#my secret carat santa
happysmilebtr · 1 year
(secret carat gifter again) i'm glad i grilled you early on, then ^^ my life has been tumultuous, but i like to think that better things are always on the way. i hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!
lolol such an evil bean you are (i'm kidding of course) but oof, sending good vibes for you right now! may life treat you kindly!
and appointment went well! doc said everything is healing nicely so that's good! today is the day i feel the pain a bit more so i feel a bit =/ but i should be ok! it really could be worse and i have felt WORSE pain than this kldjslkdas. i just hope i can not be lazy and finish the gifts dklsalkda i sadly am sleeping more times than not (which makes sense, i am recovering from the surgery and am healing from it) so i don't have much time to focus on gifts and i want to make them well! not be lazy ya know?
that and not comfy sitting with my alptop and a bandaged up footsie xD
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yoonkyoong · 2 years
i miss making moodboards :(
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junkissed · 1 year
marshmallow movie dates
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member  — husband!vernon x reader genre — fluff, humor, rom-com word count — 1.3k warnings — mentions of food (cocoa with marshmallows), none other than that but they're disgustingly sweet and domestic does that count? notes — this is my 2022 carat gift exchange present for @hvcmixtape!! this was so fun to write bc vernon is just such a silly funny guy he has such husband energy 💔 merry christmas and i hope you enjoy! from, your secret santa - june :))
one reblog = one stolen mini marshmallow
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after too many long weeks in a row of coming home late and not being able to spend more than a couple hours together before rushing off to bed, you and vernon finally have a few days off for the holidays.
you’d spent christmas day at his parents’ house for christmas, a day filled with laughter and hugs and gifts and good food. dinner had been at your family’s house last year, but you hadn’t been able to stay for long because you had work that night. you’d barely had time to exchange gifts and a few kisses before you had to rush off. despite the copious amounts of holiday decorations around your house, because you were both so busy it had been a while since christmas had really felt like christmas. 
but this year was different. finally being able to sit down with your friends, to tell stories and catch up on everyone’s lives. sitting next to vernon’s sister at dinner and giggling about the things he does that are definitely weird, but endearing in his own vernon sort of way. 
and with both of you having the day after christmas off work as well, you can come home and just… take it easy. not having to worry about how early you need to get up tomorrow or planning your meals or prepping your work. just relaxing.
so, according to vernon, “this calls for a movie marathon!”, complete with matching blue silk pajamas, and candy cane striped socks, and piles and piles of blankets.
you sigh, flopping down on the couch. “i’m too tired to do anything,” you whine, reaching your arms out to make grabby hands at vernon as he walks into the living room carrying your matching mugs monogrammed with your initials on them. “come sit with me?”
he sticks out his bottom lip. “but your cocoa’s gonna get cold!”
you slide down against the couch, legs stretched out. “but i want to cuddle with you,” you pout back at him.
he groans, but he sets the cocoa down on the table before jumping onto the couch next to you, and you yelp as the cushions bounce under his weight.
he lets out a deep exhale as you both sit in silence, watching the snow flurry around outside the window. the atmosphere is calm, neither of you wanting to say anything to break the peaceful quiet that surrounds you.
and everything about today has been so nice, you don’t even mind when vernon falls asleep with his head on your shoulder. even when he starts snoring, because you fall asleep quickly after that.
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when you wake up it’s dark outside and the kitchen light behind you is on, and vernon’s no longer next to you. you blink slowly, your eyes adjusting before you notice the fluffy white blanket draped across you, tucked behind your shoulders so you’re totally wrapped in it.
you stretch your arms above your head, the blanket slipping down as you arch your back and let out a yawn. you hear your name called, and you twist around on the couch to see vernon walking towards you.
you break into a smile when you see him, slowly waking up. “hi.”
“morning, sunshine,” he says, leaning down to kiss you.
“what time is it?”
“almost nine,” he replies.
you sigh, leaning back against the couch. “that was a really good nap.” you yawn again, reaching up to wipe the dust from your eyes.
“i know,” he giggles. “but now i’m–”
“–not tired,” you finish for him.
“mhm.” he hums, tilting his head to stare down at you, the corners of his mouth upturned in a smile he probably doesn’t even realize he’s smiling. oh, if he could see his face now—he’d deny it, but the way his eyes soften when he looks at you, the way his smile seems to glow when he’s around you, the way he blushes when his eyes fall to the ring he put on your finger so long ago; that, he can’t deny. 
“so… wanna build a blanket fort?”
you laugh, looking up at him. “absolutely.”
because you know you’ll be up all night now anyway, and he did promise you a movie marathon, so what better way to get cozy with all these blankets than to build a fort?
as he’d predicted, your cocoa has long since gotten cold, and while you were asleep he took it back to the kitchen for you to reheat later.
you stand up and stretch one more time, resisting the urge to smack vernon with a pillow when he tries to tickle you.
instead, the pillows are put to better use as supports in your makeshift fort extending from the table by the couch. one stack of blankets and a pile of clothespins later, the living room has been converted into a “movie-watching man cave” (vernon’s words).
and then you realize… with the way the blankets are draped down over the sides, neither of you can actually see the tv.
you let out an exaggerated sigh, laying on your stomach on the floor inside the fort. you could get up and rearrange everything, but… so much effort…
“you wanna just use my phone?” vernon says, pulling it out of his pocket and tossing it over to you.
he grins, telling you to decide on the first movie while he goes to warm up the cocoa in the microwave.
“i added marshmallows this time,” he says when he returns, handing you the mug with your initials on it. “we’re out of the jumbo ones, though, there’s only mini ones.”
“thank you, nonie,” you giggle, carefully taking it from him before spooning a half-melted marshmallow into your mouth.
he sets his mug next to yours on the carpet, and you hold it for him so it doesn’t spill when he gets into the fort. he starts to crouch down to crawl in with you, but he jumps back up at the last second. “wait, i’ll get my backup charger, just in case. don’t wanna have to get up again.”
he sprints away again, and with a mischievous grin you sneak your spoon into his mug, slurping up half of his marshmallows before he comes back.
“did you eat my marshmallows?” he asks when he bends back down to see his noticeably empty mug.
you hold your own mug up to your mouth to hide the smile playing on your lips. “of course not,” you say, your voice echoing into the cup.
he cocks one eyebrow at you. “that’s definitely less than when i left,” he says, and you just bat your eyelashes innocently.
“how could you accuse me of such a thing!” you gasp, pretending to be offended.
he narrows his eyes, playing along. “well, i guess i’ll just have to get more for myself…” he says, slowly ducking out of the fort. but then he pops his head back in, catching you in the act red-handed, your spoon in his mug.
“a-ha!” he cries, and you burst into a fit of giggles. “marshmallow thief!”
“bring the whole bag back with you!” you call after him.
he bounces into the kitchen to grab the bag of marshmallows, but when he turns around to make his way back to the fort all he sees is your feet, still in your matching candy cane striped socks, sticking out from beneath one of the blankets, your warm laughter filling the house. and despite the busyness in both your lives, despite the fact that you don’t often get to have days like this, he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else or with anyone else.
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taglist | @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @merrykyeomas @just-here-to-read-01 @ny0sang @noraehey @noniestars @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @raevyng @aceofvernons @odetoyeonjun @dkakapizzaboy @enhacolor @highkey-fangirling @baldi-2 @kcxjae @onlymingyus @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @potatofrieswithketchup @wonuziex @stariightjoyy @strawberri-uyu @matilde111
join my taglist here!
thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this, reblog or leave an ask or a comment, it shows me you enjoyed this so i know to write more like this in the future!
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a very big thanks to @onlymingyus and @aceofvernons for help brainstorming this idea ilysm <33 and to @minghao-s for hosting this gift exchange!! it was a lot of fun participating it was such a great opportunity to meet other creators :)
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phenomenalgirl9 · 5 months
Seungkwan x Reader: Winter Falls
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Summary: Just 2 idiots who could have ended their suffering just by talking but they refused and suffered for ages, until the Maknae and a certain leader decided to interfere.
W/c: 1.9K
Rating: For all (?)
Genre: fluff.
A/n: Merry Christmas! This is for the Carat Library Secret Santa and my member was Rania @wheeboo . It was rushed cause I barely had time, I'm so sorry! 😩 Happy Winters!
You watched as he laughed with this person that you met as you and Seungkwan were leaving the party. You knew he was a social butterfly, lived like one, and as much as you loved him, it didn't mean you didn't want to strangle him. You watched him as he smiled and shook hands with someone who seemed like Jessi. Of course, it's important for his career and stuff, so you pouted and waited. He side-glaced a few times, and finally he said his byes and left. Yes, Jay Park's Christmas party was a huge event that every idol or personnel connected to the K-pop industry wanted to be in on Christmas Eve. The whole of seventeen were actually invited, and Seungkwan, Chan, and Jihoon had volunteered to go. Jihoon had left; you lost Chan while you were busy talking to Yeji and Lia, whom you've met before, at previous parties and events that you've been to with Seungkwan. So you decided to leave too. 
“Are you tired?” Seungkwan asked. And you shook your head. “I wasn't the one dancing, hijacking the party like it's my concert,” you said, and bumped his shoulder. 
“He played Fighting” Seungkwan said, shrugging. “So to answer your question, I'm not tired, just drained,” you said.
“Aw, it was too much socialisation for you? Wasn't it?” He cooed, and you hit him as he ran away towards the car in a laughing fit. 
“Hey” you suddenly heard, and you turned around to see none other than the Bangchan walking towards the two of you. You assumed he was there for Seungkwan, but the thought changed when he simply nodded at Seungkwan and walked straight towards you, standing in front of you.
“Hey. Um, okay this is awkward,” he said and giggled adorably. “Hi” you said on instinct. 
“Hey, again, Y/n” he said, and rubbed the back of his neck. What you didn't notice was Seungkwan literally shooting daggers through his eyes. “It's gonna sound dumb but can I have your number?” He asked, “sure but, you could have asked me when we were talking back then” you asked curiously. 
“Actually, I was under the impression that You and um..” he giggled again, making you blush “that Seungkwan and you were together or something. But later on Chan as in Dino told me you weren't so I thought um.. cause I enjoyed talking to you” he said. “Sure!” You said “I enjoyed talking to you too” you smiled and exchanged numbers. 
“Look at you, Ms. Popular” Seungkwan teased as you started the car to drive him back to the dorm and then drive home yourself. 
So yeah Boo Seungkwan is your childhood best friend, you've spend the majority of your life together apart from the time he joined Pledis and you interned and worked for various music labels as producer and finally joined Hybe. You and him are mostly a combo pack, sadly, of best friends. 
Were you dumbly in love with your best friend? Yes.
Did you ever do anything about it? No.
Would you? Very good question, but also No.
In your defence, even Seungkwan never showed any sign of progression.
“So you gave him your number in front of Kwannie?” Joshua asked for the third time and started giggling just as Jeonghan had been the next morning of the party. “I swear to God, I came to you two for advice as to where to go for the team Christmas dinner. Why is this even relevant?” You asked them. 
“It's not, Y/n. It's just funny” Jeonghan said. You shook your head and walked out of the room. As you texted back Bangchan for the…12th? Time that day. Well, you weren't counting, but you've been talking to him since the morning. Je said he did that the first thing after he woke up. 
It was nice talking to him, he just gave off this vibe. And you spent most of that day, of not working, then texting him. 
“Are you free tomorrow?” Bumzu asked you as you were about to leave for the team dinner and you shook your head and said, “I have plans”
Hence, here you were in this cosy, almost empty cafe with one of the most charming men that the industry has seen. 
He did have a different charm that made you want to trust him. And the conversation flowed like a river between you two. It started with music to different artists you like. Bands, you like, laughing at each other's teenage choices and stories. It didn't feel like you just met him 2 days ago. The woman in the cafe smiled warmly as she found the two of you laughing at some joke he cracked when she was placing your orders on the table. 
And he asked, "So, how long have you been in love with Seungkwan?” and you were shocked. “Is it that obvious?” You ended up asking, and he shrugged his shoulders. “By the way you two look at each other? Of course.” He said it and smiled. “What do you mean by each other?” You said that, and Bangchan just shook his head.
And you told him more about you and Seungkwan. How you had met him on your first day of middle school and he was the popular kid, and you were new. How he immediately adopted you as his introvert, like any other introvert and extrovert duo. 
The two of you laughed at your memories, and he kept making comments here and there. You told him how Seungkwan dissed anyone who tried to bully you and how you supported him in his singing gigs. And how you realise during his basketball tryouts in high school that you were hopelessly in love with him. You also told him about all the times you mustered up the courage to tell him, which was really twice, but backed up the moment you saw him, You could take the fact that he didn't like you, but you couldn't take it if you lost him on whole or made things awkward, that would affect everything and everyone. So each time, you backed away. 
“Oh my god, look at the snow” the woman suddenly said, and the two of you did. You and Chan both took a sharp breath in and looked at the outdoors in awe. The whole horizon was covered with a thin blanket of white as the snow had just started to fall. 
The Christmas atmosphere felt more magical. Strangely, your heart started yearning for someone. Not just someone, because if it would have been that, then you'd be glad Bangchan was here. But no, your heart yearned and craved for that one man. The one you were in love with, Boo Seungkwan, who would probably never be yours. 
Your trance was broken by the sound of your phone. Bumzu was calling, “Yeah?” You picked up and answered. “What?” You exclaimed, "Okay. Okay” Bangchan heard you say. He knew your tone, he's been at a similar spot several times. So he nodded his head when you hung up and looked at him. “Problem in the studio?” He asked, and you smiled once again. “Yes, but let's do this again, that is, if you want. I mean, I had fun, and-” you were mumbling, and he stopped you. “Y/n, I had fun too, let's hang out again” he said and you picked up your bag. "Hey, is this cardigan all you're wearing?” Bangchan asked, and you nodded. “You're gonna catch a cold” he said, as he started taking off his jacket. “No! Chan, dont” you told him but he only smiled and offered his jacket to you. “Take it, I don't feel cold, this one I'm wearing will do”
And he didn't take no for an answer.
“I came as fast as I could” You said and Bumzu started to explain to you what the issue was. “How were your plans? Sorry if I messed it up” he said with a smirk and you shook your head, not reading into it much. 
You met Seungkwan on your way out “Is that a new jacket?” he asked. “No it’s Chan’s” you cleared. 
“Chan’s?” Seungkwan said and looked at Dino with a quizzical look, who was standing at a distance. “No not this, I mean Bangchan” you said. 
“Oh, Ohh” Seungkwan said, “It went well then” he said. You shrugged "Well, kinda b-” you were interrupted. “Oh, we've gotta get back to practice, see you later at Mingyu's party, later” He had hardly gotten the words out of his mouth when he turned and left. So you didn't see the light that his eyes had lost. The way his eyebrows knitted as he lost whatever hope he had.
You were sitting at home infront of the mirror, thinking back to the times you thought of just telling Seungkwan how you felt. It was different back when he was a student or trainee, he's an Idol now, (world high top class idol) it's more difficult now. You sighed, like he'd like you anyway. 
“Hey!” Mingyu greeted you and placed a cup in your hand. “Hoshi made that” he said with a side hug and walked away almost as soon as you entered the party. Now you've had enough experience to know that when Soonyoung dabbles with alcohol, drinking it is a bad idea and you confirm it by taking a sip and walking towards the kitchen to replace it with something actually drinkable. 
“Y/n!” You heard Joshua call you, who was sitting beside Seungkwan. “Ohho! Girl you look gorgeous” he said with a warm smile. You thanked him and said “Hey Kwana” you said, but no response except a nod of acknowledgement. You all chatted merrily, the whole circle being of people you knew. Seungkwan barely contributed. At some point you heard cheers, only to find Mingyu holding a bouquet of-
“Why is Mingyu holding flowers over Yohan and his girlfriend’s heads as they kiss?” Someone asked. “Those are mistletoes,” you said and they shook their heads in realization.
Everyone cheered as Mingyu now held the bouquet over a very drunk Hoshi and Dokyeom. Well,  Hoshi is trying to kiss Dokyeom at this point anyway, and everybody laughed. 
You felt anticipated as Mingyu looked around the room for his next target. Your heart slowed down when his eyes locked on you, it skipped a beat when he started walking towards you and pouty Seungkwan.
“Yes! Finally!” Joshua cheered from across the room. 
“We can't” Seungkwan said, and your heart dropped, so he really doesn't like you like that. So you were right. “We can't put Y/n through this” he added. “Excuse me?” You said immediately. “You wouldn't wanna kiss me right? Besides, aren't you seeing, you even had his jacket” you interrupted him. “Can you stop assuming for me instead of asking” you said standing up and walking away.
“Y/n! Y/n, wait” you heard Seungkwan's voice in the hallway behind you, his steps seem a bit disoriented. 
“What did you mean?” He asked when he reached you. “What?” You said.
“What did you mean back then?” He asked cluelessly.
“I'm not seeing anyone! Who does that just after one date anyway? I don't see Bangchan like that, or anyone like that in fact. Because I'm hopelessly in love with YOU!” you blurted out. 
“What? It's not hopeless” he said and before you could react, Seungkwan held your face in his hands and slammed his lips onto yours. 
“It's not hopeless” Seungkwan said again when he pulled away, with a dumb smile on his face.
Other Works
My networks: @sandsofire @k-vanity @caratlibrary
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ravixen · 1 year
seungcheol ; until the flowers bloom
➔ synopsis: Sir Seungcheol has separated from his expedition, and you don't have the heart to turn him away this winter season.
warnings: x fem!OC (Nihyun) || genre: slice of life, kind of fluff 2380 words || scenario || somewhat royal!au || cwc secret santa
➔ notes: *insert josh a-teen voice* surprise, @nihyunluvskookie, I'm your cwc secret santa! it's been lovely getting to know you and seeing our similarities. I'm glad you became a carat; you have so much adoration and respect for seungcheol, and it honestly warms my heart. I only had a handful of days to knock this out, but I hope you like it!! I used second person perspective, but the character is addressed as Lady Nihyun :) for anyone who's NOT nihyun, another monday means another post! free to read and reblog as well!
You wake up to the sight of delicate frost lining the edges of your windows, sparkling in the morning sun. A bit early this year, you note with a stretch that pops your joints. That either means a long winter ahead or an early spring. For the sake of your dwindling resources, you hope that it's the latter. Outside, brown leaves flutter on wizened branches, barely hanging on after last night's rain. A strong wind would make them join their friends on the ground soon enough.
By the time you make it to the downstairs dining room for breakfast, Mingyu already has a fire roaring in the hearth and four platters set out: one for himself, one for you, one for Jeonghan, and one for Joshua. A familiar scene if not for the trembling body sitting before the flames, their hair dripping water onto the floor.
Mingyu exits the kitchen with a fifth plate and catches sight of you hesitating on the staircase. "Lady Nihyun," he says, getting the attention of the newcomer. Mingyu glances between the two of you. "I apologize for not asking you sooner, but I found him unconscious by the door this morning. I had to bring him in."
The stranger pushes to his feet, body creaking with the metal armor still on his limbs. It's his broad build that makes you step back, fingers curling around the banister—he's nearly as wide as Mingyu—but the sincerity in his eyes and placating hands at least earns him the chance for an explanation.
Choi Seungcheol, he says his name is, though his identification papers are too damp to verify. He was part of Lord Soonyoung's returning expedition, but yesterday's storm blew him off course and separated him from the rest. He pushed forward, hoping for shelter, until he came across this manor and collapsed on the front steps.
"Will they be looking for you?" Jeonghan asks, though his hand is itching towards Joshua's bread. He's promptly slapped away before his fingers could find their prize. "We have to run errands in the town today. Could bring you along if you'd like to ask around."
"I would appreciate it," he says. Even with his armor off, he could pass for nothing but a knight. Maybe a particularly handsome lumberjack, but the training is evident in his posture, his manners, the way he averts his eyes when he meets your gaze over the table. "Protocol states that they will spend two days searching for missing members before moving on, hoping to hear from any messengers. I could send a bird so that they don't delay."
Joshua winces. "Only two days?"
"We don't often stray far, and a day alone casts a wide enough net."
"Where were you before the storm started?"
Seungcheol doesn't exactly remember the name of the town, but he describes the paths they took and the distinct obelisk that stands tall in a market square. He pauses when everyone frowns. "Is something wrong?"
"That's three towns away—a day or two's ride on a good day and nearly impossible now that autumn is ending," Joshua says, hesitating. "How did you end up here?"
Your workers look amongst themselves, and it doesn't take a genius to recognize the distrust settling into the lines of their frowns. Jeonghan, ever the mediator, claps his hands when the silence starts to get awkward.
"No use asking questions without answers," he insists with a practiced smile. "Why don't you finish eating and change into dry clothing before we head out? Mingyu has a few extra shirts. You can also take one of our horses while yours rests. We'll be there and back by late afternoon."
You almost feel bad about him not having a moment to orient himself, but Seungcheol only nods, shoulders squared. The sooner, the better, it seems. Once everything is cleared away and they set off, Joshua turns to you.
"You've been quiet, my lady."
"I've been thinking."
"Do you trust his words?"
"I do," you admit. Joshua scans your expression for a flicker of doubt. There is none. "The temperature has started to drop; I doubt that he'll make it out of the area before winter falls. Would it be a bother to house him for a bit? At least until the flowers bloom?"
Joshua's jaw sets as he looks out the window. You both know that you don't need his opinion. You're the lady of the manor; he's merely your gardener. It feels like forever before he finally responds, giving your hand a squeeze. "That is up to your discretion, my lady. I suggest talking it through with Jeonghan before making a decision."
Of course, Jeonghan is wary when you tell him your suggestion, but little can be done. Seungcheol sent a note through the local aviary. It would be easier for him to find his own way home than to await the expedition—at least, that's what he wrote in the message.
"And you know how expensive it is this season." It's one of the reasons why Jeonghan is lodging with you, after all. "How is he going to afford living in town until the snow melts and he can return?"
Like Joshua, Jeonghan regards you cautiously. "Why are you going out of your way to be charitable?" he asks lowly, his head huddled close with yours. In the next room over, Mingyu is giving Seungcheol a tour of the library.
Your gaze is fixed on the suit of armor standing in the corner. "That coat of arms on the shoulder—I've seen before in my parents' notes. In the past, his people saved my family, and I figure it's my turn to return the favor." You tilt your head. "Besides, can you look him in the eyes and kick him out when the first snowfall comes?"
As you predict, the first snowfall occurs days later, blanketing the earth in a thin layer of powder white, and Jeonghan officially offers a guest room to your home's newest addition. Though Seungcheol has little to offer financially—you insist on him saving it for the spring—he soon proves his worth to your daily routines. He helps Mingyu with the wood chopping, quickly trusted to do the job himself and bring the split logs into the shed to dry. He spends most of his time loitering in the kitchen, warmed by Mingyu's constant cooking flame, but he also drifts to the corners of the manor, finally addressing those leaky faucets and creaky floorboards that no one's gotten around to. He matches Jeonghan's wit, and Jeonghan finds excitement in having another brain to pick. He even manages to win over Joshua by talking about the greenhouse.
The air outside gets cold, but inside your walls, it couldn't be livelier. You don't miss the wide berth Seungcheol gives you, though; you're not sure whether it's from your workers' warnings or of his own volition. Does it matter? He greets you every morning with a perfunctory bow and murmur of Lady Nihyun before settling into conversation with the others. You can't get a word in edge-wise.
You poke your head into the library where Seungcheol and Joshua sit, sharing a laugh about a joke you caught the tail end of.
"Seungcheol, can you pass me that book? The one on your left."
He pauses his story, something related to a tavern Joshua recognizes, to pick up the book you're pointing to. "This one, my lady?"
"Yes, thank you."
Instead of walking it over, he hands it to your gardener with a whisper, and it's Joshua who gives you the book with an apologetic smile. You hold the mathematical tome to our chest as you turn around and march back to Jeonghan's waiting office. You didn't miss the slip of Seungcheol's expression when you addressed him.
You're determined not to dwell on it.
Days melt into weeks, and it takes a full month before Seungcheol finally lets his guard down enough to talk to you. And that happens because you accidentally take the matter into your own hands. You come downstairs and find your workers in the drawing room, bent over individual projects.
"I want to take a ride," you tell them.
All four men stop to look at you. You tug on your fur-lined gloves—the last touch to your winter riding outfit—and stand expectantly by the door.
"I'm on a roll with my writing for once," Jeonghan says, looking to the rest. His reading glasses are perched low on his nose, and his pen hovers over still-drying ink. Mingyu and Joshua murmur similar excuses. Seungcheol keeps his eyes on the floor and says nothing. "We took the horses out not that long ago. If you can wait until tomorrow, I can go with you."
You purse your lips, then shrug. "Worry not, I can go by myself," you say and pull your hood over your head. "I will see you all in a bit."
"Wait—" Out of the corner of your eye, you see Joshua scrambling to his feet, but you've already closed the front door.
At their insistence, you've been sitting indoors, all warm and toasty, while they took turns exercising the horses. A brief walk every few days and a longer hike at least once a week—that's enough to get them through the season, but you miss your baby.
She neighs as you approach and takes your offered carrot with a whip of her head.
"It's been a while, huh?" you murmur, leaning your forehead against her cheek. "Hopefully I still remember how to ride you."
You reach for the stall latch, but another gloved hand makes it there first. Your eyes drag up the arm and find that it's attached to none other than Choi Seungcheol, who gives you a quiet nod and helps you set up your saddle. He lifts you onto your horse as you swing your legs over, his hands warm on your waist even through all the layers, and once he's on his own steed, he leads you down the path you've grown up with.
You wait for him to say something. Anything, really. Yet there's nothing but the crunch of snow beneath sure hooves and the echoing caws in sparse trees. You're tired of this. When you pass a branch laden with snow, you scoop some into your hands, pack it into a tight ball, and throw it out in front of you. It hits him square in the back and crumbles.
Still nothing. He only pauses for a moment before clearing his throat and continuing. Urging your horse faster, you round in front of him and skid to a stop in the middle of the path.
"Why do you keep avoiding me?" you blurt out.
"What?" He actually looks startled, pulling on the reins to bring his own horse to a stop. "What do you mean, my lady?"
"You've been here for so long, and the entire time, it feels like you've been avoiding me." You frown. "If you don't like me or if I've done something to disrespect you, I'd rather know now."
"Oh. I'm sorry you thought that way." He offers you a tentative smile, and like the spring sun cresting a winter hill, it makes your heart sing of hope. He doesn't look upset with you or your boldness. "I didn't mean to come off that way. You just...if I may be candid, my lady."
You nod. Your horse stamps impatiently.
"You make me nervous."
Blinking, you realize that you haven't exactly extended your own olive branch. "You're right," you say slowly. "I'm the lady of the manor." The casualness of your relationships with your workers is uncommon in certain circles; you never explicitly told Seungcheol that he can be relaxed around you, too. "I should have realized that you didn't want to accidentally offend me by overstepping boundaries. It must have been easier talking to the others."
"That's not quite—" He shakes his head, a laugh bubbling in his chest. "Sure. That's what it is."
"I apologize."
"No need for apologies, my lady. Can I take this as approval to be closer to you?"
Something in his boyish charm must be pure magic because the way the wind ruffles his hair and brightens his face enchants you into breathing yes.
Without Seungcheol keeping his distance, you discover many things about him. How comforting his voice is when he mediates yet another argument that sparks between Mingyu and Jeonghan. How charming his smile is when you overhear his muttered comments and he looks at you, eyes full of mirth like you're sharing a secret across the table. How contagious his laugh is when he manages to slip a pinch of snow down Joshua's back while you're distracting him. How amusing his pout is when Jeonghan scolds him and uses his full name.
"You've effectively charmed him, my lady," Mingyu tells you as you sit on the kitchen island, legs swinging as you wait for him to finish your masala chai. "Whatever you did during that horse ride worked."
And then a thought dawns across his face, and he turns to you with the most suspicious expression as he demands, "What happened on the horse ride?"
"Nothing," you're quick to say, though perhaps too quick because his gaze lingers. "Mingyu, we simply talked."
Talking is as far as you'll go with Seungcheol, but during the late hours of the night, you twist and turn in your bed, wondering exactly what he meant by you make me nervous with a dust of rose on his cheeks. Even if you dare to hope in the deepest crevices of the dark, reality is quick to put you into place by reminding you that he is only here until the flowers bloom.
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nihyunluvskookie · 1 year
we are not strangers anymore
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“Mingyu one shot”
a drabble for @tasteslikenostalgiaa  from your secret Santa, Merry Christmas ❄️
Secret Santa event by @caratwritersclub
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x female reader, (feat Minghao)
Genre: fluff, strangers to friends
Warnings: it’s a fluff so no warnings
Word count: 1.3K
Author’s Note: When I started writing I was so confused how to write and what to write, then I ended up choosing this trope. This trope is very new to me, I tried making it a bit sweet, hope that worked and I really hope you will like this Tan, and wishing you Merry Christmas 🎄❄️ and I would be posting this on a time (your b’day date as time), I thought this would a be sweet gesture for you.  
Hopefully you’ll like this Tan~  happy reading <3
And this was my first time taking part in secret santa event by carat writers club, and I enjoyed it a lot, thankyou for giving me such an amazing friend, and I love this event!
I was looking at the painting in the museum, solo museum dates were something always comforting to me. It felt like art always connects me to a different world, like my escape. Art is always something I feel they speak the way no one could and they comfort me. I feel like it’s home. Home isn’t always a place, it can be something or someone that makes you feel safe. 
I was walking and looking at all the art pieces with a deep thought, I heard a click sound and was caught off guard. ‘did someone recognize me?’ ‘but I tried my best to cover myself’ these thoughts came flooding to my mind, and I turned around and bowed.
The moment I turned my head, I saw two guys and soon recognized them as Mingyu and Minghao. They were around the same age but they were my seniors in the company. Like how can you not recognize THE Kim Mingyu and THE Xu Minghao.
“Oh?” I got startled because of Minghao’s voice and I saw Mingyu lowering the camera.
Did he recognize me? I doubt that because, if we ever interacted with eachother, it was mostly because of company and some projects or like collabs for dance challenges, I guess.
“Hello” Mingyu smiled at me.
“Hello” I smiled at him, he could probably see my smiling because of my eyes, because I’m wearing a mask.
“Sorry if I startled you” he looked apologetic, I shook my head, “No no, it’s fine”
“You like art?” I turned to look at Minghao, I nodded.
One thing I was sure now, they recognized me. “Do you want to join us? Or are you on a solo date?” Mingyu was surely an extrovert. I was about to say something then he spoke, “don’t think we will get uncomfortable, because we will rather get one more company who enjoys art” his smile, there’s something I couldn’t resist anymore, he is always so humble and kind with everyone.
“Okay then” I smiled. “Let’s go and check out the remaining two” only two art works were left, I was walking with them to check them out. It felt like I got a new company for few minutes. Solo dates are fine but when someone joins you unexpectedly, it just makes everything a bit better.
“Do you come and visit museums usually?” I looked at Minghao, I nodded, “Yes, because I feel home” I smiled, hoping he would understand how I feel.
“That’s amazing” and we both smiled. He looked so genuine, when he was talking about art. He is someone who loves art, I feel more connected to him at times. Being my senior at the company, I always looked up to him. He amazes me a lot and I admire him a lot.
“Have you eaten something?” I looked at Mingyu when we were walking out from the museum, I shook my head. “I had breakfast and didn’t had lunch yet” I told him the truth, “Well you can join us, if you’re okay with it” I thought for a second, Mingyu looked humble while inviting me for lunch, but I was almost a stranger for him and Minghao, we never interacted exclusively but he is inviting me over a lunch, it melted my heart, and when someone asks me ‘have you eaten?’ it always touched me; maybe because at times I forget to eat because I get busy? it’s one of the sweetest gesture anyone could make for me.
“Are you okay?” I looked at Mingyu, I was taken aback with his question because how worried he looked, then I realized I was starting to tear up because I felt overwhelmed then I nodded and smiled.
“I’m okay, I was just a bit surprised and overwhelmed” there was no reason to hide I guess “we never interacted with each other, like this and I was surprised when both of you recognized me even when I am wearing a mask right now. And then giving me company and inviting me over lunch, I felt a bit overwhelmed.” I avoided his gaze for a second.
Minghao smiled and I looked at him, “we are idols, even you recognized us, although we are wearing masks right now” he smiled again. I was about to argue and tell them that how am I not supposed recognize them? And Mingyu cut me off with his words.
“And we are not strangers Y/N, it’s just we never got a chance to interact exclusively till now and we would be glad if you could join us because we would be getting a friend. Three of us are of same age after all” I smiled at him, “How did you know- I blurted out
“We work in the same company” I looked at Minghao, feeling embarrassed, “right”
“So, do you want to join us?” I nodded smiling big, it felt nice. It felt like I found new friends to hang out who have same interests as mine.
We took a cab and went to a restaurant Mingyu choose. During the whole ride I didn’t feel alone or felt like I was with strangers, rather felt it was a dayout with my own friends. It felt like we were having just normal conversations with friends. We were talking about art, photography and hobbies, while talking about photography, Mingyu looked really interested, “Mingyu, I really wanted to tell you, I love your photography skills. And Minghao, I really wanted to tell you I love your sky pics, specially sunset ones” they looked surprised, “you check our posts?”
I almost forgot our group account follows them , and we don’t have personal Instagram account yet but I just check in twitter randomly when they appear on my timeline or check their accounts randomly, “Sometimes”
“That’s something I didn’t know” Mingyu laughed, “Well… our group account follows your group account and I sometimes happen to see your sunset pictures or sky pictures, they really heal me at times” thankfully my mask had me covered or else they could see my cheeks red because I’m embarrassed.
After telling them, how photography is precious to me, because I want to capture the beauties on lens, although they don’t do justice for what we see infront of us. I always wanted to capture the beauties which hold so many memories for me.
After having lunch and talking about random things, we were about to part ways, because of our schedules “so, Y/N let’s stay in contact and let’s have another day out like this, we really enjoyed your company. And do me know if you come across art exhibitions or something which you want to come, then I’ll give you company” I nodded and smiled at Mingyu; then he gave his phone to me, I looked at him, “number and kakaotalk id”
“Ah” I gave him my number and added both in my kakaotalk, “let’s stay in touch then!”
“You’re way too cute” I looked at Mingyu, taken aback. Minghao was looking at him, with a face I couldn’t understand, I was thinking how to respond, “everyone says that!” he looked so defensive, “thank you~”
“Well, we have practice in an hour and we don’t want to be late” I nodded, understanding our busy schedule  “Yes, I understand, I too have practice in few hours. Guess, that’s it then”
“See you around Y/N” I smiled at Minghao and he gave me a shoulder pat, he was really a warm person. “See you soon Y/N” Mingyu smiled at me, and my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t know why would that happen but maybe because he was standing really close to me. “Yes, see you guys soon” I gave him a full smile.
Their cab came, and they waved at me, before they could leave I heard Mingyu’s voice faintly, ‘Finally I’ve her number and we are not stranger anymore’ I saw Minghao smiling and nudging Mingyu’s shoulder which looked like he was teasing him, I turned around feeling my cheeks heated up.
“but I’m glad we are not strangers anymore” I said this to myself and saw my cab already came.  
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wooyasdream · 1 year
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dk & woozi: “I will always be grateful to have you in my life🕊️”
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mingi-bubu · 1 year
little bit, a little bit, in love with you
For the Carat’s Cloud server’s Inaugural Secret Santa!  My giftee is the delightful and lovely Eishi @cherrybxmbby!  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I hope you enjoy~!  This is like, one of three different ideas I had for what I wanted to write.  The title is from Lykke Li’s “Little Bit” which honestly I really feel like does add to the vibe of this
f!reader x minghao, minghao + reader + mingyu best friends, mingyu actually like takes up a good portion of this but it’s for the #bants, uni au, mentions another svt uni au currently in the works, ~1.6k/words
You wave at the rest of your group mates as they gather their things and leave the library, a tired (and somewhat forced) smile on your face.  Mingyu ruffles your hair as he passes behind you, and you slap at his hand.  You know he’s doing it just to make your smile a bit more genuine.  He’s the easiest to read of your friends, and you know he worries about you.  Granted, the late nights you have, because you lose track of time studying, do give cause for concern.  But still, you do appreciate it.
“Are you staying here then,” he asks, hovering while looking like he’s trying not to hover.
“Yeah,” you say.  Well, it’s more of a resigned puff of air than an actual hard agreement, but details.
“No café today?”  His tone is casual, but you know him better than that.
You raise your eyebrow.  “Is there something you want to tell me, Gyu?”
“I- no,” he says.  You watch as he grows fidgety.  “Okay, yes.  Are you not going because of Growly McWhines?”
You snort at the newest sobriquet he’s gifted your friend and his partner for a different class project.  “Why you don’t just tell them that you’re interested rather than furthering the animosity between you two is something I’ll never understand.”  You shake your head slightly and continue, “But yes, I’m not going to Carat Cloud because of Growly McWhines.  I would appreciate just one day when I don’t have to hear one of you complain about the other.”  It’s so obvious that you guys are into each other anyways is something you decide can stay in your head.
“I would,” he says, “honestly, I would.” You give him a flat stare, not believing him in the slightest. “We can talk about it later.”
You nod and assume that that's the end of it, turning back to your notes. You were wrong.
“Ni Hao, wo Ming!” You don't need to look up to see the stupid grin on Mingyu's face. You do look up anyways, because this greeting can only mean one thing.  Xu Minghao was approaching.
It wasn’t like it was a new thing, him hanging out with you and Mingyu.  After all, the two of them have known each other since high school; Gyu’s family was Minghao’s host family when he came over from Liáoníng to study.  They are, for all intents and purposes, brothers in everything but blood.  So yes, you know Minghao.
… You like Minghao.  And honestly… what about him isn’t to like?  You like that he is generally calm and collected, a contrast to Mingyu’s energetic puppy aura, but he also knows how to let loose.  You’ve seen him go from zero to a hundred during some go-cart competition that his dance team was having.  And on-stage… in those performances and competitions?  God, it’s like he’s possessed by some other entity.  It’s as if Terpsichore herself has descended from the cosmos and made Minghao her vessel to humanity.  (Or, well, everyone who fits in the auditorium that the competition is held in.)
He is immeasurably kind and has hosted finals cram parties (wherein all you do is study with what feels like several dozen non-alcoholic drinks and snacks like carrots and apple slice bunnies within easy reach) for your group of friends.  Sometimes, if he knows someone in one of his classes is really struggling, he’ll invite them as well.  And he’s just so worldly.  He memorizes poems and historical anecdotes and recites them at the drop of a hat.  He stays up to date on so many different topics.  He is endlessly interesting to talk to, and you know you could spend all night staying up with him, just… just talking about anything and everything, if you let yourself.
“That joke was barely funny the first time, and it gets less funny as time goes on,”  Minghao says, though the smile he wears belies his true amusement.  “How are end-of-semester things going?”  He shifts the strap of his backpack, pulling the hood of his coat out from underneath it.
“They could be better,” Mingyu allows, a tiredness he hadn’t shown before seeping into his voice.  You and Minghao glance at each other; the both of you have a fairly decent idea as to what could be better.
“I agree,” you say, joining the conversation officially, “this group project is slowly sucking the life out of me.  Like, don’t get me wrong, I love Joshua, and he’s been my lifeline for this class.  But…”  You lower your voice, glancing around to see if anyone else was listening.  “Okay, is it necessary to bring a color-coded spreadsheet for the second actual out-of-class meeting we’ve had?  We just decided on what topic we’re going to cover.  How does he have a spreadsheet already?”
Minghao huffs out a laugh at your complaints.  Mingyu snorts and then slaps a hand over the lower half of his face as if it would prevent anyone from having heard it.
“So you’re both showing up to the cram parties then, I take it?”  He asks rhetorically.  “I talked with the owners of Carat Cloud, and they said we could hang out there to study.”
“Sounds good.  Message me the rest later?  I gotta jet,” Mingyu pulls out his phone, checking the time.
“I will,” Minghao says, “I’ll probably just send a message into the group chat.”
Mingyu nods, pockets his phone, and then ruffles your hair again before walking quickly out of the library.
You scowl after him, and then shake your head with a small smile.  You don’t bother to fix your hair again.  You turn your gaze to Minghao, taking in his outfit, well, the parts of it not covered by his coat.  He has on his so-called “grandma glasses”, chain and everything, and you can see the ends of his hair peeking out from under his speckled gray knit beanie.  It’s been permed and colored for his competition this weekend, a bluey-purple mix that you’re definitely interested in seeing more of.
Minghao pushes his glasses up from where they were sliding down his nose.  “So, um.”  He pauses.
You frown at the odd behavior, not really ever knowing him to not be confident in what he was saying.  “Is everything okay?”
He blinks a few times, as if getting his bearings after suddenly being woken up.  “No, it’s fine.  I’m fine.  I just.”  Another pause.  “So you know how I have the competition this weekend?”
You smile, more of an amused uptick of the corners of your mouth than anything else, but reply, “Yes.  And even if I didn’t, the hair sort of gives away that you’re going to be doing something soon.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he jokes back.  The small exchange seemed to help, and you can see him become himself again.  “I was wondering if you would also help me record a solo tape?  There are some dance troupes who have shown some interest and I want to make sure I have something prepared for when, or if, they ask for more.”
You flip open your cartoon frog planner and check your schedule.  “When were you wanting to do this?”
“I was thinking after the competition would probably work best since the building where we’re going to perform at has a few dance studios the next floor up from the auditorium.”  He says, sketching a rough diagram in the air.
“Yeah, I can totally help with that!”  You agree.  “Let me write it down, make it all official and everything,” you tease, pulling out the blue gel pen you use for personal events in your planner.
“I was also thinking that maybe we could get dinner after,” he says, and his voice sounds forcibly casual.
Your hand freezes, the tip of the gel pen still pressed into the paper, the ink pooling slowly around it.  “As a,” your voice cracks, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment.  You swallow and try again.  “Are we meeting up with everyone after we finish recording?  Mingyu or Chan or?”
“I was thinking of dinner as a date.  Personally, I think inviting my not-brother and my co-captain might ruin that atmosphere.”  You open your eyes and see the little quirk up at the corner of his mouth.
You make a noise between a scoff and a snort, “Yeah, I think that would just about do it.”  You bite your lip, looking down at the box for Saturday, where “Minghao Dance Comp” and “Help MH Record After” were written next to little bullet points.  “Are you serious about this?”
You really, really hope he is.  He doesn’t seem like someone who would ask you out and not mean it.  But your anxieties eat at your perceptions anyway.
His voice is gentler than before, but firm in its intent.  “I do.  I am, I mean.  Honestly, I’ve been trying to figure out how I wanted to ask you out now for a while.”
You feel your heart flutter at that.  “Oh?”  A smile you didn’t even realize had started appears on your face.  “Well, we can’t put all your planning to waste then, can we?”
Minghao watches as you write into the planner, right under the previous two notes, “Date with Minghao <3”.
You can’t wait for the weekend, and from the way Minghao tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear before he leaves you to study, neither can he.
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proverbsofv · 1 year
Sturmfrei - Carat's Cloud Secret Santa Special
sturmfrei (german, adj.) - the freedom of not being watched by a parent or superior; being alone at a place and having the ability to do what you want
pairing: seokjin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
content warning: y/n being a nervous wreck in the beginning 
word count: 891
home alone - day6 (even of day) strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan dancing queen -  abba shine - pentagon love in my pocket - rich brian
a/n: hi sammie (@wonwooslibrary)! i’m happy to announce that i am your secret santa this year. hope you like the gift and thanks for being such a great friend!
Needless to say, you were excited to spend Christmas together with Seokjin and his family for the first time. However, as the days went by and the holiday drew closer, you became more and more anxious. Sure, you knew that Seokjin's relatives are lovely people, given that they managed to raise a man as fine as your beloved, but you couldn't help having some concerns.
"What if they don't like me? What if they don't like my cooking? Or worse… what if they think I'm not good enough for him?" you kept repeating to yourself, pacing around the living room frantically.
 At that point, you still hadn't noticed Seokjin staring at you from across the room, having returned from running some errands.
"What in the world are you talking about?" he chuckled as he started walking up to you. Hearing his voice all of a sudden made you jump. 
"They already love you! Probably even more than me." he said as he started to pout teasingly. 
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to tell you that everything is going to be alright… aaaand that you're overreacting."
Seokjin then pulled you into his embrace and neither of you wanted to let go.
A week has passed since then and it is now was now the first day of Christmas. Which also happens to be the day when the two of you are supposed to drive down to Seokjin's home town. After what your boyfriend said to you that night in the living room, you felt way more confident and prepared whenever Seokjin made an effort to ask you about how you were doing. He was skeptical at first, but deep down knew that if something were to make you uncomfortable, you'd tell him.
You finally have arrived at the doorstep of your partner's childhood home. You were about to ring the doorbell when Seokjin grabbed your hand to stop you and said:
 "I know you're not as worried as you were that night, but I still wanted to tell you this one thing. Everyone is going to love you just as much as I do. I promise".
You wanted to retort his words, but all you did was nod silently. Finally, you rang the doorbell and before you was Seokjin's mother, who squeezed you in a hug so tight as if she hadn't seen you in ages, completely disregarding the casserole that was about to fall out of your hands. Everything was going to be alright.
When you went into the house you were completely starstruck. The decorations looked like that from a home straight out of a Hallmark movie. You could hear pots clattering from the kitchen and children laughing from the living room, eager to open their presents. Your boyfriend chuckled, "Not so bad now, is it?". 
"Not sure. Currently calculating the probability of your aunties interrogating us about getting married and having kids", you replied. Hearing your statement, Seokjin couldn't help but playfully hit you with his elbow and snorted quietly.
During the dinner, everything went smoothly. Seokjin's nieces and nephews didn't want to stop playing with you and you were praised for your cooking. You managed to wiggle out of the aunties' ever-so-slightly uncomfortable questions with your boyfriend's help. You then realised you really were worrying about nothing and allowed yourself to relax. Though you can't deny that it was still exhausting. After all, being smothered with so much love and affection can turn out to be a bit too much.
It was already really late in the night. You and Seokjin stayed behind while his family went out to take part in the Mass. 
You went to bed expecting to fall asleep right then and there, but your loving boyfriend had other plans. Suddenly, a bright light shone in your eyes. You hissed in response. "What are you doing, love?" All you got for an answer was a pillow in the face. Seokjin went up to the old stereo in the corner of the room and started blasting the loudest music known to man. You stared at him in disbelief.
"C'MON, DON'T BE SUCH A PARTY POOPER" he smirked, shouting over the music.
"Oh it's on, pretty boy. It. Is. On." your eyes filled with determination.
You somehow woke up at 3am, spooning with Seokjin. You don't remember going to sleep, let alone cuddling with your boyfriend. All you can remember was the very intense pillow fight, maybe even a pillow war. You smiled. You felt like a kid again. No one was watching you. All your worries melted away at that moment. The one to thank for all that was right there in your arms.
It was already the next day. As you were about to finish bidding your goodbyes, Seokjin's mum came up to you and whispered in your ear.
"Next year I'm expecting to see a new pillow set under the tree. I don't think I've ever seen so much pillow filling lying around like that in my life." she snickered.
"You got it." you winked and hugged her goodbye. You and Seokjin got into the car and set off on a journey back to your shared home.
"We should do stuff like this more often."
"Anything for you, my love" he smiled, kissing your knuckles, eyes still on the road.
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happysmilebtr · 1 year
hi again~ it's your carat exchange gifter once more :) I have no questions to grill you with this time (hehe), I just wanted to check in, say hello, and ask how you were doing? ^^
oh thank lordy i was expecting another mission impossible from you xD
but i am good! well i guess as good one can get after having a surgery on their foot dlksajdsa. i am going to try my best to work on my gifts of course but yeah, my main focus is just to get recovery as best as i can! tomorrow is my check up so kinda nervous and hopefully nothing bad! i hope life is much kinder to you my love
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lenteur · 1 year
ah you changed your theme again <3 it's so nice <3 I MISSED YOUUUU 🎄 i'll literally fight ur flu 😡😡😡 i've never had the flu before :( so please drink water, eat lots of soup, rest pls 💎🖤 i'm glad you're doing better! my best friend caught the flu right after a concert we attended but i seemed to be okay <3 that's basically what i did, it's warmed up a bit now which is good. just been wearing very fluffy socks 🖤
oh your themes are absolutely gorgeous ❤️ i actually change my theme far too much, every week it's a new colour. it's currently dark green 👽
soobin really suits the colour blonde! the fans have been wanting to see it blonde for a while and i love it on him <3 i honestly feel like idols can pull off any colour and i envy them so so much :( i do the same, pls don't apologise 🖤
can you imagine, i'd have gotten no sleep if i had watched the show that much, though i feel like if i was watching this on my own, i would probably lose sleep over it <3 so maybe it's a good thing i can only watch it when my s/o is up for it 😂 at the time i was planning on watching it was when one of their actors was arrested for doing something horrible and i was like nvm i don't wanna watch it anymore >.< i did watch a video on YouTube of the full story of santana and brittany but that the only thing i've seen from the show 😭
thank u for keeping my secret 🤫 i love it, it's a great word <3 i can only be scared away if the person i'm talking to turns out to be a murderer or smth so you're fiiiiine 🖤 i know I WANNA SHOW YOU MY CATS 😭 i know the posting period is between now and the 1st of january so i'm hoping to post in the next few DAYS !!
I AM. OH MY GOD I LOVE TEAAAA AND CAKE ❤️ i'm drinking chamomile tea rn <3 omg i've seen that advertising on viki, i added it to my list <3 i really want to watch revenge of others and the glory <3 the glory is not out yet though :((( my focus is so so bad, i really need a show to hook me in after one episode or i will just give up :(
i hope i haven't been too much!! i can get really talkative and i can't shut up sometimes <3 you are most welcome 🖤 the conversations will continue 🖤 i appreciate you a lot and i want to thank you for being so kind and patient. it's very, very appreciated and it meant a lot to me 🖤 i'm actually really, really nervous to reveal myself tbh :(( so i hope you're not disappointed 😂💎
—svt secret santa 🎅🎁🎄
omg you're so cute 🥺 i can imagine you ready to throw punches at my flu 💕 that's so sweet of you. unfortunately, i still haven't recovered 100% i'm feeling so tired, even when i had a good night's sleep. just like today 💔 i did sleep a lot during the night but just as i woke up, it felt like all energy left my body😭
ooh? dark green? 💚 i feel like this is a big clue as to who you are because a lot of blogs have revealed themselves in the last few days (i mean for the carat secret santa event) but don't worry i'm actually bad at guessing who people are so you don't have to worry.
i completely agree 😭 it's unfair how idols can pull off so many hair colours </3 but they look good so i'm not mad hehe
big shout out to your s/o for helping you and your sleep 😂 thankful for their existence lol oh really? i haven't watched in so long idk what happened to the show or the actors. but, atp all the characters that left shows are because the actors/actresses have done some shady stuff (for lack of a better word) so i can't say i'm surprised. but it kind of ruins the show for me :( because i know it's not because of a less serious reason (the actor no longer wants to be a part of the show, they want to act in other shows/movies, etc.) but that's a valid reason and i'm glad they got rid of the actor!
i can't wait for the surprise 💗 i'm sure i'll love it, just as much as our conversations. once i know who you are, i'm still going to look for the other gifts you made because i'm sure you're super talented! 💝
WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON 💟 tea and cake is the best combo ever! no one can change my mind 💞 i am the same. if i'm bored by the end of the first episode or i didn't memorise anything from it, i'm just going to drop it and move on. but it's so difficult getting into a show because my focus is so bad 😭 hoping for the both of us to start a new drama/show and that we'll enjoy it 🤞
what do you mean i'll be disappointed? i could never! you're so kind and sweet and funny and i really appreciate you for all your effort 💟 you're a great friend and i'm sure we'll get along even more after the event 💕
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wooahaeproductions · 1 year
Tinsel and Lights (TXT Beomgyu)
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Choi Beomgyu x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: super fluff
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Christmas tree? clumsiness
Rating: PG
A/N: My lovely Lien! I was so excited to get you for Carat Cloud’s first Secret Santa and I’m so happy that you were able to join us there. I really hope you like this. As soon as I knew I got you, I knew I had to do Beomgyu. Happy Holidays! 💕
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You opened your apartment door and were engulfed in the sound of Carol of the Bells and the scent of pine. Rustling noises could be heard coming from the living room and as you set your keys on the side table, you heard a large crash. A few seconds later, there was swearing.
You rounded the corner to find Beomgyu on his side in the middle of the living room floor, hog-tied in a string of Christmas lights. You stifled a laugh. It looked like he had somehow managed to get the tree up (how he got it home was also another question) but he was now stuck at the part where he was putting the lights on.
“Beomie…whatcha doing?” you asked in an amused tone. His eyes widened at the realization that you had gotten home and that you had caught him in the act. His adorable panicked look only made you want to laugh more. 
“I was trying to get the Christmas tree all set up so we could put on the ornaments together when you got home,” he replied with a whine.
“Well, that was very sweet of you but let’s start with getting you untangled from these lights okay?” you said, sitting on the floor next to him and grabbing a knot in the string closest to you.
He continued to pout as you began untangling him. He always tried to do sweet things for you, but in the end it always resulted in a clumsy situation. Not that you minded that at all. It’s what endeared him to you and made you love and appreciate him even more. It was always the thought that counted. 
Finally, you had unraveled him and he was able to sit up on the floor. He got up and plopped onto the couch with a huff. His bangs had fallen over his eyes in the struggle and he puffed air toward his forehead, effectively moving them out of the way.
“How about I grab the box of ornaments from the garage and we put them on and the lights on together, hm?” you suggested, walking over to him and kissing him gently on the cheek.
“Fine…” he murmured, still upset that his plan didn’t go the way he wanted it to. You had gone into the garage through the house door and a few minutes later, emerged carrying a small box that contained your Christmas ornaments. You set it on the couch next to where Beomgyu was waiting for you.
You grabbed one footstool from the hall closet and then a chair from the dining room table, placing them on opposite sides of the tree. “Okay, let’s get those lights on,” you said, giving Beomgyu a head tilt.
“Okay,” he said, this time having looped the lights around his arm neatly so it was easy to pass back and forth while winding them around the tree. You made sure he had the stool to stand on since it was sturdier and you began passing the string of lights back and forth, spreading them across the branches to get an even coverage of lights. 
Once they were properly wound around the tree, you plugged in the end you left out into the light socket near you, lighting it up with twinkling lights. “Perfect,” Beomgyu said, admiring your work. You stepped off the chair you were standing on to rummage in the ornament box you brought in. You knew there was a star for the top of the tree somewhere in there.
“Here it is!” you exclaimed, pulling it from somewhere in the middle where it was buried underneath the different colored tinsel balls. “Do you think you can put this on?” you asked the boy who was now sitting on the stool with his elbows on his knees. 
“Sure I can!” he answered, enthused with the fact you were going to let him do something of that magnitude. While he was clumsy, he was taller than you and would be able to reach the top of the pine tree much better than you would. You handed him the hollow star that would light up at the apex of the tree when it was plugged in to the rest of the lights. 
He took it, stretching up on the balls of his feet a bit to reach its place on the tree while you stood next to the stool to catch him if he lost balance. After a few small adjustments directed by you it was perfectly placed at the top of the tree and plugged in, the star lighting up bright. He was cute, as you watched him admire his work. 
“Ready to put the ornaments on now?” he asked you as he slowly stepped down from the stool and walked back to the couch to look in the box. You nodded, joining him to pick out the colored tinsel balls you wanted to place on the tree’s branches.
After seeing which colors were in the box, you and Beomgyu settled on green, blue, red, gold, silver, and white. Both of you walked back and forth. climbing on the stool occasionally to place the shiny ornaments just at the right height and spacing between each other, making sure no place was too bare or two close. 
Placing the last few, you stepped back. It looked amazing. “I think it’s done,” Beomgyu mused.
“I think so too,” you agreed. 
“Go sit down now, I’ll go make us some hot chocolate,” he said, urging you to rest now that the hard work was done. You nestled in the corner of the couch and pulled a blanket over you while he disappeared into the kitchen. 
A few minutes later, he returned with warm mugs of hot chocolate and marshmallows. He handed you one and sat down next to you, slipping himself under the fleece blanket with you to cuddle.
As the two of you snuggled up together, and marveled at the tree you two worked on together, it finally felt like the holidays.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N” Beomgyu said, putting an arm around you and pulling you close. 
“Merry Christmas, Beomie,” you said back, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. Everything felt warm and cozy. 
All works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 6 months
Is there any specific genre trope or other cliche that you've been wanting to read as of recent? Any specifics can help :)
Hiiiiii! My Secret Carat Santa!!
I like any trope but I am a sucker for Friends to Lovers and Enemies to lover.
The genre could be anything you like really, I'd love the angstiest or fluffiest stuff as long as the ending is happy 🥹.
Feel free to use your magic ✨
Take love! 💕
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dalkyeom · 1 year
hello, chia! im your carat secret santa! i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to message you, my social battery was drained and i could barely hold a conversation :( but i'm here now! i see you're away for a few days and i'm sorry to hear about your grandma.. i hope you and your family take the time to heal a little. everyone will be awaiting your return with love and open arms! myself included :3 i'm excited to get to know you. - 🥕
Hello my carrot santa (amg it’s cute you signed with a carrot 🥺💖) it’s so nice to finally meet you! were you able to rest well? It’s been a busy season with finals and holiday prep so I hope you’re able to enjoy some free time now 😌✨ also www— I don’t mind the late intro at all 😂 my social battery does the same too so sometime’s I’m just 💀
take care of yourself lots, my santa 🥺💖 I’m really glad that you dropped by! And tysm!! I think we’re all healing together slowly, we were able to spend lots of time with her before her big heaven’s cloud promotion to the 100th floor so it doesn’t feel as bad 🥺 I’ll be here and there (but don’t be shy if you want to send an ask anytime! i’ll be sure to answer it when I can 💓)
Likewise too amg it’s always super exciting to meet new friends 😭 who’s your bias?
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februaryflowers · 2 years
It’s day 2 of the Secret Santa event woohoo~! ❄️ My day has been pretty good too thank you for asking 💝
I’m a Mingyu bias 🥺 Look at us being the Bittersweet duo! I’ve been a Carat for a while actually, before Horanghae existed! I’ve been a long term kpop fan prior before that but something about Seventeen felt like home 🥹 I have way too many groups that I listen to and like but I like Red Velvet also!
Now it’s question time for you Mei! Do you have any fics (can be your own or someone elses) that you find yourself rereading on occasion? We can call it a comfort fic!
omg do you have an rv bias :3 mine's joy but also im weak in the knees for seulgi 24/7 💔 whos your fav group besides seventeen though!
but my fav fics to reread would be anything under "mei's favorite stories" probably and def a lot of @seokmingiggles' fics 💔
but hmmm tbh i dont reread my own fics a lot unless like it's to judge myself or reread + correct 😭 if i had to pick... i do like through the night + wonwoo and sweetest thing + seokmin... i think that a lot of my seok fics i'm happier with and maybe some wonwoo ones too at least style and concept-wise but how about you :3
how's your day been btw! it's getting cold here so if it's getting chilly for you too i hope you're keeping warm ❤️
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bfwonu · 2 years
ooh im glad your day was good i hope today is just as nice! today i have to study and stuff for finals but i think it'll be pretty chill?
can you tell me about how you got into seventeen :] for me i randomly stumbled upon one of their interviews and i was just so down bad for joshua that i watched a lot of their own content. since it was also comeback time it was kinda just like damn i'm a carat now although joshua isn't my bias anymore
it's also getting pretty chilly here so do you have any favorite winter/cold weather activities :3
have a wonderful day/night !!
-secret santa anon
my day was also pretty good hehe, i hope studying for ur finals went well! i basically did the same but i also lazed around a bit since it rained today :,)
and of course! that’s so funny bc i was kind of the same, i think i came across an edited video of the tribal games gose episode and not only was i in tears from laughing so hard but wonwoo also caught my eye :3 i realized that i had watched the fear dance practice and listened to heaven’s cloud before without knowing it was them and decided i should get into more of their music and, well… here i am lol! i wanna say this was like right after attacca era so it gave me some time to catch up on their discography and content which was nice
it’s definitely getting cold where i am too, my favorite winter activity is honestly curling up in some blankets with a warm drink and watching movies or tv! i also really like ice skating every once in awhile :) wbu, do u have any favorites?
i hope u have a wonderful day/night as well <3
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