#my longest Quarry post yet lol
galaxyzone · 2 years
Back at it again with the unpopular Quarry opinions.
I love Emma & Jacob's relationship, and here's why.
It's not because they're good together, because we can see that they have friction. Rather, I love their relationship because of their problems and their flaws. I love it because it shows that relationships are anything but black-and-white. They're almost never as simple as "It's a toxic relationship because one of them is bad and one of them is good." Sometimes, yes, it's more evident that one partner is toxic & abusive to the other partner, but a lot of the time it's very grey. I keep seeing people in the fandom either side with Jacob or side with Emma and tbh both bother the heck out of me because neither one of them is simply "in the right" or "in the wrong." They both have valid thoughts and feelings, and they both have their issues and flaws. Let's talk about it.
We'll start with Jacob. At first, Jacob was just another guy who didn't wanna accept "No" as an answer from a woman. He continues calling her his girlfriend despite her protests and her wishes to just be friends going forward. He goes so far as to sabotage the car so they can't leave and thus forces them to spend another night together. This can be problematic because it appears that he is not listening to Emma and doesn't care about what she wants. But then, when we see him crying down by the lake after the kiss between Emma and Nick, it becomes apparent that he really loves her. To him, they weren't just fooling around. He started to really fall for her. That doesn't excuse him for not listening to Emma's wishes, but it still allows us to have sympathy for him. He loves this woman and perhaps he could even see a future with her, so it hurts when she says that she doesn't feel the same way anymore. He pretends like he's totally cool with it in front of the others to try and maintain his tough bravado, but inside he's devastated. And you know what I really love about Jacob? He doesn't hide the fact that's he's crying when Emma sits down next to him. He allows her to see him in a vulnerable state. And that shows true strength.
Okay, let's move on to Emma. On the surface, it doesn't appear that Emma is too serious about.. anything, really. She also doesn't seem to be very cognizant of Jacob's feelings, saying that he's a big boy and he'll get over it. Little does she know just how much he likes her. It's also clear that she thrives off of having an audience, and that she isn't afraid to make a scene in front of other people. This can be problematic because it appears that she is acting without regard to Jacob's feelings. But when we see her on her nighttime walk after being left at the island alone, we start to see her open up and become more vulnerable. It's almost like she can finally let the curtains come down and she can just be herself. And it becomes evident that what she needs in life is to discover herself, and that's sometimes hard to do when you're in a relationship. That's why she broke things off with Jacob; not because she doesn't like him, but because she just needs to figure out who she is and where she's headed in life. Later in the game, she tells Abi that she likes to act dumb because it makes people laugh. She's not actually dumb, but that's what she thinks other people expect from her, so that's how she acts when she vlogs. But maybe it's time for her to discover her true self and bring that to light instead.
As we can see, Jacob and Emma simply have opposing wants and needs. They both have their flaws and they both say or do things that hurt the other, but they also both have endearing qualities and sympathetic wishes. They're both in the wrong AND they're both in the right. They are two separate, interesting characters with their own depths and layers. Jacob isn't "a selfish dick without a braincell." He's a love-struck guy who's led by his heart. Emma isn't "an attention-seeking ditz who leads guys on." She's a vivacious girl who lives life to the fullest. I love and sympathize with both of them, and I love the representation of a relationship with so many layers of grey.
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
hope, that it's not annoying to ask but will you ever write dar/salim (darlim) smut? i really love your take on them!
gee, it’s not annoying! not at all! i like questions, esp when they have to deal with otp. or like idk particular fic. or even general set up of games/media. so it’s never a bother, really! 
and well, i sure have some ideas for those two. one pwp fic is atm in stage of being a half-finished draft. by the look of it, they don’t have any proper smut by their name lol. so yeah, i have to fix it, clearly! dar & salim have a lot of these ‘typical’ dom/sub undertones. even mentality wise. and writing smth spice for them is challenging, bc their relationships are fairly complicated. messy, even. and i feel that out of all of my otps, they have the longest slow-burn imaginable. like, they knew one another for years, been so close, not even arm reach distance, and yet nothing happened lol. i think, it would be good to give them a chance to sort out at least this part of their dynamic. 
but ah, *makes a vague gesture* tbh, i can’t give any proper timeline of when i will finish/publish anything like that, sadly. i tend to hyperfixate on things, and then return to make a stab at smth ‘oldish’ from time to time, until it will eventually get finished. it’s kinda a bad trait of mine as an author. i have a piss poor focus. usually, i can only truly focus on a short story or 6, max 7 chapter thingy, when the fixation strikes. this the only way for me to keep that drive and not get distracted by smth else. like i might work on a big fic, and then see a ‘shiny’ (new idea/media/game/whatever else) and get distracted by it. i mean, if upcoming Devil In Me will give me smth to ponder on (which from that one scene in the demo just might), well, i already know what i will be doing on my days off, after i’ll watch the game, haha. i’m a monster, i know 
and oh, thank you! it means a lot when folks like my view of characters. this type of thing will always be hella individual for each person, so many things can ‘go wrong’, when you read smth. it tends to be hard to capture the ‘voice of character’, esp if you see or depict some of their actions in a slightly different light vs canon. but i always do try my best to keep them recognizable. tho naturally, with characters like dar & chris hackkett, there is way more freedom with where you can take them and their personality. they’re technically an npcs lol. but that has its own charm tbh. you can easily ‘adopt’ them, when you expand their characterization, so to speak. when i started writing ‘A Safe Bet’, it was just a way to combat writer block, and then kinda see what i can do with chris/ryan’s dynamic. i didn’t even hardcore shipped them at first, but as i started writing their lil story, i end up feeling, like they were the most natural pairing (for me) in the game. and from ‘i might ship it’ they became my quarry otp. 
anyhow, hope that you’ll be around, when i’ll post some dar/salim pwp stuff. and hopefully, it will make the waiting worth it, if you will still be interested in seeing fics about them!
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flippyspoon · 4 years
hc ab how much billy boy likes hugs but won’t ask for them 🥺
This is only like one of my favorite things like I think I’ve written a bunch of fics about it lol. So like a post-3 Bills especially needs hugs but he can’t get the words out. And at first Steve is clueless- Billy doesn’t exactly seem like he’d be a big hugger but Steve is, especially with Robin. At this point Billy knows better- he’s not jealous of anything happening between Steve and Robin…HE JUST WANTS THE HUGS ROBIN IS GETTING. 
 But it feels ridiculous. He’s not going to say that. He doesn’t even completely consciously know it but he just wants Steve to fucking hold him for a while because he’s still so raw and vulnerable all the time. Until one night when they go out to the quarry and Steve is chatting away and Billy is sitting on the hood of the BMW. 
Steve stands in front of him, just resting his hands on Billy’s knees. They havent’ been together very long, they still get flustered or uncertain about practically anything and Steve is nervously tapping his fingers on Billy’s knees and Billy is quiet and seems a little down and Steve doesn’t know how to help yet. 
 Until Billy suddenly just caves. He just slumps forward and butts Steve’s chest with his head and wraps his arms around Steve’s waist. 
Steve stutters and gets all soft like “Oh! Hey…you okay?” 
 “Mmmm…yeah just…” Steve tentatively embraces Billy and Billy squeezes him tight and they just hold each other like that for the longest time. 
 And for a while that’s how Billy asks for that- just like butt Steve’s chest with his head (like a cat lol) and that means “Hold me fucking now.” But Steve gets better at reading Billy and knowing when he wants that. 
And Billy gets better at doing that for Steve too. Like holy shit the first time Billy initiates an innocent hug out of the blue, especially because it’s just Billy in a GOOD mood, coming up behind Steve and wrapping his arms around him- 
Steve is so goddamn happy he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He puts all the VHS tapes in the wrong boxes that day.
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theangriestpea · 5 years
Mercy Killing
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A/N: Actual name of this chapter is "Supply Closets are a Girl's Best Friend" but that seemed way too long to actually put. All the mood boards I tried to make for this chapter sucked so here’s my most popular one.
I know I said Tuesday but lol here it is. Longest chapter I've written yet. I was quite...inspired.
As always, cross posted on Ao3
Chapter Nine - Mistakes
Lavender found herself wishing that she had been spooning with Sweet Pea and not with Fangs. His light snores filled her left ear while she laid awake, thinking about what had happened at the quarry. Fangs didn’t know what had went down. He had been too busy sneaking off to his truck with his little crush in tow. Not that Lav cared that he left her side to score. He wasn’t her babysitter. She didn’t need constant surveillance.
So when he walked up to her with lipstick smeared on his lips and his shirt unbuttoned, she wasn’t angry. Tipsy, sure, but not angry. She was frustrated with herself for almost letting Sweet Pea kiss her. She was supposed to be mad at him, hell she was still mad at him. But him coming to her aid when she was having her meltdown, the way he whisked her off to break down in private. The sympathy he showed by throwing up along with her…
She didn’t know what she was feeling. She had crushes before and this didn’t feel like one really. She liked James. She wanted to go on dates with him. Sweet Pea didn’t even do dates. He just played stupid games with stupid girls to get into their stupid pants.
Worst of all, she couldn’t just sleep it off. All she could think about was that he’d probably be in someone else’s bed tonight instead of hers. The notion was driving her mad.
She let out a soft groan, causing Fangs to stir. He lifted his head and blinked at her sleepily. “Nightmare?”
Lavender turned onto her back when his grip loosened. “Tell me about that new girl, Kitty whatever.” She didn’t bother to answer his question. If she did then he’d know that she hadn’t been to sleep yet.
Fangs rubbed the sleep from one of his eyes. “She’s kind of annoying honestly. Her laugh is really fake, like she doesn’t really find what we’re saying funny. There doesn’t seem to be anything genuine about her really.”
Lav bit her lip in thought. “Would you fuck her?”
He was too tired to understand what she was talking about or to even figure out why she was asking. “Maybe if I was drunk enough. Why?”
“No reason. I just don’t like her. I get a bad feeling.” Lavender said, lying to both herself and her friend. It wasn’t that she got a bad feeling because of who Kitty was, but rather because of who she was flirting with.
“Like how we get a bad feeling about James?” Fangs prodded, earning him a bothered look from Lav.
She sighed before looking away from him. “Yea, I guess. I have another date with him Friday night.”
“Where we going this time?” Fangs asked, this being the first time he heard about it.
“The Wyrm.”
Thursday passed without incident and school on Friday was pretty uneventful as well. Lavender and Sweet Pea had been avoiding each other like the plague. Fangs was keeping the peace but it was difficult when he didn’t know what the hell was going on.
In truth both flower teens had been contemplating their feelings long and hard. Both concluded that it was nothing but remnants of what they shared that Fourth of July.
Toni and Cheryl were both at Lav’s trailer that night, all three getting ready for their night at the Whyte Wyrm. Though the two girls had already met James and agreed that something was unsettling about him, they cheered their friend on in getting into a relationship that seemed to make her somewhat happy.
She put on a black dress with printed pink flowers blossoming across the fabric. It fell to a few inches above her knees. The fabric showed plenty of cleavage, her serpent tattoo peeking out over the top lining. “Fishnets?” She asked, pulling out a pair and holding them up to her waist, “or too grunge?”
“Too grunge.” Toni stated, “He’s a jock, not a gangbanger.”
Lavender nodded and put the fishnets away. She put on a pair of pink socks before her black ankle boots.
Cheryl gave her a curious look at she fluffed her gorgeous red hair, “no purple chucks?”
“No, tonight is special.” Lavender said with a smile, looking into the mirror to fix her nude lipstick. “Plus they don’t match my outfit.”
Toni chuckled, “when has that ever stopped you, Lavie?”
Lavender shot her a playful look. “Shut up. Ready? I want to get there before him. You know, ward off the snakes ready to strike at any outsider.”
Both girls shook their heads at their friend before leaving with her to the bar.
Once there Lav turned to them, “I’m waiting out here for him, okay? You two can go ahead and go inside.”
“I’ll get you a drink.” Cheryl said with a smirk before disappearing inside the Wyrm with her girlfriend.
Lav checked her phone, letting James know that she was out front for him. Jokingly telling him that if he went in without her then he’d probably get killed. She knew it wouldn’t be that serious, but she liked to pretend that she was more of a badass than she actually was. Especially with her visible injuries. They made her feel weak so she knew she had to act strong with her words. It was the only way to get people to stop looking at her like she was so pathetic.
The sound of a familiar motorcycle pulled into the parking lot. Sweet Pea put out his kickstand with the toe of his boot and eased the bike onto its side. Sitting behind him on the seat was a scantily clad Serpent hopeful. She looked over at Lav, catching her eyes and smirking as she murmured something to Sweet Pea.
They got off the parked bike and Sweet Pea put his arm across Kitty’s shoulders, his own smirk plastered on his face as he looked at Lav. She was frowning at the both of them, arms crossed over her chest in clear disapproval.
“What’s wrong, Rhodes? Your jock stand you up?” Sweet Pea asked in a voice covered in fake concern. His mocking her hurt more than she cared to let on. Her eyes hard as she stared at him.
“I’m right here, actually.” James said, stepping around them and to Lavender’s side. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to them, an action that made her wildly uncomfortable. Sweet Pea saw it flash across her face but chose not to say anything. She made her bed, now she had to lay in it.
Lav turned her attention to Kitty, “You do know that fucking Sweet Pea is not part of the initiation right?” She said coolly. Her voice much smoother than she had expected it to be.
Kitty read the other girl like a book. “Seemed to work well for you.” She replied in an equally even tone. Sweet Pea’s eyes widened before narrowing in Kitty’s direction. He took his arm off of her shoulders. He shoved past Lavender, James quickly pulling her out of his way. He didn’t appreciate being talked about like that. He didn’t understand why Lavender was acting this way. She never cared about girls he brought around before, why did this one matter?
Kitty followed after him with a satisfied smile on her face. Lavender’s face stayed in a state of shock at what had just transpired.
“So that just happened.” James said, taking his arm from around Lavender. “Why don’t you show me around? Forget her.” He said, trying to coax her back to reality.
When the surprise wore off, Lav was pissed. She kept clenching her fists, wanting to put Kitty in her place for talking to her like that. Not that she didn’t somewhat deserve it. She made the first move. Sweet Pea didn’t look to happy about it either. Lavender nodded her head to James. “I need a drink.”
She led James inside, showing him the interior of the Wyrm. “There’s the bar, the pool tables, upstairs is the office but we don’t go up there.” She pointed out all the important things to him.
Sweet Pea slammed down an empty beer mug. Him and Tony exchanging some kind of heated words before she gave him a half bottle of tequila. He gave Lavender a heated look, obviously annoyed but somehow looking cocky at the same time.
She froze for a moment under his gaze, wondering why the hell he was so upset. Kitty was at his heels with two shot glasses, looking very pleased with herself.
Cheryl handed Lav an Old Fashioned. “Got you something.” She said with a teasing smile. Lav rolled her eyes before taking a sip.
“Cheryl, James, you two already know each other.” She said. “And you know Toni, she’s bartending tonight.”
James nodded, smiling brightly at the two girls. He ordered himself a Jack and coke. Toni obliged and made his drink before slipping it to him. Her eyes lingered on Lav who was sucking down her drink at record speed through the tiny straw.
Lav slid her empty glass across the bar to Toni. “Did we just miss something?” Toni asked curiously.
“No, nothing. I just want to feel good.” Lav said, only half lying. James’ closeness was putting her on edge. She didn’t understand why. With Sweet Pea or Fangs or any other Serpent, if they were this close to her then it wouldn’t faze her. She chalked it up to nerves of wanting to make a good impression.
Toni shrugged and made her another drink. “You know these are like straight rum, right?” She knew Lav knew. It was more of a reminder than anything.
Lav scoffed at her question. “Less proof than tequila.” She said, chancing a glance to Sweet Pea over at the pool table. He was leaning close to Kitty, explaining the rules of a game that Lavender knew all too well. There was a distinct twinge of heartache that she did her best to ignore.
“How are you at pool?” Lavender asked James, perking up as an idea crossed her mind.
He smiled down at her. “Fairly good, actually.”
She nodded, grabbing his hand to led him over to the pool table where Kitty and Sweet Pea were. “Why don’t we make this interesting, Sweet Pea?” She asked, her voice as sweet as his name. “Make it a couple’s match.”
Sweet Pea looked up at her from his bent position over Kitty’s shoulder. He knew what kind of player Lav was. He knew she was terrible. So what did she get out of challenging them besides a few free shots of tequila?
He straightened his posture. “Have you explained the rules to him?” Sweet Pea asked, wondering if James knew exactly what he was getting into. There was a hundred percent chance that Lavender forgot to mention that she is the worst pool player on the Southside.
Lavender turned to James with an innocent smile, “If one team gets a ball in, the other takes a shot. If you scratch then your team takes a shot, and if you get the eight ball in…” She glanced at Sweet Pea.
“Whoever shoots the ball drinks the rest of the bottle.” Sweet Pea finished. “If they finish it without puking or without passing out, then their team wins.”
James seemed to think it over. If Lavender was challenging them then she must have had some skill, right? “Alright, game on.” A smile spread across Lavender’s face as she racked the balls. Sweet Pea was giving her pointed looks as he placed the cue ball. Clearly, she hadn’t told her date just how awful she really was. Otherwise he never would have agreed to this. No sane person would.
“Your funeral.” Sweet Pea said cryptically. “Serpents go first.”
Lavender opened her mouth, about to protest that she was also a Serpent, “I’ve been in way longer than you, Rhodes. I go first.”
She let out an annoyed sigh. “Plus, don’t want to show off all your skill right off the bat.” He added with a playful smirk. Her eyes narrowed at him while Kitty and James looked confused.
It didn’t take long for both of them to realize what Sweet Pea was alluding to. Lavender was dreadful at pool. She had only gotten in one ball and had scratched four times. While James wasn’t bad by any standard, he wasn’t as good as Sweet Pea. Luckily he wasn’t a lightweight. Unlike his date who seemed beyond tipsy already. Probably because she was taking sips of her drink between shots. Sweet Pea was purposefully not playing his best game, just to drag it on.
It was Lavender’s turn and she squeezed herself between Sweet Pea and the pool table. He took a long step back, eyes wandering to her ass as she bent over to try and hit in the orange five ball. It was a familiar sight, his mind flashing back to the tight mini skirt she had worn the first night they met. The way it rode up even higher than the dress she was wearing.
His staring didn’t go unnoticed by Kitty who purposefully knocked into Lav as she made her shot, forcing her to hit the cue ball at the wrong angle. It knocked into the eight ball, sending it into the pocket.
Her blue-green eyes stared at the pocket that the ball went into. Truth be told, she wasn’t even mad. She couldn’t bring herself to be. She knew Kitty had messed with her shot on purpose. She didn’t know why, she hadn’t seen the look Sweet Pea had on his face from behind her. Still, it was her time to shine.
Lavender sauntered over to the bottle after putting the pool stick down. Really there was only about three shots left in it. Easy peasy. She giggled at the thought, pea-sy.
She brought the bottle to her lips and chugged it like a pro. The clear liquid burning as it splashed down her throat. After a few moments she slammed down the empty bottle with a proud look on her face. She looked at Sweet Pea through half-lidded, drunken eyes. “I win.” She kept her balance and didn’t heave the alcohol back up (thank God, Sweet Pea thought because that would have been very embarrassing for him).
Kitty looked very displeased with the loss. “Let’s play again. Full bottle this time.” She said, knowing there was no way this little lightweight could handle another round of terrible plays. She’d have her throwing up if it was the last thing she ever did. She was determined to make a fool of Lavender.
“Sure.” Lavender said, shrugging her shoulders. “I’ll go get it.” She walked away from them, hips swaying to the music playing overhead. The dark-hair girl fuming at the way both boys were staring at her. She elbowed Sweet Pea hard in the ribs.
He hardly noticed Kitty’s jab. “I better go make sure she doesn’t drop it.” He said, pretending to be annoyed. This scenario seemed all too familiar and it was making excitement rise in his stomach (and maybe his pants).
Lavender slurred her words to Toni, telling her they needed another bottle of tequila and to put it on her tab. Toni was about to protest before she saw Sweet Pea making his way over. She bit the inside of the cheek, holding back her words though the amusement showed in her eyes.
Once inside the storeroom, Lavender pulled the string to turn on the light. She looked through the bottles, grabbing a shelf to keep herself steady. The liquor was quickly catching up to her, making her knees wobble. Her head snapped around when she heard the door behind her shut. For a moment terror ran through her veins at the prospect of being alone with James, who she had wrongly assumed had followed her.
“Rhodes, you’re not even looking on the right shelf.” Sweet Pea said, a suppressed laugh evident in his tone.
“Sweet Pea,” Lavender cooed out, turning around to face him. “You came.” She had the same look on her face she did that night many months ago, only this time she was clearly way more intoxicated. “Wanna come again?” She asked jokingly and Sweet Pea just stared at her for a moment in complete bewilderment.
Lavender had never, in the entire time he had known her, made any kind of pass at him. Not since the time she kissed him when she was tipsy but she had admitted to Fangs that she was just trying to get over a bad breakup. It wasn’t genuine, in his opinion, because she didn’t even know him.
Now she knew him. She knew who she was talking to and she still made an extremely suggestive comment that left him speechless. There was a hopeful but devious look in her eyes, like she had completely forgotten that she had come here with someone else. Hell, he had come here with someone else. What was he even doing here?
Her lips formed into a cute pout at his silence. She leaned back against the shelf heavily to keep from falling over. Sweet Pea reached out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her to him so he could keep her steady himself. She wobbled in his grasp, making him tighten it. “Rhodes, I’m not fucking you when you’re this drunk.” He said finally, regretting it when he heard the frustrated groan come out of her mouth.
She grabbed the lapels of his leather jacket and tugged on them, making him lean down to be closer to her, her lips hungrily meeting his in a sloppy kiss.
Sweet Pea tried to stop himself from reacting, he really did. She had just had probably a fourth of a bottle of tequila on her own on two of two mixed drinks and it was influencing her heavily. He wasn’t about to take advantage of her but her throwing herself at him was making that very difficult.
He reluctantly kissed her back, one arm wrapped firmly around her waist while her other hand was placed between her shoulder blades to keep her upright. She tasted exactly like the bottle she had just drank from. He felt himself getting drunk just from the neediness of her lips.
Her hands stayed holding onto his jacket for dear life. Her mouth opened, her tongue prodding at his lips playfully so he’d open his mouth. She moaned when he did, their tongues meeting together in the middle.
In July, Sweet Pea had had all of the control. He dominated her but right now she was clearly the one calling the shots. Her non-casted hand came up and ran through his raven hair, tugging at it slightly in a way that made him groan into their kiss.
Lavender took her hand out of his locks and put it on his shoulder, using it as leverage to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist. Sweet Pea had no choice but to catch her or else she would have fallen helplessly. His hands placed firmly under her thighs, their lips not even parting during the whole ordeal.
Her hands were on his neck, fingers tracing the lines of his tattoo in a way that drove him crazy, other hand in his hair again. Sweet Pea regained some sense and pulled away from her the best in could while holding her. “Stop, Lavender,” He said as she looked at him through obviously hazy eyes. “We can’t do this.”
“Why not?” She hiccuped, starting to get angry with him for not wanting to be with her. Maybe she was wrong about thinking that perhaps their feelings were mutual. Maybe she was putting her trust into the wrong person.
“Because I’ve never seen you this drunk before.” He said sternly, “you’re supposed to be mad at me! I haven’t even apologized for what I said!” He was starting to sound exasperated.
She was staring at his lips and not his eyes, her pupils blown wide with lust. “You signed your name on the card…” She said dumbly.
Sweet Pea let out an annoyed sigh, “I didn’t mean it though.”
“So…you’re not sorry?” Lav asked, looking hurt now but still not untangling herself from him. Mostly because she doubted that she could stand without his help.
“No! I am sorry! I just don’t understand why we’re kissing!” His voice started to grow louder at her not understanding what he was saying. Even though he wasn’t communicating very well considering how intoxicated she was.
Lavender opened her mouth to reply but the door swung open to see an equally drunk Fangs. “Seven minutes in heaven is over, love birds. Your dates are pissed.” He said, laughing and not at all surprised to see the position they were in. The sexual tension could be cut with a dull butter knife, it wasn’t hard to see that they’d somehow end up in each other’s arms.
She let out an irritated groan as she rested her head on Sweet Pea’s firm shoulder. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Not on me!” Sweet Pea shouted, quickly carrying her to the girl’s bathroom so she could puke out all the tequila and rum with him a safe distance away. He didn’t care about all the strange looks they were got in the process. And he really didn't care to answer any of Kitty's intrusive questions.
Tag list: @xserpentlife @sweetwatersnake @steve-harringtonnn @somethingdawn I think that’s everyone? ;o; sorry if I forgot
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