#maron nymeros martell
atopvisenyashill · 11 months
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A timeline of the ruling princes and princesses of Dorne from Meria Martell’s death to the formal union of Dorne and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in 187 AC.
Anything marked with a * means it’s a canon date. The rest are speculation and a lot of math on my part. I also made up the names for a few characters as well! Also rip the quality on this but when you click it, it looks better.
More explanation under the cut.
Where I ran into most trouble in trying to figure out this timeline when we have not nearly as much information as we do about literally every other major Great House of Westeros, is the line from Morion the Mad to Qoren Martell. There’s several quick changes in princes during that time and we don’t even know what their relation is to one another in several instances. So I tried working out the timeline in a few different ways - I tried it with Mara Martell, Morion’s heir, as his very young daughter, as a twin sister, as a younger sister, and I finally settled on her being his much older aunt as making the most sense.
I think it makes the most sense because Morion is considered young and yet his father was Prince for a very long time; it doesn’t make sense that a ruling prince would wait so long to have an heir unless in a parallel to Jaehaerys’ later issue, several of his heirs die and leave the line of succession a bit uncertain. So I concluded that Morion’s father, who I named Voren, had several older children that died, likely during the Vulture King’s first war (we know it’s suspected Deria was funding him) so when Voren died, the throne went to his reckless, dumb ass youngest son, Morion. With Morion dying without any children, the throne passes next to Deria’s second child, Mara, and the Nymeros Martell line descends from them. This also makes sense because in canon, Morion was angry that his father didn’t send soldiers to kick the Iron Throne out of the Dornish Marches during Lord Rogar’s War; if Voren had children that had died in a previous conflict, it would make sense that he’d hesitate to get involved again.
Qoren was also a bit tricky. He had to be old enough to fight in the Stepstones War against Daemon, but young enough to not be married yet and be considered a potential match for Rhaenyra two years later. After a lot of wondering how in the hell I make that work, I finally figured - again, similar to Cregan Stark and Jaeherys, that there was a surplus of heirs at this time. Mara would have come into her throne already old with children and grandchildren, and her heir would come into the throne also already old, same as Meria/Nymor/Deria. Makes sense that the prince before Qoren was therefore a grandfather or great-grandfather, and that Qoren’s father never took the Sunspear Throne.
I stopped at the unification of the Seven Kingdoms simply because we get absolutely no information on what was going on in Dorne until Doran’s mother. Apparently, Dorne was real quiet during the Blackfyre Rebellions, hah.
And as for names...
Voren - we have several instances of Dornishmen with names that end in the -en sound. Doran, Oberyn, Llewyn, Yoren, etc. It seems like a common naming quirk, similar to the Northerners being really fond of -on and -ard endings. I thought Voren sounded the most like a real name.
Ellario - We have Elia and Ellaria so I figured there should be a male version of the name. I didn’t want to use Elio, so Ellario was born.
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dyannawynnedayne · 10 months
Terros' Next Top DILF - Round 3
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Dunk: art by grandkhan221b, AWOIAF Page
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Maron: art by riotartherite, AWOIAF Page
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asoiafreadthru · 10 months
Nymeria, the warrior queen of the Rhoyne, brought her ten thousand ships to land in Dorne, the southernmost of the Seven Kingdoms, and took Lord Mors Martell to husband. With her help, he vanquished his rivals to rule all Dorne.
The Rhoynar influence remains strong. Thus Dornish rulers style themselves “Prince” rather than “King.” Under Dornish law, lands and titles pass to the eldest child, not the eldest male.
Dorne, alone of the Seven Kingdoms, was never conquered by Aegon the Dragon. It was not permanently joined to the realm until two hundred years later, and then by marriage and treaty, not the sword.
Peaceable King Daeron II succeeded where the warriors had failed by wedding the Dornish princess Myriah and giving his own sister in marriage to the reigning Prince of Dorne.
The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear.
Their words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.
The principal houses sworn to Sunspear include Jordayne, Santagar, Allyrion, Toland, Yronwood, Wyl, Fowler, and Dayne.
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i spent way too long trying to piece together the timeline of the ruling princes & princesses of dorne and i have a theory bc it’s the only way the timeline makes sense according to my admittedly bad math calculations: Morion the Mad, Mara, and her heir (likely Qoren’s father) were all young siblings, and the throne passed to them solely because their father, described as ruling for a long time and being very old when he dies (he’s Deria’s son) had a lot of kids, and similar to Jaehaerys, who outlived the bulk of his oldest children, Deria’s son outlived his oldest children so the principality passed to his dumb ass middle child, Morion, when he died.
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mercshy · 2 years
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Princess Daenerys was born in 172 AC to Queen Naerys and King Aegon IV and was the younger sister of King Daeron II Targaryen. Prince Maron Nymeros Martell was the ruling Prince of Dorne and younger brother of Myriah Martell, the wife of Daeron II.
The wedding between Daenerys and Maron was held in King's Landing in 187 AC and formally made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. After the ceremony, Maron kneeled before the Iron Throne and togehter, Maron and Daeron II went to pay their respects to the statue of the late King Baelor the Blessed at the Great Sept, who had once brokered the peace between the Iron Throne and Dorne via the marriage of Daeron II and Myriah. To celebrate the wedding, a tourney was held in the capital. Daenerys and Maron had multiple children and the eldest child, a son, presumably succeeded Maron as ruling Prince of Dorne.
In Dorne, Maron built his bride the Water Gardens three leagues to the west of Sunspear. It was a place of beauty made of colored marble with pools and trees to free her from the heat and dust of Sunspear. Their children played in the pools along with the children of other highborn lords and ladies. One day, when the sun was hot, Daenerys took pity on the children of the servants and guards and allowed them to play in the pools with the highborn children, starting a tradition that is still kept in Dorne to this day.
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monarkhes-a · 1 month
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hear  ye,  hear  ye  ⸻  king  matthos  baratheon  welcomes  princess  mariam  nymeros  martell  of  sunspear  !  his  great  majesty  is  glad  that  the  thirty  four  year  old  noble  appears  to  be  dedicated  while  overlooking  that  it's  said  they  are  also  vengeful,  as  long  as  they  are  glad  to  celebrate  peace  in  the  seven  kingdoms.  fortunately  for  them,  matthos  remains  oblivious  that  they  aren't  happy  with  his  reign  and  that  their  true  allegiance  lies  with  house  martell  and  dorne.
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full  name  :  mariam  nymeros  martell. also  known  as  :  ria,  the  little  sun  of  dorne. age  :  four  and  thirty. date  of  birth  :  the  first  day  of  the  eleventh  moon  in  the  year  265  ac. horoscope  :  scorpio  sun,  taurus  moon,  scorpio  rising. title(s)  :  princess  of  dorne  ─  sister  of  the  ruling  prince/ss  of  dorne  and  master  of  laws  on  the  king's  small  council. place  of  birth  :  the  water  gardens,  sunspear,  dorne. mother  and  father  :  rohanne  of  norvos,  princess  consort  of  dorne  (  deceased  in  289  ac  )  and  ruling  prince  maron  nymeros  martell  (  deceased  in  294  ac  ). siblings  :  ruling  prince/ss  martell  and  prince/ss  martell  c. marital  status  :  single. sexuality  :  bisexual  biromantic. allegiance  :  house  martell  and  dorne,  house  targaryen  by  the  wishes  of  her  late  father. character  inspirations  :  oberyn  martell,  saera  targaryen.
timeline  ⸻
265  ac  :  the  birth  of  mariam  nymeros  martell. 273  ac  :  the  actions  of  viserys  targaryen  in  stealing  away  serena  stark  reach  dorne.  house  martell,  incensed  at  the  insult  against  their  beloved  princess  mariah,  demand  that  she  return  to  them  immediately  but  their  letters  are  intercepted  by  the  grand  maester  and  brought  to  the  mad  king  who  then  confines  mariah  and  her  infant  daughter  in  the  red  keep.  any  attempts  to  bring  her  back  to  safety  are  thwarted  and  news  soon  arrives  of  her  death  and  the  death  of  her  daughter  by  the  hands  of  loreon  lannister.  members  of  her  dornish  household  were  also  killed  in  the  process. 274  ac  :  peaceable  agreements  between  house  martell  and  house  baratheon  of  the  crownlands  are  reached  when  the  bodies  of  mariah  and  her  infant  daughter,  as  well  as  those  of  her  dornish  entourage,  are  returned  to  dorne  to  be  laid  to  rest.  the  new  hand  of  the  king  attempts  to  offer  the  ruling  prince  of  dorne  a  seat  on  the  small  council  but  is  refused.   283  ac  :  frustrated  with  a  lack  of  action  from  her  father,  mariam  leaves  to  begin  her  studies  in  the  citadel. 289  ac  :  rohanne  of  norvos,  princess  consort  of  dorne,  passes  away  due  to  illness.  mariam  returns  home  for  the  funeral  and  promises  to  return  her  mother's  ashes  to  norvos  one  day. 290  ac  :  after  forging  three  links  in  her  maester's  chain,  mariam  quarrels  with  the  grand  maester  during  their  visit  to  oldtown  and  she  abandons  the  citadel  for  the  free  cities  and  the  home  of  her  mother  in  norvos.  there,  she  is  hosted  by  her  mother's  family  and  spends  the  next  three  years  touring  the  free  cities  on  their  coin. 293  ac  :  mariam  is  called  back  to  dorne  due  to  her  father's  rapidly  declining  health.  unwilling  to  return  but  wanting  to  support  her  siblings,  she  travels  back  immediately. 294  ac  :  ruling  prince  maron  nymeros  martell  passes  away  due  to  kidney  damage.  her  older  sibling  ascends  to  the  dornish  throne  and  speaks  of  their  father's  involvement  in  preparing  the  way  for  a  targaryen  restoration  in  westeros. 297  ac  :  the  first  letters  are  exchanged  between  house  martell  and  house  targaryen. 299  ac  :  by  invitation  of  the  king,  house  martell  travels  to  riverrun.  along  with  that  invitation  comes  the  second  offer  of  a  seat  on  the  small  council  ─  following  the  instructions  of  her  older  sibling,  mariah  accepts  the  role  of  master  of  laws.
introduction  ⸻
as  a  child,  she  had  been  called  the  little  sun  of  dorne,  not  because  she  was  the  youngest  of  the  martell  children  born  to  the  ruling  prince  of  dorne  at  the  time,  but  because  she  was  the  second  of  her  name,  guided  out  of  the  womb  by  the  gentle  hands  of  her  namesake  and  christened  beneath  the  burning  sun.  she  remembered  her  aunt  in  brief  flashes  of  dark  eyes  and  a  wane  smile,  gentle  hands  combing  through  her  tangled  locks  as  the  desert  sand  was  washed  out  from  her  curls  and  how  she  was  fondly  called  little  sun  as  she  toddled  after  the  older  women  in  the  family  but  most  importantly,  she  remembered  the  day  that  mariah  martell  had  died  ─  the  news  had  arrived  on  the  wings  of  the  raven  and  her  mother  had  stumbled  over  her  name  as  she  was  called  out  from  her  hiding  place  and  sent  with  the  nursemaids.
it  had  been  easier  to  go  by  a  shortened  form  of  her  given  name  for  the  first  few  years  after  the  death  of  her  aunt  ─  her  mother  had  insisted,  terrified  that  the  king  had  spies  in  dorne  or  that  the  ghost  of  mariah  martell  would  haunt  the  footsteps  of  her  child,  though  her  father  had  only  ever  used  her  full  name  whenever  he  deigned  to  speak  to  her,  which  became  far  and  fewer  over  the  course  of  her  youth.  like  any  sheltered  middle  child,  she  bristled  at  the  secrets  that  shadowed  the  bright  halls  of  sunspear  especially  when  her  older  sibling  was  taken  into  their  father’s  confidence  and  she  was  not.
what  followed  was  nearly  a  decade  of  rebellion.  she  took  to  the  citadel,  at  first,  drawn  by  the  knowledge  of  oldtown  and  the  promise  of  peace  that  a  life  of  servitude  might  grant  her,  but  the  crown  had  a  far  reach  and  there  was  no  escaping  the  history  of  her  family.  treated  with  pity  or  suspicion,  mariam  had  only  stayed  long  enough  to  forge  chain  links  of  black  iron  (  ravenry  ),  iron  (  warcraft  )  and  silver  (  medicine  and  healing  )  before  she  abandoned  the  citadel  for  norvos  ─  there,  she  lived  in  relative  opulence  as  a  daughter  of  rohanne  of  norvos,  funding  useless  expeditions  to  old  valyria,  chasing  shadows  of  dragons,  and  indulging  in  the  petty  squabbles  of  the  free  cities  for  entertainment  until  the  declining  health  of  her  father  saw  her  returning  to  the  water  gardens,  where  he  had  retired  for  his  health.
she  had  been  stubborn  even  in  his  rooms,  refusing  to  look  at  him  as  he  reached  for  her  hand.  mariam  martell,  he  had  croaked,  and  she  felt  her  eyes  prickle  treacherously  with  tears.  your  older  sibling  belongs  to  dorne  but  you,  little  sun,  belong  to  me.  he  had  met  her  cruelty  with  kindness,  barely  flinching  as  she  demanded  to  know  why  he  had  let  the  stags  and  lions  go  unpunished  for  their  crimes  and,  in  the  incense - thick  air  of  his  death  chambers,  she  was  told  the  truth  of  the  arrangement  between  vipers  and  dragons.  his  skin  wrinkled  beneath  her  grasp,  dotted  with  age  spots,  as  he  urged  her  to  support  her  older  sibling,  to  use  what  she  had  learned  in  the  citadel  and  in  the  free  cities  to  protect  the  family  and  their  interests.
unbowed,  unbent,  unbroken.  the  baratheon - lannisters  believed  that  they  had  beaten  dorne  into  submission  but  just  as  there  were  three  heads  to  the  dragon,  there  were  three  crowned  pillars  in  house  martell,  each  crucial  to  keeping  their  people  and  their  purpose  on  the  right  path.  as  her  older  sibling  was  anointed  the  new  ruling  monarch  of  dorne,  mariam  shed  any  lingering  resentment  towards  her  father  and  stood  beside  her  siblings,  watching  as  the  ties  between  houses  targaryen  and  martell  were  rekindled  just  in  time  for  the  summons  from  the  crown.  invited  to  join  in  the  festivities  and  to  sit  on  the  council  as  the  master  of  laws,  mariam  must  put  aside  her  more  impulsive  tempers  and  bite  her  tongue  if  she  hopes  to  see  justice  served  and  house  targaryen  restored  to  the  throne.
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romanceur · 3 months
🜲       ⸻      ·   。…        in  the  conflict  between  lions  and  men ,  𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋  begins  their  first  steps  up  the  ladder  in  the  game  of  thrones.  known  to  be  refined  and  judicious,  their  rumored  egotistic  and  sybaritic  tendencies  might  prove  to  be  their  unmaking.  the  court  bards  play  upon  themes  of  the  dark  eyes  of  a  viper  inviting  you  to  come  closer,  dornish  reds  flowing  freely  into  goblets  of  solid  gold, and  a  bright  smile  as  disarming  as  a  dornish  spear .
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hello friends ! i ' m robin , he & they , twenty - eight and i ' m also super excited to introduce you to prince maron nymeros martell of dorne , under the cut you will be able to find some info on her so we can start plotting
full name : prince maron nymeros martell .
title : ruling prince of dorne .
nicknames : none .
gender : cis - male .
pronouns : he , him .
age : forty
place of birth : sunspear , dorne .
current location : highgarden , the reach .
nationality : dornish .
face claim : berk cankat .
hair color : inky black .
eye color : sable brown .
height : 6 ' 1 " ( 185 cm )
usual expression : serene , serious .
distinguishing characteristics : tall and graceful : attractive .
zodiac sign : aries sun , taurus moon , taurus rising .
meyer - briggs : intj : the architect
enneagram : type 7 , wing 8 .
moral alignment : lawful good .
positive traits : cautious , pensive , cunning .
negative traits : egotistic , licentious , self - indulgent .
as the first born of ruling princess nymeria and her prince consort of house dayne , he was always aware of what was to come : the heaviness of responsibility , and leading the kingdom of the sun to a brighter future .
in contrast to the fiery nature of house martell , maron has always displayed a more measured disposition : often thoughtful as opposed to impulsive , and displaying what his mother called the starfall stare when lost in deep thought : as if a thousand miles away .
as opposed to the more reserved nature inherited from house dayne , he does take after the house of the sun in the enjoyment of the pursuit of sensuous pleasure : only the finest dornish reds , dishes , and dornish linens for the ruling prince . in his youth , he was known as quite the casanova . an enjoyer of the carnal pleasures with both men , and women .
he has been married for over fifteen years , and while at first it was a political arrangement between princess nymeria , and house hightower he has grown to respect , and love his wife . . . perhaps not as passionately as one would a match born out of love and not gain , but he does love her and his children . . . however , he is still known to take on lovers indiscriminately as is the dornish fashion .
it is out of the love and respect he does have for his wife and her westerosi sensibilities that he has always taken considerations : he is not as open as to parade his lovers , or to produce any children out of wedlock .
after the passing of princess nymeria five years ago , his father , the former prince consort revealed to him the valyrian accord -- of which he had inherited a prominent position on . since , maron ' s rule has unfolded as a strategic dance of managing the intricacies of maintaining dorne ' s autonomy , and alliances .
he has taken the position of ruling prince , and as the hand of the valyrian accord in stride , both for political and personal reasons : an inherited distaste towards the lions , and the roses .
however , there has been a voice in the back of his mind lately : was his princess mother told the same he was told about the restoration of the dragons ? they claim to allow for dornish independence , however , there is a suspicion of concealed targaryen intentions to reclaim dorne as the seventh kingdom . . .
fueled by uncertainty , maron has become dilligent to protect dornish autonomy , dornish nobles and dornish smallfolk against any potential threat . especially from alliances that might compromise their independence . however , he is now in too deep into the dragon ' s lair to back down .
honorable in the streets freak in the sheetsl .
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szyszkasosnowa · 1 year
A series of portraits of the Targaryen dynasty by the renowned Braavosi painter Mateyko Yan
I got inspired by @nanshe-of-nina's artasoiaf series and I thought... huh... there's a set of drawings showing various kings that could work in this context...
(Sorry Polish followers for any brain damage you may get from this post)
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Aegon the Conqueror with his sister-wife, Visenya (Rhaenys' portrait sadly was lost to time).
[Bolesław IV the Curly as Aegon and Anna Jagiellon as Visenya]
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Maegor the Cruel
[Bolesław III Wrymouth]
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Jaehaerys I and his sister-wife Good Queen Alysanne (Jaehaerys' portrait shows him by the end of their reign, while Alysanne is portrayed as a young queen).
[Mieszko III the Old and Richeza of Lotharingia]
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Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen who Never Was
[Doubravka of Bohemia]
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Daemon the Rogue Prince (here portrayed with the coat of arms of the house Arryn; possibly during his stay in the Vale of Arryn as the husband of lady Rhea Royce)
[Leszek the White]
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Viserys II
[Władysław II Jagiełło/ Jogaila]
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Aegon IV the Unworthy
[Augustus III]
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Maron Nymeros Martell, the ruling prince of Dorne, and his sister Myriah, the queen consort of Daeron II
[Władysław III of Varna and Jadwiga]
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Baelor Breakspear, son of Daeron II
[Konrad I of Masovia]
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Aerion Brightflame, son of Maekar I
[Władysław III Spindleshanks]
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khazelgl · 5 years
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Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken: Magnificent and Dangerous Women of House Nymeros Martell — 17/20.
Myriah was the heir of Prince Marence Martell. Being the eldest child, she was supposed to succeed her father as the ruling Princess of Dorne, but, as a result of the peace agreement between King Baelor I Targaryen and Prince Marence, Myriah married Daeron Targaryen, Baelor’s cousin, and years later, when he ascended to the throne, she became the Queen consort of Westeros, whereas her younger brother Maron became the next Prince of Dorne.
This marriage was happy and fruitful, and Myriah gave birth to four sons: Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel and Maekar.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
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The Ruling Princes and Princesses of Dorne
Leaders During the Unification with the Iron Throne
Aliandra Nymeros Martell - Nora Attal
Qyle Nymeros Martell - Marwan Kenzari
there’s two potential candidates for who the prince of sunspear was during daeron i’s war so I included both of them because it made the number even.
Qyle, Aliandra’s younger brother, is one of those candidates, because we don’t know if Aliandra ever had children
Qyle would have been a bit older by the submission of sunspear which is why I went with Marwain Kenzari
Marence Nymeros Martell - Rayane Allali
Elio and Linda give Maron and Myriah’s father the name “Marence” in the game Blood of Dragons.
It’s only semi canonical though and it should be noted that we don’t know how he’s related to Aliandra.
More on all that in my “who the hell is maron and myriah’s father” meta.
If Marence is Aliandra (or Qyle)’s son, he likely would have been a bit young when Daeron’s war starts so I went with a younger face for him
Maron Nymeros Martell - Tahar Rahim
Maelor Nymeros Martell - Fu'ad Aït Aattou
I specifically looked for a mixed model for this one, and Fu’ad is French and Moroccan.
Now, obviously Maelor is a Valyrian name, but it’s close to a Dornish one as well - Mallor.
I thought, given how much Maron is said to love Daenerys as well as the story Doran tells of Daenerys teaching her son how to rule, that Daenerys had a heavy hand in raising him and perhaps in naming him as well, something virtually no other lady has control over in the series
Hence, Maelor - it sounds like Baelor, it’s a less common Valyrian name, but it sounds Dornish enough as well. Kind of a meeting of both cultures, just like their son would be. 
Loreza Nymeros Martell - Leila Bekhti. 
This meta here lays out why Loreza is likely her name but to sum up:
Oberyn is clearly trying to reunite his family through the names of his children with Ellaria. Elia, Obella for himself, Doreah for Doran, and Loreza probably for his mother.
Doran Nymeros Martell - Alexander Siddig
Can you believe they wasted the perfect casting choice on that nonsense?
Arianne Nymeros Martell - May Elghety
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dyannawynnedayne · 10 months
Terros' Next Top DILF: Round 1
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Laenor: art by warp-speed, AWOIAF Page
Maron: art by @marthajefferson, AWOIAF Page
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princessnysar · 3 years
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Introducing Princess Naerys Nymeros Martell, eldest daughter of Prince Maron and Daenerys Targaryen 
Mother of Princess Loreza, Prince Lewyn, Princesses Layla, Amina, and Alysanne 
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laannie0803 · 3 years
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La princesa Mariah Nymeros Martell era la esposa y reina consorte del rey Daeron II Targaryen.
Mariah era la hija mayor del príncipe de Dorne durante el reinado del rey Daeron I Targaryen. Tenía un hermano menor, el príncipe Maron Martell.
En 161 DC, después de que el Rey Daeron I fuera asesinado en Dorne, el Rey Baelor I Targaryen liberó a los rehenes Dornish en Desembarco del Rey y los devolvió a Dorne personalmente, caminando descalzo. Una vez que llegó a Lanza del Sol, habló con el Príncipe de Dorne y acordó una paz, que incluía el compromiso de Mariah con el primo de Baelor, el Príncipe Daeron Targaryen. Los dos se casarían una vez que fueran mayores de edad.
Mariah finalmente se casó con Daeron, y tendrían cuatro hijos juntos: Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel y Maekar. Baelor se parecía a su madre en apariencia, con cabello y ojos oscuros.
En 184 DC., tras la muerte del rey Aegon IV Targaryen, Daeron lo sucedió como rey Daeron II Targaryen y Mariah se convirtió en reina.
Princess Mariah Nymeros Martell was the wife and queen consort of King Daeron II Targaryen.
Mariah was the eldest daughter of the Prince of Dorne during the reign of King Daeron I Targaryen. She had a younger brother, Prince Maron Martell.
In 161 AC, after King Daeron I was killed in Dorne, King Baelor I Targaryen freed the Dornish hostages in King's Landing and returned them to Dorne personally, walking barefoot. Once he reached Sunspear, he spoke with the Prince of Dorne, and agreed upon a peace, which included the betrothal of Myriah to Baelor's cousin, Prince Daeron Targaryen. The two would marry once they were both of age.
Mariah eventually married Daeron, and they would have four sons together: Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel and Maekar. Baelor took after his mother from him in appearance, with dark hair and eyes.
In 184 AC, after the death of King Aegon IV Targaryen, Daeron succeeded him as King Daeron II Targaryen and Mariah became queen.
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sunontherhoyne · 3 years
My Basic Oberyn/House Martell Timeline
I got eight notes when I asked if you guys wanted this so I might as well force you guys to see it >:3
Please keep in mind that this is all my own, personal headcanons, and may or may not explicitly be canon. (Though to be fair, I get the impression that GRRM can't really do math, which is understandable because I can't either, but doesn't exactly help anyone.)
· 228- Loreza Nymeros Martell born; Tremond and Maron Gargalen born *
· 233- Lewyn Nymeros Martell born
· 247- Loreza and Maron marry; Doran born (on the last day of the year)
· 252- Mellario born
· 257- Elia born (first month of the year)
· 258- Oberyn born (first month of the year); Ellaria born (third month)
· 272/273- Oberyn trains at the Citadel
· 273- Obara born (eleventh month) **
· 274- Yronwood incident happens, Oberyn “exiled” to Essos
· 275- Nymeria born
· 276- Doran and Mellario marry, Oberyn comes back to Dorne before wedding with Nymeria; Oberyn finds Obara and takes her home
· 277- Arianne born (first day of the year); Tyene born (third month) ***
· 279- Elia’s betrothal to Rhaegar happens [; Oberyn and Ellaria first meet late in the year in a canon-ish timeline?]
· 280- Elia and Rhaegar marry (second month); Sarella born (second month, brought to Oberyn near the end of the year); Rhaenys born (tenth month)
· 281- Quentyn born; Tourney of Harrenhal; Aegon born (end of the year)
· 282- Oberyn travels to Essos, does not return until the next year
· 282/283- Robert’s Rebellion
· 283 or 284- Oberyn and Ellaria officially become paramours
· 284- Elia (daughter of Oberyn) born ****
· 287- Trystane born; Obella born
· 293- Dorea born
· 294- Loreza (daughter of Oberyn) born
* Maron and Tremond Gargalen are twins, Tremond technically isn't relevant but I felt like I shouldn't deny this
** Obara could have actually been born as early as 271... but as I find the fact that Oberyn apparently started having sex as early as he did extremely creepy and worrisome, I Ignore That
*** Arianne was apparently born in 276, but I like the symbolism of her being born on the first day of the year and I really want Oby to be there when his brother gets married
If you guys have any questions about it, feel free to ask ^^
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dornedaily · 3 years
Hi there! Daenerys I really took Maron's surname after the wedding? bc I thought Dorne's marriage customs were different than the Seven Kingdoms, I mean, Nymeria of Ny Sar and Mellario of Norvos didn't took their husbands last name.
Hi! I quickly touched the topic in this meta about Dorne’s consort’s title. Nothing would lead us to think that Daenerys I took on the Martell surname.
It doesn’t have anything to do with Dorne’s marriage customs but simply with Daenerys’s own status. She was royalty, a princess of blood (to echo what they called princes of blood in France), whose marriage “mark[ed] Dorne’s marriage to the Iron Throne” (AFFC, The Soiled Knight). I will copy-paste what I wrote in that first meta:
Daenerys Targaryen (daughter of Aegon IV) married into House Nymeros Martell and is never referred as Daenerys Nymeros Martell. She is the only Westerosi lady we know of that married a ruling Prince of Dorne but it does work along this rule of keeping one’s birth name. Her title was most probably something along the lines of “Daenerys Targaryen, Lady of Sunspear/Lady Nymeros Martell, Princess Consort of Dorne”. Of course, she was royalty so it is very specific: the royal name will always prevail and Westerosi ladies cannot “marry into” the Targaryen family. All non-Targaryen spouses are referred by their birth house name, starting with Elia Nymeros Martell. Other exemples of this include Cersei Lannister (never Baratheon), Myriah Nymeros Martell, Aemma Arryn, Alicent Hightower and Betha Blackwood just to name a few.
To add to this, all Targaryen princesses who married into other houses are referred to as Targaryens. A few exemples include Rhaelle Targaryen (married Ormund Baratheon), Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Aemon, The Queen Who Never Was, married Corlys Velaryon) and Daella Targaryen (married Rodrik Arryn).
Even in the text, Daenerys I is still referred as being a Targaryen and not Martell:
The Gardens are my haven, Prince Maron raised them as a gift for his Targaryen bride (AFFC, The Soiled Knight)
One of my ancestors had them built to please his Targaryen bride (AFFC, The Watcher)
All in all, the Targaryen name always prevails, Dorne or not Dorne.
As for Nymeria of Ny Sar, she literally formed a new line combining her name and her husband’s name: Nymeros Martell (what a legend!). We can only guess for Mellario but she’s enough of a high-ranking noblewoman to keep her name no matter what and...Doran and her are estranged.
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House Nymeros Martell: Myriah&Maron, the suns who married dragons
Myriah was the eldest daughter of the Prince of Dorne during the reign of King Daeron I Targaryen.
After King Daeron I had been killed in Dorne in 161 AC, King Baelor I Targaryen freed the Dornish hostages in King's Landing and returned them to Dorne personally, walking barefoot. Once he reached Sunspear, he spoke with the Prince of Dorne, and agreed upon a peace, which included the betrothal of Myriah to Baelor's cousin, Prince Daeron Targaryen. The two would marry once they were both of age.
In 184 AC, after the death of King Aegon IV Targaryen, Daeron succeeded him as King Daeron II Targaryen and Myriah became queen.
Myriah’s marriage opened the door for Prince Maron to, more than two decades later, accept a marriage proposal between himself and Prince Daeron's (by then, King Daeron II) sister, Princess Daenerys Targaryen. This marriage formally made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms.
The marriage took place in King's Landing, and afterwards, when he had kneeled before the Iron Throne, Prince Maron and King Daeron went to pay their respects to the statue of the late King Baelor at the Great Sept. To celebrate the wedding, which took place in 187 AC, a tourney was held.
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