#my descendants ships
hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Happy Valetine's day!;
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Link to the Devie version.
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plulp · 8 months
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heres yalls science teacher. have fun go crazy
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g3othermal3scapism · 4 months
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messy mevie doodle that i kinda hate before i go to bed 😎 theyre best friends ur honor <3333 *click for better quality*
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dizzydizney · 2 days
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snakesinsocks2005 · 1 year
Fanart for @sporesgalaxy sexyman descendants ocs!
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They are like blorbos to me
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rottingvulture · 2 months
Ok anyways here are some polycules for your consideration
The Mane 6 (mlp)
Billy, Stu, Tatum, and Sydney (scream)
Scooby doo gang
Abigail, Sebastian, and Sam (stardew valley)
The Core 4 (descendants)
Uma, Harry, and Gil (also from descendants)
Honestly one big polycyle for descendants works for me (RebelPaisley fucked me up and now poly ships are my life)
Shadowheart, Lae'zel, and karlach (bg3)
Thank you for listening
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shiraishi--kanade · 4 days
Happy Pride Month to these two in particular
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clarkgriffon · 2 years
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ULTIMATE SHIPS CHALLENGE - [1/3] ‘Odd Couple’ Ships ↳ “No one’s gonna stop us, soon the world will be ours.”
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thebluestbluewords · 4 months
The Same Coin
I’m still having fun with the Valentine’s ficlets, so have some benlos! Set in no particular timeline, but there’s a nod to poly ot5 in the background.
“We don’t celebrate valentine’s day. On the Isle.” 
Ben tilts his head. His face is set into one of the middle levels of the Neutral Face of Acceptance, one of the ones that means he’s genuinely listening, not just trying not to look horrified while he thinks about other things. “Oh?” 
“It’s about feelings,” Carlos says slowly, trying to come up with a way to say the next part that won’t sound horrible. “And like, love, and stuff. And. We weren’t exactly. Allowed. To do that.” 
Ben cocks his head somehow further into the Neutral Acceptance Position. “What, to love people?” 
Nail, head. 
“Uh, yeah.” 
“I’m…” Ben trails off into silence for a moment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think this would be so different for you four. Valentine’s day is so…” 
“So commercialized?” Carlos says, before he can think twice about how mean it sounds. He’s supposed to be having a meaningful moment where he gets to help the king reach some sort of shared cultural understanding with the poor sad Isle kids he’s so kindly pulled out of their pathetic former existence, and instead of being sincere, like an Auradon kid should be, he’s making fun of Ben’s beloved holiday. And like, family tradition. Probably. He should just stop thinking. “I mean, uh. Not that buying your girlfriend stuff is a bad thing. It’s fine. The more stuff you buy here, the more junk people have to donate to us, so. I’ll just. Uh.  Stop talking.” 
Ben smiles, but his expression had slipped into something more like a strained grimace, all tight and fake around the eyes.  “I was going to say ingrained in our culture.. We’re taught to value love, so I assumed that the same would hold true for you. I should have known better.” 
Ben goes red. “Not that you four don’t feel love!” 
It’s easier to look at Ben now that they’ve both put their foot in it. “I feel rage,” Carlos offers, softly. “If that helps at all.” 
“It’s not quite the same thing.” 
“Two sides of the same feeling,” Carlos says, feeling the weight of the words as they leave his mouth. “My mom’s not a great example, but she told me that you can’t hate something if you don’t love it, at least a little bit. They come from the same place, y’know. When you feel so much that there’s nowhere else for the feelings to go. They either come out as love, I guess, or if there’s too much, or the love isn’t reflected back…” 
Ben nods, and reaches over to take his hand. “Rage?” 
“Hatred, anger, jealousy.” Carlos ticks the feelings off on the fingers of his free hand as he goes. He doesn’t exactly like holding hands, because there’s too many opportunities to get distracted and leave yourself open if you’re walking hand in hand with someone, but it’s okay right now because they’re not moving, so there’s no way for Ben to pull him down and make it look like an accident, and they’re alone enough that nobody’s going to shout at them for doing it, and it’s still light enough that they could see anyone coming and let go before they’d get in trouble. “They’re all the same feeling. If obsession is good you end up in love with the thing, and if it’s bad you end up hating it with the same enthusiasm.” 
“I don’t think I could ever hate you,” Ben says softly. He’s doing a distracting thing with his hand, a little squeeze that’s drawing all of Carlos’s attention to where they’re connected. “Do you ever think that maybe your mom was wrong?” 
“About dogs, and driving cars, and how much pepper should go on food, yeah.” Carlos says. “But not this.” 
“Not–”  Carlos stutters around the words. He’s not sure what he even wants to say, but he’s so sure of this one. He used to hate Mal, back home when she was the one pushing him into closets and lockers and stealing his inventions, and then it was like a switch got flipped and all the times he’d followed her around to make her day worse, to try and spit gum into her hair from rooftops, and drop salt into her coffee when she left it on her school desk all seemed petty and stupid in light of how much he was suddenly devoted to her. He’d hated Jay too, up until the moment when he looked over at the wrong time, and all the feelings switched over into confused-hungry-aching, and he couldn’t stand to look at him, until his feelings for Mal settled into place and he fell in love with the both of them. 
He’s never not loved Evie, but Evie’s special. 
“Not like that.” Carlos says, finally. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s just that I don’t know how to have emotions like normal people do, and for me, they’re sort of the same thing.” 
The callouses on Ben’s writing finger slide against the rough skin on Carlos’s knuckles. The places where he’s split them open from hot water and abrasive chemicals don’t hurt anymore, but they catch, against the rough pieces of Ben. 
He’s wearing them down. Evie’s helping, with her potions and chemistry. They’re working on it together. 
“Okay,” Ben says, and he’s not looking at Carlos. “Is it okay if I say I love you anyway?” 
The horrible-wonderful feeling that’s somewhere between fear and anger and love bursts hot and painful in his chest. 
“Yeah,” Carlos whispers. His voice cracks anyway, because it’s stupid that way. “I can’t– I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to say it back. But I don’t hate you.” 
A squeeze. 
“I love you too.” 
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that-girl-glader · 10 months
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They're siblings yk
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Reasons why Hannah Hook ranaway;
1. She got tired of all the secrets. Seriously. In the span of 3 years she found out the following:
That she was adopted.
That her bio parents were dead.
That they were probably murdered by Gothel aka her grandmother.
That Ginny Gothel was her adopted father's bio daughter.
That Peter Pan was technically her Adoptive big brother.
That she has family in Auardon.
That her dad was getting remarried to a woman she had never even met.
That also all her siblings knew she was adopted.
That Cj and Zevon got hitched.
That Anthony knocked Harriet up barely a couple of months after the barrier was brought down.
That Davy Jones was her Adoptive grandfather.
And there were still more secrets that she didn't find out about until after she left. Like her two extra dads.
2. She got tired of always being mistrusted.. it gets old.
3. She got tired of her friends being treated like crap and of people treating her like a child as if she wasn't graduating in the same year as her much older brother.
4. She really, really needed to work on her mental health and her friends.
5. Auardon wanted to take Fiona and Levi away because they didn't have any adult supervision. Because apparently a 20 year old with a ton of teenagers as back up doesn't count as adult. And Hannah sure as hell wasn't gonna let that happen. Those kids needed her damn it.
6. She didn't want another mother and was tired of being bossed around.
And finally, reason number 7 of why she ranaway, is...
The fortune cookie Peter gave her told her to run away and join the circus. And he thought it was a good idea. So she did. And took her friends with her.
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nighttimeebony · 7 months
By the way, has anyone else noticed the similarities between these three ships?
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(unhinged gay screaming and rambling below the cut)
You know, "serious, deadpan gay has their heart melted by a nerdy, chaotic disaster bisexual with childhood trauma." Alternatively, "not enemies but initially on opposing sides before sun-coded breaks down moon-coded's walls and then subsequently become best friends that are closer to each other than most other people."
To start, the similarities between Lan Zhan, Cas, and Shouto:
Deadpan, cold, aloof, serious, intimidating, takes things literally 
Initially driven by rigidly-defined principles/goals before having their world view altered by the other half of their ship, which in turn causes them to become more uncertain of themselves and what they want, but recognizes that they are happier and better-off for it now than they were before
They were raised in an unforgivingly strict environment where there was no margin for error, causing them to become cold and jaded in a way that covers up the fact that, at their core, they are fundamentally kind and good in a way that they don't even realize but desperately want to be
Socially awkward introverts that hate everyone but This One Person
Come across as very intimidating but are actually very soft 
Surprisingly good with kids
Familial issues/trauma
They can also be identified as the "fell first" half of the relationship, and most likely fell within one of their first few interactions with their love interest 
Youngest siblings
Has an obsession with a specific animal (Cas likes bees, Lan Zhan likes rabbits, Shouto likes cats)
The undisputed powerhouse of their respective series that everyone recognizes as one of, if not the strongest members of the cast
Everyone thinks they're super wise and mature, but they are actually the pettiest bitches you will ever meet
Gay and entirely obsessed with This One Person
They all have small, private conflicts about allowing themselves to Feel. They were raised to compartmentalize, repress, and conceal-don't-feel; push everything down until you are perfect and untouchable. Then their love interest comes along and upends everything and finally allows them to Feel, but because they were taught to repress everything, they don't entirely know how to do that yet, so, with the help of their love interest, they slowly heal and learn how to be more human and less like the image of untouchable, god-like perfection they were raised to be (metaphorically for lwj and Shouto, but literally in Cas's case)
(I was gonna say, "they all belong to the mile-high tall club", but then I realized that only applies to lwj and Shouto because Cas is technically shorter than Dean, lol. Though, I guess you could argue that his true form (without his vessel) is taller, but, like, c'mon)
Incredibly dry, niche sense of humor that's only really funny to This One Person
Lan Zhan and Shouto both have mothers that they love, but who were forced into an unwanted, loveless marriage by their father that led them to be increasingly isolated from their children until resulting in a psychotic break that ultimately destroyed them and drove their husbands to imprison them (Rei in the mental hospital and Lan Zhan's mother in the Jingshi)
Unrepentantly earnest and blunt with their thoughts
Completely whipped for their partner
Now! To the disasters! Wei Ying, Dean, and Izuku:
Friendly, excitable, extroverted, sunshine-y/always smiling
Near-unparalleled geniuses in their fields of interest that like to experiment and test things
Childhood trauma
The powers that be have decided that they are undesirable in some way or another, that they are a waste, disposable, an acceptable sacrifice to make in the grand scheme of things. They have all struggled with feelings of worthlessness, and have all arguably struggled with self-hatred at least once in their lives, and even if they don't actively hate themselves anymore, by and large, they do not recognize that they have value just as they are, that the only value they have lies in what they can do (or sacrifice) for others. None of them have much in the way of self-esteem or any sense of self-worth.
At their core, they want to save people.
They all have themes of being different from the negative characatures that society tried to make them into.
Extremely talkative and come across as annoying to most people
Likes kids
Reckless and jump head-first into danger at the drop of a hat
Carry feelings of guilt, have a tendency to cast blame onto themselves, takes responsibility for things that aren't their fault
They want so badly to do good, and they choose to be kind in a world that deemed them unworthy of it
Good relationships with their respective maternal figures/caretakers (Dean and Izuku with their actual mothers, and Wei Ying with Yanli)
Wise-cracking smartasses that give off dumbass energy
Inadvertently ends up adopting a small army of children
Deflects their traumatic experiences with jokes
Has that one female best friend that is definitely a lesbian (wwx and Wen Qing, Izuku and Ochako, and Dean and Charlie)
"Oh my God, (Cas, Lan Zhan, Shouto)! You can't just say things like that!"
They are the caretakers, the protectors, but they so rarely let themselves be cared for by others. Their respective love interests are some of the few people they feel comfortable being truly vulnerable with and will let take care of them
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms™
In particular, I noticed a lot of uncanny similarities between Wangxian and Destiel specifically, especially in the themes and arcs that exist in both the couples and the individuals
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Harriyanna Hook descendants designs by Rose Sparrow
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what at first was just me having some fun, turned into an early bday gift for ms @harriyanna​~!!! happy birthday!!!! this was really fun to do and i think the only thing that gave me trouble was the bread this down dress, not the dress itself but its color pallet-the top was originally a brighter pink but i felt that didn't mesh well with the rest of the designs and felt more ‘Auradon’ than vk/isle, so boop bap turned it black and the belt black too~ and aaahhh~~~ i love it all~
D2 is based on her Harriyanna Hook cosplay Harri did a while back, and D3 beyond is mostly from my Poyw Rose outfit Pinterest board cuz idk rose has a good fashion sense XD i wanted to give her a constant corset theme since her harri cosplay had that gorgeous full corset, so i gave that to her two main designs from d2, and continued than into a below the bust corset for her main d3 look, which turned into a bust only corset/top for btd~!!! 
i very much tried to give her, her very own vibe/character instead of trying to turn her into a copy of someone else, because like my Rose, i think Harri is inspired by Harry, but i didnt wanna just-copy paste his vibes onto Harri...so i hope that came across correctly lol. gave her a bitchin sword for its goin down, and her braids for d3 since i based her d2 look off the cosplay shoot, which then her hair was not in braids :p 
again, this was alot of fun and im glad i did it.
now! its off to bed, since i have work tomorrow and i would like to get up at an appropriate time so i have more free time in the morning before work.
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dizzydizney · 1 month
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femcelhood · 6 months
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I’m really glad this joke is in the show
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hooked-by-harry · 1 year
Sea Three in this position though
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