#my heart just met my bootyhole
The way my puckered hole suckled right back up into my sphincter when I saw those flashing lights😳😮‍💨🫠
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lyssak09 · 2 years
I need more platonic Yandere trapper and huntress ( maybe them both as a couple)
Platonic Yandere Huntress and Trapper
My amazing sister helped since this request involved her favorite character ever, huntress. We may or may not be going as Huntress and Meg together for Halloween this year ! Thank you so so much for requesting and please feel free to request again!!
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The Huntress probably found you hiding and thought "Cute. Mine now" and yanked you from your hiding spot
Trapper met you by Anna. She was showing you off and he saw you and immediately took to you
So Anna and Evan (bootyhole) kinda fought over you then they were both like "You wanna be their bestie? Me too!"
Evan (bootyhole) is a quiet and obsessive platonic yandere. He doesn't talk a lot so he has more of an advantage to study, stalk, you.
Anna is a sweet, jealous, and possessive platonic yandere. If someone other than her or Evan (bootyhole) has your attention then she'll be moody. But she'll bring you something back from a hunt or trial as an apology
Her little trinkets can consist of a lot of things.
It could be shiny, it could be wooden, it could be bloodstained
Either way
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They both get weird and jealous when you're around people who aren't them. One of them might even growl at others
Anna loves to comfort you, so when you're scared or something, she'll sing you some lullabies from her childhood. 
Evan (bootyhole) likes to spoil you, so expect a lot of stolen goodies
Of course, he was rich before, so he has some goodies from before, but he will mostly steal them for you because he likes finding things that remind him of you. 
A lot of times it is probably a piece of art, a shiny rock, sometimes he even brings you little trinkets that the Huntress finds. She just sometimes gets too nervous to give it to you, thinking that you might not like it, so instead she’ll give it to him and he will then give it to you. 
Anna loves to cuddle, it doesn’t matter what the situation is, if she is able to cuddle with you, be prepared, cause she is running as fast as she can to give you the biggest bear hug ever. 
Evan doesn’t really like physical affection, but he will give you it if you need it. 
But most of the time he just passes you off to Anna when you need comforting, or just snuggles in general.
Evan normally is someone who likes acts of servitude. If you are willing to do anything, even as small as pushing in his chair when he forgets to, or even just cleaning up some blood off of his weapon. (Hope you're not squeamish)
His heart will freaking melt, but in a platonic way.
Anna is one that loves physical affection and gifts. She always wants yours and Evan’s attention, mostly yours, but still. She is fine with anyone, as long as she is able to give hugs, cuddles, and just in general, be close to you or him. 
Of course, Evan doesn’t like this, but again, he will do it until either he is able to find you and pass her off to you. 
Even though Evan doesn’t like being hugged or having any sort of physical affection, he is okay if you are both curled up to him with minimal contact. 
Like one of you laying on his shoulder, as long as the other one is laying on the other and not him, he is okay with that.
Any other way and you’re both getting pushed off of him. 
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Wanna know a way to rile them both up?
It’s dumb, but they both love bubbles.
A/N: Who doesn't?
Anna had never seen them before and Evan was never allowed to play with them and, even if he was allowed to, he never had anyone to play with him. 
So while you are blowing the bubbles, Evan and Anna are going berserk over them.
I (Lyssa) lowkey feel like Anna might attack the bubbles at first with her hatchet then try to bite them
"ANNA NO! ITS SOAP IT WON'T TASTE GOOD!" You yell after her. You're soon met with an Anna with a look of disgust from her and see bootyhole on the ground laughing with tears in his eyes
If you’re not blowing the bubbles, Evan is. 
Nobody wants Anna to blow bubbles anymore.
She doesn't know how to
And just spits everywhere. 
So she is just on the duty to play with them. 
But don’t let anyone know that Evan has shown this side to you or Anna. He will murder you.
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Blowing bubbles is not your thing? That’s fine Evan and Anna both love reading books too!
Well, more like Evan or you reading to her, since she doesn’t understand English very well. At least, not enough to read higher than a first grade level. 
So, while you or Evan are reading to her, prepare to have to explain almost everything to her, since she is still learning.
 I (Lyssa) and my sister both believe Trapper is a major bootyhole (I mean have you seen the trapper mains?? They camp and or tunnel. And never wanna be our friends ): Major bootyhole vibes right there)
When you piss off Trapper he might do something mean or say something horrible to you out of anger or just to make you feel sucky too. 
When that happens Anna will silently yell at him and stare him down while she cuddles you and tells you that he is just being moody and she loves you. (So sweet right?)
So basically in our opinion, Evan is a bootyhole and we'd rather have Lu (my sister)'s bestie, Huntress, as our yandere best friend <3
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Not gonna lie, half of this is crack headcannons while the other half is more serious since my sister took it way more serious than I. I do hope you guys enjoyed it though! Props again to my amazing sister for making the other half of this amazing. This one was sorta different from my others. Please feel free to request anything, I have a pinned post of everything I write for.
P.S., I have a list of nicknames of most of the dbd killers if you guys ever wanna see them.
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sooobinscalculator · 4 years
NCT 127 Confessing to You / You Confessing to Them
Genre: Fluffffff ff f f f
Word count: *beep boop*
NCT 127 X Reader
This has been in my drafts for a while and it actually was a different group at first but I changed it so sorry if it's a little funky or some of the words are weird. Hope you enjoy thooo.
None of these gifs are mine :))
Taeyong ♡
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He confesses to you.
You were close friends with him since school.
You guys would always "jokingly" flirt and it was obvious to the other members what was going on.
You both had feelings towards each other but were too paranoid of confessing and ruining the friendship.
You had invited him over to your house one lazy evening and you were sitting on the couch with him watching a movie.
He had his arm draped behind you and he sighed heavily, catching your attention.
"Everything okay?" you asked.
"Y/N, we really need to talk. I don't want this to ruin our friendship or anything, but I need to get this out."
"I've fallen so hard for you over these past years and if you don't feel the same as me, just know that I don't want our friendship to change from this."
"Taeyong....... Why haven't you said anything sooner? I've been in love with you since we were in school!"
"Wha- Why didn't you say anything!?"
You both would laugh it off and continue your night with deep conversations and kisses (YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAA coot).
Yuta ♡
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You confess to him.
You had been introduced to Yuta by your best friend Johnny.
Johnny found out you were crushing on Yuta and would try everything in his will power to get you and him close together.
Johnny invited you over one night to hang out with the boyzzzzz.
You and Yuta at this point have gotten closer (as friends...... 🙃).
Haechan really didn't want to watch the horror movie that the others picked out.
You and Yuta volunteered to do something else with Haechan so he wouldn't feel left out.
"Let's dye my hair," Yuta suddenly suggested.
"YESSSSS," Haechan glanced at you for approval.
"You both can do it," Yuta smirked at you while handing you several hair dye bottles.
"O-oh okay," you nervously muttered.
While washing Yuta's hair, Haechan left to get some snacks.
Yuta was groaning softly as you massaged his scalp, making you go CrAzY skskaksjdnxnak.
"Yuta, I have something to confess," you said as you bit your lip.
"Yes?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he opened his eyes.
"I-I like you. Really, really like you," you said softly as blush spread to your cheeks like wildfire.
"Really? Me too," he says nonchalantly.
"Oh phew okay. Wait.... You LIKE ME TOO?!"
"Yeah Y/N, I'm gaga for you," he says while bopping your nose with his finger and winking.
You internally scream as Yuta laughs at your blush.
Jaehyun ♡
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(Woof okay)
He confesses to you.
But in a DiFfErEnT way than he would've wanted to.
You were invited to a late night club by your friend Jaehyun.
He constantly would try to pull your dress down, saying it was too short.
You'd stare at him with a raised eyebrow and remind him that the two of you were at a club.
The daaannccciiinnnng kekeke.
He's obviously a great dancer, and you were surprised at how well your body responded to his. (I-)
Went into a drinking competition at one point with you (after getting a little tired of dancing).
You won.
Now he's all TiPsY!
Moooore daaannccciiinnnng
His dancing was getting a little more rAuNcHy.
"Jae I think we should get you home," you laughed while facing him.
"Y/N.... You're literally glowing. You're an absolute goddess," his words were all slurred but still made your heart flutter.
"Aw thanks Jae," before you could finish that sentence he kithes you 😌.
"I'm so in love with you," he slowly parts from the kiss and speaks SO SOFTLY skskskjdeokf.
You think you might pass out.
"I've been in love with you for the longest time," he looks you in the eyes and almost seems completely sober.
You agree to leave the club with him and head to his house (😏).
Jungwoo ♡
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This bebe 🥺
He confesses to you.
Master of cheesy pick up lines!
You and him constantly had pick up line battles.
He always won.
You got into a pretty heated battle at one point, and you were determined to win.
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can see myself in your pants," *insert baby boi wink*.
"No but I can definitely see something in your pocket. Is that a lollipop or are you just happy to see me?" you cheesily smiled.
"Once you have a lick, I'm sure you can answer the question yourself."
"Ew Jungwoo, let's get back on track..."
He laughs at your baffled behavior.
"Okay, what has 36 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk?"
You already knew where this was going and stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
"My zipper," *insert wiggly eyebrows*.
You were very determined to win this round though.
"Kiss me if I'm wrong. Dinosaurs still exist right?"
"Oh yes, definitely."
"Jungwoo......." you sighed and rubbed your temples.
"Fine, fine. I guess you really want me to kiss you that bad..."
He muttered the last part so you couldn't really make out what he said until he leapt onto you and mushed his lips against yours (EEEEEEEEEEEEEE).
"I am dinosaur," he says cutely.
More kisses on the couch.
He admits defeat after giving a heart-warming confession.
Mark ♡
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You both kinda confess at the same time.
You were childhood friends that had been separated when he moved and attended a different school.
You met back up with him when you had bumped into him at a cafe and exchanged numbers.
After coming home from work, Mark invited you to one of his band's concerts.
You got that VIP experienceee. Backstage access and all.
Mark giggled and jumped up and down like a fangirl when he saw you come backstage.
You joined in the crackhead energy and jumped/giggled like a fangirl as well.
"Enjoy the view," he says before walking onto the stage with his other members.
Tired baby after the performance :'( .
"Late night snack?" you asked.
He loved the idea and drove off with you to the nearest 7/11.
Got into a deep conversation about life and stuff.
"You know what, let's share one of our deepest secrets with each other. Just for fun and because we've been friends since we came out of the womb and our trust is impossible to break," he suggests.
You can see that he's also just as nervous as you but you, for some reason, love this idea.
"1, 2, 3!"
"I like you."
You both slap a hand on your mouths as you shout those words in sync.
You both burst into a GiGgLe FiT!
Mark drops his ice cream which makes you guys laugh twice as hard.
"That's crazy....." he sighs as he catches his breath while pulling you into a hug.
Lots of kisses on the cheek. 🥺
Winwin ♡
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You confess to him.
You hadn't seen him in a while because he was AcRoSs ThE wOrLd at the moment.
You had been face timing him every day.
He always fell asleep on you though.
"I'll be coming back soon," he says over the call.
"Good," you said through your mouth full of cake.
"Are you eating cake without me?" he pouts.
"Yes," you say as you shovel another bite of the vanilla ice cream cake into your mouth.
"It's alright, there's an unlimited amount for me anyways."
You didn't understand his comment at first but furrowed your eyebrows at him when you did.
He laughs his bay bee boi laugh 🥺.
"It's good to see you again though," his comment makes you smile.
"Good to see you too," you wink.
You talked with him about how everything was going where he was and how everyone was doing.
It was getting later in the evening. (Later in the day for you.)
You watched as his drowsy eyes slowly closed.
Suddenly you thought this was the pErFeCt TiMe To ThInK oUt LoUd.
"You're so cute Sicheng. I'm literally head over heels in love with your perfect, soft, baby face," you rambled as you were swooning over his peaceful, sleeping face on your screen.
"Baby face?" he muttered as his eyes flicked open and stared into yours.
"Oh shi-"
You hung up quickly.
He called back within two seconds and you stared at your phone screen while curling into fetal position.
"You're so adorable," he says as your red face and twinkling eyes appear on the screen.
Haechan ♡
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You confess to him.... Through a kith. 🙃
He had a whole day off and you decided to take him to an amusement park.
"Y/N!!! Let's share a cotton candy!!!"
You let him eat most of it, claiming it was his day so you would treat him to whatever.
Lots of relaxing rides instead of rollar coasters; a chill day.
It was getting late and the park looked amazing at night with all the lit up rides and twinkling lights everywhere.
So you and Haechan decided to take pictures and hit up all the rollar coasters now.
You rode the merry-go-round several times and took several crackhead videos and pictures on it.
You had your arm wrapped through Haechan's and your head was resting on his shoulder as the two of you strolled around the almost empty park.
"Thank you for this night."
He looks down at you and you lean up and KiSs HiM (WHAAAAA My HeArT 🥺).
A slow smirk spreads on his face and he leans back down to kiss you again.
"Thank you for this night," he says between kisses.
Johnny ♡
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He confesses to you.
You had a long day at work and was tired of all the cranky, asshole customers.
You had ranted about it to Johnny over the phone during your break.
"Well, gotta get back to it," you sighed as you looked at the time, seeing your break was over.
"Alright, I'll pick you up today," he said through the phone.
You exchanged goodbyes and hesitated before getting up and joining back up with your coworkers.
MoRe BoOtYhOlE cUsToMeRs.
You were just mentally and physically exhausted all around.
Finally your shift was over and you were excited to see Johnny (a bright side to your cruddy day).
"Hop in loser," he said as he rolled down the window on the passenger side and stared at your slumped form sitting on the bench.
"I'm... Exhausted," you muttered as you rubbed your eye.
"I'm sorry Y/N. A warm shower will probably really be nice when we get back home. Is there anything I can do?"
"No, it's okay Johnny. Thanks though."
"You know, that's what I really admire about you," he says as his hand rests on your thigh.
"What's that?" you chirp and lean close to him with your elbows resting on the center console and your chin resting in your hands.
"That you're so strong and that you push through each and every day. You give 100%, even if everything sucks. You always give your best. That's what really made me fall for you," he said, his hand moving from your thigh to your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Aw, thanks Johnny," you said, taking his hand and kissing it as you heart melted. "You know my heart belongs to you."
Doyoung ♡
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He confesses to you.
You and Doyoung (after weeks of begging him to do this with you) had composed a bucket list together of things you wanted to do.
One of them was spend a night on a beach.
"Ew, there's going to be sand everywhere," he huffs and pouts as you lay out the blanket on the sand.
"Oh well! All part of the experience!" you say as you pull your shirt off (you have a bathing suit underneath ObViOuSlY).
He chases after you into the crisp, ocean water.
He doesn't go very deep and neither do you; you both chill out in the knee deep section.
Night starts to fall and you and Doyoung take aesthetic pictures with the orange sky and dark blue water.
"So pretty," he sighs as you both sit on the blanket, wrapped up in towels with a small fire in front of you.
"Yeah it is," you sigh as well.
"Just like you."
"Yea- Huh?" As you turned your head to question him, he leaned in and connected his lips with yours.
You savor the moment, staring into his eyes as he slowly parts from you.
"You ruined it. I was aiming for your cheek until you turned your head," he jokingly smirks.
Taeil ♡
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You both confess at the same time (like Mork).
All the members knew that Taeil was madly in love with you and that you were the same way.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Haechan shouted as everyone was thinking of something to do.
"YES!" everyone immediately caught on to the plan except for Doyoung and Taeil who protested the game.
"Taeil truth or dare?" Mark asked.
"I'm not playing," Taeil shrugged his response.
"Taeil truth or dare?"
"Urmmm... I just said I wasn't playing."
"Taeil truth or d-"
The evil expressions that were plastered on all the boys faces was easy for you to catch and you groaned in realization of what was happening.
"Who are you madly oBsEsSeD with? And don't lie, I read your diary," Mark folded his arms across his chest.
"I- WaIt A mInUtE!"
"Hey Y/N, who are you madly obsessed with?" Jaehyun suddenly blurted the question.
You blinked in confusion, hoping your blank expression would eventually cause them to change the subject.
"W-well I think it's pretty obvious now," you said as you nervously scratched the back of your neck.
"What? No way," Taeil gasped softly at your comment.
"You like me?!" you both blurted at the same time.
"Mission accomplished gentlemen," the rest of the boys in the room said in satisfaction as they high-fived each other.
Whew! This post took me forever to write and edit!!! Hope you enjoyed it though. Now I must relax my cramping wrist :') .
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brandonnn23-blog1 · 7 years
Patrick McLendon & Brandon Rodriguez Mr. Hererra-Velez-Ortega-De La Rosa-De Los Santos-De La Santa-Hernandez-Fernandez-Lindor-Ramirez-Murillo-Rodriguez-Paredes-Perez-Estrada-Lopez-Garcia-Martinez-Gonzalez-Sanchez-Flores-Torres-Andrades Fan Fic 18 March 2017 Brinando Chapter 1- The Border It was a warm, humid day in the middle of winter. Quite normal in Mexico, actually. I was sitting on the back of a truck with a group of other fat men all with sexy mustaches. They all had name tags, as well as I. Mine read “Fernando Francisco-De La Santa-Mario-Hernandez-Cruz-Ortiz-De Los Santos-De La Rosa-Herrera-Velez-Ortega-Esteban-Julio-Argon-Cuna-Cruz-Alberto-Ardon-Hurtado-Gordo-Franco-Escobar-Castro-Feliz-Morales.” I was on my way over to the great continent of the United States, where I hoped I would find the love of my life, but more importantly, more attention. I lived a terrible life. My mother was fat and old and cheated on my dad constantly, but because my dad was ugly as heck, he couldn't get any bitches so he stayed with her anyways. Chapter 2: The massive Cock We we're about to go across the US lines, when I noticed this beautiful man on the opposite side of the truck, with a name tag reading “Brian Hererra-Velez-Ortega-De La Rosa-De Los Santos-De La Santa-Hernandez-Fernandez-Lindor-Ramirez-Murillo-Rodriguez-Paredes-Perez-Estrada-Lopez-Garcia-Martinez-Gonzalez-Sanchez-Flores-Torres-Andrades”. We were most likely related though. But boy, was he the hottest cousin I've ever seen. I wanted to smash so badly, my microscopic dicc got hard immediately. I tried to conceal my massive, but tiny, erection, but Brian Hererra-Velez-Ortega-De La Rosa-De Los Santos-De La Santa-Hernandez-Fernandez-Lindor-Ramirez-Murillo-Rodriguez-Paredes-Perez-Estrada-Lopez-Garcia-Martinez-Andrades noticed. He gave me a quick wink, I almost jumped in disbelief. “Excuse me, uh Mr. Fernando Francisco-De La Santa-Mario-Hernandez-De Los Santos-De La Rosa-Herrera-Velez-Ortega Morales, but your huge cock is, um, yeah.” I look down at my erection, and my mouth starts to water at the size of my own dicc. This was the first time in my 8 years of living that I had gotten an erection this big! “Excuse me, Fernando?” Brian Hererra-Velez-Ortega-De La Rosa-De Los Santos-De La Santa-Hernandez-Fernandez-Lindor-Ramirez-Murillo-Rodriguez-Paredes-Perez-Estrada-Lopez-Garcia-Martinez-Andrades asked me. “Could you please shove your enormous cock back down? It's quite distracting.” And so my cock lost its massive boner, but I soon planned to regain it. Chapter 3: the good succ A good forty minutes have passed. I had taken a nap, so I didn't know what happened. As all men experience after waking up, I had another rock-hard erection. This time, it was twice the size of my previous erection. I quickly looked over to Brian, who was already looking. He gave me a quick, hot, sexy smile. He quickly used both of his hands and used them to make one big “O”. With it, Brian started acting as if he was giving it the good succ. He started choking, and I rushed over to help him. He wasn't actually choking and whispered “Follow me.” into my ear. He jumped out of the truck and I followed. Chapter4: we-almost-fucc A few minutes into following brian, we get to a small cave. I go in, but brian is no where to be found, I was heartbroken. I was about to go back to the truck when OUT OF NOWHERE, brian pushes me into the ground, and then jumps on my cocc. We starting making out, and Brian slowly starts to take off my clothes. Oh, the dirty things I'm about to do to him. He manages to take off my shirt, but struggles to take off my pants due to my massive 0.00000000000000009 inch dicc. I help him out, but instead of taking off my pants, I take off his. I couldn't resist myself. I started to reach for his massive 0.0005 in dicc with my hand, but then we heard the truck coming and quickly put on all our clothes back on. “Ey! Ese! Come back ‘ere!” Yelled out Fat man #1. We went back and were back on our way to the US. Chapter5: In the US Now As the truck came closer to the border, I could hear foreign voices. I assumed these were the US Border Patrol. We drove for another hour, bumping and rattling along the way. I couldn’t help but notice the relatively large size of Brian's cock. Please put that thing in my mouth I thought to myself. We eventually left the truck, and I raced to the nearest Mexican restaurant, “La Hacienda”. Brian walked in next. Oh boy, I can't wait to land my hands on him I thought, as I walked away, and into my seat. Chapter 6:We fucc for real this time. My heart is pounding as Brian walks past me. I could notice his massive cock as he walked. Uno moments later, Brian walked up to my table. “Hola esse! May I sit with you?” He immediately took a seat, and we stared into each other's eyes. He told me he wanted to show me something… so we went to the bathroom. We both walked into the handicap/family restroom. He turns off the lights, and I can hear his pants unzip. Here it comes I thought to myself. He pulls down my ragged, dirty, lawn-mowing pants and….. Chapter7: Fernando gets the D After it was over, I felt amazing. My nose wasn't so fucking Big anymore after he shoved my head into the wall while thrusting his cocc into my ass. It was the best experience in my life. It felt like having someone stretch out your butthole until your anus was the size of your head, and then having a goat ram into it a good 20 inches deep back and forth. I was moaning so loud and having so much fun that for just a second, I forgot I was an illegal. I am now proud to say that I am no longer a virgin, and my stretched-out butthole is the proof. Chapter 8: School A few weeks have passed since me and Brian had crossed the border. We now live happily together in a dumpster behind a Taco Bell. We were about to go to school for the first time, we were going to “Mia Khalifa did 9/11 Elementary school.” I was so excited, I couldn't wait to have sexual intercourse with Brian again! This time, Brian will be the one to get their butthole outstretched. I was bursting of excitement from thinking of all the dirty things I would do him. Brian better prepare his bootyhole, it's going to get pounded real hard tomorrow night. Chapter 9: brian... (Brian's POV) Ugh, my dicc is still sore from that furious “we've-just-entered-the-united-States-of-America-illegally-and-give-no-fucks” sex that fernando and I had 5 weeks ago. But that doesn't matter, because Fernando gives some bomb BJs! Enough about that, today we will be going on our first day of school to “Mia Khalifa Did 9/11 Elementary School.” I was so excited, but nervous because I was still drunk from last night. I was hoping fernando and I could find a third person, preferably another illegal, to join us on our nightly sex. Chapter 10: ...is straight?! I was on my way to “Mia Khalifa Did 9/11 Elementary School” when I ran into a pair of, in my opinion, sexy men, but they were white so their diccs probably weren't that big and they were probably white supremacist. They had name tags on as well so my dumb self assumed they were illegal immigrants as well. One them read “Reina Katherine I-am-actually-white-but-my-last-name-is Brown” and the other was “Susanne Some-polish-middle-name-that-no-one-has-ever-heard-of Kowalska.” They came up to me and they both asked me if I wanted to join them in the girls bathroom, as they were doing a social experiment on what race has bigger diccs. Instead of saying yes or no, I simply flashed them and wiggled my dicc around to show off its enormous size. They gasped in astonishment and asked me again. I said no because I could never do something like that to fernando. They left and I continued on with my day. Chapter 11: JUST KIDDING BRIAN IS STILL GAY So I finished my first class, which was GT literature (because the school system is broke af) I went into the bathroom where I met up with fernando, and we both knew what we were going to do next. I gave fernando a quick grin and ran over to one of the stalls. Fernando ran into the door and then climbed over it and jumped on top of me. From there, we started to take off our clothes. A good minute passed and I had already nut. As fernando was about to insert his enormous cocc into my butthole, we heard banging on the stall door. I looked through, and found a big Mexican chocolate cookie standing outside, with a gun in his hand. My guess? He was about to shoot up the school. “Perfect!” I thought, now we could finally have that threesome! I persuaded him into joining us, and he did just that. All it took to persuade him was the simple sentence of “Instead of shooting up the school, you can shoot my asshole up.” He was clearly turned on and joined in. “OH MY GAWDDDD” I thought. I couldn't wait to pound his ass and watch all that belly fat jiggle around everywhere. I loved chocolate cookies. I was about to eat this one like I had never eaten one before. Boy were fernando and I in for a treat. Chocolate Cookie took off his pants and his 0.0009 inch erection showed. My eyes about to explode from the beauty of the sight. He started by pounding fernandos ass first, and then mine. “OH MY GOD,” I thought “I THINK HE KILLED FERNANDO!” I was scared out of my mind. What was coming? Could Chocolate Cookie’s cocc be my end? I was ready.Chocolate Cookie stretched my butt cheeks out farther than anyone ever has. I was scared. But I was ready to die. “Live for the cocc, serve the cocc, die for the cocc!” I yelled out. “Oh-ho-ho.. you're getting it extra hard now, son.” Chocolate Cookie said. “Bring it on.” Chapter 12: The Pounding. I was now in for the pounding of my life. I was excited! Oh how quickly my excitement died out. It started. I could feel his cocc in my ass, and oh boy did it hurt like a motherfuccer. But I stayed strong. For fernando. “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!” I yelled. I was pretty sure he was angry now. It started to hurt even more. “YELL FOR MERCY!!” Choco yelled. “NEVER!!!!” I yelled back. It continued for another 15 minutes. I thought I was going to die. My butthole went numb and I could no longer feel anything. I was about to yell out “MERCY!!!” when… Choco fell over cold. I let it out and screamed out “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Chapter 13: Rip Chocolate Cookie I was sad. I never got to eat Chocolate Cookie’s ass out like a chocolate cookie. Eat the chocolate out of him. But oh well. At least he died doing what he loved. Shooting people up. I went over to his body and closed his eye “Rest in penis.” I said. Someone tapped my shoulder, it was fernando! “His name was… “ fernando paused, “...Luis Gabriel Lopez.” and then pointed to his name tag. He didn't have a long middle name so at least… wait… “OH SHIT” I thought “HE NUT IN MY ASS” I was panicking. I thought I was pregnant now. But then I realized I was a male. Or was I? The End But stay tuned for… “Brinando Book 2: Brian is a Transgender?!”
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