#myriah nymeros martell
bardsansa · 8 months
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queen myriah nymeros martell, newly crowned, at the coronation of her husband, king daeron ii. 184 AC.
visenya and rhaenys, alyssa velaryon, the six wives of maegor, alysanne, aemma arryn, alicent hightower and rhaenyra i, helaena, jaehaera, daenaera velaryon, daena the defiant, naerys
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
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A timeline of the ruling princes and princesses of Dorne from Meria Martell’s death to the formal union of Dorne and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in 187 AC.
Anything marked with a * means it’s a canon date. The rest are speculation and a lot of math on my part. I also made up the names for a few characters as well! Also rip the quality on this but when you click it, it looks better.
More explanation under the cut.
Where I ran into most trouble in trying to figure out this timeline when we have not nearly as much information as we do about literally every other major Great House of Westeros, is the line from Morion the Mad to Qoren Martell. There’s several quick changes in princes during that time and we don’t even know what their relation is to one another in several instances. So I tried working out the timeline in a few different ways - I tried it with Mara Martell, Morion’s heir, as his very young daughter, as a twin sister, as a younger sister, and I finally settled on her being his much older aunt as making the most sense.
I think it makes the most sense because Morion is considered young and yet his father was Prince for a very long time; it doesn’t make sense that a ruling prince would wait so long to have an heir unless in a parallel to Jaehaerys’ later issue, several of his heirs die and leave the line of succession a bit uncertain. So I concluded that Morion’s father, who I named Voren, had several older children that died, likely during the Vulture King’s first war (we know it’s suspected Deria was funding him) so when Voren died, the throne went to his reckless, dumb ass youngest son, Morion. With Morion dying without any children, the throne passes next to Deria’s second child, Mara, and the Nymeros Martell line descends from them. This also makes sense because in canon, Morion was angry that his father didn’t send soldiers to kick the Iron Throne out of the Dornish Marches during Lord Rogar’s War; if Voren had children that had died in a previous conflict, it would make sense that he’d hesitate to get involved again.
Qoren was also a bit tricky. He had to be old enough to fight in the Stepstones War against Daemon, but young enough to not be married yet and be considered a potential match for Rhaenyra two years later. After a lot of wondering how in the hell I make that work, I finally figured - again, similar to Cregan Stark and Jaeherys, that there was a surplus of heirs at this time. Mara would have come into her throne already old with children and grandchildren, and her heir would come into the throne also already old, same as Meria/Nymor/Deria. Makes sense that the prince before Qoren was therefore a grandfather or great-grandfather, and that Qoren’s father never took the Sunspear Throne.
I stopped at the unification of the Seven Kingdoms simply because we get absolutely no information on what was going on in Dorne until Doran’s mother. Apparently, Dorne was real quiet during the Blackfyre Rebellions, hah.
And as for names...
Voren - we have several instances of Dornishmen with names that end in the -en sound. Doran, Oberyn, Llewyn, Yoren, etc. It seems like a common naming quirk, similar to the Northerners being really fond of -on and -ard endings. I thought Voren sounded the most like a real name.
Ellario - We have Elia and Ellaria so I figured there should be a male version of the name. I didn’t want to use Elio, so Ellario was born.
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asoiafreadthru · 10 months
Nymeria, the warrior queen of the Rhoyne, brought her ten thousand ships to land in Dorne, the southernmost of the Seven Kingdoms, and took Lord Mors Martell to husband. With her help, he vanquished his rivals to rule all Dorne.
The Rhoynar influence remains strong. Thus Dornish rulers style themselves “Prince” rather than “King.” Under Dornish law, lands and titles pass to the eldest child, not the eldest male.
Dorne, alone of the Seven Kingdoms, was never conquered by Aegon the Dragon. It was not permanently joined to the realm until two hundred years later, and then by marriage and treaty, not the sword.
Peaceable King Daeron II succeeded where the warriors had failed by wedding the Dornish princess Myriah and giving his own sister in marriage to the reigning Prince of Dorne.
The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear.
Their words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.
The principal houses sworn to Sunspear include Jordayne, Santagar, Allyrion, Toland, Yronwood, Wyl, Fowler, and Dayne.
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i spent way too long trying to piece together the timeline of the ruling princes & princesses of dorne and i have a theory bc it’s the only way the timeline makes sense according to my admittedly bad math calculations: Morion the Mad, Mara, and her heir (likely Qoren’s father) were all young siblings, and the throne passed to them solely because their father, described as ruling for a long time and being very old when he dies (he’s Deria’s son) had a lot of kids, and similar to Jaehaerys, who outlived the bulk of his oldest children, Deria’s son outlived his oldest children so the principality passed to his dumb ass middle child, Morion, when he died.
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It's so funny to me that all Targs do is brag and only take take take and think they are better than everyone else because of blood/fire magic and dragons and then you have Martells who don't brag, who are not interested in conquesting all Westeros, they are fine with having only Dorne, so they are not greedy to have all continent bow to them, they have absolutely unique bond with smallfolk (meaning they actaully have been caring for their people because dornish smallfolk doesn't seem as those who would be ready to go for a war for members of house Nymeros Martell if all Martells ever did was wave to them while travelling across Dorne), they most surely have worked hard to keep Dorne united so houses won't rebel like during Blackfyre rebellions, they are fine with having bastards (Oberyn legitimizing his daughters surely wasn't the first situation like this), princes and princesses are mostly wed to members of dornish houses so they could still have lovers if they want because lords from other parts of Westeros won't allow them, so they simply don't marry them XD if Oberyn was so serious about legitimizing his kids and giving them education I imagine every prince and every princess of house Martell is very good educated; and last thing - they never start a war. It's always others (mostly Targs) and Dorne always knows how to resist them and they show Targs they won't dictate them anything or make demands. I could write 100 reasons why Martells are the best house XD I love them so much and I think secretly Targs either hate them or love them. Either way, they are the best
All I heard was stan House Martell 🤝❤️
Lol but no seriously I genuinely adore House Targaryen I just don’t particularly like the fanon House Targaryen.
Let’s talk about the sins of old Valyria and it’s doom potentially following House Targaryen to Westeros. Let’s talk about a family that no longer has that reported “blood magic” and instead is desperately holding on to the dragon power by forcing siblings to wed one another consequences be damned and under the guise of “uniqueness”. What desperation must have creeped in when a family that prides themselves in being “above men” found themselves with no dragons. Egg Targaryen who we meet so young and so clever and so full of longing to change the world bringing his family just for the Tragedy of Summerhall to occur!. Little Daenerys Targaryen alone in the world bringing the glory of her house back into being on the pyre of an enslaved woman. It would be remiss to discard how interesting House Targaryen can be.
I think there is a clear difference with the Nymeria seeking sanctuary and a home from the Valyrian slavers and Aegon and his sisters seeking to conquer all based on a reported “dream”.
House Martell definitely does have a unique almost symbiotic relationship with their smallfolk and I wish people would talk about it more. That’s not to say certain Targaryens didn’t earn the love of their people.
Dorne is incredibly unique and light years ahead of most of Westeros. I actually don’t believe any sand snake is legitimatized they are still bastards but they lived a far more privileged life than a regular bastard akin to Jon Snow. Oberyn is unique in training his daughters both in Education and Warcraft.
I can’t see why Dornish houses would want to marry outside it’s border without big benefits such as Myriah and Dyanna two famous Dornish ladies who wed into House Targaryen.
The most feral Targ Stan’s will never forgive House Martell for repeatedly saying ✨ No ✨and backing up their words - Rhaenys Targaryen anyone? But Dorne is one of the biggest examples of House Targaryen attempting to subjugate and force themselves upon a region that did not want them. This is especially showcased in the fact that it’s Dorne smallfolk who led the fight against them not nobles. It’s also very interesting to me that folks love to counter claims of House Targaryen being colonizers by pointing out that they wanted to adopt Westerosi customs, its a real shame they didn’t want to adopt customs popular in Dorne such as absolute primogeniture and outlawing domestic violence. Could have saved them the dance of dragons and ridiculous concepts such as the rule of six 🫢
I’m ethnic so I immediately found myself extremely fond of the folks who resisted against the “magical white people who know better” lol.
House Martell is my favorite house so I am biased in saying I agree lol 🤝 House Targaryen absolutely loves them lol - they had to marry them to get to join their kingdom, not to mention Baelor Breakspear was the best king that House Targaryen could have ever had and he was the son of a Martell woman.
Targ Stan’s absolutely love House Martell too lmao it’s why every week they make their bitter posts about how uncool Nymeria and Meria Martell were only too change their tune the following week to parrot George’s words comparing Daenerys to Nymeria or claiming Meria as a Daenerys ancestor. Don’t even get me started on the absolute rageeeee Elia of Dorne illicits from them until they remember she was Daenerys’s aunt of course.
Alas it’s all very silly stan culture bleeding into media and it’s frankly VERY silly to follow when trying to enjoy something like Asoiaf.
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mercshy · 2 years
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Princess Daenerys was born in 172 AC to Queen Naerys and King Aegon IV and was the younger sister of King Daeron II Targaryen. Prince Maron Nymeros Martell was the ruling Prince of Dorne and younger brother of Myriah Martell, the wife of Daeron II.
The wedding between Daenerys and Maron was held in King's Landing in 187 AC and formally made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. After the ceremony, Maron kneeled before the Iron Throne and togehter, Maron and Daeron II went to pay their respects to the statue of the late King Baelor the Blessed at the Great Sept, who had once brokered the peace between the Iron Throne and Dorne via the marriage of Daeron II and Myriah. To celebrate the wedding, a tourney was held in the capital. Daenerys and Maron had multiple children and the eldest child, a son, presumably succeeded Maron as ruling Prince of Dorne.
In Dorne, Maron built his bride the Water Gardens three leagues to the west of Sunspear. It was a place of beauty made of colored marble with pools and trees to free her from the heat and dust of Sunspear. Their children played in the pools along with the children of other highborn lords and ladies. One day, when the sun was hot, Daenerys took pity on the children of the servants and guards and allowed them to play in the pools with the highborn children, starting a tradition that is still kept in Dorne to this day.
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szyszkasosnowa · 1 year
A series of portraits of the Targaryen dynasty by the renowned Braavosi painter Mateyko Yan
I got inspired by @nanshe-of-nina's artasoiaf series and I thought... huh... there's a set of drawings showing various kings that could work in this context...
(Sorry Polish followers for any brain damage you may get from this post)
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Aegon the Conqueror with his sister-wife, Visenya (Rhaenys' portrait sadly was lost to time).
[Bolesław IV the Curly as Aegon and Anna Jagiellon as Visenya]
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Maegor the Cruel
[Bolesław III Wrymouth]
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Jaehaerys I and his sister-wife Good Queen Alysanne (Jaehaerys' portrait shows him by the end of their reign, while Alysanne is portrayed as a young queen).
[Mieszko III the Old and Richeza of Lotharingia]
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Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen who Never Was
[Doubravka of Bohemia]
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Daemon the Rogue Prince (here portrayed with the coat of arms of the house Arryn; possibly during his stay in the Vale of Arryn as the husband of lady Rhea Royce)
[Leszek the White]
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Viserys II
[Władysław II Jagiełło/ Jogaila]
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Aegon IV the Unworthy
[Augustus III]
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Maron Nymeros Martell, the ruling prince of Dorne, and his sister Myriah, the queen consort of Daeron II
[Władysław III of Varna and Jadwiga]
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Baelor Breakspear, son of Daeron II
[Konrad I of Masovia]
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Aerion Brightflame, son of Maekar I
[Władysław III Spindleshanks]
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aliceinfuland · 3 years
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queens of the seven kingdoms :: myriah martell
Her marriage to the king both united the Realm and shattered it.
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khazelgl · 5 years
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After Daeron’s marriage to Princess Myriah many noble Dornishmen and women flocked to Daeron’s court to give life in the Red Keep a foreign flavor.
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princessnysar · 5 years
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Twins sisters, Myriah and Deria (Myriah on the left and Deria on the right) celebrating the birthday of their grandmother Meria Martell
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bardsansa · 7 months
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queen betha blackwood, during the long winter that began her husband, king aegon v’s reign, 234 AC
visenya and rhaenys, alyssa velaryon, the six wives of maegor, alysanne, aemma arryn, alicent hightower and rhaenyra i, helaena, jaehaera, daenaera velaryon, daena the defiant, naerys, myriah nymeros martell, aelinor penrose
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
The Dornish Prince Who United The Seven Kingdoms
aka my “who the hell was Myriah and Maron’s father” meta
Like many of the ruling princes and princesses of Dorne, we have very little information to go on when trying to piece together this Unnamed Prince of Dorne. It’s equal parts odd and frustrating, because this Unnamed Prince was one of the most important figures in Westerosi history and yet we don’t have a birth date, ascension date, marriage information, birth dates for his children, a death date, or even a name.
And yet this is the man who stopped Daeron the Young Dragon’s conquest of Dorne only to successfully negotiate a cease fire between Dorne and the Six Kingdoms as well as a marriage contract for his heir and daughter Myriah with Baelor the Blessed. His influence lives on in his son, Maron, who furthered his father’s peace negotiations by meeting with Daeron II and agreeing to enter the Seven Kingdoms at last - but with a Targaryen bride and more than a few concessions. Daeron’s shortsightedness in dealing with Dorne leads directly to the Blackfyre Rebellions but you can’t deny that Maron at least was a shrewd negotiator because he and his people came out of this negotiation having given up very little. Myriah, for her part, is a well loved Queen despite racism in Westeros against the Dornish, and goes on to have several children with Daeron, who she seemed to love.
So…who the hell was Maron and Myriah’s father? Well, looking at the series proper, the world of ice and fire, and fire & blood, I’ve come up with two theories on him.
Theory One: The Marence Martell Theory
Marence is the son of Aliandra and Drazenko (or possibly, he’s the son of a second husband).
Theory Two: The Qyle Martell Theory
Qyle, the younger brother of Aliandra and only son of Qoren Martell, takes the principality when Aliandra dies childless.
Let’s delve in…
The Facts
Aliandra Nymeros Martell is born in 115 AC so any siblings must be born after this date.
Aliandra's younger brother brother Qyle (and their younger sister Coryanne) is old enough to disapprove of Aliandra's flirtation with Alyn Velaryon in 133 AC.
Aliandra and Drazenko Rogare married during the Lysene Spring 134.
Drazenko died in 135 under suspicious circumstances (it's because his family was acting up see: The Fall of the House of Rogare)
Now a little bit of speculation here...
The Small Council is desperate to marry off Baela in 132 AC (when Aliandra is 17) bc she’s unruly and mean and does hot girl shit, so they’re not gonna betroth her to someone much younger than her, because they need this girl to get laid and calm down.
Qyle is brought up as a potential match. If Aliandra is 17, he could very well be 16, or near enough, and an option for her to marry. This would make his birth year 116 and make him 42 at the Submission of Sunspear.
If Marence is Aliandra's only child by Drazenko, born in 135 AC, it would make him 23 during the Submission of Sunspear.
If The Unnamed Prince of Dorne Is Marence Nymeros Martell
This is interesting for a few reasons. For one thing, it puts Marence of an age with Aegon IV, who was also born in 135 AC during the Lysene Spring as well. It makes sense that Baelor, with his cousin Aemon already on his mind due to his captivity, would see a man roughly the same age as one of his male cousins, and think of Aegon's recently born son, Daeron II, as the key to smoothing things over.
Baelor eschews marriage, not just with his sisters, but in general, and while we don’t have his POV to see what he was thinking about an heir (if he was even thinking of it), given the precedent of uncles and younger brothers usurping female Targaryens, and Baelor’s own *waves at the Maidenvault* nonsense about women, it seems likely Baelor viewed his uncle as his heir and not Daena the Defiant, and thus betrothing the first born son of Viserys’ first born son to Myriah, Marence’s first born daughter, ties everything together neatly.
For Marence’s part, this plan is incredibly risky. Daeron and Myriah are around 7 and a lot can change in the ten years it will take for Myriah to reach the age of majority. Maron could die, and there’s no guarantee Marence can have another child before he himself dies. Myriah could die and throw the whole plan into question. Marence’s people did just torture the everloving hell out of Aemon (and while the Wyl's are a bit notorious for being super violent towards invading forces, we have no idea whether Marence encouraged that the way Aliandra and Deria do, or if he discouraged it the way Nymor does), and Viserys might not be too fond of the plan. But this is Aliandra’s son. This is the son of a goddamn Rogare. High risk plans with little hope of succeeding are their lifeblood and it's clearly a chance that may be worth taking if he wants to finally calm down the warring.
And being Aliandra's son, it's even possible she told him stories about her relationship with Alyn (hopefully not the sexy ones but who knows). Perhaps he's thinking that this might work out, if Baelor can come here and forgive him after they tortured Aemon and killed The Young Dragon, if his mother could find something worth respecting in Alyn. It's a young man's dream for a better, less violent future for his people and for his young children.
If Marence is the Prince, it also means he dies pretty young. Maron is ruling Prince by 174 AC, so even if we push the death date to have happened the very first month of 174 AC, it means Marence is just 39 years old when he passes. He lives long enough to send his daughter to an unknown fate in a still hostile kingdom, to see Baelor die, Viserys II die, and Aegon the Unworthy take the throne and make overtures at continued war while Mariah is essentially a hostage in King's Landing, and now, with only his young son Maron to protect her and to protect Dorne. A wild, risky life with a sad, early death; just like his mother Aliandra.
If The Unnamed Prince of Dorne Is Qyle Nymeros Martell
Firstly, if it's Qyle, I can 100% see why he kills Daeron I and tortures Aemon; we already know he dislikes the other kingdoms of Westeros and after spending years being forced to make nice because of Aliandra, who dies childless and passes the principality to him, an older, hardened Qyle may decide there is no point in trying to make peace with these people. He takes a page out of his ancestor Meria's book and decides to fight dirty and to the last man. Why on Earth would he trust them, why on Earth would he confine himself to the rules of their game? Even without dragons, these people insist on destroying his home so he will fight them until his last breath.
And then this deeply pious seventeen year old (the same age as Aliandra when the principality passed to her!) shows up barefoot with all the hostages who are mostly unharmed and asks to make peace. And now Qyle is approaching middle age (being like 44 at this point), looking at this very odd mirror to his deceased older sister, who is asking him to put aside all anger. There's no charming flirtation or coy words like what Alyn offered Aliandra nor is there the threat of violence and subjugation like what Daeron offered just a few years before. It's a risk yes, but when faced with this bloody-footed seventeen year old and the release of the hostages, it might seem like a risk that's worth taking.
And again, if we push his death date to the first month of 174 AC, it means Qyle is 58 years old. Hardly old by our years, but it's more than several other notable rulers get in ASOIAF. Old enough to have seen relations with the Iron Throne go up and down and when he dies, the future is uncertain yes, but he's spent his life trying to make things better in the only ways he knows how.
I think both scenarios are interesting and they both seem likely! I hope one day we know a little bit more about this elusive character, as well as about Myriah and Maron - did Myriah resent the marriage her father arranged for her? Did she resent having to give up her claim to the principality or did she see this as a chance to gain further power? Clearly, Maron believed in continued peace making through marriage because he agreed to marry Daenerys as an adult; how close was he to his father then? Was he devastated by his father's death? Did he love Myriah and write to her the way Oberyn and Doran loved Elia? If he is Qyle, and older when he has children, does this impact how he sees them? And if he's Marence instead, and had children young-ish, does that impact their relationship? How does he even die???
Much to think about and I hope we get concrete answers one day!
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nighttshade · 3 years
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(  naomi scott  ,  twenty - seven  ,  questioning  ,  she/her  )  it looks like MYRIAH MARTELL , the PRINCESS of SUNSPEAR is prepared to play the game of thrones . you know , their PASSIONATE  &  ADVENTUROUS side might help them along the way , but their IMPULSIVE  &  VINDICTIVE qualities won’t do them any favours . a little bird told me that they’re currently AGAINST the tyrell rule and that their loyalties lie with HOUSE MARTELL .  hm , interesting . that same little birdy also told tales of a toned body , barely hidden away by swaths of silk  ;  the brutish laughter often associated with winesinks  ;  bruises , calluses and faded scars , all regarded with a victorious sense of pride . will they win , or will they die ?
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HELLO again ! my name is lia , and this is the second of my babies , princess myriah of sunspear ! i’m very excited to meet & plot with all of you <3
NAME  :  myriah  varsha  nymeros  martell.
NICKNAMES  :  myr,  “   mary   ”  (  cover  name  ).
OCCUPATION  /  TITLE  :  princess  of  sunspear,  occasional  sellsword.
GENDER  :  myriah  is  questioning  her  gender  identity,  but  still  using  she/her  pronouns   currently.
ORIENTATION  :  identifies  as  bisexual  (  leans  mostly  towards  women  ).
CURRENT  RESIDENCE  :  technically  sunspear  but  almost  constantly  travelling.
POSITIVES  :  passionate,  adventurous,  captivating.
NEUTRAL  :  tough-skinned,  wilful,  confident.
NEGATIVES  :  impulsive,  vindictive,  debauched.
MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  chaotic  neutral.
HOGWARTS  HOUSE  :  gryffindor.
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  aries  sun,  libra  moon,  leo  rising.
NOTE  :  this  is  subject  to  changes  due  to  plotting  family  relationships.
 the  eternal  rebel  without  a  cause  ᅳ  myriah  martell  suffers  from  the  constant  need  to  define  herself  as  different  from  the  rest  (  and  comes  with  the  westerosi  version  of  a  “  not  like  other  girls  ”  complex  ).  at  the  same  time,  she  often  falls  victim  to  her  passions  and  whims,  anger  &  lust  being  the  most  prominent,  thus  creating:  the  problem  child.
 dorne  is  more  liberal  than  the  rest  of  westeros,  having  been  so  for  hundreds  of  years.  and  unlike  the  speech  myriah  will  undoubtably  give  about  the  restrictions  that  were  placed  on  her  for  being  born  with  the  title  of  princess,  she  had  quite  a  lot  of  freedom,  even  as  a  child  ᅳ  freedom  that  she,  almost  greedily,  took.  
 in  a  strange  need  to  prove  herself,  myriah  had  a  plethora  of  hobbies  as  a  child,  constantly  dashing  off  from  one  tutor  to  the  next.  she  couldn’t  stand  being  upstaged,  even  in  things  she  didn’t  actually  care  about  ᅳ  one  of  the  other  children  at  court  gained  envy  for  her  voice,  and  soon  after,  myriah  was  involved  in  singing  lessons  (  and  put  some  damaging  herbs  in  the  other  girls’  tea  ).  
 the  one  thing  that  really  stuck,  however  ᅳ  was  battle.  spear  was  preferred,  she  was  a  dornish  viper,  after  all,  but  she  did  not  mind  the  sword  either.  it  was  a  good  fit  for  her,  fuelling  her  not  like  other  girls  complex  &  need  to  prove  herself  both.  and  myriah  always  went  the  extra  mile,  gaining  renown  for  her  efforts  quickly.
 despite  that,  myriah  chose  to  leave  dorne  at  the  age  of  eighteen.  it  wasn’t  for  dislike  for  her  home,  no,  she  loves  dorne  deeply  ᅳ  but  she  had  a  desperate  need  to  see  the  world  (  every  need  of  hers  is  always  presented  as  desperate,  but  for  this  one,  it  was  serious  ).  between  that,  and  the  fact  that  despite  her  countless  freedoms,  myriah  still  felt  shackled  to  the  title  of  princess,  she  wanted  to  travel  to  new  places,  meet  people  who  didn’t  know  who  she  was,  or  what  she  could  do.  
 myriah  spent  nine  years  travelling,  through  the  seven  kingdoms  but  also  across  the  narrow  sea.  surprising  everyone,  she  provided  for  herself  too  ᅳ  using  her  skills  with  weapons  as  an  occasional  sellsword  (  though  every  now  and  then,  despite  her  pride,  she  dropped  the  name  martell  ).  she  met  and  fought  dothraki,  travelled  across  the  ruins  of  the  wall  and  beyond,  even  brought  home  gifts  from  asshai.  
 returning  home  was  strange,  but  myriah  found  herself  missing  her  family,  her  people.  the  taste  of  dornish  red  and  dragon  peppers,  the  smells  of  the  sunspear  bazaars,  the  feel  of  silks  in  house  martell  color  covering  her  skin.  she  felt  ungrounded  in  the  world  all  of  a  sudden,  like  she  was  alone.  but  her  family  had  their  fair  share  of  experiences  in  the  years  past  too,  and  myriah  finds  herself  confused  on  where  she  stands.  
 now  a  year  returned,  she  finds  herself  yearning  for  adventure  again.  at  the  same  time,  myriah  is  still  rejoicing  in  the  strange  joy  of  being  at  home.  she  doesn’t  really  know  where  she  belongs  anymore  ᅳ  and  dislikes  the  thought  of  travelling  to  the  capital,  where  she  surely  has  to  fit  into  a  mold  again  (  though  she’s  still  going,  too  curious  about  the  drama  and  intrigue  that  is  likely  to  unfold  ).  
 i’m  gonna  be  real  with  y’all,  myriah  is  likely  to  be  annoying  as  hell.  she’s  loud,  she’s  impulsive,  and  has  kind  of  gotten  used  to  just  doing  whatever  she  wants.  after  spending  nine  years  travelling  the  world  &  mostly  paying  for  it  by  being  a  sellsword,  she’s  very  unused  to  court  politics  (  and  unwilling  to  relearn  lmao  ).  similar  characters  will  likely  get  along  with  her,  but  i  feel  generally  most  people  will  ask  her  to  please,  please,  shut  the  fuck  up.  that  being  said…  i  love  a  good  enemies  plot  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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laannie0803 · 3 years
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La princesa Mariah Nymeros Martell era la esposa y reina consorte del rey Daeron II Targaryen.
Mariah era la hija mayor del príncipe de Dorne durante el reinado del rey Daeron I Targaryen. Tenía un hermano menor, el príncipe Maron Martell.
En 161 DC, después de que el Rey Daeron I fuera asesinado en Dorne, el Rey Baelor I Targaryen liberó a los rehenes Dornish en Desembarco del Rey y los devolvió a Dorne personalmente, caminando descalzo. Una vez que llegó a Lanza del Sol, habló con el Príncipe de Dorne y acordó una paz, que incluía el compromiso de Mariah con el primo de Baelor, el Príncipe Daeron Targaryen. Los dos se casarían una vez que fueran mayores de edad.
Mariah finalmente se casó con Daeron, y tendrían cuatro hijos juntos: Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel y Maekar. Baelor se parecía a su madre en apariencia, con cabello y ojos oscuros.
En 184 DC., tras la muerte del rey Aegon IV Targaryen, Daeron lo sucedió como rey Daeron II Targaryen y Mariah se convirtió en reina.
Princess Mariah Nymeros Martell was the wife and queen consort of King Daeron II Targaryen.
Mariah was the eldest daughter of the Prince of Dorne during the reign of King Daeron I Targaryen. She had a younger brother, Prince Maron Martell.
In 161 AC, after King Daeron I was killed in Dorne, King Baelor I Targaryen freed the Dornish hostages in King's Landing and returned them to Dorne personally, walking barefoot. Once he reached Sunspear, he spoke with the Prince of Dorne, and agreed upon a peace, which included the betrothal of Myriah to Baelor's cousin, Prince Daeron Targaryen. The two would marry once they were both of age.
Mariah eventually married Daeron, and they would have four sons together: Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel and Maekar. Baelor took after his mother from him in appearance, with dark hair and eyes.
In 184 AC, after the death of King Aegon IV Targaryen, Daeron succeeded him as King Daeron II Targaryen and Mariah became queen.
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sweetiesplum · 3 years
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Princess Myriah Nymeros Martell, queen consort of Daeron II Targaryen (aesthetic)
House of Ladies ASOIAF Week 2020
Day 4 : House Martell
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dornedaily · 3 years
Hi there! Daenerys I really took Maron's surname after the wedding? bc I thought Dorne's marriage customs were different than the Seven Kingdoms, I mean, Nymeria of Ny Sar and Mellario of Norvos didn't took their husbands last name.
Hi! I quickly touched the topic in this meta about Dorne’s consort’s title. Nothing would lead us to think that Daenerys I took on the Martell surname.
It doesn’t have anything to do with Dorne’s marriage customs but simply with Daenerys’s own status. She was royalty, a princess of blood (to echo what they called princes of blood in France), whose marriage “mark[ed] Dorne’s marriage to the Iron Throne” (AFFC, The Soiled Knight). I will copy-paste what I wrote in that first meta:
Daenerys Targaryen (daughter of Aegon IV) married into House Nymeros Martell and is never referred as Daenerys Nymeros Martell. She is the only Westerosi lady we know of that married a ruling Prince of Dorne but it does work along this rule of keeping one’s birth name. Her title was most probably something along the lines of “Daenerys Targaryen, Lady of Sunspear/Lady Nymeros Martell, Princess Consort of Dorne”. Of course, she was royalty so it is very specific: the royal name will always prevail and Westerosi ladies cannot “marry into” the Targaryen family. All non-Targaryen spouses are referred by their birth house name, starting with Elia Nymeros Martell. Other exemples of this include Cersei Lannister (never Baratheon), Myriah Nymeros Martell, Aemma Arryn, Alicent Hightower and Betha Blackwood just to name a few.
To add to this, all Targaryen princesses who married into other houses are referred to as Targaryens. A few exemples include Rhaelle Targaryen (married Ormund Baratheon), Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Aemon, The Queen Who Never Was, married Corlys Velaryon) and Daella Targaryen (married Rodrik Arryn).
Even in the text, Daenerys I is still referred as being a Targaryen and not Martell:
The Gardens are my haven, Prince Maron raised them as a gift for his Targaryen bride (AFFC, The Soiled Knight)
One of my ancestors had them built to please his Targaryen bride (AFFC, The Watcher)
All in all, the Targaryen name always prevails, Dorne or not Dorne.
As for Nymeria of Ny Sar, she literally formed a new line combining her name and her husband’s name: Nymeros Martell (what a legend!). We can only guess for Mellario but she’s enough of a high-ranking noblewoman to keep her name no matter what and...Doran and her are estranged.
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