#my warriors/wolf phase paying off
cainternn · 1 year
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who is your favorite fearless hero?
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therealvagabird · 4 years
Sapphire Trio
Three OCs inspired by my time playing Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I don’t really have plans for this trio, but I wanted to get them down in writing. While not fanfic OCs, I imagine they inhabit a pseudo-romanticized version of Ancient Greece as depicted in that game.
They are all of them fans of murder and pretty ladies, and you can read about them under the cut.
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Phoebe the Owl
Appearance: Tall and powerful woman with tanned olive skin and rich brown hair. Her features are very beautiful and refined, though her physique is that of an Olympic champion. Despite her intensive agility training, Phoebe has a broad figure and a natural disposition to putting on bulk, making her size an intimidating diversion to her actual speed and stealthiness.
Phoebe wears arm and leg-guards of dark patinated bronze, an off-white chiton, a dark brown embroidered chlamys with hood, and several sashes of deep blue fabric for fasteners. She also has many tool-pouches about her harness and carries with her two daggers and a xiphos. For supplemental weapons she has a sheaf of throwing knifes, as well as more exotic items like her rare custom poisons.
Bio: Phoebe was born at sea, near to the island of Ithaka, to a pair of traders. She spent her earliest years on the water or in port, leading a tough but adventurous life, and enjoying much affection from her parents. However around the age of ten tragedy struck when the ship her family was on wrecked on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth. Phoebe was taken in by a passing patrol of soldiers returning to Attika and placed in the care of an adoptive family in Athens.
From then on Phoebe grew up within a simple military family in the city of Athens, receiving a basic girl’s education and being raised to be a good public servant – as her new parents determined early on she would not be a good candidate for an arranged marriage. However, through the processing of her trauma and remaining adventurous spirit, Phoebe began taking to the streets as an urchin. Her hobbies included eavesdropping, petty theft, and other pastimes of the city’s vagrant youth. She became quite adept, learning many skills through practice or second-hand observation, but she grew stifled by the inequalities and rigor of lawful Athenian life. Taking her leave from the city, Phoebe once again boarded a passing ship, and embraced the life of an itinerant mercenary.
Now, as an adult, she has continued along that path. Her travels about the Mediterranean have made her many friends and enemies, and she has become renowned as the Owl for her perceived wisdom, guile, and proficiency as an assassin. Despite her bulky figure and brusque attitude, Phoebe possesses a sharp tongue and deceptive sneakiness – though even with her bloody line of work, she’s known to be a compassionate soul. Phoebe despises inequality and injustice, and many times has taken contracts out of personal conviction besides simple pay. She met her longtime traveling companions, Eva and Laodice, aboard a pirate ship under the legendary captain Sofia the Gorgon, who acted as a notable mentor to the trio early in their careers.
Evaechme / Eva the She-Wolf
Appearance: Eva is a slender woman with a figure that evokes Artemis herself. Her skin is a rich tan from her long treks beneath the open sky, and her hair is a sun-bleached platinum, long and tied back in many braids in a style favored by huntresses and sailors. She has a missing left eye, and one eye of a blue-green hue like that of the sea, completing her naturalistic appearance.
Preferring light garments of hide, Eva’s outfit is a layered collection of soft leathers, totemic charms, and pelts taken from her many hunts. She prefers comfortable attire that provides protection from the elements but maximum flexibility for climbing, running, and stalking. Her weaponry includes a sabre, a javelin she may also use as a walking stick, and a large bow of olive wood and antler.
Bio: Born on the island of Mykonos to simple farmers, Evaechme always longed for something more in life. Though she did not hate her family, she despised being trapped in her place of birth, and stowed away on a ship to nearby Delos in search of adventure. She found it when, after being arrested by the Delian port authority, she was taken in by a priestess of Artemis. The priestess was sympathetic of Eva’s plight, and offered her a position as one of the Huntresses – military servants to the Cult of Artemis. Eva accepted and was sent on another ship with her new sisters to Brauron in Attika to train. Evaechme swore a vow of celibacy and was inducted into the ways of hunting, survival, and the mysteries of Artemis. However this too in time became dull to her, and to the anger of many of her sisters Eva left on a pirate ship bound for Lesbos some years later and started a new life as a mercenary.
Evaechme is defined by her utter inability to ever be satisfied, and the fact that she is a culmination of all her life experiences. She offers many insights and derives much comfort from various rituals and hobbies she picked up as a peasant, as a Huntress, and as a pirate, but she holds no strong conviction to any one cause. Though a very spiritual and superstitious soul, she never neglects to pursue what she wants, or break from social norms. She is also prone to biting off more than she can chew in search of a challenge, and her initial compulsion to team up with Phoebe and Laodice came from her realizing the value of having trusted allies.
Eva is quite fond of animals and has at various points in her life had pet cats, dogs, raptors and other birds, wolves, and wildcats.
Laodice the Aetos / the Bronze Eagle
Appearance: Laodice is a large and fearsome woman whose figure speaks to the very lineage of Herakles. Her features are strong and androgynous in their hard angles, and her scarred skin is a rich olive, though not so dark as her companions’. Black hair is kept in a somewhat military hairstyle, with the front and top cropped into short curls, while the excess on the sides and back is braided into a “circlet and tail” design.
Referred to on occasion as the Colossus of Amazonia, Loadice’s pride is a set of armor made of modified pieces looted from many opponents, rivaling the ancient skill of Mycenae in its design. The armor, of polished bronze, features a cuirass and armored tassets, along with shin-guards and vambraces. Providing additional armor are two light but solid bronze slab-pauldrons reinforced with leather, bronze torcs acting as rerebraces, and a Corinthian helmet featuring a slight pointed bronze crest and two wing-like plume crests. Beneath, she wears simple garments of thick cloth and leather to provide padding and comfort. Her main weapon is a large maul with a flanged bronze head – the ridges allowing oil-soaked linens or rope to be affixed around the mace and ignited for intimidating and deadly effect.
Bio: Born in Macedon to unknown parentage, Laodice was raised as a mercenary from a very young age by a rough band of travelling warriors. Laodice’s pseudo-father was a northerner who nonetheless claimed to be descended from all manner of mythical heroes and was as quick to violence as he was to laughter. Though far from an ideal childhood, it nonetheless served to mold Laodice into an Amazonian terror to rival any man. She became renowned for her great strength, being called Man-Maiden and The Aetos – the Bronze Eagle of Zeus. Laodice’s life was typical for that of a mercenary from then on, and though far from a pinnacle of refinement, Laodice enjoyed defying other’s expectations of her, going out of her way to try and train her mind to be as notable as her physique. As with those men she was raised under, Laodice’s main hobbies include fighting and drinking, and she is a staunch believer in the power of the gods, holding particular reverence for Athena and Persephone.
Laodice’s major break came during her service under Sofia the Gorgon, where she managed to accrue a wealth of experience, notoriety, and gold. Towards the end of this phase in her life was when she obtained her Colossus Panoply and Hammer of Storms – her impressive armor and bludgeon which she intends to turn into items of legend through her use of them alone. Loadice is the anvil which any enemies struggle to break, leaving themselves tired and distracted for the three-way assault of the Owl, the Wolf, and the Eagle.
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dokusedai · 4 years
@yashakami said :  hauls a boar right into the den and dumps it at sango's feet. no care as to the blood trail behind her or the blood soaking her pelt. "mine's bigger than dad's. whatever he tells you is a damn lie."
            To say she was proud, would be an understatement. Watching the girl now, even without being able to hear what was being said from such a distance; Sango saw each step from the very first to the one that crossed her back into the safest territory in all of Kouga and InuYasha’s mountain’s. Back home... A crisp wind pushed her hair sharply off her shoulder before turning swiftly and surging back in a draft that had the slayer tightening her stance against the pressure. But her gaze didn’t stray, watching as her eldest daughter’s hair caught the sunlight -- and a bittersweet moment touched her heart. A hand reflexively lifting to touch her breast. Of all the children, Ichika was the least like her... the least human.  She was more Kouga and InuYasha’s daughter, than my own. That hand moved down to her stomach.
           Across the distance Ichika and her mother made eye contact. A tender moment is passed and Sango’s lips softened into a welcome home smile. A boar was slung over her shoulder in such a way that bespoke of how very much her fathers she was. Love bloomed in Sango’s chest, and her lungs expanded with the most breathtaking sensation. Ichika was hers.  And when her little girl landed on the ledge she stood on, just outside of their personal den; Sango didn’t see the proud youthful warrior with her prey.  She saw the little girl with a lopsided braid, bangs hanging in her face and a missing left fang that she was quick to whine about. LIttle fur cuffs around her ankles and ears almost too big for her head. In the mist of her minds eye, Sango saw Ichika squat down and scratch her ear with her foot while carrying on some radical conversation. Something about an imaginary exploit against foul demons that had attached Hibana during a storm. But really it had been Ahmya working on her ‘wolf language’, an adorable phase that had quickly turned from running around on all fours, barking and growling. Into an annoying ‘wolves don’t use human language’ arguments consisting of growling and howling.
The seeping of blood and the thudding of a body broke Sango’s superimposed moment of memory. Without skipping a beat, Sango bent down to inspect the prized game; as was a role she had played often, between her fathers competitive natures and the traditions of the wolves. No doubt Kouga and InuYasha would return shortly with her favored berries and fruits alongside their own boars. “Stop swearing, Ika-chan.” Firm, but almost casual and backhanded as the flash of steel clinked softly against tusks and the mouth was inspected.  Serious inspection was due, after all -- but so was making her daughter sweat.
           Dark eyes lifted, elbows resting on her knees, before she smiled. “Well done, and I believe you, your fathers are usually too busy bickering anyhow to pay attention anymore.” Not ENTIRELY untrue; but as Sango rose to reach for Ichika in a one-armed, brief hug and shoulder pat, the slayer winked. “Now clean up all that blood before it attracts flies.”
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eyebeastposts · 4 years
Fan Fiction Road: The Altar of EyeBeast
   Driving down Fan Fiction Road in the dark of night, your car suddenly  breaks down as you pass through a thickly wooded area. Devoid of phone  service, you find yourself drawn to a strange light in the tree line.  Pushing through the bushes you find yourself standing in front of an old  church. The pictures and strange runes along the walls do not appear to  come from any known religion. Peeking up at the stained glass window,  you see a glimmer of the light that first drew you in. Steeling your  nerves, you push open the imposing set of doors and step inside.
    Your nose is assaulted with the scent of heavy incense. You find  yourself in in the center chamber where dozens of hooded figures dressed  in black robes are gathered. They don’t appear to pay much attention to  you, even as the door shuts loudly behind you. The reason becomes  evident as you look at the thing atop the grey, stone altar.
    Its shape mimics that of a singular, human eye blown up to the size of a  hot air balloon. Its grey sclera counteracts the void of black making  up its glowing pupil and iris. The eye shifts gradually, to both observe  its followers and maintain a glimmering cloud in the center. Mesmerized  by the thing’s strange aura, you take another step forward to look into  the anomaly.  
    Upon a closer look, you see dozens of images pass through the cloud.  The images depict characters from various, popular franchises going  through strange and unusual sequences. As off-putting as some of the  scenes are, you can’t help watching out of either curiosity or genuine  enjoyment. A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality.
     Turning your head, you are met with the soft gaze of a woman with a  shaved head. The eye creature is drawn on her forehead in ink,  surrounded by the same symbols from outside. “Hello traveler,” she says  in a low voice. “I see you’ve stumbled upon our little gathering.”
     Without a word, she leads you deeper into the crowd. “We are the  followers of the All Seeing One, the deity you see before you. Their  power is immense, able to alter space, time, and various realities to  create pocket dimensions for its own amusement. From time to time, it  gives us certain request. In return for providing a list of acceptable  candidates, it demonstrates its powers to us by recreating the scene  using the choices agreed upon by its followers.”
     As soon as she stops talking the image at the altar disappears, making  the rest of the hooded figures turn towards you. “If your mind is open  and your desires forthcoming, feel free to join our group of worship  under the eye of the All Seeing One. However, if you reject our offer we  will have no choice…but to politely ask you to leave.”
     Someone in the crowd purposefully clears their throat. “After you’ve  helped yourself to the food table of course,” she adds. “Especially  Stephen’s snicker-doodles, they are just divine.”
    For the past few years now, I’ve made it a tradition to have people  vote on what kind of fan fiction story I write next. Typically, I would  pick a subject (weight gain, transformations, etc.) and have people  suggest various characters and scenarios that fit the subject. While I  have enjoyed the previous sessions, I want to shake things up a bit in  terms of how things are done and what kind of stories I get to write.
  If you’ve read the above story, it sets the stage for what I want to do.  I’m going to provide five different scenarios, each of which is a  different request from the All Seeing One. For two weeks, your task will  be to suggest offerings (characters) that will fit the criteria for  each scenario. Once the suggestions are in, there will be a survey that  will determine which stories you want me to write and with which  characters. And yes, I said stories.
  My plan with this session is to suggest ideas that can be told in  relatively short stories. Using this method, I should be able to do  multiple stories going in order of popularity. I can’t promise that I’ll  do every single one, but I’ll try to do most of them. If you want to  get involved and become a member of the Church of EyeBeast, take a look  below at the guidelines and scenarios. Please read carefully.  
To suggest a character/characters, send the name of the character,  what franchise they’re from, and which scenario you want them in. You  can either use my ask box or message me directly
Regardless of method you use to suggest a character, no names will be  attached to the candidates.
You can submit as many suggestions as you wish until I close the submission phase.
You are free to suggest any characters you want, but if you want to   suggest one from something I know, you can refer to my media sheet: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast.....heet-819010665  
I will be looking just for characters, not scenarios.  
The same character can be suggested for difference scenarios as long as they fit the criteria.  
During the suggestion phase there will be no cap on how many  characters can be suggested for a scenario. However, once the polls are  made I will be narrowing down the character pools to no more than 10  entries each.  
The suggestion phase will last for two weeks, ending on JULY 15TH.  At that time, I will open up the survey for people to vote. After   another week, I will close the survey and announce the results.  
A) Couple’s Feast- We have an issue of too many leftovers from our last  meeting. The All Seeing One wishes to give them to one lucky couple. For  this one in particular, they will be looking for one male and one  female.
-General Idea: Male and female mutual weight gain.  
-Criteria: Any male and female couple.  
1. Joker (Persona 5) and one of the girls based on a poll
2. Breath of the Wild Link and Zelda  
3. Andy and Mai (KOF)
4. Hiro and 02 (Darling in the Franxxx)
5. Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)
6. Tharja and Male Robin (Fire Emblem)
7. Shuichi and Kaede (Danganronpa)
8. Mulan and Shang (Disney)
9. Vincent (Catherine) and either Catherine or Katherine based on a poll
10. Kimihito (Monster Musume) and a Monster girl based on a poll
11. Ryu and Chun-li (Street Fighter)
12. Izuku and Ochako (My Hero Academia)
13. Ed and Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)
14. Makise Kurisu and Houoin Kyouma (Steins;Gate)
15. Male Reader and Doki Doki Literature Club Girl based on a poll
16. Male Reader and Huniepop Girl based on a poll
17. Hisao Nakai and Katawa Shoujo Girl based on a poll
18. Joey and Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)
19. Inuyasha and Kagome (Inuyasha)
B) Princess Makeover-The All Seeing One wishes to gift someone who is of  lower class or rough around the edges a taste of the high life,  specifically what it’s like to be a princess. They will be given an  extreme makeover, giving them the curves, bountiful hair, and regality  befitting someone of royalty. Gender of tribute does not matter.  
-General Idea: Extreme hourglass expansion, hair growth, princessification, and, if applicable, gender swap.  
-Criteria: Any character that could be described as being against  traditionally girly things. Things like a tomboy, a warrior, etc.  
1. Samus (Metroid)  
2. Ryuko (Kill La Kill)  
3. Sakura (Street Fighter)
4. Chie (Persona)
5. Korra (Avatar)
6. Aladdin (Disney)
7.  Lady (Devil May Cry)
8. Tracer (Overwatch)
9. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) poll to decide between classic and reboot
10. Kazuma (Konosuba)
11. R. Mika (Street Fighter)
12. Rotty Tops (Shantae)
13. Ganondorf (Zelda)
14. Amara (Borderlands)
15. Asuka (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
16. Shinobu Jacobs (No More Heroes)
C) Royal Reversal- The All Seeing One wishes to teach humility to the  upper class. The offering shall be given a complete reversal for their  life. Skinny to fat, clean to dirty, intelligent to idiotic, male to  female and vice versa. Obviously the offerings we are looking for must  come from royalty or are suitably upper class.  
-General Ideas: Weight gain, IQ loss, slob, and gender swap.  
-Criteria: Royalty or upper class. Things like kings, queens, princes, princesses, and the fabulously wealthy.  
1. Karin (Street Fighter)  
2. Wonder Woman (DC)  
3. Satsuki (Kill La Kill)  
4. Sonia (Danganronpa)
5.  Lucina (Fire Emblem)
6. Midna (Zelda) poll to decide which version
7. Hilde (Soulcalibur)
8. Peach (Mario)
9. Parasoul (Skullgirls)
10. Mary Saotome (Kakegurui)
11. Malty Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)
12. Catarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess)
13. Emelia (Re:Zero)
14. Risky Boots (Shantae)
15. Starfire (Teen Titans)
16. Jasmine (Disney)
D) Pig Deity-The All Seeing One wishes for an ego boost. Provide to them  the name of a god or holy person to wallow in the mud and become the  patron saint of hogs.  
-General Ideas: Weight gain and anthro pig transformation.  
-Criteria: A holy person, either a deity or someone very religious.  
1. Palutena (Kid Icarus)  
2. Aqua (Konosuba)  
3. Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)  
4.  Tiki (Fire Emblem)
5. Panty (Panty and Stocking)
6. Rosalina (Mario)
7. Azazel (Helltaker)
8. Venus (Huniepop)
9. Sophitia (Soulcalibur)
10. Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
11. Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
12. Holo (Spice and Wolf)
E) Pokemon Fusion- The All Seeing One has become aware of a world  inhabited by creatures called Pokémon. Its interest has piqued  concerning the everlasting bond made between the creatures and their  trainers. A test must be performed to see if we can further this  connection by combining the two beings.  
-General Ideas: Transformation and other effects based on the Pokémon chosen.  
-Criteria: A trainer and a Pokémon, preferably one that they have some kind of connection with.  
1. Roxie/Koffing  
2. Whitney/Miltank  
3. Bea/Hariyama
4. Flannery/Magcargo
5. Melony/Lapras
6. Sabrina/Slowbro
7. Nurse Joy/Chansey
8. Pokemon Breeder/Ditto
9. Fantina/Driftblim
10. Hilda/Scolipede
11. May/Slaking
12. Cynthia/Garchomp
13. Dawn/Spiritomb
14. Kiawe/Salazzle
15. Jessie/Arbok
16. Hex Maniac/Gourgeist
17. Officer Jenny/Arcanine
18. Lusamine/Buzzwole
19. Iris/Zekrom
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dolanswhore · 5 years
Moonlight. (6) The Wolf Within.
Series Masterlist. || Chapter 5.
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The week was rough on all of them, filled with hunger as the cold air of winter increases chasing any form of food away. The animals of the forest all seeking warmer lands, leaving the predator of the forest hungry. The upcoming full moon was only weeks away leaving Ethan and Grayson on edge, with every new moon phase bodies filling with more testosterone. Bodies began to grow, gaining even more muscle, the pants made of deer skins they now wore to fend against the cold weather of fall, are too tight. Y/N can’t help but notice how much thicker their thighs and waist grew, her eyes can’t ever seem to leave their skin.
“My little warrior.” Ethan’s voice was snapped her from her own thoughts before his hand came down to grab her, she tries to move but is too slow for Ethan’s fast reflexes that wrapped around her waist. “Now how are you supposed to defend yourself if you can’t even pay attention?”
It wasn’t a whisper, but a tone so calming it made goosebumps form against her cold skin, his hot breath spreading the warmth, blush spreading to warm her face. “Well in my defense they all don’t look like you and Grayson.”
“Okay enough playing little wolf before I get Grayson over here.” Last time he didn’t take it take it easy on her, he believed in training her as if she was fighting an enemy, and not weakly how Ethan did. Grayson wasn’t rough but he also wasn’t gentle, training as if he was an actual opponent going for her crown.
As the week grew on, it was noticeable how much stronger she was growing, she gained some weight, that turned into rock hard muscles in her arms, and stomach. The males weren’t easy on her, everywhere they went, she was. She trained endlessly with them, from rock climbing to hunting, she learned the ways of a real survivor of the wolf within.
Ethan’s hand went towards her face once again but she drops to the ground, blocking the impact and rolling onto the foliage to get away from him. Grayson’s eyes are on her, pupils taking in the whole sight of her, her fighting form sexy as ever. His stomach burns at the thought of her, abdomen tightening at the wondering of how soft her skin felt. He already knew though, it was the softness thing he’s ever felt. 
“Are you hungry, my half?”
Her eyes now meet Grayson, his bare chest out despite how old the weather was It didn’t seem to bother him. He was mostly healed now, cuts from Ethan’s nails healed, but he still walked with a slight limp, but it was barely noticeable by the strength and power he carries with every step.
A small nods comes from her but that's all it takes to have the twins stalking away to find dinner. "You can sit this one out." Grayson mumbles, "you've grown strong, I'm proud of my female."
Ethan obliviously agreed as he nodded his head, the warmth of his lips against the skin of her cheek. “As am I.”
No matter the situation it was constant praise, it never stopped, they would never stop showing how they were happy she was theirs. With this free time she decided to bathe, pulling the beads from her hair, it took a while to undo all the braids but soon enough the puff of wavy hair was freed, its been a week since she washed it, it felt good to have it out.
It was relaxing to have alone time, her body ached and burned with the growing strength inside her, she was pushing herself beyond limits she didn’t even know she could surpass. Cuts and bruises cover her body showing how hard she did worked for what she achieved. For the first time ever, she was proud of herself. These males made her stronger, made her feel complete, she saw why, she understands the mate bond but still doesn’t know much about it.
“You took your hair out?” The hunt was no use, with winter coming close all the animals had moved from the dying land. A certain tetchy was shown in Grayson when he said the words, obviously from the hunt not going well, knowing his brother and mate will go another night with growling stomachs. 
“Yeah, I had to wash it.” The look of hurt on his face confused her, she didn’t understand why it upset him so much.
“Grayson?” He chose not to answer her.
“It’s okay brother, I’ll just re-braid it when she gets out.” Ethan is trying to calm his brother with a hand to his shoulder but grips it tightly letting him know if he gets out of hand he will do something about it. 
“That’s not the point. We are her mates, we are supposed to take her hair out and wash it.” Grayson is angry, a growl rumbling inside his chest. “What kind of Alpha am I if I can’t provide for my mate? wash her hair for her?”
“she didn’t know.”
“That’s because she was raised wrong.” The words still hurt, even though she understands where he is coming from. She knew it was just his insecurities talking but felt anger bubble inside her chest. “Her parents suppressed her wolf, instead of letting her free.”
“Maybe her parents didn’t know.” Ethan is facing his brother, hand gripping the back of his neck. “They might not be her parents brother, stop getting mad over things you can’t control.”
“My parents are my parents! What are you trying to say I’m adopted?” Y/N is out of the water now, her nudity the last of her concern as her finger raises in the air to scowled them. “That’s impossible.”
“If your parents were wolves they wouldn’t have raised you among humans. They will never hurt you in this way.”
“I’m hurt just because I’m 19 without a wolf?” She spits, words filled with anger. “Maybe she just needs time!”
“No, your wolf would have shown on your 16th birthday. It is there fault you’re like this.”
“There is nothing wrong with me Grayson!” His name shouted in the tone made his blood boil at his stubborn mate. 
“There is something wrong with your wolf, she is stuck inside you and has been for years. I can feel her pain, she will hate you for what you’ve done to her.” Grayson hand is flat against his chest with words of venom as if he was feeling her pain as they talked.
“It’s not my fault!”
“She won’t understand that, my wolf howls at night for her. He feels her pain and you need to stop it.” Grayson’s eyes gloss over but what Y/N can’t tell is if it’s from anger or actual sadness. 
“Ethan, it’s not my parents fault right? Will she actually hate me? Why is he yelling at me like I did something wrong?” Sadness drips from her tone as Ethan looks at the ground, avoiding her eyes but he would never lie to her.
“You did do something wrong, you’re suppressing your nature and you still are.” Ethan was the one she looked for comfort in, he always was more gentle on her, sugarcoating words but the seriousness of the situation made it impossible not to. “Let her out, you’re not letting her out.”
“I don’t know how.” Tears fall against her cheeks as their disappointment in her finally hit her, it clung in the air wrapping around her neck and cutting her airway off as it suddenly felt hard to breath. 
Grayson is the first to step towards, his thumb trying to wipe the tear but she steps away from his touch, not meeting his eyes. “My half -”
“I just want to be alone.” She cuts off his words, as Ethan shakes his head. “We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, we worry for you. We go back to claim the pack in twenty days, we will need our little warrior ready.”
“Why would you want me to lead a pack with you if I am so wrong?”
Grayson shakes his head, “You are not wrong, my half. You were raised wrong, but never ever wrong.”
Soft lips of Ethan’s meet her should, hands gently taking hers, hoping not to scare her. Grayson follows suit, to press his touch against her, to comfort her. “You are so very right.”
Ethan’s soft hands move her hair from her face, “How about we braid your hair again, hmm?”
Grayson nods, “And after you stay in the cabin and we’ll go hunting again. We won’t go hungry tonight.”
“We have food, stay with me.” She practically begs, not wanting them to leave, loving the feeling the buzzes around her when they are around, the warmness and comfort that lies across her body like a blanket. 
“The food is for the harder days we face, we are not starving enough to touch them.” Ethan explained.
Grayson and Ethan were raised as providers, raised to be the strongest of the pack, raised to the darkest and cruelest nights of the forest. Starving for them wasn’t nothing compared to what they have endured, but what bothered them was the growling they would hear late at night inside her stomach, begging for food, they should provide. 
“We will need them for the cold days when everything dies.” Grayson’s hands take hers, guiding her to the cabin. Inside is filled with warmth compared to the cold, fall day. Tiny leaves of color follow them inside, but none of them seem to care as Grayson sits down bringing her down between his legs. He begins to comb all the knots from her hair and Ethan follows taking a brushed strain and braiding her hair like a warrior. 
By the time they are done, full hunger has set into her. Grayson had managed to spare some jerky, handing it to her. “We will back.”
She tries to split it into three pieces but Ethan and Grayson shake their heads. “It’s for you my little warrior.”
Ethan gives her one more smile, finger playing with a bead on the strand of her hair. “We will be back soon.”
It felt like hours, she busied herself with trying to sew, the males have been trying to teach her, but quickly learned she would not be a seamstress, ever. They would laugh in amusement, the most amazing sight she ever seen. The memory sent a smile to her lips, Grayson’s hand raising to touch her should, “It’s okay, you’ll be a gifted tracker I know it.”
Almost instantly the beautiful memory is replaced with horror as Grayson comes through the door, almost knocking it off the man-made hinges. A furry animal drapped across his shoulder, but judging by the redness of his eyes, the horror on his face along with the large bite marks that were leaking blood it was anything but good.
“Grayson?” She was on her feet in seconds as Grayson gentle places the animal against the table, the whimpers were unhuman, the pain the animal had was excruciating. 
“Ethan?” A small whimper fell from her lips as her finger-tips touch the soft fur.
“I-I.” Grayson was out of breath, tears pooling in his eyes as his chin began to quiever. “A bear, it came out of no where, Ethan jumped in front of me.”
It was clear Grayson gave a good fight, the cuts and bite marks against his face, shoulders and stomach showed how hard he did fight for his brother. The only sound heard was the whines falling from Ethan’s wolf but even soon that was gone as breaths are no longer existent.. 
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jadeender · 5 years
Back to his Roots
They had awoken the next morning to find Four split, his fragments asleep curled up together where Four has been before. With the storm gone they set out early. Leaving their cave they looked an odd bunch, with their normal clothes dry again the links had adopted an odd fashion sense.
They wore an odd mismatch of their own clothes and their darks. Four’s selves were still wearing their darker colors, Twilight had doned all his own clothes again including his wolf pelt, and Time was redressed in his full armor though a hint of black tunic peaked out from where white normally did.
Legend had chosen to keep Acidics long black under tunic placing his red tunic over it and forgoing wearing either of their caps, it showed off how Legend’s hair had gained some green streaks like those in Acidics. Wind had also gone back to his normal clothes though he didn’t have much to mix and match like the others did.
Hyrule looked like he was going through a goth phase, he had kept all of Callous’s clothes except for replacing the top layer with his own green tunic, likely Callous had made a big fuss about it leading to the current situation. Or so Warriors thought. Wild had returned to his normal clothes in addition to doning a simple black cloak, his clothes were perfectly clean and unwrinkled, his hair brushed and made into a simple ponytail. Sky as well had gone back to his own clothes completely.
Everyone had packed away their darks clothes in case they ever needed them again and headed out.
Warriors himself had gone back to his usual clothes and armor with his and Conqueror’s scarves, it was quite sweltering normally wearing two scarves but the mountains they were currently traveling through were quite cold so he was thankful for the extra layers.
As always Hyrule’s home was full of monsters and these mountains were crawling with axe wielding Diara and wallmasters. By noontime they were all drenched in sweat and tired the fights were near constant and their progress was slow. Not that Warriors minded a good fight occasionally but even he was tired.
Conqueror on the other hand, he lived for this. Everytime their sword decapitated another foe he delighted. His bloodlust was stronger than any Warriors had ever seen. It honestly scared Warriors a little to think that he could ever be consumed by that same kind of desire for blood.
Turning his thoughts back outward Warriors noticed things were changing, a tingling feeling rose on the back of his neck before a feeling like pouring water washed over him. In a moment their surrounding shifted from the mountainous tunnels they had been traversing into an open field in front of a magnificent castle. Warriors knew it in a second, he was home.
The gates of Hyrule Castle opened as the heroes stood there attempting to get their bearings. Once the gate was open the forces of Hyrule marched forth in rows and rows of armed warriors. Dressed simply in blue and white tunics bearing the hyrule crest, light armor, and helms adorned with the hyrule crest as well, they marched out creating a corridor back towards the castle.
“This is a high class welcome.” Legend commented.
“Welcome to my home.” Warriors said flourishing at his castle and his men that surrounded them. “They don't do a welcome like this for anyone, but I’m an exception.”
Warriors started down the corridor his head held high but as he attempted to go three soldiers broke off and made a line keeping him from continuing.
“Ah Warriors, is this normal?” Wild asked from behind them.
“No, its not.” Warriors said eyeing the soldiers in front off him. “Who has been in charge in my absence? I wanted to speak with them.”
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about them darling. They’re a bit tied up at the moment. You’ll be dealing with me today.” The voice of a woman floated from down the line and the boys watched dumbfounded as Veran strood confidently down the corridor towards them.
Immediately Warriors grabbed for his sword and made ready.
“This bitch again. Now’s the perfect time to end her.” Conqueror commented as Warriors sword twitched in his hands and he could feel his dark gearing up to take control for the fight.
“Not now Barbie.” Warriors grunted. “Let them go Veran.”
The woman merely laughed. “But I’ve only just enslaved them, it was rather easy actually. Once I told them off how their hero and beloved leader had turned traitor, consorting with beings of darkness and slaughtering nations, they all willing joined my side.”
Warriors seethed at the accusation, him a traitor? There was nothing on this earth he hated more than traitors, not cia or even ganon himself.
As his anger grew Warriors didn’t even notice Conqueror taking control smoothly he charged at Veran.
“Warriors no!” Someone called out as he went to cut off her head only to have one of his soldiers, his men, to step in front taking the blow meant for her. The man's head toppled to the ground. And he laughed.
Warriors laughed looking at the dead man, he honestly couldn't tell if it was Conqueror’s or his own excitement he was feeling but the prospect of an all out battle, a real battle excited him.
“It seems you will have your work cut out for you men.” Veran called to soldiers. “These men are criminals and traitors the crown, see this ones red eyes? Proof he has given over to the forces of darkness and turned traitor. Destroy them in the name of your princess.”
Veran gave a rallying cry and the soldiers joined in before rushing at the heroes with sword, lance, and bow at the ready.
Warriors shut everyone out completely as he raised his sword and began to swing, his friends could be dead in the ground but all he could think about was getting to Veran and destroying her. For once he didn’t feel the need to resist Conqueror and found their intentions and motivations aligning as they fought.
Raising his shield the man blocked a hail fire of arrows before running forward slicing in a wide arc taking out the first rank of soldiers, as they fell another with locked shields took their place.
“Excellent.” His voice slurred falling in between Warriors and Conquerors tones.
Warriors took out yet another wave as he turned around for the first time his clothes soaked in blood to look at his companions. None of them were fighting, they had their weapons out but were completely unmoving, they appeared disinterested or shocked.
“Traitors all of them.” He whispered, turning back to the battle at hand. Summoning part of his powers the man created several copies of himself each bearing a black image with glowing red eyes. The clones went to work pushing back against the army their might together clearing the way as the man himself strolled up to Veran.
“What power you’ve shown darlin.” The woman complimented. “Are you sure you’re really a hero? You seem rather…. Dark.”
Veran laughed at her own pun as the man readied his sword.
“You’ll pay for doing this to us.” The man grunted out. He slashed down at the witch who disappeared in a flash and reappeared floating in the air.
“Tisk tisk, not yet my dear. You may seek me at the home of my master.” With that Veran disappeared into black smoke.
A scream ripped from Warriors throat as he looked at where she had been not a second ago. The man turned back towards his companions and found the clones gone and the army in ruins, those left were running now that they’d seen what kind of monster their captain had become. Serves them right the traitors for believing the words off that witch.
The man stalked back towards his companions who met him with raised sword.
“What the hell Warriors, or Conqueror or whoever you are right now.” Time bellowed his sword stretched out front.
“C’mon Eternal you love a good blood bath as much as any true dark.” Conqueror said his words slurring against Warriors sarcastic answer of “Whatever I want.”
“You need to stop.” Time continued. “Don’t you see the innocent men that lay dead around you? That you slaughtered?”
“Of course I do, it was fun haven't let loose in awhile. ‘Side Stygian said I’d have a time to be angry, this is it. Even got control of this body while I was at it.” Conqueror said as he cleaned off the blood from their sword with Warriors royal blue scarf.
Hearing those words snapped Warriors back into reality, he found his control slippin away by the second, in anger he’d allowed Conqueror to distract him and take control.
“No.” He gurgled out as Warriors fought to take control again. Time who had been ranted about something stopped seeing the change.
“Fight him Warriors!” Wind yelled. The others joined in a similar vein.
“I won't go back, never again soldier boy.” Conqueror swore. “You better get used to it.”
Conqueror reached and unwound the blue scarf from his neck and dropped it to the ground in an act of finality.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Hey folks! Chris Allen here; today, I’m bringing with me a bit of bonus content originally cut from The Pack, the first supplement for Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition.
When we were developing how Lodges would work in 2nd Edition, one of the core concepts I wanted to push was the idea that Lodges are cults. They’re weird groups of weird people doing weird things; they’re transgressive because those transgressions bond the adherents together and often give real power, and they’re secretive because they don’t want outsiders to know about those transgressions. They practice odd traditions and perform strange acts to strengthen the mystic power of the Lodge and its totem.
In order to really demonstrate this in practice, I wrote up a set of “Mysteries” for each of the sample Lodges in the book. These were going to replace the story hooks — indeed, you’ll see where some of the story hooks were repurposed for the Mysteries format — and serve as a direct presentation of the ways each particular Lodge was blasphemous, transgressive, tight-knit, or just plain odd. In the end, we kept with the story hooks format that was published due to a lack of time to insert the new Mysteries approach, but I kept the cut material and I’m glad to now be able to share it with you.
Ultimately, Lodge Mysteries best represent my vision for how to get across the nature of each of these Lodges, detailing the practices and mystic secrets that fuel rumors and suspicion among the uninitiated.
The Lodge of Garm: Mysteries of the God-Killers
The cult rejects the second tenet of the Oath of the Moon, the People do not murder the People. The Lodge believes the tenet is false doctrine spread and encouraged by a corrupt faction among the Lunes. Garm has bestowed the adherents with true wisdom — killing other Uratha can be righteous.
Garmir harvest slain Pure elders to make grisly trophies. The cult believes these steal the power the Pure Firstborn have invested in their Anshega champions. On the first hunter’s moon of the year, cultists gather and offer a tithe of such trophies to the sand-fleshed wolf spirits that serve Garm. Garm demands captive Pure elders are also offered up as sacrifices, usually by being burnt alive.
Fierce wolves and dogs guard cult property or accompany Lodge warriors. The cult feeds the flesh of fallen Pure enemies to the beasts in the belief that the canines thus steal the Anshega totems’ strength. When the animals perish, the Lodge consumes the bodies in bloody ceremonies.
To repay loyal spirits of strife or destruction, Garm orders Lodge cells to stir up conflict amongst mortal communities. His wolf-servants of sand and hieroglyphs judge disobedient cultists harshly, but sometimes gift successful cells with fetish weapons wrought from wolf-teeth and bronze.
The Lodge guards two secret forms of the written First Tongue, one a runic script and the other in hieroglyphs. The cult believes the runes and glyphs hold special power over wolf spirits and Uratha ancestor spirits. Garmir uses these sacred scripts to call and bind ancestral spirits of their enemies, denying the Pure their allies. Trapped spirits undergo terrible torments and inquisitions by the God-Killer’s brood.
The Thousand Steel Teeth: Mysteries of the Steel Teeth
Humanity owes the roads a debt; the spirit courts are eager to collect in blood on the asphalt. The Steel Teeth fight that ravenous appetite, chaining the road spirits with pacts to enforce restraint. They let the spirits collect only a small tithe of lives through accidents and deaths.
The spirits cause accidents as part of the tithe. When a driver survives through sheer luck or supernatural intervention, it weakens the pacts. The Smoke Drinker reaches through car radios and the pattern of raindrops on windscreens to its adherents when this happens, setting them on the hunt of the hapless survivors — and any entities responsible for causing the upset.
A gear dog who dies well on the high-speed hunt, perishing amidst hurtling metal and spraying gasoline and the scream of air rushing past, is her own offering to the road courts — forcing them to accept her blood in place of a thousand human lives.
When the phases of the moon and the stock market prices of the big car manufacturers align, it is time for the sacred Hecatomb. In these wild celebrations, one hundred cars must burn in a grand sacrifice to the Smoke Drinker — a night of thievery and high-speed chases as the Steel Teeth compete for the finest rides they can steal.
Cultists perform the iziga to repent after sinning through breaking Oath or ban or whatever minor traffic law the totem has declared sacrosanct. In this fiery ritual, adherents paint sigils of repentance on their flesh in oil or gasoline then set them alight, searing the sin away.
The guhkharraan is a holy pilgrimage of roads. A cultist seeking revelation or spiritual harmony begins with naught but the clothes on her back, eats only what she can glean from the roadside and listens to the oracular whispers of the spirits of road and fume. Some find hallucinatory revelation at the end of their journeys.
The Lodge of the Screaming Moon: Mysteries of the Screaming Moon
All banshees practice the kilisu-zithu, the ritual girding before the sacred hunt. The adherent wears terrifying trophies taken from her own kills; the bloodier and messier and the more screaming there was, the richer the resonance of fear. The Tyrant’s allied spirits pay honor to cultists with the most terrifying kilisu-zithu.
The Lodge sometimes kidnaps humans who possess second sight or psychic powers. The cult subjects such a hapless victim to endless terrors and maddening torments, aiming to drive him insane. Adherents believe this strengthens and purifies the prophetic power of such a lunatic visionary, and it links the victim to other such madmen held by the banshees across the world.
Several times a year, adherents secretly gather beneath the new moon. They share their darkest and most important secrets and perform the ihinudu iduth. In this ceremony, an Ithaeur and Cahalith each have an eye put out, which they crush and then smear the gory result on the eyelids of the other cultists. This sacrifice conceals the Lodge totem’s nature as a Lune from those who would pry, unleashing madness or blinding infections on fools delving into the cult’s secrets.
Banshees collect the paraphernalia and remains of famous human murderers and serial killers. The Lodge builds eldritch shrines with these morbid relics, not in praise but as lures for copycats, full-fledged slashers and even stranger horrors all drawn to the shrines like iron filings to a lodestone. This provides fresh prey for cultists, and also creates potent resonance to feed the spiritual vassals of the Tyrant Over Fear.
The Lodge totem can see out of any white mask that an adherent wears, if it chooses to pay attention to that Uratha and the cultist has not broken the Lodge ban in the last year. During the gibbous moon, the Tyrant can do far more than that — it can use its spiritual powers through such a mask or even manifest part or all of its body, although this takes a heavy toll on the Lune.
The Temple of Apollo: Mysteries of the Sun
The Thebans possess several omphalos stones — fragments of carved stone pulsing with spiritual power. The cult believes these are from a major manifestation of Apollo in the distant past. Lodge elders have tried to tap into these stones to become an avatar of the Sun Wolf, but every elder who has thus far tried has perished.
The Temple of Apollo murders humans for oracular purposes as well as to feed the Sun Wolf. The pack uses simple auguries to select victims, who they abduct and drug with a concoction of poisons and Essence. The dying victim falls to hallucination and gibbers glossolalia, which the Thebans interpret. This ceremony serves as an extremely powerful form of the Read the World’s Loom Facet from the Insight Gift, although it takes at least an hour to decipher the ravings.
Spirits of the hyacinth plant are either close allies or rabid foes of the Temple. Thebans anoint human sacrifices with extracts of the plant as it has the favor of the Sun Wolf. Furthermore, anointing the animated dead with hyacinth allows Thebans to vomit a blazing soul out of their Lodge bond in a reverse of the sacred hunt, turning the undead into a Ridden bound to a twisted, distorted helion spirit.
Over the years, the Shadow of the temples slowly develops and deepens. Repeated Apollonian ceremonies and rites reinforce the Hisil, imbuing it with resonance of the sun. The oldest temples have sizeable Places-That-Aren’t, strange sunlit structures of mirrors and marble.
Meetings of the Culte de la Raison are often debauched and orgiastic, but the Temple carefully manages these evenings of vice to feed various allied spirits of vices and pleasure. The Temple also holds Lyceum meetings, when Culte members judged to have the greatest occult aptitude join an “inner circle” — the pack — and learn to participate in rites. The Masters of the Culte are all loyal Claimed, picked from the inner circle and subjected to ecstatic ceremonies to prepare them as vessels.
The Eaters of the Dead: Mysteries of the Ravening Wolf
The Eaters of the Dead keep several old spirits of hunger sealed away. Ritual feasts of gluttonous consumption occur at times and dates suited to the nature of each spirit, usually banquets of putrid meat and stale cast-offs. The Essence generated keeps the spirits in quiescent slumber.
Some Lodge hunters exsanguinate their undead prey, decanting the stolen blood from fanged corpses or ravenous monstrosities. Hidden temples to Ravening Wolf have galleries of clotted gore. Through smell and taste, the Ki Anagh learn many secrets of the unquiet dead. The Eaters are mapping bloodlines and ‘families’ amongst the dead, revealing fresh mysteries to investigate.
There is a schism in the ranks of the Lodge. Some Eaters favor close ties to the Lodge of Death; Chinese emissaries of the Lodge are offering alliance. Other cultists flock to a different banner — the Tesfurfarrahu, or Devourers. The Devourers are a small cabal claiming to have proof of an old, powerful pact that bound Isim-Ur, though she does not remember this. Devourer doctrine states there are other dead children of Mother Wolf that the Lodge must discover and devour as a holy duty, just like with Ravening Wolf.
Ravening Wolf is powerful and very much present; she runs among her new followers on hunts through the Shadow. She is looking for a mate among her adherents, a werewolf with enough primal power to survive her affections and begin a new spiritual family. Suitors court the totem with trophies and rotting carrion from their kills.
At Ravening Wolf’s command, the Lodge takes young orphans and conducts strange ceremonies over them, even going so far as to kidnap them from state custody briefly. In these cult rituals, the children are fed a drip of Isim-Ur’s blood or a fleck of her spirit-flesh. The totem promises that one day, when this crop of orphans comes of age, they will be powerful Wolf-Blooded fated for great things.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Chapter 19; The two outsiders
And here is where things take an interesting turn as we are introduced to two new characters which I will provide gifs for face cast since I haven’t told you guys who they were gonna be played by. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)
It had been a year since that day and slowly but surely, I got use to the new arm and Bucky was right there by my side if I ever felt insecure of it or needed a little pick me up. We had also received a facetime message from my mother about her progress in finding all of Klaue’s former business partners.  She told us that she was down to the last few but these ones have been proven to be the toughest since they were located in Moscow, Russia, but she hoped she would come home to us soon.
She also explained to us mainly to Bucky about the suit she had rescued him in. Apparently shortly after she left Wakanda for the first time, she settled down in South America for several years and the place she lived in was having some problems with thieves and black market people coming in and stealing not only their supplies and food but some of their women and children as well.
In that moment, she had brought to life the Legend of the “Jaguar Warrior” to the village and defended their keep for almost 10 years until finally the threats stopped and the village was once again at peace.  When the village didn’t need her anymore, she left South America and that’s when she found herself in Kamar Taj. 
But soon something else would happen in Wakanda that would change myself forever. 
Bucky was training with some of the warriors while I was training with the Dora Milaje practicing my bow staff and speak skills when we suddenly got a call from Okoye who was traveling with T’Challa scouting the perimeter of the kingdom.  Bucky and I walked towards each other and activated our watches and soon Okoye’s image came up.
“Barnes, (Y/n)”.
“What’s going on Okoye?” I asked.
“We’ve found a couple of intruders in the jungle, you need to come right away”.
“Any idea who they are?” asked Bucky.
“I think the real question is what they are? Take the Eastern passage, it’s the quickest way to where we currently are at, and (y/n) make sure you are in wolf form when you come”. She then ended the message as both Bucky and I looked at each other confused.
“What’s that about?” asked Bucky.
“I don’t know, but it sounds like we don’t have much time, climb on quick”. I phased into my wolf form and Bucky mounted on my back as W’Kabi handed Bucky a spear and soon I took off running out of the sanctuary and into the jungle taking the East passage just as Okoye instructed.
When we arrived, we saw T’Challa in full Black Panther gear and Okoye fighting against these mutated animal/human hybrids. T’Challa was fighting off what looked like a hyena and lion while Okoye was fighting off against a gorilla.
“What the hell?” Bucky muttered.
‘I don’t know but right now’s not the time to discuss this, help T’Challa while I help Okoye’.  I took a running start before leaping into the air letting out a mad snarl as Bucky leaped off my back and tackled the lion humanoid and I got onto the gorilla hybrids back and bit down onto its shoulder.
The gorilla let out an agonizing roar while Okoye stabbed her spear right into its heart killing right then and there. T’Challa scratched across the lion’s face much like he did to me back during the Civil War while Bucky punched the hyena square in the face and with that they two of them suddenly ran off whimpering in fear.
“Uhh—okay someone wanna tell us what’s going on? What were those things?” Bucky said.
“We have no idea, hopefully when we get back home we can—”
“Help! Somebody help! Help!” A voice cried out from the jungle.  I lowered my head in a snarl as I stood in front of everyone then I said through my collar.
‘Slowly step out from the bushes and put your hands up where we can see them!’ Soon coming out of the bushes were two men.  One of them had short black hair, he stood about Bucky’s height maybe an inch or two shorter and was skinny but lean and he had some muscle on him and it was good he had it for leaning against his side was another man with long, curly like black hair that reached his shoulders, a hidden scar along his left eye and well built in muscle.
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 All over this guy’s body he had wounds probably from those creatures and he was bleeding badly.  The man holding the wounded man said to us.
“Please help him…..he’s gonna bleed to death”. I phased into my human form and said.
“What happened here?”
“We got lost, we thought there was a village or a town nearby and then out of nowhere those things attacked us, my buddy Rauri tried to save me but those things overpowered him, please—he’s gonna bleed to death”. I turned to T’Challa and Okoye who only looked at me with suspicious eyes.
We were now on the ship flying back to the sanctuary and Okoye muttered to us saying.
“This is a bad idea”.
“In a way I agree but as King I am responsible for anyone who comes into my kingdom, and if anyone is injured then it makes them my responsibility, especially now since we’ve opened up our borders to the world”. 
“But T’Challa we still don’t know about those creatures, what if they are a threat to our kingdom and now that they’ve got our scent they’ll be able to track us faster” Okoye stated worriedly.
“She’s right T’Challa, animals can smell ten times stronger than you humans, and since those things were also technically human, if there are more of them out there, we could be facing another war on our hands”. I said as I leaned against Bucky who was sitting on the couch.
“We’ll keep them long enough for his friend to recover, then once he is we’ll treat them as invaders to our lands, as King that is my final say in this matter”. With no other choice, we agreed to T’Challa’s decree and we continued on our way back to the sanctuary. 
In the lab, we wheeled Rauri in and Shuri said to her brother.
“Oh another broken white boy for me to fix then huh? I swear big brother I better be getting paid for this”.
“I am your brother I don’t need to pay you”. T’Challa stated.  Shuri then flipped him off but went straight to work on Rauri.  The man who was friends with Rauri asked us.
“Is he gonna die?”
“Be patient and don’t talk so loud” Shuri stated as she got the vibranium and began to play it along Rauri’s wounds which healed them right up.  Once she was done she said, “He’ll live, given time and rest, there is so much that Vibranium can do for these wounds”.
“Now then, why don’t we go upstairs and talk Mr.—”
“Connor, my names Conner”.  T’Challa, Okoye, Bucky and Shuri left the lab leaving me to look after Rauri for a bit.  As I sat down beside him I got to have a closer look at him and saw his facial features. 
Perfect chiseled face, dark stubble along his face, hidden dimples and his scent was intoxicating and seductive to my nose.
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I reached out and brushed away a stray strand of his raven black hair and imagined if he spoke with the same accent Connor did, what color his eyes were and what his voice sounded like.
Wait what the hell? Snap out of it (Y/n)! He’s an outsider and could be a potential threat to Wakanda, both of them could be! The last time you let someone into Wakanda, you lost an arm, don’t make that same mistake again! 
*3rd Person POV*
A couple days later, Rauri woke up to see himself in a lab of sorts and almost went into a panic attack when someone came up to him and said. 
“Don’t even think about it! I just had my lab fixed, I don’t want to repair it again”. Rauri looked around and said in a thick Irish accent.
“Where am I?”
“Wakandan sanctuary, you’ve been unconscious for 2 days, I was almost beginning to think you wouldn’t wake up”.
“Who are you?”
“Names Shuri, and you white boy are in my lab in my brother’s kingdom of Wakanda, you’re lucky to be alive with those wounds” Shuri stated as she prepared him a glass of water.  Rauri slowly sat up and said.
“I don’t feel very lucky, my friend Connor and I got ambushed by those Chimeras”.
“So that’s what they’re called, what exactly are they?” Shuri asked as she handed Rauri the water.
“Big nasty sons of bitches with terrible breath,” he took a sip when he stated, “Wait—there was a She-wolf”.
“A She-wolf?”
“Out in the jungle, a black she-wolf who turned into a beautiful woman, and she saved my life”. Rauri said.  Shuri grinned and said.
“I think you might’ve hit your head a little too hard my dear white boy. I would suggest getting some air but don’t speak of any she-wolf for you won’t find one here”. Shuri spoke jokingly at first but by the end of her statement, her voice changed from joking to dead serious. With that being said, Shuri left the lab leaving Rauri to himself.
Rauri left the lab and walked outside for the very first time in days.  He breathed in the fresh air and took in the warm sun when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.  He turned to see his friend Connor running up to him and the two boys smiled and hugged each other before talking over each other.
As the two of them walked around the Black Panther sanctuary, they soon came upon the training grounds and Rauri soon saw a familiar face of the woman he had seen back in the jungle for a brief second before blacking out from his injuries.
(Y/n) was training with some of the men and easily over-powering them and kicking their butts with just her official Dora Milaje spear and her own two fists and feet.  As Rauri and Connor both stared at her, Rauri felt this sudden connection with her that made his heart skip a beat almost.
“What a woman” he muttered.
“Yeah mate, she’s a real fighter that one” Connor said to his friend as he clasped his hand to his shoulder.
*1st Person POV*
After beating W’Kabi and his tribe in combat, I heard T’Challa’s voice say to me in his native tongue.
“You keep this up, I may have to retire my whole kingdom and just let you fight my wars”. I smirked and said back in Wakandan.
“You’d have the whole world trembling before you if they found out about me”.
“Indeed”. He said to me in English as the two of us stood side by side. “My sister relieved Mr. Williams of bedrest”. I turned to see both Rauri and Connor standing side by side looking at us and I said.
“He’s up and walking already? If it were me who attacked him he wouldn’t be moving for at least a month if not be dead already”. 
“Now (y/n) I know you have more intuition with your animal instincts but there’s no need to pick a fight with them already”.
“There’s something not right though, not just the fact that they’re outsiders but their scent isn’t completely human”.  T’Challa chuckled softly and I asked him, “What?”
“Just something my sister told me, she told me that Mr. Williams told her that he was saved by a She-wolf. A magnificent She-wolf who then turned into a beautiful woman”. I stopped my spear checking and looked towards the two boys to see Rauri looking straight at me.  I smirked and leaned in close to T’Challa and said.
“And what did she tell him?”
“You know my sister, she never tells strangers full details when it comes to her friends, but if you’re still suspicious about them, then I give you full permission to beat them into submission if either of them step out of line”. I smirked as I pulled out a mango from my lunchbox and took a bite of it before taking my bag and walking off the training grounds. 
Later that day, I decided to take a peaceful walk along the jungle trail just to get out and maybe practice some of my magic since I promised my mother that I’d keep practicing while she was away.  As I walked through the jungle though, I could smell someone following me.  For a while I chose to ignore it, until I finally stopped and said.
“I know you’ve been following me, I could hear you the minute I left the sanctuary”.  I turned to see Rauri stepping out from behind the trees and he said.
“I hoped I would, but I should’ve known better than to underestimate a wolf’s nose”.
“What makes you think it had to do anything with smell? I could just have good hearing”.
“I know you do, but a wolf’s nose is ten times stronger than a normal humans, plus I was approaching you from upwind”.
“And how do you know so much about wolves?”
“Because I know how to recognize one when I see one”. Then something happened that shock me to the core.  His eyes quickly phased to wolf gold before returning back to his normal brown ones.  “That’s right, I’m one too. My name’s Rauri Williams, and I know who you are. You’re (y/n) (l/n), the Bad Wolf”. I stared at him in shock before I suddenly snapped and tackled him down to the ground and press a dagger to his neck and sneered.
“I. Am not. Bad Wolf! She no longer exists to me”.
“Hold on! I didn’t mean no harm, there’s no need to get so defensive”.  I glared down at him and slowly removed the dagger from his neck but kept the blade pointed right at him.  “The reason why I know what you are is because I was the first Bad Wolf before you, Hydra came and killed both mine and Connor’s families and took us as prisoners to be the first test subjects for the Bad Wolf experiment. Then once the files of both Hydra and Shield went to the public I read to see if they had used anyone else for the Bad Wolf experiment when I found your name”.
“Just because you saw my name on the Internet doesn’t mean that I have to believe you, in fact why are you telling me this? How do I know you’re not a spy of Hydra or in fact the UN coming to find me and take me to a prison cell?”
“Because my animal instincts say that I can trust you, and I know yours is saying the same thing. We’re both wolves after all, and there is safety within the pack”. 
“You’re a fool, Bad Wolves are known for deception and lies until the time comes to strike”.
“Indeed but we’re the only two people in this world that went through the exact same torture that Hydra put us under, same tests and trials to unleash the beast they wanted” Rauri extended his hand out and he said, “You know you can trust me, and I can surely trust you. So what do you say we shake on it, Wolf to Wolf?” I looked down at his hand and told him sternly.
“I don’t shake, that’s not how Wakandans make pacts here”.
“Then how do they do it?” he asked.  I thought about the most ridiculous thing I could come up with and I grinned softly before answering bluntly.
“You have to endure a bite from a Makiki spider”. Rauri looked at me and I could see his eyes turn from strength to absolute fear as he stammered out.
“S-say what now?”“
You’ll have a high fever, hallucinations, you’ll say things, lots of things. Wanna hear what’s in your heart, then if your intentions are true, then we have a pact”.
“Spider bite and—hallucinations?”
“That’s right”. I stated as I looked right into his eyes intimidating him with my “Romanoff” stare.
“And if I say the truth you’ll trust me?”
“Absolutely, both you and your friend. Well?” Silence came between us as Rauri debated on his answer when he finally said in the most serious tone I had heard from him.
“I’d say that’s the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard”.  I softly smirked and said.
“Maybe you’re not a fool after all”. I backed away from him and walked back towards the sanctuary.  “Though don’t get too cocky Irish boy, you step out of line, I have full permission from the king to whip your ass good”. 
In the weeks that followed, Rauri just seemed to want to always be around me whether it was during training, in the lab with Shuri or interrupting me and Bucky-bear time and to tell you the truth I was just about to beat his ass in good.  I could tell Bucky was about to step in at some moments too.
Like the time I was sparring with Okoye, I had gotten kicked off my feet and banged my head pretty hard on the hard concrete floor and as Rauri was coming up to see if I was alright, Bucky-bear beat him to it and I could hear from my in and out of consciousness telling him along the lines saying.
“Take one more step and I’ll rip your head off!” Or something like that.  
After the match, I was in my room being taken care of by my Bucky-bear and when he left the room to prepare me something to eat, I heard a knock at my door and saw Shuri standing there with a flower in her hand.“What’s that Shuri?”
“Found this in the lab at your station from your secret admirer” she teased as she came in and gave it to me.  
“What is this flower?” I asked as I took it in her hands.
“That my friend is the rare Violet Wakanda lily. It means “trust and soulmate” I have my suspicion on who it might be from”. Shuri teased as she bumped my shoulder with hers. At her statement I just put the flower aside and she continued, “He really is trying (y/n), he seems to really like you. Don’t you feel at least a little something for him?”
“Absolutely not” I stated bluntly.
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bestgirlahsokatano · 7 years
Six of Crows Playlist
The Dregs:
Backflip by the Frontbottoms: light and cheery, more towards the happier side of the Dregs “But there are answers here, they're just harder to figure out/Since all your questions got harder to dodge and dip around/And there is nothing wrong with my lifestyle/No matter how many times I tell myself “ 
Believer by Imagine Dragons: mostly angst, but lyrics throughout the song relate well to different characters:
Jesper:      “I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain/My luck, my love, my god, they came from”    
 Kaz: “I was broken from a young age”, “I was choking in the crowd”, “Hoping my feelings, they would drown”
Inej: “Send a prayer to the ones up above / All the hate that you've heard has turned your spirit to a dove, oh ooh”
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant: a bop, I always imagine Wylan at the line, “Though you know, I wish I could”
21 Guns by Greenday: The Dregs regretting Matthias’ death (really general Dreg’s angst) “Does the pain weigh out the pride?”
MF by AWOLNATION: victory song, directed at Van Eck and Rollins at the end of Rollins, when the Dregs pull off their plan despite the odds, “When I punch you in the face/With the bass and a plan/You will never be quite the same” “Motherfucka are you listening to me”
Youth by Daughter: Matthias death angst for everyone “Shadows settle on the place, that you left/Our minds are troubled by the emptiness/Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time/From the perfect start to the finish line”
Still Breathing by Greenday: bittersweet ending to Crooked Kingdom  “Cause I'm still breathing/'Cause I'm still breathing on my own/My head's above the rain and roses” Bonus Jesper specific line: “I'm like a loser that's betting on his last dime/Oh, I'm still alive”
Lone Star by the Front Bottoms: Kaz’s relationship with Inej, “The past few months were pretty rough/A couple times, wished we both were dead”
Adam’s Song by Blink-182: Mostly Kaz right after Jordie’s death “Days when I still felt alive/We couldn't wait to get outside/The world was wide, too late to try”
Patient by Post Malone: Kaz and his greed mostly, but also sort of his position and reputation in the Dregs “Used to be so damn patient/But now it's fuck you, pay me/Can't let these motherfuckers phase me”, “Sit down and I'm plottin'”
Hash Pipe by Weezer: Kaz toward Rollins “Come on and kick me/You've got your problems/I've got my eyes wide/You've got your big G's/I've got my hash pipe”
THISKIDISNOTALRIGHT by AWOLNATION: Inej talking about Kaz “Do your dirty work without me/Say your best when no one can see”
Misery by Blink-182: Kaz’s cold exterior claiming he doesn’t need anyone “I'm not bent, I'm not cracked/I'm just broken” “I don’t need anyone”
Disarm by Smashing Pumpkins: general Kaz angst “I used to be a little boy/So old in my shoes/And what I choose is my choice/What's a boy supposed to do?/The killer in me is the killer in you”
Back Against the Wall by Cage the Elephant: “You've got me where you want me again and I can't turn away/I'm hanging by a thread and I'm feeling like I'll fall/I'm stuck here in between these shadows of my yesterday/I want to get away/I need to get away”
Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones: literally a song sung from the Devil’s point of view: “Please allow me to introduce myself /I'm a man of wealth and taste/I've been around for a long, long year /Stole many a man's soul and faith”
Warriors by Imagine Dragons: Kaz as he rose to power in the Dreg “We are the warriors who build this town”
Violence by Blink-182: Matthias’ view of Nina, not from a romantic prospective per se “Long hair that blows side to side/You speak and make time stand still/And each time you walk right on by/Like violence you have me forever/ And after”
Wolf by First Aid Kit: Inej and her desire to return home, I view Kaz as “wolf father”: “Wolf-father, at the door/You don't smile anymore” “And I hope for a trace/To lead me back home from this place/But there was no sound there was only me, and my disgrace”
that’s all for now, I might add more later. Please feel free to offer suggestions for the list!
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darkredehmption · 6 years
Face to Face
Z: [Coming here right after rotation was probably a bad thing. I didn’t know it was going to be such an intense battle tonight. I had blood from the enemy on me mixed with my own. Small gash on my arm, nothing major. Though when I arrived I didn’t sense you around so I took the time to head towards the small river that was behind the trees you hid behind the other night. Sliding off my leather jacket, my slave bands exposed in the black wife beater I had on. Kneeling, I cup some of the spring water and splashes it over my scarred face. Grunting before I run some over my arms to wash away the blood. I was starting to wonder if you were gonna even show. Figured I’d clean myself up a bit then maybe wait by the meadow for an hour then leave. That sounded like a good plan to me and sounded a hell of a lot better then just sitting around the mansion]
Ty: -I had paid close attention to where I was going on my way back to the city. I was a fairly good tracker and I was fairly sure I could find my way back. This time I brought my friends truck and I was in street clothes. Still wondering how the fuck he disappeared, I pulled off the road and locked up the truck before heading out into the woods. I knew I must have been close because again the thick fog was around me. I could hear something in the water nearby and smelled something strange. Kind of like blood but kinda not. I made my way to the river and saw him there I watched him clean himself up and leaned against the tree crossing my arms- You ok? @DamagedBrother
Z: [I heard the footsteps of someone close nearby but it wasn’t lessers. I would of known if it was the enemy. Inhaling the air, I caught your scent before I even heard your voice. Quickly I finish up washing away both my blood and theirs before I shift up and slide back on my leather jacket. Turning I gaze at you, my eyes scan over your form as it leaned up against one of the trees. You were fully clothed and I got a better look at you then before. Anywhere there was any flesh exposed was covered in tattoos. Your hair was tousled a way that came down in front of your bright blue eyes. They were magnificent. Nodding slowly as I peel my golden eyes from yours and scrub a hand over my skull trim] Yeah I’m alright.
Ty: -I watched as you rinsed off what I could swear was blood and then get up and put your jacket back on. You were bigger than I remembered. You had about an inch or two on me and probably a good 40 pounds easy. I was tall but I was slender, not like you. I had tried to do a little research before I came tonight but again, I didn’t find a single thing. You looked dirty tonight, disheveled. It like the other nights where you had looked rested and at peace. Tonight was different, you seemed more on edge than before. Maybe you were still pissed off at me for asking about your scar. I looked closely trying to memorize your features and look for something that might help me figure out who and what you were.- Well this is me when I’m dressed. I can’t say finding you was easy in this form. @DamagedBrother
Z: [Looks at you as you say that this is you. My eyes roam over your frame again. That vibrating of my body from the other night started up again. I swallow thickly then adverts my eyes] Yeah I’m sorry for just disappearing like that the other night. If I’m caught out in sunlight I burn and will die. [Rubs at the back of my neck before I murmur] I’ll be sure to pick a place next time that you will know where to go. Just seemed fitting to meet here again. [I brush past you and I had to hold back the gasp that formed. I felt this electric current like a zap to my body when we made contact. Blinking a few times before I move to sit on a large boulder. Moving my arm up and down to check and see how my wound was coming along. There wasn’t much of a sting so I would say it was healing fast. Then again I did just feed not to long ago]
Ty: -i watched you look me over, normally when someone looked me over it didn’t phase me I wasn’t a shy person. But, for some reason when you looked me over it made me hyper aware of what you were doing. I rubbed the back of my neck and cleared my throat when you started to walk past. I dropped my hand when you got near me and I could feel a pull to you when you brushed past me. The wolf in my mind excited and bouncing around. Traitor. He’s why I was here in the first place, in the middle of nowhere with no one to protect me if this guy decided to kill me or bring the people he was talking about last time. He sat his large body on a nearby boulder but I wanted nothing but to sit next to him and ask him a thousand things and never leave. The thought made my wolf strut around because he was in control. Asshole. I opted to stand instead.- Uh. That was weird. Did you feel that? How did you disappear like that? @DamagedBrother
Z: [Raises a dark brow and gazes up at you. So you felt it too. I wonder if I should confess to you that I felt it or not. Clearing my throat I decided to be honest for once. I normally hid everything] Yeah...I did. Don’t know what that was about. [Grateful that you asked another question that was easy to answer and didn’t leave me feeling awkward as hell] Oh that. I can materialize to any place as long I’ve been there before. Like if I have seen it and can envision it in my head. It is a way faster way of travel. Though I will say if I get hurt or my emotions are all over the grid I can’t do it. You have to be calm and centered to do it. So it’s always good to have someone with a car nearby just in case. Luckily I have multiple on speed dial. [Snorts at that then relaxes more. Letting my arms shift back to get a better grip on the boulder as my legs stretch out]
Ty: -I stood watching his body language closely. You can tell a lot of things by how someone talks to you. He wasn’t really making eye contact but at least he was being honest. He didn’t seem to be hiding anything and he was answering my questions. He got a few points for that. Watching him relax nearly made my cock hard though. I could see the outline of his muscles under his shirt and pants, holy fuck. I didn’t know anyone that looked that cut. When he stretched out my wolf did too which was nice because up until I got here my wolf was noisy and annoying. I wondered off thinking of ways I could get him to go out to dinner or something with me.- You look messy -Waving my hand around- Your kind doesn’t bathe? @DamagedBrother
Z: [My eyes shifted back to you and I swore I caught you staring at me but in a good way I suppose. But I had to be seeing things. No one ever looked at me that way. The only way people looked at me was in fear. So I brushed it off and listened to your next question that had another one of those chuckles forming in my chest. Such an odd feeling. Looking down at my hands that were only slightly dirty since I just washed them in the stream] No I do. That would be disgusting if I didn’t. It’s just that I was out fighting. [Knowing that if I told too much to an outsider, I could get in trouble. Hell we weren’t allowed to tell humans about this shit and i’m pretty sure that included wolves too. Or maybe there was loophole because you were a mythical creature. Either way I probably was already in trouble and should have wiped your memory a long time ago. Might have been too late for that though] I don’t know how much I can say or if you know anything but we have enemies and i’m bred to fight them. I’m a warrior. Normal vampires are tall but they sure as hell aren’t built like me.
Ty: -I tilted my head while I listened this time, I couldn’t help it he was fucking amazing when he talked and wasn’t paying attention to me. He got a whole different look on his face. I’d heard of resting bitch face and this guy really had it but, when he was caught up in what he was saying he looked almost playful. It was.. Something.- A fighter? I was bred to fight as well but, I don’t. I’m not into that kind of stuff anymore -chuckling I crossed my arms across my chest- So were you in such a hurry to get here you thought you didn’t have time to wash up after battle? I would have waited for you. If you say too much do the people that you fight with show up and try to kill me? Should I worry that some kind of mob is going to come looking for me? Wolf protection program? -I laughed again trying to lighten the mood- Cause if that’s the case I want a really nice place to live in near the city cause I’m not ready to go home yet. -sticking my hand out to shake yours- I’m Tyson by the way. @DamagedBrother
Z: [My scarred lips twitched and just barely if you looked close enough and caught it there was a slight grin on my face that disappeared fast when I started to talk again] Relax. No I don’t recommend going out and telling people but honestly if you go to the public and start talking about vampires and warriors they might look at you like you are fucking insane. [Thinks of my brothers and tries to picture them as gangsters. Butch would dig the suits and Rhage probably would get a kick out of it. My lips twitch again then I murmur] I’m not going to say anything though so you are okay. They don’t really come looking for me or anything on my off time. I’m free to do what I want as long as i’m not starting shit. [My fingers grazed over my pocket to feel for my phone. There was a tracking device on it but Vishous wouldn’t use it to check up on me unless he thought I was in some danger. Dropping my hand from it then looks up to see yours. Contact. I hated contact. But just a few moments ago we touched slightly and it didn’t make me cringe. It did the exact opposite. Slowly I lifted my hand again and grabbed yours. It was warm. Very warm. Almost too warm then normal but I didn’t mind. Shaking your hand before I murmur] Zsadist...but you can call me Z for short if you like. Most do.
Ty: -smiling a bit when I see you grin a little I wanted to point it out that you had a nice smile when you smiled but I was afraid that if I told you I noticed it that you wouldn’t do it again. I wasn’t scared that someone was going to come looking for you or that someone was going to come looking for me for that matter. I could handle my own but I wanted to keep talking to you so I had to start coming up with all the questions that ran through my mind the nights and days that I didn’t see you. When you touched my hand your hand was more like a human temperature I guessed. I didn’t ever hang with any humans so it wasn’t anything that I could compare it to, you weren’t as warm as I was and when you touched my hand I could hear my wolf in my mind start to whimper. God that dog was really starting to get on my nerves. I needed to figure out why my wolf wanted to be around you so badly. What kind of name is Zsadist... - That’s an interesting name, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with it before. It’s nice to meet you although I’m not entirely sure how this all has come to happen. I’m not even sure how I found you out here. Do you live near here or something? @DamagedBrother
Z: [Looking at you as you start to talk again. I was a little shocked that you didn’t find my name weird. I mean it was old and tradition. Tyson. Mmm. That was a nice name. When you asked about my location my brows drew in a bit. That was a subject that I could not really discuss. No matter who it was. Even though I knew you weren’t dangerous or at least I believed you not to be I couldn’t go and spill that kind of information. Shrugging to try to play it off before I murmur] Well it’s not super far but I can materialize here remember. Sometimes I take my car though. I just like to walk in the woods. Quiet here. [Springing the question back at you] Well...what about you? You live around here or you got some place in the city? [How fucking creepy was it that I was trying to possibly figure out where you live so I could come and maybe watch you from a distance. Yeah. I was weird. Snorts at myself before I get up and walks around a bit, feeling something radiating off of you everytime I walked by you. Finally I stopped pacing and picked up a rock and threw it into the river. Watching it skip a bit before dropping down]
Ty: -Oh he was off in thought it was like watching the delicious dinner you’ve been thinking about all day cook. Maybe that was just me that got excited about good food. I looked around when he said he was nearby.- Actually I’m staying with a friend in the city while he gets his tattoo shop going. You.. Want to meet in the city some time? Or maybe we could meet somewhere near here? If you… want to that is? I’m actually from Texas. That’s where home is for me. Well, not home but that’s where my house is and my property. That’s a story for another time -shrugging not wanting to get into any details, they weren’t interesting- The quiet is nice. I just happened to stumble across this place any ways. I can’t run in the city.. Too many people would see me. -You got close to me and made a face when you got close. I could feel the draw each time you got close to me and I wondered if it felt the same for you- You feel it… What’s it feel like to you? It feels like I need to touch you. -clearing my throat cause I knew that sounded dumb as fuck but that was my thing. I said what I thought. No use in changing that about myself now- @DamagedBrother
Z: [My golden eyes go wide when you said about touching me. No. No I don’t do that. Scrunching my shoulders up slightly then takes a deep breath. Relax Z. You just grabbed his hand and everything was good. But that was a hand. Not a face. A face with a huge mother fucking scar right down it. Scrubbing my hand back and forth across my skull trim then I realized that I hadn’t talked in awhile. Looking up at you I let out a low grunt murmuring] Yeah I feel it. I just...I have to confess something. I...don’t like to be touched. Just the thought of it makes me sick. Though when we shook hands it didn’t feel so bad which is a fucking first. [I didn’t want to get into the whole details of my past so I tried to change the subject] Yeah we can meet someplace else. [Trying to figure out how I could get your address. I could always ask Vishous for it but that would leave way to many questions that I wouldn’t want to answer. So instead I say] What tattoo parlor? Maybe I heard of it…
Ty: -I could feel you get nervous and withdraw when I mentioned how it felt for me when you were near me. I regretted even saying something but, if I didn’t then how would I know? You were handsome and you smelled like dirt and blood and that was not attractive. Maybe making you go out somewhere with me would force you to shower and I could see what you looked like cleaned up. The leather pants were nice and I wondered if you wore them all the time- You don’t like to be touched but touching my hand didn’t want to make you puke? That’s a good sign I guess. I can’t say anyone’s ever puked when they touched me. Maybe after they did… regrets -I laughed and looked towards the sky when I realized how late it probably was. I had a card from one of the builders in my back pocket and I always carried a pen so I pulled it out and jotted down my number real quickly. I didn’t want you to realize that it was close to the sun coming up and disappear without getting my number. I shoved the card into your hand- It’s almost time for the sun to come up so I know you need to leave.. -I stared at you for a couple of seconds and leaned in and brushed my lips across yours feeling the same draw but more intense when our lips touched.- Sorry. I just… I wanted to see what it felt like. Don’t puke ok? -I start to walk away looking over my shoulder at you- Call me.. Sometime or something? We’ll figure something out. @DamagedBrother
Z: [I watched as you pulled a card out and started to scribble something on it. When you mentioned a phone number my eyes grew a bit wide. Okay number was good. Maybe just maybe I could trick Vishous into running this through his four toys and see what he comes up with. Then again I don’t want him onto me. It was a tricky game I was playing but I suppose that was the risk that I was willing to take. I needed to find more out. To figure out where you lived and what you did before I gave up way too much information. I was too busy thinking in my head that I didn’t even know you stepped closer to me until I felt your lips brush against my own. My throat tightened up and I went still. My body felt warm though. The feeling was something that I never felt ever in my entire life. I didn’t even know how to describe it. That was a kiss right? You just kissed me. Before I could even really register it or say something you were too far out. Shaking my head before I lift my hand slowly and run just the tips of my fingers over my lower lip before I disappear into the night]
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