#naga king
articianne · 2 months
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April 20! happy birthday to lucina! and to one of my most beloved franchises 💕
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darksilvania · 1 year
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SCORPEPPER & NAGAREAPER (Poison/Fire) The Scorpion pepper Pokemon
This insect-like pokemon produce a powerful toxic oil from the bulbous glands at the end of their claws and tails, this oil is so caustic that it will burn anything that it touches and is often shot at the eyes and noses of possible predators to blind and disorient. However, if this oil is properly extracted by an expert and then diluted and purified, it becomes a very tasty seasoning oil, altough a very spicy one.
They have the ability "Caustic", this ability causes all poison-type moves to have a small chance of leaving the target with a "Burned" status rather than "Poisoned", even if the move doesnt usually leave its target poisoned, like acid spray or cross poison (which are moves this pokemon learns by lvl up)
They are based in the Trinidad Scorpion Pepper and the Naga Viper Pepper, its shiny colors are based on the White Carolina Reaper Pepper, this 3 are some of the most spicy peppers in the world
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NAGAREAPER is also based in Nagas, serpent like beings from southeastern asian mythology, but more specifically the king of nagas statues from thailand temples, with large fangs and single large horns on the mide of their heads, some even having multiple heads, usually 3 but they can have up to 7
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vinophidian · 13 days
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I made two drawings for Mermay!
Hope you like them, I really enjoyed trying myself on an underwater background/vibe, was challenging but fun ^^
I felt like drawing Cala Maria again because I haven’t drawn her since last May and I just had to use the opportunity to design Leviathan-Devil, his sea serpent/dragon form with a Cecaelia-Dice :3
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hou-ting-dynasty · 1 month
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honourable mention:
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they have the same expression!!
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yoga-onion · 3 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (9)
Naga 2 – Shesha, the king of the serpents [Part 1]
The Brahma Purana describes the reign of Shesha as the king of the serpents in Patala:
During the night the light of the moon is not utilised for its coolness but only for illumination.
Since that passes away is not taken notice of by the Nāgas who enjoy with gaiety the foodstuffs and the edibles they consume and the great beverages they drink. 
Nor are Danujas and others aware of it.
O brahmins, the forests, rivers, lakes, and lotus ponds, the cooing of the cuckoo and other sweet birds, the pleasing skies, the unguents and the continuous notes and sounds of musical instruments such as the lute, flute and Mṛdaṅga drums, O brahmins—all these and other beautiful things are enjoyed by virtue of their good luck by Dānavas, Daityas and Nāgas residing in Pātāla. The Tāmasī form of Viṣṇu, named Śeṣa (Shesga) beneath the lower regions.
Daityas and Dānavas are not capable of recounting his good qualities. He is honoured by Devas and celestial sages. He is spoken of as Ananta. He has a thousand hoods and he is clearly bedecked in Svastika ornaments devoid of impurities. He illuminates all quarters by thousand jewels on his hoods.
— Brahma Purana, Chapter 19
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ヒト型爬虫類 (9)
ナーガ 2 〜 蛇の王、シェーシャ(難陀竜王) (その1)
『ブラフマ・プラーナ』には、冥界 (パーターラ)における蛇の王としてのシェーシャの治世が描かれている:
- ブラフマ・プラーナ第19章
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imagine youre just. on your monthly cycle and then he thinks you’re either dying or dying.
you gotta explain to him how this stuff works and he’ll be flabbergasted. hopefully it’ll help you get away with being angry and rude if you say it’s the effects of your period
LMAO this is so funny to me... he just doesn't know what's going on. He's doing his best, though.
He's kind of like, "What is wrong with you? Are you really dying already?" He's worried, a little panicked, and a little annoyed all at once. It comes out as anger and frustration though, so that's all you can see. He's a little upset with himself, wondering if he did something wrong and you're dying because of his negligence. When you explain that no, this is in fact normal, he just kind of takes a moment to process it. You bleed for days on end in pain and it's just normal? That doesn't make any sense. Why do you do that? He knows it's not your fault, but still. Who knew keeping an entire person would be difficult?
After that, he sighs. He's relieved that nothing is actually wrong with you, not that you can really tell. He asks what you need, and he'll go out and see if he can steal it. You're left restrained in the meantime, and he's not always successful in finding it, so it's really not a good time all around...
He'd give you a little more breathing room when it comes to attitude, but not much. He's not a patient man to begin with, and he's completely aware of the power he has over you, so if you do sass him he just doesn't really understand what's going through your head. You know who and what he is, and that you're only alive because he wants you that way, and you're still talking back? Are you trying to convince him that you're not worth it?
He'll brush the attitude off a few times, but if it persists, he'll snap back at you. He just wants you to be nice for him :(
I don't think I've mentioned this before, but he's very touchy. He's new to touch that isn't violent, and it feels... nice? He finds himself holding onto you and laying next to you often. So if it makes you needy, he actually starts looking forward to it a little, even if it's a bit more work.
Ultimately, don't judge him too much for not knowing. He hasn't had an actual relationship of any kind with any other person in ages. Of course he doesn't know.
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maidot · 10 months
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looking on my FB ..... I remember doing this for Valentine's Day XDDDDDDDDDDDD it was stupidly funny.
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ultimatefartwizard · 6 months
Finally the aforementioned Longan Dragon, though with a bit of my own twist since I wanted to add a facial structure more seen in line to one of my favorite kind of serpents/serpentine dragon like creatures; The king of Naga, a serpent like being (in this case specifically from Thailand) since Longan's dragon form reminded me of them! Added images for what i referenced for the altered design
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sourmilkboy · 10 months
Well It's my first post, it's still in progress 💖Akefia/bakura the king of thieves♥️
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meganechan05 · 11 months
Been thinking about these 2 duos lately
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I just think it would be really funny if they ever meet simply because of how similar they are when you first see them.
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annaberunoyume · 3 months
Naga!Reader x Regressed!Nezha:
(Nezha woke up in his three years-old body and cannot change back. He relunctantly asks for Wukong's help to bring him to Y/N's room. )
Y/N: What's the matter, Nezha? What happened to your body?
Nezha: 🥺 (Just dashes towards her, hugging her tail.)
Y/N: (Shoots a dark glare to Wukong that says: "Don't.You.Dare.")
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galderthefuzzy · 5 months
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The Lamia King
Casually lounging on his dreaded throne, the Lamia King is pondering what kind of wickedness he will amuse himself with next!
I had the pleasure to work on this piece as a Christmas present for the wonderful LAN0RA , while undeniably wicked, the Lamia king is a very enticing character and was definitely fun to work with. I hope you like how he turned out!
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placetneplacet · 5 months
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Fingers crossed my Evil Naga King is rocking this eye makeup in the past life…
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my-sleepy-head · 6 months
Just a sleeping Wesker for the monster AU
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I was originally going to have a version with a blanket but I really like how I drew the snake portion of his body so I opted against it.
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yore-donatsu · 1 year
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First serie of the "redraw expression" 🤪
the redraw expression pages by @deeppink-man​
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