...Wow, he really does not learn huh. Figures from someone themed after a bull.
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satriaproto · 4 months
(it is now a cartoon!!!)
5 years after this post was made... We eventually remember about Satria Heroes Kai once again.
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tryan-a-bex · 2 months
A masterlist of my Lucienne fics in honour of Librarian Day! (I’ve been reblogging things all day and just now realized only new posts show up in the tag 😭)
Sometimes when you fall, you fly My first Gaulcienne fic, with art by @athymelyreply
Spill the tea A meta discussion of fanfiction by the characters!
Fireflies and a Missing Person Where is Mervyn? With art by @ibrithir-was-here
The Dragon’s Tongue Lucienne has words with Queen Titania of the Fae. Now with an amazing sequel by @lostelfwriting
Eldritch Horrors and the Chaos Gremlin Lucienne tries her hand at matchmaking
The Dragon Rider Gault is the dragon, and after Jed leaves Lucienne cuddles in.
Naga No-Go Lucienne gets called on to help; she’d rather not talk about it, okay?
Trials of a Shapeshifter in Love possibly my sweetest Gaulcienne fic. Gault wants to surprise Lucienne, but Lucienne recognizes her no matter what form she takes.
Murder at the Greenhouse a human au murder mystery based on an idea by @seiya-starsniper
Muhulhu: the introduction helm crack. I’m sorry, and so is Lucienne.
Biker Dream and Traveller Hob human au where Lucienne is a normal everyday heroic librarian
The Library Cat Lucienne’s Library is invaded, first by a cat and then by even more chaos
A Mystery in the Library Why are the unpublished Agatha Christie’s resolutely backwards? (I didn’t set out to make this a detective series and yet here we are)
Categorization Systems Lucienne receives a late night visitor in the library, during the events of Season of Mists. From a prompt by @orionsangel86
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ladyescapism · 9 months
fractured bonds - part 3
summary: Rhys' little sister has always been nothing but loyal to her brother and court. however, the cauldron chooses the most inconvenient male as her mate: Eris Vanserra. will Ryn accept the heir of autumn as her mate? will her family?
part 1 -- part 2 -- part 4
a/n: Part 3! Here we go. The next part is going to have some drama! Hope y'all like it. Remember to message me or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!
warnings: sickly character, cannon violence, vomiting
wc: 1,900
Ryn’s legs couldn’t carry her fast enough. Her blood was rushing through her body, but failing to push her hard enough to outrun Hybern’s Naga. She had already gone a few miles, and in her weakened state, she wasn’t going to make it much further. 
Azriel was the one who sent her out here to get any extra information on Hybern that she could, anything to help. Her deadline to get back was nearing, but not close enough to cause concern. And she doubted anyone else knew to look for her. 
She kept going, determined she was going to make it. If she could get to the edge of the camp, the Naga might retreat, and she could get some help. But she wasn’t sure she was even running in the right direction. 
She ran right into a clearing. 
Fucking hell, she cursed to herself. Now I don’t have any cover. 
From the other side of the clearing, a howl cut through the night air. She barely heard it over the rushing in her ears. 
Just what I need. Wolves.
The night was illuminated by the moon just enough that Ryn could spot a red head riding a horse come through the clearing, flanked by two hounds. 
She didn’t have time to feel embarrassed by the relief she felt at the sight of him. She let the need she had felt to run to her mate all these weeks take over. 
Exerted, Ryn let herself collapse when Eris was close enough that she could make out the features of his fine face. She was ready for his dismount, and his concern for her well-being. She was ready to get on the horse with him and ride like hell. 
But Eris kept going. He did not stop. He rode head on to the Naga. 
She tried to call to him, but her throat was ragged from her time screaming these last hours to make any noise. All she could do was watch as Eris and his hounds take on four Naga. 
As he approached, Eris swung one leg over the horse, but didn’t fully dismount and with one clean slice, gutted the Naga that was readying to make his leg its next bite. Eris jumped from his perch on the saddle and steadied himself for the battle. 
A dog came and blocked Ryn’s view. She mustered the strength to crawl around it. Eris came into view just as he took the head off another Naga. 
Eris was being circled now. 
The other hound was at Eris’ back, snapping and snarling at the Naga hissing in its direction. The dog had a deep gash on its hind leg, unable to put much weight on it. 
Out of the corner of her eye, the horse was standing, spooked by the violence, but to well trained to leave its rider behind. 
The sight of her mate in danger spurred more strength in her body. Her mind hadn’t caught up as she made her way to the horse. 
“Ride, Ryn!” Eris called, desperate. “Get out of here! Go!” 
She didn’t respond, but finally found the hilt of a short sword. 
Stumbling as she moved as quickly as she could, she made her way to Eris.  
“No,” Eris cried. “Run, Ryn! Go!” 
The Naga were too distracted with Eris and his dog to notice her till it was too late. Ryn took the dog’s position at Eris’ back. She was back to panting at the exertion. She lifted the sword at the same time the Naga launched itself at her. Just as the Naga in front of Eris decided to capitalize on his distraction. 
Eris became to occupied with his own fight to yell at her anymore. The fight didn’t last long after that. Ryn finished off the Naga and so did Eris. 
After she heard the sword pull from the flesh of the other Naga, the exhaustion and the unsavory time spent in Hybern captivity during the last few hours caught up to Ryn. 
And as the darkness clouded her vision, the last thing she saw was the stars twirl, and felt a strong body break her fall. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eris POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eris caught Ryn just before she hit the ground. He sat there for a moment, looking down at her worn body. She was still breathing, still panting from the fight, but her eyes had shut. 
“Why did you stay, lovely,” Eris asked, praying she would be well-enough to answer in that moment. 
Before he stood, he let himself curve his back and cradle her frame, just for a moment, to thank whatever gods were listening that he still got the chance to prove to her that he could be good. 
But an all too familiar sent reached his nose. 
Dragon’s Blood. 
The copper tang of the poison made Eris want to gag. He had only ever smelled it once, as he searched for a way to eliminate one of his father’s many enemies discreetly. 
Eris hauled Ryn into his arms and rushed to his horse. He did not know how long ago she was poisoned, or how it was administered, but she needed treatment. Because once her fever reached its pinnacle, she would not be savable. 
Eris managed to position her so that she was sitting up, so if she vomited, either from her body rejecting the poison or the fever, she would not choke to death. 
Eris rode like hell. He did not care if his hounds kept up. He did not care that one was injured and left behind. He did not care that his horse was tired and riding like this would cause it stress. All he cared about was feeling her heartbeat and her breath. 
He got into the camp but did not stop riding. He kept his pace, straight to the healer’s tent. A few people had to jump out of the way and shouted after him, not knowing or caring who he was. Eris still could not care about anyone or anything but getting her healed. 
“I need a healer,” he shouted. “I need a Night Court healer.” 
A female he did not recognize stepped out of the tent and paled at the sight of Ryn’s state. 
“I am Madja, healer to the High Lord and his family.” 
Eris dismounted and pulled Ryn from the saddle. He pushed past the female as he spoke. 
“She has been poisoned with Dragon’s Blood. I don’t know how long ago it was administered, or the administration method, but she has not started vomiting yet.” 
Eris set Ryn down where another healer gestured. 
“She is exhausted, dehydrated, but not seriously bleeding for what I can tell.” 
Madja whispered something to the other healer, and they disappeared, quickly replaced by another set of hands. 
Eris did not let the panic through. He just stood and watched as the healer, Madja, administered something by injection. Something else was poured down her throat, and she gagged. 
The healer kept working. Eris tensed at every injection and prod and inspection. He stopped breathing when Ryn wretched and the healers had to force her on her side. 
Eris only let his eyes stray from watching her chest rise and fall when her heard the Shadow Singer speak to his High Lord. 
“I sent her a few hours ago. Her timeline to check in isn’t for another 10 minutes. I had no reason to be concerned.” 
Rhys gave a single solemn nod. “Madja, what happened?” 
“From what I can tell,” she explained, “Kathryn was given the liquid form of Dragon’s Blood. A lethal dose, but it was watered down, making it not as fast acting. She has a high fever, and she has vomited everything she had. The fever hasn’t broken yet, and she will most likely still experience the hallucinations that come with the poison. She will need to be kept under observation for a day or two, but she will be better soon.” 
Rhys looked relived as he made his way to his sister’s side. He reached down and cupped her face. “Our girl has survived worse, Madja. She will heal just fine.” 
“She is young, and healthy. I have the same optimism.” 
Eris was not comforted by that sentiment, that she was put into these positions often. And he could not hold his tongue. 
“So,” he sneered, “you send her into dangerous situations often?” 
“Thank you for saving her, Eris,” Rhys said, ignoring his question. “She would likely be in a much worse state if not for your intervention.”
“You didn’t answer me,” Eris growled. 
“What I send my spies to do is none of your business,” Azriel responded for Rhys. 
The air thickened with tension. 
“I heard your father was asking for you,” Rhys added smoothly, making his dismissal of the prince clear. “You might want to go see what needs attending to.” 
Before he could respond that he was not leaving Ryn’s side till she could sit upright, a shrill cry cut through the air. 
It was a cry of terror, of pain. 
“It’s the hallucinations,” Madja said from her workstation. 
“Give her something,” Eris hissed. “Anything to make her stop.” Ryn kept making that noise, only a few words barely distinguishable in her cries. 
“I can’t give her any sedative, that would only slow her body working the poison out. The best we can do is try to comfort her and make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.” 
Azriel turned away as she let out a scream. He hung his head in what looked like shame. He took the few steps towards the exit and did not pause as he left the healer’s tent. 
Rhys looked shocked at Azriel’s departure and conflicted as what to do. Eris wanted to hold her, to push the sweat soaked hair from her forehead. He wanted to silence her cries and reassure her that she was safe, even if she couldn’t hear him. 
The only thing stopping him was that he wasn’t certain Ryn wanted him touching her in any state, let alone such a vulnerable one. 
“ERIS!” The cry ripped from Ryn’s throat. 
Eris snapped his eyes back to wear Ryn’s sick form lay. Rhys looked between his sister and the prince. A flash of understanding crossed his features, followed by anger settling in his eyes. 
“No no no no,” Ryn cried. “No no no, not him not Eris. Please...”
She faded off, whimpering and moaning as if she was begging for whatever happened to her to not happen to Eris. 
He couldn't take it anymore. He rushed to her side finally pushing those stray, sweat soaked hairs back from her forehead and planting a kiss right at her hairline. 
“I'm right here, lovely,” he whispered softly. “I'm right here. No one is hurting me. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I didn't let them get to you once, and they will never get to you again.” 
Ryn stilled. She still whimpered, but she nuzzled into his neck. Tears fell down her cheeks, fat as raindrops in an autumn storm. But Eris’ pulse echoed through her soul, and it seemed to calm her more than any sedative would. 
Rhys took in the sight of his sister being cradled and comforted by who he thought was an old enemy and the anger faded from his eyes. For she was being comforted in a way that no other male on this earth could. 
Because in that moment Rhys saw their connection. He could almost see the golden thread shimmering between them. Rhys stepped away and let Ryn be comforted by her mate. 
Tag list:
All works:
@feysandzoyalailover @fanfictioniseverything @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @marina468 @singhillada
Fractured bonds:
@a-mexican-waffle @cafe-inaaa @feiwelinchen @theviewfromtheotherside
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christiansorrell · 4 months
Play Report: Tacticians of Ahm #2
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Tonight, I ran the second session of an ongoing playtest of an upcoming starter Tacticians of Ahm adventure I'm hoping to get out in the February update (the game is itchfunding now). So, here's a play report (and here's a link to the first play report)!
After the chaos of the griffin attack on the Academy's field day, everyone went back inside the Academy walls for safety. Both griffins, including the one carrying Von Lopesbane, flew off to the northeast, after getting hit by enough attacks from the professors and student tacticians below to be thoroughly annoyed.
Inside the walls, the party saw a number of scouts coming in from the north, west, and eastern roads, all with the same news: sightings and reports of imperial soldiers (even several skyriders - the empress's griffin rider legion) attacking Ahmian citizens - all while proclaiming to be fighting back against the corrupt1on!
Groups of Tacticians and their advisors began to form parties to go out and address these various reports - after all what's a better final exam than the real thing? Professor Dana Turr, an elderly naga woman and the Senior Term headmaster, gave the group an option (since their advisor, Von Lopesbane, was missing): Find Von Lopesbane on their own and it will earn them a guaranteed early graduation and exemption from the remaining weeks of exercises. The other Tacticians on site at the Academy are spread too thin with more violent reports nearby, but she can't abandon Von Lopesbane and if the imperial army is involved, this could be serious enough to actually mean he's in serious risk.
The group agreed and were sent off to Quartermaster Bormos to get field equipment before heading out: 5 rations, a healing potion, and a piece of equipment (under 25g) of their choice. Both Tacticians took Leather Armor. Quablin bought both of them backpacks for the road.
The group headed out, into the region northeast of the academy in search of Von Lopesbane.
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The party was somewhat familiar with this region from their time at the Academy. To the north was Four Families, a collection of four family farms all housed very close to one another - the road eerily quiet. To the east, the village of Dodona - smoke rising up from that direction in the distance. To the far north, ruins of an old war watchtower, formally abandoned for centuries.
Helios pushed for the group to head to Four Families and then east towards Dodona. The road was strangely quiet on the way (no random encounters were rolled).
They arrived at the farmhouses and found it, again, strangely quiet. They approached the nearest house and a halfling farmer whispered at them out of the shrubs - There are soldiers in the house! They attacked the other houses and his family only just made it out in time.
Helios approached the house and tried to convince the soldiers inside that she was a higher ranking officer, but the soldiers were assured in their mission, claiming Helios to likely be an agent of the corrupti0n. Frustrated, Helios kicked down the door and rushed in!
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Over a 4 round fight, the Tacticians faced 1 Lietenant (EL2) and 2 Spearman (EL1). Through a clever use of Stupor to stun two of the enemies followed by a perfect backstab from Helios the group took the fight but both were just a strike away from falling. The gained 1 XP, 1 RP for their combo and leveled their Relationship to Level 1.
They questioned the defeated troops, you seemed out of sorts, babbling about corrupt1on, being far from home, and the vile nature of the White Walled City - almost as if the concepts of D4RKW3LL and Ahm were swapped in their mind.
Next time, the party travels onward!
[Design notes: We were testing some changes/expansions here to overland travel as it is currently written in the published rulebook. It's more of a node-based pointcrawl than a traditional hexcrawl (like the FF Tactics overworld map). The other thing I'm focusing on going forward in playtests in holding myself better to the digital nature of the world and highlighting those aspects (and providing guidance in the rulebook for GMs to know how to do the same).](edited)
Tacticians of Ahm is itchfunding now and it currently at it's lowest price (just $15 USD) with monthly updates coming from February to September of this year (and hopefully beyond)!
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hiccupbutpurple · 7 months
Wip Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPS!
Tagged by: @howtowhumpyourhiccup :D
I don’t think I can realistically do that many but @reallyprofoundkryptonite @worldwhightnight @sorushing @violet-moongem @amyrafierceblade if y’all haven’t already been tagged and feel like sharing! Of course anyone who see this and also wants to participate go ahead!
Imma put all the ones I’ve at least started writing for because we’d be here all day if it was also the ideas that just have a few dot points or things. Some have actual titles some are just random description type things lol. I put the general ship name or character in the title so I can easily find it but it makes it less vague ig but eh. (Also sorry this is kinda long so I’m putting in under the cut lol.)
- How Time Has Transformed You
- To Rediscover An Old Self
- Some Things Shouldn’t Be Admired
- Preparation – Vigcup
- Tired – Vigcup
- Hiccup and Gobber self-care reminders
- Searching – Hiccstrid/Heathstrid
- Knock - Hicclegs
- Improper use of Maces and Talons - Vigcup
- Swordsmanship – Dagvigcup
- Accidents - Hiccstrid
- One inspired by entertain – Vigcup
- Room Where It Happens – Hiccstrid runaway Hiccup Au 1
- Put on a show – Dagcup
- Lusty Confidence - Hicclegs
- So You Wanna Marry Hiccup – Dagcup
- Naga Viggo one – Vigcup
- Hypnosis – Vigcup
- Love it When You Hate Me – 3 Versions (Hicclout, Vigcup, Dagcup)
- Honesty – Hicclegs
- Hiccup comes out to Gobber
- God Au drabbles (Starts with when lighting strikes) - hijack
- Finding Wounds – Hiccstrid runaway Hiccup Au 2
- Survival confessions / Hiccup tells Viggo about savages ship – Vigcup
- Heather period blood insanity – vent fic + Heather
- Projects – Hiccstrid
- Jane Doe / Heather’s soliloquy
- Borrower Au
- Venomcup Au drabbles
- Humiliation – Vigcup + Heather
- Thrall - Hiccup
- Snotlout and Small Hiccup drabbles
- Finding Trinkets – Hiccup and Toothless
- Toothless and small Hiccup
- At a Spa - Vigcup
- Making Up For Lost Time – Stoick and Hiccup
- Viggo and Hiccup + Dagur on treaty signing day
- Rock me in - Hijack / Hicclegs
- Mala/Dagur/Hiccup
- Lovefool – Vigcup + concerned Stoick
- Hard Hitting – Hicclout
- Constantly on the Mind – Hiccup
- Half Runaway Au – Vigcup
- Viggo and Hiccup in bed talking
- Sex Puzzles – Vigcup
- Forever suffering for other people - Hiccup
- Spying – Vigcup + Riders
- Ghost hunt – Riders
- Hiccup see’s ghosts
- Ride - Hiccup/Jack/Astrid
- Obstacle Courses – Zephyr and Hiccup
- Who is the hottest – Drunk Hiccup stupidity
- Survivor – Vigcup og day one fic
- When the smoke clears – Dagcup
- ‘What if I have that berserker insanity inside me?’ ‘I want that Berserker insanity inside me.’ – Dagcup + Heathstrid
- Panic attacks – Heathcup
- Paints - Nuffink and Hiccup
- Burns – Hiccup
- Tango – Vigcup
- Saviour – Heathstrid
- Expendable – Riders
- Ships and Anchors – Valka and Hiccup
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channelsurfer02 · 13 days
Slayers Pokémon Teams: Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun
Lo and behold, Amelia’s Pokémon team! One thing you’ll probably note about this team is that half of the Pokémon aren’t fully evolved. This was an intentional choice on my part to show how Amelia, as the youngest member of the Slayers crew, still has some growing to do.
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Arcanine: This one represents Amelia’s love of justice, as its hidden ability is justified and the Arcanine line is often used by officer Jenny in the anime.
Lokix: One might question what a dark type locust is doing on Amelia “lives, breathes, and eats justice” Seyruun’s team. However, one thing you should remember is that Lokix is based on Kamen Rider and Sentai heroes which Amelia is canonically a huge fan of, or at least the Slayers equivalent thereof. I could totally see Amelia practicing her posing with Lokix, trying to balance on the tallest available object while holding a suitably dramatic pose for as long as possible.
Hitmonchan: This one is obvious. Amelia punches stuff, Hitmonchan punches stuff. Easy choice, really.
Nidorina: Now we come to the unevolved Pokémon. In this case, nidorina is meant to represent Amelia’s status as a princess, though come to think of it, is that her actual title? I mean, Phil is a prince but he takes on more duties of statesmanship that princes usually do, which kinda makes him a king in all but name. Hmmm. Well, either way, I envision this Pokémon as being a gift from Naga, what with poison types being more her thing than Amelia’s.
Clefairy: Hey, I had to add a cutesy Pokémon here somewhere. Plus given the utility moves the Clefable line learns, it serves as a symbol of Amelia shrine maiden magic, which is largely support and healing focused. Also, it evolves with a moon stone, like Nidorina, which I thought was fitting considering Amelia’s sort-of love interest is Zelgadis.
Steenee: This is another Pokémon that evolves into a more royalty focused Pokémon, which I found to be fitting. Also, the Tsareena line fights with its feet, which I thought would be fitting for Amelia with her penchant for pugilism and close-quarters-combat.
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creativeakuma · 18 days
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Commissioned by Phantom Gardener - Naga Rider and Yan sparring!
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emblematicemblazer · 7 months
I have been thinking about what you said on how Brodia used Elusia"s "otherness" as a way to stigmatize them, and I noticed something. In Engage, most of the dragon that are native to Elyos have lizard like features. Lumera obviously and the different statues of dragon we can observe in Lythos castle, the Brodian bridge and also Elusia's cathedral. We never see Zephia nor Zelestia's dragonic form, but their design and the fact they are wyvern riders seems to also link to that thematic of lizard form. And finally, the Fell twins. In their world, Fell dragons are native tribe to Elyos and share a common ancestor with Divine dragon. While we never saw this Sombron's dragonic form, Nel and Rafal looks more like lizard as well. Sombron is the only one who looks like a snake and have a rather serpentine form. I think it's meant to convey his "otherness" and that is not from Elyos.
Your concept fits nicely with my idea that Sombron is inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist naga, Nel and Rafal are inspired by Tibetan dragons and Lumera is inspired by European dragons. Veyle is inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist goddess Janguli who cures poison and prevents attacks from snakes. Zelestia and Zephia, I think the possible inspiration are garudas. Xenologue Sombron has a very human motivation for his warmongering; power. Sombron's motivation to find emblem zero, the solitary emblem who achieved power without any bonds is very Buddhist inspired. To quite Buddha;
"Apply yourself to solitude. One who does so will see things as they are. "
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Look! In front of the portal!”
A woman stumbled forwards, too dazed to respond the guards’ demands to stop. She fell to her knees before the soldiers, only to have one of them help her back to her feet.
“Relax. Can’t you see she’s human?”
“But the sleeper agents-” another guard began, only for the first to silence him by pointing at the massive wormhole in space.
“I think they’re past the point of subtlety now. Come on. Let’s get her inside the college. Miss, can you walk?”
The woman nodded, and muttered to herself as the soldiers led her towards the Tolarian Academy in the distance.
“I was about to be…compleated. Reconditioned. Then…something happened…spiders?”
“Send the other to Jin-Gitaxias for reconditioning.”
The Phyrexians complied, and hauled her through the doorway. As soon as the portal closed behind them, however, they were accosted by a sea of black skittering spiders.
One of the guards shuddered. “Don’t worry, miss. No spiders here. Not this far from Llanowar, anyways. You’re lucky to have escaped, from the sound of it. Come on, we’re almost there.”
Soon the group was seated in a former mess hall, now converted into a combination of a sickbay and a workshop. A Phyrexian obliterator sat disassembled in the corner as the guards tended to the woman’s injuries.
“Don’t mind that,” a soldier laughed, about the obliterator, once he noticed the woman staring at it. “It’s not coming back.”
“It’s not that…” groaned the woman. “It’s…there was something I wanted to…Ah. I remember.”
The woman eagerly approached the Phyrexian wreck, much to the guards’ concern.
“I wish I had had my walker. I could’ve gotten to you faster.”
With the guards thoroughly dissolved, the spiders coalesced into a naga-like form. The woman collapsed into the figure’s outstretched arms just as they formed from the insects.
“Sheoldred,” she gasped to the monster.
“Do you remember what I told you about Elesh Norn?” the praetor asked softly. “She has made her move. I can get you out of here, but first-”
“Whatever it is,” the woman nodded solemnly, “I’ll do it.”
Sheoldred smirked. “Oh, it’s nothing bad. In fact…I’d say it’s a long time coming. What do you say we ply some of your surgical techniques on you, before we send you back?”
The woman’s eyes sparkled. “You mean…?”
Sheoldred made a motion with her helmeted head that seemed to suggest she was rolling her eyes. “Yes, Rona. Let us compleat you. And, yes, I will install the rider functionality, too. I’m usually loathe to share my secrets, but considering your dutiful service, I’d say it’s the least I can do. Shall we?”
Rona nodded but said nothing, remaining silently in awe of her praetor.
“Hey, let me through,” ordered the soldier, as he approached the other troops. “I want to check on that woman I had the others tend to. She seemed out of sorts when we brought her in.”
The vanguard manning the makeshift barricade of cafeteria tables and duct tape instantly began shouting for the man to back away.
“You can’t go in there! She’s in there!”
The man rolled his eyes and began to push past the guards. “For the last time, the Phyrexians are done with sleeper agents. They’re only using…”
The guard trailed off as he finally glimpsed past the barricade, just in time to watch Rona disembowel the last of the detachment that had been assigned to the infirmary/workshop. Her torso was eclipsed by the maw of the scrapped obliterator, and now the compleated artificer was held up by it, as she performed her gruesome work.
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
I feel that nagas, centaurs, and dragons don’t get nearly as much attention as they should with romance stories.
(I know that @momolady has written a bunch of nagas and centaurs so check out her page in case you missed some)
I'll add them to my list, but I'll be honest, none of them is a particular favourite of mine either. It depends on the character I come up with though.
Speaking of... (warning: very brief/passing mention of the death of platonic partner and of grief at the very end of this headcanon/story idea, in the paragraph beginning "Anyway,").
I've had the idea for a high fantasy story knocking around my head for a while, featuring a messenger team of centaur and rider - in my headcanon for centaurs (in any setting, not just this one), it's considered a Big Deal to let someone sit on their back, let alone put them in any kind of tack or harness, and it's either done as a sign of trust, or it's something done against the centaur's will. Ultra traditional herds and families still think it's degrading to let someone ride them like a common horse, but others think it's ok in certain circumstances.
Anyway, the Royal Messenger Corps is made up of a centaur and a rider (not necessarily a human rider since there are other species, but it has to be someone who could easily ride a centaur), and the pair are usually paired up for their entire career, after a trial period. The partnership doesn't have to be romantic, there's just a deep level of trust between them, but some partnerships are romantic (it's relatively rare, but not discouraged).
The function of the rider is essentially to act as security for the centaur, who is the actual messenger, and to go where perhaps a centaur may not be able to access. Often the rider will be armed with ranged weapons, or might be a mage. The kinds of build the centaurs have does vary, though usually they are light and fast (Thoroughbred/Arab/Anglo-Arab/Akhal-Teke/Andalusian equivalents in our horse breeds, for example).
If a partner is forced to retire or is killed, the centaur is under no obligation to take a new rider, and they can retire with a stipend from the Corps, and the same for the rider. They can, however, choose to try a new rider, or find another role within the Corps should they wish it.
Anyway, the idea I had was that the reader is human, and joins the messenger corps as a raw recruit. They're a bit of a missfit for some reason, and don't take to their first couple of centaurs for one reason or another. Nothing antagonistic, they just don't click as life-career-partners. Until... the reader is speculatively paired up with a centaur who is a hothead and a dangerous risk-taker, has relatively recently lost their rider. He's thoughtless, hurting, and frequently puts his riders at risk with his actions on his runs, and the Corps is about to forcibly retire him, but the reader is given a shot at it...
Shenannigans and romance? ensue...
I've had that idea knockind around my brain for a couple of years, but I've never actually sat down and figured it all out. There's a bit more to it than that, but those are the bare bones at least. Lemme know if you like the sound of it!
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elendsessor · 1 month
a new no fusion update! been doing irl stuff so haven’t really been playing much recently because surprisingly i have a social life somehow
gave up on the other riders for now. goal is to get the funny monkey and, because drain attack can mutate, i’m gonna get my naga raja to learn mediarama before doing at least red rider. of course saving him in the compendium before hand so i can resummon him and get some better moves. haven’t had any luck with makami mutating diarama for it :(
i did beat the last oni though!!
to make up for lack of any substantial developments, here’s more to add to the autism compilation. again i blame @hospisun for all of these and refuse to have them forget about what they created
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i like to think this is where autism $peaks got the idea for that one infamous and garbage autism psa where they make out autism to be some demon that ruins families. this is what tde demifiend is. tde demifiend is autism now.
save me autism
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