#my tma brainrot is returning
HELP I was writing a TMA fic I have been working on for a while when I suddenly thought of a kindergarten au with Gertrude Robinson as the teacher and Gerard Keay and Michael Shelley as the teacher assistants.
Long story short, now I'm procrastinating writing my fic and making kindergarten au art instead
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
🎮 and 🍔 for the ask game for both of them? :3
(ask game)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Dew’s favorite hobbies are (very similar to mine) playing video games, drawing, and reading comics or watching cartoons. he’s an introvert and he also spends a lot of time in online fandoms too.
Anton’s main hobby is science, but he also loves learning about and taking care of animals. i feel like he’d also like listening to podcast and could be fan of the magnus archives (<— definitely not me projecting)
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
Dew is okay at cooking, he never really had to because his roommates would usually cook the food they ate. if he had to cook then he’d be good at it, but it’s not his favorite thing to do.
Anton is absolutely atrocious at cooking/baking and usually just microwaves pre cooked stuff or will get a robot or something to prepare actual nutritious food.
i feel like after Dew spends a lot of time in captivity eating the frozen stuff Anton makes for him, he eventually convinces Anton to let him cook the meals himself. Dew likes this because it gives him something to do and he actually gets way better at it.
thanks for the ask!
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bananamaxpng · 2 years
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the thing when the thing
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fairyycoffin · 2 months
i am in agony. i accidentally listened to mag 160 again. i proceeded to listen to 161 and 162. i am unwell. my brain is collapsing. i thought this was a horror podcast. this is not a horror podcast. this is psychological torture. this is the reason i do not sleep. this is the reason i cry myself to sleep. this is the reason i cannot step outside without being reminded that i made this abhorrent decision.
i despise this wet cat of a man and i despise martin and i despise the entire cast of tma and i despise the man who wrote it and i despise the man who directed it and i despise myself for still listening to it and i despise @i-eat-so-much-grass for telling me "how good of a choice" i'd made and i despise the universe for cursing us all with human beings who can stir up such evil things in their brains.
i will not apologize for writing this, as my heart has been torn to shreds and my mind has been broken again and again. i am not being dramatic (i'm definitely being dramatic). i shall never love again. this is the story of my life. i miss the sweet days when the brainrot wasn't my own and the nights i fell asleep without knowing what i know now.
this is my ted talk. i will now return to the depths of my room and draw another cursed thing whilst mourning fictional characters and potentially eating cheese puffs. or would dry ramen be more acceptable for my current mental state?
lastly, here is your friendly reminder not to trust british people who make podcasts. also if your friend tells you that the magnus archives is "so amazing" i recommend that you laugh in their face and/or murder them. they'd likely flourish in the afterlife.
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thepunkmuppet · 2 years
ok so hear me out.
this has been rattling around in my brain for a good couple of days, i had two all-day art exams so i was just sat silently alone with my own brainrot for ten hours and honestly it paid off
so this is my idea for the magnus scrotocol protocol and what it could be about, but honestly if it ends up being way off i might actually write it - because of all the alternate universe shit it could easily be canon Somewhere Else. also i know alex and jonny said that it’s inspired by the video game control, but i know absolutely nothing about that game so please take this with a grain of salt, it probably won’t be canon but a guy can dream!!
so, it takes place on another earth, parallel to the main tma universe, where things are pretty much the same as real life. and while it’s obviously not a world without fear, the entities don’t exist there. well, until they do.
so when jon and martin do That One Thing and the fears are let out into the multiverse, the sheer energy they cause as they enter the outskirts of this world sends technology CRAZY. and everything, at exactly the same moment on every electronic device in the world, is just chaos, a mangled mixture of nonsensical noises and static (and maybe you hear a little “statement remains” here and there, not sure what the mechanics of that would be in terms of jon’s official status, but hey it would be fun and it would make “Oh…Hello” make sense). and everywhere around the world, people are just… watching. listening. frozen with the most complete and all-consuming feeling of terror they have ever experienced. and of course it ends, and no one wants to admit that it was real, but after around twenty minutes of society just grinding to a halt, everyone feeling the same thing at the same time EVERYWHERE, it’s a terrifying global phenomenon. the world is afraid.
and so The Experts (whoever would be assigned to deal with whatever this is) start doing their research, and they manage to “decode” it (which makes the ARG and stuff like MAG - Error even more meta and fun) and it’s straight up just mag 200.
and they say that it’s clear it was recorded via tape, and they don’t know how it made its way onto electronic devices like this because it’s A TAPE, it shouldn’t give off any kind of signal you would be able to broadcast, and nothing should be able to be broadcast on that scale in the first place. but that’s not the worst thing. the worst thing is that one of the voices in this mysterious message is that of uk prime minister elias bouchard.
and no, i don’t mean jonah magnus, i mean the ORIGINAL Elias Bouchard. i mean it makes sense - he was a white man born into a rich and privileged family, and despite his uselessness, no one batted an eyelid when he became head of the institute. so yeah, it doesn’t seem too out there to think that in an alternate universe, he became the tory prime minister. (hence “there will be some returning voices” - i think it would be so fun to finally hear ben play the real elias, and such a different role and experience despite being in a similar position of power in the context of the story)
so the series begins in a meeting of all the Important Brits who need to deal with this issue, maybe with our civil servant protagonist(s?) in the background serving tea or something like that. we hear basira say her “good luck” before the tape clicks off, and we’re finally introduced to the people she ended up unknowingly saying it to.
and i haven’t actually figured out plot details, it’s just my idea for the basic premise, and i do think it’s unlikely because of the rest of the plot. like, in my opinion it wouldn’t be that interesting having the characters try to figure out where the tape comes from, and what the events of mag 200 mean and how it happened and why it happened… because we already know that, and alex and jonny specifically said they weren’t going to spend time pretending like we didn’t know information that we already know from magnus. but at the same time, they said they want to “play around with the lore”, so a post-apocalypse show set in the original tma universe definitely seems off the cards and this is the most interesting Somewhere-Else-civil-servants idea i could think of.
but yeah, just my idea! again not sure what would happen in the rest of the series, but it would be really cool as a starting point. and maybe you could even have jon and martin existing as like,,, ghosts in the machine, communicating through technology and helping the main characters navigate a world with the fears in it. which would definitely explain the actual canonicity behind “Oh… Hello” and this idea of mag 200 being broadcast to the masses as the fears come through.
please do reblog or send me an ask and tell me what you think and your own ideas, i personally would lose my shit if something like this were to happen and i think it sounds really cool.
also im gonna tag @jonnywaistcoat because i would love to see what he thinks of this idea and any crumbs of either confirmation or denial he might give us (but also if he does see it i will lose my mind and probably spontaneously combust so there’s that)
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maplecourtesy · 3 years
well anyway IM EXCITED!! hiatus made me antsy i missed my boys + miss althea song (my wife)
cant wait for the thundermen to go HOG-wild!!! haha. god im hilarious.
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
ooouhghghj!! im always in the mood for some delightful schemes!!!!
content warnings?? OH NO CLINT MY DAD . this is an awful conversation to start with i hope u boys know.
i WOULD kill for a reliable talent holy shit
OH THIS BOUNCY SNEAKY MUSIC VIBES!!! this truly sounds like scheming music.
GRIFFIN AND HIS PILLOW THING. ME TOO GRIFF. ME TOO FITZROY. i too have special needs for my sleeping habits. its gotta be lotsa pillows or Death.
god....the pocket gary voice. this is terrible. truly. i miss festo voice. can we go back to festo.
cant wait for someone to actually accept a date invite from argonaut keene..man deserves it hes been thru a lot
hey does griffin remember where snippers is. is snippers not already in the archives. god i have tma brainrot too i hear archives and start anticipating jonny sims’ voice.
god everytime justin speaks im just like. thrown off balance. its not even like profound he just talks words so good i love him......
THEY GOT THE THREE OF THEM!!!! THEY GOT THE THREE OF THEMMM!!!!!!!!!!! they r besties 4ever.....death pact its like wedding vows also this death pact dream music is ... so pretty
oh wait im gnna look at altheas maps.. travis is a liar i see no maps on twitter.
clint mcelroy. the embezzling janitor. hes made a return.
TIME 4 SOME SCHEMES!!!!! i love this epic scheme music but also i literally cannot focus on what trav’s sayin i hope its not important
OH OKAY COOL SNIPPERS DID HIS GOOD BOY WORK. travis ur worldbuilding and stuff is so beautifully in-depth this is so much. anyway adding wrecking ball motherx2 to my fitzroy playlist
soy hazelnut latte with no liquid. hey fitzroy what the fuck does this mean. that plus the oh god no (fruitily). this guy ......
time to blow up 28 pocket dimensions i guess!!!
can we have justins dracula voice for the firbolg just once pleasepleaseplease.
the soundtrack for this episode alone holy shit!!!!! its so good!!! im always so in awe of griffins composing...
sometimes i think about what it’d be like if my name was in a taz episode as like an npc or something and then i remember that it’s an audio medium and my name is krys and i cant have Anyone think my name is chris.
oh argonaut keene ur s u c h a charmer!!!!
fitzroy has a mustache............that goes all the way to the ground.......fully confident.......named Buck Humpin......this is wonderful /s
“whats the biggest package u ever delivered” this DICK.
CHUD-CHUD BOPSMAN. C H U D - C H U D  B O P S M A N . IM IN FUCKIGN   TEARS...... fanboy and chud-chud.
THE FIRBOLG IS JUST HANDING OVER HIS SCONES AND LYING DOWN ON THE FLOOR. im so happy this is a great day. good end to 2020.
well. happy new year everyone .
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bidrums · 3 years
Excerpt from my TMA AU that’s given me serious brainrot
Background (contains spoilers for the S2 finale): I basically had this idea for an AU where Not!Sasha almost completes the process of turning into Jon before Leitner shows up, then makes a convincing performance of being the real Jon so the original Jon gets trapped in the wall before Not!Sasha (not Not!Jon) can finish and kill him. This particular scene has been in my brain for a while, and so I thought I’d write it out and share it! This scene takes place during S4
He tries not to be an ache. Or at least, not a noticeable ache, since at his very core that’s what he is. An ache in many forms, and ache with many faces, an ache with various memories and lives and degrees of intensity. For most of his new colleagues, he is the ache of no longer recognizing a close colleague, and of no longer remembering who they were. For Georgie, the ache of being the only one to remember a loved one without any way to give that knowledge to anyone else. For dearly departed Tim, he was the ache of no longer being close without knowing why, the ache of a loss forgotten in an instant and remembered in old polaroids (he’d considered burning them, but decided against it. Wether out of cruelty or mercy he doesn’t want to think about). And then he was the ache of having to be close to the person who caused multiple losses, a reminder of an old one, the culmination of pain blossoming into a wonderful flower he almost regretted creating and drawing nourishment from. For Jon stuck in the wall, he’s the ache of a future robbed of him, of connections made right in front of him but inaccessible to him. The wolf in sheep’s clothing parading itself in front of the naked lamb whose wool it’s housed in.
He’s an ache for Martin, he knows. Several aches. And a reminder of just another loss suffered on top of many more. Somehow the nourishment is bitter in his mouth, in his body. Aching hearts aren’t filling anymore; his being almost entirely giving itself over to the ever-present watching Eye that demands information while giving almost nothing in return. But he cannot deny his nature no matter how much the others wish him to. It’s easy for them. All they have to do is tell themselves to stop. To resist. They don’t have the agony of being ripped from everything they once were, of having their existence cruelly denied by their Maker (the sickening smile and harsh grating tones spitting out “I do not know you, but you are” forever playing over and over again in the back of his mind). Daisy knows, but hers is a different agony. A different ache. 
Martin’s aching has changed. It was hard to notice how, at first, but then the bitter fog of Loneliness creeping through. the Institute wrapped itself around him and made the ache hollow. Distant. Cold. The ache of true loss, of not being known or seen and it tasted worse than bitter in his mouth because it is nothing. 
Even when he’s pressed “his” former assistant against a wall and gently kissed him, the ache is tainted. Yes, the old feeling flares up and the bitterness is welcome (though the guilt of drawing from it, and the broken not him, not Martin, not another person, will you ever have enough? from Jon in the wall almost makes him stop) but the hollowness and cold of fog seeps out and curls through him and it makes him be the one to break first with a sharp gasp. Martin simply adjusts his glasses and pointedly does not remark on the fog dripping from both of their lips and instead sighs out, “Don’t.”
“You’re already hurting us enough. Don’t do this.”
“I’m not trying to hurt you.” A soft laugh (everything is soft now but not soft no it’s faded yes faded around the edges) at the statement.
“Doesn’t matter if you’re not trying to. It hurts.” Aches. Because he’s an ache. Because all he’ll ever be is an ache.
It hurts me, too.
Because it’s the loss of a moment they could have had. Because he wants to be there but is stuck in a wall instead.
“I try to not hurt. But I can’t help what I am.”
“Whatever you’re doing to Jon, keep me out of it. Don’t bring everyone into this.” That’s not fair. Not right. He grips Martin’s shoulder tightly.
“This isn’t about him.” Martin winces at the hot words. He lets go. “It’s not about him. He wants this- well, he want this to be him- but he isn’t why.” A shake of the head. Disbelief. Lonely, cold, aching, creeping fog.
“Then what’s it about?” The fog is contagious. Martin doesn’t mean to spread it but he is and he can feel it seeping into his bones (no one else understand this he won’t believe me none of them do). He shakes his head to clear it out.
“I’m allowed to want things,” he replies. “I’m allowed to want things for me.” And because he’s weak desperate for a real ache again, he gives another short kiss before leaving.
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moondraconis · 3 years
I am living for your Drarry art and your obsession with Bert and Ernie and your TMA SIDEBLOG!!!!!!
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fjsdfjsdjf thank you so much 😭😭❤️ i love when mutuals have multiple overlapping fandoms w me 🥺 i feel like i havent even drawn drarry in forever bc i have tma brainrot rn jfjdsfsd but they will make a return,,,,,,eventually
and i feel like there's been a sudden surge in bert and ernie content lately and i am living for it!!! ❤️ my favourite old married couple (and also they have the same vibes as jmart so i can cry about 2 couples at once)
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