#my precious sweetvee
elegantmoonchild · 6 years
Thoughts on writing, SweetVee, and the writing monster within while wrapping up “No Angel”…
These are some personal thoughts I wanted to share regarding “No Angel” and the difficult journey it took to finish this whopper of a story, along with other tales of writing insecurities, anxieties, and my own personal definition of what it means to be a responsible fanfic writer. I recognize there has been a lot of discord and hurt feelings from writers across the fandom, and I wanted to do my part to share my concerns and experiences, without fear of retribution or crucifixion, in the hopes it might ease the woes of someone else silently suffering from writing anxiety like myself.
I’m going to get deeply personal, so you’ve been forewarned.
First, I want to say this fic has been such a ride for me throughout its entire inception, planning, crafting, and publishing. When I created SweetVee last year, I had no idea how much the ship would affect me and my writing, how much hope it would give me to charter new territory. I can’t believe the exposure the ship has gotten and I truly am glad it’s inspiring others to write again. That’s incredible for a silly little idea to have made such an impact!
That being said, I struggled dearly with “No Angel”, and this story nearly stole the love I had for writing right out from under my feet. There were times when it felt like I had poured every last part of myself into the lines. There were nights I got two hours of sleep, missed spending time with my family during the holidays because I was so exhausted, and I lost weight simply because I had no appetite. Morgan @fangfogartys had to literally yell at me some days to go to bed. I searched deep into old wounds for this story because I so desperately wanted to give the ship I had created the BEST possible chance for survival because I thought it had so much potential. I wanted readers to believe in SweetVee. I wanted to write them so believable and realistic in their own unique world because they are unique! They literally had no shared lines and were created because I thought their personalities could mesh uniquely well. I wanted to show the world how beautiful and complicated and dark this kind of couple can be. I see in them the ability to explore the sides of themselves that are scary, terrifying, but with each other they find the strength to discover and learn and better themselves. These kind of relationships aren’t cookie cutter, because what relationship truly is?
But my anxiety got the best of me. I began to question and doubt every single word, every single line. I sought comfort from friends, time and time again, because I could not believe a simple compliment about my writing was genuine. This fic changed me. It turned me from someone who wanted to support everyone into someone I despised — something I’ve worked very hard in my 30 years of life to overcome. The ship I loved so much soon turned into something I hated. I felt guilt and anger and shame and my anxiety shot through the roof. I sought out validation from people I don’t need validation from. I counted comment count, kudos count, compared to the number of reblogs I got and the people who seemed so genuinely excited about an update but neglected to comment. It took away the FUN of fandom for me, turned it into a job where I wanted recognition for the hard work I had done. This kind of side to me is not one I exhibit in my personal life outside of this screen, and it shouldn’t be me while I am here.
Writing, for me, is a catharsis of all the pent-up energy I cannot expel through any other means but anger or dancing or tears. My anxiety is so overwhelming and crippling at times, I feel like I’m mentally pacing in a small room, the compressed force of my energy increasing the pressure of the tiny volume of the prison where I’m mentally burning holes in the floor. It takes everything in me to quiet that energy and keep the ceiling from combusting inward. Writing has helped me, and though I wish I could remember who sparked that reinterest in the hobby, I unfortunately cannot do so and cannot thank them for what they’ve given me, which essentially feels like part of my soul back. The fact others can remember, can pinpoint who and what and that it is me that did that for them just blows me away. I was able to bring that spark to someone else, and that makes all the difference in the world. That helps to quiet the anxiety, push down that nervous energy, and I can see clearly in an open space instead of a locked room.
My anxiety with SweetVee became an all-consuming monster that I just couldn’t quiet. I wanted to work my hardest to make the argument for why they worked. Because here’s the thing — creating a ship isn’t about simply saying these two people would look cute together because of height difference. I created the ship name. I created the AO3 tag. There was no evidence anyone was talking about them so in an essence, I gave them their first breath by putting them to paper and bringing their union to light. That’s a lot of pressure that nobody was putting on me but myself, but I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my work, so naturally I over-exerted myself until I succumbed to the burnout and had to step away.
I’m going to take you back several months here to early Fall of 2017, shortly after “Riverdale” returned for season two. I’ve been very vocal that there were many times I considered tossing “Ouroboros.” One of my best friends came to visit me and I can vividly remember us walking the neighborhood and me talking about my concerns with the story and how believable it was, and she nearly convinced me to toss it because I left open a huge hole that I questioned night and day. However, instead of giving up, I changed the story and continued on. People have told me that fic reignited the spark for writing for them, and in an instant, knowing it made a difference for even one person made the experience entirely worth it. To know it inspired someone else questioning writing into taking a leap and creating a product that turned out fantastic makes it even more worth it, beyond so.
It’s been my lot in life, it seems, to always be there for others. I’ve worked hard to not let it consume me and twist me into something angry when I feel depleted or taken advantage of, but despite my desire to change who I am, that is one facet where I just can’t. So that should show you how simple recognition really resonates with me. It tells me I’m on the right path. I’m doing the right thing. I’m making a difference because there are times I feel so small and so quiet, I know others feel this too. If I am told that my presence alone made a difference, then that proves I can help someone else who feels small feel the same sort of achievement, the same kind of strength. People have thanked me for leaving long comments on their stories. I’m here now to say I am honored to be able to leave comments the way I do because the magnitude of your support has kept me interested in the fandom, in “Riverdale” fanfiction. I would have walked away, had it not been my love for writing and the encouragement I received by people actually telling me they gave a shit about what I do. So the credit for that ultimately goes back goes to you, the readers and writers.
I’ve had people tell me they are gobsmacked that I would talk to them because they view me as a major player in the fandom, and that honestly just blows my mind. I have felt like this small speck before, and there are times I still feel that way. Unfortunately, what comes with that title is the ability to influence, and though I don’t want the pressure of that, I know I am strong enough now to utilize it to help others out. There are people I looked up to when I first joined this fandom, people I don’t view in the same particular light, because after a considerable amount of thought, I realize that these people are human, just like me, and not every human is meant to get along or agree. Instead of being disappointed and wallowing in this truth, I’ve decided to use my own influence and help shed the light on others who need it. I will never stop remembering what it feels like to be a small writer in a big space. I will never forget that, and I will do my damnedest to help others stop reliving that reality because it can be Hell. It can rob you of the very feeling you’ve said I gave back to you, the very feeling given back to me by some of the writing in this fandom – that spark to create, that will to continue and push on through that negative energy and watch it blossom into something brilliant, something you can be proud of. I hope I never turn into that person that loses your trust, loses your respect. I hope my head never gets too big to where I can’t help someone else out, can’t fan the flames of that spark in someone else. If I ever get that way, yell at me in a DM, please. I will be humble enough to accept that.
Everything writers here describe in their journey is exactly what I experience when I write. That thrill and anguish, all of it, I feel it too, and it’s both a gift and a curse. It can be soul-crushing and uplifting, all in the same stroke. However, there is that pride that shines bright at the end of the tunnel, and it outweighs all the turmoil. I will do my best so that the pride you feel does not go forgotten. I will do my best to ensure it remains intact if I have to comment on every chapter, reblog every sneak peek, and message you to tell you how much I enjoyed your work. If you ever feel like I’m not doing enough, not helping you out, not reading your work, please tell me. It is this burden I am more than happy to carry because it means something. It means something. To more than just myself.
For those of you who have told me in private that I have gifted you with the ability to write again, please know I will not squander that praise. Those words will never escape me, and I will be your biggest cheerleader and biggest coach for the rest of our time here in this fandom to make sure that gift does not go neglected.
Going back to “No Angel”, I’ve seen a lot of people encouraging to “write for you,” and at first that sentiment made no sense. If I was only writing for myself, my words would remain in a dusty word doc never to be seen by anyone else, including myself. The purpose of fanfiction is to write for a fandom. So what does “writing for oneself” truly mean? I think I found my own example, and I’ll share it with you willingly.
It took me a while to realize I had written “No Angel” for everyone else, not myself — that’s why I became so obsessed with validation. I wanted other people to believe my theory in why this ship worked. I wanted people to give me that chance because I worked so hard to make that argument compelling enough for people to read, or so I thought. An incredible fandom friend reminded me that the weight of those few choice people who chose not to read my work paled in comparison to the dozens of people who vocally told me they enjoyed what I do, have thanked me for my storytelling and for always being courteous enough to communicate my feedback to their feedback. See, in my mind, I had set expectations for people who didn’t deserve them. I expected people to at least be curious enough to want to read about the originator’s take on a ship. I thought people would be curious enough with all of the reblogs and likes to at least give me the benefit of a doubt. What I did was forget that people have freedom of choice and that’s my bad. I equated support of fandom with my own definition that doesn’t necessarily equate to someone else’s. No one’s at fault for that more than myself, and I apologize if I offended anyone along the way. I just wanted to be seen as someone who could contribute something of quality to this fandom, and my view of what that looks like can be drastically different than someone else’s.
I had to wrestle with the warring, conflicting emotions that every writer feels – pride in their work and disappointment when you see the hit count go up and up and up and the comment count stay the same. If a writer ever tells you this doesn’t get under their skin, they’re lying to you. So here’s the deal. Moving forward, I’m writing for myself in the only way I know how.
My next fic is a pregnancy AU for SweetVee that I’m really, really excited about writing. It brought back my love for this ship because I want to write this for me, no one else. And honestly, if you don’t want to read it, that’s fine. In all honesty, that’s no one’s loss but your own, and that’s not to sound snide but more as my way of saying I’m going to be proud and happy regardless because I now value my hard work and my skill and I value my ship. I will never stop writing for them because they give me inspiration – SweetVee is me and I will always be a part of SweetVee because I gave birth to them. I gave them life to the public and now that they are grown, I am sending them off into the world to be loved by others and I, in turn, will love them in my own individual way just like a mother would.
I want to thank the people who truly read “No Angel” and took the time to comment on it, or if you sent me an ask or a DM about it (I recognize not everyone has an AO3 account to comment). You guys are a great reason I’m still writing fanfiction today because I know it’s not the ship you crave, but me. My writing. My vision. You gave me a little slice of the limited time you have each day and I appreciate that, so so fucking much. I’ve seen writers walk away entirely because something they work hard on gets little exposure. Fandom can feel like a popularity contest at times, and I appreciate you taking a chance on someone with a very tiny spot in a big, wide world. I’d hate to give up something I love because I thought people hated it. Your words kept me from believing that. And now I’ve found the strength to do something I love for me.
At the end of the day, I’m so fucking proud of “No Angel,” and I don’t give a damn what the hit count looks like or if you don’t want to read it. I know I made a solid product that I can say without a doubt was one of my BEST pieces of work, and in the end that’s really the only thing that matters.
Thank you again for the love. I plan on dropping some teasers very soon for my next SweetVee and Bughead fics, but in the meantime I’m always around if you have thoughts or need help with anything writing or fandom related (or life or whatever. I’m here for you).
— Sam, elegantmoonchild
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riverdale-events · 5 years
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Riverdale Kink Week has been filled with tantalizing content, leaving fandom wanting more! The incredible creators who took part portrayed an array of ships in a wide variety of of kinky and smutty scenarios. Between our 6 themes (and our Kink Week Mini Game), we received 118 submissions on Tumblr and 61 fics were added to our AO3 collection.
Thank you so much to the adventurous, daring, and talented creators who took part in this event! You all have provided us an entire buffet of content to share and enjoy... and it was so good that we still wanted more! Don’t forget to comment, direct message, like, reblog, flail — whatever’s your pleasure, but take a moment to show your appreciation for the talent and time spent by those who participated. Creators are the lifeblood of fandom. They make it special and keep us coming back with a craving for more. With around of applause and a final thank you, we won’t delay your pleasure any further.... onto the content!
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Blow Your Sox Off | bughead | edit, fanfic | @shrugheadjonesthethird
use your safe word | bughead | edit | @aam-loves
Here Kitty, Kitty | bughead | edit, fic | @lanadeljones
Mine... | bughead | edit, fic | @mieteve-minijoma
everyone and no one | bughead | edit, fic | @mothermaple
Hymn | bughead | edit, fanfic | @lanadeljones
hot as a fever | sweet pea x oc | fic | @rivendell101
The Red Room | sweetblossom | edit, fic | @southsidestyle
en pointe fic rec | bughead | edit | @bettysnooper
Backseat | joavin | edit, fic | @vanillaflavour81
Yes, Sir | bughead | edit, fic | @lovedinapastlife
back at the beginning | barchie | fic | @cherryliqueurkinks
‘till my body’s on fire | malachai x oc | edit, fic | @southsidewrites
Warm Amber | fangs x joaquin | fic | @ch4plinfan
lodges value loyalty | archie x hiram | fic | @steveandhisboys
tied | bughead | fic | @lanadeljones
Lay My Heart Down (with the rest at her feet) | bughead | edit, fic | @lilibetts
to feel the hurt | bughead | fic | @paperlesscrown
bared and bound | varchie | fic | @monicaposh
breathe easy | falice | edit, fic | @sunshinebunnie
Yes, Sir fic rec | bughead | edit | @peaceblessingspeyton
The Good Girl | bughead | edit, fic | @lilibetts​
Teasing | sweet pea x reader | edit | @lonely-full-of-secrets​
Her Baby Blue and His Dove | edit, fic | @itsbugheadthings
gagged | reggie x oc | fic | @southsidewrites (mini game) 
good and ready | sweet pea x oc | fic | @southsidewrites (mini game) 
Rule Breaker | bughead | fic | @screamingintosilence (mini game) 
under the sweater | swetty | fic | @theheavycrown (mini game)
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Crime and Punishment | fangs x sweet pea x reader | edit, fic | @theangriestpea
She Did NOT Say That | cheryl x toni x veronica | fic | @at-cheryl-bombshell
Are You In? | chuck x reggie x reader | edit, fic | @southsidewrites
begging to burn | cheryl x fp x sweet pea | fic | @cherryliqueurkinks
Keep Quiet | cheryl x toni x veronica | fic | @at-cheryl-bombshell
the watcher in the hall | archie x betty x veronica | fic | @archiebettyveronica
Hiram’s House Parties | hiram x fp x fred | fic | @fredsythe
Three’s Company |  sweet pea x reader, fangs x reader | fic | @sweetfogarty
colour me in fic rec | betty x jughead x veronica | edit | @theheavycrown
light came through fic rec | betty x jughead x sweet pea | edit | @bugggghead​
don’t make a sound | bugvee | fic | @rivendell101 (mini game)
commotion | bugvee | fic | @kovicjones (mini game)
The Queen and Her Men | archie x reggie x veronica | fic | @theheavycrown (mini game)
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bingo! (or, five times betty and jughead banged somewhere they shouldn’t) | bughead | edit, fic | @imreallyloveleee
Pet Names | bughead | edit, fic | @tory-b
sweet and savory | varchie | fic | @monicaposh
rushed and racy | varchie | fic | @monicaposh
somno-feel-ya-up | bughead | edit, fic | @lovedinapastlife
Arsenal | bughead | edit, fic | @shrugheadjonesthethird
West Coast | bughead | edit, fic | @lanadeljones
Precious | bughead | edit, fic | @bugheadspoby
Leche | bughead | fic  @lanadeljones 
taped and teased | varchie | fic | @monicaposh
Happy Birthday, Baby | gladsythe | fic | @blogofabingewatcher
what happens in the club fic rec | bughead | edit | @bettysnooper
Rain Comes Down | bughead | edit, fic | @theheavycrown
heathen | fidge | fic | @rivendell101 (mini game)
Beneath the Booth | reggie x oc | fic | @rivendell101 (mini game)
Passengers | bughead | fic | @secretsofthesky (mini game)
What Happens Backstage... | fidge | fic | @sweetfogarty (mini game)
in the stacks | bughead | art | @juxtaposedmusings (mini game)
Performance | veggie | fic | @captain-kookabughead (mini game)
The Prodigal Daughter missing moment | bughead | fic | @miss-eee (mini game)
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The Heat Retreat | bughead | edit, fic | @lovedinapastlife
intimately acquainted | bughead | edit, fic | @bugggghead
Crave | bughead | edit, fic | @lanadeljones
Babymoon | swangs | fic | @sammyxdeanxberry
intimately acquainted fic rec | bughead | edit | @peaceblessingspeyton
Dark Shadows | bughead | edit, fic | @mieteve-minijoma
under your spell | varchie | edit, fic | @monicaposh
the stars and moon have all been blown out fic rec | bughead | edit | @bettysnooper
Black Cherry Chutney fic rec | bughead | edit | @bugggghead
Hoth and Cold | bughead | fic | @literatiruinedme (mini game)
Omega | bughead | fic | @theheavycrown (mini game)
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prophet | bughead | edit, fic | @literatiruinedme
plaid and pleated | varchie | edit, fic | @monicaposh
Camp Pussywillow | bughead | edit, fic | @mieteve-minijoma
(i love it when you call me) señorita | varchie | edit, fic | @tuesdayschildd
deviant and disguised | varchie | fic | @monicaposh​
Impossibly Possible | bughead | fic | @theheavycrown​ (mini game)
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Bad Girls | beronica | edit | @ohmisskate
Serpent King and Queen | bughead | edit | @ohmisskate
caught and compromised | varchie | fic | @monicaposh
wet dreams may come | bughead | fic, gif | @arsenicpanda
Blame It On the Alcohol | sweetvee | edit, fic | @southsidestyle
Sweet Drippings | bughead | edit, fic | @endlesswriter03
Little Red Corvette | bughead | fic | @jjonesin4
Blue eyed mystery man | bughead | fic | @fishhoeksunrise
Any Way You Want It | bughead | fic | @screamingintosilence
Closing Time I | sweet pea x oc | fic | @sweetsserpent
Closing Time II | sweet pea x oc | edit | @sweetsserpent
it’s him for me (and me for him) | bughead | edit, fic | @mrscolesprouse 
Mr Jones | bughead | edit, fic | @lizzybuggie
Good Vibrations | sweet pea x oc | edit, fic | @freakingbradleys
love on top | bughead | art | @satelliteinasupernova
Romancing the Bughead | bughead | art | @satelliteinasupernova
Working Overtime | bughead | edit, fic | @shrugheadjonesthethird
Blue Eyed Mystery Man | bughead | edit | @peaceblessingspeyton
Spin Cycle | bughead | edit, fic | @mieteve-minijoma
Late Night Chats | bughead | edit, fic | @endlesswriter03
Wait for Me | varchie | edit, fic | @daydreamronnie
Neighbours | bughead | edit, fic | @lizzybuggie
Clone a Jughead | bughead | edit, fic | @lizzybuggie
Kinky Fic Favorites | bughead | fic | @blueandgoldoffice​ 
Don’t Say It’s Unholy | bughead | fic | @themaddestofall
no one knows | bughead | fic | @lanadeljones (mini game)
Daydream | bughead | fic | @bettsc (mini game)
mine | jeronica | fic | @kovicjones (mini game)
(More Than) Friendly Competition | malachai x oc | fic | @southsidewrites (mini game)
Late Night Chats | bughead | fic | @endlesswriter03 (mini game)
Happy Thursday | bughead | fic | @miss-eee (mini game)
false hypothesis | bughead | fic| @shrugheadjonesthethird (mini game)
After Hours| bughead | fic | @shrugheadjonesthethird (mini game)
You Ready? | joavin | fic | @southsidewrites (mini game)
a poet | sweet pea x oc | fic | @rivendell101 (mini game)
Batteries (not) Required | bughead | fic | @secretsofthesky (mini game)
Sorry not Sorry | bughead | fic | @lanadeljones (mini game)
3 AM | bughead | fic | @lanadeljones (mini game)
Want some help? | bughead | fic | @captain-kookabughead (mini game)
Oral Instruction | bughead | fic | @literatiruinedme (mini game)
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bughead · 5 years
002 Veronica Lodge
How I feel about this character: i love v. i have since the very first episode. i find reformed mean girls trying to better themselves so much more interesting than regina george types. that immediately drew me towards her. my love for her has just continued to grow over the seasons 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly, veronica is the character i find most shippable. archie is who i like her with most and who i want her to stay with, but i also dig cheronica, sweetvee, and lopaz 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: beronica. yes, the show neglects them and, yes, they have their faults, but they love each other so much. they’re precious 
My unpopular opinion about this character: i don’t know if it’s an unpopular opinion, but, i guess i feel like she gets a lot of unnecessary hate, like people look for reasons to hate her. i mean, it’s not exclusive to her, i see the same thing happen with the other core four members as well, but it seems like she gets it the most. that could just be because i mostly stay in the bughead fandom and, for some reason, a lot of bh shippers don’t care for her 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: bisexual veronica!!
my OTP: varchie 
my crossover ship: i’ve never really understood crossover ships, so n/a 
a headcanon fact: i don’t know if it can be considered a headcanon since we technically saw it on the show, but veronica picking out her own engagement ring is just so overwhelmingly her that i can’t accept anything else  
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mikrokosmus · 5 years
tagged by two lovely smol beans, @stark and @psychobetts 💜thank you girls! 
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Grey’s Anatomy
Game of Thrones
Who is your favourite character in 2?: Riley, hands down. My sweet precious bean. The “mom” friend sensate of the cluster. A freaking warrior, if you ask me. Love her to pieces.
Who is your least favourite character in 1?: Pretty much all the parents, lol. They are the worst. (Minus Fred and Mary)
What is your favourite episode of 4?: HOW DOES ONE CHOOSE? Imma go with season 8 finale because... GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT. (Edit: The Goddamn Pilot, maaaaan.)
What is your favourite season of 5?: Season 6. 
Who is your favourite couple in 3?: Meredith and Derek, man.
Who is your favourite couple in 2?: Riley and Will, my babies <3
What is your favourite episode of 1?: asdfghjkl THIS IS HARD, noooo. I really loved the season 1 finale, but I have SO MANY FAVS. Mainly because of Bughead, oops.
What is your favourite episode of 5?: The Winds of Winter, 6x10. 
What is your favourite season of 2?: Season 1.
How long have you watched 1?: Short story time! When it came out, all my friends were talking about it, but I kind of... tried not to get into it because I like being contrary, which is just... so typical of me. Then, of course, I caved in, binge-watched it the weekend before Comic Con weekend and the rest is history.
How did you become interested in 3?: Oh man, me and GA go way back. Middle school, year 8, I was aware that it was constantly on TV but I didn’t really gave it much though, ‘til a friend of mine (who already watched it, I think) came over, we saw a couple of eps together and after that, I got really into it. Watched every season available at that time (7), like, 8 times. Knew all the lines, the songs of the episodes... 
Who is your favourite actor in 4?: Gabriel Macht. He’s just great, man. But also, Sarah Rafferty! She plays Donna so perfectly. Actually, just found out that these two go way way back and are super close friends irl. Love it.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?: Riverdale, baby!
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?: Grey’s, obviously. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?: DONNA. PAULSON. That woman has some serious BDE.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?: Well, in terms of plot/premise, hmmm maybe, but it definitely wouldn’t feel natural. The shows are just so different. So, nah, I don’t think it’d work, not really.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple?: Oooooh, I have so many. But unlikely and strangely okay? Hmmm, gotta go with SweetBee and SweetVee. Sweets is a very shippable character. I have waaaaay more, but let’s leave it at that, lol.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?: Game of Thrones. 
Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?: Gotta go with Suits, it’s just so damn catchyyyy. 
I’m tagging @pennyroads @theheavycrown @bettysnooper @joaquin-desantos @crashhale @alicat-gotyourtongue @shrugheadjonesthethird @suttonbradyy @earthlaughsinflowersblog
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.02 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- poor Archie... BUT OMG FALICE YESSSS “This feels right doesn’t it?” That’s because it is right ❤️❤️
- Bughead... is cuddling/probably had sex... in Dilton’s bunker? I don’t like kink shaming but uhhhhh their kink is... 😬😬😬
- YES MR. ANDREWS QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! Let Archie see his dad, his two friends have already abandoned him smh but if it’s been three weeks... Archie has been in isolation for three weeks? Bby 😭😭😭
- Awww, V... and although I’m still bitter about Betty being a total bitch and not apologizing to Veronica, I’m glad they’re friends again. Now we just need Jughead and Archie to do the same since it’s always just been the couples who hang out together. ALSO V has a dress code, and imagining Sweet Pea and Fangs in it makes me wanna cry mY SWEET PRECIOUS BABIES
- Jughead: “of course we’re calling it a speakeasy” ummm tf you mean??? That’s because it IS a speakeasy? Jughead is your random hate (or secret love) for Veronica showing? I can’t tell.
- 6-4-2 as the password for the speakeasy? I wonder if it means something. And if Stonewall was close enough... what is the actual password?
- REGGIE!!!! The speakeasy looks fucking amazing. I’m speechless!!! Also Veronica and Reggie bitchessss yeahhhhh!!!! If she hired Sweet Pea and Fangs to serve drinks I’ll scream because I love them with my whole being and if they can finally have a job that gives them money, then it’s different than doing crimes and ultimately a better situation for them. Plus I’ve done this in my Sweet Pea story so it’s cool to see me doing something right lolol but ooh mocktails that’s nice I’m glad we’re not gonna delve more into an unrealistic Riverdale
- AWWW JOSIE IS SO FUCKING CUTE (also Reggie we see that proud smile you cute fuck) SHE’S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO HAVE A PLACE TO FIND HERSELF AND HER SINGING. So hopefully we get apologies for what happened last season with the milkshake and horrible poster... STILL I can’t wait to see this friendship grow because it BETTER if she’s gonna be singing at La Bonne Nuit
- Kevin bby!!! “As long as I can sing every now and then” I fucking love this so much? It’s funny how this is muchhhhhhhh more exciting and entertaining than the stupid cult/farm story... probably because Betty isn’t a part of it (because we all been knew she’s injected into every fucking plot and it’s so annoying and unneeded)
- Penny... get the fuck out of here. Just... no. You came here looking to give her protection? Well then leave bc she has the Serpents ❤️❤️ they love her for giving them a safe haven now that her father took over The Whyte Wyrm. Also I just realized that they covered Penny’s Serpent decal on the back with a Ghoulie one... so they DO have a decal on the back of their coats or whatever but we have never seen them until now.
- NO JOAQUIN!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE. I’ll jailbreak him myself you leave that precious serpent alone!!!!!!!!!
- but what the actual FUCK is the point of this stupid prisoner fighting? Like??? Why can’t anyone be what they actually are? Poor Archie, being once again manipulated into doing what other people want. Please tell Joaquin what he did for him so they can become closer because I just... This is BULL FUCKING SHIT... also Baby Teeth looks a lot like Dane DeHaan lmao
- CHERONI (idk their ot3 name of Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica lol) ALL TOGETHER WOW!!! PRESIDENT BLOSSOM AND FIRST LADY TOPAZ!!!! I don’t care if that’s just because of the recent presidency issue that Veronica gave to Cheryl, I fucking love it and I am HERE for it! “And Sweet Pea and Fangs should definitely be in attendance” I have died. Goodbye. Sweet Pea and Fangs NEED to know that she specifically asked for them okay bye
- wow that was a lot of time without seeing Bughead and it was fucking refreshing. “Evelyn was helping me, she visited me in the hospital.” “Was that her idea, or her dad’s?” See Betty... this is why no one likes you because when someone is in need you skip directly to your agenda (when Cheryl faced her father as the black hood and Betty immediately asked if it was her father instead of asking if she was alright like a normal person). Oddly how do Jughead and Ethel have more chemistry than Betty and Jughead? Also “but just you” after she side-eyes Betty I’m living. OMG “sorry, Betty, but you’ll never be worthy no matter how hard you try” it’s like Ethel is one of us omfg she just fucking obliterated Betty!!! I bet you Shannon is being bullied about this episode too smh 🙄🙄🙄 but I’m surprised Betty didn’t go into unneeded bitch mode on Ethel mmhm... “and I’m in need of some series peer support” IF ONLY YOU WOULD ACTUALLY GET HELP! But you know that if you did they would tell you that you and jug are too co-dependent and need to break up
- SHIRTLESS REGGIE FUCK YEAH THANKS VERONICA! “Reginald” fuck me up mami!! Omfg no Penny get your disgusting Jingle Jangle away from this amazing, non-criminal establishment!!! Of COURSE Sheriff Minetta... but if Reggie is used to selling it surely he knows a way to hide it. Of course not that much but... he should be quick at thinking of getting rid of it, right? Why didn’t V show him around Pop’s first? Like we know she was set up to get caught but like... it would stall
- Sheriff Minetta is making it 2000% obvious that he’s looking through the boxes he knows is filled with Jingle Jangle... like at least don’t act like you’re working for Hiram lmao Jesus you suck. BUT OMG REGGIE’S SARCASTIC ASS SALUTE WHEN HE’S LEAVING I FUCKING LOVE THAT
- If the empty classroom means the “farm needs some time to catch on” then why the everloving fuck would you waste money on pizza, let alone three boxes of pizza?
- poor Archie... but wouldn’t you want to treat your “tapped” well? So that you can bet on them? Jesus Christ fuck OFF! When Veronica Lodge hears about this... shit will go down. Archie knocked that guy down in two hits holy fuck. ARCHIE GETS POP’S AND SHARES IT WHAT AN ARCHIE THING AWWW
- CHONI BEING CUTE GIRLFRIENDS!!! CHERYL LAUHING!!! PHOTOGRAPGER!TONI!!!!!! CHERONI But I honestly don’t know how I feel about “Serpettes” but since it came out of Veronica’s mouth... suddenly I am in love with it. Cheryl Blossom in the king’s throne... we know who truly deserves to rule over the Serpents 👑❤️ That look between Toni and Veronica hell yeah! Honestly please get into a three-way relationship. In Sense8 they did that and it was the greatest thing — EVERYBODY loved it. Let’s do that here please! “Antoinette” bitch I’m dead
- this team up is so fucking great. Of COURSE Sweet Pea and Fangs we’re right, they’re the (true) KINGS.
- If there are certain levels you need to “attain” to meet a leader... you’re in a fucking cult people. Also then why didn’t Evelyn say anything? And Betty’s face is all like “you traitorous bitch” when she finds out lol.
- They know everything Betty has done? Umm why the FUCK don’t you tell Jughead since that’s the only way he ever finds shit out about Betty? He needs to know that she fucking cheated on him? I mean the cult is creepy af but if they tell Jughead (even though they said they keep everyone’s secrets) he couldn’t possible stay with her... right?
- LMAO JUGHEAD HAS TO KISS ETHEL. But honestly... why does that kiss seem to have more in it than when he kisses Betty? ☠️☠️☠️ it’s probably bc I hate Bughead (and dislike Betty a lot) but still... I feel nothing for this pairing as well but I just find it funny that he has kissed two girls while he’s dared Betty (but both are a part of a game). Oh Ethel tried to kill herself after kissing Jughead... Jesus I know it’s Jughead but come on... also does that mean she could have possibly killed Jughead??? Like??? Imagine how that would have been — instead of dying for the Serpents he died because he was trying to figure out gryphons and gargoyles.
- VERONICA CONFRONTING AND STANDING UP AGAINST HER FATHER FUCK YEAH!!! But Ronnie even if you do have copies... TAKE THEM WITH YOU SO HE CAN’T DO ANYTHING. Your dad is, sadly, smart. You know this.
- aww Archie... HE’S IMAGINING HIS DAD I’M
- damn Betty looks fucking good for the opening of V’s speakeasy! For a sec I thought she was wearing her serpent jacket (😷😷) but turns out it’s just a robe but her hair is bomb. “I trust them more than I trust you, Betty” wow everyone’s attacking Betty lol like I get it bc it’s Betty but damn Alice...
- Reggie is a SNACC bye. CHONI REALLY DID THAT COOL HOT HAND HOLD HUH!!!! V really called Choni her favorite power couple... I’m also gonna take that as low-key shade for Bughead because we all been knew that anyone Choni, and anyone Veronica is with is much better. “THANKS BABE” wow fuck me upppppp Cheryl!!!!
- lol Jughead the manual will probably be gone by tonight bc of plot convenience (also Betty does look good uGH YAS) But Betty your attempt to be cute with Jug isn’t working bc that fresh aid isn’t gonna come off. You should know this???
- SWEETVEE BITCH. I don’t care what they were doing I love the hand touch, bye. Like I know she was PROBABLY asking about protection or something but yes fuck me up! But veggie thooo
- Hiram we don’t want your probably-wired picture of Veronica from your office. “If only you could see how a legitimate business is run” YES BITCHHH. But don’t let him in!!! VERONICA WHY? I know you probably secretly crave his approval and shit but NO NO NO NO NO
- SWEET PEA’S HOLLER FOR JOSIE! God he’s so into her but she only wants a summer fling 😭😭😭 even thoufh she apparenly has a romance later, which means it’ll be during school and therefor, probably going to hurt Sweet Pea 😭😭😭
- Josie YES we love a queen (and Archie baby... you’re such a sweet person for thinking of everyone but yourself first and I admire it bc same but what is your endgame?) Sweet Pea must be internally screaming at Josie’s movements and the song itself bc I know I am.
- oh no I really hope my theory that Archie breaks up with V bc all of thinks about is Hiram isn’t true... but Archie you could have held onto those glass pieces what the FUCK
- Archie destroying the entire cell is also same because when I get angry I legit turn into the hulk and throw shit around... oh damn mad dog! He hid a weapon, I miss Wells Jaha xD what a smart fucker
- wow it’s almost like I knew exactly that someone would find the manual. Of course I didn’t really expect FP and Alice (Betty didn’t say where it was hidden though, but then again their kids are stupid enough to hide it at Jug’s place) Jesus FP don’t hold Jughead like that
- Betty??? “Why are you here, what are you hiding” why tf do you think
- how about everyone comes clean, Betty? You’re the child so literally stop acting like you’re superior
- I just realized how good Jug looked in that tux. Him with Veronica in that purple dress? Would be so fucking bomb
- Why is she still staying with Hiram? Like because of their feud you’d expect her to leave? Like Fred would probably love the company, or Cheryl. Get away from that manipulative fuckhead!
- Archie wouldn’t escaping be bad? Like yeah you’d get out but you’d also be a fugitive? And watch, if it does happen, it’ll be right before someone magically finds a way to get him out.
- but now Kevin will have more reason not to be with him if Joaquin is a fugitive 😭😭😭 I just want Mevin to die off and Joavin to rise is that so much to ask??? However I am here for this Archie/Joaquin friendship
- Jug... being you, you should know it’s not over. Especially with how things go? Jesus...
- CHERYL YOU’RE NOT DUMB ENOUGH TO READ THAT. We all know Cheryl would look at it with wonder, read the title, and throw it away.
- also just because people have a manual for some random ass game doesn’t mean they’re gonna play it.
- Ethel’s worshipping that little bitch but she tried to kill herself for him... shouldn’t he be mad at her for failing since Jug saved her? How your loyalty to him works is so confusing ugh
- I’m stating now that if Cheryl, Toni, Veronica, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Josie, Kevin, Joaquin, Archie, or Reggie dies I’m sUING! The only children who don’t deserve anything bad happening to them better be left alone (but we been knew that only being Betty or Jughead will magically give you immunity, and everyone else is fucked). Touch my precious children and I’ll kill the devil himself so try me
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lilibug--xx · 6 years
40 questions for fic writers meme: 1, 9, 37 (also I love your fics ❤)
Thank you! 🧡
1) Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Hm! A typical me fic would probably include smut, because let’s be honest here – most of my fics have it. But I really like fluff? I’m good at writing cute, cheesy stuff. At least, I think I am. But I’m also good at darkness too? I am most comfortable writing either of those. 
9) Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Oh lordy. All of them? Lol. It’s just that sometimes I get intense writers block on certain things and have to switch directions and work on something else until I get the itch for it back. 
But as far as actually and wrestling with language and such, Light Came Through – because of the pronouns and amount of hands! Lol. 
37) Talk about your current wips.
First of all, I have WAY too many wips. I’m working on cutting this list in half. 
lemon drops – I’m trying to work on an update. I think I only have about 4 or 5 chapters left so I’m trying to finish it up before it’s taken me a year to complete because that makes me feel like a DICK. Lol. Because it’s not a super wordy length fic, so it really shouldn’t have taken me this long. 
primadonna girl – 2 chapters left on this sweetvee fic. I am trying to finish it up too. I’ve just felt super uninspired to write Veronica because of what was happening in canon with her story line. I’m glad that things have turned around though. 
light came through – my precious baby. Things are chugging along over here with no end in sight and a sequel already brewing in my brain. You might have noticed it’s part of a series now. I just can’t stop. They give me all the feels. 
secret project – I am hush hush about this because it’s not going to come out for a bit. I’m working on it in between other things because Sarah calls it my “palette cleanser”. But it is dark and twisty and kind of unique and I’m much in love with it. 
multiple oneshots – I have issues with commitment, obviously. I’m working on some things for camp bughead and for serpent week of buggie break, as well as some things I promised a long time ago for my 1k giveaway. 
SO BASICALLY: I need to write for a million years straight and never ever stop so I can get everything finished, lol. 
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
If Sweet Pea and Veronica got married how would the wedding look like? Traditional or unconventional? Who would be MOH/Best man? How would the reception be like? Etc.
Okay, who sent this? I LOVE asks like these. Not only do I get to flex my creative brain muscles, but I get to talk about my beloved SweetVee while doing so. This question? Straight up adorable. Let’s go!
(Possible spoilers for “Ouroboros” below)
Honestly, I’d probably keep it similar to how I had it in “Ouroboros.” I think there would be enough traditional elements, but it’s Veronica and Sweet Pea. Veronica isn’t entirely a traditional kind of gal, at least not in the sense that Betty Cooper is. Veronica likes things to be a little over the top, a little extravagant, but I think with Sweet Pea, who probably couldn’t give a shit either way, she’d want to taper down the glitz for something that suited him a bit more. In my head canon, at this point they have both learned to compromise and he has learned the old adage of “wife knows best” and she’s learned how to consider the wants and needs of another person. 
SP and V are NOT alike in taste or style, but I think at this point in their relationship they would just want to be together, and that would be the point. Veronica would want something a little more than the JOP, though, and I think Sweet Pea would be more than willing to go along with what she wants. He just loves her and wants to see her happy. She wants him to feel comfortable. 
MOH? Definitely Betty. She’s the B to Veronica’s V. There’s no doubt in my mind that Betty would be standing beside her, holding the bouquet as Veronica says her vows. Best Man? It’s a toss up, honestly. I think over time Sweet Pea and Jughead could become closer. They both have that headstrong leadership quality and know how to get shit done. Plus, Jughead and Betty would look AMAZING walking down that aisle together, and I can see the wheels in Veronica’s head just spinning, orchestrating this couple to walk down the aisle together in procession. However, Fangs is arguably Sweet Pea’s best friend, so it would be hard not to consider him the Best Man. 
Vows? Probably a mixture of traditional and personal. None of that mixing sand shit or lighting a unity candle. That would all seem too corny for Sweet Pea.
The reception? Straight fire. A giant ass party because how could you expect the Serpents to just sit around and eat boujee cake? There would be dancing, most likely an open bar because you know Veronica would foot the bill for that liquor consumption, especially if it meant more people could loosen up and have fun. Probably a catered dinner, but maybe something easy like buffet style with hors d'oeuvres because I can’t see SP really wanting some fancy ass fish or steak and plated meal. I think the atmosphere here needs to be lighthearted and fun. 
First song choices?:
“She’s Got a Way” by Billy Joel
“I Love You” by Climax Blues Band 
“Pretty Girl” by Eric Clapton (hello, this song is precious)
“Just Remember I Love You” by Firefall
“Your Own Special Way”by Genesis
“Something In the Way She Moves” by James Taylor
“Out the Blue” by John Lennon
(In my HC, Pea is a big classic rock kind of guy)
I think Veronica would surprise Pea by serenading him with a live version of “Ain’t Nobody Else Like You” by Mama Cass and he would just watch on with the biggest, goofiest grin on his face while Fangs slung his arm around his shoulder playfully and shouted, “That’s your girl, man! That’s your wife!” and this is totally not how I picture my own wedding going and everyone would just look on in awe because you can tell these two just really fucking love each other. 
Before the couple departed for some incredibly extravagant honeymoon plans (in which the sex would be OFF THE DAMN CHAIN), they’d probably have one last dance together while everyone else was outside, lighting their sparklers to send the couple off. It’d be just one last dance, just the two of them, because as affectionate as they are in public, there’s a part of them that reserves the best moments of vulnerability for each other in private and this would be the most symbolic way of showing they are ready to start their life together as a singular team, together, in love and holding each other both physically and emotionally and this is most definitely not how I picture my own wedding going, not at all, not even a little bit.
As much as I’d love to have them drive off on his motorcycle, I think Sweet Pea would be courteous enough for his new wife to agree to car service. Plus, there’s the perk of consummating their marriage in the backseat of the car as they head out to the private jet waiting to take them wherever Veronica has planned (the honeymoon was her doing – her gift to her new husband). Of course, it’s a long ass vacation, probably somewhere beachy with a private cabana and a hot tub. And baby, there won’t be enough condoms in the world for what they have planned.
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
Some notes on SweetVee, “No Angel,” and fic writer insecurities —
I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on something that came to me as I was talking with my girl @thenerdylatina about “No Angel.”
The first chapter alone, which was released, like, three days ago has nearly 500 hits for a crackship I created months ago that I didn’t think anyone would like or understand. That. Is. Astounding!!! Like — I cannot believe the reception this SweetVee fic and ship has received over an idea I just came up with late at night when discussing “Ouroboros” planning in the Fall with @youbuildmeupbeliever, more than a month before it was even fully written and published. The name “SweetVee” came to me like a snap and suddenly it all made sense. Thus, the inception of SweetVee, the birth of a beautiful monster I never knew I needed until now.
As a writer, especially one that is super critical of their own work, I suffer from anxiety about my fics and about being rejected for what I put out there. I’m sure a lot of writers can empathize. Your worst insecurities come out to play, sometimes out for everyone to see, and then you start to question EVERYTHING. To see the reception to not only SweetVee, but “No Angel,” it just blows my mind.
And YOU did that. All of your love, kudos, comments, likes, reblogs, recs — you guys are amazing and I am so incredibly thankful and grateful for all you do. Sometimes I have to take a step back and appreciate that when I feel like burrowing into my shell.
So in the effort of taking this gratitude too far and rambling on and on, I want to just say a big THANK YOU so those of you who have done the absolute most to make this fic writer and tiny speck in the fandom feel welcome. And for crediting me with SweetVee mentions when someone asks. That also makes me feel incredible and I love you all. So. Damn. Much.
(For those of you still curious about SweetVee or Sweet Pea x Veronica Lodge, and want to check out “No Angel,” click here)
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
i got so excited for your update, i literally have been checking your blog non-stop lol. you really truly have a talent for portraying feelings! i can't wait for three peas in a pod because we'll get to see domestic!sweetvee
@varchieonica, my dear, bless you! Hopefully you got the ending you wanted for “No Angel” and I appreciate all of the beautiful things you said about my writing. That kind of feedback is precious to me and keeps me wanting to write! Thank you for valuing my work the way you do ❤️
As far as Domestic SweetVee goes, I CANNOT WAIT to bring you guys this ship in such a fluffy, sugary yet spicy light. It’s pretty much my goal at this point to put them in every kind of situation I can think of lol. I’ve got a lot of various teasers and mood boards coming to get people into the Domestic SV mindset so stay tuned 😉
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
Oh, I love this LOVE ask. Here goes: summer rain, dream, glitter 💖
Thanks, love, for the ask! I also am a fan of the LOVE asks. So many good, precious questions! — Summer Rain: What is Love to you?Love to me is finding that part of yourself that feels whole and calm when you’re with someone. For a person like myself with anxiety, Love (whether it’s romantic or not) is being near someone and not even needing to speak to them in order to be calm, their mere presence enough for you to feel at ease. I have this kind of relationship with my best friend and it’s wonderful. Romantic love for me involves wild passion (part of why I was drawn to write SweetVee), comfort and self-confidence, and absolute friendship. — Dream: What is your ideal date?Hmm, this is a hard one! I suppose an ideal date would be one where we could have plenty of room for conversation (so nowhere too loud), maybe go for a walk afterward — one of those dates where you just want it to go on and on and you keep finding excuses to extend your time together. I love to talk (obvi) and I love to discuss all sorts of topics, analyze, etc. I also like beer on a first date to help loosen the tongue, so that’s good too!— Glitter: What can the person you love do to make you happy?Oh man, communicate and listen and be understanding, even if they don’t understand — if that makes sense. I repeat, my anxiety is a bitch and it will never go away. It’s a part of me. The person I love would have to understand that and be willing to help me through my attacks and funks. He’d have to be strong enough for that, and never make me feel guilty (because I already 💯 feel that way). He’d have to realize the bad is only temporary and my heart only wants good. These were some wonderful choices, @ephemeral-existences!!! Thank you again for the thoughtful ask!
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
What made you ship SweetVee? I seen salty j/ronica fans say its the Bugheads' way of replacing their ship with SweetVee.
Well, I can’t speak to those Jeronica fans who are upset. I’ve been very blessed not to receive any negative feedback from any party lines, including Varchie fans, which just speaks to the respect most people have for each other in this fandom.
I have a post here explaining my process for creating SweetVee. It began early last fall shortly after season two began, when we started seeing more of the other members of the Serpents. I was looking for a love interest for Veronica for “Ouroboros” and I couldn’t see Archie fitting into that atmosphere. Suddenly, the image of Sweet Pea popped into my head (because, let’s face it, besides Jughead he’s my favorite and most interesting Serpent) and it all made sense. I’ve had them in my head much longer than my content for them has been out (it takes me a month or two to write a fic before I release it), and @youbuildmeupbeliever was the only person I told about it beforehand. Now, I can’t imagine my world without them. People, like the amazing @rainystripe and @crashhale, have created fanart around them. @theserpentlife created a fanvid for them. People are writing for them now. It’s just been a beautiful ride!
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
What was the moment or process like when you thought of SweetVee? I never pictured them together and then once I read your fic I fell in love with them as a ship.
Ooh, I like this question and it’s the first time someone has really asked me this! Thank you for the ask, @dreamer757!!!
So when I was planning “Ouroboros,” which let me just clarify was long before it was written and released, I had to figure out a suitable love interest for Veronica because I knew I wanted to make it multi-ship. It was centered around the Serpents, and while at the time I really liked Varchie (and still do in the canon sense), I couldn’t picture him in that environment, fitting in with the story I had mapped out.
Suddenly, it was like a light bulb went off in my head. I could easily picture tall, brooding, ultra gritty Sweet Pea melting under the penetrating and stubborn stare and personality of Veronica Lodge. I loved the idea of this tree trunk of a man being bossed around by this tiny woman, their fiery personalities bouncing off of each other. The thought of him being brought to his knees by her sass filled me with this energy — I can’t describe it. It’s like the clouds parted and it all just made sense.
Once I began to further develop their individual characters and the ship, I realized these two have the potential to bring out the best in each other once they breach that barrier of stubborn pride and sexual tension. They encourage the other person to want to better themselves. They are both already such strong individuals. I didn’t think they needed the other to provide them strength, but more like the clarity that they are both able to face their demons because they see the other person working hard to face their own, if that makes sense.
I get so sensitive about SweetVee because I did have all of this planned out and thought through before I started doing any writing. I had to make a convincing argument that this crackship was even credible, especially since they’ve had virtually no screen time together and no words spoken at all, up to this point. I really love them and I’m so glad so many others have fallen in love with them too ❤️
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
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Me, a SweetVee shipper:
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